#so detailed aaaghh...
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milkfroggo · 26 days ago
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Ticid hairstyle changes, as a treat.
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princesstarfire1234 · 8 months ago
TLDR: I fucking despise ship art and fanfics that infantilize Orion Pax / Optimus Prime
Okay so I just wanna put my thoughts out here right now because I've not seen many people talk about it and it honestly bothers me a lot...
So, it's no secret that I ship MegOp and stuff right? I like and have reblogged a bunch of art of them before and I will keep doing so, but something about how this place (or more certain parts of the fandom) portray the ship gives me major icks and I fucking hate it so much
Detailed thoughts under cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Case in point, a massive part of the TFP fanbase likes to ship Orion and Megatronus and I get that, I get why people like shipping those two but it's the WAY they do it. A lot, not all, but most of the fanart surrounding Orion Pax and Megatronus is him being like the smaller and more submissive one of the relationship which fine, whatever, but most people just end up drawing him REALLY small like ik he's shorter than Megs who was a gladiator and all that and he was an archivist but jesus christ... Aside the size which is weird and all but it's really all about the rampant infantilization of the guy. When they remove all agency from the character and act like Orion is gonna fucking combust the moment someone confronts him or tries to fight him like no... I've not read Exodus but I don't think Orion being a nerdy book guy is gonna make him THAT soft, this is still the same mech who became PRIME like cmon
I don't know the exact words for it other than "infantilization" but like y'know what I mean right?? I'm not gonna name blogs but there's this one AU on here where Orion is blind and it has this cutesy artstyle which is fine but I vividly remember reading a comic on that AU where some thugs confront Orion and he's all like sobbing and shit and has to be saved by someone and it's... so you made him disabled and also a crybaby and absolutely incapable of anything??? Does that NOT give you an ick of sorts or seem weird??? God I don't even know anymore because I've seen many people seem to like that so I'm just scared I'm the weird one and wrong for this lmfao... Maybe there's smthn im not getting, you tell me
Anyways this post is getting real long, but this kind of "infantilization" also applies to certain fanarts of TFA MegOp, I always thought the ship was bordering on kind of strange (since TFA Optimus is like the equivalent of some 20-something college dropout and Megatron is implied to have been doing the war stuff way way way back like Ratchet's time) but I won't get into that, I just don't ship that certain brand of the characters myself, but it's fine, do what you want with it. Just know that I have seen art of those two where they treat TFA Optimus as this sort of incapable cutesy uwu boy (aaaghh)
So yeah.... hahahaha stop infantilizing characters and taking a ship where they're both grown ass big men and like straight up turning the other one into some weird ass incapable version of the character that lacks any and all agency and honestly bordering on being really icky as fuck, thank you, idc if you make Optimus the bottom or whatever, that's not what I mean, cya ✌️
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angelasscribbles · 1 month ago
65 Poly Asks Part 1
I was super stoked to stumble across these asks specifically for polycules!!
I saved these asks two months ago and am just now finding the time and energy to sit and answer them.
I haven’t been that active lately but suddenly tonight I had a bit of free time and started reading through these and got so excited to answer them!
There are 65 questions and I tend to be long winded, so I’m going to do them a few at a time so you’re not reading a book by the time I’m done.
Ok, let’s dig in!!
I’m answering for my Bad Romance gang, obviously. Here are the first ten questions.
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How many members are in the polycule? How are they related to each other? Feel free to draw a flowchart. I think that I already answered this here in depth, so I’ll try to stay brief. There are five primary members: Liam, Drake, Max, Riley, and Rashad. Six if you count Siobhan, an OC I made up that in my mind is still around, but I haven’t really written much about her. Riley and Liam are married and they are the king and queen of Cordonia. Riley, Max, and Liam are a throuple. Max is officially Riley’s personal assistant and top royal advisor. Drake is only with Riley romantically. Drake and Liam are best friends and have been since childhood. Drake is the head of Riley’s Queen’s Guard. Rashad was originally Liam’s friend but is now Riley’s lover and her personal lawyer. Liam and Rashad are still friendly, but Drake and Rashad do not like each other. Siobhan is Riley’s friend with benefits. Siobhan and Drake have been intimate with each other in a threesome with Riley. I might expand on that relationship, eventually. Hana is Riley’s best friend. They slept together once, but it didn’t affect their friendship. Hana is aromantic. She and Liam actively dislike each other, but try to get along for Riley’s sake.
Did the relationship start polyamorous, or was it a monogamous relationship that eventually opened? Oh, it started monogamously with Riley breaking up with Max to date Liam, then descended into a toxic hot mess when Liam broke her heart but then refused to let her go (there was an iron-clad marriage contract involved).
If it started monogamous, how did the process of opening the relationship go? Well, basically Riley just did whatever she wanted and tried her best to push Liam away. He refused to be pushed though and eventually agreed to a Cordonian Arrangement (a clause added to the marriage contract that legally opens it). Once he developed his own feelings for Max, and realized that you can, in fact, love more than one person at the same time, he chilled out a lot with the jealousy.
Are there any mono-poly relationships in the polycule? Aaaghh! Yes!! Drake remains mostly monogamous (he has engaged in a threesome, but he doesn’t think that counts since Riley was one of the participants; it was her idea, and she chose the other person).
What “shape” is the polycule? A triad, a “V”, a straight line of metamours, or incomprehensible? Listen. It’s complicated lol. Again, I went into great detail here. Basically63, Liam, Max, and Riley are a triad and they are nesting partners. But since Drake is also a nesting partner, even though he’s mono and only with Riley, I count them as a quad. Rashad is Riley’s lover and he is solo-poly with lots of other partners, so he is not a nesting partner but part of the extended polycule.
Where do each of the members land on the “solo poly” to “entwined” spectrum? As stated above, Rashad is solo poly. He dates very casually but is married to his job. His only deep emotional entanglement is Riley but even for her, he wouldn’t change his lifestyle. They work because she would never ask him nor want him to. After all, she has (functionally) three husbands already. Riley, Drake, Liam, and Max are about as entangled as it gets. They live together, work together, and often share a bed.
Where do each of the members land on the “free agent” to “community oriented” spectrum? Rashad and Riley are free agents. Siobhan too. Max and Liam are very community oriented. And, despite the grumpy exterior and being annoyed a lot by Max, Drake is pretty community oriented as well.
How did each member realize they were polyamorous? Did they always know, or was there some sort of epiphany? Max always knew…  he was poly before he met Riley. He’s the one who told her about it when she asked him what was wrong with her for having feelings for more than one person at a time. Riley figured it out quickly. Liam took a little longer, but he got there eventually. What started as a one-time threesome with Riley and Max turned out to be a potent combination of physical attraction and a lifelong friendship that ended with him falling hard and fast for Max, with Riley’s enthusiastic blessing.
Do any of the current members practice hierarchical polyamory? Who are the primary partners? Oh, yes. I understand that a lot of people find hierarchy unethical but if you ask Liam, he will tell you that he is Riley’s husband and furthermore, he is the king and Riley is his queen making their marriage and the ruling of Cordonia the first priority. Mostly everyone is on board with that and it works. Not always though. Riley would say she loves each of them differently but she does not love one more than another. Max is pretty submissive in personality, and since he’s in love with both Riley and Max, he would not dispute that Liam and Riley’s relationship is primary, he’s just happy to be part of it. Drake’s biggest issue in the beginning was seeing himself as NOT primary. Being monogamous, he saw her marrying Liam as her choosing Liam over him, and it took him leaving for a while to come to terms with it. He still struggles with it from time to time, but now they have open communication and are always able to work through it.
If the polycule is hierarchical, what differs in the boundaries set for primary vs secondary partners? Tertiary partners? Drake doesn’t have other partners. Liam does casual hookups when he travels. Riley occasionally does. Protection is a huge thing that everyone must use if they are going outside the primary quad. I haven’t explored this issue much but I have thought about writing some one-shots around this issue. Since they are pretty closed, catching feelings for someone outside the established polycule might be an issue. This question is making me think I need to explore this in some one-shots.
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angelicyouth · 2 years ago
oh my GOD!!!! LAVENDER WAS SO GOOD?? THE DETAIL WAS AMAZING LIKE WHAT??! GAAAAAHHHH!!! i literally read it twice,,, im so obsessed w/ your writing like.. something about it gives me a warm feeling inside aaaghh!! make sure you hydrate and eat!! have a good day/night!!!! <3
i’m so glad that you enjoyed the first chapter!! & that’s funny because your words always gives me a warm feeling inside—just hearing from your cute self does!!
i hope you stay hydrated yourself and that you eat whatever makes you happy bby—love you!!
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actually-autisticc · 2 years ago
Lmao not my autistic ass STILL hyperfixating on Spinel
I feel like every time I rewatch scenes with Spinel, I find new ways to fall in love with her. I find new things to think about and those things just fester in my mind and I’m like Y E S
I’ll first start with some screenshots that I haven’t seen really circulate throughout the fandom
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These four frames are quite simple but MY GOD I love it. I love how even if Spinel wasn’t given a weapon really (wish we saw how she got the injector and rejuvenator tho. She’d prob be writing song lyrics the way to earth like “fuck what rhymes with friends?). Top left is dope. I love it when her gums slightly show when she’s expressing more anger. Jasper did that too. It’s honestly different from the toothy grin you normally see on characters in the show. To me, it adds a level of madness. It’s such a little detail that adds to who the character is. Spinel was crazy from being left behind. Jasper was pumped up on ‘roids. Also Spidernel in bottom right lmao
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I LOVE HOW SHOCKED AMETHYST LOOKS WHILE SPINEL IS LIKE OOOH PRETTY HAIR. I feel like they’d definitely get along with how they both enjoy goofing off. Would’ve been a power duo
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If you watch Other Friends at a slow frame rate, you’ll notice some things like this. Spinel’s eyes change so frequently throughout the song and you gotta be quick to catch this. ANOTHER DETAIL I OBSESS ABOUT. I love Spinel’s swirly eyes. Reminds me a lot of that snake in The Jungle Book
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I love this screenshot as well. You can tell she was ready to SNAP at this. Imagine saying “what did you say about me?” Only to be completely forgotten. I hate people talking about me behind my back but I think being forgotten is worse. The way the music kind of has a pulse as Spinel’s face twitches is a nice touch.
Sorry for my stupid hyperfixations lmao. I feel like I can’t get enough of Spinel. She’s really become one of my all time favorite characters. The SU crew struck solid gold with her. I find myself replaying parts of Other Friends just to listen to even a snippet of audio because it sounds too good. Every time she laughs makes me melt. Every twang of that Brooklyn accent has me QUAKING. Even a few notes that Sarah Stiles sings has me replaying it on loop (intended). I never knew a character can have me THIS hooked.
I wanna keep apologizing for my stupidness and repetition but at the same time, I don’t want to. Spinel is my happy place.
Did I also mention that she hot?
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pyrewriter · 5 years ago
Adrien awoke in his bed in his room, but it wasn't the room he had in Paris, he looked around and saw his brother Felix "NO not this AGAIN" he shouted but his voice carried no sound. 
"Oh good you're awake, I'll be going out for a while so I'll see you soon" a voice said somewhere to his left, turning he saw his mother.
"NO NO NO I don't want to see this aaaghh" he screamed covering his eyes and ears but still no sound came from him.
"What's the matter sweetie, you don't want me to go?" she sat next to him trying to comfort him "Felix, could you came here darling your brother needs some hugs" 
"Of course, Ma" Felix said walking over and joining his mother in embracing Adrien,he could not feel their touch.
"How many times have I seen this, how many times must I bear witness to what comes next" he asked himself. Suddenly he was standing in the other room staring at himself as he was held by his mother and Felix.
A voice came from him that was not his own, it was that of his eldest brother "You guys didn't tell me we were doing group hugs". He rushed over to try and join them but an explosion blew him back, pulling out a weapon he began firing into the dust and fog before ultimately being gunned down. As he fell Adriens view shifted back to his own body, his arm outstretched reaching for his fallen brother but he couldn't move. It was just him and Felix now, his mother was standing in the doorway smiling warmly before she slowly faded out of existence.  
Adrien blinked and everything had changed. His brother was gone now too, he was in his room in Paris, it was dark, almost pitch black, dim filtered light came from the other side of a kind of cloth that covered his window. Then it was ripped away and he was suddenly very small, outside there was nothing but cameras and in the center was his father.  
The giant version of his father grabbed his room and shook it bringing himself close to the glass yelling "What are you doing, pose, work for the camera, I am your father and you will-"
"ADRIEN ADRIEN, HEY wake up kid" Plaggs voice cut through the noise "KID wake up".  
Adrien shot up from the bench he had passed out on the night before "I'm up, I’m up!" the sudden movement gave him a head rush.
Plagg let out a sigh of relief "Jeez Adrien, what the hell were you dreaming about, you were crying and hyperventilating like crazy".
"Well I'm fine now, and it was just an old nightmare that I thought I had escaped...guess not" he removed his mask to better catch his breath and wipe his tears. 
Plagg gave him a skeptical look "You sure you're ok?"
"I'm fine, I just need to use a trick I haven't used in a few years and what are doing out in the open"
"Alright I'll take your word for it but if it happens again I won’t be so gentle” Plagg said raising his hand to make a slapping gesture. "And to answer your second question, there's no one around so I came out"
Adrien let out a genuine laugh "Haha I'd appreciate that Plagg, now let's get patrol over with so we can chill" Plagg nodded in agreement. "Hey where's Belial?" he asked looking around.
Pagg pointed downward "You scared him so he ran under the bench".
Adrien got up and looked under the bench to see Belial curled up and asleep "Hey bud, sorry about that" Belial meowed "I know but I'm fine now, come here buddy". Belial crawled over to him and hopped onto his shoulder like normal to nuzzle his face. Before he transformed Adrien checked his phone and saw he had one new message from Nino.
"We need to talk, meet me behind the school. Call or text me when you see this so I know you're coming".
Adrien was confused and a little concerned but he texted him back "Alright I can meet you sometime around 18:00 but do you mind if we head to a place to eat while we talk?".  
Before he could even put his phone away Nino replied "Deal".
Adrien was surprised at how fast Nino replied "Huh that was fast, even for him" he said putting his phone back into his pocket. He walked down the street until he found a telephone booth to transform in so he could start patrol then his day with Willy. After exchanging pleasantries with the receptionist and officers as he dropped off Belial and picked up Willy for the day just as he had the last time. Setting up Chats rooftop camp took up the entire first half of the day and part of the better part of the afternoon.  
"Thanks for helping me with all that stuff, 3-W" Chat said as he and Willy walked down the street to a tea shop that Chat needed some more supplies from.  
Willy shrugged "Don't sweat it Noir, it was nice to feel productive ,especially after last night, and besides my head was pounding so going crazy wasn't really in the cards".
"Guess you're right, we're almost there by the way" Chat pulled out his wallet "I should have enough to get me through the week if they're on sale". 
"What are you gettin anyway?" Willy asked.
"Incense" Chat replied plainly then "-and some wax paper, and before you ask, I plan to roll them, no I don't smoke, I let them burn" he looked at Willy who was giving him a very confused look "They help me sleep". When they got to the shop Chat ordered Lavender incense in bulk, a pack of wax paper sheets and a flip lighter with a cat holding a clover in it’s mouth engraved on it. He stashed all his purchases in separate pockets putting the lighter in his left chest pocket. The rest of the day went by in a flash despite nothing really happening but neither of them were disappointed with how it unfolded.
After returning Willy to the station and picking up Belial, Adrien texted Nino "Heading to the school alley now, meet you there".
Nino was already waiting when he received Adriens text "Already there, hurry up slowpoke". 
Adrien replied with "Should have seen that coming" before picking up his pace to a jog, it took him a few minutes to get there but Nino was waiting just outside the alley. "YO!" hey called out as he approached "what did you wanna talk about?".
"We'll talk after we get some food, I'm guessing you haven't had much to eat in the past few days" Nino wasn't showing any signs of distress or urgency in his voice. Adrien and Nino walked down the street into a familiar looking alley but Adrien couldn't quite put his finger on why it felt familiar. 
"So where are you taking me, Nino?" Adrien asked.
Nino passed him explaining "My Uncle Milo owns and operates a tavern, it's just down this way" he motioned for Adrien to follow.
"Oh I'll have to remember that" Adrien said quickening his pace to catch up with his friend. When Nino opened the door he realized why the alley felt so familiar, most of the chairs and tables hadn't moved from where he had left them the night before. 
"Take a seat, this'll be my treat" Nino pulled out a chair for his friend "-you want anything to drink?" he asked adding “He won’t card you if you're responsible”.
"A weak ale, if you got it"
Nino nodded then yelled "Hey Uncle Milo, Ale and a couple of burgers".
A voice from the kitchen called back "How you want it?!"
Adrien told Nino "Medium with cheese only please" 
Nino echoed his friend's order before ordering his own meal and sitting down himself casually asking "So how's the most wanted man in Paris been doing?".
"Are you sure we should be talking about that right now?" Adrien asked in a hushed voice.
"Taverns empty but if you'd rather we wait and go somewhere a bit more private we can use one of the rooms upstairs after we eat" Nino smiled lightly punching Adrien in the arm. It didn't take long for their food to come out but Adrien was hesitant to remove his mask while Ninos uncle was still in the room.
"You're Adrien right? Nino’s told me about your situation and that you're part of the familia, that means we watch out for each other so call me Uncle or Milo". Adrien had stiffened when Milo had said his name but relaxed after hearing what he had to say.
"Thank you sir-er, Milo" Adrien said rubbing his neck.
"Don't mention it" Milo turned to walk to the back but stopped turning back "OH and you can take off that mask, rule in this establishment is: if it's not a felony what you see here stays here". Adrien chuckled as he removed his mask flashing a smile and raising his bottle to Milo drinking deep. Nino and Adrien enjoyed their food together while Milo worked in the back. 
When they finished Nino yelled "Hey Uncle we're gonna use one of the rooms for a few minutes, that cool!?".
Milo yelled back in a sarcastic tone "Just use protection!". 
"Oh my god, Uncle NO!" the laughter of all three of them filled the tavern.
As Milo's laughter died down and Nino went upstairs with Adrien he told them "For real though just don't do anything crazy up there". 
When they were both in Nino closed the door locking it, Adrien asked "So what about me being a runaway did you want to talk about?".
"Well Alley Cat, I think the better question is 'Do you have anything you want to tell me' hmm" Nino said with an inquisitive look on his face. 
"I-I-I don't know what you mean" Adrien stuttered petting Belial, who was sleeping quietly on his shoulder.
"You know, I haven't given you enough credit" Nino said rubbing his chin "You can lie with the best of them, and hide it better than most". 
Adrien sat down on the bed and let out a long defeated sigh "So what finally tipped you off, was it the mask?" he asked placing Belial on the bed next to him.
Nino crossed his arms "It was Alya" he stated plainly.
Adrien shot up grabbing his friend by the shoulders "PLEASE TELL ME SHE DIDN'T TELL THE CLASS!" he said shaking his friend.   
"Relax, she doesn't know who you are ,somehow, and she only showed me, no one else"
"Oh thank god" Adrien relaxed then asked "Wait 'showed you'? showed you what?"
"She followed you for most of yesterday and recorded you drunkenly singing when your mask fell off" Nino explained trying to calm down his friend, now brother. They talked for quite some time with Nino doing most of the talking while Adrien explained and clarified details when needed. Unbenounced to them however, their voices carried through the thin walls of the room and Milo was downstairs fixing the tables from the night before. He wasn't trying to eavesdrop and the sound of moving tables blocked out their voices but he had heard bits and pieces of the conversation. 
Shortly after it was made clear that Nino knew Adrien was Chat Noir he told Plagg to come out and introduced him to Nino. The three of them talked for somewhere around an hour, Plagg played with Belial most of the time but chimed in when he felt the need to make a joke. 
"So yeah I'm more or less homeless and out of a job" Adrien shrugged.
"Let's not forget that you're also the most wanted person in all of Paris" Plagg said as he flew just out of reach of Belial's playful swipes.
Nino laughed agreeing "Yup, but I think I can help you in the job department though" Adrien's face lit up. "Uncle's been running this place solo for a while and he's always willing to help out familia, I think he'd be more than grateful to have an extra pair of hands around". Nino Opened the door to exit the room, Adrien picked up Belial and instructed Plagg to hide before following.  
Milo was pushing in the last stool at the bar "Oh good you two are done up there, I'm closing down for the night" he said.  
"Hey Uncle Milo, you need an extra set of hands?" Nino asked.
"Oh finally taking a liking to the tavern are we?" Milo said walking over to Nino and putting him in a headlock.
"Haha not me, but my friend here is looking for some ‘discreet’ employment" Milo let him out of the headlock looking a little disappointed. "Hey trust me my Adrien here won't cause you any trouble, and when I'm outta school I'll join him".
Milo seemed to brighten up at that "Alright we can talk about this more tomorrow, and I'm gonna hold you to that Nino, you'd better show up when school's out".
Nino nodded to his uncle before ushering Adrien out the door "I'll be with the class tomorrow so you’ll be on your own with Uncle".
Adrien nodded putting his mask back on before saying "That's fine" and walking to a dead end.
Nino watched as his friend walked toward the wall confused "You do know that's a-" he started raising a finger.
"Plagg, Claws Out"
He put his finger down "-ah, right...forgot about that".
"See you around, Nino" Chat called over his shoulder as he vaulted onto the rooftops, as Nino waved back he started his nightly patrol. Once he finished it was a relatively short distance to the bakery who's roof had become his sleeping spot, once there he sat down placing Belial on his lap. Sifting through his pockets he pulled out his lighter, two wax sheets, and a pair of incense sticks "Plagg, Claws In".
"What are you gonna do with that stuff anyway?" Plagg asked laying on Adrien’s head and watched intently.
Adrien replied plainly as he crushed the incense in one hand sprinkling the dust in line onto the two wax sheets “.  
Plagg chuckled "You’re weird kid but I'll leave you to it" he yawned "Goodnight".
Adrien smiled a little "Most people think they’re smoke but they’re closer to candles" he said finishing his work, licking the edge and twisting the ends to seal them. Placing one in his other shirt pocket he removed his mask biting down on an end of the other with his bare teeth and using his lighter to burn the end. The Paper and incense began to burn emitting a pleasant lavender smell as purple green smoke trailed from the lit end dancing in the night air. Adrien knew it would take most of the night for it to burn all the way down to where he was holding it but he would be on patrol before that would happen. All he could do now was doze off and hope his old trick worked.
He woke up the next morning to Belial kneading at the back of his head "It worked" he thought to himself as he pet his companioin before standing up to stretch. He looked down at the street but didn't see anybody so he transformed right there and headed out for morning patrol. Adrien had a lot to do and not enough time to do it all, he was really hoping that Ladybug would come back soon. Not that he didn't enjoy his time with Willy but it would be hard to keep a steady job, patrol, and take care of Willy on a near daily basis. Down at the station Chat asked Willy if he could wait a while before going out.
"Yeah I can wait here for a while, you go take care of yourself" that's what Willy told him but he didn't want to keep him waiting.
"There you are my boy, I was beginning to think you were flaking out on me" Milo said greeting Adrien "Meet me in the back, we can talk more privately there". Adrien followed him to the back "Ok I'm gonna level with you boy-o, I know you got some kinda secret" Adrien stiffened. Milo continued "I don't know much but I do know enough to tell it's big and pretty influential on your life so-".
Adrien tried to speak "U-Uncle Milo I can exp-" but he was cut off.
"You don't need to explain yourself, you got your secrets and I respect that so if you gotta go, you got my 'Milo pass of approval' to go and my lips are sealed". His voice was Ernest, understanding and kind, all things that Adrien had not heard in a fatherly figures voice in a very long time. 
Adrien took a deep breath with tears in his eyes "Thank you".
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misteddreams · 3 years ago
This. This is what dedication and raw, cultivated talent looks like. I cannot imagine how much time was spent on attention to tiny, perfect details and yes, you absolutely can draw Bruno from every possible angle now. 😉 His mannerisms: aaaghh (yes, so eloquently put but this is what I have been reduced to)! And how you managed to make actual fury rise up in my chest every time a villager shuffled away from him is just... brilliant. This better be an episode in the series, if it ever takes form. I will now go and swoon some more over every transition, panel and frame of our Bruno finally getting the love and acceptance he needs. 😖🥺
It's hereeee!! Tiempo De Vals is liiive!
Written, Directed and Edited by Joi-Noelle Worley (@joinoelleworley on Twitter), storyboarded by me!
Months of after-work studying, drawing, trial and error and all-nighters went into getting this together. Definitely a huge learning experience! There are definitely a few things that I'd go back and change/alter on my end, but all in all, I absolutely love how this turned out and Joi and I hope you guys do too!
On a side-note, we know not a lot of people are fans of the Bruno x Pezmuerto ship, but we thought it was cute for this particular AU story. If you're not a fan of the ship, we hope you'll at least stick around and finish it, and maybe even pull other things from it that you'll possibly like :)
But if you ARE a fan of the ship-- this one's for ya'll 😏✨
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m41to · 7 years ago
I think it's no way offensive how you draw your character, and it's a nice way of symbolism and that you didn't say like "okay here's the detailed reason why he died" and just let the artwork speak for itself ^^ (also I love your artwork, it has something really calming for me :D )
Thank you so much!! aaaghh my heart! You are so kind ;;;  It makes me happy to hear that you like my “symbolic” drawings cus I’m always a little nervous that people won’t like them because they are a little odd lmao
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