#snowy grouper
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antiqueanimals · 1 year ago
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An Artist's Catch: Watercolors by Frank Stick (1884-1966). Edited by David Stick. Published in 1981.
Internet Archive
1.) Black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci)
2.) Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus)
3.) Warsaw grouper (Hyporthodus nigritus)
4.) Snowy grouper (Hyporthodus niveatus)
5.) Rock hind (Epinephelus ascensions)
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tytonidyke · 2 months ago
Everybody say hiiiiii fishies from my work 🐟
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i-give-you-a-fish · 8 months ago
hello fish guy! may i get a fish please?
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You get a Snowy Grouper
Hyporthodus niveatus
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runningfrom2am · 2 years ago
the sea around us; chapter four
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 2.9k
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On our way back, we stopped at the wharf because there was a bunch of commotion surrounding the police pulling a body out on a stretcher. We stopped and asked someone what happened, and we were informed that the body was none other than Scooter Grubbs. A lifelong pogue who somehow recently came into possession of, drumroll please, a Grady White. Which was now missing. My heart absolutely broke for his wife, Lana, as we saw her fall apart next to the stretcher. I truly couldn't imagine. Watching it was bringing me to tears, so JJ grabbed me by my shoulders and rubbed my back as he guided me back onto the HMS Pogue.
The drive back to the chateau was almost silent. Which we can hardly ever stand, but I could tell we were all just thinking so hard about what on earth happened. Why did Scooter end up with a gun, that much cash, and a Grady White?
We hop out of the boat back at John B's house, and Pope senses that now is the time to break the silence. "So, we saw nothing. We know nothing. We need to have total and complete amnesia."
"Pope is right," JJ says, unloading Kie's cooler from the Pogue. "Deny, deny, deny."
"Guys, we also can't keep that money JJ took," Kie says, shaking her head.
"And the gun!" I add, looking around at everyone to scan their responses.
"Yes, definitely the gun." Kie agrees.
"Kie, not everyone can afford unlimited data plans." JJ rebuts, John B agreeing.
"JJ, the girls are right. This is insane." Pope says. As I said, our collective voice of reason. "We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs."
"It's bad karma waiting to happen," Kie says.
"Not to mention a felony," I mumble, crossing my arms. "We've got to go totally dark."
"Exactly, and keep the money. No one will know we took anything if we don't return it." Kie, Pope, and I all simultaneously roll our eyes at JJ.
"No... No way." John B says, shaking his head as we all get up on the porch of the chateau and I lean on the edge of a chair.
"What? Why?" JJ asks, turning his hat backward as he approaches John B.
"Just think about it, this is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about. Some dude that's been buying cigarettes individually at the porthole. I have literally seen him beg for change in the grocery store parking lot so he could pay for gas." John B is right, this guy has never had a dime to his name. "We're talking about a dirtbag marina rat whose never had more than forty bucks in his pocket and all of a sudden-"
Kie cuts him off. "He's got a Grady White..."
"Just saying." John B says, raising his hands, mocking surrender as he sits down next to me.
"There's only one way he could have got his hands on all this shit," JJ says and I raise my eyebrow at him. "Well, two. One: Prostitution," I scoff. "or two: square groupers." He says smugly.
"Oh my god, the hurricane... He was smuggling." I say quietly, seeing the realization show up on everyone else's faces as well.
"Bingo, Snowy. I guarantee he was using it for straight smuggling. Probably a serious amount of contraband on board."
Later that night, of course, the topic gets brought up again. It's pretty much the only thing we can talk about tonight, one of the only things on our minds.
We find ourselves sprawled across John B's room at this point. John B sat at his window, with Pope on the bed, Kiara on a chair, and JJ at the window opposite of the bed right next to me. JJ leans back into me after Pope snatched the money in question from his hand. "For the record, if that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband inside of it. . . It probably belongs to someone else."
Kie shrugged. "Minor details."
Pope continued as if he hadn't heard her. "They could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid."
JJ leaned forward and snatched the money back. Spreading it so they could all see the multiple hundred dollar bills as he said, "Right. Well, stupid things have good outcomes all the time." He glanced over his shoulder, gaze meeting mine as he grinned. I return the amused smile as JJ looks toward the others. "All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck. Until then, we just lay low. Act normal."
Pope seemed skeptical, as usual. "Right. And how exactly do we do that?"
My gaze meets Kie's, and slow smiles grow on our faces, and we raise our eyebrows at each other; we're definitely thinking the same thing.
Kie looks towards the others, grin widening. "Kegger?"
After we grab the keg and a few twelve packs for ourselves we make it out to the beach with cups, drinks, weed, and recycling bags (in Kie's case) in hand. It isn't long before we start to draw a crowd made up of kooks and pogues alike, along with some tourons. "Chum for the sharks", as John B would describe them- basically tourists on a vacation with their families, hoping to escape their parents for the evening.
John B and I are in charge of filling cups and handing out beers until we realize enough is enough and we're here to party. Not be bartenders. To be fair though, it was an almost "one for you, one for us" vibe, and we were already pretty drunk by the time the sun starts to set.
"Snowy! Come here!" Kie calls to me, holding out her hand. I can smell the weed on her, so it's clear what she and JJ have been up to.
"Hey." I smile, wrapping my arms around her waist when I walk up. "What can I do for you, Kie?"
"Nothing, I just missed you." Kie smiles, hugging me back.
"Kie, I need to borrow Snowy for a sec if that's cool-" It's JJ, and his arms are suddenly in between us pushing us apart as we both start laughing.
"Yeah okay, steal my friend, JJ. So rude." Kie giggles, pointing her fingers at her eyes and then at JJ as she turns to walk over to John B and Pope, where they're playing beer pong.
"What is up with drunk girls, man? You get one drink in you and just start mackin' all over each other." JJ asks, laughing as he has his arm around my waist, guiding me in the opposite direction.
"You're so dramatic, we were just hugging." I laugh, rolling my eyes and giving him a gentle shove, almost falling back myself in the process as I stumble over my own feet.
"Right- yeah so you're actually way more drunk than I thought you are, so maybe we should start to head back."
I'm not even that drunk. "I'm not even that drunk JJ, come on. What are we doing anyway? Where are you taking me?" I ask him, reaching up and putting my arm over his shoulders. It's not the most comfortable, since he's a decent amount taller than I am.
"A walk! What, I can't take my favorite girl for a walk these days?" JJ laughs, glancing back behind us. "Do you want to sit?" He asks, stopping. I nod and smile as he takes his shirt off, placing it on the ground for us to sit on.
I sit down on his shirt, crossing my legs in front of me and looking out at the sunset. JJ joins me, leaning his arm back behind me to hold himself up, and so I can lean back into him as well.
"It's beautiful," I say quietly, leaning my head on his shoulder and I can feel JJ's eyes on me.
"Yeah.." He agrees.
I glance down the beach at the party, seeing everyone back there having fun, the music sounds so distant.
"I miss BC." I sigh, my drunk mind letting me speak my every thought.
"Why?" JJ chuckles a little bit, pushing some of my hair out of my face with his free hand. "You wouldn't be a pogue and be friends with the coolest kids in the OBX if you were still up there. Besides, have you ever seen a sunset like this?" He asks.
I nod. "Yeah.. the sunsets back home were beautiful. This is too, duh, but so different. Watching the sunset over the mountains was something else. I miss watching them during bush parties. The vibe was similar, but everyone was miles from home with no service, everyone had a tent or their cars were loaded with blankets to sleep in, and you were surrounded by trees, sometimes on the side of a lake. The sun would start to set, then we'd get a bonfire going, and everyone would reek of smoke for the next week. It was.. special. Kegs would take me with him, I was too young to drink so he never let me, but he wanted to get me out of the house." I ramble on and JJ just listens. You wouldn't think he's a good listener, but he really is.
"I'm glad you moved. Maybe that's selfish of me." He says, smiling at me, his hand still on my cheek. I smile back. I can't tell if the beer just isn't sitting well, or if I have a million butterflies suddenly flying around in my stomach. I think it's the latter. "Maybe, if you don't mind, one day, we can all take a trip up there. I think that would be sweet." JJ suggests.
"Thanks, J. That's a nice idea. I don't know if the Twinkie would survive, though..." I trail off, getting more nervous as he stares into my eyes, scanning them, I wonder what he's thinking about. His eyes darted down for a split second to my lips, and I suddenly know. I should want this. I've been obsessed with him for years, I should want this, but something in my gut tells me I don't. I'm scared he'll just shut me out again- that he is just doing this to be cruel. "Maybe we should head back?" I ask, starting to get up. "It's getting pretty dark, I don't have my phone," I explain brushing off my butt and legs to make sure I'm not covered in sand. JJ gets up next to me silently, shaking off his shirt and putting it back on as we start to walk back.
"I just saw Sarah Cameron. She's here." Kie says, approaching us quickly as we rejoin everyone.
Translation: Sarah Cameron? Kook Princess, she has all of the boys in Kildare County falling at her feet. Kie's ex-best girlfriend- before me. Currently, her worst enemy. Daughter of Ward Cameron, real estate god of the Outer Banks, and younger sister of, you guessed it, Rafe Cameron.
"Oh god," I sigh, I already know this won't go down well if any contact is made. "I wonder if Rafe is here," I ask, more to myself than to Kie.
"What, Rafe? Why?" She asks me, tilting her head to the side and I can feel JJ's gaze burning into me, making me blush.
"No reason, I was wondering if maybe Kegs was here, they're hardly ever apart."
"Right, well if Sarah's here, that means Topper is here. If Topper is here, Rafe and Kegs are probably here, so yeah." Kie says, pausing for a second of confusion partway through her sentence so she could remember what she was saying.
I nod slightly and scan the crowd, looking for anybody familiar. John B walks us to us, wrapping his arms around me and Kie's shoulders. "How are my favorite girls?" He asks, rubbing our heads to mess up our hair. They know we both hate it. "Having fun?" He asks, just as I see Kegs approaching me, quickly. I push John B off and start to walk towards my brother, so he doesn't get involved with my friends. I notice he's with Topper, but no Rafe today. The beach parties were never his scene, though, as far as I know.
"Snowy, what are you doing?" Kegs asks me, he's angry, of course.
"Nothing! Jesus Christ- I can't hang out with my friends for one night." I say, pushing him back angrily. He hardly budges. "What do you want?"
"Sarah said she saw you making out with JJ," Kegs said, and I hear someone walking up behind me.
"Hey, yeah so that literally didn't happen." It was JJ, and he cut in before I could explain the same thing.
"You're a fucking liar," Kegs said, getting up in JJ's face now, but he doesn't falter.
"Kegs. Just fuck off." I sigh, running my hand through my hair. "She didn't see anything."
"I'm not lying, man. I promise you, the second I get the chance to mack on your sister, the whole damn world will know." JJ says, taking a step closer to my brother, moving so he's standing in front of me. "I'll call you personally." In shock, I look back at Kie, seeing her put her face in her hands and shake her head- even Pope and John B can see that that was not the right response.
I can see Kegs get super tense, and he pushes JJ back slightly and raises his arm, but I step in and grab his wrist. "Don't you dare, Kegs! Are you kidding?" I say, trying to prevent him from taking a swing at JJ. "He's just trying to rile you up, he's literally joking."
He's breathing heavily, refusing to look at me. "Kegs, you're drunk. Go the fuck home." I say, trying to shove him back again. Just then, Pope comes in and wraps his arms around me, lifting me up and pulling me back, as John B steps in next to JJ. They can tell that I'm not making a difference here. "No! Pope, seriously put me down. Nothing happened, my brother is being a dick." I try to explain. "Sarah's a fucking liar!" I shout, pointing my finger at her as I try to wiggle out of Pope's grip- but it's almost hopeless.
"Watch your mouth!" Topper says angrily, beginning to walk over.
"Hey, man, wait, she didn't mean it," Pope says, trying to diffuse the situation as he covers my mouth with his hand. I'm so mad, but more embarrassed right now.
Just then, I hear gasps and grab at Pope's arms as his grip loosens on me, JJ threw the first punch after my brother wouldn't. Fuck.
"Kegs! Kegs don't- I'm sorry, don't hurt him!" I shout, feeling tears run down my cheeks now as Pope quickly dropped his hand in shock. "Leave him alone!" It didn't matter. They start fighting, and JJ pushes my brother back, turning for a second to catch his breath.
"Dirty fucking pogues.." Kegs says, making John B turn from JJ's side and shove my brother back again.
Kegs is fucking delusional.
He pushes John B back into the water, and they keep fighting despite all of us screaming.
"Kegs, please! Stop!" I shout, but I can tell neither of them can hear anything. "What do we do?" I ask my friends, and when they all stand in shock, I run from Pope's grip and grab my brother, who's now kneeling over John B, whose head is in the water.
"He's drowning him- JJ, do something!" I hear Kie say, as I try desperately to push Kegs off, but he lets go of John B with one hand to shove me off of him. Pretty much as soon as I hit the water, everyone gasps and then gets quiet. Very uncharacteristic for fight spectators, until I hear a click, and push my wet hair out of my eyes and see what's happening.
"Yeah, you know what that is, your move, broski."
"Oh, my god." I start backing up, scrambling to stand up. Kie is already at my side and I hug her, hug her so hard, and put my face in her shoulder, pretending that this isn't really happening. It doesn't work. I peek back up to watch, to make sure everything is okay. That Kegs is okay.
"JJ, stop!" Everyone is yelling at him now.
Kegs lets go of John B and raises his hands, I look briefly over at Topper and Sarah and they look freaked. We all are. Everyone on the beach starts to run as JJ turns and raises the gun in the air. "Okay, everybody listen up!" He shouts. "Get the hell off our side of the island!" He shoots two warning shots up into the air.
John B finally sits up out of the water, and Kie and I rush over to him. "John B, oh my god." I give him a big hug and then Kie helps him up as I run over to my brother who's starting to leave.
"Kegs! Kegs are you okay?" I ask, but he still won't look at me. "Kegs, look at me!" I shout and he stops, turning to me angrily.
"You're psycho friend just put a gun to my fucking head- Snow. Just wait until Mom and Dad hear this. I could have died! Your friend tried to kill me!"
"You were drowning John B! He wasn't going to shoot you he just wanted you to stop. Please, Kegs.." He clearly didn't want to hear it, and he starts walking away, catching up with Topper and Sarah.
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Explore the Possibilities with Gulf of Mexico Commercial Fishing Permits
Are you on the hunt for a fishing ground teeming with a diverse array of fish species? Or, do you already have a Gulf of Mexico commercial fishing operation and are looking to simplify the permit process? For many years, the Commercial Fishing Permits Center has been a steadfast partner to commercial fishing experts, enabling them to fish how they want in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere. Now, we can put that experience to work for you. On our platform, you can discover a selection of Gulf of Mexico Federal Commercial Fishing Permits tailored to your specific needs.
The Gulf of Mexico Commercial Reef Fish Commercial Fishing Permit
If you possess Coast Guard documentation or valid state registration and have duly submitted an application for the Vessel EEZ, this permit can open up a new world of prospects in the Gulf of Mexico. With it, you gain access to a variety of Grouper species, including Red, Gag, Yellowfin, Snowy, and more. Furthermore, you can cast your nets for various types of snapper and tilefish, as well as Speckled Hind, Greater Amberjack, Gray Triggerfish, Wreckfish, and Banded Rudderfish, among others. It’s essential to note that this endeavor necessitates the installation of a VMS (Vessel Monitoring System).
Essentials for Eastern Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Bottom Long Line Fishing
Equipped with an RR (Reef Fish) permit, you can partake in fishing activities targeting many of the aforementioned species, along with others such as Scamp, Hogfish, and numerous others. One noteworthy detail we wish to highlight: the renewal deadlines. They may seem like they’re all at the same time, but really, they aren’t. For example, in the case of this permit, renewal is mandated on the last day of the permit holder’s birth month. If you have any questions about how, how it affects your business, or something similar, our dedicated staff can address any inquiries you may have.
Dealer Permits for Expansive Opportunities
Dealers, too, have real opportunity in the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Dealer Fishing (Open Access) permit bestows dealers and buyers with access to a multitude of species, including those mentioned previously and additional varieties like Atlantic Mahi Mahi, Cobia, Cottonwick, Saucereye Porgy, Coney, Schoolmaster, and many more. Another significant advantage of this permit is how it extends to areas beyond the Gulf of Mexico, such as the New England and the Mid-Atlantic regions.
More Than Just Gulf of Mexico Federal Commercial Fishing Permits
Speaking of expanding horizons beyond the Gulf of Mexico, that is precisely what kinds of permits and licenses we offer —an extensive array of permits, licenses, and more designed to facilitate fishing opportunities spanning the entire United States.
Whether your pursuits take you to the Gulf of Mexico, the New England coastlines, the distant reaches of the Pacific Islands, or the open waters of the West Coast, you can find the permits you need right here. Moreover, we streamline the application process, ensuring that you receive the necessary forms promptly when you need them. To learn more, click here. Safe travels.
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httpstes · 2 years ago
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Random things that remind me of Venus in Water signs <33 *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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: ̗̀➛ Cancer venus
Moon goddess, white cupcakes, soft makeup, pastels, twinkling stars, ball gowns, sleeping beauty, Bridgeton, velvet dresses, aurora borealis, moonstone, labradorite, ex lovers, childhood crushes, historical events that for some reason bring you a lot of nostalgia, warm cardigans, rosy cheeks, plump lips, angel wings, tattoos that are aesthetically pleasing but also have some rlly deep meaning behind them..in saying that probably has tattoos that are related to their loved ones, mini skirts, crescent moon, autumn leaves, picnics in the park, constantly getting hit by nostalgia then crying about your childhood, sad/serene resting face, calm river flow in forests, doll eyes, cathedrals, atonement, victorian homes and decor, mid-western gothic towns, struggling to live in the present because you’re in a constant state of reminiscing on the past, red and white candles, love spells, love sick, Ludus (playful love) and Agape (love for everyone), learning that unconditional love has its consequences.
: ̗̀➛ Scorpio venus
The mystics, love magick, killer smile, captivating love, people are addicted to you and the way you love, possession, the goth kids from southpark 😭, the hot detective in crime/horror films, small snowy village, probably went through a creepypasta phase, alex g, rlly cool piercings, coraline, uniquely shaped snowflakes, ending up on the scary side of Ao3, twitter, tumblr on multiple occasions, whimsigothic clothes, bela lugosi's dead, american horror story, finding solace in painful memories, joe goldberg (derogatory), exploring abandoned buildings, dark crystal, Evanescence, religious imagery, cathedrals, questionable taste in people, alluring eyes, creepy cute dolls, interest in the paranormal, sirens and pixies, deftones, obsidian, malachite, lavenders, twilight, overgrown houses.
: ̗̀➛ Pisces venus
shells, frozen lakes, Falls for the wrong people, likes the idea of light and dark energy.. yin and yang.. opposites attract type of beat, gives out too much love, normally the medic or healer in video games, always there for moral support, grandfather clocks, mermaids, poison tree by grouper, randomly remembering early childhood memories, angel numbers, spiritual/astrological tattoos, auras, maladaptive daydreaming, falling for the idea you create of people, kogal gyaru or Himegyaru, snails or turtles both seem very wise :), castles, the backrooms LMAO, angels, water lilies, american horror story (specifically the coven and hotel season), ENA, blindly following a cult or being the cult leader, playing in an empty park, rainbows, cottages, persephone and hades, blue lace agate, aquamarine, mazzy star, the cure, koi fish.
<<Hello everyone sorry for my long hiatus! It has finally come to an end!! School has already started for me so I’ll try post once a week however that’s just me saying shit and it’s not guaranteed 😭 I hope everyone has been doing well :))>>
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exhunting · 5 years ago
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https://ift.tt/3d9S0qv Snowy Grouper Virginia Beach, VA Longwood University @austinadubois https://t.co/7CLaDa5Tic https://ift.tt/36CYz2g
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dirtyboatcharters · 5 years ago
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Few Jacks we caught out on the hump and a Snowy Grouper while deep dropping!! #getyousomeofthat #islamoradafishing #islamoradaflorida #fishdontstandachance #graytaxidermyflkeys #robbiesofislamorada #fishhard #fishing #fishingflorida #fishinglife #splitcharter #florida #floridakeys #costa #accuratefishing #dirtyboat #flkeys #islamorada #hatteras #charterboat #fishingpicoftheday #saltycrew #SEEWHATSOUTTHERE #alutecnos @threeriversmarine @manatee.mike_ @attinthekeys (at DirtyBoat Charters) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBnVZlWAjzR/?igshid=1n9uwquk27sf1
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therandombanjo · 5 years ago
Songs From 2019 (one per artist)
Another mixed bag of stuff i either enjoyed a lot, thought was excellent or interesting (regardless of taste… sort of), emerging artists to maybe look out for, and generally music that for whatever reason connected with me in some way, including the odd earworm i just couldn’t shake. Some artists are left off just to vary a little more from some other popular lists. Hope you enjoy some of this too and find something new to be taken by. Please do buy their music if you can and hopefully from a local independent record store if possible to support their work. There’s a spotify playlist (below) for easier listening but I’ve also posted a few links to extra things on some of them if you want to check them out.  Spotify:
(As ever…. as i don’t tumblr or blog or anything (besides this list), this won’t be seen by many (if any?) people so if you like it or think it’s of any worth in any way, please do share this along)
In Alphabetical order:
A.A. Bondy - Killers 3 Abdallah Oumbadougou - Thingalene Alasdair Roberts - Common Clay Alex Rex - Latest Regret Andy Shauf - Try Again Angel Bat Dawid - We Are Starzz Angel Olsen - All Mirrors        bonus. her collab with Mark Ronson “True Blue” Anne Müller - Solo? Repeat! Antoinette Konan - Kokoloko Tani Arthur Russell - Words Of Love Asmâa Hamzaoui and Bnat Timbouktou - Sandia Baby Rose - All To Myself BCI - Grateful Bedouine - When You’re Gone Benny The Butcher - Crowns For Kings      ft. Black Thought Ben Walker - Afon Better Oblivion Community Center - Chesapeake Beverly Glenn-Copeland - A Little Talk     (from a reissue of her 2004 record Primal Prayer) Bibio - Curls The Big Moon - It’s Easy Then Big Thief - a. Not    b. Cattails    (from 2 excellent albums released in the same year: “U.F.O.F” and “Two Hands”) Bill Callahan - a. What Comes After Certainty    b. The Ballad Of The Hulk Bill Fay - Filled With Wonder Once Again Bill Orcutt - Odds Against Tomorrow billy woods - a. Spongebob w/ Kenny Segal     b. Western Education Is Forbidden    ft. Fielded        (From 2 excellent records this year: “Hiding Places” with Kenny Segal, and “Terror Management”) Black Country, New Road - Sunglasses Blu & Oh No - The Lost Angels Anthem    ft. Kezia Bon Iver - Hey, Ma Bonnie “Prince” Billy - Beast For Thee Bonny Light Horseman - Bonny Light Horseman      (”supergroup” of the great Anaïs Mitchell, Eric D Johnson & Josh Kaufman) Brent Cobb & Jade Bird - Feet Off The Ground Brighde Chaimbeul -  O Chiadain an Lo Brigyn - Oer Brittany Howard - Stay High    (the video for this, with Terry Crews, is a delight) Bruce Hornsby - Voyager One    ft. yMusic Burd Ellen - Sweet Lemany Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh and Thomas Bartlett - Kestrel Caribou - You and I Caroline Polachek - Door Cate Le Bon - Daylight Matters Caterina Barbieri - Arrows Of Time Clairo - Bags Cochemea - Mitote comfort - Not Passing The Cool Greenhouse - Cardboard Man    (a pretty hilarious song about David Cameron) CRAC - You Can’t Turn Your Back On Me    (Unreleased old track from ‘76) Cross Record - PYSOL My Castle CZ Wang and Neo Image - Just Off Wave Damon Locks / Black Monument Ensemble - a. Rebuild a Nation   b. Power Daniel Norgren - The Flow Danny Brown - Dirty Laundry Daphni - Sizzling    ft. Paradise Daughter Of Swords - Fellows      (Mountain Man member Alexandra Sauser-Monnig’s 1st solo record) Dave - Psycho David Kilgour - Smoke You Right Out Of Here David Thomas Broughton - Ambiguity     (from the 15th anniversary reissue of his remarkable debut album, The Complete Guide To Insufficiency) Denzel Curry - RICKY Destroyer - Crimson Tide Dry Cleaning - Dog Proposal Dubi Dolczek - Do The Gloop Durand Jones & The Indications - Long Way Home Ela Orleans - The Season      (From 2012 but on a career retrospective, Movies For Ears, put out this year) Elkhorn - Song Of The Son Emile Mosseri - a. The Last Black Man In San Francisco b. San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair)    ft. Mike Marshall         (both from the wonderful score for the wonderful film The Last Black Man In San Francisco, the latter a cover of an old song sung here by the guy who sang “I Got 5 On It”!!) Erland Cooper - Haar Ernest Hood - Saturday Morning Doze        (from a re-issue of his “self-released proto-ambient masterpiece” in ‘75) Fat White Family - Feet Faye Webster - Room Temperature Fennesz - In My Room Fernando Falcão -  As 7 Filhas Da Rainha Sumaia     (reissue from ‘87) FKA twigs - cellophane Florist - Shadow Bloom Flowdan - Welcome To London Fontaines D.C. - Roy’s Tune Four Tet / KH - Only Human French Vanilla - All The Time Gang Starr - Family and Loyalty   ft. J. Cole Georgia - About Work The Dancefloor Girl Band - Shoulderblades The Good Ones - Will You Be My Protector?   (of Rwanda) Grand Veymont - Les Rapides Bleus       (of France) Gyedu-Blay Ambolley - Sunkwa     (of Ghana) Hailaker - Not Much HAIM - Summer GIrl Hana Vu - Actress Hand Habits - placeholder Hannah Cohen - Get In Line The Harlem Gospel Travellers - If You Can’t Make It Through A Storm Hayden Thorpe - Diviner     (Former Wild Beasts frontman’s debut solo record) Helado Negro - Running The Highwomen - Redesigning Women Hiss Golden Messenger - I Need A Teacher Holly Herndon - Frontier Homeboy Sandman - Far Out Hoops - They Say Hotel Neon & Blurstem - Language Of Loss House and Land - Rainbow ‘Mid Life’s Willows Ibibio Sound Machine - Wanna Come Down IDER - Saddest Generation The Innocence Mission - On Your Side International Teachers Of Pop - I Stole Yer Plimsoles    ft. Jason Williamson (of Sleaford Mods) Jacken Elswyth - The Banks Of Green Williow Jaimie Branch - nuevo roquero estéreo Jake Xerxes Fussell - The River St. Johns Jamila Woods - ZORA Jayda G - Leave Room 2 Breathe Jenny Hval - Ashes To Ashes       Jenny Lewis - Red Bull and Hennessy Jesca Hoop - Outside of Eden     ft. Kate Stables (of This Is The Kit) and Jesca’s 12 year-old nephew Justis. This live performance is so sweet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUPmE_hU7Ss Jessica Pratt - As The World Turns Joanna Sternberg - This Is Not Who I Want To Be Joan Shelley - Cycle John Blek - North Star Lady Jordan Rakei - Say Something        bonus. under his DJ pseudonym: Dan Kye - Focus Jo Schornikow - Incomplete Joseph Shabason - West of Heaven Julianna Barwick - evening Junius Paul - Baker’s Dozen Kali Malone - Spectacle Of Ritual Kate Teague - Sweetheart Kate Tempest - a. Firesmoke    b. People’s Faces Kelly Moran - Halogen (Una Corda)       (from a record full of all the bare piano parts she played for her prior record before all the editing and processing) Kim Gordon - Air BnB Kindness - Hard To Believe     ft. Jazmine Sullivan KOKOKO! - Buka Dansa     (Congolese collective upcycling discarded materials to make their instruments) Konradsen - Baby Hallelujah     (of Norway) Lambchop - Everything For You Laura Cannell - a. Sing As The Crow Flies     b. Flaxen Fields Laura Stevenson - Lay Back, Arms Out Le Groupe Obscur -  Planète Ténèbres Leonard Cohen - Happens To The Heart Leo Svirsky - River Without Banks Little Simz - 101 FM Lizzo - Tempo   ft. Missy Elliot Loren Conors & Daniel Carter - Departing Lou Roy - Bite Low Chord - Walkk Lower Dens - Galapagos Mahalia - What You Did    ft. Ella Mai Majja - Black James Dean Maria Somerville - This Way Maria Usbeck - Amor Anciano Mary Halvorson & John Dieterich - Vega’s Array      (Mary the recipient of the MacArthur “Genius” Grant this year, because she is) Mary Lattimore & Mac McCaughan - IV Matana Roberts - As Far As The Eye Can See Meitei - Ike Melanie Charles - Trill Suite, No. 1 (Daydreaming/Skylark) The Menzingers - Anna Messiahs Of Glory - No Other Love      (from a collection of rare black gospel from the Midwest between ‘65-’78 put out on Tompkins Square) Mica Levi - a. Hosting     b. Lobo y Lady (from the excellent Colombian film Monos) Michael Abels - a. I Got 5 On It (Tethered Mix)    b. Pas De Deux (both from the terrific score to the excellent Jordan Peele film, Us) Michael Kiwanuka - Living In Denial Michael Nau - Poor Condition Mike Adams At His Honest Weight - Wonderful To Love Minor Pieces - Rothko      (duo of Ian William Craig & newcomer Missy Donaldson) Modern Nature - Footsteps Molly Sarlé - Twisted      (Mountain Man member’s 1st solo record) Moodymann - I’ll Provide Moon Duo - Stars Are The Light Moor Mother - After Images Moses Boyd - Stranger Than Fiction Moses Sumney - Polly Mount Eerie & Julie Doiron - Love Without Possession MSYLMA - Inqirad (Rihab-U Dhakir)     (Saudi Arabia) The Murder Capital - Don’t Cling To Life Nardeydey - Freefalling The National - Rylan   ft. Kate Stables (of This Is The Kit) The New Pornographers - Falling Down The Stairs Of Your Smile Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - a. Waiting For You   b. Bright Horses   c. Night Raid Nivhek - After Its Own Death: Side A    (Liz Harris of Grouper) Noname - Song 32 Octo Octa - Move Your Body ODD OKODDO - Auma      (Kenyan/German duo) Øyvind Torvund - Starry Night      (Norwegian composer) Pet Shop Boys - Burning The Heather Petter Eldh - Fanfarum for Komarum II Porridge Radio - Give/Take PREGOBLIN - Combustion Purple Mountains - a. Snow Is Falling In Manhattan    b. All My Happiness Is Gone   c. That’s Just The Way That I Feel Quelle Chris - Obamacare Quinie - Whas At The Windy Rapsody - Ibtihaj   ft. D’Angelo & GZA Reb Fountain - Faster Rian Treanor - ATAXIA_A1 Richard Dawson - Two Halves Robert Stillman - All Are Welcome Róisín Murphy - Incapable Rosalía - Milionària Rosenau & Sanborn - Saturday Rozi Plain - Symmetrical Ruth Garbus - Strash Sam Lee - The Moon Shines Bright   ft. Elizabeth Fraser (of Cocteau Twins) Sam Wilkes - Run Sandro Perri - Soft Landing SAULT - Smile and Go Seabuckthorn - To Which The Rest Were Dreamt serpentwithfeet - Receipts    ft. Ty Dolla $ign Sessa - Flor do Real         (of Brazil) Sheer Mag - Hardly To Blame Shit and Shine - No No No No Sinead O Brien - A Thing You Call Joy Siobhan Wilson - Plastic Grave Six Organs Of Admittance - Two Forms Moving Sleaford Mods - Kebab Spider Slow Meadow - Artificial Algorithm Snowy - EFFED    ft. Jason Williamson (of Sleaford Mods) SOAK - Knock Me Off My Feet Solange - Binz Sophie Crawford - A Miner’s Life Squid - Houseplants         bonus. Their cover of Robert Wyatt’s  “PIgs..... In There at End of the Road Festival) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DktZtQbo-YU Stella Donnelly - Old Man SUSS - Ursa Major Swamp Dogg - Sleeping Without You Is A Dragg   ft. Justin Vernon & Jenny Lewis Tami T - Birthday  Tenesha The Wordsmith - Why White Folks Can’t Call Me Nigga Theon Cross - Activate     ft. Moses Boyd & Nubya Garcia Thom Yorke - Dawn Chorus Tierra Whack - Wasteland Tim Hecker - That World Tiny Leaves - Respair Toya Delazy - Funani         (of South Africa) Twain - Death (Or S.F.?) Twin Peaks - Dance Through It Tyler Childers - All Your��n Vagabon - Water Me Down Vampire Weekend - This Life Vanishing Twin - Magicians Success Velvet Negroni - Confetti Vendredi Sur Mer - Chewing-Gum      (of France) Victoria Monét - Ass Like That Vieo Abiungo - Cobble Together Visible Cloaks - Stratum      ft. Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano Warmduscher - Midnight Dipper Weyes Blood - Andromeda Wilco - Love Is Everywhere (Beware) William Tyler - Our Lady Of The Desert Willie Scott & The Birmingham Spirituals - Keep Your Faith To The Sky     (from a collection of obscure 70′s era gospel on Luaka Bop, “The Time For Peace Is Now - Gospel Music About Us”) Xylouris White - Tree Song Ye Vagabonds - The Foggy Dew Zsela - Noise
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solusidigital21 · 2 years ago
The Hidden Mystery Behind Do Animals Have Favorite Foods
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He saw cleaners ingratiating themselves with certain shoppers: they gave choice to visiting fish resembling groupers, quite than the smaller, native fish that didn't have the option of going elsewhere. If they’re hungry, they’re going to wait and watch you as a result of they wish to see what you’re as much as. Then again, if you need extra of a uncommon selection you occurred to develop (like my prized black tulips), separate them from different flowers and water them day by day. This is just like a mechanic getting away with shoddy automobile services when there aren't any competing companies in city. All flimsy tools break after 30 uses, so you will need to craft one other one or purchase one from Timmy at resident companies for 400 Bells. Consequently, see fishing as more of a completionist train than a lucrative one! This is called reversal studying - and when the primatologists learn that consequence, they took notice. The problem was to be taught to eat from the temporary plate first, earlier than it disappeared - and the scientists counted how many trials it took for the animal to determine this out.
He took his first lessons throughout a snowy winter in Lake Starnberg, then set off for the Red Sea, establishing camp in Ras Mohammed National Park in Egypt. As soon as you craft your first bug web and fishing pole, start handing over your collected critters to Tom Nook. Ravens are currently shown below the 'Critters' part of the participant's assortment; nevertheless, they have not but been added to the sport. “I have at all times had plenty of respect for fish,” says Bshary. “I imply, yeah, certain. “I think primatologists tend to make huge claims because they search for the evolutionary chain and compare the primates' behaviours to people, as a substitute of wanting down the evolutionary chain to see if the phenomena also existed in lower species,” he says. There’s no rush to catch any of them, as you’ll have a complete month or extra to seize them, but make sure you donate any new finds to Blathers to complete your Museum. I needed to highlight them, since Nature’s Plus will very rarely have their products on sale.
At night time, capturing stars will occasionally flash across the sky. Watch the total trailer now for The Flash. “In the mornings he would get up and instantly put on his wetsuit and leap straight into the sea,” recalls former student Erica van de Waal, now a research fellow at the University of Zurich. He would wake up and immediately placed on his wetsuit and jump straight into the sea. It was 1998, and Bshary was a young behavioural ecologist with a dream venture: snorkelling in Egypt's Red Sea to observe the behaviour of coral-reef fish. Such experiments take endurance: some fish take a month just to regulate to the tanks. Each animal was offered with food on two differently coloured plates, one in all which was a permanent fixture in their tanks or pens, whereas the other was temporary. Over the next few years Bshary would seize fish in the wild reefs, home them in tanks in the course of his experiments, then launch them.
By revealing that fish cooperate, cheat and punish, Redouan Bshary has challenged ideas about mind evolution. Redouan Bshary well remembers the moment he realized that fish have been smarter than they are given credit score for. 68. Fish pen methodology - inland water in lakes or lagoon. 69. Fish pond methodology - recent, brackish or marine water. All fish dwell in water and have gills, scales and fins. Whether you consider fish to be meat or not, this doesn’t change the truth that fish are animals. Do animals have favorite foods? Luckily, when it is round, it appears all day, so you do not have to worry in regards to the time. That day, he was watching a grumpy-looking grouper fish because it approached an enormous moray eel. Whale sharks are one of many more reliable and accessible shark breeds, as while other sorts of sharks such as the Saw Shark can only be caught within the later hours of the day, the Whale Shark will be caught at any level in the day. In a single experiment, he confirmed that when cleaners work in male and feminine pairs, as often happens within the wild, they are much less prone to cheat than when they work alone6; and that this is generally because the female will get punished by being chased around by the male if she slacks off7.
Much of the talk comes down to the simple indisputable fact that we can’t ask a fish - or a dog, or a hen - how they’re feeling. And he discovered even more bizarre details concerning the social lives of fish. As two of the area's top predators, groupers and morays might be expected to compete for their food and even keep away from one another - however Bshary saw them crew up to hunt. He saw that unsatisfied clients generally punish cheating cleaners by chasing them round, and that this punishment makes these fish much less prone to cheat3. And he noticed reconciliation: if cleaners behaved badly, they then massaged the backs of offended purchasers with their pelvic fins5. The cleaner fish solved the issue first8; they have evolved of their ecological area of interest to preferentially feast from visiting purchasers earlier than they disappear. The 'social mind' concept argues that primates advanced brains which are massive for his or her physique size to manage their unusually complex social techniques. She has a stroll-in freezer the size of a ticket sales space at a film theater, useless animals waiting their flip. “Reversal studying has usually been touted as the gold customary of common cognitive abilities,” says van Schaik - a sophisticated talent that correlates with brain dimension.
“For me this system was a gold mine,” Bshary says, and he mined lots of gold. Colostrums is a laxative that helps clear the digestive system of a newborn. 29. Remember: Newborn ought to obtain colostrums throughout their 1st to 3rd day. What time does the brand new day begin? After that, you'll have to succeed in Level 20 to begin Deek’s Questline and the final quest of Deek will get you Phoenix. As you begin your game off in the Plaza, you’re bound to return throughout fairly just a few little Squirrels operating round, and most of them shall be very happy to run proper as much as you. A couple of more labels will already assist different people discover the right info. Together with just a few college students, Bshary spent two full months a year camped on a scorching seaside, sleeping below the stars, eating a weight-reduction plan of fruit and vegetables and doing four exhausting, 75-minute dives a day. It can be caught all day from Nov - April & July - Sep (N) or Jan - Oct (S). Armie Hammer Suffers The Loss of His Dad, Michael Armand Hammer - Nicki Swift,Actor Armie Hammer's father, Michael Armand Hammer, died on Nov. 20, 2022. Learn extra about the circumstances surrounding his dying.
Every fish you catch in three minutes earns you some extent, and in case you catch greater than three fish, you’ll earn two bonus factors. You possibly can catch fish in any portion of the river. Our respective fish listing, sea creatures list and bug checklist pages additionally provide recommendation on easy methods to catch some of the tougher to get varieties which seem in these lists. It's your duty to adjust to the import requirements of the authorities at the destination, and the chart beneath will help you discover the rules and regulations that impression you and your fish or different aquatic animal. ○ Are you able to play Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch Lite? People for the ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) appears to have expanded its cause to include virtual fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the wildly widespread video sport for the Nintendo Switch. When Bshary and Brosnan switched the colored plates in order that the permanent one suddenly turned temporary and vice versa, the fish once more understood the change sooner than the apes did (and equally as quick as the capuchins)8. Additionally it is considered one of solely 4 fish that spawn there. There was one small downside: Bshary had never been scuba diving.
Cleaner' fish, such because the brightly striped wrasse, will nibble parasites off the skin of 'consumer' fish in small coral territories known as cleaning stations. He discovered, for instance, that fish did not simply commerce parasites for skin cleaning; the cleaner fish also cheated on the deal. Armed with a plastic underwater writing slate, a pencil and a stopwatch, he shadowed shopper fish, observing their interactions with the wrasse cleaner fish - and shortly collected proof of a effectively-functioning market. But that modified when Bshary teamed up with primatologist Sarah Brosnan at Georgia State University in Atlanta to directly pit the abilities of cleaner fish against capuchin monkeys, chimpanzees and orang-utans in a foraging check. He simulated the selection that cleaners make between parasites and mucus by constructing moveable plastic plates smeared with prawn, which the fish love, and fish flakes, which they enjoy much less. Be sure that it has positively ignored your line nonetheless, as when you forged too early, it's going to swim away. He was employed, nevertheless, on the other side of the world: first on the University of Liverpool, UK, and now on the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Dig up the clam with a shovel - if that is your first time discovering one then your villager will say that they might probably use it for a new DIY recipe.
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twoconchs · 2 years ago
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@twoconchs @capt_mike_macko @firstmatejc @r.j.kw got the crew loaded up a bunch of Queen Snapper, Snowy Grouper, Barrel fish, Scamp Grouper, Tilefish, Blackfin Tuna, Almaco Jacks and released some big Amberjack and landed this 211 pound Warsaw Grouper. #twoconchs #floridakeys #inthemeat #meathaul (at Marathon, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci42xnAr9CY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sflfishing · 3 years ago
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If you want to experience first-class fishing charters in Key Largo, then South Florida Fishing LLC is proud to offer a luxury South Florida fishing guide. Our captain, Elmo's, favourite things to do are deep dive for snowy grouper, golden tile, blue line tile, rosies, and swordfish. Any day is a good day to be on a boat fishing in the Florida Keys with Captain Elmo and his crew. Book with confidence as our boat provides everything you need for a day on the water.
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runningfrom2am · 2 years ago
the sea around us; chapter eight
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 1.9k
my masterlist
series masterlist
We sit on the idea of what to do next for a couple of days, trying to figure out what Big John meant by "Redfield" in the compass. I end up crashing at John B's with him and JJ, but it's hard to act like everything is normal with JJ. I am definitely not a confrontational person, and neither is he. Not with me, anyway. Other people? Absolutely.
It's now Friday afternoon, and we're sitting in Big John's study, I have a notebook in front of me with scribbled ideas of what it could be as an anagram or what else it could mean, and John B is just staring at the compass in his hand. I think JJ is taking a nap, but I'm not sure. We hear a dirtbike pull up outside.
"Did you hear JJ leave?" I ask John B and he shakes his head. We share a confused look before getting up and going sneakily looking out the window, hoping it's not the groupers again.
"Who is that?" It's not JJ's bike. It was not until they remove their black helmet that I could tell who it was.
"Rafe?" John B says, still looking confused.
"Oh, hold on," I say, opening the door and heading out to him.
"Hi, Rafe." I smile, giving the tall brunette a quick wave.
"Hey, Snowy." He returns my smile. "How are you doing? I just wanted to check up on you." Rafe asks me and I shrug.
"I'm pretty good, just chillin' these days." I chuckle a little. "What can I do for you?" I ask. Rafe isn't here just for fun- he has a less-than-stellar relationship with my friends.
"Well I hadn't heard from you, and that party is tonight, so..." He explains, rubbing the back of his neck as he leans back against the bike.
"Oh! Yeah, I forgot. I'm totally still down though." I smile, I'm honestly surprised he remembered that he invited me. Or cared to check up on me.
Rafe grins at me and he nods. "Want to come back with me now and go for pre's?" He asks. "That way your friends don't have to drive you."
I look back at the porch, seeing John B and now JJ standing in the door. "Yeah, I think that might be for the best.." I chuckle. "Just give me one sec, I'll grab my drinks." I turn and do a light jog back up to the chateau.
"What does he want, Snowy?" JJ asks, following me in.
"He invited me to that party tonight, so I'm just going to go with him now for pre's, and so John B doesn't have to drive me," I explain, throwing my stuff into my backpack.
"Well, I'll drive you if you really want to go."
"No, dude. He's already here. Don't worry about it." I smile at JJ and he looks disappointed.
"So are you macking on Rafe Cameron now? Is that it?" He asks and I sigh, standing up to face him.
"No, JJ. I'm not. Besides, no pogue on pogue macking, right? He's like, one of my only options anyways."
I see anger flash across his eyes as I finish my sentence. "Snowy, you literally have to be joking. You're turning into your brother."
I close John B's bedroom door so I can get changed, but keep talking to JJ through it.
"No, JJ. I'm not. Rafe is nice to me, we're friends," I reply. Are we friends though? I don't really know. "It's just one party, JJ. You wouldn't pass that up."
He sighs and rolls his eyes at me, throwing his hands up just as I open the door.
"Why do you care so much anyways?" I ask him frustratedly. "Did you want to be invited? Is that it? It's not like I'm never coming back, it's one night."
"That's not the point. We've got so much going on right now-" JJ starts to explain and I cut him off. Rafe is waiting and I have to go.
"JJ, we'll talk about this later, okay? I'll be back tonight." I say, walking past him and John B as I leave.
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"See you guys later," I tell them, waving back at John B as he watches, then he looks back at JJ and grabs his shoulders. I can't make out what they're saying, but John B pushes him back inside and shuts the door as I approach Rafe.
"Hey.. thanks for waiting." I smile, and he holds his helmet out to me.
"Yeah, no problem." He replies, helping me put it on after I tuck my hair back behind my ears. "Everything okay in there?" Rafe asks me and I nod, the visor of the helmet falling down as I do and making us both laugh.
"JJ is just being weird, it's kind of what he does." I joke, I don't really need Rafe knowing all our business. Also, I don't want to rant on careless ears about a problem that even I don't understand. I should be mad at JJ- not the other way around. I just can't bring myself to stay mad.
I climb on the back of the bike, lost in my thoughts until Rafe talking to me brings me back to reality. "Snowy?"
"I need you to hold on." He repeats himself and I wrap my arms around his waist.
"Right, yeah. Sorry.."
Rafe starts up the bike and I look back at the chateau as we drive off. I'm dreading having to talk to JJ later.
Turned out, pre's was at Tannyhill. And it was just me and Rafe. I was expecting a bigger crowd, at least a few people, including possibly my brother, but no. We're sitting on the porch on the second floor, overlooking the estate and the water. "You have a beautiful home," I tell Rafe, speaking over the music coming from the built-in wall speakers as I sit on a chair across from him, a coffee table between us.
"Oh, thanks. My dad said something about it belonging to a slave who bought his freedom here." He shrugs, taking another sip of his drink. I have my backpack sitting next to me, still full of drinks. I've only had one, honestly, I'm a little nervous that a group of Kooks will jump out and laugh at me for thinking Rafe actually wanted to spend time with me. I know what would make me more comfortable. Probably another drink. Or seven.
"Hey, do you hear that?" I ask, holding my hand up to my ear. Rafe just looks confused- clearly, he's never seen this bit before.
"Hear what?" He asks, looking
"Shotgun? I hear a shotgun." I laugh, standing up as I grab another tea from my bag, holding it out to him.
Rafe laughs and nods a little, standing up as he takes it from me. I grab my keys out of my pocket and stab a hole in my can near the bottom, trading drinks with Rafe to open the other one.
I'm getting ready to down mine when Rafe loops his arm through mine, and we make eye contact. He smiles at me, and we awkwardly try and clink our cans together, which doesn't really work, so we just spill a bunch of our teas on the floor, making us laugh.
"Okay.." He laughs. "Bottoms up?"
I nod and bring the can to my mouth, cracking the top and I start chugging. Rafe is quite a bit taller than me, so he has to lean down quite a bit to be able to reach the can to his mouth with his arm linked to mine.
I drink as fast as I can, taking a total of about three seconds before I drop it down and step away. I beat Rafe by a fraction of a second.
"Damn." Rafe chuckles, wiping his mouth as he shakes his can to see if there's any left, then drops it on the ground. "You do a mean shotgun."
"Pogue life." I shrug, smiling up at him.
"Your brother is quick too- I honestly think you might be able to beat him."
"Nah, I've tried." I laugh, sitting down on the couch where Rafe was sitting before. "Kids who learned to drink in BC are built different. I swear."
Rafe chuckles as he sits down next to me.
"Did you?"
"No, I told you this! I was like fourteen when I moved here."
"Oh, right. I forgot. You were maybe a little too young for all that."
"I still technically am." I laugh, getting up to grab another drink.
"No, I don't think so. You just proved it." Rafe waves it off with a laugh. "I started drinking when I was probably thirteen."
I roll my eyes at him playfully. "That's not the flex you think it is. So, when is this party? And where? I probably should have asked before blindly agreeing to go." I smile as I sit back down next to him.
"Uh, well, it's at Kelce's, in about an hour. But we can go whenever if you want to get out of here."
"Oh, no. I'm okay to leave whenever. Also, I hate being the first person at a party. I'm a fashionably late, type." I explain, feeling like I'm loosening up already.
"Me too." Rafe nods, putting his arm across the back of the couch behind me. I lean back, resting my head on his arm. I feel him tense up a little on the back of my neck.
I look up at him and smile a bit, partly hoping to relax him a little, and partly because I can't help it. He smiles back. I can tell he's thinking, it doesn't feel like a heavy silence. I relish the opportunity to look at his features without feeling embarrassed. He's so.. pretty.
"Thank you for inviting me," I say, breaking the silence and then taking a sip of my drink.
"I want you there, I think it will be fun," Rafe explains.
"What would prompt you to invite your best friends little sister to a party? I mean, I'm pretty sure he sees me as I was when we moved. Essentially still a baby." I laugh.
"You gotta give him some credit, you're like, the only thing he actually cares about." Rafe replies. "And I get it, I mean, family is the most important thing in this life. In my opinion, anyways." He shrugs.
I nod a little bit. "You know, when we were younger, and we would fight, like actually physically fight each other, my mom would get super mad, always cry, always say the same thing.." I laugh slightly, "she would say 'Juliette, Keegan, one day you'll only have each other, so don't throw that away now. For anything. And one day, one of you won't even have that, and you'll wish you still had someone to fight with.'" I say, trying to mimic her voice.
Rafe nods. "I mean, she's right. That whole 'you don't know what you have until it's gone', thing. It scares me, honestly."
"Yeah, and I always used to roll my eyes at that too. Now I just feel bad." I say truthfully. My mother had always tried so hard to keep us together- but now she's the one kicking me out. The life of a middle child, I suppose. "But really, I don't think you need to be afraid. We have power over it, I guess is what she meant."
"True- but Sarah already isn't my biggest fan. Wheeze will be the same, give it a few years."
"Hey, there are few things worse in the eyes of a teenage girl than her older brother- take it from me though, it doesn't matter. She still loves you." I tell him, looking up at him. "And Wheezie always will too." I nudge him a little.
Rafe chuckles softly, nodding again. "You're pretty wise for a younger sister." He teases me.
"Listen, you forget I'm also a big sister and third parent to two eleven year olds. I had to mature quickly to be able to handle that. I'm basically mentally retired at this point." I laugh.
"Tell me about it." Rafe laughs, and just then, his phone rings and he lifts his arm from where it's fallen around my shoulder to answer it.
"Hey, Kegs." He answers, looking at me and giving me a look, pretending to be nervous. I laugh quietly and cover my mouth.
"Yeah, I'm coming. I'll be there in a bit. No, I've got a ride, thanks. Yeah. Yeah, I'll bring some, you owe me though. I'll see you later." That was all I could hear on our side of the conversation.
"What are you bringing him?" I ask, crossing my arms.
"Drinks, we'll stop at the store on the way," Rafe says flatly, standing up and putting his phone back in his pocket. "Maybe we can go now?" He suggests and I get up, grabbing my stuff and our empty cans off the ground.
"Just leave them," Rafe tells me, so I place them down on the coffee table and then follow him back out of the house.
After stopping for some more drinks, even though we had crammed as many as we could already in my backpack, we got to Kelce's and it seems like we were already fashionably late anyways. Rafe bought me a few more drinks that I had never tried, suggesting that we pool our drinks and just share them. That's fine by me.
He takes my bag from me as we get off the bike. It was hurting my neck anyways. "Thanks," I say, scrunching my shoulders and moving my neck to try and get the pain to dissipate.
"Rafe! Buddy!" I hear someone shout drunkenly, stumbling out down the stairs from the deck. Kelce- of course. "Hey, Kelce." Rafe smiles, pulling the other boy into a half hug.
"And you brought princess of the pogues! Hey Snowy. How's it going?" He asks me, pulling me into a hug as well before I can respond. I make eye contact with Rafe over Kelce's shoulder and share a look that says 'wow, he's already drunk'.
"Y'all interested in playing catch-up?" Kelce laughs, putting one arm around each of us and leading us up to his house.
Cut to a couple of hours later, I'm on the verge of a blackout. I remember seeing Kegs, but not talking to him. Hugging him and crying in his arms, though, I have some minor recollection of. I feel lighter; like we're okay again. I love him so much.
I'm pulled from my train of thought as music blasts around me in the colorfully lit room. There's something about rainbow LEDs that make you feel drunker, I think. I'm screaming the lyrics to some Taylor Swift song that's playing, and I feel someone's arms around my waist, hugging me from behind as I'm dancing. I feel safe, somehow. "What song is this again?" It's Rafe. I get a pang in my chest- I know if my friends were to see this right now I would be in big trouble. This feeling very quickly disappears as I answer him.
"Baby, we're the New Romantics," I sing along to the chorus so he can hear me over everything, turning in his arms and exaggerating the part that has the title of the song.
"Come on, come along with me, Heartbreak is the national anthem, we sing it proudly!" I continue screaming out the lyrics to one of my favorite songs.
I see Rafe laugh and nod as he gets it, trying his best to sing along but it's clear he doesn't know the words. It makes me laugh as I wrap my arms around his neck, holding my drink in both hands behind his head. What am I doing? The voice in the back of my head is telling me. Whatever I want.
"I take it you like Taylor Swift?" He asks, practically shouting over the music.
"A little." I joke and he nods.
"Right, just a little."
"I'm more of a Rep girl than 1989," I explain, shrugging. I can tell he has no clue what that means, but he smiles anyway.
After so many hours of him not leaving my side for more than a couple minutes, talking about everything under the sun, discovering we have so much in common but nothing at the same time, and about eight drinks and five shots, I've decided I am completely obsessed with the man in front of me. I get butterflies in my stomach remembering how he would instantly come back for me if he had to leave even for a minute. I giggle out loud unintentionally as I'm thinking, leaning my head into Rafe's chest and I feel him hold me tighter. I pull away a moment later as the music slows for the bridge, looking up at the boy I've been glued to all night. We make eye contact, he was already looking at me.
Before I know what's happening, he grabs my cheeks and kisses me. And I'm kissing him back. I'm so, so drunk- but I've never felt soberer. Nothing has ever felt so right. And so wrong. But so, so right.
We only stop to catch our breath when the song is about to stop, our foreheads still pressed together like we couldn't ever bear to be apart again. Oh no.
"Juliette." Rafe mumbles, letting one hand leave my cheek and settle in my hair. I move back a little bit, not wanting to startle him into thinking I didn't want that.
"I- I'm gonna run to the bathroom," I say, pulling away, walking past him towards the stairs. I feel like I'm in a wind tunnel- I can hardly walk straight as I go up the stairs, stopping halfway to down the rest of my drink. I make it into the bathroom and lock the door behind me, leaning against the door. I can't help it when a smile creeps onto my face. I hate when people call me Juliette. But oh, how I love it when he does.
A/N; was this a plot twist? maybe? not really? i loved writing this so much? oh my god, i'm kicking my feet and giggling rn for real. i love him. anyway, let me know your thoughts as usual :) -R
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hireafishingcharters · 3 years ago
Hire a Fishing Charters
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The regulations and guidelines that govern fishing are every severa and fluid. A constitution captain has his ear to the floor, and will receive important updates regarding the maximum present day  myrtle beach fishing charter  seize and keep allowances, which often exchange with very little word. Sometimes a “season” is in reality a three or even -day period, which opens with only some day’s be aware. If you’re virtually excessive approximately your foray into entertainment sport fishing: pal up with a pro. Visit your neighborhood address or fly shops, or pop into the jetty to rub elbows with the professionals coming off the water.
Fishing charters have all of the important device needed to make your fishing journey a success. They’ll supply the specified fishing bait and suitable equipment depending on which waters you need to move fishing in. Besides, maximum charters are individuals of constitution institutions which include of professional fishers. These professionals make up a massive jogging network and could assist every other in finding and catching the splendid catches of the day. Working with a constitution boat, consequently, ensures you have were given the guidance of professional anglers.Chartered fishing journeys are led by means of captains who're expert anglers and function years of experience underneath their belt. The captains apprehend the waters higher than you would have a look at from critiques or online belongings. During your experience, the captain will percentage useful records and educate you the entirety you need to apprehend approximately catching exceptional fish species. Even if you’re an professional fishing aficionado, you may pick up a problem or two.
 Grouper fishing– grouper are a delectable Florida fish, but catching them can be a difficult sport given their massive preventing nature. Grouper fishing entails the big goliath, this is included through capture and launch because it has been overfished. Other species encompass black, gag, scamp, snowy, and red, all of which might be in loads in Florida. Kingfish fishing– hiring a charter fishing boat is critical whilst going for a kingfish fishing trip since the specie migrates inside the direction of wintry weather and spends the season off the coast of Florida. During spring and summer season, the training heads again into the northern water. A expert angler is aware of the ones behavior and wherein kingfish education is possibly to be hiding at any given season.
 Redfish fishing– the name of the game to a a achievement redfish fishing trip is to understand their habitat and conduct when wintry weather comes. They love shallow waters, with smaller redfish education more than the larger ones. During iciness, they migrate offshore and head to deeper waters wherein they maintain on natural and artificial reefs Snook fishing– snook migrate hundreds based at the triumphing climate, however they attain this inside a small area, a trait that makes snook fishing a difficult exercise with out expert steerage. Tarpon fishing– taking a captain on tarpon fishing revel in lets in in that he's privy to in which to look for tarpon at every given season.
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Gulf of Mexico Federal Commercial Fishing Permits to Fish for Many Species
Have you been searching for a region where there are so many different kinds of fish you could make a profit on? Are you looking for ways to take advantage of Gulf of Mexico fishing opportunities? Over the years, here at the Commercial Fishing Permits Center, we’ve helped so many commercial fishing professionals to do the kind of fishing they want (all while in compliance with the authorities) in the Gulf of Mexico. At our site, you can find all of the Gulf of Mexico federal commercial fishing permits you may need (and then some). The Gulf of Mexico Commercial Reef Fish Commercial Fishing Permit If you have Coast Guard documentation or valid state registration (as well as submit an application for the Vessel EEZ), then you can absolutely take advantage of some tremendous opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico with this permit. For example, this allows you to fish there for all different kinds of Grouper: Red, Snowy, Yellowfin, Gag, and more. Additionally, you can fish for multiple kinds of snapper, tilefish, as well as Speckled Hind, Gray Triggerfish, Banded Rudderfish, Greater Amberjack, and of course, Wreckfish. Something to keep in mind, however: A VMS/Vessel Monitoring System is required. What to Know for Eastern Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Bottom Long Line Fishing With a RR/Reef Fish permit, you’ll be able to fish for many of the above species as well as others such as Scamp, Hogfish, and plenty of others. One thing we always want to highlight to potential clients: when these forms have to be renewed. While it makes sense that they would all have similar deadlines, they don’t. For example, this form has to be renewed on the last day of the permit holder’s birth month. Our staff is always happy to answer any questions you might have. Dealer Permits, Too Dealers have plenty of opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico as well. The Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Dealer Fishing  (Open Access) permit, for one, empowers dealers and buyers with many of the species mentioned above. It also includes others like  Atlantic Mahi Mahi, Coney, Cobia, Cottonwick, Saucereye Porgy, Schoolmaster, and plenty of others. Another benefit to this permit: management areas are expanded beyond the Gulf of Mexico to New England and the Mid-Atlantic. More Than Just Gulf of Mexico Federal Commercial Fishing Permits Speaking of “expanded beyond the Gulf of Mexico,” that’s exactly what we offer: many permits, licenses, and more, that can help you to take advantage of fishing opportunities all around the United States. Whether you’re in the Gulf of Mexico, off of the coasts of New England, far out in the Pacific Island region, or on the high seas of the West Coast, you’ll find the permits you need right here. Moreover, you’ll find an easier way to complete them and get the forms back when you need them. Should you have any questions, you can reach us at (866) 292-4204.
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gillzonline · 4 years ago
3 Saltwater Fishing Activities Every Floridian Angler Has to Try At Least Once
Florida is, without a doubt, one of the sportfishing capitals of the world. The abundance of freshwater and saltwater fisheries paired with the huge variety of angling opportunities are the reason the state attracts so many. Florida offers particularly rich prospects when it comes to saltwater fishing—everything from deep-dropping 2000-feet underwater to triggering dolphinfish with topwater plugs. However, all Florida fishing locales are likely to share the Sunshine State’s intense weather. So, before you head out on the water, pick up some sunscreen, performance fishing shirts, and any other gear to enjoy epic Florida fishing.
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Prepping for Your Excursion
In addition to the blazing sun and relentless UV rays, it’s not uncommon for Florida storms to roll in unexpectedly. Be sure to prepare accordingly. This means wearing performance fishing gear, complete with rain gear, just in case. Never hit the water without a fishing hat and polarized shades. And if you have yet to experience the comfort and protection of a fishing mask, now is the time to give it a try.
Deep-Dropping for Rare Trophies
Deep-dropping provides committed Florida anglers the chance to chase many species that can otherwise prove elusive, such as the snowy grouper, tilefish, queen snapper, the iconic swordfish, and many others. Nowadays, most deep-dropping anglers employ an electric reel for larger, more challenging species. However, if you’re a purist who’s committed to fighting 300-plus pounds of swordfish up through 1500 feet of water, more power to you.
Trolling for the Ultimate Game Fish in the Gulf Stream
Fishing the Gulf Stream might require a bit of travel, but it is widely considered well worth it. The Gulf Stream is populated by some of the world’s most sought-after game fish, including blue marlin, other billfish, mahi-mahi, several tuna species, wahoo, massive sharks, and more. Trolling is among the most common fishing strategies in the gulf stream and has yielded undeniably impressive results.
Night Fishing for Monsters at Bridges
Bridges and other structures draw baitfish at night just as they do during the day. That, in turn, attracts a whole collection of fishable predator species. Night fishing also provides the opportunity to target, or unintentionally hook, species rarely found during daylight hours. Nighttime bridge fishing is also a convenient option for fishing after work without venturing too far out of the urban areas many anglers live. Expect quality sheepshead, groupers, sharks, and a lot more when hitting those bridges at night. Good luck and good fishing.
About Gillz®
Kent Hickman has been passionate about fishing for his entire life. That love was stoked by growing up near the world-class fisheries of his native Florida, which he hit at every opportunity. As an adult, that same passion for angling brought him to the professional fishing tournament circuit. However, Kent soon found it nearly impossible to get his hands on fishing apparel that reliably stood up to the harsh, demanding conditions Florida’s anglers face daily. Kent recognized that anglers needed fishing apparel just as hardcore as they were to keep them comfortable and cool while on the water. That gear had to protect them from the elements, the blazing heat, and the unrelenting UV rays of the Florida sun. That’s why Kent founded Gillz® in 2009 to ensure all hardcore anglers, from Florida to Maine and beyond, had access to high-performance, high-tech, professional-grade, and always stylish fishing apparel. Gillz® gear now includes shirts for fishing, polarized sunglasses and hats, fishing masks, accessories, and more.
Choose Gillz® high-performance fishing gear for every saltwater fishing spot you hit at https://gillz-gear.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/2QikKad
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