#snakeskin shoes
vikkates · 2 years
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New accessories I’d like to see the Duchess of Cambridge add to her collection (107/?)
Shoes by Karen Millen
I really want to see Kate up her shoe game. Her everyday shoes are really nice, but the vast majority of them are so boring. She does have a grey pair of Tabitha Simmons snakeskin pumps that she wears occasionally, so I don’t think these are outside the realm of possibility.
Available here.
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crazyblondelife · 8 months
Ralph Lauren Meets Cary Bradshaw
The weather in North Carolina has been absolutely beautiful! It’s colder than usual and we’ve had some rain so the leaves are really starting to turn! The beautiful weather and a pair of fabulous shoes inspired inspired me to create this Ralph Lauren meets Carrie Bradshaw look!
You simply cannot think of classic Americana style without Ralph Lauren coming to mind and Carrie Bradshaw has been New York’s on screen It girl for quite some time! I’ve always been inspired by her interesting and unique style! A Carrie Bradshaw inspired outfit may not exactly be timeless or classic (as with Ralph Lauren), but what they do have in common is is the kind of personal style that transcends its time and is very recognizable.
The story of how this look came together…
I was recently gifted this fabulous pair of shoes from Moon D’Elle and when they came, I had no idea how I was going to style them! I went into my closet and held them up to different blouses and blazers until I found this blazer from Boston Proper (last season) that had the exact same blue. The white blouse is from Cabi and it has a definite Ralph Lauren vibe that is perfect under the blazer. The pants are also a perfect match to the blazer and shoes as is the bag! I should shop my closet more often, because when I take time to really look at what I have, I always love what comes together!
The key to mixing patterns and textures is to stay within the same color palette and tone. The thing that makes pattern mixing work is pairing two patterns together with similar colors. Along with that, match tones when pattern mixing and add a solid color to bring it all together. Mixing bold patterns like leopard or snakeskin and plaid may seem like a fashion faux pas, but it’s a bold fashion move to select two prints that don’t share any commonalities. Anchor the look with a neutral item, like the solid pant I’m wearing here.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post! Be sure to check out the fabulous Moon D’Elle collection for beautiful and unusual shoes!
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toyastales · 6 months
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I wanted to draw him in a pretty princess dress so he can be a true 24-Hour Cinderella <3
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muffinrag · 1 year
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[Image ID: a screenshot of Disco Elysium. It shows Harry, facing the camera, standing in front of the bed in his trashed hostel room. He's wearing the pour l'homme labourer jeans and the Man from Hjelmdall t-shirt. No other clothing items are equipped. End ID.]
Sometimes I like to put Harry in jammies before bed :)
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ratsalad · 10 months
im rereading book omens and when we're introduced to crowley, the narration says he was "wearing snakeskin shoes, or at least presumably he was wearing shoes"
this line has always thrown me off because i never did quite understand what was being implied - until recently when i saw a post about... hooves? i wish i'd saved it somewhere but i didn't and i still don't understand what's being implied, help
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cel-aerion · 3 months
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Hadn't planned to share any of my impromptu Majima cosplay test pics, but like... I really like how this one turned out.
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highwayking · 3 months
Watched the 2007 yakuza movie with a friend tonight!
It was just kinda meh, I think it would've worked better as an original piece and not trying to be an adaptation of something else
There were soooo many unnecessary extra subplots that added absolutely nothing to the story, while so much of the main story was removed, nothing about purgatory, nothing about reina or Shinji, nothing about Shimano(though I also don't really care about him), no crashing Sera's funeral, kazama just doesn't do anything, we don't get to see Nishiki AT ALL until the very end and they made him so ugly 😭 look how they massacred my boy,,,, shitty ass hair looks so greasy and the top was so full like a bad wig,doesn't even get to sacrifice himself in the whole "the responsibilities mine", Yumi is given even LESS agency somehow just shows up and dies, her and haruka don't even get to try to connect and she doesn't even get to apologize
Fight choreography was pretty solid, a lot of hits felt like they hurt, though I felt they drew out when someone was failing/missing their punches a bit too long
I think Kiryu could have been cast better, I don't expect movies to have a bunch of bodybuilders but he was so scrawny give him some sandwiches
The actress for Haruka was great, at the trashed Serena bar I thought she was going to cry about everyone leaving her
Also having to show kiryu how to use a cellphone 😭 old man doesn't understand technology,,,,
I did enjoy the actor who played Majima! Even though his facial hair sucked I thought he was perfectly goofy without being over the top
Fun movie to laugh at with friends but if you enjoyed Takashi Miike's Ace Attorney adaptation, it's nowhere near as good
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absentmoon · 1 year
im wearing a tank top today <-win for courier
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seveneyesoup · 8 months
instead of even trying eight cosplay i should just buy that “elvis is dead sinatra is dead and me i also feel not so good” shirt and not shave for a while and go as fitz kreiner
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garlic-sauc3 · 2 years
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He's a businessman
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fictitiouslysane · 2 years
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Kim says the green of your shoes goes with “the orange” even when there’s not a speck of orange on either of you, which makes me think this is his own Inland Empire or Conceptualization seeing the Tequila Sunset in you.
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ryochinst · 2 years
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he’s ready 2 wrestle w kiryu-chan balls 2 the walls style (nishida is tasked w protecting the decency of said balls)
(day 2 - sports uniform)
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tumblr might not respect the alligator print but i do
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qwillreign · 2 years
Heaptober Day 15: shoes
Terry Tarsal was a busy man. He didn’t have time for introspection, or for anything besides making absurd shoe requests for the castle’s most important people, and some of the now less relevant ones. He didn’t even have time to complete the orders of the less extravagant people. He just handed his latest assistant a pattern and yelled at them when he had to do it again because they were incompetent. He told them to feed the pythons. (And there were two, because that blasted alchemist had also decided he wanted snakeskin shoes, and in red, no less. ) He told them to take down the posters, they had too many customers. (His orders still increased.) He announced his upcoming retirement, and Madam Marcia bulk ordered shoes for the rest of her life first.  Terry Tarsal was tired, so when he was finished with his last pair of shoes, he took up knitting instead. Nobody would want that, he was sure of it. (As it turns out, old retired ExtraOrdinary Wizards tend to befond of well made knit.)
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bob-i-forgot · 2 years
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thinking about this perfect little shirt my friend made
(image description: there are two mirror selfies of nova, a white nonbinary person. they have a blonde mullet with shaved sides and green glasses.
in the first picture they are wearing a very intensly cropped black long sleeved shirt. you can see their top surgery scars under the shirt. they are wearing high waisted shorts that are a mustard color. their hip is turned to one side and the arm that is not holding the camera is by their side. their tongue is sticking out and their eyes are closed.
in the other picture they are wearing the same black shirt and instead of the shorts, they are wearing a dark purple skirt with planets on it. their arm is against the wall next to them, they have a slight pout in their expression. end ID)
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