ccattre · 7 months
So, my favorite part about Jak X combat racing is the autosave glitch that's in the black lable copy only, and effects the ps2 slim only, and makes it so you have to take out your memory card once you start the game to disable auto save because if you don't there a chance it will corrupt your entire memory card, and it was such a big problem at the time that playstation was reaching out and offering to fix jak x corrupted memory cards isnt that so cool, that's my favorite part of Jak x combat racing.
Ajsjswbdwdn yesterday my friends and I went to keep playing Jax X, and all the save data was COMPLEYLY GONE dont even know why, ps2 told us its never seen that shit before, also for some reason our Jak 3 save data was also deleted????? I wonder if it killed any other games cause It wasn't my memory card to remember. It's so annoying we have 2 fat ps2s, but one has a broken disk reader and the other is a Japanese ps2, so screwed up Jak X gameplay it is, also while I'm yapping I'm mad there's no cool japanese cover for jak 3 and X big let down.
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noodle-schrammy · 5 years
its getting fluffy gays and pals
I sat on the bed while Richard placed something on an table I gazed at this beautiful sky how the colours played together but my thoughts were else were asking allot of questions are those feelings real?...I this feeling really love....and what am I even I know from now straight wasn't an answer anymore...fuck what if we tell the band and they just kick us out the thoughts were sharp aching deep in me I noticed how some tears rolled down my face tears of questions and of an unwanted feeling, Richard embraced me tightly asking in his usual tender tone "whats wrong paulchen?" Tears building up as Richard tried to calm me down I don't want this feeling I didn't wanted to fall for him he's a good friend nothing more and even after all the band knows how he is...he is an gentle person but with poisoning touches and sometime empty promises I sighed heavily out clearing my troat and began to explain with raspy voice "I'm scarred...and full of questions reesh" he nodded and sat himself down at the sky blue carpet while gazing up to me with an expression which made it harder to talk "what if....the band won't accept us...and mostly important what if this relationship is just an asinine idea..." Began sobbing before clearing my vision "and....what er we even we cant lable us straight or....are we even acceptable" I began sobbing harder only choking the words out as I noticed how I sank down from the bed meeting the carpet too and having an Richard embracing me not saying an word letting me cry into his shoulder it felt like an relief like the weight was realised "please don't say that...you're everything to me I couldn't without you your smiles, your dork like moves at the show gosh even the way you gaze to me, everything is adoring about you...Paul" I glanced up to him while he gave me an tissue to blow my nose and dry my tears "I'm sorry i wet your shoulder reesh" I told him while catching my breath "its ok...I just want you happy I....love you" I gave an tender smile while clearing my troat "....you drama Queen I love you too" I told him while resting my arms around his shoulders "and calmed down" "yeah a little also do you want us to stay here on the semi comfortable carpet I mean we dont havejust for sleeping an bed which is better for sitting on it Richard laughed and helped me up I sat down at the bes before gazing go Richard handing me my camera "here you forgot your camera" "shit yes and I thank you with my whole heart reesh....but now the sunset is gone and I didn't got even one picture" "well actually" added Richard while showing me an perfect picture of the sunset and the concert and an silly selfie from Richard "you really took an good picture I love it thank you" "I know how you love taking pictures so yeah an little comfort for you" he explained while resting his head on my shoulder yawning "are tired reesh I mean" I took a peek onto my phone seeing its not late in fact its only around 8 in the late evening "you know what get dressed were Having an date" cheerfully pointed out while Richard rolled his eyes but got up and started putting an nice black shirt and an black leather jacket with some black jeans standing there gazing to me while on the other hand I wore an band shirt and an shirt with a 'simple' motif from the map of the world while going for the same choice of jeans and an sweater jacket "ok" sighed out Richard before chuckling pointing out " I actually never thought you would listen to emigrate or did you just bought it because of me" "I listened to your band and even if I'm a more a quit person I enjoy your singing" I replied while he continued "and second what is this" he pulled softly on my shirt "well I love it and gonna wear it mister I go to an funeral" he rolled his eyes before jokingly adding "the funeral is for our fashion choices and now come" I got my camera and strolled with Richard holding hands through the city the sun was nearly gone and the lights were going on making it even more dreamy.
Richard. Po.v.
As we approached the restaurant I gazed to Paul as he was gazing to me with an dreamful smile. We sat down and ordered our food while drinking red whine we talked about alot of things and the time passed while the dim lighting of the balcony fairy lights made Paul's face even more adoring as he talked about the storie how Schneider has anything by him and is more like an drummer mutter, while we where holding hands and Paul stroked mine tender while smiling we noticed our food came we ate it in the peaceful silence as an small band played cheese songs and the air filled it self with the crackling feeling between us after we eat up and drank some more red whine we just started dancing we were almost alone only the small band playing slowly an calming piece and the coworkers talking and watching us we but didn't cared at all I noticed how Paul didn't cared to he was more drawn into leading me into this small dance of us to. After the time passed and more whine was consumed we got told to leave so that they could close down, we bucked of while I tried supporting Paul he seems like an type who drinks only beer but he had quite an apatite for whine. as we got to our hotel room I rested Paul on the bed while he got undressed yawning and falling asleep still dreamy smiling I sighed while noticing the camera was missing we forgot it totally I got quickly and silent out of the room and down the hall while I got further away from the hotel I began more more sprinting as I approached the restaurant I saw an woman examining the camera I for closer to here and she flinched together as I stood half an meter away from her "hello um could you please give this camera it belongs to someone else" I tried to explained while trying not to sound to much boozed up "oh of course I'm sorry but why not in an more delighting setting" she told me while having flushed tone licking her plum red lips as she moved closer to me and tried walking without tripping and falling "uupsi" and with those words she fall forward I tried holding both my balance and her balance while gazing to the camera and getting grip on it placing it down soflty at the wooden balcony besides the succulents I knew if I broke Paul's canson I can already forget making it up it was like the one time were he tripped on stage and instead saving himself he ended up holding his guitar up high while flying head first on the stage im still surprised at the fact he just smiled it away and still played and after I tried to stitch the gashing wound he just told me with an dry tone "well now I can start my career as tampon". My thoughts drifted again to the woman while I landed on the stairs of the restaurant. I glanced up to sky it was full of clouds as I gazed onto the sky hoping Paul is asleep I noticed how the woman moved she got up and opened the glas door and came after an short time again outside with two glass bottles of red whine the labels were nearly faded but before I could tell her anything she hushed me while opening the first bottle pouring two glasses in and gave me one "its wonderful those nights string here and just staring in the sky I agreed and didn't noticed how the time past and the first bottle and then the second empty while we both laughed flushing red from the booze we got closer as the sky got more cloudy and the air was getting sharp and cold we felt how raintrops fell down an refreshing filling in those hot months she moved even closer and ended up sitting on me I didn't even really was in action I was to boozed up to even notice the hickeys she gave me laughing before falling asleep on me.
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