#so all of u have to witness my madness
ripclaudia · 1 year
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sage-nebula · 1 year
Tails' real name being a human name (Miles) is weird, so I've decided that his name being a human name was an accident (his full name being a speed pun is a happy accident). His parents did the same thing that Asriel's parents did in Undertale, where they took the first two letters of one parent's name and the last three letters of the other parent's name and mashed them together to get their child's name. In his case, his mother's name was Mist, and his father's name was . . . Squiggles.
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faultsofyouth · 9 months
I haven't eaten a pizza lunchable since I was 16 and I threw up an entire undigested one (3 distinct pizza crusts) while I was on acid
#my posts#that acid trip sucked#for one thing the only person i was tripping with was my 23 year old coworker who i didnt know very well#my actual friend was supposed to trip sit me but all he did was blare super overstimulating lights and music that i didnt like#and then when his gf (also my bestie) showed up she was in a bad mood so he spent the rest of the trip talking to her and ignoring us#and then because she was in a bad mood she and him decided that they should fuck with me and tell me how mad they were at me#because months before that they came into my house uninvited to look for acid that they didnt tell me they were sending to my house#and because they came over uninvited the only person home was my MOM who doesnt like acid and was not okay with having it in her house#so then my mom found out that they were shipping drugs to my house and wanted to call the cops on them#so 5 hours later i got home from work to discover all this and so then i had to tell them they cant send drugs to my house or my mom will#call the police on them. and unbeknownst to me they were both already on acid so then they started freaking out about getting arrestes#arrested**. and somehow it was all MY fault that they had a bad trip. because i told them that they werent allowed to ship drugs to my house#and that my mom was pissed at them for lying to her and to me. so then they decided to take revenge the next time i was tripping and they#werent??? u know. ive never thought about that too hard before now. but that was kind of shitty friend behavior all around#like first they do something super illegal but be sure to use My address so they dont get in trouble for it if the drugs got caught#and then they got mad at Me for setting a boundary and then decided to Punish me for setting that boundary at a time when they were too high#to be handle it. all at a time when they knew i wasnt staying at my parents house because my stepdad had threatened me#(while my bestie was there to Witness) so i was highly dependent on them for a sense of security#and they knew that and they thought it would be funny to fuck with me anyway???#okay but then after that i stole her boyfriend so i guess all is fair in love and war
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sparkleoverlord · 1 year
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chastiefoul · 1 year
stood up pt. 2
characters: alhaitham & ayato
read part one here!
a/n: cannot thank u all of you enough for how well-received the first fic was, hope you can enjoy the second part just as much!! also i hope you can forgive my limited knowledge of flora (and the things i made up) on haitham's part!!
tags: comfort / summary: wallowed in guilt, how will they make it up to you?
“You look like shit,” Kaveh commented nonchalantly, as if currently watching some character on a show. “Shut it,” Alhaitham replied, having zero intention in dealing with his roomate. It has been a week since he finished his research, but relief didn’t wash over him at all, it was the same day as he had cruelly stood you up, making you wait for three whole hours before he finally came. There were a lot of upsetting feelings he’s been experiencing through for the past few days, but lately he felt giving his past self a good punch for forgetting such an important day. In a way too he had blamed the research that’s been occupying him. Although he quickly perished that thought, since it’d be too easy—blaming something other than himself. When in fact he is wholly at fault for forgetting the date.
Everyday Alhaitham had been coming to your house, wanting to talk to you but what always greet him was your roomate, telling him that you’re busy. Feeling like he had no right to push it further, he left it at that. With clenched fists and a pang on his chest everytime, he was forced to go home. Today he was at his wits’ end, he had no idea what to do and how would he make you to meet him even for a second. Other than forgiveness that he’s looking for, he missed you terribly. With all the times he could’ve spent with you taken by the damn research, he longed to embrace you, to see your smile, and listen to you rambling about what’s been happening in your life.
Alhaitham wasn’t really one to be experienced in ‘love’, he knew that, you knew that. That’s why he loved your patience in guiding him through this thing, but now the only person that would be able to tell him what to do was the very one person he couldn’t talk to. Alhaitham groaned, thinking if you were in his position you’d probably know to do—scratch that. If it’s you, Alhaitham was sure that you wouldn’t even allow yourself to do such a careless act.
“He’s here again,” your roomate claimed, seeing him from the window. “Just tell him the same thing,” you said, hugging your knees as you sat on the couch. It's true that Alhaitham looked horrible, but you weren’t any better. You’ve been crying yourself to sleep every night, it especially hurt, when you had to hold back the sobs over a pillow that your throat hurts; since you didn’t want to disturb your roomate. What happened that day was like a slap to the face, that you were forced to recognize a fact that perhaps you love Alhaitham way more that he loves you.
Your rommate just nodded to what you say and went to the door. Not long she came back bearing a message. “He said he’d wait for you outside until you feel like talking to him.”
“Just leave him be then, I’m sure he’d go back soon, it’s especially cold outside today.” You said, really having no idea just how stubborn the gray-haired male is going to act. “Well, just keep an eye out.” Your roomate went back to her room. Tell that to him. You thought. You turned the television on to distract yourself, but you couldn’t help but peek outside the window every few minutes, to see if he’s still there. And he always was.
And that went for more than an hour, until you felt like you couldn’t do it anymore. You were mad at him, but you’re not heartless. You couldn’t be. However you didn’t intend to forgive him so easily, you told yourself that you were only meeting him to send him home and to not come back everyday.
You approach the front door and opened it.
There he stood, with an hand behind his back. When he saw you, his eyes lit up, but it quickly turns into a look of concern and guilt mixes, seeing your swollen eyes.
“What do you want?” You curtly said, taking a good look of the man in front of you who’s in terrible shape. His complexion doesn’t look good, there are bags under his eyes, he hasn’t been taking care of himself at all. A part of your chest twinge at the fact that not being able to see you was the cause of all this. You weren’t used to seeing Alhaitham so all over the place, when he always showed a perfect picture of a man who got it all together.
“I’m sorry,” He quickly cut to the chase, afraid that you’ll be out of his sight yet again as he revealed a purple hyacinth, handing it to you. The flower that represented regret and remorse. Then he continued meekly, “Of course, I don’t expect you to forgive me with one lousy flower, but I hope you will believe me when I said I truly regret that I had forgotten about our date, it seethes me with terrible anger to remember that I let myself be so caught up in my business, resulting you had to stand in the snow for hours; hours of you thinking of the reason why I didn’t come, and hours of doubting my feelings towards you. It must’ve felt terrible, I am so sorry.” His voice was close to trembling, however he knew to hold it in, since the one who should be upset was you. “I understand if me being in your vision may infuriate you, but please, please don’t shut me out.” He pleaded, it’s the most vulnerable expression you’ve ever seen on him that it tugs on your heartstrings.
Of course the truth is you missed him as much as he does, but you had to be sure of his feelings towards you. And seeing him now yet again after many failed attempts of meeting you over the days with a flower you didn’t even know where it came from since every field should be covered in snow and a heartfelt all-over-the-place apology, you couldn’t help but soften up. You reached to take the flower. “Come in, let’s talk inside.”
You both sat on the couch, your right hand went to rub his cheek. It was incredibly cold. “What were you thinking, standing in the cold like that? What if I hadn’t come out?” You mumbled gently. “It was nothing compared to what I put you through, I would’ve wait even for days.” He frowned as you leaned in to your touch, putting his hand atop of yours. Oh how he missed this. However he didn’t indulge on the touch thinking it was forgiveness, it’s just because you were that kind.
“You really hurt me,” you started, as he listened. “I had been looking forward to the date for days and then seeing you late looking like you just barely woke up—it made think that maybe you didn’t love me as much.” Your voice sounded so small as you reached the end of your sentence. Alhaitham felt pricks on his heart at the confession, swiftly pulling you into a tight hug. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He kissed your temple. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. But I can assure you that was not the case. I was so caught up on my research that I mixed up the date of our meeting, though that’s not an excuse for such a careless act.” He paused.
“(y/n), I love you very much.”
Alhaitham was really having trouble telling you just how much he loves you. If you’d asked, he would wait on the cold for days until you’re ready to talk to him, even today he thought that it was okay if it was only a second, he had to see you, to know you’re doing fine and well, that was what he thought the most important thing. Just the way he kissed you so gently at the top of your head, you thought that you had a grasp as to how much he loves you. “Thank you for letting me see you,” he smiled, he cupped your face planting kisses on each of your swollen eyelids.
“Promise me you’ll make up for it, haitham,” you said softly. A chance. Alhaitham felt an unexplainable tingle feeling on his chest, “I promise.” He then said kissing you gently on the lips, as he made a mental note to always, always pick you up at your place for the dates that are more to come.
“The flowers? I.. went to Tighnari first thing in the morning, I asked him about the language of the flowers and what they meant. I came across it as I read a book, fortunately I could find the one I was looking for.” He explained, strangely bashful.
Flower picking? On this weather?
“But where did you even get it, isn’t everything either covered in snow or had withered already?” You asked genuinely curious. “Well Tighnari said there would be some on the cliffs of The Chasm, so I went there.” He said.
Cliff? The Chasm? That terribly dangerous place? Of course it’d be nothing for Alhaitham, you thought. But still, traveling that far and so quickly just for a flower.. you couldn’t help but smile.
“Thank you, I like it.” You smiled, the one where it made Alhaitham’s inside all tingly and warm. At this he felt like he really could do anything, as long as you were the one who asked for it. “Tell me what kind of flower you want on our next date, I’ll definitely bring it to you.” He took your hand, trailing little kisses along your fingertips to your wrist. Your stomach fluttered. You really do love him.
As if lesson was strictly learned, from that day forward Alhaitham had never once made you wait anywhere anymore at all. He's always ready in front of your door, sometimes with a flower, sometimes with something that you'd nonchalantly said the day before; for instance a food you were craving for, a necklace that you stared a second longer than the other that were on display, or even a stuffed toy you mentioned was cute even though you only said it to make a conversation.
Before, Alhaitham usually passive, most times always being the receiving end by your spoiling, but it was because he didn't want to take initiative, he just didn't understand how. Now, he understood just how delightful it was to see his loved one smile because of the things he did, and he only had you to thank for that.
“My lord?” Thoma’s voice snapped the blue-haired male train of thoughts. “Ah, yes just leave the tea there Thoma.” He said. “Did something happen, my lord? You’ve been pretty out of it all week.”
“I’m fine, you can return to your duty,” Ayato calmly said. The blond housekeeper only nodded and went out, understanding very well that it was futile to probe any further. Ayato looked blankly at the unattended pile of papers he needed to take care of, he hasn’t been working well—or even at all. Since everytime his mind would wander off to you, to your meek voice that day telling him that you were tired, with a tone so hurt his heart couldn’t help but ache. This regret, this remorse; he wondered if he even had any right to feel them? When even to this day he unconsciously stilll waited for you to barge in to the estate, wanted to see you smile happily while greeting him without a care in the world. But that didn’t happen, of course it didn’t.
Ayato shut his eyes with an unpleasant expression for the nth time that day, remembering the date he had forgotten. For how long you were waiting for him? What were you thinking while waiting for him on such a harsh weather? What was it that finally made you give up? All these questions swirled inside his mind as he couldn’t even imagine how terrible you must’ve felt that day. Ayato was a formidable man, he was responsible and someone with a strong conviction, it was what the political people said at least. But he knew you’d laugh, if you hear it. Responsible? That Ayato? Who made his lover wait for him out in the cold for hours?
He didn’t even realize he’s been clenching his fist until he saw the crinkled paper scattered across his desk. Why the hell did I forget such an important day? He fumed, gritting his teeth. But the truth was he had no excuse, he had simply forgotten, perhaps he could blame the endless meeting he had to go through, but even then he was the one who made the promise that he could come. The guilt overwhelmed him, he hoped it would just swallowed him alive, but it wouldn’t be fair to you. He considered calling one of his soldier to try and punch him in the face so he could feel a little free from the binding shame, but only to realize the person who even had the right to do that was none other than you. So Ayato was determined that he’d do anything to beg for your forgiveness.
But more than forgiveness, he’s been worried about your health. He thought that if you hadn’t forgiven him, at least you could be well and healthy, though it was extremely hypocritical to say since he was the one who made you sick in the first place. Ayato stood up, planning to go to your place yet again even though his work was piling up, there are meetings that are waiting to be attended. But at the moment it was clear to him that nothing else matters except seeing you.
This was truly the worst.
Lying down with a fever with nothing to do, surrounded with nothing but unpleasant thoughts roaming around your mind. You blinked the tears away once again as they keep coming occasionally, remembering that day.
You sighed, your head was throbbing and you couldn’t really sleep as you just woke up an hour ago.
As if on cue, a familiar voice called out from the door. “(y/n)?” Ayato called out. Another tired sigh escaped. Does this man not know how to take a hint? You’ve been driving him away for the past few days, his face was the one thing you couldn’t stand to see.
“Please (y/n) open the door, even just for a few second.” His voice was now strained, laced with desperation and plead. You got up all wobbly from the headache, body still feeling sluggish. “What?” You said, frowning.
Seeing your condition Ayato’s expression contorted into utter displeasure, as if you being this way had hurt him too. What a joke, you almost laughed out loud. He looked like he wanted to say something based of how he gaped and closed his mouth like a fish, still finding the right words to say.
“Your few seconds are up,” you said, already on your way to closing your door. “No, no, please.” He hold the door, and of course with your condition and his ridiculous strength, there’s no way you would win that one. “Can I come in?” He finally said. “Why?” You said, leaning on the doorframe intending to look intimidating as you crossed your arm, but really you needed the support to stand up straight on your currently weak body. This didn’t go unnoticed by the sword-wielder of course as the worried expression deepened across his face. “Please, sweetheart let’s talk inside, I’m worried you’ll faint any minute with your condition.” You let off his slip of a tongue, too tired to reprimand him on that. And honestly you wanted nothing more than to return to your bed but you still had something to say. “Worried?” You laughed mockingly, and Ayato had never felt smaller. “Yes.” Still, he managed to say. “Would’ve been nice if you were worried when I was waiting for you in the snow for hours.” That one stings, and Ayato knew he deserved that.
Too tired to chase him away, you just return to your bed and inside your blanket. Ayato just stood awkwardly near the bed. “Have you been taking medicine? How is your head? Would I be allowed to check your temperature? What do you want to-“
“Ayato.” Your tone was chilling, felt like a definite warning—Ayato knew, it was a warning. Right now he doesn’t have any right, there are other matters he should be groveling to take responsibility of, he thought.
“Will you be willing to listen to me?” He kneeled beside the bed, putting his hand on the edge of it, hesitating whether he should touch your hand or not. Your back was still facing him, but you were quiet. Assuming that it was a permission, Ayato continued to talk.
“First of all, I apologize. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how I regret my action, that you had to stand there alone waiting for me—who stupidly didn’t even remember, I apologize.” He whispered, his voice was weak. “No, even way before that the way you always come to the estate to visit me and stood by my side no matter how crazy my work got and how I never thought how it would take a toll on you, I truly truly apologize.” You felt a little part of your heart melted at how meek his voice was.
“I took your unconditional kindness and patience for granted,” he said. There was silence after that, “you did,” you finally said. “I’m sorry.” Ayato repeated once again. He then very hesitantly grabbed your hand, and as soon as he saw that you gave the okay he brought it to his face, kissing your palm very lovingly. You turned your head to him as you were lying down, he looked disheveled.
“Don’t go to the estate anymore.” The blue-haired male announced suddenly, your stomach dropped as he quickly continued.
“From now on I’ll come to you.”
You blinked. “I’ll make sure to be here every day, greeting you first thing in the morning.” Ayato smiled, determined. He was sure on his decision to do this. “As of now, I know very well I don’t deserve your kindness, so I’ll try hard to do better, to do my best, for you.”
Your heart softened at his words.
“Can you please give me this chance?” He was desperate. Your anger slowly dissipated, a warm light like a candle flickered inside your chest, a hope. “Okay.” Ayato was over the moon hearing the response, that he couldn’t help but kiss your temple. Your stomach fluttered, it knew you missed his touch. “For now can I ask you to eat and take medicine?” He asked while gently tucking your hair behind your ear. You nodded, as he got everything ready. He ended up beside you all day, taking care of your needs.
Since that day Ayato did not break his promise even once. Always coming in the morning, sometimes with gift on his hand, other times with breakfast all ready. Then he shared his schedule with you for the day, and even then he’d always be the one to visit you when he was free, showering you with such overwhelming love. It was clear that the man love you very very much, and now he didn’t let you forget that.
“Ayato, thank you.” You said, on a random night. He just looked at you, adoration was apparent on his expression. “Anything for you, love. I mean it, anything.” He kissed your lips gently, the nightfall continued comfortably.
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@sunsethw4 @ieathairs @96jnie @kipper-s @nambii @tigerpriestess @bearbae4 @wearetherealarmb @squishychongyun @jokerloverparis @katsudonnnnnni @dr3amyxiao @xiamuyi @luningningtala @fuyaa @goldenglow149 @xiaosmaskandspear @acheeseblock @fishsticksonballsacks @rokosbasalisk @stellakito @roguexmoriartea @sageseagrass @irisxiel @lowotad @trecedelabuenasuerte @the-dreaming-city @lilliansstuff @cinaiel @bunny-slvt @orginiallyann @chaotickio @n1tsumi @kunikuzushisbeloved @ilovemarvel99 @lunaizhere @optimisticalmondbananabiscuit @kurohoely @larisanam @chaotichearts-19 @illdoitagainbopbop @mzia642 @childesglove @justgiulia @celestialwinds @traumaramacenter @kazuhaprnt @fou56 @angelkazusstuff @itsyourgirlria @yamtwt @gel0517
i can't seem to tag some of you guys, perhaps it's something to do on the accoun't settings? regardless hope you can still find this fic and thank you all for the interest <3
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scruus · 2 months
Stomach buldge with kaveh. Imagine tracing the outline of your cock on his soft belly while he's bent over his table. He's whining about how you're too big, and he can barely take all of you in him. Imagine thrusting gently in and out of him making him stare as his stomach shows off your cock with each and every thrust.
Belly bulge u say huh 🔔
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notes: NOT PROOFREAD, amab!gn!reader x afab kaveh, belly bulge, office sex, self-degradation(?) by kaveh, creampie, pregnancy mentions. K bye
kaveh surprising his ceo!reader partner after days of being away from home due to work. He enters your cabin with a smile across his face and a bag full of your favourite snacks. You could almost feel the tears well up in your eyes when you see your lover standing a few inches away from you, lunging at him like he was a soft, comfy bed during a thunderstorm.
Showering him with kisses and pining his body so close to yours kaveh could almost sense your bodies melting in one but oh he missed you so dearly too. And this absence of loving intimacy surged into that of insatiable lust.
“a-am sorry kaveh, am really bu- ugh”, low groans escaping your throat as his tight cunt squeezed around your cock, still fitting perfectly around you while a flushed Kaveh was trying to cover his face with his neck scarf. An attempt to muffle his moans as well.
Irritated, you snatched the piece of cloth and threw it down. “Y/N! You gifted me tha-ahn!”, he moaned when a sharp thrust hit deep inside him, making Kaveh’s legs tremble a bit. You hooked an arm around his waist, pulling his figure up from the table and leaning down, mushing your bodies close again.
“Do you really think I give a fuck about that gift when all I want right now is you?”, your eyes a fiery passion, the underbags doing no justice to the emotion you’re feeling right now. “How I want to make you cum on my cock and see you cry for me after such a long time-“, you thrust again, balls deep and he chokes out a moan, “after not being able to even have your fucking fingers caress my face?”
Kaveh’s whimpers morph into a melodious tune, a songbird you wish only you were an audience to while the entire world were to be locked away from witnessing such artistry. You look down at his soft tummy and let out a soft moan, the shape of your dick clearly peeking at you through his insides.
Oh fuck, I wanna make him pregnant.
“Honey look”, kaveh follows your eyes down to his stomach and he almost felt his orgasm rushing over. Its so erotic and whorish, his body just can’t take your huge fucking dick yet his cunt stretches itself so easy like some slut just to swallow you all up. His body is way more hungry for you than he would like to accept.
“With the way my cock peeks a hi at me everytime through your stomach, I am resisting all I can to not fuck you senseless and crazy right now”, you mutter as your pace fastens and Kaveh knows your not joking because he is very well aware of how fast you can turn him into a whore. He surely doesn’t want that fact to be visible when he exits your office after all.
The way you both are clinging on to each other and rutting together as if bunnies on heat. His wails becoming louder and your moans becoming weaker. Kisses that speak more than words and actions and an “i love you” from both of you was enough to tip the other one over.
You rest your head on his shoulder while he tries to recollect his senses and boast a bashful color of red all the while trying to lecture a giggling you.
Al-haitham stands outside your door, loosening the tie around his neck and shuffling his pants to hide his boner after he just heard his best friends fuck each other like mad men. Horrible day for al-haitham.
A glowing bright day for you two!
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devilmademewriteit · 1 year
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pairing: raider!joel miller x fem!afab!reader
summary: thank god—a handsome stranger saves you from the grips of a pack of cruel, cruel men. unfortunately, said stranger, joel miller, is cut from the exact same cloth as the rest of them.
warnings: oh. boy. rough sex/smut (fem penetration, fingering, cum play if you squint) so 18+ only content; fem!afab!reader; raider!joel; canon typical violence; mentions of hair pulling/reader having long hair; light dacryphilia; age gap; pet names (baby, darlin’, sweetheart, girl); slapping, spanking, choking; !!!NONCON!!! (sexual violence/assault, coercion, allusions to more sexual abuse—Dead Dove, Do Not Eat y’all, protect yourselves).
word count: 4k+
no use of y/n in this fic
alright y’all!!! here is the non-con raider!joel fic!! stay tuned for the version coming out soon wherein Joel actually rescues the reader LOL join the taglist to be notified when I post it!!! y’all’s requests will quite legit be the death of me BUT this was fun to write so im not mad. this version is just purely depraved & Joel ‘Big Dick’ Miller is a mean mean man. wrote it pretty fast too so b nice 2 me.
love u all, sorry for searing your eyeballs:)
The stucco prickles and tears at the flushed skin of your cheek, a reminder that it’ll be winter soon. The birds are sure of it, and most of them managed to get away before the frost stood a chance of nipping them.
You didn’t.
After a few years of non-stop struggle, losing everything but your own life, you figured there were worse ways to go. At least you would be… well—you, in the end.
In whatever shape this man and his leering group of accomplices left you in.
“Against the wall,” and his voice had been the crack of a whip, snapping by your ear as electricity shot up and down your spine, as the tingling realization that the chase was over—the jig, up—settled into your bones. “Spread your fuckin’ legs.”
There were more hounds around… waiting.
Always waiting.
They’d already gotten to your old, tattered clothes. The brisk air bites at your exposed skin, but at least the cold would account for the violent shivers wracking your limbs. Even as the beast pins you to the side of the decrepit house, forces himself between your knees, your primary preoccupation is to stifle your fear.
They’d get everything else on display—but they would never get to see that.
When the screaming starts, those confused grunts, huffs, and squelches of a blade carving into flesh, you mostly commend your own imagination:
“I did it. I’m in my happy place. This will be quick, then.”
But then a rough, unfamiliar hand grabs hold of your naked waist, flipping you around, slamming your spine against the frosty stucco.
This is real.
And you bear witness to his carnage.
He painted the side of the house into a mosaic of inter-mingling blood, splattered like a Pollock against the grass, the wrinkled clothes and the rugged face of your salvation.
His eyes rake over your still-trembling body before he wrenches a red-coated knife—never breaking eye-contact—from the throat of the man you’d been at the mercy of just a few seconds ago.
Blood gushes up from the fatal wound, and you both watch the cruel scene, mesmerized. The attacker’s eyes dull, all evil dissipating from that once-ferocious gaze. The rescuer’s big, wide hands flip him over, stripping him of his stained beige jacket. Then, he carelessly kicks the lifeless form face-down onto the yellowing grass.
“Put it on.”
You uncross your arms, snatching the coat from the stranger’s extended hands. It doesn’t bother you, its belonging to him.
He’s dead; you get his coat.
A fair exchange.
He keeps an eye on you as he sorts through the pickings: a few strips of dried meat here, a loaded gun there (two bullets in the clip—you watch as he checks), and a few good blades, stashed inside pockets, bags, and down shirt-fronts.
The man straightens up.
“Get in front of me,” his low baritone strikes you, causing your knees to concede to a slight wobble. “You run, you die. Got it?”
Slowly, you nod, and a firm grip circles your wrist, tearing you from the wall.
Your heart hammers—near deafening in your ears—as the stranger stalks behind you, directing your trembling movements with brusque, snapped commands.
Finally, the scattered orangey-red leaves begin to multiply, the domestic remnants of a past civilization thinning. The neighborhood opens into a field; large oaks and slouching willows shiver under the weak glare of the afternoon sun.
There’s a house up there. It seems to be in alright shape (some things are built tougher than others) and it’s certainly a step up from a few of the more… unsavory places the outbreak had led you to.
Nearing it, you take not of how much it resembles a barn-house. Red, pentagonal roof, and a big, wide, brown front door.
Gingerly stepping a foot on the cracked wood of the porch, you turn to face your rescuer, uncertainty tying slippery knots in your tummy.
Because there’s clamour coming from inside. There’s people in there.
The momentary hesitation allows you to get a good look at your rescuer: he’s greying and dark—mixed, likely, or just disposed to a stubborn tan—and probably in his mid forties. Probably handsome, too, if it weren’t for the resident cruel scowl deepening his apathetic expression, or the violence dancing in his eyes.
A raise of his eyebrows.
“I tell you to stop?” He nods towards the looming house. “Move.”
But… you don’t.
“Are you gonna kill me?” and you’re downright shocked by the strength—the resignation—of your tone, the way the question comes out so matter-of-fact.
That sparse mustache crinkles in the corners, teasing into something wicked. “You want me to?”
“So get movin’, then.”
That left little room for debate.
So, you turn, fingers and knees shaking with anxious anticipation. He cuts in front of you at the last minute, shoving the front door open with his knife at his side—for you or for something else, you’re not entirely certain.
He pulls you into the foyer by your forearm; to your great dismay, you’re faced with an entire group of middle-aged men. Killers—for sure—leering at you with that same starved, animalistic look your rescuer had fixed you with.
Then, he tosses the bag on the floor.
“Found ‘em by the school. Decent haul.”
Their eyes tilt to your shuddering frame, dwarfed by the jacket weighing down your shoulders. One of them looks strangely familiar, proud features reminding you of something else you were afraid of. “No shit, huh,” he commends, “Nice work, Joel.”
As the shaggy-haired man speaks, his voice strikes familial resemblance, and it dawns on you. Your rescuer’s brother, or at the very least a cousin.
And what he says is a clearly marked taunt. That much is clear. Uttered with the kind of cruel camaraderie which collected on the tongues of men who committed acts of violence together.
Who hunted together.
And it’s obvious you’re not being rescued. Just… reclaimed. Redistributed.
Another voice joins the mix. “How much you think y’could get for her?”
Joel’s profile turns, harsh, brutal lines forming as he assesses you. “Depends,” and then—ohmothermary—he smirks.
“Gonna have to test her out first.”
A few snickers.
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.
You’re trapped with nowhere to go, once again surrounded by a gaggle of soulless monsters. Fear grips you, but thankfully, it’s muted, now, having been mostly expended during the harrowing events of the morning.
Just an hour ago, pressed to the side of an abandoned house, you’d allowed yourself to give up.
So, it feels easy—natural—settling back into that rhythm.
To submit to your inevitable, violent fate.
Joel’s voice cuts through the clamour of your racing thoughts. “Upstairs, the room with the open door. Go.”
Eyes glued to the floor, you put one foot in front of the other, your insides twisting and turning inside your core. Fuck, you can feel the pairs of eyes following you with every step you take. The stairs creak as your weight presses into them, squealing like wounded prey.
“N’ take that fuckin’ jacket off,” Joel calls after you, the echoes of his booming voice and the group’s degrading laughter chasing you all the way up into the room—the one with the open door.
And it’s nice, surprisingly. Dusty, admittedly, and clearly having belonged to someone else—a long, long time ago—but the bed is made, the window lets the light in, and the walls remind you of cinnamon.
No, this wouldn’t be the worst prison. Or the worst place to die. It’s a sure-fire step up from the gutter between two dilapidated houses.
You keep the jacket on, shivering under its weight. Even as you hear footsteps climbing the stairs, even as the more rational, civilized side of your mind urges you to accede to your (non)rescuer’s every command.
The conversation downstairs dies off just as Joel rounds the corner, appearing in the doorway—a giant. Though your stomach lurches, and though your legs feel like putty, you hold your ground.
“I’ll fight, you know,” you hiss, watching him seal off the entrance to the room behind him. His flannel has droplets of blood on the collar—reminders of your previous captor—would your other attacker have been a better option? Who’d be more merciful to your quivering body?
You charge your voice with every last modicum of strength at your disposal. “I’ll fight.”
He turns, smirking softly at your clenched fists. “S’good, sweetheart. I like a little fight.” He stalks towards you, swiping his thumb along the plushness of his bottom lip, his intimidating presence forcing your back to meet the flat hardness of the wall behind you.
So much for fighting.
There’s nothing living in his eyes as he says it—nothing save the roiling flames of hunger: “You see those guys downstairs?”
You glare up at him, trying not to notice the alluring hook of his nose, or the way your body works against you, responding to the earthy smell of him.
Then, you nod, wordlessly.
“Did you count ‘em?” He splays a hand beside your head, using one hand to pry your arms uncrossed.
Again, you nod. “How many?” He asks, his voice deceptively soft.
“Five.” Breathless.
“S’right, sweetheart. Ever had your lil’ holes stuffed by five guys at once?”
A swallow, and your voice cracks when you’re finally able to put it to use. “No.”
He pries your elbows to your sides, pulling the beige fabric open, revealing the torn remains of your underwear.
It’s almost a croon, feigned concern underpinning his low tone. “You wanna see what it’s like?” He drinks in the sight of your bare chest, almost groaning at the sight of your naked front.
It’s not cold anymore; no, suddenly you’re very hot.
“No, please, no.”
He slips the coat off of your shoulders, letting it fall in a heap to the ground. He assesses you once more: studying every square inch of your skin under his shadowed eyes.
“M’only gonna say this once, sweetheart.” All that fake-gentleness fades from his tone, replaced by the sadistic, authoritative timbre he’d first greeted you with. “I need you to be very careful.”
You’re frozen—all that fight, it drains out of you, captivated by the raider’s looming form, his mesmerizing speech.
“You’re alone, yeah?” A nod, which he acknowledges, trailing a hand up the length of your waist. “S’what I thought. N’ the way I found you today? That’s a best-case-scenario for a girl like you, out here on your own.”
He drags a finger up the centre of your breast, skilled fingertips just barely brushing the peaked nipple. You lean into his touch—the near imperceptible arch of your back doesn’t go unnoticed, and you kick yourself internally as the corners of his lips twitch up.
Still, the raider ignores your trembling.
“You’re mine, now,” he continues, egged on by your involuntary movement. “Means you’re gonna be a good girl n’ do as I say, n’ I’ll make sure I’m the only man who touches you.” His big hand drops to his heavy silver buckle, and the clearly defined, bulging lines underneath it have your heart clawing out of your chest. Joel senses your fear—and it only makes him harder. “I don’t like sharin’ what’s mine, y’know? But you try anything—you step outta line—I’ll throw you to my guys downstairs.”
His hand finds your throat, hunger and warning beating to the same rhythm in his gaze. “I have no problem watching.” He gives your larynx a squeeze, multitasking as he pulls the strap of his belt through the worn loops of his denim. “Understood?”
You have no words left, shaking from head to toe as the reality of the situation finally settles in.
As he works the intimidating weight of his cock out of his jeans.
A huff. Joel flips you over, impatient, pressing your scraped up cheek to the cinnamon-brown of the wall.
Déjà vù.
Your knees are separated by his own, and his weight flattens you. He wastes no time: lining himself up, his tip separates your folds. Resistance is futile—with one hand, he holds your thighs open—even as they try to press themselves closed, even as you whimper at the rough, male knuckles pressed to bruise on the insides of your legs.
Leaving his mark.
It’s not an option to simply take it. Joel forces you to participate in the sinful act: “I asked you a fuckin’ question,” he growls, gripping your chin indelicately. “You understand me, girl?”
A swallow and a flinch as you feel the head of his cock poke at your entrance. “Yes. Okay. Yes.”
“Yes, Joel,” he corrects. “Use my name. You’re mine now. Use my fuckin’ name.”
Tears prick the corners of your eyes at the promised savagery in his tone. Holding back a sob, you respond: “Yes, Joel.”
You watch his hand, large and capable, splaying out a mere inch away from the tip of your nose. “Good,” he commends. “Z’are the only fuckin’ words you know, from now on.”
His free hand slaps against your hip, yanking you down onto his hard length. Your hips buck up against his abdomen, responding to the pull of his fingertips, even as you cry out at the sting, the stretch. The raider tries to force himself between your walls—muttering a grunted “shit”—and thrusting up against your ass.
But you’re too tight, too tense, and your stubborn body refuses to open up for him. Finally listening to you.
“Relax,” he orders, surprisingly softly. He moves his hand from your hip to the apex of your thighs, rubbing rough circles against your clit. Fuck, how’d he find it so fast? You gasp at the feel of his fingertips against your most sensitive, touch-starved spot, hating yourself for the way his pressure makes you feel.
It feels… good. The man knows exactly what he’s doing—methodical in his ministrations, prepping you only enough to ensure his own eventual pleasure. “S’too tight, baby,” he breathes against your neck, “Need to loosen up for me, yeah?”
He’s not gentle. No part of it is gentle. Nonetheless, pleasure ripples through your centre and down your thighs as he effectively turns you on.
“Thaaaaaa’s right,” and his voice is mocking and taunting and degrading as he drags his digits away, grabbing and pulling at your breasts, instead. Feeling the involuntary release of your cunt, Joel finally pushes himself in, sheathing the long, thick length of his cock inside you.
“Need to show this pussy what it’s fuckin’ made for.”
A current of pain flutters up your cunt just as he fills it up to the brim. You can’t help it—your stoicism crumbles to dust—and a soft, scared, pained whimper tumbles from your lips.
And he groans at it, thrusting roughly, over and over again. And again. “Hurts, does it?”
His breath is hot against your ear, and despite the fear, the ancient instincts gripping your bones, telling you to run, run, run, fight, fight, fight—it’s… enticing.
“It hurts.”
He laughs, low and dark, bringing his hands to circle your hips, steadying you as you stumble on your tip-toes.
“Cry about it.”
And he keeps on going, tearing you open. The way his girth touches every starved part of your insides leaves you wanting, even despite the sting of his fingernails biting into your hips, the tears and cuts stinging at your opening.
You hate yourself for it.
But you clench around him, stifling a pathetic moan.
God, no—I am not enjoying this.
He breathes another laugh. “Feelin’ full, baby? Tell me how good it feels, c’mon,” and your inhalations come in heaves as he pounds into you, delivering a harsh slap to the side of your hip, hard enough for your skin to ripple from the contact. “Do as I say.”
When you refuse to sate him, swallowing all of your little noises, Joel grips your throat, bringing your head slamming against his shoulder. Your back arches into a perfect crescent, spine contorting at his will. A gasped cry fans out against his salt-and-pepper jaw.
A sob—of fear, of frustration, of reluctant pleasure. “You’re evil.”
The grip on your throat tightens, and he looses another laugh, squeezing your skin, muscles, and tendons oh-so-tight.
You’d be wrecked, bruised—branded—come sunrise.
“Yeah?” He groans, cock slamming up into your very guts.
“M-mhmm—” and the saltwater tears start pouring, trailing glistening slopes down your cheeks in long, long lines. Distantly, you hear his answer—“Yeah, well, you’re wet”—as those silver droplets keep on falling. Where they come from, you aren’t certain; of course, the terror, the physical torture, and the frustration at your entrapment contribute to the mess under your eyes.
But that warmth… the unbridled desire radiating between your thighs… that wasn’t helping, either.
“Fuuuuck,” he groans, muttering another “S’it—s’right,” and releasing your throat to tilt your head up to face him. He drinks in his creation, the ruined sight of your tear-stricken face, and his cock swells between your beaten walls. “God, you look so fuckin’ pretty takin’ it from me—cryin’ like your lil’ pussy ain’t desperate for this.”
Joel smiles when you sob.
It goes on for a while. He doesn’t tire quickly, bringing you right up to the edge of reluctant ecstasy before you remind yourself of the hatred you owed the man fucking into you. You get used to the sound of his hips snapping against your skin, your cries mingling with his gravelly, low grunts. It’s a dirty, depraved symphony—orchestrated by the monster between your thighs.
You can’t help the moan that escapes your lips when he finally, finally brings his fingers back down between your legs. He grunts in approval, barely grazing the length of your folds, pressing his thumb into the delicate flesh of your thigh, instead. “Dirty lil’ girl—fuckin’ dyin’ to be an old man’s whore, z’that it?” and he doesn’t even touch you, focussed on his own pleasure, but the proximity alone is enough to have you wrecked.
And you just can’t help it: “J-joel—”
“Y’know,” he chuckles, slightly out of breath, slowing his strokes to address your wanton whine, “You’re gonna make such a good lil’ fuck-toy, baby, f’you keep makin’ those pretty lil’ noises for me.”
The reality of the situation comes barrelling down on you as he acknowledges—praises—your enjoyment of his torture.
This man… this man was cruel. He was hurting you, and enjoying it.
You struggle against him, a pathetic show of weakness. Joel holds you in place effortlessly, arching your back further, keeping your hips preened back to receive the harsh thrusts he delivers to your torn, ruined cunt. “Where you goin’?” He laughs at your pathetic attempt at resistance, grips tightening. “Thought we were havin’ fun, baby—don’t it feel good?”
And he quickens again, slamming into every needy spot inside you. His breaths grow shallow, as rough as his hands and the ferocity of this punishment.
“No,” you manage, fingernails digging into his forearm.
He tuts, the vocal click constricted with lust, and his hand travels the length of you, settling against that aching bud between your thighs. “Fuckin’ liar.”
He presses down, proving his point. Your entire body tenses as pleasure ripples through you—despite your best efforts, climax crests through your core, threatening to implode within you. Joel hums, smirking when he feels your legs parting even wider.
“S’mine now, alright? You’re mine now.” He crams every inch of his cock up inside you, pulling you flush against his chest. “S’okay to come for me—s’okay, baby, I want you to—s’fuckin’ right, let go for me, baby—” and his crooning takes you over the edge.
Christ, it feels so good.
You clench around him, high-pitched pleas and moans tumbling from your lips, his own pair dragging down the swoop of your ear. In that split second, Joel—the devil at your back—is your favourite thing in the world: your hero, your haven, your God. Fuck, you could just kiss him, marry him, fuck him over and over and over and over—
A hand clamps over your mouth during those brief, blissful moments; the man practically bounces you up and down the length of him, muffling the cries of pain and pleasure tearing from your sore throat against the rough skin of his palm. He groans inside your ear—a stammered, sinful “fuuuck”—and then he’s spilling his seed inside you, shoving it impossibly deep as those quick, harsh strokes stutter and slow.
You come to, waking up from your pleasure-drunk daze. Before you get the opportunity to wriggle away from him, the monster flips you over again, slamming your shoulders to the wall. With his forearm barring your chest, and despite your fear and ire—somehow, all you can think about is the fact that he’s not as out of breath as he really should be (given his age and, of course, what he’d just done to you).
Joel leaks out of you. His cum paints masterpieces down your legs.
He slides his free hand down the length of his cock, collecting the last bits of slick clinging to him and not dripping out of you. The intermingling juices are brought to the roundness of your breasts—the raider slathers your sore peaks with his own spend.
“Nobody’s gonna fuck with you—but that means you’re Joel’s girl. Hear me?” With your head bowed, you glare up at him through silver-lined spider lashes, shame beating at your cheeks. When you hum your acknowledging “uh-huh,” the stranger continues on, gripping your jaw to angle your gaze up: “Means you listen—you-you don’t fuckin’ try me—n’ you take everything I give you, every fuckin’ time. Understand?” He tucks his softening length back in his pants, dark eyes dancing with satisfaction as he leers at your destroyed form.
When you don’t respond, he brings the back of his punishing hand colliding with the side of your face.
Something between a squeal and a gasp tumbles from your lips; Joel catches it, placing the pad of his thumb to your bottom lip, pressing down. Your cheek stings from his harsh slap, delivered on top of the scrapes and wounds a different cruel man had left upon your skin.
“I don’t wanna hurt you, baby, but I will f’I have to,” and he’s earnest, commanding and pleading at once. “You gotta answer me.”
Slowly, you croak out a timid, “Yes,” and an “I understand,” followed by a final “Joel.”
Nodding, he straightens, the violence in his gaze fading just minutely. When he lets go, you stagger—the raider senses the instability of your knees, reflexively snaking a steadying arm around your waist.
You’re not sure where the impulse comes from. Perhaps it’s exhaustion, the aftermath of your orgasm, or maybe it’s just a sick, twisted desire to sink into something beyond your body—either way, you respond to Joel’s support by throwing your arms around his neck.
And he responds by lifting you, walking you over to the bed, and tossing you down on the sheets. Awakening into reality, you scamper back, grabbing and yanking at the surrounding bedding in a desperate attempt to cover yourself.
But Joel pays you no mind.
Having had his way, he’s through with you—for now. Nonchalantly, apathetically, he runs a hand through his hair, tracing heavy steps towards the door.
“Lock the door when I leave,” he instructs, but his tone is soft… possessive and commanding, yes, but… caring. “Don’t open it for anyone but me.”
He waits for your show of understanding, your near imperceptible nod.
Then, he sighs, yanking on the handle and giving you his final address over a pair of creaky, squeaky, rusted hinges. “Try to sleep, sweetheart—got a long night ahead of you.” Chuckling to himself, he leaves the sanctuary of the room.
All you can hear as your body grows heavy and warm, travelling somewhere far, far beyond this violent world are the echoes of male laughter down the hall, and a familiar, satisfied, gravelly voice:
“Not worth much, now. Might just fuckin’ keep her.”
And you slip away, dreaming of belt buckles, blood-stained collars, and the lung-squeezing heat of the setting Texan sun.
He used to call me DN
That stood for deadly nightshade
'Cause I was filled with poison
But blessed with beauty and rage
Jim told me that
He hit me and it felt like a kiss
Jim brought me back
Reminding me of when we were kids
With his ultraviolence
I can hear sirens, sirens
He hit me and it felt like a kiss
I can hear violins, violins
Give me all of that ultraviolence
He used to call me poison
Like I was poison ivy
I could've died right then
'Cause he was right beside me
Jim raised me up
He hurt me but it felt like true love
Jim taught me that
Loving him was never enough
With his ultraviolence
I can hear sirens, sirens
He hit me and it felt like a kiss
I can hear violins, violins
Give me all of that ultraviolence
We can go back to New York
Loving you was really hard
We could go back to Woodstock
Where they don't know who we are
Heaven is on earth
I would do anything for you, babe
Blessed is this union
Crying tears of gold, like lemonade
I love you the first time
I love you the last time
Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lines
'Cause I'm your jazz singer
And you're my cult leader
I love you forever
I love you forever
With his ultraviolence
I can hear sirens, sirens
He hit me and it felt like a kiss
I can hear violins, violins
Give me all of that ultraviolence
TAGLIST: @millllenniawrites @inkedells @stardust-chords-enthusiast @mattmurdocksgirlfriend @bookofbee @liviloo12346 @anyas-stuff @readingsunshine97 @maudlinflowers @sullysflm @sexygaypalpatine @livyjh @s-unflowxr @lostsoldieronahill @chapterhappygirl @raeluvshammett @silkiers @jupitersmoon-cal @supernaturaldean67 @razrsharpwhiteteeth @peqchsoup @corrodedcherries @hawsx3 @monboudoir @theonewithacrush @pono-pura-vida @sallymilkweed @fruitcupsworld @mads-grace4 @ayehomo @dzaga890 @killerrxger @niallsbunny @cilliansangel @snowyarcher @grnherbs @mswarriorbabe80 @tercabed @sweettea-and-honeybutter @bbyanarchist @thisgirl-knm @pedrit0-pascalit0
TAGS WILL CONTINUE IN A REBLOG (there are simply too many of you & I don’t want this post to crash <3)
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sunkissed-zegras · 2 months
Can you do a pt.2 of UConn wbb manager headcannon pleasee
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─ warnings | mentions of injuries, fluffy, nothing else?
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal @uraesthete @hello-nah817 @wanderlusturous and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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there are soooo many videos of manager getting upset over dumb calls that they make on the court
and people like read her lips and it's so funny because she'll just cuss them out not knowing there's a camera on her
like she gets pissed but since she can't get involved, she'll just talk to herself as she takes pictures
they become reaction pictures
the caption would be like "when my mom pisses me off but i can't let her hear" or something like that
there are a lot of videos of manager being really sassy but there are PLENTY of her being a sweetheart
especially to fans!!!!!!
not necessarily like clips or anything but anyone who's met her LOVES HER
she will gladly take pics of you and the player she's with, and not only that but baby girl will get ALL the angles
it's adorable
i feel everyone is very protective of manager but ESPECIALLY kk and paige because they're like her guard dogs
this may be like a really niche example but kinda like kiyoko in haikyuu??? yeah...
also NIKA
paige/kk get really protective over literally anything so it's just them tryna make you laugh when they're protective, but you/nika have a different dynamic where it's like
if anyone tries to disrespect you, not only will they have to deal with paige/kk but NIKA
and she's sm scarier than them no offense...
you know you've made into manager's heart when she starts to tease you because she's like... not being too professional with you anymore
especially like the freshman, ooo she loves teasing them
in this ask, where nonnie talks about how the team brings out manager's soft side is sooo true
like she may seem like a cold-stone bitch but in reality, she's NOT !! not even a tiny bit, poor girl just has the worst case of rbf EVER
her soft side comes out when any of the girls get injures, oh my gosh
she's the first to come to their aid and help them
and she's always there for them after the fact cus she knows how hard injuries can be when you play a support
she's there emotionally and talks them through it, makes sure that they know they're still part of the team injury or not, and of course that she loves them!!
AND she's very soft with the girls when they're going through stuff outside of basketball
relationship issues, family issues, drama within your friendgroup, baby girl is there to help them through it!!!!!
but she's not just like "therapist" friend, trust the team in return knows when theres something up w her and will do everything in their power to help her
and jump whoever hurt you
when manager gets her nails done, the team gets SOOO hurt bc they can't get theirs done bc of basketball so they get super mad at her (jokingly ofc)
so she just rubs it in their faces to get them angry LMAOOO, its very funny to witness
every once in a blue mood, manager will post a thrist trap and OH MY GOD
the entire team is in her comments hyping flirting with her up!!
and especially after uconn kinda blows up on tiktok, you bet those old thirst traps will make themselves into the damn edits
you and paige will hang out during that time and just look at edits while laughing your asses off (but paige is lowkey into yours cus she favorites them)
i feel like there's def an edit with the audio "milkshake instrumental" bc everyone thinks u give off like... mean girl vibes
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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bsdawgz · 3 months
「 ✦ Behave ✦ 」 Bungo Stray Dogs, Armed Detective Agency: Atsushi Nakajima
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a/n: (soft) dom!atsushi won the poll <3 thank u everyone for ur support on my fics! every like and esp follows + reblogs count sm and i rly luv when u interact wit me, send me msgs and stuff like that, it means sm to me that u enjoy my work :3 and idk if u will come back to read this anon but if u do, i hope u enjoy it <3
genre: da nasty
content warning: f!reader. MDNI! (soft) dom!atsushi. reader is a bit of a brat. bondage (handcuffs). fingering. orgasm denial. praise (lots of it). atsushi calls you "good girl." ;)
summary: it's about time atsushi taught you to follow the rules.
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no one would ever expect it.
– of course not.
the ada's sweet, blushing jinko was rushing through his paperwork all day today, so eager to get to your apartment tonight. what could he say? he just wanted to see you so badly.
he wanted to see that cute, embarrassed face of yours.
he wanted to cuff your hands behind your back and fuck you –
kunikida, for example, would never expect it.
his coworker stopped him right in his tracks while he was halfway out the door, hitting him with that unanswerable question: "where could YOU possibly be off to in such a hurry?" just as soon as he was about to leave. all atsushi could do was clutch his phone to his chest anxiously and hope kunikida didn't have the slightest suspicion about the sort of things atsushi might enjoy doing on his days off.
someone like kunikida would never understand it – no one at the ada would, really.
atsushi isn't nearly as clever as dazai or ranpo, nor is he indispensable like yosano, or strong like kenji. the bedroom is the only place he doesn't have to be anyone but himself. he doesn't need to prove his usefulness to you – between the sheets, there is no power struggle. you submit to him completely. you want him to take control.
and he'll take it – he'll take it over and over again.
by the time he reaches your apartment, it's already night. your place is is small but cozy, tucked away in a neighborhood a train ride away from yokohama, somewhere where there's not as much violent crime. you're laying on the rug on your bedroom floor, wearing nothing but his shirt and your panties, scrolling mindlessly through your phone. that's just like you to pay him no mind – to ignore him and feign innocence after playing such a dirty trick, knowing that you were probably on his mind for hours before. as he sets his bag on the bedside table, you barely move to acknowledge him, instead pleasantly thinking about how worked up and annoyed he must be at your blatant display of nonchalance.
"oh, you're here."
you turn over on your back, glancing up at him. there's that sweet face of yours. you're batting your eyelashes up at him like you hadn't done a thing at all, and now your shirt is riding up your thighs and ruching up the sides of your stomach. you know every weakness of his and exactly how to play them to your advantage. he rolls his eyes, kneeling down beside you. "yeah, i'm here."
snatching your phone from your hand, he tosses it on the bed in annoyance, and the first thing he does is scold you. "that wasn't very nice, you know, sending those videos during work. kunikida could have saw."
a frown forming on your face at his frustration, you pout at him. "did you not like them?"
you're too good at convincing him to forgive you – as if he were ever mad at you in the first place. his expression softens at your disappointed voice. you beam as he relents, pulling you into his lap and playing with the strands of your hair. "of course i did," he mutters as you relax into his gentle touch. "i liked them too much.
– but you know it's against the rules to touch yourself like that without me."
of course –
breaking the rules always meant punishment – and you'd be lying if you said this wasn't exactly what you wanted in the first place.
getting up from his position, you wait patiently as atsushi shuffles through the box hidden under your bed for the pair of cuffs saved exactly for punishments. you hear the quiet clinking of metal behind you, then feel atsushi's hands smoothing down your shoulders. "do you remember your safe-word?" he asks, and you nod, repeating it back to him.
"that's my girl..." he murmurs. his voice is a honeyed whisper in your ear, thick with desire and dripping with such sweetness as you feel him begin to adjust the restraints around your wrists from behind you. "just tell me if you want to stop, okay?" the leather is smooth against your skin but worn and slightly frayed, the cuffs already fit perfectly to your wrists from using them on you nights before. your back arches as you feel him tug on the restraints to test them, honey already collecting between your thighs at the anticipation of being touched by him.
you hear the quiet click of metal as he hooks the cuffs together. "is it comfortable?" he asks, his voice as gentle as always, and you feel his fingers intertwine with yours lovingly. you nod obediently, then melt into his touch as his hands brush through your hair, as his lips travel down your neck and your shoulder in a series of delicate kisses that you sigh into. you ache to kiss him back, to run your fingers through his silver hair, but the restraints hold you in place. all you can do is turn your body to slightly face him and hope he gets the message that you want more, that you want him to kiss you again as you tip your chin toward him, as you lean into his touch behind you.
you feel his hands grasping your waist, just slightly toying with the hem of your shirt. "you'll be a good girl for me, won't you?" – and he's brushing the underside of his thumb across your lips, gazing expectantly into your innocent eyes. nothing there but complete devotion. you nod, then his fingers are reaching elsewhere – between your thighs – and you're trembling with desire as you feel them hook under the waistband and peel the garment between your legs. "you're so wet already.
don't worry. i'll take care of you."
his fingertips are rough, calloused from all the fights he's been in, but his nails are perfectly trimmed, and he knows just where to touch you. the reassurances he murmurs into your neck make you pliant, and you spread your legs wider for him as he runs his fingers along the side of your thigh, teasing you with gentle brushes while his other hand grabs the swell of your breast. "pretty baby," he coos, and you turn your cheek toward him to gaze into his longing eyes. "you should have just waited for me to come home."
slowly dipping inside of you, you watch as your arousal drips from his fingertips. "baby, you're so wet... look," he sighs, lips soft against your earlobe. he's right – you're soaking, and the evidence is all there, the thin string of wetness webbing between his fingers as he pulls them between your legs. you gasp softly, half from embarrassment of just how wet he's made you already, and the other half from the feeling of a second finger being eased inside of you. you feel him smile behind you, grasping your waist tighter, "you can take it, baby, just like you take me. just stretch a little more."
then, he pulls his fingers out of you, and you hear the slick sound of them slipping out of you so easily. "but you want me here most, right?" he teases, his voice a low whisper in your ear, and you feel those skillful fingers of his encircling your pulsing clit – the place that he knows always makes you moan the loudest – and you nod desperately, hips chasing after his touch as you feel his fingers move farther and farther away.
"not yet, baby. not yet" –
and you obey.
you whine for him, beg for him, plead for him,
until his fingers seek you once more, until he brings you to the edge only to snatch it away over and over again.
when he can't take more of your begging, he unclasps you from your restraints, kisses up your inner thigh, gazes into your eyes lovingly and showers you with endless praises. then, pulling you into his arms, he bends you over your pillow, runs his hands up and down your body like you're a doll before taking you over and over until you've had your fill –
"that's my good girl," he whispers, kissing up and down your spine. "now you know to behave, right?"
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author ps: i didn't write about the aftercare, but any bdsm scene should always ALWAYS include aftercare. + ofc atsushi would give u the best aftercare ever <3
© BSDAWGZ 2024. Do not steal or repost ANY of my works! That’s plagiarism, and it’s mean. :(( Beautiful dividers by @ v6que~!
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mswritergirl02 · 3 months
Jealousy Jealousy.
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In which y/n is a bit toxic and can't help but feel jealous when Lexi and Fez hangout.
Pairing : Fezco X Female Reader
->Reader advisory: This writing includes explicit language and references to substances. It may not be suitable for all readers.
A/N: I'm now accepting requests
Y/N was excited for her Friday night plans. She had decided to surprise Fezco, her boyfriend, by bringing over a pepperoni pizza and some of his favorite snacks. She hoped they could watch a movie together and maybe smoke a little. Y/n didn't smoke often but when she did it was usually with Fez. The idea of spending quality time with Fez always made her heart flutter. Y/n knocked twice and waited anxiously.
As she stood in front of Fez's door, balancing the pizza box and snacks in her arms, she couldn't wait to see his smile. But instead of Fezco, it was Lexi Howard, her best friend Cassie's sister who greeted her with wide eyes.
Lexi's heart skipped a beat when she saw Y/N standing there with the pizza and snacks. She knew Y/N well, having witnessed her fiery personality in action many times before. Y/N was fiercely loyal to Cassie, Lexi's sister, and would always stand up for her, no matter what. Lexi had seen Y/N's temper flare in arguments and watched her boldly defend Cassie from anyone who dared to cross her.
Now, facing Y/N's intense gaze, Lexi felt a surge of fear. Not to mention Lexi and Fez had just smoked so she was panicking, scared that Y/N knew she was high.
"Lexi?" Y/N's voice broke through the tense silence, her confusion evident.
Lexi swallowed hard, trying to compose herself. "Hey, Y/N" she managed to say, her voice trembling slightly.
Y/N shifted uncomfortably, the weight of the pizza box suddenly feeling heavier in her arms. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her tone sharp with suspicion.
Lexi's nerves prickled under Y/N's scrutiny, her mind racing for an explanation.
"-I was just...hanging out with Fezco," she stammered, her voice wavering
Y/N's frustration boiled over, her suspicions pushing her to continue pressing Lexi. "Hanging out, huh?" she scoffed, her tone dripping with skepticism.
"And what exactly were you 'hanging out' doing? Chatting about the weather?
" I was keeping him company ?”
Y/N's voice grew louder at Lexis comment, "Keeping him company?”
“What does that even mean, Lexi?" she demanded. Y/n's face was now bright red, the redness creeping up to her ears, and a nervous twitch now flickering beneath her eye.
"No, um, Fez just invited me because I was nervous about my play, and we ended up watching Stand By Me," Lexi hurriedly clarified, her words slightly rushed.
"And... and smoking a little," she added hesitantly.
Y/N's eyes narrowed at Lexi's response, her suspicions confirmed. "Smoking?" she echoed, her voice filled with anger. "So you're just here to get high with my boyfriend?" Her words were sharp and laced with accusation.
"Get the fuck away from the door, Lexi," Y/N spat.
Lexi glanced back at the empty couch, seeing that Fez was now gone. "He must've gone to the bathroom," she muttered, stepping back reluctantly.
Just as Y/N stepped inside the house, Fez came walking down the hallway, a half-smoked blunt tucked behind his ear. "Yo, Lexi, gonna lock u-" Fez began, before his eyes fell upon Y/N sitting on his couch, legs crossed with pizza box next to her.
Fez recognized the look on Y/N's face and the twitching of her eye having seen her like this many times before. She was mad.
"Hey, ma," Fez greeted Y/N with a smile.
"Explain," Y/N said, jabbing a finger in Lexi's direction.
Fez scratched the back of his buzzed head, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion as he glanced between Y/N's angry face and Lexi's nervous stance.
"Explain what ma ?" he grunted, his tone thick with confusion. "I was just watching a movie with Lexi, ain't seein' nothin' wrong."
Y/N's eyes narrowed, "Explain why the fuck she's here, Fez.”
Fezco's face scrunched up as he tried to piece things together. "I ain't know you was comin' through, ma,". "Just thought she needed someone to talk to, you feel me?"
Y/N's face tightened with anger. "Why's she in here with you while I'm bringing you food?" She questioned, her voice rising.
Fezco looked unsure. "Again, I ain't know you was comin', ma," he admitted, feeling kinda guilty. "I thought Lexi needed some company to talk about her play and shit"
Suddenly, Ash popped out of his room, the look of annoyance plastered on his face. "What's with all the noise?" he grumbled.
Ash spotted the pizza next to Y/n and grabbed a slice. "Oh, shit, you got pizza"
He then took a second to look between the three figures staring at him and pieced together what was happening.
"Looks like you're gonna get your ass beat by Y/n", Ash smirked.
Fez rolled his eyes, shooting Ash a glare, "Bro shut the fuck up."
"Yo go back to yo room," Fez said noticing that Ash was making himself comfortable on the couch next to Y/n.
Ash grinned mischievously, taking another bite. "Nah, I'm stayin" he replied, enjoying the drama. "This is getting good."
Y/N's frustration grew noticing Fez wasn't paying attention to her. "And what about the smoking'?" she pressed.
"Was that part of your hangout?"
Fez put his fingers to his ears remembering the half-smoked blunt he placed there. "Um, yeah, me and Lex smoked a bit," he confessed, rubbing his neck nervously.
Suddenly, Y/N noticed something that sparked her anger even further. "The fuck did you just call her?" she snapped.
If Y/N wasn’t seeing red before she definitely was now.
Fez blinked, taken aback by Y/N's sudden outburst. "Uh, I..I mean Lexi," he stammered.
Ash, who had been quietly munching on pizza, perked up at the confrontation.
"Ooh, drama," he muttered, taking another bite.
Y/N stood up, her fists clenched at her sides. "What the fuck are you still doing here?" she spat, turning her attention to Lexi, who was shrinking into the corner.
Lexi scrambled nervously to grab her purse, whispering a quick goodbye to Fez as she rushed out of the door.
Y/N walked up to Fez, jabbing her pointer finger harshly into his forehead emphasizing her frustration.
"Lex?" she said mockingly. "Lex?!" she repeated, continuing to shove her finger into his skin.
Ash smirked, sensing the opportunity to exit. "And that's my sign to leave," he declared, grabbing the box of pizza and walking off to his room but not before shooting a smirk at Fez and adding "Good luck, bro", to which Fez flipped him off
Y/n raised her finger to jab Fez's forehead once more, but he caught her wrist firmly, stopping her in her tracks. "I told you to stop that shit long time ago," he grunted, his voice rough.
"I don't give a fuck," she shot back, her tone sharp. "Why the hell are you inviting girls over to smoke and acting all lovey-dovey with them on the couch?"
Fezco was now beginning to get annoyed "You need to chill ma," he stated, his voice rising as he tried to assert his point. He hated when she got like this.
"We just watched 'Stand By Me,' for real. What's your deal?"
Now their argument had escalated into a screaming match, with neither willing to back down. Y/N reached for Fez's pants pocket. "Give me your phone then if you aren't hiding anything," she demanded, her eyes flashing with determination.
Fezco snapped, his patience long gone, he moved her hand away. "Yo, you trippen, chill the fuck out!'
"So no?" she added, raising an eyebrow. "No?!"
"Fine!" she declared, pulling out her phone and began typing a message.
Fezco's eyes narrowed snatching the phone from her hands when he saw her click on Elliot's name.
"What the fuck you doing, Y/N?"
"Yo you fucking for real?" he exclaimed, his anger boiling over as he read the message she was about to send.
From Y/N: Hey Elliot, you wanna watch a movie? We could smoke. I have some weed.
Fez's brows furrowed, "Yo and whose stash we talking 'bout?" he demanded.
Y/N's smirk widened looking to piss him off even more, "Yours baby."
Fezco's eyes narrowed. "Quit playin' games shortie," he growled, his voice taking on a low menacing tone.
He knew she was trying to push his buttons, and it was working like a charm.
"Or what?", she questioned.
"Yo, you tryna get Elliot's ass beat?" he snapped, his voice laced with warning. "Keep saying that shit, I ain't fucking with you.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Elliot can handle himself."
He clenched his jaw, "You think this a joke, huh?" he countered. "Trust me, you don't wanna go there."
Fez now towered over her, his piercing blue eyes clouded with anger. "Quit playing these fucking games wit me ma," his voice was low and dangerous as he lifted her chin to fully meet his eyes, giving her a final warning.
His other hand twitched. The urge to hurl her phone against the wall was almost overwhelming. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure before he did something he'd regret. With a heavy sigh, he deleted the message and set her phone down. Deep down, he knew she was just hurt and didn't mean anything by the message. This left him feeling guilty for the tension between them.
Realizing that Y/N had a valid point and knowing he just wanted to de-escalate the argument, Fez softened his tone slightly. "Ma you gotta chill out," he continued, his voice gentler now. "We just watched a movie and smoked, that's it. I wouldn't do you like that."
"Lexi's just a friend, she was hella nervous about a play she's putting on and needed a friend."
Fez handed Y/N his phone, his gesture a sign of trust. "Check it, ma. There's nothing on it," he urged.
I'm sorry, ma," Fez stated.
Fez's apology hung in the air, but Y/N remained stubborn, her arms crossed tightly over her chest as she glared at the phone he held out to her.
"I'm sorry, ma," Fez repeated, setting his phone on the coffee table next to hers and reaching out to gently touch her arm
Y/N pulled away slightly, her expression still guarded. " I don't know, Fez," she murmured, her tone hesitant.
Fezco sighed, frustration evident in his eyes. "C'mon, baby," he pleaded, using the nickname he knew she couldn't resist.
" I messed up having her here without you knowin, I know. But you gotta believe me, ain't nothing going on with Lexi. You're the only one for me."
Y/N's eyes softened as she looked into his pleading eyes.
"My feelings were hurt, Fez," she admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability.
"But I'm sorry for the way I acted. I might have overreacted."
Fezco pulled her close, landing a kiss on her lips before pressing his forehead against hers. "It's all good ma, he reassured her, his voice filled with affection.
"We all mess up sometimes."
As they pulled apart, Y/N met his gaze, feeling a pang of guilt. "I feel bad for scaring Lexi, I probably ruined her high," she confessed, her voice laced with remorse.
Fezco chuckled, shaking his head. "Hell yeah, yo you scary as fuck when you get like that," he joked, wrapping her into a tight hug and squeezing her ass playfully. "You crazy as fuck ma but that's why I love you”
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allisonlol · 2 years
Hii can I request how Fyodor,Chuuya,Dazai (separately) will react that their S/o randomly bite their neck and leave hickeys?
/Sorry for grammar,English is not my main
a/n: i luv luv luv this req. also, thx sm for 1.5k followers!! ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜ my one year anniversary of creating this acc was also a few days ago so, we can celebrate that too i suppose
warnings: tiny bit nsfw & suggestive
(Chuuya, Dazai, Fyodor) When Their S/O Randomly Bites Their Neck
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god u get him so flustered lmao
literally makes the exact same expression as the pic i inserted
his neck is sensitive, what else can i say
you have no filter so it doesn’t matter whether y’all are in public or not; you’ll still do it at the most random of times
the two of you will be walking down the sidewalk on a date, when you’ll grab his shoulder and just chomp down on his neck affectionately
the more you catch him off guard, the funnier is it
fr goes bright red and pushes you away, looking around frantically to see if anyone noticed
has to take a minute to reboot and get his shit together afterwards
if it’s at a private place, he won’t push you away but will still get just as flustered
sometimes a low groan will slip out and- 💳💥💳💥💥💳💥
swats at you like a cat to get u away from him if he senses that ur gonna do it
chuuya has no problem leaving marks on you, but the second he has them he gets all embarrassed?? 🙄 hypocrite
tries to cover it with his collar & hopes none of his subordinates notice they definitely do
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you BOTH do this to EACH OTHER
no one knows who started it, but now it’s basically a competition to see who can catch the other off guard first and straight up just bite their neck 🧍🏻‍♀️
the rest of the ADA has been low-key emotionally traumatized from witnessing this on a daily basis
kunikida exclusively had to make a “no pda” rule
regardless of where y’all are, dazai obviously enjoys it 🙄
laughs under his breath while you do it too (definitely mocking you) but once ur done, he pushes you against the nearest wall and returns the favor
sometimes if you’re actually able to surprise him, his eyes will go wide for a split second before he maintains composure
^will then gently grab your face & tilt your head up so he can kiss you instead
9 times out of 10, moments like these will lead to something more 😶
dazai doesn’t bother to cover the hickeys up either, shows those things off like a badge of honor smh
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if you're trying to get a reaction out of him, you won't be very successful lol
unfazed king™
secretly his heart is beating twice as fast…but you don't have to know that
you love "sneaking" up on him (as in, he pretends to not know ur there) while he works to oh so lovingly bite his neck out of nowhere
fyodor will tense up for a sec before turning to you with a mildly amused expression
"i never knew you were a vampire, my love" (the irony of him calling you this)
lets you do your thing for a few more seconds before snaking an arm around your waist and lowering you into his lap
returns the favor but x10 so your neck is COVERED in hickeys
you're low-key mad afterwards cuz how tf are you supposed to go back to work looking like this ⁉️
fyodor thrives off this cuz he's a possessive mf and wants everyone to know you're his
on himself tho, he's somewhere in the middle between covering them up and not giving a fuck
doesn't like the attention it puts on him but also wants others to see your...handiwork
^cue nikolai yanking down the collar of his shirt and yelling WHAT'S ON UR NECK HMM???
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taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @sonder-paradise @irethepotato @serenareiss
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slasherstories123 · 1 year
Hello there! I saw that your starting to write slashers as dads so I got an idea! Jason voorhees, Micheal myrs, pennywise, and art the clown (of u write for him) reacting to kid reader being bullied (also this is when the slasher already took him in) how would the slashers react to this:)? Ty and have a great day
Jason, Michael, Pennywise, and Art the clown’s reaction to kid! Reader being bullied
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Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @slash3rl0v3r @the-anxious-youth @mrs-heelshire @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @emychan @charliedawn @sleepypersonblog @slasherscrybaby @anim3l0v3r @kawaistrawberry21 @l0sercat
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Jason Voorhees
Jason was looking everywhere for you.
He thought you might’ve gotten lost in the forest, it even cause his mother to freak out in his head thinking you got trapped in one of his traps set up for the trespassers.
Ever since he took you in he set up more traps for trespassers so they won’t hurt you, he didn’t want to think of the sight of you being hurt
Once he heard laughing in the distance, he stopped walking, slowly hiding behind the trees to see what was happening.
A group of kids were picking on you, he could tell that you were trying your best not to cry.
“Knock it off! Or I’m telling my Dad!” You yelled. One of the kids laughed at you, “Aw what’s your Dad gonna do? He dosen’t even know you’re here!”
Jason was livid, seeing those kids bully you reminded him of himself. He wasn’t gonna let that happen to you. Jason silently walked up behind you, you didn’t feel the dark presence radiate off Jason, but the kids sure did.
Once they saw him they ran away in fear. You felt him pick you up, it took you by surprise but you still hugged him.
“Thank you dad.”
Michael Myers
If you bully his child it’s over for you. But clearly a few kids didn’t get the message.
When it comes to you Michael will do anything to protect you, that’s why he watches from afar to make sure you’re okay and no one hurts you
He lost track of you since you were running away from a bunch of kids.
Once he caught up to you and the kids, he watched them from afar. Seeing them push you around while you begged them to stop. “Stop it!” They didn’t listen.
Once you fell on the ground you thought you saw him in the distance, but once you got up he was gone. You then heard a few of the kids run away
You turned around, seeing Michael having one of the kids in a death grip by his shirt while looking deep into his eyes. The kid tried to pry himself away. “Dad wait!” You yelled, grabbing onto his arm
Michael let out a huff towards you before dropping the kid, he ran away along with his other friends.
He then looked at you, your hands were still on his arm, you quickly pulled them away. You didn’t hear him, but you could see him let out a big sigh from his chest. Placing his hand out for you to take
You took it, now walking home with him.
You must be god himself if you think you can get away with bullying Pennywise’s child. There’s a lot of bully’s in Derry and besides the losers club they like to pick on you
A group of girls were chasing after you on their bikes while laughing at you. You managed to escape from their attack, trying to pour trash all over you.
“Come back y/n!” One of them screamed.
You kept running until you mad wit to the sewers. Hoping that your father Pennywise was still in there.
One of the girls let out a scoff. “Going in the sewers huh Y/N? No wonder why you smell like shit!” That caused the others to laugh too.
A loud growl made them all stop laughing, one of them even going into the sewers themselves. A balloon floated in front of them, once it popped Pennywise bolted towards them with his razor sharp teeth
The girls screamed before running away. Even though he wanted to chase after then, you came first.
“You can come out now little human.” You slowly poked your head out from behind one of the corners, his yellow eyes then turning back to blue,
“They won’t hurt you as long as I’m here.” He’ll make sure to terrorize them in their dreams once you fall asleep.
Art the Clown
Not many people know your father and that was okay, considering the fact that he does leave a lot, but he comes back rather quickly just to make sure you’re safe
Art has his own way of taking care of you unlike the others, even though his ways are wicked, you still love him as a father
A boy wouldn’t stop following you, calling you names as you tried to walk back home. Art heard him too
Once you passed an alleyway, Art jumped in front of the boy with his trash bag. Waving at him. You turned around and let out a sigh of relief
The boy was confused, even calling Art names too, but names don’t affect him, instead, it fills his ego
Art held up his finger, telling him to wait as he looked in his trash bag. Knowing him, he was probably gonna pick out a weapon of some sort
He pulled out a fire gun up in the air like it was a trophy. Then pointing it at him. The boy put his hands up in defense, once Art pulled the trigger, the fire shot out, nearly hitting the boy if he didn’t back up in time, screaming for help while running away from the two of you
Art nodded his head when the boy left, putting the fire gun back in his bag before excitingly extending his hand out towards you.
You smiled and grabbed it, you both slipped down the street together to go home.
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iiiiiiis-things · 1 year
earth42!miles morales instagram while dating you
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pairing: (aged up) earth42milesmorales x femblack!reader
cw: cursing, that's it??
blurb: miles morales instagram only posts while dating you
a/n: yeahhhhh i lied i literally wrote this in an hour and i wanted to upload it right at the moment sooooo... maybe i'll have sum else for monday idk, also y'all kno damn well miles would barley post on insta which is why i made it so short 😭??
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liked by slut4moralessss and 1976 others
slut4y/nnnn no caption needed.
slut4moralessss my man my man my man ‼️‼️‼️
liked by unknown.bestie and 1983 others
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liked by slut4moralessss and 3469 others
slut4y/nnnn my bae needa come over
slut4moralessss i'm otw 🏃🏾‍♀️💨
liked by slut4y/nnnn and 733 others
milesmoralesissofine.com man when you gon stop playing wit that girl feelings nn play wit me 😂😂😂
➤slut4y/nnnn the fuck ?
➤slut4moralessss mannn @homegirls come HANDLE this hoe 🤣🫵🏾
➤milesmoralesissofine.com lmao girl not fighting yo own battles is crazy
➤y/n.isminenotyourzmorales bitch IK you ain't js disrespect my bestie 😂‼️
➤unknown.bestie girl sit yo big fugly ass down sumwhere 😂😂
➤mrs.stealyonigga😘 baby don't you tt demarcus ?? cs he shoull been pussy drunk ova here 😭‼️
➤milesmoralesissofine.com y'all doing all this talking bc y'all behind a screen 😐
➤unknown.bestie man u js mad cs yo nigga at my hmg house @mrs.stealyonigga 😂🫵🏾
➤mrs.stealyonigga😘 shoull dfk is head all in between my legs........ 🥰🥰
➤y/n.isminenotyourzmorales girl u sound dumb how you got a nigga but in another nigga COMMENTS atp js gon head nn sdfu ,, u den made the wrong decision fw my bitches js gon head nn drop the addy 🤣💯
➤unknown.bestie oh IGHT
➤y/n.isminenotyourzmorales pussy ass hoe
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liked by a.aaron and 2863 others
slut4y/nnnn "if she want titties i pay for em" -lil baby 🥷🏾
slut4moralessss you calling me flat chested ? 😐
➤slut4y/nnnn yes.
➤slut4moralessss fuck u- 😒
liked by y/n.isminenotyourzmorales
a.aaron dis what u using yo money fo??
➤slut4y/nnnn yes.
rio_morales aww ima start planning a wedding 🥰
➤slut4y/nnnn yes.
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liked by rio_moralessss and 1673 others
slut4y/nnnn if she step on my shoe one mo time-
slut4y/nnnn whatchu gon do ? 😂
mrs.stealyonigga😘 boy hush u ain't finna fwh 😂😂😂
unknown.bestie nigga sdfu 4 u get jumped 🤣‼️
y/n.isminenotyourzmorales chileeee ANYWAYS 😂💯
rio_morales miles u act like u finna actually hurt her
➤a.aaron he told me he would kill for her so i don't think-
➤slut4y/nnnn damn uncle aaron you too ? 🤦🏾‍♂️
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tinydeskwriter · 4 months
LOVE HOLD|⟮little miss maverick⟯
lando norris x wolff reader| wolff reader x f1 grid platonic (mostly)
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a/n: there is no face claim, I just can't resist te perfection that is Anya Taylor-Joy(I wanted to save her for a Häkkinen!reader, but couldn't stop myself when I started the dior montage). those are little snippets from her life between the GQ video and Bahrain 23', to give some context. I gave names to y/n mother, sister, stepfather and etc, because I find mad confusing to put a bunch of y/mn, y/s/n, y/bff/n, it gets tiring and confusing especially if it comes one after the other in a social media tag or paragraph, thats the only reason I gave them names. there is a few tennis players in this story, not too crazy, but as it is a character a little bit inspired by break point some of those guys will show up and the netflix show will be mentioned. comment and give it a like if you like, I love to read what you guys have to say and your thoughts. I also gave a name to the series, it is very cliche but I couldn't think of nothing better.
«previous part | next part»
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liked by lilymhe, lewishamilton and 865,678 others
(tagged: patrickmouratoglou; matsbahr; susie_wolff; lucy.abrams; british_airways; adidas; redbull; yonex_tennis; hbsc; hiltonhotels; hermes; charles_leclerc; carlossainz55; pierregasly; landonorris; benshelton; mariasherapova; the_kokk1; carlitosalcarazz; lewishamilton; georgerussell63; carmenmmundt)
y/name.wolff it wasn't easy but we did it! today my dream came true, in winning my twelfth title today, the fourth in a row this calendar year, I became the sixth grand slam champion in history, the fourth woman to do so and the very first brit. it takes a village and i would not have managed it without the amazing team i have behind me supporting me at every step. shout out to my coaches, my therapist, my sponsors and my family.🤍🏆🏆
thank u all for the flowers. i will be seeing a few of you in monza.
(i believe I tagged everyone, but my hands are shaking so much and is hard to see through my happy tears, so, if i forgot to tag you, consider yourself thanked)
view all 23,567 comments
pierregasly congratulations little wolff, never doubted you
↳y/n.wolff thank u 🍐
redbull #1!!!
↳y/name.wolff red bull gives you wings 😘
user1 mother is mothering😍😍
georgerussel63 #goat 🐐
landonorris 🔥🔥🔥
↳landonorris congratulations on yet another win, always knew you would🥇
↳ y/n.wolff thank you lan🤍
↳user4 the heart😍
↳user5 'lan' , oml
user2 girly is so delulu she forgot serenawilliams has like 30 grand slams
↳user3 serenawilliams has 23 titles from grand slams events, which eventually was a career grand slam, but she never managed all in a calendar year which is a true grand slam, y/n.wolff is the sixth tennis player to do so, and if she wins the WTA final in november she will have the super slam
benshelton #goat status🐐proud to see one of the greatest of our generation achieving something not even our heros did. keep going sis, next step is to make this a super slam 🥇
↳ y/n.wolff thank you little bro, you and those powerful serves next
mariasherapova little miss maverick. congrats kid, keep going marveling the world with your talent and breaking records along the way 🐐
↳ y/n.wolff🤍🤍🤍
11th Sep 2022
y/n.wolff added to her story:
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Nov 9th 2022
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc & 933,566 others
(tagged: opheliagatz; p.blanchard; cassandra.blanchard; giambattistavalliparis)
y/n.wolff 09·01·2023· the day is here, it only took you guys 20 years of living in sin, 15 years of engagement and raising two beautiful, charming, talented daughters together to finally put a ring on it. i am grateful every single day that in a world with 9 billion people, living in the same city, sharing common friends, you two manage to met outside a little cafe in milano in the summer of 03'(btw, i had the honor of witness this cosmic encounter, though i claim no recollection of the event). père phillippe, thank you for all the years as my bonus father and all the support you always gave me (there is no backing now).
love you two more than words can describe. thank u for trusting me with the role of maid of honour, hope i did a good job.
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landonorris congrats to mamma O and Phil❤️ beautiful cerimony
↳y/n.wolff 🤍
user1 was lando at the wedding???
Jan 10th 2023
y/n.wolff added to her story:
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Jan 14th 2023
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liked by pierregasly, dior & 933,566 others
(tagged: dior)
y/n.wolff i am happy to be (finally) able to announce that yours truly is now (officially) a dior muse and the new face of diorissimo🤍🤍🤍
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mariagraziachiuri I am so happy to share this journey with someone I have seen grow into the beautiful woman she is today, such an example of timeless beauty and elegance, our true English Rose and the incarnation of the spirit Diorissimo.
↳y/n.wolff grazie mille Maria, thank you so much for the trust
Feb 27th 2023
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y/n.wolff after three tournaments back-to-back and a brief pitstop in paris for fashion week, miss éclair wolff and I are heading to bahrain to watch 19 millionaires playboys going vrom vrom in circles for second place😊
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landonorris uncalled for ☹️
↳y/n.wolff as is your tractor 🙂
↳landonorris ☹️
↳y/n.wolff luv u sugarboo🤍
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tag list: @myescapefromthislife | @kapsylia | @biitch-with-wifi
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hey cutie i couldn’t find the post to look at who you write for but what about some Fanum headcanons? love u 💗💗💗
Fanum Headcannons ☆
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● He may look intimidating, but in reality, he's such a lovable guy. He wouldn't even hurt a fly. He treats you with so much respect.
● He may not be the most athletic, but he has a cute face to make up for it. Like out of everyone in the group, he's the finest.
● fanum is very confident, man, so when he first met you, he made the first move on you, and you couldn't help but smile. When he was around, you talked to you. You couldn't help but smile.
● He be giving you nicknames like 'my heart, mama's ma, etc)
● He's a very chill person, sure he likes going out but he likes staying at home being with you and relaxing together.
● He'll have you on his 24/7 like this man is so in love with you he can't help but show you off in front of the whole world.
● He is a very passionate lover, like he has a very good heart, and that's what you like about him.
● You're number 1 fan, if you post yourself on social media, he would comment on it, heart it anything you name it.
● He's overprotective but he not crazy wit it, like of course he'll let you have your freedom, and doesn't control anything you wear, he knows that if a nigga tries to flirt with you, you wouldn't be interested because you got him and only him, but if someone touches you inappropriately he ain't got no problems throwing hands.
●He loves that you are a food lover like him. He isn't really into sharing his food because he greedy, but with him, he'll share his food. This man would take you out to the most fanciest restaurant and let you try the most amazing food.
● He such a gentleman man, because niggas today is trifling but he ain't like that, this man would carry you if you tired, he'll hold doors for you, open the car door so you can get on first.
● This man would spoil you, like he doesn't care, he'll get you whatever you want. Like he provides you anything.
● He'll take you on dates all the time, he'll cook for you, he'll get you flower's.
● He's such a down to earth guy like he is so chill and is very humble.
● He'll never lie to you. He tells you everything. He's like your best friend, y'all be gossiping like y'all in high school .
● Yes, even though he shares his food with specifically you, he still does the fanum tax. The both of y'all do, both of you be stealing food from the other guys in the house, especially kai. He is having the good snacks.
● This man is really good at calming you down. If you were mad, sad, or going through something, he'll be there for you for your mental health. He's very patient and gentle with you.
● Very clingy, he only wants you to be around him 24/7. He always hugged you from behind, cheek kisses.
● I feel like he's the type to get a tatt with your name on it.
● You can never stay mad at fanum wherever fanum does something that's gets you mad. You can never be mad at him because he always makes you laugh and put you in a good mood. "C'mon ma, you know you can't stay mad at me forever." Fanum teases you as he gives you a lot of cheek kisses. You were trying to make him stop, but you couldn't resist as you were smiling.
● He loves to cuddle, he feels so soft and warm, and he smells really good.
● He loves playing video games on his streams he'll have you come play the game with him,but if you didn't know how to play, he'd teach you. He thinks it's so cute when you get frustrated with the game.
● Yo, this man when he speaks Spanish is so fucking sexxy, like when he speaks Spanish it does something to you, he'll say something sweet in Spanish even if you didn't understand.
● Overall, fanum is the best boyfriend you can ever ask for he's such a cutie patootie.
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nejjirez · 10 months
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pairing: e!42 miles x blk! fem reader
genre: fluff , protective miles
miles = dark purple you = pink (naisa is you)
a/n: whew lawrd i got so many damn books to post .. yall in for some treats good JESUS , but trust ima get yall requests soon i promise
you were walking back home from the store , it wasn't too far away from where you live , so walkin won't a problem .
on the way back you heard your phone buzz , taking it out of your pocket to see who texted you. "1 new message from: Miless 💘."
miles was texting you to ask where you were at , worried on why you weren't home yet since he was at your house. you texted back smiling , reassuring him that you'll be fine , and your're on the way. butttt miles looked over that , and face timed you.
when you answered , he was side eyeing the camera , on the game that he set up in your room. "didnt i tell you to ask me before u use my tv?" you sighed , looking around your room to see what else he had done.
"yeaa sorry ma , my ass was bored waitin on u , but where you at?" miles fully turned his head towards the camera , squinting trying to make out where you were at.
you put your face all up in the camera , makin faces and laughing. "ma im not playin , where are you" he put his controller down , speaking in a more serious tone which made you back up from the screen.
"chill , im on my way ri-" suddenly , a boy who looked about your age came up to you , cheesin away. you kept walking , not interested.
the boy started walking behind you , trying to talk to you which .. didnt play out well. "yoo u from here?" he managed to catch up to you , trying to walk beside you.
miles heard the male's voice which caused his head to shoot towards the phone , picking it up looking around your surroundings.
"yea , i'm from my man's place , move along ." you snarled , walking faster looking at your phone to see miles with the most annoyed facial expression ever.
"aye not gon lie he prolly a bitch like most niggas round here , i could fs do better lil ma" this was miles last straw .. womp womp.. "oh hell na ." miles said before taking a good look at where you were , and hanging up.
the boy heard the voice coming from your phone as you walked faster , causing him to laugh. "aye was that him? see he prolly mad at u now , come fuck wit a real nigga" at this point you were irritated , not wanting miles to be mad at you because someone else tried talking to you.
"nigga fuck off , been said i got a man thats yo cue to leave . actually that ain't even my man , we married. so bye.." you went to imsg on your phone trying to text miles to get this boy away from you as soon as possible , he was pissin you off at this point.
miles texted you back with a simple "omw mami." which caused you to look around , seeing if he was anywhere in sight.
after a few minutes of this bum still tryna talk to you and follow you , you felt hands around your waist walking with you , causing you to quickly turn around trying to move until you noticed it was your bf , miles.
"the fuck?? this yo man?" he looked miles up and down , which pissed the both of yall off. you opened your mouth to say something , but before you could talk , miles did.
"nah nigga im her husband , i know u heard her say she taken so why u still tryna fw her? take yo big boosie fade head ass on somewhere bruh and getchu a retwist , yo ass got butterfly locs atp" miles laughed a lil at his own joke , meanwhile you were crackin tf upp
the boy side eyed yall , and walked off mad asf , you and miles were still crackin up at the back of this nigga head , retwists do not exist to him
"ight ight jokes aside , you lmk when shit like that happen we cant have niggas lookin like THAT tryna fuck wit you naisa" he wiped a few lil tears from his eyes due to laughing , you did the same.
"nigga did not give up.." you thought of the things the boy said , making you cringe.
miles put his arm around you , walking back home and kissed you on your forehead.
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