#snazzy tapir productions
maddyisabstract · 1 year
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I'm Maddy! My pronouns are they/them. I'm a sound designer and TTRPG performer with a ridiculous number of podcast credits in various roles, both fiction and non-fiction.
You can find out all about the things I do at my Linktree, but here are some highlights.
I'm a cast member over at the actual play podcast Realms of Peril and Glory (@realmspod) where I am a player and GM across a bunch of incredible campaigns and one-shots!
As a freelancer I made/make a few podcasts under the name Snazzy Tapir Productions, including the actual play podcast A Game of One's Own, the Doctor Who podcast The Empty Children, and the audio drama The Prickwillow Papers. You can find out about my past podcast projects at my podcast studio website, snazzytapir.com.
You can often find me on TTRPG actual play streams like GirlsRunTheseWorlds and ActualPlayUK.
I'm also an occasional game designer, and you can find my TTRPGs Vampire Cowboys and I'm Not Lion over at my itch.io.
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arofili · 6 years
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podcast posters ★ THE PRICKWILLOW PAPERS
     “Well, I think that went well, don’t you?”      “If you define ‘well’ as nearly being licked to death by an angry amphibian then, yes, it went very well.”
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