#so Iron Man was blamed for unpopular decisions that Tony made instead of Tony
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Tales of Suspense (1959) #71
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cblgblog · 4 years
My point was about Steve and Sharon and the treatment she received from Marvel. It's not about Sharon and Peggy. I don't want Sharon to be shown happy by Steve to validate him, it has nothing to do with Peggy. I'm sorry, Sharon was cut off because of the fans' hatred too. If she had become popular, she would still be there, just as Peggy got a series, or Loki who has a series. There's no way Marvel would cut Sharon if she had received love from fans. The writers do what Kevin Feige wants Part 1
if he had said, keep Sharon because she's popular, she would have stayed, even if they didn't like her. Yes, the fans had a voice over her departure, not just the writers and Marvel. BTW I'm not Staron stan, I'm just not going to close my eyes about how she was treated, and she can still be treated. She doesn't deserve this. Part 2
If she had become popular, she would still be there, just as Peggy got a series, or Loki who has a series.
It has something to do with Peggy if you’re making the argument that Sharon haters (commonly treated as interchangeable with Steggy fans, though that isn’t true in all cases, at all) are the reason Sharon didn’t get more screentime. If you’re making the argument that Sharon being less popular than Peggy is the reason Sharon lost out on a storyline. And, again. I don’t think she was treated badly by Steve narratively. By the writers, yes. She was wasted, they didn’t know what to do with her, she deserved better. She should’ve had more to do, if they were going to bring her in, more character development that wasn’t centered around a possible romance that didn’t get followed through with. As for the scenes she did get with Steve? No, I’m sorry, I don’t believe Steve treated her badly. He didn’t love her and leave her. He didn’t love her that way period, it was never allowed to progress that far. He didn’t throw her aside. They both went on the run from the law. He showed gratitude, he literally thanked her, so no, he didn’t treat her badly. The writers not doing more with her and letting her just fade out? Yes. But as it pertains to how they wrote her interactions with Steve? No.
And no, sorry, I don’t agree with blaming fans for what Marvel chooses to do. If Marvel was beholden to all their fan groups, then Steve would be in a relationship with Sharon, Bucky, Peggy, Nat, Tony, Sam, and plenty I’m sure I’m missing out on. Why is Peggy so special that people who prefer her to Sharon are the ones that get listened to, if you’re assuming that fans raging on the Internet is a thing Marvel seriously pays attention to? Did they just spin a wheel and whatever it landed on, that was the rabid fan group they were going to listen to? Quite a lucky coincidence for Sharon haters, isn’t it?
Peggy did become popular, more than TPTB expected after First Avenger. But to act like that’s a bad thing, like that’s people’s fault for liking her, and that’s why Sharon got removed? If she was THAT popular, her show wouldn’t have been cancelled after 2 short seasons, something that happened right before CW hit. Her show was cancelled, she was killed off, they had Sharon in CW, and Sharon has more cred with the comics crowd. They had every excuse in the world to not pursue anything more with Peggy and focus on Sharon. They didn’t. That’s on the writers, not on the people who enjoy Peggy’s character/didn’t like Sharon because of the romance angle and how it was done.
Peggy’s not Loki. She’s not Iron Man. She’s not going to be thrown into every project possible because everyone adores her on that level. If she was as popular as you’re claiming--enough to blame that popularity on why Sharon was screwed over narratively--then her show would still be on. It would be continuing on after AoS. Maybe we’d have a Howling Commandos spinoff by now. Have any of those things happened?
Yes, she is popular, she has a devoted fanbase, that is larger than Marvel anticipated. She is NOT as popular as Loki, or Iron Man, or any other character that is such a money maker for Marvel that they get used as much as possible, sometimes to the detriment of other characters. And I love her infinitely more than Tony or Loki, but you cannot, in any credible way, compare her popularity to that of Loki. Sorry, you can’t, and I say this as her biggest defender. The argument people make when blaming Peggy’s popularity for Sharon’s sparse appearances in the MCU? No. Neither Peggy Carter or Hayley Atwell have the power to sway the MCU in such a dramatic way. Hayley Atwell was a relative unknown before First Avenger, with 2 short seasons of a relatively low rated TV show under her belt by the time of CW. Vancamp, in comparison? She had 8 seasons of continuous primetime TV by then, across 2 successful TV shows. She was perfectly positioned after CW to step in more, had the writers chosen to do that. If Marvel were as beholden to Peggy fans as you claim, they wouldn’t have killed her off 20 minutes into the film. 
The writers do what Kevin Feige wants. If he had said, keep Sharon because she's popular, she would have stayed, even if they didn't like her.
Could not agree more with this. The writers do what FEIGE wants. When Emily clapped back at him during a panel, asking where her character went, she clapped back at HIM. Not the fans, She didn’t say “Why don’t more of you guys like me, why doesn’t anyone like me?” to the audience. Ultimately, it’s on Feige and Marvel, what happens and what doesn’t. Is it Stucky fans fault that Steve and Bucky haven’t had more time onscreen together, because they’re just not popular enough, people don’t want that enough? Is it Tony stans fault that he died? Were Nat and Gamora both killed because neither of them were popular enough? Because from everything on the Internet, fan reactions, none of those things are remotely true, yet all of those decisions were made. Nat and Gamora getting dead for manpain? That was bad writing. THAT was actual misogyny. Sharon wasn’t given enough material to work with as a character. Because they chose to bring her in and then wasted her, THAT is bad writing. If they’d wrote her in with a clear vision of what to do with her, she very well could have become more popular. They didn’t give her the material needed to stand out? That is bad writing. It’s not because this 60-year-old character doesn’t have a fanbase, or because Emily Vancamp, veteran of several TV shows, nominated for a long list of awards for her acting, not because she doesn’t have a fanbase.
Peggy is not that popular. Sharon/Emily is not that unpopular. Blame the writers, blame Feige. Enough with this narrative that one talented, successful woman with fans got screwed over just because another talented, successful woman also has fans. They both have fanbases. They’ve both proven that, given the right material, they can kill it. Stop pitting them and their fanbases against each other instead of blaming the people with actual decision-making power.
So yeah, I don’t agree with you, probably never going to, you’re probably never going to agree with me. Which is fine. We’re two strangers online, you saw a post I made and disagreed with it, which is fine. I don’t need to convince you, you don’t need to convince me. I’m sure that if you came off of anon and I saw your blog, there would be posts I’d disagree with too, and no amount of back and forth would change that, and that too is fine.
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blarfkey · 6 years
Three Fandoms
I was tagged by @shiroyuri
My first ever tagged meme thingie! Let’s go!
Tagging: @emilytwist1 @pizzopaps @nsml
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag people you wanna know better.
Three Fandoms: Dragon Age // The Queen’s Thief series // Ouran High School Host Club
It was so hard to pick! 
The first character you loved:
Dragon Age -  I started with Origins, having no idea what Dragon Age even was, and so of course I met Alistair and fell in love. He’s so disarming and self-deprecation and nothing like what I thought he would be. Also his voice is hot and I have a MAJOR voice kink.
The Queen’s Thief - Eugenides . OMG. He’s probably one of my most favorite characters of all time. He’s snarky, fully aware of how pathetic he is in the first book, a trickster, does not take himself seriously at all, secretly kind but shows it in fucked up ways. Perfection.
Marvel- I started with Tony and even though I’m still pissed at him, he was definitely a great love of mine from Iron Man. When that movie came out, there was no real superhero like him (in cinema) and I was so intrigued at how that movie kind of dismantled what superhero movie was expected to be like and how he subverted a lot of superhero expectations.
The character you relate to the most:
Dragon Age - Varric. I come from alcoholic parents, I have an older brother that does nothing but disappoint me, I cling to my friends like they’re my family, I adopt lonely people into the friend group, I love to write and tell stories, I’m fascinated with people, I don’t want to be in the limelight, I tease people all the time and I give them nicknames. I love Varric the most out of any character.
The Queen’s Thief- The Queen of Eddis. She is not beautiful and she doesn’t give one shit about it. She is loved by her people because of her personality and her wise leadership and they just straight up adore her. I aspire to that level of self esteem where I know I am valued for what I contribute and not for how I look. Even so, she has times where she is deeply self conscious of the fact that she doesn’t look the way a Queen is “supposed” to look and it humanizes her. Plus, she is unflappable in the face of all of Eugenides’s insanity, and this reminds me of the way I have to be with my middle school students, lol.
Marvel - The Hulk? It’s hard to relate to a lot of superheros, but I definitely have a very bad, destructive temper that I have learned to control. But the rare occasion when I do lose control, it’s bad and scary and I always hate myself afterwards. 
The character you’d slap:
Dragon Age - I think everyone wants to give Bianca a good wallop, but I am going to have to go the unpopular opinion route and say Cullen. If he had just showed up in Inquisition and I’d never seen him before, I would like him. But  I played the Dragon Age  games in order and I’m very pro-mage and  I saw Cullen express and act upon too many horrible and oppressive ideaologies to really trust him in Inquisition. I know they tried to give him some kind of redemption, but to me the writers did not spend enough time having Cullen process his actions and his attitudes and try to move away from them. Instead, he just wanted to move past and forget all his past mistakes without acknowledging them. If the game had shown more of him realizing the problematic things he had thought about Mages (like the fact that they are just weapons and not people to him) and working through them (especially if you ally with the mages) then I would have liked him more. I don’t think less than a year is long enough for him to unlearn a lot of his issues.  
Queen’s Thief - Ambiades in the first book just because he’s a classist piece of shit and he almost got them all killed. He deserved what he got.
Marvel - Tony Stark after Civil War. I could write pages and pages about how that movie enraged me, but to sum it all up: No matter what you think about the Accords, the fact that Tony went off without talking to the team and made a deal on their behalf without their input in it whatsoever, then slapped the rules down on the table and said follow them or be a criminal/leave the Avengers was complete and total bullshit. I didn’t see Tony’s desire for the Accords as some noble act, but an avoidance of responsibility. He wanted it to be where if the Avengers screwed up and some got hurt or died you could ultimately blame the people in charge of the Accords and not him. Even so, he should have sat down with the team and discussed the possibility of the Accords instead of going behind their backs and making the decision for them. 
Not to mention that his reaction to Bucky before he learned about the assassination of his parents was total bullshit. As if Tony doesn’t know what it’s like to have a friend who’s destructive in a way he has no control over and he doesn’t want, as if the Hulk didn’t destroy an entire building of people in Age of Ultron, as if Tony doesn’t have to build an iron man suit with the sole purpose of battling his best friend when Bruce loses control, but whatever.
Three favourite characters (in order of preference):
Dragon Age - Varric // Cassandra // Solas  (this was really really hard).
Queen’s Thief - Eugenides // Helen // Irene
Marvel -  Steve Rogers // Rocket Raccoon // Shuri 
A character you didn’t like at first but do now:
Dragon Age- Sera? This question is hard because I either like or don’t like the characters and it doesn’t change a lot. But while I never disliked Sera, I didn’t get a better appreciation for her until after I had played the game a couple of times. I thought at first that she was a bit too immature and it got old and so I didn’t talk to her a whole lot and her friendship was hard to earn for me. But after a couple play-throughs, I got to see all the deeper aspects of her character and I love her more.
Queen’s Thief- The Magus. He seemed so insufferable in the first book, and then his weird friendship with Eugenides develops and he turns into this adorable badass grandpa that I love and adore.
Marvel - Spiderman. I used to hate Spiderman so much because of the original trilogy with Toby McGuire. I hated that he was a whiny, angsty teen with a weird and obsessive crush on Mary Jane. But Tom Holland is slowly but surely warming to cold cockles of my heart because he’s so guileless and sweet and funny. Just kill me.  
Three OTPs:
Dragon Age - Varric x Cassandra // Solas x Inquisitor (of any race or gender) // Hawke x Varric (I am forever bitter that you cannot romance Varric. I will never get over this)
 Queen’s Thief - Actually the main ship is kind of a major spoiler, but if you read the books you know what I’m talking about ;) Also Eugenides x Helen as a platonic OTP and Costis x Kamet
Marvel -  Steve x Natasha // Steve x Bucky // Loki x Sif
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