#so happy birthday to lynx
redux-iterum · 10 months
Burning Hearts: Chapter Twenty-Seven
(AO3 counterpart here.)
It was a generously warm night when Fireheart came into camp holding a woodrat in his jaws, following along after Willowpelt and Speckletail as they dropped their catches on the prey-pile. He was about to go over to Tigerclaw and chat when a voice hissed, “Hang on.”
It was Ravenwing, he found, as he turned around. The skinny black tom sniffed the rat over, squinting in suspicion.
“That one didn’t get bit, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Fireheart joked, light but muted.
Ravenwing took another sniff and stepped back with a nod. “I was just worried.” He crooked the white tip of his tail, beckoning Fireheart closer, before murmuring in his ear, “Greystripe should be done in the dirtplace by now. We’re going on a walk.”
On impulse, Fireheart glanced back at Tigerclaw. His back was turned to the younger toms, and he seemed to be deep in a conversation with Darkstripe (the only time the sour warrior ever looked happy). Taking the opportunity, Fireheart followed Ravenwing out of camp, not looking to either side but desperately hoping no one saw them go.
On cue, as soon as they entered the wider forest, Greystripe came around the corner. He didn’t look remotely surprised to see either of his friends; in fact, he nodded curtly and followed along after Ravenwing without a word. Fireheart silently marveled at the way Ravenwing led them—he strode with unusual confidence and purpose, like he was marching the entire Clan to a war they were destined to win. He hardly looked like the same shivering, anxious tom Fireheart had known all this time. He even seemed taller.
A shame it had to be this that brought that out of him, Fireheart thought.
“I’m guessing we’re investigating?” he said aloud. As he expected, Ravenwing nodded. “So where are we going?”
“Snakerocks,” Ravenwing said. “I figured now is the best time, since it’s warmer.”
Fireheart half-coughed a weak chuff. “You’re not looking to get bit, are you?”
Ravenwing frowned at him over his shoulder. Fireheart, to his own surprise, shrunk back a bit, like he was actually in trouble. At this, Ravenwing’s face relaxed.
“Sorry,” he said. “I’m just thinking. Maybe we should have brought that rat.”
“What rat?” Greystripe asked.
“Fireheart brought in a woodrat while you were gone.”
“Oh. Yeah, that would have been good to bring.” Greystripe stepped over a fallen branch that Fireheart had to hop to clear. “As a test.”
Fireheart hesitantly probed. “What exactly are we testing? Or… were going to test.”
“Remember that rat that Swiftpaw almost brought to Bluestar?” Ravenwing said, waiting for Fireheart to nod before he continued. “I want to see if it was feasibly just a mistake that someone brought in poisoned prey.”
“We don’t know who brought it in,” Greystripe said. His voice darkened. “But we might be able to guess.”
“It can just be an accident,” Fireheart protested. “No one smelled it until Cinderpaw did, and she’s a seer apprentice.”
Greystripe and Ravenwing shared a look. Fireheart’s claws unsheathed in anxiety trying desperately to disguise itself as frustration. He forcibly withdrew them and walked along in silence.
Snakerocks was, reasonably, a good distance away from camp. They ended up running to conserve time and it still took a while to get to it. Fireheart remembered the times he had been warned as an apprentice to not go near the place alone. Even grown warriors were nervous to approach it when the weather was warmer and drier. Apparently snakes liked the daylight better, but there was still a risk of accidental encounters at any time, so the amount of times Fireheart had been to Snakerocks was, though uncountable to him, barely above the number of legs he had.
They reached Snakerocks both slower and quicker than he would have liked. The toms stood together in a row, silently staring at the piles of stones lazily leaning against each other, casual in their secrecy about the dangers curled up within them.
“So what’s our first move?” Greystripe asked, turning his head to Ravenwing, which Fireheart copied.
Ravenwing clicked his teeth together and then nodded to himself. “Spread out and see if you can scent anything. Prey especially. Fireheart, go around this way—” He waved his tail to the left “—and Greystripe, take the other way. I’ll circle directly around the rocks.” As both of his friends opened their mouths to argue, he held up a paw. “I’ve got the quickest reflexes of all of us, and the best ears. If anyone’s got a chance to avoid being bitten, it’s me. Plus, this is my idea. I don’t want you two in danger for my own hunches.”
Reluctantly, the others split up and went their directed ways while Ravenwing, dutifully keeping his steps light and his ears perked, closed in on the rocks and sniffed. Fireheart stayed exactly on the border of the clearing, using his nose and tasting the air to pick up the slightest inkling of suspicious scents. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find anything but the smell of earth and wilting plants. He made a face, not sure whether to be genuinely frustrated or relieved.
Greystripe met up with him at the halfway point, and Ravenwing finished his search quickly, getting away from the rocks at a smart trot.
“What did you smell?” he asked immediately.
Fireheart grimaced. “Just plants and soil.”
“Same here,” Greystripe said. “What about you?”
“Nothing but snakes.” Ravenwing’s eyes sparked. “And that’s important. You didn’t smell a single animal? No prey, no predators?”
Greystripe and Fireheart shook their heads.
“I thought so,” Ravenwing muttered. “Then I’m on the right trail.”
“What trail is that?” Fireheart asked, slightly afraid of the answer.
Ravenwing’s face was grave. “How did a rat get bitten if no prey comes around here?”
Greystripe narrowed his eyes.
“Maybe—” Fireheart piped up quickly. “Maybe a snake wandered into the woods and bit a rat then.”
“No, that wouldn’t work either,” Greystripe said. “Because the rat would’ve been eaten by the snake at that point.”
“It’d be looking for food, not a threat,” Ravenwing agreed.
“And a rat isn’t so stupid that it’d show up here to pick a fight or get eaten…”
“So someone would have had to bring it here—”
“Or chase it—”
“Or chase it, and let it get bitten—”
“And scare off the snake!”
“Exactly.” Ravenwing bobbed his head almost eagerly. “It’d be so easy to catch one and bring it here alive, and then chase it into the rocks. I bet the snakes were barely awake, so they got startled and bit on impulse.”
“Then the rat ran out again and died?” Greystripe proposed, to another fierce nod from Ravenwing. “And then the hunter brought it to camp.”
“And that rat was specifically going to Bluestar, wasn’t it?” Ravenwing said to Fireheart.
Fireheart was nowhere near as enthusiastic as his friends as he mumbled, “It was.”
“And with the calls to the border…” Ravenwing shivered, but spoke steadily. “Bluestar’s in trouble. I’m certain of it now.”
“We should ask Swiftpaw who told him to bring it to her,” Greystripe said, oblivious to a sagging Fireheart. “That was probably the hunter.”
“Although he might have had someone else tell him to do it too,” Ravenwing mused, equally unaware. His tail danced around behind him. “And if that’s the case, it was probably Darkstripe as a proxy.”
Greystripe growled and flexed his claws into the loose soil. “I’ll bet you it is.”
“This is ridiculous.”
The toms blinked in surprise and looked down at Fireheart. He was trying to speak calmly, but the fur along his back was flaring up and his tail shook with tension.
“No one would do that,” he said, looking between his friends. “No one would set out to hurt Bluestar. She’s a good leader and a good cat. Who would want to– to…”
He struggled, but he couldn’t finish the sentence. He just kept looking from Greystripe to Ravenwing and back to Greystripe, desperate for a reasonable explanation.
Ravenwing’s energy left him, his eyes half-shut in glumness. “There’s only one cat that would benefit from her dying.”
“And from Lionface dying,” Greystripe said, just as subdued. “And from Redtail falling into the Gorge when no one else saw.”
“Tigerclaw,” finished Ravenwing.
Fireheart shook his head, like that would negate everything. “No, it– that can’t be. He’s not like that. He’s kind, and he cares about the Clan.”
“I’m sure he does,” Ravenwing said softly. “But he’s the only connection between all of these things.”
“He isn’t!” Fireheart’s claws unsheathed again. “We don’t know who brought the rat in! It could have been anybody!”
“Look—” Greystripe started.
Ravenwing cleared his throat.
Greystripe glanced at him, took a breath and started again, speaking more gently. “Look, I know he’s your dad and everything, I get it. I don’t like this any more than you do. But who else would benefit from this? And why isn’t Tigerclaw himself dead, if someone other than him wanted to be deputy and had already taken out Lionface and Redtail?”
“Redtail fell,” Fireheart snapped, a more detached part of him dryly surprised at his tone. “A rogue pushed him. That’s what Tigerclaw said happened.”
“That’s the thing,” Ravenwing said. “‘Tigerclaw said’. No one else saw.”
Fireheart opened his mouth to argue, but his throat failed him. He moved his mouth several times, fighting for words that would not come. His friends looked at each other and then him with sympathy. He viciously hated that. But all he could do was shake his head, his nose gradually pointing to the ground.
There was a painfully stretched-out moment of silence before a paw carefully landed on Fireheart’s shoulder. By its size, it was Ravenwing.
“You can ask Swiftpaw about the rat yourself,” Ravenwing said softly, and Fireheart looked up—yes, it was his paw. “Just ask him who gave it to him and who told him to bring it to Bluestar. That’s our main mystery right now.”
“If it’s not Tigerclaw, or Darkstripe, or someone else he could have ordered, then we can find another lead,” Greystripe added.
“Either way, we can agree that Bluestar’s in trouble.” Ravenwing removed his paw. “Cinderpaw saw it when she ran out and got hurt, right? That’s the story I heard.”
“She did,” Fireheart mumbled without thinking. “And she and Yellowfang keep having visions of Bluestar. They think there’s danger in the Clan.”
Greystripe’s face hardened. “Why didn’t you tell us that?”
Fireheart sighed and raised his head. “They didn’t want me to say anything. But I guess it’s appropriate now.” He perked up a little at a realization. “They don’t know what the danger is, or who it could be. So maybe—”
He faltered at the solemn expressions on his friends’ faces and hung his head again.
“StarClan wouldn’t lead us wrong,” Ravenwing said after a moment, seemingly to Greystripe. “If the seers are having visions, then we can’t reasonably deny this.” After a pause, he spoke again, directed at Fireheart. “We need to keep this a secret until we’re completely certain about it. Don’t tell Tigerclaw, especially.”
Fireheart’s jaw tightened, but he said nothing.
“I’m going to keep doing some thinking and looking things over,” Ravenwing continued when it became clear that Fireheart wasn’t going to respond. “The two of you, just be casual. Do your tasks and eat your prey. And Greystripe, be more subtle about Sunningrocks. I know you’re worried about Silverstream, but—”
“No, I know.” Greystripe sighed. “Bluestar found me out. She told me to stay away from there.” His tone lightened a little. “Apparently Fireheart admitted everything.”
Fireheart, relieved for any distraction, lifted his head again. “She asked me, yeah, but she wasn’t mad. She said she went through the same thing with Silverstream’s uncle.”
“Really?” Ravenwing leaned forward in interest. “How have we never heard about this?”
“ThunderClan kept it a secret,” Fireheart said. “RiverClan knows about it.”
“So that’s what Silverstream was talking about,” Greystripe almost whispered, eyes wide in understanding. Louder, he continued, “Once she said something about her uncle doing what we were doing. She didn’t elaborate—I don’t think she really wanted to talk about it.”
“Well then, I’m amazed that Bluestar even told Fireheart.” Ravenwing looked down at the ginger tom in question. “But then again, you seem to have a knack for getting people to open up.”
Fireheart twitched his whiskers with little enthusiasm. “I guess so.”
“Oh! Then—” Greystripe stomped a paw on the ground, a bit of dust and earth scattering. “Fireheart, maybe you could talk to Tigerclaw and see if you can get anything out of him. If he’d tell anyone anything important, it’d be you.”
“Woah, hold on.” Ravenwing’s ears turned back.
Greystripe belatedly realized his mistake and hurried to add, “But, I mean, not that you should, you don’t have to, it’s just a suggestion, I, uh—” He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Sorry.”
“No…” Fireheart’s eyes unfocused as he thought unhappily. “I do want to talk to him. I won’t say anything about this, I can promise that. But…I’ll talk to him.” His eyes cleared again and he met Ravenwing’s. “And I’ll find out myself what he’s thinking.”
Greystripe relaxed his fur.
Ravenwing looked both relieved and worried at the same time, which was quite the combination. “Alright. Then Tigerclaw and Swiftpaw are your mission. Is that okay?”
“It is,” Fireheart said.
“Then I’ll keep looking around,” Ravenwing said. “Greystripe, can you be on standby to cover for us if we need you to? You wouldn’t be able to check the border as much, but—”
“I can do that.” Greystripe nodded firmly. “I’m doing what Bluestar said and keeping away. I’ll check in a few days and leave it there. Should I be in camp more, or just in a certain area where you can find me?”
Fireheart didn’t hear what Ravenwing replied with. His eyes were unfocused again, his mind on Tigerclaw and his task ahead.
They were mistaken. They had to be.
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sugaaz · 1 year
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Ash Lynx in every episode
Happy Birthday Lilium @liliumdragomir​
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lyutsival · 2 years
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Happy birthday Ash!
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quarklynx · 11 months
I opened up the app to say that it is now technically my birthday just to see someone's untagged ideation posting
Can't get this social media experience anywhere else folks
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psyoni · 4 months
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Baldur's Gate 3 Lynx and Astsrion ...
One day…On a hot July night…After a party…They met in a field…And something appeared around and between them!…It was sparks! …And there were so many of them… That they had to run from the field! …So as not to burn alive there!!! O_O Thanks to everyone who subscribed to my group! Yes, and happy birthday to me)
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batshikns · 2 months
Check-up List #10
Daily To-Do's:
-Got to school with in a tolerable mood: ✔️
(Got up in a tolerable mood: N/A)
-Laughed and made someone laugh today: ✔️
-Didn't get/make someone mad/upset: ✔️
-Got home in a tolerable mood: ✔️
(Went to bed in a tolerable mood: N/A)
-Showered: ✔️ (highscore: 5!!! )
-Took a walk: ❌️
-Planning to go to bed soon: ✔️
Today's To-Do's:
-Do homework: ✔️
-Finish sketchbook: ✔️
+ XP: Check-in with Dad and Pop: ✔️
Didn't take a walk, but I prioritized my other needs first! It was my brother's friend's birthday today, so we had a good dinner, and I got put my shower to find there were 2 pieces of cake left! (vanilla cake with (the good, non-sweet)cream frosting and strawberry jam) Kylo(2) came to sleep in my lap most of the time! Lynx came home in HSR and i realized how similar we are....
Pop introduced me to Bocchi and said I acted like Hitori! (completely fair...) I joined my Unofficial Dads' server, and met someone new! I was really scared and a little overwhelmed and was muted most of the time they were there... But it was nice meeting them! (I hope we can become good friends) I spent the rest of the night half-asleep watching Pop play MCParks while me and Dad watched. Pop made some new friends!
Dad won't be open for most of the day, and maybe Pop won't either, so I'll take it as a test to see if I can communicate with other people and be a little more social with my safe people! I'll use it as extra points :3c (I need to work on my interview anyways..)
I've noticed I've grown a lot happier recently.... I think I can blame both me taking care of myself and my Unofficial Dads, but I'm happy nonetheless. And it's really nice.
-Write notes on interview until 2/3 of the way of the first section.
-Keep in mind that you're trying, even if Mom, Dad, or even yourself don't realize it yet and urge you to speed up the process
-Extra points: Be a little more social
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rosies-den · 11 months
20 things I love about Ash Lynx. 🌅❤️‍🔥🦁🎂🎉
It's the 12th of August.
Ya know what that means?
It's a big huge loving Happy Birthday to our Ash!!!!!
For his birthday, I wanted to write something, so here's a very appreciative appreciation post for my favourite character of all time.
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Here's just 20 reasons I love him with all my heart and soul.
1. His birth name. Aslan Jade Callenreese. His mum (or maybe just Yoshida being Yoshida) even made up "Aslan" to mean dawn/daybreak in hebrew when it actually means lion in turkish. However I like to interperet that, similar to a lion's mane, the sun shimmers with a golden light, and that's what his old lady meant when she named him Aslan to supposedly mean dawn.
2. His hair is also golden and reminds me of a lion's mane! And it's long. I love men with long hair!
3. His inner child. Ash has always been childish at heart and his most treasured memories are his childhood with Griffin. I love that as he opens up to Eiji, he starts showing his childish side more and more too.
4. His fear of pumpkins 🤭 mf is scared of a vegetable for christ sake!!! What a goofy thing to be afraid of. Cute though.
5. His jokes. Shit like telling Eiji to go watch Sesame Street, or being given an inkblot test at the hospital, the researcher asking what the inkblot sheet looks like, and he responds "Your wife". Countless examples of this cheeky fucker's one liners!
6. Speaking of which, that attitude he has. He's brutally honest, never backs down, says it like it is, and is unfiltered. He's smart whilst cutting the bullshit.
7. He knows how to lead, he sets goals clearly and he's strong and unwavering whilst not being outright cruel.
8. His fiery energy, especially being a Leo (more lion theming hehe) he's sucha a passionate person and that's a trait I both relate to and admire.
9. He remains loyal to his friends, through thick and thin, and even tries to understand people he has a bias against (Max for example, before they became like father and son.)
10. Despite being a gang leader, he does genuinely care for human life and doesn't like people dying for no good reason. Man's got morals.
11. His perseverance. Despite the cruel world trying to tear him apart time and time again in every possible way, he carried on with his investigation and his fight because he knew it was the right thing.
12. His intelligence! The dude can write advanced essays on politics and science and he does so for actual useful research reasons, not just to be a smartass.
13. He's the kind of person who drinks milk straight out of the jug. No, seriously. Look at this:
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Absolute madlad.
14. His fashion sense! I love his denim jackets, his hoodies, his ripped jeans, even that plain boring ass white shirt he loves to wear so much!
15. He agrees with me that beans are fucking gross. I don't blame him at all for being so petty about natto!
16. He's canonically bisexual. (This isn't debatable, his two canon crushes are Eiji and a girl he liked when he was 14. If you insist he's gay or straight you can get your biphobic ass outta here.) It means a lot to me as a bi person to have that sort of representation, plus it explains a lot of things, like the aforementioned hoodies and denim jackets (big same!).
17. He's the kinda guy who sits to read a good book. I'm kinda envious of his habit to read things that aren't just from a screen, but I also really want him to read to me. Storytelling podcast with Ash Lynx anyone?
18. His relationship with Eiji. They bring out the best in each other. Eiji helps Ash open up and express the emotions, good and bad, within him, whilst Ash inspires and helps out Eiji to get stronger, more independent, and more confident in himself and his abilities. Easily my favourite relationship of all time. They compliment each other perfectly and are so lucky to have each other.
19. His kindness and protectiveness towards children. He of course had a lot of respect and fondness towards Skip, and inspired Max and Jessica to become better parents to little Michael. He knows how vulnerable kids can be, and wants to protect them from violence and abuse. I love that he refuses to let these vicious cycles of parental neglect and child abuse continue.
20. His ability to love beyond all else. Love is what motivated him to save his friends and allies, take revenge for his brother and others he lost, and protect people from atrocities. Despite everything he went through Ash was, is and always will be that loving playful, childish at heart boy who cares for his loved ones beyond all comprehension. His love for Eiji and his friends expands beyond the universe.
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And that folks, is just 20 reasons why I love Ash from the deepest part of my spirit. He has inspired me in so many ways that I cannot even begin to go into right now, but just know thar he is an absolutely incredible character with such an important impact.
Thank you, Aslan. I love you so so much and I hope you have an amazing day in Japan with your husband. 💕💖💞💗
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neonscandal · 5 months
Hello, how are you? I love your blog, thanks so much for sharing you post, Neon (sorry, can I call you that?)
I found your blog cause your BakuDeku and SatoSugu posts, and I was surprised when found out, you also a fan of Banana Fish, Fushigi Yuugi, AoT and Sk8.
Last week was my birthday, and one of the best present for me is founding your blog.
Can I ask your fav characters and moments each from Banana Fish and AoT? Sorry if maybe you've already posted this before.
Happy belated birthday! 🎉✨
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I hope you enjoyed yourself 💛 IDK how old you turned but here's to another year around the sun. I don't really do new years' resolutions, but, on my birthday each year, I think about how I want to spend the next year of my life. I hope your next year is extra special.
I haven't quite answered this so please see below!
⚠️ Spoiler warning for Banana Fish anime and Attack on Titan through series end.
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Aslan Jade Callenreese - Because of COURSE he is. Plenty of places to read about why that is but just know, he is precious and I know he deserved better.
Shorter Wong - Just a funny lil guy. But to know the walls that would have divided Ash and Shorter which they would have broken down to have such trust and peace between them makes everything that happened that much more devastating.
Eiji Okumura - To paint Eiji as some harmless little cinnamon roll does his character such an injustice. He was gentle but he was fearless and could be fierce and had such a teasing sense of humor. I adore him for who he was to Ash but also because he could be sassy and obstinate.
Jessica Randy - Bad bitch with a gun. Adore her for being just as mean as Ash and not treating him like glass but also being sympathetic in those moments where they really connect.
Admittedly, I wound up having to stop watching Banana Fish part way through because it was so devastating and I was triggered. ✨ Took a month long break before I finished it and I have not watched it since. It just haunts me. I thought I'd read the manga but haven't brought myself to though I did buy Vol. 19 so I could get some closure.
Ash and Eiji's immediate gravitation toward one another from him just giving Eiji his gun?? and from the way he watched with awe how Eiji pole vaulted over fence and effectively saving them. Such a funny way to set up such an unlikely but perfect pair.
Ash shooting from atop the truck and everyone retreating into the Manhattan? river.. THE WAY SHORTER INSTINCTIVELY GRABBED EIJI?
Ash showing Eiji how to shoot in Connecticut, the way he softened up like they were just kids playing but then immediately had to retreat back to being Ash Lynx when he noticed other people watching.
How, even in his betrayal, Shorter did what he could to protect Eiji while in the mansion.
When they busted Ash out of the mansion, that moment of clarity when he realized Eiji was there for him.
Every single father son moment Ash had with Max.
The moment Max burned Ash's photos. I could actually bawl right now thinking about it?
Yut Lung's revenge on his brothers.
Ash's triumph over Rick Fox.
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CHARACTERS (have a funny way of not making it to the end of the series, huh?)
Levi Ackerman - I think I just like people who are burdened and damned.
Hange Zoe - Their personality did not fit the confines of life behind the walls and yet.. there they were. Brilliant, quirky, compassionate and curious. But eventually carried the weight of the whole world which blotted out their smile.
Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein - My favorite trio. From Jean's artistry, to Connie's horrible comedic timing and Sasha's insatiable hunger. Just a recipe for hilarity.
Mikasa Ackerman - Admittedly, she lost her edge and appeal later in the series which is such a shame. I mean, they brought it back for the ending but just feel like her being this OP bad ass could have had a personality consistently to match.
Attack on Titan had such exquisite exposition. This is definitely a series I always wish I could watch and read for the first time again. From the world building to the fact that, just when you get settled into understanding everything, your perspective on that world is completely rearranged. Now as a veteran watcher, crazy to find all the easter eggs that were hidden in plain sight.
The reveal at Utgard tower + their success in the box - As their first line of defense is fighting against dwindling stamina and dulling blades. Offset by the impossible odds of the newbie squads' success. Devastating.
Flegel Reeves' takes on the MP's - THE REVEAL. Also, what a way to emphasize their corruption in front of those shitty run down buildings. It was such a heart swelling moment.
Levi vs. Kenny in the city - their backstory and the animation of him flitting around and dodging bullets.
Battle at Shinganshina - From Erwin's incredible speech, Connie's awful joke and the difficult decision Levi had to make. SO MUCH. Such a phenomenal succession of chaos, honestly.
THE MARLEYAN REVEAL. Bro, are you kidding me??? With a whole new understanding of oppression and classism within the world.
The scouts experiencing life outside of the walls - Especially the clowns, the cars and the ice cream.
Massacre in Marley - The chaos of the attack on Willy Tybur's play to recapture Eren but also showcase the growth of the Scouts in Paradis and the fact that their freedom still came at the cost of other people who also weren't free.
Sasha Braus' Murderer's reveal - Gabi and Falco finding their way to the Braus' was one thing. But to be turned upon by someone who wanted to help them get back home and the only Maryleyan they met because of Sasha while being spared by her father? What a turning point.
Ymir's origin story and how that devolved into the world her descendants suffer in now.
FINDING OUT EREN WAS BEHIND EVERYTHING!? Even the death of his own mother and the slaughter of the royal family perpetrated by his father. All to engineer a future where he, too, knowingly would be killed. Knowing this and rewatching it just... it was there all along.
ALSO Levi Ackerman's back story from the OVA - man has been suffering since birth.
Recalling all of this makes me want to rewatch AOT again, TBH.
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
Happy birthday, love!
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Lol you should have heard the sound that came out of my mouth when I opened this message 🤣 I sounded like a shocked dying antelope! 😂
Oh my goodness 😳 this is the hottest birthday card I've ever gotten.
😍 thank you so sooooooo sooooooo much @little-lynx
I freaking love the lemon above his shoulder too!
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Thank you ❤️✨️
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Happy birthday, love! ❤️❤️❤️ you are amazing ❤️
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I… I don’t know what to say. It’s like ten presents in one here with the otter and Peeta and the cake with little references to so many of my stories. Askddkksjfndkdm! Thank you so much @little-lynx!!! 🎁😍🥹❤️🎂🦦
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kaaaaaaarf · 5 months
happy birthday karfy!! a toast to you and your gorgeous writing, incredible playlist-making skills, and endless generosity 🥂
wererabbit remus and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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Aww thank you so much, Lynx!! 😭😭😭 Tell wererabbit Remus I said thanks, too! Here is a picture of us that I had taken the last time we hung out:
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chaotic-banana-fish · 11 months
Happy birthday to one of my favourite characters of all time. Happy birthday to my favourite anime character, a character who in the last two years had become incredibly important to me, and had impacted my life more than you'd expect any character to do so. Happy birthday Ash Lynx!!
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thelost-in-time · 8 months
"Happy birthday!" Fern said with a wide smile, placing a huge chocolate cake in front of Lost and Ace.
"Here's a little something for you, I know you enjoy it," she adds with a smile.
"Klee helped make it too! I got to put the decorations on!" The little girl shouts excitedly, jumping up and down. Lost inspects the decorations: Several red and blue candles, chocolate letters spelling "Happi birtday Lost and Ace" and A LOT of sprinkles.
"It's beautiful," Lost says, ruffling the little girl's hair. Ace gives her a questioning look, but quickly puts on a smile after receiving an elbow in the ribs from his sister.
"Yes, it looks great," he says, sounding almost convincing. Well, it's convincing enough for Klee, anyway, because she gives both of them a hug before scurrying off to play somewhere.
Next, a familiar figure steps forward.
"It's not cake, but I hope you'll appreciate this as well," Xiao says, handing Lost a bouquet of qingxin flowers. The smell reminds her of the beautiful mountains of Liyue and many nights spent at the top of Wangshu Inn, looking at the stars while safely nestled in Xiao's arms.
"Of course I appreciate them. They're beautiful, Xiao. Thank you," Lost says with a wide smile.
Xiao leans in for a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you like them. They're just as beautiful as you."
After Xiao comes a taller man, his blond hair slightly messy. "A happy birthday from me too," Gepard says. Only now Lost notices he's carrying something. He sets two mugs down in front of the siblings, and the sweet smell of chocolate immediately reaches their noses.
"I made hot chocolate for you. It's a special recipe from my family... Serval and Lynx helped but it together. They couldn't make it today, but they both wish you a wonderful day. Also..." He goes a little red now, straightening his back.
"I got a special task from Serval."
Gepard clears his throat and begins singing Happy Birthday. He's clearly nervous by the slight shaking in his voice, but it doesn't sound too bad.
Once he's done, Lost claps enthusiastically, Ace joining in after a moment as well.
Somehow the clapping seems to make Gepard only more nervous.
Lastly, Fern approaches them again with a smile. "I hope you liked your presents from everyone, and maybe they could bring a little joy to this day. Here's a little something from me, as well."
She hands Lost an envelope. Inside of it is a small card.
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This is so sweet, thank you so much, it means the world to me 🥹🫶
I hope we'll always be friends too, because you make life worth living, and I'm so, so glad to have met you.
You've definitely helped make this day special, and I honestly would have never gotten this far if I didn't have you or your support.
You're one of the most important people in my life, and I'm really glad to have met you. Here's to hoping we have plenty of more happy memories together, and a long time of friendship too.
Ily sm /p and I truly am thankful for you being here. You're not only an amazing person, but you're also a really good friend too, one that I know I can always rely on.
So thank you for being my friend, and thank you for all that you've done for me so far too, I shall also always be here for you if you ever need someone to rely on too, and any problems we may face, we can get through this together, because I wouldn't have anyone else by my side other than the greatest friend I've ever had.
Thank you, ily /p 💛
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lynxindisguise · 5 months
LYNX I have missed your birthday! But!!! happy birthday! I hope it was all your forest cat heart desired!!!
Ahhh thank you so much!! It was a very good day 🥰
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Name: Aslan Jade Callenreese Ash Lynx
Series: Banana Fish
Continuity: 2018 Anime
Age: 18
Height: 5'11"
Birthday: August 12th
Birthplace: Massachusetts, United States
Orientation: Biromantic / Asexual
Species: Human
Occupation: Gang leader
Father: Jim Callenreese
Mother: Unnamed (unknown status)
Sibling(s): Griffin Callenreese
Ash Lynx, or Aslan Callenreese, was born in Cape Cod to his father and his second wife. Yet he never actually knew his mother because she walked out on his father when Ash was just a few months old, leaving him to be raised by his father and brother.
Yet his father was honestly terrible. He was an alcoholic and was extremely neglectful so he gave all legal rights to raise Ash to his brother, Griffith. Griffith absolutely loved his little brother and was the one person that Ash cared about more than anything, yet even these happy memories with his brother didn’t last.
Griffith chose to leave for the army when Ash was six years old, he was immediately shipped off to Vietnam. (Iraq in the anime). This left Ash all alone with his father, who definitely wasn’t happy to be left with Ash again even if he had no involvement in his life.
It’s at the age of seven that he was raped by the coach for the local little league which deeply traumatized Ash. Though his father notified the police about it, they didn’t believe him so his father simply told Ash “Let him do it again but ask for money next time.”. Ash was raped repeatedly by this coach until the age of eight where he chose to take matters into his own hands and used his father’s gun to kill his rapist.
It’s then the coach was uncovered to be a child murderer and was labeled the “Cape Cod Blue Beard” and Ash was found not guilty for killing him by means of self defense. This killing made Ash the talk of the town where everyone harassed him with questions about what happened, his father saw the toll it did on Ash so he sent him to live with his aunt.
This did not go well as Ash was already severely traumatized and never even made it to his aunt’s house. As a runaway kid in New York, he was immediately kidnapped by a group of child traffickers for prostitution. He’s immediately sent to a place called Club Cod. A club owned by mafia don, Dino Golzine, where Ash is absolutely horrified by it but he has to learn how to survive in this new situation if he didn’t want to end up dead the way the other kids secretly would if they preformed badly enough.
He learned how to be extremely charismatic and entice the politicians and other mafia members in this club, even unfortunately staring in adult films and photoshoots that he’s since been trying to destroy for his own pride. To this day, camera clicks when he's not asked for a photo are still a huge trigger for him as the memories of these 'photoshoots' and 'videos' come flooding back.
He caught the eye of Dino Golzine who personally took Ash as a personal sex slave or “pet”. Dino would then teach Ash everything of someone in the upper class, including fine dining and extremely high education which later resulted in Ash having an IQ of 210. Not only was he raised like someone in the upper class would, but he was taught to fight and shoot where he’d learn how to use a handgun and knife by a profession Russian assassin named Blanca.
At fourteen, he fell in love with a very nice girl but it never went anywhere as she was killed immediately once it was assumed she was Ash’s girlfriend. He never even got to tell the girl he loved her, and it was a sign for Ash that he simply can’t let people get too close.
When he was fifteen, he was sent to juvenile detention for killing three people where he met his best friend, Shorter Wong. It was seeing Shorter’s gang in Chinatown that he slowly gets the idea to start a gang.
Yet these thoughts of pulling up one stops when he finally found his brother Griffith in a dirty old hospital for unnamed Vietnam soldiers (a regular hospital in the anime). Griffith was completely handicapped and many doctors assumed he was brain dead but Ash knew he was still alive so he got him out of the hospital and into his dingy old apartment with his roommate, who was a little boy he befriended.
Wanting to earn better money and try to figure out what the hell happened to his older brother, Ash started up a gang in Manhattan at the age of sixteen and works under Dino Golzine. He has plans to expose him and everyone else once he hears about this “Banana Fish” that is supposedly connected to Dino and his brother.
While Ash can be very serious but crack a few jokes, he struggles a lot with his personal demons. He’s suffered so much that he easily can risk his life doing something because he’s been through so much that dying simply isn’t a big deal to him anymore. He can be philosophical as well but absolutely terrifying to deal with if you’re on his kill list. He can shoot right between the eyes at a far distance without much trouble and skilled with his fists and knives.
He’s also very sex repulsed, having been abused for so long by it that all he can view sex as is simply the easiest way to get what you want so Ash only every offers sex if he needs information, money or manipulate someone to get what he wants. The act disgusts him, to a point of nausea, that he refuses to get intimate with anyone. Even if he managed to fall in love, the overwhelming repulsion of sex is too much for him to make an exception.
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impishtubist · 6 months
happy birthday!! i hope lots of odl men get bred today in your honor
Thank you!!! I also hope lots of old men get bred today just for me. Lynx already bred Remus and gave him lots of werepuppies, so we're off to a good start!
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