#snape with a ponytail is my religion
theratkingsfool · 1 year
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Severus knew he was probably the last person who should ever be in charge of a child, especially when said child was the spawn of James potter, but here he was dangling the boy by his wrists trying to appear stern while Harry valiantly tried to keep a grin off his face.
“Now mister potter what have I told you about sneaking off with my broom” his voice was a slow drawl as he raised an eyebrow.
“To let you know so that you can keep an eye on me” his lips were in a pout “but you only ever let me go a a couple inches off the ground!”
Severus let out a long sigh, it was true that he always charmed the broom to never go above a meter from the ground in fear that the idiotic boy would manage to break his neck.
“Once I am certain that you won’t pull any stunts while on the broom then I may be persuaded to extend the charm by an extra meter or two but as it stands then I may just have to lower it” he watches as the boys face turned deathly white then to a bright red.
“That’s not fair! You were busy in your lab and I was bored!” What truely was not fair was the fact that the tears welling up in the boys eyes was working, he truely was truely getting soft.
“Very well I won’t adjust the charm but you will abstain from your daily rides for a week, does that seem more fair?” Once the boy nodded his head Severus gently lowered him to the ground satisfied in the mild punishment he had chosen.
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