#so here’s the flats for you guys to enjoy 🙏🙏
averagejermafan · 2 years
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made a pirate dnd character!!
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine demanding Luis to unlock your chains. When he doesn’t, you take matters into your own hands.
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You did and I’m grateful for all the love that has been thrown for my work. So here’s me giving some of that love back. Hope you enjoy 🙏
Warning: SMUT AHEAD. Look away, minors! Look away! Avert your eyes from the sexual content! Shoo! Begone!
Warning 2: It’s quite long so mentally prepare yourself.
“I still didn’t catch your name.”
The cheek on this guy. Using the fact that he holds the key to your restraints as a bargaining chip to become familiar with you. As if he hadn’t just forced you into a partnership with him already. The absolute nerve. You had more important things to do, such as finding Leon and the president’s daughter. And this Luis Serra was effectively wasting your precious time. Well, two can play this game.
You start by offering him an inviting smile before relaxing your hands until your palms pressed flat against his chest. The man didn’t seem to fully register your subtle movement until you slid them upwards, feeling the fine leather beneath your fingertips. The motion takes him by surprise, his eyes following your touch. He then casts an inquisitive glance your way.
“¿Que haces?” Apparently he wasn’t expecting this, convinced that you didn’t much care for him and thus was taken so off guard that he slipped into his native tongue. He must have remembered himself right after as he repeated the question, making sure that it sounded more direct. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Voice comes out in a low, sultry drawl as you grip the lapel of his jacket with one hand, gently tugging at the material. “I’m about to give you what you want. But I’m going to need you to come closer.”
Once you were certain that you had his complete attention while also making sure that you didn’t lose yourself in the mesmerizing grey of his eyes, you make your move. With your other hand, as best as the chains allowed, you reach for the key that was lodged in the lock of your chains. Disguising your intention, you run your fingers down the expanse of his chest in an explorative manner. This earned an appreciative hum from the Spaniard as he leans his head towards you expectantly.
Too easy.
Mindful not to look down between you two so as to not give yourself away, you lean in as well while also blindly searching for the key. “My name is…” you whisper. His bated breath mingles with yours, the lids of his eyes heavy, grey growing dark in anticipation. Another inch from either one of you and the gap will close. Just as your fingertips touched the end of the key, something warm firmly grips your hand. A sudden chill runs down your spine.
You can hear the reverb of something between a scoff and a chuckle come from Luis’ lips. “Nice try,” he smirks knowingly.
With a strength that catches you off guard, he pushes you away from him. Key in hand. He flaunts the tiny piece of metal before swinging his arm as if he was making a play to toss it aside. In your panic, you jump towards him, shoving him off balance with your shoulder. He breaks your fall as you two tumble down together.
The man curses in Spanish from the sudden pain and you took advantage of this by quickly searching for the key. You spot it a bit of a ways above Luis’ head and use both bound hands to reach for it once more. The chain that links your wrists together are caught by a familiar hand and suddenly pulled down until your hands were restrained between your two bodies once more. You sigh in frustration and the man beneath you clicks his tongue against his teeth.
There is an amused glimmer in his gaze as he speaks. “The stubborn-type, eh? All this trouble over a name.”
You in turn throw him an annoyed glare. “I was going to say the same about you.”
Instead of showing offense, he laughs. “Perhaps we’re more alike than you might think.”
Rather than entertain him further, you try to wrestle against his hold. Luis seemed prepared for it this time, matching your strength, only he had the advantage as he had free reign of his arms and hands. One hand kept your chained hands between your chests, the other gripped at the bicep of your arm, effectively minimizing upper body movement. Out of instinct, you rebelliously wriggle with your hips and legs with the sole focus of getting off of him. However, the man’s longer limbs kept you caged against him and the only thing you managed to do was awkwardly seat your bottom on him, knees bent by his sides.
When you grounded down in your struggle, the man tensed below you. Thinking you have finally one-up him, you repeated the action and noticed he wasn’t nearly putting up as good a fight as he did before. This allowed you to sit upright, dragging his hand with you until his arm extended slightly, and you continued your efforts to be free of him.
Luis’ breath became labored. “Stop.” he commands with gritted teeth, his voice barely above a whisper. When you didn’t listen to him, he moved his other hand from your arm to your hip, squeezing harshly in warning.
“¡Basta! Stop moving!” he growls.
You bark back defiantly, “I’ll get off when you let me get the fuckin-“
That’s when you felt it. Or rather- him. A hardness pressed beneath your nether region. Despite the layers of fabric, there was no mistaking the telling throbbing pushing up against you as if demanding your attention below.
Your throat runs dry but your brain kept sending signals to your mouth. “Ar…. Are you-“
“Sí.” the man had a pained, conflicted look about him, a picture of breathtaking self-control as he kept his body completely still. His eyes didn’t meet yours, gaze locked upon where your hips met as if to keep himself in check and not allow his body’s desires to act out untowardly.
“Surely you know how the human body works,” he tries to sound clinical, face strained in vague distress, “and will not fault me for the involuntary reactions of mine. It already doesn’t help that you’re easy on the eyes.”
You should be chastising him for getting excited when it was neither the time or place and danger was surely around the corner, but bit your lip at your own wave of pleasure upon feeling his arousal pulse. A totally different kind of heat washes over you.
What do you do now?
Neither of you spoke for a moment, a tense silence settling in until Luis breaks it with a forced cough.
“Well, this is- uh, fun.” he says without humor. “Pero, perhaps we can call it even and stop the game here. ¿Sí?”
His words went in one ear and out the other. You were frustrated beyond belief. Fueled by adrenaline and temptation. There was no one around. And you have an impossibly handsome Spanish man between your legs with a hard-on for you.
When you didn’t answer, he spoke up again. “As much as I like this position, I must regrettably ask that you- Whoa!”
As best as you could, you shoot your bound hands straight up in the air. As he still had a grip on the chain link, Luis was dragged upright into a seated position from the floor and his face stopped right in front of yours. The movement caused friction in both of your sensitive areas, mouths could do nothing to stop the groans that escaped them. His eyes open to your heated gaze, confusion and desire swirling in the grey irises.
You breathe, “You talk too much, Luis Serra.”
And it was you who closed the distance. Teeth and tongue clashed in a new battle filled with pent-up energy and lust. Your mind quickly becomes hazy as you allowed yourself to be consumed in his emanating heat and musky scent. A nip at his bottom lip earned you an enthusiastic thrust of his hips, an appreciative squeeze at your bottom rewarded him with a carnal moan from your mouth. The only time you pulled back was for air and the man before you glances between your dazed eyes and bruised lips, hypnotized by your already ruined appearance.
“Are we, uh, still playing the same game?” His question nearly disarms you. You have a feeling he was really asking if you were of sound of mind about this. Your eyes roll reflexively.
“Really going to keep running your mouth?” You then follow up with a roll of your hips, the Spaniard throws his head back with a deep, guttural groan. Dark wavy locks brush against his cheekbones, eyes shut closed. With his thick neck exposed, you steal kisses along his sensitive pulse and stubbled jaw. Another primal groan vibrates from his throat.
“Eres muy mala.” Luis grumbles without a hint of disdain. Rather, when you finally pull back to allow him to look at you, you find him wearing that familiar cocky smirk. “But I must admit, I’m kind of into it.”
A charmer through and through this man is. His next move takes you by surprise.
He shoves you off of him.
As soon as you recover from your initial shock, the dark-haired man grabs you by the chain again and drags you to the far end of the room, further away from the key and exit. Using his strength and your own momentum against you, Luis tosses you forward. Your upper body lands right on top of a wide metal table propped against the dingy concrete wall.
He takes advantage of your momentary state of confusion by forcing your arms to extend towards the wall. It wasn’t until you heard the unmistakable click of metal did you fully regain your senses and look up to see what he did. The arrogant man used one of the wall mounts to lock your chains taut in place. He literally chained your chains. You’re caught in a trap again!
Just as you were about to curse him out, you feel something hard press firmly against your bottom followed by a pair of warm hands settling at your hips and the heat you didn’t realize you were missing came back in throes. You almost wanted to point out how unfair the shift in dynamic was, but all coherent thoughts were thrown out the window when he started grinding into you.
“There,” Luis hums at your apparent silence, “much better.”
Damn him. And he had the gall to say you were bad.
His movements were slow and methodical, like he was testing the waters to see if you were actually fine with this. Your pleased sighs were the signs he needed to continue and go beyond. Next, you feel his curious hands rubbing at your sides over your shirt before he lifts it enough to slip them beneath the fabric. Feeling his skin on yours sent chills throughout your body. His touch wanders, palming at your every curve, line, and muscle and you melted into his hands, encouraging his exploration.
The temperature in the room was becoming unbearably hot. As if hearing this thought, you were pulled up by your torso as far as the chains would allow and felt your back meet his chest. Now, his hardness was at your lower back and you purposefully melded your backside against his straining cock, mentally drawing the length of him. Needless to say, without even seeing it, you were impressed by his size. The man didn’t carry himself confidently without warrant. A soft, almost adoring kiss upon the shell of your ear pulls you from your shameless thoughts.
He whispers hoarsely, “My friend, are you particularly fond of this shirt?”
“What?” you manage to choke out. “Why are you aski-”
The sound of tearing answered your question before you can finish it. Tattered fabric scatters around your feet and the air within the room suddenly felt like soft caresses on your bare torso.
“You didn’t even let me answer!” Your voice sounded more excited than annoyed.
“Lo siento. You were too slow.” Luis presses another chaste kiss to the side of your head. However, you can practically feel his wicked grin. “And frankly, are much too sexy for clothing, anyways.”
Damn, this man was making you feel things.
Despite your skin now bare against the elements, it did little to alleviate the heat building within you. It only amplified when his hands returned to your form, making a slow, sinful journey from your stomach to your upper chest. The pad of his fingers push upon the sensitive buds of your nipples, earning a wanton gasp from your lips. His hips jerk forward at the sound you made, his erection pulsing against your ass, sparking tiny, wonderful jolts of electricity within you. The sensations were making your toes curl.
One hand sneaks back down, his thumb finding it’s way under the hem of your jeans and underwear. His reach teases towards your sensitive spot and you bite your lip in anticipation, wanting so badly for him to touch you where you need him to but your mind too much of a mess to voice it into proper words.
“Mírate,” his warm breath fans against your ear in hoarse, gentle whispers. “Promixa vez… Te quiero llevar a la cama.”
You only manage to translate “Next time…” until the synapses in your brain fire all at once when his fingers began to toy your sex without warning. When his skillful hand deftly undid your jeans, you didn’t know, but at the moment, you didn’t care.
Holy hell. This guy was playing your body like a fine-tuned instrument and your voice eagerly sounded to his ministrations. Your moans and gasps music to his ears. The coil in the pit of your stomach was tightening to the point of snapping as his hand quickened the pace upon your bundle of nerves. He was stroking you graciously while also harshly grinding you into the edge of the table from behind. Your voice was reaching greater heights from the onslaught of overwhelming sensations.
“Last chance, my friend.” Luis growls, barely reigning in his instinct to simply bend you over and have his way with you. “Are we still playing the same game?”
The same question echoes. He asks one thing but really means another. This dashing, infuriating man is asking you if you want to go all the way, past the point of no return. Luis Serra is a stranger. Yet he had the sense and consideration to weigh your feelings in the matter, giving you an choice to opt out even though it would have been so easy to let it lie and let your baser instincts take over. It was almost romantic in a way. You didn’t have to think twice about this.
“Either you fuck me now,” you pant, chains clinking around your wrists, “or I’ll find my way out of these and fuck you myself.”
Luis chuckles lowly in intrigue. “¿Prometes?”
He makes quick work on the rest of your clothing, letting your pants and underwear fall at your ankles. He helps guide you completely out of them. It was probably a strange sight. You completely exposed while he was completely clothed. The only bits of him you can hear rustling is the buckle of his belt and the zipper of his pants coming undone. You were starting to shiver from anxious chills until you felt an arm wrap around you assuringly.
A patient hand gently fingers your entrance, preparing your body for something larger. You eventually move along rhythm of his fingers, goading him to take it to the next level and he acquiesces to your silent request. The heavy heat of his cock that was poking between the gap of your thighs move upwards. Your body instinctively tenses when the head of his member prods against your opening. Luis’ lips pressed against your temple in comfort and finally, finally, he slowly sinks into you. You gasp and he curses.
No amount of foreplay could have prepared you for him. Not all the way in and already you felt so full of him, his cock throbbing against every sensitive nerve inside of you. You whimper in both pain and pleasure and Luis tends to you by wrapping his arms around your middle, planting more kisses along the side of your head right behind your ear.
“Estoy aquí, ángel. Té tengo.”
Like the gentleman he portrays himself to be, he waits for you to relax around him. With great self-control, he pumps into you slowly with a tenderness that could bring tears to your eyes. The initial discomfort soon faded and was replaced by wonderful bouts of sensual ecstasy that has you gasping. Luis keeps up the pace with gusto, nearly pulling all the way out and slamming back into you. The pressure he was piling inside you with every thrust has you screaming to the point that you can feel your voice growing hoarse. Meanwhile, you can hear him moaning his praises for you in his birth tongue. This man wasn’t just talking himself a big game. He knows what he’s doing, fueling his pleasure by ensuring your own. And he was making certain that you chased yours fast.
He pulls out and you involuntarily whimper at the loss of contact. You weren’t left alone for long as he lifts you to lay on your side on the table, your hands forced to rise above your head at this new position. Luis grabs a hold of one of your legs and bends it at the knee over his shoulder, entering your heat once more. Your blood boils fiercely at this new angle, you can see him and everything he was doing to you. And he can see you’re practically rendered speechless with every powerful thrust. At this rate, you weren’t going to last. The fluttering inside your core now popping like firecrackers.
Sweat pours down his handsome face, pupils dilated black with desire for you. “¿Cómo te llamas, ángel? Tell me. And I’ll give you what you want.”
He’s asking for your name again. The catalyst behind this whole affair. “Really bent on that, aren’t you?” you manage to pant out, your lungs barely keeping up with each strong snap of his hips.
“I wasn’t at first, only wanted to tease you.” He groans, his voice finding difficulty to stay level when he’s fucking into you without abandon. “But now- ah! I really want to know. I want to call out your name. ¡Joder! Let me call out your name, mi amor.”
The way he was begging tugged at you deep. Your name was on the edge of your tongue, but your heart was gripped with fear. Fear that if you so much as uttered what he’s asking of you, the spell would be broken and you’d be left unsatisfied. This felt too damn good to risk ruin with sentimentality. So you did what you have been doing best. Prevaricate. And make him want you more.
“Uncuff me. And I’ll tell you anything. Anything you want.”
You feel the vibrations of a laugh rumble deep from his chest.
“Eres tan… ¡Mierda!”
Like a cord finally snapping, the dam breaks and everything building inside spills out with a long, final cry of ecstasy. Stars dotted your vision, for a moment you forgot to breathe as you feel yourself unraveling. Within, you feel him cumming inside as well. Liquid hot ropes painting your insides, leaving you quivering uncontrollably. His hips slow to an eventual stop, his voice coming out in soft, satisfied sighs.
Slowly letting your leg down, Luis pulls himself out and hovers over you, hands flat beside your head. The man peppers your back and shoulders with soft nips and kisses. His stubble makes slow, sensual scratches along your skin as he reaches up to the flesh of your ear, biting onto the lobe affectionately. You turn your head to meet his lips with yours, noting how wonderful his kisses feel. He pulls away slightly to study you intently, varying emotions flashing over his eyes.
“Now,” he started, “about that name.”
Back at this again. You had to admire the man for his tenacity. “Told you already,” you huff once your breath returned to you, tugging at the chains around your wrist. “Remove these cuffs and I’ll think about it.”
His voice cracks in disbelief, “That was not what you said- ¿En serio? After all of that?”
“You’re more than welcome to keep working for it.” The words left your lips before you can stop them and an amused groan escapes from Luis’ own, sending another sinful heat to flow down your core.
“Eres muy mala.” He sighs with a shake of his head. There was no hint of annoyance in his husky tone, a devilish smirk plastered on his face. “Hanging with you- not healthy.”
“Right back at ya.” The remark earned a swift smack on your ass. You almost yelp out of reflex and shifted your eyes to glare at him.
The way he looked at you, however, tells you that he wasn’t against the idea of going again. And truthfully, you were all for it. Luis leans over to capture your lips once more, sweet and filled with promise, while his hand began to wander your body mischievously. The familiar tingle of heat starts to boil inside-
The alarming sound of inhuman groans down the hall jolts you two from your intimate high. Spell broken and you fully take in your nakedness in this increasingly dire situation.
“Get these chains off, Luis!”
“¡Sí, sí! Right away!”
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hanniluvi · 11 months
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SOPH — tysm for the two anons that requested this! sorry for the delay, i was trying to do a bunch of reqs at once but got carried away due to some school work </3 (yes i have summer hw im suffering). hope you enjoy these though!
GENRE — fluff, angst if you squint | WARNINGS — lower case intended, 2nd pov, and that’s it?
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— he seems the type to play it cool in a relationship but is actually a MESS. like what should he do? should he be flirting with you? should you guys be doing anything? besides that cool face, this mind is racking ideas of what he should do and what’s best for the relationship. anything for you!!
— i don’t think ricky could ever get mad at you. like maybe jokingly mad or being frustrated but that’s all. i don’t think he really likes conflict and tries fixing it. thing is, he may give silent treatment just so he could talk to myself on how to solve an argument between you two.
— now, ricky may forget a lot of things, but he never forgets anything about you! anyone can ask something about you, and he’s like a walking google about you. ik he whips his head if he hears your name come out of any of the member’s mouth. they can call him a simp for all he cares — he knows it’s true anyways.
— “you know ricky, you don’t know a lot of stuff of me compared to your partner.” “gyuvin yeah, cause you’re not yn.” “i get that but come on, how could you forget my favorite food?” “oh sorry, i forgot.” “ricky i’ll beat you up—” “yn!!!”
— he would get excited over little gifts you give him. he’s used to being the gift giver, so seeing you get him something just seems ten time more valuable than those luxury brands. probably shows it off to the others. “bet you don’t have this,” LMFAO hes so silly
— the type to send pics of himself or sweet msgs to you when he misses you. and he js plays it off with “i bet you miss me so here you go.” in reality, he just misses you and just wants to hear sweet things from you :( <3
— boy he LOVES strawberries. so he probably buys you strawberry items so that you can be reminded of him. let’s say his obsession can get out of hand, but who doesn’t love cute strawberry items???
— i feel like he would prefer a more private relationship?? but that doesn’t work out since he acts SOOO different around you. so when he announces that you two are dating, the others aren’t surprised whatsoever.
— pretty clueless so would ask you for help because it’s “you two getting along” he says. he would find any excuse to be with you at all times and just wouldn’t mind acting a little clueless.
— if there’s any language barriers, i feel like he’d try his best to communicate with you as best as he can. sure, he wants to give up at some times, but he remembers you, the main cause of his motivation. so he’d study really hard for you :)
— ricky isn’t always as open with his thoughts as he think he is. sometimes, he may isolate himself, just because there’s a lot on his mind. so that’s when you step in! give him comfort and offer to listen bc that’s all what he needs!
— secretly likes physical touch but won’t flat out admit it. he wouldn’t pretend he hates it either, he just lets it happen. secretly smiles when you suddenly become clingy around him. he likes you initiating it first because he doesn’t want to be annoying or a bother to you when he needs affection </3
— the longer you’re in a relationship with him, the more comfortable he is with you. and that’s a good thing! but he still gets flustered over small acts you do for him.
— partner privilege is probably a thing.
— would love showing you off :’) he’s just really glad yours is and sometimes can’t believe it himself. which is why he may just catch himself be quiet and admire you <3
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💭 — in bloom already has two wins 🙏 so proud of them <3
ZB1 PERM TAGLIST — @dwcljh @ilovewonyo @jiawji @tzyuki @kpoprhia @flamiricky @misoxhappy @lluvjjun @zzzhoonie
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irkimatsu · 3 months
Can you do a husk x fem reader where she’s also a cat demon (no wings, just cat) yet she’s the epitome of “golden retriever” As if her personality was golden, she’s extroverted and caring and so so bubbly (even more so than Charlie). But then one night, crying is heard from her room and husk hears it and she’s insecure of her body because of how skinny she is?? She has curves yes but that doesn’t make her feel better at all and she’s always comparing herself to others and how she could be better!! It’s just overall angst with fluff please :( 🙏
(Live laugh love you sm !!)
Okay, so, first off, a confession - I am, uh. Not skinny. I am far from skinny, and not only that, I'm in the business of taking skinny characters and chunking them up. Have you seen some of my posts about Overlord Husk?
All that to say that I'm not used to writing skinny characters, and "skinny character insecure about their body" is an absolutely foreign concept to me. I tried my best, though, and I hope I hit the notes with this that you needed!
About 1.5 words. Primarily SFW but Husk gets a little handsy toward the end. One-sided Husk/Angel from Angel's side, but Angel's graceful about it, there's no ship bashing here, I still love Angel and he's still one of Husk's best friends.
Husk has barely made it into the hotel lobby, and you’re already clinging to him, your tail wagging furiously.
The tail wagging is strange for your species; you’d reincarnated in hell as a gray tabby cat, a creature known for being moody, standoffish, even a little prissy. But that wasn’t who you were in life, and it’s not how you are in death, either. Husk realized it immediately upon meeting you, and at first he wasn’t a fan of your wild energy, but you managed to grow on the old man’s heart soon enough. He appreciated how young you could make him feel, and how much you reminded him that the best years of his life weren’t as far gone as he thought.
“Hey, hey!” he says, laughing, a far cry from the Husk who would have snapped at you to get off of him a few months ago. “I missed you too, babe!” He gently hugs you back, giving you a couple pats on the back before stepping away. At first you would have been hurt by the lack of enthusiasm, but now you realize that he’s simply not comfortable with too much PDA. He’s perfectly affectionate behind closed doors, and that’s what really matters.
“Damn, I need to find someone who pounces me like that when I get home!” Angel says with a laugh. Shopping bags dangle from all four of his arms, and he’s wearing a pair of sunglasses you don’t think you’ve seen on him before.
“Did you guys enjoy your boys’ day out?” you ask.
“Sure did!” Husk says as he holds up his own, much smaller shopping bag. “Had as much fun as you can when you’re clothes shopping with Angel for three hours, anyway.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t like me showing off outfits for ya,” Angel teases as he sways his hips. “I know you were staring at my ass in every pair of shorts I tried on.”
“What ass?” Husk shoots back with a smile. “Don’t lie to me, you’re flat as the fuckin’ bartop.”
“Hm? I’m sorry, and whose flat ass has been on the cover of every adult magazine in hell, again?” Angel says, swaying his hips further.
“Hey, if the people want flat twinks, then good for them.” Husk returns his attention to you, and sticks his hand in the paper shopping bag. “That shop was real nice, though. I found a couple things for myself, and got you a little somethin’, too.” He digs around for a bit, before pulling out a small jewelry box and handing it to you. “Here. For my golden girl.”
You open the box and gasp at the sight of a golden choker encrusted with diamonds. “Husk! How much was this?!”
“Enough to be worth it,” is all the information he’ll give. “Mind if I put it on you?”
“Go ahead!”
He takes the box back and walks behind you. His claws graze your skin as he fastens the choker around your neck, and your skin prickles.
While he’s behind you, you’re still facing Angel. You bear no ill-will toward the porn star; you admire his confidence, and you know he’s been a good friend to Husk since long before you got here. For as much as they tease each other, Husk does genuinely seem to care about Angel and enjoy his outings with him; he wouldn’t have gone on that shopping trip if he didn’t enjoy the company at least a little, you’re sure. He hasn’t been subtle about his crush on Husk, but he’s also conceded his loss to you with grace, which only makes you appreciate him further. It’s not like Angel can’t provide any competition. Who would turn down the opportunity to date a famous porn star? You’re not even into his works, but even you admit that he’s gorgeous, with his slender build and strong legs.
You’re not built like him at all. He’s skinny in a way he works hard for, making sure every part of his body is proportioned just right for his admirers. He’s not just skinny, he’s healthy, and he glows from it.
Meanwhile, Husk is gently rubbing your bony shoulders, and you can’t help but wonder how he feels about the hard lumps beneath his palms.
“Turn around so I can see it?” he asks. You comply, and he responds with wide eyes and a whistle. “Beautiful.”
You’re not sure if you’re in the right headspace to accept the compliment. “Thanks,” you say anyway.
You spend the rest of the afternoon talking to Husk and Angel about their outing, and trying not to look at Angel too much.
Why are you crying about this? This is so stupid. Husk chose you, didn’t he? He met Angel first; if that was what he really wanted, they would have gotten together before you even showed up, wouldn’t they?
So why are you hiding under your blanket, sobbing and clutching your shoulders and wishing you looked like him?
A gentle rapping noise interrupts your self-pity. “Babe? You okay in there?”
“I’m fine!” you call back, despite the tears streaming down your face.
“That didn’t sound fine.” Damn him and his ability to read people. That’s what you get for dating someone who doesn’t like backing down from someone who’s clearly in denial about their own feelings. How dare he care about you like this?
(You’re glad he cares about you. You just wish he’d let you have that denial.)
“I’ll be right there,” you say, knowing he won’t leave now that he’s heard you crying. You untangle yourself from the blanket cocoon you’ve been hiding in, and you go to open the door for him.
“You look like shit,” Husk says as he closes the door behind him. Not the most romantic greeting, but he’s not wrong; your fur is stained with tears, and your makeup is running. Not a good look. “Come here.” He takes your hand, leads you to the bed, and sits you both on the edge of it. “Talk to me.”
You take a few deep breaths to make sure you won’t start sobbing mid-sentence. “Husk? Am I too skinny?”
Husk stares at you, dumbfounded. “Babe. Everyone in this hotel is built like a fucking twig.”
“Yeah, on purpose!” you say. “They don’t have bones sticking out, or sunken faces… they don’t look fucking starved.”
Husk still seems dumbfounded. “Have you looked at me recently?”
You don’t mind giving him a look. His soft fur, unintentionally tousled in such a perfect way, with tufts on his shoulders and chest that are so wonderful to tug. His yellow eyes that currently burn with sarcasm, but that can gaze at you so softly when the mood is right. His generous heart; it’s not something you can see, but you always feel it when you look at him. Whether it’s the choker you still feel around your neck or the time he always gives you no matter the hour of the day, you know he could never feel like he’s given you enough.
“You don’t think I look awful, do you?” Husk says. “You could tell me if you did. I ain’t under any delusion that I’m winning any beauty contests.”
“You look great, Husk!” you insist. “I’ve thought you were handsome ever since I got here.”
“Yeah? You don’t think I look like a withered corpse because I’m regularly too drunk to remember to eat?”
“No!” you say, horrified. “Why would I ever think that?”
“Because it’s true,” he says with a shrug. “I take shitty care of myself, I ain’t denying it. At least you’re tryin’. That’s just what your body looks like. That ain’t your problem.”
“But still…” You pull your legs up to the bed and hug them. “I wish I looked like Angel sometimes… he really likes you, you know.”
Husk snorts. “Yeah. I kinda guessed.”
“You could have been with him before I even got here. Why would you choose me over a gorgeous celebrity like him?”
“You’ve got a certain charm that he doesn’t have. I still like the guy a lot, but we’re just friends. He’s not as kind hearted as you, and he doesn’t appreciate quiet nights in like you do. He needs someone who can keep up with him… and I need someone who can slow down with me. Someone like you.”
At least he loves your personality…
“Plus…” Husk wraps an arm around your waist and squeezes your hip. “I wasn’t kiddin’ when I said he had a flat ass.”
“Husk!” you squeal, his touch tickling your skin.
“Can I be a gross old man for a second?” he says with a smirk. “Because I love curves. Hips and ass are the best. Gives me something to squeeze.” Both of his arms are around you now, and he’s holding you close. “Sure, he’s perfect by some standards, but he ain’t my type. You, on the other hand…” He kisses your forehead and gently strokes your hair. “Don’t change based on what you think I want, okay, doll? I love you just like this.
Comparin’ yourself to others won’t get you anywhere. Just trust that I’m with you because I wanna be.”
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megistusdiary · 2 years
I'm completely obsessed with Tighnari (he's my main now) so.. may I ask you a Tighnari x reader x Cyno? if it's okay with you a smut would be perfect 🥺 i just need Tighnari spanking my ass while Cyno enjoys the view and who knows, join as well?
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hit that mega slay button for the tighnari mains 🙏
THIS TURNED OUT SO LONG OH MY WORD. this might be my longest piece honestly, good god.
also, ik this does not exactly follow the prompt perfectly but i had this idea in the middle of my anatomy midterm exam and i needed somewhere to put it so....this is what you're getting 😇 enjoy the plot and many words please
cyno and tighnari fuck and tighnari fucks you 👍 if you're not interested in that, scroll away. we support the lgbt community here ty
warnings: dom!cyno, switch!tighnari, switch!fem anatomy/pronouns reader
penetration/fingering (reader and tighnari receiving ohoho), oral (reader receiving), a little biting, rough sex lol, condom/oil usage 🙏, praising, petnames, a little spanking, orgasm control
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cyno gently brushed a hand through tighnari's hair, carding his fingers through the strands as the fennec leaned towards him, resting his head on his lap.
"i can't believe you actually got him to take a break." you murmured in awe as cyno's lips quirked up into the faintest of smiles. "you know, most people would be terrified to nap on the general mahamatra's lap."
"would you be?" cyno asked as you grinned, shaking your head as you continued to work on your report.
"not a chance. you might be all big and scary out in the desert, but all i see now is a big softie cuddling in a blanket." your eyes twinkled with mirth as cyno hummed.
"would you still cuddle me when i am that big scary guy out in the desert?" cyno teased.
you paused to ponder, tapping your finger on your chin. "definitely."
your idle chat seemed to stir tighnari, ears flicking on his head as he stretched out on the sofa. "what are you two going on about now?" he grumbled, sitting up.
"nothing. how was your nap?" you watched tighnari rub the sleepiness from his eyes stifling a yawn.
"actually pleasant for once. usually there's always something or other to come banging on my door to wake me up." cyno smiled a little at this, moving the blanket off to stand up. "where are you going?" tighnari asked with narrowed eyes.
"outside for some fresh air. you got so warm under the blanket, i thought i'd been transported back to the desert." cyno dodged tighnari's hand swatting out towards him, watching him step outside.
it was quiet for a moment as tighnari folded the knit blanket. you cleared your throat, setting your quill down. "you two are cute together."
"who? me and him?" tighnari scoffed, barely hiding his shock. "don't be ridiculous. cyno rarely ever visits. i'd beg to differ that he only visited because you're here." tighnari's eyes flitted over to yours as you pursed your lips, neck feeling warm.
"what makes you say that? besides you two were cuddling this whole time. you can't tell me anything." you watched tighnari's cheeks dust over with red as his ears went flat to his head.
"i heard you two the whole time, you know." tighnari shrugged, standing to put the blanket away. "regardless, i can tell when two people are flirting. you two are so obvious and yet so, so oblivious." he walked off to the kitchen, desperately seeking an excuse to escape that conversation, leaving you flustered at the desk.
you sighed, frustrated as you moved your papers aside. you originally came to visit tighnari with the hopes of finally confessing to him. you hadn't expected cyno to plan a visit at the same time.
you didn't expect to rekindle the attraction you felt for cyno the last time you had seen him.
but it was obvious that they had feelings for one another anyways, so what chance did you have with either one of them? "ahh, stupid, stupid." you lightly smacked your forehead, internally chastising yourself for getting into this predicament.
you let your head flop onto your hand, staring at the lampshade. "what am i gonna do?" you mumbled to yourself, letting your free hand play with the feathers on the quill.
cyno leaned against the doorframe silently, listening in unbeknownst to you, knowing tighnari was doing the same thing in the kitchen.
cyno and tighnari were not unfamiliar with midnight trysts and weekends spent hidden away from the desert in tighnari's comfortable forest home.
though the topic of you always managed to come up, tighnari nervous to confess, afraid that he would ruin your friendship. cyno was simply concerned that you would find the idea of sharing a relationship with two men undesirable.
cyno's observant ruby eyes narrowed as he watched tighnari return from the kitchen with a kettle full of tea.
you raised your head to look at the man, hands shaky as he set the kettle down. "i um, thought you both might be thirsty, so i brewed some tea. you're welcome to have some if you'd like." he offered politely, and you accepted as expected.
tighnari pulled two cups from the cabinet, filling them up to the brim with the bitter smelling tea, sliding the newly purchased sugar pot towards you.
"sugar?" you asked, curiously as tighnari's face turned pink.
"you always complain that my tea isn't sweet enough, and i wouldn't want you to have to drink bitter tea all the time."
"i don't even visit that often, will this sugar really last that long?" you arched your eyebrows.
"well, maybe it's my way of saying that you should come around more often." tighnari forced out quickly, watching your eyes grow wide. your cheeks felt warm to the touch as you accidentally dropped the sugar spoon on the table. "careful!" tighnari reached forward to grab it as you suddenly covered his hand with your own.
"do you...do you really mean that?" you timidly mumbled as tighnari's tail thumped against the carpet, giving away how fast his heart was beating in his chest.
"as long as that's a good thing, then yes. if not, just forget i said it, because i know it's just ridiculous of me to say that and-"
you cut him off by pressing your palms to his cheeks, gently cradling his face. "tighnari, i've had a massive crush on you for like forever."
tighnari's lips fell open in a silent gasp as you leaned towards him across the table, slowly closing the gap between the two of you.
cyno watched still from the door, eager to see where this would lead. he was curious when you would ask-
"but what about cyno?" you commented.
"what do you mean?"
"i mean, come on. i know you two are a thing." tighnari began to speak, though you cut him off. "don't deny it. not with me, you know i know you."
tighnari seemed uncomfortable as he played with his fingers underneath the table. "it's a bit...complicated. we are together, yes, but i was afraid of confessing because i didn't know how you would see the idea of being in a relationship with both of us."
"both of you? but, cyno likes you, not me. that's just-"
"he's right." cyno finally stepped in, closing the door behind him as you fell silent. "it's been unbearably difficult to lie to your face. i tried dropping hints all the time, but you never picked them up. just like all those dirty clothes on your floor." his expression remained stoic as tighnari rolled his eyes.
"so...just to clarify. you both are in a relationship-" you paused as cyno nodded. "but you still like me? how does that even work?"
"it's like this." cyno sat down next to you, putting his helmet off to the side. "of course tighnari and i are very happy together." he reached across the table, gesturing for tighnari to hold his hand. the fennec man begrudgingly interlaced his fingers with the general, earning him a rare smile.
"but, we would be happier with you too." cyno held his other hand out towards you, motioning for you to take it. you gingerly placed your palm in his, allowing him to link your fingers together. "it would be more complete."
"don't they say three is a crowd?" you frowned as tighnari leaned forward, brushing the hair away from your eyes.
"not if they're the people closest to your heart." tighnari hummed as you looked down at your lap, shyness overtaking you as your face felt like it was on fire. oh, you needed to cool down right now.
cyno ran his thumb over your knuckles, feeling you grip his hand a little tighter.
the feeling of his skin against yours, even the slightest touch had you rubbing your thighs together ever so slightly, shifting where you sat on your knees on the carpet. tighnari's tongue darted out to wet his lips as cyno's eyes flitted between the both of you.
"i'll tell you what, i have a fun little game for us to play, hm? it's a usual secret fantasy of tighnari's. if you're up for it, of course." cyno unlinked your fingers to carefully grip your chin, tilting it to meet his gaze.
your lips parted as you nodded, eyes going glassy when his thumb swiped over your bottom lip. he leaned in towards you, breath ghosting over the shell of your ear. "i want the both of you to put on a little show for me, hm? do you think you can manage that?"
you nodded, heart racing as cyno pressed a gentle kiss to the side of your head, chuckling softly to himself. tighnari watched the both of you, ears twitching on his head as he felt his pants growing the slightest bit tighter.
your gaze switched over to tighnari, slowly standing with cyno's assistance as he guided you both to tighnari's private quarters.
the bed was large enough for the three of you easily, though it seemed cyno had opted instead to pull an armchair over to the corner of the room, watching tighnari gently pull you onto his lap on the bed.
he placed his hands on the sides of your face, leaning in to allow your noses to touch. "may i?"
"yes." you barely breathed the word out before tighnari pushed forward, melding your lips as your heavy eyes shut, leaning towards him.
it wasn't long before the kiss turned heated, his tongue swiping over your lips and hands snaking under your shirt to grip your hips.
you could feel him moving you slowly on his lap, grinding against you as you whined. "shh, don't be so impatient." tighnari cooed, moving a hand to stroke the side of your face lovingly.
you continued to push against him, causing a low growl to build up in his chest as he suddenly landed a slap on your clothed ass, making you jump in shock. "tighnari-" your eyes were blown wide, lust clouding the color. you had never seen this side of the forest ranger before.
tighnari gripped your chin firmer this time. "i will not repeat myself again, my dear. behave for me."
you allowed tighnari to continue pressing feverish kisses down your neck, nibbling at your collarbones until cyno intruded. "as perfect as this is, i think i'd like to see something a little more...well less. on both of you." cyno commented, though it was more of an order as tighnari immediately began undressing the both of you, tugging at your shirt and pulling it over your head.
you had no time to feel shy as tighnari pulled all of his intricate layers and accessories off, giving both you and cyno a rather enticing show.
it surprised you, however, when tighnari went fully nude, tossing his undergarments in cyno's direction with a sassy smirk as your eyes went wide.
you couldn't help but stare. he was just so pretty.
"you too, sweetheart." cyno gestured towards you as you tried to object, but tighnari's hands were already pulling your undergarments off, peeling your panties down your legs.
you averted your eyes as tighnari stared at you. he couldn't help but lean forward to press a gentle kiss on your clit.
you jumped, gasping at the sudden stimulation as tighnari smiled against your pussy. "tighnari-" you watched as he fully dropped to his knees, pulling you to the edge of the bed and draping your knees over his shoulders.
cyno leaned forward, seeking a better view as tighnari lightly lapped over your folds a few times, spreading your slick across your cunt as you whined, body going stiff.
tighnari's ears pressed back against his scalp as he circled your clit slowly, pressing tender, wet kisses to your skin, occasionally traveling to your inner thighs and back. your hands itched to grip his hair as he slid his tongue over your hole, collecting more of your slick, smearing it over his lips and nose tip.
your back arched as tighnari continued to lick across your pussy, humming into your folds and feeling you jolt, hands gripping the bedsheets tightly. "fuck-" you sighed, feeling your orgasm slowly building.
that was the moment cyno decided to stop you, gently placing his hand on tighnari's head, tugging his head back as he released a whiny moan. his lips were shiny with your slick, eyes glassy as he stared back at cyno.
"go ahead and get on the bed for me." cyno told him, watching him slowly stand, knees red from kneeling on the hardwood floors. you moved further up the bed to accommodate the man who crawled on his hands and knees.
you watched curiously as tighnari arched his back, pressing his chest into the bedsheets and waiting with bated breath as cyno observed him, slowly stripping himself in front of them both.
he originally decided to wear a sweater tighnari had purchased for him some time ago, not used to the chilly and moist forest air.
cyno's body was slowly revealed to you and tighnari, his toned chest, leading down to his stomach and the slight patch of white hair below his navel making your mouth water.
"go ahead and keep doing what you were, tighnari." he ordered as tighnari suddenly pulled you forwards, burying his head back in your cunt, feeling you keen against him. "where's the oil?" tighnari's tail suddenly started swishing at that question.
"left dresser, top drawer in the very back." tighnari answered seamlessly, raising two of his fingers to slide through your folds and collect your wetness before probing one around your hole.
he slowly eased it into you, feeling you tense up as he pressed kisses to your clit and thighs. "shh, be good for me, you can take it." tighnari softly whispered into your thigh, feeling you slowly relax, eyes closing as tighnari slowly moved the digit, allowing you to become accustomed to the intrusion.
tighnari's ears perked up at the sound of the oil bottle clicking as cyno poured some onto his fingers, rubbing them together to warm the oil up.
tighnari shook his hips to the sides a bit in anticipation as he carefully slid another finger into you, lapping over your clit to ease the pain of the stretch.
you were babbling nonsense, eyes now open to watch cyno position himself behind tighnari, hands spreading his thighs open further and pushing his chest down into the bed. cyno was just as powerful here as he was on the battlefield, clearly observed as he maneuvered tighnari to his liking.
he gently swiped his finger over tighnaris half-hard cock, feeling it twitch under his touch before bringing his fingers over his hole, slowly circling the rim. he heard tighnari gasp when cyno slowly pushed in, teasing him again and again.
tighnari carefully scissored his fingers inside of you, hoping to stretch you open to better take his cock as you whimpered.
cyno focused on oiling tighnari's hole up, gently pressing a finger of his own into him, stroking his tail with the other hand as tighnari whined into your pussy, fingers stopping for a moment as he became accustomed to the feeling.
"cyno-" tighnari whined as cyno suddenly slapped his thigh.
"focus on what you're doing." cyno warned as tighnari huffed, moving his fingers again, putting all of his concentration back into pleasuring you.
you were close, slightly shaking as tighnari's fingers scraped over your g-spot. "fuck, tighnari, tighnari, i'm gonna-"
"come for me, come on." tighnari urged, speeding up his motions as cyno slowed to allow him to fully focus.
cyno moved his free hand to his own cock, slowly stroking himself with the excess oil, grunting as he watched you release over tighnari's digits and tongue, gently fucking his fingers into you and allowing you to ride out your high.
you trembled on the bed, limbs feeling like jelly as you struggled to catch your breath. tighnari's head fell forward, leaning on your thigh as cyno started moving the digits in his hole again, stretching him out and searching for his prostate.
cyno smirked once he found it, abusing it by continuing to put pressure on it until tighnari was arching deeply on his own, moaning out garbles of cyno's name and pleas. "cyno, cyno, please, please, let me- please!"
you pondered if this was a usual occurrence between them, observing cyno withdraw his fingers as tighnari cried out frustrated. "cyno, that's not fair." he huffed.
"life's not fair. besides, don't you want to fulfill that fantasy, sweetheart?" he leaned down to kiss tighnari's cheek before standing to grab condoms from the drawer that contained the oil.
he ripped the packaging open with his teeth, sliding one on his own dick before tossing the other to tighnari who opened it with his fingers.
tighnari pulled a pillow under your hips as you wiggled around, still sensitive from your orgasm as you felt his tip at your entrance. "ready?" he asked as you nodded.
"please." you gazed up at him, feeling him lean to connect your lips while he pushed into you.
you gasped, lips opening and allowing tighnari to slip his tongue into your mouth. you both sighed as tighnari slowly stretched you out, hands gripping at the sheets and eyes shutting tight as he kept his hands pressed to your hips.
"so good, so tight." he moaned out, grinding his cock up into you, giving you ample time to adjust until you moved your hips against his.
as soon as you started begging for him, he began fucking you with more fervor, watching your body bounce as his hips snapped against yours.
you called out his name, eyes glazed over as he worried his lip between his teeth, fucking you like it was his life's purpose.
the second he found your g-spot, he knew by your reaction, feeling your body shake from the overstimulation against the area as he began abusing the spot similar to how cyno treated him as you practically screamed. tighnari immediately connected your lips to quiet you.
cyno watched the both of you, slowly stroking his cock, pleased to see tighnari making you fall apart so effortlessly as he moved to brush hair away from your sweaty faces, pressing kisses to the crown of both of your heads.
you barely had time to warn tighnari about this orgasm, head whipping back as you clenched around him, coming hard and feeling tighnari almost collapse onto you as he shuddered.
"archons-" he softly sobbed as he struggled to hold off his orgasm, refusing to come until he had cyno's permission.
tighnari slowly slid his dick out, painfully hard as cyno stroked his cheek. "good boy, such a good boy for me." his words were fuzzy to both yours and tighnari's ears as he praised the fennec man who let a lazy smile spread over his face. "i think you've more than earned your reward." he positioned himself behind tighnari, watching him collapse onto you to present himself to cyno.
tighnari stiffened as cyno pressed into him, body shaking on you as his hard dick rubbed against your thighs. you gently stroked his hair, cooing at him softly in your post-orgasm bliss as tighnari was reduced to a whiny, trembling mess, desperate to come.
cyno gave him a moment to adjust to the thickness before grinding up into him, watching him arch a little more and wiggle his hips as he gripped his tail, stroking the fur and fucking his hips against him. his heavy balls smacked against tighnari's ass, cock bobbing against your thighs as he shook with every thrust.
"good boy, so good." you smiled down at tighnari who stared up at you with glassy eyes. you were shocked at what a mess cyno could make of the normally oh so composed tighnari. you were indeed intrigued to see more of this side of the forest watcher.
"oh, please, please, come, can i? can i come, cyno, please?" tighnari begged, feeling cyno grind into his prostate. "cyno!" he whined, high pitched as cyno hummed.
"come for me." cyno answered. and oh, tighnari did. another deep grind to his prostate and your thighs rubbing against his dick had him coming into the condom wrapped around his dick, completely collapsing into the mattress as cyno continued to fuck him.
"cyno- no more."
"you know how this goes, honey." cyno leaned down. "you can come, if i let you, but that doesn't mean we're done, my sweet prince."
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honoviadakai · 7 months
Diaboys at a Carne Asada with Hispanic S/O/Reader: Mukami edition
The moment you tell him your family invited them to the family Carne Asada, he’s already mentally recalling any and all books he might have in his library about Hispanic culture
The ever well read eldest Mukami son will NOT attend any sort of event without proper preparations sooo…I’d give yourself a week in advance…minimum
He’s also gonna learn the language as best he can
He’s not gonna be 100% fluent but he’s gonna sound like he is and that’s what’s important to him
Once you both arrive he’s met with generally well reception
At least from the women in your family
He’s handsome, well educated and quite the gentleman from their perspective! So don’t be surprised if they start gushing and even asking when you two plan to tie the knot
Now the men in your family…that’s a different story all together…
Depending on how they are, at best they’re indifferent about him and at worst they wanna mess with the “smart boy”
For the love of all that is pure and holy in this world, keep an eye on him so he doesn’t verbally tear someone a new one! 🙏
He’s also not scoring a lot of points with the kids in your family.
He might indulge them in a board game but if they wanna play a physical game like soccer, he’s probably not gonna do it so your cousins think he’s a little lame
He won’t drink beer, it smells too cheap and gross for him
Flat out will not partake in most of the stuff the men do
For example
If they start talking about cars, at best he’s gonna start expositing the history of how cars came to be
They wanna talk about farming? He’s gonna teach them the entirety of this history of agriculture from EVERY culture
Yeeeah…he’s not popular with the guy and some of the kids…
BUT! As stated earlier, he’s a hit with the women in your family!
He’ll help with any cooking and cleaning that anyone needs help with
Might show off and make a few dishes of his own that will be an instant hit with everyone
The dotting and fawning the other women are having towards him might be annoying to a good chunk of your family though
This guy unfortunately radiates too much rich white boy privilege to be truly accepted
Honestly bringing him is so dividing amongst your family that you’re better off bringing him every other invite
This one’s gonna be fun 😈
This idea comes courtesy from @magnificentkidclamclod and I couldn’t agree more with her
The second you get the invite, sit Kou down and teach him about Selena (and really any Hispanic artists you can think of)
By the time the day ends, he’s a Selena Stan, memorizing her songs and dances and even thinking of writing a song of his own to honor her
If you show him a document about her life, keep an eye on him cuz the moment he finds out she was murdered and said murderer is alive, he’s gonna try to find her and start shit
As much as we’d all want him to…don’t, we don’t need a bloodbath on our hands here
Now to the party itself
If any family members of your family like J-pop…well I hope you liked hearing while it lasted, cuz the second he walks in, expect loud screams/squeals
He might get swarmed so help him by clearing a path and making it clear that he’s just here to enjoy the event and that he’s taken
He’s not very helpful in the kitchen or anything but your family thinks it’s kinda funny how useless this pop star is in the kitchen so they won’t complain
They’re also gonna tease his low spice tolerance but you and the younger kids will console him
He’s a hit with the kids since he’ll play with them and even perform silly little songs and dances for them
He doesn’t like beer, he prefers sweet, fruity cocktails
He might get teased for them but he’ll probably take the opportunity to drink some humans under the table as petty revenge
He’s gonna score some huge respect points with the men in your family
Now when it comes to the women, expect him to be an official member of the Chisme circle by the end of the night
He. LOVES. It.
It’s not only a good way to learn more about you and your family but it gives him a good space to vent with a genuine support group
This is a good thing for him but it’s kind of a weird thing for you
The reason is because he’s gonna know things about your family before YOU
Someone got a promotion? He knew hours ago
Someone went through a nasty break up? He sent them a gift basket days ago
Someone died? He had the funeral planned months in advance
It’s more than a little off putting…but you don’t have the heart to take that from him 😔
Now he’s canonical a pop idol, so there is no doubt in anyone’s minds that he’s gonna SLAY on the dance floor
But he’s surprisingly very good at singing along to songs, especially Selena songs
Don’t be fooled though, he doesn’t really understand the language, he’s just listened to the songs enough times to know the lyrics word for word 🤣
He’s not gonna learn the language fast but given enough time he’ll learn, eventually
He’s definitely gonna be someone your family hopes you bring at EVERY event
Yuma “Big Bear” Mukami…
Oh he’s gonna be welcomed with open arms
Now before he goes he genuinely might not go because it’s “too much of a hassle, I have gardening to do ya know!”
Tell him there’s free food, alcohol and if the even is gonna be at a ranch, tell him there’s animals and crops
He’s gonna change his tune real quick
Once he goes, he’s gonna have so much fun!
The moment he arrives…everyone is in awe at how big this dude is…it’s gonna boost his already huge ego
Expect him to flex and bost about his monstrous size, he’ll even put kids on his shoulders and spin them around for fun
Your family is gonna LOVE this rowdy man
Big dude in this case means big alcohol tolerance, he’s gonna drink your dad, uncles, grandfather and your neighbors under the table. They might end up adopting him by the time he wins 😆
He’s also very helpful in the kitchen and with cleaning.
He understands the importance of helping out to do hard work so if he sees your mom or someone else needs help, he’s getting off his ass to help
ALL the kids love him and want him to play with them
This dude is gonna become a human(vampiric) jungle gym so don’t get upset if your little cousin and siblings don’t wanna share him because he’s the perfect playmate for them
He’s not as good a dancer as Kou but you bet your bottom dollar he can throw down a good hoedown at least
His dancing style is powerful, aggressive and oddly sexy
Don’t be suprised if some of the women swoon over him
He’ll also help out with any crops and livestock
Hell, he’s even gonna share/swap farming/gardening advice
You might not see him again for a while once he starts talking about this tbh sooo…go get some food ^^;
Speaking of food, this guy eats like it’s the last meal he’s ever gonna eat
He’s also got a high spice tolerance that’s only rivaled by Azusa so the family will be impressed
They won’t be impressed with his Spanish skills but he’s stubborn and absolutely wants to learn for your sake and boy howdy does your family respect the effort
Honestly by the end of the night, it kinda feels like your family loves Yuma more than you 😂
Honestly they’re more excited for you two to get married that you two are soooo hop to it!
Oh Azusa…
Sweet little Azusa…
This one’s…gonna be tricky…
On one hand, you know how oh so sweet this man is and you know that he’d never intentionally hurt your family
On the other hand…it’s Azusa…
Listen, you gotta lay down the law with this guy
He’s a sweetheart that loves you with his whole undead heart but you NEED to let him know that he’s not allowed to play with knives or hurt himself in anyway on purpose
Even with a warning and some prep time, your family might not be super positively receptive to him
He’s tiny, looks frail(they bandages don’t help) and he speaks a tad slowly
Honestly your family might initially think he’s terminally ill or something
First thing they’re gonna do is sit him somewhere warm and give him a BIG plate of food
Ofc he’ll accept it gratefully, he’s gonna ask for hot sauce though
You told him about your tia’s extra spicy salsa and he really wants to try it
At first your family advises him not to, but he insists that he can
So they reluctantly give him some…
And he loves it! Hell he’s not even sweating!
That immediately impresses everyone and makes them less tense so they’re more comfortable with him being your lover
He’s gonna scare your little cousins though
Not because he’s being mean or hurting them
It’s cuz they asked him to play soccer…
The kids accidentally kicked the ball in his face and made his nose bleed, but Azusa didn’t even react much and even asked if they wanted to do that again but harder
This unnerves the kids but he’ll remember your words
He’s gonna try to be playful and act silly for them, it might not work for all of them but some of the kids will like him at least
He helps out when he can but…he’s just really accident prone…keep an eye on him when he’s washing dishes…please
He’s gonna drink with the men just to be polite, but he honestly doesn’t like beer
But if it’s to make your family happy, he’ll happily choke down the bitter beer
The men can tell but they honestly think it’s sweet that he’s enduring drinking with them just to keep everyone happy
They’ll eventually stop him and offer him some horchata or jamica instead
Azusa isn’t good at fast paced dancing, slow dancing is more his forte so get ready to be swept off your feet 😉
His Spanish skills….well they’re abysmal at best
He’s gonna eventually learn basic phrases like “Mi nombre es Azusa” or “¿Donde esta el baño?” But that’s about all he’s gonna know for a few years
Spanish is tricky for him so be patient
Over all your family does like him…but they think he’s odd…very sweet! But very odd…
Be careful when bringing him because he’s the one between the Mukami’s that might accidentally let them know he and his family are vampires
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Many of you had enjoyed the said event
So here's Mine
I was not able to document other stuff I did at the Borongan Town Fiesta, but I'm so glad that I had a few small video clips that I took on September 6, 7, and 8.
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I wasn't able to watch night shows in Town Plaza because I was busy getting everything set for our gigs. I didn't watch the shows and events, such as ESSU NIGHT and DEPED NIGHT, because I was busy preparing for our gigs, and in the next day I just slept all day because of lack of sleep in view of the fact that we were tired at that night
The tradition and culture of the Borongonan gives color to the annual celebration of the Padul-ong Festival. The gathering of relatives and friends and, of course, the commemoration of the Catholic devotees of the Virgin Mary who sincerely offer their prayers during the annual festival in town.
Despite the celebration of Mama Maria's devotees, I was overstretched with my work. We played at Rawis Resort and Restaurant because many guests came, especially tourists from different places, and we also played at Melinda's Resort and Restaurant, where the CEO or owner of that place was the major sponsor of the feast.
© No copyright Infringement intended for entertainment purposes only
The music belongs to its rightful owner.
(i got it from Alren Beronio's audio)
That was my event during the Borongan festival. I was just being honest in my blog because that's what really happened to me at that event. I'm sad that I didn't even witness the colorfulness of the festival because we have to be practical.
I also have a glimpse of watching my favorite outdoor sport, which is the flat-track endurance Enduro. I do love riding motorcycle since i grew up from a family that engaged and knew a lot about repairing motorcycles. It was fun there.
When the parade was over during the festival itself, I went to my uncle's house to grab some food, and I stayed there until the night. We bonded with my cousins and went home happily.
Well thats it, i hope you guys enjoyed reading my simple blog. God Bless!, 🙏
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chxrrylime · 2 years
18+, trans male reader, Billy/Steve/Reader.
would write this prompt myself but im absolutely obsessed with your writing esp the poly ones and im in desperate need to see this in your words🙏(but no pressure, take ur time)
(This is my first time requesting a fic so it's probably too specific, but you can ignore/add whatever you want—I would literally eat up every single billy/steve/reader you write)
Reader is a hairdresser and he's supposed to be closing the salon but Steve and Billy decided to come in anyways (bc whatever they prolly have a party to go to tonight and wanna look fab or smth)—Reader doesn't have a choice but to do their hair bc boss said so or whatever.
Anyways, Steve got his hair started first but I thought of the line "I could take/do you both at once" as Reader referring to getting their hair done faster but realized the implications of his words and Billy—being the piece of shit that he was—did not let that slip-up slide, so Billy decided to fuck the party and they fuck Reader instead.
Kinks: Double Penetration, hair pulling, hickeys, maybe a bit sensual stuff(?) i just want a lot of touching, The rest is up to you, have fun💖💖💖
HEY! YOUR WORDS ARE VERY KIND AND VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. I AM CRYING. I'm really glad you like my writing so much and I love writing polyamorous stuff so that's a little cherry on top! Hope you enjoy it!
↪ 2127 words — 18+ / SMUT — tw for fem terms used for trans male reader's genitals, semi-public sex, double penetration, unsafe sex, mild overstimulation, mild man-handling and mention of crying.
You’re about to pull the cash drawer just as the little bell above the door dings. You look up to spot two older boys stumbling in, jeering and shoving each other playfully. The brunet one looks up at you, eyes owlish. You stare back, unamused.
Your eyes flicker over to the blond who is clearly looking you up and down, gaze heated. You’re never sure if it’s good or bad when people stare too long at your body, but you flush either way, turning your attention back to the brunet as he speaks.
“Uh, sorry. Are you closed?”
“Y—” You go to speak, quickly interrupted by your boss, putting on his coat and pulling his keys from his pocket.
“Y/N, why don’t you stay late for these two gentlemen.”
“That’s not necessary,” the brunet laughs awkwardly. The blond stares on, looking bored.
“No, no. It’s okay, I insist. He’ll get paid overtime.”
You scowl as your boss shoves past the two boys, the brunet stepping out of his way while the blond remains still and nearly gets shoulder checked, watching the guy pass him with a deep frown. 
“Uh, listen, you don’t have to—”
“God, Steve, would you shut up already. Who cares, he’s getting paid,” the blond groans.
“Do you always have to be such a dick, Billy?”
Billy moves to stand in front of the counter you’re still awkwardly stuck behind, leaning in far too close to you. He purrs out your name with a shark-like grin.
“I like it. Suits you,” he stares at your face for a long moment. You can see Steve awkwardly shifting out of the corner of your eye before Billy finally speaks again. “Which one of us do you want first?”
“Steve seems like less trouble,” you say, tone flat. Billy just chuckles, pushing himself off of the counter. You move around it, nodding towards Steve and guiding him to your work area. He hops in the chair, awkwardly kicking his legs as you pump it upwards. 
“You don’t know the half of it, doll,” Billy replies as he follows, hip jutting out to lean against your work table. You spare him a glance and he winks. You roll your eyes, running a comb through Steve’s hair.
“What d’you want done?” You ask, brushing away the soft hair that's fallen into his eyes. It looks like he’s freshly showered, which you appreciate. Billy on the other hand still has product hardening up his curly hair—you can smell it from here.
Billy speaks before Steve can even get a word in, which seems to be the norm between these two.
“We’re headed to a party. Steve here thought we should get all dolled up like a couple of girls or something. I think you should just shave it all off.”
“You’re all bark, Billy,” Steve says. “A damn primadonna.”
He winces as you untangle a knot at the back of his head and Billy snorts. You run your fingers through his hair and he hums before you shield your hand over his eyes, spritzing down his hair with a spray bottle.
“You of all people know how untrue that is, pretty boy.”
Steve sighs, meeting your eyes in the mirror as you begin to part his wet hair.
“It’s good you started with me first. Don’t even know how you’d handle Prince Hargrove over here.”
“Please,” you scoff, frowning as you try to focus on what you’re doing, deciding to mess up his hair and start from the beginning. “I could take the both of you at the same time, easy.”
You don’t even realize what you’ve said until Billy’s speaking.
“Oh, really?” 
You flush a bright red, awkwardly shifting in place as you feel your core pulse. His eyes burn a hole through you as you try to refocus on Steve’s hair.
“Don’t make it weird, man,” Steve tries, albeit weakly. You don’t miss how he pinches the fabric of his jeans and tugs them downward. Billy has his thumbs hooked in his belt loops as he approaches you, standing to your side, far too close. His eyes flick from your face to meet your gaze in the mirror. 
“I think he likes it,” Billy purrs, trailing his fingertips feather-light down your bare arm. You let your eyes flutter shut, the comb falling from your fingers and clattering to the floor as he leans closer to lick at your ear, humming approvingly. “Don’t you, baby?”
“What about the party?” Steve urges. You can see the tent in his jeans through the reflection. He tries to adjust himself again, lips automatically parting as he brushes his clothed cock.
“And leave this sweet thing all by his lonesome? Screw the party,” you whimper as he presses a kiss to your neck, his hands pushing up under your shirt to massage your stomach. “Do you want this?” He whispers, sounding hesitant for the first time all night.
You nod, letting out a shaky breath at the sharp smile you can feel pressed to your throat. He trails upwards to nip at your jaw.
“Good,” he murmurs, placing a hand at the back of your head to turn you towards him, capturing your lips in a deep, heady kiss. You hear Steve softly moan from beside you and let your eyes flutter open to glance over, catching him staring at you through the mirror as he palms himself, his jaw slack and eyes half-lidded.
Billy seems to catch him looking as well, giving a hearty chuckle as he pulls away from you. He moves to stand behind you, both of his hands sliding beneath your shirt now. His fingers catch at your binder and he hums, intrigued.
“I think you’re really gonna like this one, Stevie,” Billy coos, pushing the binder and shirt up at the same time, urging you to lift your arms so he can pull both off. Steve moans at the sight of your tits, fumbling to undo his belt and shoving his hand into his pants with a choked gasp. 
You grip the back of the leather chair as Billy grinds his hips against you, the bulge of his hard cock pressing against your ass. You moan, one of his hands pinching and groping your breast while the other sneaks down your torso, slipping past the waistband of your jeans to toy at your cocklet. He licks and sucks at your neck, leaving dark red marks behind in his wake that quickly turn purple and black as he moves along the expanse of your exposed skin.
He helps you out of your pants and briefs, kicking off your shoes in the process before he turns you around. He grabs your ass with both of his big hands, groping your cheeks roughly. You glance over your shoulder at the sound of the seat moving, watching as Steve spins the chair to face you, grabbing the lever beneath the seat to drop it all of the way down. 
You gasp then moan, long and drawn out as he leans forward, gripping your thighs tight as he licks the flat of his tongue over your asshole. He laps at you messily, his hands moving up to your ass to take Billy’s place.
“That’s a good boy,” Billy purrs at Steve who keens, doubling his efforts. He tapers his tongue, slipping it into your hole. Billy muffles your moans with his lips, his own tongue dancing methodically against your own.
He shifts slightly to the side, reaching down to slip his fingers between your folds once more. You mewl as he pushes a thick finger into your wet cunt, quickly followed by a second. There’s a slight burn that has you gasping wetly, gripping at Billy’s shoulders. 
You feel Steve’s own prodding fingers at your hole, spitting on your swollen rim before sliding his pointer in alongside his tongue. 
“Look at you,” Billy groans, the both of them adding another finger to your respective holes. You keen, his free hand gripping tight in your hair before yanking your head back. He bites down on your exposed neck, pulling the skin between his teeth before letting it snap back into place as he speaks. “You love this, don’t you? It’s amazing how easy you are. Bet you’d let us turn you into our little fuck toy, huh? Just tie you up and use you whenever we want.”
“Please,” you beg, voice shaking, “please, please. Wanna feel full—”
You end up standing in front of the chair, Steve behind you, and Billy in front. Billy’s leaned up against the counter again, jeans shoved down just enough to pull his cock out and stroke himself. No underwear, as expected.
He watches intently as Steve, just as naked as you, essentially worships your body. The both of your eyes are closed, your head thrown back over Steve’s shoulder as he trails his hands all over you. His touch makes your core tingle, his fingertips calloused and making you shiver as he glides them over your nipples, back down your tummy, over the top of your thighs, and then under. 
You squeak as he effortlessly picks you up, nearly bending you in half as his hands slip up to hold you under your knees. He spreads your legs apart, Billy licking his lips at the sight, the hand on his cock slightly speeding up from its original slow and steady pace.
You feel the head of Steve’s prick teasing at your hole and whimper.
“Ready?” He murmurs, lips pressed just below your ear. 
“Please,” you slur.
“C’mon, baby boy, split him open on that pretty cock of yours.”
Steve moans, letting you drop, essentially impaling you on his cock. Luckily, the stretch doesn’t hurt too much, but he pushes in so deep. Your eyes roll back as he finally bottoms out, giving you a moment to adjust before he’s pulling you up as best as he can, biceps bulging as he starts to fuck you.
You let out soft little “ah, ah, ah”’s as he thrusts, throwing your arm up to wrap around the back of his head, pulling him into a sloppy kiss. His hips stutter to a stop, letting you sit halfway down his dick as he hones in on kissing you, moaning into your mouth as you clench around him. 
Billy steps forward, quickly slipping his fingers into your pussy for only a second, using the wetness to slick up his thick cock. You break the kiss to watch as Billy teases the blunt head between your folds, digging it against your opening before pushing forward, slowly forcing your cunt open. You moan brokenly as he stretches you wide, moving slowly but not stopping until he’s fully sheathed within your tight, wet heat. He lets out a small sigh, basking in the feeling, letting his hands move to your ass to help hold you up. 
The two of them work up a rhythmic pace, one pulling out while the other pushes in, making you moan and squeal as they fuck harder and harder into you, their balls slapping ludely against your skin. Billy leans down to lick and bite at one of your nipples, sucking more hickeys into the skin there. 
Steve instructs him to take your left leg, using his now freed hand to reach down and stroke your clit as they thrust into you. Your moans get louder and louder, whole body sparking with pleasure, stuffed impossibly full. You come with a particularly harsh tug at your cocklet, your back arching sharply as you half-moan, half-scream.
Your holes spasm around the both of them and they both groan. Steve yanks you down onto the entirety of his cock, filling you up with a shout. You can feel how his cock pulses and kicks inside of you, the ropes of cum shooting inside of your oversensitive hole. You let out a broken whimper at the sensation and he shushes you sweetly, holding you tight to him, pressing soft kisses to your neck.
It only takes a few more thrusts for Billy to follow. He slips free from your cunt, stripping his cock hard and fast before coming with a low, growly groan, biting his bottom lip as he paints your mound with his spend. 
He lowers to his knees, wasting no time licking his own cum up before moving to mouth at your oversensitive cocklet. You gasp and squirm. Steve’s big hands squeeze your thighs bruisingly tight in warning.
“My arms are getting tired, Billy,” he tries, voice scratchy.
“You’ll live,” Billy replies, muffled between your folds. You can feel tears welling up. He pulls away momentarily, looking up at you with a big, toothy grin. “Ready for round two, baby?”
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
A/N - I have to thank @kind-wolf for that one. Imagine Y/N meeting her ex and being joined by Victor. It's more dark than I anticipated, but I hope you'll enjoy it. ☺️
Warning: Victor being Victor. I mean, it's no secret that our dear hitman his a yandere and has some strong yandere tendencies.
Author Babbling: I know that yandere are super popular now because of all the manwhas and films, ecc. And I enjoy them in fiction but that's it. Guys, don't look for a yandere or an abusive relationship IRL. Only professionals doctors may be able to help them. So, take a good care of yourself and look for a relationship based on respect, understanding, consent and complicity. 🙏🙌😘
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Only a 'thud' resonated in the flat. A fresh corpse was now lying on the floor, slowly painting it with fresh blood. Nothing too challenging nor difficult for her tonight. The guy tried to extort Falcone and lost his pathetic life for it. In Y/N's opinion, the man death was natural selection.
If he was stupid enough to think he could make it mocking the absolute king of the underworld, then his death would just be another story in the Darwin's Awards records, taking its place among the most idiotic ideas who led people to their demise.
She was putting her gun in her holster when a faint creak and a sudden tension stopped her. The henchwoman turned swiftly on her feet and kicked whoever tried to surprise her from behind. When her leg was blocked then strongly grabbed, she didn't wait and put all her weight on her member to jump on her assailant. One hand grabbed his left shoulder and the other a full grasp of hair, bringing the head of the other person down. With her free leg, she punched her knee hard in their nose.
The man, let her leg go and groan while putting one of his hand on his nose to stop the bleeding. "You're still pretty quick, Y/N" She heard him say in a muffled voice before he finally showed her his pained face.
Ah. Well, shit, she thought and put some distance between them, just in case. "Don't be so suspicious my dear, I'm not here to kill you". Without moving, she decided to acknowledge him. "Then what the heck are you doing here, Thomas?"
The man smiled a bit and shrugged. "I took a contract back in Metropolis which led me to good old Gotham. I wasn't too far from here. Just when I finished I saw a very pretty and familiar woman who I wanted to greet, since fate put each other face to face again" He answered.
She raised one bored eyebrow. "Not really face to face, since you had to stalk me here and appeared in my back. Sounds more like a desperate move than a fate encounter" She grawled.
Thomas sneered loudly and make a step in her direction. "My were you always so cold? I have yet vivid memories of one hell of a hot woman, riding me like a fucking valkyrie."
Y/N shrugged one shoulder in a disinterested manner. "Yes, that was me being horny during one of our sex friendly meetings. However, we ended that three years ago and I have better things to do now than having a little nostalgia moment about my best equestrian exploits on your cock."
The other assassin laughed loudly this time and shook his head. "My, I even missed your foul mouth, woman! Look. I just wanted to say hello and reconnect with one of my best sex partners. Maybe we should go have a drink, I am free right now and it seems like you too. What do you say?" He asked mischievously.
Her face went blank. "Dodge." She said cryptically. "Come ag-! " Thomas just had the time to step back when he heard a whistling sound fusing through the room and coming close to his face. He turned in shock in direction of the wall next to them and saw a bullet encased in the dirty cement.
"What the fuck was that Y/N?!" Asked the man angrily. But before she could answer or he could scream louder, two low whistles were heard from the now broken window.
Oh dear. She thought he was on an opposite roof or something, not listening at the fucking window! Since when was he here? That, she would probably never know. "Hi Sweetness ~", his fake enthusiasm and the lack of smile on his face were excellent indicator of Victor Zsasz current mood: any wrong move and you're dead.
"Vic, hi", she answered nonetheless and was utterly pleased to see all Thomas' colors leave his face. To the assassin's credit, he forced himself to stay still when Victor stepped over the window with a silent grunt to get in and walked straight to her.
Without any further notice, Victor freaking Zsasz took her hand and put a fucking kiss on her knuckles just before snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her against his side, in a side hug way.
A kiss on her temple brought her back and she concentrated again on the two men, in front and next to her. "You know each other?" Victor had the guts to ask with a purposely idly voice, his eyebrows high on his forehead and a very convincing curious gaze.
Y/N sighed deeply. "Yeah, kind of. Victor this is Thomas my ex-sexfriend. Thomas, this is Victor" She was immediately cut by the best hitman in Gotham, who leaned a bit in direction to the other man, in a 'I'm gonna tell something big right now, brace yourself' way and precised with his still good-natured false face "Her fiancé".
The woman grabbed his hip hard, smiling at Thomas while tightening her grip so much she knew he would bruise. The fucker had the guts to say something that stupid and with that face! He cleary was enjoying torturing her right now and toying with her ex.
"Wow. Didn't know you wrapped Victor Zsasz himself around your finger, Y/N" Tried to joke Thomas still looking warily at the gun in Victor hand. "Hum. Congrats then... I suppose" Y/N's ex added, still highly uncomfortable.
Victor looked at her with a wolfish grin and pulled her even closer, pushing the farce even more when he peck her cheek. "Yeah thank you, man", he said idly, still putting butterfly kisses on the side of her face.
He was having the fucking time of his life right now. And the fact that she knew, that he knew that she knew, gave her a furious urge to blow his head.
When she was ready to snap and make the barrel of her gun also put butterfly kisses on Zsasz idiotic face, the clearing of Thomas' throat expanded the homicidal maniac's life. Clearly he didn't get the clue Victor gave him to shut up and take his leave. "Look, Y/N. Maybe we can see each othe-.."
"Tom." cut suddenly Victor. "Not now. " his voice went very low, serious and utterly dangerous. The hitman was now looking an invisible point on the wall he put a bullet in a few minutes ago. Not even acknowledging the other man presence with a look anymore. He was losing his patience.
This tone was the "Do something I don't like, even breath a bit too loud and you're dead". Thomas gulped. Victor, even if he was not looking at him, was now very still. Like a predator, waiting. His two arms were securely locked around Y/N's shoulders, in a possessive demeanor.
The woman didn't seem to mind though. "Thomas", she finally said in a very calm tone while he saw Zsasz grip tightening around her slowly but surely, without any sign he was going to stop crushing her like a snake. "You should take the cue, and fuck off" She added. He admired her stoic face while she should be in great pain with how strongly Zsasz was holding her now.
He nodded warily, put his hands in the air defensively and stepped back slowly. "Ok. See you around, Victor, Y/N" He muttered carefully. The duo didn't move until they heard the door creaking, indicating they were now alone in the flat.
But he didn't move, his eyes still wide on the wall. So she decided to speak: "Dearest." Just that. Because she knew making one tiny move would be a great mistake when he was in this state. An angry Victor was rare and dangerous. But he was not angry right now. No, no. He was jealous, which was even more lethal.
The loss of his parents was a brutal shock to him. He felt like death stole them from him and had experienced a terrible fall from normality because of it. Now that she represented a new constant in his twisted crazy life, he couldn't support the mere idea of her being stolen, be it by another human being or death itself.
In this state, he would kill every and anybody to prevent that and would probably also try to cage her somewhere he would be the only one able to reach her. She knew it pretty well and couldn't have that.
He was too close for her to twist and escape his grip, so she had to calculate very carefully her next actions. "Vic, let's go grab a pizza and milkshakes", she offered in her best flat tone and blank face.
With something domestic, implying that they would go in a safe place and just be the two of them, she knew she would create a sense of security with a pizza-milkshakes-films routine.
She knew it worked when Zsasz slowly lean forward and kissed her forehead with a bit too much force. Then his grip loosened and she felt him nod, still kissing her.
When they finally quit the flat and were walking down the gloomy streets, his flat voice broke the silence. "I missed his head on purpose" He said. "Yeah. I know you wanted to toy with him." She saw a sadistic smile on the corner of his lips. "I also know the buzz of your phone two minutes ago was the girls telling you that they have caught him."
She was looking in front of her but saw his eyes now staring at her intensely. "Have fun dearest, he was a cunt." She added in a bored voice. Now she was perfectly able to see his boyish grin. Thomas would regret he hadn't died in that dirty flat earlier, she could trust Victor on this.
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hiding-from-senpai · 6 years
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KNB Aomine Edition 😏💙
So this is another questionnaire by  aquasworldismusicsworld and copied by & from lilryoutacchi. A bit of modification was done because I wanted to include pics (instead of text post, it’s an image post. Same questions though from beginnning to end)
Here are my answers!
1. What kind of date would you like to go on? 😊 >Maji Burger or going for a nice bowl of ramen is fine. It has to be something where we just get to enjoy each other’s company and catch up after a hectic week.
2. Would you let him kiss you on the first date? Would you kiss him? 😘👄💋💋👉 >A kiss on the cheek the most.
3. How would he kiss you?😋😙💙 >Kisses vary depending on his mood. They could be light and sweet to deep, to needy. 
4. How would you kiss him? 😘😙💋 >It depends on what he needs. >Does he need a kiss of assurance? Press one to his eyelid. >Does he need a kiss of a promise? A sweet and lasting one to his lips to seal it.
5. What food would you share with him? 😊 >Anything that I’m sure he likes. (Coz I like to take good care of him)
6. What would you wear on your first date? 😍💑💋🌈✨ >Palazzo pants, a form-fitting black tee, and a pair of heels.
7. What do you think he would wear? 😂
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He could show up in his uniform to something relaxed such as the image above it, or as simple as a white shirt and slacks. 
8. If he constantly teases you about your chest size, how would you react?😂 >Granted he’s already been told how much it bothers me and yet he still makes the same comment, I’d give him a piercing gaze that would bring him to his knees and only then would I leave him to his thoughts. It’s not to evade the situation, but more to avoid saying something I know I’d end up regretting.
9. How would you guys cuddle? 😉 >Sideways: He’s the big spoon and I the little >Sitting: I’m in his lap >Dakimakura-mode: I’m on top, his hands on my ass >Daikimakura-mode: He’s on top.
10. In intimate moments, how would you feel/react? 🙈 >When Daiki initiates things, it’s to say things that he couldn’t with words. Not that he isn’t capable of eloquence --- his work reads as something cool and journalistic. His moves sometimes speak of his vulnerability, his gratitude, and his admiration. All in all, I’d feel wanted and appreciated as I am. 
11. If he wanted to marry you, would you say yes? 💍
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‘nuff said.
12. If someone teases him about his skin color, what would you say? 😐 >That his bloodline was colored by a proud class that promised strength, diligence, zeal, endurance, and capable of powers which could overthrow a malevolvent leader.  >Besides --- I like my guys like I like my meat --- dark and yummy. 13. He inappropriately touches you…constantly😂. Your reaction? 😂 >Touch him back ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
14. Would you like to play against him at basketball? 🏀💦🔥🙌🙏 >Hell no --- can’t play basketball to save my life. 15. He wants to get freaky…how would you react?😳 > Scorpios are bigger freaks. *pushes up imaginary glasses* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 16. He reads his magazines in front of you and you hate it. What would you do? 😡🔥 >Tell him. Be a woman about it --- he needs his lady to be straight-forward with him, diplomatic yet confrontational.  17. He comments on the girl’s big chests in the magazines in front of you. What would you say? 🗣 >Tell him if they’re real or fake >Then start up a sex & culture discussion about Mai-chan’s tits. >Record the whole thing on video >Upload it on a social media of choice. >Enjoy the comments with him over pizza. 18. Magically, if he does accept your chest(if it’s small😂), would you believe him? 😂 >I’m no Mai-chan and not flat either --- but I got something that I need to say. >Yes, I would believe him because it means he truly is in love. A person likes another for what they see and know, but love happens when there’s understanding, knowing what their partner doesn’t have (that they usually look for), and admiring their partner for what they’re capable of.   >What Daiki is looking for is a sense of individuality. 19. If he makes inappropriate comments in front of his team about you…how would you react?🙃 >Scold him and rectify his comment  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 20. He wants to watch Netflix…but we all know he’s a pervert so🙃😂😂😂. How would you react?😏 >Why, what ever do you mean~? >Naive card aside, I’m quite at my leisure. >Also, he’s not always that horny --- he naps too; and if he likes what’s playing, he’ll actually watch it and maybe ask me for a snack.
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