#so her doing stuff *for* karlach is also a choice she is making for herself as going to avernus is not to make karlach more powerful
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trappedinafantasy37 · 3 months ago
One of the things that had my mind spinning for a while is that in the Shadowheart origin, if you reject Shar, Minthara will apologize. She will believe that she and the rest of the companions held Shadowheart back from achieving her destiny. She blames herself for Shadowheart making a choice completely on her own, thinking that Shadowheart's concern for herself and others held her back. Minthara feels it to be her fault that Shadowheart is not as powerful as she could be and she is to blame for Shadowheart walking away from her destiny. Minthara sees herself as having failed for Shadowheart making the choice that she did.
I know it is cut content and cannot really be considered canon, but she does something similar in the breakup. Where she's yelling at Durge and asking why they rejected Bhaal. And Durge can tell her it's cause they love her. When the breakup was slipped in, I was initially so angry because Minthara calls Durge stupid for choosing love over power (when Minthara herself chooses love over power). Especially since the breakup happens like 10 minutes after the alurlssrin confession where she says the two of you have an unbreakable bond. I used to be so confused on why she would be so upset that you actually loved her. Then I realized that she's not upset that you love her. She's upset cause she fears that your love for her held you back.
Even though she sees you as her equal, she keeps putting herself as less than you. Where your wants and desires are more important than her own, and your greatness should be put above any affection you have for her. She wants you to love her of course, but she does not want to be what holds you back from reaching for power. To Minthara, power is safety and she has never felt safe. She wants you to keep elevating yourself cause the stronger you are, the safer you will be and by extension, the safer she will be. So you picking her over power means you are less safe and by consequence, she is less safe. And as much as Minthara loves loves, she needs to be safe first. It's why it seems like she keeps making the same dumb mistakes over and over, getting herself into precarious situations. It isn't because she's necessarily blinded by love, but she feels her proximity to power should keep her safe.
I also had a discussion with someone on Reddit, talking where it almost seems like Minthara keeps putting herself in positions of servitude, despite having some pretty ambitious goals involving world domination. We are talking about someone who has been a servant of Lolth her entire life. She tells us she was raised to be a soldier in Lolth's army and that was all she was meant to be. For 200+ years she was a servant and has never been anything else and doesn't know how to be anything else, and I believe she is too afraid to try to be anything else.
As a paladin, she was responsible for keeping social order, follow the word of whatever Priestess was in charge and enacting Lolth's will, partake in surface raids, and kill any of Lolth's enemies. There was very little room for her to achieve what she wanted, because Lolth had to come first. And even if there were things she wanted for herself, they still ultimately had to please Lolth in the end. Her time in the Absolute is no different. She just swaps the Absolute for Lolth and keeps up with the same shit (although she is too brainwashed to tell). So of course she is stunned when Lolth abandons her and the Absolute attempts to kill her and throws her deep into a crisis of faith. 200+ years of service has always bought her safety, until it didn't. So when you come along, she just swaps you for the Absolute. Telling herself, "I just need to be better than I was for the Absolute, better than I was for Lolth, and I should be okay." And her little rant about the gods, Lolth, Bhaal, the Absolute. Minthara is not anti-god. Minthara is anti-gods who do not reward their followers for their service. Because to her, service should be rewarded with something (other than death). She plays both sides when it comes to Shar because although she does think Shar is a poison in Shadowheart's life and believes Shadowheart is better off without Shar, at least Shar did reward Shadowheart for her service by making her a Dark Justiciar and elevating her to Chosen.
You would think she'd learn, but she doesn't. Not because she's stupid, but because her basic need for safety isn't being met. And so be fair, her "mistakes" with Lolth and the Absolute were relatively recent. So she keeps pushing people down the path of ruin and never going down the path herself directly, thinking that if she helps you become powerful, she will be safe. Where if she stands beside as you walk down this path, you will reward her for her service. Where she does not believe you would betray her because she helped you get that power. Where she thinks her service to you should buy her safety. Because to her, the most important thing she can be to you is useful. And she is terrified of being useless. So she provides you with unbreakable loyalty, devotion, and servitude, (and perhaps love). Where she will help you achieve your ambitions, whether it be to become a Dark Justiciar, the Vampire Ascended, the Slayer, or a god. Her path to safety, and greatness, and true power is forever lost to her down in the Underdark. So all she can do is help you walk down yours.
She keeps doing the same stupid shit over and over, making the same mistakes with people over and over, cause her fundamental need to safety is never being satisfied. And her service to various gods and entities technically did buy her safety, but only for an unknown period of time. And when she loses that safety, she thinks that the problem is her. That she was punished because she was not a good enough servant. That if she was a truly good servant, she won't lose your safety and your protection. And she thinks love interferes with your perception of her as a servant. She wants you to see her as a loyal servant first, lover second, because the only things in her life to be truly rewarded was her service, whereas her love got punished.
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beecreeper · 2 months ago
Say no more! 1, 9, 14, 22 for the Baldur's Gate homies please!
Hehhheheheeehe let's GO
Long answers under the cut!
1.) What would your OC&s last words be/what are they?
UGH pulling out the big guns out the gate?? Rude.
The thing is that there’s so many different paths each of their lives and deaths could take, but these options seem the most likely for a variety of situations.
Briar: “In Bhaal’s name.”
Molli: “Please...”
Ferox: “I’m sorry...”
9.) What is the greatest sacrifice your OC could ever make? Under what circumstance would they make it?
Briar: I think Briar’s biggest sacrifice would be forsaking Bhaal because she ties so much of her identity to her urge, both pre and post tadpole. Post tadpole, figuring out her memories and the meaning of all the weird untethered feelings and urges in her head and finding a purpose again is the ONLY thing that is important to her. This is what happens in Briar’s “good” ending AU, where Sunflower (shout out to Sunflower my best friend Sunflower) is able to just barely able to get Briar to doubt her conviction that he *has* to kill Isobel to regain her memories and sense of herself. This starts a chain of events that leads Briar to realize that her connection to Bhaal is more of a chain than a pedestal and plants more seeds of doubt. But even then, it’s a hard sell to get her to give up her entire purpose and the only connection to her past and “herself” that she has. And she haaaaaaaates the aftermath. She haaaaaaates losing her connection to Bhaal. She feels so empty without it and from her perspective she gave up *everything* for the prospect of being “free” but now she is and??? Like okay she’s free but for what??? She's not “her” anymore so she’s like what was the fucking point.
Molli: Ooh Molli’s narrative is riddled with so many juicy sacrifices. Going to hell for Karlach. Letting Astarion Ascend. Cutting off her whole ass arm to escape her patron. OR not doing that, sacrificing her body to inevitably be consumed by her patron in exchange for the power to help her friends a bit longer 🥺 I’m also vaguely tossing around ideas for what it would take for Molli to willingly return to Gortash’s control... 👀
Ferox: One of Ferox’s main character traits is how self-sacrificing he is. He’ll throw himself in front of blows, push aside his own feelings and desires, sacrifice his body, mind, and soul. But the *greatest* sacrifice? I’d say that’d be giving himself over to Bhaal, sacrificing not only himself and everything he feels should be right, but also resigning himself to sacrifice everything and everyone else eventually. That’s a sacrifice he makes when he’s at his lowest, when he’s convinced that there’s no other way. When he believes that Bhaal’s control over him is a forgone conclusion, so he sacrifices the part of him that even tries to fight against it in return for the sliver of choice to make it marginally less miserable. To at least make it quick. At least when everyone is dead it’ll be over.
14.) Would your OC let themselves be forced into a loveless marriage?
Briar: FUCK no. That spouse is getting stabbed and poisoned nine ways to sunday. Hell, you couldn’t even force her into a marriage with someone she kinda liked.
Molli: AB.SO.LUTELY. But then again Molli lets herself get forced into a LOT of stuff that’s kinda her bit™
Ferox: Hmm probably. He’s pretty adept at shutting off his emotions and bearing with a situation he hates.
22.)What is your OC most guilty of?
Briar: I mean. All the murder. But she doesn’t *feel*guilty about any of it. Guilt is an emotion for people who *aren’t* made of god flesh. (If you really tapped down into it, she feels most guilty about her first murder, a childhood friend she drowned while they were playing in a river, but she’s got that memory and all associated emotions buried under a minimum 900 layers of concrete and barbed wire)
Molli: In Molli’s bad ending, she feels really twisted up and guilty about all the morally dubious things she lets Astarion talk her into (“for the sake of our survival” he says...), up to and culminating in letting him complete the ritual.
Ferox: lmaooooooooo
Okay I was extremely tempted to just leave it at that but the urge to yap is too strong. My point being that Ferox is LITERALLY defined by his guilt for killing Myrala. It drives everything everything everthing he does, even post tadpole when he can’t remember it because it LITERALLY haunts him. And like yeah he’s also tortured with guilt for all the other murders and shitty things he’s done but Myrala is #1 by a mile.
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wetcatspellcaster · 1 year ago
For the DVD meme chp 10: (sorry if this is more than 500 words!)
“Tell me how I get you to love me,” he demanded.
“Oh, Astarion…”
Rosalie blushed all the way to the tips of her ears, eyes falling to her lap again. Mortification and eagerness to give him the answer he wanted warred within her, until she blurted:
“I already love you. That’s never been the problem, has it? If I could stop myself, maybe we’d both be more normal about this. But I’ll always love you. I always have and always will, so much so that it hurts.”
Silence reigned in the dining room, after that pronouncement.
When it stretched out too long, Rosalie peeked up through her lashes at him. She’d been worried he’d be angry, but what she instead caught a glimpse of was the Vampire Ascendent, lost for words.
“...Tell me,” he said, finally. “Rosalie, how much do you love me?”
Some part of Rose rebelled, but it was like thrashing under a heavy blanket. She’d been given an order. There was only so long she could hold out, when the order didn’t do her any harm.
“You’re still all I think about, all the time,” she admitted, cheeks burning as her body reacted to the admission, even as her mind faded to pleasing white static. “I have this life, and sometimes all I can see is all the ways you’re not in it. I mourn you, and how much I failed you, and I see you in front of me, and I still want you, as if that’s what I deserve. I love you so much, right now, that it’s like a weight in my chest. I love you so much that the person in front of me is enough to quell the ache, and that’s why I didn’t trust myself to come back. Sometimes, on some days, all the parts that are horrible seemed like they might be worth it, and on other days they faded away entirely. I didn’t mind if it was awful, I just wanted to be near you again. I love you so much that even though I know you’d treat me horribly and get bored of me and probably one day hate me, sometimes I think that’s how it’s supposed to be. At least then, you wouldn’t be alone.”
Thank you for playing the game with me, lovely anon! x
Ahhh. Open and honest communication. The one thing a fic writer dreams of having, so that the two avoidant idiots they're trying to make kiss actually talk about their feelings.
Such a shame I had to achieve it here via vampiric charm, eh?
Obviously, this sucks for Rosalie - it's forcing her to confront some stuff that she's not wanted to face about herself (namely that, maybe you weren't making out with that man in his office to plant items on him, just maybe something else was going on), but it's also enforced vulnerability, that isn't offered by choice. So she's honestly fiercely angry, and humiliated, and this is a moment where she's trying desperately to fight the charm but can't.
Every word is true. I do think Rosalie is still very much in love with him - we see from the first chapter, that she has indeed built this quite lavish, career driven life, and it's all about Astarion, and how to stop him, and how eventually she'll have to kill him. I imagine it's plagued her every waking moment for years, honestly.
I do also stand by the idea that there have been times when she was tempted to go live that Ascended life - the only thing that stopped her each time isn't really Ascended!Astarion's personality (heinous though it is, let's be honest, she has proven already she can adapt and still find things to love) but the fact that he wants to make her a vampire as well, which she doesn't want and has never wanted.
I imagine she's gotten very, very lonely at times, and there's only one person she's wanted in those moments. I also imagine there's been some times when, like Wyll and Karlach, she's imagined him as lonely, or made a narrative about how they've all abandoned him, and felt such intense guilt that she wants to make it right.
As for Astarion's reaction... lol. He's not really ever thought she loved him since she left - because why would she leave, if that was the case? In Chapters 5-7, he sought of entertained that she might still be hot for him, and thus susceptible to some version of love (exactly like Act 1 in the game lmao).... and then she Power Word Killed him. The earlier part of this chapter, where he says that the main offensive thing is that she cut him off mid-speech is a TOTAL lie - he's actually just panicking that she doesn't love him at all. So hearing that truth, that this is what love looks like, even as she's fighting him every step of the way... big deal for him.
Almost like love takes place between equals, and doesn't look like power and control, versus subjugation. Or something.
DVD commentary ask
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thetavolution · 1 year ago
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List
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Paloma Silkflower
What if your Tav was a recruitable companion, instead of the main character?  (contains major spoilers for the game, and for some dark urge runs as well)
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act? The PC meets her on the Nautiloid. She's immediately over Shadowheart and Lae'zel's bullshit. She's hyper focused on getting out.
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav? She's a drow so some people has some pretty nasty stuff to say. Wyll, Gale, and Karlach are chill because that's who they are. No one trusts her at first because they assume she worships the Spider Queen. Over time, they realize they were wrong about her.
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions? Shadowheart: "She proved herself back on the Nautiloid. She'll be useful to have at our side in battle." Astarion: "I'll be blunt. I don't trust Astarion as far as I can throw him, but I can deal with him." Gale: "I've never seen a wizard stuck in a rock before. I guess there's a first time for everything. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him endearing though." Wyll: " It's nice to know that there are real life prince charmings in the world. It'll be an honor to fight by his side. Let's just hope he doesn't end up getting sidetracked trying to save a princess." Lae'zel: "Gith may be brutal, but they're also fearless. If she's on our side, we're in good company. But we better stay on her good side." Halsin: "I think everyone has been drooling over that man since he came to camp. I can't blame them. I wouldn't be against climbing Mount Halsin myself...." Karlach: "She's a firecracker, isn't she? She's a fantastic addition to our little team of freaks. It's been so long since I met someone who just radiates goodness. She's doing wonders for my heart." Minthara: "You don't expect me to be happy she's here, do you? You can't put a Lolth and Seldarine in a room together and hope for the best. (sighs) While I wish you hadn't recruited her, I'll get over it for the good of the team." If you have high approval, she'll add, "I trust your judgment above all else." Minsc: "I already love Boo so much. I'd keep Minsc around for for his sake alone. All jokes aside, it'll be an honor to fight alongside Minsc. He's a good man." Jaheira: "I'm afraid I've only recently learned of her exploits, but I'm thoroughly impressed. I have a lot I'd like to learn from her. We also need someone around who can bust our chops a little bit."
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval? She has a soft spot for kids, especially orphans. If the PC is kind to children, they'll get approval points. She'll also be impressed if the PC can talk their way out of confrontations.
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions? The PC can driver her off. It's not easy, but it can be done. If her approval rating is too low, she'll leave on her own. If you pick insulting options too often, she'll ditch you, too. She will not tolerate that kind of abuse.
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light? She's secretive about her past, but she can either be persuaded to confide in the PC or a future quest will reveal her secrets. It's mostly about her sister. (More on that in a bit.) I might expand on this idea more in the future. She's also a mom, but she keeps that a secret to protect her kids. If she trusts Tav enough, she'll tell them she has three.
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes? Her sister will make an appearance later on and you can choose to help her or not. Her sister, Lamia, is a criminal who is constantly getting into trouble. She's being chased by the authorities and you can choose to help her or let her get arrested. You could also possibly break Lamia out of prison later. Lamia will help in the final battle if you help her stay out of prison. If she goes to prison, she obviously will not be able to help.
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again? Stay in camp: "Are you sure? You know, if you need me, you can call on me any time." To go adventuring again: "At the ready. I get worried about you when you go off without me." (Even if she's not romanced, she will say this platonically. She will either see the PC as a lover or a sibling.)
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight? Oh yeah, she and Minthara are at each other's throats. Minthara underestimates her and Paloma looks down her nose at Minthara. If the PC plays their cards right, they can get the two of them to tolerate each other. They might even eventually respect one another with the right choices. Or the PC can egg them on. It will lead to a fight and possibly a death, or just one of them leaving for good.
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game? Paloma grew up in an orphanage called the Holy House of Nym. It's run by Ilmater clerics and the PC be able to meet the clerics who raised her. Paloma isn't particularly fond of many of the clerics. Note: Paloma is from an original story and I named the House of Nym before I knew anything about BG3. It having the same name as Nym Orlith was an accident. Lamia, a changeling rogue, grew up with Paloma at Nym and she's an optional NPC to interact with. She's like a sister to Paloma, but she's also an absolute disaster. You can choose to help Lamia escape from the authorities or leave her to her fate. Allie is a barbarian Dragonborn that Lamia pals around with. Allie is kind of a meathead who likes to spit acid on people. You can also decide to help her escape capture or let them both go to jail. If you help them, you can call on both of them for help whenever. Lamia would do anything for her sister. Paloma will be surprisingly understanding if you don't want to help them. If you do help them, you get a HUGE approval boost with Paloma. You won't get disapproval for not helping though. If you go to the babysitter's house, you can also meet her children, Orianna, Lucan, and Meriele. The babysitter has yet to be named.
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner)  If you help any orphans, she might be tell the PC a story of her past. This is one of the potential ways for the PC to discover she was orphaned as a child. She can regale them with a story of her childhood. She'll also mention keeping her "little sister" out of trouble. If Ilmater is ever mentioned or read about in a book and the PC knows she's an orphan, she'll talk about how the orphanage she grew up in was run by Ilmatari. She has a complicated relationship with Ilmater worshippers. If Tav knows about her kids, she'll also talk about the shenanigans they get into. Gale will probably chime in because he relates to being a precocious kid. It'll be cute.
Story Specific
How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor? She 100% doesn't trust them. "I don't know what to make of them, but I don't trust them. How do we know they actually have our best interest at heart?"
How do they advise the player character on Raphael? "Don't trust a devil. Nothing good can come of it. He can smell our desperation and he will prey on it."
How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character? "I told you! Didn't I tell you? I knew there was something up with him. ...I don't actually care he's a vampire. It makes him kind of hotter, if I'm being honest. But the important part is I was right!"
How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them? "So... can we take turns doing this, or is it a one time deal?"
How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power? "Gods... why would you do that? Are you trying to become a mind flayer?" She'd also check up on the PC to make sure they're okay. She'd be genuinely very worried about them and acting like a mother hen until she was convinced they were okay.
Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently? If they side with the goblins, she'll leave. She can't help but feel for the tieflings, especially the kids. She also has no interest in rubbing elbows with goblins in general.
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party? She'd retreat to her tent to drink a glass of wine alone. She's not a big partier, but she'd be personable if you approach her.
Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with?  She'd approve of anyone you bed, honestly. She knows she's traveling with a group of hotties. She'd have a very "Go you" reaction. She'd also ask for details later.
Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander? "I understand the appeal of the nice shiny sun cannon, but I stopped understanding at the part where you let it crush me! Gods, what were you thinking?" If you have high approval, she'll add, "You're lucky I like you so much. I forgive you." If you don't, you'll have more options to either apologize or antagonize her.
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar? "Do not put stuff like that in your mouth. You're going to make yourself sick!" A second time: "No! Bad! Put it back!" Sometimes her dialogue will be redirected at another companion, "Have they done this before? You'd tell me if they did something like this before, right?"
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown? 1: "I saw a clown in the Underdark once.... His corpse was used as a warning for any other clowns that dared come down." 2: "Do you really wish to see me up there? Or do you just have a thing for humiliation and didn't tell me?" 3: "Well... our friendship was nice while it lasted." / If romanced, "I hope you don't plan on trying to crawl into my bedroll tonight after this stunt."
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal? Yes, she can be. Orin would pick up on her trying to be a big sister/mom to everybody, but she'd 100% overplay it. She'd perform her like a really bad OOC fanfic of Paloma. She'd make her freak out that she couldn't protect "her babies" and the PC would be able to see through it. It'd be a lot like Halsin, but about protecting the group. When rescued, she'd be grateful. "Thank you. It's good to know I can always count on you. Now let's get out of here. It smells like someone died in here... Huh. I'm hearing myself say that and feeling very stupid."
How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn? I think she'd be so heartbroken if he ascended. He grows on her and she wants to protect everyone. She just wants the best for her little crew. She'd tell the PC how sad she is Astarion ascended, but would still want him in her life. She would also be touched if Astarion spares the 7000 spawn, but worried out of her mind. She just doesn't want anyone to get hurt.
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced?  She wouldn't but only because of her kids. She can't become one because of them. She would be so sad if the PC becomes one, but she'd never leave their side. She'd take care of them and stay with them if romanced, no matter what.
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them? She'd be scared, but she would be there for the PC. She's supportive and loving. She would have a suspicion of what's going on, but she'd keep it to herself until later.
How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira? "Did you do this? Please... please, tell me this wasn't you. Gods, why? Why would you do this to her?" She'd still be suspicious she knows that the Dark Urge is a Bhaalspawn, but she'd never say it. She'd just do everything she could to help the PC.
If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2? When she first wakes: "Love...? Is everything alright? What's happening?" After being told what's happening: "You wouldn't be the first lover who tried to kill me, but I do wish it would stop happening... Whatever is happening to you, we'll get you through this." She would be supportive as always and protective. She would talk the PC through it and stay calm for them. She'd calmly and firmly ask for an explanation afterward.
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them? Yes, she is definitely romanceable. She'd pretend she's hard to get, but she is not.
Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough? In order to get things moving faster, the PC can flirt with her and let her know they're interested. If the PC gets her approval high enough, she will bring it up first. It just takes a little longer before she feels confident in making the first move.
Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option? She's a poly option. She'll just ask the PC to communicate with her about their needs/wants.
Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party? If her approval is high, she'll flirt with the PC and make the first move. But the PC will also be able to ask her to spend the night with them. She'll take you into the woods to spend the night together.
Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take? She would have a pretty straightforward path, even if you take a poly angle.
How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them? She'd be really upset about it, but trying to put on a brave face. She would try to act as if she doesn't care, but the PC definitely broke her heart. She'd also probably get in a jab at whoever the PC left her for... and immediately feel bad about saying it. She'd apologize for that. She would ask to stay friends.
What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test?  The heart is fraught, so let us begin with the joyous. When is Paloma happiest? A. When she's curled up in bed with some snacks and a good book. Or if Tav knows about her kids: When she's with her children. ★ B. In the Underdark. C. When she's with me. ★ (If romanced.) D. While fighting on the battlefield. Listen. Think. What is Paloma's greatest fear? A. Spiders. B. Letting everyone down. ★ C. The Underdark. D. Losing her children. ★ We often gaze through a veil of roses, but love accepts both the petal and the thorn. Paloma - what is her greatest flaw? A. She has a huge ego. B. She holds herself up to an impossible standard. ★ C. She's greedy and prioritizes money above everything. D. She spreads herself too thin. ★
If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin? She's into it. (In my play through, she's romancing Astarion and Halsin.) She'd hope he'd be down to let her join in.
How do they react if the PC has sex with Mizora? The Emperor?  Haarlep? She doesn't want to tell the PC what to do, but she'd disapprove of Mizora because of what she did to Wyll. It'd be less about the sex and more about who it was with. It might get her to leave the PC. She'd disapprove of the Emperor and Haarlep, but she would be empathetic toward the PC.
Will they join in with the PC and the Drow Twins, or no? She would! She'd love it.
What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in? She'd propose and there'd be an option for the PC to beat her to it. She's poly, but not against marriage. (She's also willing to be monogamous for someone she loves. It's not something she HAS to have.) As long as the PC accepts her children, she wants a future with them.
Free space! Share anything from your companion!Tav au! I'm actually planning on doing some VO shorts with Paloma, Lamia and Tessa. Just for fun! It'd also be some voice acting practice for me.
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fire-emblem-drabbles · 1 year ago
Oh man I just beat Baldur's gate 3 like for real for real and since it's spoilers I'll put it under a read more but folks!!! this aint it!!
So before the big battle, when you have to dominate the brain... blegh. Listen I can accept that maybe my mortal brain just can't comprehend a netherbrain, but it make it so that even half ilithid characters can't even do it? I feel like that's such an oversight. No matter who you pick for this out come it feels bad! You could have the Emperor eat Orpheus, but this pretty much mutes Lae'zel's whole quest line and leaves the Githyanki to suffer. Free Orpheus, and the Emperor immediately defects? Like... squad could we not set aside our differences for 3 hours to deal with the netherbrain? no? okay.
So if you do choose to free Orpheus, your options are: make the poor guy become ilithid himself and make his people hate him, became a mind flayer *yourself* and laugh in the face of this whole fucking adventure, or have Karlach sacrifice herself and become one! Litterally no winning here.
The fight itself also fucking sucked btw. It's annoying and every time I summoned Dame Aylin she would drop her weapon. and couldn't pick it up. because she's controlled by you Ig?? Beyond the dragon and the mindflayers casting level 6 magic missles every turn, it is interesting (at least) to see your companions dream guardians. And once you get into the brain fight proper it's easy enough to kill, just annoying to get to that point.
Now, if there were anything of substance in the post ending, I could ignore some of the graphical issues. My game immediately became a smooth untextured wasteland if it wasn't a character that hadn't been previously loaded from the fight (so pretty much myself, Mind flayer Karlach, Orpheus, and Gale). I could have forgiven that if there was anything else! You get one tiny scene with your romanced companion, an even smaller scene with all your companions after its done, and some stuff around Baldur's gate that reflects the choice you make (dominating the brain vs defeating it).
That's it!
The credits are longer than any post battle cut scene your gonna see. Which is like fine it's a huge game and people deserve their due, but when I say there's nothing of substance, I'm telling you it's almost like they forgot the had to end the game at some point. It really feels like it drops off at nothing! If the rest of the game itself wasn't amazing, and if larian as a team weren't fixing stuff as often as they are, it wouldn't be worth it.
Alas, I have faith that something is gonna be done. Surely im not the only person to put (checks game time) 300+ hours in a game only for it to come to such an ending... yeah.
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justmightyshadows · 1 year ago
This one is a quickish journal interlude giving a couple characters POV before they go do a lot of wild stuff at the party. I'm gonna spin off Lae'zel and Aenwyn's characters but also want to write a couple of other quick fics this month so we'll see what gets done.
Have we grown soft, my love?
Journal Entry - Minthara
The meeting with Gortash went as expected, Karlach and Tav were not receptive to his alliance but seemed too dense to even lie about it. They stormed out without talking much after he told them of the plans of his coronation. Muira and I stayed to watch the proceedings, after which we made it known that I was in possession of Ketheric’s stone and any dealings with it could happen with me directly. It was thrilling to have his eyes on me, knowing me to be his equal. He introduced us to some members of the upper city and told us to join him at the celebration tomorrow evening. I do not trust him but cannot say that he is the worst choice for an alliance now. If he proves to be not up to the task, he can be disposed of without a second thought. Muira was quiet, she let me lead in conversation staying close to my side as we mingled with the patriars and their families. I saw the eyes soak in her body, her circlet and her face in wonder, many seemed to envy her and by extension, me. The brooch and circlet brining legitimacy to the coronation and to us, as representatives of a great state. I kept a firm hand on her, leading her among the groups and whispering sweet affection into her ear. No one could doubt she was mine, that at night as in the day she was wrapped around me in full adoration, that there was no space in between us for them to sow doubt. I plan to dress her for the celebration in ways that make the jealous eyes grow sharp and the loins grow wet. She will be everyone’s desire that none will get save me.
Adding Aenwyn to the detail made all the difference - she strikes the balance of a true guard with none of the mistrust. Many of the Patriars looked at her with envy, as their own guards sat looking useless and weak. Though I fear she may find herself too free in a place like Baldur’s Gate, I’ve watched with mild interest as she spends more and more time with Lae’zel but bringing it to Muira’s attention will surely end the affair altogether. Or - Muira will free her and outgrow the bonds of her birth leaving more space for our love, for me, free from the story of her past. I yearn for the second option and ordered an extra cape just in case my plans do work out.
Journal Entry - Muira
It felt as though the coronation dragged on into eternity, my fake smile faded soon as I became a stoic statue that shadowed my lover. She was exceptional, every detail remembered, every contact created and even her slights felt like compliments to new ears. She held me close and made sure to introduce us as the rulers of Selkarnarth, giving them a chance to ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ over the vibrancy. Many had no clue that about the state of our city but staring at the splendor of our guard and jewels, they were jealous of our position either way. Minthara had made two tentative trade agreements before we had circled the room completely. I gawked at her beauty and when I felt the eyes of lust from others on me I made a point to move closer to her. She was mine in all the ways that mattered but it was important they knew that I was hers. More than anything I was impressed by her, she was a noble in ways I had never been, my every whim was met but I never had true challenges on my power. If there was a problem - I took my blade to it with Aenwyn at my side. In fact it was Minthara who reminded me curtly to bring Aenwyn as our personal guard and servant lest we look like poor beggar monarchs. Aenwyn matched me in our customary fish-scaled armor but hers bore the crest across the chest as do all the guards of the city. It had been sometime since she was in her human form at a large event, usually I wore her on my back as trident. Her trident form is synonymous with mine - there is no place I am seen without her near me, though few know her true nature they do know of her essence at least. She seemed uncomfortable with the stares and found solace in the guards being able to step back from the fray and deny any conversation that others may have wanted to start. As we were leaving Minthara teased her at her unease and reminded her this would be the first of many. She asked if she could have a partner at the celebration who would she bring and Aenwyn replied Lae’zel. I was shocked - I had not seen them even talk let alone Aenwyn acknowledge her existence in such a way.
I fear I may lose my best weapon to some kind of tragic love story in the near future. Was it wrong to bring her here? We have been bonded since my creation, to have another be in her care sends chills down my spine. I have not spoken to Minthara about this yet - I fear her touch would be too harsh and she would use the binds between Aenwyn and I to keep her bound to me forever. That is a fate worse than the one that stands before me - of setting her free.
——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Journal Entry Aenwyn - Spirit Weapon
It has been awhile since I felt alive enough to hold a quill and write. Most of my years have been spent teaching and caring for Muira - but her path seems to stretch away from me or mine from hers. It is hard to tell when you stand at the junction but the outcome remains the same in the arc of time. I feel compelled to write about Lae’zel, tonight I asked if she would be by my side at the celebration under the guise of Minthara’s guard. She obliged but gave genuine worry about the safety of her fake liege. I had to clarify that Muira would look after, or better they will look after each other. This satisfied her for the time being but I could feel the walls coming up around her. The idea of dating does not exist to a warrior and at best we had lain with each other with deep conversations, at worst we were two horny fighters who do not know their own hearts. I could tell she was apprehensive that I was claiming her, that she would be a conquest gone too far. In truth I had wanted the feel of her hands, the smell of her battle next to me for time to come. Out loud I said nothing, made sure she knew she could lay with whoever, there was no ownership just sex and in this case it was just a blatant lie. I’ve seen the cleric come to her at night and hear the sounds they make. Lae’zel denigrates herself to be with one who hates her kind and due to that i’ve had to remove my emotions every night as I have done since my God placed me into this form. Instead I stare up to the sky and dream of the time when I was free - when I battled across this plane and the next in giant ships full of warriors and I could take a lover without a second thought.
Tonight however, Shadowheart watched as we talked - her doe eyes begging for Lae’zel’s attention and I knew I could not suffer another night listening to the joining of their bodies, the soft moans that she gave to Lae’zel as well as her breathy responses. A thousand years since I have had to be cunning, to plot and scheme for things I desire but the motions came back to me so naturally. I stretched myself showing off the shape of my muscles, leaned back into my arms and shifted my dress to expose the upper reaches of my thighs. Next, I made eye contact with her once I could see Lae’zel sneaking glances at my body. I could feel her heat rising as she thought of my arms wrapped around her, my fingers pressed inside her, so I called her out for staring. If she continued I’d have no choice but to satisfy her, I said. She tutted her teeth and went into her tent as I followed. To make sure no one doubted my intentions I removed my dress outside her tent and let them see me enter in such a way, she was mine tonight. We fell into the throes of passion, of heated beastial sex that could not be sated from one round alone. She bent for me, exceptionally skilled as a lover she never let a move go uncompensated. I feasted on her for hours and kept her near climax for as long as I was able. When I was done she reached quickly for her clothing and dressed herself. She told me I was a satisfactory of a lover - high praise from her lips and bid me to make haste back to my tent. Except I had none, we both looked out the flap at the place by Muira’s tent where I rested in my Trident form. She granted me stay for the night but warned me not to get comfortable. When it was late she turned into me and in her sleepiness pulled me close, letting her head come to rest upon my chest. I held my breath until I was lightheaded trying to keep the moment suspended. When I was sure she would not move I wrote this.
——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Journal Entry Lae’zel
She is cocky and flashy - always wearing perfectly gleaming armor and doing unnecessary motions with her weapon. Today she came to me in gleaming armor, leaned against the tent in a cocky way and asked me to accompany her to a celebration. I hate these type of parties. The time would be better spent training or studying but I could not leave Minthara and Muira alone there, so I agreed. The two had become my kin and I would not let them down.
There is a smugness about her that she has earned over 1000s of years of battle - it is the same with the Githyanki who return from the Astral, it attracts me and disgusts me. She says she has been there herself and that time exists outside of what we can truly understand. It must be why I often find her outside, staring up at the stars as if she could see right through to another plane. At first it was just a conquest of a warrior that I enjoyed- her body broad, muscular and scarred. Her hands are big and grip my waist in such a full way. She is far more experienced but lets me lead. Listens to me attentively but keeps the backbone of a warrior. It is a balance many leaders never have but she does effortlessly.
I have bed another since then and I feel her eyes on me in jealousy - it has excited me to think she would grow tired of it and come to claim me. I dream she will push away all the others. Tonight she did just that, showing everyone at camp that she would be in my bed for the night. We battled into the night pinning each other and stroking in all of my favorite positions. She showed her endurance in breath as she feasted on me or as she relentlessly stroked me from behind never allowing the rhythm to wane until I had climaxed many times throughout the night. I slept well and found myself wrapped around her in the morning like a love-sick kitten. I’ve come to despise the softness of our bond and began to train at a time I thought she would not be up. She joined me - never speaking as we took the weighted training blades and sparred for hours before the others rose. I looked to injure her but she bested me at every turn, so much so she stopped to teach me a different stance to combat her offensive approach. When we finished she bathed and went to pickup the garments for the celebration. I stayed behind and for the first time since my studies I wrote about the moment, about her.
She has invaded the space under my skin and the quiet space of my mind. However she is nothing more than a slave to Muira, how can I bond with someone who cannot be free? Am I even free yet? I had decisions made for me for my entire life. She is 100 times my age, and still has not tasted it for herself. If Muira calls for her she must come without hesitation. She said her body would not be able to stop it even if she tried - they are bound in a tangle and web of dependence. Tonight she hinted at what Muira said but I did not reply, it is not right to make her think she can escape this situation and still I find myself hoping that she will. That we live to see the astral side by side weapons drawn.
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all-pacas · 1 year ago
For fun, doing this meme list for my Tav. I say for fun. For MY fun. Also because what is "developing an original character."
TAV: Drow Durge. Forgot her actual name in the amnesia thing, is just barely sensible enough to not introduce herself as Dark Urge. Calls herself Tav because it 'feels right.' (It's actually her long lost adopted brother's name.) Was known as Enyo Atavian in her cult leader days.
what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
Dirt. Vaguely vegetal? Not in a bad way. Just a bit like rosemary or pine needles. Fresh, but mineral. Sometimes like blood. She's not one for flowery smells.
what would their blood taste like to vampires?
You know how hard water tastes like water but just kind of... more? Like that. Like her blood is just extra bloody. Just has a bit of extra blood to it. The difference between taking a bite of steak and a bite of fat. Almost too much.
how would they kiss their LI?
A bit passively so far. Amnesia is a lot. Coming to terms with the concept of emotions is a lot. She holds back with everything. Keeps a stranglehold on herself. Letting go is a lot. When she goes for it, it's all weirdly determined. I am going to get a good grade in relationships, something both normal to want and possible to achieve.
how do they sleep with their LI (what position, does one steal the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
Stiff until she actually falls asleep and lets her guard down. Then clingy, wanting to be the little spoon all the time. A real burrower. She sleeps badly, though. So many nightmares and memories.
what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
She's scavenged her arms and armor, she'd have to scavenge her tent stuff too. So it's all very patchy. Got her tent one place, her bedding another. Jars and random trinkets outside. She Collects. She'd prefer to be near Gale, Astarion, or Shadowheart if she can help it.
if they had a set of dnd dice, what would they look like?
I might just dig through my dice and see what I can do.
do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
Trinkets. Jewelry, although she doesn't really wear much. She just likes little shiny bits she can play with. Wealth or design don't mean much to her as much as stuff that just appeals to her on some level. So that could be a super fancy ruby necklace, or a cheap ring she pried off a goblin. Whenever she kills someone, she likes to collect a trophy. Jewelry preferred because it's Shiny and Portable, but also the occasional bone.
if either, are they part of the astarion/gale book club (magic & literature) or the wyll/shadowheart book club (trashy romance novels)?
Astarion/Gale book club. Fiction makes her uncomfortable. Like she barely knows who she is, she's been three different people in her life, she's now expected to relate to these fake ones?? But nonfiction, history books are easier. She actually doesn't mind reading, fiction just stresses her out a little. She probably doesn't know enough to understand why.
if they had to be put in a “get along shirt” with a companion, who would it be?
SHE thinks Wyll. I don't know that Wyll would agree. But he's just so good and nice and noble! And she's a semi-feral murderer trying to cosplay a normal person! He scares her. She admires him a lot. Karlach to a lesser extent. Karlach would actually probably really get her "trying to be better but I still like violence" thing, but Karlach is so sunny and really close to Wyll, Tav applies it to her too.
do they prefer speak with dead or speak with animals?
Speak with Dead. It's fun to find out how people died. They can tell you about their own murders! Wait, that's wrong, isn't it? No. She just, uh, wants to learn more. About stuff.
what are their thoughts on clowns?
Absolutely fascinating. The disgust and distaste they cause in others. The fear.
their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
Astarion: Complaining about her resting :| face. Can anyone get a read on her? Can we talk about how annoyingly trusting she is?
Gale: Is anyone else concerned that she doesn't just have magic, but psionic magic? He's Guardian-Curious as well, but she's really dipping into that magic and it is not Mystra Approved.
Wyll: Why does she avoid me? I just wanna be friends?
Shadowheart, Karlach: Can we talk about her completely destitute, covered in barely healed scars appearance? How she had nothing on her besides bones? Like we're worried but it's also incredibly suspicious, right??? She has scars on her head that literally look like someone ripped her skull open?
Lae'zel: Nothing. She has no issues.
what makes them laugh? what does their laugh sound like?
Her laugh always is surprised. Like she didn't expect it either. Bright and pleased. She thinks Astarion is really funny, which he's probably put out by: he considers himself charming and irresistible, not funny. She likes that sort of sarcasm, and the same trollish humor he does.
do they have any inside jokes among their companions?
Not so far.
what’s the description of their camp clothes in the inventory menu?
Destitute Tunic. None of these clothes quite match or fit. The sort of thing you'd throw together out of scraps.
She wears a shirt she got in the Druid's Grove, probably embroidered with vines. Trousers about her size she took from a bandit. A sword from a dead goblin, a jerkin that doesn't quite fit. Very fine boots, the only part of her Pod Outfit that was salvageable. The colors more or less match up, but you can kind of tell it's all third hand.
what’s the description of their underwear in the inventory menu?
Second-hand Pants. It's hard to be choosey in the wilderness. At least this set fits.
how do they celebrate their birthday?
She doesn't! She has no idea what it is! Currently she's not even sure how old she is, aside from "young adult by elf standards." (A bit over 100.)
what modern day tv show would they binge over a weekend? do they get their LI to watch with them?
She could actually get really into trashy reality TV. Like it's a documentary or something. Just zone out and enjoy the spectacle. Probably she'd also be kind of into nature documentaries or nonfiction.
do you have a playlist for your tav? if so, what’s the title + description?
if you were to try pickpocketing them, what would they be carrying?
Eight cheap rings, some bones, and no gold.
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 1 year ago
25. They accidentally hurt or upset their partner. What happened? How do they respond? What do they do to make their partner feel better?
For vice/karlach?
Also fun to see another karlach! If you don't mind me asking, how did you come up with the name Vice?
Okay, finally getting to answer, sorry for the wait ahah
This is actually an interesting one, 'cause for the most part Vice and Karlach get along disgustingly well - and if something does come up then they're both as quick to simmer down as they are to anger (in regards to people they love anyway). HOWEVER, there's a certain topic which is tricky both in the headcanon realm AND is related to the moment when I received the loudest disapproval from Karlach in the actual game.
And that would be her condition, of course.
Now, Vice is doing her best to be the most supportive, present and understanding girlfriend there. Whenever the topic arises she's trying her hardest to be all 'fuck yeah's and all. She's also, however, traumatized by losing her parents and her older-sister-figure, aka the most important people of her developmental years, each and every time being utterly helpless to do anything. Which is why in actuality she's quietly losing her mind whenever thoughts of what's to come catch up to her.
Where this does leak through especially hard is in the matter of soul coins and Karlach being all 'It'll be fiiiiine' about using those. The most vocal disapproval I ever got from Karlach was when Vice tried to refuse that one vendor giving them more coins. Which leads me to this:
I think the biggest chance Vice has at truly upsetting Karlach is by treating her differently because of her engine. They're both barbarian tanks and were matching each other on the field ever since they met, so if Vice starts slowly slipping up in seeing her as more... fragile, almost, if she starts butting heads with her over the coins like she knows her engine and its limits better than Karlach herself, THAT'S gotta hurt. Because Karlach, clearly, wants to live the rest of her life to the fullest, whatever reckless behavior that entails, and not be fucking babysat. Or, got forbid, lectured or ordered on HER condition after ten years of not having any autonomy.
Is Vice well-intentioned in her worry - of course, is she somewhat right - maybe (really, Karlach, is setting yourself on even more fire wise). Does she suddenly get any authority on how Karlach should live with her affliction or what she's capable of? Hells no, of course. Not to mention that Karlach would clearly rather not be reminded of it all that often, let alone let it stop or limit her. And to get it shoved in her face by a loved one? How fucking dare.
(I'm piggybacking a lot off of my own mother, who's thankfully NOT terminally ill in any capacity, but suffers from a condition where it's recommended she stops doing any physical labor. She doesn't stop. And she does get upset and angry when we pester her about it, because she just wants to keep doing things she was always capable of doing, regardless of how unsafe it is for her now, and doesn't appreciate being reminded of the fact that she's 'falling apart'. Not the best way to treat your sudden disability, but a human and stubborn one nevertheless.)
I can see a major fight about that happening at least once, with Vice having zero awareness of where she overstepped until told upfront. She got so sucked in into the leader role of caring about the group and steering them clear from bad choices that she briefly forgot that that's not what Karlach needs at all.
She'd have a lot of stuff to grapple with. Because at the very least watching Karlach's engine was one thing she could do. If she stops doing that as well, then it's back to the helplessness again, which, as mentioned, is the worst.
She would ultimately apologize, of course. And they'd surely talk it through, because for barbarians they're really fucking great at talking about their problems and such. Perhaps they even agreed to at the very least ditch the coin usage for good, as a compromise.
Vice also probably deliberately lead the party in some another monster cave for a yet another epic fight just to blow some steam off AND demonstrate genuine effort at change in the process. The rest of the party is less than impressed, but oh well. If her girl gets inspired and hyped by kicking yet another creature's ass and sees that she's not treating her as weak at all, it's worth it.
When I was creating Vice I went to read about tiefling names and was fascinated by the concept of virtue names. So I looked through a huge bunch of suggestions and examples and I really liked Vice so that's what I named her. It ended up not suiting her personality very much, but considering that she took it all the way back when she was a teenage troublemaker it makes sense. As things stand now though, her vices have also become her strengths, which in a way honors her virtue name perfectly.
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athenian-rhapsody · 1 year ago
Depending on how much you squint, there's lots of those! I'm working under the assumption that you're being dragged into Commander, first, since that's the most popular format for newcomers, and is the best place to use a "pet card" of sorts. Vampires are the easiest: Olivia, Crimson Bride is my first choice; she want's to just absolutely run people over, and bring back anyone who dies in the process. Both her artworks are gorgeous, as well.
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Olivia Voldaren herself benefits a slower gameplan, letting you turn other people's creatures into Vampires and take them for yourself. She doesn't slay quite as hard, though.
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Those are the two most interesting Vampire Women in Black/Red (I don't much care for either version of Anje, just because their strategy is very narrow imo. Would be remiss not to mention them.) Depending on how far you wanna push the limits, Licia, Sanguine Tribune is an interesting lifegain/spend commander, and adds White mana which, as some have already mentioned, does a lot of what you might like. You can also just shove all of the other Vampires into the 99 still.
Demons- I will not lie, there are very few Demon Women. And only one of them is really "humanoid" and she has not a single ability. I guess Ziatora, the Incinerator could count? I don't think this really counts.
If we wanna stretch our definitions a smidge, Kaalia of the Vast is a lady with demon elements (among other things) that can let you summon lots of demons very quickly.
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There's also a few Tieflings, which is probably closer to what you want anyways? Most notably, Karlach (as well as almost all the important BG3 characters) is here, and can be made into a hyper-aggresive sacrifice plan in B/R with something like Cultist of the Absolute or perhaps Agent of the Shadow Thieves. Any "Choose a Background" card isn't going to be very nuanced on their own, but getting a second Commander to build around gives them lots of directions you can take them, based on your Background choice.
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Witches... I had to get a little creative with. They aren't their own creature type, usually split between Wizards or Warlocks, so I've used my best judgement. There's a few from Innistrad that are very witchy, but they don't seem like what you're looking for. Instead, consider Rowan, Scion of War. She's not so much a witch as a mage, admittedly, but she's in B/R and fits the goal of "Mess with life for value" very well. You lose a bunch of life to gain an advantage, and then cast very powerful spells for cheap.
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We can sacrifice one of the two colors and replace it with green to get witchier®. By giving up red, we get Baba Lysaga, Night Witch. She wants to sacrifice lots of different types of cards (or just one card with lots of different types, if it's convenient), to get more cards to do it all again, draining out your opponents in the process.
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If we instead sacrifice black, we get Agatha of the Vile Cauldron, who makes activated abilities cheaper based on her power. This can go lots and lots of different directions and half of them probably break the game. She also has a signature cauldron, which is great theming.
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Lastly, by once again adding White instead, we get Dihada, Binder of Wills, who I'm pretty sure counts. She just wants you to have lots of legendary stuff, which is a great excuse to play a lot of fun cards.
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Werewolves, sadly, have only one person who can reasonably build a deck around, and he's not a woman best I can tell. If you're playing with cool people, they might let you run a planeswalker as a commander, which would let you run Arlinn, the Pack's Hope or maybe just Arlinn Kord? I don't know which is better. You could also run them in the 99, but werewolves don't really line up with any sort of sacrifice gameplan anyways, so maybe not them.
Some bonus things- on top of lots of BG3 characters (minor spoiler warnings?), we also just got Doctor Who, which I am pretty sure is a series you like. If not, sorry, ignore the next chunk of text?
The Master, Multiplied is a B/R commander that can get very complicated if you let it, and is also maybe a woman by virtue of being everyone? I've watched the scene but I'm unqualified to comment on the gender identity of people turned into The Master.
Probably a better fit is Missy, with a very powerful first ability and a second ability to keep you fueled up (note: chaos ensuing is part of a spinoff format of sorts, but she's still strong without that doing anything).
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There seems to be a lot of characters represented, so if you really like a specific character, especially a Doctor or Companion, they're probably here.
That's all I can come up with, I'm afraid. Forgive the extremely long and dubiously requested post, I suffer from Mental Illnesses. Hopefully this will have been of some help in finding a card to build around, or at least gives you a sense of direction. EDHREC and Scryfall are great places to look for other cards, if you know what you're looking for!
So Sophie's getting me into magic the gathering
I've been using black and red decks
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