#so excited for the kny movie too the finale made me crazy
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cyancherub · 2 months ago
have u seen the new csm movie trailer yet
I HAVE NOT SEEN IT ! !! ! i actually didnt even know it was out OMFG i have been so immersed in catching up omn demon slayer!! I AM RUNNING TO WATCH
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baskrvilles · 4 years ago
yesss the iwaushi selfie was so great it's literally the Worst selfie ever and I love them for it. sensei really is spoiling us tho every time a bunch of new stuff gets released I'm like omg please get some rest this series is over and ur still working this hard???? and I SO feel you about the karasuno v inarizaki match it's my favorite and so many good moments are getting glossed over/skipped. I really hope anime onlys pick up the manga after this and get to see it in its full glory (1/3)
also omg that iwaizumi edit is SO nice! I love the textures and fonts that you chose! that was a really good match I've been rereading bits and pieces of haikyuu lately and I got to that match and I always forget just how Good it is. and fukuroudani v mujinazaka!! I loved how much insight we got into akaashi during that match. but I totally agree haha there are so many good moments in haikyuu :') I'm so excited for the kny movie too!! it looks amazing from all the pv's! (2/3)
lmao yes hxh really got me with the chimera ant arc it started off all oh this is gonna be another fun arc! 😃 and then v quickly took a sharp left turn into like oh. oh no 😭 I hope u get the chance to catch up on furuba! they got to a lot of what I think is the really good stuff in s2 like beach arc and the student council. tho I totally get what you mean about attention span I always say I have a lot of inertia when it comes to watching things lol I have to like work myself up to it(3/3) ❤️🎅
yesssss omg we really are spoiled like the fact that sensei added so many extras to the final volume and redrew/added some scenes to the last chapter i was just not expecting all that bless you furudate for all you do 😭🙌 akaksksllksksk i’m glad i’m not the only one who thinks s4 is just a rushed mess! plus i don’t know if i’m crazy but i feel like at least 80% of the episodes are just moving still images?!?! like not a lot of actual animated movements if you know what mean. that’s why i haven’t been inspired to gif any of it 😔😔 it sucks but that’s what the manga is for! i also hope anime onlys just read the manga! at this point i have no hope for karasuno vs nekoma being done justice 😥
ahhh thank you! it’s actually my fav edit that i’ve made and people left such nice tags i’m 🥺💖 but yes that match was amazing! i’m biased but i wanted seijoh nationals and nationally ranked ace iwaizumi to be a thing 😆 it’s okay tho we got final boss oikawa in the end so it’s all good! honestly i wasn’t expecting akaashi’s character to be like that lol! i thought he was just gonna be a stoic maybe at times dorky character but to see how flustered and anxious he gets is so refreshing and relatable! it definitely made me love him more!
did you read the kny manga? or you don’t know what happens in the movie?? gaaawd chimera ant arc lol! actually the first time i watched hxh i stopped right in the beginning of that arc cuz i heard it was gonna be a shitfest so i couldn’t go through with it! 😭😭 fast forward to quarantine and i finally get through it but at what cost?!? i’m emotionally a wreck by the mere mention of meruem and komugi now!!! but it was an amazing arc for sure especially after greed island which wasn’t that good in my opinion! i’ll get to furuba eventually. it’s definitely not a priority 😂 i feel like i’m just not that into shoujo anymore that’s why i’m putting it off. but i gotta do it for the nostalgia!! and lol that’s a good way to put it! plus watching to much anime makes me so sleepy! my eyes are shit tbh 😆
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