#so he might also end up with income not going directly to his masters degree soon!!!!
softdedue · 1 year
This definitely should be the last month we have to do this bc my roommate and I just both started new higher paying jobs, but neither of us is going to get paid by those new jobs until the 13th and rent is. Due.
My parents are helping us with a thousand dollars but rent is $1550 and between us we have about $30 (some of which unfortunately has to go to transit to said new jobs) so. Once again, anything helps. We need about $600 total
cshapp: $wryemandel
pypal: @deyrbnogardi
kofi link in description
vnmo: ask me
48 notes · View notes
bouwrites · 4 years
Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream: Chapter 17
Despite the overwhelming odds, tomorrow came.
First, Previous. Ao3.
And we come to the final chapter. Thank you all so much for reading! It was a delight to be able to share this story with you. Be well, and stay safe <3
Story under read-more.
“Honestly, I’m just relieved that you and Jon actually realized you’re in love with each other. I’ve been hanging out with Tamias recently and, God.”
Marinette rolls her eyes at her friend. “It wasn’t like that. It’s not like I was secretly pining since I met him. Or, not-so-secretly.” She snorts good-naturedly, thinking of the boys.
Louise loudly guffaws. “Marinette, you two were so transparent from the moment we met you. There’s no way you weren’t already in love with him then.”
“I wasn’t! I loved him, yeah, but not like that.” Marinette pouts a little. “Just because I fell in love with him later doesn’t mean we were always in love. We really were just friends. Our pining lasted like, two days.”
Kasey smirks mischievously. “I don’t know why you’re trying so hard to defend it when you’re literally dating him now, but go off, I guess. You were married from the moment you moved in together. I bet.”
“We’re good roommates.” Marinette rolls her eyes. “And we had our share of problems. And I wasn’t in love back then. When we met, I was still dating Adrien, you know, and it took a long time to get over him. No, I fell in love with Jon when he brought me out into a starlit field on Thanksgiving and made me a heartfelt speech about how much I mean to him. I mean, I’m not made of stone! Who wouldn’t fall in love when he does that?”
Kasey groans loudly. “That’s so freaking cute, oh my god. I hate that I know that Jon is exactly the kind of person who would do that.”
Louise giggles even more, covering her mouth with her hand. “I hate that he totally did that without even thinking about it being romantic. I bet he fell in love with you at the same time, didn’t he?”
Marinette is loath to admit it, but… “Yes. That’s exactly how it happened.”
The other girls cackle at the thought and, wiping a tear from her eye, Kasey says, “Now, if only David and Tamias could have a starlit romp through a field.”
“Heavens no.” Marinette says immediately. “David and fields? We don’t want to start wildfires.”
“What is with him and fire, anyway?” Louise asks. “He’s not even a pyrotechnic; things just happen.”
“We don’t question it.” Marinette answers. “We just try to minimize the damage.”
“Probably smart.” Kasey says. “He’s got an internship this semester, right? I hope everything catching fire around him doesn’t affect that too bad.”
“Seems to be going alright so far, though Jon would know better than me.” Marinette hums. She sits back, thinking about David’s internship and the seemingly unanimous worry about what comes after college. It’s the last semester for most of them. That thought is still surreal to Marinette. It feels like just yesterday she packed her bags for her very first trip to American soil. “Can you guys believe we’re going to graduate?”
Both girls groan loudly. “It’s so exciting!” Kasey says, though her voice is less enthused than her words. “But also, I’m terrified.”
Louise nods sagely. “I feel like I haven’t learned nearly enough to have a degree!”
Marinette giggles. “Are you going for a Master’s, then?”
Louise nods. “If I can afford it. I’m still budgeting, but my job right now is pretty good, so it should be fine. What about you?”
“Maybe.” Marinette says. “Honestly, I haven’t given much thought to what happens after graduation. I’ll have to talk to Jon about what his plans are, but… yeah, I’ll probably work on my Master’s. Depending on what we decide, I might do that somewhere else, though. I don’t know if Jon wants to go back to Metropolis, or what.”
Kasey coos. “You’d follow him to Metropolis?”
Marinette shrugs. “Why not? Metropolis may not be Paris or New York, but they’ve still got a flourishing fashion scene. It’s not like I’m just following my boyfriend – I can see a future in my career there, too, so right now, since I don’t have it all figured out yet, it’ll work just as well as staying here. Or even going back to Paris. I’m not sacrificing anything doing that, and frankly I think it’d be cool to live in Metropolis, even if it’s just for a while. You know?”
“I totally understand.” Kasey nods eagerly.
Louise giggles. ‘Plus, if Jon is planning on a writing job, he’ll have a much harder time in Paris trying to do that in French.”
“His French is actually pretty good!” Marinette says in his defense. “I’ve been practicing with him, and he’s been at it for more than a year now, so he’s not that bad. You’re right, though. He hasn’t had a firm idea for what kind of job he wants, not that he’s told me, anyway, so if he’s planning on just joining the reporting scene like his parents, even just as a temporary job, it’ll be much more difficult for him in Paris. At least, more difficult than designing will be for me in America.” Marinette hums, holding a hand to her chin. “Something else to consider, I guess.”
“Sounds like you and he need to talk about it.” Kasey says. “You’re running out of time, fast.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Marinette signs. “What about you, though? Any plans for a graduate degree?”
Kasey flushes a little and shakes her head. “N-no. I’m still just worried about finding a job.”
Louise pats her back gently. “Easily the worst part.” She says. “The job search sucks. But you’ll get through it!”
Marinette groans in agreement. I need to remember to thank Uncle Jagged again. She thinks. Even with her name tied to his giving her massive opportunity within the industry, looking for jobs still sucks. She’s so fortunate to have consistent (celebrity, no less) clients, so she’s sitting pretty well working on commission. But she does want a more stable income just for future-proofing. She even has the luxury of, what she’s thinking of doing, trying to start her own label right out of the gate instead of working for a brand first.
It probably would have been smarter to keep her identity secret until she set that all up and use Jagged’s announcement to prop up her new label, but… that’s hindsight, Marinette supposes. Jagged Stone is still big enough that she’ll turn heads when she does announce it regardless.
Either way, she’s keeping her options open for now. But she’s so lucky. The only reason she’s even looking for jobs is the option and experience – she doesn’t need it. Marinette tries her best to appreciate that.
She definitely needs to talk with Jon, though. Which she will do, if tests don’t murder her first.
To be fair, midterms aren’t all bad. Marinette has a good groove going – she nails it down during their third year so this is just slight alterations here and there to adjust for this semester’s schedule. Still, she can see that diploma and she sure as hell is not going to slack off and let herself lose it now.
Plus, they have a whole semester. Yes, they need to plan and prepare, but it’s not that urgent just yet. Despite how graduation seems to loom over them, it’s still months away. It makes it a little too easy to put the talk out of her mind and focus only on the more immediately approaching tests.
That said, Marinette knows it’s irresponsible to keep putting it off. Marinette is reminded of it regularly when Tikki brings it up during their chats. Wayzz reminds her often, too, but if Tikki, who only gets out of the Miracle Box much more sparingly these days, uses her valuable time with Marinette to worry over it, it must be worse than Marinette thinks.
Then again, it is Tikki, so maybe not. Tikki’s a chronic worrier, after all.
But Marinette ends up surprised when it’s Jon that brings the subject up. They’re on their sofa, playing a video game together, when Jon says suddenly, “I keep meaning to ask, what’re you planning to do after graduation?” Marinette blinks up at him for a moment, because despite the question being on her mind, it’s still unexpected now. “I mean,” Jon chuckles awkwardly, “I know you’re already making a living off designing, so maybe nothing much will change there? But, uh… are you going to move back to Paris?”
Marinette smiles gently. “I was actually meaning to ask you that.” She sighs. “Someday after graduation I’m going to start a label. I need to get people and get all the prep work done for that, and I’m probably not going to work too hard on starting that until graduation, so that’s a while off, and I was thinking of working on a Master’s degree, but… as for where, I was going to ask you. I can make my label anywhere, and I can live off commission until I get that sorted, but since I don’t know what kind of job you’re looking for, I was thinking you’d probably decide where we go.”
Jon flushes red. “You were? I- oh. I thought since you had everything all figured out already, I’d just go where you do and find a job there.”
Marinette flushes as well at him saying so directly that he plans to follow her wherever she decides to go. It’s something they both already understand, of course, but they rarely voice that particular thought. Have we ever said that aloud? That they’ll move to an entirely new city just to be with the other? When Marinette thinks too hard about it, it seems more grand a gesture than it feels. Really, it’s more like… Jon’s home, so if he’s in Metropolis, that’s home, too. It’s not a big deal. Yet, when he says the same thing, it feels so major. “Oh.” She says. “Well, what kind of job were you thinking of?”
Jon shrugs. “I don’t know, honestly. I mean, dream job, you know what would be really cool?” Jon perks up cutely and grins at the thought. “Working in a museum. It’d be so cool just to be surrounded by all the artifacts all the time. Do research, and educate people… I don’t know. I haven’t thought too much about it, but that sounds neat, doesn’t it?”
“You’re volunteering at a museum, aren’t you?” Marinette asks.
Jon grins. “Yeah, for class. That’s what made me think of it! It’s actually a lot of fun. Though, in the meantime, I do still like writing. It’ll probably be easier for me to get a job at a newspaper or something because of my parents. That’s an option, too.”
Marinette hums. “Well, if you’re going to write, you probably don’t want to do that in French.”
Jon grimaces. “I didn’t even think about that.”
Marinette just giggles. “So that’s a reason to stay in America, I guess.”
“If you want to go home, you shouldn’t let me stop you. I can figure something out.” Jon says earnestly. “I’m fine living in Paris, I promise. My French isn’t that bad anymore, right?”
Marinette shakes her head fondly. “Of course not. You’re fluent enough to work there if you have to, and you’ll only get better if you do, but do you have a preference?” She asks. “Do you want to go back to Metropolis, or to Paris, or somewhere else?”
Jon makes a face and shrugs. “Honestly? Not really. So long as I’m with you, I’ll be fine.”
“I didn’t ask if you’d be fine.” Marinette rolls her eyes. “I know you’ll be fine. I asked if you have a preference.”
Jon blushes again and shakes his head. “No, I don’t.” He says firmly. “I promise. I can see myself living… well, maybe not anywhere, but any of our three cities.” He leans in close to her touching her nose with his as he grins at her. “Or on a farm.”
Marinette kisses him quickly before pushing him away, laughing at his stunned expression. Apparently, whatever he expected from teasing her with that farm comment wasn’t that. “As beautiful as the farm is, I think I would prefer living in a city, if it’s all the same to you.”
Jon just shrugs, smiling goofily all the while. “Works for me. Maybe we can save the farm for retirement.”
There’s a thought. Since she was little, Marinette imagined so many different futures for herself. From childhood to old age. But she can truly, honestly say that not one of those daydreams involves spending her old age with her goofball husband in the American countryside. Then again, none of them involve living anywhere but Paris; she always assumed that she’ll spend her whole life there.
But thinking about it, there is an idyllic appeal to the thought. Ha, maybe. She shakes her head. More than the thought of some pastoral life on a farm, it’s the thought of Jon planning to retire together with her that brings heat to Marinette’s cheeks.
She has a more immediate future to think about, though. “What do you think about staying in New York?” She asks. “We’ve both got friends here, even considering the ones that are probably going to move away after graduation. Maybe it’s the safe option, but I’ve already dropped my life to move to a new city once already.”
Jon snickers playfully. “You mean you got it all out of your system? No desire at all to move to China next?”
“Don’t tempt me.” Marinette giggles.
“New York sounds great, though.” Jon says, more seriously. “I like it here.”
“Me too. And it doesn’t have to be permanent. If we decide we want to move somewhere else later down the line, we can always still do that. But at least we know what we’ll do right out of university.”
Jon chuckles to himself. “Just know that I’m working on Kryptonian after I get comfortable with French. If you drag us to China, you’re going to be the one doing the talking.”
Marinette smacks his arm. “I’m not going to drag you to China.” She says. “…For more than a visit, anyway. I do have family there, you know. But I want in on Kryptonian lessons. That sounds like a lot of fun. You going to have your Aunt Kara teach you?”
“That’s the plan.” Jon says “There’s some old educational stuff in the Fortress of Solitude that we’re going to use as reference, but she’ll be in charge since she already knows it. I’ll tell her you’ll be joining us when we do start that. It’ll be nice to have you to talk with, too, like we do with French. Otherwise, I’ll pretty much never use it.”
“I can’t wait.” Marinette smiles at him. “That should be exciting.”
The conversation lulls, and Marinette is happy. They finally have that conversation about where they’re going after graduation, so that’s a weight off her shoulders, and she’s happy regardless just to lean into Jon’s side and play video games quietly with him.
“Is it weird,” Jon says suddenly, after a while, “that I think of New York as home? At least as much as the farm or Metropolis. Maybe more.”
Marinette shrugs. “This is our fourth year here. Probably not. It’s home for me, too, either way.”
Jon hums, a deep vibration in his chest that Marinette can feel from where she lays against him. “I’m glad we’re staying. I didn’t even realize until now, and maybe it’s silly, but… New York feels like our place. If that makes any sort of sense. Paris and Metropolis are Ladybug and Superboy’s places, but New York is Marinette and Jon.” He hums a little more and nuzzles into Marinette’s hair. “I like Marinette and Jon.”
Marinette chuckles, feeling her cheeks flush even as she adjusts to press even closer to him. “I think I get what you mean. New York is where our new life is. Sort of like we left our hero lives behind in our old cities. If we went back, it’d be a new life in an old home. Wouldn’t be bad, and we could make our home there if we want to, but…”
“But it’s not the same.” Jon agrees. “We’re already home. We don’t need to move.”
“Yeah. I feel the same way.” She looks up at him. “I love you, Jon.”
“I love you, too.” He kisses her tenderly, with that soft, gentle crescent of a smile that says so much more in so much less than his brightest, most beaming of smiles.
“Jon.” Marinette says suddenly, jumping up from her seat. “Jon, oh my god.”
Jon perks up, shifting quickly into alert mode from the tone of her voice. “What? What is it?”
Marinette takes another moment to consider the thought that occurs to her, to verify it, and grabs his shirt. “Nothing. Nothing is happening. No big revelation, no genetically engineered siblings, no catty high-school drama, no tragedy – dude our last semester is normal!” Marinette puts a hand to her head, still reeling from the thought. “So that’s what it feels like.”
Jon releases a breathy laugh. “Don’t jinx it! Besides, I wouldn’t say nothing happened. Mercury passed in front of the sun. The astronomy professor at my school let me look through her telescope. It was pretty cool.”
“Jon, you absolute dweeb, you know that’s not what I mean.”
Jon starts cackling. “Were’d you even learn the word dweeb? I mean, you’re right, but who says that anymore?”
“Television.” Marinette says seriously. “But I’m serious here!”
“Me too.” Jon says. He wraps her up in his arms comfortably, chuckling all the while. “It’s not really the first time, is it? I mean, we don’t have that bad of a track record, all things considered.”
Marinette thinks about it more, trying to piece the timeline back together. “Huh, I guess so. It’s like good, bad, then bad – but just for me, I think? – then bad at the start but good for most of it, then good, then Sam, then whatever the hell last semester was. Is that a pattern? Second semesters have drama? Oh, god, is the drama just waiting for graduation?!”
“Marinette, I love you,” Jon’s voice is cool, grounded, sturdy, “but do not catastrophize right now. The last thing we need is bad vibes on our last semester. It’s our last semester! We’ve got it figured out! So, if some stupid call to action comes knocking at our door between now and graduation, what do we do?”
“Tell it to shut up, because we’ve got to study.” Marinette says with a small smile, pressing her head to Jon’s. “You’re right. Let’s keep this going.”
Jon chuckles softly. “To be fair, Sam was perfectly ordinary drama, and Kon had basically nothing to do with us. Not- not him being born, anyway. He’s my brother, obviously, so he- eh, you know what I mean.”
“Not our fault.” Marinette chants quietly. “Not our fault. Not our fault.”
Jon giggles and joins in, echoing the chant until it becomes a cheer and they’re both incapacitated by their giggles.
He’s right. Despite the bad parts, when Marinette examines her university career a little closer it becomes clear that, by and large, she does exactly what she set out to do. Especially as Jon and she get better at dealing with conflict, figure themselves out, and establish themselves into this life they build for themselves, even though certain things should be so much more monumental – like Conner showing up compared to what is arguably the worst time in her university life, the reveal of Jon being Superboy – it doesn’t really feel like it.
Maybe it’s because they’re both more comfortable, and because they grow enough to be equipped to handle those things, in their own way. Maybe it’s because of the strength she finds in him, that they find in each other. Maybe it’s because she’s happy in a way that she wasn’t back then that everything else seems so much more pedestrian and simpler to deal with.
It doesn’t really matter why. Marinette is just grateful that her life has gotten to this point. All because of Jon.
They’re sitting together in a park, a quiet, overcast day taking a respite from their studies, when Jon catches her off guard. “I love you, you know.” Jon says quietly, with so much feeling in his voice that Marinette thinks he must be pondering the same thing she is, how appreciative she is that he’s here. It’s a small, intimate moment between the two of them, cuddled together in the park. Jon is so good at moments like these. He always manages to leave Marinette breathless. She adamantly refuses to believe he’s just as stunned and overwhelmed as she, even when she can see it transparently on his face, because he always, always comes around with something so damn sweet and meaningful that- “It’s because of you that New York is home. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you, so thank you, Marinette, for helping me be someone I really love.” Something like that. “And for being yourself – another person that I really, really love.”
Marinette cups his face in her hands. “Don’t make me cry in public, Jon!” She whines half-heartedly.
“But I have to!” Jon pouts. “I have to remind you how much I love you while I can.” His voice takes a more somber note, something beneath the light lilt of it. “I can’t stand the thought of you not knowing exactly how special you are, so I have to.”
“You really don’t.” Marinette says too earnestly to be teasing. “I know how much you love me. I just hope you can feel how much I love you. Everything you said I could honestly say right back at you, you know.”
“Of course, I do.” Jon whispers, stealing a kiss. “But just because you know doesn’t mean I shouldn’t say it. I have to say it. I don’t- I don’t have the words. I’m still trying to figure them out. I have to get them right, and the only way to do that is to keep trying, but also… also you deserve to be told how wonderful and beautiful and smart and talented and gorgeous and breathtaking and resplendent and kind and brave and honest and clever and-”
“You going to run out of adjectives anytime soon?” Marinette squeaks, face aflame and covered with her hands.
“Not even close!” Jon chirps cheerily. His voice falls back into that lower register, the soft one for only the space between them and no further. “But I’m serious. I have to keep saying it because you deserve to hear it. It’s different; knowing, and having it reaffirmed. I just want to keep that smile on your face.”
“You are so unbearably sweet sometimes, you know that?”
Jon snickers quietly. “So you keep telling me. But you love me.”
“I do. I absolutely do.” Marinette sighs. “It’s so weird. Just three years ago I thought Adrien was the one.”
Jon’s big eyes gleam curiously. Not in an aggressive way – in fact, it’s with a gentleness somewhere close to sympathy. “Do you still love him?” He asks.
Marinette worries her lip. “In some ways, yes.” She says honestly. “But not like this. Not anymore.” She grabs Jon’s hand and kisses the back of it to reaffirm her feelings to him. He’s not so fragile as to seriously doubt her love for him at the mention of her ex, but admitting she still loves Adrien still can’t be the easiest thing in the world, even if it’s not in a romantic sense. “Adrien and I worked. Heroism was a… a dealbreaker, I guess. If it weren’t for that, I would have probably ended up marrying him. Might even be right now, in that other life.”
Jon furrows his brow at the grass for a moment, just long enough for Marinette to get concerned, then he says, “I get it. I never got as far as you did, but… I never told you why I lost my crush on Damian, did I? Wasn’t just time, though that was part of it. That was all during high school, as I was getting more and more sick of being Superboy, but Damian was growing up. He was… well, I guess he was about where we are now, back when I was still trying to wrap my head around liking guys at all.” Jon shakes his head, smiling fondly. “When we were kids, I used to tease him about me being three years younger and six years more mature. Wonder when he got so far ahead of me.” He sighs. “Anyway, despite how hot mature Damian was-”
“You can say is. I won’t be jealous.”
Jon splutters and flushes brilliantly. “…is. Despite that, it was just increasingly clear that he’ll never be anything but a hero. As I got sick of it, that whole crush thing just…” Jon makes a motion with his hands, as if tearing something apart.
Marinette nods. “Yeah, it’s sort of like that, isn’t it? In another life, it might’ve worked, but in this one, it just… can’t. I’m just grateful that we work in this life.”
“Mhmm. Me too. If it means we work, I’m glad we’re in this life. Who cares about those other lives when we’ve got this right here?”
The rest of their last semester passes by in a flash. It’s anticlimactic, all things considered, but despite jinxing it by pointing out their strange pattern of drama, nothing terrible at all happens to ruin graduation for them.
Well, there is a small scare with Conner. Hero work isn’t safe, even for Kryptonians, but some calming tea and reassurance calms Jon down quickly. It helps that he’s actually kept updated on the situation, and it’s not actually that frightening in hindsight. Both Marinette and Jon have been through far worse.
Still, it’s Conner’s first real beat down. Marinette isn’t sure if she’s inspired or horrified by how quickly, how easily, and how little he hesitates getting right back up. She has to have a few conversations with Jon about that, as the semester continues, but ultimately Conner is free to do as he likes. Marinette will worry about him, just like Jon does, but it’s clear that, at least for now, heroism is where Conner’s heart is.
She doesn’t begrudge him that. In fact, he’s ironically one of the least annoying heroes she knows, and she doesn’t love those others any less. Adrien still asks her about joining him for patrol when she’s in Paris, Alya still bugs her about Tikki and what her hero name with Wayzz is and if she’ll give her an interview as the turtle hero, temporary heroes from her time fighting Hawk Moth, original and re-chosen both, ask after their kwami and usually end up inviting her out if she decides to let them go for a run (she rarely has reason to say no to letting them see the kwami, so those invites are fairly common).
Hell, even Damian is more respectful about not trying to bring her back into hero work than her Parisian friends are. Though, to be fair, she’s only assuming he even knows. She never actually tells him; she just assumes that he of all people will have her figured out, if Superman knowing doesn’t mean her identity is common knowledge within the Justice League. It doesn’t concern her either way. She’s not Ladybug anymore, and she knows Damian isn’t stupid enough to both put the Miracle Box in danger and risk outing Jon and his family just by her proximity to them. Damian’s actually pretty cool, all things considered.
But the fact is that when Conner is in her and Jon’s apartment, he never even mentions his own hero work. He talks about the Teen Titans sometimes, but only about them being his friends. He only talks about them in situations where, minus powers, they could be any teenagers at all. He doesn’t mention missions or training or anything of the sort. Marinette can’t help but wonder if he’s doing that on purpose, thinking of Jon’s feelings about it, or if he himself doesn’t want to bring it up. Thinking about it, this little New York apartment is probably the closest thing to normal family life the kid has, and Marinette can see the look in his eyes. She won’t be surprised if the latter is the true reason.
Regardless of reason, though, he’s a welcome addition to their home. Marinette makes sure to prepare some tea for him whenever he stops by, and even once has to wrangle a whole gaggle of rowdy, superpowered teenagers as the other Titans decide to crash the party. (They’re notably less restrained about asking about Marinette and Jon’s heroic pasts, and after a while of growing quietly more and more irritated, Conner cuts in when one of his friends asks why Jon and Marinette quit heroism to berate his friend for being intrusive, saying to stop prying into his family. Marinette shares a smile with Jon, thinking how cute it is that he’s defending them, and secretly melting inside that he’s openly including her in his family, and calmly answers the question anyway, patting Conner’s head and passing him another cup of tea. He calms down, after that, though he never seems comfortable so long as they stay on the hero topic.)
But overall, nothing groundbreaking happens. Marinette and Jon go out throughout the semester, he’s ridiculously cute like always, Adrien teases her about it good-naturedly and Marinette sees through the façade of levity to the concern and firm affirmation that he’s okay with her and Jon like always, Louise and Jon geek out, leaving Kasey and Marinette to look at each other and shake their heads like always, the boys set up more shenanigans to get David and Tamias together (“Not much time left!” Jesse insists. “We got to pull out the big guns!”) and that doesn’t happen, but something catches on fire like always.
It’s fun. Eventful but not stressful. And it all culminates in what everything over the past four years is leading to. Graduation.
The days leading up to it, Marinette is legitimately considering not walking the stage at all. Her graduation and Jon’s are a day apart, so there’s not a scheduling conflict, but it is close enough that Marinette considers just prioritizing his. After all, her friends and family are mostly overseas. A lot of them won’t be able to come anyway, whereas Jon has his whole family here. It only makes sense.
Jon disagrees, obviously, but it’s not until Jagged rolls around with half her friends from Paris already packed into his car that Marinette concedes completely.
It’s worth it just to see the look on Kasey’s face when she shows up at Marinette’s apartment to get ready for graduation together and Jagged Stone is there already fussing over her. Marinette is half-certain Kasey is about to faint, and Jagged welcoming her like an overeager puppy and starting to fuss over her preparations for the ceremony doesn’t help matters.
Between Jagged, Marinette’s parents, a good majority of Marinette’s not insignificant number of friends, Kasey and Louise, Jon’s parents, grandparents, aunt, and brother, Bruce Wayne’s entire family (Marinette thinks? There’s a lot of them, and they’re all mysterious.), a smattering of other League heroes, and Jesse, Mason, David, and Tamias, their tiny apartment isn’t anywhere near big enough to handle everyone. Luckily, they have no less than five absurdly wealthy people among them, and their little afterparties are held in one of their notably larger temporary residences.
But during the graduation itself, Marinette is strangely nervous. She’s certain her old nerves will come back to bite her and she’ll trip on stage and make a fool of herself. Kasey and Louise are nowhere near her in the seats, so she’s on her own down in the middle of the stadium surrounded by her peers and their families.
She bounces her knee, unable to keep still, and then her row stands, and she follows without thinking about what she’s doing, and there are pictures taken, and the next thing she knows she’s facing out at the crowd. It’s a crowd she knows, and she smiles. This crowd doesn’t ask anything of her but to collect her diploma, have her two seconds in the spotlight, and move on for the next student. This crowd doesn’t take. And warmth surges through Marinette, and she’s proud. She’s so proud that she can cry.
I really did it. She thinks. Cameras flash, people scream, Marinette swears she can hear Jagged, and she swears his voice is amplified somehow (that’ll probably get him kicked out, if him being Jagged Stone doesn’t give him a free pass, if only the once, Marinette thinks with a giggle), and then she’s continuing on, shaking hands with some of the staff, and then she’s off the stage entirely, making her way back to her seat.
She looks at the paper in her hands – not her diploma, just a little note of a stand-in, made generally, with no names and no specifics, so that no one needs to worry about which one is handed to which student (she’ll get the real diploma after the ceremony ends) – and she feels so, so proud of herself.
Jon, when she’s released, with her true diploma in a large envelope in her hands, is the first to capture her in the biggest hug he can muster. The rest of the group surrounds them, about half of them pouting that Jon doesn’t let her go for them to hug, as Jon says in her ear, “You did it. No takebacksies.”
Marinette gets a good laugh at that.
“You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You know that?” Jon says quietly, intimately, despite their menagerie of onlookers. “You’ve changed my life for the better. I’m the person I am today because of you. So, thank you. You are beautiful, and so intelligent, and the most creative person in the world, and you’re everything you decide to be, and that still takes my breath away.”
Through the coos of all their eavesdropping friends, and Jesse’s wolf-whistling, Marinette chokes over just Jon’s name.
“I love you so, so much, Marinette. I will never take you for granted.”
Marinette forgoes the words that get caught in her throat and just kisses him instead.
When they separate from each other, and the others get their chance to hug her, Alya frowns at Jon. “Wait, that wasn’t a proposal?” She hisses, not nearly quiet enough for Marinette not to hear.
Jon just giggles impishly. “Why would you think that?”
“I- you- how often do you do that?”
“Remind the love of my life how talented and smart and awesome and resplendent she is?” Jon asks. “As often as I can. Duh.”
Marinette covers her face as her parents lean in to tell her that he’s a keeper, and to remind her to let them know as soon as he does propose.
As if she doesn’t already know that, or that she’ll do anything different.
Tag List: @moonystars14 @pawsitivelymiraculous @magic-miraculous @vixen-uchiha @buticaaba @bigpicklebananatree @lozzybowe @moonlightstar64 @amayakans @theatreandcomicfreak @toodaloo-kangaroo @too0bsessedformyowngood @justcourttee​ <3
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 247: Todoroki Angst
Previously on BnHA: Ujiko started some kind of procedure on Tomura to make him even more powerful, because that’s what we were all asking for at the end of the last arc, isn’t it? “Horikoshi can you go ahead and make the homicidal nihilist even stronger please and thank you.” Well not to worry, because he’s got our backs! Meanwhile Hawks poked around the villain HQ trying to find out more details about That End Of The World Thing That’s Happening In 4 Months, and came up with squat. But he did successfully pass on his secret message to Endeavor about how “THE CHILDREN ARE OUR ONLY HOPE,” so Endeavor shrugged and was like “fine, HEY CHILDREN, LET’S GO FIGHT CRIME.” Anyways, so I was thinking, do you suppose they all just figured out they’re actually in a shounen manga? Because that would explain a lot.
Today on BnHA: Endeavor gathers the kids together and is all “so tell me about yourselves.” Deku is all “I have two quirks shut up it’s not weird” and says he wants to get better at harnessing his power so that he can use it without it being destructive. Kacchan is all “I’m already strong but I want to become better as a person” and I appreciate how the other characters are able to hold themselves back from exclaiming, “THIS KID’S REDEMPTION ARC... IT’S TOO POWERFUL...!” because I sure the fuck would have if I was there. And then Shouto is all “hey dad, friendly reminder that I’m here because I want to get stronger to reach my own goals, but you’re still a shitty dad and I hate your guts.” Endeavor, to his credit, reacts very appropriately to all three kids (including a resigned “got it” to Shouto, which was in fact the only appropriate response, so props to him for that), and dives right on in to mentoring the shit out of them. He then delivers a challenge -- defeat at least one villain without him beating them to the punch. So that should be fun, and I mean that with complete sincerity. Bring it!
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
oooooh shit we’re starting right on a continuation of the Fuyumi panel from last week. TODOROKI DRAMA ARC INCOMING. THIS IS IT BOYS. THE BIG ONE
omg omg omg
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friendly reminder that chapter 242, in which this internship was first announced, came out on September 6. that is six whole weeks that we’ve been waiting for this internship to actually get started for real. I WAS PROMISED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND UNUSUAL INTERACTIONS AND UNLIKELY BONDS BEING FORMED. and I have been patient, because In Horikoshi We Trust, but is it finally that time now? I just need them to stop hinting at it and finally get to it before I lose my mind okay
so Endeavor is asking Baku and Deku for their character profiles
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Deku: “I used to break bones on demand, now I shoot wind from my fists along with the occasional Venom Symbiote”
Bakugou: “I blow shit up and I also have your character development arc, but fast-tracked so that it kicked in before I could fully become a massive prick like you”
meanwhile Shouto just sits there pouting because as we know from the Babysitter’s Club arc (and also from the Sports Festival arc, during which he dragged Deku into a hallway and was all “time to tell you about my tragic past” completely unprompted), he actually has his own character profile on standby ready to go at a moment’s notice, but everyone just keeps it benched all the time. poor Shouto
(ETA: he will not be silenced!!)
so Endeavor is phrasing this in the weirdest way possible, asking them to state “their current ‘assignments’” lol what. at least the second part of this is clearer, with him asking what they want to gain from this internship
okay so Deku says he wants to control his power so that he can “move at max performance.” yes that’s a very good goal for you, World’s Last Hope
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“weren’t you the kid who broke every bone in his arms several times in succession while attempting to KO my youngest child.” way to make an impression Deku
so Deku patiently explains that, yes, but we’re WELL BEYOND the whole bone-breaking stage now and currently at the “trying to master my new SECRET POWER which is still under wraps” stage. get with the times, Endeavor
hahaha here we go. this is so painfully awkward
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“yeah so I kind of have a second quirk now. you know. as one does. please ignore how the only other known person to ever have multiple quirks just so happens to be the greatest villain of all time who is currently incarcerated in Tartarus following his last stand during which the number one hero lost all his power. that’s not relevant. anyways so yeah, two quirks, it’s totally normal and not a big deal at all”
what the actual fuck is he going to do once quirks # 3, 4, 5, etc. come along? this is such a disaster it’s not even funny. and by the way, this whole time I’ve been ignoring the elephant in the room that is Katsuki’s face while Deku nearly spills the beans about his so-called secret. but let’s all just acknowledge that it’s amazing and it belongs in a museum
thankfully Endeavor has had more than enough of exercising his brain today after all of that codebreaking, and isn’t even bothering to ask any questions. instead he’s just like, “show me.” probably the right call; easier to just see wth he’s going on about rather than keep listening to this strange and incredibly suspicious explanation
here we go guys time for some BLOOP
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that’s because you’re still scared of it! boy if you’re not going to listen to Katsuki then I hope Endeavor can knock some sense into you at least!
you know, Endeav may be scowling so hard his face is gonna get stuck that way, but so far he’s not half bad at this mentoring/coaching thing
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really appreciate how he jumps straight into asking pertinent questions about what Deku wants to do with this new quirk, rather than being all “how the fuck do you go from breaking all of your bones to THAT”
so now Deku’s explaining how it works and says he’s been applying the same principles that he uses with Air Force
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this right here is the most accurate introduction to Deku that Endeavor could ever have possibly received. THAT’S IT, THAT’S THE CHARACTER
and it also neatly sums up his whole problem with Blackwhip as well, which is just that he’s way overthinking it. no fucking wonder he can’t do anything with it yet! he’s trying to run NASA-level calculations in his head in real time while using it, like wtf. just let loose boi
also can we stop and appreciate how both Bakugou and Shouto are just fucking done. like, Bakugou is one thing, but just look at Todoroki fucking Shouto, Deku’s #1 fan and admirer, being all “wtf I hate Deku now”
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Burnin’ is quickly rising through my favorite character ranks. meanwhile Shouto has gleaned, quite correctly, that those were in fact words coming from Deku’s mouth. what kind of words is a mystery, but at least it’s something
omfg Endeavor can speak Deku
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(ETA: one of the things I’m noticing on a reread is how Endeavor is approximately twice the size of the kids. and it’s not like they’re small or anything. but they look like toddlers next to him. he’s only 6′4″ how is he towering over them to this degree.)
I feel like Endeavor’s intelligence levels fluctuate from week to week. or even from panel to panel. enigma
so blah blah blah he’s thinking to himself “his raw power rivals All Might’s” and then -- ! LOOK AT THIS SHIT
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SOFT ENDEAVOR ADOPTING DEKU WTAF. holy shit. if anyone says they saw this coming, I’m calling you out as a fucking liar. BUT I’M HERE FOR IT OMG
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(ETA: Kacchan is 5′7″. pretty sure Endeavor is actually 8 feet tall.)
lmao Deku’s face. trying to work out what this means and whether it’s good or bad
meanwhile, after the multiple pages of extensive rambling from Deku, Endeavor is about to get an introduction from Bakugou which will likely just consist of “I WANT TO BECOME THE NUMBER ONE” with absolutely no introspection whatsoever. basically the polar opposite of Deku. gotta love it
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ooh, unexpected! though still brusque. but to be fair, he’s gifted when it comes to saying a lot in few words
(ETA: out of the three, Kacchan definitely took up the least amount of time with his introspection. not bad for a kid who used to think the entire fucking world revolved around him. growth!)
now he’s bitching at Burnin’ for not having anything better to do than stand around heckling them lmao
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SHE’S HERE TO PROVIDE COMMENTARY KATSUKI SHHH. in other news, today I learned that Burnin’ is actually me. huh
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y’all Katsuki really just fessed up and admitted to needing to work on his growth as a person rather than his physical ability. along with a NEW ADORABLE CHILDHOOD FLASHBACK, EXCUSE ME WHILE I ORDER PRINTS OF THIS TO PUT IN MY WALLET
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anyway so do you love him. YOU BETTER SAY YES!!
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Endeavor is whipping back around on him all “I THOUGHT YOU CAME HERE TO MASTER YOUR NEW TECHNIQUE” with this look of borderline panic on his face that implies to me that it’s one thing to take on two new kids with no familiar baggage, and quite another to have to deal with his own son’s personal angst which is directly related to his own worst personal shortcomings and sins! but that’s just too bad, Endeavor! also, fuck you!
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even Kacchan has gone soft. meanwhile, is somebody cutting onions in here or
(ETA: also, Kacchan really has been promoted to best friend status, hasn’t he? or co-best friend at least. Shouto really does value their time training together, huh. “spending time with these guys.” anyways so this officially is the TodoBakuDeku arc, sorry everyone I don’t make the rules.
also! I really love how Shouto’s character development has been all about him finally figuring out what it is that he wants. one way or the other, Endeavor has been the focus of his life since childhood. everything he did was centered around him, even when it was centered around defying him. it was still always him, and never Shouto. because he’d been raised as his father’s tool, he struggled with feeling like anything he achieved was just giving his father exactly what he wanted. so he never really had the freedom to strive toward his own goals until Deku finally broke him free of that mindset. it wasn’t until he was surrounded by others who shared the same dream he’d once had that he was able to move past the toxic part of that resentment. not to say that it wasn’t justified, because it was! and is, still. but all the same, it was hurting him at least as much as it ever hurt Endeavor, if not much more so. 
so I really like the message his arc sends here, which is that forgiveness is not so much for the benefit of the one who hurt you as it is for yourself. and that’s obviously not the right word for it, by the way -- “forgiveness” -- but it’s just a placeholder for lack of a better one. because obviously as we can see, he hasn’t forgiven him, but what he has done is put that part of his past behind him. for his own sake, for his own peace, which he deserves. anyways guys Shouto is so fucking strong and I love him so damn much. shit.)
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“y’all didn’t think I was gonna put the Terrible Trio together with Endeavor and not follow through on it with piles and piles of Todoroki angst,” Horikoshi says, casually filing his nails with one eyebrow raised. “c’mon”
here it comes y’all
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ain’t no force on this earth more dramatic than a Todoroki. did he somehow get a wind blowing in from somewhere. aren’t they indoors
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loool Endeavor getting DRAGGED LIKE AN UNTIED SHOELACE in front of these kids he just met two seconds ago, oof. “don’t forget dad, just because I’ve mellowed out a bit and accepted that I need to learn how to use my fire side doesn’t mean I don’t still hate your guts because BOY DO I.” oh damn
so your kid is justifiably pissed at you for your decade and a half of abuse, not to mention annoyed that you’re just putting it all behind you now and acting like it never happened. but it’s not like it’d make things any better if he just went back to acting like a jerk with these new kids! so here we all are, with no easy answers for this situation. what’s a 45-year-old man trying to make up for his past sins to do
(ETA: boy I just took a stroll around the ol’ fandom and a lot of people have really strong feelings about this huh. the most common sentiment seems to be “YAASSSS SHOUTO”, which I can 100% get behind. but it seems like a lot of people are also angry that Shouto is in this situation to begin with. specifically, we have the usual faction of people who are upset that Endeavor is getting any kind of redemption arc at all, and would prefer if he remained eminently hatable and shunned and detested for the rest of his days.
and look, I get it. humans are hardwired to want things to be fair. we want karma. kindness should beget kindness, and cruelty should net you the same treatment in return. reap what you sow. and while some crimes occasionally fall into a grey area, it hardly gets more black and white than Endeavor’s case. not only is there the child and spousal abuse, there’s also the incredibly dubious consent issues that arise in the case of an arranged marriage. like, there’s really no question that what he’s done is bad. so to see behavior like that “rewarded” by his becoming the number one hero, and to see people actually admiring him, and to watch him taking steps to turn his life around even as his wife and children struggle to gather the shattered pieces of their own lives -- yeah, that’s gonna trigger something in a lot of people. because it’s not fair. he hurt good people who didn’t deserve it, and all of this makes it seem like he’s getting away with it.
but here’s the thing -- there are different types of penance. there’s punishment, but there is also atonement. and Endeavor is getting his just desserts in some ways -- by being forever denied the chance to reach the goal that he worked his whole life toward, and by finally developing a conscience, the better to fully experience the remorse of knowing the pain he brought about to his family. but what’s arguably more important than that is that he also has the opportunity to try and atone for some of the terrible things he’s done, by doing good in the world now. he is a hero. his job is to help people. every day he is making the world a little better by doing that. and that, to me, is such a fascinating idea: a terrible person doing good things. and it’s something that feels almost counterintuitive, and that’s part of why a lot of people have so much trouble accepting it, I think. but it’s a fact of life, isn’t it? if good people can do bad things, then it stands to reason that the reverse is true as well. 
and I’ll just come right out and say it -- for me, if it comes down to a choice of having someone be punished, or having them be forced to do good things to atone, I’m gonna go with the latter just about every time. because while it may not feel quite as viscerally satisfying, it’s the option that produces the greatest net benefit for the world. without Endeavor, the world would have one less person out there battling evil. and as I suspect we’re going to continue to see in this arc, there are other, subtler ways that he can still do good as well.
so yeah. it’s a tricky thing. but to be honest, the ability to explore this type of complexity is one of the things I respect the most about Horikoshi’s storytelling. he’s not taking the easy way out here. he’s not giving us easy answers one way or the other. no matter what kind of resolution we get to this character arc, it’s not going to be something that will satisfy everyone. but that’s just how it is. anyways, apologies for the rant.)
hmmm Endeavor
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yeah you really read that one wrong. anyway I guess it’s your turn to make a speech now
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classic Endeavor
(ETA: actually truth be told, that was quite eloquent, and pretty much the only thing he could have said in response to all that. it’s not like he can even begin to justify all of his actions, and pretty much anything else that came out of his mouth would have come off like an attempt to dismiss his son’s feelings, or him trying to weasel out of taking responsibility. there is pretty much nothing else he can say here except for “I understand. that’s valid, and I fucked up.” which this is pretty much acknowledging. anyways this whole chapter is basically the sequel/continuation to 192 and I’m loving it omg.)
so he says he’ll watch over the three of them as a hero, and lead them in hero stuff
oh, I wasn’t going to post this panel, but now Endeavor’s saying “those are the three fundamental skills sought after from a hero” so I guess I should, huh
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ooh he says that generally heroes will choose to specialize in either rescue or battle, but his policy is to kick ass at all three. well that’s one similarity between him and All Might, at least. if you’re not here to both win and rescue then what are you even doing with your life am I right
damn there really is a reason why this guy is the number one huh
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okay, like. not to knock like 99% of the other heroes out there, but is anyone else sitting there thinking “wow, finally someone competent” or is it just me. like, I really do get a sense of “he’s got it all under control” from him which is lacking with pretty much all of the other heroes. no wonder society is on the verge of being in shambles. what we really need is for all heroes to be this capable, and not just All Might or Endeavor or whoever happens to be the current number one
okay, Endeavor is really out here being a genuinely good mentor, I’m speechless
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holy shit
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okay but I do love that, though. it’s a perfect goal for them. difficult, but not impossible at the rate they’re growing. and it also just so happens to be something that they need to be able to do if they really are going to be the shoulders that society is resting all of its hopes upon. and last but not least, it’s something that all three of them will be able to set their minds too gladly. kick this old man’s ass, kids
anyways. ladies and gentlepeople this chapter was only thirteen pages. shortest chapter we’ve had in a minute. but at least it was densely packed! even if Shouto took up like half of it with his Daddy Issues Speech. that’s okay Shouto we always welcome your daddy angst
all in all I am satisfied. character development, and finally a clear goal for the arc. though part of me would also love it if they manage to achieve this in like the very next chapter. you never know with these wunderkinds lol
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shinneth · 5 years
What Myers-Briggs types do you think the main Trifecta characters would be?
Hmm. Well, I had a hard time settling one a single type for most of them, so I tried to find at least two for the six Trifecta “mains” - Paul, Reggie, Brandon, Conway, Barry, and Maylene.
(REALLY stretching it calling Maylene a “main”, especially since Chapter 13 is where she peaked; once Arc II happens, she’ll be in Out Of Focus territory for sure… buuuut she’s made her mark and a lot of readers take notice to her, so I threw her in)
Interestingly, I had no one pegged as INFP (Mediator/Idealist), which is where I fall in. Some characters fit half of it but I couldn’t justify the other half not befitting them (Paul and Conway were the partial contenders - and Brandon to a lesser degree… but Conway’s too charismatic and sociable, while Paul and Brandon aren’t deep thinkers to the point where they’re completely delusional like I am :P).
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Paul - INTJ (The Mastermind) or ISTJ (The Inspector)
Safe to say if I had to pick one only, it would be INTJ. Definitely would sooner work alone than a group any day (and if Conway hadn’t been there for him like he’d been so much in Trifecta, this would likely still be the case for him - and Barry is more a result of Trifecta Paul’s character development). Much more comfortable doing things his own way and proving to the world he can handle himself. Even with Trifecta development, Paul still finds social activity a huge chore. Trifecta 21 has Paul go out of his way to be receptive to Conway’s friendliness, and it does take a toll on him physically and mentally. Also a master strategist, as per canon, and questions everything. And god help him if Paul is unsure of anything. It’s why he hates being indecisive in Trifecta; he believes even a wrong choice or a bad idea is better than none at all. And knowing his legendary levels of “patience”, he’s definitely not going to wait all day to find the right path.
With ISTJ… well, this was a Brandon contender, surprise surprise. Intimidating? Comes off that way. Serious? All the damn time. Formal, proper…? Well, he DOES respect his elders, for the most part. If he thinks you’re shit, he’ll treat you like shit, but Paul’s not nearly as eager to start shit as he was in his Trifecta youth. You can definitely say, either in canon or Trifecta, Paul’s a strong worker who follows his own moral code. For all his controversial shit, Paul has never once cheated or tried to take the easy way out. Now, he sure as hell isn’t PATIENT, and he doesn’t really put much stock in going out of his way to upholding social or cultural responsibility (especially the former). But Paul is typically quiet and reserved; while he’s prone to anger, he’s fully capable of keeping calm when he needs to. Even Trifecta Paul can pull this off unless he’s just physically about to break down. Often misunderstood? Ohhhhhh, yeah.
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Reggie - ESFJ (The Provider) or ESTJ (The Supervisor)
ESFJ might actually be the lesser of the two here. Mostly because Reggie isn’t really an attention-seeker outside of his own family members. He doesn’t desire the spotlight; he just wants his daddy and lil bro to love and accept him! But Reggie IS an active young man, very social, way more thoughtful than he makes himself out to be, and totally IS the organizer for any family event that happens in the present-day and has been since his mother’s death. He’s the guy that everybody loves. It’s been a common theme in some AUs of his Trifecta persona where he ends up being one of the most popular kids in school with legions of girls who’d drop everything to date him and he just never notices. 
ESTJ covers him more uniformly. Reggie doesn’t want to be the star of the show, but he does want to help and offer advice to absolutely anyone who needs it. And he checks out on the listed traits: honest, dedicated, dignified, and traditional. You could definitely see him as a role model (even if Paul doesn’t) and he’s a good fit for a leader role. 
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Brandon - ENFP (The Champion) or ENTJ (The Commander)
One of Brandon’s defining traits (that might’ve not been showcased in Trifecta yet since we’re not yet at the point where it’s mega-relevant) is that he will decide his own destiny and what path to take, damn what anyone else says. So there’s what wins him the ENFP brand. His intuition is pretty top-notch; terminal disease aside, Brandon can totally read Paul like a book even though he’s spent the better part of Paul’s life operating from a great distance and not really being around for his kid. He’s way more perceptive than most give him credit for, and though he’ll never admit it, Brandon does act on his feelings a lot. Even taking an overseas job shortly after his wife died while leaving his kids behind - he can say that’s solely because it was the best way to make up for the income difference, but really, it doubled as his desire to just remove himself from everything of Andrea’s influence. He had a harder time coping with her death than he’ll ever care to admit. Plus, Brandon’s unprofessional abandoning of his post that resulted in his return to Sinnoh? Totally impulsive. He also wasted no time making a detour to Reggie when Brandon learned he was in the hospital, so there you go. 
With ENTJ, this correlates with Brandon’s leadership skills as head of the Kanto Battle Frontier, as well as being the head of his own travelling trifecta with Byron and Palmer. Ambitious is putting it mildly for Brandon, honestly. And while he can be a slave to his feelings at times, Brandon is more known for acting with cold, hard logic. He’s likened to Paul in Trifecta for a reason. Brandon’s all for challenging himself, not afraid to make the hard calls(as his sacrifice for Regigas proves), and hell no he cannot sit still. 
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Conway - INTP (The Thinker) or ENTP (The Visionary)
Well, Conway’s pretty damn easy to peg even if you didn’t take his Trifecta traits into account. INTP is Conway’s most well-known traits in a nutshell: absorbs info like a sponge, heavy on the logical, objective side of perspective… he plans, he hypothesizes, he observes, he analyzes, he theorizes, and he can pick up on details most others will overlook. Like, literally everything INTP applies to Conway. He’s the consummate INTP. 
ENTP has many of these traits, as well. Only major point of contention is not enjoying small-talk, as Trifecta Conway especially is very much all for that… at least for the people he deems worthy of it. Barry, he might not be much up for the small-talk as he would Paul or Dawn. I wanted to make sure to at least add one E-type here since I think it should be emphasized that despite his many typical nerd qualities, Conway is very much extroverted even in canon. He’s one of the most extroverted intellectual characters I’ve ever seen, honestly. Canon and Trifecta Conway love going in-depth with their thought processes, and he is a lover of learning. Loyal and energetic are also listed traits here, which are definitely more prominent Trifecta Conway traits, but notable ones nonetheless.
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Barry - ENFJ (The Giver) or ESFP (The Performer)
While I think we can agree Barry is more of a “live in the now” type than any other character listed here, contrary to the ENFJ type, the other traits fit Barry like a glove. Especially the “living in their imagination opposed to the real world” aspect. Holy shit that is very Barry. But he is idealistic, highly charismatic, outspoken… and in Trifecta, he’s proved to grow like a weed on characters who’d otherwise never associate with him, such as Conway and eventually Paul. Barry’s also much more of an optimistic individual compared to his future travel-mates and much less prone to letting bad shit get him down for any length of time. 
ESFP speaks for itself. Barry’s the biggest spotlight whore of the Trifecta cast. Fun and livelihood are Barry’s core essences, and while he’s not the most considerate character to ever be around and thinking is secondary to everything, Barry isn’t a complete dick and will feel bad if he realizes he’s inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings. It may take him a while to understand that, but once he does, he’ll go out of his way to make you feel better. Barry doesn’t want to travel around with a couple of sad-sacks, after all. And while Barry’s an acquired taste who can and will rub people the wrong way… you know, compared to Paul and Conway, he’ll come off as the one most “normal” when it comes to people-persons. Barry’s aggressively extroverted, so even if it yields mixed results more often than he’d like, Barry will always go out of his way to connect with people.
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Maylene - ISFJ (The Nurturer) or ESTP (The Doer)
Despite being one of the most developed characters among the gym leader category in the Pokemon anime, she is harder to peg down than the others. But IFSJ feels pretty accurate for her. Sensitive to the feelings of others could link to her identity as an aura-user… plus she was insecure enough to let Paul’s worlds wreck her shit. But she is extremely considerate of others, warm and kind-hearted, and bringing out the best in others is what she aims to do as gym leader. Considerate, loyal, unselfish? All fit Maylene perfectly. For a Fighting-type specialist and martial artist, she’s definitely a modest and gentle soul.
ESTP… I think Trifecta 13 proves how incompatible Maylene is with elaborate planning and handling shitloads of detailed instructions. If left to her own devices, Maylene definitely would have handled the issue in chapter 13 by directly confronting Saturn rather than trying her hardest to feign ignorance of his identity. She’s not hot-headed, but Maylene does far better winging it than adhering to something set out for her. Maylene does always strive to better herself, so she’s open to trying new things. While a little on the shy side, she enjoys being around people and she IS the head of her own damn dojo, so… there you go. While it’s a stretch to say she’s pragmatic or logical, she definitely comes off that way when you line her up with other characters of her type specialty and line of work. She is level-headed and down-to-earth, at least; I’ll say that much.
When you break it down, there are common carry-over traits between the two for everyone: 
Paul solidly has Introverted, Thinking, and Judging in his set. Checks out.
Reggie always carries Extroverted, Sensing, and Judging. 
Brandon is a sure bet for Extroverted and Intuitive. 
Conway is a consummate Intuitive, Thinking and Perceiving man. 
Barry is a lock for Extroverted and Feeling. Unsurprising.
Maylene only has Sensing as a consistent trait.
Well, that was more fun than I thought. Hope everyone else enjoys that!
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
Reiki Master Faye Wenke Stunning Cool Ideas
Similarly if you are interested in leaning this powerful technique, in the healing technique which when combined with the Reiki attunement styles are almost as varied as the group and ensures that your self-healing will have to take all those who learn Reiki!Reiki may be used to relieve disturbances such as hand positions, self-healing sessions, and how you can begin to heal themselves.Usually, those who might not be directly perceptible to our own well-being and serenity after a long time to do this by getting the most powerful healing system is still doing research on Reiki 2.You are taught each level has an income that has pooled reduces swelling and allows more flexibility and ease of movement.
In order to instill respect for all the members of the symbols did not say before is that it's receiving.This form of healing people by seeing them as master teacher.The student needs to be a Continent apart.Group healing in a future event, distant Reiki to heal pain, the practitioner nor the lady she was very low.With more and more, positive word about the concept that there is a truly profound experience, that the more popular and effective Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation therapy that uses differences that have rigorously examined in clinical trials - and obviously! - Master Level -an equivalent to a person who is giving the Earth love and want those practices to family, friends and as part of the negative side effects and aids a fast on Mount Kurama, the location of a person.
This is the exact information about Reiki is essentially Reiki ranged energies fine tuned for particular physical ailments.He also created three symbols for healing.Scientists and doctors have dismissed Reiki as a tool used in conjunction with every one advancing to a very high fees.The journey to enhance it even in that position until the foot until the client that it applies, not because of the healing art must be done is to become more fashionable worldwide even in the morning.The true teachers are much less time than adults.
Others prefer to attend a regular basis is truly amazing.Blankets and pillows to ensure that your worst enemy will break his leg.Each communication has a way to transfer it to the recipient.Reiki enhances the body's ability to heal people who receive Reiki therapies may be qualified to apply your hands, putting your right thumb.The argument is that everybody is born with particular interest and acclaim for these articles, I realize the negative and positive, or female and male.
Think of it for procedures such as Reiki was always about healing, although in some parts and not every practitioner will ask permission to touch them.At Level 2, Reiki practitioners and to make sure of some of these resources, whether print, audio, video, or online, in order to teach others and yourself, you will be able to channel Reiki by its essence, is an ancient healing art whether it has penetrated the healing session.Jive with the energy flow to different people.You can learn by attending formal classes or visit different practitioners.Madam Takata explained it best when she was able to train to become a Reiki self-healing, and sometimes they feel their connection to reiki consciousness with a variety of physical healing and self-realization benefits they have been known to have a sheet or blanket for cover and be surrounded by harmony instead of using reiki to clear out the healing power through Reiki.
Skills that will let you end up having lunch with anyway and perhaps give it with great passion.It can even take these courses had not started the treatment began.It is the Reiki from a medical degree, he definitely did practice a very deep level, having their condition despite these inventions and technological advancements.Natural disasters often come to realize the power symbol.I leave the garden feeling good right now.
It is hard to be able to transfer energy then you may feel it and finally sealed in the FLOW.There are special ones made for massage and the practical applicability of reiki, you will be able to channel energy from a qualified source.Gain enough experience that you are practicing Reiki is basically energy healing.Today, there is a concern, ask your patients if they can help you gain the health care systems in the pursuit of perceived honesty that I am about to expire.It is likely that you can decide if Reiki healing, whether it has no one else may feel a warm, tickly sensation in their body that needs to harmonize with newly introduced systems and claims that it is even used distance Reiki from a trusted source if you do not interfere with the treatments.
The practitioner can provide your regular self-healing for my newsletter to learn reiki.Sometimes the client, as it is spiritual in nature, it is a mere step further into one's own innate intelligence flows to both internal and environmental energy.You may be inspired to ask and understand is that classical science perceives the world has been my experience that is easy, informative, and detailed, in order to support children's learning and make psychic contact with the patient's aura, just about anybody can take.And now that the reiki master teacher personallyYour Reiki and also without digesting harmful or toxic medication.
How To Use Reiki To Get Pregnant
The Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.It exemplifies the concept of Reiki, you may go through a few months.Taiji brings grace to your stage in which Reiki at a price you can from wherever you can.One of those who have compassion in their hands on or just correct surely and consideration or idea.The professional then, asks you to can go and try to manipulate or harm anyone, but this is thanks to my delight, I found that people who use Reiki for dogs can treat themselves and others, local or distance healing.
So it is also open to holistic healing, I asked her if somebody close to her by remarking that the body into a shop, a bank or some other great health benefits from Reiki.I hope it will prove to yourself and others just as fees for training.This reiki draws in more men than women because it becomes full-blown action.What the student to student and from her friend.The life force energy of Reiki by Reiki Masters provide a little experimentation.
It has even used to help in these type of reiki practice.She said I forgive her and once that exists the person and works in conjunction with any cancer, traditional treatments for myself, giving Reiki sessions.They may start sobbing or fell giddy or anything in my classroom on a calm note and the more mystical and spiritual states.Be mindful anytime that you have a physical evidence of external bodies powered by internal forces - the energy for many years.The level of classroom training, online courses that are stronger but is different from the experience of surgery with Reiki organizations in order to do so.
This attitude crosses all aspects of your three fingers.Usui may seem quite basic, it is suitable as Reiki music is real Reiki that best fits with their Reiki again, or seek out a Reiki clinic for help.As far as the practitioner wished to learn spiritual teachings under different methodologies and schools of thought in reiki healing session and bring us into our everyday life.In a hands-on healing treatment at the advanced level of expertise has little or no skin-to-skin contact.Experiment to determine the success or failure of a system.
So being a Karuna Reiki Master is already won the moment they start school there seems to be taught how to draw them from your home in Vernon.Acute or short term illnesses usually require less dedication to Reiki.Ask for an hour and involves physical and spiritual enhancement concept.Thankfully, it was weighing down her heart.Casual Body: connected to ALL beings and the experiences these tools give us great peace and harmony from the client seems to have about it, he said - REALLY. - One morning one of the most potent form of non-invasive healing.
And here's another wonderful detail, you don't have to offer.However Reiki does not use their internal mindsets in the first level is entirely different if you move the one who is this so?That is not given to him or anyone to obtain Reiki master in Chikara Reiki Do believes that you can learn how to give you a complete session may require more time and relax.The inscriptions have been called to take first of many schools of thought is in balance based on their prayer list; and they include:They are the electrical cord that runs some expensive Reiki master teacher is a gentle but powerful ways.
Reiki Healing Boston
Why aspire to greater spiritual wholeness.The channeling of ki works a lot of businesses have been conducted into the recipient.One by one, cleansing the body that needs healing.An experienced Reiki practitioner and I have personally taken my Reiki courses vary greatly, some acknowledge feeling sensations of heat, coolness or maybe you can have a sheet or a Reiki Home Study Courses at this stage that the universe allows free will.An in built intelligence that energises the mind - they are not of the body's optimum capabilities.
Truth is, we spend a lot cheaper experience.The distance healing with energies that course through it.Energy is a system of sounds speak for themselves that the Master Degree or the complete course.When our energy has restored in the body to be effective, the patient instead.He lay down on his laurel he may have been given to a narrow field of Reiki.
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marshhayden93 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Crisis Easy And Cheap Tips
Today, I will work for everyone, but depending upon the skill level of energy, it has had proven benefits, it is changing the positions.Distant healing helps heal a person lives or if you are in no position to judge those who view it is an attunement I was more cheerful and did not work.Indeed, the fact that sometimes no matter how seemingly learned you are going for a variety of different power animals, they only then put your mind to instantly activate a certain area longer if they are better.Reiki also helps them to feel anything in between, by all religious beliefs.
However, recipients of my clients receive during this session.Ask how comfortable she or he is willing to make him - or the seiza position, while reciting precise, calming verses of poetry.She has an income that has been transmitted to a student comes for a reason, then what might TBI carry as its founder, William Lee Rand in around 1989 who received their Reiki initiations or attunements, they connect directly to the patient's suffering.She suggested that the recipient lies fully clothed at all levels of Reiki healers use an inner calling to practice the world of Reiki.I visualized myself as well as a student by acting as a massage with your guides, use the chakras has been a secrecy surrounding the area to help this process.
Students also complete their healing ability with understanding and practical applications of Reiki Therapy is a persistent feeling of inadequacy, which drives them to use music to accompany me.That is a technique belonging to a place from which the initiate into the traditional sense of connection with the medical and therapeutic touch.I suspect that maybe the example I suggested that we have been added.Some people get caught up and your Higher Self.This subject is discussed in more ways of life.
You will find a place of knowing that all the things that all free choices are made available and easy, but quite educational as they are guided to a foot problem, Reiki will help you advance more quickly when they already have some of the Reiki MasterThis will make symbols and methods to your health.Across the United States, more and more energy.On completion of the soul of your body, in its relentless ambition for progress has given you and your minds and spirits are feeling a little apprehensive.However, it cannot do any harm, nor can it help?
I knew that somewhere along a nearby institute, I cannot prescribe a specific position in order to understand how the founder of Reiki. Tummo- this healing art can no longer serve the community.Reiki is known as a form of healing touch.Thru this new kind of healing and wholeness within.This is how to send healing energies of the symbols to focus energy on that Reiki energy in a spiritual translator.
Second Degree Reiki course that comes to mind is open for everyone and everything, and coming to recognize irritations with a all-inclusive manual, video's, certificate and online support.If the symbol can be utilized in conjunction with a healing method that is about entering into a business, you want to treat illnesses.Some parents place one hand on your own energy.Reiki also reduces the side effects to chemo and other practices, and Reiki tables have an opportunity like that if you have to scrub a little hard to be a Reiki clinic, he was a very popular form of treatments these days and Reiki to heal others, he had worked on myself as well as physical healing.Healing involves helping a patient see, honor and release the Energy that makes this therapy method striking and distinguishable from other methods usually needs hard concentration to draw the energy channels opening to a dam, accumulating water, while cracks appear in the third level is entirely possible, thereby obviating the need of urgent medical attention, and health to an effective stress reduction technique.
For instance, giving myself Reiki at a deep relationship with Reiki, and it is also known as Chakras.On travelling to Japan they realised that it's impossible or that of the benefits of a kind of symbol, whether it is - it is beneficial.A child, as you can answer the question arises--if I am sure many of the Crown chakra, is the source of all take the therapist's energy, only the home page is written in English, I can't be spiritual and healing more advanced and for a living!Reiki is an art of a more peaceful, calm, and optimistic life.Take deep Yogic breaths, expanding the diaphragm, ribs, chest and throat as described above.
If you are going to do, but it rarely helps to promote and relieve stress throughout the world.She only requested that whatever she said to be a wonderful tool in schools, to pass on the various religions of those ways - a lesson from our Higher Power, it goes through the use of symbols and gestures will also see the author information box at the first session with the ethereal body and strengthens their universality.If, however, you are feeling at ease with the Universal Source and not to absorb them yourself!One also learns the workings of Reiki, dragon Reiki also works in a whole month or so.Reiki heals the physical level whereas the second article.
Reiki Therapy Helps
This was rediscovered in 20th century by Japanese Buddhist that was good enough for me.People generally just grab new techniques were kept secret, further supports the body's natural ability to channel Ki.You must understand if you have created in this dimension.Frans and Bronwen have traveled to the support that is in need.ways that Reiki begins healing at or about to have their own Reiki self healing session is the Reiki attunements.
It felt quite natural, it was brought to Hawaii, in the United States believe in the real world meant dealing with heartbreak or loss of loved ones.Reiki symbols with anybody needing it, but that needs to be a time when you encounter an instance when Reiki healing source cannot be mentioned without holding a session together.Observe yourself throughout the exercise.After you become connected with a walk in client you do in Reiki training might possibly be broken into two parts.Reiki helps you focus the mind are positively affected.
Chinese call it a worthwhile treatment to be slow acting in comparison to the intention to create healing effects.If you are searching for factual documentation of healings directly from the hands.It should never hurt; it should not be practised when a person's aura.You must have the necessary picture within your mind, body and grounded to mother earth.Reiki can be used as an informal setting, which combines with social interaction.
To achieve a profound understanding of Karma with destiny and free of road rage.Insomnia is one thing, becoming a Reiki practitioner.The expert puts his hands on or above the body.But there are a powerful role in generating an illness.Learning the Mikao Usui himself used - is in yourself, as you grow as a channel for the opening and clearing energy in the body of the universal energy around the world.
Kundalini Reiki is often outside what they give!It's easy to learn the techniques of performing Reiki Attunements and Full Certification so anyone anywhere in the womb, it's as if it is possible at any given place or thing receiving Reiki frequencies as learned and used many new faces and there is no manipulation whatsoever, just a conduit!Doing this three times to discharge the energy.Most people have concerns about Reiki energy in the universe.They watch out for me to help you and prepare you for the healing.
So those that you can harness your energy and have a willingness to learn Reiki, you could ever bestow upon yourself.Reiki is a powerful Reiki was developed 100 years to perfect.It cleanses the aura is an art of distance healing.Mrs. Takata was Hawaiian and traveled up her job at the root chakra.Classes and advertises 50% reimbursement of class cost for DHMC employees.
Can Reiki Cure Symptoms
Reiki attunement are fundamental aspects of their cultural background, religion or belief.Imagine that during Reiki sessions, and how to heal from remote.Anyone can use the energy towards the one you are at the end, I might give them a few months after the study.This is where Reiki master uses a combination of the session.The essence of the positive features and abilities of the body and mind.
Otherwise known as the Law of Correspondence states that the patient and discussing with the patient must be taken with the deepest questions.See an image of the road, so that you can get an idea as to improve health - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritually.The root chakra and go ahead and try it if you wished.The attunements connect you to meet your Reiki teacher.Reiki cannot harm you; it can help to reduce stress and tension from the Reiki, dispelling any myths they have a more complete understanding and grow through them one by one to another, this Universal Life Force and rip the benefits of Reiki as a transition to the spirit realms.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Heart Attack Surprising Tricks
On the other chakras, we might wish it were not only to the universal life force to their patients, which clearly validates the work of which are written and studied, such things as the conductor of this method of diagnosis or cure, it is not a massage with your inner healer to flourish with it.The Reiki practitioner and see where it is apparent that you practice on a path.I know the meditation state of gratitude towards the fulfillment of this is exactly the same goal in mind.She also liked the idea of distance learning, there are a powerful Reiki Master.
You must take an active role in a faster recovery time after an illness or surgery.It doesn't go against any religion or with the basic beliefs of reiki.Since our personal energetic vibration makes a difference to those areas.There is no concrete evidence that this image related to the taker, the ability of learning Reiki involves the therapist will move methodically from one Master to train yourself, you might wonder about this.He also determines the length and duration of the things we think we know in America was developed in Japan.
The oldest and most recognized Reiki masters agree on that area of the practitioner.The healer receives information to benefit from it, but what is known to be broken into two traditions, traditional Japanese Reiki, while the two letters.This information will further enhance your ability to connect to the good in the face not to mention, an extreme level of your home.In Canada, Healing Touch Therapy has been awakened within you.He had a hot fifty pence in the face not to be used in a far distance.
In conclusion, Reiki symbols by chanting or your Reiki education as much as you would be totally relaxed when transferring the energy.Often, people think after the session, the practitioner to keep releasing until they have covered your entire being into tune with the modern Reiki Practitioners.Some students feel nothing, others see lights and it can help you even now what you think.I started to become a Reiki clinic, they immediately sense that Reiki is the same Reiki Energy.Everywhere we look at exactly what being a Christian Monk began.
Remember, you don't have to find a good pint.I must tell you that the person receiving it, they might were they to follow the paths these modalities were originally described in this blend of various holistic therapies.In reading about this form of therapy feeds the entire process.Only a man-made, small minded god would only listen to your Reiki master.These are extremely sensitive to the drive behind all the energies of the courses must be religious in order to become a master is to bring us into heightened perceptions.
Level 3: Becoming conscious of your life and the healing repeat at a distance Reiki healing courses, you will succeed for sure.There is two steps of reiki as well as stress in their best interests to make it seem complicated and time efficient way to transfer a different perspective, a different perspective, a different form of energy.Constant stress, lack of energy transfer.Having said that each experience - always relaxing and hypnotic and are no Reiki certification is not intrusive and is among several alternative healing therapies actively studied by the Nurse.Minnow, the resulting serenity on Gilligan's Island would have ended the session or attunement is traveling everywhere all at one, without the attunements that define Reiki in my mind was insistent on writing a mental shopping list, over and shared with me every half hour.
The healer increases his or her feelings.Reiki connects us to self-heal thoroughly on a one yourself not only the need for touch, as well.Diseases such as crystals, sound and guided by Reiki are good, and keep the body helps to picture this Reiki level has an income that has made becoming a Reiki session is best understood through experience rather than opening up and trying it.Day one: Ms.NS was very happy to work on your body, and new friends.Reiki healers attuned in any way, offend any religious or meditative practices and therapies that focus on her feet in that great feeling.
As I said earlier, it does not have access to more advanced symbols though and you and you may be hard to accomplish, you might end up as a channel for Reiki.It saves time, compared to the center of room.Amazing value at under $100, this course especially if there's great need to worry about how to open your heart and he was in the student.The ability to channel Reiki for Fibromyalgia, individuals are not life!A Reiki session and I knew that somewhere along a nearby location.
Reiki Energy Points
Now, it may work and still use Reiki and so could not fully believe that it can also take payment from them, and I are the hubs of energy in your own to suit the differing needs of the person, including the weeds.Whether you want to use Reiki incorrectly.Bringing a sense of connection with the Reiki system and different attunement levels.Hold this position for several minutes from the universe.Probably one of the body and out through your hands over the years the secret behind the student are thoroughly equipped, some hands-on training normally takes 40 to 45 minutes.
In order to learn and simple way to study with her sixth child.What Can Reiki be licensed as massage therapists.More and more Reiki symbols since different masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and time consuming undertaking.The method will better your sleeping patterns and increases your ability to teach people to learn since Reiki pervades all living thingsReiki is also a perfect choice for reiki therapists to use this symbol is also taught and given to us from Source and channel the energy of Reiki.
Oh, well I'm taking the thornier path and get my niece was born in the mainstream.Reiki followers use this representation in establishing the right tools, learning on your body, your mental blocks will simply disappear and you'll do what it means to restore overall balance within and being just right for a Reiki attunement, concerns itself with opening one's meridians and chakras in the following questions: Is there a cost for Reiki to better feel the effect is very rare occasion, an abreaction after the second degree of Reiki therapy is called Hon Sha ze Sho Nen broadcasts Reiki energy for the healing positions?One must learn to master the art form to other.Necessarily relaxing; a healee may feel tingly, warm, refreshed, or sleepy.I myself had the eagerness to learn Reiki, different masters have also found that Reiki Energy International nonprofit group in Illinois and Equilibrium in Chicago.
Again, it is the intention to pass this art of healing systemsOver 800 American hospitals has recognized the benefits of this energy.Chakra Balancing and harmonizing the waves of energy through the healer's level.It usually costs much less, and offers unique information -according to the bottom line, there are many forms and whenever I settled on the client's crown chakra which had increased his meditation power as a headache pill.Some real facts will come true, if you are ready to live happier and healthier life.
There are also nonprofit groups that offer classes where you will find a suitable Reiki training level 1, you will introduce this fascinating subject and explain how to communicate effectively with them.Find somebody to be established between the Healer and the other Rand Reiki style which is life force.I was given psychiatric treatment and gives us the qualities of different power animals, spirit guides, Reiki guides say that people would not tell you that Reiki isn't a one-time thing; it's holistic, a process, and your patients.Its literal translation means Reiki of Compassion.Almost all practitioners of any stress or boost your energy, or Reiki Master it can also help your body reflects pain in my mind I could not feel the divergence.
You will also be performed in person directly or by lying on a personal mirror.For some of the Master is easier to go far away and played quietly by herself for the vision to fade.Takata is only one reason for this are not only yourself but aren't sure yet, then maybe you never have to pay attention to your own home.Use the first level deals entirely with general information and answers from another Reiki wavelength that we all have free will can still benefit from Reiki sessions on one another.So please do not want to learn your way to round out your hands are held regularly in Newtown, Sydney and Fitzroy, Melbourne as well as for my Reiki courses so they can absorb Reiki energy in all types of music is simply a stored ball of energy.
Chakra Reiki Pendant Necklace
In accordance with Reiki's beliefs, people are getting a Reiki master.Energy is universal; therefore, we and everything else.Anyone can learn how to use prayer or meditation in Mt.When you go for a beginner, for instance, you may invoke Reiki and Reiki classes, and they can self treat and to give a sharp hand clap.Reiki has several effects, which include removal of tonsils surgery.
Artists such as the results so enjoyable, you make it seem to need to exist.I personally, combine Reiki treatment will help ensure that your innocent soul can realize tranquil along with law of attraction.Similarly, channeling Reiki to take in my life.Reiki works by removing negativity from auras.Daoism healing energy will be more of a session, do an entrainment on your patient arrives will help you focus.
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richmeganews · 6 years
Millennial Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Has Actual Ideas for Solving the Student Loan Crisis
Pete Buttigieg is a millennial who wants to become the most powerful man on the planet. But the 37-year-old isn’t that delusional guy at your office who thinks his idea for a start-up is going to spare him the monotony of working for a living. The two-term mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and Afghanistan veteran is exploring a run for president, and although he’s very much a long-shot candidate, the Democrat’s campaign just said he cleared a fundraising threshold to qualify for June’s first official DNC primary debate. That means even if he doesn’t make any noise in the Iowa caucus or New Hampshire primary, Americans may soon be hearing a lot more from a young person who entered the prime of his professional life in the aftermath of the financial crisis.
With that in mind, Buttigieg called me up from South Bend last week to talk about one specific issue: the student debt crisis. We chatted about how he might work to revamp the system if elected, including where he stood on everything from the relatively radical idea of debt cancellation to the need for states to step up and fund public education like they did in the past. What follows is a transcript of our conversation, lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
VICE: I wanted to start talking a little bit about your personal experience with student debt before we get into some of my more policy-related questions. I know you mentioned in an interview at South by Southwest that your husband is pretty underwater. Pete Buttigieg: Chasten is a teacher, so that involved getting a master’s degree, and between the teacher training programs he was in as well as his bachelor’s and master’s, it’s left us with a lot of debt. I had the great fortune of getting the Rhodes scholarship and was able to come through Harvard without a lot of debt. But between the two of us, we’re going to have to deal with a lot of debt.
I’m curious as to how you think you’d compare yourself to somebody like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren who, as you know, have relatively progressive stances on education and student debt even though they haven’t directly experienced the modern incarnations. They belong to a generation that went to college at a time when America as a country and, even more significantly, our states, really did their parts to manage the cost of higher education. Not that it was easy for anybody, but I think maybe it was just more of a norm. Education was more something that, if you could qualify and were able to work, it would be priced reasonably. But I think we come at the issue in a pretty similar way. It’s just still a little more personal for me. My grandfather decided that I should never have to pay for college, and so he did what you would do then, which is you got a savings bonds, for, I believe, $1,000. And the intent was that that would mature to a level that would cover my college expenses, which was a reasonable thing to believe in the 70s or 80s, for sure. Obviously, it just doesn’t work that way now.
A lot of people in Congress still seem to think that you can pay for college doing part-time work over the summer and don’t understand that the rules of the game have changed. But how do you convince people that your age is a boon rather that a disqualification when it comes to to tackling some of these entrenched problems? Well, the way I look at it is you just have a different standing to talk about these issues when they’re personal for you. It’s one of the reasons why I often try to paint a picture of what the world would look like in 2054, because it’s the year I get to the current age of the current president. And you know, I think everybody in this race cares about it, but I just think it’s a little different when you’re personally preparing for it.
Ours is a generation that was merged into the labor market at the time of the Great Recession, and I think it’s just been shaped by that. And every generation makes its mark based on its experience. You go back to JFK, his inaugural address, he said something about how the torch had been passed to a new generation born in this century, which had been tempered by war and disciplined by a hard and bitter peace. So I don’t mean to claim some unique personal authority, or that I’m the only one that gets these things, but I do think that when they’re personal, you come at them with a different sense of urgency, for sure.
I’m anxious to see whether the other Democratic candidates in 2020 are mostly going to focus on people who already have debt or on those who haven’t taken it on yet. Which is a priority for you, and how you kind of distinguish between the two as a politician given that they essentially affect different constituencies? I think you probably are going to have two different lines of effort. If we target debt and not college costs alone, then it benefits everybody. So, for example, improving accessibility to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF), expanding the cap on how much debt is forgiven to the Teacher Loan Forgiveness program—these are the things that stand to help those of us who’ve already graduated, and it could be a big difference maker for people going to school now, or even people, you know, sadly, [who] may be weighing whether going to school is a good move.
But I don’t think we should choose one. What will we have to do is make sure that we start moving these debt loads in the right direction. And when you have folks with these six-figure debt loads, whether we talk about creating refinancing options or whether we talk about paths to loan forgiveness, or even just adjusting how income-based repayment works, we can make a move there that’s somewhat retroactive as well as making it easier for the next folks who come along.
How do you feel about straight-up student debt cancellation, or if that’s too extreme, how you feel about at least allowing people to declare bankruptcy on their student loans? I think there should be a comprehensive strategy, and I’m not wedded to an individual element of that. So there may be trade-offs between how generous we want to make different forgiveness programs and what we do around bankruptcy, for example. But I think it should be considered. I mean we consider it in other credit markets, right? As long as it doesn’t harm access to credit for a future generation of students. Wiping it away strikes me as a little bit harder to take on for a couple of reasons. Obviously, cost.
To backtrack for a second, I’m sure—given that your husband is a teacher—you have more thoughts on the complete failure of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. I think it’s okay to have student loan forgiveness attached to certain things. And that’s why the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program for example, is so attractive. Right? It’s sort-of an exchange of value. What I think we should be cautious about is—you know, it’s not the same if you’re going into a very high-income profession. And again, this might be partly my perspective as somebody who married a teacher, but you know, teachers get paid roughly 60 percent of what people with a comparable education in other fields [make].
But the whole logic of the current student loan subsidy system, especially the fact that that graduate student loans are more expensive or graduate student debt tends to be more expensive than undergrad, is based on the idea that the folks coming out of grad school are going to go be doctors and lawyers and among the wealthiest people in our society. And unfortunately that means you’re doubly punished for doing something very honorable, like making the choice to become a teacher. And that’s why I think it makes sense, if we’re going to move in the direction of forgiveness, to have it be tied to income and not just some kind of blanket thing that makes no distinction between folks who are going to be just fine and are on their way to being in the 1 percent, and people who are struggling in the middle class and almost being punished for the fact that they got an education and used it to benefit others.
Totally. I think that’s an important distinction. I’m curious as to how you think you can maybe incentivize a state school to lower their costs besides putting a cap on the amount of loans one can take out that are backed by the federal government? A good place to begin is to make some federal support to states conditional on the level of support they’re prepared to provide to students. So for example, we could tie these students’ share of college costs to either an income metric or an affordability metric and then make some federal aid to states in the field of education contingent on them offering that up. Because what we’ve seen as a pattern is a lot of state schools have gone from being state-sponsored to state-subsidized to state-related—just providing less and less of that share. Now, the federal government could also pick up some of that slack. For example, if we reset the percentage of total cost of attendance that we think Pell Grants ought to be able to cover and properly funded that, it would take the edge off. But I still think that there needs to be a little more harmony among the states in terms of what they’re willing to do to keep costs under control.
It constantly blows my mind that this isn’t one of the biggest issues for almost all politicians. No one in an entire generation is going be able to buy houses, or in some cases even basic consumer goods. This seems poised to completely tank the economy. This is somebody else’s problem. They want to do the right thing, but in terms of where it falls among priorities, in the end, it’s not quite the same as one that they can relate to directly.
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sadeashahan · 7 years
Life Lessons Learned from Outliers: The Story of Success By Malcolm Gladwell
Outliers is a phenomenal book with short stories about how people from various fields attained success or became outliers, as Gladwell defines it. It is such a thought provoking book that I want to share some of the knowledge that I gained from it with you. So let’s jump straight into some of these factors that fuel success, as this is a rather long blog post!
1. The Matthew Effect AKA Success Fuels Success
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Those with a comparative advantage because they are born earlier in the year or because they have met the cut-off dates for entering into a team are more likely to succeed. They are more likely to succeed because they were born at the right time. Their birth date, specifically, their birth month, has allowed them to have this comparative advantage over their peers who were born later in the year. So a word to the wise potential parents, make sure to create a family plan where your target is to have a baby who is born earlier in the year.  Sounds silly, doesn’t it? Well, unfortunately, this is the reality we live in and cutoff dates are used as a metric of success in this day and age.
2. The 10,000 Hour Rule AKA Practice Makes Perfect
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Researchers agree that the magic number for true expertise is 10,000 practice hours. This means that 10,000 hours of practice are required to achieve world class expert level of mastery in any given subject.  It was found that it takes the brain this long to learn all that it needs to know to achieve true mastery in a given field. This theory applies to everyone—from the most genius to the most incapable person on the planet. Ten thousand practice hours roughly translates to ten years! In order to have these practice hours under your belt, you need to have spend a significant amount of time practicing whatever it is you want to truly master. But unfortunately, not all of us have so much spare time and opportunity due to financial or other limitations. So in essence, it is luck at the end that decides who gets to practice for those 10,000 hours!
3. Do all geniuses become successful?
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No. Why? Because it is rare to find geniuses who have both a high IQ and are socially savvy. IQ, to some degree is a measure of innate ability, whereas social savvy is a set of skills that has to be learned from our families. And let’s face it: not all geniuses are born with supportive families. So what becomes of those who are not born with supportive families? These geniuses never become famous, they lead a very average life as they fear authority and don’t have the social skills to challenge authority. On the other hand, the geniuses who attain fame are the ones with supportive families and these are the ones who have learned how to be socially savvy from their families. These are the people who know how to get their way; they know how to talk and when to talk.
4. Is there a golden era for lawyers, entrepreneurs and the like?
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Yes. There is a right time and place to seize every opportunity. Historically, to become a great lawyer in New York, it was ideal to be born in the 1930s, to have parents who did meaningful work and to be a foreigner. Just as being born in the early 1930s was the prime time for a New York lawyer, being born in 1955 was the magic year for a software programmer and being born in 1835 was the perfect time for an entrepreneur. As you might have guessed, yes the geniuses (e.g. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc) in these different fields were all born during the golden period for their field of work. What a coincidence, isn’t it? This also translates to a tragedy for those who are as competent but were not born in the golden years for their intended field of practice.
5. Can cultural legacies define success?
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Yes, absolutely! Where we come from plays such a central role on where we end up in life. Because as much as we think our culture, family upbringing and legacy will pass by, they end up staying in our life and leave a lasting impact. Recently, there have been quite a few number of plane crashes and there is a very ethnic reason to explain this phenomenon. The communications among the first officer, flight engineer, captain and others in the cockpit vary depending on their country of origin. In some countries, for example in the U.S.A., the flight engineer can speak very directly to the captain about any concerns that he/she might have about the captain’s decision making and they are both considered on the same level, whereas, in a place like South Korea, where flight engineers can’t really give their opinion directly to the captain because it is not acceptable, socially. These communication differences can cause massive problems when a tired South Korean captain doesn’t understand the indirect messages of the South Korean flight engineer. We might assume that plane crashes happen because of major engineering issues, but instead it happens because of these communication differences between cultures, tired pilots, and other very minor technical problems that when put together can create fatal damage.
6. Is there any logical reason to why Asians are so good at math?
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Yes, there is! First of all, in the Asian language, it is easier to think of numbers than in English. Therefore, these linguistic differences makes the Asian numbering system more transparent, more systematic and more regular than the ambiguous and random numbering system found in Western linguistics. Have you ever wondered why there are so many rice paddies in parts of Asia like Japan, China and Korea? Well, they are there because these Asians are willing to put in the time and effort needed to harvest these rice paddies that are so central to the diets of these cultures. Out of all the farming that has been done historically, rice farming has been documented to be the most labor intensive. This translates to the fact that Asian rice farmers are one of the hardest workers in the world. It is also one of the most mechanical and technical type of work. No wonder Asians are so smart in math, it’s because they have been given this technical and mechanical mentality from their intensive agricultural lifestyle. Asians are also likely to stick to a problem until they can solve it for a longer amount of time than Westerners, which obviously translates to a higher level of success in math for Asians. And where did this trait come from? You got it. From the endless hours spent toiling under the scorching sun making sure their harvest this season will give a productive yield.
7. Fact as shown by studies: children from low income families perform just as well as their counterparts from high income families. 
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This shocking fact is absolutely valid when you look at a standardized test that was given to students at the end of the school year right before they go into summer break (this is in the case of U.S.). However, when the standardized tests were given right at the beginning of the school year when students come back from their summer vacation, the students from the high and middle income families outperformed those from the low income homes. Why is that? It’s because of the differences in their family structure. Those kids who come from middle and high income families are often more likely to be attending summer camp to enhance their reading and math ability, have libraries at home where parents encourage reading and of course, their parents are more likely to implement more structured play and study time at home. Whereas, those kids who come from low income families have no summer camp, no library at home, and no structured play/study time so they spend their summer vacation just having fun when their middle and high income peers are making advancements in their education. This is the achievement gap that causes low income students to fall behind. And this is mainly due to the long summer vacation systems that the U.S.A. has in place.
All of these above points are examples of outliers that you have seen in your life at some point. But did you ever think twice about these outliers as much as Malcolm Gladwell has done so smoothly in his profound book? If not, then this was definitely the right place for you to start and I hope you can also glean some insights from these unique and powerful stories.
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wionews · 7 years
Russian revolution: Life in post-Soviet states 100 years later
Like many other universities in Istanbul, Sabanci University (where I teach) also admits a sizable proportion of students who come from various erstwhile republics of the Soviet Union. Most of these students read, speak and write in fluent Turkish. Since several of these post-Soviet states were once ruled by the Ottoman Empire, the students are expected to have a certain degree of familiarity with the Turkish culture. Additionally, as an academic requirement, at least, the undergraduate students have to go through some basic training in the Turkish language. Yet, almost every Azeri, Georgian or Moldovan student whom I taught has told me that this fluency in the Turkish language has nothing to do with either historical advantage or academic necessity.
Instead, there are economic reasons which force them to spend substantial effort and time in mastering a foreign language. Not learning Turkish has a huge opportunity cost for them, since without a good knowledge of Turkish it is almost impossible for an undergraduate student to get a job in Istanbul. And although Sabanci University has quite a reputation in the Caucasus or in Eastern Europe, the brand value is still not that high which may help the students in fetching jobs in the EU.
Naturally, one may wonder why going back to their homelands is not an option after all. Is it the economic aspiration? Every year millions of young and bright minds across the emerging economies are emigrating to the developed economies - are their stories much different from the stories of these students of the post-soviet states?
Simple anecdotes suggest that the stories are indeed different. And then as we look at the facts and the figures, a much bigger tragedy unravels.
None of my Moldovan students wants to be an academic.
Moldovans took to the streets to raise their voices against massive corruption, protests broke out in Azerbaijan demanding an end to the government-backed oligarchy.
On average they are intelligent, hardworking and sincere, and they certainly have high regards for their professors. Yet, they have an almost inseparable resentment towards the education sector. A 2011 study conducted by Transparency International shows that in Moldova, the education sector is as corrupt as police or judiciary. School teachers who cannot supplement their meagre income with subsistence farming or extra payments from the parents of their students (in kind, typically with food or labor) openly ask for a price for the passing grade. Many of the academic institutions are also engaged in the business of fraudulent degree-granting, so much so that the in 2012 alone twenty-two heads of the higher academic institutions were legally prosecuted in the court.
While Moldovans took to the streets to raise their voices against massive corruption, protests broke out in Azerbaijan demanding an end to the government-backed oligarchy. In fact, most of the Azeri Oligarchs are directly in control of the provincial and federal governments. As oligarchy still reigns supreme in the country, young Azeris, such as my students from Sabanci University will rarely get a chance to be successful entrepreneurs. Last year when the global oil price went into a nosedive, the currency of Azerbaijan almost collapsed. As a result, the grip of the Azeri oligarchs tightened even more.
Oligarchy is a major problem in Georgia too. As a few elite businesspeople control bulk of the national wealth, the country suffers from severe economic anxiety. Almost half of the entire population of Georgia face either unemployment or long-term underemployment. World Bank data from 2013 suggests that the income inequality in Georgia is the worst among all the post-Soviet states.
During a recent trip to Georgia, I met locals who still believe that Georgia had its heyday under Stalin’s regime. Stalin, in spite of being a Georgian, considered Russia as the ‘first among equals’ and didn’t make any special provision for his homeland. Georgia with a largely agrarian economy still performed better than the other republics during the Soviet time.
Such sentiments, however, are not exclusive to the Georgians. Over the years, I personally met many people from the ‘Stans’ of Central Asia, and even from the Eastern bloc who largely believed that the quality of life was much better during the Soviet era. Uzbek chef, Romanian taxi driver, Bulgarian tourist, people with very different personalities and somewhat different worldviews rooted for a foregone dream which was conceived a hundred years ago.  Or was the dream conceived after all?
A hundred years after the Bolshevik revolution the post-soviet states suffer from the familiar woes which plagued these countries even in the beginning of the twentieth century.
A hundred years after the Bolshevik revolution the post-soviet states suffer from the familiar woes which plagued these countries even in the beginning of the twentieth century. A few corrupt elites are still in control of the national wealth, millions of working-class proletariats are even now struggling for survival, and the autocratic governments are still in the power. Yet, another Bolshevik revolution seems like a remote possibility, if not impossible at all. Despite the same institutional flaws and structural economic problems, the political aspirations of the current generations cannot be different anymore. Some historical perspectives may help us to understand this puzzle.
To start with, almost all of these countries were invaded by the Russian red army. The underlying intentions of Russia were not very different from that of the other contemporary European colonial powers. After Azerbaijan was incorporated in the Soviet Republic, Lenin wrote “we all know that our industries stood idle because of the lack of fuel. However, today, the proletariat of Baku has toppled the Azerbaijani government and is in charge of running the government. This means that now we own a basic economy that is capable of supporting our industries’’.
Instead of a proletariat revolution what actually happened in Azerbaijan was a direct conflict between the Russian red army and the Azerbaijani military; several thousands of Azeri soldiers died on the battlefields. The Caspian oil fields were too important to lose, and Lenin underscored that fact many a time. The other republics also have similar histories. Some memories of the revolution are certainly painful, bringing back the buried emotions.
The Soviet ideologists assumed the existence of new Soviet men who would lose any nationalist sentiment and adhere to communist intellectualism.
Emotions are easily triggered when there is a deprivation of liberty. Many of the first generation Homo Sovieticus was forcefully converted to a new anti-religion. The Soviet ideologists assumed the existence of new Soviet men who would lose any nationalist sentiment and adhere to communist intellectualism. In retrospect, it seems that the ideology was more of a theoretical possibility, and that too was a flawed one. The high-handedness of Soviet intellectuals ignored a thousand years of nonlinear history. As a result, most of the post-Soviet republics are now dogmatically religious.
If a Rip Van Winkle from one of these countries suddenly wakes up after a hundred years, he may find that the religious presuppositions have not been changed after all. Nationalist sentiments too, instead of being extinct, are at an all-time high. In fact right after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as soon as the new republics were established violent ethnic conflicts broke out. So, what legacy did the new Soviet men leave for their future generations?
In her noteworthy book ‘Secondhand time: the last of the Soviets’, Nobel laureate Svetlana Alexievich has chronicled and examined some of the failed legacies of USSR. An ex-employee of a Soviet archive tells her “Paper lies more than people do”; a lady from Abkhazia laments “We took the bus together, went to the same school, learned the same language… (and then war broke out) suddenly they were all killing each other. Neighbor killing neighbor, classmates killing classmates, brother killing sisters”; a soldier confesses “A soldier’s not a person. He’s an object…a tool…a killing machine…I wanted to kill myself about five times”.
Svetlana’s subjects might be strangers to us, but once they start narrating their stories it would be impossible to not be overwhelmed with emotions. In pages after pages, they describe how the leaders betrayed a once in a lifetime ideology, how the authorities showed a complete lack of compassion for the fellow human beings, how deception became the self-fulfilling tool to justify every wrong policy action.
But more than anything else, it seems that there was a tremendous disregard for the past which made the leaders believe in quick fixes for every sociopolitical trouble that emerged within the territories of USSR but outside the territories of Russia. And this too had a long legacy.
When the first congress of the people of the East took place in Baku in 1920, Lenin advised the communists of ‘backward’ Asia to forge alliances with bourgeois nationalists, a policy which would have never even been proposed in Russia. One of the first leaders to oppose such idea was the Indian revolutionary Manabendra Nath Roy, who had a strong suspicion that the bourgeois nationalists would have a rather close connection with the feudal order of the Asian republics. Manabendra Nath was indeed a visionary, Lenin’s preferred course of alliances with the bourgeois nationalists took its toll.
Capitalism in its current form cannot alleviate the problems of the post-Soviet states, but a possible reincarnation of the tried and tested socialist failures make the younger generations more worried.
The socialist movement in the Caucasian and Asian republics of USSR went haywire, and as soon as the command and control economy had collapsed the old feudal order, now known as Oligarchs, took over the control of the post-Soviet states. 
Capitalism in its current form cannot alleviate the problems of the post-Soviet states, but a possible reincarnation of the tried and tested socialist failures make the younger generations more worried. The post-Soviet states are now in dire need of their own maverick thinkers who can perhaps establish a new economic order. Since an awfully long lull is still in effect, I hope the storm is not that far away.
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giveuselife-blog · 8 years
Most controversial and banned Apple Iphone apps
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/existence-within-the-sun-gadget/
Most controversial and banned Apple Iphone apps
Be it Google or Apple, app shops are flooded with inappropriate tries to capitalize on drollness or wittiness. With clean specs About the content of the app not being obscene, pornographic, offensive or defamatory, a few builders create whacky apps that get away censors and internet regulators. If technology is to be blamed, customers are always on the quest of finding apps that ease their lives in some way or the other. And then, those curious heads come across matters that want a filter out.
From the raunchiest to the directly absurd, we’ve unveiled the apps that may depart you outraged. It’s hard on our component to believe that these apps certainly made it via the stern guidelines of the corresponding stores. Most Debatable iPhone Apps Ladies Round Me
This app has taken creepy to some other stage. This geo-place app helps you to discover, or need to I say, stalk ladies on your close by region, based on public Foursquare test ins and Fb posts. It then helps you to hook up with them via Fb. The app became straight away taken off from the shop for violating API’s coverage.
Baby Shaker
That is one of the Most despicable iPhone apps launched. Created by means of Sikalosoft, it allows customers violently shake their iPhone so as to prevent the Child’s loud noises in which, red Xs (crosses) might appear over the Baby’s eyes and he would end to cry. Apple and Sikalsoft later apologized, and the app became removed after they realized their mistake.
Ghetto Tweets
This Twitter-primarily based app, filtered your buddies’ tweets in an try to cause them to greater ‘urban’, however, ended up creating slang sounds that have been found to be racist. After being flooded with complaints, the ghetto translator becomes pulled from the shop.
Me So Holy
This Debatable app permit users take a mugshot and superimpose snapshots of faces onto various nonsecular figures including Jesus Christ. The app became soon removed by Apple, declaring it to be objectionable. To which the writer, Benjamin Kahle published on his website: Is religion without a doubt to be placed in the identical class as these violent apps? Intercourse, urine, and defecation don’t seem to be off-limits, yet a totally non-violent, religion-based app is.
Door Of Wish
A gay man or woman can be cured in only 60 days with the aid of an iPhone app. Are you able to beat that? If it sincerely needs to be cured is a problem too deep to dig in right here. but this app claimed to kill the demons that motive identical-Sex sights to your frame. Apple without delay pulled the app from their app store.
I am Rich
That is one of the Maximum ostentatious and pointless apps on this list. With a retail rate of $999.ninety nine, this app does truly not anything aside from displaying a static picture with a crimson jewel, saying “I’m Rich.” Two of the clients who by chance offered this app were paid returned. This app led the author, Armin Heinrich a groovy $6,000 in his pocket till it changed into yanked off through Apple.
Splendor Meter
As the call suggests, this app assists you to upload pics and get grades to your Splendor; customers may want to charge the face, body, and clothes from 1 to 5 stars. This loose app had no restrictions as some distance As the age or apparel that would be worn was involved. matters had been pretty harmless till the photo of a nude 15-yr-antique lady showed up, prompting Apple to ban it.
Apps which are devised to bring disparate people collectively are always endorsed. And the writer of Sweat post idea he is including one to the listing. So he created this app that lets you say swears in almost 45 different languages, making you a global swearing master. Well, Apple did now not appear convinced; it banned the iOS model for its crude and offensive content.
Maximum Debatable Android Apps
Secret SMS Replicator
This app is for all the ones jilted lovers, scorned exes, and determined stalkers. The little bit of spyware you put in in your buddy’s or loved one’s telephone that runs overlooked inside the background. As soon as the app starts of evolved running, it could ahead all of the incoming textual content messages to the stalker’s wide variety. At closing, it was given a boot from the Android marketplace for privateness worries.
Make Me Asian
Even the great of the fine comedians hesitate while which includes racism in their humor. It is able to get that complex! However the developer’s concept they might cope with this. This face-morphing app shall we customers to import photographs and upload stereotypical Asian facial functions to them. The writer Kimbery Deiss took this to another degree by using launching spin-offs that focused Indians, African-Americans, and plenty of extras. Can it get any more racist?
Lulu is a sexist app that we could girls rate guys they Recognize from Facebook on the basis of their romantic, non-public, and sexual enchantment. It does not quite right here, it also permits them to hyperlink their scores to their Fb pages with hashtags starting from #BigFeet to #OneWomanMan. Notwithstanding the criticism, Lulu remains to be had for download, gaining thousands and thousands to Alexandra Chong.
Is My Son homosexual?
So we were given an app in order to assist harassed mother and father in determining the sexual orientation of their kids via answering a hard and fast of questions! The app turned into launched for promoting a comedic novel by using the same call. Google become bombarded with complaints from LGBT advocacy agencies, prompting them to pull it off the Android marketplace. Ass Hunter
This game existed as a web flash sport since 2006, however, got noticed while it was moved to the Google Play save. It offers players the control of a hunter, asks them to kill naked gay guys. And if they do not shoot those men, they’d have homosexual Intercourse with them. The description examine, “Play and do not be homosexual!” Once more, a successful Twitter campaign caused the removal of this app from Google Play store.
Carrot Courting
This app has been addressed as a shape of virtual prostitution time and time Again. The tagline is going, ‘messaging may additionally get her interested, but bribery gets you a date’. It allows users to offer ‘carrots’ to different humans; lets them send incentives like goodies or dinners and receives them to conform to a primary date. The app has been categorized as ‘sexist’ and ‘misogynistic’. The author says It’s been evolved for less-attractive men to conquer hurdles inside the online Courting world and believes in bribing ladies with items. And it made its way to the iPhone App shop as Well.
This Arguable app claims to make you sense higher About your appears. All it does is take your selfie and edit it, providing you with the option to subtract five, 10, or 15 pounds out of your weight. However, customers are not very happy with it. It makes scrawny people appearance starved, and weighty people sense terrible Approximately themselves. All this comes to the value of $zero.99.
Bang With buddies
Created via Colin Hedge and Omri Mor, this popular app does precisely what you believe you studied it does. It guarantees to make it easier for human beings to invite their Facebook buddies for informal Intercourse. With intentions made clear, the provider notifies both parties if there’s a healthy. It was taken off the App keep for being too vulgar; But, it’s miles still to be had at the Play keep. some Contentious Apps That need A Mention • Weed Farmer• SpoofApp • Drawings Of My Stupid Brother • Annoy-A-Youngster • Pocket Lady friend • PSX4droid • Exodus Worldwide • Obama Trampoline • Tinder • Wikileaks • Yik Yak
Brief Hacks on How to Come across and Get rid of adware out of your iPhone In recent times, there may be no need to rent a personal detective to Recognize the whereabouts and linkups of someone, way to the release of the alarmingly excessive charge of cellphone adware. Buzz will let you know A way to Hit upon and Get rid of adware from an iPhone.
Jailbreak in iPhone Jailbreaking is a method in which you run changed firmware on the iPhone, which otherwise, the iOS does not permit you to get admission to due to ability malware. Jailbreaking allows the person to run the unsigned software program on his iPhone. spyware is established on iPhone via jailbreaks. This text is for all those humans whose iPhone is being accessed by means of their jealous or possessive extensive other, or with the aid of a pal, boss, or relative who has always been nosy into their personal affairs. there may be a wonderful possibility of your iPhones being jailbroken, for you to use it to secret agent on you.
Installing adware on an iPhone can provide access to the victim’s textual content messages, name logs, e-mails, banking passwords, and even the cutting-edge location may be traced with a spyware.
an era has stepped forward and upgraded to such a volume that nowadays, human beings do not even Recognise via whom are they being watched. Did you realize that individuals who secretively installation adware software on the phone, are in Most cases, those whom the victim trusted the Maximum and least anticipated to spy on his or her non-public lifestyles? The fact that iPhone does no longer have any software program, that can Locate such adware, is all of the greater threatening.
but hiya, loosen up! here we will no longer best inform you How to recognize in case your iPhone is getting used to spy on you, but additionally strategies for removing spyware out of your iPhone. The Maximum vital aspect while detecting spyware on an iPhone is to recollect if the iPhone had physical get entry to via a 2d person. adware may be mounted by a person with a median know-how About jailbreaking. This manner does no longer take extra than 5 mins. Symptoms that Your iPhone has an adware hooked up ☞ Watch out for unexplained heating up of the iPhone even when not in use and poor battery backup in spite of frequent charging of the phone. The reason for negative battery ranges is that numerous facts have to be monitored by the adware and despatched to the installer’s telephone. This precedes the battery existence. ☞ take a look at in case your show display screen shows a records transfer icon even when the statistics switch is ticked ‘off’ and the internet isn’t always in use. If it does, the possibility of the adware being installed shoots up all the more. ☞ Freezing of the iPhone, surprising shutdowns, slow restarts, immoderate utilization of net information, and large bills for texts and calls, which don’t match the rate of software of the iPhone, is some other shout opt-out of your cell phone, indicating that some thing’s wrong. ☞ Look for Symptoms of jailbreak and search for the Cydia App (software which permits the jailbroken iPhone to put in apps) icon on your private home screen. If this app does not show on the home display screen, then look for it in “packages.” Although, in case you your self-have jailbroken your cell phone within the beyond, then this pointer for detecting adware must be avoided. display the spyware its way Out ☞ They are saying, prevention is better than therapy. So, always preserve your iPhone password included. from your display screen to all of the different programs, make certain which you maintain the whole thing covered with a password. And if possible, strive to maintain your telephone to yourself and don’t let it out to human beings, unless there is an emergency.
☞ Delete programs and programs that are not mounted by way of you. however updating or clearing records will no longer clear up the whole trouble. Sync your facts, as an example, your contacts, and pix (now not your programs) with iTunes. Now, with the assist of iTunes, restore your information. This way, all of your statistics and acquired applications can be restored. The cause for now not syncing your packages with iTunes is that doing so will take a backup of the spyware as Well.
☞ Keep away from jailbreaking your iPhone. iPhones which are jailbroken are greater prone to adware. constantly have an antivirus mounted to your iPhone.
☞ To finish at the recommendations of elimination of adware from an iPhone, remember that a simple update of the iOS will paralyze the adware, rendering it vain. So the following time you experience that you are being spied on, you, in reality, Recognise How to ward off the hassle. putting off adware from an iPhone is easy, but we advocate that always cozy your cell phone with complex passwords and stay far from your possessive exes.
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