#so glad I chose him for the FC of my baby
ssolessurvivor · 1 year
just when I worry I don't have enough content for Logan fc post wise, I stumble upon another blog of edits and like 10 more things XD
this man is fine, and I'm clearly delirious and tired. goodnight!
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Could I request something with Liebgott where you’re going through a tough pregnancy and how you deal with it together please
Author’s Note: Ohohoho- This request right here has me imagining things, like oh my gosh I was so hyped to write this. But oh dear, I’m actually... Really not sure about this one???? Idk why- I still hope you enjoy, lovely anon!
Words: 5.0k (eye-)
Disclaimers: Swearingggg also I made it Modern!AU because I feel like it’s easier to write than pregnancy in the mid-to-late 40s. There’s also just the teenist hint of angst so yeah-
Description: As happy as you and Joe were when you found out you were pregnant, you knew it was going to be difficult--who were you kidding? With stress high enough, one day the two of you broke out into an argument. However in the end, you and Joe knew that no matter what--the both of you will get through this together.
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Taglist:  @deldontplay​, @thatsonefishyboi​,@noneofurbusinez​, @meteora-fc​, @gutsandgloryhere​, @hihosilvers​, @rayleighshughes​, @floydtab​, @wexhappyxfew​, @sherlollydramoine​, @meganthesunflower​, @3milesup​, @jamie506101​, @sunflowerchuck​, @softlieb​, @k-websters​, @punkgeekchic​, @speirs-crazy-ass​, @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant​, @runtdrummer​, @fromtheoldtimes​​, @liebegott​
The powerful rush of glee and joy washing over you that one fateful day was unforgettable, to say the least. Holding the pregnancy test in your fingers brought a certain kind of happiness to your whole entire being. 
You and Joe had always wanted children, with your husband going on his cute rambles about how he wants to spend the rest of his life with you--with a few or more children along the way. The both of you always seemed to talk about the aspect of having children, it excited you to whole other levels and seeing Joe’s warm brown eyes light up would make it all worth it. 
He would always grasp your hands in his, his mouth running a thousand miles a minute when the topic of children came up. The small action bringing a genuine smile across your face as you two discuss more about what it’d be like. The name, whether it’d be a boy or a girl, the new room, clothing, and oh so much more. 
Your mind was always buzzing during those moments, scene after scene of your new life flashed between your head before a new one replaced the previous one.
Of course you noticed signs, like your period not coming up or tiny bits of nausea here and there. It’d been two and a half weeks since you and Joe had done things in the bedroom and when the signs kept on happening you called your mom. Every time you said another one of the things happening to you, the first thing that came to her mind was pregnancy. 
Your mom instantly gave you all sorts of advice, telling you the do’s and don’ts--which you immediately took note of. With the call now ended, you decided to head over to a pharmacy and buy a few different brands of tests.
So when you peered at the test in the restroom, turning it over with your dainty fingers shaking slightly--you were more than antsy for the result. The anticipation was real and you debated on taking your time or immediately looking at the test to figure out the results faster. Not willing to wait, you chose the latter and you were instantly glad that you did. How two lines changed your life, the idea of it was thrilling. Something so ordinary when taken into the right circumstances truly can be remarkable. 
Your hands were shaking uncontrollably from excitement. They almost threatened to drop the test you held carefully in your fingers and you raised two of your hands to hold it in your grasp. You then tighten your grip on it, your bright (E/C) widening larger than you can ever imagine. 
Sitting there for what felt like forever, you brought your right hand to cover your mouth from squealing loudly because of sheer and utter thrill and happiness. You found yourself doing a little sort of dance of celebration, positive pregnancy test still in hand.
Ecstatic, you rushed to make yourself presentable and got up. You felt like you could’ve almost broke down the wooden bathroom door when you swiftly tried to get to your husband.
Attempting to not trip over your feet as you quickly padded over the hardwood floor of your spacious home, you found Joe in the dining room, tinkering with a few knick-knacks he found in a nearby store. With your breath hitching as you trailed your gaze over your husband’s features and admiring him, you almost forget the test you held in your hand. It was only when Joe cleared his throat did you remember.
“Do ya need anythin’, darlin’?”
His signature voice and accent snapping you out of your stupor and you nodded your head in response. To say Joe was curious about why you seemed to be speeding trying to get with him was an understatement. He noticed how you were out of breath and how you were clutching something in your hands, however it was obscured by the angle. He leaned to the side to try to catch a glimpse of what it is, but to no avail. 
He stood up to walk towards you and as the wooden chair screeched on the floor but with the first step that he took he was stopped by your voice.
“I’m pregnant! I’m pregnant, Joe, we’re having a baby.”
Those words hit him like a dozen trucks, but in a very good way. Slowly his gaping jaw and mouth bloomed into a wide grin and he bounced towards you like no tomorrow, his arms hooking around your arms to spin you in a circle. Giggles erupted from your mouth as he gently put you down and you brought your hand up to show him the positive test.
With his warm honey eyes widening and his smile only getting bigger by the second. His orbs seemed to yell ‘we did it, we’re having a baby, I can’t wait to spend my life with you two!’ and you could see his brown hair bouncing with each energetic step he took around the area. The strands falling around his face, framing it perfectly.
“(Y/N)--Holy shit, can you imagine? We’re goin’ to be parents!” He had excitedly said, his hands running through his full head of hair, that beautiful beam of his never leaving his lips for even a second. 
He could’ve bursted through the roof by this point, Joe really was excited and thrilled about the idea of having a family with you.
“I’m goin’ to be a dad,” pointing at himself then grasping your shoulders to land a swift kiss on your cheek, “and you’re goin’ to be a mom!”
“Yeah, Joe, that’s generally how it works.” You teasingly said, the test still clenched between your hand. You slightly chuckled but he just gave you a cheeky grin in return.
Your husband was just so pumped on adrenaline and internally squealing to mash together a clever remark like usual. You offered the test to him, and he took it up with eager fingers, and straight away he ogled the two lines displayed there. His beautiful brown eyes glancing between the test and your bright face. 
You began, your eyes glancing at your stomach, “I just can’t believ-”
“That we’re finally going to be parents? Me neither.” 
Your husband remarked, completing the sentence for you. He gingerly placed the test on the dining room table, the hollow clack of it echoing in the room.
You nodded enthusiastically, you felt tears of joy welling up in your (E/C) eyes and Joe walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist so he could pull you closer. Separating for a while, the two of you looked at your belly, the possibility of a newer and better future inside of you. It hit a chord within your being, how you were now responsible for the life of another. 
Pushing the thoughts away, you gazed up and stood on your tippy-toes to press a kiss on your husbands lips as you pulled away, Joe snapped his hands to bring your lips to his again. Melting into his hold, you could feel his hand grasping your head cautiously. The sunlight is filtering through the open curtains, giving the room an umber glow. 
This was exactly how you pictured you breaking the news to Joe would look like. And you treasured this moment, keeping it snug in your mind to look back upon. Closing your eyes, Joe rested his hand on your abdomen and you raised your hand to lay it over his.
The first trimester of your pregnancy was a living hell. Of course you knew about the symptoms and all, your mom or any of your friends wouldn’t stop talking about it. Even when you weren’t experiencing it yet, the stories the people around you recalled gave you overwhelming amounts of anxiety. 
So you did as much research, putting in many hours to look at websites and read books about what will happen during pregnancy--but nothing really did anything to prepare you when they actually occurred.
There was the morning sickness and despite its name, it happened all throughout the day. Either you’d wake up feeling like your head was banged with rocks and pans or you’d go to bed feeling your stomach was going to burst open. It was disorienting and the world kept on spinning you even though when it was in fact still. Waves of dizziness would hit you and Joe would find you heaving everything in your system into the toilet bowl.
Whether it’d be 2 A.M., in the morning or afternoon, or in the late evening--you found yourself kneeling on the cool tile floors as Joe soothingly ran his hand up and down your feverish back. The sickness continued for days on end and on the occasions you didn’t throw up or feel incredibly dizzy, you’d just lay in bed all day--thankful for finally having a break. 
Joe was always there to comfort you and when your cravings hit the roof, he’d always try his best to comfort you and provide you with anything you needed. Every single time, Joe made you happy and you made him too in return. Relishing in the loving moments you shared together, the tough symptoms of pregnancy seemed to be a bit easier to handle when he was around. It was like the heavy baggage on your back was lightened, and it all became more bearable.
You also had to go to the restroom more and more, and you’d stumble in the dead of night heading there. Mood swings were another key factor of making you grouchy, first you’d be happy and with a snap you’d be crying or frustrated. You were easily annoyed then when you’d lash out at Joe, you’d immediately apologize profusely. 
Joe reassured you that it was always alright, and the two of you would put it in the past. Of course Joe understood and never took your statements personally, but he too snapped one day. 
Rolling your eyes that one time didn’t help that moment. Joe had just come back from work, an exasperated sigh leaving his mouth as he frustratedly ran his hands through his thick chestnut hair. Standing near the doorway you huffed, you did feel a bit upset that morning and while you were fine for most of the day--the negative feeling seemed to find its way back. You didn’t notice how tense your husband was, and while obviously stressed, Joe didn’t seem to voice it like he usually did. Still standing there with nothing to do, Joe finally took notice.
With a gruff he dropped his things near the floor as he took off his shoes. In a clearly upset tone, he began to talk.
“What’s your problem?”
“Oh you know… Just being pregnant.” You sarcastically said, obviously taking his different attitude and demeanor lightly.
“No, (Y/N), I’m serious.”
Sighing, you sat down on the big sofa in your living room. The small bump you had then still growing but not getting in the way.
“It’s the mood swings, Joe. God I fucking hate them so much. And just everything else. I’m always so tired, I haven’t been able to eat and when I do eat, I end up barfing it all out like some dispense-”
“Love, I’m tired too, but can you just try to tone it down a bit.” He sounded so nonchalant then, and it tore your insides. In your bitter mood, you took it to heart. Obviously if you had a clear head, then maybe you wouldn’t have acted so recklessly and impulsively then.
“Wow, why didn’t I think of that? It’s way easier said than done, Joe.” Crossing your arms, you held a slightly indignant look in your (E/C) eyes. It was really getting to you, and it seemed to be getting to your husband too. 
Scoffing and crossing his arms like you, he hastily turned to you, “I was tryna help, no need to be so fuckin’ sarcastic. I’m havin’ just a hard time as you ar--”
Something inside you just broke, and all you wanted to do was to just yell at him. Looking back at it, you regretted what you had said to him. Thinking that if you just took a breather and ignored him instead of yelling perhaps it wouldn’t have escalated as fast as it did. You would’ve screamed at your past self and Joseph to just break it up, but what was done was done.
“Well, you’re not the one that’s pregnant.” You firmly said then and then that’s when it all went downhill. 
“And because of that I don’t have the right to be stressed as well? I don’t get why you’re acting so stuck up. Calm down, will you?”
He really did have the audacity to ask you to ‘calm down’, the utter nerve-- Both of you were wound up after weeks of being pressed down by the stress and responsibilities of being future parents. You loved being pregnant, you were so glad and happy when you first found out. While it was sunshine and rainbows for the most part, some days were less than desirable. These happened to be one of those days.
Like a tight coil waiting to break, this was the breaking point for you at that moment.
“Calm down? I have to carry our baby for nine months, how about you try doing that, huh?”
“Can’t you see the I’m trying my best, maybe if you’d appreciate it more than maybe I wouldn’t be here wasting my time.” Joe responded, his mouth downturned in a sour scowl.
Rolling your eyes once again, you walked towards him, “Jesus Christ, Joe. are you serious? You’re being so fucking petty.”
You got up, your hands flying in the air. More than fired up, you stood your ground as you glared at your husband. His ordinarily warm and consoling eyes were filled with fury, his shoulders standing tall as his chest heaved up and down.
“Get a grip, (Y/N), do you even hear yourself right now? If I knew that you were going to be like this, then maybe I wouldn’t have wanted you pregnant!”
His words hit you deep, cutting through the rage and anger that had built up. Instantaneously, Joe’s orbs had widened and he wished that he hadn’t uttered a single thing when he saw your hurt expression. Staggering back you sat back down at the couch, a look of disbelief and sadness whirling in your eyes. The nausea you felt was stronger than any sickness you had experienced in the last few weeks, and you sat still in surprise and shock--the words still resonating within you.
They sounded so true… And you couldn’t but wonder if they came from a place of honesty.
Joe almost covered his mouth then too, wishing to take those words back. The ire he expressed melted away like ice on a hot day and he made his way towards you with fast strides. Still in denial about what happened, your anger had also disappeared and while hurt you couldn’t bring yourself to push Joe away. 
You couldn’t even bring yourself to feel angry as you felt the familiar warmth of Joe’s arm wrapping around your silent figure. With all the previous vexation seething around just mere minutes ago, it was a miracle that you seemed to calm down so swiftly.
“Oh fuck, (Y/N)-- I didn’t mean it, really! I just… God, I was so insensitive.”
“I am so fuckin’ sorry, how can you even forgive me at this point? Y’know what? You deserve every right to be angry, Jesus, I don’t know what came over me--” He resumed rambling, genuine apologies spilling over his lips like a waterfall.
“Joe, please--”
His brows were furrowed and you could hear his heart thumping with him pressed so closely against you. Trying to get his attention by tugging on his shirt, he was far too busy spouting ‘sorries’ and you smiled kindly at him before speaking just a tad firmer.
“No, I need to apologize, I was being a huge dick--”
“Please, Joe. Just… Stop.”
Clearing his throat just a bit, he stared at you with wide doe eyes. His back then stood straighter like a fresh candle wick, his attention all put on you.
“Yes, love...?” Finally giving in, he quieted down and replied. It was quiet--his voice. It was so soft and not at all like the fiery and passionate Joe you loved, this tender and intimate side of him hidden so well from the world only for you to see.
The palms of your hands rubbed your raw eyes trying to prevent tears from spilling out from them. Hiccuping and feeling your chest becoming heavy, you dove into the deep pool of his amorous embrace, it immediately brought you a consolation that made your heart sing. The brunet man cooed in your ear, reassuring you and softly goading you to tell him your worries without even having to speak a syllable.
“I’m just so stressed. I thought I was all this and all that when in reality, I’m not. And all of these symptoms, Joe, they’re getting to me. The first few weeks were fine, I expected that. But then it just kept on going and it’s all so exhausting… I just thought that… I’d be strong enough to take it.” 
Nodding solemnly at your statement, Joe tucked your hair behind your ears, giving him a clear view of your face. He understood your words, and he let it sink deep within him. Joe was a sympathetic guy, even if he doesn’t admit sometimes. So he got up from the couch, telling you to wait for a moment. 
Joe left the room, his footsteps growing quieter and the ticking of the wall clock was all that accompanied you. He returned, the big and fluffy comforter that occupied your bed in his arms. He laid it over your back, the soft material enveloping you and him as the two of you got under it. 
Joe settled in, his hand placed flush against your baby bump, “You’re strong, (Y/N). You’re stronger than anyone I’ve ever met.” 
You retaliated, “But you’re a soldier, Joe! I’m just… Me.”
“Exactly! You’re (Y/N)--the same woman I fell in love with, the same woman that can get through any obstacle, the same woman who I want to spend my entire life with.” The hurtful words he had said barely had an effect on you now, and your gleaming grin made Joe reciprocate the action.
“We can get through this, I know we can. I’ll be here for you all the way. It’ll all be worth it, (Y/N), believe me.” Scooping up your hand in his, he cradled it compassionately.
“You really think that?” Voice still slightly quavering, you hopefully looked up at Joe as you inquired him.
“Of course I do. What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t?”
Focusing your (E/C) orbs at his warm sepia ones, it seemed as if you two had silently forgiven each other. You two are both willing to easily put it all behind you, for the sake of your baby and your relationship. Letting go of the words he had just spoken, you compassionately wrapped your arms around him, Joe returning the favor.
You two will be alright, you kept thinking. You two will be alright.
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In a way, that argument you had with Joe made your relationship stronger and harder to crumble. When in face with difficult tasks, the both of you would come help the other and continue to face the obstacle side by side. The symptoms still pursued and hung around, but so did Joe. He continued to take care of you, always promising to get you what you need. Joe really was sweet, and you could daydream for hours about just how good of a father he’ll be.
The mood swings you had were showing up less frequently but the cravings skyrocketed. You really didn’t want to bother him by asking but he had insisted constantly. Of course it was no surprise that he constantly brought Hershey bars, he’d show that same cheeky smirk as he’d pull out a few bars from behind his back.
If you were tired, for example, those sleepless nights being the bane of your existence--your husband would lay you gently on his lap while running his long fingers through your scalp. Countless nights were spent tossing and turning and no matter what position you laid in, you couldn’t sleep. Sighs of content would leave your lips and you would melt like butter right then and there. 
Other nights when you couldn’t even get a single blink of sleep, Joe would tell you fun little stories about his friends, sometimes obscure subjects. He talked about his passion for being a barber and Joe never failed to make it all sound so interesting.
Though undoubtedly, your favorite talks when you couldn’t seem to rest were the talks when he gushed about his future with you. He’d make up all these scenarios and he just seemed so truly happy when he went on and on about the endless possibilities. 
Joe talked about how you two would decorate the room, asking you ever so often what you would like to put in it. Then he’d go on about the clothes you’d buy for your child, and all the seemingly regular things were turned into something magical.
Pausing, he would glance down at you with a sheepish laugh, “God, i’m bein’ sappy, aren’t I?”
“Joseph D. Liebgott, I find it very adorable that you’re being sappy right now.”
“Thank goodness, as I was sayin’--”
You lay there starry-eyed, both your hands laying on top of your stomach as his voice would relax your stiff muscles. Even after going on for hours, he still had more to say but by then you’d already have fallen asleep.
Joe would look down, pausing for a moment and his eyes would soften as he took in your dozing being. Sparing one last chaste kiss on your lips, he whispers a ‘good night’ before spooning you comfortably until the morning comes.
The morning sickness had faded away and was growing sparse as your pregnancy continued and you’d never been more glad. They did show up here and there a few times, but not at all like the constant waves of dizziness and vomiting that you had during the first few weeks. Joe comforted you throughout the whole thing, he even offered to set up a movie night every time you became upset just so he could cheer you up.
Sitting down, you recalled that moment 4 months ago, where you had revealed to your husband that you were pregnant. The bump was more prominent, stretching your shirts. You carefully plopped yourself on the sofa, taking attentive notice of your belly. A sigh released your lips and every so often you casted your eyes downwards. While you were never a really reckless person in the first place, you were noticeably way more cautious than you used to be. How could you not? You were now carrying a baby.
The days quickly went by and before you knew it, here you were. 
“Have you thought of a name yet, (Y/N)?” Your husband asked you from across the room, his voice raised louder as to catch your attention because of the distance.
“They’re not even born yet, you really are impatient aren’t you?” Playfully scoffing at Joe’s words, you said and questioned, one eyebrow raising up teasingly at the brunet man. 
Your hands glided over your stomach, the slight bump then not even comparing to the baby bump you had now. Your eyes softened when you ran your palms on your stomach, your eyelids lowering as you gently caressed it. You truly did feel like the luckiest woman in the world at that short moment in your home.
“I can’t help it, okay! It’s a baby, our baby.” Joe had quickly replied, his leg bouncing up and down at the speed of light. The ‘our’ was enunciated, sending a warm and welcoming feeling to your chest.  
“Well, I was thinking about ‘Gabriel’. Y’know--like the angel.” You answered, your hands as your deft fingers still absentmindedly caressing your stomach as you gazed upon the back-turned head of your husband.
“Gabriel… Gabriel,” your husband repeated, testing it out on his tongue. After a few more attempts he turns to meet your stare, a pondering expression ingrained on his face. “I like that name; Gabriel…” He trailed off once again before giving you an electrified smile which lit up the whole room.
Turning to your direction once again Joe asked, “Well what happens if it’s a girl?”
Biting down at your bottom lip at the thought, you pondered hard. What would you name her? Digging deep into the back of your mind, you tried to figure out which name caught your attention. Letting your mind run, you were stopped in your tracks when Joe softly called out your name.
“What about ‘Celine’?” Joe softly inquired and the corners of your lips turned upward at the name.
“Celine and Gabriel, don’t those two sound pretty?”
“When our baby is born, (Y/N), I can see where they’ll got their beauty from.” 
With your cheeks warming up, you turned away while grinning as Joe smiled. Looking at the time, you cast a glance at the calendar on the wall. The bright red letters in Joe’s handwriting sprawled out on a square, stating ‘Doctor’s Appointment’. Joe even went to put it a little more effort and drew a simple baby face. 
Getting on your feet slowly, your husband stretched out his arms to grab yours to instantly ensure your stability. The drive to the hospital was filled with questions as Joe repeatedly wanted to ask you about how you’ve been feeling. It was the usual cravings, cramps, and sickness, you had told him as he nodded in understanding.
The two of you made sure to constantly visit the doctor’s, getting weekly updates about your pregnancy really was exciting. You would fiddle with the hem of your top, nervously chewing at your lip. Joe held your hand comfortably, sometimes reaching to put loose strands of hair between your ears. Your nerves never settled though and they only went haywire when the doctor had called your names. 
Waiting in the bright white room made your mind race and shut down at the same time. Occasionally you would space out, your eyes focusing on nothing really peculiar as your mind muffled any sounds around you. The doctor came in, introducing himself and explaining the ultrasound process. There he took you to a different room where you saw the ultrasound machine and chair where you’d lie on, you quickly grabbed Joe’s hand. 
Squeezing back, he leaned down slightly to give you a brief peck on the top of your head.
Listening to the doctor, you laid back on the examination table and pulled up your top to reveal the four month baby bump. The process was quick and quite obviously painless, the entire procedure only taking about 30 minutes. The ultrasound showing up on the computer right beside you made you excited to see the results. 
Fixing yourself, the doctor had told you to wait in the room as they examined the results. Joe sitting beside you, he lifted his arm and ushered you close to his side and he closed it around you--pulling you in.
The door to the room opened and there revealed your doctor with a professional yet welcoming grin on her face.
“Well, we got the results back from the ultrasound, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.” She had said, taking a seat next to you. The words ‘results’ and ‘ultrasounds’ made your heart do flips and somersaults, Joe next to you also giving you a knowing glance.
“Starting things off, your baby is very healthy and we didn’t pick up any complications. The heart rate is good and we see no physical abnormalities whatsoever.”
Grinning with each word, you excitedly looked to Joe, who was already looking your way. The doctor’s nimble fingers dashed on the keyboard, showing you the black and white images of the baby inside of you. Your eyebrows were raised high on your face and you knew that your smile was just as big as Joe’s. Tightening your hold on his hand, you waited patiently for the big reveal. Joe was ahead of you though, and decided to ask the doctor himself.
“That’s amazing. But--if you don’t mind answering, what’s the gender?” The question hung up in the air and the doctor nodded in acknowledgement, her eyes gleaming with happiness and recognition.
You were bouncing your leg up and down, and the time span of a few seconds you anxiously bit down on the tips of your nails. Joe was obviously antsy too, his body on the edge of his seat as you were on the edge of the examination table. Leaning forward in excitement, you drummed your fingers against your thigh.
“Ah yes, of course, well, I’m very happy to announce that you two are the proud parents of a beautiful, healthy boy. Congratulations!”
Blood was rushing through your ears and it wasn’t until your husband reacted did you ever move too. Eyes growing wide, you practically squealed in excitement, your whole form bouncing up and down the examination table as you looked at your husband. The two of you were exuberant, the doctor letting out a small smile just by looking at how absolutely joyous you two were. 
Turning each other’s forms to each other, Joe’s hands gripped your upper arms while leaning in. He leaned forward to press his forehead against yours like he always did. You felt your mind creating pictures of your future life with Joe and your baby, flashing them like a slideshow.
You knew Joe never really let out tears, but you could seem some welling up in his eyes. 
Casting a downwards glance at your stomach and setting his hands there, Joe cooed affectionately, “Hello Gabriel, me and your mama love you so much...”
Removing his hands from your belly, he brought them upwards to cup your face. Your eyes met and your heart raced faster as his next words. He beamed uncontrollably as his mouth opened, his eyes threatening to burst with tears as yours was the same.
“See, darlin’? I told you we could get through this. I’ll always be here for you, (Y/N). Forever and always.”
There in that moment, it was just you three. You, Joe, and your beautiful baby boy and you couldn’t imagine trading away this moment for even the entire world.
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Author’s Note: Oh jeez, I hope I didn’t bore you with this fic! I guess I also changed some things, so ahh I’m sorry if it’s not what you imagined. If I made a few mistakes with either writing or portrayal, I apologize for that. But thank you all for reading, have a great day, my loves! <3
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footballerimaginess · 4 years
The First Meeting
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Baby Prompt List  98. But I’m not their biological parent, they don’t know me  Julian Brandt  Word Count: 713  TAGLIST: @footballffbarbiex​ @lawsandother​ @henrythickcavill​ @pom277​ @trentaafc​ @sanchos-dream​ @meteora-fc​ @glam-khal​ @kkim120​ @spursondele​ @alexajanecollins​ @brewsterbabyy​ @footballxixstars​ @qwetyronerty​  Today was a huge day for you and your little girl Carolina. It was the first day where she was meeting Julian, you had never introduced her to anyone before. Being a single parent with a daughter had always been your priority.  But now you had been seeing Julian for the past 6 months, you had told Julian all about your little girl. You felt that you were ready to introduce her to Julian. You had never done this before and was super nervous. You just knew Julian was going to be anxious about it all too.  “Julian, you seem really quiet?” you asked him as he met you at the park where you were going to meet up with her. “I’m nervous, never done this before” he mumbled as you cuddled him. “Hey it is okay Ju, she will love you. You know she loves football, I am sure she will be fine with you. Carolina will be really quiet, but I am sure she will alright with you” you reassured Julian.  “But I’m not their biological parent, they don’t know me” Julian sighed. “Julian, she doesn’t know anyone but me. As long as I introduce you as my boyfriend. I am sure everything will be okay” you cuddled him again as you reassured him.  “Hello sweetie, come here” you asked as Carolina ran over to you after picking her up from school. “Hello Mama” you squeezed her as she stood beside you, handing you all the school stuff she had in her hand.  “Do you remember I told you about Mummy’s boyfriend, Julian?” you asked you daughter. She nods as she looks straight at Julian. She waved and walked towards him. “Hi” she cuddled him and threw herself into Julian’s chest.  You felt like your heart was going to explode. You were really anxious about how she was going to react by seeing Julian. The only man in her life was your father who was with you all the time. So to see this reaction made you choke up.  “We are going to get an ice cream and walk round here. Maybe we can go to the park afterwards” you smiled as she took your hand. “Well I think that went well” you smiled at him. “Yes it went really well, I am happy with how that meeting went” you nodded as Carolina ran in front of you both.  “Julian can we play football?” She asked him. “Yes, have you got a ball then?” he laughed as she pulled out one of her bags. “Yes she always has one Julian” you laughed as you sat on the bench as you were watching them both. “Carolina, try and beat Julian” you smirked. “Hey that’s mean”Julian pouted.  “Mama can we go and get ice creams now?” Carolina asked as she was so tired from all the football and running around with Julian. “Of course, let’s go babe” you smiled at her as you headed to the ice cream shop round the corner from the park.  You all chose your ice creams. “Have you had a good afternoon?” you asked Carolina. “Yes it has be good Mama” you smiled at her as you wiped her chocolate covered face.  A few hours had passed as you headed back to your car where you parked it. “Thank you for spending time with me today Carolina, I am very happy with how today went. Thank you for letting me meet you finally” Carolina gave him a cuddle. “Thank you for playing football with me” you grinned as you watched them both.  “Today went way better than expected right, thanks for finally meeting her. I am very happy with how it went. I will speak to you later okay baby, see you. I love you” You cuddled Julian. “Love you too. I enjoyed spending time with her. Thank you for introducing her to me. I loved today, I will speak later yeah?” you nodded as you cuddled him again.  You headed back to your car. “I like Julian mummy” Carolina smiled. “I am so glad you did” you grinned. You waited for this day for so long, being so anxious to introduce your boyfriend to him. But it went way better than you could have ever expected. 
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Oh good, you made it!
Did you guys know Mandi was coming? She brought Carmen Ridley, The Night Flyer! And just on time! Grab a drink, find a spot, and make sure you finish everything on the checklist. The band is just getting started – you have 24 hours to send in your account! We’re so glad you’re here!
AGE: 21
                                                 II. ON STAGE
NAME: Carmen Ridley
FACE CLAIM: Katherine McNamara
AGE: 25 (will age up to 26 if Jane Levy ends up being the FC)
TITLE: The Night Flyer (From Fly by Night by Rush)
DREAM: Carmen’s dream is to join a band or even establish her own. She’s a bit of a musical genius, having mastered the guitar and cello from a young age, and going on to discover her love of singing and the bass. After leaving her sleepy hometown in rural Pennsylvania, Carmen is on the hunt for any opportunity to showcase her musical talent.
OCCUPATION: Crew member of Violent Vale. Has a part-time job at Wichita Wishes.
                                               III. INTERVIEW
Answer the following questions in your character’s voice:
If you could do anything in the world for a living, what would it be?
“Play my music and tell my stories. I don’t care if I have to start a band on my own from scratch, sitting in some garage and living a starving artist’s life. Hell, I’m already a starving artist. Give me a stage and a voice and I’ll sing for the world.”
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
“Oh, Rome would be awesome. Just think of all the art and culture. That’s where the Colosseum is, right?”
What is one thing that makes you different than anyone else?
“I get things done. I’m not like all those people who sit around and refuse to let their dreams carry them. I left everything behind and risked it all just for a chance at success. I’m not there yet, but wait a few years and I will be.”
                                               IV. BACKSTAGE
BEHIND THE MUSIC: Carmen Elizabeth Ridley was destined to be a musician from the moment she was born. Her mother had played piano for their church every Sunday since she was a teenager, while her father played guitar in a bluegrass band. Her older sister faithfully studied the violin, her younger sister chose the piano, and Carmen was trained on the cello from the moment she could hold a bow. She grew up in Tionesta, a sleepy town in northwestern Pennsylvania with a mere 700 residents and little to occupy her time. After begging her father to teach her guitar, Carmen began to save up her meager allowance until she could afford her own child-sized guitar. Music was Carmen’s first love and greatest passion, though she also enjoyed painting, often on the back of her family’s barn where only the cows could witness her talent. Though she excelled in music and art, Carmen was a poor student whose mind wandered during class and whose sharp tongue landed her in detention frequently. With two model daughters headed straight for college and one who barely finished high school, Carmen’s parents could only shake their head at their middle child, wondering what went wrong.
Carmen had no interest in higher education or fancy degrees, instead opting to work at the town’s hardware and gun store where she met John. His calm, reserved nature drew her in and the two became friends, then something more. The couple shared a love of the outdoors, a passion for guns, and they even attended the same church across the street from where they worked. At last, Carmen’s parents appeared to approve of something she had done. John delighted them and put the hope of a future marriage on the table, but Carmen cringed at the thought. Though she adored John, every time he spoke of building a house for her and their future children where they could live for generations, a restless feeling emerged in the pit of her stomach, though she didn’t understand why.
After years of being unable to make friends, Carmen found herself being welcomed among John’s friends. Though she remained committed to John and was very much in love with him, Carmen found herself growing close to Shawn, an oddity among the mechanics and farmers of the group. Shawn owned a record store in the next town over and allegedly, was attempting to start a metal band, garnering Carmen’s interest more than she would dare admit. She was content with John and the ordinary life they shared, even as she found herself tolerating him more than she enjoyed him. His love of cars was downright dull, his country music paled in comparison to heavy metal, his chewing tobacco disgusted her, and he was always a little too…conventional for her taste. It was then that Carmen began to spend more time with Shawn, not in a romantic sense, but as the brother she never had. The two collaborated on a number of songs, with Shawn composing the lyrics while Carmen put them to music. The legendary summer of ‘69 was the happiest one Carmen had experienced thus far. After a long day of work where she and John would sneak off behind the dumpster during breaks, she crept off to join Shawn in his garage, drowning out the sounds of the crickets at night with wailing guitars loud enough that the neighbors complained.
Then the news arrived that Shawn and Carmen’s favorite band, Violent Vale, was moving to New York City. Though Carmen’s family detested “the devil’s music” and couldn’t determine Led Zeppelin from Judas Priest, the Ridley household was abuzz. Carmen’s estranged uncle worked as the stage manager for Violent Vale and, at last, would be back in the States for the first time in years. As her family sat around the dinner table and questioned why her uncle would involve himself with a satanic cult of British druggies, an idea began to come to her. Just a week before, John had proposed to Carmen with a ring and a promise of a hopelessly ordinary life in Tionesta until they had enough babies to fill the house he had built for her in secret. She panicked, seeing no way out except to head to New York, find her uncle, and beg him for a job. It was only a few hours of a drive, and if working with the stage crew flopped, she and Shawn could build enough connections to turn their band into something worthwhile. After bringing it up to Shawn, he declined, refusing to run off with his friend’s fiance even if there was nothing between them. An argument broke out and ultimately, Carmen stormed out, grabbing only her guitar and leaving to find John, but not before returning home to smash her cello in the front yard with a hammer. She asked him to drive her to New York, claiming her aunt was sick in the hospital and it was a dire emergency. John obliged, unknowingly driving his fiance to her new life where she would never turn back to him.
With only the clothes on her back, a few hundred dollars in cash, and her guitar, Carmen asked John to drop her off at the doors of Bellevue hospital. When he asked if he should book a hotel to wait for her to return, Carmen responded that he shouldn’t bother. She never would return. She slipped the ring off her finger, pressed it into John’s hand, and ran off into the streets before he could follow her.
After a search through a phonebook for Craig Ridley, Carmen met up with her uncle at a pizza place and explained her situation, then offered her skills as an artist and a musician. Anything he would have her do, she was willing. At last, after what seemed like hours of pleading, Craig reluctantly agreed to find work for his niece at barely above minimum wage, only because he didn’t have the heart to leave her homeless in New York City. The crew placed Carmen where she was needed, whether it was repairing guitars, running to the store for more duct tape, cleaning costumes with mysterious stains, and so on. As time progressed, she began to use her artist’s eye to weigh in on lighting and stage decor, and she would often be the one to sit in the stage wings during shows to quickly change a broken string. Though she dearly missed John, and perhaps Shawn even more, Carmen felt that she had found where she belonged. But she wasn’t there yet, no, not until she was the one in the spotlight instead of the one hiding behind the speakers, waiting to carry out orders at the whim of the band.
When Vital Noise made the decision to send Violent Vale off to the West Coast division, where other people could attempt to manage their vices, Carmen eagerly awaited the change. That is, until her uncle quit his position, claiming he was tired of moving around until the band found someone willing to put up with them. He had established a life in New York and refused to give it up, though he urged Carmen to move west with the band. With her last connection to her family now severed, Carmen boarded a plane to California, bid her aunt and uncle farewell, and began another new life.
Some time has passed since Carmen’s arrival in Los Angeles. Nothing much has changed, with the exception of her working under a new stage manager and living in her own apartment, and she fit into the west coast lifestyle with ease. Her patience, however, is running thin. The work was exhausting and paid so little that she had to pick up a part-time job at a record store. She had grown tired of taking orders and, if she had it her way, she would be the one calling the shots. But although Carmen could sing and play, her songwriter was on the other side of the country in a sleepy Pennsylvania town. Whatever chance she had of making it big was overshadowed by the Violent Vale, and only time will tell if she can step out from under them.
                                                   V. ENCORE
https://www.pinterest.com/amalorgos/the-night-flyer/ (A poorly organized pinterest board)
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5da3KFiA1qM7b0KRYJgnhb?si=UFT3Sq4TTkqOq1Ip8HfAqA (A short playlist)
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saigebeaumontt · 6 years
( danielle rose russell, cisfemale, she/her ) I, FREYA KAVINSKY am a SCHOLARSHIP student and would hereby like to submit my application to Kingswood Boarding School. I am SEVENTEEN years old and will be a JUNIOR. I would describe myself as HEARTFELT and EAGER, but also UNINHIBITED and PIGHEADED which I plan to work on during my time here. This is my request to join the VICTORIA building as a house MEMBER and look forward to hearing back from you.
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im trash ik but here’s a brand new baby to play w!! her pinterest can be found HERE pls ignore the photos of crystal reed, that’s freya’s original fc sdfghj
tw; death, drug/alcohol abuse? w/ implications of self destruction
so first thing’s first, freya was born n raised in chicago alongside her father and her older sister
her mother had died during freya’s birth--though freya doesn’t...blame herself, necessarily, there are days where she imagines what life would’ve been like if her mother was still alive
her dad’s a mechanic and the sole provider for their household, which meant that he was gone more often than not
regardless, he tried to be as active as possible in his children’s lives
her sister always took up the role of..well, mother, in a sense
freya and her are incredibly close b/c of this
even so--her father had wanted them to be as active as possible, as out of the house as he was--so it didn’t seem like he was gone as much as he was
so, with a few strings pulled and familial connections, freya was able to attend ballet lessons at a young age, alongside an instrument of her choosing, at a discounted price
she chose violin btw...very relevant
and like, to everybody’s surprise--she sort of excelled at both--it almost came naturally, though that didn’t mean she hadn’t put in a buncha effort regardless, y’know
practice makes perfect, yadda yadda
took up a few more instruments for fun, such as piano and like...i dunno, guitar of various forms (including bass guitar) though she likes violin the best
that led to her attending a p prestigious performing arts high school in her city--which wasn’t done by pulling strings
her father worked even more shifts, her sister got a job to help pitch in, they took out loans, yadda yadda. anything they could do so she could pursue this...dream
except...ballet and violin has never been freya’s dream--its just something she happens to be good at
everybody just...assumed, that since she was so talented, she had to want to pursue it
not the case at all, really. she loves it, really, but...her passion has always surrounded animals
specifically marine animals, which is odd considering freya had never seen the ocean before
really...marine anything, she loves. maybe it’s because its something she hasn’t experienced , but ykno
she felt sort of...stuck, b/c she never wanted to disappoint her dad or her sister or any of their family friends who were all rootin’ for her
this led to some...rebellion, of sorts, when she was a freshmen
nothing...BAD, per say, but y’know. baseball bats to mailboxes whilst hanging out of the window of a pick-up truck, vandalizing abandoned buildings and historical monuments, shoplifting from convenience stores.
okay so like...a little bad
that was just the crowd she found herself in, y’know, in her teenage angst
has definitely been arrested a few times, but has always managed to get off scotch free ??
it’s luck, im telling u. she only has like..three things on her record rn
ALSO learned how to ride a motorcycle and was in a punk band based in her school n did bass for it, ‘cos that’s what rebellious teenagers do n whatever
and this, well, y’know. did disappoint her father and her sister and all their family friends but at this point freya was like ?? i can’t stop
her boyfriend at the time was a major contributor to her troublemaking tbh
when he transferred to kingswood, freya’s lil 15 yr old heart was broken.
spent her entire sophomore yr working her ass off and getting her shit together so that kingswood would look at her, and pick her, too--
and like...it finally paid off, y’know? her junior year they’d graciously given her a scholarship based off of her music AND academics
so she was absolutely thrilled
granted, she was only able to start attending halfway thru her junior year, at the beginning of the second semester...but she was there, at least, right?
very ecstatic to find her boyfriend and surprise him
they’d been doing long distance, and he had no idea that she had gotten in
found out his dorm number, walked right up to his door--knocked, and he answered with his shirt off n a number of hickeys on his chest
it was a surprise for both of them lmao
obv. freya is not stupid, if not a lil blinded by love at the time. they broke up, she was heartbroken
sorta shut herself in for a few months ‘cos she was so sad abt it
so it’s kinda like she’s still new, tho it’s been a few months since january
but she’s BACK and she’s POPPIN’ and she acts like it still doesn’t bother her !
but like...it does. it rly does. she’s still mcfreakin’ hurt abt it, she’s just handling it in another way
aka, a lil bit of partying...a lil bit of drinking, casual drug use, hooking up, etc. etc. just bein that bitch, y’know?
has always had a lil bit of a tomboy aesthetic ?? despite being a freakin’ ballerina, it just not her aesthetic man
constantly wearin’ dark colors n reds and leather jackets n denim on denim n cuffin’ her pants n whatnot
even brought her motorcycle 2 school w/ her
EXCELS at science, wants to become a marine biologist or smth when she’s older
just...hasn’t told anybody that
she’s not some antisocial punk, okay, she’s not anna
very humble but not in a way where u have to be like ‘ugh u have talent u idiot’ , she just doesn’t like bragging about it ?
even tho her ex is an idiot she’s still glad to be there bc of how prestigious kingswood is
 kinda tries 2 befriend as many ppl as possible ?? she isn’t a people pleaser, though, n it’s sort of like...u get what u get, w/ her
she doesn’t act as if she’s got a whole separate life or nothin’, she balances both her rebellious nature and her talents n w/e
fun fact her mother was a leader of elizabeth but like...does she know? no. does it matter? only to ppl like lilah smh
i’d consider her like....a gryffindor, to sum up her personality ??
very brave, fearless, can be stupidly reckless. gets herself into trouble even now
prolly is a lil bit of a hoe but we love that for her, okay ??
but also ?? will die for her pals ?? n is very true to herself ??
we call her accidentally messy
neutral good tbh ?? very wholesome person
will take care of u if ur sick, is v protective of those she loves
also doesn’t rly....believe in love rn, or is at least very over the concept.
girl next door ?? i dunno
sometimes...she does these bad things...’cos she thinks she deserves it, in a way?
like she’ll drink too much n get a real bad hangover or do a drug when she knows she’ll have a bad trip
so she’s got a lil bit of self loathing
however she knows it’s a problem
she’s just...not willing 2 do much abt it rn
living her best life lmao
ambivert, will go to parties but will also sit in w/ a book gladly
can b v v stubborn, is in debate b/c she loves...to argue, sometimes sksk
m8 i dunno she’s got layers..like an onion
wanted connections
her...ex would be nice, however it’s prolly better suited to send in as a WC unless there’s a dude from chicago out here whose made the mistake of cheatin’
HOWEVER, i would love pals !! friends of any sort !! she’s friendly !! like her !!
ride or die!
unlikely pals!
good influences!
bad influences!
she’s in a band w/ ezra im p sure
i ALSO would like hook ups!
accidental hookups!
casual hookups!
fwbs ?!?
Bad. hookups!
she’s probably accidentally hooked up w/ somebody’s partner so
enemies ! for w/e reason !
fake friends !?
gimme everything !!
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all of them
1. Would you play this version of your character longer than a week if you were given the choice?
God yes. Young Scott Lang is everything to me. He is my precious angel baby. 
2. What is one major difference between your character at the age you normally play them and the age you play them when they’re younger?
Scott really mellowed out after college and getting married and having Cassie. Right now he’s a lot more of a loose canon and… Stupid. 
3. Favorite headcanon about their younger self?
That his mom left when he was just a baby, he was raised by just his father. 
4. Why did you choose to play them at this age?
50% because of @ofhopevandyne, 50% because I don’t wanna write someone younger than this. 
5. Why did you choose to have them retain their memories/lose their memories?
Mostly because of Cassie - we don’t have a Cassie at the present time, so there would be a lot more stress if Scott was worried about his daughter. But there’s also the fun of working with Scott and Hope at such a young age, and because I knew he was going to be a young adorable thief. 
6. Are your deaged character’s parents still alive?
His father is alive, but rarely there. His mother is presumably alive, he doesn’t know where she is nor has he tried to find her. 
7. Is there a past connection you particularly care about in relation to this event?
Not really, most of his prior connections are to the Ant Man family and the Avengers who he met during Civil War. 
8. Do you think you chose well for your younger FC?
Absolutely! Originally I was going to go with Cameron Boyce, but it didn’t work out, and I’m glad because I love Milo Ventimiglia and this is giving me major Gilmore Girls feels. 
9. If your older self could say something to your younger self, what would it be?
Probably to tell him that being a thief is a bad idea, and that he should try to be more serious. Also to buckle down - you’re going to have an amazing kid in a few years, focus on that.
10. Would your younger self be happy with what your older self has become, or disappointed in them?
He’d probably say older Scott was boring as hell, but older Scott wouldn’t care.
11. If your character remained at their deaged age, what would make them saddest to leave behind?
12. If your character could do things differently from the deaged age you’re playing them as now, what would they change?
Well, young Scott is an idiot, so he’d probably keep being a thief. But most likely he would fall for Maggie and have Cassie and his life would end up the same. 
13. What skills has your character improved on since they were in their deaged form?
He studied engineering and has gotten a lot better at pretty much everything, both in engineering and in being a thief. 
14. If your threads are on hold for the event, which ones are you most looking forward to getting back to?
Well, always Microscope, and Clint/Scott. Tali/Scott seems like it’s going to be a lot of fun. Any interaction with Ava is a lot of fun. Fisk is great. Really, all of my threads are so exciting. As much as I love this event, I’m looking forward to getting others done. 
15. What is something you think your character will learn from this experience?
What an ass he was as a kid. 
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This is gonna get sappy. Hello! Thank you for 2K (again)! 
Honestly, when I left 2-3 yrs ago I didn’t have any intentions on returning, or at least I hoped beyond hope I wouldn’t cave. I did, though. I’ve been sharing headspace with Uni for a long time, though by official count it’s at five years. A fella I’ve spent a lot of one-on-one time with, getting to know, helping him grow, and he, in turn, helping me in a lot of ways. Writing him has been therapeutic in a way I cannot even begin to describe and when we left those years ago it was for a number of reasons. The biggest being that we--or, really, I--felt as though we had overstayed our welcome. Uni wasn’t shiny and new anymore, hadn’t been for some time, so finding people to write with was like pulling teeth. I had just recently been plagiarized, too, and that honestly made me too paranoid with everything/one. 
But, lo and behold, I returned at the beginning of the year or so, though my activity was in and out for personal reasons. Since properly returning with a fixed schedule not two months ago, I must say I am so... relieved by the way he’s been [re]accepted back into the RP community. Even despite his divergence, despite my hesitance to divulge too much info, etc. It’s been so refreshing to see him get all this activity, to have people want to interact with him, to want to get to know him. AND BLESS THESE SHIPS, HONESTLY. Basically, we love you all and I would thank you all individually but that’d take a long time. Hence this blurb before the proper bias list to say we appreciate you all and wanna write with everyone!
That being said, this bias list will only cover people I’m very close to, people who’ve been following Uni for a long time, or have simply meant quite a bit to us in recent weeks. Please do not be upset if you’re not listed below, as it’s nothing personal and we do appreciate you! It’s just I follow a LOT of people, and, tbh we aren’t close yet-- that can certainly be changed! I’m very friendly despite the nickname! Never hesitate to IM me or ask for my Discord! 
TL;DR hello you are all amazing, thank you so much for all you’ve done for us!! pls buy Uni’s books when I write them lmao. below the cut is my bias list starting with the extra special people!
honestly crying for days over these people nbd
@frostkingoftheapocalypse --- HOW HAVE YOU STUCK AROUND FOR THIS LONG? i am amazed. i am also amazed we never talked sooner since we’ve known each other for like... 4 yrs lmfao. AHHH TASHA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! you give me so much life and I appreciate our friendship, even if it’s late in the making, bc you’re so sweet and generous and a MOM omg. MOM FRIEND. and your writing has always intimidated me in a good way so to be able to finally, properly write with you is an HONOR tbh. you’re such a bright, unwavering light with such a fleshed out boy who’s BEAUTIFUL, and phenomenal drawings (I have that photo you made of Uni as my phone bg), and I honestly can’t wait to see what else we manage to create together. hit me with that good shit, tbh. I love you, Tash. <3
@sonofagunslinger --- CRIES FOR DAYS. Em ilu with my whole heart and soul tbh like you mean so much to me. thank u for riding on this painful/achingly cute ship with me bc Trickshot gives me so much life. you’re so amazing and such a fantastic friend like wtf. look at all this talent bunched up in one person, I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am you came back to tumblr RP and WANTED TO WRITE WITH ME AGAIN like wtf. Jesse is such a little goddamn shit and I love it (Uni, too, ofc) and the headcanons you have for him and his 10/10 FC choice, and ALSO UR ART WTF. I’m still convinced satan lives in you tho bc you sometimes hit me with serious angst that makes me wanna lie down and d i e. but I love it. I love everything we’ve created for Trickshot SO MUCH. THESE BOYS KILL ME. I LOVE YOU, EM. <3
@velvettclaws --- oh NUT. omg I... adore you so much. how dare you be as amazingly wonderful as you are, I am attacked. when we first started writing together I honestly was like “they are SO out of your league, Vicious, look at this style, look at this talent, look at this characterization, are you kidding? it’s gonna be one interaction and that’s it” but I have never been so wrong. and HAPPILY wrong, too. Gabriel is such a beautiful, flawed, eldritch soul with so much thought put into the intricacies of his life, his being, etc and I’m so honored that he chose Uni to be part of it in some way and that we’re still writing together. I l o v e your writing so much, it’s so pretty and GOALS AF in a lot of ways and combined with lil’ Gabu as a whole and YOU ooc, oh my gosh. I die. like this if you cry every time bc I sure af do. you’re so supportive and encouraging and darling, too precious and pure for us, honestly. but I am so, so grateful for you and Gabriel. thank you. ilu so much <3 ;w;
@oneiromanc --- how do I even begin to explain how much I appreciate and adore you??? let me count the ways... we’d be here for an eternity tbh and by then you’d be so sick of me. c; AHHH BAB omg I love you so fkn much. like our boys themselves are just... so achingly wonderful and I love how spontaneous their relationship was and how far they’ve come in just a short while (writing wise), but also... like you’re so fantastic?? such a supportive, amazing, beautiful person who I only wanna smother with love and all the happiness in the world bc you deserve it and so much more! you’re a light in a dark place and I’m so glad we’ve gotten close bc GAAAAAH. I cry. I adore writing with you and reading the things you create and I’m so... thankful to be part of the process, if only in a small way bc your writing is phenomenal and deserving of all the appreciation, just like you!! I love you so much hnnn! ;w;
@angelofoverwatch --- (i know ur on a hiatus again but that’s okay bc ur still my bff). LENORE... omg... ur such a good. such a pure, kindhearted, sweet soul. you were one of the first people I actually properly WROTE with when I came back and it was... so nice??? I LOVE writing with you more than you know and to see all the thought you’ve put into Angela is inspiring and AMAZING. You’re both two beautiful people and I am so grateful we met bc we got somethin’ goin’ here with our babies that is so wonderful, I love it so much and wanna DO SO MANY THINGS WITH THEM. And I want to buy all your art tbh like holy shit look at this talented af human! ilu bb <3 and we’ll be here for when you return!! and even if not, we’re still here for you!
@fenwxlf --- cries for days I loooove you, Cait, so goddamn much and I know some days I seem kinda “meh” with everything but pls know I appreciate you so much and everything we’ve created together in the last 5 years or so. Fenrir is such a prick, just like his dad, and I LOVE it and how much he’s grown. to be part of that is amazing and honestly I am so honored you picked Uni to be MAIN DAD. and I’m so grateful and flattered tbh that you are so tied in with the raven folklore, too, and have immersed yourself in it. NEED ALL THE BIRBS TBH. I just... you mean so much to me that I can’t properly put it into words but I’m so grateful for our friendship, for being able to write with you, to be part of Fen and Svad’s characterization process/es and... all of it. you’re amazing ooc and I’ve loved to keep up with all you’ve done in the last few years and I’m so happy we never really broke contact even during our hiatus bc you’re a phenomenal friend, irreplaceable. you perfect cinnamon roll /sobs forever. Uni and I love you all soooooo much <3
the folks who have been around for a long, long, long time tbh. how have you not gotten sick of us?? if i���m missing people, i’m so sorry! if you’ve been around for 3+ years, we are amazed you’re still here, for one, and also SO GRATEFUL. you are the reason I keep writing.
@sultrysupernaturals / @agentharrisonofshield & @stiitchwiitchsera / @jennathearcher / @lilylacey / @mordorshi / @madxwonderland
some special mentions! people who mean a lot to me and/or Uni, people we appreciate so much, whom we’ve adored writing with, etc! i’m definitely missing people on this list! my brain only does so well, y’know.
@ircnwccd / @brazenlass / @talonsaconite / @stxrmurdottir / @asgardianhammer / @valadhxfndr / @maegtig / @zehsvara / @crowsandmalachite / @iisfet / @aldrnaari / @tricksandtreason & @jxrmungand / @viiribus / @strongindependentmen / @iridcscentiisms / @jenniferwallters & @claudiadelicncourt / @vasvvani & @aropoakande / @alalkomeneis / @huntingglory & @sifshieldmaiden / @roipirate
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paradisefovnd · 7 years
8-12 for the multi muse meme
multimuse ask meme accepting
put this under a readmore bc it’s gonna get long
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
ruth balakov  - otp: anything gay notp: darth vader??? idk
samir chaudhry - otp: i rlly like the thing goin on with @cverture‘s beth (im super slow in replying but ??? i like what we’ve got goin on) notp: voldemort
tutankhamun “tut” mcmullen  - otp: ROWAN notp: that ask when rowan dumps him :(
jughead jones - otp: burgers notp: humans
melody valentine - otp: ALEXANDRA CABOT as written by @shenaniganelous notp: sadness
mark darcy - otp: BRIDGET OFC notp: not bridget???
choi han-kyul - otp: eun chan i cry :’) notp: someone who writes him off as a stupid playboy (and refuses to see his potential)
dr. noelle akopian - otp: a nice bath and glass of wine notp: any human who doesn’t treasure her like she deserves
greg serrano - otp: i’m trash but rebecca (also happiness) notp: greg and josh? (it’s not a bad ship i just can’t feel it for my greg? he thinks of josh as a bro and he can’t get those sexual feelins goin for chan)
maya - otp: aNYONE WHO TREATS HER WELL SOMEONE TAKE CARE OF MY BB notp: someone who is mean to her :(
valencia perez - otp: anything gay notp: valencia and men
johnny castle - otp: bABY notp: someone who takes advantage of him
blair warner - otp: GAY MOMS notp: not gay moms??
jo polniaczek - otp: GAY MOMS notp: not gay moms!!!
emily gilmore - otp: happiness notp: never having growth or independence 
meredith quill - otp: diggin her and claire played by @iiinfiltrator!!! notp: ego
alice longbottom - otp: frank notp: what happens to her in canon
arthur weasley - otp: MOLLY notp: not molly
victoire weasley - otp: teddy, anything gay notp: idk??
helga g. pataki - otp: ARNOLD! notp: someone mean to her :(
effie trinket - otp: haymitch and anything gay notp: president snow??? idk
katniss everdeen - otp: madge :’) notp: men
jane villanueva - otp: michael, rafael, PETRA notp: adam :( (altho i might love him we’ll see)
michael cordero - otp: JANE GLORIANA VILLANUEVA notp: death :(
rogelio de la vega - otp: xiomara :’) notp: ppl being mean to him
elle woods - otp: VIVIENNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! notp: professor callahan?
ryan atwood - otp: taylor townsend :’) also marissa i cry notp: lindsay 
pam beesly - otp: JIM notp: roy
fitzwilliam darcy - otp: elizabeth (maybe charles bingley??) notp: sadness
jane bennet - otp: charles and anything gay notp: mean people
queen clarisse renaldi - otp: JOE notp: sad
sabrina fairchild - otp: anything gay notp: david what a icky person
capheus onyango - otp: HAPPINESS notp: being pressured into things :(
princess fiona - otp: shrek, anything gay notp: lord farquaad
shrek - otp: fiona notp: dragon
charles brooks - otp: liza notp: his ex i forgot her name whoops
josh - otp: liza, happiness notp: cLAIRE IHATE
chuck bartowski - otp: SARAH notp: JILL >:(
denny duquette - otp: life notp: death :/
why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
ruth balakov  - i’ve had her character in my head for such a long time, and i was finally just like “fuck it! i’m gonna write her!” bc i love parks and rec, but i just can’t play leslie bc there’s too much history and stuff and i really wanted to play a quirky nina fc bc i used to have one that i loved, and it just seemed like a perfect fit
samir chaudhry - i felt a desperate need to reply as an astronaut to @cverture‘s beth, and so samir was born 
tutankhamun “tut” mcmullen  - tut’s origin story is one of the best!!! so, @idyllicism and i decided to use this randomizing character generator to do a fun random thread, and it gave me tut (which is why his name is so out there) who has grown so close to my heart, and i am thankful
jughead jones - tbh i added jughead bc i wanted to write him properly aKA ASEXUAL! I’M LOOKIN AT U RIVERDALE
melody valentine - tbh… i added her bc i wanted to write her with jenna :) and also i loved archie comics as a kid and always thought melody was so beautiful and her voice came easily to me so !
mark darcy - buckle in, this is gonna be a long ride. bridget jones’s diary is one of those movies that i love to death. it’s one of my sick movies, it’s one of my sad movies, my homesick movies, it helps me feel better. so, watching bridget jones i’ve always identified with both of the lead characters, but there’s something about mark that was especially easy for me to access. i’m still trying to figure out exactly what it is, but there’s something to him that i just…understand, if that makes sense. when i decided to make a multi-muse, he was one of the very first characters i had as a muse bc i knew i had to add him. he’s in my heart and soul. 
choi han-kyul - so han-kyul is another one of those characters who i just really strongly identify with. in coffee prince, he’s someone who undergoes some huge development in who he is, and when i saw the drama for the first time, it aligned with some things i was dealing with in my own life. his relationship with his father, his coming to terms with his sexuality, his maturation, his longing to live up to his own potential, it all just hit me. another heart and soul character. 
dr. noelle akopian - i added her for the funsies
greg serrano - i think i added him because he helps me come to terms with some real life stuff i have going on and also because i loved his development and wanted to explore that past what the show was able to give us
maya - honestly she’s the most pure being, and i just had to add her
valencia perez - valencia is a goddess who deserves better and i’m looking forward to exploring why she is the way she is
johnny castle - when i saw dirty dancing, i fell in love with johnny, and that’s pretty much it. god bless. 
blair warner - i cANNOT fuck this is taking so much longer than i thought it would, but i have so many muses, and want to give them all their proper due, and fuclasfhdads. so from the beginning, i walked into a gas station this summer, and one of the employees was like “oh my god, you look exactly like blair from the facts of life!” and i was like “haha thanks!” bc i didn’t know who she was, but my dad who was with me was like “oh my god she does!” and then he was like “she’s like her more than just in looks too” meaning our personalities were similar. so OFC i had to watch this show to see my doppelganger. and WOW i was amazed bc she’s the closest i’ve ever seen to myself in physical aspects but also we’re very similar personality-wise too, and after my first episode, i fell in love, and i just had to add her as a muse
jo polniaczek - i didn’t expect jo, but after i watched that first episode, i fell in love just as i did with blair. honestly, the writers and cast can say she’s straight all they want, but jo is a gay icon, and it’s just so cool to see a character like that who’s so layered. jo is sensitive but also tough. she’s gone through a lot, but still holds such compassion and i love her to death and fuckfdsakfasf she’s honestly ruined all human beings for me now bc she’s the ultimate. 
emily gilmore - so, emily is another one of those relating characters. what can i, a 22 year old baby bi, have in common with an old middle aged straight? well, let me tell you: a LOT. i identify so much with the way that emily has tried all her life to succeed in the society she was brought up in and having set ways of doing things and then just…letting go and trying to make herself happy. it’s inspiring and i love her. 
meredith quill - listen, i’m not a fan of superhero movies, but i like the guardians of the galaxy series, and when i saw the second movie, i fell instantly in love with meredith and her light, and i had to add her
alice longbottom - i have never read the books, but i’ve read a lot of fandom stuff, and i just love the longbottoms, and i like that there’s a certain amount of freedom there to explore who she is and her story
arthur weasley - arthur reminds me of my dad, and his voice comes super easily to me which is why i added him
victoire weasley - again, i like the amount of freedom i’m afforded in figuring out who she is and all that
helga g. pataki - this is another heart and soul character. as a kid, i was also mean and dramatic and precocious. i was a LOT like helga. even today, i struggle with trying to soften myself for the benefit of others because i can come across as intimidating (idk why??). but i just…it’s just like damn. i get you, helga. we both have an alcoholic parent, tense relationships with our older sisters, and we both don’t have a TON of friends and just feel kind of…out of place, i guess, in the world we live in. we’re a little out of place and i just get her. i understand her, and i’m glad that she exists. 
effie trinket - she’s just such a fascinating character, and i want to explore her more
katniss everdeen - i get her
jane villanueva - see, jane is someone who i think i look up to. she’s someone i wish i could be more like. i chose to add her as a muse because i love her and just want to give her a nice life bc lord knows she deserves it
michael cordero i added him bc he loves jane and is a huge dork and so caring and i lvoe him
rogelio de la vega - in a weird way, this is another character i relate a lot to. we’re both dramatic and a little vain, but we also care a lot about our family and most of the time, our intentions are good. he’s honestly such a fun character, and i’m glad i added him. 
elle woods - i added her bc she’s amazing??? one of the best people of all time??? and her voice came easily to me so i was like “all right!!!!”
ryan atwood - he’s my fave character from the oc. i love his development, and i love how he’s not exactly who you expect him to be. you think he’s gonna be this big troublemaker, but actually, he just wants a stable life, and he wants the people he loves to be happy. he just wants peace
pam beesly - she’s another heart character. i think a lot of people find it easy to relate to pam bc she goes through so many relatable things, and her story is overcoming insecurities and becoming more confident, and i think that’s something a lot of people can see themselves in. 
fitzwilliam darcy - i mean, i’ve always loved pride & prejudice, and i’ll be damned if darcy isn’t the easiest character for me to understand (a lot like mark)
jane bennet - she holds a special place in my heart bc people have said i’m like jane, and i’m always like “i wish” bc she’s the softest, most pure, most kind person, and i just needed that positivity in my life
queen clarisse renaldi - mY LOVE i love how they made her so layered in the movies, giving you hints of her background. i’ve always been interested in exploring her past, so i added her as a muse (another character whose voice came easily to me)
sabrina fairchild - sabrina is one of those movies i would watch after school was i was younger. i loved the romanticism of it and the costumes and music, and as i grew older, i started to think that it would have made for a more interesting movie if sabrina dumped linus at the end rather than ending up with him. what’s so interesting about that movie is her growth. she goes from a very dark place and undergoes some major development while still holding underpinnings of her past despite desperately trying to leave them behind. 
capheus onyango - i love sense8, so i knew i wanted to add muses or a muse from there, and going through all the characters, capheus’s voice was the one that came most easily to me. he’s more than just his optimism, and i love having him in my roster bc he has such warmth and compassion for those around him. he worries about how his actions will affect others, and i just have such immense love for him. 
princess fiona - me??? i grew up on shrek, and i love it in the most unironic way possible. i sincerely adore the movie and the musical, and fiona is a character i’ve always loved and related to a little bit. 
shrek - but more than relating to fiona, i probably relate to shrek more. my family has always joked that i’m like an onion too and that i have layers just like shrek. he grosses me out a lil with all the farting and earwax, but otherwise, i love shrek and think that for living alone for years after being abandoned by his parents, he was able to grow rather quickly once meeting other people, and shrek is good in my book
charles brooks - he’s another darcy like character, although i don’t love him as much. i added him bc lbr the younger fandom needs him
josh - mY SON i love josh and i think that he has so much growing to do, and i love how the show has left some of his background open so that i can take a lil bit more liberty in figuring him out. i also love his adventurous spirit and his ease while also being so loyal and loving. he’s someone i really love. 
chuck bartowski - chuck is one of those types that’s easier for me to write, and i think it’s just cause one of our core values is the same: family. family is one of the most important things to him, and it’s one of the most important things to me, and i think we just get each other in that aspect and more. 
denny duquette - “i’m a man! i’m a strong virile horse of a man stuck in the body some weak sick bastard that I don’t know, like or recognize. now if you knew what that feels like, you would have never convinced me to let a battery run my heart. if you knew what that feels like izzie, you would have let me go.” this is why. 
which muse is the most fun to write for?
again, i have fun with all of them, but probably rogelio. he’s just so much fun to write. helga is a lot of fun too! and ruth!
is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
i mean, there are always more muses i’m thinking of adding. i’ve thought about adding na ae-ra from cunning single lady, but i’m pretty sure no one would write with her, so i haven’t added her yet. 
i’m planning on watching the good place, and i just know i’ll probably wanna add someone from there
adding someone from frasier would be cool, but like…i highly doubt there would be an audience for them. like i’d love to write niles or smth, but idk if anyone’s even watched it. i mean, that hasn’t stopped me before, but i’m not pressed about it rn
i’ve always been wanting to add elizabeth from the crown because she’s another one of those characters i just super strongly relate to, but seeing as how she’s actually a real person, i haven’t. this is where i get a little confused because i know she’s a real person, but also, the show takes liberties, and she’s not actually queen elizabeth. like if i could take her character and make her not the real queen of england i would? but i just don’t know about what other people think of that? i dont knowslfjhads it’s a weird situation. 
also someone from the west wing
what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
sometimes, the muse for a certain character isn’t always there, so i can be really slow in replying. 
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Babies Having Babies (Andre Silva OS)
AN: This one is for the lovely anon who requested an Andre Silva one shot involving pregnancy. I hope this has just enough cuteness and enough drama as you asked for, and I hope you like it. Please guys, share your thoughts, I can’t even tell you how much that means to me.<3 Enjoy! Lots of love xoxo PS: I apologize for not posting this sooner, work has just been crazy lately. Please don’t hate me. It was the morning of her big sister's wedding and Michelle was going through the house checking once again if everything was in order. Her sister has decided to have the wedding in their family home back in Marseille which was a great idea since the house had a huge backyard which could take all their family and friends. Michelle was particularly looking forward to seeing some of her friends and family members whom she hadn't seen since she left for college three years ago, and a lot of things have changed since then.
The house was fairly silent as Michelle roamed around. The only noise she could hear was coming from the outside where her mother and aunt were supervising the workers who were there to arrange the tables. Her sister was still fast asleep and Michelle was thankful for that considering that it was her big day, and she needed to get as much sleep as possible to be able to combat all the anxiety and excitement which was bound to follow her throughout the day. 
As she entered the hallway, Michelle noticed that one of the decorations hanging from the wall has loosen up and was about to fall off, and just as she was about to stand on her tip toes and stretch to reach it, a male hand pinned the decoration in place. Michelle looked up only to see Mark, her sister’s soon-to-be brother in law standing in front of her.
“You really are trying to give poor Andre a heart attack, are you?" he teased. "I've seen how much he worries, please don't frighten the poor guy like that."
And just as Michele opened her mouth to respond, she felt a pair of familiar hands wrap around her from behind. As he leaned in and kissed her cheek, his gorgeous smell filling her lungs, she leaned back against his chest.
"Is my beautiful wife again not listening to what I've asked her at least a million times. Take. It. Easy." he said softly, emphasizing every word as he rested his hands on top of her big pregnant belly. As he lovingly caressed her belly, she could feel the baby immediately starting to move and kick; it was obvious that this little girl already loved her daddy so very much. But who could blame her when mommy herself was still over the moon about him.
"And I've told you just as many times, love,"-Michelle smiled sweetly turning to face him, "you worry too much."
“Of course I worry, you two are my whole world,” he answered sincerely.
As his phone began to ring, Mark excused himself from the couple, and Michelle turned to face Andre once again, “And that is why I love you, but I know what I‘m doing, so just trust me, okay?”
“I do trust you baby,” Andre reasoned, “but you are 34 weeks pregnant- the baby could come out any minute. You can’t keep jumping and running around like you used to before the baby.”
“But I feel fine,” she protested.
“I know you do,” he let out a worried sigh, “and baby, I’m so thankful you and the baby are both healthy and feeling great, but I just need to take it slowly, okay? Just until the baby comes. Please you can do it for me”
And then he looked at her with his puppy eyes and her heart melted and she just took his head in her hands and started kissing him, muttering “I promise” somewhere in between the kisses.
As he started kissing her deeper, she could feel the familiar tingling feeling between her legs. Damn, she couldn't wait to get this baby out so she could have proper sex with her husband.
Andre was the one to break the kiss, kissing her on the forehead. “Why don’t you go lay down for a bit,” he instructed more than asked.
“I'm not tired,” she smiled, “besides, there's just so much left to do”.
“And there are so many other people who can do that, you don't have to do everything you know?” Andre was starting to get annoyed.
Her self-defense mechanism was already on guard, but as she opened her mouth to defend herself, a female voice called "Andy!" and soon enough quick footsteps began getting closer.
It was her mother. "Oh Andy, sweetie, can you please help me out with something." she said breathing heavily, probably from all from all the rush she's been into all morning.
"Hey darling," she said kissing Michelle's cheek, “how are you feeling today?”
“I'm feeling great mom, why do you need Andre?”
“Oh the lady with the cake has called, said they had a business emergency- can you imagine- what kind of emergency can a pastry shop have?! Anyhow, all her drivers are away and she has no free car to deliver the cake,” she sighed in agony. “Andy, please, will you be a sweetheart and bring it. I'll give you the directions.”
“Of course,” Andre smiled, glad that he could help. He then turned to Michelle, “Baby, just get some rest, okay?”
Her mother laughed good-naturedly. “Oh, sweetie she doesn’t know how to do that. Let me tell you something about this one. When she was a child, there was no way to get her to nap during the day. Not even when she had a fever. Nope. She would just go outside and play with the rest of the kids on the street. I would literally have to drag her inside to give her the medicine. And she’d still get better sooner than the rest of the kids.”
Michelle raised her eyebrows at her mother, annoyed that she had to tell Andre stuff like that. “But she got it from me.” The older women admitted. “I was just the same as she is now. I couldn’t lie still throughout either of my pregnancies. You know, I was actually apple picking on my father’s farm when this one decided to come out. We barely made it to the hospital!” Andre couldn’t help but laugh at the story and neither could Michelle. “My point is, I know you worry, but she’ll do just fine. That’s just how she’s always been.”
Then she turned to her daughter handing her a small basket that she was carrying, “Darling, please pack these presents for the guests, would you?” the women smiled sweetly before winking at Andre, “That will keep her busy”. Then she took him under the arm and started leading him down the stairs, giggling and gesturing something vividly to him.
Michelle just shook her head as she could literally feel her heart smile. She couldn’t be happier that her mother has finally accepted Andre. The situation wasn’t always so pink and shiny between them. Not even close. And not just concerning her mother, but her whole family honestly. Michelle was always their pride and joy and they were all so very disappointed when, instead of choosing “so many top-class universities that France had to offer,” Michelle accepted a scholarship for studying architecture in an university in Portugal. Her family had dreams about her becoming a lawyer or a doctor, and they were highly disappointed when she chose architecture instead. But they knew how strong headed she was and eventually they just accepted her decision. And soon Michelle proved them that she made the right choice. Just in her first semester she won the opportunity to work as a student intern on one of the projects of the biggest architecture company in the country. And success after success seemed to follow. The other part, which her parents were not so happy about was that just after she had finished her first semester, Michelle met Andre.
If the day is to be judged by the morning, then these two should’ve known that their relationship was going to be a rocky one judging its beginning- they met while she was on a date with another man! After that they saw each other a couple more times, then Michelle went home during the winter holidays, not really believing she would see him again. But after she came back, only to find him waiting for her with flowers in front of her campus, the two became completely inseparable. It took them just a few short months to fall madly in love. After her last final exam for the year, Andre proposed as they sat in their bathing suits, eating ice cream and watching the sunset on the beach. There wasn’t anyone around to take cute pictures of them, nor was there anyone around to celebrate their engagement with. Their friends thought they’ve gone completely mad considering they were both barely 20, and so did his family. Her family on the other hand didn’t even want to hear any of that. Michelle wanted to take Andre to France with her during the summer to meet her family, but they didn’t even consider the possibility before rejecting it. Thankfully, his family was a bit more considerate and they slowly accepted their engagement, falling completely in love with Michelle as they got to know her.
They got married right before the beginning of her fall semester and moved into a small apartment which wasn’t the nicest but was all they could afford. Their wedding was small with just a couple of friends and a few of Andre’s family members. Michelle’s family was still absolutely furious at her, but she would forever be thankful to her sister and Antoine, her soon- to be- husband, who came for the wedding and actually gave them a chance. Soon after the wedding Andre started playing in FC Porto and Michelle started an internship in an architecture company with a symbolic salary. She was willing to work part time as a waitress or something, but Andre pressured her to pursue her dreams even if it meant that he wouldn’t have it easy. Slowly, Michelle’s family began to cool off and they started calling and visiting and slowly accepting their marriage.
Then, just a little before their first anniversary, Michelle peed on a stick in the toilet on the stadium while Andre was playing. Two very strong red-ish lines told her that she was pregnant, or at least that’s what the instruction said and she has read that about eleven times. She couldn’t even wait to get home to tell him the news but ran to him as soon as the game was over, and they laughed together as the whole team cheered them on. This time, both of their families went equally crazy going on and on about how they were still even too young to raise themselves let alone a baby, how irresponsible they’ve been, how immature, and the list goes on and on.
All Michelle and Andre did was laugh and enjoy this utter bliss they felt. However, asowevhOsjsjsnnbbasssssssm  the baby was growing and with it Michelle, so seemed to grow their parent’s compassion and affection for the baby because they slowly started accepting their grandchild, and Andre as well.
Now- due in less than two weeks- Michelle lovingly stroked her belly and the baby that she’s grown to love more than words can describe, as she watched her mother and everyone in her family accept the man she loved with all her heart like he was one of their own.
The rest of the morning flew by in performing finishing touches, and it was almost noon when Michelle finally found some time to do her hair and make-up. Just as she was putting on her lipstick, Andre walked by in his suit. His eyes widened at the sight of her as he whispered in awe that she looked breathtaking, and Michelle couldn’t stop smiling either because he looked absolutely dashing in that suit.
He needed help with his tie, but Michelle wasn’t quite fond of the one he had chosen. As she turned to the drawers to look for a more suitable one, she felt a sharp pain run through her lower stomach.
“Baby,” she gasped in pain grabbing onto the table for support, unable to say anything else as the pain kept cutting through her like a knife. Andre was already by her side holding her.
He led her to the bed but when she screamed due to a new wave of pain that washed over her, he completely lost it. He didn’t even know what he was supposed to do, even though he himself has insisted that they go through this plan only a hundred times.
“Get the keys!” with the pain taking the best of her, Michelle screamed at him. Andre immediately started roaming through the drawers, completely taking the content out of them, as he frantically searched for the keys. Paranoid and unable to find them, he even asked Michelle if she had them before realizing they were in his pocket all along. “What is going on here?” Her mother questioned as she entered the room after hearing the loud noise. When she saw Michelle lying in bed, holding her belly, her face twisted in pain, she quickly ran to her side.
As she noticed that all the color has left Andre’s face as he kept fidgeting, unsure what to do to help his wife, the older women told them both  in a soothing voice that they can do this, that they’ve prepared for this and that their baby girl is waiting for them at the end of this day. This seemed to calm Andre down, as now he was finally able to think straight again.
“But this is too early, why is she coming so early?” Michelle questioned frantically, realizing that her due date is not for another 10 days!
“That is perfectly normal, sweetie; hardly any baby is born on the due date,” her mother stroked her hair trying to calm her down. “The baby usually comes when she feels ready and looks like my granddaughter is pretty ready.”
Andre bent down kissing his wife’s forehead, “We can do this baby, we are ready,” he whispered as Michelle smiled at him thankfully.
She was already starting to mentally prepare herself for the delivery and for having to miss her sister’s wedding after all, when the pain all of a sudden just stopped, as abruptly as it has come.
It seemed to have been a false alarm but her mother waited around a little longer just to be sure. When nothing happened, she instructed her daughter to have some rest and this time, Michelle didn’t object. Andre laid down beside her, stroking her hair, as she rested her head on his chest.
“I’m so embarrassed,” she muttered, “Can’t believe I scared you all like that”
“Are you kidding me,” Andre laughed, ”I was a total mess! I think I would’ve lost my head had it only not been attached to my neck.”
They laughed wholeheartedly. “Seems like men really aren’t made for this” Michelle commented as Andre leaned down to kiss her lips.
“Not even close” he said sincerely, “but I promise to stay by your side through it all.” He kissed her again.
“Just don’t faint please,” Michelle only half- joked as she snuggled deeper in his arms.
The wedding has gone as planned and was absolutely mesmerizing. At times, as she watched her sister in the stunning wedding dress and her whole family there, supporting her, it made Michelle a bit sad that she couldn’t have experienced that on her own wedding day. But she would then glance at her husband’s hand holding her own and at her round belly, and she couldn’t feel more blessed to have come this far with the man who has completely stole her heart. And when her sister and her now officially husband kissed, she cried out of pure happiness.
The newly-weds have left near the end of the evening, right after they’ve cut the cake, having a flight for Sicily to catch. Guests have started to leave immediately after them, leaving only the closest family members to continue chatting and sharing stories in the spirit of the beautiful day that was past them. By midnight, all of them have already gone to bed, and Andre and Michelle were definitely the first ones to do so. However, while Andre fell asleep as soon as he hit the pillow, Michelle couldn’t fall asleep for the life of her. In between bathroom breaks which now seemed to be less than an hour apart, she kept tossing and turning, unable to sleep. This was nothing uncommon, as her life was practically like this during the whole third trimester. However, tonight it was accompanied with cramp like pain which seemed to come in waves since early evening. She didn’t want to say anything to Andre because she didn’t want to get him worried, but he was able to see that something was off since she wasn’t as chatty as she usually was nor did she want to dance as much as he knew she’d like to. But she just told him that she was exhausted and this seemed enough as he then took her to the garden seater, where they sat and rocked all evening long while he gently massaged her back with one hand and caressed her belly with another one. This seemed to help as the pain subsided. However, as the night went on it started to become stronger again. Michelle wasn’t worried; after what has happened today she simply thought that her body was slowly preparing for the experience of child birth. Nevertheless, she headed for the kitchen to have a glass of warm milk, afraid that she might wake Andre up with her tossing and turning.
“Can’t sleep?” she heard familiar voice say as she sat in the kitchen, sipping her milk. Once again, it was Mark. She gave him a small smile, shaking her head.
“Sounds familiar. When Camile was pregnant with our youngest one, I would find her like this every other night,” he said pouring himself a glass of water and taking the seat across the table.”
“But you don’t have a long way to go any more,” he smiled as he watched her stroke her belly gently.” “About ten more days,” she said gazing lovingly at her round belly.
“You feeling alright?” Mark questioned as he watched her flinch in pain for a split of a second.
“Yeah,” she smiled “it just feels like this young lady may decide to come out a bit sooner” she whispered.
They continued talking for a good half an hour, before Michelle decided to return to bed. She picked up the dishes that they’ve used and carried them to the sink to wash them. Suddenly an “oh-no” escaped her lips loud enough for Mark to hear.
“What? Did you cut yourself?” But as he stood up to check, he noticed a small pool of water on the floor.
“What the- where did this come from?” he asked in confusion, but awareness washed over him when he saw Michelle’s facial expression.
“Did your-?”
“I think you should wake Andre up,” she breathed. ”My water just broke.”
  AN: Would you guys possibly maybe kinda want to read more about how these two met? I already have the whole story of that event laid out- and it’s super cute and funny tbh- I just need to know if you’d be interesting in reading that. Also, please tell me if my one shots are too long. I feel like they are too long and I wan to know if this bothers you. I personally love reading long long imagines/one shots/fan fictions, and I’m always like *want more*, and I quite enjoy both details and dialogues, which is why I write such long one shots. But please just tell me how you feel about this, I would really appreciate it. <3
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morsexordiumrp-blog · 7 years
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Finally, below are acceptances for our initial round. I am so thankful to each and every one of you that took the time to develop these characters and pour your time, effort, and soul into these applications. If you would like some feedback on why your application was not submitted, please feel free to send me a message. To those who were accepted - yay!! I hope to hear from you soon! Acceptances are listed in alphabetical order, with OCs last.
Congratulations SARAH, you have been accepted for the role of ALPHARD BLACK with the faceclaim of TBD. I really appreciated how in depth you went in your explore section, and how you related it to his family. I also really liked the quotes you linked to show what inspired you - I thought they captured his spirit so well! In addition, I’ll be sending you a private message to discuss his faceclaim. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations WHITNEY, you have been accepted for the role of AUGUSTA FAWLEY with the faceclaim of CELINA SINDEN. Seeing your development tp the strict grandmother we love from this young girl was such a pleasure. I love how you integrated the impact of of Alice/Frank on her, taking from the character you have into the adult we know. Also Celina Sinden, yaaaasss. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations LUCY, you have been accepted for the role of DELORA ROSIER with the faceclaim of NAOMI SCOTT or CAITLIN STASEY. The first link in your inspo section literally had me laughing out loud - perfect! I also really loved how her sister’s relationship is impacting how she sees the world as she grows up. Caitlin Stasey is one of my FAV fcs, but I thought Naomi worked very well as well, so you pick and just let me know. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations KIRSTEN, you have been accepted for the role of EUPHEMIA CURREN with the faceclaim of ANNALISE BASSO. I was so glad to see this application, and that she was your preference. Your description of her equating to holding sparklers was so on point, I loved it. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations KAT, you have been accepted for the role of FREYA SLOAN LESTRANGE with the faceclaim of MARIE AVGEROPOULOS. I adored the background you created for her, and how you made her Rab/Rod’s mother with so much pride they carry her last name. The variety of songs offered in the musings section also really helped round her out. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations TRISH, you have been accepted for the role of LORAINNE SHACKLEBOLT with the faceclaim of ZOE KRAVITZ. From the very first line when you compared Lorainne to Wonder Woman, I knew I was going to love this application. And a Joan of Arc quote for her? Omg, SOLD! I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations CY, you have been accepted for the role of LUCRETIA BLACK with the faceclaim of LORDE. The boggart you chose for her was so unique, I loved it! Also describing her as ‘practically hippy trash’ made me cackle and I cannot wait to see you bring that to life! I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations GEM, you have been accepted for the role of THORLEY GREENGRASS with the faceclaim of NICHOLAS HOULT. What I found so interesting in this application is the number of questions you asked about Thorley as a character, and then still didn’t answer all of them. It showed me that you’re questioning a lot about who he is and willing to really delve into him to discover where he’ll go. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations TOM, you have been accepted for the role of TOM RIDDLE with the faceclaim of TYLER YOUNG. So much of this app had me grinning like an idiot and ecstatic to see this enigma start interacting with other characters. Anyone who can call their character a ‘fucking terrible person’ and then also delve into why without justifying it is a+ in my book. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations AV, you have been accepted for the role of TYRON AVERY with the faceclaim of KEITH POWERS. By far the most difficult decision I had to make, ultimately is was the depth of connections with other characters that really pushed me into choosing your Tyron. The family creation and impact on his pscyhe/development was spectacular. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations RACH, you have been accepted for the role of WALBURGA BLACK with the faceclaim of TBD. Your description of her needing control and how she copes with that, not always well, was great. The aesthetic you chose was perfect, and I loved the hunger games song so much. Also, I will be messaging you privately about your faceclaim so that we can get it squared away. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations KALETON, you have been accepted for the role of OC: XALDIN LOVEGOOD with the faceclaim of EVAN PETERS. I am once again so happy to see Xaldin back at Mors! I love the family background you have created for him and how that relates to our favorite blonde Ravenclaw. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations BABY, you have been accepted for the role of OC: LAVERNIA ‘VERA’ MALFOY with the faceclaim of DOVE CAMERON. Your descriptions of Vera are so vivid and loaded with imagery, and I am dying to see her actually interact with some characters. And her Shakespeare quote was so great. I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
Congratulations ELLIE, you have been accepted for the role of OC: ROSE SELWYN with the faceclaim of ELLE FANNING. I adored both of your applications, but if you prefer Rose I’m definitely going to throw you in here with her! Her biography was beautifully written and I loved the list of headcanons at the end.I am so excited to see you get involved! Please follow all instructions found on the checklist page and we’ll see you soon!
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purplestarkatz93 · 7 years
My FT questions answers
So regarding my previous post here are my answers to my Fairy Tail Questionnaire.
1.  How did you first heard about Fairy Tail?
From my friend Beth. I saw how much she liked it and when she suggested that I check it out I did. I have been hooked ever since. And it’s become my favorite anime of all time, because I never have been more emotionally invested in an anime before.
2. Do read the manga, watch the anime, or both?
I do both. Haven’t been watching the anime lately, but I’ve been keeping up with the manga now. BUT I HATE SPOILERS, SO DON’T TELL ME ANYTHING UNTIL THE TRANSLATION COMES OUT!
3. Who are your favorite character(s)?
I really love all of them, but my top 3 are:  
Levy McGarden, I like her because she’s a fellow bookworm, she’s cute, intelligent, and really needs to be the focus more often. Pantherlily. I love how he can go from this big creature, yet can change back into this small cute thing. He’s bad ass and adorable. I call him Badorable. And really my absolute favorite character is Gajeel Redfox. I could really talk for hours on why he’s my favorite, but to sum up I like him because he’s a complex character. 
A Complex character, also known as a Dynamic character or a Round character displays the following characteristics:
He or she undergoes an important change as the plot unfolds.
The changes he or she experiences occur because of his or her actions or experiences in the story.
Changes in the character may be good or bad.
The character is highly developed and complex, meaning they have a variety of traits and different sides to their personality.
Some of their character traits may create conflict in the character.
He or she displays strengths, weaknesses, and a full range of emotions.
He or she has significant interactions with other characters.
He or she advances the plot or develops a major theme in the text.
Gajeel has done most of those things on that list.
And to be honest when he first appeared I really didn’t hate him. Yes what he did was wrong, especially regarding Team Shadowgear, but I had this small feeling, ever since I found out that he was a Dragon Slayer that he was going to be an ally to Fairy Tail, never expected him to join though. I’m so glad he did!
4. What is a character or characters that you absolutely hate? And not even love to hate, you wish they were never in the story to begin with.
Future Rogue. That bastard kill Future Lucy, and I will never forgive him for that. Even if he apologized. Seriously I cried so hard when I watched that part in the anime.
5. Do you own any FT merchandise?
The first 20 volumes of the manga, a Capricorn key charm, Natsu plush, Lily plush, small Happy loaf plush or Tsum Tsum, a Mirajane keychain, a Gajeel keychain, a notebook, exceed bracelet, a FT symbol keychain, a wallet, and 2 T-shirts.
I think that’s it.
6. What is your favorite opening?
I have 3.
Snow Fairy ( the first and probably the most recognizable)
Rock City Boy ( Fun fact the singer is actually American, but he lived most of his life in Japan)
I wish ( I like this one because it’s the only one where I think I could do a cover of it. It’s in my vocal range)
Honorable mention goes to the 1st movie’s opening 200 Miles.
7. What is your favorite ending?
Be as One
You, He, Me, and She
8. What is your favorite character song?
Well, since Gajeel is my favorite character, my fave character song, is his song My Iron Blues. It’s awesome, fun to sway to, has female back up singers, and I like his singing very much.
Also for you Yuri on Ice fans, this the same guy who sings You Only Live Once
You’re welcome for that random piece of trivia.
9.What is your favorite instrumental track?
Any version of the main theme.
Original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6kb96YWXMA
Slow  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Loi4bYzXvAw
Piano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk2jYmZerD8
Metal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiT8Ct0cQzM
Tenroujima https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At_zB-pK3JQ
I also like Dragon Slayer  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJoKUq8j1Ns
Natsu’s theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhevjjbvWmw
Lucy’s theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L26TQP7Qe9I
Happy’s theme  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAIFonqW4SY
One thing I love about FT’s music is the Celtic feel to it. My family is Irish and Scottish, so it makes me think of my heritage.
10. What are your FT ships?
I ship:
Nalu (Natsu x Lucy)
Gruvia (Gray x Juvia)
Jerza (Jellal x Erza)
Elfgreen (Elfman x Evergreen)
Laxana (Laxus x Cana)
RoWen (Romeo x Wendy)
LoRies (Loke x Aries)
Albis (Alzack x Bisca)
Rerry (Ren x Sherry)
Cappy (Carla x Happy)
Kinbara (Erik x Kinana)
StingYu (Sting x Yukino)
But my OTP for the series is Gajevy (Gajeel x Levy, which is canon now! YAY! )
11. What is an unpopular opinion you have aka something that you do that is not normal to the FT fandom? 
I’m a NaLu fan that does not hate Lisanna at all. I hate how so many Nalu fans hate her just because she “gets in the way of NaLu”.
That’s one thing that bothers me with any fandom. When people hate on a character just because they get in they way of their precious OTP.
I’ve said it before, but I think that is a stupid reason to hate a character. If the only reason you hate a character is because they ruin a ship for you, kindly go back into your small corner of the world, where you can bitch and complain all you want like the immature brat that you are.
The rest of us adults, are going to ship what we want, and respect each other’s choices, and not hate on character solely for that purpose.
Lisanna did nothing wrong, and all those fan fics that portray her as this bitchy chick who “steals” Natsu from Lucy and makes Lucy all depressed and shit makes me want to gouge my eyes out every time I read one.
I respect the fact that some people don’t ship NaLu, I respect the fact that I don’t ship NaLi.
12. Do you draw/write FT fan art or fan fiction?
Yes, check out my DA here http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/gallery/42409453/Fairy-Tail
Maybe I’ll post stuff here soon, old and new.
13. What is one thing about FT that pisses you off?
At least we know about Makarov’s mom now.
And we do know more of the dragon slayers’ past, but I still have my headcanons about their biological parents, or at least Gajeel and Wendy’s. Like how Metalicana and Grandeeny found them. Let me know if you want to hear them. Bear in mind they are quite depressing.Don’t have any for Sting and Rouge. And as for Natsu, well I did have one, but that went out the window and I think you know why.
14. If you could put the FT cast into another show what would it be and why?
It’s a weird choice but I chose Scrubs. I could just see it. Natsu=JD (It be funny to see Natsu have all those crazy daydreams, wouldn’t it?) Lucy=Elliot (If Natsu and Lucy did live in another universe, I think they would be an on again off again couple until they were ready to be with each other.) Juvia=Carla (Putting Carla as Carla would be too obvious, and I know it doesn’t exactly match up, but I have this headcanon that Juvia can speak Spanish, because Juvia;s name is the Japanese spelling for the Spanish word rain or  lluvia) Gray=Turk (I know it doesn’t really fit, but had to keep him and Juvia together.) Laxus= Dr,Cox (Can you just imagine how funny it be if Laxus did a Cox rant?) Cana=Jordan (I feel a relationship between Laxus and Cana would be like the one Jordan has with Dr.Cox) Gajeel=Janitor (One of the best characters in the show, and it be funny to see Gajeel prank Natsu) Levy=Lady (She’s the Janitor’s girlfriend and later wife in Season 8) Hades= Dr. Kelso (Hades is evil but a recent chapter in the Tartarus arc showed that he kind of still has a heart, so that’s why I picked him)
Freed=Ted (I just think it be funny)
Loke=The Todd (both are bit of playboys and be funny to see Loke question his sexuality) I do have others, but they’re only characters that appeared in one or two seasons so I’m not going to bother.
15. What are some musicals you put the FT cast in? (I only put this question in cause I’m a theatre geek)
Shrek the musical
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Barbie as the Island Princess
Barbie and the Diamond Castle
If you want I can tell you who I would have play each part. Some I’m still figuring out, so not all roles have been cast yet.
16. Do you cosplay or plan on cosplaying any of the characters?
I cosplay as Mira(no pictures available) and Levy which I do have pictures of on my DeviantART account. Let me know if you want to see it.
I’m gonna post it on here soon.
Now all I need is a Gajeel.
17. What are your favorite arcs?
Phantom Lord, Fighting Festival, Edolas, Tenrou Island, Key of the Starry Sky, Grand Magic Games, and Alvarez. What do they all have in common? There is focus on Gajeel in all of them. Some more than others.
18. If you could join any guild what would it be?
Fairy Tail, duh.
19. Have any FCs?
Yes,  Valerie Saline who you can learn more about here http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/Fairy-Tail-OC-Bio-361202036\
I even made an Edo version of her
Then my next gen kids
Mckenna and Iggy (NaLu kids)http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/NaLu-Kids-360992943
Nieve, Brendan, and Tally (Gruvia kids) http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/Gruvia-Kids-360992503
Conor and Olivia (Gajevy kids, they’re the older siblings of the canon Gajevy twins. Although they’re born years later when Conor and Olivia are much older. In my FT future they were a surprise aka they were not planned. BTW do they have names? I keep trying to look it up, but come up with nothing. The FT wiki literally has nothing about the light novel they debut in http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Fairy_Tail_3:_Trouble_Twins 
Actually they have barely anything about the light novels expect for like the first one.) http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/GaLe-Kids-360992447
Matthew and Sarah (Jerza kids) http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/Jerza-Kids-361673144
If you’re wondering why they look nothing like Jellal and Erza, it’s because they’re adopted. 
20. If you were a wizard what kind of magic would you use?
Singing magic, like a Siren. I would sing and hypnotize people and when there out of it, attack them.
21. What is a magic item you would like to have?
A light pen http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Light_Pen  It be fun to draw/write in thin air.
22. Did you enjoy this questionnaire?
I sure did, seeing how I created it.
Oh and let me take this opportunity to talk about something else FT related.
I have the Todd Haberkorn (the Eng VA of Natsu 3 times at different cons)
Here’s proof http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/I-TOLD-YOU-SO-463572927
And here’s some autographs he gave me I don’t have a picture of the third one up yet 
Okay that’s all.
And please don’t mad at me for my answers.
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, ALEX! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklistand send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
OOC INFORMATION:    Name/Alias; pronouns: Alex (They/them/theirs)    Age, Timezone: 25+, est    Activity, short explanation: I’m a grad student and I work so I can be very busy some days or home all day others but I should be able to do a minimum of one or two replies each day and more on others.    Ships: Addison/Chemistry, Addison/Happiness    Anti-Ships: Addison/Forced, Addison/No chemistry    Triggers: RFP    Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link): https://starlets.tumblr.com/image/187669199857
     Anything else: Connection fill for Gabriel Batiste. Could we make the Elliott Gilbert family cousins to the Hummel Family? IC INFORMATION:    Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Addison Emily Gilbert    FC: Nina Dobrev    Age/Year at University: Age 21 (Junior)    Birth date: December 1, 1998    
        Hometown: Akron, Ohio    Gender/Pronouns: She/her    Sexuality: Pan    Major(s): Medical Science (Clinical medicine)
        Housing request: Beiste Dormatory (RA Suite)
        Extracurriculars: Science Club, Gymnastics.    Greek Life Affiliation: Lambda Alpha Delta CHARACTER PROFILE:    [At least] 3 Headcanons for your character: Ever since she was a little kid Addison was determined to never let not having a lot of money define her. She grew up with a loving family who did their best for their kids. Addi was the kid who would rescue the baby bird who fell out of it’s nest or adopt the baby bunny who was shivering scared on the side of the road. Caring was in her blood. At school Addison was fairly popular but not the most popular. Addi’s passion has always been people. She loves to meet new people with different life experiences and if they need someone she will help as much as she can. Addison knew from middle school age she wanted to be a doctor, and she was under no illusion it would take hard work to get there. Growing up watching her mom working hard to provide for their family Addison knew one day she wanted to be able to really thank her for that and being a doctor meant she could give her mom the happy relating retirement she deserved. Addison worked hard all through school, occasionally getting distracted by a boy or girl but overall she kept her grades up and even did volunteer work to make sure she could get a scholarship to college because there was no way her mom could afford to pay for her education. The music Addison loves most is Christmas music, once halloween is past that’s all you will hear from her room. Addison does enjoy gymnastics and is a fairly good dancer but not talented enough to pursue professionally. Addison a grade behind where she should be as she took a year out after her son was born last August, he is now just over a year old and she is back at school because she wants to finish her education to give her child a good life. Being a sorority girl and a cheerleader Addison slept with football player Gabriel Beiste and despite using protection she ended up pregnant. Addison didn’t tell Gabe because she was scared; she would rather he didn’t know about the baby than the chance of being rejected. Addison had previously been living at the Lambda Alpha Delta sorority house and had been a cheerleader as well as being on the Gymnastics team and in the science club. She may request a move to the apartments if her son comes to live with her. Currently, Addison’s son lives with her mother just an hour away in Akron, Ohio. Addi’s mom suggested she try to finish school without her son so she could focus on her education but it’s not even half way though the semester yet and she is missing him terribly. Now that she is back at school Addison plans to tell Gabriel about his son. STUDENT CENSUS SURVEY: What made you want to attend Joie University? I first looked at attending Joie University because I couldn’t afford to go to college out of state but I’m glad I did because it turned out to be a perfect fit for me as they have a great medical sciences program and I want to be a doctor. What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? I think my positive traits include compassion, empathy and conscientiousness. My negative traits are most likely that I am impractical; I will over work myself and stretch myself to thin by being too altruistic and too idealistic, I will often overly avoid conflict to an extent that makes me take things too personally so that I find it hard to use criticism constructively. Overall my personality definitely fits the ISFJ-A I got on the Briggs Myers personality test we did in my freshman Psychology class. Which of your traits do you value most? I truly value my empathy above all other traits. Paired with my ability to observe and read other people I use my empathy to connect with others who might be afraid to reach out for help and I will do anything in my power to help them which is why I want to go into medicine.   How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? Empathy could be a trait that can help the rest of the student body because they have someone who they can talk to and would listen and hopefully having someone who is an active listener not just a passive listener would help them on the first steps to feeling better. What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? Aside from gaining my degree at Joie University I hope to gain life long friends and memories which is why I chose to join a sorority. What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? 
 “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” -John Ronald Reuel
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