pizzatheif · 2 years
today is for thinking abt the differences between hugo and the other lads !! specifically when it comes to touch, like :
hugo needs touch and to be touched at all times. he’s the casual intimacy, the roving hands, the sticky fingers. pin him down or tie him up and he’ll whine. his hands are used for expression in all forms. touch him, hold him, poke him, lean against him, play with his hair. touch touch touch touch touch.
bash uses touch as a means to an end. if his hands are on you it’s Only leading up to pleasure or pain. that’s not to say he can’t touch for other reasons, but he doesn’t necessarily think of it the way hugo does. he only seeks out touch when he wants to feel things. @sniperwithasmoke
and then max. touch averse, touch starved. he’s very glancing touches, fingers brushing as something is handed off. dancing around each other. he’s not necessarily afraid of receiving touch, but he needs to trust the person before he can trust the purposeful contact. @mirafirstmate
tbh i’m also thinking abt jb since logging into him last night. and how his touch is an act. it’s silky and smooth because it’s rehearsed. everything he does is planned because if he doesn’t have that… honestly, if he allows himself to act without having considered every angle, he’ll be in new territory. he doesn’t like being caught off guard. @contrefacteur
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strangcmatters · 2 years
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She sits beside him, her expression saying she has an argument to make and he'd best agree with her if he knows what's good for him.
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"Kali's getting on in age, and she deserves a good retirement. We should get a kitten so she can teach it to get the spiders."
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champagneprobllems · 2 years
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She’s not a stupid woman; Charlotte knows better than to touch a box that appears on her desk with no warning. They’ve just returned from their—brief, but wonderful—honeymoon and she’d checked in on her office the night before, just to get some organization started before returning to the work today, and the box hadn’t been there. A glance tells her it hadn’t been posted; someone had hand-delivered it to her desk. She approaches carefully, cautious not to bump it as she examines it. She can’t hear any movement inside, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a bomb. Written across the top, where a post mark should be, is “To the happy couple”. It’s a beautiful script, likely a woman’s, but Charlotte knows damn well what women are capable of. She won’t make the mistake of writing off the fairer sex the way so many of her male contemporaries do.
She pokes her head out the office door, glancing down the hall. “Sebastian? There seems to be a gift waiting for us.”
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emcads · 2 years
SHE HUMS  as her screen lights up  tell-tale blue,   a quiet little noise in the roof of her mouth somewhere between  PLEASURE  and disapproval.   he could work a little harder at his eloquence  ––    Miss Esmeralda is,  after all,  a  lady,  and one that likes to be  WOOED.  but there’s nonetheless a pleasure  in having any man  JUMP at the bait ;  his attention is so easily predictable.
            FROM:   basher ( do not answer )
well.  she could feign dignity.   hot then  COLD.  hard to get.  but  two can play at this game,  and it’s far more fun to imagine the  FRUSTRATIONS  she’s inciting in him.
   starting without you  🍑
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"The woman knew Gahndi! And then she made me tea and put milk in it without asking. It was extremely weird. The tea was hot too -- it's in the eighties. Who wants hot tea? Not me."
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criticalfai1ure · 9 months
considering moving @sniperwithasmoke over here but hate the idea of it bc his blog 12 years old next month. but also i miss bash and having this multi has been a Benefit despite hardly writing for the last four/five months.
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widowshill · 1 year
BOLD   habits   that   your   muse   has  /  ITALICIZE   occasional   habits  .
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nail   biting  .  throat   clearing  .  lying  .  interrupting  .  chewing   on   the   ends   of   pens  .  smoking  .  swearing  .  knuckle   cracking  .  thumb   sucking  .  muttering   under   their   breath  .  talking   to   themselves  .  nose   picking  .  binge   drinking  .  oversleeping  .  snacking   between   meals  .  skipping   meals  .  picking   at   skin  .  impulse   buying  .  talking   with   their   mouth   full  .  humming  /  singing   to   themselves  .  chewing   gum  .  leg   jiggling  .  foot   tapping  .  hair   twirling  .  whistling  .  eye   rolling  .  licking   lips  .  sniffing  .  squinting  .  rubbing   hands   together  .  jaw   clenching  .  gesturing   while   talking  .  putting   feet   on   table  .  tucking   hair   behind   ears  .  chewing   lips  .  crossing   arms   over   chest  .  putting   hands   on   hips  .  rubbing   the   back   of   their   neck  .  being   late  .  procrastinating  .  doodling  .  shredding   paper  .  peeling   off   bottle   labels  .  forgetfulness  .  running   hands   through   hair  .  overreacting  .  teeth   grinding  .  nostril   flaring  .  slouching  .  pacing  .  drumming   fingers  .  fist   clenching  .  pinching   bridge   of   nose  .  rubbing   temples  .  rolling   shoulders  .
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nail   biting  .  throat   clearing  .  lying  .  interrupting  .  chewing   on   the   ends   of   pens  .  smoking  .  swearing  .  knuckle   cracking  .  thumb   sucking  .  muttering   under   their   breath  .  talking   to   themselves  .  nose   picking  .  binge   drinking  .  oversleeping  .  snacking   between   meals  .  skipping   meals  .  picking   at   skin  .  impulse   buying  .  talking   with   their   mouth   full  .  humming  /  singing   to   themselves  .  chewing   gum  .  leg   jiggling  .  foot   tapping  .  hair   twirling  .  whistling  .  eye   rolling  .  licking   lips  .  sniffing  .  squinting  .  rubbing   hands   together  .  jaw   clenching  .  gesturing   while   talking  .  putting   feet   on   table  .  tucking   hair   behind   ears  .  chewing   lips  .  crossing   arms   over   chest  .  putting   hands   on   hips  .  rubbing   the   back   of   their   neck  .  being   late  .  procrastinating  .  doodling  .  shredding   paper  .  peeling   off   bottle   labels  .  forgetfulness  .  running   hands   through   hair  .  overreacting  .  teeth   grinding  .  nostril   flaring  .  slouching  .  pacing  .  drumming   fingers  .  fist   clenching  .  pinching   bridge   of   nose  .  rubbing   temples  .  rolling   shoulders
TAGGED. @jellodoc!! <333
TAGGING. @innchanted / @sniperwithasmoke / @cannotfly / @hcrnblwer
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tangerinesour · 2 years
( 001 ).   hi, i’m alex🔪, 30+, she/her.     ( 002 ).   welcome to #tangerinesour : a selective, mutually exclusive, and slow roleplay blog for tangerine of bullet train.   ( 003 ).   you must be 18+ to interact. we’re currently film-based but i also just bought the book so… ( 004 ).   my inbox is always open and memes never expire, send something today! ( 005 ).   blogroll :  @pizzatheif , @sniperwithasmoke , @mirafirstmate​ , etc.
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google site.   memes.   psd.
psa for non-roleplay blogs.
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hatigave · 3 years
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thank you alex, schatjepatatje!! you get a gil gif to show you my appreciation of you on this fine day!!
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motherscoat · 3 years
@sniperwithasmoke​         ⬦⬥          ☏
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“ My brother is in trouble. I assume you already know he’s being followed; I need you to take his tail out. My dear brother would never result to murder, but I need to be sure he is safe. I’ll send you all the information I know of this person. Do what you will with her. Just make sure she’s gone. Call me back when it’s complete. ”
                                                                             send me ☏ for a voicemail
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pizzatheif · 1 year
alex🔪’s spring cleaning blogroll : @pizzatheif ; @mirafirstmate ; @criticalfai1ure ; @sniperwithasmoke !
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strangcmatters · 2 years
tea room prompt: tell us about the worst or most significant argument your muse has ever had. What was it about? Who was the argument with? What provoked the argument? Was it an unexpected fight, or had it been simmering for sometime & things finally boiled over? If it was resolved, how, & with what conditions? Tells us all about the significance of this argument. Bonus round, how did this argument shape their perspective on something going forward? feat @sniperwithasmoke
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Things had been simmering for a while. They’d known each other for over four years at that point, and had been trying to deny the growing connection between them for well over a year. It wasn’t just distraction and comfort Rei wanted after killing Rob; it was him, specifically. That night had changed things between them, as much as Rei wanted to deny it. His concern, his understanding, the way he went to her hermano to make sure she was okay when she finally told him what happened—she could almost believe he cared about her. And then sometimes it felt like she meant nothing to him after all.
Arguments between them weren’t uncommon; they’re both too short-fused to avoid them. But this one started differently, with Rei refusing to let him in, trying to push him away before she could get hurt any more. It started with an accusation, Rei hurling heartless ass at him, and he, of course, rising to the provocation. It was more about their shared fear of being hurt and abandoned again than anything else; they were both taken by surprise at the mutual declaration of affection.
Their relationship was far from smooth sailing; she ends things in a panic near the end of the year, and he walks away from her half a year after that, trying to tie up loose ends. Their arguments don’t stop, or become less contentious, but they always return to each other, apologize in their own ways, and try to do better next time. The twins never question that their parents love them—or each other, to their great dismay sometimes.
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kcrclrezni · 3 years
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@sniperwithasmoke​ said:  “   i  can  feel  you  staring  at  me .   ”
the art of domesticity starters - accepting 
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A Grisha hiding amongst the First Army - improbable, but certainly not impossible. It seemed Nikolai was hearing more and more of children who had originally failed testing exhibiting power years later. Though, he never expected to find a Grisha within his own regiment. 
The first time he’d seen it was in the heat of battle. He had been thoroughly distracted by a Fjerdian with thing for battle axes. Though, out of the corner of his eye, he’d seen Moran raise his hands and his opponent... just drop. 
Ever since, he’d kept an eye on him, watching for a repeat show. He could almost swear he’d seen him trying to practice on a particularly annoying soldier in their group, but it seemed Basher was smart enough to be sneaky about it. 
“My apologies,” Nikolai responded, though his words were anything but apologetic. “I was picturing you in a kefta. I can’t decide whether red is your color or not. Or if a kefta would look good at you at all, for that matter.” 
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hatilead · 3 years
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         EXHALE DRIVES HEAD BACK      .        tips the scale as nicotine fills lungs.  yellow stained fingers continue tapping on the screen,  the art of messaging without looking perfected with nimble fingers and determination.    ❝  you should redo the entrance  - ❞  voice drifts into the natural realm of mocking,  curls around the slight hint of venom left when confidence takes root and blooms.  ❝  -  it was lacking, don’t you agree  ?   come on,  i’m sure your boss would want you to make a statement,  something grand,  where is that hint of   joie de vivre    !     or does he not appreciate it when the spotlight shifts   ?  ❞
@sniperwithasmoke​     //     starter call
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criticalfai1ure · 10 months
today is for thinking abt ivan but also @sniperwithasmoke
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solitairc · 3 years
welcome to the heist   //   @sniperwithasmoke​ The bar is far more run down than what Palermo can remember before he packed what he could and left. The brick work looks damaged and the window shutters coming off their hinges. Poverty struck this part of Florence a long time before he had even stepped foot into the city, but now, it seems that it’s drenching the last bit it can grab its hands on. The bar was never in great shape to begin with, but now, he feels he would surely miss the place he drank his sorrows in if it were to disappear. 
Not that there might be a chance to do so in future. As grim as the thought may be, the complications that the Professor’s easy and ‘smooth’ Mint Heist ran into, there was a higher possibility that his hit on the Bank of Spain could have higher costs. As Sergio had pointed out more than once, to be sure the Bank of Spain worked, relied far too heavily on outsiders following their demands and NIC following protocol. Less than fifty-percent survival, he had said. Well, Martín’s been staring down death for a long time now. 
With that said, he still wants all his calculations and hard work to go off without a hitch. It’s a promise he made Sergio when he consented to his creation to come to life. It’s a promise to the memory of the fallen that they would not lose anyone else. Not when this was to save a child from inhumane torture. Where the Professor had plans, Palermo had contacts. 
With a drink in hand, he finished his beer, ordering another two when he saw the man he had been waiting for. With a gesture of his right hand, he took a step away from the bar, walking to a small table a rear facing window, away from the few locals that darkened the bars doorstep. Martín took his seat, placing the two bottles down in the centre. “Thank you for coming. How was your flight?”
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