#so I'm sorry if she's ooc
katherineholmes · 1 year
The New Deal
Read on AO3
She inhaled softly as she opened the door, the stench of death filling her soul and making her shiver. A thousand questions raced through her mind, wondering if he had come there for revenge, or if he had found out about Elena being alive. 
“What do you want?” Bonnie had almost killed Klaus just three nights ago, she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her tremble in fear. 
“Now, is that any way to greet me witch?” He smirked and she wanted to rip his face off. Wanted to give him an aneurysm so bad his brain would bleed out of his eyes. 
“You killed my best friend.” It was another thing that she had brought Elena back to life, but he couldn’t know that. Not now, or ever. 
“Yes, yes, and you lot plotted my death with my brother,” there was something saccharine about the way Klaus smirked at her, a cold look in his eyes. “You should be lucky that I’m in a good mood, or you all would be dead.” 
Bonnie couldn’t resist it then, if Damon was infuriating, Klaus was seemed to hit where it hurt. Even if Elena was alive, Jenna wasn’t. All the work, all their planning had amounted to nothing, and now Klaus had absolute control, unlimited power. “You should be lucky your brother betrayed us, or you would be dead.” 
For a moment, the look on his face froze, but he recovered quickly. “My brother is a bit of a….sentimental fool.” 
“Where is he?” She asked, wondering why any of them had ever trusted Elijah, but also wondering what Klaus had done with him. 
“Indisposed, I’m afraid,” Klaus’ cheeks dimpled as he smiled, something entirely too superior and pleased in his gaze, “but I’m not here to talk about him. You see, I’m leaving town.”
“Great,” she muttered. Klaus was leaving, and Damon might die. While she wasn’t happy about Damon dying, she wasn’t exactly regretting it either. 
“Without a witch,” Klaus looked down at her significantly then, and she had a bad feeling, “someone killed mine you see.” 
“So what?” 
“I’d like you to accompany me.” 
She grit her teeth, focusing on him as she allowed the magic to flow out of her like water in a dam. Hitting her target with force. She could see the pain in his eyes, the way he clutched his head, but it only lasted for a few seconds. Seconds that seemed to stretch into eternity, her body and magic drained from the power she had lost during the sacrifice. 
She was breathing hard by the time she was done, and was pleased to see that some of the amusement had drained from his face. 
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” 
For a moment, she thought Klaus would lash out, react in anger, but that was gone fleetingly too. “As I said, I am in a nice mood, given that the curse binding me has broken, but I do still need a witch sweetheart and you would do well not to defy me.”
“I’m sure there are other witches you can find.”
“Perhaps, and yet, you are no ordinary witch, are you?” He stepped closer to the boundary of her house, his footsteps heavy on her porch, “you are a Bennett witch, and you were strong enough to almost kill me. Your ancestor was just as special, perhaps even stronger than you.” His hands were on the doorframe now, and she tilted her head. 
“You knew Emily?” 
“I knew Ayanna, a thousand years ago.” She frowned as she tried to remember grams’ rambles, any mention of a witch like that, “after she died, my brother took possession of all her grimoires. Of course, they lie with me now.” 
“You think I’ll go with you because of a few grimoires? After everything you’ve done?” Anger rolled in her stomach and fire lit up within her throat, the flames of it rushing out through her tongue, hoping futilely to burn him. 
“Well, love,” and then her heart stopped as he crossed over the threshold and entered into her house, “I was thinking the motivation of keeping your father alive would spur you to make the make the right decision. Not to mention all those friends of yours,” he gripped her shoulders and leaned towards her. Her fingers clenched into fists, and she thought of all the spells she knew, of all the things she could do to him. “One bite from me, and it would be the end of Caroline.” 
“How did you-”
“It seems your father only wore vervain, he didn’t consume it.” The fire in her was replaced by shards of ice stabbing her from the inside, cold fear spreading through her veins as she thought of her dad. “Relax love, nothing’s happened to him yet. Although he was kind enough to invite me inside.”
She thought of Elena, the deal she had made with Elijah, despite how badly it had failed, she wasn’t sure there was anything else she could do. The witches’ power had left her, and without it, she wasn’t sure she could take Klaus down permanently. Damon and Stefan maybe, but not Klaus. Not yet. 
“So what? If I leave with you, you won’t hurt them?” 
“If you leave with me, help me,” his hands glided over her shoulders to her neck, warm on her skin, “I won’t have reason to come back to this town. And they’d be safe. You can even speak to your father if you wish.”
“Do you think you’re doing me a favour?”
“Well, this could all be a lot more unpleasant, little witch.” 
She knew that, and she had also known how desperately Luka and Jonas had looked for Greta. How Klaus had seduced her away. She wondered now, if it wasn’t something more like this, like threats and the promise of power that he had used to take her with him. Besides, if he really did have those grimoires, along with others, she could eventually grow strong enough to kill him. 
He’d stay away from here too, away from her father, and her friends. From Elena. 
“Fine. But I have a few conditions too.” 
He seemed pleased as he looked down at her, and she wondered what she had gotten herself into. 
@feralcherry Thanks for encouraging me to write it! @sevensistersofsussex @jennifersminds @amandamonroe
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kiwibirbkat · 1 month
A Quick Break
They were supposed to be training. That went out the window about 30 minutes in, when they took a "break", devolving into just giving up on training and chatting.
They were sitting around the school bus when Aiden got bored and announced he was going for snacks. Taylor went along with him seeing as she was also kinda bored. Logan was going to stay in the bus, but Ashlyn gave him a pleading look and he went with them.
So now Tyler, Ben, and Ashlyn sat around the bus, Tyler and Ben discussing something random (Ben talking through notes app) while an obviously tense Ashlyn fiddled with her bracelet. That was until she spoke up.
"... can you guys promise not to freak out when- if I die?"
They stared at her in confusion before Tyler finally spoke. "Ashlyn what the hell? Of course we're going to freak out if you die? And that's such a random question? What the fuck even prompted that question?"
Ashlyn shook her hands to stop them from asking any more after seeing Ben start to type. "Let me explain- if I die, even if they won't necessarily care, the group is going to need a leader. If I die, I want you two to step up and lead the group. You two are some of the strongest in our little group, and I think your strength combined with the bonds you have with some of the others will make you the best candidates to lead if I die."
'Ok, SLOW DOWN' Ben's text to speech voice chimed in. '1, why are you so worried about dying? Sure, we're in a death realm every night, but none of us have croaked yet, and you're clearly strong, so why do you think you're going to die?' Tyler nods along, waiting for Ben to finish. 'And 2, what's this about the others not caring if you died?'
"Yeah, even if we didn't care about you, Taylor and Logan are both heart throbs and would definitely be upset if you died!" Tyler was uncharacteristically concerned for someone outside of his family.
"Calm down, calm down, let me explain. I'm not worried about dying, we just live in a death realm as you said, and if I die, the group will need a leader." Ashlyn rubs her forehead, this interaction not going as smoothly as she expected.
Ben and Tyler were staring at her. 'You've been thinking about death and the only thing you're worried about is the group needing a leader?'
"That's not the only thing- whatever this isn't what's important right now! Promise me that if I die, no matter how gruesome my death is, you won't freak out! The others will need a leader, and I need you two to be those leaders! Promise me!"
Ben and Tyler were once again staring at her, but for a different reason than before, seeing as this was one of the only bursts of emotions she's had around them.
After a few seconds, the robotic voice was activated. 'If it's that important to you, I promise to lead the others if you die.'
"Me too, I guess…"
Ashlyn sighed, nodding, when Tyler spoke up again. "But seriously, what was that about the others not caring if you died?"
Ashlyn glared at him. "That's not important right now."
'and the when in your first ask?'
Ashlyn groaned. "It was just a slip up!"
"You aren't planning anything stupid, are you?"
Ashlyn's head snapped up. "Wha- no! Why would I plan my death when I need to lead the others? As much as I trust you two to lead the group, I'm not dying just yet."
Tyler and Ben were about to argue when Taylor, Aiden, and Logan walked back in, carrying bags of snacks. "What's this about death?" Aiden asked with a curious grin, tilting his head.
Ashlyn sighed. "Nothing. And why did you guys bring so many snacks? We're just taking a break!"
Logan piped up. "Sorry Ashlyn, I tried to control them, but they couldn't make a decision on what they wanted, so they just grabbed everything…"
Ben and Tyler finally stopped staring at Ashlyn, and it wasn't brought up again, but they did glance at Ashlyn throughout the rest of the "break."
They never finished that training.
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agenttatiana-slozhno · 2 months
Hiiiiya Tati :)
- @miss-hollys-toys
...what name are you on now, Jean?
Oh. Right. You don't have a name anymore.
Hello, Wiggly.
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mrsashengrotto · 6 months
Mrs Ashengrotto.... Can I have ur hand...?.....
Thank you, darling!
You may, if you wish. Though it would be a bit awkward for you considering I don't typically use my hands. Would you like to hold a tentacle of mine instead? I'd be happy to help you however I can, after all, you seem to be a friend of my son!
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piningpercussionist · 4 months
Kim what you doin if I give you a hamster.. will he die in a peculiar way or will you sell him for fast cash. This is Frank by the way
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I would immediately hand him back to you. Like this.
Why are you people trying to dump your pets on me today? Did I miss a memo or something? Is it "Bring your Pets to Pine" day? Is there some optional quest I missed the bulletin for?
I mean, it's only two of you so far, but it's weird that it's happened twice.
... Wait. Three times. But the other time wasn't today, so I guess it doesn't count...
Also why the hell would I sell Frank?! Or let him die. I'm not super big on pets or anything, but I wouldn't just- let one die. That would be fucked up.
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thegrantwater · 25 days
new fic alert!!! new fic alert!!!
finally posting something after almost another year long hiatus from writing. i got a little more in depth about where i've been and what it's been like to write this in the end notes of the fic, so if you're curious go there, but i'll definitely be posting about it on here soon. so in the meantime....
we fill the gaps (you and me make three) chapter 1 is posted on my ao3! i've been dropping little hints about it for months, and my story for last years sqsn was the main driving point behind this fic (and yes the title for both fics comes from the same song, in my mind strange birds is a predecessor or sort of outline to this). the intro of strange birds was actually ripped straight from the draft for this, because i started rewriting season 1 almost two years ago and at the time had written some pre-henry-curse regina analysis to tie into it. this first chapter covers the events of s1e1 to about s1e19, and the rest of s1 up to the curse breaking will be chapter 2. consider its length both a treat and a warning that this is going to take a while.
love you guys <3
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praynot · 15 days
i should probably add a disclaimer in my rules about forgetting to reply in tags :(((( now that i'm just stuffing most things in my q weeks to months later, i do miss or forget what was in the tags since i want to focus on replying to u guys! know that i'm not ignoring your commentary and don't let that discourage you; i'm just forgetful and trying to be a good partner not making u all wait years for replies ; w;
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iiguess · 24 days
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UPDATE. Hi all! I know I've been a little quiet here for a bit on the blog, but I decided to remove Sam's Main Verse for now.
As some of you might know, my girl initially started off as a self-insert before becoming her own OC. However, I feel like lately she's beginning to revert back into being a self-insert, as her and my own personalities and mannerisms seem to be growing a bit too similar similar. I'm not entirely sure if I feel comfortable knowing that—-much less if anyone else would be comfortable knowing that. So until I'm able to steer her back into being her own character, she's not going to be available for threads and asks from this point onward.
Her other verses will still be up though since both versions have different personalities from myself, so feel free to send asks or interact with them instead!
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mushroompollution · 25 days
Alice pls!
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oh boy we are not off to a great start here lmfao I'm sorry
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ak4rin · 1 month
worst thing about writing akari is that she's always some type of horny 😭
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angelsdean · 1 year
imagine if spn were an actual soap opera. imagine like 5000+ episodes. rewatches would take forever
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dbphantom · 2 months
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How its been going if I'm being quite honest
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caint-see-me · 7 months
This has been a long day. But I am on my way back. Other Alfred told me what needs to be done.
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byanyan · 6 months
i have made a foolish but adorable purchase
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glacialswordsman-a · 4 months
i'm normal i'm normal i'm sooo normal i'm so fucking normal over certain relationships i'm so normal i promise i PROOOOMISE I'M NORMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL
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pomfiores · 7 months
not to flex or anything but I'm so excited.
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look at her. omg.
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