#so here's some info about me and my critters :3
coffeebeanwriting · 2 years
Writing your First Chapter (Part 1)
There are tons of things that go into making a killer first chapter. Here are just a couple of things to consider.
Introducing your Protagonist and Making us Care
When writing your first chapter, you’ll be introducing your protagonist. When introducing your hero, here are some things to keep in mind:
1) We have to care about them (to want to follow them on their journey). This is typically done by giving your protagonist weaknesses and flaws or even quirks we can relate to. Your protagonist could be a grumpy, cold-hearted thief... but if they give half their findings to homeless children, our heartstrings are suddenly pulled on.
2) Don’t info-dump their backstory or appearance right away. Only give the reader what they need to know to understand the scene at hand. You especially don’t want to have your hero standing in front of a mirror describing themselves to the readers when you only have so many pages to hook a reader. You’ll have plenty of time to go into the details on your character later. This leads me to my next point...
3) Leave your readers wanting more. This is how you create page-turning chapters. If your protagonist has a mysterious limp... don’t reveal why right away. If their flaw is that they hate magic and refuse to use their birth gift... leave the reader guessing why. Little mysteries like that will keep readers subconsciously turning the page to figure out why. Just make sure you eventually give them the answer.
Foreshadow your Theme(s)
As early as you can, you’ll want to show readers what to expect in your book. Authors can do this by foreshadowing. Think of it as a “mini-scene” or description that gives the reader a taste of what’s to come. 
This can be a as small as a sentence or as long as a paragraph or scene. 
“I hadn’t been this dumb in years, hadn’t strayed this far from the Wall since... well since it fell. But I couldn’t help myself. I saw a squirrel runnin’... and catching one of those little critters would land me a handful of coin.”
Right away, the reader knows to expect themes of poverty and survival.
Ground your Readers, but don’t over do it.
Your first chapter is critical in catching your reader’s attention-- so you don’t want to use up all your words on describing the setting. This is unwise, because, during this time, you need to be making us care about your hero and their actions.
Instead, show the reader only what they need to know to understand the scene. Too much description will slow down the story. 
However, if your story has an unusual or unique setting, this can be used as a hook. Although, as a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to write only what is necessary and dive into those beautiful descriptions later.
PART 2-- COMING SOON :) Instagram: coffeebeanwriting
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Unfortunately I'm still struggling with this funk I'm in. I keep having moments where I get excited about something, and then suddenly I'm just not feeling it anymore. (I suspect it's partly because of "that time of the month".) It's frustrating. >m<
But I was able to complete some special non-drawing artworks that I can share!
If, uh... anyone remembers me mentioning a sewing project I started however long ago that was, I finally got around to finishing that! ...And then immediately dove into another one. XD (I know I said I'd make a post about the process--I still hope to do that someday. Although now it's at least three posts worth of info lol.)
Soooooo... Here's the subject of that project!
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This is the little critter that will be my plush Aneira! (Randy and Akoya's far-future daughter, for those who don't know or forgot.)
I tried to give her a slightly shorter left foot, to match her canon design, but the foot that ended up shorter was the right one. Sooo... I maaaay change that in-story as well. X3
But my follow-up project is something more special to me.
I wasn't satisfied when I set the two custom Mews up with the one I had bought specifically to be Randy.
So... I made him too. :3
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And then I got a silly little idea.
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I let them hold hands~
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Every new plushie I make beats out the previous one as my favorite work of art, and Randy is no exception. I'm super proud of how he turned out, and happy to have him and let him cuddle with his beloved IRL! <3
Oh, and I also made a little necklace for Akoya with some beads I found at work.
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She's purtty now. :3
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infinite-hearts-333 · 6 months
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Meet: Ouřa Thorn!
Hi hi I have a hyper fixation on the smiling critters the size of fricking Saturn and all you amazing beans are making me feral enough to post on this site again PFTT- SO here’s my take of the space rider au that was made by the AMAZING @onyxonline (dude your art is like my world rn good job 👍🏾✨)
Also what would I be without a lil lore drop so that’s all below hehe :3
Ouřa Thorn is based off of a Armadillo girdled lizard, though due to their horns, and massive size, many confuse them for a dragon or a wyvren of some sorts (not that they care to correct).
They joined the space riders in their teens, and just never left- doing the odd jobs where ever they could, cleaning, cooking, maintaining crafts, ect. They had no powers to their knowledge, and if they did they weren’t noticeable or activated yet.. and well many crews don’t have room or need for a wannabe space maid. So Ouřa Thorn stayed at the base.
They were fine with this, they would be a little bit of a sore thumb in the crew since lack of fighting skills, powers, and that they couldn’t wear any of the cool uniforms without shredding them with their spines. (Sure they could flatten them, but it only takes one spook for them all to spike up and poke someone or rip something :<)
The world however, always has other plans. Whilst they were working in the supply section, checking out crates that came with make, gear, food, what ever critters had mailed to base had to checked through carefully to ensure nothing sketchy was put inside. Standard precautions, and for a good reason.
One of the closer priests had tried to mail some their followers straight to the base to try and breach and take over it, or to lay low and snoop out info.
Ouřa Thorn heard one of their fellow mail sorters shriek as a gang of the cults follows breached into the docking bay. Sirens filled the air as the base was alerted of the breach, and hopefully some of the riders would be able to get to the docks and stop the cult before any casualties or damage happened.
When the riders arrived at the scene- well. It was quite the scene. Ouřa Thorn always had powers. They just need the right amount of pressure to kick start it.
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Under the stress of critters they cared about being in danger from the cult, Ouřa Thorn gained their only ability. Their symbol is the Ouroboros, representing the cycle of rebirth and destruction, as well as the World Serpent.
Over all, it was a little bit of a shock of see a massive Lindworm aggressively hoarding all of the docking staff while hissing angrily at a heap of cultists, laying still on the floor.
This form is absolutely a last choice move, due to its destructive behavior and the factor that it is high in energy to maintain, leaving Oura Thorn exhausted afterwards. Though with all those spines and thick skin, they’re practically a tank for charging through lines hehe.
After the docking incident, their started to consider being a space rider :>
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carrionhearted · 4 months
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HIII I hope you don’t mind me answering this over here @seagull-spouse :3 To anyone else reading this, If you’re squeamish, this may not be a fun read… so be warned!! I’m no expert of course, just an autistic little freak with a special interest in dead things, so this is just what works for me!
My top 2 de-fleshing methods are: Maceration, and… bugs.
Maceration is ye’ ole bucket of water + dead thing soup basically, creates a home for helpful bacteria to chew the flesh into goop! Ideally it’ll slough off the bones naturally with time, though some stubborn bits may need to be removed manually. It’s a very stinky and very goopy method. It takes a long time unless you live in a consistently warm environment, or are using an aquarium heater to keep your soup warm (I reccomend a MAX of 85 degrees Celsius, DO NOT BOIL THE BONES, it’ll bake the grease into them forever and ever. Greasy oily yellow bones are very yuck). The only times I manually carve off flesh preemptively are when I’m macerating something large— like a deer skull!
I personally prefer the “bugs”/ “let nature do it” method. Find a nice patch of soft damp soil to place your dead thing on (it’s gotta be in direct contact with the soil), then cover it with something like chicken wire, or a wire garbage can, or one of those inner plant pots with drainage holes— some sort of barrier that bugs can crawl in through, but big critters can’t. Then cover it with an opaque tarp or a black garbage bag, leaf litter even— something that blocks out the light and keeps in the moisture. Then weigh the edges down with heavy rocks so no big scavengers can steal your goods! This dark damp n soil-y environment creates a bug paradise basically, they can get in through the wire holes/ up through the dirt, and FEAST all throughout the day (they like to work in darknesss)! I like to check progress every week or so, but they work pretty fast— and leave some pretty clean bones. You may have to use warm water to pry off some stubborn bits of flesh, but beyond that… this method is pretty hands off and tidy. Hope you don’t mind bugs and mold though.
That being said, whenever possible, I like to preserve more than just the bones. Small animals (IF FRESH) can be dry-preserved in bits and pieces— things like rabbits feet, bird wings, bird claws, other rodent limbs, you get the idea. This is where “taking apart” the animal becomes a concern— your best tool is anatomical knowledge. When severing off bits, you wanna go for the joint— so know what you’re looking for, feel around to find it and cut right in between the socket. Pocket knives and tiny surgical scissors are my go to tools. Once you’ve got your bits isolated, submerge them in a mixture of 1 part salt, 1 part borax— in a container that you can close off and keep somewhere room temperature and dry. If you don’t have borax, you could use 100% salt *OR* cornmeal for really small specimens— but it’s a bit riskier. Borax also helps clear up funky death smells. Make sure anything you put in is fully submerged, and remember the position you put it in will be its forever position! Wait time depends on what exactly you’re preserving— something like teensy birds feet may only take a week, whereas rabbits feet/ raccoon paws could take months! You can check on it throughout the process. You’ll know it’s done when it’s totally firm and dry, and relatively odourless.
Also ok. What I’m about to say may be frightening. But Reddit is a very good info resource for this stuff. The bonecollecting, vultureculture and boneID communities are actually really useful! OK RAMBLE OVER for now EXCUSE THE INFODUMP I like bones
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roboyomo · 4 months
the pinned post
finally making one!!
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anyway hai helloo people i am roboyomo :] usually go by yomo (or robo but that's a rare one). i use he/him and masculine terms despite being agender
more info about my blog below the cut :)
current interests are:
#projmoon - Mostly lobcorp and ruina!! Probably one of my biggest interests at the moment,, adam and the fascinating worldbuilding could be some of the main reasons why
#pokemon - Still fairly new to pokemon, but nonetheless i still enjoy the games :) (even though i can only watch gameplays since i don’t have a nintendo ds. cruelty to me)
#yuppie psycho - Yuppie Psycho has been here with me for a long while, but It mostly stayed like a vague memory from a few years ago. Still, I absolutely enjoy the game and everything about it!! domori and rei sintra my beloveds,,
#utaite - A REALLY BIG utaite fan. literally 99% of the songs i listen are just utaite originals or utaite covers of vocaloid songs. (and only just a bit of actual vocaloid songs)
#ocs - LISTEN this may not qualify for an interest to some people. but it does to me. i love hearing about the little critters other people have created from their mind. and i love talking about my beasts. Basically hand over your beasts. i need to hold them like a dove it is urgent and of upmost importance
#studio investigrave - i. Did Not post about these games yet but i have a lot of art ideas for these games i love all of the current 5 games released urhfuwhrhwh,,,, biggest favorite out of the 5 is elevator hitch!!!!
#reverse 1999 - i am still fairly new to the game but i have been playing for like 3 something weeks by now and i fucking adore medpoc I LOVE YOU MEDPOC R1999 THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE YOU
I also have my own tags for this blog!!
#yomoposting : General posts and such. i use this to post mostly random stuff
#yomoart : my art tag!!! all of my sketches, drawings and illustrations are under this tag :]
#yomoasks : the tag for asks i receive! pretty straightforward
#yomo and his beloveds : i don’t use this tag as much,,, but generally i use this to tag posts that are centered around my most beloved/comfort characters!!
#yomo ocs?! : THE TAG FOR OC CRITTERS!!! Everything about them goes here - ranging from lore rambles to random joke stuff with them involved
and some character-specific tags!!
#adam the greatest : the tag for my most beloved adam lobcorp!! “all hail adam christ”, as i used to say. everyday i hold him like an injured bird because he is precious to me
#carmen the beloved : the tag for carmen projmoon :] i love carmie i hold her dear to my heart. which might be a bad idea considering what she does but i’m doing it anyway
#volo my bestfriend volo : the tag for volo from pokemon!!!! i adore him i love me some cool long-haired male characters with some very clear issues. and also with some religious motifs going on
#N the greatest : the tag for N (or Natural Harmonia Gropius) from pokemon!! i still need to get through the entirety of the story for pokemon bw and b2w2 but i love him nonetheless. cool green guy :]
i am also on Artfight!! My profile is here if you want to check it out :)
some additional stuff: i am an artist for as long as i can remember, i really really really like adam lobcorp, volo, carmen, cynthia, N and medpoc and i heavily obsess over characters that are just. long haired and have some sort of plan for the world and the humanity. <- and i do not mean “oh this is a good thing to do” NO they need call it a good deed but in reality it will absolutely ruin everything instead. plus i am also really obsessed with my own ocs and their lore so please please please ask about them i will happily ramble about my little critters. also please be careful with the things you say in my direction! i am. sensitive and i WILL be sad over what you have said about me.,,
my blog is welcome to everybody :] that is unless you are an asshole and/or a creep so please leave if you are anything like that. that being said, please do not make yaoi/yuri, fujoshi/fudanshi and himejoshi/himedanshi jokes on my blog! i am not comfortable with those terms exactly so please avoid using them in the comments or reblogs. thank you for your cooperation!!!
yea this post turned out to be a bit tooo long for my standards but who cares
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giatreagapite · 12 days
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A heavily headcanon-driven, canon-divergent, and independent portrayal of Dr. Ratio from Honkai: Star Rail.
[ Age ]
Early-mid 30s
[ Pronouns ]
He/him, They/them, Star/starred, Luna/lune, Dawn/dusk [ Transmasc Nonbinary/Demimale ]
[ Sexuality ]
Bisexual (masc lean)
Note: This portrayal depicts a Dr. Ratio with Halovian features! Specifically, an artificial Halovian with Eurasian Eagle-Owl features (including the ear tufts), but excluding the halo. He also has psychic abilities, but they are rather basic and minor. (You may ask admin or the character itself as to how this happened)
Hi!! Call me Dango, Apollo, or Hermes! My writer tag is going to be “🍡.” I am 15 and can do lengthy writings, but often, I will do short crack posts for the fun of it! My timezone is UTC+8 and my pronouns are he/they/lune/moon/star. I also do art commissions!! See @thedangoratio (my main/art account) for info on that
#ratios mail = ask responses
#pride comes before a fall = solos
#mundanity of life = open starters
#dango the admin = admin posts
[ This section will be updated periodically ]
| Visual headcanons (minus the halovian features)(those will get a proper drawing)
Some things I imagine him with, but didn’t add here because I don’t quite know how to edit those onto official art well enough yet
Hooked nose
Eyebags (I just forgot this actually)
A few wrinkles (I forgot those too)
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| Ratio’s Cats
Dr. Ratio lives alone and loves animals dearly, so he’s often fostered lost cats he meets outside and cares for them as much as he can, fighting loneliness with them in return. He has gotten attached to many, so.. That’s why he has at least 10 adopted cats and 3 critters (the cat cakes).
The cats
The critters
Sesame Cake
Lambda’s Friend
Trash Cake
| Headcanoned Lore
Dr. Ratio was a medical doctor at one point of his life, when he first graduated from university. Though, he quit after the number of patients that died in his care had reached over 10 in total over the course of a 17 year long career (including residency) at 26 years old.
Dr. Ratio hails from the planet Amphoreus, The Eternal Land. (Until proven otherwise)
Dr. Ratio is a lightweight, having never touched alcohol until 1 night when he was 26. He hasn’t had a drop since then.
[ MTBA ]
| Miscellaneous
Dr. Ratio has been known to carry a few peculiar behaviors that are notably “owl-like”, as his students say, such as being able to rotate his head over his shoulder much more than the average person and displaying a wider gaze when presented with a topic of special interest.
Dr. Ratio is also known to exclaim with peculiar (again) noises when caught off guard. Such noises are those of a rubber duck when he is poked or squeezed spontaneously, a purring sound when comfortably sleeping, and an owl’s low “hoo” when called for (again) spontaneously.
Dr. Ratio owns a wide collection of rubber ducks in many designs, sizes and colors, each with a backstory of how he acquired them and often extremely long and.. Interesting names. Veritas can go on for hours about each one. He also collects stationary, but not as seriously.
Dr. Ratio made the marble statues used in his technique himself, a result of his stone masonry hobby. He also has a few black and white practice self portraits in the charcoal medium.
Dr. Ratio frequently collects hair accessories and rings, maintaining a wide collection of these in his bedroom. Yes, he is open to sharing the hair accessories with those he befriends.
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❤️⭐️Get To Know Me⭐️💙
a brief introduction to your friendly neighborhood Parker Kinnie
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more below the cut!
⭐️ General To Know Jazz ⭐️
Names/Nicknames: Parker, Heebles
Age: 22
Pronouns: He/They/It
Primary Hobbies/Interests: Art, Gaming, Movie Watching, Food
⭐️ Interests, Info & Hobbies Elaborated! ⭐️
My Parker Kinnie Sources: Raimi Spiderman, TASM Movies, Insomniac Spiderman, Some Spiderverse Movie stuff (i just generally pull a lot of kinnieism from a lot of parker’s core narrative themes/struggles lol)
Special Interests: Pokemon, Animals
Current Interests +: HTML Coding, Pixel Art, Art RPGs, Pokemon, Dinosaurs, “Bugs”, Hazbin/Helluva (im critical as fuck of these), Character Design, Mood boards/stimboards, 4*Town, Diorama creation, food/cooking
Current Disinterests: talking abt politics here??, im actually not sure what to put here rn ngl 🫡
Hobbies +: Watching Movies (Horror Especially), Playing Games, Watchin Video Essays & Restoration or Tiny Cooking Videos
Games I Enjoy RN: Planet Zoo, Subnautica, Pokemon, Lioden, Slime Rancher 1 & 2, webbed
Cool Queer Labels I’ve Collected: Aro/Ace Spec, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Nonbinary, Transgender, Xenogender
⭐️ Trivia :]!
- favorite color is purple
- my main fursona is a wild boar monster!
- im a big parksborn shipper but im also a huge multishipper 🍕🫶
- i actually dont eat pepperoni, my pizza order is a medium pan w/ extra sauce n light cheese 🍕🍕 but thats ok!
- im a southern parker kinnie 🫡 image pete w/ a slight texan twang ig
- im hella into red heads Harry Osbo :3
⭐️ Interaction Notes ⭐️
I block liberally to protect my peace & curate my experience online. If you interact in a way im not cool with or post about my personal icks, i may block you! And thats okay :]! What i do doesn’t determine you, please don’t block evade
Note 2 Minors: This acc is sfw so i dont mind you interacting w/ my personal posts or chatting back n forth via reblogs, but know that im not interested in interacting a ton personally in DMs or anything 👍
DNI/Fast Blocks: proship, racists/queerphobes, TERFs, anti-xenogender girlies, generally assholeish ppl lol
God Please Interact: Parksborn Shippers, Queer/Autistic Artists, Furry Artists/Furries, Other Spiderman fans :]! (Especially insomniac), pokemon fans
Inbox/Requests: See Bio for up to date status but normally they’re very open! Im good w/ random questions, rambling, info dumping etc. And im normally cool w/ art requests :]!
⭐️ Account Tags 2 Note ⭐️
#Parkers Pizza = Anything 2 do w/ my weird food aesthetic interest
#Poppin Parker = My Autistic Rants/Rambling
#Parker Playtime = My Game Rambling/Screenshots
#Parky Parker = My AUs
#Paintin Parker = My Art Posted Here
#Herping Parker = Posts w/ Bugs & Other Small Critters
#Planty Parker = Posts w/ Mushrooms/Fungi & Plant-central posts
#Paleo Parker = Posts w/ Dinos/Prehistoric Life
#Parker Blinkies = Blinkie reblogs 4 me to look back on/harvest from
More are sure 2 come
⭐️ Relevant Links 2 Me ⭐️
Nothin Rn 🍕 There will probably be an art masterlist or AU masterlist one day
Definitely gonna be a blinkie masterlist lol
Fun Blinkies!
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(You’ll see a lot of these on my acc) Credit
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2-b-flower · 1 month
Hello, my name is Flower :3
We’ve wanted to make a new pinned post, tbh. So here we go :3
This post includes some random info about me, my blogs, links, and tagging/sorting
last updated: Sept. 20, 2024 :3 added a new strawpage link
Name: Flower on Tumblr :D
Pronouns: They/It/Any and sometimes we use we/our pronouns to describe ourselves, in a non-binary way
Gender: Non-binary, Agender, Genderfluid
Sexuality: Aroace B), we don’t need none of that romance shiz
We don’t mind being tagged or asked anything, especially on this blog. Tell me about ur AU’s even or smth. I love knowing AU’s and sharing them aaa
Although I wouldn’t want my roleplay blogs to be tagged, mostly cause I’m not as interested in being a part of them as much as I did before and I’m slow and get so confused 😭. If you really want to, ask-
It is preferred that you ask for certain things on this exact blog, mostly because the notifications on my other blogs don’t always work
…more likely to be added later
Art Blog
Anything Blog
Art Reblog Blog
Spam Blog
Ask Blog Collection
My Strawpage
Discord Servers
Tagging for my sorting I mostly gave up on
wh: Welcome Home
wh au: Welcome Home Alternate Universes
wh ocs: Welcome Home Original Characters
nwh: Not Welcome Home
mwhs: My Welcome Home Stuff
Itty bitty critter: Insects and other creepy crawlies
Tagging Posts
Character Tags
Ship Tags
- AU Tags -
AU Ship Tags
General Tags
Emoji Tags
We’re sure the rest is self-explanatory
Extra Random Things
Nothing ,w,
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katz-cradle · 1 year
(Header credit: Bunnillas on Tumblr)
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [Welcome To My Account] ࿐ྂ
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↳ *About Me* ༉‧₊˚✧
“ Hello my dears it's good to see you've decided to stop by for a little visit~ I welcome you to my humble abode, here's a bit about me. ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Name; Kitty / Katie
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Pronouns; She/It + Any Neopronouns
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Main Interest; Shovel Knight + My SK Fanchildren
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Main Account; @adorbspoprocks
#kitty khats - talking tag
#kitty reblogs - obvious, reblog tag
#kitty scribbles - drawing tag
#comfort corner - tag for my comfort stuff
#for me? <3 - tag for stuff people make for me
Other socials;
Ao3; Kissy_Missy
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“ There you go, some info you get... Though there is more, if you wish to read underneath heheho~ ”
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↳ *My Dearest Friends* ༉‧₊˚✧
“ Heheho~ these are those I call the closest to me, it may not be much but haha I care so much about them (apologies if you do not wish to be tagged <3) ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@noble-equinox -> “ My sweetheart heheho~ Luka is my qpp, the light of my quaint lil life how wonderful he is!~ not a moment goes by without me thinking about him haha!~ ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@unidentifiable-body -> “ My bestest friend in the whole world~ they are such a wondrous lil critter heheho what a funny fellow he is mwah mwah!~ (I may have also borrowed some ideas from them <3) ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@tikiss -> “ heheho what a good pal they are, a wonderful artist and sweet person!! ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦@celestial-clownz -> “ wahhaha! A lovely individual who has such lovely art, such a sweetie heheho! ”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
↳ *Favorite Things* ༉‧₊˚✧
“ Like every person (or well,,,cat.) I like things! I love things actually!!! Here's a lil list of my favorite things, from fictional characters to general things!~ ”
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ King Knight from Shovel Knight (I'm his #1 fan actually heheho!~)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦The Crane Wives
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Beauty and The Beast
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Madoka Magica (& Magical Girls in general!)
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Horror & Lost Media
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Pigs! And animals in general
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Talking about things! I could go on for hours~
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Sly Cooper
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦The Scary Jokes
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Lots of cute / cool aesthetics
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦Next Gens & Fanchildren
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦And much much more!!~
“ It is a joy to love yaknow!~ well then I must be leaving now I apologize, I will leave you with some userboxes for you to see. Tootle-Loo my darlings!~ ”
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[ Credits 2 @sweetpeauserboxes / @animatedglittergraphics-n-more / @scungledfiles / @selfship-userboxing ]
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can you talk through your wotr builds/how you developed each character? especially for oleander, bc he FASCINATES me
- @tyrword
hii thank you!! yeah ollie (nickname! everyone is allowed to use it <3) is an interesting critter lol. so, he’s a demon mythic path blight druid focused on poison and disease spells and prefers to use the shambling mound wild shape form (i know it’s not meta but i’m playing on normal so i don’t care lol). my character development process is just yelling oc ideas in my brain until one sticks and then obsessively thinking about them while listening to songs that fit them (i’m sorry). the only things i knew i wanted out of his character before playing was being lamashtan. oh, and he was also vaguely inspired by the “evil creature commits atrocities because it’s taking care of it’s children” horror trope. here’s a neat character sheet that summarises some info about him! (link to the blank)
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sol is a lawful neutral half elven possessed oracle (flame mystery) with one level in paladin (divine hunter) for backstory reasons. i’m not that far into their playthrough yet, but they will be going aeon later on! sol’s creation process is bit different, since they are a character who already existed before i played wotr, i just changed little elements of their story to fit the world. i don’t have one of these sheets for sol, so here and here are some posts where i go more into detail about them.
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wual is still in development actually, like i have some things (lich -> legend, undead, gendarme, wendu romance) rn but she’s not too polished atm, sorry!
(also i haven’t seen much of your guys yet but i am soo intrigued by dolus!!!!)
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Here's my little blog site thingy, I'd recommend using it while viewing my blog, so the posts aren't annoying white blocks
Y'all can call me Creature, Archivist, or scourge , I go by it/they pronouns, as well as any neopronouns
MORE INFO BELOW [warnings, interests, tags, blinkies, and is that a playlist of songs I like?]
Two: this is my only account, I don't have a side blog or art blog right now, if you specifically want to see my art you can use my art tag (tags listed below)
Three: I block freely so I'm not writing a big dni, don't interact if you fall under basic dni criteria (racists, pedos, nazis, etc. You know who you are), terfs don't interact (although I don't see why you decided to come here in the first place)
Four: WARNING FOR EYESTRAIN!!!! I LIKE BRIGHT COLORS!!!! Oh and eyes, A lot of eyes
I tend to avoid flashing lights, they don't cause me pain but they're really annoying
If I should start tagging stuff as warnings just ask <3 I might not be amazing at it but I'll try
Wings of fire*
Will wood*
Warrior cats*
Wander over yonder
Lemon demon*
Ride the cyclone
The beetlejuice musical
The Jekyll and Hyde musical*
Tally hall
Miracle musical
Jack stauber
Gravity falls
Across the spider-verse
Birds (mainly birds of prey)
Sea Creatures
animals that people find scary in general
My chemical romance*
The owl house
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde*
The glass scientists*
The Magnus Archives*
A bunch of other things
*starred interests are ones I mainly post about*
#creature draws : this one has my art!
#creatures neon dragons : this one has some simple brightly colored sketches of dragons on a black background (im not sure I'm continuing this, all posts here are old)
#super cool art : other peoples art that I reblog
#creatures comic collection: comics that I reblog, I will still also put comics in the art tag
#creatures ted-talks / #creatures ted talks : these have my text posts, stuff where I talk (I don't do so very often)
#creature answers : this one has my answers to asks and responses to tags
#creature rambles In someone else's post : self explanatory, I talk in someone else's post
#very important post (vip) : this one has posts I find important, nowadays I stick to things with helpful links
#creatures faves : posts I really like
#creatures faves² : posts I really really like
#creatures saved files : this one has things I want to save for later
#creatures saved files art edition : art tips and color palettes I wanna save
#wee woo : will wood related stuff
#silly music people doing silly things : other musician related stuff (where you'll find lemon demon and mcr posts grouped together, yaaayy!!)
#casualdejekyll and formaldehyde : Jekyll and Hyde related stuff
#Normal British archives : The Magnus Archives related stuff
#wof of fire : wings of fire related stuff
#warrior kitty cats : warrior cats related stuff
Any now for a collection of blinkies and banners (credits in tags)
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cheddar-inq · 9 months
hiii um. this is gonna sound really weird and silly but im looking to do wcue gamepass comms? they added gamepass gifting and im willing to draw art for some since i dont have a job and am NOT spending money on the game
thats my toyhouse bulletin about it, but if you cant access it, heres the copy / pasted text
(start of pasted)
so i play wcue a lot to make cat designs bc i am NOT creative  right
and i dont want to actually spend money on the game bc i dont currently have a job (been applying to a couple places but most wont hire at my age or is just work i cant do)
so uhhhh. doing art comms for wcue gamepasses !!!!! since they added buying gamepasses for others yk :3
heres what im looking for:
-furs bundle -marbled markings -braided stripes -heterochromia -extra body markings -markings mini-bundle
i can do in exchange:
-scenes (for the most expensive ones, either marbled markings and furs bundle)
-fullbodies or off base customs (for the rest)
i can draw any feline / canine or similar critters, rain world slugcats, lizards, and scavengers, and i can kinda draw iterators but uhhhh not well SHSGSHD
sharing is appreciated !!!!!!! idk im a big fan of making designs and stuff :3 i really need more variety its not really. easy or fun to give a lot a variety, esp in fur / patterns !!
thank you !!!!!!!!!
(end of pasted)
but yeah !!!! when im stressed or overwhelmed or just feeling bad i make morphs in the game to help give me idea for actual designs or for stories or anything, its just a lot of fun, but since i got locked out of my old account i no longer have any gamepasses and its kinda sad since i have such limited variety in what i can make
please dm me on here, comment on the toyhouse bulletin, or ask for my discord tag (in tumblr dms preferably) to get more info / discuss !!!!
thank you so so so much i would really, really, really appreciate anything <3
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Helluva boss S2E6 thoughts of a rando w spoilers obvi
guess who finally learnt about cuts mfs
So fire-traumatised Fizz x fire-true form Oz?
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The ways I can see it, from my least liked to most:
Fizz doesn’t know Oz’s true form; Oz has gone to great lengths to hide it knowing Fizz’s backstory.
Fizz knows of Oz’s true form and Oz tries to keep himself in check around Fizz.
Fizz knows of Oz’s true form; though initially afraid, both have worked so that Fizz is comfortable around Oz regardless of form though Oz does still control himself.
Also, is each sin gonna have a specific animation thing? Bee got lava lamp, Oz got fire (more than others have). I’m not a creative, I haven’t a clue what the others’d be.
Number 3! Dog with no back legs reminded me of my dead girl! It nice! Though cynic in me is saying that one is also albino just so it’s noticeable to the audience. Have some faith in us, Spindle! You could also put focus on it in other ways — hell it has more focus put on it when it’s the last one eating the guy on the catwalk & the one leading the pack.
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(It’s also the first one shown via eyes). Emphasis is put on this one a whole bunch. I get that it has prostheses like Fizz. We will notice that without the metaphorical or whatever word is accurate here arrows going “do you get it??”. The dog is also predominantly white with red if that’s intentional to link them even more. In that case make that critter have more of an impact on Fizz than just another one of his pets. Show him hugging it at the end of the ep instead of the pets just all disappearing once Fizz is kidnapped (and saying they’re fine in the subtitles; if it’s important info you want to say you say it in the ruddy ep. I, who was excited to properly watch an ep first time through, opted to turn off way before because the jokes being put there weren’t landing for me).
Oh ah thing! Small change to the apology I’m choosing to believe was done by mistake. Blitzo says something like “I lost something too”. If this is meant to be a genuine apology, rephrase to something like “I focused on different priorities”. It’s still an explanation that keeps him talking about his actions and his responsibility. That’s what an actual apology is about.
Aight aight final thing, what’s up with the “supremacist” comment? I haven’t rewatched stuff in a while and I’m not the best analyst but Striker always seemed to be more “take the royals down a peg or ten” than “imps are better than everyone else and should rule instead of the current royals”. Yeah he had a whole “we [Striker & Blitzo] are better than other imps” thing. But that’s 2 individuals he says are better than other imps. One is him. And one is the person who was in his way (genuine sentiment used or not, you can’t really deny this bit). He’s self-aggrandising, not a supremacist. “Words have meaning” kind of thing, especially such a loaded one.
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headmage-crowley · 2 years
New bulletin listings! (3/15)
Need some extra cash, or perhaps you're desperate for some new and trendy entertainment? Then, please look at the bulletin board update!
Updated listings can be found below the cut:
I have recently been informed about the concept of a “critter cafe.” I cannot see the appeal of letting such unsanitary beings roam free in a restaurant establishment, nevertheless risk violating various health violations in the pursuit of “cuteness.” However, these establishments are becoming increasingly more popular despite the risks. Therefore, I am looking for a fellow culinary aficionado to join me in visiting one of these establishments. I would prefer someone with reliable insight into this trendy yet dangerous phenomenon.
We will be visiting “Meowning Glory” cafe, home to an assortment of… interesting felines. As long as your expenses do not surpass thirty thaumarks, I shall cover your meal. If your name is Ruggie Bucchi, you are prohibited from accepting this task.
Sooo… One of the squirrels on campus needs help tryna find some nuts he buried, yeah? It’s rea~ally important an’ I’m helpin’ him, but the woods behind our campus is huuuuuge! So, uh, I kinda need some assistance, right? Because I’m helpin’ this squirrel find some nuts and totally not anythin’ else super important, ‘kay? No askin’ questions!
I can’t give ya anythin’ great as a reward, but it’ll sharpen up your animal linguistics skills and give you some outdoorsy experience! That’s way better than what some rich kid can give ya with their money. Anyway, here’s my contact info! Dig up some nuts with me! Bye!
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thecouncilacesideblog · 2 months
It really means a lot that y’all are interested in my prairie dog info, so Ty ! ! >:3 /gen
So here’s more facts to hopefully answer your questions from my last one ! :]
White-tailed Prairie Dogs and Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs do have a few differences, the most obvious one being their tail color !
Below is a Black-tailed prairie dog on the left and a White-tailed prairie dog on the right :
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Black-tailed prairie dogs are actually the largest prairie dog species, meaning that the White-tailed prairie dogs are smaller than them ! Black-tailed prairie dogs can grow up to 17 inches and weigh 1-3 pounds !
A Black-tailed prairie dog’s tail is longer, measuring around 2-3 or 3-4 inches while a White-tailed prairie dog’s tail is around 1-2 inches !
White-tailed prairie dogs are the only prairie dog species to hibernate in the winter ! (I find this fact quite interesting for some reason X3 ) prairie dog burrows have certain chambers for certain things, such as a nursery chamber for their young, and even a chamber for the winter !
White-tailed Prairie Dogs live in higher elevations than Black-Tailed ones, which also might be the reason for their hibernation !
White-tailed Prairie dogs have black/brown patches above their eyes and on their cheeks, which is actually visible on the picture of one shown above !
black-tailed prairie dogs are actually one of the extremely few, if not only, species of prairie dogs to do the well-known “jump-yip”. This is where the prairie dog stands on their back legs and yip ! (I tried researching what a jump-yip call means and why they do it but there are multiple answers/reasons- )
Now to explain how prairie dog colonies work, which is actually quite interesting based off my research >:] !
Random side note, prairie dog territories have physical territory markers, for example the prairie dogs here where I live have many trees as their markers ! It can also be rocks, stumps, etc. blah blah blah
Prairie dogs are highly social critters. They live in colones (aka ‘towns’), which can contain large numbers of prairie dogs and can span hundreds of acres (the one where I live is quite small, unfortunately). Subgroups of towns are known as “wards” and family groups exist within them
Black-tailed and Mexican prairie dog family groups are called ‘coteries’ while Utah, Gunnison’s, and White-tailed prairie dog family groups are called ‘clans’
Families interact by “kissing” and grooming each other, though they do not do this to prairies dogs outside the family
Family groups usually contain : 1-2 male offspring , 1-2 female offspring , 2-3 breeding adult females , and 1 breeding adult male (though, there may be more than one breeding male if there are more females than one male can handle)
While females stay in their own natal family groups for life, males leave once mature and find another family group to defend and breed
Resident males defend the territory and maintain the burrow and antagonistic/aggressive interactions between males of different family groups occur quite often
Despite males within one family group often having antagonistic relationships, some may actually build friendships !
—————————————————————- I hope this answers some of y’all’s questions, but let me know if yall have any other questions ! I can also discuss topics such as females and their offspring :] (also sorry for the long message ^^” /gen )
This is absolutely FASCINATING /genuine
I didn't know there was so many differences between them, I thought it was almost like red foxes vs silver foxes, but no!
There's so many nuances that nature documentaries don't mention, please please please feel free to talk about them as much as you want (no need to apologize for long message! nothing makes me happier than learning about others' interests) /genuine, no pressure
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tatters-the-bat · 5 months
Hi there!
Figured I should make a proper pinned message at some point.
I'm Tatters, your local fluffy flying fox! :3 Main fursona is the bat in question, secondary is a honeybee named Lore.
I go by she/they/it, and post all my art on here as well as reblogging stuff I like. Multifandom and my hyperfixations change often lol, my top fandoms are FNAF, Undertale/Deltarune, Pokemon, Crypt of the NecroDancer, MLP, Rain World, and Hollow Knight.
Big fan of small animals, especially bugs! (As such, trigger warning for bug and spider pictures, i usually tag them with #bugs and #spiders but i might miss 'em!)
If you like my work, following and/or reblogging helps a lot! I love getting comments on / asks about my stuff too!! :3 My comms are usually open. If you're interested or just want to support me, check out my Ko-Fi! Thanks for reading!
Tag Stuff:
#my art - My own artwork! - #oc art - For all my various original characters. Feel free to send in asks about any of them, I LOVE rambling about literally all of them!!!! - #sona art - For specifically art of Tatters, Lore, Mally, and Aerith. - #fanart - For stuff I make that's based on existing properties. - #ship art - For any fandom shipping, I don't do it often but i love a choice few :3 - #art comms - Comm work I've done for other people! #text - Usually general rambles that may or may not mean anything. #my writing - Links to my fanfics and stuff. - #oc info - OC lore and whatnot #bats - Bat pics I find/reblog! #bugs - Same but insects and arthropods in general! #aquatic - Anything related to water critters! All three also can include art I find of such! #cute art / #cool art - Reblogged art tags! I didn't have foresight when making the cute art tag that I would reblog art that isn't necessarily trying to be cute, so I just threw on "cool art" as a more generic one xD
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