#so glad we’re forcing our ocs to interact
kibutsulove · 6 months
how do you think an interaction between aki and hideaki would go?
i think they would get along nicely. maybe. Before he tries to smite her because he has beef with literally everyone
idk. Maybe Aki would be lowkey creeped out by his unnerving lack of emotion and the purple-eyed gaze he’s got going on. If Hideaki could experience emotion there’s a chance he’d be scared of her. She’s been labeled as the evil dilf hunter in the history books. And Hideaki is evil, and a dilf simultaneously.
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I think Aki could take him. in a fight (no she couldn’t)
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sir-gwaine-my-man · 3 years
A rewrite of the ending for The Letter for the King
If we're being honest, did the ending live up to anyone's expectations? Certainly not to mine. My babies deserved better and I hope my attempt at writing can help to rectify that for anyone else looking for a happier - and hopefully better - ending. At some point, I'll probably write a fic for the entire series, possibly with an OC (maybe a younger sibling of one of the knights because I want more interactions with Piak). Feedback would be greatly appreciated! I'm always looking to improve. I struggle with accurate characterisation in fanfics when writing non-canon dialogue/scenes so if anyone has any tips then please send them my way.
I know there's maybe 12 people in the fandom (this had better become a running joke, so help me) but hopefully I will please those 12 of you. This will take place from when they exit the sewers. Without further ado, let us proceed.
5000+ words
The thick, rancid scent of the sewers still lingered in the air as the novices clung to the ladder several metres up. Damp metal frigid to the touch, covered in something that they wouldn't dare to ask the origin of. Even Tiuri - who had made his way to the top of the ladder - could still smell the murky water (or, at least, what they thought to be water) below.
He swung the grate at the top open, gritting his teeth as he hoisted himself up and out of the entrance to the sewer. The fresher air was a welcome comfort in the dimly lit room, candles flickering gently in the little draughts that filtered in, and he was thankful to take in a deep breath of fresher air.
Pushing himself over the edge with a grunt of effort, he turned around to help Piak climb out, safely pulling him up. It was certainly far more graceful than Tiuri's attempt to get himself out.
"You're pushing me again," Jussipo snapped, looking down and glaring before pulling himself out as well, a look of clear disgust etched upon his face.
"Because you're going even slower than you were before," Arman retorted, evidently still frustrated at having to go through the sewers.
"It's-it's in my hair! It's in my hair." Jussipo's face contorted as he tried to hide the extent of his revulsion as he essentially jumped out of the exit.
Arman came out soon after Jussipo, quickly pushing himself out, glad to be away from the dreadful place, and was quickly followed by Foldo. "It's definitely not water," Foldo choked out through the stench, his face paling as he resisted the nauseating temptation to throw up any food still left in his stomach.
"See?" Tiuri started, trying to reintroduce some positivity into their quest that seemed to lack a favourable outcome for the foreseeable future. "I told you. Easy."
The others stared at him as though he were insane, many still looking disgusted from their time in the sewer. Foldo looked greener by the second. No one particularly wanted to know what was in the sewer now that they knew it wasn't water from his expression. They also didn't want to know how Foldo found out.
The group rushed out of the room, breaking out into a run as they hurried to get to the throne room. They had hardly made it down a single corridor before turning into a hall and running straight into a line of servants.
Attempts at acting natural were made. Bowed heads, feigned interest in the exquisitely crafted banners and candleholders - although, they had to admit, they were beautiful. But, of course, despite the dirt on their clothes, they still reeked of nobility and they neither looked nor acted like the staff of the castle, not to mention the swords hanging from their belts. Still, the servants had far more important matters to attend to other than herding some wandering nobleman's children back to the feast.
As soon as they were alone, they all raced through the open doorway, speeding down more passageways, thankful not to encounter anyone else.
"That was close!" Piak exclaimed with a smile, jogging next to Jussipo, clearly enjoying the excitement.
"Be quiet," hissed Arman sharply, turning back to the boy. "You don't know who could be lurking in the shadows, listening to our every word."
"Don't talk to him like that," Jussipo replied, moving threateningly closer, attempting to turn any anxiety brewing within him to confidence.
"I'd appreciate it if you directed your aggressive energy towards the task at hand, please," Tiuri sighed. "Besides, I think we're safe for now."
"Perhaps we should be a bit quieter, it couldn't hurt," Foldo suggested gently.
They continued their way through the castle, footsteps echoing far louder than they would've liked through the stone hallways. Cautious glances were frequently casted towards the windows, the steadily rising blood moon harsh and bold against the dark sky, glaringly bright as it outshone the gentle twinkling of the stars.
"Do you even know where we're going?" Arman asked as Tiuri led them down yet another tortuous corridor. "We're running out of time. You could be getting us lost for all we know."
"Of course I know where we're going," Tiuri insisted, vaguely remembering visiting the castle once as a child. If he was being honest, he was mostly guessing the path to the feast. "It's around this corner."
The door creaked as he pulled it open, but they paid it little mind as they hurried down a set of steps and into yet another corridor. It would be a miracle if anyone knew their way around the entire castle.
"Come on," he whispered as they ducked around a wall, praying that the area would be empty.
It was, in fact, not. "Where do you think you're going?" a heavily armoured guard asked as the five of them came to a shuddering halt in front of him.
Jussipo was just about to come forward - casting worried glances towards Foldo and Piak - with a story about how they were the sons of some visiting nobles and had gotten lost when the guard keeled over following a sharp blow to the head from the pommel of a dagger. The knights-to-be watched in confused shock as he fell over to reveal Iona behind him.
"Surprise," she said, tears evidently brimming in her eyes as she looked at the people she could almost call friends before she turned them in.
Arman rushed towards her in a fit of rage, his fist raised as he prepared to strike. He was followed by the rest of the novices, ready to jump to his defence if needed, but Arman was brought to a quick halt by the blade millimetres from his throat, glinting menacingly in the candlelight. Iona urged him back in what seemed to be reluctance.
"You have every right to hate me," she began, the dagger still held out in front of her.
"Well, we do hate you," Arman claimed, jumping forward again as Tiuri held out an arm to stop him from doing anything stupid.
"I hate me too. What I did... what I've done." She finally held the dagger back by her waist, a choked laugh escaping her as she blinked back tears that threatened to spill. "I'm sorry," Iona admitted, the tears that she had attempted to withhold streaking down her cheeks despite the wary glances the group gave each other, "for all of it. I'm sorrier than you'll ever know. But I just... I wanted you to know that."
With a determined look, she furiously wiped away the tears, seemingly angry at herself for showing such emotion. Iona turned away, ready to never see any of them again.
"Iona?" Tiuri called out.
Iona stopped, turning around as hope glittered in her eyes. Tiuri approached her, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace as if to say that he forgave her, it was alright now, she was forgiven. She returned the hug with one arm, seeming to relax for a single moment.
And then the moment broke, shattering into hundreds of pieces of betrayal and hurt as she snatched the letter with her free hand.
"Every time you think you've got her pegged," Jaro chuckled as he entered the hall with two knights following, a sinister edge to his laugh, "she turns around and she surprises you all over again." Tiuri backed up to the safety of the group, fear and pain smothering his features as Iona hesitantly handed over the letter, a frown upon her face. Was this really the right thing to do? Yes, of course, Tiuri had dashed her hopes of becoming a knight, this was her only way forward. Jaro took the letter with a sickening smile, pocketing it. The group's hands reached for the hilts of their swords, prepared for a final display of courage. "Looks like the letter's not going to the king after all. Now, do you want to walk away and live or make a futile gesture of defiance and die?" Each of the boys drew their swords with little hesitation, willing to put their lives on the line to save the world they knew. "A futile gesture it is." The three Red Riders and Iona drew their swords as well, a determined grimace etched upon everyone's faces.
Jussipo turned to Piak, the brother that he had sworn to himself that he would protect at all costs. He couldn't risk Piak’s safety, not for anything, not for the world. "Stay there," he whispered, gently pushing him back.
With a fierce cry, Jaro charged towards them, the novices racing into the fight. This included Piak who had decided to ignore his brother's instructions and fight anyway with little regard for his own life and lack of training, using his lack of size to dodge any incoming attacks.
Sword clashed against sword, metal ringing out in the brutal melodies of battle. Deafening clangs that brought the children's hearts to their throats for, after all, despite all that they had been through, they were still children. Adrenaline surged through each person, the fight blurring time and reality as they solely focused on the simple motion of swinging their swords. Back and forth. Blows and parries. Attacks and counters.
Piak stayed close to Jussipo, ready to jump to his aid at a moment's notice. That was until Jaro had forced Tirui to the floor. The tip of his sword inched closer to Tiuri's throat, slowly threatening to slice through skin. Piak took the distraction as an excuse to nick the letter from Jaro's belt, instantly jumping to action.
"I've got it!" Piak called out at the same time Jussipo yelled out his name more out of fear than anger. Piak passed the letter to him as Jussipo looked towards him in a mix of frustration and admiration.
"What did I tell you?" he asked in breathless exasperation as he deflected another attack. "Tiuri!" he yelled as he flung the letter through the air, Tiuri deftly catching it. "What are you waiting for?"
"Go!" Arman and Piak insisted in sync as Tiuri rushed out of sight, quickly chased by Iona and Jaro.
In that brief moment of distraction, in those few seconds in which the group thought they could recover, one of the Red Riders lunged towards Piak, the most defenceless of them all. In that split second before the sword hit him, Jussipo saw what was happening. Not Piak, anyone but him. He wasn't even supposed to be here, he was too adventurous for his own good.
In that split second, Jussipo remembered everything he could about Piak. The way he would leap around as he practiced fighting with a wooden sword. The way he could talk about anything and everything for hours. How he would sneak him extra food from the kitchens after a particularly tough training session. How he was so carefree despite all the troubles in the world.
In that split second, Jussipo made a decision. Whatever it takes, he thought, whatever it takes to save my brother.
With a breathless but purpose filled shout of, “No!” he leapt in front of Piak. Jussipo tried to deflect the incoming sword but he knew there was little point in even attempting to raise his weapon before the sword plunged into his chest.
Everything seemed to slow down at that point. He felt as though he should cry out in pain, the agony coursing through him immeasurable. He could hear his heart beating inside his skull, strong and steady and pounding and loud, far too loud. Why was it so loud? It was becoming difficult to breathe, ragged gasps attempting to escape his lungs. Why couldn’t he breathe? Why was it so hard? The panic mixed with the agony in a violent surge, every ounce of his being fighting against the sickeningly cool metal inside him. And everything was becoming blurry and hazy and he wanted to just let go, to not be tethered to this world in which he felt so much pain. Why wouldn’t it stop hurting?
Was he dying?
And all he could do was blankly stare forward, hoping that the pain would simply vanish.
As he crumpled to the floor in a dazed heap, the faintest flicker of a smile swept across his face in the knowledge that Piak was safe, he had saved him. He hoped that Foldo would be alright. Sure, they had been friends for years, but it felt wrong to leave him after the two had just confessed their love for each other, but he would be fine, he had to be. 
Piak stood behind his injured brother as the only emotion he could feel was pure shock. This was the person he had looked up to his entire life - Jussipo couldn’t die, the very thought was inconceivable. But he had to believe it, that sword should be inside him, but Jussipo had willingly sacrificed himself to save Piak. He crouched down next to his brother, attempting to support his limp body with shaking hands.
Foldo was the first to snap out of the trance. “JUSSIPO!” he screamed, his voice cracking, his world crumbling as the boy he loved threatened to slip through his fingers. 
With a cry of despairing, rage fueled pain that no one his age should ever have to experience, Foldo swung his sword in a wide arc, forcing the knights backwards. Within seconds he was behind Jussipo, gently pulling him to his feet as he pushed Piak to safety behind him. Foldo helped Jussipo up the stairs, Arman close behind, knocking the Red Riders down the steps with a powerful blow.
The only thought running through Foldo’s head as he half dragged, half carried the stumbling Jussipo was how to save him. He was still alive, still fighting, there was still time. He would not let Jussipo die, he couldn’t, he wouldn’t forgive himself.
They rounded a corner into another deserted corridor, certain that they had lost the knights. Foldo laid Jussipo against a wall as carefully as he could, his heart clenching as Jussipo groaned in pain. Piak looked on in shock, unable to comprehend what was happening.
The world seemed to twist and turn and spin and blur as Jussipo tried to remain as still as possible, dizzying waves of nausea washing over him as darkness encroached his vision. Blood had already soaked through his tunic, slowly dripping onto the floor; a dark, thick substance that stained the ground and the novices’ moods. Foldo tried to press his hands against the wound, attempting to stop the flow of blood, but his hands shook and trembled, hot tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.
“It’s alright,” Arman murmured, “I’ll do it.” Foldo gave him a nod of appreciation, withdrawing his blood soaked hands.
“I should get help,” Foldo said, beginning to stand despite his very soul shattering before Jussipo loosely grabbed his hand, pulling him back down. Jussipo could hold on until Tiuri came back, he had to hold on.
“No, stay, please,” begged Jussipo.
“It’s alright, I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.” Gently, he brushed dark locks of hair from Jussipo’s face, terrified to hurt him any further.
Jussipo looked to him in dazed confusion, attempting to ignore the searing pain that shot through him with each movement. “Am I going to die, Foldo?” he asked, sounding so innocent and quiet that Foldo had to resist the urge to let out a choked sob.
“No, no. You’re going to be fine, I won’t let you die,” he said with as much confidence as he could muster.
“That’s nice, I believe you. There’s a lot of blood, though.”
“Don’t look at it, just look at me.” Foldo grabbed his hand, not daring to glance away from his eyes for a moment as he offered a weak smile. “Just try to stay awake. Everything’s going to be alright, I promise.”
Meanwhile, completely unaware of the tragedy that had befallen his friends, Tiuri ran despite the burning in his legs, despite feeling as though his lungs would tear. He was close, so close, the dining hall was only metres away. The pounding footsteps of Iona and Jaro thundered behind him but he didn’t dare to look back, he couldn’t risk slowing down.
The room fell into a stunned silence as he sprinted in, nobility providing him with questioning looks. It wasn’t every day that an Eviellan boy charged in dressed in fine clothing. Jaro and Iona came to a hasty standstill, quickly realising that they had failed. With an awkward glance at each other, they subtly backed away, hoping that they could still escape with their lives.
Slowly, Tiuri took several careful steps forward, panting slightly as his eyes darted around the room, flicking to Viridian who simply stared at him, apparently not worried about the implications the delivery of the letter could bring. One look sent chills down Tiuri’s spine as haunting eyes met his own. The guests studied him, looking down at him, judging him for his clearly Eviellan descent despite his obvious nobility. As Tiuri approached King Favian, two guards blocked his path.
“I have a letter,” he started, his voice wavering as he stood before the most powerful man in the three kingdoms, “for the king.”
“What?” the king queried. 
“What letter?” Prince Iridian asked, oozing power.
“Who cares ‘what letter’?” Fantumar demanded as he stood up, trying to play his part in stopping the letter from reaching its destination. “Does the royal court now allow mere children to enter the presence of the king?”
“My father died for this!” Tiuri cried before turning to the king. “The Black Knight with the White Shield died too.”
“The Black Knight?” the king asked, his interest piqued at the mention of such a well respected knight.
“I have his ring as proof.” He removed it from his pocket, the precious silver almost glowing in the light of the room. Favian continued to listen in concern. “He was slaughtered by Prince Viridian’s Red Riders.” Gasps echoed around the room whilst Viridian remained stoic. “I saw it with my own eyes.”
“Who is this boy?”
“He is nobody,” Fantumar insisted, sounding remarkably suspicious considering Tiuri’s claim.
“I am Tiuri, son of Sir Tiuri the Valiant. Born of Eviellan, raised in Dagonaut. And we are all in danger if you do not read this letter.”
The king looked to Prince Iridian. With a nod, he said, “Let him through.”
Hesitantly, Tiuri approached the king, flicking a fearful glance towards Viridian. He bowed, holding the letter out in front of him as King Favian stood up to take it. And there, written out in an elegant script, sat the words that confirmed Viridian’s betrayal. Twenty families he had chosen to die, a member of one of those families slowly dying in the arms of a boy of another of those families within the very castle that Viridian resided.
The king studied it, hardly daring to believe what was in front of him. His own son desired to betray him? To kill his allies? No, it seemed impossible. Reluctantly, he turned to his youngest son. “What is this?” he questioned, not even sure if he wanted to know the answer. Viridian returned a blank stare in response. “Treachery? You take my crown? Kill my friends and allies?” He paused, still reeling from the news. “Answer me!” he yelled, fury lacing every word.
“You dare ignore your king?” Iridian asked, almost as furious as his father - despite sensing the betrayal all along - but twice as vicious. “Bow your head to your father!” Short, sharp paces clicked across the stone as he advanced towards his brother. “I will not tell you again. Bow your head. Beg for your king’s mercy.”
“If the world is to be healed,” Viridian began ominously, looking through the window to see the blood moon reaching its peak, a fierce glow shining into the hall, “then the power he has, the power you want to be yours, has to be mine. The decisions you take-” He stood up, walking up to his brother. “-the decisions the people on that list take will now be taken by me.”
“What is this?”
“Lives you’ve all led, lives of comfort and luxury, lives built on the bodies of soldiers like me and my enemies, are now over.” If it wasn’t for the cruelty dripping off of Viridian’s words, he would seem to be the most reasonable one in the room. “And yes, freedom is over too. And the world will have peace at last. A peace that will last forever.”
“He’s mad,” was all the king could offer to Iridian.
Iridian looked to a knight standing close by, handing him the letter. “Sir Tristan, gather your knights and send them to these families, they may need protection.” Sir Tristant gave a sharp nod, quickly leaving the hall.
“It has been foretold,” Viridian stated with an almost giddy smile. “And there’s nothing any of us can do to stop it.” He looked to Tiuri with a sneer. “Even you.”
“Brother,” Iridian hissed, drawing his sword, “I beg to differ.”
Viridian drew his own sword with a snarl. Brother pitted against brother, familial love forgotten as the two faced each other as enemies. The swords clashed together in a blur of experience and anger. Viridian was the first to give in, lowering his weapon slightly and subjecting himself to his brother’s will. Iridian took the opportunity to sink the sword into his own brother’s chest, killing him almost instantly. Horrified gasps escaped the gathered crowd as the prince that had attempted to betray them was murdered before their eyes, Favian the most mortified of them all. 
With one last look at the fully risen moon, Viridian keeled over. Dead.
But then came the darkness. From where Viridian’s body lay came a dread filled rumbling, shaking the entire room. Dark droplets of blood rose from his body, hovering in the air as they shimmered with magic and evil. They popped and fizzled in grey wisps of smoke, gathering and collecting as Viridian’s corpse was pulled from the ground by some sort of invisible force.
A rolling cloud of grey smog seemed to engulf Viridian, coalescing around him in a violent storm of malevolent darkness. Everyone in the room rushed away as the blackening cloud stretched out, absorbing every speck of light.
But Tiuri stood his ground. He may not have the magic he thought he did coursing through his veins but the idea of backing away, of faltering, never crossed his mind. He had faith.
From the dark emerged Viridian’s face surrounded by swirling wisps of the smoke, glaring out at the world he had sought to right. “NO!” he screamed. “I was to be the light that corrected this world! And you, boy, were to be the darkness! It was foretold, this cannot be!” 
As his rage seemed to grow with every second, so did the size of the smoke. Churning and surging together in violent clashes.
“But that’s where you’re wrong, I wasn’t supposed to be anything,” Tiuri replied simply, looking back into the crowd.
With shaky steps, Lavinia pushed her way through the throng of onlooking nobles. Her heart thundered in her chest, threatening to jump out at any moment. Any sense of logic had deserted her. Surely she couldn’t defeat whatever this was. The magic inside her, however, strongly disagreed. Its warmth spread throughout her body, tingling and gentle as it guided her to where she was supposed to be.
Her eyes were wide as she approached, fearing that she couldn’t do what was expected of her, couldn’t save everyone. “I’m scared,” she whispered, her breath escaping her as everything went cold the closer she got to the cloud of darkness.
“I know.” And he took her hand, guiding her into the darkness she was destined to defeat until it swallowed her whole as Viridian seethed, the smoke boiling in anticipation.
With gritted teeth, Lavinia allowed the magic inside her to spread out in a fierce glow so bright Tiuri had to look away. Viridian squinted at it, the light seemed to burn him away into wisps of dust.
“Foolish girl,” Viridian uttered with a maniacal smirk. He turned to Tiuri, the black smoke curling around him until he was obscured from view, ostensibly whisked away from the light. “You cannot defeat me, I am too powerful for you alone.” Lavinia’s eyes darted around in a panic as the cloud began to engulf her, the light shining out of her dimming.
“But that’s where you’re wrong,” Tiuri claimed, coming back into view with a dull glow, “she’s not alone.”
Tiuri and Lavinia’s intertwined hands shone with the brightest light the world had ever seen. An intense flash of white that had saved Tiuri, passing the tiniest amounts of Lavinia’s magic into him and igniting the beginnings of a power within him so great that it would be decades before it was fully understood. For now, they pushed every ounce of energy they had into sending the flow of magic into Viridian. Grunting cries of strain escaped them as all of their strength was forced into defeating Viridian.
“Stop!” Viridian yelled as parts of his magic induced body disintegrated.
“Never,” Lavinia hissed.
With a great cacophony of sound and an explosion of light that illuminated the night for miles, Viridian was blown out of existence. The darkness had been vanquished.
The two children breathed heavy sighs of relief, panting from the exertion. “You did it.” Tiuri beamed.
“We did it,” corrected Lavinia with a weak smile. “Guess you had some magic in you after all.”
“I’m not sure what it was, to be honest.” He studied his hands in confusion before looking up at Lavinia. “Are you okay?”
“Never been better.” And then she collapsed to the floor, Tiuri rushing to catch her, proving that she was, in fact, not okay.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”
She gave a weak laugh. “Would now be a good time to get that reward?”
The corridor that the novices had taken cover in glowed with a fierce light as Lavinia’s magic spread throughout the castle. “They did it, they must’ve done,” Arman said hopefully. “Lavinia must’ve come back.”
“They’ll be here soon, just hold on a little longer, please,” Foldo told Jussipo who, even now, was still clinging to life, refusing to let death take him.
Arman’s hands had done very little to stop the insistent flow of blood, the red liquid staining his fingers. Despite his efforts, Jussipo had lost far too much blood for their likings. All colour had been drained from his face, ghostly white in the flickering candlelight. Shallow breaths occasionally made their way past his lips but they were often ragged and forced. His eyes were strained from the pain and it was evident that it was a struggle just to keep them open.
“Y’know, they had better knight me after all this,” Jussipo said with a weak smile, coughing slightly.
“It’ll be a grand celebration,” Piak stated, speaking up for the first time since the fight. “There’ll be a feast and tournaments and everyone can sing songs about you.”
“That would be nice. Their songs can’t beat mine, though, can they, Fol?”
“No, you’ve always had the best songs,” Foldo replied, a soft laugh escaping him.
It was only moments later when Tiuri and Lavinia stumbled into the corridor. Whilst she had regained some of her strength, she was still using Tiuri as support, his arm securely wrapped around her waist as she leaned on him. 
The pair stopped short when they saw what had happened, the novices crowded around Jussipo’s weak, dying body. Tiuri and Lavinia hurried over as quickly as they could despite Lavinia’s fragile state, kneeling beside him. Jussipo tried to sit up upon seeing them, gritting his teeth and wincing in pain.
“Easy, easy,” Foldo repeated as he gently pushed him back down with Piak’s help, pushing back Jussipo’s hair again, “easy.”
“Did we do it? Did we stop him?” Jussipo asked, terrified that everything they had done would be in vain.
Tiuri smiled. “How could we not stop him?”
Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Jussipo smiled. Even if he died he could go knowing that he had helped save the world. But the feeling of relief and celebration was brief as they focused once again on the tragedy. 
“Has he messed up my hair with all his… all his fussing?” Jussipo joked, the faintest flicker of a smile upon his face despite the stabbing pain throughout his abdomen. 
“Your hair looks good.”
“Better than good,” Arman added. “It looks great.”
“I’ve always had great hair,” Jussipo claimed, looking to the boy that had quickly become his entire world, “Ain’t that right, Fol?”
Foldo chuckled softly despite the tears brimming in his eyes and the clenching of his heart, placing a hand on Jussipo’s shoulder. He couldn’t let him go, there had to be something he could do.
With a peaceful release of breath, Jussipo closed his eyes, finally free of pain.
“He will be alright, won’t he?” Piak asked, his voice threatening to break as his confidence faltered, tears glimmering in his own eyes.
Shakily, Foldo placed two fingers against Jussipo’s neck, desperate for any sign of life. He was met with a weak but persistent pulse. “He’s still with us, just,” he sighed gratefully.
Lavinia’s hand hovered over Jussipo’s wound as she snapped out of her fatigued daze, a shimmering aura glowing around it, but it was fractured, flickering, faltering. “No,” Tiuri hissed, grabbing her arm. No one commented on how the magic looked stronger the closer Tiuri was to it. “You’re too weak, you’ve just defeated Viridian.”
“If I healed you then maybe I can save Jussipo,” Lavinia countered, attempting not to sound as exhausted as she felt.
“This injury is far worse. You could die, Lavinia.”
“If I don’t then he will die.” Lavinia turned back to Jussipo with a fierce determination, Tiuri’s hand falling back to her shoulder. 
The last remnants of magic and energy still residing in her soul were dragged out. Forced through her veins, scraping and burning as it clawed its way out. The magic seemed gentle and warm in comparison as it floated above the wound, an incandescent glow that seemed to twist and swirl. Blood stopped leaking out, vanishing altogether as the skin stitched itself back together. Lavinia collapsed back into Tiuri’s waiting arms, welcoming the comfort of sleep.
And then it was over, a scar being the only reminder. Jussipo blinked rapidly as he awoke, confused and mystified as the agonising tear in his chest dulled to a mild ache. Hesitantly, he placed a hand where he was sure the wound had been, amazed to find no blood. And everyone was smiling, they were all alright, they had won.
“You’re alright, you’re alive,” Foldo cried, tears freely falling down his cheeks as he grinned.
“I should hope so, you’d be lost without me,” Jussipo chuckled, looking up at him, the world brightening as the darkness of death left him. “You couldn’t have found a nicer corridor for me to die in?” He looked around the dusty, deserted hall.
“We didn’t have much time, the Red Riders were-”
“Shut up.” And Jussipo pushed himself to meet Foldo’s lips in a kiss of relief and passion and ecstasy, gently cupping his face in his hands. They felt invulnerable, immune to the dangers life threw at them.
“Eww,” Piak groaned despite his smile.
The pair broke apart with breathless smiles, their hearts pounding with love. There was no way they weren’t alive. Jussipo looked to his brother who threw his arms around Jussipo in a tight embrace, almost scared to let go. “You can’t get rid of me that easily, I’m not going anywhere.”
And they were happy.
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Chapter 22 -- Perfect Harmony | Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Emily Fox is a talented 17-year-old with a passion for all things music. Her dream is to become a successful singer-songwriter one day. But to achieve that dream, she needs to get into one of the most prestigious music schools in her district – it’s all been part of her plan since she was six. Sadly enough, those schools cost a ton of money that her parents don’t want to invest. They don’t even want her to pursue her dream. So, now Emily’s hustling, working at the music store to save up to get into college. That’s until she meets Charlie, an annoying seventeen-year-old boy with the same dream as her. The only difference is, he’s just doing it. He doesn’t need a fancy college to pursue his dream to become famous with his band. He just writes his songs and books small gigs here, there and everywhere. Will meeting Charlie defer her from her dream college, or will he actually help her achieve the dream?
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x OC (Emily Fox)
Warnings: mentions of death, sexual assault
Important note: the characters of Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and Madison are based on the characters they play on the show and i do not own their names, only OC are mine. The songs aren’t mine either, they’re all from the show except for one.
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~|Emily Fox|~
I think I might have hit rock bottom again. It’s been a year since I’ve found myself falling and falling deeper down this dark and empty hole of sadness and remorse. It’s been a pity party of one up in this house since Saturday and it’s now Thursday. Madison came around almost every day. She brought lasagna on Saturday, spent the night and then watched movies with Mitch and me on Sunday. On Monday, she came back after school to give me my homework, but knowing I probably wouldn’t do it, and the same happened on Tuesday and Wednesday. Today, the bell rings at 9 am while I’m still in bed, wrapped up in a blanket burrito. I can hear Madi’s voice, however, and all it does is make me wonder why she’s not in school. “I’m just worried about her, you know?” I hear Madi’s voice as her and Mitch make their way upstairs. “I don’t want her to fall further down to rock bottom the same way she was last year.” My uncle simply hums. “Yeah, I think it’s time for an intervention,” he says seconds before he knocks on my door and enters without my response. “Morning, Muffin.” I glare at him for his chirpiness. “It’s time, honey,” Madison tells me, her nose in my wardrobe. “Time for what? To cry? I think I’m behind schedule today,” I mean it as a joke, but neither of them takes it as one. “I don’t feel like doing anything, guys.” “You’ll feel so much better after a shower and putting on pretty clothes,” Madi replies, throwing me a couple of clothes. “Now, chop, chop! Into the shower!” I stay put, glaring at my best friend. Even though I know she’s trying to help me, it’s not really working. Getting up and being productive isn’t going to get me my audition back. “Come on, Muffin! We’re going to the mall for like an hour. Please, can you do that for me? Just an hour?” Mitch’s begging somehow makes me rise up from my bed and head into the shower. The hot water doesn’t help with the empty space in my heart, but it does help with the stank of four days lying in bed. With still wet hair, I get into the outfit Madison has given me and walk back out into my bedroom. Mitch and Madi both smile at me proudly like I’m a child walking for the first time. “I don’t feel like doing my hair or makeup,” I tell them, putting on some shoes. “You want us to do it for you?” Mitch asks carefully, but I shake my head. “It’s fine. I’ll probably cry and ruin it anyway.” Both of them pout before grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs and into the car. Uncle Mitch drives us to the nearest mall where we get to shopping straight away. Nothing seems to please me though. No item of clothing or accessory brings me any joy. My bank account is happy. At least that’s one of us. “What do you think of this?” Madi asks, showing off some really rad trousers. Black cargo trousers with white blocks running through it. “Those look cool. You should get them!” I encourage her, managing a tiny smile. “They’re for you,” she tells me, but I shake my head, looking through the rail of clothing. “I’m going to buy them for you anyway. I’m sure you’ll thank me later,” she says and walks off towards the register to pay for them. I watch Madi and Mitch interact for a moment. Their voices are hushed, and they’re too far away to eavesdrop. But the wide eyes and open mouths don’t predict anything good. “Everything okay?” I ask them once Madi has paid for the trousers and joined me again. Both of them push me out of the shop and into the next one, pulling and pushing me all around the place. “We’re fine!” Mitch replies, but I can tell he’s lying. “Just really excited to look here!” “Oh, look, Ems! These look cool! You always wanted those!” She pushes a jumpsuit into my hands and pushes me towards the changing rooms. Careful as she is, she pushes me into one and yanks the red curtain shut. What the hell is going on? “Madi, I really don’t feel like trying things on,” I say, reopening the curtains. “Just do it, babes,” she says, forcing me back inside. “Mads, this is a small. I can’t get my fat ass in there!” I tell her and shove the curtain open again. Madison looks behind her swiftly before exhaling and taking the jumpsuit away from me. “What’s going on, Mads?” “Nothing, babe! Just really excited about shopping!” I raise an eyebrow at her. I’m certain she’s lying to me, but I don’t know about what. Suddenly, Uncle Mitch joins us again. I hadn’t even noticed him gone. “Right, Mitch? Aren’t you excited about shopping?” “Yes! Very!” He claps his hands. “I hear there’s a sale in that shoe shop you love so much, Muffin. You want to go?” At least Uncle Mitch somewhat acts normal. Besides the vanishing. The two lead me to the shoe shop at the other side of the mall, which is busier than the side we were on previously. Must be the crazy sales.
Though every now and again, Madi and Mitch push me into dressing rooms quickly or change directions suddenly, the day actually feels decent. For the first time since Saturday, I actually feel as though my life has gone back to normal. Until I start thinking about my life and then it’s all over. I even started crying in the middle of a Claire’s, which wasn’t the prettiest sight. Madi and Mitch do spring into action immediately and bring me towards the ice cream parlor where we have several scoops of ice cream. “Thanks, guys,” I sniffle, “I know I haven’t been the easiest, but thank you for not giving up on me.” They both offer me a proud smile, and Madi even grabs my hand in hers. “We’re just glad you’re out of the house, Emsie,” she says. “Yeah, and we’re really proud of what you’ve accomplished today!” Mitch chimes in. “Aren’t you really happy with your new shoes?” I nod my head at Madi’s question. My new sneakers really are the coolest and most rad shoes I ever did see. “They’ll look great on your new pants!” Her smile widens when my lips curl up slightly. “I really like those new earrings you bought, Muffin! They’re very chic!” Mitch chimes in. “You know I’m all about the butterflies lately,” I tell him, already thinking about the cool outfit I’ll be able to put together with the shoes, the pants and the earrings. “Don’t forget that cool new jacket you found in that thrift store!” “I really wish they made those things in my size,” Mitch pouts, causing Madi and me to laugh. “There she is again!” She says excitedly. Her wide smile suddenly falters as she looks somewhere behind me. Before I can turn around to see what she’s seen, she grabs me by the hand and pulls me up. “I think we’ve done enough shopping for the day,” Mitch says, and grabs all of our bags before the three of us leave the mall. Once at home, Madi and Mitch seem to get back to their usual self; calmer and less anxious. “Show me your new outfit!” Madi shouts excitedly as we go upstairs to try everything we bought on again for a little fashion show. When we were younger, we always used to put up fashion shows with her or my mom’s heels. It was the funniest thing. “That looks so bomb!” She claps her hands excitedly, scanning up and down my body. I turn to look into the full-length mirror, and suddenly I’m taken back to our fashion shows back in the day. “Thanks for today, Mads,” I say instead of getting nostalgic about our past. “Anything for you, Emily.”
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acciohq · 3 years
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WE’RE SO EXCITED TO HAVE YOU! thank you for the effort you put into your application, we are so grateful that you’ve taken the time to apply to our roleplay. welcome & we can’t wait to write with you — find the acceptances below!
ADMIN COMMENTS: this was the first app we received, and what a wonderful way to start! you presented a beautiful conflict for ayeleen — we LOVED that she’s an auror and trying to atone for her past. we also found the secret to work really, really well & found that it puts her in an especially interesting position given her career as an auror. we’re always a little hesitant about ocs, but ayeleen felt like she would be a very dynamic addition to the group & we’re so excited to see more of her!
ADMIN COMMENTS: you got pansy so incredibly correct jane! we felt her really shine through this application, especially with characterization. your mockblog was my personal favorite, you reblogged a lot of musings for certain fictional characters (i.e. allison dilaurentis, fallon carrington, lucrecia montesinos) that i would associate with pansy immediately. i also really enjoyed your background story, and the complicated relationship with her father, especially considering her secret! 
ADMIN COMMENTS: ELIAS, ELIAS, ELIAS! let us just say that we absolutely ADORED your application for mr. george weasley! OF COURSE george caused a lot of unintentional pain and suffering during the wizarding war; he IS one of the infamous weasel twins, after all. we also loved your point that rapier could’ve been EITHER fred or george because, as stated in your application, did one NOT follow the other?? overall, we can tell you have a FANTASTIC grasp on george and his character; also… that secret? spicy, spicy, SPICYYYYY. we’re excitedly anticipating where you’ll take george in our group and can’t wait to see what he brings to the overall dynamic. WELCOME!
ADMIN COMMENTS: tyler, this application was a WILD ride in the very best way. the backstory was incredibly well-thought out, and we all thought that you demonstrated the way that theo is a product of his upbringing incredibly well. you can truly see where aspects of his personality — his dislike of friends, his trust issues — stem from and we applaud you for that! also, this just might be the coolest secret we received?
ADMIN COMMENTS: amelia, we really loved the creative approach you added to your application! the additions of “background check” and “restricted notes” were a nice touch! we also can’t wait to hear about dean’s SECOND secret; we love that you’re ready to add even MORE things accio can torment him with. you clearly have an immaculate understanding of dean’s character and his voice is apparent in your writing. we can’t wait to see what you, and dean, will contribute to our group… welcome aboard!
WELCOME RON WEASLEY ( elliot fletcher fc ) — PLAYED BY E!
ADMIN COMMENTS: E, when we saw your application for the famous ickle ronnikins in our inbox, we were SO, SO, SOOOO excited! we can tell you take ron’s character seriously and have a firm grasp on his experiences throughout life. you have a natural talent for writing and your words flow together nicely! ALSO, we’re all SUUUUPER excited to see how ron’s secret plays out! thank you for taking the time to work on that with us; we really appreciated that! we can’t wait to write further with you and welcome to the group!
ADMIN COMMENTS: we were so excited to see your rita app come in jane! i feel like rita is a difficult character to get right, but much like pansy, you got her down to a T! from the start of her name explanations, we were entranced, the choice for rita, keeping skeeter to spite her father, it’s SO good. basically forcing people to be nice to her because she knows all their secrets? spectacular! she’s going to be so incredibly interesting to see interact with the others, we are ecstatic to have her around.
ADMIN COMMENTS: gosh, cal, you have NO idea how badly we wanted a neville application! for me personally, he’s one of my absolute all-time favorite characters, and i’m so glad we’re getting to see him portrayed in the group! your application was a delight to read, i especially loved the mention of “courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the triumph over it”, because i think it fits neville’s character so well. he’s going to be an amazing addition to the group, and we cannot wait to have you & neville around!
ADMIN COMMENTS: i think most of us are already completely & utterly in love with gabrielle, x! the combination of her being a social media queen, practically being given the world because of her beauty, but then also her being a chess master, and wishing people could just see more to her than outside appearances. we were also super intrigued by the strained relationship with fleur, as well as gabrielle being the problem child, and are excited to learn even more about her!
WELCOME KATIE BELL ( madhulika sharma fc ) — PLAYED BY MYR!
ADMIN COMMENTS: you are a talented writer myr, that much is definitely obvious! we think you really showed us katie’s life & personality, and we think it fits very well with what we already know about her from the books. it was sad to read about her having to step down from her position at the caerphilly catapults, and her struggle with adjusting to the new reality is definitely something we’re interested in seeing written more about! can’t wait to have her around & thank you for your lovely application!
ADMIN COMMENTS: the moment our eyes hit “cold-blooded miss granger” we knew that we needed to accept your application. in your app you strike a really marvelous balance and demonstrate that you fundamentally understand hermione through & through. her voice shined through beautifully and we are so excited to see where you take her! also, JC your enthusiasm is infectious and we are so happy to have you join us!
ADMIN COMMENTS: lizzie, your application absolutely blew us AWAY! first off, badass ang who takes no shit? YES! we found the self-para journal entries a SUPER creative way to showcase your talent for writing; and angelina’s voice ALTOGETHER. plus, the fact that angelina is seeing a wizard therapist? man, at least SOMEONE is! we’re honored to welcome you to our group; we can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!
ADMIN COMMENTS: vee this app was GORGEOUS. we loved the way you delved deep into his life, it was beautifully written & carefully executed. we adored his relationship to dennis, his hard-core crush on harry, the his thinking behind the choice to join dumbledore's army. colin’s voice really shines through in your writing, and we could all tell that you have a very strong grasp on who he is. we are so happy to have you & your wonderful colin with us!
ADMIN COMMENTS: i think some of my favorite applications are the ones that take minor characters & make them super cool & interesting. and this was the case here!  from your analysis of his personality traits, to your explanation of his early life, to his secret, they all come together really nicely to form a beautifully well-rounded character. seriously, i think we all fell in love with your michael a little bit. 
ADMIN COMMENTS: anna, we’re STOKED to see our favorite lesbian PARVATI join the group. you have an incredibly solid grasp on the character and her background; not to mention, you’re such a TALENTED writer! the rivalry with padma, her twin, intrigues all of us and we can’t wait to see how that aspect in parvati’s life continues to develop. we’re so, so, SOOOO elated to welcome you to the ACCIOHQ group. THANK YOU for taking the time to submit your application; it was marvelous!
WELCOME SUSAN BONES ( jessie mei li fc ) — PLAYED BY LUCY!
ADMIN COMMENTS: lucy we were all SO ecstatic to see your application for susan. i’m pretty sure we all collectively fell in love with her a little bit by the time we got to the end. with the way her personality shone through in the way you wrote about her role as a protective big sister and her position at the ministry — how could we not? also? her secret? you REALLY went there are we absolutely applaud you for going in that direction. we’re so excited to have you & your susan around, and we can’t wait to see more!
ADMIN COMMENTS: i think tracey was one of the characters i, personally, really wanted to have around! slytherin girl gang, and all that — but zai, you REALLY delivered with this tracey app, you are an incredibly talented writer, but i love the creativity in ways you chose to show her personality most of all. the frequent haunts part, with la duchesse, asphodel & the valerian fits so well, and i loved the “being prejudiced against halfbloods and muggleborns and squibs would be bad for business” part in her beliefs section. we are excited to see more! 
 * we sent a message regarding her secret, and would love to chat with you about that!
WELCOME LUNA LOVEGOOD ( alessandra malabanan fc ) — PLAYED BY CAY!
ADMIN COMMENTS: just like the character you applied for, cay this application was extraordinary! verbatim, this is what admin janis said after reading it “lits SO luna, the voice is just... there!!” the personality traits are luna to a t, the secret is really cool, but the real star of the show is that drabble! luna’s voice, her presence of mind, her interactions with the shopkeeper — it’s all amazing. we are so excited for what comes next for your luna!
ADMIN COMMENTS: i’m gonna be honest with you laura, when you said you were submitting at the last minute, i would have never expected this app! it was so spectacular, it made me just wonder what amazing, god-tier kind of writing you must be capable of without time constraints. the characterization for blaise is so on point, and we love the god complex with low self-esteem combination. we think he’s going to be a wonderful addition to the group, and cannot wait to see him in action!
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fanfictrashdump · 4 years
Universe in a Jar - Phase 4 fic
OK. I did something. A few days ago I reblogged this post about the magical trio. And then my brain went off on a monumental tangent and this happened. It’s not my fault, really– Loki is my all-time fave, Wanda could murder me and I’d thank her and Stephen is a smart, sassy bitch... all wins.
So, here, y’all can have it. I might leave it there or I might continue depending on my mood. 
Characters: Stephen Strange, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, OC
Rating: T? Language!
Summary: Baby-sitting beings arguably more powerful than him goes awry for Doctor Strange. He knows one person who can possibly keep them isolated and out of trouble. Well, he knew someone who could... he hasn’t seen them in decades and for stupid reasons.
"Wait here. No funny business."
Doctor Stephen Strange half-dragged himself upright to deliver the warning. The portal-hopping and timeline clipping involved in the last twelve hours–if he could even call them that–of his life had really taken it out of him. Who knew fixing tears in the time-space continuum was so exhausting? Doctor Who made it look like a breeze!
Setting his companions with one last threatening glare, he walked up to a faded, run down apartment door with a crooked six hanging just above the knocker. In all honesty, the place looked even worse than what he had anticipated when the hospital directory gave him the address. Still, he knew he had made it here for a reason, despite the fact his stomach was roiling and begging him to reconsider. This was his Hail Mary. Tightening his jaw and frowning himself into another set of early wrinkles, he pounded the wooden entrance so hard the six righted itself.
A minute or so later, the door swung open, a woman filling the empty frame just long enough to lay eyes on the doctor.
The door slammed shut with a noisy shudder just as Stephen opened his mouth. He swallowed the dozen or so expletives that were threatening to wriggle themselves free from his throat. Instead, he straightened his hoodie, loosened his neck with an audible crack, and took a deep breath before the side of his fist struck the door four times.
Pound. Pound. Pound. Pound.
His companions beginning to titter in the background because for all his pomp and attitude and the timelines are not to be meddled with–I am the Sorcerer Supreme, he could not get a single human to open the door.
Pound. Pound. Pound. Pound.
His teeth ground together harder in annoyance. "Seph! I have absolutely no problem in staying here all day. Making a fuss. Screaming at your door. Waking the neighbors. Being a nui–"
The door swung open, then. Stephen was met with a frown and eyes dark as storm clouds and for just a second he forgot why he was doing this. "What the fuck do you want?"
His expression softened under her glare, if only minimally. There was a reluctance in his frame that refused to give up even as he said the words. "I need help, Seph." His eyes flittered briefly over his shoulder and it was just long enough for the woman to notice that the sorcerer was not alone.
Standing on her tiptoes, she looked over his shoulder. Just down the harshly lit hallway, two figures–woman dressed in dark red and a man in an all black suit–stood watching the interaction and chattering among themselves. Her expression lightened just a fraction. "Who's the cutie?"
Stephen looked back, furrowing his brow and taking careful inspection of the other two before directing his attention back to the woman at the door. "Which one is the cutie?"
"Take your pick," she challenged back and even though his initial instinct was to roll his eyes and scoff, a little smirk tugged at his lips.
He whistled, gesturing the door with his head. His companions perked, if only due to sheer curiosity about this new person. "Wanda, Loki, meet Dr. Persephone Hale." He sighed, shoulders slumping in anticipation for what was to come out of his mouth. He gathered the most sincere look he could muster and held her gaze. "Please?"
A million expressions fluttered through her features, including a peculiar twitch of her nose he knew only happened when she was about to do something she really didn't want to. He tried not to celebrate the victory too soon. She was, after all, making him wait for it. After a moment of internal deliberation, she stepped aside and Strange signaled in no uncertain terms that the two needed to step inside.
"Thank you for having us. I'm sorry if we're intruding." Wanda looked tense as she spoke, like they had already had plenty of doors slammed in their face. Or perhaps she was just sensing the thoughts and emotions of their host and fearing the worst.
Seph waved her in. "It's not a problem. I am glad to help an Avenger and… an alien god." She offed them both a forced smile. "Where'd you leave the horns?"
Loki chuckled, straightening his suit. "They didn't go with the outfit. May I?"
"Of course. It's him I'm not crazy about."
The smile on Loki's face grew as he sidled past her, leaving Stephen to glare at them both. "Seph–"
"I don't care. I don't care about whatever excuse you're about to give me–"
"I'm sorry! I can't do anything else other than apologize."
"Yes, you're right. Why would the Sorcerer Supreme even bother with the lesser mortals?" With an icy glare, she turned on her heel and stomped into the apartment, though she left the door open in invitation.
Drawing a long sigh, Stephen reconsidered turning time back just ten minutes and foregoing this whole disaster before realizing he had no other choice, and so he followed her in and closed the door behind him.
The entrance hall of the tiny Bronx apartment melted away after a few steps, replacing stale summer air with a crisp country breeze. Faded blue flower-patterned wallpaper was familiar at first sight, as was the well-loved wooden stair banister, worn in places where the steps were squeaky from nights of trying to sneak in after curfew. Knick-knacks and pictures crammed into every possible space brought back memories that he had long since locked into the back of his mind and forgotten about. Everything within his line of sight brought with it a prickle and tingle of a life past but still haunting him, and he loved and hated it in equal measure.
"Who devised this portal? The work is rather formidable," Loki remarked, breaking the silence, in the closest thing to awe that any of the others had ever heard.
"Oh, i-it’s nothing impressive." Seph quipped, brushing away the compliment.
"So you studied alongside Strange, then?"
"No. Not magic, at least." Persephone gestured with her index around the room. "This is the only thing I can do."
"A feat like this without any of those silly rings that he needs? Impressive." He paced around, touching invisible seams and humming to himself. "With a little training you could do very well for yourself." Neither doctor could decide whether the tone he was using was encouraging or threatening.
"I don't think so," she replied, fidgeting in her oversized cardigan. "I was put off early on."
Despite the fact he was pointedly looking out the window, Stephen could tell Seph's gaze had fallen onto him. There were a million other things he would rather do than have that conversation–a root canal with no lidocaine, for example. He, instead, forced his focus on staring at the house sitting a couple of hundred meters away. The red trim of the roof was looking faded and the gutters were a little loose but it did not seem like the house was in total disrepair.
"I haven't been home in ages," he muttered, off-handedly.
"Oh! Weren't you born and raised in Manhattan? At least according to the Times, anyway." The sarcastic tone Persephone used made an uncomfortable weight press down into his stomach. He opted to count how many missing shingles there were on the roof.
"Ah, so there's history. That explains the dread at having to come to her door," Loki announced genially, clearly in need of some entertainment. "Wanda, you've lost our wager."
"Loki," Wanda warned, taking the time to fix him with a look before gesturing at the other two. They seemed to have been fighting a war entirely through stares.
"Which door leads outside?"
Seph rolled her eyes. "Which fucking door do you think leads outside, Stephen? I thought you were this hot shot genius doctor!"
"I am asking because that door," he gestured at the front door, "leads to the middle of nowhere in the Bronx."
"Then maybe don't take the door that leads to the Bronx, then, jackass. Or better yet, do. Until now, you've never had a problem finding a door away from me."
"That–" He killed the retort before it had a chance to meet the air and instead pivoted his questioning. "Is the key still under the mat?"
"I don't fucking know. Where did you leave the key twenty-whatever years ago you last graced your own doorstep?" With that last remark, she stormed off and up the stairs, cardigan billowing behind her, while Strange wrenched the back door open and threw himself into the field between the houses.
Wanda and Loki shared a look before making themselves scarce, elsewhere.
About an hour later, Wanda opened the door to what she presumed was the main bedroom and peeked inside. Persephone lay with her limbs splayed out, dark curls smushed on one side, blinking blankly at the ceiling. With a sigh, she opened the door a bit more and let herself in.
"I hope you don't mind. Loki and I made some tea. And he might have eaten a whole sleeve of Oreos."
Seph laughed despite her gloom and shuffled to sit up against the headboard. Wanda smiled, offering her an extra mug in her hand, steam billowing from the top invitingly. "Sorry. I've been a terrible hostess."
"You're more hostage than hostess at the moment. I don't blame you." Wanda sipped at her tea for a minute in tense silence. "So, when did you and Stephen date? And how did he fuck it up?"
The responding snort was heartfelt and led to a long laugh. "No. Stephen and I have never dated."
"But there is history."
She ruffled her curls back into shape, out of nervous habit more than concern, and sighed. "Hard not to have when you've known him all your life. He grew up in that house across the way."
"I assumed as much." She gave her an encouraging smile, like a mother coaxing her teen into conversation. It worked exceptionally well on Seph. "Come on. We were neighbors growing up does not cover the level of tension from earlier."
Seph shrugged. "We both wanted to be doctors. I followed him to the same schools, undergrad and med school. We were pretty much our own support system. His sister passed, and his parents, my mom. We always figured it out together–"
There was a bit of confusion in the witch's face. "OK. That sounds really sweet, though."
"–and then one day I told him a secret. I told him I could make doors go to other places and I showed him, and I haven't seen him since."
“Ah, right.” Wanda winced. "That… sucks."
"Yep." She popped the 'p' before sipping at her tea.
"But when he got into magic, surely he–?"
"Nope." She swallowed at a lump in her throat and pushed away the ball of emotions that thinking on that day was dredging up. "That day he said I was crazy, that I drugged him. I've never heard an apology but he somehow gets to be Sorcerer Supreme."
Wanda sighed, taking a long draw from her tea before adding. "Jeez, what a dick."
"I'm assuming this scrawny, little thing is him," Loki remarked from the door, startling both women. He held out a framed picture of four children. "I am assuming he was bullied on that haircut alone."
"No worse than being the only Black kid in school in a small town in rural Nebraska," Seph retorted with a wry grin. Loki considered and shrugged, sitting at the bottom of the bed with what appeared to be a pack of saltines. "That's his little brother, Victor. He's the taller kid. The girl is his sister, Donna. That's the last picture we took before Victor died."
"Didn't his sister die, as well?" Persephone nodded. "So, they've all died. Seems like he's a harbinger of bad luck. Maybe we'd do well to stay away," he quipped, tossing the picture onto the mattress.
"Yes, tell us about harbingers of bad luck, Mr. I've Died More Times Than I Can Remember," Wanda sassed back, much to the other two's amusement.
"I have a question, Lady Hale."
She wrinkled her nose in distaste. "Seph is fine, Loki."
"These portals, can you make them go anywhere?"
She shook her head. "Only places I've been to, sorry. Can't send you back to whatever planet you want to run off to."
He tsk'ed. "Well, it was worth a try."
"What did you two do to get stuck with the magic police?"
"Created a whole new reality by escaping my first arrest" "Held a whole town hostage in a fake TV show." They replied simultaneously.
"Fuck. No wonder he's desperate," Seph muttered to herself. "Why doesn't he just keep you in the fancy sorcerer place?"
"Too many artifacts to play with." "Too many books with dark magic."
"OK. He's clearly in over his head. No wonder he came here. There's no way he could keep you both controlled and contained without the..." She gestured around the room to signify the magic of her bubble.
"It's nice to let him pretend." Loki offered with a wink. "It's endearing."
Persephone laughed, sparing a passing thought to the idiot who didn't know what he got into. "Well, if you're stuck here, anyway, there's plenty of bedrooms. The bathroom is down the hall. Make yourself comfortable and relax. I'm going to go get dinner started."
Wanda smiled, stretching happily. "I'll take you up on that. I need a shower and some sleep."
Loki smirked. "I'll join you in the kitchen, if you don't mind."
When Stephen returned, a long while later, he was immediately drawn to the familiar smells permeating the house and warming him from the inside out as much as the soft, honeyed whispers being exchanged in the dim light of the kitchen. He found Loki and Persephone at the stove, speaking in hushed voices, closer to each other than he would have deemed appropriate–definitely flirty. Loki had changed out of the black suit into a pair of joggers and a dark green tshirt and seemed downright at home bantering with the human over the simmering pot. His ease made Stephen's left eye twitch immediately, some long-forgotten jealousy roiling in his chest and clenching his fists on their own accord. He cleared his throat loudly to pull their attention.
Seph rolled her eyes and turned back to the pot to stir, though Loki lingered close for a few extra moments before taking half a step back.
"I guess the fun police is back," she muttered under her breath and Loki chuckled.
"Loki, could you go check on Wanda, please?"
"Wanda is sleeping, so no." He turned back to his companion, whispered something into her ear that made her giggle and turn to face him, bottom lip caught between her teeth.
The way his eyes trailed from her lips to his gaze made something snap inside the sorcerer. "Just get lost, will you?"
Seph craned her neck, fixing him with a glare. "Leave him alone. This is my house." Loki grinned, leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek with a smug glint in his eye.
"I need to talk to you."
"Funnily enough, I heard all I needed to two decades ago, so…"
"Persephone, I am not playing here, I–" His demand was cut short by the flickering of the walls. Invisible curtains dividing this world from the little ratty apartment in the Bronx were faltering. Just beyond the constraints of the space, a whole new area, neither New York nor Nebraska, was reflected for just a second before it flashed back.
"It's alright, darling. He knows he has no authority here. Settle down, dove," Loki cooed cautiously, eyeing their surroundings with caution. "Do you want me to give you a moment with him?"
Seph sighed, studying Loki’s expression before nodding reluctantly. "Like I have a choice with this idiot."
"Very well. I will make myself scarce." He inclined his head at her, a gentle smile attached. Once he turned, he gave Strange a dirty look with a multitude of silent warnings and retreated to the living room.
Stephen snorted. "What did you do, bribe him?"
Rolling her eyes, she turned back to the stove. "Nope. He was hungry. I fed him. You'd be surprised how much less surly he is when he's full."
He frowned. "We ate before coming here."
"Hm… what's your excuse, then?" After a minute of silence, she glanced over her shoulder to check he was still there. He was. Unfortunately. "Besides, he eats three times as much as you do. Whatever you had wouldn't have made a dent."
"How do you know that?"
She let out a single laugh. "It's this revolutionary practice called talking. You wouldn't know about it, scalpel jock."
"Here’s a thought. How about you let your disdain for me go long enough for us to have a conversation."
The spoon in her hand slammed into the pot with a splash, driving bits of stew everywhere. Reality flickered within the portal and time dilated just long enough for him to notice before everything went smashing back into place. She was good at repressing these feelings, he knew. She must have spent their decades apart trying to control herself, unaided, and now it was his fault that she was losing control.
"How can you pretend that the single worst day of my life is just water under the bridge, Stephen?" She turned from the stove and he noticed her eyes glowed faintly in their intense hazel. "You accused me of drugging you, of deceiving you! I was grieving, my life was a mess, and I suddenly opened doors to places I hadn't been to in years, entirely by accident." She began to close the space between them, rounding the kitchen table. He felt like he should make a hasty retreat but found he lacked the ability. "I was terrified. I needed you! And you left me! I had no one!" Her voice cracked at the end, eyes filling with tears as she did all she could to retain the glare she was directing at him. "And after all that shit, you find magic and you–you didn't even have the decency to come and talk to me until you needed something."
"I didn't understand what had happened, OK? I opened your closet door and stepped into my childhood bedroom, Seph! How was that logical?"
"How did you think I felt, fucker? I was the one doing it!" Her voice rose to a shout and Stephen was quick to match it.
"I'm sorry! OK? I am sorry. I shouldn't have left. I should have reached out to you sooner. I should have helped. I am sorry. I'm s o r r y, but I was a dumb kid and the girl I was in love with could make distances shrink into nothing and I panicked!"
"You should've stayed gone, then," she replied, icily. "Because the boy I was in love with died when you left me alone in that room."
Cold filled his veins, and his spine quivered at her words. This was pure hatred, plain and simple. He couldn't find it within himself to blame her, to logic his way out of his role in her misery. Every excuse he could offer could be countered with 'yes, and it was happening to her, too'. She had been his one support through every bit of rotten luck he ever had. And he left her to her fate in a strange city without a lifeline. He never imagined he would be back to have this conversation, to pick at the scabbed-over wounds he had inflicted long ago.
"Persephone… Seph…" His hands tentatively grasped for her shoulders and gave a squeeze. She flinched, but did not pull away. "I am so sorry." With a little more coaxing, he had enveloped her in his arms, his nose pressed into her hair and inhaling the familiar scent of coconut. "I'm sorry. I am sorry," he chanted, feeling the front of his shirt dampening with her tears as her shoulders relaxed and molded into him. "I am going to make it up to you. I swear."
Persephone sniffled, pulling away from his frame. "I've waited a lifetime for you to come back for me." She blinked and tears streamed down her cheeks. "But I don't want that, anymore.” She made distance, wiping at her eyes and steeling her resolve. He wanted to pull her back to him. She needed to understand his point of view, though it suddenly occurred to him that he never bothered to understand hers. “You're welcome to stay as long as you need. But this isn't fixable, Stephen."
After a tense moment of staring at each other, she skirted past him, ignoring his protests and pleads to talk, opened the pantry door and disappeared through it with a ripple. 
“Stellar job, Strange. Now we’re stuck until she gets back,” Loki commented as he slipped into the kitchen, grabbed a bowl of stew and sneaked back out. 
For once, Stephen did not argue.
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epicspheal · 3 years
1. Terra sounds super cool, as she always does.
2. Hearing that Terra doesn't end up as the "Champions Wife" is actually reassuring to me, given how I've been thinking that maybe Alexis and Leon won't last? Especially since Alexis have plans outside of Galar and Leon entirely? I was worried, after devoting so much time into it, that it'll seem....rude(?) to say they aren't the forever couple.
Little ramble aside, I hope that you're doing well! Have a good day/night!
Hi there @Ihopethisendswell! I'm doing well, thank you for asking. I hope you're doing well too! First, I’m glad you think Terra is super cool! You have no idea how worried I was about revealing my trainersona to the world (much less getting into the OC/Canon community). I grew up at a time where the internet was absolutely merciless to any OCs, especially sonas/self-inserts.
Second, honestly one of the things I’ve learned since really getting more into non-poetry related creative writing is to not be too beholden to certain ideas. I feel you 100%, like I invested a lot in trying to get Terra to Galar, how she’d reintroduce herself to Leon (because she would’ve already met him prior to this, but this would be their first chance to really get to know each other) and then to just drop it? Yeah it felt rude
Like I really thought Terra and Leon were about to be endgame because I’m sure everyone on this side of the internet knows how much I love our unbeatable champion.
But in the end there were a couple of reasons where I realize this pairing wouldn’t work out. (this post is long so the rest is under the cut)
The biggest being the culture of Galar itself. Unlike the other regions, the culture around battling is very public and has a celebrity air to it. Terra was already at least somewhat uncomfortable with the fame she got as Hoenn champion. Galar turns that up to eleven and I think it would be extremely stressful for her in general, especially trying to get through her emergency medicine residency with people being aware of her former title. But then to have a romantic relationship with one of the most eligible bachelors in Galar? I think the scrutiny of their relationship would be too much for Terra to handle and she’d break it off. Especially if the gossip magazines dug up her past which leads to the next reason.
Leon and Terra both become champions at the same time (along with Red and Blue). Leon (and also Red) are pretty much the ideal champions. Blue and Terra...not so much. Granted this is harder to see with Terra because unlike Blue, she wasn’t a cocky jerk as a kid and she did end up saving the region (and world) twice. But yet like Blue she’s got plenty of baggage from her childhood that really prevented her from being able to put the full love and trust in her Pokemon. She’s far more of a loner than people would initially guess given her friendly and helpful disposition. She got that championship like Blue by being incredibly good at strategy and movesets, not because of bonds with her Pokemon or the power of friendship. She was also at the time, full of emotional turmoil. I’d describe Terra as a volcano...the pressure has to mount before she explodes. Which it does 3 years later when she loses the title and has that falling out with Steven and Wallace. Surprisingly after what happened her reputation was still mostly intact, although that had to do with her being a two-time hero and the fact that Steven and Wallace weren’t innocent in the incident either (to be fair Steven and Wallace were twenty something adults who had their own baggage and having to deal with a moody teenager with baggage, it was just a perfect storm waiting to happen).
But still that’s the type of thing that would be used against Terra especially in a region like Galar. Especially when you compare her to Leon I think there would be many who would imply that Leon is too good for her. I mean granted Leon isn’t perfect but his reputation as a trainer and champion is ultimately cleaner than Terra’s (even though by that time she would’ve grown as a trainer and person). Terra and Leon may have good chemistry, but I think there would be too many outside forces that would try to break up the relationship. And finally, the other reason is....Blue (or Green) Oak.
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Yup, Mr. Steal Ya Girl really went and stole Terra right out of Leon’s arms. Turns out two former champions with baggage that they’ve since learned from end up being really good for each other. Like it’s really funny how the Blue/Terra ship started off as a “haha what if Terra met Blue and they went on like one date” sort of deal before turning into a serious relationship. But as I began writing out more of Terra’s post-champion life there was just a lot of potential there for her and Blue to interact and more importantly I realized how extremely compatible they are. They have the right balance of similarities yet difference that make them very well suited for each other
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(art by the lovely @mangocolours on twitter, please go comm them if you have the funds to do so)
To quote J. Cole from Crooked Smile “We ain’t picture perfect, but we’re worth the picture still” I think perfectly encapsulates Terra’s relationship with Blue. Two imperfect champions making peace with the past and moving on to obtain greatness in other ways. And in the end, they succeed becoming legends in their own right.
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(ending this with more art, this time by the amazing @mahaliaxraihan. Go comm her if you have the chance)
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Choose To Be Better | d.m.
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Masterlist here
Part 2 here
Word count: 1888
Request: Would you write a Draco Malfoy imagine where the reader is an American pureblood transfer to Slytherin and so she butts heads with the racist Slytherins, Draco included but at a Christmas ministry event she and Draco end up spending time together and she realizes he isn't bad when he's alone so it starts a 'friendship' where they still bicker but it's not spiteful and during the 6th year she is there for him?
A/N: YES! I love writing draco and i love the arcs where the reader/OC saves him from becoming a part of the death eaters! This kind of ran away from me but I’m actually really glad it did. I think it’s because I tried to shove like a bunch of the books in but I’m very proud of it and I hope you enjoy it too! I didn’t really put the bickering part in because I wasn’t sure how to fit it all together but otherwise I think this is pretty good :) Thank you anon!
“Before we begin with the sorting, we have accepted a transfer student from Ilvermorny who is starting her third year here. Miss (L/N), if you would be so kind to step up to the sorting hat?”
You nodded, moving wordlessly to the stool and climbing up. You weren’t sure how Hogwarts houses related to Ilvermorny houses, but you assumed the systems were similar. Back in America, you had been in Pukwudgie, the house representing a wizard’s heart. 
Around you, you heard whispers arise from the tables of students. 
“A transfer student?” 
“Ilvermorny? I’ve never heard of it…” 
“What country?”
“America, I think…” 
The whispers were tuned out as a professor placed an old wizard’s hat on your head. 
“(Y/N) (L/N)... What an interesting student. You were in Pukwudgie, I hear.” 
“Fascinating… You’re bright, very bright. Now where shall I place you?” 
You’d listened to the sorting hat’s song at the beginning of the ceremony, but you weren’t sure where you’d fit. You wanted to help people, but you were determined to forge your own path, away from your family history.
“Your father was a Ravenclaw, yes? And yet, you want more than knowledge. You’re quite a mystery, my girl. Where do you want to go? There are pieces of you in every house.” 
“I thought you would be the one to sort me in the right place.” You retorted, and the hat chuckled. 
“Ooh, you’re feisty. Now listen, my dear, whatever you’ve been told about each house is reputation, not fact. I trust you’ll make better choices than most… you’d be better off in SLYTHERIN!” The hat shouted. Apart from a few stray cheers from the table, the rest of the hall merely clapped politely. 
Although you believed the sorting hat had put you in the right place, you certainly didn’t feel welcome in the dungeons of the castle. Most of your dorm mates were quiet around you, and in turn, you were quiet around them. You were a good student in all of your classes, and kept your head down to avoid any confrontation. 
And yet, you seemed to butt heads with one Draco Malfoy. 
It seemed that he never went anywhere without his two goons, and it wasn’t so bad until one day, he decided to go after you. 
“Look, it’s the little transfer. What, America didn’t like you, so you came here?” 
“My parents divorced.” You shot back. “I didn’t have a choice.” 
“What, your mum didn’t want you?” 
“Go away, Malfoy.” You rolled your eyes, turning back to your book. “I have no interest in people who bully others for their amusement.” 
When you returned home for the winter holidays, you had nothing to report. You managed to make a few friends outside of your house, but most of the Slytherin students remained cold to you, probably due to Malfoy’s influence. 
“There's a Ministry Christmas gala being hosted by the Minister at Malfoy Manor. You and your brother will be accompanying me tonight.” Your father told you. “Please remember your manners. While I may not agree with the Malfoy’s values, it’s better to be polite than be rude to the enemy.” 
This gala had to be one of the most boring events you attended. Still, you feigned interest as you spoke to the other adults around you. Most of them had a habit of talking down to you, but you merely smiled and continued on your way. 
You were on your way to get a glass of punch when Malfoy intercepted you. 
“(L/N), what is a mudblood like yourself doing here?” 
“I’m a half-blood, for your information.” You said coolly, trying to find ways around you to get out of the conversation. You kept your shoulders back, jutting up your chin. “Half American pureblood and half English pureblood. But I suppose only the English side matters to you.” You brushed past him, continuing to walk towards where you had been planning on going. 
Draco followed, suddenly intrigued. “Why would you be at an event like this? I thought only adults were allowed.” 
“You’re not the only one with a father in power.” You said, continuing forward. “Is there something you need, Malfoy, or are you planning on trying to instigate a fight for the rest of the evening?” 
“Would you like to get away from this boring party?” 
“Please, be my guest.” He held out his hand for you to take and you glanced at it. 
“I’m not kidnapping you, for Merlin’s sake.” 
“Just checking.” You smiled, taking his hand. 
A few minutes later, you wound up in one of the gardens, away from the bright lights of the party. The two of you sat down on a stone bench in the center, your hand not quite ready to leave his just yet. 
“Why did you take me out here?” You asked after a few moments of silence. “I thought you didn’t like me.” 
“Perhaps I’ve had a change of heart.” He replied quietly. “I’ve got a reputation to uphold, after all.” 
“Why? Is it so hard to be yourself?” 
“I don’t know who I am. All I know is that I am a Malfoy, and I can only interact with the highest of blood purity.” 
“A halfblood isn’t the highest.” 
“You were invited. Not many get that honour.” Draco backpedaled, removing his hand from yours. 
“Do you want to be a Malfoy?” 
“Of course. How could you ask such a thing?” In an instant, his walls rose. You sighed in defeat.
“You don’t want to be a Malfoy, Draco.” You said clearly. “You’re only a son trying to please his bigoted father.”
“That’s not true.” He stood up, cheeks reddening. “My father will hear about-” 
“Hear about what? I’m sure you’re breaking his rules by talking to an American, and a halfblood, aren’t you?” You raised an eyebrow, and his shoulders sagged in defeat. “We can’t be here long, then.” 
“If you don’t believe in the importance of blood purity, why are you here? Why did you choose to come with me?” 
You stood up, your (E/C) eyes searching for something in his grey ones. “Because I believe there’s good in you. You are not Lucius Malfoy. You are Draco Malfoy, and Draco Malfoy needs to learn how to make his own choices. If you let me, I can help you be your own person.” 
“I am my own person.” He said, but his words sounded unsure. 
“You just told me you don’t know who you are.” You matched his cold stare with ease. 
“I don’t need your help.” 
“If not me, who else will help you?” 
“Someone will.” 
“You don’t sound sure about that.” You raised your eyebrow again. “It’s our actions and choices that define us, not our family.”
A few days after Buckbeak had vanished from Hagrid’s hut, Draco came to talk to you in the common room. 
“I want to be better.” 
Instead of dropping your mouth open with shock, as Draco expected, you only smiled up at him. 
“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses.” 
For the duration of the summer holiday, you and Draco exchanged letters back and forth, In them, he wrote of his hesitation to participate in activities his father forced him in. The only solution you could possibly give him was to act the way he always acted. You needed more time to figure out how to help, given that his family was known as one of Voldemort’s higher accomplices. 
One day, towards the end of summer, you approached your father. Miraculously, your family had been growing closer and closer to the Weasleys and Harry Potter. 
“Dad?” You asked, knocking on the door to his study. “I need to talk to you. It’s important.” 
Your father swung open the door. “Now what could be so important that it needed to interrupt my work?” “It’s important.” 
Earlier in the summer, your father had told you about the Order of the Phoenix. Despite the fact that it was currently dormant, he and the other Order members believed that Voldemort’s return was inching closer and closer by the day. 
“Important how?” 
“I need you to help me help someone.” 
You quickly skimmed over the details, not mentioning Draco’s identity at all. “What should I do?” 
“You shouldn’t be concerning yourself over these matters, (Y/N), they’re very dangerous-” 
“I’ll write Dumbledore, but don’t expect anything to come from it.” 
During your fifth year, you brought Draco to your house for the winter holiday. He’d mentioned he’d stay at school, but you insisted he be around people at Christmas. When you pulled Draco into your father’s study, your father’s eyes set quickly, darkening. 
“(Y/N), please explain what a Malfoy is doing in our house.” 
“He needs help, Dad.” 
Reluctantly, your father brought your family and Draco to Grimmauld Place for an appeal to the Order of the Phoenix. Tensions were raised on both sides, with only Dumbledore willing to hear Draco out. 
“Why him?” Sirius demanded. “Out of all people, why are we helping him?”
“We’re no better than the Death Eaters if we don’t hear him out.” Your glare quieted the other members. “Draco is not his father or his father’s choices. He doesn’t want to be a part of the Death Eaters, and we are not leaving this room until we find a way to help him.” 
“They’re children, what do they know about war?” Arthur Weasley objected. 
“They are children. But I trust my daughter, and her choices, even if it means trusting a Malfoy. And I trust Dumbledore, who has graciously agreed to come at once regarding my message.” Your father spoke up, and Dumbledore nodded in acknowledgement. 
“They’re too young-” Molly started, but Snape cut her off. 
“But not incapable. The boy’s doing it for his family, no matter how much he tries to distance himself. We cannot remove him completely from the situation, but we can use this to our advantage. If the Malfoys are anything, they are misguided by their beliefs.” 
“Thank you, Severus.” Dumbledore finally turned to the two of you. “Draco, if you are alright working as a spy…” 
“If it means not working for him, then by all means.” Draco bowed his head. “When the time is right, I’m going to fight by your sides. Even if I’m killed in the process.”
None of the current Gryffindors were made aware of this decision, but the two Slytherins headed home, satisfied. 
The next two and a half years took a toll on you and Draco. You saw him less and less, and when you did, he seemed worse for wear. You were aware of his mark, and of his mission, but that didn’t make you any less determined to help him and get out of this war for good. 
You watched across the courtyard as Voldemort awkwardly hugged Draco. This was all part of the plan, and you’d come this far. You had to survive this. 
When the duel finished, he rushed over to your side. Both of his parents shot sad but knowing looks at his back. 
A year later, Narcissa would thank you for keeping her son safe. But now, in his arms, amidst the rubble… 
All you could think about was a long-deserved future with him. 
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Deobi Playlist (EP 5) | The Boyz Imagine
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Ep 5: in which Kevin says it’s okay to be different 
The Boyz x Hospital Playlist inspired drabble series.
Main Characters: Hyunjae, Juyeon, Kevin and OC (Mae)
Sides: the rest of The Boyz.
Genre: fluff, slice of life, comedy, BROMANCE BRUH
EP 1 | EP 2 | EP 3 | EP 4 | EP 5 | EP 6 | EP 7 | EP 8 | EP 9 | EP 10 | EP 11
“I managed to take out his tumour, but I’ll need him to stay for a few days just so that he can recover fully. He’s under anesthesia for now but he should be up soon,” Kevin flips through his newest patient’s medical file and scans the page for his details. His name is Yeon Hanjo, eight years old, who had suddenly collapsed to the ground a week ago with no indication of an illness whatsoever. An MRI scan of his head and body had shown that the small child had been keeping a tumour hidden within the side of his skull for some time and after some thorough deliberating and research about the best methods to go about the operation, Kevin had managed to successfully draw the tumour out without any mishaps or complications. 
Mrs. Yeon bows before Kevin once more with barely restrained tears coating her eyes. She holds a tissue in her hand, which seems already wet and crumpled into a ball, and Kevin reaches out with another tissue that she takes gratefully. 
Mr. Yeon is at her side, one hand on his wife’s shoulder to provide her comfort, “Thank you, thank you so much Dr. Moon. We--We don’t know what we would’ve done without you.”
Kevin lets out a small, genuine smile, “it’s my duty. Hanjo’s life is just as important as anybody else’s, if not more.”
A few hours after the parents have left and Kevin has done his rounds as he is supposed to, he makes way to Hanjo’s room with a box of chocolate in hand. 
Hanjo is already awake, blinking at the night sky from his hospital bed. The child turns his attention towards the door when Kevin pokes his head in with a smile, “hello Hanjo. How are you feeling?” 
The child shrugs, and looks away. 
Being familiar with the way children react when they are forced into an unfamiliar setting where strangers prevail, Kevin steps in, closes the door behind him and takes a seat at Hanjo’s bed. The child is still not looking at him, chin adamantly pointed towards the outside world. 
“I bought something for you,” Kevin opens up his box of chocolates and offers him the box. Hanjo peeks into it for a few seconds of silence, looks up at his face, then pushes the box away.
While Kevin isn’t used to children not wanting any chocolate, that doesn’t dissuade him from trying. He closes the box and sets it on Hanjo’s bedside table. 
“In a few days, you can go back home. Aren’t you glad?” Kevin chats on despite the reluctance in Hanjo’s body behaviour, “what’s the first thing you want to do when you go back, Hanjo?” 
Still, the child stays silent. Kevin sees his lower lip tremble but decides it is better off not to mention it. He takes it as a fact that Hanjo might be shy, unwilling to converse because he’s a stranger. The only solution to that though is for Kevin to keep trying, which he does day after day. Every time he’d bring something different -- a different candy, or toy that boys his age would’ve liked -- but Hanjo refuses every single item without delay. 
When the date of Hanjo’s discharge looms closer and closer, Kevin can’t help himself but urge him to speak by prompting the child with good news, “you must be excited, only three days left!” he grins at the child in hopes of getting a smile back, at least. 
Hanjo, on the other hand, merely blinks. Then, a fat tear rolls down his cheek before he bursts into tears.
“Hanjo,” Kevin’s demeanor softens then, gently tugging the said child in his arms and scooping him close against his chest. The child keeps on crying, his face now red and tears cascading down his cheeks, staining Kevin’s white coat. His parents, having heard the commotion from outside, quickly slip in with mirroring expressions of worry and take the child from Kevin’s arms, who is left confused and slightly concerned at the child’s suddenly sad countenance. He cannot, for the life of him, understand how Hanjo’s mind works. Kids like him shouldn’t be crying like their world is tearing apart, shouldn’t be subdued and silent and just afraid of everything. 
No, there’s something that’s bothering Hanjo. And Kevin finds his answer a few hours later. 
“Hanjo spent most of his life in Florida, where he was born,” Mrs. Yeon says to him. After Hanjo had fallen asleep, she had ushered to buy Kevin a coffee at the cafeteria. She now sits opposite him, coffee cup clasped between frail fingers with skin wrinkled and saggy from years of work, eyes rimmed with blue aprons and mouth tugged down in a tense, awkward line, smeared with a pale chalky lipstick.
“We moved here just a few months ago. He hasn’t told me anything, but his teacher tells me that he hasn’t been very...interactive with the other kids,” she purses her lips as if in discontentment, “he barely talks, not because he doesn't understand. We talk to him in Korean all the time at home. Somehow though, he barely says a word here. It’s like he doesn’t want to make even the slightest bit of effort.”
“Have you tried talking to him about it?” Kevin asks with furrowed eyebrows. 
She shakes her head, “no, well. We’ve tried asking him about school and stuff, maybe mentioned his teacher’s comments once or twice but that was it. We don’t want to push him either.”
He can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for the said young boy, knowing all too well how strange it is to move oneself to another country altogether, a country where the language is different, the people are different, and how it feels like your entire life has just turned upside down because of that mere fact. 
“Oh that’s just like little Kevin when he just moved here,” Hyunjae can’t help but snigger, prompting Mae to whack him across the back of his head.
“Ouch!” Hyunjae throws her a scowl, “why are you even a doctor? You should just become part of the mafia. Seriously! That hurt--”
She proceeds to shove a piece of lettuce in his mouth to muffle his protests. Juyeon and Kevin exchange knowing glances, before shrugging. 
“You should talk to him,” Mae suggests, and though she’s trying very hard to act normal, Kevin can feel the unease rolling off her, how she’s not looking at him and permanently fixating her gaze on her platter of food. He makes a mental note to ask Juyeon about it later.
For now, he replies, “yeah I should. It’s just a saddening thought. Children shouldn’t have so much trouble earlier on in their lives.” 
“Hey touff, we all haff prwabems,” Hyunjae attempts to say with his mouth still full. He swallows before gulping down some water. Slamming his cup down, he jabs a finger in Mae’s direction, “you and I have a problem.” 
“The only problem that I’ll have with you is killing you by asphyxiation, and before you ask, there is food involved,” Mae cooes. 
Hyunjae shivers, “psychopath.” 
“Nu-uh, Sociopath? Probably. But psychopath?” she scrunches her face up as though contemplating the thought, “nah, I’m too kind.” 
“You flatter yourself too much,” Juyeon rolls his eyes.
“Can we focus on the problem at hand?” Kevin waves his chopsticks around dramatically, ignoring Hyunjae stealing his piece of chicken and replacing it with some ginger instead. 
“Kevin, we all know that you’re the wondrous child talker here,” Hyunjae says, “we’re all counting on you to babysit our kids one day.” 
“Excuse me? Is there kindergarten written on my forehead?” 
“You mean, there isn’t kindergarten written on your forehead?” Hyunjae gasps dramatically, “here, let me--” 
“Don’t you dare, Lee Jaehyun.” 
Kevin waits until Hanjo’s parents leave with promises that they’ll be here to watch over him tomorrow morning, before slithering inside the children’s ward. Hanjo spots him, but doesn’t say anything as the said doctor sidles up to his bed and takes a seat on the abandoned chair next to him.
“I’ve got a surprise for you,” Kevin murmurs. The child watches as he pulls out a box of pocky sticks. His mother had stated that Pocky is the only asian snack he eats. Surely enough, Hanjo doesn’t hesitate to grab it with his little chubby fingers and Kevin gazes down at him with a fond sympathy gripping his chest.
But then, Hanjo glances up at him uncertainly. Kevin puts a finger to his mouth, “can you keep a secret?” 
Hanjo pauses, contemplates him for a moment. Then, he nods. 
“Cool, because I can’t actually sneak in any outside snacks,” Kevin whispers with a soft chuckle at the alarm washing over Hanjo’s face, “it’s okay, don’t worry. This is between you and me, alright?” 
It takes a few seconds for the child to decide that Kevin’s intentions aren’t all that bad, before he slowly pries open the packet and digs into the snack with barely restrained excitement. Kevin just watches him with fondness, glad that for once it seems like he’s done something for Hanjo, when the child suddenly sticks out the packet, urging him to take some. 
“Oh,” Kevin blinks in surprise, before drawing a pocky stick, “thanks, Hanjo. That’s so nice of you.”
Hanjo just nods, before returning his attention to the said chocolate covered sticks. As his mother had stated, it is indeed his favourite snack. 
“Do you often eat pocky, Hanjo?” Kevin asks. 
The child shrugs, urging Kevin to ask, “do any of your friends eat pocky?” 
At this, Hanjo’s mouth pauses as if in contemplation and Kevin knows that he has hit a nerve. Not just any, but a sensitive one. He hurries to continue talking for fear that he might lose momentum, “you know, I never really had any friends when I first moved here. I used to eat pocky because it reminded me of the snacks my mom used to buy for me, back when we were still in Canada.” 
He can practically see the cogs turning inside Hanjo’s brain as he mulls over the newly acquired information. 
“I was shy back then. I didn’t know how to approach people. They all spoke Korean, I understood them. But I was so scared that they couldn’t understand me for some reason. After all, I never spoke Korean back when I was in Canada, just with my parents.” 
Kevin let the information sink in for the child who was now gazing up at him with newfound interest alight in his big brown eyes and it takes everything inside the said doctor not to squeal at how adorable he looks. Instead, he pauses and waits, waits with the hope that Hanjo will react to this, however he wants. 
Kevin blinks. Hanjo’s mouth is open, curiosity filling his features as he continues hesitantly, “how...did you...make friends?” 
While Kevin wants nothing more than to punch the air in success, he decides that this is not the right moment to be celebrating that fact. Instead, he clears his throat and allows his arm to rest on the side of the child’s bed. 
“Actually, the pocky sticks helped me. The kids at my school always brought the same type of pocky sticks and then one day, when one of the girls in my class didn’t have any snacks, I offered her one,” Kevin smiles at the memory flashing before his eyes, “I thought she’d laugh at me when she started talking to me because of my accent. I wasn’t completely fluent. Surprisingly though, she was very interested to know what I had to say, despite the fact that I was so scared she’d just turn away from me.” 
“What was her name?” Hanjo asks.
“Her name?” Kevin tilts his head, “actually, she works here too. Her name’s Mae, she’s a doctor from the Cancer department.” 
Hanjo pauses for a few seconds, before he looks down at the box of pocky in his hand, “I don’t like talking in Korean,” his voice is small, barely a whisper, “I don’t like it here. Everything is different. Everyone is different.” 
“You know, Korean is one of the hardest languages to learn. And you know English. Do you know how amazing that is?” Kevin smiles down, one of his hands going to pat his head, “I know how it feels. It doesn’t feel like home, because home is far far away. But it will get better, Hanjo. It’s okay that you’re not fluent in Korean. You’ll get there, eventually. Look at doctor Kevin, see?” he motions towards his own chest, “I was in the exact same position as you were, once. But it really gets better, trust me.” 
Hanjo is frowning at the snack in his hands now, as though there are different thoughts flying about in his brain, thoughts too complicated for him to explain. But he surprises Kevin when he suddenly looks up and holds out his pinky. 
“Promise?” Hanjo asks, “promise it gets better?” 
“I promise,” Kevin hooks his finger with the child’s, “and you know what? You made your first friend right here,” and he pats his own chest with an amused smile. Hanjo’s lips tilt up in a mirroring expression, albeit hesitant, and Kevin’s heart melted right then and there in a puddle of Hanjo goo.
Knock knock. 
Kevin blinks away the drowsiness as he raises his head from his desk where he’d been napping just a few seconds ago. Rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, he spots Hyunjae and lets out a groan at the mischievous smirk on the latter’s lips. 
Whenever Hyunjae’s in a mood, he’ll have some kind of face that warns people about it. 
“Get lost, Hyunjae. Not in the mood,” Kevin groans while his friend saunters in as though he hasn’t been straight out rejected. Kevin buries his face back into his arms and Hyunjae quickly lays his head just beside him. 
“What?” Kevin asks with his eyes still closed.
Hyunjae merely giggles, before blowing softly on his face. 
Kevin whips his head around, “you’re so annoying. Get lost.” 
“But Kebiiin,” the taller man whines and nestles his face even closer so that Kevin’s soft hair tickles the bridge of his nose, “I have important news!” 
“What news?” comes Kevin’s mumble.
“I’m getting married.”
“To who?” 
“To you.” 
“No you’re not.”
“Okay fine, to Juyeon.” 
“No you’re not.” 
“Okay fine, to Mae then.” 
“Do you know,” Kevin asks slowly, “why is she acting so weird?” 
“Weird?” Hyunjae snuggles even closer, breathes in Kevin’s soft vanilla scent, “like usual Mae kind of weird or weirder than weird?” 
“No, she hasn’t been talking to herself. But she has been avoiding me.” “Oh.” 
“Oh?” Kevin whips around to look at him in alarm. 
Hyunjae draws back to stand, leaning against the opposite doctor’s empty chair as Kevin straightens to look at him with growing concern, “what do you mean by ‘oh’?” 
“She did ask me something weird the other day.” 
“About who you were crushing on.” 
“WHAT?” Kevin’s eyes grow wide, “what did you tell her?!” 
“That I had no clue.” 
“Oh thank god,” Kevin visibly slouches in relief. Then, his eyes grow wide, “wait--Does she know then?! That I--” All it takes is for Hyunjae’s face to take on a suspicious air for Kevin to realize that he is not out of dangerous waters yet.  He scrambles up and holds onto Hyunjae’s sleeve, “what?” Kevin demands like it’s a life or death situation. Which it is to him, “why do have that look on your face?” 
“Look Kev, mate, I definitely did not do anything.” 
“I never said there was a but.” 
“You implied it!” 
“Okay fine,” Hyunjae huffs, “but, someone seems to have leaked this information to her, like it or not--” 
“--and we all suspect that it’s the Neurosurgery resident, the one that comes from Toronto--”
Kevin sucks in a sharp breath, “Jacob Bae?” 
“If anyone asks, this did not come out of my mouth,” Hyunjae is quick to defend while raising his arms in the air in mock surrender, but Kevin is too preoccupied at the thought that his secret is now out in the open for everyone to dissect and digest. How in the world does Jacob know about this? He barely even talks to him! 
Unless...unless it’s that obvious? 
His head snaps up so suddenly, eyes dark and so vividly intense on Hyunjae’s that the latter can’t help but yelp in return, “Hyunjae,” Kevin says slowly, “you’re sure...you’re sure you didn’t say anything?” 
“Are you implying that I lied to you?!” Hyunjae gasps mockingly, “Kevin, I’m--”
“Shut up and be serious for one second.” 
“Of course I didn’t! Who do you take me for?!” 
“Shit,” is the only thing that Kevin has to say, “Shit. Shit.” 
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tsarinaofwrath · 4 years
‛ an independent oc portrayal of
russia’s infamous and rightful tsarina,
𝒍𝒚𝒖𝒅𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒂 𝒆. 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒗𝒂.
penned by mimi ( she / her ).
cet timezone.
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𝐈. i will not respond to a simple ‘hi’ or any kind of greeting. i’m always down to start plotting or become friends, so please don’t be afraid to go straight to the point.
𝐈𝐈. do not rush me for replies. just everyone else, i have a life outside twitter too. i know who i need to write replies for, and even if you see me being active on the timeline, definitely do not assume i am always in the mood to write — a simple tweet is far easier to write than an elaborated response in dms. guilt tripping me into getting you a reply immediately isn’t going to help, i will simply stop responding and delete our chat.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. random starters are alright, but i always prefer to discuss about a plot with my partner beforehand. in addition to that, feel free to let me know if there’s anything you want to add or remove from our storyline.
𝐈𝐕. i only roleplay in third person, so i refer to my character as she / her except obviously for dialogues / thoughts and such.
𝐕. i won’t tolerate any forcing. my character is dominant, ‘breaking’ her with force isn’t going to work. however, if we come up with a consistent plot, i’ll be more than willing to change something up and adapt to that kind of storyline. breaking my limits is not allowed either, if something is classified as such, there’s a reason. if that occurs, you will be blocked.
𝐕𝐈. sexual ooc interactions are okay only if we’re particularly close, anything other than that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable so please be respectful.
𝐕𝐈𝐈. drama will be blocked, i don’t care. i’m here to have fun, so please take that petty business somewhere else. if you don’t fancy my content nor portrayal, feel free to mute / block me.
𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. last but not least, have fun. i’m always glad to find new writing partners, tags and mentions on the timeline are always welcome.
watersports / scat. shotas / lolis. bestiality. vomiting. ⠀⠀ heavy gore. vore. hyper. ageplay. feet. musk.
last two are not necessarily a limit, but i’m definitely not a fan of either one. other than what i’ve mentioned, i’m pretty much open to anything — taboo included. i’m not one to kinkshame, so if you have any particular kink you’d like to try, feel free to bring it up.
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lennydaisy · 4 years
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(n.) a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand. or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you.
                   “Care to seize the day, my friend?”
Outer Banks                                                                                                                    Season 1-                                                                                                                      FEM OC! and ?
Here is a link to the EPIPHANY SERIES MASTERLIST! 
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"Come on, hurry up!" I shouted over my shoulder, running as fast as my legs would take me. The overhead birds chirping and singing encouraged me to go faster, looking up as they danced and twirled under the clouds, "We're gonna miss it."
"Macy, wait up!" I heard him yell, but I didn't listen. Dodging in and out of the sun beat trees, welcoming the comforting smell of freshly cut grass. The sight of the warm, orange sky meeting the deep, blue ocean made my eyes shine with wonderous adventure. The hot, summer rays beat down on my exposed arms as the humid air erupts my hair into a frenzy.
Beat sneakers skidded to a stop when I reached the edge of the drop. My chest heaved as I watched stones and dirt fall into the pool of water, scaring away the sparkle of fireflies.
"Since when-" my friend eventually caught up to me. His hands planted on his knees, leaning over with tiredness, puffing in and out air with his cheeks tinted red, "-since when did you get so fast."
I paid the exhausted boy no mind, my eyes never leaving the still oceanfront. We couldn't have missed it. I heard the lady at the dock say at sunset. It's sunset so, where are they?
"What am I supposed to be looking at?" He asked, not understanding why he is here staring at practically nothing. As soon as I had heard the news, I bolted to his place, pushing past his shocked mom who yelled profanities at me as I dragged her son out of the house.
"Shush," I hushed the boy, refusing to give up. The sun was slowly but surely setting in front of us, whilst the winds became nippier. Still, there was no sight of what I had been so excited to show my friend.
A few minutes of silence made my optimism fall quickly, "Let's just go," with slouched shoulder and a petted lip, I turn away from the edge feeling embarrassed, wanting to just get back home, "It doesn't matter."
"Macy, look!" I heard his voice chirp with excitement, Spinning around wondering what could be so exciting about this failed adventure. I followed his crooked finger that points outs at the ocean and the bubbling feeling explodes in my stomach again.
They're here!
In the distance, bobbing out from the waves was a pod of dolphins. There had to be at least ten of them. All making their away east of the sun that sparkles off the tip of their fins.
Now sitting at the edge of the drop, our feet dangling over the water as we watched the amazing creatures. I knew that dolphins were his favourite animal and sadly he had never seen them in person before, and neither had I, until today.
It was magically. With the sun shining its last light for the day, everything just felt peaceful. Turning to the boy beside me whose face is lit up with wonder, "How cool would it be to swim with dolphins," I dreamed, waving the last of the animals away. A feeling on contentment fluttered in my chest.
"That would be pretty cool," he agreed before flicking his eyes over to me, "you can't swim though," he teased, nudging his shoulder into mine.
It's true, I never learned how to swim. It's not that I don't want to, it's just, scary, I guess. We have no clue how big the ocean is. To put it into perspective, we have explored more of outer space than we have on our own planet. That's unsettling!  It was hard enough for my dad to get me comfortable enough to go on a boat. The thought of teaching me how to swim was completely out of the picture.
If I did one day decide that I wanted to learn how to swim, my teacher would have to be someone I trust wholeheartedly. Someone who wouldn't give up when I complain. Someone who wouldn't laugh at me when I think I'm sinking. Someone who knows my limits.
I just nodded my head, ducking down timidly at my inability being mentioned. He placed a soft hand on my shoulder, "It's okay, Macy," he comforts, but his fingers slowly grip my shoulder tighter. His nails digging into my skin.
I didn't have time to wince before he said in a harsh tone, "Don't want you to drown like your old man."
And then I was falling.
He pushed me roughly off the edge. My legs scrapped against the tough dirt as my arms flap wildly in the harsh winds that dry up my eyes. I couldn't hear anything other than the sound of his distant laughter. The surface of the water getting closer and closer, as I finally let out a scream.
Jumping awake with a gasp, my hands gripping at my bedsheet tightly. Sweat drips down the bridge of my nose causing me to twitch. I look around. I'm in my room. 'I'm safe,' I remind myself.
Pushing my sheet off me, I didn't even want to remember what happened, but spotting my alcohol cover clothes in the corner of my room floods my mind with the memory. Shaking my head, erasing the thought as I place my bare feet on the cold floorboards, a shiver shooting up my back.
My head is pounding, my eyes feel like they are burning, no thanks to the blinding sun, and my throat feels drier than the dessert. 'I'm never drinking again' I thought but knowing fine well that's a lie.
I make my way out my room, the whole shack radiating nothing, but peaceful silence. John B must still be asleep. My knees shaking with the early morning chill as I make my way to the kitchen with one thought on my mind. Warm lemon tea.
Very Kook sounding I know, but that's because Kie introduced me to it me years ago when I had tonsillitis. I was reluctant to try it, but she practically forced it down my throat and it surprisingly helped me. And it tasted good too.
Since then, Kie gave me an emergency stash of lemon tea. It never tastes as good when I make it, but right now I will do anything to get rid of the stinging in throat.
It took a lot of resilience for me not to rip my throat out as I watched the water boil. The whistle of the kettle sounded like a prayer from God. Pouring the water into my ladybug cup, I can't help but scowl as I look out the window at the relentless rooster that's dancing across the yard. That thing is the devil. I nearly need to give it name so I can swear at it with confidence.
Do you know who would like Norris? Mrs Adams. Do you think JJ would notice if I got rid of his beloved rooster? At least I gave it a name, he just calls it rooster-
A gentle knocking coming from the front of the house catches my attention. I go to glance at the clock that is nailed lopsided on the wall but realise it’s no use because I keep forgetting to put new batteries in it. Sipping my tea, I waited for a few minutes to see to if they would knock again.
It's too early for social interactions. The thought of having to talk to some chipper morning person is already giving me a migraine. Humming at the warm sensation in my throat, I stop peering around the corner and decided to make myself comfortable. It's my house. They'll just have to go away.
"It's the Sheriff, open up," the sudden voice of Peterkin’s causing me to choke on my drink, wincing as my knee smashes into the cabinet. Throwing my cup in the sink, ignoring the smashing sound as I quickly grab the trash can, running around the house in a fit of coughs, picking up the empty beer bottles, "No one's home!"
"The DCS called," I let out a scream, spinning around to see the woman now standing in our living room, "They want me to check on you," she said, eyeing the half-smoked blunt that was laying on the table.
Trying to hide my discomfort at the officer in my house, I force a smile onto my face, "Well I'm here," I hold out an arm, trying to lead her out the door, "Thanks for stopping by."
I can already she's far from done with me as my attempt to usher her out failed. Peterkins who has had a curious eye on the house since she entered, spots the picture that is hanging on the wall, "Is that Uncle T?" she asks, but I know what she's trying to do, "How's he been."
"He's uh," I clear my throat, picking at my hangnails, feeling pressured under her gaze, "Can I wake up my lawyer before I answer any questions?"
Running past the officer, I bolt into John B's room. The boy was still fast asleep, lying at the foot of his bed. I would have winced at the shiner on his eye, but I have no time. "John B," I shake him harshly. He just waves a hand tiredly in my direction, humming, before turning over away from me.
"John B," I whine harshly, "Peterkins is here, please get up. She scares me," I admit, smacking him with a pillow. At the mention of Peterkins, John B shoots up, wiping his drool on the back of his hand and attempts to make himself look like a normal, law-abiding citizen.
Stopping at the entrance of his door, he turns to look at me. I could see what he was asking me. He wants me to go first. No way. I shake my head at the boy, pushing him into the hallway first. Did he just ignore me confessing that the lady scares me? She always looks like she knows something and that because she knows everything. That's how she gets you.
Peering over John B shoulder, I spot Peterkins shuffling through the pile of letters that we have dumped on the counter. I would have pulled her up for raiding through our personal detail, but again- she terrifies me. And also, the amount of empty beer bottles that are scattered around the place is concerning.
I grab a bottle of the cabinet and pass it to John B with stern eyes. Understanding, he greets Peterkins picking up bottles as he goes along, "Peterkins. How nice of you to stop by."
"How you been John B?" she asks, getting straight to the point, "besides the-," pointing at his eye.
"I'm fantastic," he claims, eventually stuttering out an answer, the ladies early morning appearance shaking him up. "Thanks for stopping by," he excuses her as I rush over to the door, holding it open for her.
"Am glad to hear that," she muses, hat in her hands as she blatantly ignores my kind gesture. She really can't take a hint. "However, I've heard a few things that worried me. Let's see if you two can help me out."
Oh boy.
I let go of the door, knowing that she won't be leaving anytime soon. Listening to the list of worries she has; I walk around the house trying to hide any evidence that she could use against us. "One thing I heard was that your Uncle T, your guardian, has been out of state for three months."
"You think we could survive for three months on our own?" I laugh, trying not to wither under her gaze, "With his cooking, we'd be dead in a week," I point at my brother who turns to me with a look of insult and betrayal.
"As if you're any better, Miss 'can I put tins in the microwave'," He outs me, not wanting to be the only one under fire. And yes, I did put a tinned can in the microwave, but it wasn't that big of a deal, just don't try it at home. I mean it.
"It was one time!"
"The microwave exploded!"
"And we got a new one. Minor details, John B."
Clearing her throat to interrupt our argument, "Give up the act, I called the school," she stated, now leaning against the wall, sheet of paper in hand, "You guys use to be good students, now you're falling all your classes," she flashes the report card she is holding to us as evidence.
Looking at the card all I see is a long line of C's and D's. Her evidence holds nothing against me though. That's John B report card. I was smart enough to shred mine before I even got home.
"Actually, only Johnny boy is failing all his classes-" I start, John B butting in, "-No. Only history, the guys a dick, he's got it out for me," I nod my head understandingly at the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I, however, am a model student. Straight A's"
"Expect for home economics?" she questions smartly, raining on my parade. I didn't have anything to say to that, just pulling a face which probably gives her the answer.
"I also heard there was a fight on the beach yesterday," I bit my lip, finally understanding why she's here. I move to sit on the couch, knowing I was in for the long haul, "and a gun was involved."
Did he really run and tell the police?
"Okay," John B huffs, shaking his head in disappointment, "Did I get in a dustup?" He asks and points his finger at me to answer for him, acting like we were on a game show
"Yes," I nod my head in excitement, smiling brightly when he holds his thumb up confirming my answer. Moving swiftly onto the next question, "But was there a gun?" he asks, acting out like it was a scenario I suppose to play out in my head.
I tap my chin, pretend to think, "Nope, that would make sense," I dwell before crossing fingers, saying my answer, "No."
"Is that your final answer?" John B sits down next to me, hold out the imaginary microphone. You could feel the anticipation rising, along with Peterkin patience, "Yes!" I confirm.
"Congratulation Miss Routledge!" he announces, "You've just won an all exclusive trip to The Bahamas," revelling my award as I wipe away the pretend tears, sniffling with happiness, fully prepared to give my thank you speech.
"I know who it was," she deadpans, ruining my moment, forcing me back to reality, "and I'll get to him."
"All I care about is makin' sure you're in a safe home," she continues, and I see the look in her eye. She thinks we're lost causes. That's a bit harsh, true, but harsh.
"We are in a safe home," I confirm, reaching over to pull the string of the light that was left on from the night before. In a blink of an eye, the blub blows out, short-circuiting with a sharp spark as the drawstring snaps from the lamp, "Super safe."
"And sturdy," John B adds, "besides, Uncle T's coming back," he says in a matter of fact, knowing that's what Peterkins would want to hear.
"Is that what they told you?" She muses but looks at me, already knowing what John Bs answer would be. I glance quickly at my brother, "Yes," I confirm, trying to act nonchalant.
"If he's coming, I think you should be allowed to stay," she shrugs, taking our side as John B and I nod at her, "Thank you."
It feels like the whole world is against John B and I. We're always wrong. We're always looked done on because we're Pogues. We're always pitted because our dad is missing. I want to believe that Sheriff Peterkins is truly on our team for once, but I can feel a strong meaning coming with her agreement.
"But if I stick my neck out for you," 'there it is' I thought, "you have to help me. Tit for tat."
"What does tat mean?" John B asks confused. What I'm more confused about is how did I end up with such a dumb twin. I'm the brains and he's the brawn, I guess?
"She wants something in return," I define the phrase for him. It's a bit corrupt if you ask me. She is basically acknowledging the fact we did something wrong but is willing to kick that under the rug for any information that we might have.
Pointing her finger at me, "Your 'A' in English is showing," she says before falling serious again, "A body was found in the marsh yesterday. Were you in the marsh yesterday?"
"Yeah," I confirm, seeing no point in lying about it, "we went fishing."
"You catch anything?" she asks, suspicion radiating of her voice as she leans against the wall in front of us. I feel like I'm being interrogated. I am being interrogated.
"Nah, we were skunked," Peterkins just laughs under her breath at John Bs reply, "Strange. Fishing's usually good after a storm. All sorts of things get stirred up."
I know where this is going. Scooter Grubbs body was found yesterday morning, but there was no sign of the boat that he supposedly left on. I'm assuming the still haven't found it, that's why Peterkins is here. Of course, she'd question us. With a background that is filled with trouble, it always finds a way into our lives. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume we knew something.
"You come across a wreck yesterday?"
The sheriff sigh as John B and I both shake our heads at her question, "The pair of you are just skimming above the surface," she starts, her patience completely gone, "now, down here is foster care, juvie," she lists off as I watch her twirling finger. My stomach churning at the mention of foster care.
"Pretty big drop for smart kids like you," she compliments, continuing of her sentiment, "Up here is you and your little friends doing whatever you want." I like it up there.  
"Outer Banks," she weights in one hand with a soft voice, "or foster care on the mainland," her tone changing at the other option.
It hard to imagines that one singular event led up to all this. After dad went missing our life has just been a downwards spiral. Everything that Peterkin had said is true. John B and I used to be good students. We never missed a paper, or even dared to skip class. Fair we're friends with JJ, but we knew that dad wanted us to have a good future. I'd hate to know if we've disappointed him.
"You are one inch above the surface," she stresses, knowing that she is getting to us, "If I were you, I'd start flapping my wings."
We've had too many close calls. How many more can we have?
"Now, you sure you didn't come across a wreck yesterday?"
"We're sure."
Hopefully one more.
"It's better if you didn't, you understand?" she crouches down, placing a hand on both our knee's, her eyes not flickering, "I'm going to look the other way, as long as you two stay out of the marsh."
I bit my lip, listening to her footsteps heading toward the door. My body finally relaxing, realising she was leaving. "I've got dogs livin' better than this," she insults. Eyes snapping up when the sound of an empty bottle crashes into the overflowing bin, "You might want to think about cleanin' up."
When I was younger, I wanted to be a princess. I wanted to live in a big castle, with the most luxurious ballroom that would hold the biggest and best events of the year, and a huge kitchen with a countless number of chefs and bakers.
I dreamed of swirling dresses and pointed shoes. Dragons and dashing knights. True loves kiss and happily ever after. I would be friends with all the animals. I would have a Fairy God Mother. I would have anything I wanted.
My life would be the perfect fantasy.
The closest I've been to a princess is the one time JJ called me it, and I immediately told him to never do it again. Not because I didn't like it. It just scared me. My whole life I've wanted to be a princess and I like to believe that I know what it takes to be one. I'm not a princess. I don't feel like one.
A princess should never feel the way I feel.
"Watcha doin' out here by yourself?" I hear a voice call out. Turning my head, watching as Pope made is way over to the hammock that I'm occupying. Moving over slightly, I make room for him at the other end.
"Oh y' know, scheming," I joke, looking at the boy who makes himself comfortable. After two minutes of huffing and puffing, he eventually settles into the hammock. My eye catches the thick book that he has held in his hand, "What you reading?"
"Just some autobiography I found in the library," he shrugs like it’s no big deal. The book he's holding had to be at least 600 pages. I don't think I've read 600 pages of anything in my entire life, but this boy could probably read it all in one night. Also, we have a library?
"For my scholarship entry paper, they want me to write 6,000 words about myself and what I intend to do over the summer," I can tell by the tone of his voice that he is not looking forward to writing that and I wouldn't either.
"My name is Pope Heyward," I start, trying my best to mimic Pope's voice, "I have an obsession with dead bodies and this summer I plan to go grave digging-" he kicks his foot against my shoulder as I giggle at the disapproving face.
"It isn't an AA meeting"
"No, but it should be," I shove this foot away from me, "you really have a problem."
Whacking my knee with his ten-ton book, he urges me to stop talking, "With violence!" I exclaim, holding my kneecap with wide eyes. Pope just shakes his head at my dramatics, a small smile covering his face.
"Macy, this is serious," he huffs, "I have no idea what to write."
"Why don't you volunteer at like a youth group or something?" I suggest, now giving him serious ideas. I don't like seeing Pope stressed and I can tell that this scholarship means a lot to him. I might not be the best at advice, but I want to help him, "You can teach them how to dance?"
"Not happening," he deadpans, but I'm not taking no as an answer. Pope is the best dancer I know. I've asked him multiple times to teach me, but every time he declines, stating he 'Can't Dance'. If he can't dance, then what does that say about my dancing ability?
Jumping out of the hammock, I hold my hand out for Pope to take. I shake my hand wanting him to grab it, my eyebrows wiggling, "Come on Pope."
"No," but I didn't listen, reaching for his hand to pull him gracefully out of the hammock. I ignore his objections and helping him back onto his feet, taking both of his hands in mine.
Obnoxiously, I sing a cliché ballroom waltzing song, gliding around the grass with Pope. Pushing and pulling. Spinning and twirling. Both of us red-faced with cramping stomachs, stumbling over each other's toes.
For the first time today, I felt happy. After the mess this morning with Peterkins, John B and I have been in a stumper on mood. She really did rain on our parade. I know that she is only looking out for us, but it just feels forced. Right now, despite the slight overcast that is clouding the Outer Banks, I feel warm and peaceful.
I could feel my eyes shining with childish innocence, as I dragged Pope in circles around the hammock. I was having fun with my best friend.
The clearing of someone's throat caught my attention, halting me from twirling under Pope's arm. He was finally giving in, actually enjoying the silly dance. My hands still clasped tightly in Pope's, I look over to see JJ standing a few feet away, his expression unreadable.
"John B's back, let's go," he says quickly and walks away even quicker. Exchanging a look with Pope, both of us not sure what's up with our friend, we just shrug. It's probably just one of his moods.
Following JJ onto the HMS Pogue, I sit down at the bow of the boat, minding my step as I leap over the gas canisters. JJ had somehow convinced John B to steal from our boss, Ward Cameron. It felt wrong and that's because it is wrong.
I didn't want to agree with JJ, but in some twisted way, he was right. You never see rich kids going to foster care. And with the way, Peterkins was threatening us to not go near the marsh, it means she knows something. Something is down there in that wreck, and we have to be the first one to find out what it is.
Dad used to say that the OBX is America on steroids. You have your haves and have-nots, just multiplied. It's a rigged system we have here. One that makes the rich richer and poor poorer. And with no dad and no money, John B and I have no chance in life. Unless we make it on our own, away from the system.
Since Scooter body was found in the marsh yesterday, the whole body of water that surrounds the island just gives me a bad vibe. Maybe cause it sunset, and the winds are getting nippier or maybe I'm just freaked out because someone died. I don't know. But what I do know this that the marsh is the last place I want to be right now.
"This is empty," Kie complains, looking at my brother who is sitting beside her, "you took empty cans?"
"This one's a quarter full," I say before John B could interrupt, but even at that Kie still complains, "That's only enough for one of us."
"Do any of you even know who to dive?" I ask, moving to sit beside Pope at the wheel. I feel like this question should have been answered before we stole from my boss, but when do we ever think anything through. What I am saying is that there is no way that I am getting in that water, let alone diving down into a dead guys wreck.
"It's kinda a Kook sport," JJ finally answers after pointing back and forward with John B.
"I've read about it."
"Great, Pope read about it, so someone's gonna die," Kie nod sarcastically at her friends comment. I mean out of everyone here, Pope reading about it is more than what anyone else on this boat know. The boy next to me just looks out into the marsh, embarrassed after Kie comment. Placing a hand on his knee, I send him a smile hoping to cheer him up.
"Look, you put the thing in your mouth and breathe," JJ reasons, not understanding that there is more to diving than that.
"Well, if you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood," Pope begins to inform us as I wince at the information, "and you get the bends."
JJ, still not understand what Pope is talking about, he holds onto the pole in front of him and bends over in a laughable position, "Bends like," he strains his voice as his back cracks, "bend over and-"
"The bends kill you."
"I can dive," John B announces confidently, but the tone of his voice is telling me another story. Watching JJ nod in agreement with a John B, he's only happy because it's not him that has to go down there.
"No, you can't," I object looking at my brother, "remember that one-time dad took you snorkelling, and you got a nosebleed," I start laughing, remember that day like it was yesterday.
The local pool had just officially opened, and they had an arrange of clubs for the kids on the island to sign up to. One of them being snorkelling. John B was stoked, claim that he had always wanted to snorkel despite never mention it once in his 6 years of living.
I was just peaceful eating my doughnut, watching as the kids my age flapped around in the average-sized pool. Two seconds later, however, they were all screaming and running for the hills except for John B. Not understanding why all his new friends had run away in terror until he saw the crimson colour that danced around in the water.
The entire building had to be evacuated, so the pool could get cleaned. Let's just say that John B never went back to snorkelling club. One good thing came out of that day however, my doughnut. I've never had one like that since.
"I was 6," he argues, still looking determined as ever, "I'll do it," he says.
"Let me do some calculations real quick," Pope says, ripping a page out of his book, pulling a pen out of fine air. He began to write, "So, that boat's about 30 feet down. So, it will take 25 minutes at that depth. Which means you need to make your safety cheek at about ten feet. For two minutes."
I look at Pope calculation in wonder, is this what I missed out on in the Math Team. John B was trying his best to remember all the information that Pope was throwing at him. I glad he's taking it seriously; I don't want my brother to get the bends. I don't have enough money for a medical bill.
The movement of Kie taking off her shirt caught all our attention. All of us watching with confused eyes as she jumps off the boat, into the marsh, "What was that all about?" John B asks.
"I don't know," JJ wonders before looking at me, "but I like it. A lot."
Why is he looking at me?
"Me too," I admit, moving over to the scuba gear, wanting to help John B get it on. Turning around, all I'm met with was curious eyes, "What?" I question, not understanding the sudden silence.
John B just shakes his head, moving towards me to put on the gear. Helping secure the tank to his back, JJ finally speaks up again, "When you're down there, you look for the cargo hold," he explains and holds out a small key, "You stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay?"
"Stick in, twist, pull."
"Hey!" a voice call out from the water, "I tied my shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down," Kie says, John B just looking at the girl confused, "It's where you need to do your safety stop," she explains like she's talking to a child. To be fair he does act like one sometimes.
Making sure he is strapped in properly, I grab the monitor attached to the tanks, "Please keep an eye one this Johnny B," I say, showing him how much air, he has, "You need to have enough air to decompress."
John B just looks at me worried, but I place a comforting hand on his shoulder, "You'll be fine," I reassure, "Just don't breathe a lot."
I move to stand beside JJ, just for him to move away from me, 'What is up with him?' "Think zen, you know?" JJ suggests with exaggerated breaths, showing what zen mines in his mind.
Sitting at the control of the boat, my knees resting against the panel, I watch Kie march her way over to my brother. Thinking she was going to tell him he's stupid, I prepare myself for the show, but when she kisses him on the cheek I almost vomit. What? Since when was this a mutual thing?
Sharing glances with Pope and JJ, I see that they're just as confused, both their faces scrunched up at the affection.
"Diver down?"
"Diver down."
Watching as John B jumps down into the marsh, I salute him, "Diver down," I try to smile but I have that feeling in my stomach. Somethings not right.
Once John B was fully submerged by the marsh, the boat fell into an awkward and suspenseful silence. What is wrong with everyone? Kie's sitting at the edge of the boat, probably worrying about John B. Pope is staring intently over her shoulder doing the same. But JJ. JJ is standing at the back of the boat, playing with his rings. He hasn't looked, let alone spoke to me since John B got back.
"What's up with you?" I finally asked, his abnormal silence being unsettling to me. Nothing changes, he just continues to ignore me, clearly finding his hands more interesting than talking to me.
"What's wrong?" I ask again, but the blonde just shake his head, "It's clearly something, you're ignoring me." I stop beating around the bush. Even when JJ is in one of his moods, he still finds it in himself to talk to me and tell me what wrong, but today I can't tell what's got him in such a bad mood.
"It's nothing," he snaps, now looking at me with nothing but anger flaring in his eyes, "Just drop it, Mason."
Mason. What happened to May?
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I spin around, my back facing him. Looking up I earn looks from Kie and Pope which I just shake my head at. Turning my eyes towards the marsh, just wanting John B to come back.
The altering whoop of a siren breaks through the tense air. Coming our way in a rubber boat is two cops. Shit.
"Guys, that's the police," JJ points out what everyone can see.
"Yeah, no shit" I snarl at the boy, trying to move from my spot as subtle as possible, "Guy I'm not supposed to be on the marsh," I whisper, peering over the steering wheel at the cops that are slowly approaching.
Cursing under her breath, Kie grabs my arm and moves me to the edge of the boat, "Hide under the boat," she says before helping me lightly dip into the water, not wanting to cause an obvious ripple.
The warm water usually feeling comforting, now feels completely disgusting. A man died like two feet away from where I'm floating. Trying to block the thought from my memory, I squeeze my eye close and pinch my nose before ducking fully under the boat.
It's not a secret that I'm not the best swimmer, I only learned properly a few years ago. And even at that, I don't actively enjoy diving into open banks of water just for fun. I know that this moment it's detrimental that I don't get caught. Peterkins has probably told every cop on the island about our talk this morning, and I'm not about to get caught. Especially by Shoupe, whose voice I can hear above the surface.
"So, where's trouble?"
"Mason. Don't you guys usually hang out with her?"
Kind of like John Bs relationship with Peterkins, I have a similar one with Shoupe. Not by choice. He just happens to be the cop that always catches me. I don't do it on purpose and besides the last big thing that Shoupe had to turn me in for was the Komodo Dragons. Everything after that has just been minor inconveniences. Naturally earning me the nickname of trouble.
I've never been in a cell before, and I don't ever plan to be put in one either. It's just- when you live the way we do; you have to find your own fun. For example, what we are doing right now. It not exactly breaking the law, but it's not in line with their code of conduct. Also, I don't think Shoupe has the heart to put me in a cell. He might joke about it, at least I hope he's joking, but he would never actually do it. He has a bit of a soft spot for me, especially after my dad went missing.
The constant need to kick my feet in order to stay afloat is starting to take its toll on me. My legs are numb, the hand that I have gripping the bottom of the boat is slipping and I don't know how much longer I can hold my breath for.
Trying to push past my dizziness and ignoring the tiredness that is trying to take over my body, I hear Shoupe's protruding voice speak again, "Beautiful day."
Thinking is wasting too much of my running low energy, but when I hear the engine of the other boat start up again, a wave of relief rushing over me. Watching as the air bubbles push their way through the marsh water, the shadow of the boat getting further and further away.
Using the last of my energy, I swim up towards the surface, my lungs squeeze under the pressure of no air. As soon as I broke the tension of the water and breathed in the warm evening air, a rush of relaxation floods my body.
Floating on my back, I hear the relief coming from my friends, "May, are you okay?" I hear JJ ask, but I only care about one person right now.
"Where's John B?" I begin to panic, realising that my brother hasn't come up yet. He definitely ran out of air. With erratic eyes, I skim the marsh looking for a single sign of where he is, "Where is he."
Seeing the ripples in the water, I swim tirelessly towards them. Watching as John B emerges from the surface again, I let out a sound of relief, "Don't scare me like that, you idiot," I splash water in his direction.
"Did you find anything?" JJ asks John B, running to the back of the boat. Letting me go up first, I except the hand that JJ is holding out for me. I give him a small smile before making my way over to Kie how had her arms open for me.
My teeth chittering cause me to hold the girl tighter, my chin resting on her shoulder, trying to steal her body heat. Looking towards the setting sun, watching as the gulls dive for fish, I notice something come towards us. Squinting at the sight, I quickly realise it was another boat.
"Hey, guy? Boogie, two o'clock," I announce, moving away from Kie to get a closet look, halting the cheering of John B's finding, that was going on behind me.
"Do you recognise that boat?" Pope throws out the hopeful question. Shaking my head, noting that I have never seen it before, "What are they doing here? The marsh is closed"
"Let not stick around to find out," JJ concludes, not liking the idea of another boat being on the marsh. It a bit hypocritical of us to judge anyone who didn't listen to the sheriff's rules, but I really don't like the look of the two men that are making their way t over to us.
"JJ, help me with this," I ask, rushing over to the bowline, pulling up the anchor with the help of the boy, "Don't wait for us. Just go," I urge John B to start driving, not wanting to meet the figure on the boat.
"I got it," I hear JJ whisper, taking the wet anchor out of my hands after noticing I was struggling to hold it.
"Maybe they're fishing," I hear Pope wish as I run over to John B, throwing a quick glance over my shoulder, "Or maybe they're following us," I suggest, more like state the truth noticing that the boat was tailing us out of the marsh.
"John B, please go faster," Kie begs, not happy with the pacing of our boat, "I'm going! Act natural."
Looking back at the men on the boat, them being a good 20 feet away now allows me to see their faces more clearly. There is something oddly familiar about their brawniness. Both wearing all black, a bad choice in the Outer Banks if you ask me. Both very scruffy-looking, with uncut hair and beards that need a serious trim.
The smaller of the two reaches down for something just out of my sight. But when he stands back up, I knew what it was right away, "Get down," my timing just on the beat as he takes his first shot.
Grabbing the person closest to me, I pull them down to the deck, our backs pressed against the floor. My hand clasped tightly over my ears, I turn to my left to see JJ laying close to me, "You good?" he shouts over the sound of the amplified engine. Going to nod my head, but I get interrupted by another shot being aimed in our direction.
Pressing myself further against the floor, I watched as Kie runs to the back of the boat, "Kie get down," I shout, as another shot is fired at us. Watching with a wary eye as Kie grabs the old fish tangled fishnets, wobbling over to the edge. Shots still continuously coming our way, before Kie throwing the net with force into the water.
The sound of the net getting tangled in our follower's engine brings a wave of relief through my body. Pushing myself back onto my feet, I look back at the two men now stuck in the marsh. Definitely familiar. John B didn't slow down, turning the boat just in time around the bend before another shot could land.
"Oh my God!" Kie laughs out, running her hands throw her hair, "That was insane."
"Pogue life, man," JJ cheers, raising both arm over his head. Understanding the feeling, I sit down on the edge of the boat, my heart beating wildly in my chest. I can't believe we were just in a boat race being shoot at.
The ride back home was filled with adrenaline and giggles. All of us felt on top of the world. Like no one could stop us. But I still can't shake away the fact that those two men looked familiar. They definitely weren't from here, from their stance to them shot a gun at a group of kids on a boat. It just doesn't feel right.
I hadn't even realised that we had pulled up to the dock until I felt a tap on my shoulder. The marsh was now shining a deep blue. An unsettling feeling coming from the sudden overcast that roamed above us. Shake my daydream away, I go to step off the boat, but a hand circling my wrist stops me.
"I'm sorry for back there-" JJ apologises, scratching the back of his neck, struggling to keep steady eye contact with me, "-I was, uh, y' know, uh."
Wanting to hear what he was going to say, I try my best to keep the smile that I can feeling creeping on my face away. Raising my eyebrows at the boy, wanting him to continue. For some reason watching the usually cocky JJ stutter over his word is very entertaining and endearing to witness. I don't know why whatever happened back on the marsh happened, but with the way JJ is struggling to splutter out an apologue, gives he the feeling he doesn't either.
"I'm sorry," he manages to say again, letting out a rigid breath.
Against popular belief, JJ and I have never fallen out. Never had a serious argument. Never had any sort of conflict between us. Our friendship has always been smooth sailing. Sure, we've had disagreements, but it ends at that.
With a personality as strong as JJ's, you are bound to but heads sometimes. He does stupid shit, and I've told him this. But does that stop him? No. It often just leads to him pulling me down with him. And I'm not complaining.
JJ and I are very similar but also completely different. We complement and contract with each other. I know his limits and he knows mine. I know what a typical JJ thing to do is and JJ knows what a typical Mason thing to do is.
We might but heads sometimes and tease each other, but JJ genuinely blow up in my face earlier and it was different. I didn't like it. JJ has always been on my side. I like to believe that we have a relationship where we can tell each other anything. If he isn't comfortable with telling me what had him so stressed back on the boat, then that's fine. I won't push him. He doesn't have to tell me everything. I'm just happy he apologised.
My silence must have been unsettling for him, watching as he picks at the edge of his t-shirt, "So, we good?" he asks, his voice sounding as uneven as his thoughts.
"I'll think about it," I tease, blinking innocently at the boy. A small smile creeping onto his face, knowing that we're cool now. Looking over at the dock, I spot, John B, Pope and Kie all waiting for us, "Race ya'" I laugh, darting off the boat, running as fast as I can up the dock.
"That's so not fair," I hear him yell from behind me, the sound of his feet pounding of the deck pushing me to run faster.
"Beat you," I cheer triumphantly, giggling at him when he eventually caught up. "That because you cheated," he whines, flicking me on the nose causing me to push him away slightly. A smile permanent on my face when I feel JJ wrap an arm around my shoulder.
All standing around John B who had placed the black duffle bag from the boat onto the deck, we eagerly watching him unzip the bag, "What do you guys think it is?" Kie asks, excitement still lacing her voice.
"Gotta be money, right?"
"If it's not imma be pissed."
"Could be a couple of keys with street value of a low- to mid-mils!"
We all let out our expectations, the atmosphere high, "Can we please just open the bag!" Pope snaps, our cheerfulness coming to a sudden halt. Shocked by the outburst.
"Wow, Pope," John B gaps, looking up at the boy with impressed eyes, "That's a rare outburst of emotion."
"Yeah, something you want to talk about, Pope?" I ask, false sympathy radiating from my tone as I joke with him.
"You guys are literally killing me with anticipation," Pope whines, his eyes screaming with his pleas, "Open the bag."
I can't argue with his anticipation, almost want to rip the back out of John B hands. How long does it take for someone to unzip a bag?
Finally, John B pulls something out of the dripping wet bag. Another bag. Untying the smaller bag, a silver time capsule falls into his hands. Twisting of the secure cap, the excitement leads me to lean forward, wanting to see what we had almost risked our lives for. It better be worth it.
My gaze softens when I see what lays in John B hands. Kneeling down beside him, I gently take it from his hands, pressing the button delicately, watching at the lid pops open. Ignore the complaints that I hear coming from my friends, I turn to John B, looking for any sign that what we have is what I think it is.
It is.
"What? It's not worth anything."
"This was our fathers."
It was my father's compass.
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Chapter Five: FIN!
Ummmmm Hi again... I don’t know if anyone still cares for this fic but I’ve had this in my draft for months and I kinda want to start this back up again because writing the first few chapters geniunely made me so happy and I want to feel that again, so yeah... surprise!
Mason and Pope are cute don’t you think. I want her to have good relationship with all the characters and I want to show that and not just tell, so expect flashbacks and fluffy moments from baby pogues.
I loved writing the scene with Peterkins and the twins, I wanted to show you their dymanic and playfulness especially since I have a rocky future planned for them...
What did you think?
I hope you enjoyed this long-awaited chapter <3
I’m going to start my taglist again, so if you’d like to be tag in future chapters just let me know and I will for sure do that!
Lots of love,
Daisy <3
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cclkestis · 4 years
happy tag!
tagged by both @sydsney and @muse-of-nightmares to tag some people who make me happy!! thank you both so much, putting it under a read more bc (as always) i may have gotten carried away and this just turned into me yelling about you all :’)) and i’m so sorry if i’ve forgotten someone dhsjdhsj
okay first off, i want to tag a few people who i love seeing around but haven’t really interacted with much but it makes me really happy seeing them around!! 
@carloscliveira @clvireredfield @shallow-gravy @shadows-echoes @the-kryomancer @thedragonkween @seooshi @a-shakespearean-in-paris @ghostlybai @purple-hearted-mallow @ofmymuses @vindicia 
and now for some more yelling bc i love you all !!!
@caliwriites​ -  cali!! my friend!! you already know how much i love you but you’re going on this list anyway and can fight me on it. i always look forwards to talking and plotting with you, finding creative new ways to torment our poor children so that their limited soft moments are all the more sweet. it always brings a smile to my face to see you pop up on discord and even when things get busy knowing that we’ll both come back and dive right back into our nonsense has me just!!!!! yelling with you is always a highlight (thank u so much for putting up with my incessant rambling) and i hope it continues for a long time :’))   
@possiblypeachy - allie, ma’am, i love you and our disaster gang with my whole heart!! i know that we haven’t yelled about them as much lately but i can’t help but read back on things with the stupidest grin on my face!! you’re always so lovely and have such a creative mind, especially when it comes to your writing and all of your wonderful ocs, and i’m so glad that we met and that i have been blessed with the chance to create a whole world with you!! :D
@the-bluest-hour - eileen what can i even say here? you’re one of the sweetest around and your enthusiasm and willingness to listen to me yell about my stories and ocs makes me want to cry every time! ;-; thank you so much for always being so supportive and curious about them all, and for letting me ramble about them and motivating me to get back into writing as well as just being there if i need someone to rant to - i love you sm!! 
@muse-of-nightmares - i always have so much fun with you isabell, whether it’s chatting or dying in playing games, and i’m so so glad that we started talking and that i get to call you a friend!! you’re an incredibly talented creator both with your writing and the beautiful gifsets you create, and it’s always such a delight to see you on my dash! i look forwards to seeing what shenanigans we can get up to in the future! :’D
@the-darklings -  you’ve no doubt heard all of this from me before, kat, but you’re one of the loveliest people around and i’m so grateful i get to call you a friend. you’ve always been so kind and supportive, taking the time to shoot a message my way even when life is getting busy for you - we don’t talk a huge amount bc we’re both pretty garbage at keeping in touch sometimes but know that I still love and support you always (even when your incredible writing no doubt makes me cry)!! 
@sydsney -  anna !! you’ve supported me and been around nearly from the very beginning, and you’ve always been one of the sweetest people!! you have such a wonderful way with words in your writing that has inspired me from the first thing i read, and i always enjoy seeing you around on my dash! and your support of me and my disaster ocs always blows me away, i appreciate you so much for taking the time to send me silly asks about them or enabling me to yell :’))
@datapads - one of the loveliest!! hannah you’re always such a force of positivity, tagging me in things and dropping sweet encouraging words into my inbox. your passion and talent for writing (especially the way you can make me cry in so many words) are inspiring and i always look forwards to seeing you popping up on my dash! 
@kaydel -  my fellow goblin queen of the swamp!! you’re always a ray of sunshine, lifting up everyone around you and cheering them on regardless of what they’re trying to do, and i can’t thank you enough for that love and support you’re always ready to throw at me when i need it, you’ve no idea how much that’s helped me when things have been hard :’)) always love seeing you Go Off in the tags on posts too, honestly you make me laugh so easily - it’s right up there on your talent list with writing and making lovely gifs, keeping us all fed with the good stuff!! :D
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neirawrites · 4 years
I was a Twihard in high school. Then I was a Twilight hater. In  2018, I decided to reread the first book, to see for myself on which side I belonged. I wrote my thoughts as I read, in multiple parts, but on my main blog, so I thought I might share them on my writeblr too, because I kinda had fun with it. 
Enjoy my many, many notes
Pages 0-50
I’m actually kinda into it. Yeah, there are a many issues every article on editing tells you to fix (filter words, -ing verbs and things like that), but i feel it. I don’t know what it is, but it’s there.
Bella isn’t that bad of a protagonist. Nothing too spectacular, but she’s fine. She is depressed, self sacrificing and hides her feelings, but also a lot more self aware than i though she would be(like when she notices mike, my son, likes her). She’s a typical teenage girl, the introverted type, way into reading. there’s nothing wrong with that.
I don’t know why i remember Edward being a draco in leather pants,but he’s also fine for now. mysterious and handsome and a bit weird. The first real conversation they have, he’s polite and nice and charming. I expected him to be a dick for like 150 pages at least.
Pages 50-100
I’m still really into it.
Yeah,Edward kinda ghosts her/gaslights her after the whole van incident, but with the benefit of hindsight,i kinda get it. It’s a wonder he didn’t pick up his entire family and moved to Alaska again. I also get her mood during that time and I've been there so i feel ya,Bella,it’s not your fault.
And yeah, Bella gets invited to the dance by three different guys and it’s all kinds of fan fic-y, but the fact she turns them down furthers my belief she’s wake up married to Edward in like a few years and realize she would rather be with Rosalie (a solid choice, might i add).
Edward’s really pushy, especially when it comes to the scene after she faints. like, let her go, you jerk, she can drive herself, but he’s more weird than he’s a jerk and i think that was intentional.
A big surprise was the line “what if i’m not the hero, what if i’m the bad guy?” which isn’t this super cheesy, extra dramatic sentence but a jokey joke told with a laugh. actually, that whole conversation in the cafeteria where she tries to guess what he is is gold and don’t try to tell me otherwise.
I’m reading her interests in him as less of a romantic thing, and more of frustration at his behavior,like she would still be fascinated by him if he wasn’t so hot because he’s just so weird (but being hot is definitely a plus).
Plot? What plot?
Still, while the flaws are there, i’m still enjoying it very much.
Pages 100-150
Is Stephanie Meyer into anime? Cuz she wrote a harem light novel,that’s what she did and that’s how i’ll read it from now on and have more fun doing it. (Might make a post elaborating on this further).
All this to say that we got to Jacob. Not gonna lie, I kinda forgot about him.  He seems like a nice kid and i’m glad Bella has some positive interaction. Team jacoj 4 life (jk,man,i was team jasper in high school which is in retrospect very weird of me). I know he becomes a friend-zoned dudebro later, but for now, he’s fine.
Meyer, lady, you’re winning me over as a half hearted defender of your work, but why are the girls so bitchy? Yeah,i know, bitchy girls exist in real life, especially in high schools,but girls are our friends and we need more positive female on female interactions. Just my personal preference, I guess.
Things are getting interesting. Bella’s dreaming weird dreams (just fyi, not a big fan of dream scenes in general), she’s googling like crazy  and we’re going to Port Angeles.
I never felt she has any sort of affection for Angela or Jessica who seem really nice and have done nothing wrong. Like loosen up Bella, give them a chance. I know, depression makes you into a bitch sometimes, but it would warm me up to her character if she was a little more affectionate with people around her.
That whole scene where she almost gets at best beaten up and mugged and at worst raped and killed is… not my favorite part of the whole thing. I get what Meyer needed to do, to have her be saved by Edward, but there must have been a better way to go about it. What do I know? I’m the queen of forced plot contrivances. I do like their conversation at the restaurant (again, why do we hate the female waitress, Steph?). I don’t know why, I expected Edward to be mad at Bella for what happened to her and he seems genuinely concerned and his anger feels… human. Some of his actions, however, do not.
He stalked her which is weird and creepy and I hate it. Don’t stalk people, Edward. most of us don’t like it. you’re lucky Bella’s a weirdo.
I kinda love how ok she’s with the whole vampire thing. she’s just “well, this kid i barely know told me a scary story, so i guess the guy from school is a vampire. it be like that sometimes.” my first assumption would be it’s all an elaborate prank to make fun of me (i have some deep seeded trust issues origins of which remain unknown). and he’s waaay to quick to confirm her suspicions. I think there’s an explanation in the part of midnight sun that got leaked, but that was like a century ago.
I would criticize her for being ride or die with Edward so fast, falling in love with him so quickly, but i exchanged like 5 sentences with a cute girl last night and a part of is ready to propose based on the artiness of her instagam, so who the eff am i to judge?
and i get why he’s fascinated with her. she’s the only one he can’t read.
why? i don’t think that question ever gets a good enough answer, but it’s a fictional story about a girl falling in love with a sparky vampire. i’m not here for complex science or detailed explanations.
he seems waaay too protective of her. She’s a big girl, Ed, she can take care of herself. It’s actually kinda annoying. i dislike how he treats like a child a lot of the time. he seems pretty condescending. also, if he broke her car, i’m taking back everything nice i said about him.
ok, let me finally address bella’s biggest character flaw, her clumsiness. i mean, i get why she has it but Meyer goes a bit too hard on it. i’m clumsy, i really am, full of bruises, always bumping into things, but Bella can’t walk 20 meters without tripping. i guess i’m just glad she becomes a vampire in the book four, otherwise the book five would have been about her struggles when she’s diagnosed with a stage four inoperable brain tumor that’s been mesing with her sense of balance and the whole things turns into a weird version of the fault in our starts.
if i were writing it i would focus on her trust issues and being unable to form real bonds with other people as her main flaw, maybe even use it to try and justify the whole thing with the mind Edward can’t read. Like, she’s too different in a way that makes her unable to connect even on a basic level, like that one Blue whale that sings at a different frequency than all the others. Idk,i write pulpy sci fi. but it’s easy to be a general after the battle.
we got to the two infamous lines:
how are you? 17. how long have you been 17?  is another line that’s more jokey than i though it would be, but also the most realistic piece of dialogue in this book. i would so ask the same thing.
About three things I was absolutely positive. First, this paragraph has been memed to death. Second, there was a part of me-and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that would know every word of it till the day i died. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in like with it.
Not gonna lie, the whole part where he goes around asking her questions he is legitimately interested in knowing the answers to is at the same time my kinkiest fantasy and my deepest fear. like, yaaas, daddy, get to know me on the personal level and don’t be turn off by the fact i’m a tabula rasa.
We got to the infamous meadow scene and Bella is sooo horny on main for that vampire stake it’s actually kinda funny. She gets so effing into it she faints. I fucking love this girl. Go get that adonis dick, Bella, you deserve it.
I don’t mind vampires sparkle.i mean,it’s lame and fanfic-y but in Bosnia we have the lampires so vampires are creatures with a high dose of plasticity. i don’t know why that was like the worst thing anyone has ever done to the vampires. They are kinda too strong and could use a real weakness tho.  
So the lion fell in love with the lamb is kind of another joke. Also, this is the skin of a killer is sadly just in the movie.
I do have the feeling he likes the project that he sees in Bella more than the real girl,but ok. Also stop nagging her. He watches her sleep. What a creep. I don’t know why, but the fact that he’s a vampire who doesn’t have to sleep makes it kinda less creepy for me. I don’t know why.
But “if i could dream at all i would be about you,” is the kind of ultracheese i can get behind. they are both such teenagers and i kinda looooove it.
Also non of the boys were her type is such a lesbian excuse. I feel ya Bella, i feel ya. I hope you discover your gayness after the end of breaking dawn.
We meet the cullens and every single one of them has a backstory like 528 times more interesting than Edward. i need novels about them, all of them ffs. it would be so cool. but, one of my favorite oc’s Errien Lark gets like 30 lines in the whole book so i can only be as harsh on Meyer as on myself (which is to say a lot. neither of us deserve these characters, honestly)
This book would have been more interesting if Bella fell in love in any other cullen. Like, Bella and Alice, Bella and jasper (Bella and Jasper and Alice. Sorry, i’m into solving love triangles with ot3s).Bella and Rosalie, Calilise, Esme, even Emmett, who i remember  as mike of the vampires, but it’s been a decade.
300 pages in and plot is yet to happen, but it’s ok. we have the vampire baseball next.
the last part.
get your hot takes! hot takes right here
I kinda like billy. He seems like a nice guy. Also billy/charlie as my new otp.
“The beautiful one,the godlike one.” Bella, you are such a teen.
The less fucks she has about him being an all powerful ancient creature of the night who can murder her in a heartbeat, the funnier it is. She is just soo casual about it. Comedy gold, i tell ya. i mean, this is actually part of the narrative, Edward comments on it, meyer knows what she wrote.
Ed,maybe is you stopped saying she smells good, you would be better at not thinking about her as food. Mind over matter. Just a thought. Maybe i misjudged his virgin ass. Maybe ed the incel actually fell in love with her. Or at least what he thinks is love since they’ve been dating for like two days (look who’s talking?the girl who reads any sign of affection as a statement of love and then gets disappointed).
“Emmett could never be compared to a gazelle”. That’s sexist steph. Emmett, honey, you are as gracious as you want to be.
Also a big yaaaas on the whole concept of vampire baseball. we needed more of it.
Plot! Plot! Plot! Plot! Plot!
We have encountered plot. Only 320 pages in. three bad vampires came into town.
Story time: when i was in high school, all like 20 of us in out class were really, really into twilight (dudes included). we quoted it all the time but the height of comedy happened when someone brought their friend from another school to out class and someone else was like “you brought a snack” and a meme was born to be quoted endlessly for months. it was actually kinda fun. and probably very annoying for anyone who wasn’t into twilight.
Also, any development? Backstory? Motivations other than for the hell of it for out boi James and his ginger girlfriend? come on, it wouldn’t even be that hard. Also, some foreshadowing? There was like one line before. This is a legitimate criticism. it’s kinda shitty writing and a wasted opportunity.
Edward is being a dick again. I get he’s scared but her dad could die. Or maybe they’ll trun him into a vampire too (charlie/Edward? Think about it). But they all call him out on it which is nice. Bella’s plan isn’t bad, but “let me go charlie” is the straight up coldest thing i have read in a long time. it’s supposed to be, this isn’t criticism, just stating the obvious. But she showed like an inclining of love for her dad who has been nothing but nice all this time. Yeeey, she’s not a robot.
“It was the best idea. Of course it was mine” . Yaas, queen, you’re not that much of a doormat;  take that credit.
i would do something to foreshadow the ballet studio thing in the first half of the book. at least, have Bella or Charlie looking at pictures from her recital, just to intricate it to the plot a bit more.
Ok, now i remember why i was team jasper. He is so effing nice. And he would be awesome for my depression. Neira/Alice/jasper, i ship it.
i’m kinda digging the explanations of how vampires work and the whole venom thing. They are still op af and need to be nerfed, but i wanna be one.
Of course, he used the mom. She’s like the only person bella actually cares about. She falls for it. i would probably fall too, but i’m dumb.
the fact that james hunted Alice is a nice and a very much needed twist. it did catch me of guard. i would be more mad he’s a bad guy monologing, but i can only introduce stones to my own glass houses.
Bella’s now more into the idea of being a vampire than into Edward and i’m living for it. she’s going to use him for his venom and a baby and run off with rosalie.
“and how many times did she fall our of a window?” (yes, that is a Sherlock reference in the year 2018 of our lord. maybe i should do that for my next project. should i wait a few more years?)
her mom is not worried enough, honestly. my mom would be freaking out. but my mom has anxiety issues, so idk… (i couldn’t get her smooth hairless legs, or her blue eyes but i got that gene. thanks, i guess) .
“And i have a couple of girlfriends” now that’s a novel i want to read but i guess i’ll have to write the lesbian twilight myself.
“I want to be superman too”. yeeees, finally, kristen steward in the role of superman casting of the century. you would all watch it and love it, and you know it.
Charlie doesn’t deserve this shit. when will he retire with his husband billy in their cabin where they can fish all day.
“Do you want me to bolt the door so you can massacre the unsuspecting townsfolk?“ Are we sure she hasn’t been a vampire from day one?
Jacob is a sweetie (for now) just putting that out there.
Edward is kinda being unreasonable. being a vampire in your universe isn’t that bad.
Aaaaw, and that’s a wrap.
i actually kinda digged it. it’s nothing special, but i read these last 150 pages in one sitting. my main issues are writing oriented. very little foreshadowing, many filter words and things like that, but i guess if you aren’t that into writing, you might not even notice more of that.
it’s not the death of literature, it’s not the worst love story ever told. it’s just a silly and mostly harmless wish fulfillment novel.
edward can be a controlling and condescending prick but he gets called out on it very often. it’s not like meyer is completely oblivious to what she’s writing. and even tho he’s 100, i guess they are all mostly stuck mentally at the age when they were turned. or at least that’s how it seems to me. bella is kind of a bitch to everyone who’s not a vampire and she’s never called out on it, there’s a glimpse of change in the epilogue, but i don’t think meyer really considered it a character flaw. which is a shame, as it could have made for an interesting character. all the vampires have stories i would rather read about, as i said before, but what can ya do? that’s what’s fanfics are for.
i may write more of cohesive thought on it when it settles in my brain, but first, i need to watch the movie. i have a hypothesis i need to test.
but i don’t regret doing this. it was kinda fun and now i’m no longer ashamed of my twihard phrase. i could have done worse, as far as teen phases go.
Someone should like write a fanfic, but Edward is not a vampire, but a rich guy. And he’s into some hard core spanky business. And they should take all the problematic elements and just crank them up to 11. And add a looot of sex. I bet they could make millions.
Tho, honestly, how can you read twilight and not make bella the kinky dom? you fundamentally misunderstood the story. for shame
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nitaescence · 5 years
The Howling Wolf | Part VII
↳ Pairing : Lycan!Taehyung x Human!OC ft. Vampire!Jimin & Human!Jungkook Genre : Mythicalcreatures!AU, Royal!AU | angst, smut, fluff Word Count : 3.3k ↳ Moodboards | story masterlist (unavailable because tumblr sucks) ↳ Warnings — Unprotected pregnancy sex
After the drop of temperatures, the pack began gathering some of their belongings.
Taehyung told you every winter they would migrate to what they called the citadel, their other living area, a place with stronger buildings which could keep them warm for that period of time but mainly because their prey sought warmer temperatures as well.
You were kindly offered the opportunity by the Alpha to spend the whole journey in a rustic coach given your new condition which had not fail to draw everyone’s attention.
The small wooden door suddenly opened after the coach came to a halt and when you looked to your left, you saw Taehyung peeking his head inside. You carefully moved closer to the opening where a soothing fresh breeze blew softly.
“Love,” he chirped, “how are you feeling in there?”
“What does it look like?” You huffed frowning and annoyed. “I feel hot and sweaty… I hate this.”
His lips curved in a crooked grin at your worked up pouting face. He opened the door a little more and the cool wind was not welcomed anymore.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I promise it’s not too far anymore now.” He said while squeezing your knee. “Tell me, if there’s anything I can do… To help you feel better?”
“Stay here. With me.” You prodded without thinking.
Taehyung’s eyes trailed upward to meet your as he licked his bottom lip and nudged it between his teeth, tempted. “I would. But I can’t. They need me out there.”
“I think they can survive a couple of minutes without you,” you groaned. “Please, I feel lonely in here.”
“I can bring the children with you... if you want.”
“No,” you shook your head like a stubborn child, “I want you.”
You had no idea what made you be in need of his presence right by your sides; when every circumstances lend themselves to, you would naturally stick to Taehyung’s sides and avoid your children at the same time; it was not coming from his marking but somewhere else — something else was triggering it.
When you used to seek Taehyung’s eyes on you, your hands on your body it truly was you looking for a mean to alleviate yourself purely out of self-interest. This time around, you were surrendering to needs and seeking for affection you knew were not coming from you.
You simply felt better in his presence.
“Alright, let me just- open this first.”
He manoeuvered the door, opening it entirely and climbed inside. You closed it behind him and quite violently pulled on the curtain to hide the the tiny square window.
“Hey, easy.” He chuckled as you shoved him on one of the two couches.
“I don’t want to go easy. I want you. Now.” You slurred and pulled, irritated, on your thick dress so as to straddle him. You instantly latched onto his lips hungrily, clinging onto his long hair at his nape. Taehyung grunted and gripped your hips.   
He smiled into the kiss, hugging you a little closer to him. You could not help the urge to grind yourself, the feeling of his swelling arousal unmistakably nudging your throbbing core.
His hands slid on the sides of your swollen belly, “______- We can’t be rough- the baby-”
“I’m fine. We’re fine. More than that.” You breathed heavily, annoyed he was not kissing you back anymore. “Just-”
Your pregnancy made you so sensitive, it did not take too long for you to totter, your edge already close. You could feel the coach rocking with your forceful rutting as you chased your lusted-after high while Taehyung made sure you were not hurting yourself in your haste.
Whimpers left you in broken, breathy gasps as you rode out your climax, pressing the lycan’s face into your breast.
“I need you,” you whined kissing him when you felt the fire inside fueling even more, not satiated. “Please- I want you inside me.”
“I don’t know if-”
“Please, Taehyung, please,” you pouted into the kiss while your hand was already reaching down between the two of you to free his thick shaft. He did not object any further and a grunted moan escaped him when you closed your hand tightly around it.
What frightened Taehyung the most was the danger of hurting you unintentionally, not that he would ever but having you that much excited and desiring him while pregnant with his child was messing dangerously with the wild beast lying dormant in him. 
He took care of removing your dress out of the way for you to be able to rub yourself against him and spread your arousal gathered at your clenching entrance.
You slowly pushed him inside you and your walls were already clenching hard. You sank further down until he bottomed you out and stilled.
His forehead was pressed against your neck and you heard him exhaling expletives as he felt you tightening unmercilessly around him. It had been several weeks since you gave yourselves over to carnal desire and he was filling you so snugly, he was thinking he could burst at any moment.
“______-,” Taehyung stammered. “I need- to go-” He hissed when the Alpha’s voice yelled to everyone to get back on the road again.  
You began moving on top of him again and you both gasped, the urgency of the situation sending even more shivers down your cores and bringing your orgasms closer.  
The coach quickly felt stuffy and sweat wettened your skin the more you tensed as you kissed and worked to reach your highs. He was starting to twitch and you tightened your fingers in his hair when he grazed your sweet spot, triggering pleasurable waves coursing your body.
Taehyung pushed up against you as you climaxed around him and he came inside you, keeping you rooted to him, eyes shut tight as he moaned out against your marked chest.
A loud shout was heard from the outside and you peeked your head through the window to look outside. Two heavy doors made in wood were pulled open and the procession walked inside. The coach was pulled in a vast courtyard which was surrounded with half-timbered buildings of average size, off-white walls crossed out with wide pieces of dark brown wood. The roofs were as white as the ground of the yard — both already covered underneath thick layers of snow.
You were adjusting your cape around your shoulders and head when the door of the coach opened.
Taehyung appeared, smiling and offered you his hand to help you down. You looked around you, watching as people busied themselves to move their belongings like clockwork.
“This way,” he announced, effortlessly carrying heavy bags on his back.
You followed him through a two-aisled corridor and up some stairs that led to the widest part of the buildings. The inside was well insulated and you were glad to remove the scratchy scarf from your neck.
Taehyung stopped in front a door and pushed it open, “Here we are.”
He let you in first and you immediately noticed the afternoon sun delicately bathing the room through the sash windows. A splendid and large canopy bed took up a lot of room, decorated with thin cream white veils bunched all around the length of the four bars. A square table with two chairs occupied the place right under the windows and a closed door was across the entrance.
“How do you like it?” Taehyung inquired as he walked away to put your belongings nearby the hickory wardrobe positioned a few meters from where you stood.
You walked further in and circled the bed until you faced him. Your hand brushed the sheets neatly tucked around the wide mattress and you slowly nodded.
Taehyung liked to spend much of his time with your children and it saddened him that you never were around when he shared precious times and memorable souvenirs and how much your son and daughter must have been lacking the love of their mother. But he never dared addressing you on the matter. He felt the happiest man on earth surrounded by the most beautiful children and your attention constantly drawn to him but he knew he could only feel fulfilled when he would get to see you interact with each other.
In the darkest hours of the night, while slowly recovering from the exertion, Taehyung was thoughtful.
Your head was comfortably lying on his arm, his hand was covering your belly possessively as he drew invisible patterns with the tip of his finger, his nose nuzzling your hair.
His voice disrupted the comfortable silence.
“______,” you hummed in response. “You do love our children, don’t you?”
You frowned, looking back at him confused.
He met your eyes and opened his mouth again but before he got the time to say anything, you were already getting up and walking away in the bathroom. He cursed himself for his choice of words and called your name but you suddenly closed the door behind you, hiding the tears brimming your eyes.
The creaking sound of the door opening instantly caught the attention of your children.
Big, curious eyes met yours as you timidly walked in. You gestured to the woman who was playing with them not to mind you as you chose to sit on one of the empty chairs.
They kept looking up at you from time to time, probably wondering about your unusual presence when they only got to spend their time with nurses, women who gladly accepted looking after them as some of them would never get the opportunity to have children of their own.
They slowly got used to you and after some time you stopped feeling like an intruder. You were unable to tear your eyes from them. They had grown so much in the span of a couple of months.
The woman stood up and went away, promising not to be long and you reluctantly let her go. Feeling uneasy about being left alone with them, you kept an eye out.
Your son lifted his hands in the air to grab onto the chair nearby him to stand up on his frail legs. He staggered, let go one of his hand and ended loosing his balance, hitting his forehead against the edge of the seat before he fell down on his back loudly, bumping the back of his head.
You gasped but remained rooted on your chair, unable to move as you watched him, his whaling slowly building up. Panicked stroke you as you did not know what to do. His sister looked down at him and then back up to watch you as you went to open the door. You looked around but the nurse was nowhere to be seen.
You turned back and bit you lip. You carefully crouched down to pick up your son whose face had turned into a flushed color. You slowly stood up and paced in the room as you coddled him against you. This felt unfamiliar but not odd, simply strange.
Rocking him in your arms, you noticed how weightless he was in your arms and even began to grow fond of the natural scent of his hair.
His crying ceased surprisingly quickly. The little boy seemed to enjoy feeling you against him, being in your embrace, recognizing your familiar, pleasant smell. You looked down at your daughter who was still looking up at you and smiled back when she offered you a toothy grin.
“No,no. Ignore it.” You pleaded with a frown, tugging on Taehyung’s hair and nipping softly at his bottom lip.
Taehyung chuckled quietly and smiled down at you, endeared.
He cupped your face and pecked your lips, “I’ll be quick.”
He kissed your forehead and swiftly climbed down the bed before striding to the door to answer the knocking. You reluctantly sat up and adjusted your clothes as a precaution.
When you looked up at him talking with someone behind the door, you watched as your son came into view, your husband holding him and his sister securely against his bare chest.
The boy turned his head to look around, his eyes instantly met yours and he instantly began whining and fussing in his father’s arms while stretching his tiny arms towards you.
Taehyung closed the door with the help of his foot and walked back to the bed, looking uncertain.
“What is it?” You asked looking up at him.
His knee dipped into the mattress as he slowly lowered himself to put your children down. “They were causing a lot of trouble and... probably missed us.”
Your son turned on his front, showing his will to crawl up to you but the thick covers hindered him and he whimpered again. You leant forward and gently pulled him towards you. The little boy ceased his whimpering and became calm again as he felt your warm touch he had missed all day ever since you had left him.
Taehyung’s eyes soften at the sight and he joined you under the covers, positioning your daughter in between you, content.
Your hand slowly slid up on the sheets that felt surprisingly cold underneath you touch. You frowned and opened your eyes. You blinked several times when you did not see anyone next to you. Panic awakened you.
“Taehyung, the chi-” You lifted yourself as quick as your belly allowed you to and looked around you, cutting yourself off when you noticed your family right next to you.   
“‘Morning love,” Taehyung smiled widely.
Your daughter was positioned across his lap for lack of seats as he fed her. Your son peered over the back of the chair he was sitting on when he heard his father talking to you, a little spoon held tightly in his tiny hand.
You exhaled and leaned back down on the mattress, you pulse still beating loudly in your ears. You closed your eyes and laid your arm above them, breathing deeply.
You felt the mattress dip in and soon you could smell Taehyung’s scent as he softly kissed the underside of your forearm and brushed his nose against it.
“How are you feeling?” He trailed quietly against your neck, caressing your swollen bump with his large, warm palm.
Eyes closed, you naturally nuzzled your face against his shoulder,“Uhm, fin- oh.”
Taehyung lifted himself and frowned at you, worried, “What is it? Did I hurt you?”
“You didn’t. It’s just…” You looked down at your belly and gently closed your hand around his, moving it across your distended skin again. Taehyung’s brows raised and his mouth parted in surprise when he felt the unexpected nudge underneath his palm.
“My belly feels itchy,” You whined, sitting down on bed.
“Hm?” Taehyung raised his brows looking at you, as he set down the strawberries you had been craving, and then at your bump. He walked to you and kneeled down in front of you, gently cupping your belly. “You want me to fetch you some something that’ll soothe you?”
“What could possibly ease it?” You groaned, running lightly your nails above your dress.
He raised onto his feet and kissed your forehead, “Wait for me. And stop scratching it.”
While waiting, you decided to pass some lukewarm water on your inflamed skin to help relieve it in the meantime while pinching in the bowl of fruits.
When Taehyung came back, you had slipped into a thin dress to cool yourself down. There were no more strawberries and you were still annoyed.
He walked around the bed in front of you and put down a plate filled with a yellowish liquid. He fetched the thick pillows to position them behind you so you could get comfortable with your legs dangling over the edge.
“What is this?” You asked, frowning at the small plate.
“Olive oil,” he replied as he bunched your dress in his hand and uncovered your legs and swollen belly. “And lavender. Lie back.”
You grabbed the dress to keep it from falling back and watched him as he coated his fingers in the oily mixture.
“Where does it itch?”
“Everywhere,” you huffed frowning, fighting against the urge to run your nails on your skin.
Taehyung’s smiled at your pouting lips and repeated, chuckling “everywhere? I’ll make sure not to miss any spots then.”
He gently ran his hand all over your belly and you closed your eyes, the discomfort quickly disappearing.
“Good?” You hummed and moved your hand to cover his gleaming fingers for them to concentrate on a particular zone. He applied more oil, eyes widening as he admired the purple striaes scaring your skin.
“Don’t be scared. You can go harder.” You mumbled looking down at him as your hands kept following his movements.
His eyes met yours as he released his bottom lip from in between his teeth, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t.” You assured with a smile and he kissed the top of your thigh.
You did not want to scratch your belly anymore but the position began to wear you out. Taehyung froze as you parted your legs a little more and he stared an instant at the heart of your femininity, completely bare to him.
“Tae…” You whined with your eyes closed when you did not feel his hands anymore.
He pulled himself together and resumed massaging you slowly. You unconsciously began to slide your palms up and down his fully coated hand as he leered you. He breathed deeply in as his way to get the upper hand over his needs and focus less on his swelling cock.
He did not have any control of over his gestures anymore as your hold on him tightened and slowly, you were bringing his fingers closer to your slick intimate entrance. The tip of his fingers grazed lightly your engorged bud and it was enough to tear a shaky gasp from you.
Taehyung slowly moved one of your legs to hook it over his shoulder and as you did not seem to complain he parted them a little more.
Gently sucking on the skin of your inner thigh and gently began tracing tight circles with his thumb over your clitoris. Soft moans escaped your mouth and your hands struggled to fist the sheets neatly tucked on around the mattress.    
Taehyung leant his face against your thigh, eyes fixing your swollen mound as he quickened the pace of his finger. He switched with his index and middle fingers, pressing them lightly above your bud and proceeded to rub it a little more quickly.
You moaned out the more he kept stimulating the sensitive area and clenched around nothing, oozing out even more.
Your legs were subtly trembling and he knew you were about to come. The muscles of your body were tightening hard and your mouth froze open, feeling your edge dangerously close.
Taehyung never faltered his pace until he could feel the quaver beneath his pads and your shaking thighs trying to snap close. Your moans suddenly died in the air as he sent you into a dizzying orgasm. Choked gasp were torn from your throat when you felt him sliding in two fingers and instantly thrusting them relentlessly.
You tried to call out his name, jerking your legs around him but Taehyung quickly shifted to slide an arm behind your hips and prevent you from shying away as he battered your sensitive spots.
As he was kneeling on the bed, you were able to claw his shirt helplessly and he could reach your mark, licking and suckling on it. The scar was as sensitive as your throbbing core and with the excess of stimulation another climax stroke your body with hot waves of deep pleasure, freezing you in time.
Taehyung slowed the pace of his fingers between your legs but did not stop as more of your essence splattered his arm, soaking the sheets and the floor.
Your swollen breast heaved rapidly up and down as you gradually came down your high. You watched him, spent, as he smiled down at you and leant down to kiss your lips lovingly.
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occultcuriosity · 4 years
* getting  to  know  the  mun :
name :  Sam nickname :  Herb or Jerky usually but that’s typically because people only know my account name. I don’t have any ‘pet names’. faceclaim :  If I ever try to draw myself in a dumb silly style, that’ll probably be it. pronouns : He/Him height :  6′3 birthday : August 10 aesthetic :  Don’t know about a ‘personal aesthetic’, but I sure do love motifs and music aesthetic. Dark Sci-Fi is one of my favourite styles. last  song  you  listened  to : Project Zomboid - "34″ favorite  muse (s)  you’ve  written : To enjoy writing, it’s probably Klauvis when he’s gone full Science. As for muse I’m more attached to, it would be Sirus. My special arson boy.
* getting  to  know  the  account :
what  inspired  you  to  take  on  this  muse :  I started RPing when I was 11, playing Garry’s Mod HL2RP. I wasn’t very good at it, but we’re all a bit shit in our own special ways. I’ve been doing creative writing ever since, and I’m planning on taking up a specialization in script writing when I go to University next year for a Games Design course.
I have a few muses, so I’ll list what inspired me for each.
David @collectivecasualty: David was literally spawned from a random visual concept I had in my head a long time ago when starting a thread with someone. I was too nervous to devote myself to making a full RP blog and was still an awkward little shit, so I had this weird way of RPing with people via submissions and I’m glad they put up with me, or I probably wouldn’t be RPing properly nowadays. David was basically just a vague concept for a ghost, and I literally thought up the hivemind part midway through writing a reply. He’s basically evolved from there via muse interactions once I actually made a blog. He is the definition of winging it, because I had absolutely no plans for him.
Danny @goldheartedrobotics (yes he’s still there): Danny is basically my childhood muse. I came up with him well before David when I was about 14, and WAY too into FNAF. I’m aware he’s not incredibly original - he was much less so back when I first made him. But me meant too much to me for me to scrap him once I grew out of FNAF, so I decided to try and remake him. He’s still not a perfect character and has a lot of that FNAF fan OC left in him (especially his design), but he’s still my little boy and he’s made me happy in times when very little else did.
Klauvis: Klauvis comes from an old idea for a webcomic me and a friend had. It’s about an Underworld that’s basically one giant city which is a corporatocracy, and four corporations own everything. We still develop and talk about it to this day, but Klauvis is the epicentre of the whole thing. He was originally a fusion of David and one of my friend’s characters (hence the design similarities), but we got so attached to him as a separate character that we created Klauvis, and the universe developed from there. He’s technically co-owned, as is that whole universe, but my friend doesn’t use Tumblr anymore so I just RP him on here.
Sirus @antagonistic-arsonist: Sirus basically took over my brain about a year ago. I used to DM these very hodge-podge D&D games on Roll20, and I had no idea what I was doing but I loved creating all these characters and lore and stories. Sirus is a pretty central character in the main D&D universe I have, and I basically made him one day and got extremely attached. Now, he’s almost all I draw and the only character I really have consistent motivation for. I’m not complaining though, I love him.
what  are  your  favorite  aspects  of  your  current  muse :I For ‘current muse’, I’ll answer for two because there’s both Klauvis who I reblogged this to, and Sirus who I would more consider my ‘current muse’.
Klauvis: I love how silly he is. I love writing his unique blend of ‘illogically logical’ and all the dumb stuff he does, but also how there is that underlying actually emotional aspect to him that I’m so glad I got to actually express (thank you @littlexbluexflame). Even though I may not have all the motivation for it, I can’t lie that Klauvis is my favourite muse to write.
Sirus @antagonistic-arsonist: Plain and simple, I like writing asshole characters. I love writing snark. I love roasting people. Sirus is a canvas for me to project my edge, but there is (similarly to Klauvis) a whole underlying element to Sirus in his being possessed and having his personality effectively muffled and directed by the entity inside him. I know he’s VERY edgy, and I do try to play it off as fake edge where he’s just taking himself way too seriously, but I flat out think Sirus is just cool.
what’s  your  biggest  inspiration  when  it  comes  to  writing : Hard to say right now seeing as my inspiration has kinda fallen into a big hole, but one of my biggest inspirations and joys of RPing is seeing how other characters might react to certain things, and the stories that certain scenarios or reactions might create. Obviously it’s not all about getting reactions, I am genuinely here to create fun interactions with characters, but I gotta admit I’m a DM/Games Designer at heart, I thrive on seeing what people think of my stuff, and I get a lot more joy out of reading a reply than writing one.
favorite  types  of  threads : While I don’t typically go for the big emotional, dramatic threads, I certainly still enjoy them. Personally though, I feel I’m a lot simpler in that I love writing cool sitations or scenarios. Obviously the character depths compliment that and I have no problem with two characters simply talking it out, but if I was forced to choose, I would pick an action-y, exciting thread over a slow, emotional one.
biggest  struggle  in  regards  to  your  current  muse : Same as before, gonna split it in two for the definition of ‘current muse’.
Klauvis: While I love writing all his aggressive curiosity and silly science stuff, that’s in part why I sometimes struggle with him, or thinking of plot ideas for him. He’s very singularly minded a lot of the time, and while I can certainly think of a thousand different things he could be doing, sometimes it’s hard to work those in with other characters, and in the event a character is notably ‘unique’, it’s hard to honestly justify Klauvis not just attempting to kidnap and aggressively Do Science on them out of his overwhelming curiosity. He’s obsessed with his scientific pursuits to the point it’s hard to get him to do other stuff realistically.
Sirus @antagonistic-arsonist: Sirus is an asshole. It’s literally in his blog name. He is molded to be hostile to almost anyone and everyone, and while that might open up a lot of room for snarky remarks, witty comebacks and general dickery, it also makes getting him to interact with anyone a pain because he is designed to be unlikeable in many aspects. If someone was able to actually befriend Sirus, that would probably be my FAVOURITE thread ever because it would allow me to do all the cool stuff I love doing with Sirus without the weight of him having to be so hostile to everyone. I want someone to break the mold of hostility with him and actually become the closest thing to friends someone can with him, because I think it could make for a really interesting relationship.
tagged by: @littlexbluexflame​​
tagging: Y’all (jus do it)
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the-borhap-boys · 6 years
Bruises Fade: Chapter three
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Slow Burn Ben!Roger TaylorX OC
Summary: Amelia Mcallen, an old friend of Freddie Mercury’s tries to fit in with his friends while still living her own life. Her only issue. One blond asshole
Warnings: Language
Word count: 2556
Note: i hated this chapter but hopefully the next one will have lots more fluff 
“Ok, Bri, can you try that again?” Freddie asked for the fifth time that night.
Brian began the guitar solo from inside the mixing room as Freddie hunched over the mixing board in the studio.
“Mils, you can get it this time,” John said as he prepared to toss a jelly baby into her mouth.
He threw and missed. The candy hit her nose and bounced on the floor at Rogers feet. He rolled his eyes and continued playing with the hair of the girl in his lap.
“You need to open your mouth more!” John laughed as he threw another one, not even trying to get it into her mouth. The candy smacked her in the forehead and she wrinkled her nose in surprise.
“It’s not my fault you have terrible aim,” Millie giggled as she picked the candy off her shirt and popped it into her mouth. She pulled her own jelly candy out of her bag and poised her arm to throw It toward John.
“Can you two be mature for two seconds,” Roger groaned. Millie’s eyes widened exaggeratedly as she scoffed.
“That is rich coming from mister immature.”
He glared at her before turning back to his girl and whispering into her ear. Her fingers traced along the collar of his shirt down to the tip of his necklace and he closed his eyes in contentment.
“Deaky, you think he’s going to cum from being tickled?”
Roger kept his eyes closed and lifted a single middle finger towards her. She ignored him, throwing another candy in the air and catching it in her mouth.
“Did you see that! I am the champion of food catching!” she crowed, throwing her feet into the air so she laid upside down on the couch.
“Children, can we have a little quite? I am trying to hear,” Freddie groaned. Millie jumped up and wrapped her arms around his torso, smiling up at him.
“Sorry Fred, ill be better,” she giggled.
The glass of wine she had earlier buzzed in her bloodstream and all her limbs seemed to tingle as she fell back on the couch. She buried her head back in the book she had been studying, trying not to upset her favorite person again. The fear of being expelled from her favorite place was so strong she would have done anything Freddie asked.  
“So, if we make this bit louder and change the drums here then Brian can come in after that. What do you think Bri?”
“lets try it and we can see,”
Brian stepped back inside the mixing room, accidentally slamming the door behind him. The noise roused Millie from her half asleep state.
She groaned and stretched, looking almost feline as she climbed up off the couch. She began to gather her books up off the floor and the couch. A few were scattered at Roger and his latest girlfriends feet and as she bent to pick them up she made a gagging face towards John. He let a chuckle slip out and Millie smiled in triumph as she stuffed papers into her bag.
“Alright my boys, I should probably head out,” she said as she grabbed a handful of highlighters off the couch.
Freddie whirled around from the mixing board and glared at her accusingly.
“Millie, darling, you’re our good luck charm,” he whined. “We need you for this song,”
Roger whispered something to his girlfriend’s ear, making her burst into giggles as she fell into his chest.
Ever since the night that Millie spent at Freddie and Roger’s flat Louis was never brought up and Roger never treated her the way he used to. He had a new girl every week and he seemed to enjoy torturing entertaining them by hurting Millie. Millie felt she had ruined the small chance at friendship they would ever have and she wasn’t going to try again now.
“I can be the good luck charm,” Rogers girl giggled.
John rolled his eyes exaggeratedly forcing Millie to clasp a hand over her mouth.
“See, you don’t need me after all.” She said with a smirk as Roger glared between her and John.  “Anyways I need to get home, I’m sure Louis is just worried sick,”
At the mention of his name Roger tensed up and bit his bottom lip harshly. He’d only seen Louis a few times since that night but it had taken everything in him to not bash his face in.
“Also, I have work at 5:30 tomorrow morning. We can’t all be rockstars and stay up all night recording and drinking,” she said gesturing to the many beer bottles scattered around the room. Freddie pushed himself off the recording table and stepped towards her.
“Quit it. Help us. You can be our assistant,” he said simply. “We need you around Mils, you make us better,” John nodded his head vigorously and Brian peeped his head out of the studio to hear what was going on.
“Why have we stopped?” he questioned.
“We’re trying to convince Millie we need her as our assistant. Wouldn’t she be wonderful?” John asked as he threw his arm over Millie’s shoulder.
“She would be wonderful but doesn’t she have a job at that coffee place?”
She extracted herself from John’s arm and continued organizing papers and placing them in her binder.
“I’m glad we have one voice of reason in this whole dumb band. And that coffee place is called Jojo’s Joe, thank you very much,”
Brian grimaced at her rebuke and stepped back into the live room, closing the door slowly behind him.
“ah yes, Jojo’s Joe, where they serve only the finest brew with the absolute finest ladies,” Roger chuckled snarkily sending his blonde friend into a fit of giggles.
Millie screwed her eyes shut at the grating noise. She finished shoving everything into her bag and scanned the floor looking for where she kicked her shoes off. One shoe was sitting behind Rogers chair and the other was directly in between his legs. She sighed heavily and dropped her bag on the floor with a thud.
“Roger, could you pass me my shoes? They’re right beside you,” He glanced around the girl in his lap, spotting the heels. He lifted them by the straps, holding them at eye level.
“These shoes? Do you want them?”
“Just toss em over,” she said nonchalantly. A smirk blossomed across his face as the shoes swayed back in forth in his fingers.
“Come and get them,”
Millie rolled her eyes and stomped over to the man  to snatch them out of his hands. Just before she grabbed them, he yanked them out of her reach. He shoved the girl in his lap off and jumped to his feet, laughing.
Roger was not very tall but right then Millie was cursing her own damn shortness as he held the heels just out of her reach.
“Come on little thing, jump for them. Jump,” he teased as he bounced up and down on the balls of his feet. A smile played across her lips as she jumped, her fingers just brushing the bottoms of the heels.
“Roger, give Millie her shoes. We don’t want her to be late,” John said with a slight chuckle. Rogers disgruntled friend huffed from her new place on the couch and crossed her arms as she watched the blonde man teasing the petite girl.
“Give them back to her Roger. Don’t tease her like that,” his friend said almost sweetly. “I mean look at the way she looks at you. You’re only giving her false hope,”
When Roger heard her his hand dropped down a few inches and Millie snatched the shoes away. The rest of the room went silent in shock as Millie gritted her teeth in anger. She wobbled furiously as she pulled them on one by one.
“Shut the fuck up before we find someone to replace you,” Millie hissed viciously to the girl on the couch.
Her tone changed instantly as she turned to talk to her boys. “Goodbye Freddie, tell Mary we need to get together soon. Bye Deaky. Tell Brian I said bye,”
As she stormed out the door Rogers friend tried to crawl back in his lap but he pushed her away, standing up and pacing across the room.
“Great job wanker,” John muttered.
“It wasn’t my fault!” he whined whirling around. “blame her,” he pointed at the girl who was now understanding the mistake she had made.
“I believe it is time for you to leave and don’t worry about coming back,” Freddie said calmly staring down at the girl.
Her face twisted into an exaggerated pout and she batted her eyes slowly.
“Rog, I don’t have to leave do I,” she whined.
He ran his fingers through his hair roughly, rolling his eyes.
“Just get out,”
She whined and pouted the entire time she gathered her coat and bag but finally slipped out the door.
“Damn Rog, can you not spend one minute with Millie without fucking it up?” Freddie questioned.
“I don’t want to talk about this and if you bring it up again I’m walking out right now.”
They continued recording the rest of the day but Roger spent most of it in oddly silent contemplation. He couldn’t believe he had screwed up again.
He reviewed the last few interactions they had had and every single one ended with her getting pissy and storming off because he was being an asshole. Why did she have to have such a temper? Maybe they could get along if she didn’t blow up at every thing he said. That’s it she needed to stop getting so angry and also to stop wearing those god damn sundresses. He hated those stupid fucking sundresses. He liked them on other girls but whenever she showed up wearing one it just pissed him off. Yes, she needs to control her temper and stop wearing the sundresses then they could get along.
“Millie, I’m serious. Quit here. We’ll hire you,” Freddie begged, leaning over the counter at the café.
“Fred, you just released your first album you don’t have enough money to pay me,” Millie countered, wiping off the glass case that held stale scones and muffins.
“would you rather be happy or have money?”
She rolled her eyes and began restocking the case with fresh baked goods. Her mind raced thinking of her answer.
Obviously, she wanted to be happy but what would Louis do if she quit. She basically supported him as he finished med school and she knew he would be understandably angry if she didn’t have a paying job.
“I’m not quitting. Now are you going to order something?” a edge of anger sliced through her voice as she kept her eyes on the dirty rag in her hand.
Freddie reached his hand across the case separating them and tapped her chin gently forcing her to look up at him. His eyes searched across her face looking for the answer he wanted.
“We love you Millie. You know you’re our girl no matter what,”
She turned away from him slowly, her hands shaking frantically.
“I’m going back to the studio. Are you coming tonight?” he questioned
She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment before exhaling heavily.
“maybe, I’ll talk to Louis and see if he wants me too,”
“We love you Darling, we really do,”
He waited a moment hoping for a response but he finally stepped away from the counter and she breathed a sigh of relief, throwing herself into her work.
The morning passed quickly as she sold burnt baked goods and scalding hot cups of coffee and tea. As she pulled off her hot pink apron and punched her time card her manager called her into his office. She stepped inside slowly, wringing her hands together.
“Amelia, we really love you around here. You are such a hard worker but if that man comes in here again, distracting you, you may not have a job here much longer,”
She blinked slowly in confusion and clenched the armrests of the chair she was perched on. The simpering smile stretched across his face wavered when she didn’t answer and he leaned forwards a bit, hoping to prompt something from her.
“Freddie bought food,” she said shortly, clipping each word.
“Yes, but we don’t need someone hanging off the counter, especially not someone who looks like him,”
“What is that supposed to mean? Someone who looks like him?”
“Amelia, don’t play dumb. You know what that means. He might scare off customers,” his hands reached over the desk, attempting to pat her arm. She yanked back and stood up quickly. Her chair toppled backwards, slamming into the floor with a crash.
“I quit,”
“Sweetheart, don’t get all fired up because of one little comment. We need you here.” She whirled around her hair flying out of her bun as she stormed to the door. His footsteps followed close behind her but she tried to block him out as her shoulders rose to her ears. He slapped her butt, smirking widely. “That cute little ass brings in all the men,”
Her face mirrored complete disgust as she stopped and turned back to look at him.
“I quit you bastard,”
The door slammed loudly behind her, echoing in her ears as she stepped onto the grey street. She had no idea where to go she just knew she needed to walk long and far. The world swam in front of her as she stumbled farther and farther down the London streets. Her brain spun in circles.
Louis is going to kill me. I have to find a job. He’s going to kill me. Why did I quit? It wasn’t even that bad. When I get home I have to leave. He is going to kill me. I have to say goodbye to Freddie. Freddie. That’s why I quit. He insulted Freddie. I should go back and bash that bastards face in. Louis Is going to bash my face in. I need to go buy new makeup. Better concealer, that’s what I need, better concealer and foundation.
Her head pounded and she was tripping over every crack in the sidewalk. When she spotted a phone booth her foot steps quickened, hoping to get some relief from the rain. She pressed her face against the cool glass of the box and shut the door behind her. As she stared at the phone a million numbers flitted through her brain. Finally she picked up the phone and dialed.
“Freddie, can you pick me up,” she whimpered.
“Millie? Where are you darling? What happened? What’s going on?” he asked frantically.
“Is that Millie? Where is she?” She heard Brian’s voice muffled through the speaker.
“obviously he doesn’t know yet, you imbecile,” Roger piped up.
“Shut up you two. Millie, where are you?” Freddie questioned.
She tried to catch her breath and glanced out the windows of the booth.
“On the corner of Davenham and Church. Get here soon please. I’m cold,”
“We’ll be there as soon as we can. Don’t move, yeah?”
She nodded distractedly before nearly hanging up the phone.
“Wait Freddie,”
“Yes, love”
“I quit,”
She slammed the phone down on the hook, unable to wait for his response. As she stepped out of the booth her shoulders curled inwards and she clenched her fists tightly.
Her head rested in her hands, her hair falling as a curtain in front of her face. A few tears dripped down her cheeks and she sniffled slowly waiting for Freddie to come.
“Darling! What are you doing in the rain?”
She sat up quickly, and stared pitifully at him. Mascara dripped down her cheeks and her lipstick had been smeared from wiping her face. Water pooled on her skirt and as she stood up, rivulets traveled down her bare legs, sending shivers up her spine.
“You told me not to move,”
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Tags: @shutup-sorry
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stichd-a-blog · 6 years
Hey so!! I said I was gonna do something special && here it is!! 
I got a BULK of my followers around last week during the whole ‘appreciation promo thing’ people were doing. But because I had like 30 followers && knew none of them at the time, I couldn’t jump onto the bandwagon.
I was going to wait for 100 followers, but then i realize it may come off as just forced if i do that?? && I’m so close to 100 anyways I felt it would be better to have a small appreciation post now rather than later!! because I want to give back, what so many gave to me && without most of my followers, I wouldn’t even have an active blog rn??
So I’m gonna tag a few of my faves/the people who’ve given me && stitches their patience. But please know, that if you’re not on this post, it doesn’t mean we’re not friends, or can’t BE friends. I welcome everyone to interact w/ me with open arms, even though my muse is like . . . super small && not known, anything is possible && we can always make something work!!
here are small blurbs for some of the people i love!!
@cartoonlonk. My god, i think you know why you’re on here Goo. tbh i was afraid i was gonna come off as weird to you?? but I ABSOLUTELY love the shit we come up w/ through discord. && without all the stuff we SCREAM at each other, Stitches wouldn’t have acquired his mobile paper shredder to get rid of all the incriminating paper work he doesn’t want to deal w/ — plus your boi sharing his plush w/ my boi?? good shit.
@thehopcful. anyone who isn’t following this gem, please do?? Pinks OC is an ABSOLUTE precious bean. not to mention, Pink is also a precious bean && I love when we just throw ideas @ each other. I’m so glad to have followed you, because if i hadn’t, Stitches wouldn’t have him self a second personal assistant && lbr he needs like 50 of those to function . . . . I enjoy our chats && just the random hcs we throw down, all around a good time!!
@drcamiipriince.  hhh h h hH HH H LOOK AT OUR BROKEN BOIS?? not to mention your dreamburt is a gem — maybe perhaps DREAMY?? ANYWAYS i absolutely love the little things we keep doing, its amazing && i think both our muses benefit from it— Stitches lowkey concerned for the pillow now, he’ll probably protecc if anything ever goes wrong. . . . but like?? I see alot of potential w/ these two!! ALSO just mutual to mutual i love reading your hcs for dreambert, you really do a gr8 job at playing him!! I’m glad I stumbled across you through all the appreciation posts!!
@planetruled. You’re a meme. Honestly tho, when you dropped into my stream the other day, I absolutely LOVED how you were just like ‘we gonna see dat boi soon??’ because honestly it was a big mood for me && I was RUSHING through that whole level just to show him to you LOL. I love our little interaction between  Comoestas && Stitches because they’re just being two salty evil dudes being salty @ eachother. I loom forward to them having a bro moment tbh?? I feel it.
@sternenteile. Okay so first off, LOVE your Geno, I don’t think I’ve said it yet, but I honestly do. We haven’t chatted much other than the tags from our rp, as well as small replies here && there. But?? I love LOVE how Geno deals with Stitches && sorta just, uses fire to play w/ fire to try && get a rise out of him— but not in a malicious way.  I look forward to more interactions between these two, I know they might not seem like that have a lot to work with at the moment, but I see a lot of potential in the future!!
@monsterbane. We’ve talked . . .  ALOT. our first ic interaction last night— wasn’t even serious, but I love these two already. They’re GOOFBALLS && I’ll enjoy any interaction between them. Just don’t expect Stitches to down a Rathalos or anything during a hunt, he’ll probably just watch from afar  . . . or write down another half-assed quest so he can have one of those for his castle as well. 
Just remember, if i didn’t write a blurb about you, it doesn’t mean I don’t love you, there are still so many blogs I appreciate— sometimes from afar because I am afraid. But i’m still gonna mention ya’ll anyways because today is blog appreciation (i’m declaring its such a day— don’t @ me)
@juzhuu . @topazwarped , @nightmareoverlord , @puffywarrior, @undeadrphub, @dcfctio, @ganondorfthedarklord, @birds-multimuse, @allnostalgic, @pseudogaiety, @laslow, @gwaitm, @commandingxmask, @pinedecode, @gyrcid, @burstbombbitch, @sangfear, @bonepranks, @cosmcther, @greendreambro, @heroesofunderdark, @origcmibird, @envyfallen, @soulhaine, @fleursouverain, @umbracute, @skeletations
 BASICALLY all above are people i’ve interacted with a little— or not at all && just watch from afar lol, if any of you ever want to do anything, please let me know, like before, I welcome everyone to interact w/ me with open arms!!
Thanks again to EVERYONE who has been super supportive of me && my muse. Like I've said countless times before, its hard to be a character from something not many know about, it takes a lot of patience on both ends; all of you have shown me that you WANT to learn more about Stitches && i couldn’t even ask for anything more than that!! i’m glad I've done enough to make people interested in Underhero && I’m glad people love Stitches.
                                                 Thanks again!! 
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