splinterclan · 13 days
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Moon 15.1: Home and together again <3
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janadog · 23 days
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Snompelt! For @splinterclan
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splinterclan · 9 days
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Moon 16: Ooo?
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splinterclan · 1 month
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Moon 13: :(
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splinterclan · 1 month
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Moon 14.2: Comfort times
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splinterclan · 1 month
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Moon 14.1: All we can do
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splinterclan · 2 months
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Moon 11: Life going on
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splinterclan · 2 months
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Moon 8.1: Good boys episode.
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splinterclan · 2 months
snompelt, do you know what your name means? did your twolegs ever tell you?
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OOC: Yeah they're friends!
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splinterclan · 2 months
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Dropletsplash doesn't hate Moorsnow - it's definitely complicated. She hates the things Moor did, but more than anything she just wants Moor to apologize and be better. Her worst fear is Moor not improving/leaving her with all these bad feelings about her childhood and no resolution, which means if Moor dies... I mean along with all that, she's her mom :(
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splinterclan · 2 months
snompaw how are you so fluffy and perfect
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OOC here because i couldn't think of someone who'd say this to Snom but I still wanted to draw you a round boi :3
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splinterclan · 1 month
Intermission 01
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splinterclan · 1 month
How many brain cells do they all have? Just out of curiosity
Whorlstar: Like 5 at least but 1 when she looks at Moorsnow
Moorsnow: 2.5 she's dense
Myrtleflower: like 45 but they are contained in the dashcon ballpit
Dropletsplash: 1 Giga braincell that makes her mind huge
Snompelt: he doesn't need any he's like :3
Cedarpaw and Pansybloom: they've shared a braincell since they were born but unfortunately Pansy has had it the whole time RIP cedarpaw <3
Wingstep: unfathomable
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splinterclan · 2 months
Splinterclan Entrance
Heya thanks for checking this blog out! I am keeping very close with Clangen's rng for this, but will be adding extra lore when I can.
Read from the start here
Allegiances beneath the cut! (May not be fully updated, I keep forgetting 😭)
a quick note about asks - i've really liked answering them and getting to flesh out parts of the story that i couldn't in the main moon updates, but if I don't get to answer yours it's only bc I couldn't think of a way to integrate it in time OR I read and did little heart eyes at you but I don't want this blog to only be asks so i am just holding yours in my hands to look at personally.
I still read and think about every ask I get, but since I prioritize drawing the actual moons some just don't get answered in time/at all and I'm sorry! Thank you for sending them anyways ;;n;;!!!!
Leader: Whorlstar - female - 97 - lonesome - prophecy seeker
Deputy: Moorsnow - female - 73 - strict - den builder and good hunter
Healer: Pansybloom - female - 21 - Wise - trusted advisor
Myrtleflower - female - 89 - troublesome - keen eye & good kitsitter
Snompelt - Male - 21 - Adventurous - Good Climber & Good kitsitter
Dropletsplash - female - 18 - Thoughtful - Great speaker
Cedarheart - male- 21 - Bold - Incredible insight
Elkkit - 1 - Male - polite
Moonkit - 1 - Female - Charming
Prairiekit - 1 - Female - Unruly
Burnkit - 1 - Female - Shy
Outside Clan
Bess - Female - 22 - Fierce - Good hunter
Mystery Guy - ? - ?? - ???
Wingstep - female - 155 - sneaky - valuable insight & great mediator
Silverspeck - female - 76 - Charismatic - Good Speaker
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splinterclan · 27 days
How does everyone feel about the leader?
Moorsnow - Trusts her implicitly, always goes along with Whorl even if she might personally have doubts
Myrtleflower - Sees Whorl as a good leader, but considers them on equal terms. Probably would be the mutiny leader if there ever was one
Pansybloom - Likes Whorlstar a lot and trusts her as a leader, leans on her with her worries sometimes
Dropletsplash - Thinks Whorl is really impressive and nice
Cedarheart - Has a lot of hero worship for Whorlstar! She's exactly who he wants to be
Snompelt - Really likes and appreciates Whorlstar for giving him a home
basically everyone heart over Whorlstar rn
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splinterclan · 1 month
I dont have any silly questions to ask the characters, so are there any two characters you really like as a pair? Romantic, platonic, familial, whatever, are there just two that you love seeing together?
I like Whorlstar and Moorsnow! I think they make each other better and their relationship is very cute. I also like Dropletsplash and Snompelt, not really as romantic but I like that they're friends and that Droplet has had that constant source of positivity in her life.
Obv the drama between Moor and Droplet has been cathartic to explore but I am much happier drawing them getting along now than when they would fight a lot when droplet was younger ;; I enjoy happy relationships between family so I've always loved Myrtle and her kits! Basically I like everyone in Splinterclan for different reasons ^^ I try to spin everyone around a bit and give them a turn in the spotlight with I can
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