#so again thank youuuuu TvT
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I don't CARE how long ago you posted that "you wish flanker was still by your side" post but MAN FUCK YOU FOR THAT ONE /j alright like I knew i was down bad but BROOOOOOOOOOOO
jesus christ. Hope you're glad for the emotions you've made me have about this.
me reading this ask:

#heehee ill never apologize >:3#but also wahhh thank you so muchhh ;v; <3#also also dude the emotions i felt when that happened to me i BROKEEE#i was so devastated i had to stop and draw that as soon as i could to cope lmao#in a way im happy you felt similar emotions seeing my pic#so again thank youuuuu TvT
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Omigosh ! Shame on me, I've only just noticed that you've done a written version of your comic. Or, at least, extra scenes and the sequel after Donnie becomes himself again.
I've read the first two parts with Raph looking after the recovering Donnie. How can I express my appreciation and admiration for your work? Your drawing style is amazing but your writing style is so descriptive and emotional. I can feel the brotherly love between the turtles, Splinter's love for his children.
You're doing an incredible job, I just had to tell you that.
I hope we get to see more of Disaster Twins after Better Genes.
Oh by the way, what's the reason for the title? Really curious about that.
And that's all I wanted to tell you. I also hope you are doing well !
Take care of yourself 💕✨
Ahhhhhhh no shame no shame XDDD That first post isn’t even like a week old, it’s no big deal at all. You’re totally fine.
Awwwww I’m so glad you enjoy it XDD Honestly comments are enough for me. My receiving love language is totally words of affirmation, so really, just comments pointing out one thing you liked is enough to give me a hit of happy chemicals for a whole hour or more XDD So euguuuuhhh ;V; Thank youuuuuuu omg, I’ve never really had my writing being complimented so much and have always felt like it was rather…scattered and subpar compared to “the good stuff” that makes people notice. So having it pointed out just TVT thank youuuuu. I’m glad the emotions bleed out well enough.
Thank you againnnn
Leo and Donnie being twins is one of my favorite fan headcanons I’ve adopted and looove to play with. But I also just love the dynamics between the entire family, so I end up bouncing around and none of the dous grab my attention permanently. That being said, I do have another Leo and Donnie section planned, as well as Raph and Mikey, Donnie and Mikey, and Carol in there too. XDD
As for the title XDD huuuu that’s a bit hard to explain. Mostly Better Genes is because the concept of double mutated Donnie was ripped from three TMNT 2003 episodes titled “Adventures in Turtle Sitting”, and “Good Genes” part 1 and 2. So I wanted people to know that I was referencing to those episodes, but didn’t want to have my stuff come up when searching those episodes. So I switched Good for Better XDD
But, I also went with Better Genes because it’s a more buried part of the story bit. The rottmnt boys were planned mutants, so it makes sense that they would be designed to have various ehhhhh plus points or whatever you call them. Enhanced strength, speed, etc. One of those that made sense to me was Draxum not wanting people to mess with his design, so I had the thought that Draxum made it so the boys’ genetics couldn’t be tampered with because their own genes would fight off anything that wasn’t part of the original design.
These two sections kind of touch on that idea:
The reason Donnie was able to create a cure on his own within the vague time limit is because he wasn’t creating something brand new from scratch. His own immune system was trying to fight off the mutagen, it just was being overwhelmed. So he just isolated his own antibodies, and made more of them. And after that his own immune system was able to beat the mutagen, so he’s the one with the better genes X’D
Hope that made sense |D
Thanks again for the note 8DDDD I’m doing great, just eternally tired like everyone else. X’DD
Take care too~ Get yourself a treat if you want.
#littlewildfeathersworld ask#about better genes#ask response#little side notes#I love this fandom!!!
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Optimism. -- After everything that happened, you manage to cling to your faith. Your optimism shines brightest when placed in others. You unquestionably think the world of them, of him most of all. Everyone has the potential to do their best! Sometimes, they need a little push, but that's something you provide a little too eagerly.
Spirited. -- You're someone who knows how to find the fun in things. You're a natural lighthearted, and easy-going sort of person. For the most part, that is, because, whenever you get serious, all of those previous traits go out the window. However, despite that, you're always happy to share your joy with others and providing said joy through various means. And teasing others can be pretty fun too, so sometimes you can be a little mischievous! But it's all in good fun, you promise! Just be careful because, sometimes, your positive energy may not rub off too well on others.
Emotional. -- Someone who wears their passionate heart on their sleeve. Well tuned with your passions, you're empathetic to a fault. There's nothing too wrong with that, but sometimes you can be a slave to your emotions, not taking much time to step back for a moment. Yet, you have displayed growth in this after your awakening, thanks to a mentor and friend.
Responsible. -- Responsible is your middle name! You're a pretty reliable person due to how dedicated you are to completing whatever tasks you have at hand. One might say you can be a little too committed, but you never saw anything wrong with that. You will keep whatever promise you can make and see things through. After all, you carried out the goddess' mission to the very end, it's all over now.
Wise. -- In the end, however, wisdom runs through your veins. While intelligent enough to the point where you will devour any texts you may get your hands on, you carry a deep understanding of the world. Though a bit more emotional, logic will persist in the end, and you have learned to fall back onto wisdom more than ever. Certain choices hurt so much, but you know this to be the right one no matter how much pain it may cause to you and others around you.
Pink. -- An adorable color you've been fond of since your youth! You have a weakness for all shades. It's not a stretch to say you love any bright colors the warmth of them all is appealing to you.
White. -- The color that has been with you throughout both lives. You feel a little conflicted about this color, you admire its purity. But. It's stifling in a sense where the color reminds you of your past life and your duties.
Lavender. -- This color is more bearable than white. There's a soothing sense to it, and you feel calm and assured.
Green. -- It should be pretty clear why you have an attachment to this color, no? The surface greeted you with warm greenery, the goddess of courage proudly wore this color, the spring comes painting the world in this color, and your dear friend was simply made for this color. It evokes bravery to you, strange as that may sound to others.
Blue. -- Blue skies still hang over you as you stand on the earth. The stretch of blue has always been a constant in your life, and now you can't imagine your life without it. And, during your long sleep, his blue eyes were all that you saw within your fleeting dreams.
Earth. -- You fell in love with nature and everything it'd provided for you, including the scents. While fresh air is always refreshing, you adore the smell of Faron Woods the most. Namely during springtime!
Cotton. -- A funny choice, huh? But it's something you worked around for who knows how long now. The nights spent sewing or knitting away were comforting moments for you.
Books. -- Some may call you a bookworm but, in your humble opinion, there's nothing better than the smell of fresh pages, thank you very much! Although you do carry a soft spot for more ancient pages too.
Floral. -- You don't ask a mother to pick her favorite child, so how can anyone ask for you to choose a favorite flower when you adore each scent?! They're so comforting, each scent unique as the flower itself. Sometimes, you'll collect a few from Faron Woods and create a nice little bouquet. Filling your home with a floral scent all while brightening up the place.
Leather and iron. -- It... uh, it sounds unique. Some might even call it strange, but the smell brings you back to the days where you trained to become a knight alongside classmates and your dear friend.
Ribbons. -- You have a pretty fun way of putting ribbons in your hair! Rather than a simple bow, you like to wrap various ones around your hair framing your face and low ponytail or even wrap it around with other hair styles like braids! Sometimes, you'll put it around like a headband, and a little bow. Hey! You like to switch things up a bit!
Bracelets and necklaces. -- Such cute accessories you love which can go with almost any outfit you decided to wear that day! Sometimes, you find yourself fiddling with them, but you'll try to wear one or two or more every day! Yet, there's only one bracelet that you cherish more than anything. A lavender set, where you gave one half to your friend. Yet, she'd returned it to you. And you didn't even get to thank her face to face for everything that she has done. You don't have earrings, strange...
Dresses and skirts. -- What can you say? You have a fondness for those articles of clothing. Of course, because you're pretty active and always running around the place, leggings are also part of your ensemble, but you tend to wear skirts that come to your shins which helps with...!
Boots. -- Showing off your nice leather boots, of course! You prefer boots above all other shoes, they're perfect for travel, and very comfortable too. The sandals you wore while traveling around the surface were nice, but boots would've been an ideal choice.
Belts and sashes. -- A nice way to finish off your outfits! You're a girl who loves to dress cute, and dress to impress more yourself, and perhaps a certain hero. Once, you wore the sailcloth around your shoulders, you'd like to try doing something like that again.
Books and scrolls. -- Since you were young, you always found yourself spending nights in your father's archives reading whatever you could. Your room's filled with so many books it can leave someone's head spinning. Whether fictional novels, textbooks, historical books, etc. You loved to read them all, the sky's the limit!
Harp. -- It's a lovely instrument, and you prefer to hear the hero play it more than yourself. It sounds more enchanting whenever he plays it. You are aware its your bias staining your views.
Yarn, knitting needles, and sewing supplies. -- It's a past time you adore, even to this day. Without your handy little kit, you wouldn't be able to make any of the incredible stuff you had!
Strange green doll. -- You saw him in a dream and saw the little guy pop in various texts as well. A man dressed in green who believed himself to be a fairy. Or chosen by the fairies? You can't exactly remember the details, but he was apparently a charm for safe travels and good fortune. It couldn't help to find a few rupees here and there. You're starting to think that perhaps you should make more of this fella for friends...
Wooden Indigo carving. -- A wood carving of your beloved loft wing made by your dear friend. It was one of the first items you took when moving down to the surface! Whenever you would look at it, you can't hide the glee that makes your heart flutter. Your friend is amazing in everything, isn't he?! You're pretty proud of that fact.
(bonus) Master sword. -- It's not something you own, nor do you have any plans to own the sword. But she's someone who you hold dear to your heart. Without the spirit inside of the sword forged by your hero, you couldn't even imagine how things would've turned out. Fi was a companion that your friend bonded with during his search for you. You're grateful for how Fi helped him out.
Stubborn. -- You may call it tenacious and see nothing wrong with it, but others will call it as it is: stubbornness. Once you have your mind set on something, there's no stopping you. At times, this can get you into deep trouble.
Worrywart. -- You transform into a different person when it comes to this! You can be nosy and interfere with whatever business someone may have and step on in without input. It does not help that you tend to jump the gun. You're a restless busybody, many would say. It comes from compassion and concern, but it can annoy or anger certain people. While the damage is done, you are pretty remorseful of the fact and try to make up for it however you can.
Overly encouraging/positive. -- It somewhat goes hand in hand with your worrywart tendencies. It's because you see the best in everyone that drives you to be a busybody in the first place. That said, while a positive attitude isn't always bad, it can across different to someone depending on the time and situation. You can make naive choices and even come across as a bit insensitive whenever your attempts at cheering up others may not translate well.
Temper. -- Not something that pops up very often, but there are chances of it nevertheless depending on how wronged you feel or if someone were to do something you don't agree with. Bullying is a big one for you. You don't exactly hold grudges, as your anger is pretty short-lived, sadly not many people take your ire seriously either. It's something you can't hope to understand why. You tend to scold people more than anything.
Self-sacrificing. -- Oh dear, it plays into how responsible you are to a fault. You are not afraid to give up your all if it means saving everyone. You tend to keep your intentions a secret and run off on your own to finish the job. Placing you in great danger since no one's around to help. Not that you intend to have anyone help you, it's something you want to do with your own hands. You love too much. You care too much. You are willing to do anything to protect the lands and people in it, loved ones and him. Ah... you have died because of this... twice. But, it seems like this part of you will never go away, huh?.
A bright smile on your face, her pink cheeks becoming darker! You're full of good cheer and very expressive. Sometimes, you'll even do that encouraging fist pump! It's easy to read your mind since your face is an open book. While your soft giggles are sometimes hidden behind your hand, you're someone who likes to laugh aloud. Towards the one you like, you're not afraid to lean forward just a tad bit. Sometimes, you'll push someone off of some high place.
Laced hands and a gaze filled with concern. You'll press your lips as you try to figure out just how to ease your said concern. Until resolve enters your gaze, sometimes some might take that as not being a good thing.
You liked to hug the goddess harp close to your chest during your journey. Sometimes, you still do this whenever you go off with it to pray to the gods. It's a bit of a comfort thing and something you wished to protect. At the time, you couldn't understand why but now...
Holding someone's hands, hugging, whatever other contact you're not shy about showing skin ship towards friends and loved ones. It's your way of showing, shoot, everything!
Your hand on your hip is never a good sign when it comes to you. Your eyes are usually narrowed here, and once you open your mouth this is when you start your lecture. Although sometimes, this position can just be you taking charge too.
Hands covering your face as tears roll down your cheeks. You're smiling, though, because it's finally all over. You save your tears until the very end. Or try, telling your best friend of your plans did have you cry a bit.
Birds, free as can be, flying off into the distance. Whether loftwings or the smaller birds found on the surface, it's a sight that you'll never grow tired of.
Streaming rivers and comforting holy springs. Water dripping from golden hair and your fingertips. You have an affinity for water, something tied closely with the goddess of wisdom.
Gold spilling from your hands, beautiful, warm gold. The gold of the goddess harp. The gold of the triforce. It's a lovely power, tied to the divine. Something you're both a part of yet not.
Leaves dancing with the morning wind, grass with dew on them, the early sun vanquishing the night air in that soft glow. another great day is ahead! so you're up with the world, now time to wake up a certain sleepyhead!
tagged by: @personnages (thank you my goodness this was fun!) tagging: whoever hasn’t been tagged yet!
#about.#dash games.#(#THANK YOUUUUU THIS WAS LEGIT HELLA FUN#it took me a bit ;v; but writing this style was fun! i'd like to do it again!#anyhow *jazz hands* sky#there's spoiler for ss bUT THIS ENTIRE BLOG IS SS SPOILER SO I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO ABOUT THAT SORRY#rped her back in 2017. i had no clue sshd would drop anytime soon ;v; not a lot of ppl played it so i had to explain things in length#so ppl understand her. i feel bad tho but TvT not much to do#)
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Chapter 1: Welcome to Haven Reaction
First I want to say:
I love that they’re putting art back into the show.
So they’re obviously going to head to where ever that broadcast is coming from right? I mean if the pilot doesn’t go, Weiss certainly will.
AND HOW MANY GRIMMS CAN SHE SUMMON AT ONCE? In Weiss’s character trailer, Winter was able to summon a handful of Beowolves to help her train. And when she was fighting Qrow, she summoned a bunch of tiny Nevermores.
I’m really digging the building designs.
Hmmm. Wasn’t there a similar courtyard like this back at Beacon? If there was, then its a nice tie-in to connect all the schools via design.
“Maybe try…louder?” I can’t tell if she’s sarcastic or not, but because it’s Nora I feel like she was genuinely suggesting to go louder. Best.
I noticed this camera focus and was like “Nice.” /Facepalm I’m such a dork. TECHNICAL STUFF IS COOL, OKAY? I’m also sorry for the terrible screenshots. Idk wtf happened.
“You… Filled them in?” Excuse me while I go wash my brain out with soap.
Nora has best lines this episode.
“Total Garbage.” Is what Sun said. “THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!” is what I heard.
RWBY has come such a long way with voice acting, and Ilia is no exception. Very convincing, much emotion. Especially with her last line: “I know.”
I really. Really can’t help it but.
Every time I see Blake’s shirt with those crossing stripes, I always think “That’s gonna leave a a weird tan line.”
Ruby screen time and lines TvT
Get the feeling class courses and materials weren’t the only reasons why he quit teaching.
Winter For Creation, Summer For Destruction, Fall for Choice, Spring for Knowledge
I find it a bit strange and bit interesting about the Maiden’s respective relics.
For example, Fall’s is Choice. Pyrrha was elected to become the next Fall Maiden. Even though Oz and the rest felt like she was the perfect candidate, she still could’ve declined and walked away. Instead, she accepts to inherit the new power, not because she wanted to, but because she felt it was the right thing to do. On the flip side: From what we know about Maiden’s and their powers, they can only pass the powers onto a new person to someone they think of before their time ends. Cinder had successfully stolen the Fall Maiden’s power; Both times when she first initially attacked her and again at the chamber where the Maiden was kept alive. Cinder had taken the Fall Maiden’s ability to choose who to pass her powers onto.
Now we know that the Spring Maiden is Knowledge. So how will it work for and against her? Did knowing what a Maiden was excite her and motivate her to train her powers? And did obtaining more knowledge and understanding the importance of being a Maiden cause her to eventually run away?
Shit son, stay tuned for the next episode of RWBY Volume 5.
Back to the rest of the post:
Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury all forged their papers to get into Haven. Feel the burn, Jaune. Get on their forgery level.
-In Michael’s voice- A lion?! MORE LIKE A RAT, YOUUUUU RAT FUCK.
Qrow, please. I know you were designed to have crow-alities, but your back. Plz. Looking like you’re straight out of a Persona game. Guess you could say Qrow is the Persona-fication of a crow- ok ok I’m moving on.
Shout out to the Yellow Trailer. Speaking of trailers, Yang’s character short reaction thing at the bottom. Short and sweet.
Dude, the 80’s called, they want their entire look back. -Take on Me plays in the BG-
”Not too bulky, not too lean.”
“Just right.” Ah, Goldie Lockes- wait a minute, what was this gas station calle-
G’damn it, Barb.
”And your hair-“
Ok first of all, she doesn’t want anything to do with you, buddy. Second, what makes you think, after telling you off, that she wants you to touch her in any way?
And third:
I hope you’re ready to live with the consequences.
Get wrecked.
Rest in pieces.
See’ya, space cowboy.
Back to Yang:
Still on the road of recovery. You’re doing great sweetie.
“I’m looking for Raven Branwen. She’s my mother. I’m gonna give her the award of The Best Worst Mom Ever. And by ‘reward’, I mean my cold hard metal fist.”
“Is there a ruby rose here?”
“Why?” In other words: “Tell me why, right now, before I break your legs.”
#ThatsMyUncle #Facepalm #Same #NotThisShitAgain #Mood
”Did you get drunk again?”
“Did I? I STILL AM!”
“Oscar, say to Ruby ‘You have Silver eyes.’, it’ll be great, I promise.”
“What the F*CK did you just say? The last person that said that to me got incinerated. Allegedly.”
“Guess what? I lived, b*tch.”
#Mood. Also don’t take up your uncle’s bad back habits, Ruby.
“I DID IT.” I feel like, no matter what or whoever you are, this is the #Mood for even doing the littlest of things.
I really like this shot of Weiss.
I think I’ll be vectoring this screenshot.
Also, I can only wish that when Weiss summons her knight, it will appear on screen Trigger-like animation style. I can only wish.
You know. When I was at the theater watching this, and we all saw team RWBY back together in the new intro, everyone shouted and hooray’ed in excitement.
When this came on the screen, everyone suddenly got quiet.
I don’t think it was because seeing Monty’s name made us sad, but because it made us happy: We were happy, or at least I was, to see how far this show has come. In a way, it was also out of respect with a humbling feeling.
The fighting/choreographing has gotten better!
–You Say Run goes with everything–
If you made it all the way to the end, you’re a legend. Thanks for sticking all the way through this long post. The episodes have become so long now, so reaction posts will be inevitably long as well. I would do videos, but after attempting to do lets plays and stuff, man I hate my voice (and even worse my own face LOL).
Anyway thanks again, and I hope you enjoyed!
#RWBY#RWBY V5#RWBY Spoilers#Essu's RWBY Reactionu#idk what to tag my own reaction posts#long post#Essu's RWBY Commentary
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