#so her overall opinion of him is ‘nerd that kinda sucks at everything but at least he’s pretty’ (she’s not too far off)
roseworth · 4 months
in my head kyle & rose have the funniest dynamic where they haven’t seen each other since she was 15 so he doesn’t know anything that’s happened to her in the past 5 years so he has a completely different image of her in his head than everyone else. someone mentions rose and kyle goes “o you mean rose wilson worth? yeah haha i knew her a few years ago she was such a sweet kid :) i wonder what she’s up to these days”
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chaoticriderlessb · 4 years
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
Review time! I actually meant to write this up, yesterday...but then, I forgot, and by the time I remembered, again, I had already closed down the laptop for the night ^^;. So now, here I am xD.
 Anyway, so yesterday, I finally sat down and watched “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous”, for the first time. I never bothered to watch it, before, because it just looked so incredibly cheesy, kiddie, and cringey (honestly, I think a lot of people thought this, at first). But, after the pilot episode, I was surprised at how good it was! In my opinion, it was well-written, the voice-acting was really good (then again, maybe it’s just me, but I don’t recall disliking any voice-acting in all my years of watching anime and cartoons and playing video-games), and I even liked the animation. The animation for the dinosaurs looked really well done! I loved that Steven Spielburg is involved as one of the producers, and that the same sound fx’s for the dinosaurs in the movies was also used in this show!
 Yeah, I had very low expectations with this show before actually sitting down and watching it ^^;.
 As I watched more of the season, I found myself getting totally hooked! The suspense was real, and I liked that the show went into a more realistic route like the movies did. I mean, it’s “Jurassic Park/World”, what do you expect xD? I read, somewhere, that I guess Steven Spielburg was trying to persuade the creators to go down the intense and horror road with this show. I think it kinda worked! I mean, I grew up with the “Jurassic Park” movies, and enjoyed the “Jurassic World” movies, so some things were a little predictable to me (there are just some rules you gotta follow when it comes to dinosaurs, ok? xD). But even with these little predictions, the show always managed to catch me by surprise.
SPOILER ALERT!!! I really loved that the show took place during the first Jurassic World movie. It was funny because when I first saw the I-Rex, I was like “I thought that thing was dead, man!” lol! So I was surprised to see him, again (or her, I don’t remember which), and to realize that the show does take place during the first “Jurassic World” movie. Even the Raptor Squad showed up! Once.... But they still showed up xD! 
 In case you haven’t noticed, already, I’m a giant nerd.
 I also loved how many times the show seemed to throw back to the previous movies. I mean, SPOILER ALERT!!! I never expected to see that velociraptor resonating chamber, at all! I mean, it only showed up, once, but it was still very cool to see! The show had some elements of other movies done by Spielburg, as well. I only recognized a few of them...I never saw a lot of Spielburg’s stuff partly because of disinterest. Some of them were just a definite “no” in my book. 
 Anyway.... I’m usually one to enjoy music (OSTs) from movies, tv shows, and video-games. I’m gonna be honest, though. For “Camp Cretaceous”, I did not really pay attention to the music. I was focused more on the dialogue and what was happening with the characters. Even when I watched the show a 2nd time (yes, I went back and rewatched it because it was that enjoyable), I still didn’t pay attention to the music. Probably because it’s the kind of music that just doesn’t snatch my attention like a lot of other OSTs do. Oh well. 
 I liked that the main antagonist was the Carnotaurus! I was expecting Rexy, or yes, even a Spinosaurus, or even a Baryonyx to show up, but neither of them ever did. And the Carno being the main antagonist reminded me of Disney’s “Dinosaur”...I liked that movie, growing up! So the Carno was a nice change. Gives the raptors and the t-rex a break xD. I guess the I-Rex was a main antagonist, as well, but I feel the Carno showed up more often than he did.
 Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this first season, and I cannot wait for season 2...which is happening a lot sooner than I expected, which makes me slightly skeptical because a date for a second season, that soon, makes me feel like the show is being rushed. And when a show or movie is rushed, things tend to not run so smoothly and brings more disappointment to viewers than enjoyment. But, we’ll see! Hopefully, the 2nd season will be just as good as the 1st! I...would not really say this is entirely a kids show...I’m only saying that because, considering it’s “Jurassic Park/World”, things happen that I personally don’t feel like a child should be seeing. At least, not alone. Then again, I feel like “family-friendly” isn’t exactly the right word to describe “Camp Cretaceous”...and honestly, I’m too dumb to think of a right word for it. I don’t know, I suck at describing anything. For all I know, maybe it is family-friendly, and I just don’t feel like it is. Whatevs.
 As to who my favorite characters are...I mean, I like all of them! I feel like I relate just a little bit more to Yasmina, though. Like her, I have trust issues, and quite enjoy being in my shell...but I also enjoy hanging out with my friends, so I’ve got that going for me xD. And like her, I draw stuff. Maybe not as often, and I’m nowhere near as talented, but every once in a while, I will pick up a pencil and start drawing. 
 I relate a little bit to Darius because like him, I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to dinosaurs. I’m not as nerdy as he is...I mean, there’s only a certain amount of dinosaurs that I can remember the names of and what they look like. Maybe if I had dedicated my whole childhood to dinosaurs, I might be exactly as dino-nerdy as Darius is, lol! I think my love for dinosaurs started with the first movie (I can thank my dad for this one!), and the t-rex immediately became my favorite. Mainly because it just looks and sounds cool, and is terrifying. The velociraptor became my 2nd favorite (although, over the past few years, the two have switched ranks in my book). 
 So, basically, both Yasmina and Darius are my favorite characters. 
 Also, I just want to say before I end this review: I don’t really ship anybody with anybody in this show. I never saw it (and don’t want to), but the whole romance thing is like the anime, “Attack on Titan”. There is just no time for romance when you are just trying to survive on an island full of dinosaurs...a lot of them being carnivores. And, these are just kids that we are talking about, here. Well, they’re really teenagers, but still slightly young enough to be considered as kids. Another problem I have with shipping these characters is that...if they do get rescued and get off the island alive and in one piece...what are the chances that they’ll ever see each other, again? That’s one of the things they even pointed out in the show.
 That’s another thing I like about “Camp Cretaceous”. The kids bring up a ton of good points that I feel like a lot of characters in shows or movies don’t think about when it comes to survival and things like that.
 I mean, if you guys want to ship the characters with each other, that’s fine. It’s just me, personally, that I feel like the CC characters shouldn’t be shipped with each other. I also will just never understand why literally everything fictional has to have romance in it in some way. I’m gonna be completely honest with you, I feel like romance has become just a little bit overdone. But only because I see it in every show or movie that I watch. Maybe that’s just also me not being into the whole romance genre.
 Anyway, if I were to give “Camp Cretaceous” a rating, I’d give it a fair 9/10. I’m really glad I decided to just sit down and watch this show. It really just blew my mind! I’m curious to see what season 2 will bring.
 And that is my review on “Camp Cretaceous”! I hope you all have a nice day, and have a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays or whatever you celebrate! 
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xtrainee · 6 years
-slam dunks my url-
meme: elsa passes judgment status: accepting
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Okay, so I’m not super familiar with Punisher stuff I saw the movie like once and haven’t watched the Netflix series yet whoops but I know she doesn’t get a lot because she’s a character that’s sort of there to die. Which sucks, and I hate when that happens, because that’s such a waste. I’m kinda a sucker for those characters, though.How they play them: Everything I’ve seen you do for Lisa has been fucking A+! I love your different verses for her, I love all the work you put into actually giving her the kind of story she deserves. The Mun: A NERD! Plays D&D and everything. What a fucking nerd! Did you know that my bard hasn’t even been able to pet her ranger’s dragon? What a fucking rip off. But seriously, I love Orion. We became friends through the DP fandom and she was there for me during a super stressful time, and was one of the people who helped completely turn that around for me. I love.
Do I:
RP with them: I have a thing in my drafts that I owe you! I also send in memes so sort of? Want to RP with them: YES!!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Hey. Hey. Orion. Hey. ilu, you nerd. I’m so glad I became friends with you, I’m so happy that we get to play D&D together, even if we’re on separate sides of the way our current party is split. Did you know I was actually super worried about coming off too strong at first because I was playing Deadpool with your Peter and I was like “oh god what if i lay it on too thick and scare them off,” but I’m super glad you put up with this idiot and also this hot mess who is writing him.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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apatheticaria · 4 years
my spoilery thoughts on the last of us part ii
i apologize in advance for this super long post that you have to scroll past because i don’t know how to do the “keep reading” option thing
the only reason i’m writing this out is because i’m literally going insane from not being able to talk about my feelings for this game to anyone since no one i know actually cares lmao so this is mainly just for myself and anyone who wants to read this
the intro:
as i played through this game, i also watched a few playthroughs up until the point where i stopped to take a break. this was a game i couldn’t binge just because it’s so heavy and intense and sometimes you just gotta step away and take a breather
one of the playthroughs i followed along with was jacksepticeye’s and at the end he gave his review of the game like he normally does. i didn’t completely agree with everything he said, but for the most part i thought what he said lined up pretty well with my own opinion.
in particular, one thing that stood out to me was when he said that the introduction to this game shouldn’t have been Joel talking to Tommy about what he did at the end of the first game, but rather the whole flashback of Ellie’s birthday at the museum. then at “one” during the countdown to liftoff, the screen should’ve went black and fast forwarded to four-years-older Ellie opening her eyes in her home in Jackson (idk if i’m explaining this well, but Jack’s editor, Robin, edits this together and really sold it to me. if you wanna see it, go to the last part of Jack’s playthrough and look for it towards the last 30 minutes). i think this would have given us the time i think we all needed with Joel before he died and all the following flashbacks would be more focused on how/why Joel and Ellie’s relationship turned so distant - or hostile on Ellie’s part - and could’ve helped the pacing a bit.
Joel’s death:
potentially an unpopular opinion? but i actually like how Joel died. or uh lemme rephrase, i like the way they wrote his death. in this world of violence, hate, and brutality (actually doesn’t sound too off from our world but ahem moving on), i think the way he died was realistic, especially since he doomed all of humanity by saving Ellie in Part I. it just makes a lot of sense that someone would go after him and hunt him down
from the moment Abby and Owen stood over Jackson from the cliff, i was thinking: well theyre gonna kill Joel and since we’re gonna probably be playing as this girl for some (emphasis on some) of the game, they’re gonna go hard on the grey area of perspective in terms of revenge. which i was super on board with, but we’ll get back to that
when this game was first advertised, i didn’t know how i felt about a revenge story. it’s been told so many times and i’m never as hell-bent on revenge as much as the character is because it never feels warranted enough. that is, until i saw Joel die. watching Ellie pinned to the floor with a perfect view of his body, his face, beat to shit as she screams and begs for Abby to stop? haha that’s fucked Naughty Dog, thanks. but i do appreciate that they were able to make me just as mad as Ellie because of just how brutal his death was and how much i care, cared, about that character. no story has ever made me so incredibly enraged to the point i was with the main character full-stop to just destroy the perpetrator and take revenge. that’s why i think the way Joel dies is perfectly done. the fact that that cutscene is so horrible to watch for so many reasons just proves that it does it’s job.
Ellie’s half:
i actually don’t have too much to say about Ellie’s half of the story. this was what i both expected and wanted from the game, the whole game. while i can’t say i was having “fun”, because this isn’t really a fun game to play, you know what i mean when i say that this part was fun to play and follow.
side note: Naughty Dog’s improvement of your NPC buddy is so good, Dina and Jesse were both actually helpful, still not perfect, but also they’re not supposed to do all the work for you. i think the added layer that they could also get caught/seen and alert the enemy was completely unexpected and such a good addition to the gameplay (ofc this goes for Lev as well).
throughout the whole story, there’s kinda a problem with the pacing, and i know i’m not the first person to say that. however, i think the only big pacing issue i had with Ellie’s perspective was that kinda weird attempt of an open world map that they did with the gates. it felt a little unnecessary since i, and most other people, are playing for the story, not an open world with various side quest-like things. i missed the guitar cutscene with Ellie playing the guitar and singing to Dina (which kinda sucks, but i obviously just watched it after) because i just wanted to get back to the story rather than explore a large area. it was an attempt at something different so i won’t fault the game for that too much, but also stay in your lane lol so that section was a bit of a miss for me personally. i really liked the rest of it though, it had me engaged the whole time
Abby’s half:
ok. i have a lot to say about this half of the game since this is where most the problems occur.
first, let me preface this by saying that i don’t hate Abby. as i said, from the very beginning i knew she was going to have a, not justifiable, but an understandable reason for murdering Joel and that the game was going to be about seeing two sides to the same story. except, at the same time, i came here for Ellie, so why am i playing as this heterosexual? im mostly kidding. but fr i didn’t need the entire half of the game trying to get me to sympathize with Abby. i really didn’t need the message to be so spelt out for me, i got it from the moment i realized she was going to kill a favorite character.
i think my main gripe with the way they told this story is the way they formatted it. this story has all the elements to be amazing, but the execution just lacked the...finesse? idk if that’s the right word.
rather than splitting up the game into two halves, they could/should have integrated Abby’s story into Ellie’s so that when we cut from Abby holding the gun at Ellie in the theater to suddenly Abby as a young girl, it won’t feel so jarring when we have to start all over again with the upgrades and the timeline.
i really liked how we switched between them in the very beginning so why couldn’t that have just continued? in a book with multiple povs, the author often switches back and forth between every or every few chapters. you never see a book that starts with one perspective, then at the climax you have to start all over again from the other. at least, i’ve never seen this in any books i’ve read and i’ve read a lot ngl
maybe they forced us to stick with Abby for so long because if we’re forced to play as her, then we’re forced to get invested into her story. while this makes sense, it also really degraded at my enthusiasm for the game. it took me so long to just give up on the idea that we would be going back to Ellie relatively soon and when i did actually realize that was what was happening i was really disappointed.
instead of separating their stories, i would’ve liked to have Abby maybe one step behind Ellie the whole time so that while we play we’re just anticipating when Abby will finally catch up and it builds to this whole thing. instead, when we actually got to the point where everything was supposed to go down, we’re hit with whiplash and back to the very beginning with tutorials?? like did they just expect us to forget how to play since we switched characters?
i’m thinking, after Ellie and Dina jump over the barbed wire that explodes and Ellie’s knocked out, we could have switched over to Abby waking up in the WLF stadium. after Abby sneaks out of the stadium and you have that interaction with Jordan where he mentions Leah at the tv station, then we go back to Ellie waking up and tied to the table and we see Ellie kill Jordan.
after this i think Abby should have met Lev and Yara way sooner because i barely even remember what happened before Abby was caught by the seraphites it was so boring. so she gets caught by the seraphites AFTER we meet them through Ellie being shot through the shoulder (i still want to get all the first impressions of new stuff with Ellie because then it still makes her feel like the main character) and we meet the siblings and blahblahblah.
as a follow up, after Ellie kills Nora, which by the way, Ellie’s facial expressions are just so good with the red light while she’s just beating Nora to death? wow that entire interaction was so well done. anyway, after Ellie kills Nora, and Ellie gets back to the theater and the scene ends with her and Dina hugging, then we would switch to that whole section with Abby and Lev traveling to the hospital to get the meds and it would be cool if on her way in, Nora helps Abby and then on her way out, we run into a door we have trouble opening so we push and when it opens, Nora’s beaten up body is right there.
you get the gist. Abby’s story was barely intertwined with Ellie’s until the very end where she finds Owen and Mel dead. she doesn’t know that literally everyone else, except Leah, is dead too. i feel like that would’ve made the impact of Abby and Ellie’s fight at the theater more effective. affective? whatever i’m not an english nerd
i also think we should have gotten the flashback with Abby’s dad a little later when we’re expected to understand her character a bit more.
overall, i’m not mad about getting Abby’s side of the story, but i am mad that the way it was told felt so disconnected from Ellie. we could still get that whole arc of Abby going to the island to get Lev, she can still get her own story apart from Ellie, but she needed to have more of a interaction with Ellie’s actions.
Abby vs. Ellie, Abby’s pov:
i absolutely hate this fight. i really hate the way it was written and the way it happened. i get that the game is trying to give us Abby’s perspective and to show that in her point of view, Ellie is the villain in this story.
except, AGAIN, i don’t need this spoon fed to me!!! i KNOW that the world isn’t black and white and that people’s perspectives are different, but also? i don’t really care. both characters have gone through shit and both have done shitty things. neither of them are innocent, no one in this world is innocent (hence why i really dislike Mel, but that’s not really relevant), so it really comes down to which character you value more. in my - and most other people’s - case, it’s Ellie. i know the whole point of this fight is to make the player uncomfortable, but i wasn’t just uncomfortable, it made me legitimately start to dislike this game (spoiler for the end of this stupid-long review: i don’t completely dislike it)
the game really emphasizes that this is Abby’s story as much as it is Ellie’s and i get that, but this fight did not need to happen the way it did and the game didn’t need to be even longer after this. a lot of people say that we played from Abby’s perspective because Ellie would have killed Abby and that would be that (and she did, by the way, i relished watching Ellie get her revenge because while i don’t hate Abby, it was still so satisfying even if that wasn’t how the game wanted me to play). however however however, Abby wouldn’t have showed mercy either. she was absolutely going to kill Ellie if Dina hadn’t intervened then she was going to kill Dina if Lev hadn’t intervened.
here’s how i wouldve wanted it to go: we go back to Ellie’s perspective once Abby has the gun pointed at Ellie in the lobby and during their fight, Ellie would get the upper hand because she has weapons and shit (let’s be honest, Ellie would not win in hand-to-hand combat with fully-healthy Abby, we saw that first hand). Lev would try to jump in, but then Dina would disarm him and prevent him from escaping her grasp. then eventually Ellie would have the barrel of the shotgun pointed at Abby’s face and she would hear Lev tell her to please stop don’t kill her and Ellie would listen because the same exact thing happened to her (we could get a short flashback or something for more emotions, idk). so instead of killing Abby, Ellie would knock her out and her and Dina would leave and Lev would run to Abby’s unconscious body. this would end that cycle of revenge and because Abby has something more important to her than revenge (Lev), they would move on.
the ending:
if the game went how i just imagined, we probably wouldn’t get an ending that’s as depressing and open ended as it is, but i’m sure Neil and his team could figure something out, such as Ellie still has to deal with PTSD and Tommy’s really pissed at them and Ellie still looses her two fingers. so we get that little domestic sequence and the PTSD flashback and Tommy coming with his eye missing and showing the map. he leaves and when Ellie is about to leave in the middle of the night, Dina convinces her this time to stay and the next day Ellie tries to play the guitar one last time before giving up since she doesn’t have her fingers (i still want that last heartbreaking flashback, that one fucked me up i love it) and she goes out to leave it somewhere in the woods with it all ending with her walking away from the guitar that Joel gave her to symbolize her letting him go. idk man something like that, still not that open ended, but i’m just talking out of my ass rn
anyway that’s not how it went so we’ll stick to reality.
an open ending isn’t supposed to be unsatisfying, because that’s what this ending was. Part I does an open ending perfectly as we still get closure even though we don’t know exactly how things go afterwards (until now obviously).
after playing from Abby’s perspective for so goddamn long, it was weird to play as Ellie again, even while it was also a relief, and that makes me really sad. in the end, i did feel bad for Abby when she was literally left to starve and “hang” (but again i didn’t need 15+ hours in order to feel basic sympathy).
from the way they wrote the story, i knew Ellie wasn’t going to let it go and she was going to leave Dina and JJ. it made sense and i don’t think it was out of character for her, but the fact they did that in the first place and that Abby was the one to let go first? Abby got her revenge, she killed Joel, but Ellie never got that closure so of course she was going to go after Abby.
in the very end, Ellie is left with no one and Abby still has Lev and a group of fireflies to run to. Ellie’s biggest fear was being alone as she said in the first game, but that’s exactly what she’s left with. yeah life is unfair and i do like that the consequences feel real in this story, but i don’t think Ellie deserved to be done so damn dirty while Abby is living her best life. sure all of Abby’s friends were murdered because of Ellie and Dina leaving is Ellie’s own fault and i don’t blame Dina, but i mean we have no idea what happens to Ellie after this, where she goes. it at least feels like she’s on the road to eventually being relatively okay, as okay as you can be in this world.
i can’t completely articulate how i feel about this ending, even after three days having finished playing. all i do know is that while it’s realistic how Ellie’s story ended, i would’ve liked for Abby to get the same treatment. for her to not actually find the fireflies through the radio and escape from the Rattlers only to have no where to go so that, just like Ellie, revenge cost her everything and we don’t know where she went after.
maybe because Abby’s story was pretty much wrapped up and Ellie’s wasn’t, they’re planning for a trilogy, but i guess we’ll see.
the tldr;
this game has all the elements it needed to be amazing overall imo, i just wish they were all utilized Better. the reason it’s so hard to figure out how i feel about this game is because it has so much potential that just never came through and i’m really jealous of all the people who were blown away by this story. it’s still a good game though, but a 7/10 seems too high and 6/10 seems to low. ig it’s a 6.5/10 for me.
thanks for reading if you made it this far
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