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kendolled · 5 years
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                            he didn’t have much experience with people who weren’t... normal.SURE, HE’D MET A FEW A HANDFUL OF TIMES, but for the better part of nathaniel’s life, he’d been completely removed from the world of enhanced, and mutants, until now. and truthfully, he wasn’t entirely sure how to talk to any of them. still testing the waters, worried he may say the wrong thing. a soft huff escaped his lips, before he was extending his bag of chips out towards the other, head cocking to the side just a touch. “want some?” he offered.
   @sniktdaughter​ ; marvel sc.
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chokethelight · 5 years
sniktdaughter replied to your video “Star Wars Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base - SNL”
laura voice: kylo ren straight up sucks.
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riplcyxa · 5 years
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The engineer’s head came up quick when she smallest disturbance reached her ears. And if she heard it...maybe the creature did too. “Hello...?” Amanda whispered the way one would in drama, back home on earth. “You don’t have to be afraid of me.” She could tell it was small, likely a child, from the simple fact the being couldn’t be seen yet and all that surrounded her was vents and drums of oil and assorted other flotsam that fed the wheels of industry. “Maybe...we can help each other, hmm? If you’d only come out from there...”
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notimminent · 5 years
starter call ;; @sniktdaughter​
    SILENCE.    solitude.    Two things that rarely seemed to happen in Emma’s life. Not that she saw that as a bad thing--rather it just kept her mind constantly focused on the moment at hand. Emma was, after all, a people person first and foremost. She was quite extroverted and welcoming of human interactions which was what made her a perfect candidate for anything dealing with face-to-face interactions. But even the most extroverted individual might need some time to themselves. 
    It felt like it had been ages since Emma had given herself room to just EXIST without human distractions. She was constantly on, ready to talk to others and put a smile on her face; that was part of her charm, after all. Quite possibly the only reason why some people had her around. She was a beacon of positivity for others, yet she seemed to find herself feeling more drained than ever. It had gotten to the point where even her father had been able to see the cracks in her positive facade, something that rarely happened because of the lengths she went to hide it. That was the determining factor that made her choose to hide take some time away from people. The silence was peaceful. 
     She could close her eyes and inhale and feel peace. It was the first time in a while that she had time to do an inner check with herself to see what was bothering her, or possible ideas that she’d put on the back burner to stew over when she had more time. Her fingers twitched at her sides, itching to have something to grasp on--an instrument to create art out of blank canvas--or to write adventures that only her mind could create. She felt a burst of creativity swell inside of her and she was able to dust off her journal that came with her everywhere, that held stories and doodles of her day from when she found time to write down whatever was on her mind. 
      Seeing a shadow cast over the paper she was sketching a storm over, Emma was pulled back to reality. How long had she been there? Glancing at her watch, it seems like three hours had passed her by without notice. Her gaze moved up to the new presence. Upon finding their target, Emma’s lips twitched upward in a beaming smile seeing Laura there with her. 
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         “ Laura! You found my hiding spot! ”   Her voice was full of whimsy as she scooted over to make room for Laura to sit if she so desires,  “ Welcome to my secret sanctum, where creativity soars and negativity is left at the door. What can I get for you: sketch paper or a nice, juicy novel to tickle your fancy? ”
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sensesdialed-aa · 5 years
❝ life isn’t fair. suck it up. ❞
@sniktdaughter​ // things that are hard to hear
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    “Doesn’t mean I can’t try to make some things fair, though-” Peter counters, lips pressing together for a moment. He doesn’t CARE that bad things are bound to happen, and he knows life isn’t fair at all. He hasn’t had a fair life...none of what’s happened to him has been fair, and he knows her life hasn’t been either. He doesn’t think anybody’s is. But at least he can make SOME sort of change with his powers, at least he can save some people. “If I can do it, and I don’t, then the bad things that happen are on me, I could have saved people back there, and-- and I didn’t, and they-- it’s my fault.”
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bastienprice-a · 5 years
"Wolverine's my daddy. What do you think?" she arches a brow then narrows her eyes before rolling them and taking in a deep breath. "They were my family and now? They're gone. So yeah. They kind of suck ass in my book."
inbox things | for Marcos Diaz
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     If only John was around, he would probably bombard her with questions about the X-MEN and especially her father. He had to admit he was curious to know what Wolverine was like in real life.  “My bad. I didn’t think… I didn’t realize that’s what you meant.” 
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peptts · 5 years
"I can't sleep."
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     she’d been passing by laura’s bedroom door when she’d heard the young girl’s covers ruffle , and it had been that movement alone that had told pepper the other was awake ; this happens far more often lately than the woman is okay with . not that she’s upset with laura – far from it – but something is causing the girl to continue with these restless nights .     “ nightmares , or are you just not tired ? ”     she sits down on the bed just to the side of the young girl , hands planting themselves on the mattress on either side of laura so that pepper is half leaning over her .     “ if you’re not tired , we can try to do some stuff that will make you tired ? ”
@sniktdaughter is a babe
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butscrewmefirst · 5 years
hey. ily.
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LET’S CELEBRATE FOUR YEARS !! // @sniktdaughter
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that’s wut u make me do… i love u sm babe. 
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tammysart · 5 years
Laura Kinney | X23
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touchofdeath-a · 5 years
@sniktdaughter / somethin’ starter call !
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     ❛ Two jumps in a week, Ah bet’cha think that’s pretty clever, don’t ya girl? ❜
high and dry - radiohead.
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Laura Kinney (X-23) is destined to be the heir to the Enigma Force. Which means she’s destined to one day be the forever Captain Universe.
She’s also the Enigma Force’s favorite host, out of its other hosts such as Peter Parker, Susan Storm, Miles Morales, etc.
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chokethelight · 5 years
"You sound like a broken eight ball. Ooo try again. I tore that damn toy apart and I will do the same to you, force bub."
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“I highly doubt you’re capable of such a feat. Perhaps you should try again,” he says pausing for a moment, “better yet? Don’t. Waste. Your. Time.”
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thunderis · 5 years
stares at through her large sunglasses.
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He stares back—- hands resting on his axe as he goes to rest his chin on them. His feet roll back for a small second all before laying flat on the ground and continued staring. It was as if the god of thunder was judging– but he wasn’t. In fact, he was playing along with the small child in front of him; a smile quickly forming on his face as he held back a laugh. ❝ I bet you’re not all that meets the eye, are you young one?  ❞
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amvses · 5 years
sniktdaughter replied to your post: me: watches future past logan: speaks me:
i literally made that face
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sensesdialed-aa · 5 years
“ i guess being angry is just easier than being sad. But Parker I swear to God if you tell ANYONE I said that I will deny it and come after you with my talons. ”
@sniktdaughter​ // more misc memes
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   The young hero’s hands raise in the air as if he’s surrendering, brows raising quick before he shakes his head. “Woah-- uh, I won’t! I wouldn’t-- I wouldn’t tell anyone that, ‘course I wouldn’t. I mean....that’s not my thing to tell anybody.” Peter’s hands go down after that, and naturally empathetic, his lips twitch downwards, wanting to place a hand on her shoulder and say something to help, but he doesn’t want to be too forward in case she doesn’t want it-- she’s his friend, he wants to help her. Sometimes, Peter wishes he could let his anger get to him, and he does sometimes, he just always regrets it afterwards. Maybe it is easier. Whatever the case is, all he wants to do is be there for her-- it’s the LEAST he can do, and who would he be if he wasn’t?
   “If you...um-- if you wanna talk about it, I’ll listen.”
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