#so I started a marathon to watch all the movies in timeline order
Finally, I have enough information to say that I am not a Marvel girlie.
In fact, I think 80% MCU movies are total batty water
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sailorfailures · 7 months
hi! I'm just getting into sailor moon and I'm curious the timeline of all the seasons and which one I should watch first? or if I can just jump in wherever. what do you recommend a newbie start with?
Hi! Welcome to Sailor Moon, I hope you have a great time with it!
The Sailor Moon anime can seem kind of daunting at first, especially since a lot of streaming sites don't list the seasons chronologically, but it's actually pretty straightforward.
Firstly, there are two different anime series: The original from 1992 (the one just called "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon") and then a 2010s reboot called "Sailor Moon Crystal". Most people recommend and are familiar with the 90s version, so that's the version I'll talk about here.
For the 90s anime, there are five seasons, in this order:
Season 1: Sailor Moon (this season has no official subtitle but is usually called "Sailor Moon Classic" by fans) Season 2: Sailor Moon R Season 3: Sailor Moon S Season 4: Sailor Moon SuperS (the Crystal equivalent is Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie) Season 5: Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (the Crystal equivalent is Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie)
There are also three movies for the 90s series, but they're all very plainly titled, so it's easy to watch them after the season they're named after.
As for where to start? I actually think you can do whatever! The series is chronological, and characters/plot points do carry over from season to season, so watching from season 1 episode 1 will make the most sense. But most of us fans fell in love with the show after catching random episodes on TV, so honestly, it's not that hard to pick up anything you've missed. S is a well-regarded season that introduces the full cast of main characters if you don't mind jumping in midway.
But if you're interested in a chronological experience, you're actually at a great time to join the @sailormoonrewatch for 2024! We're only up to episode 30 of the first season, which is really easy to marathon if you want to catch up and were planning on watching anyway.
Whatever you decide I hope you have a blast!
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minumi-chan · 2 years
Wish We Had Just A Little More Time... Series Masterpost
I figured it was time to create a masterpost as I continue to work on this series of stories. Guys, gals, non-binary pals~ welcome to my Fix-It series: Wish We Had Just A Little More Time...
A/N: The series is still currently in progress. Each of the fics intersect at certain points, and it's best read in the order listed as they build on each other, but they do still make sense as stand alone stories as well.
A Twin Thing ~ (Leo and Donnie focused) ~A03 link Summary: Calling them twins has always been Leo’s thing, and Don has always discredited the claim with science. No matter how many facts about their very distinctive species of turtle were spit at him though, Leonardo’s irrefutable truth since childhood was that Donatello is his twin.
Or: Four times Donatello rejects Leo's notion of them being twins, and the once (and future) time he embraces it.
Status: Complete
Words You Didn't Say~ (Raph and Donnie focused) ~A03 link Summary: Dad has to explain to him, when Raphael was much younger and upset himself believing that Donatello hated him, that sometimes children do not feel comfortable speaking, and so they do not. Dad tells him he should listen to Donnie with his heart, and that if he did, he would understand that Donatello does not hate him at all. Raphael takes that advice to heart, and makes an effort to understand all the alternate ways his little brother speaks to his family without words ever since.
Status: WIP
Everything Is Figure-outable~ (Mikey and Donnie focused) ~A03 link Summary: Mikey doesn't hug like he is taking something. He hugs like he's giving you something, small and warm and precious, and it makes his affection so much more tolerable even when Donnie is feeling at his most skittish.
Status: WIP
Random babblings under cut~
This series was born of a desire to process the intense emotions I was left with after marathoning the ROTTMNT series in order to watch the Rise movie with everything fresh in mind. Only to put on the film and be absolutely floored and destroyed emotionally by everything thrown at our sweet turtle boys, and especially slapped by the horrific Bad Future timeline.
I wanted to write some moments of the boys growing up and how their bonds we see in the series and film came to be, and how in that terrible future some came to an end-- but to also juxtapose that with the wonderful message of hope from the movie and family from the series and how they grabbed onto a happy ending in the face of impossible odds and refused to let it go. When I started writing it, I wasn't yet sure what the aim of A Twin Thing was, but then I realized by the mid point what I wanted in my heart to do, and that it would take several more stories to get there. So I've been writing furiously ever since, because I realized I wanted somehow to create a world where they didn't just bifurcate the timeline... They fixed it.
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Further questions about the Starburst Duo by @gothicghost2000
1) a game the duo can play: the duo flys all the way up to the sky, maybe just about to enter outer space, & then they turn off their flight powers and free fall to the ground, the one who stops falling first loses, who wins?
- It’s a close call and thankfully the two set up some actual JLA developed landing pads for them at their target spot just in case; ultimately Jake lands about two miliseconds later than Chris , making him the winner by default. The fact the cushions were still intact after the impacts at all is frankly a miracle.
2) what controversial opinion does the duo have? Like pineapple pizza is good for example.
- For instance,
I can see Jake being more strongly favoring Superman overall as a hero to look up to as opposed to his Bludhaven and Gotham based contemporaries who still prefer Batman. Jake even insists that Superman can still cleanly beat Batman in a fight despite the latter having prep time and numerous gadgets on hand
Also, Chris among the few who believes no matter how reformed she might be, Harley Quinn doesn’t deserve all the love and attention she gets because of that past she has with the Joker but rather thinks she’s in desperate need of psychological therapy plus stepping back from the life of an insane anti hero
Finally, Both of them will absolutely protest the practice of Career Aptitude Testing in public schools as it’s not only entirely irrelevant to actual education but if anything only drags the students down if what the results say as being their futures in such a manner.
3) what was their first play date like after they meet?
- 7-year old Chris and 5-year old Jake would meet up once more at the Grayson apartment for their playtime together, first going for the classic hide and seek. Jake surprisingly proves himself very skilled at hiding without Chris using his x ray visions which is rather funny given the entire time he usurps his blanket for doing so. Afterwards, using some cardboard multicolored brick boxes as city, the two bring out their Superman and Nightwing action figures to act out what an average superhero adventure looks like for them. The bad guys they’d have for that would be Luthor and Dr Light. Finally, once they start to settle down a bit around nighttime, it’ll be the first of many movie marathons they’d watch; in this case a classic Disney one, including in order Dumbo, Sleeping Beauty, Fox and the Hound, and Aladdin
4) which brother Chris likes more if he has to choose?
- In a choice like that and if he absolutely had to pick, it’ll be Jon. While the bond between Conner and him is tight as is, (at least in this timeline as Jon was born before the events of the Reign of the Supermen) Chris and Jon have a longer lasting and more solid relationship as brothers as Jon accepts Chris as a big brother almost right from the start and Chris felt that love just as quickly when first moving in with the Kents
5) what is something that causes the duo to rip out their hair in frustration?
- For Chris, if there’s one too many times all too quickly at once of Kryptonian machines and scanners identifying him as Lor-Zod. The less his connection with the rouge general of a father who made the first six years of his life a living hell is emphasized and reminded of to him, the better.
As for Jake, in turn frustration of letting a key supervillain he’s been tracking down for a lengthy amount of time get away and leaving him back to square one is a guaranteed of him losing some follicles. There’s at least one sign of his father in him after all.
6) Anti-hero/villain idea: a nerdy kid who becomes a vigilante wearing a hockey mask & on his mask or body that says: bully hunter. My opinion there should be more kid heroes & villains
- Hmmm…..a Casey Jones to the Duo’s TMNT more or less? That’s promising enough, though unlike Casey, I can see Bully Hunter while certainly helpful to our heroes, he’d not be as competent and skilled due to not just his age but definitely his lack of even self training. This can ensure he gets rescued from tight spots by Chris especially on plenty of occasions if he’s part of a big superhero mission, rather being uninvited to them
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yumeka36 · 10 months
I finally finished the Marvel movie marathon I started back in May (only one I skipped was Eternals but I read a summary of it). The only other Marvel movies I had seen prior were the two Guardians of the Galaxy movies. I never had much interest in the other movies, but then I heard that the guardians were in Infinity War and End Game, and it's pretty necessary to watch the prior movies before jumping into those. Then once Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 was released, and again required knowledge of prior movies to follow, I decided to finally sit down and watch all the other movies in timeline order.
After starting with Captain America back in May, I just finished watching the most recent Marvel movie, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3…and honestly, I think it's become one of my favorites, if not my no.1 favorite! Even after I caught up on all the other movies, the two GotG movies still remained my favorites (can't help it, I'm a sucker for the "found family" trope where a bunch of misfits with checkered pasts learn to love each other like a family). But I probably like Vol.3 so much because I'm a big Rocket fan and it was all about his backstory…which was one of the saddest I've seen in any media.
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Not many movies make me cry, but this one certainly did 😭I'm glad none of the guardians died in the end though, I got worried a few times! Though I don't agree with them not killing the villain - that man needed to die 😤 They already killed most of his minions, so why not him? While the ending was a tad bittersweet, I'm glad it was mostly happy. I'm sad we'll likely never get more Guardians of the Galaxy movies, at least not with the same cast as before. So I'm glad the final movie was so good!
Even though the Guardians movies are still my favorites even after watching the 30-ish other movies, I enjoyed many of the others, especially Infinity War/End Game, Ant-Man, Black Panther, and the Spider-Man movies. Can't say I'm as sucked into them as I am with anime and my other interests, but they're fun. Not sure I'll keep watching every single new one that comes out from now on though...I'm not a fan of how the recent movies are incorporating aspects of the various TV series, so movie-only viewers like me miss out on details due to not having watched a particular Disney+ show. But we'll see how it goes, I'm sure I'll watch at least a few more of them in the future! I know if Rocket gets any new content, I'll definitely check that out!
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drearymiddle · 5 years
To boldly go where many blogs have gone before: A Star Trek series analysis (Part 1)
Originally written by Mr_Turnabout on 20 February 2020 over on the old Dreary Middle website. This was the only article we ever published so we thought it would be nice to preserve it as a reminder of what once was, so enjoy!
I have seen many Sci-Fi shows, but there is something special about Star Trek that makes it stand out among the rest.
Yes, Star Trek is quite the franchise. Spanning currently 7 different series, 13 movies and hundreds of episodes, you can't complain about lack of content. I feel recently Star Trek has had a weirdly negative wrap to it. I know that sounds weird defending one of the most profitable franchises in the history of Television and one of the Father's of Sci-Fi, but hear me out.
I think that people have forgotten how great Star Trek truly is, there is this misconception that it's just a silly Sci-Fi show for nerds and....while yes that may be true it is also so much more than that. Star Trek is an incredibly well written franchise, containing some of the best episodes of a series I have ever seen, even managing to hold up against the best shows that we have today. Writing wise a lot of Star Trek has aged like a fine wine, managing to still be relevant despite some series being decades old.
Now is Star Trek perfect? No, at the worst of times you question how some episodes can even be from the same show from how awful and flat out stupid some of the episodes are. The next generation has an episode where a character has sex with a ghost. Deep Space Nine had an episode where the crew get sucked into a game board, while one of the main cast has to play the game that has them trapped. Enterprise famously has a finale that is considered one of the worst episodes in the franchise. It's stuff like this that makes me black out for 45 minutes and makes me wonder if what I was watching was even real, that being said this is the minority of the franchise and is in no way a representation of the franchise.
Now with me gushing over this franchise you would think that I grew up with it or something right? Well that's where you'd be wrong as it turns out, I myself avoided Star Trek for so long because of its representation, I thought it was the typical Sci-Fi show that didn't age all that well, quite like classic Doctor Who....or modern Doctor Who, anyway I didn't truly give Star Trek series a chance till I was 19 and even by then I was reluctant to try it out, but when I started with The next Generation, I was hooked. This post will be talking about what I like about each individual series as well as the order I watched them in, now I will like to preface that I have not seen all of Star Trek, heck many hardcore fans would say I'm not very far at all. I have finished The next generation (twice), 5 seasons of Deep Space Nine, 4 seasons of Voyager, 8 out of 10 of the original Star Trek movies, the 3 Kelvin timeline movies, the first and last episodes of Enterprise, about 2 episodes of the original series, 4 episodes of Picard and none of discovery, so this post is definitely subject to change and may require a follow up. Regardless I have at least seen enough to tell you why it is great and that you should see it if you haven't.
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The Star Trek movies are a mixed bag, but when they're good they're really good.
My first real exposure to Star Trek as a whole was from a little underground YouTuber called 'The Nostalgia Critic' (irony fully intended), he was doing a marathon of the "bad" Star Trek films and my little 14 year old self, laughed and slapped his thighs together at this funny man making comments about how silly these movies were, but it had the unintentional effect of actually getting me interested in the films. My friend in secondary school was a big Trekkie (or is it Trekker?) and I asked him if I could borrow some of those films on DVD, before streaming services were the norm we had to watch our films in physical form kids. So I marathoned those films and at the time I thought some were great and some were really bad, so let's go over the quality of each one real quick.
I. The Motion Picture: Beautiful looking movie, but really boring. Great at introducing you to the main cast of the original series, especially for someone like me who has never seen it. Decent start 6/10.
II. The Wrath of Khan: One of the best Sci-Fi movies ever, tells an excellent story about one of Kirk's old enemies coming back for revenge and a very powerful ending. 9/10.
III. The search for Spock: Not a bad effort here, but it suffers from being in between two of the best movies in the franchise. Kind of undoes the ending of Wrath of Khan in quite a strange way but overall still pretty fun. 6/10.
IV. The Voyage Home: Excellent time travel story that's one of the more fun entries in the series, it's just great to see these characters go back to the past (to play those s* games that suck ass) and interact with people from the 80's. 8/10.
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V. The Final Frontier: What does God need with a starship? 3/10.
VI. The Undiscovered Country: Great sendoff for the original cast, great villain introduced in this one too. 8/10.
VII. Generations: The proceeding movies goes on to ruin said great sendoff and instead shows Picard looking at an old photo album and having a little cry. 4/10.
VIII. First Contact: Very fun Sci-Fi movie, weird characterisation for Picard in this one but overall I like the horror atmosphere of this one and that soundtrack is fantastic. 7/10.
If you want my ranking personally I would rank them II > IV> VI > VIII > I > III > VII > V
And what about those characters? Well I'll go into the next generation cast later but the Original series cast are all very fun to watch and have great chemistry. It's no wonder that Captain Kirk and Spock became cultural icons, they are always great on screen together and characters like Bones is one of the funniest characters in the series for his more down to earth characterisation compared to the rest of the cast, these characters aren't particularly deep or anything but they are well written and I would recommend the movies for someone's first exposure to the series, it worked for me.
So what about those Kelvin timeline films?
Shortly after checking out those original movies, I went on to watch the Kelvin timeline movies as at the time into Darkness was on it's way out in 2013, so I thought I may as well check out the 2009 one. Here's the thing I don't think these movies are bad, in fact I find them rather enjoyable, not so much with into Darkness, but the other two are pretty good summer action movies. The characters are, again quite likable, being a reboot of the original series they captured elements of the original characters well, while putting a little twist on them. Captain Kirk was known for being a ladies man in the OG series so now we get to see him actually have THE sex I've heard so much about on the big screen, when I first saw this my eyes bugged out of my head in a cartoon like style, that's for sure.
Into darkness unfortunately has the issue with remaking an all time classic so it was going to suffer as a result, I don't think Cumberbatch captured the more spite filled performance of Ricardo Montalbán's take on the character of Khan and it reeked of "You know this right? Remember this?" That being said the other two films I do enjoy, they are more action packed than your average Star Trek and are filled with Lens flare for some reason, but I would check them out if I were you, they're enjoyable romps, but if you don't like them you didn't hear it from me.
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The Next Generation is as good as your mother says it is.
When I said the Kelvin Timeline movies were my next introduction to the series, I meant it. I didn't touch a Star Trek series at all until the year of 2016, after I had saw Beyond in cinema. I felt like it was time to check it out, if I enjoyed the movies, surely, I could enjoy the series that they spawned from, right? Well to say that the Next Generation is a good series would be understatement of the century. The next generation really is something special, its characters are fantastic, the episodes tell some of the best stories you will ever see on the silver screen and it has some of the best writing I have had the pleasure of seeing.
The characters are so diverse and are more interesting than the OG series, which I already enjoyed from the movies. Captain Jean-Luc Picard (played excellently by Patrick Stewart) is the best captain in the series, not only do most the best episodes revolve around him, but it's his ideals that make him one of the more interesting characters in the series. Picard tends to follow orders from Star Fleet and for the most part even if it may seem like a bad thing to do at the time, Picard will follow orders, quite unlike a Kirk, that broke the rules all the time. It's this element of Picard that makes him really fascinating to watch, a by the books captain was the best way to go for a series like this, most the time Picard will not resort to violence and will choose to talk his way out of a situation instead. He's stern but also fair and seeing his interests in the performing arts and literature just adds more to this already interesting character.
The rest of the supporting cast are great too. Data, an android with no emotions but wishes to understand them is another great character rivalling Picard in popularity, watching him be put in situation that revolve around his lack of emotions and if he counts as a lifeform makes for some of the best stories in the next generation. First officer Riker, is also another great character to watch, he's everything you want from a first officer, he's more fair than Picard most the time but he can be quite stern too when he needs to be and a lot of great episodes revolve around what he decides to do when Picard isn't there to give him orders. The final character in this series I want to touch on is Worf, the security officer who is also a Klingon who was raised by humans. This added an element of an outsider on the crew to the series, there are many episodes where he has to deal with his culture as a Klingon vs his place on Star Fleet, this really was progressive writing for the time it came out.
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I will go over some of the episodes in the show that really show off how fantastic this series really is.
The Measure of a Man (season 2): One of the, if not the most famous episode of the show. Data's identity as a lifeform comes into question when a scientist wants to take him apart. A hearing is ordered, with Picard defending that Data is indeed a lifeform. This is the episode that won me over on the series and showed me that The Next Generation was truly something special.
Yesterday's Enterprise (season 3): A fantastic episode, where the Enterprise gets caught in a different timeline where they are at constant war with the Klingons. Shows that Star Trek could tell these alternate reality stories extremely well.
The Best of Both Worlds and Family (season 3 and 4): The Borg show off how deadly they are by taking Picard and turning him into one. One of the greatest cliff-hangers is the history of television, please watch this. Family shows the aftermath of the situation and shows an emotionally weakened Picard.
Clues (season 4): A fun episode where the crew of the Enterprise wake up after blacking out for what they think is a small period but actually turns out to be longer than expected, this turns into a mystery to find out what's going on as one of the crew might be holding back some information from the others.
The Drumhead (season 4): One of the best episodes in the series for how it, for lack of a better term tackles racism. Picard has to defend a member of his crew who is Romulan, which is an enemy of the Federation. "Have we become so… fearful, have we become so cowardly… that we must extinguish a man? Because he carries the blood of a current enemy?"
I Borg (season 5): A Borg is taken aboard the enterprise with the intention of infecting the rest of the collective, but the longer the Borg stays on the enterprise, the more of its humanity it gets back. Picard has to decide whether it's right to kill this Borg or if it has the right to live like everyone else.
The Inner Light (season 5): Picard lives out an entire lifetime of someone he does not recognise, he grows close to the family of the person he is living out the life of and it becomes a rather emotional and sad tale. Don't miss this one.
Chain of Command (season 6): Patrick Stewart shows off some of his best acting, when he is taken away and tortured. This shows the psychological torture Picard has to endure and the final few minutes of the episodes are as chilling as they are brilliant.
Tapestry (season 6): Picard has a chance to redo his life after his artificial heart gives out and Q offers him to go back in time so that he never needed an artificial heart at all. Great episode that shows us not to regret our actions but instead learn from them and better ourselves.
All Good Things… (season 7): A fantastic finale that brings the series full circle with the very first episode in the series, where we get to see 3 different versions of these characters from different time periods. Excellent finale.
To wrap up what I have to say on The Next Generation, it really is a fantastic series and they don't make them like this anymore. Sci-Fi has lost a lot of the intelligent writing that went along with it, nowadays the genre needs to have action and explosions in it to appeal to a mainstream audience. No one wants to see an episode that questions what we consider a lifeform or an intelligent discussion on if we should follow orders all the time even if it's not always the right thing to do. Why watch that when we can see starships blowing up. Hahaha, I love space pew pew pew shoot the lasers KA-BOOM HAHA IS THIS SCI-FI YET? IS THIS THE GENRE YOU ALL LOVE SO MUCH? IS THIS SCI-FI YET?
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Originally written by Mr_Turnabout on 20 February 2020 over on the old Dreary Middle website
This was the only article we ever published so we thought it would be nice to preserve it as a reminder of what once was, so enjoy!
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littlespoonevan · 3 years
*trips over prompt list and more prompts fall out*
song prompt: we're not friends by ingrid andress, a song you have never ever heard before, ever....
nope, nope we've never discussed this song at length. we've certainly never envisioned the 15k buddie friends with benefits fic it could accompany, nope!!!
thank you for finally coercing me into writing this one, amy, i hope you like it :'))
(this is set in some nebulous alternative 5a timeline where buck never started dating taylor)
It starts like this:
After the seventy-two hour blackout shift from hell Eddie texts him three simple words. I did it. So Buck bundles himself into his car even though all he wants to do is sleep and drives to the Diaz house. He keeps Christopher distracted with a long-awaited video game marathon while Eddie cleans his bombsite of a kitchen and orders food when Eddie finally emerges with a tiny frown etched in his features but a looseness in his shoulders that wasn’t there before.
After they watch a movie and fight over the last slice of pizza, after Christopher has fallen asleep with his head in Eddie’s lap and his legs sprawled over Buck’s, after Eddie’s eventually carried him off to bed and returned only to sit much closer on the couch than before.
After that- they’re tired and they’re talking with their voices down low and their faces are so close where they rest their heads against the back of the couch that Buck almost doesn’t even think about it when the space between their mouths suddenly disappears.
Eddie’s lips are the lightest pressure against his own and before Buck can really take stock of the whole situation he finds himself pressing Eddie back against the cushions.
Now, it’s 7:45 the next morning and Eddie’s arm is slung low across his waist and Buck is watching him with something like distilled panic as he tries to decide what the best course of action is.
Eddie snuffles, burying his face deeper in the pillow for a beat, hand flexing on Buck’s hip, before his eyes flutter open.
He can tell the exact moment Eddie remembers, the moment his eyes register Buck and widen just slightly.
“Hi,” he greets, voice rough, and Buck shoots him an uneasy smile.
Eddie’s hand twitches against his hip again but he doesn’t remove it. “That was, um-“
He trails off, an awkward pause hanging in the air, only for them both to blurt out, “I’m sorry,” at the same time.
Buck frowns, shaking his head. “Wait, what are you sorry for?”
Eddie averts his gaze, mouth working before he seems to force himself to look at Buck again. “I- I was upset. Or not upset, maybe, but…I wasn’t in a good headspace last night and I used you for comfort. Which is just. So wrong. And no better than what other people have done to you before and I never meant to make you feel like-“
“Woah, hey, Eddie,” Buck interrupts, hand going to Eddie’s bare shoulder before he can think better of it. “You didn’t use me. I was a very willing participant.”
Eddie’s mouth ticks up in a bashful smile and Buck is sure his own expression probably looks similar.
“I should be the one apologising. Everything that happened with Ana yesterday- it was a lot and I never should’ve taken advantage of you like that. I should’ve been the one to stop it-“
“Buck.” Eddie’s voice is quiet but there’s enough weight behind it that Buck finds himself cutting off immediately. “I wanted to.”
And that’s…
“You did?”
Eddie nods mutely.
“So…neither of us regret it?” he asks tentatively and Eddie’s bashful smile is back full force.
“It was good,” he admits.
Buck has to bite his lip to stop himself from grinning too wide. He’s gotten a lot of compliments in his time. Without sounding cocky, he knows how to please his partner. But somehow a simple ‘it was good’ from Eddie feels like a gold medal award.
“That’s good then,” he says. And then they’re silent – his hand still on Eddie’s arm, Eddie’s hand still on his waist, only half a foot of space between them – and he’d be willing to bet Eddie’s also wondering where they go from here.
Do they just get out of bed and pretend it never happened? Move on?
That feels wrong, somehow.
On the other hand, Eddie definitely shouldn’t be getting into something more right now. It’s way too soon after Ana. Hell, after Buck’s failed attempt at dating Taylor a few months back, he’s not sure he’s ready for anything either.
“We uh. How long until Christopher wakes up?”
Eddie cranes his neck to look over his shoulder at his alarm clock and he still doesn’t let go of Buck. “Another half hour, forty-five minutes probably.”
Buck nods, wetting his lip and stopping short when he realises Eddie is tracking the movement with his eyes. “It doesn’t have to be something,” he says before he can really think it through.
Eddie blinks, the faintest furrow between his brows. “What?”
And Buck really should stop talking right now but the words tumble out of him too quickly. “I- it felt good, right? And neither of us are really in a place to want to date right now but maybe. You said you needed comfort so maybe that’s all it has to be?”
“You mean this could be a…regular thing?” Eddie looks confused but not at all opposed to the idea which is more than Buck expects, honestly.
He nods. “Just. When we need it, y’know? Because I don’t want to go back to how I was before but sometimes it’s nice. To spend the night with someone. Or- or be close with someone. And I trust you. I mean, you’re my best friend.”
The few seconds it takes Eddie to think it over feel like the longest of Buck’s life but then his grip tightens imperceptibly on Buck’s waist and he nods.
“I don’t think I could imagine trusting anyone else with this right now.”
“Yeah?” he asks, breath hitching.
“Yeah,” Eddie says decisively and the words are hardly out of his mouth before Buck is surging forward and reeling him into a searing kiss. And it’s- Jesus Christ, it’s been a while but Buck isn’t sure he can remember the last time he felt like this. Eddie sighs into his mouth, the hand on his waist sliding over his back until he can drag Buck on top of him. His other hand is tight on the back of Buck’s neck, a delicious pressure that only makes Buck sink deeper.
And as the friction builds between them, he thinks this might just be the greatest idea he’s ever had.
Buck’s had friends with benefits before. He’s had regular hook-ups. The concept isn’t new to him?
What isnew?
The extra layer of trust that comes with the fact that it’s Eddie. The steady thrum of anticipation that builds throughout the day until they’re finally off the clock and Eddie can kiss him against his car once the parking lot has cleared out. The fact that movie nights at the Diaz house almost always end now with Buck in Eddie’s bed. The way Buck can’t look at his kitchen or his balcony or his couch or the goddamn stairs up to his bedroom without thinking of all of the ways they’ve kissed, impatient and desperate, as their hands tug at each other’s clothes and their feet stumble blindly to the correct destination.
It’s easy being with Eddie like this. The lack of pressure and the fact they know each other so well makes it the most uncomplicated situation-ship Buck has ever been in. Even if it’s only been a few weeks.
In truth he’d been afraid it would affect their friendship but everything else between them is the same as it’s always been. He thinks the fact that they’re not talking about the elephant in the room that is the shooting probably means the elephant in the room that they’re sleeping together somehow less awkward than it otherwise would be.
But then someone holds them hostage and for a terrible, heart-stopping moment, Buck thinks Eddie’s been shot again.
They don’t touch in the hospital, sit as far apart as possible in the waiting room actually, but by unspoken agreement Buck follows Eddie home.
It isn’t until they’ve sent Christopher off to school after one too many hugs that the ever-expanding rubber band of tension between them finally snaps.
As soon as the front door closes behind them after the school run Eddie’s fingers catch in the fabric of Buck’s t-shirt and he hauls him in.
And Buck just. Needs to kiss him wherever he can reach. His mouth, his jaw, his neck, his shoulder where that puckered raise of skin lies hidden beneath his shirt. Eddie shivers against him, clinging too tightly, but it’s not enough. Buck needs him closer, needs to feel his heartbeat under his hands, needs to erase that terrifying thirty seconds where he’d thought he’d lost Eddie. Again.
“You scared the fucking shit out of me,” he mutters, the words half-bitten into Eddie’s bottom lip.
“Sorry,” Eddie breathes, rolling their foreheads together and mumbling the rest of his response against Buck’s skin. “I’m okay. We’re okay.”
And Buck has the vaguest sense in the back of his head as they trip over themselves to reach Eddie’s bedroom that this isn’t quite the no-strings-attached sex he’s been convincing himself of. Not when his heart is beating so hard in his chest, not when his stomach is still clenched with some combination of panic and fear and yearning. Not when three certain words keep bubbling to the top of his throat and he has to kiss Eddie harder in an attempt to swallow them down.
Even still he lets Eddie push him down on the bed. He lets him tug at his shirt until it’s bunched up under his armpits and then finally off. He lets Eddie kiss down his neck and buries a fist in his hair to hold him place.
But when it’s over and Eddie is sprawled across his chest, mouth lingering in the spot where Buck’s neck meets his shoulder, and Buck’s heart is still beating triple time in his chest-
He thinks, this might be a problem.
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leejeongz · 4 years
jealous treasure (hyunsuk-jaehyuk)
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requested: yes, by anon
🔅hiii! thanks for requesting. sorry this took so long 😭 i wrote it all and the. decided i didn’t like what i wrote so i had a breakdown and started again. but nevertheless here we are. I hope you like it! i made jihoon’s a little longer since idk he was the one this was based off of🔅
⛱ a/n no. 2 i’m gonna use another member in each one because it’s easier than making up a whole new person and explaining a bit about them for each one if that makes sense. but this is just for fun, it’s fictitious, remember that pls⛱
find the other members here
🪐 hyunsuk:
having never met his closest friends before, you wanted to dress nicely on the day. you grabbed the accessories that you had laid out the night before that went perfectly with your outfit and put them on while admiring how great you looked in the mirror.
upon arriving at the diner, you spotted your boyfriend and his friends sat closely together. you slowly walked over to their booth, not wanting to seem too eager. your boyfriend stood up and flashed you a smile before pointing for you to sit next to a boy dressed in blue and while, who you later found out was named mashiho. you ordered from the menu together and started to chat amongst yourselves.
“so what do you do, y/n?” the boy next to you asked while hyunsuk was distracted.
“i’m a student, but i work part time. actually i work just over the road” you pointed to the sports shop over the way.
“i think i’ve seen you in there before, sorry i didn’t recognise you, you look so different when you’re not wearing their fluorescent uniform,” he smiled, pointing to the bright trainers you now remember selling him a few weeks ago.
“oh that was you?” you laughed loud enough to catch hyunsuk’s attention, who’s smile faded as he glanced at the pair of you bonding “nice taste” you complimented mashiho.
“not as nice as mine though, right?” hyunsuk piped up, while brushing the shoulder of his shirt.
“it’s not a competition” you smiled, awkwardly, not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings.
“but if it was…” one of his other friends spoke. you made a mental note that from now on, you hated that guy.
you thought about your response for a while. mashiho looked disinterested, too busy picking the crispiest fries from his plate. your boyfriend, however, looked a little helpless, he was practically begging with his eyes for you to compliment him.
“then i think my boyfriend would win. hyunsuk has better taste than anyone, and i think we can all agree” you rattled on, face burning, knowing that the others around the table thought you were just sucking up to him.
“well of course, i fell for you, baby” hyunsuk winked in your direction while his friends made exaggerated heaving noises at your cringiness as a couple.
🌸 jihoon:
you have the pettiest boyfriend, you know it, he knows it, everyone knows it. he gets jealous even at the tiniest things, but it’s kind of endearing. your graduation was no exception, he really wanted to be happy all afternoon, but seeing you with so many guys hugging you while you cried tears of joy, made him mad, that should be him.
to treat you (and also to show off to everyone that you were his) he took you to the bar in town that you liked the most. you sat down at the table for two and scanned over the menu, wondering why you were even looking, knowing you were going to order the same thing as always. you told jihoon what you wanted as you could see the waiter getting nearer to your table, he always ordered for you when you asked him to.
“y/n” you heard coming from behind you. you turned around to see a familiar face, junghwan, and following behind him, a friend of his that you’d once met in passing.
“i saw that you graduated today! congratulations!” he spoke, indicating that you stand for a hug. meanwhile, jihoon ordered, but not without side eyeing you and this boy.
“can we join a table onto ours please and make it sit 4 people?” you asked the waiter who nodded and did as you requested without a fuss.
jihoon shot you the darkest stare at you sat opposite to him. “our order will be out way before theirs” he snarled quietly.
“it’s fine we can bring them out at the same time” the waiter smiled at him upon hearing your boyfriends petty remark.
“thanks” jihoon replied sarcastically, the smile on his face showing clear signs that the waiter needs to back off now.
“so why are you here?” junghwan asked “you should be going out partying, is he not letting you?” he looked over a jihoon after joking around with you a little.
“there are no parties to go to” you frowned, “but i’d rather spend my days with jihoon, and now you guys, than with my classmates anyway” you bubbled. you looked over once again at your boyfriend, who’s expression was still as stern as when they'd arrived. you kicked at his leg gently and flashed him a warm smile, hoping he’d mimic it and look at least a little genuine with it.
“i’m going to the bathroom, order quickly” jihoon told the pair. you glared at him as he walked off, all while still trying to participate in the conversation. jihoon returned with an obviously fake smile, yet it was an improvement so you went along with it. to your surprise, jihoon had managed to endure 3 drinks before deciding it was time to leave and go home with you, which you were more than happy to do since the bar was getting pretty full. you said your goodbye to the two friends with a small hug, while jihoon watched from the side. “come on” he rolled his eyes as he watched your arms wrap around junghwan’s shoulders.
leaving the bar, jihoon’s hand engulfed yours. “there has got to be some kind of reward for spending 90 minutes with them. oh and for watching all of those other guys hug you” he whispered into your ear “i’m sure you’ll think of something”. he laughed a little and pressed a warm kiss against your cheek. you smirked, knowing the perfect way to show him that you were all his, now almost too eager to get home.
⚡️ yoshi:
“it’s just what we needed” yoshi relaxed back onto the sofa, stretching an arm out to the side and wrapping it around you casually. you threw the remote onto the coffee table and nestled into your boyfriend. today was movie day, a full marathon of romcoms, chosen by you.
the first movie, you cried. the second, you cried again. however, by the third, you’d gotten a little bit bored. you pulled your phone from your back pocket, your fidgeting catching yoshi’s attention.
“hey what’s wrong?” he asked, his question fading as he read your notifications. “why did haruto ring you-“ he paused to check the number “4 times?” he didn’t think too much of it. you guys were friends, your boyfriend just wanted to know the gossip.
you called him back straight away, leaving your boyfriend clueless. he waited patiently as you spoke on the phone. “no way!” you let out with a smile “i’ll be there in a second” you got up, wafting your hand so that yoshi would follow.
“what why?” he stayed put, waiting for a response.
“he said he’s got a surprise for me” you rushed, getting your coat on as quickly as possible. yoshi, once again, sat back in his comfortable position, which you knew meant that he was not moving any time soon.
“but what about our movie day” he whined and sulked. you rolled your eyes knowing he wouldn’t stop for anything, you had to give in. you slowly started removing your jacket, pulling your phone out of the pocket and launching it towards the sofa.
“i’ll just text him and tell him to give it to me, the love of your life, okay?” he continued “gosh he knew it was our day, he should have left us alone instead of distracting you”
you smiled at his hint of jealousy, hoping it wouldn’t be the last you ever saw, because honestly, his mini tantrum was rather cute.
🌟 junkyu:
“what homework is that? what subject?” junkyu shuffled through your sheets of paper over your shoulder with a pout while you worked.
“considering i study japanese i think it would be pretty wild if it was the timeline of the spanish armada, don’t you?” you snapped unexpectedly, you’re not even sure why you said it in the tone you did.
“i was just making conversation” he slumped onto the bed while pulling a face behind your back, only then noticing the familiar young boy on your phone screen. “oh, you’re calling someone, i’ll leave, give you some privacy” he pouted once again, dragging himself from your bed. “clearly i'm not needed here”
you turned to asahi, the boy you were calling, who was generously helping with your work, as he avoided eye contact with you. you stared at the small image of yourself in the corner, biting your lip with guilt.
“i’m sorry junkyu, i didn’t mean to snap” you admitted, throwing your head into your hands as soon as the words left your mouth. you’d be kind of stressed lately with all the learning, but that doesn’t mean you can take it out on your boyfriend, you thought.
“it’s okay, you shouldn’t be nice to me when your handsome tutor is calling, i understand” he rolled his eyes and tutted with a hint of exaggeration. it didn’t take long for him to register what had just happened though, as a few seconds later you felt his arms wrap around you from the back and a gentle kiss placed on top of your head. he turned off the call and whispered an almost silent “sorry”.
“i only called him to help with this one passage.”
“you don’t need to explain to me. but why didn’t you ask me for help?” he blew his cheeks up and pouted in a way that was even bigger than before. “i'm really good at japanese” he boasted
“junkyu, sweetie, next time maybe” you giggled, finally regaining the power to sit up again slightly. “but your jealousy was kinda cute, so maybe i will call mashiho next time”
“don’t even think about it” he hushed you in a harsh, yet sarcastic tone.
☀️ mashiho:
it was pretty rare that mashiho got jealous, or that he told you/showed you that he was at least. you and doyoung actually spent a lot of time together these days and your boyfriend never seemed to mind so you never stopped. but little did you know, he’d just about reached breaking point. he was tired of you “not being able to meet up with him” because you’d already made arrangements with doyoung to do something. he wanted to do those things with you.
“where are you going? you don’t usually dress like that on a sunday?” he questioned as you headed towards the door.
“i told you, doyoung and i are gonna watch that movie today. i can’t go in my pjs” you replied.
“oh with doyoung, i should have guessed” he rolled his eyes, leaning back against the sofa. he pulled his phone from his pocket, ready to text one of his friends once again to ask if they wanted to do something.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you turned your head back to look at him. he looked hot like that, but you didn’t think right now was the time to bring it up.
“you’re always doing things with him. would it be so wrong if you went and watched a movie with me?” he asked as you walked towards him, ready to hug him and apologise. you thought for a moment, realising that you had been spending more time with doyoung than your own boyfriend, but was it really all that bad? you sat besides him and placed his phone on the sofa so he had nothing to do other than talk to you about this.
“so i can’t see my friends?” you snapped back at him in a higher pitch, even though he wasn’t shouting at you. his eyes softened and his right eye filled with tears, shortly followed by his left. you refused to look at him, half in anger, half in shame.
“that’s not what i meant, you know that. just go, have fun” he ran his hand down your arm while you sat in silence. it really was that bad. you didn’t want to be THAT couple who never did anything together.
“do you want to come with?” you smiled.
“maybe, only if we, you and i, can go bowling afterwards, alone” he replied as if he was still mad.
“of course!” you exclaimed, it was an offer you couldn't refuse. upon hearing your response, mashiho grabbed your hand, leading you to his room which was full of clothes.
“now, which tshirt matches with yours the best?” he hummed.
❄️ jaehyuk:
more than the party itself, wayyy more than the party itself, you enjoyed having your friends over beforehand to get ready and vibe with. tonight you expected only your boyfriend but he ended up bringing along another friend too, yedam, who you were actually pretty close to, he even introduced you to jaehyuk in the first place.
both had gotten changed pretty quickly in the bathroom while you slipped into your outfit in your bedroom. you were just applying a layer of lipstick when you heard a knock at the door.
“can i come in?” yedam asked.
you shouted a “yes” and he did so. his outfit was all black except for the flannel he’d thrown on, his hair was a little messy and his boots were untied.
“look at my nails” he smiled brightly, offsetting his outfit perfectly. “i just painted them so they’re wet, and jaehyuk is doing his business in there. can you tie my shoes for me, please?” he begged. you agreed and offered your chair as a place for him to put his shoe. “tight trousers” he shrugged, leaving you with no other option but to get down on the floor and tie them, it was a good job it was yedam, you thought.
“get up” jaehyuk’s voice could be heard from a mile away, despite how softly spoken he is. you stood up and looked over at him with wide eyes “oh i thought you were proposing” he laughed, playing the whole thing off as a joke. “let me, i don’t want your outfit to get dirty, which might i add looks extremely good, honey” he complimented while getting down on the floor to tie his friends' laces.
“yoon jaehyuk, are you jealous?” you smirked, looking over at yedam, who was smiling too.
“no, i just don’t want your outfit to get messed up, i just said that” he lied once again. “but if you were proposing yeah, i think i’d be pretty jealous” he continued.
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mochegato · 4 years
Hope on Board
Chapter 11 - Zombies and Vampires and Werewolves, Oh My
Chapter 1     Chapter 10
“Are we ready?” Dick asked, looking to Marinette instead of looking around because ultimately, it was more a matter of whether she was comfortable and felt prepared than what they had.  He really didn’t care about the movie or the snacks. He was just ecstatic to have Marinette in his arms and without worrying about making her feel like throwing up if he touched her wrong, or at all, or even looked at her.
Marinette looked around, taking stock of their supplies in the dark room.  They had their huge bowl of popcorn, some chips, cookies she had made for them to snack on, disgusting looking cheap candy that Dick liked pushed as far away from her as it could be, she mentally thanked God she was almost completely over her morning sickness, otherwise she’d already be throwing up due to the smell alone, water, sodas, and ginger ale in the refrigerator.  They had enough supplies to feed an entire group and she recognized that, but she couldn’t stop herself from going overboard for Dick.
“I think we’re ready.” She nodded firmly. “We’re ready for an entire movie marathon if we wanted,” she chuckled self-consciously.  
Dick smiled and pulled her closer against himself. “I’m okay with that.  As long as you’re cuddled up against me and I can sneak kisses from time to time, I’ll be happy.”
She grinned up at him.  “Who says you have to sneak them?”
Dick grinned at the invitation and leaned down to give her a slow, sweet kiss.  He pulled away, gazing into her eyes affectionately and rubbing her cheek gently with his thumb.  “Are you comfortable?  Do you need another pillow?”
Marinette giggled and looked around them.  “Dick, I think we’re good.  I think if we stacked up the pillows, they’d be taller than me.”
Dick pouted.  “I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable.”
She cupped his face and pulled him down for a sweet, chaste kiss.  “I know. Thank you.  It means a lot.  Now, what did you choose for the movie?”
Dick looked back to the television and started navigating to the show he wanted to watch.  “I thought we could maybe watch that zombie show everyone is talking about. I keep hearing how amazing it is. They just released the entire series so we could binge on it.”  Marinette tensed in his arms.  He looked back at her apprehensively.  “Or… we could watch something else.”
She looked up at him guiltily, a frown pulling the corner of her lips down.  She started fidgeting with her fingers.  “I’m sorry. I just… zombie stories… it just brings back some… um… flashbacks?”
Dick raised an eyebrow at her. “Flashbacks?  Flashbacks to what?”
“Paris.  Akuma. One of the most effective ones we had. She turned almost everyone in Paris into one of her zombies.”  She shuddered at the memory.
He nodded and ran his hands over her arms. “Millions of zombies wandering around wanting to get you… yeah, I can see how that would be terrifying,” he soothed in an understanding voice.
She shook her head.  “It wasn’t really the zombies that were so scary, it was… have you ever seen your friends give themselves up in order to give you a few extra seconds to get away?  That’s what I see.  Not the monster coming.  My friends falling.  The look in their eyes.  The blood. The…”  She stared at her hands for a few moments before glancing back up at him with a humorless smile.  “Sorry. I just brought down the tone of the night.”
He shook his head.  “No, not at all.  We’re supposed to be getting to know each other better, right?  This is a part of you I never knew about.  I want to know.  And, I have. Seen people give themselves up to save me, I mean.  Not a mindless monster, but… yeah, I’ve had friends and family put themselves in the path of a rogue or a henchman in order to give me time to escape.  It… it makes you feel unworthy.”
She nodded along with his words.  “Undeserving.”
He nodded in agreement.  “Even knowing I would make the same choice.  I’m sorry you had to go through that.”  He pulled her in for a hug and nuzzled into her hair to comfort her.  “Any other horror movie tropes we should stay away from?”  He tried to lighten the mood.
Marinette pulled away to think about it.  “Growing up in Paris is kind of like a double edged sword when it comes to horror movies.  They aren’t really scary anymore because we’ve seen them all in real life and the movies could never match how terrifying it is in real life, when your or your friends’ or family’s lives are actually at stake.  But on the other hand, it triggers flashbacks.  
“I mean we had zombies, obviously, werewolves, vampires, chainsaw wielders, ghosts, gremlins, invisible terrors, baby killers, like, babies that killed, literal nightmares come to life, apocalypses, firestarter, that one was particularly gruesome.  I couldn’t go near any kind of flames for months.  Mermaids, not the like, kid’s movie version.  The drag you under the water to drown you kind.  We’ve had shapeshifters, water monsters, dragons, dinosaurs… I think the only horror story creature we didn’t have is Frankenstein. But evil, deranged monster only concerned about his own desires, creating amalgamated creatures to enact his psychopathic will… yeah, almost daily.”
Dick stared at her blankly for a few moments, trying to process everything she just said. “… No horror movies, ever.  Got it.”  Dick nodded absentmindedly.  “I never knew it was that bad there.  Were you ever… did you ever… I mean… I don’t know what I mean.”  There were so many questions he wanted to ask, but he didn’t know if he was ready to hear any of the answers.  He wasn’t ready to hear the suffering Marinette had gone through. She shouldn’t have had to have gone through any.
“There are so many questions that could be.  I’m going to need a bit more direction,” she chuckled mirthlessly.  “Did I ever get hurt?  Yes. Did I ever become an akuma? No.  Did I ever kill someone as an akuma?  Also no.  What did it feel like?  I don’t know. Was I the mermaid?  I wasn’t.  Did I get eaten by the dinosaur?  Eh.” She made a more or less motion with her hand.  “Did I ever date any of the heroes?  Pass.  Did I ever date any of the akumas?  Once, to distract him so Chat could get him.  Didn’t work.  Did I ever have to watch my family get hurt or killed?  So much.  Did I have to watch my friends get hurt or killed?  So often.  Did I ever die?”  She paused for a few seconds before shrugging in what she hoped was a nonchalant way. “Which one?”
Dick froze.  His chest stopped rising and falling.  He slowly licked his lips as he prepared them to form the words he didn’t want to say.  “Let’s start with have you ever died?”
“Yeah, I didn’t think you’d miss that.  I wasn’t thinking when I said it and then couldn’t take it back.”  She looked away and took a deep breath.  “Depends on the timeline.  I don’t remember dying.  I’m pretty sure that was a different me?  Oh,” her face fell as if just remembering something.  “I guess this me died a few times too.  But I’m still here so that doesn’t count, right?”
He opened and closed his mouth a few times trying to formulate his reaction.  She had died. She was gone.  Why did everyone in his life die?  He would have never gotten the chance to meet her, to imagine their life together, their baby.  “… I’m pretty sure it does.  How… um… but…”  
“One of the ladybug miraculous’ powers is reversing the damage done by miraculous users, including deaths,” she explained calmly. “The Eifel Tower was destroyed and brought back sooo many times.”
Dick nodded at her words, not really registering them.  She had died and she was so calm about it.  He studied her more intently.  She was looking away, her body tense but trying to appear relaxed.  No, she wasn’t calm about it, she just wanted him to be calm. She didn’t want to scare him.  He took a deep breath and smiled for her, but still didn’t know what to say.  He hugged her closer instead.
She stared at the popcorn bowl for a moment and grabbed a handful, popping one of the kernels into her mouth.  “We even had a popcorn monster once.  That one was amazing though.  Like… have you ever seen the episode of Scooby Doo where the monster trapped them in a giant vat of Scooby Snacks or where the monster was a giant Cotton Candy glob?  It was like that.  Hilariously ineffective.  Everyone kind of enjoyed that one.  Alix set up a projector and put on an impromptu outside movie experience.”
She was making a joke.  She was trying to lighten the mood.  He could work with that.  “Well that,” he reached over and stole some popcorn from her, “sounds fun.  And that cure thing would be helpful.  It would certainly be useful to have here.”  She chuckled at his attempt.  “Okay, how about a comedy, or a romance, or a Disney movie?  Something happy.”
Marinette nodded.  “That sounds good.” She watched as he scrolled through the movie options. “Oooh, how about that one?  I love the Princess Bride.”
Dick smiled, “As you wish.”
She looked up at him with a curious expression, unsure if he understood the significance of the phrase.  She turned to the movie and snuggled further into his chest deciding he didn’t and that was okay.  It was still really early in their relationship.  There were things she loved about Dick and she loved being with him, but she didn’t know if she loved him.  She imagined he felt the same.  They were getting closer and she was positive they were going to get there.  Until then, she enjoyed all the time she got to spend with him.
He ran languid fingers over her arm as the movie started, enjoying the way her skin felt under his fingers, relishing that he could feel her.  That she was there warm in his arms, not laying cold and dead in a box.  He slowly moved his fingers to stroke her side and circle her hip, down along her thigh and back up, dipping across her lower back. She ran her fingers up and down his chest in response.  They slowly became firmer strokes, getting bolder and running along the hem of his shirt.
His touches slowly became more caressing and lingering, lengthening the path and getting brasher.  He grazed along her breast as his hand passed.  She swallowed heavily, pushing further into his chest and moved her leg over his, rubbing it up and down along his leg.  Their eyes were still focused on the movie, but neither was watching anymore.  They both waited for the other to be the first to break and move their supposedly innocent movie night into something more.
Dick was the first one to break when Marinette dipped her pinky just below the waistband of his pants as she traced his abs.  Not far enough to touch anything sensitive, but enough to send his mind racing and let him know she was interested in doing more than watching the movie.  He cupped her face, staring intently at her for a few seconds before diving in to kiss her. She melted into his kiss.  He moaned as her tongue slipped in to meet his. She pushed up to deepen the kiss and grant him more access to explore her body with his hands.
He pushed their stockpile of pillows out of the way and twisted them to lay her down on the couch.  Her hair splayed out on the remaining pillow and she looked up at him with half lidded eyes.  He traced the lines of her cheek and jaw, looking at her in amazement.  The light from the movie was reflecting off her hair and eyes.  She had pulled her lower lip between her teeth as she gazed up at him lustfully.  Her shirt was pulled down just enough to get a good view of her breasts and the top of her lacy bra.  Her hands were running up and down his sides and back causing shock waves of pleasure through him.  “God, you are so sexy,” he murmured almost subconsciously.  
Her lips formed a sultry smile as her hands found their way to his neck and brought him back down to her lips.  She whimpered as his lips caressed hers and his hands massaged her.  She reached down and started pulling on his shirt.  He caught her intention and ripped it off, throwing it away to the side. It landed over the television, obscuring their view of the movie neither had any intention of watching.
Chapter 12
@dickinette-february @demonicbusiness @ichigorose @iloontjeboontje @ladybug-182 @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @golden-promises @trippingovermyfeet @emimar7 @laurcad123
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I Wish You Would
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 7
"He drove past her street each night"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark Tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 2,896
Warnings: angst, alcohol, poison, only a pinch of fluff. Not in that particular order.
A/N: this one has more Loki than the last. And... I'm sorry. Also, the timeline is important from the last chapter and forward, so keep it in your mind.
A/N2: @chrissquares made me these awesome dividers! And dear @nacho-bucky beta read this for me!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
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"We won't be able to control the dwarves for long, we need to calm them down soon or they will attack."
"Your Highness, we need a plan of attack to keep them from breaching through their borders, some shield spell or-" A different councilman piped up.
"No, what we need is to keep peace. We need a negotiator to help maintain order. No more endless war, we can solve it without offence." The Allfather looked at his counsel until his eyes fell on his son who sat quietly throughout the whole meeting. "Loki, I want you to go and calm the situation down, solve it peacefully."
Loki looked up at his father, his stern gaze left no place to argue.
"Yes father." Loki got up after that, getting ready for the long day ahead of him. But before he could go his father's voice stopped him.
"I expect that when you'll be back you will make arrangements to make up with Lady Iyllir for your past behaviour."
"My first priority now is with the negotiation I need to handle." With a thin smile Loki walked away from his father, now with newfound determination to leave Asgard soon.
He stayed there longer than he wanted to. Apparently their species didn't sleep as often as Asgardians do. When he finally got back to the palace, he teleported right into his room and got in bed; he was never more grateful for his powers than now. Through all of his tiredness though, the moment his head hit the pillow you plagued his mind and sleep faded away from him as you pulled him closer into your dangerous clutches.
He felt as if he was the same heartbroken guy he was before everything happened. She took over his dreams after he let her go, and if he was being honest he let her. He'd imagine her next to him, holding his shattered heart together just enough for him to be able to go to sleep, keeping it as close together as she could until the morning came and she was no longer there and the pieces were all scrambled again. He woke up and remembered that you weren't next to him, and no matter how much he'll conjure her up he knew she won't be you. A face identical to yours still doesn't feel like you.
You were so much more than just a figure to him, he could conjure her up and she would be just like you with the same smile and eyes but beyond that she was nothing but empty. She wasn't you because you had a soul that he could feel just by being close to you, and you had emotions behind those brilliant eyes and sincerity behind the smile. You were so much more than a trick of the eye.
He couldn't even touch her.
Last time, after he left you he was ruined, knowing that he had no way to undo what he did- he had no way back, especially after the fall. But now he knew that even if he would go back and knock on your door- you won't let him in. He knew he would only shatter the peace you could have had if he hadn't barged into your life and wrecked you all over again. He was a selfish man but you wouldn't let him in your door again. Loki wasn't dumb by any means, he knew that you meant what you said and he couldn't blame you.
Sleep decided to claim him, but he could only hope you won't be there too haunting his dreams.
"Are you sure this is wise?" Loki voiced out his doubts as you picked your head out of the blanket fort the two of you spent the afternoon making only to shake your head at him.
"Yes, it is like the best thing ever," were mortals so destructive that they enjoyed lacking their needed sleep time? He was certain midgardians needed more sleep than him and it was rather crucial for them. "I cannot believe you've never had a movie marathon!"
"I don't see the point of sitting in front of your screen for many hours without any break, we could just as easily watch one and on another occasion the other. Why the rush to do things we can just do another time?"
"Time is short, and you have to live in the moment. There is nothing wrong with spending just one day as if you're running out of time with someone, actually that is something endearing in a way." He watched as you got lost in thought before your eyes focused on his again and he knew you won't let him deny this. So the god of mischief entered the warm steady fort you created, well it wasn't actually that steady but you didn't need to know the little magic he used on it.
He had to admit that the little nest the two of you built was quite charming, it was odd how such a delicate thing could give one the feeling of safety.
"Come on we are starting the first movie!"
"You still haven't told me, who is this Potter?" he picked up the disc and examined its packaging.
"I love it when you say that with your accent! And he is a wizard!" you giggled at him and put a bowl of popcorn in between the two of you as the movie started playing.
"Are you trying to tell me that this guy is doing magic?" It was preposterous to know that this is how humans perceive magic. He wished he could show you what real magic is like, maybe one day he will.
"I know! it's amazing! I love Sci-fi so much." The movie kept playing on with him making snarky comments at the characters and with you giggling and defending the movie.
The movies went on one after the other and he might have gotten emotional over some scenes, not that he showed it of course.
It was in the fifth movie that he felt a soft weight on his shoulder and when he looked to the side he saw you laying your head on him with your eyes closed. At this point the snacks were pushed aside and you had gotten closer to him and now you fell asleep on him, your bodies touching and he doesn't know why but he held his breath then. You let yourself to be in such a vulnerable state with him, in this makeshift fort, and his body reacted to it more than it should have. With each loud fast beat of his heart realization fell upon him. He didn't know what it was just yet, but he understood it.
It was odd, the feeling he got, he had never been this enchanted with someone before- let alone a human. You seemed to have some sort of effect on him that he couldn't shake off even when you weren't around him. You caused these blooming feelings to erupt inside of him and it was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. And all you did was fall asleep with your head on his shoulder. The god of mischief was falling in love.
It was 1am and you might have just stolen Tony's car alongside some expensive bottles he had locked away.
You just had to get out of there, the thoughts got too loud and the dreams got more vivid, so you knew exactly where you needed to go to get your mind straight and maybe drink some wine.
No one knew about the apartment that you kept even after moving into the Tower. The only other person that knew about it was Tony, who bought it and kept it there just for you, clear of annoying neighbours in a silent neighborhood.
Getting into the apartment you shivered at the cold, so you turned on the AC and popped open the first bottle of wine.
So you sat there with the bitter sweet wine scenting the room. So far you had no luck of forgetting the young prince, his taste and smell easily overpowered the alcohol if you focused on them strongly enough.
You almost did.
But with each sip you got sent back into a kaleidoscope of memories. Headlights pass the window pane and sent you aware to a far memory.
"Why are you dressed up like that?" Loki raised an eyebrow at you when he took a sit at the dining room table and you put a drink in front of him. He grew quite fond of midgardian drinks, they were much better than mead. You closed the window and the curtain, the bright light outside was blinding you. It was too early in the morning for that.
"Like what?" you stretched your arms and hem of your night shirt went up a bit and revealed skin that Loki tried not to look at.
"Still in your sleep wear."
"It's morning and I'm not going anywhere." You shrugged him off and sat down in front of him.
"Are you not going to change because I'm here?" he kept his eyes on your face.
"No, I'm comfortable." You shrugged him off again and began to eat your toast. Your answer however lingered in the back of your head.
"Alright," he answered and took a sip. "I'm just saying that it's not fitting for a lady to be dressed like this."
He knew how much you hated being called that. His smirk was hidden by his cup of coffee.
"You son of a bitch… don't call me that."
"Not call you what, my lady?" you pointed your fork at him and he couldn't help but think how adorable you look like this.
"Call me Lady one more time and I'll show you exactly how not lady-like I am."
"Okay, fine!" he watched as you brought your cup to your lips only to realize that you drank all of your tea. "Come on, I'll make you another cup of tea as an apology."
You let him take your empty cup with a satisfied smile. When he was in the kitchen you wandered to the question he asked and the immediate answer that you gave him. It took you a second to get out of your thoughts when you realized something.
"Oh wait Loki you don't know how I make my-" you got up to the kitchen only to open the door right to Loki who just gave you the tea he just made. He moved past you and sat at the table.
You hesitantly took a sip, only to sigh in content- it was perfect.
"You know how I like my tea." It was a statement but you were still fazed by that fact as you sat down. His reply was short.
"Well of course I do."
It was odd how such a simple thing as that could make your heart flutter with a feeling that you haven't felt in a long while but you knew exactly what it was.
Three months ago in Asgard.
Asgard looked beautiful in the morning. Loki stood in his room next to his window which overlooked the garden. His mind wasn't in Asgard though, and he had a decision to make, one that was waiting for him the moment he steps out of that door.
He knew that it's been almost a month since he left you and you told him to never come back. He had to find a way to move on even if he couldn't. He'd call it a coincidence if it weren't just unfortunate luck.
He was well aware of his options and the fact that there were none, and while he'd rather perish in his own misery a part of him still knew that he would have to take the other choice.
You'd never take him back, not after what happened when the two of you were well aware that the heartbreak would come, not now that you knew who he is.
Without letting himself think any further Loki went out of his room and descended a floor down until he stood outside of the large doors. He gently knocked on them. Who knew, maybe this will someday give him some twisted peace?
The door opened and there she stood in a flowery gown, Lady Iyllir.
"My lady, I've come here to apologize for my past behaviour. I would very much like it if we could resume the plan for our marriage."
You threw one bottle of wine aside, it was 2am but you couldn't even drink, you couldn't do anything. You just wished that he would come back and be here. He could always read your mind even when he assured you that he wasn't actually reading your mind.
"Please Loki, I miss you too much to be mad anymore, just come back."
You knew deep inside you that you'll never be clean of him; you'll never forget him for as long as you'll live. If you could, you'd rush all the way to Asgard for him, throwing away your stupid pride.
Maybe he will knock on the door, maybe he is on his way. You humored yourself but the hope was still there.
Yes you told him to leave but what you really wanted was for him to be there on the other side of the door screaming "I'm in love with you" or maybe he'll wait there in the pouring rain and throw pebbles at your window.
How did the god of lies not see it? Why couldn't he see that when you told him to leave you wanted him to chase after you and fight for you?
"I need you Loki, I do."
Then there was a knock on your door, you were sure you imagined it. But it was real and a smile took over your face when you went towards the door. He heard you.
Everything you needed was right there on the other side of the door, with his face and his beautiful blue eyes, and even with the conversations with the little white lies.
You rushed to open the door after he knocked on it again.
But he didn't have his blue eyes.
"Mike?" you really thought that Loki would show up for you. Your smile fell.
"You seemed off today darling," he walked past you into the living room. "I thought you might want some company."
In your state of disappointment you shook yourself out of it and closed the door. You had a boyfriend, you didn't have Loki. You won't have Loki.
"Oh, thank you. That is very thoughtful of you." He put some bags of food and drinks on the counter and came back to you. He wrapped you up in a hug. He may not be Loki, but you needed a hug right now so you held onto him.
"I know that as an Avenger it must be rough, with the missions and the constant danger," he brought you to sit on the couch with him. "I understand that it could get hard, but I'm proud of you for doing that and I want you to know that I am here for you."
He was saying everything you needed to hear, and so you nodded into his chest. Loki was wild and crazy but here you have a guy who is steady and stable and your heart can't seem to listen to logic.
At least he's here.
"I'll get us something to drink and then we can talk about it if you want, okay?" you nodded at him again as he got up and went to the kitchen.
You straightened your shirt until he got back with a bottle of wine and two glasses.
"Oh, I already have wine right there-" you looked back at the half bottle that was left and cringed.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll like this one. Plus this one is brand new." He tried to joke but you wished he hadn't seen how much you drank already. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to drink more but you needed it.
You took the glass with the red liquid. Testing it, you shook it in the glass and sent the burning red liquid down your throat. It was pretty good, you had to admit. It had an unusual taste to it that you couldn't quite figure out.
"It's from Europe." He smiled and you smiled back lightly.
You talked to him and didn't really care that you finished your glass of wine soon and he poured you another one.
The alcohol must have started to get to you, you felt a little spacey, the smell of the alcohol made you feel weird.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" he laughed at you a bit and put his glass on the table.
"I asked you if you're okay, do you feel better now?" it was starting to get a bit hot in the room, you forgot to turn off the AC, you looked around for the remote.
"Yeah I'm just- didn't you drink from your wine?" you looked at the full glass on the table. Your head was starting to hurt and you picked up the glass, the weird smell came back to you and the world felt blurry around you.
"No, I'm afraid I am not here to drink."
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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filmadaydiary · 4 years
1/16/21 to 1/17/21
Marvel Part 1
For this marathon, I’m going to be doing things a little differently. Each movie gets one paragraph, and the posts will be split up by Avengers movies. Doing a full review for each was going to be too many posts and I honestly got a little overwhelmed. Anyway, for this Marvel marathon, we decided to watch the movies in chronological order within the canon, as opposed to the order in which they came out. So without further ado, enjoy my 20 paragraphs about all of the movies in the MCU.
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Captain America: The First Avenger – Joe Johnston, 2011
Starting with Captain America was a curious place to begin the marathon. I quite liked it, and it made the ending I knew was coming feel like a better bookend with Cap and Peggy. Perhaps it’s unfair to review this movie in relation to the others that haven’t come up, but since I have seen all of the movies already I can’t help it. Watching this first in the sequence further solidified my alliance to Team Cap, which I’m okay with. Cap’s arc in this movie is great, he gets to grow from an idealistic, bullied little boy into a jaded man who is completely alone. It didn’t really hit me how lonely he is in The Avengers and why he’d cling so hard to everything that meant to him, but watching this movie first in line made it all make sense. He was the first Avenger, so of course they all band around him. He cares the most because he’s the one who set it all into motion. And that includes the Tesseract! Having an Infinity Stone pop up in the first movie also makes for a better overall arc, leading us to the inevitable Infinity War. 
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Captain Marvel – Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, 2019
I do like this movie, mostly because I like Brie Larson. I think she was great, and her acting was NOT wooden. Yes, some things were over the top or on the nose. The nineties references were a lot, and there was a lot of girl-power things too. You know what though? I’m okay with that. Nineties nostalgia is very real. And I love seeing a woman who is unapologetically screaming at aliens and obnoxiously overpowered. Superman doesn’t get crap for acting too flat or turning back time. Let Carol Danvers blow up ships and swirl around with her glowy hair and ask who’s next. I teared up at the montage of her falling down and getting back up. She fights like a girl. A human girl, who falls behind, and has to make up for it. Who is constantly criticized for letting her emotions get the better of her. I think she should be allowed to reach her full potential, and not owe anything to anyone. Timeline-wise, this feels a little shoehorned in, but it’s fun to see Ronan before he shows up again in Guardians of the Galaxy.
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Iron Man – Jon Favreau, 2008
You know, I can see why this is the movie that spawned an entire franchise. I did forget just how obnoxious Tony was in the first movie though. It makes his journey from irresponsible billionaire playboy to...okay, he still has way too much money, but he grows so much as a person. He learns how to be a father figure, he stops taking things in his life for granted, he cares less about money for money’s sake and tries to take care of the environment. This movie is very much a war movie, not a superhero movie. It’s extremely self-contained, and a large part of the beginning sees Tony as a prisoner, fighting for his life and using his genius to think his way to freedom in his iron suit. Tony is a compelling character, and I almost feel bad for hating on him for all these years. This sets the stage for his development throughout the other films, and it is quite the development indeed. 
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Iron Man 2 – Jon Favreau, 2010
I feel bad for saying this, but Don Cheadle is a much better War Machine than Terence Howard. I’m sorry. Their dynamic is very fun in this film, and I liked seeing Tony with a friend. Also, Sam Rockwell as the secondary villain was so great. He’s great in any movie, but seeing him doing his best Tony Stark impression was top-notch. And Black Widow gets introduced here! Overall, this is a fairly forgettable movie in the Iron Man sequence, but it’s still very exciting. Tony and Pepper get the chance to flesh out their relationship a little more, which is nice. She often fades into the background, reduced to a token love interest, so I appreciated that she had something to do here. This movie is the first one that feels like it follows the superhero formula of having several villains and a few protagonists. It is still quite exciting and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Iron Man is a good character and he can hold his own in a movie. 
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Thor – Kenneth Branagh, 2011
I love Thor. This was my favorite Avengers movie for a long time. One, because Hawkeye is introduced in it (he’s my favorite Avenger and you can fight me on that). Two, Loki is hot. Three, Natalie Portman as a boss-ass lady scientist? We love to see it. Now, watching this again, I liked it significantly less, which was a little bit of a bummer. I’m not sure what Kenneth Branagh was thinking but there are so. Many. Dutch. Angles. I was dizzy and off-kilter the whole time. I felt like my neck was sore after watching this. That being said, it’s still a good story. Thor has always been a lovable dramatic doofus, and even though everyone took this as seriously as Shakespeare it’s still quite funny. Unintentionally so, perhaps, but there were inklings of Thor being the funny one long before Ragnarok. I enjoy the disparate tones that come with the wildly different settings of Asgard and Earth. Plus, having this be the lead-in to The Avengers feels like it sets everything up very nicely. We have our villain, we have our motivation, we even have in-world explanations for aliens and magic. Everyone has been introduced, so it’s time for the big showdown. 
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The Avengers – Joss Whedon, 2012
The first Avengers movie will always have a special place in my heart. This wsa the first midnight premiere I ever went to, and I always think of how special it was, seeing this in theaters with my friends (and her dad, who had to drive us there). On a story note, having watched all the movies in two days leading up to this made it so much clearer what was going on. I’m easily distracted and therefore easily confused, so I never quite understood all the details of Thanos’s plan and Loki and the Tesseract and all that. Watching before, I didn’t mind too much. In addition to being easily distracted I am very easily entertained, so I was perfectly content to be swept up in the spectacle of it all and go along for the ride. It turns out this is a good movie! The interactions, which seemed stilted before, were realistic considering no one knew each other. And all of these people have been through a LOT before they made it to this point. By the big fight, they aren’t close friends, more so tenuous allies. Honestly, that makes it more interesting to see the way they work together. It shows that all of these people are genuinely good, and doing their best. And I’ll watch any movie where the good guys win. 
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punkpoemprose · 4 years
December 4th- The Movie Date
Universe: 2000′s AU Rating: G (General Audiences) Length: 1720 Words
Note: This fic deals with Kristoff and Anna waiting in line to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in 2007 because for me the 2000′s were pretty much all Harry Potter all the time. I just want to say that while I’ve always been a fan of the Harry Potter series, I am not a fan of JK Rowling and her TERF ideology. If you like this fic please consider donating to The Trevor Project or another charity of your choice that supports trans folks. Trans rights are human rights.
Also on a less important note: I fucked with the timeline a bit because I wanted the last book to have come out before the fifth movie for the plot stuff I could do with it. Technically speaking the last book came out ten days later than the film, but semantics.
If someone had told him a year ago that he would be dressed up in a wizard costume, standing in line for over five hours just to get seats to see a movie, he would have called them crazy. Of course, he’d heard of Harry Potter, even then. It was a cultural phenomenon and really he’d been meaning to read the books at some point, it was just that he was busy with work or it was hockey season, or something came up and he never really found the time to sit down and read the books. That was, of course, all the excuses he’d made before Anna.
He’d met her mostly by mistake while at work. He’d been working on laying up brick for a new fountain in the city park, and she’d been walking a big fluffy white dog by one hand while texting someone on her Nokia with the other, and it hadn’t ended particularly well for anyone involved. The long story short was that she’d broken her arm, he’d needed stitches in his cheek, and the dog, Olaf, had needed to have chunks of fur cut away after cement dried into his fluffy tail.
It had also, coincidentally worked out very well for at least the human parts of the incident as, once they’d finished arguing over who was at fault, they’d also started talking civilly and despite their aches and pains, had actually went out for coffee after the incident. At the time, a Starbucks had just opened in town and it had been the excuse they’d both used, along with the promise of apology coffee, for their first date.
She’d been easy to fall in love with, and when she’d brought up the kids series and her love of it on their first date, he’d finally had the shove he needed to stop making excuses and read them.  He didn’t end up loving them nearly so much as she did. He’d never been much of a fantasy guy, but still after hours reading the books and discussing them with her, they’d ordered the movies through Netflix and watched them together as they arrived in the mail.
That was six months before they moved in together. Now, while he still wasn’t as into the series as Anna, he could say that he knew as much as anyone who had finished the series in July when the final book came out. He’d needed to stand in line then too, but it had been worth it to bring it home and watch Anna, who had been sick, marathon the book between breaks for NyQuil and sustenance. The snot and tears he’d endured, laying on the couch with her, her head on his chest, had been all worth it in the end, as the hours in line and the silly costume were now.
The things I do for love.
“Okay, so as soon as they let us in, we’ll snag the best seats. You’re on guard duty while I get popcorn because you look tough.”
He snorted, both at the fact that she had a game plan, and because he really didn’t feel like he looked tough at all in his Gryffindor tie (though he’d been told by Anna, and a quiz she’d found on Quizilla.com, that he was much more of a Hufflepuff) and large black robe. In fact, he felt like he looked a little bit ridiculous, but Anna, in comparison, looked lovely.
She’d decided to dress like Fleur Delacour in her Beauxbaton’s uniform, and he knew that he, by association was meant to be Bill Weasley, something which he not only liked the idea of from a romantic sense, but also by characterization. He’d liked Bill in the books, and for what it was worth, he’d also liked Fleur despite the way other characters looked at her. While he wasn’t sure he was quite brave enough to be Bill, he did like his work ethic, the strong sense of right and wrong he seemed to display, and his love for his family. Anna made an excellent Fleur, particularly in the sense that he found her so lovely that she could certainly have some Veela heritage, even if they were fictional.
“I’ll endeavor to do my best,” he said, only half teasing.
“You’ll do fine I’m sure. I mean they’re only selling as many tickets as they have seats, and it’s been sold out for weeks, so once we get our seats it’s not like anyone can make us move or kick us out or something.”
He nodded, “Honestly Anna I think that everyone is just excited to see the movie, I doubt they’re going to fight us on seats too much.”
“But if they do, we’re going to win.”
He laughed at that. There was a glint in her eye that seemed more like they were about to go to battle than that they were going to walk into a movie theater. He loved her competitive nature, particularly when it wasn’t aimed toward him, in their Livingroom, playing Call of Duty. Her bloodlust was legendary when a win was on the line, and “all is fair in love and war” was the law of the land as soon as the PlayStation turned on.  
“So I know you have a rule about soda because whenever you get it you have to pee halfway through the movie, but would you mind grabbing me a cherry coke when you get the popcorn? Because I haven’t had a drink in five hours and I understand the Order of the Phoenix is very important, and I was willing to sacrifice for it, but I’m going to need to drink something soon or I’m going to look like a dementor…”
He trailed off, noticing that Anna wasn’t paying any attention to a word he was saying, but instead was staring off past the pinball machines and crane games that dotted the lobby, straight over to the ticket counter, where a girl, appearing to be around ten, wearing a Quidditch uniform was crying into her extremely frazzled looking mother’s skirt.
“Oh geeze,” Anna said quietly, much lower than when they were explaining their battle plan, “That poor kid. I bet her Mom didn’t think to buy ahead… she probably didn’t realize how popular it was going to be.”
Kristoff frowned, he had a sister about her age, and there was nothing worse than watching her cry over anything. As much as he was wrapped around Anna’s finger, he’d been wrapped around hers first. There were many years, when she was even younger, that he’d bring himself to exhaustion carrying her around on his shoulders, reading her stories, and doing whatever it took to keep her happy. He could only imagine how much more he’d want to please a kid of his own.
“Anna… is she wearing a birthday girl pin on her robe?”
He probably shouldn’t have mentioned it, but he noticed the pink button and crown when she turned and wiped her little eyes.
“It is,” Anna agreed, frowning, “It is definitely a birthday girl pin. I bought Elsa the same one last month… but I don’t think she wore it as proudly as that kid is.”
An announcement was made over the lobby PA system informing the theatergoers that rope drop to enter theaters 1-4 for the release showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix would be in just five minutes. When Anna quickly ducked under the rope to the side of them that they’d been standing between for five hours, Kristoff smiled to himself, already knowing where she was going.
“’Well, I’m glad you listen to Hermione Granger at any rate’, she said, pointing him out of her office.”
Anna snorted, jostling the book, as Kristoff held it with one hand and played with her hair with the other. Her head was rested against his chest on their couch, and despite the late hour they were both still awake and quite comfortable.
“I love how you’re doing your best Maggie Smith impression when you read McGonagall’s parts. It’s almost like I can see it.”
He leaned forward and a bit awkwardly placed a kiss on her forehead as he flipped the book closed. They’d finished Chapter Twelve and while he would start Chapter Thirteen if she wanted him to, a moment to rest was required before they read any further.
“I’m sorry we didn’t actually go see it,” he replied, “But I’m glad that we found something else to do tonight. That little girl and her mom looked like they’d been given a million dollars when you handed them the tickets.”
Anna smiled at that, her eyes fluttering open. Her eyes were still  a little sad and at odds with her grin, but he supposed that it only made sense that she was still happy and sad about her decision to give up a night she’d been planning for months to a child she didn’t even know.
“Well I mean… I would want someone to do it for our… I mean my kid. You know, if we… I had one.”
The slip wasn’t unnoticed by him, and setting the book down onto the floor, he pulled her in tighter to his chest, wrapping both arms around her tightly. She squirmed a bit in his embrace, laughing at how between him and the blanket she was all but cocooned.
“Someday,” he said, “Yeah, I would hope someone would do that for our kid. Or you know… kids.”
She stopped squirming and instead hummed appreciatively at his comment.
“Maybe,” she said, “A whole burrow’s worth.”
They’d only briefly talked before about marriage and a family, but he did like the idea of a big family. He had many siblings, and he loved being with them even though he often considered himself a bit of an introvert, but he knew that Anna loved people, and she loved noise. He could imagine her happy in a big house with plenty of smiling faces and loud joyful voices to fill it.
“Someday,” he said confidently, thinking of the end of the final book, her sobbing into his shirt over a happy ending with families and friends and young children who were products of love and loyalty, “Someday Anna we will.”
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iamtheprotagoneil · 4 years
im sure youve talked about this before but the fact that the protagonist had to say goodbye to neil twice - one we see in the movie, and the other in the future when he sends him back for the sator mission - AND the fact that when he sends neil to help the protagonist in the past the future!protagonist KNOWS he is essentially sending neil to his death....... it is all just very ouch
yeah, i probably have mentioned it once or twice, but you know what i haven’t talked about? the fact that maybe, the goodbye they got in the movie was the only one.
listen, i’ve talked lots about how sad the protagonist (in the future) would be when he had to send neil on this mission that would be his last. i’ve also talked lots about how sad neil would be to leave the protagonist behind to go to the past and save the world (and the protagonist’s life in the process). however, i don’t think i’ve ever talked about how, perhaps, they never got to do that. i’ve never talked about how, maybe, the protagonist never got to send neil away, and neil never got to say goodbye before he had to leave for the past.
So, let’s consider: The Protagonist died before it was time to send Neil away for the Sator mission.
It’s not too out of the left field, right? They lead a very dangerous life. Death was always around the corner, just standing in the shadow, waiting for them to make a mistake – for their luck to finally run out – so it could come out and pounce. And what if it did, when it was still much too soon?
Perhaps, it went down like this: in a flash, so fast that none of them had the time to react. One moment The Protagonist was there, and the next, in just a blink of an eye, he was on the ground, unmoving. Perhaps, it was a gunshot, a sharp/blunt object struck just at the right angle, that delivered the fatal blow and brought him down quick.
Neil was on him in an instant, abandoning his position in order to run over to his Protagonist. Neil tried shake him awake but he was unresponsive; the mask on his face – covered in dust and blood – did a very good job of obscuring his features. Neil couldn’t tell if his eyes were open or not. Neil kept calling his name, kept trying to rouse him to consciousness but nothing happened.
Still, they were in an active battle field. A teammate pulled Neil up by the arm, practically dragging him away from The Protagonist’s body and into the escape vehicle. Neil sat where he was placed in the backseat, feeling so numb and detached from the situation that he thought it might have been a dream. It must have been a dream, because this couldn’t be happening. The Protagonist couldn’t be gone. He was the mastermind, after all; the one who held all the information about the past, the present, the future. He couldn’t just be gone because—Neil just couldn’t wrap his head around it.
Back at the base, Neil got angry. He started going off at the person who had pulled him away, screaming about how could they just leave their teammate behind like that. They would let him, seeing the desperation behind Neil’s eyes. They’ve all heard the rumors about The Protagonist and Neil – didn’t need confirmation to know it was true because they witnessed it pretty much every day – so they knew what he was going through.
Finally, Neil’s anger ran dry. He choked, came to a sudden standstill as the gravity of situation struck him once again, no way to deny it. They wouldn’t be able to help him if they brought him back, and they needed to get out quick. They couldn’t risk the rest of the team for just one person. Neil knew all this, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
He apologized to the teammate, who nodded and told him to go home and get some rest. Neil obeyed, grateful for the instructions because everything was so chaotic right now, in his mind, he wouldn’t have known what to do if left to his own devices. So Neil left, took their his car and returned home, the place he shared used to share with The Protagonist.
It was empty, expectedly, when he walked through the door, and the dread in his stomach grew, grew, and grew with all the intentions to eat him alive. He laid himself down the bed, unable to hold back tears because fuck, he just witnessed the love of his life died in front of him. He’d just seen it; it was all too real and not at the same time. He ran the scene back in mind, seeing himself in third person and thought of it as a stimulation only – something that he could return to and change. But, what’s happened, happened. It would always go down like that, Neil knew this. Neil had lived this life for so many years now, it was ingrained in his brain, but god, it was still such a painful truth to swallow.
 Or, maybe, it went like this: Neil got to The Protagonist just as the wound was inflicted, catching him on the way down. The Protagonist looked up at Neil, trying to come up with words but the wound took all of his breath away and Neil wept, begged for him to stay, don’t go just yet, they could get help, please. (You’re going to die in your best friend’s arms...)
 Or, possibly, it went like this: They managed to get The Protagonist back to home base. The wound wasn’t a fatal blow, and there might be a chance. Neil got to him just in time to stop the open wound from bleeding, pressing his hand to it as he barked orders for his team to call in the cavalry.
They got out of there, but barely, with The Protagonist on a stretcher, holding onto his life by the skin of his teeth. Neil’s eyes never left him, as the medics worked on him. It killed him not to come over and touch, to check for himself that The Protagonist was fine, would be fine, that he was going to get through this. But, he didn’t want to get in the way; he knew despite his medical trainings, he was still no experts compared to the ones who were working their asses out to keep his Protagonist alive right now.
But, the medics’ expressions were grim. They didn’t say anything, and the air in the escape vehicle was thick and suffocating. No one spoke; no one made a move. Most of them were still trying to catch their breath, while the rest was just like Neil, biting their nails and hoping for The Protagonist’s survival. They might not be as close to the man as Neil was, but he was still their boss – their teammate – and it was never a good feeling to see one of them go down.
When they finally return to base, they wheeled The Protagonist off into the operating room. Neil could do nothing but stand on the other side of the glass panel and watch, hands clenched in fists, thoughts running a marathon in his mind – all screaming, praying, begging for this to not be the end. But, that’s just not how this story goes (this time around). No, in this one, the medics came out with bad news to give, and Neil’s entire world crumbled.
 Or, it could also go like this: Neil didn’t go on that mission with The Protagonist and he only got to hear about it after the fact. He’d only get the chance to react to the news of it. The cup of coffee he was holding in his hand got dropped to the ground, and Neil’s was entirely unbothered by it. He wasn’t even aware, despite the deafening sound of glass breaking on hard wood.
“No,” he said, because it wasn’t true. He wouldn’t accept it. But, the look on the messenger’s face was serious, apologetic, and Neil felt like he couldn’t breathe, felt like all the air had been knocked out from his chest. It felt like all the light in Neil’s life had been put out, and he was drowned in darkness, and kept on drowning, sinking down, down, and down.
 It would take him a while – a long while – to recover. He went on more missions than he should, just to have something to occupy his time and, more importantly, mind. His superiors – the people who have now taken over The Protagonist’s place – would bench him but his results never faltered. He was trained by the best of them, after all, so how could they ever doubt him?
Then, later, when the time finally came, Neil would receive a file from his handler. His heart would jump as he opened it up and found The Protagonist’s handwriting, a note specified who this particular file should be delivered to and when. Neil would trace his fingers over it, to feel some residue of The Protagonist against his skin, then bite his lip until it bled, and read on.
Inside the file included the details of the mission he could not turn down – his very last one. He wasn’t going to turn it down, anyway, even if he could. There was nothing left for him in his present; in this timeline where The Protagonist was no longer. (What was a story without a protagonist, anyway?)
So, Neil accepted the mission in stride, knowing the he would never come back to this time again. He walked into the turnstile with determination in his eyes and shoulders squared, his team right by his side. The tenet team stationed in the past greeted them as they walked out; mission brief ready to fire off the moment every one of them settled.
 Meeting The Protagonist again was like having cold water poured over Neil’s head. It was unforgiving, devastating and a relief all the same. Like coming home to find the place all different, not yours any more, but some remnants of when it was were still there; you could feel it in your bones, but it wasn’t yours to claim.
At the opera house, Neil didn’t have the chance – couldn’t risk it – to stop and really take The Protagonist in, but there was no denying that it was him. Then, later, at the yacht club in Mumbai, Neil watched The Protagonist strut in with that same confident swagger Neil had missed so much. Neil’s heart did a tumble, a cartwheel, then crashed and burned at the bottom of his stomach.
It hurt like hell to see the love of your life again, after months of pushing aside the grief you should have taken the time to acknowledge if not process. It was like coming home again, knowing that this home wasn’t yours anymore. He was The Protagonist but he wasn’t Neil’s Protagonist. His face looked the same, if younger. His voice still sent a thrill down Neil’s vein, but left his mouth without any affection. His smile still made Neil’s heart flutter endlessly, still made Neil wanted to taste under his lips, but Neil knew he couldn’t. All the same, but so different, so far out of reach.
It hurt, too, to know what was waiting for The Protagonist – this Protagonist – in the future. Neil looked at him, and saw what was, essentially, a dead man walking. Still, Neil knew he couldn’t say anything, couldn’t warn him about the fate reality that was waiting for him in the distant future. Neil could say it was because of that goddamn ignorance policy, but honestly, he was just a coward.
The end of The Protagonist might have been written in stone, but so was his middle – the part where he met, recruited, befriended, then fell in love with Neil. Neil didn’t want to lose that; too much of a coward to think about what life would have been like if The Protagonist hadn’t approached him when he did; hadn’t done all the things with Neil like he did.
So, Neil took his cowardice and turned it into fuel. Made it the one thing that kept him going through this entire mission. What’s happened, happened. It wasn’t an excuse to do nothing, he told himself.
Then, he told The Protagonist as well, repeating it aloud like a mantra. He knew what was waiting for him once that chopper landed and he inverted, for the last time. It wasn’t hard to guess based on the pained expression on The Protagonist’s face.
So, Neil said goodbye to this Protagonist like he never did get the chance to his own. He said it was the end of a beautiful friendship because it was beautiful, and for him, with this Protagonist, friendship was all they shared. Home, but not Neil’s, yet. He promised The Protagonist as much, “We’ll get up to some stuff. You’ll love it,” because Neil knew he would. Neil had lived it with him, after all.
Their endings might not have aligned, but there would always be a beginning for them. In the past, in the future, all the same. They would meet again, unofficially, officially; in this life, in the next one; it didn’t matter. Their lives were intertwined, threads in red color braided together by reality itself.
Neil took comfort in that and smiled when he promised to see The Protagonist at the beginning. For now, though, he walked with resolution in his eyes and shoulders relaxed, finally processing his grief. Acceptance was the last step, and he took it in stride as he walked into the turnstile and returned to the hypocenter, all ready to finally return home, the one that was his; to reunite with his Protagonist once again.
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tibbinswrites · 4 years
Hi! If the slots haven’t been filled yet could you do prompt #635, Destiel, something in cannonverse (so preferably not au or endverse) and angst with happy ending? Thank you! I love love love your writing, you are one of my favorite Destiel writers! You capture the characters so perfectly! I hope you have a nice day!
*grovelling, so much grovelling* I am so, so sorry that this took so long Anon, especially as you picked a prompt that I was hoping someone would pick for ages! When it came to actually WRITING for it though I drew a huge blank. I wrote 4000 words then scrapped them all, then I cycled through about three other possible ideas but none of them did this prompt justice, and THEN I got an email about my big project deadline that I had completely forgotten about so I had to sort that, and then I was in that horrible mood where I was hating everything I wrote so I had to take a break and THEN I came back with fresh eyes and this happened. Thank you so much for bearing with me. I hope it’s worth the wait! You are far too kind! I’m so happy you like how I write. I still have one prompt slot left. I have now done prompts for: #1, #2, #4 and #16, #9, #10, #20, #26, #33, #77, #78, #170 (part 1), (part 2), (part 3), #327, #502 and #635 Anyway, ON WITH THE FIC!  635. “I can’t be mad because I let you slip away…”
Things had been kind of weird since Jack got his soul back. There were more tears than Dean was comfortable dealing with and more apologies than he knew how to forgive. There was only so much he could push aside for the kid’s benefit after all, and only so many times he could hear his mother’s name emerge from the mouth of her killer.
He hadn’t yelled yet though. He’d been trying so damn hard to keep his temper in check ever since Purgatory had him sobbing on his knees. The realisation of what his anger had almost cost him—more than once on reflection—had been burned into his very lungs. It had been a pretty big wake up call to say the least. So he hadn’t yelled at the kid. It wasn’t Jack’s fault. That was his new mantra and he replayed it every time he saw Jack start to tear up, every time he tried to (not so subtly) get Dean alone, as though it was the presence of Sam and Cas that was bothering him and not the fact that he couldn’t forget the weight of his mother’s body in his arms, or the all too familiar stench of her pyre as she burned for the second time. Dean had so far managed to dodge him, but he knew it wouldn’t be long before one of the others intervened on Jack’s behalf.
It had been a couple weeks now and Sam was starting to give him pointed looks whenever he made his feeble excuses about needing to make a grocery run or how he’d love to stay and talk but there was a special sci-fi movie marathon at the local movie theatre that he’d been wanting to go to, or how the washing machine had been acting up and he’d really need to concentrate while fixing it. Those looks were slowly inching from understanding towards judgemental, but he just wasn’t ready yet. He couldn’t look Jack in the eye and tell him honestly that he forgave him for killing Mary, because he didn’t. He might not exactly blame the kid anymore, but that didn’t mean Mary was forgotten.
It didn’t matter that Jack needed to hear the words from Dean’s mouth, this was something he couldn’t compromise himself on.
He hated that everyone else seemed to have a timeline for how long he was allowed to grieve, now that he had the time to grieve. It was different for Sam. It felt petty and resentful to think it but it was. Sam hadn’t missed Mary the first time, not really. You can’t miss what you never had after all and while Sam had definitely felt the absence of Mary growing up, in the spaces that Dean had been unable to fill, and he had peppered Dean with questions about her more than once, they had been more curious than sad. He hadn’t lost her the same way Dean had, nor did he remember the fire like Dean did, nor did he truly understand how different John had been before Mary died.
He wasn’t sure why that made a difference but it did. And sure, Mary had never been the idol he’d imagined her to be as a kid, but now he was struggling so hard not to put her back on that pedestal. He’d sorted through so much of his childish crap. Having Mary alive and well and fiercely stubborn had helped him to do that. Her unwillingness to compromise her independence and love of hunting in order to fulfil Dean’s fantasies of having someone tuck him in at night and tell him that it was all gonna be okay had helped Dean grow up in the way that he should have grown up the first time; not forced into it at four years old, confused and scared, the only thought in his head watch out for Sammy, but in the healthy way that Sam already somehow managed, true maturity instead of faking it because he had to.
Not just a mom, were the words he remembered most clearly.
But now he’d lost her again, and with her any chance of showing her how far he’d come. A foolish, selfish notion perhaps, but one that he’d been nursing in his chest for a very long time: the desire to prove his father wrong, to prove to himself that he wasn’t broken beyond repair, to prove to Mary that it had been her, not John, who had been the one to lay the foundation for the person he wanted to be. The person he could choose to be.
Without her he was struggling to remember why he should bother. Doing things for his own gain felt stupid and narcissistic, another lesson that John had imprinted in him. If somebody else didn’t need it from him then what was the point? Not that Mary had needed to see Dean figure out how to become a person but when she was alive at least he could lie to himself.
He’d retreated since Jack got his soul back. From everyone. Sam had been giving him space, Jack he actively avoided, and whatever progress he’d made with Cas had backslid into tiptoeing on eggshells around the guy, not wanting to hear how much he hated Dean for not showing his son the courtesy of accepting an apology, and definitely not wanting to risk a fight that led to him taking off again. He didn’t know how to fix any of it. How could he make himself forgive Jack? How could he make himself come to terms with everything he’d lost that his mother had represented to him? How could he stop missing Mary herself? The empty hole inside, imperfectly shaped, moulded around the two different Mary’s that he’d known just seemed to grow more ragged at the edges.
He was out in the woods, of course, at the spot Mary’s body had reappeared. This was where he came now when the air felt too stifling inside. It was like a grave, he supposed, a place to come and think about what a person meant to you. He’d never really had that before. He’d only been to Mary’s grave in Lawrence twice, on the day she was put in it and the day, twelve years later, that he’d had to go back. They’d moved around too much when he was young and though Bobby had offered to take him more than once when John had dumped them at his place, Dean had always refused, knowing his dad wouldn’t like it and not really seeing the point anyway.
He understood the point now. Even without a marker he still felt her here. Which he knew was dumb, because she was in Heaven with a husband who’d never really existed and two children who she’d never got to see grow up and hopefully, hopefully the two adult sons who’d grown up without her, the ones she could be proud of.
He sniffed. He always cried when he came here, he’d stopped trying to fight it. He didn’t talk to Mary, of course. She couldn’t hear him and he didn’t have anything worth saying anyway. He just came here to try and untangle the mess of thoughts in his head, maybe so he could figure out what to do next, how to fix everything without undoing whatever progress he’d made for himself.
He froze, the age-old tactic of ‘if I don’t respond it’ll go away’. It didn’t of course. And to make matters worse, it wasn’t an it, it was Cas.
“What are you doing out here?”
Dean shrugged, casual. “Just needed some air.” He didn’t turn, but he heard the sound of recognition Cas made when he realised the significance of this particular spot.
“Avoiding Jack?”
Dean turned to automatically deny it but Cas’ face was calm and without judgement. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I know he’s coming on strong,” he continued. “I’ve tried to get him to dial it back a little but he really wants to talk to you.”
“I can’t do it, Cas.” Dean said, looking back to the place his mother’s body had materialised, his voice little more than a scrape. “I can’t look him in the eye and tell him that that I’m over it. I’m not. I might not ever be.”
There was a click in Cas’ throat as he swallowed. Then, “Your forgiveness is only part of it,” he said slowly. “Albeit a major part, but he understands, Dean. He understands that what he did can’t be written off, he just wants to hear it from you. If you explain it to him, tell him that you just need time and you’ll go to him when you’re ready, he won’t keep apologising. He’s just trying to get a reaction, I think, though sometimes even I want to snap at him.”
Dean chewed that over for a moment. Cas made it sound so simple. Maybe it wasn’t so black and white as either lying to the kid or yelling that he’ll never forgive him—the only two options that Dean had been able to come up with so far—of course, it meant talking, which Dean was notoriously bad at, but the way Cas broke it down, it didn’t sound so hard. Jack was a smart kid for a three-year-old after all, and he could definitely understand ‘I don’t hate you but I need time’, which was basically what his feelings boiled down to. He didn’t have to explain everything. Hell, he’d never even tell Sam everything but Jack deserved at least the basics, what with the way he’d been freezing the kid out lately.
“What’s the other part?” he asked suddenly, remembering the first thing Cas had said, he twisted his neck around to see Cas frowning at him, his head tilted adorably to one side (yeah, he thought it, so what?).
“Isn’t it obvious? He misses you.”
Dean just blinked stupidly. “Huh?”
Cas huffed and walked forward to stand at his side. Somehow he knew not to walk in front of him and obscure his view of the clearing, but instead stayed a solid presence next to him. Cas was good like that, Dean thought, he just knew things so they didn’t have to be said; he understood in the quiet kind of way that meant more to him than he could ever express, but he was pretty sure Cas knew that too. Still, sometimes he toyed with the idea of saying it aloud.
“He misses spending time with you,” Cas clarified. “You took him fishing once, let him drive your car, taught him how to fire a gun and got him hooked on those horror films you like. He loves you, Dean, and he hates that he hurt you.”
Dean looked down then, and he dug the toe of his boot into the soft dirt. “Oh.”
A comforting weight landed on his shoulder and he didn’t need to look up at the sudden touch. Somehow, Cas had become a safe person even to his subconscious. He didn’t know when that had happened, honestly he tried not to look too closely at it, but he’d arrived at a place now where he could admit to himself, however briefly, that he really, really liked that it had.
“You’re his father too, Dean. Just as much as and me and Sam. You know that, right?
Dean shrugged the shoulder Cas wasn’t touching, not wanting him to remove his hand. “I was thinking of myself more like the fun uncle,” he said, trying to keep his tone light through the ball in his throat.
“No you weren’t.” Cas said, soft but firm, not letting Dean joke his way out of this. Which, actually, he was okay with. Cas always knew how far he could push, how far Dean needed to be pushed. Even when Sam couldn’t get the balance right, Cas always could. Still, he wouldn’t be Dean if he didn’t try.
“Prove it,” he said, flashing a grin at the angel, who merely rolled his eyes and let his hand drop. Suddenly, he was the one toeing at the grass, a hint of pink on his cheeks.
“I’ve missed you too,” he said. “For what it’s worth.”
“I’m right here.” Dean said, and then it was too late to take it back, because this wasn’t how the conversation was supposed to go. He was supposed to make another joke, a playful jab, not admiring the way the freckles of sunlight through the trees highlighted the chestnut in Cas’ hair, nor heeding the gentle warmth in his belly that only happened around Cas, nor stepping forward to place his own hand on Cas’ shoulder because he needed the contact, he needed to be grounded in these last few moments before he fucked everything up, again, and that pleasant warm feeling was beginning to twist into panic.
But then Cas met his eyes and he breathed again, even though the look in them was melancholy.
“You haven’t been,” he said. “You’ve been avoiding me as well. Or, not avoiding but you’ve been different. I wonder if perhaps you’re unable to forgive me either, but too kind to say so.”
Dean almost snorted. He was a lot of things, some of them even good, but kind wasn’t even in the top fifty. Cas gave him a look that said he knew what he was thinking and not to respond to it, so instead he pushed through his instinct and went with pure honesty.
“I can’t forgive you because I never blamed you, Cas, not really. I was just lashing out because… I dunno, because I expect more from you than I should, I guess. And it’s not fair, I know that, I just… I’m used to you fixing things, and I don’t know what to do when you can’t. And you left because I was being a dick and I can’t blame you for that. I can’t be mad because I let you slip away.”
Cas’ expression shifted then, and it was only that moment that Dean realised they were standing so close. One of Dean’s hands gripped at the arm of that damned coat and Cas was so close that he could probably—fuck—he could probably see the small tracks his tears had made. Dean was so close that he could make out the hope in Cas’ eyes, and for the first time, he wasn’t scared shitless at the sight of it. Or at least, he wasn’t so terrified that he could let Cas slip away again.
“I’m right here,” Cas echoed.
“We could be something.” Dean said, his voice a very unattractive croak, well aware that talking about this shit was so far from his wheelhouse it had a different zip code. His breath hit a few errant hairs on Cas’ forehead and they flinched in rhythm to the slight bump at the crest of each inhale where their chests nudged together. “If, you know, if you wan—”
Cas was already kissing him.
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A cursed spreadsheet
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You know when you talk about something too much to not do it? I don’t. If I did I would be in 100 bands, have read War & Peace, have a medicinal herb garden, and probably have a baby or something, maybe. But I am really good at following through with watching TV! Even if it means STARTING with ENTERPRISE.
I am also really good at making 100% useless spreadsheets when left to my own devices. Enter: Star Trek in stardate order. As a Star Trek fan, I know we are all assholes, so I know there will be some quibbling with this. My basic methodology here is taking every Trek film and season and sorting by available stardate first, airdate second. We can quibble all we want about time travel, but I don’t think it’s necessary to watch the tribble episode of DS9 at the same time as same in TOS. Yikes, see, I’m already getting in to the weeds.
Here is the cursed spreadsheet. I’m sorry.
Anyway, I made this spreadsheet, so naturally I have to watch one billion hours of television in painstaking order.
While I’m pretty obsessed with Star Trek—and I’ve been generally familiar with the lore for as long as I can remember—my actual commitment to the series started pretty late, joining my partner on a DS9 marathon midway through the first season about a decade ago.
I’d tried marathoning TNG in order, because that was what all my nerdy ass friends liked. In high school, I caught whatever was on. With the advent of streaming I tried to start from the beginning, but the dry first few episodes always lost me. I was never really sure when to jump in, although I kept watching ‘em out of order whenever they were... on.
But nothing hooked me like DS9. It was my gateway drug into everything else. I cared deeply about Captain Sisko and his commitment to the safety of his crew, the legacy of Bajoran culture, his supremely sharp and talented son Jake (who is leaps and bounds better than dumbass Wesley), and his deep friendships with the crew.
While I am now a very annoying trekkie, I do have some real gaps. I still haven’t completely mainlined TNG in order, because damn, overpowered Q is annoying. Like many of you, I have never watched Enterprise. As someone who didn’t really go out to many movies as a kid, I also have a lot of blind spots there!
So, fuck JJ Abrams, I’m gonna buckle in and do the original timeline in order. For as long as I remember to. Sorry in advance.
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love-takes-work · 5 years
Below, I’m sharing a long outline of what was discussed in this wonderful interview, for those who can’t or prefer not to listen but want to know the content. It is very long and I don’t feel like finding pictures so you’ll have to just enjoy it like it is. It’s not a transcript but it is, in my own words for the most part, a recitation of everything Susana and Rebecca talked about: musicals, the upcoming movie, animation influences, and quite a few things you did not already know.
Susana introduces the interview by saying that tons of attention is paid to the diversity and the characters and all this great stuff in the show, but she wants to talk about the science fiction aspects and the society and worldbuilding Rebecca and her team have put in. She begins by talking about how the show seems so planned considering aspects of the show's beginning feed so well into the end, and she asks Rebecca to talk about that.
Rebecca opens by saying it was conceived as a coming-of-age story, so a ton of stuff that the adults know, Steven doesn't know, allowing it to be a story about things that happened to adults but remain child-friendly. Rebecca brings up a college class on the sublime that she took, about what's going on and implied to be going on just outside the frame of the art, so she was really taken with that concept.
Rebecca claims that her planning is pretty dry, and it's just a bunch of charts. She had stuff like Fusion names and weapons from the beginning, and of course she couldn't use them in her pitch because it didn't make sense without knowing the characters. Susana mentions that CN wanted the show to be aired in no particular order, and Rebecca mentions how it was hard to work with because she DID want continuity. Planting seeds in episodes and giving puzzle pieces that'd come together later worked for a long time, while still making each episode work as a whole and be satisfying. Later, when CN came to them wanting like eight related episodes, there they had the barn arc to give them--they had already planned to make this story related. She felt it aired in a "bizarre" way, but they comforted themselves on the Crew knowing someday people would watch it how it was meant to be watched. As a lead-up to the movie, CN IS going to air "every Steven ever," so people will actually get to see it in marathon format.
Batman: The Animated Series comes up and they discuss how censorship limited what they could do on that show because of problems with glass breaking. Susana says she actually really appreciates it when stories can still be told well despite the constraints put on them, and asks Rebecca if that applies to SU. Rebecca agrees that it does, and also that she loves stuff like video games that managed to function with ridiculously small space requirements. Developers still offered up such creativity, she says. So because of the beauty that arises from those constraints, she thought she should have constraints in her show on purpose, even if it isn't applied from outside. The most obvious one for this show was that we're trapped into only knowing and seeing what Steven knows and sees. "The Test" is a good example of Steven actually seeing something he isn't supposed to see: the Gems having a private conversation about him. According to her, plenty of stuff is written about what the Gems are up to outside of what Steven knows about them, and they can only kind of hint at it.
Coming from Adventure Time, there were some similar aspects. Rebecca got to work with some of her heroes from independent comics, and she got a lot of inspiration from them. On Adventure Time, it's our world but far in the future, and Rebecca would have loved to do something similar with Steven because she loved that aspect. Quite a few of the Adventure Time crew had come over from Flapjack and they thought it would be funny if the Adventure Time characters found a tape of Flapjack. As much as it would have been cool to take that idea for her show, that was theirs, so Steven's is more like it's our Earth but in an alternate timeline where Gems invaded 6,000 years ago. She rattles off some known similarities and differences of our two worlds, and elaborates on how Hollywood is in Kansas because in that world Disney never left where they started. Laugh-O-Gram Studio took off like it didn't in our timeline. She has a ton of other info like that but it won't matter to reveal it until or unless it matters to Steven. (She also throws in that Harman-Ising could be Ising-Harman in her world if they never figured out how cute it would be to have it the other way.)
When Susana asks about how she took so many details and managed to make a pilot with enough of them that she could get a show with it, Rebecca takes a turn into discussing working on Hotel Transylvania (for just a month!) with Genndy Tartakovsky. She had been planning to have a month off, but then Genndy asked, so she of course couldn't say no and felt she learned a ton. (She wrote the Steven Universe theme song in the car during that commute, by the way, given that she had a lot of time to sing and be alone.) When she hit Genndy with some of her ideas, he advised her to slim the details down and just boil it into its essence--who are the people and what is their relationship to each other? She still uses that advice, trying to condense things from macro to micro. She has succeeded since in figuring out how to keep the complexity and still assert the simplicity. Ultimately, you can keep those details but you don't have to emphasize them if they're not feeding into the main point. They'll drag the piece down. They discuss Genndy's role as the Animation Director on her pilot, which happened when she was asking if he knew anyone and he ended up saying he'd do it himself. She was so shocked that he agreed to direct her pilot that she was dazed and ran into a pole in the parking lot. The whistling of the wind through the resulting dent always made her giddy because she was thinking she would be working with Genndy.
Susana then turns to discussing Rebecca's influences and brings up Revolutionary Girl Utena. Rebecca mentions that she initially saw Utena because a person named Connie lent it to her in high school, so that's where SU's Connie's name comes from. Rebecca points out how hilarious Utena is in addition to being beautiful. She felt it was formative because Utena was "gender expansive and bisexual." Rebecca saw the movie first (which she doesn't recommend doing), then saw the series and then the movie again. She wanted to understand why the characters were turning into cars. (Chronicler's note: I was equally baffled by the Utena movie's car chase and car transformation stuff in the early 2000s. I did not know what to make of it.)
Rebecca elaborates on Utena and art influences, saying she loves to trace artists' influences to see where their pieces were coming from. She saw that Utena is very influenced by Princess Knight, and she was thrilled to visit places in Japan that influenced Osamu Tezuka. The Takurazuka Theatre is in Tezuka's town, and Rebecca describes how every show there is performed only by women. She felt that having this theater there influencing Tezuka certainly inspired him to include gender expansiveness in his work. The influences are so obvious when you look at the sources, and now all of this that came through Tezuka's work then through Utena then to Rebecca is so incredible.
When Susana brings up trends and how magical girl stuff influenced today's creators, Rebecca says she prefers not to think of it as a trend really because some of what's roaring out in popularity now was always around but was actively prevented from being made in the past. She talks about watching Tenchi Universe (the "Universe" part of SU came from Tenchi!) and Sailor Moon on CN, knowing it wasn't American, but she didn't really realize it "didn't belong" on the network, and felt that her access to influences was really unusually open--especially since her dad was an animation nerd and had a bunch of unusual stuff that influenced her, especially stuff that gave her a peek into how animation actually worked and knowledge that she could be one of the people making it. If she could call anything a trend now, it's that that sort of access is now available to more people because of the interconnectedness of the Internet and how we're so much more capable of influencing each other now.
They then discuss some anime stuff they had been exposed to and how Rebecca helped with an intro to Whisper of the Heart which is her favorite movie. She discusses how that movie (and Kiki's Delivery Service) are good representations of creative processes and sometimes what happens if an artist is blocked. She thinks the actual craft and work associated with the process is more important (and more interesting) than talent. Rebecca adores artists who take notes and figure out how to make their stuff good versus a specific moment of inspiration or an artist just "bleeding" their talent on everything. Art is a craft! You can study it! This is front and center in Whisper of the Heart. Rebecca discusses the Russian movie Film Film Film (which influenced the Zircons' design), and it has a writer character who is afraid that his process will destroy something inspired by a muse. She thinks it's a really interesting look at process.
Next they discuss a science fiction story in another format: the book The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin. Kat Morris lent Rebecca the book while they were roommates at the very beginning of when the show was starting. She loved seeing how the world worked in the book through the way they treated the main character. They also discuss the artist Jules Feiffer, who Rebecca had a relationship with because she carpooled with his nephews. They gave her a book of his called A Barrel of Laughs, A Vale of Tears. She loved it so much, especially how it deconstructed fairy tale tropes. One story was about a prince whose special ability made people close to him laugh themselves senseless, so he really couldn't have a relationship with anyone. She considers this an influence on Pink Diamond as a character. The SU character Sadie was named after this book's character Plain Sadie.
Next, Susana asks about musical influences for the show. Rebecca names Patti LuPone first. She saw Patti as Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd and remembers seeing her playing the tuba in this weird arrangement where the cast was also the orchestra. She was so impressed. When she later wrote to Patti asking her to be Yellow Diamond, she referenced learning from her that a person could be so dramatic that it's funny and vice versa. She also has a "chills" moment from a different show, during "Everything's Coming Up Roses," where the character she's playing is imagining an audience going wild but the actual audience IS going wild.
As they discuss how the upcoming movie is a musical, Rebecca talks about going home with Ian after work and putting on musicals or movies based on TV shows so they can "study" for what they're doing. She'd take notes about what works and what doesn't and why. She loves these old movies that dissolve into total weirdness by the third act. She references Ziegfeld Girl and Busby Berkeley movies, which were an influence on Homeworld's style. She subscribes to a philosophy attributed to Bob Fosse that characters have to be feeling something strongly if they're compelled to sing. She makes a reference to A Goofy Movie as a movie that moved from a TV show to a movie. She wished that movie had more songs.
Susana and Rebecca discuss the movie, some intense moments, the history of Goofy and how different some of the old versions of him are, and how a description of Goofy by Art Babbitt was influential on her. She loves that cartoons can be so many things, and she adores studying moments from them and incorporating them. There are some really horrifying discoveries you can make, but you can also reinterpret some of the beautiful moments and stir them together to get new brilliance.
Susana says many songs in Steven Universe become the centerpiece of an episode, but in "Mr. Greg" it's more like a typical musical even though it's an episode of a cartoon show. Rebecca agrees that it was great practice for the movie. She was more moved by that episode coming back than any other so far by that point. She also felt that "For Just One Day Let's Only Think About (Love)," the song, was a great practice musical song--especially since there's all that chatting in between singing. That song was really influenced by A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum's song "Comedy Tonight." She finds those kinds of musicals so much fun. She was influenced in "Mr. Greg" by Victor/Victoria--specifically the song "Crazy World" when the camera is panning around the protagonist (who's wearing a suit). They're of course dated, but they contain beautiful moments. She took home some of the Pearl drawings from "It's Over, Isn't It" when she went to the studio in Korea. (Yes, Steven Universe is animated on paper, though the color is digital.) Elaborating on "Mr. Greg," she says the episode became much simpler and sweeter--originally there was some intense stuff in there, like Pearl picking up cars and throwing them at Greg.
Back to the movie, Susana points out that Rebecca's been studying how to make a conversion to a cinematic story versus a really long TV episode. What makes something feel like a movie? Rebecca struggles to figure out how to talk about it without saying too much. She figures you have to dig into the fundamentals of the show--make a movie about something new, but something basic. She loved the Dexter movie and it was so smart. Rebecca has a weird connection to the Beavis and Butt-Head movie too (some of her crew worked on the movie!), but she thinks even that movie is smart because they're all about watching TV and in the movie their TV is taken.
Susana then asks about the movie length format and how it felt from going from a very short TV format to a movie. Rebecca's word to describe it is "terrifying." The episode "Change Your Mind" was 44 minutes and that was a ridiculously long format for them--but it carried the extra baggage of tying up so much of what they'd dumped into the show. Rebecca said they couldn't really even "feel good" about finishing it because the immediate next step was something that was so much more of everything hard about "Change Your Mind." Rebecca elaborates on the elements that were ramped up for the movie and concludes "What I'm trying to say is I'm really tired." She's really, really excited for us to see it. It's so different than a bunch of episodes tied together, even if it was eight "Mr. Greg" episodes. All the pieces have to be awesome and then tied together have all the pieces inform each other. She remembers being impressed by anime as a kid because it usually told interconnected stories, and she thought that would be really hard; turns out self-contained episodes are even harder, and she has to kind of do both on her show. She thinks of her songs like that too--they must be good on their own, but they enhance each other by all being part of the same work and building something better together.
Finally, Susana asks what comes next after Steven Universe--one day, when the show does end, what does Rebecca want to do? Well, take time off, write some guitar songs, write poetry no one will ever see, and so on. Rebecca says that her head is really in SU now though, and there's so much more to do--yes, there is more to tell that comes after the movie, and she wants us to know there are also stories that belong in that two-year gap between the end of "Change Your Mind" and the beginning of the movie, but she feels this is a good place to stop talking. She's so excited about everything we have yet to see.
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