vennylavey · 3 years
4NEMO Headcanons
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title; Xia0, Vent1, Ka2uha & A3ther 4 YOU
character(s); xiao, venti, kazuha & aether
summary; "hey, the new finding nemo movie looks kind of cool and— BY THE ARCHONS, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE AND WHAT ARE THOSE GLOWSTICKS FOR?"
tw; none
a/n; i researched 4nemo not knowing i'd be walking into a bottomless pit. this is fine. just some headcanons before i lose my mind over the albedo fic again
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Meet Venti — The Windborne Bard!
An individual that shoots melodies and lyrics straight out of his arse. The one and only, the leader of 4NEMO.
Technically, nothing he sings, writes or composes are shot out of his very nice ass. They're rather exquisite, never failing to impress his fans.
But he's just so freaking talented. It's almost unfair.
So trust me when I say this man can single-handedly make tsunderes— It's an inside joke of the fandom to chastise Venti for his bashful mischief and tendency to get in trouble.
Oh and they don't even wanna talk about the Holy Lyre der Himmel incident.
Barbatos' most treasured lyre and Venti really just broke it before giving it back. Favonius Entertainment's authorities and followers alike pretty much busted a gut over it; Not as much as shining idol Deaconess Barbara did, though.
The erm.. rather violent scandal was sweeped under a rug later on, but the deaconess' fans definitely found joy in the brief glimpse they had of a side of Barbara they never knew before. Many have likely fantasized about it, but more on that later.
Venti co-founded the group with Aether and a few others.
Since he has the most experience in music and show business, he gets to be the leader. A decision begrudgingly approved by everyone. (None of them exactly wanted to lead, either. But Venti? Because, really?)
Now, contrary to popular belief — especially the members' — Venti made an excellent leader.
No one really expected much from him. However, despite Venti being infamous for his unreliable character, he handles everyone quite well.
Of course, there's not much problem with Aether. Everybody loves Aether! Aether can do no wrong.
But also, Venti can easily calm Xiao; It's this magic moment where Xiao is just about to burst, or when he's in a very bad mood, or when Xiao leaves the room to skulk, or well, technically, that's all the time—
"Xiao," Venti would call.
Then the idol would visibly freeze from his soft almost cooing tone.
And when Venti says: "Come here," Xiao goes through this whole process of softening under Venti's touch.
As for Kazuha, he was never the chatty type. Much like Xiao. But when Kazu did speak, Venti would listen. Considering how easy it is to talk over him, this simple action is quite the feat.
Over time, the others would learn to keep their ears open for Kazuha as well. (This is with Venti's advice, of course.)
It can simply be said that Venti can be mature and logical when he wants to be. Those moments were rare, but essential.
As for the times when he's not trying to make sure everyone is okay, he's a crackhead.
Although, no questions asked, Venti's the main vocalist. He's decent at dancing, and his rapping doesn't have as much appeal as the others' does—
but his vocals. HIS VOCALS.
Those who have not heard his singing voice are simply unfortunate, because it is the closest you will ever be to heaven. Venti's vocals are simply celestial.
He may not know much of his way around a rap, but he is nothing short of an expert at singing. Or harmonizing. Or bringing out others' voices by being back-up but your voice still shines through even as back-up.
It's amazing, alright? He's amazing.
Other than his voice, Venti's possibly best hook as an idol is his big personality. And let me tell you, Venti has so. much. per-so-na-li-ty.
Let's all agree that he basically lights up every room he walks into.
"Ya~hoo! The name's Venti! This is Xiao, Kazuha and Aether, and we are.. Is that wine?"
(There is definitely an existing meme involving him and wine.)
Aether sighs from beside him. "4nemo. Our name, is 4nemo."
(Venti is, most definitely, at the legal age to drink wine. And yes, he has most definitely sent emails to Angel's Share to let him advertise their wine.)
Venti appeals to his fans as a young feral cutie. He's adorable, and acts childlike in all his endeavors.
He totally can't read the room— or doesn't anyway.
He's unbelievably clingy. Loud, but they only let it be because he sings a lot and his singing is never bad.
"Even when he's intoxicated, he's cute!" his fans would say. (Though most would tell them that it might be a matter of the eye of the beholder thing)
He is just so wholesome. He acts like a child so often that his fans are expected to want to baby him.
In fact, Venti is so family-friendly that—
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME—" you hear his fans from a mile away— "WHY MUST HE DO THIS!?? VENTI NO!!!"
Oh, yes. Venti yes.
He acts all cute and wholesome during their variety show and vlogs—
And then the new music video comes out.
But Venti looks as celestial as his moves are utterly enticing.
He's not as skillful a dancer as Xiao, but Venti sets that mood like he sets 4nemo's kitchen on fire 🔥🔥🔥 He's very seductive— he reels you in with those teal bedroom eyes. Almost glowing from intensity.
He argues to Aether: "It's the contradiction! I want them to feel embarrassed that they're attracted to me in that way when I'm so wholesome <3 And they can't really blame me! I was just dancing normally, ehe~"
His fans argue: "It's the gap moe."
Venti definitely plays a lot of instruments, too! Mainly the lyre, the piano, the ukelele, and the flute. (He's surely good at others as well.)
He definitely names all his instruments, too.
All in all, if you're curious about 4NEMO and came plunging for content from google— Venti will have you.
Hook, line, and sinker!
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Meet Xiao — The Vigilant Yaksha
A talent that has long been hidden in the depths of Liyue Qixing Studio's idols. Many fans know him by his title, but rarely by his name. He's been called a ghost, a mysterious entity— but no matter the person, anyone who watches his performance are always moved by it.
With that said, Xiao is decidedly the main dancer of 4NEMO.
He had always been dancing; But his first interest in the music business came from an encounter with Barbatos' music.
It was during the sort-of battle of the bands for the Archon's seat, and at the time, he'd been in a very bad place in life. He'd been reckless. Uncaring for his own well-being. And the only thought that had been on his mind back then was to assist Rex Lapis out of gratitude.
But when the Archon war ended, where was he to go?
Barbatos' music helped him out of what would have been a very dangerous mindset for him; He had danced to it only once. And he'd searched for him for so long only to come up with nothing.
The goal to dance to Barbatos' songs was probably what pushed him to join 4NEMO. That is, more than his fondness for Aether, he suppose— to dance to Barbatos' music was just another reason.
Sooooo, is anyone going to tell him that Venti is Barbatos? No? Okay-
Other than being the main dancer, Xiao is also the lead rapper. He doesn't have much experience with it, but his voice definitely suits rapping.
Kazuha guides him from time to time; And that was fine.
Anyone but Venti would do.
"How did I do?"
For some reason, Kazuha always laughs merrily before giving his criticism. It's not out of mockery. Xiao's convinced he'd know if it was.
But it must have been because of something he did— was it his face?
"Why are you laughing?"
"Hahaha, it's nothing, Xiao. Don't mind me."
Xiao, of course, would scowl disapprovingly at that. For some reason, he always feels as if he's being treated like an overenthusiastic child by Kazuha.
To be fair, Xiao has always taken the somewhat more responsible role when he's with Aether and Venti.
Venti will always annoy him, and Aether was more of a wild card— the boy switches sides as often as he smiles. And he smiles a lot of times.
So Kazuha suddenly coming in and patting him on the head? the head pats weren't unwelcomed but It's definitely new.
Xiao is also one of the visuals!
Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, he's the most fashionable out of the four of them. He has a really good eye for styling. And his make-up skills are the best! Red eyeliner on the bottom lid? A purple diamond on his forehead? Exotic. It represents 4NEMO's brand so well.
And you'd think it would have been Venti, but no—
Xiao is simply a genius when it comes down to it. You can even see it in the way he styles himself!
He always wears tight-fitted shirts. And they're never not sleeveless— it's definitely so he could show off his green tattoo. Sometimes they're collared. Sometimes it's a high neck. Sometimes they show his collar bones, but this man.. This man never styles without a choker or any piece of clothing that hugs his slender neck.
Oh no, don't even get his fans started on the tank top, the back window, and the white shirt.
"Ooohh~ Xiao's wearing white for a change, everyone!" giggles an unsuspecting Venti as he plops down beside Xiao. "Ehhhh? Why'd you have to cover it up with a jacket?"
Venti vlogs their travels live from time to time. So Xiao just goes along with it after denying being filmed for so long.
"It's cold," was his fairly simple answer.
"Now, now! Don't be like that, Xiao~ Let us see!" Venti teases. "Right, chat? Xiao should let us see, right?"
Chat echoes a series of agreement even as Xiao shakes his head from Venti's mischief. Of course, Venti being Venti, ignores this and sneakily pulled on his jacket's zipper.
Before Xiao could even scold him, the jacket has already been pulled open— and there Xiao is, leaning back on the couch and sighing in all his beautiful glory, a white turtle neck only covering half his torso open for all of Venti's vlog spectators to see.
Clearly, Venti did not anticipate the overwhelming aesthecity of Xiao's very toned stomach muscles.
So after just standing there in shock, opening and closing his mouth like a fish, Venti squeals in embarrassment, drops his phone and runs.
Xiao takes it upon himself to pick up Venti's phone.
He winks at the camera, and the chat goes wild.
Safe to say, his fans (and Venti) are feral.
He styles the others occasionally, too. Especially Venti— his taste is unconventional, too unconventional, so Xiao tells him to save his creative ideas for fashion vlogs.
Xiao likes putting Aether in heels 👀
And Kazuha— well, Kazuha already styles himself just fine. Xiao's just there for a second opinion.
As for Xiao's fans, they are absolutely starved.
No one — and I mean no one— can ever convince me that this is not true.
There's not much individual content of Xiao out there; So his fans have to rely on watching other idols' vlogs if they want to see him outside of their group's official appearances, as well.
His fans mostly see him when Kazuha goes live; Both of them are super chill, and when they go on a vlog together, it's really just them hanging out in the hotel room while Venti and Aether are out, in which those two go outside the most as the faces of the group.
The followers never really thought that the Kazuha and Xiao pairing would be entertaining, but some do see their friendship as something holy and untouchable.
If his fans want to see him hang out outside though, their bets would be best put on Aether and Venti—
With Aether, Xiao is still pretty tame. And when they go to the mall, they somehow always end up buying clothes for each other. The people look forward to the choreography videos the most, though, with Aether being the lead dancer and all.
But if Xiao's fans wants everything to be extra comedic, they go to Venti. Because Venti does not tame Xiao.. He drags this man out of the cave and pushes him around to his heart's content.
Xiao may appear in Kazuha's vlogs most often, but he's liveliest in Venti's vlogs— and by lively, I mean angry.
Clearly, no one can count the number of times Xiao has been subjected to Venti's pranks and antics.
He's also always in the video when Venti mentions doing something to or with a boy best friend. (More or less, Xiao definitely has had enough of recording for TikTok with him as well.)
Oh, and comedy-wise, all fans of his should definitely have heard of that one vlog— Zhongli's video, titled 'Childe buys everything I put in the cart'. Everyone who shipped Zhongli and Childe says it was a date. And that Xiao was either Zhongli's Feral Child or The Prettier-Than-The-Date Third Wheel.
"Hmm, Xiansheng.. Are you sure this is all you want?"
Childe asks, deliberately ignoring the fuming Xiao right beside the gentleman. The man in question moves to nod, but Xiao turns to him sharply, so Zhongli respectfully waits for his opinion.
"I'd personally be pleased to see the perverted ginger's funds dwindle from this course. Even if it's only by a tiny margin."
Zhongli considered this. He turned Xiao's words over in his head even as Childe retorts and the two had both entered in a cycle of banter once more.
Then, he decided.
Both men stop their bickering to turn to him.
"Get in the cart."
Clearly, it was just a metaphor.
No one near enough to Xiao would ever dare to mention the fact that after a second of internal debate, he had readily approached the cart as if it was a formidable opponent; Everyone pretend that he wasn't willing to do it.
But after such a bit, Zhongli proceeded to call up 4NEMO's manager and buy Xiao's time to advertise a donation event Zhongli decided to hold on a whim.
The rule was technically to buy whatever Zhongli puts on the cart.
So Xiao bought the cart for Zhongli. And Zhongli picked out whatever he needed for the event and placed it inside.
Suffice to say, when Xiao hisses at Childe whenever he sees him, Childe hides behind Zhongli and hisses back.
Anyhow, Xiao does have social media. He never uses them.
He never tweets.
(If he does, IT'S SO OUT OF CONTEXT I- Every tweet has 5k or more replies, and everyone is making up these elaborate stories - EVEN THREADS - as to why he would say this.)
So it's less like he 'never' tweets, and more like he tweets so randomly.
At one point, he retweeted cats because Kazuha liked them.
"Kazuha, Aether. Go to, after lunch." He captioned.
He doesn't know how to bookmark or screenshot. This man literally uses twitter to write his schedule, I'm crying
Right after the cat thing, his next tweet is an apology to Venti, because Venti DEFINITELY made a thread about being left out.
"I'm sorry, Venti. But you're allergic to cats."
He posts his practice dances once every three weeks. And he goes live once a month.. or a month and a half.
When I tell you his fans are crying, they absolutely are. Especially those who have a completely different time zone.
It's not too much of a hassle once the newbies get used to it, though. They love him all the same. And their bitterness disappears whenever he goes live—
Xiao stares at the camera in silence, lips pressed together, and cheeks decidedly very red.
All his fans know, after all, that Xiao may be polite and courteous, but he's also quite awkward. The fact that he doesn't try to be his usually distant and polite self when he goes live speaks volumes.
Xiao treasures his fans a lot. So he tries to be more outgoing for them.
"I brought my flute today. Would you like to hear me play it?"
In short, Xiao makes a lot of his fans wait— but he's very meticulous. And every time he does feed them content, the wait would always be worth it.
( P. S. - A number of his fans definitely make threads about how sweet and gentle he is under the deceivingly grouchy exterior. )
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Meet Kazuha — The Maple Leaf Rebel
(The amount of research I have to do for this man—)
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Meet Aether — The Force of Sunshine
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idol au concept originated from @/veechu_
first art above is by @/Kackaorz1
venti art by @/rome_romedo
xiao art by @/siraisi00
kazuha art by @/creadbrumbs
aether art by @/ventuspluma
All these people can be found on twitter! Go give them a follow because the art and the anemo boys content is immaculate.
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