#snakes and serpents can represent wisdom and knowledge
talonabraxas · 2 months
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The Caduceus: Hermes Symbol of Harmony and Awakening
Hermes and the Caduceus
The Caduceus is primarily associated with Hermes Trismegistus, the Greek god known for being a messenger, guide of souls, and protector of merchants, shepherds, gamblers, liars, and thieves.
The symbol consists of a short rod entwined by two serpents and topped with a pair of wings, embodying the diverse and dynamic attributes of Hermes.
According to myth, the Caduceus originated in a specific episode involving Hermes.
One day, while traveling, Hermes came across two serpents entangled in a violent conflict. The serpents, locked in battle, were a symbol of discord and chaos. Observing their strife, Hermes sought to bring peace between them.
With a simple, yet profound gesture, he threw his rod between them as a mediator would step into a conflict.
The serpents, rather than continuing their fight, wrapped themselves around the rod in a double helix formation and their fighting ceased.
This act not only separated them but transformed their aggression into a dynamic balance, creating a new symbol of harmony and equilibrium.
The wings at the top of the rod signify the divine nature of the intervention and the elevation of the solution from earthly disputes to heavenly peace.
This transformative moment in mythology conveys deep symbolic meanings.
The serpents, traditionally symbols of wisdom, renewal, and healing due to their ability to shed their skin and renew themselves, here represent the dual forces of nature and life.
Their harmonious entanglement around the rod, which itself symbolizes authority and control, visually captures the balance between these forces.
This depiction illustrates the principle that through wise intervention and diplomatic action, balance and harmony can be achieved, transforming destructive energy into a constructive outcome.
The Caduceus carries layers of symbolism that delve into the nature of duality, healing, and transformation.
The two serpents coiled around a central staff encapsulate a visual depiction of balance and union of opposites, a theme prevalent in many philosophical and spiritual teachings.
Integration of Opposing Forces
The dual serpents of the Caduceus, spiraling around the central staff, visually signify the integration of opposing forces, a concept pivotal in many philosophical systems.
This integration is not merely a passive coexistence but an active unification that leads to greater wholeness and stability.
In many cultures, serpents are seen as embodying opposites — being both earth-bound and capable of transcendental knowledge.
Their union around the staff symbolizes the potential for reconciling such differences to foster unity and peace.
Symbol of Mediation and Peace
Hermes, wielding the Caduceus, guides the chaotic forces represented by the serpents towards reconciliation and unity.
Thus, the Caduceus symbolizes the transformation of conflict into peace and order, embodying the potential for wise intervention to harmonize opposing forces.
This portrayal of Hermes as a divine mediator illustrates how the Caduceus serves as a powerful emblem of peace, skillfully bridging gaps and mending rifts, whether in mythological tales or spiritual symbolism.
Balance and Equilibrium
In a broader spiritual and psychological context, the Caduceus mirrors the internal journey towards achieving personal equilibrium.
The intertwining snakes can be interpreted as the balancing of various aspects of one’s nature — rational and emotional, physical and spiritual.
This balance is crucial for personal growth and health, reflecting the adage that true healing and well-being are holistic processes that reconcile and align different facets of the self.
Transformation and Renewal
Serpents are also symbols of transformation and renewal, widely recognized for their ability to shed their skin and emerge anew.
This aspect of the serpent imagery within the Caduceus resonates with the concept of healing and medicine, where recovery and renewal are central themes.
The cyclic renewal of serpents provides a powerful metaphor for the medical process itself — the shedding of ill health to reveal wellness, the transformation of disease into healing.
Ascension and Divine Connection
The wings atop the Caduceus elevate its symbolism from earthly to divine, representing ascension, spiritual awakening, and the connection between the earthly and celestial realms.
In mythology, Hermes uses his winged sandals and helmet to traverse freely between the divine and mortal worlds, and similarly, the wings on the Caduceus suggest a bridging of gaps — between health and sickness, earth and sky, human and divine.
This aspect emphasizes the spiritual dimension of healing, suggesting that health is not only a physical state but also involves spiritual well-being and alignment.
The Caduceus as a Medical Symbol
The Caduceus is widely recognized today as a symbol of medicine, particularly in the United States.
This association began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when military medical organizations adopted the Caduceus as part of their insignia.
The choice was influenced by its mistaken confusion with the Rod of Asclepius, the traditional Greek symbol for healing and medicine, which features only one snake and no wings.
The Caduceus’s adoption in medicine was largely due to its decorative symmetry and historical prestige, not its original symbolic meanings.
Caduceus Symbol, Rod of Asclepius, Doctor Symbol Art
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jaimeski · 8 months
So in QSMP most of the eggs we seen them as dragon right? I was going to draw Chunsik but i couldn't find any good reference for him (try to look for korean dragon but i couldn't find any)
like im afraid if i draw the type of dragon wrong or something, do you think you can help?
Here's the article i found explaining the differences of korean dragon from other east asian dragon i'll put some of the text below :3
[...] Korean Dragons originally start out as gigantic land serpents, otherwise known as ‘Imugi’, who then transform into true dragons, or ‘Yong’. Such transformation only comes from time and patience (both noble virtues) as being the guardian of Korean culture.
Some of the most striking physical differences from western dragons are that Korean dragons do not have any wings and sport long beards -- attesting to their wisdom and knowledge. They also dawn a variety of colors - green, blue, gold, or red - and can sometimes be seen next to a river, mountain, waterfalls, or the sky. They typically take on a wavy or circular form, which represents the intricacy of life’s many obstacles and high points. Most importantly, these dragons are often depicted carrying an orb in their claws, or mouth, called a ‘yeouiju’ representing authority over creation and divine will. [...]
[...] The Korean dragon also displays nine different animal traits that represent a holistic symbol of the Asianic animal kingdom. It embodies luck by having a nose of a pig; the abundance of the rabbit by sharing its eyes; the giving nature of a cow by having its ears; the elegance of a deer's antlers as its horns; the sturdy forehead of the camel; the long and adapting body of the snake; fertility with the scale patterns of a carp; the long claws of a hawk; and the power of a tiger’s fists. These all-encompassing qualities are unique to the Korean dragon. [...]
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13x02 · 1 year
Picking your brain on Jack stuff (2 of 2)!
This is a long-winded way of asking you your thoughts on how Jack's flashbacks and the snake relate to his identity and soul. I'm just not sure how to phrase it, so you get this rambley thing instead. Happy Thursday, haha.
After the mysterious girl, there's the snake. Oh, the snake. The obvious parallel to the snake is the cultural myth of Lucifer.
 The snake appears and asks, "Who are you, really? Who are you meant to be?"
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This snake isn't coming to him with lies, statements, or riddles. Only simple questions. Perhaps asking questions is what generates real Wisdom, then? Or perhaps Lucifer's (and humanity's) original crime came from this tendency to question. I recall Lucifer's season 5 quote:
"We're going to kill each other. And for what? One of Dad's tests. And we don't even know the answer. We're brothers. Let's just walk off the chessboard."
Questioning is that wonderful, wonderful disobedience. The Gnostic interpretation imagines the serpent in the Garden as a force of Good, that the serpent was sent to reveal to humans the evil intentions of their creators. The serpent succeeds in convincing them to eat the fruit and become like the divine, capable of distinguishing between good and evil ("empathy").
The snake is yellow. It seems to be like Jack, as golden as his eyes. Jack is, after all, the chicken (human) and the snake (angel/Seraph).
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(Ouroboros 14x14 draft, Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
The snake is a key divinity symbol and is linked to immortality. The Garden is Earth (the chicken), and it's the generator that grows the soul.
Like the figure of the Girl (Hokmah?), the snake in the garden and his fruit/pomegranate/"apple" are associated with Truth and Wisdom. There's something Ecclesiastical with this, too--that Wisdom brings pain.
Biblical Translations of Ecclesiastes 1:18
For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief. The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow. For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.
*Flashing GIFs*
Then, we get these flashes as Jack's soul regenerates. My question for you (and for everyone) is a deep dive on why these images in particular? Aren't they interesting?
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Like Sam in season 8, we have Jack's forgiveness associated with a Church, a symbol of Forgiveness.
Occultus simply means, "hidden away; secret."
We have this hidden Garden referred to by Cas as a crossroads of humanity and divinity, something specifically disallowed by God.
(According to Heaven's oldest laws, Heaven and Earth aren't allowed to mix together, but Jack is a Nephilim. He is the result of humanity and divinity mixing. He represents the ultimate disobedience; an abomination; imperfection.)
Another oddity to me is that The Occultum is wrapped in an Enochian riddle, as if it's meant for angels in particular. How strange...
Then, we see Jack retaking his place at the kitchen table and feeling the weight of all that pain.
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What's this all about? Why did this Occultum thingy and the Garden regenerate Jack's soul? Was it all about Wisdom, about asking questions and truly facing the Awful Truth head-on?
Why didn't I understand? It was my fault. Forgive me.
Perhaps as a Nephilim, given enough time, Jack can repair his own soul the same way he was supposed to be able to slowly recharge his grace over hundreds/thousands of years.
After all, angels can "cleanse" damaged Hell souls via their grace (see: Dean's Hell rescue), and Souls can "charge up" injured angel grace (see: Bobby's "nuclear reactor" soul in season 6). Tragically, Heaven and Earth seem built to naturally complement one another.
Perhaps, that's why the mixing of the two is so dangerous.
Anyway, thoughts? Thanks for humoring me with these. Hope you're not stabbing me in your head after these monstrosities. Please remember to tag this with #flashing gifs when you answer. :-)
the line you put with heaven and earth being natural and tragic compliments is causing me pain.
and i did notice this back when it aired but: so much of the flashes have dean in them. it is such an important note to me because of the end of 13x02 and all of 14x20. dean is what jack viewed as the ultimate form of being a human being. your free will makes you make mistakes and he forgives dean for it. i think getting his soul back was in part answering a question of what it meant to be human too. dean was his answer.
dean, sam, cas, and everything he has ever done wrong is what makes him a crossroads of divine and human. free will makes him both and neither. he is both and neither because he is just supposed to be jack. something new. something unheard of living long. all the other nephilim are dead. he lives despite everything against him.
and you pose such an interesting thing! I do think maybe if the circumstances were far different we could have seen jack replenishing his soul himself. after all, nephilim really are supposed to be a whole new level of power. jack is also the son of an archangel and i know it had to have give him even more of an edge to the nephilim who were simply the children of angels.
i am feeling particularly insane about this so let me add on:
Another oddity to me is that The Occultum is wrapped in an Enochian riddle, as if it's meant for angels in particular. How strange…
sometimes, i wonder what chuck was really thinking. it's so hard to know with him. i do think he did care for the angels. lucifer was his favorite, of course, but he did offer bringing back michael what he loved. he doesn't seem to be as close to gabriel and raphael but i wonder.
was the occultum meant for them? was he trying to see if he would end up fixing one of his big four children?
rebelling, like i put in the last ask, seems to just go so damn poorly for the angels. i wonder if going to the garden or something for them would have ended up with them with human souls but still angels. it would be such a fucked up form of being a nephilim that i can see chuck having done it.
i wonder if he hoped one of them would have found it. i wonder if none of them found it because they were still just too divine in the long run. i think the closest we got to divine human was castiel, but even he didn't end up happy. maybe jack could have been the divine human if they hadn't gone for the ending they did, actually.
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the-hermit-at-midnight · 11 months
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card: Embracing Life's Cycles
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In the mystical realm of Tarot, there are cards that serve as mirrors to our lives, reflecting the ever-turning wheel of destiny. The Wheel of Fortune is one such card, embodying the cyclical nature of existence. Let's delve into the symbolism, meaning, and significance of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card.
The Symbolism
At first glance, the Wheel of Fortune appears as a large wheel with various figures carved upon it. Here's a breakdown of the key elements:
1. The Wheel: The central image, the wheel, represents the cyclic nature of life, with no beginning or end. It's divided into four quadrants, symbolizing the four fixed signs of the zodiac - Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
2. Anubis and Typhon: These two mythological figures can be found on either side of the wheel. Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, represents guidance and transformation, while Typhon, a monstrous Greek deity, symbolizes chaos and destruction.
3. Snake: A serpent symbolizes the cyclical renewal and shedding of old skin, reflecting the card's theme of change and evolution.
4. Sphinx: The sphinx at the top of the wheel symbolizes knowledge and mystery, suggesting that only those who decipher the riddles of life's cycles can truly understand its workings.
The Meaning
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card carries a multifaceted meaning, reflecting the ups and downs of life:
1. Cycles: The central theme is the inevitability of life's cycles. Just as the wheel keeps turning, life goes through phases of growth, stagnation, decline, and renewal.
2. Change: This card signifies change, often beyond our control. It reminds us that even when we're on top of the world, circumstances can shift, or when we're facing difficulties, they can improve.
3. Fate and Destiny: The Wheel of Fortune suggests that destiny plays a role in our lives, but how we respond to it is up to us. We have the power to shape our responses and make the best of any situation.
4. Opportunities: Every turn of the wheel brings new opportunities. When this card appears in a reading, it can indicate a turning point or a chance to seize the moment.
5. Balance: The four fixed signs of the zodiac on the wheel remind us to find balance in our lives. Too much of any one thing can lead to imbalance.
Interpreting the Card
When the Wheel of Fortune card appears in a Tarot reading, it's important to consider its position and the surrounding cards. Here are a few possible interpretations:
1. Upright: In its upright position, the card typically signifies positive changes, luck, and a favorable turn of events. It can also represent destiny and the need to go with the flow.
2. Reversed: When reversed, the Wheel of Fortune may indicate obstacles, delays, or missed opportunities. It's a reminder to remain flexible and adaptable in challenging times.
3. As a Lesson: Sometimes, the card serves as a reminder to embrace the cycles of life and find meaning in every turn of the wheel, whether fortunate or not.
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card is a powerful symbol of life's cyclical nature, change, and destiny. It encourages us to embrace the unpredictable twists and turns in our journey, as well as to find balance and meaning in each phase. Whether you believe in Tarot as a mystical guide or a psychological tool, the wisdom of the Wheel of Fortune can be applied to navigate the ever-changing landscape of our lives with grace and understanding.
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the-hem · 7 months
Jesus and the Verdict. From John 3: 14-21.
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We cannot tell a world that is going balls in on a Third World War that things are going to be all right because God loves the world. No one disputes God is a loving God but times like these make us all wonder if he is loving enough. The scripture says if we believe in God and the Christ amazing things can happen, so why aren't they happening?
Jesus explains why not when he mentions Moses and the Bronze Serpent. Serpents are eye openers, they represent the transition that must take place between eye (or any other faculty) and the object of perception. The hunger pangs of the Israelites after they left Egpyt, symbolic of the lack of understanding of their predicament prompted serpents to bite them. Reality has that power:
"The root נחש (nhsh I) isn't used in the Bible and we don't know what it might have meant. BDB Theological Dictionary suggests it may be onomatopoeic, imitative of the hissing of a snake. Its sole derivative is the masculine noun נחש (nahash), the Bible's most common word for snake. See below for a look at the use of snake imagery and its possible meaning in the Bible.
It's not clear what came first, the verb or the noun (whether the verb נחש, nahash II, is a verb yielding the masculine noun נחש, nahash, or that the verb is denominative, formed from the noun). But the verb means to conduct divination or read omen, which was common practice in ancient times (Genesis 30:27, 44:5, 1 Kings 20:33), yet strongly condemned by the various Biblical legislators (Leviticus 19:26, Deuteronomy 18:10, 2 Kings 17:17 and 21:6).
The noun נחש (nahash) means divination or enchantment and occurs only in the Balaam cycle (Numbers 23:23 and 24:1). "Balaam's way" is referred to twice in the New Testament (2 PETER 2:15 and REVELATION 2:14), and may in fact be the same as this art of divination and reading signs, which is still lavishly practiced today in fields ranging from the stock market to the church.
Knowledge that comes from the Lord has two distinct qualities by which it can be recognized: (1) It's understood in its context, and (2) it's never wrong. If a piece of wisdom is from the Lord, it can be explained logically and it works always and for everyone.
Someone who's in the know may advise, say, to not pass underneath a ladder because that could lead to misfortune. If that person is a diviner or a sign-reader, he will speak of bad luck and evil spirits and what not, and possibly advise you to also not pass through a triangular doorway, or quickly tap your chest in the shape of a square when your eyes fall upon something triangular. If that person has his knowledge from the Lord, however, he will explain you that a ladder stands there because someone is working up there. This worker may accidentally drop something, which will maim you if you happen to pass beneath it. The explainer may additionally advise you to also look out when you cross a street.
A diviner is not so much interested in getting the right information and with that protect and lead the people, but to secure a livelihood for himself by getting paid. The prime objective of a diviner is, therefore, not Truth but belief; the belief of his customers in him and his hocus-pocus.
To achieve this, the diviner will dress in striking garb, wave elaborate symbols around, operate in impressive buildings and speak in esoteric wordings about punishments and diseases that will befall the infidels. His predictions will essentially be as accurate as a coin toss, but his statements will be vague enough to be explained both ways (this causes the majority of his predictions to be right).
Correct predictions will be celebrated with great enthusiasm while incorrect predictions or ineffective measures will be explained away (a sick person who stays sick doesn't have enough faith, or opposing sprits are stronger than anticipated; all that). The worst part is that not all diviners are deliberate deceivers; many of them are their own greatest believers.
The man of God on the other hand will speak simply, clearly and logically. He won't be dressed other than normal, and he will live in an ordinary home and work out of an ordinary office. Furthermore, the man of God will never make a prediction that isn't true or a statement that can't be verified by others.
A man of God who speaks the Word of God is never wrong, and that's how he and God's Word can be recognized (Deuteronomy 18:20-22). Faith in the knowledge that comes from God cannot be lost, just like faith in gravity cannot be lost, or the understanding that one plus one equals two. Understanding that comes from God can grow, but it cannot change (for much more on this, see our article on the Greek word πιστις, pistis, meaning "faith")."
A bronze serpent, made of a metal normally used for weapons is a weaponized soothsayer who is enlightened, willing, able to describe society to itself and put it on the right footing sufficient to reform itself.
Jesus didn't come to save the world from its sins but to personally perform in the role of a Bronze Serpent, to tell us the truth. If we heed His words, repent of the violence and corruption and Keep the Feast, there is a good chance life on earth shall continue. If we ignore His Authority, we shall not have this chance:
12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.
 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,[f] 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”[g]
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 
19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 
21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
God's One and Only Son is not a person it is a phenomenon called Mashiach, global recognition of the rites of the religion of Judaism. Jesus quoted Moses and elucidated upon a story from the Torah for this reason alone, one that cannot be taken for granted.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 14-15: Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness. The Value in Gematria is 9638, טוגח‎‎, "pounded."
= pounding of pure oil from olives.
"The anointing oil of Aaron, the High Priest, alludes to the mystical dimension of the holy oil in the Celestial Regions, which have their roots in the sefira of bina. In the book Pardes Rimonim, the concept of "oil" is described as follows: There are many different kinds of oil.
The anointing oil is an expression denoting abundance (otherwise known as "oil", as we will explain). When royalty is anointed by the oil it originates in the sefira of chesed and is called "anointing oil." In Aramaic it is called "mischcha d'rabuta/oil of greatness", an allusion to chesed.
When this oil originates in tiferet, however, it is called "oil for lighting". The reason for this is that the tiferet symbolizes the "Great Luminary." The Shechinah employs this light when shining.
When it originates in gevura, oil is called "holy oil of anointing". This is because when G‑d's abundance is absorbed through gevura, it also includes an element of the sefira chesed. The word "holy" is a hint of the sefira of gevura, whereas the word for "of anointing" alludes to chesed.The divine sustenance by itself is known as "a single olive"…
When the source of the oil is the sefira of yesod, it is called "pounded oil". This is the domain in which the olives (representing abundance from "above") are pounded into fragments from which the oil is extracted and, in turn, channeled to malchut, AKA sovereignty.
v. 16: God so loved the world. The Value in Gematria is 8932, חטגב‎‎, hategev, "Respond."
v. 17-18: For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. The Value in Gematria is 13902, יגטאֶפֶסב‎, Igathepsev, "Dress up."
see Matthew 22:
22 Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come. 4 “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’ 5 “But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. 6 The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. 7 The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. 8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. 9 So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ 10 So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests. 11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. 12 He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless. 13 “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”
v. 19-20: This is the Verdict. The Value in Gematria is 12598, יבהטח‎ ‎ "Surely I will trust you and confide in you."
v. 21: But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God. The Value in Gematria is 9384, טגח‎ד, taghd "the one I will crown."
"Respond to the pressure. Dress up [for the wedding party] and I will surely trust you, you will be the ones I crown."
Do not trust people who speak not of the truth or perform hocus pocus. Salvation is not nigh until we set a date for that Wedding Party and incite the dawn of the Age of the Mashiach.
The Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians and Saudi Arabians are watching us haggle. Neither they nor we really think we have what it takes to defend ourselves because we waffle, and then we buckle, and then someone like Donald Trump shows up.
If Mashiach pertains to anything, it is the ability to look at ourselves in the Light, our hopeful and enlightened points of view realize they must be defended with everything we've got when they are threatened.
This defense which, must now take place domestically as well as internationally if prophesied well, will affect every corner of the globe and impress upon it these Words Christ spake. For this to be convincing, it you we to kill Donald Trump, the people he conspired to with during his theft of the Office, we have to go to Moscow and kill Vladimir Putin, to Tehran and Beijing, wherever evil is sheltered, we have to go there and kill it.
This is the reason Jesus said He was issuing a Verdict, so that we learned the differences between man and the Son of Man and know how to act, not just talk about saving the world.
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impeccablenest68 · 9 months
Decoding the Biblical Meaning of a White Snake in a Dream
Seeing a white snake in a dream can carry symbolic meaning rooted in Biblical imagery and Christian tradition. The color white is often associated with purity, innocence, and holiness. Snakes in the Bible were sometimes used as representations of wisdom, health, and resurrection.
For Christians, dreaming of a white snake may relate to spiritual insights, knowledge, protection, or healing gifts from God. White snakes could symbolize divine wisdom, guidance, or spiritual truths being revealed to the dreamer. References in the Bible describe how snakes were sometimes used by God or Jesus to perform miracles.
In particular, biblical stories about Moses and healing involve snakes or serpents. The book of Numbers tells of poisonous snakes sent to punish the Israelites, but Moses made a bronze serpent 🐍 on a pole so those who looked at it were healed. This foreshadowed Jesus being lifted up to redeem all people. dreaming of a white serpent could connect to J
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astrocenter · 9 months
This article focuses on the effects and remedies on Shankachood –Shanknaad Kaal sarp yoga/ dosha.
Shankhchood- Shankcud  Kaal Sarp Yoga/Dosha has been mentioned as serpent snake in holy books. According to Hindu Mythology it is the duty of a son to give respect and honour to his father and after his death perform Pitripaksh funeral blocks to give to charity. The persons who defy the act Pitrigi grief find themselves depressed person and suffer from Pittar dosah in the Kundli. There are many doshas that are formed in the kundli because of not performing pitripaksh properly. Shankhchood Kaal Sarp Dosha is one of them.
It is formed when Rahu ( Dragon’s Head) is in 9th house and Ketu is placed (Dragon’s Tail in 3rd house all other planets are in the axis/ circumference of Rahu and Ketu.
Impacts of Shankhchood- Shankcud- Shankhnaad Kaal Sarp Yoga/ dosha:
Astrological Analysis
Ninth house in the chart represents:
Virtues, deeds, pilgrimages, worship, religion, inclination, devotional and religious learning, karmas of present birth, charity and kindness, wisdom and knowledge, father, younger brother and sisters of spouse and long journeys etc
Ninth house in medical astrology signifies -  Hips, thighs and nourishment
Third house in the chart represents:
Courage and valour, physical fitness, hobbies, talent, education goal, qualities of siblings, selfishness, neighbours, ornaments, friends, cleverness, near relatives and short Journeys etc.
Third house in medical astrology represents - Ears (right ear), neck, throat, shoulders, bones, upper limbs, mental instability, physical growth and longevity.
Impact of planet positions
Rahu in ninth house in general:- Native may gain from foreign country, He may not keep good relations with his father, Political career, expert in many fields. He will waste money on Saints and donate lot of his money on religious places.
Ketu in third house if benefic:- Native would be blessed with good children and would be a generous and kind person- success in political career.
Presence of Shankchood Kaal Sarp Dosha in a native’s kundli will have following impact:
The native with this Kaal Sarp Yoga in his kundli may face many upheavels in life.
This Dosha in the kundli will show native sudden successes and sudden failures.
This dosha creates distance between the native and the father.
 The person with Shankchood Kaal Sarp Yoga/Dosha in the kundli will loose temper easily and this will often land him/her in trouble.
This dosha brings as lot of struggle in the native’s life and therefore native will always believe himself/herself to be unlucky and will be devoid of various daily day comforts
Divergent views with senior authorities and face problems from higher authorities- Govt of the day and local administration in the field of business & commerce.
The person with this dosha in his/her kundli will face various upheavals in his life. He or she might not have stability in his profession which may increase his financial problems.
This dosha will also bring unstability in the form of numerous job changes or transfers.
Following are the remedies to remove malefic influence of Kalsarpa Yoga from the native’s life
Worship Lord Krishna and perform puja on Lord Krishna janam ashtami
Place idol of Laddo bhagwan in the home with peacock feather
Respect father- The native should never distance himself/herself from father and should try maintain good relations with him.
The person can wear Agate in the silver ring to increase the strength of fortune.
It is advised to perform Pind daan for the ancestors and offer food and donation to Brahmans according to his capacity.
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Parmod Kumar
Former  Assistant General Manager ( Punjab National bank)
Astrologer (PK Astroceneter now The PK Astro)
Blogger:- www.pkastrocenter.com
For love marriage, delayed marriage, foreign travelling,settlement abroad or career ,business and kaal sarp yoga /dosha
Email at [email protected] or place your query
at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis
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that's literally the most insane thing i've ever heard. drop the birdie facts.
Insane should be par for the course by now. I mean, check the url. You should know better than to expect any less of me.
So the most notable thing about the resplendent quetzal is its connection to Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec god of the sun, the wind, knowledge, writing, and like a lot of other stuff too. He's kind of their main guy, the creator of life, and generally a very big deal. I'm sure you already know who he is. Quetzalcoatl is a winged serpent god. "Coatl" meaning "Snake" and Quetzal, referring to, well, the Resplendent Quetzal. Which is a very lovely bird, it's quite easy to see how someone could look at this and see god
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Very handsome bird. They were of religious significance to several pre-Columbian mesoamerican societies, but I'm most familiar with Aztec stuff, so I'm running off of a lot of remembered knowledge from when I was a wee child and I briefly went through a fixation on bird symbolism in ancient Aztec culture.
So as the quetzal is part of the god Quetzalcoatl, they're considered symbolic of all the things he represents. Particularly, they're symbols of wisdom, justice, freedom, knowledge, writing, and wealth.
That wealth association is important, as their feathers were once used as currently. To this day, Guatemalan currency is called the quetzal after these little guys. They're also the national bird of Guatemala.
I think it's a bit of their beauty and significance that led me to them. You deserve a truly important bird, and the resplendent quetzal is one of the most important birds I can think of. It's right in the name, Resplendent!! And Justice, wisdom, knowledge, writing, and freedom are all things that align with my ideas of you. The quetzal may be a bit too grand, but I think you may deserve this spot of grandeur. Up
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my-reference-notes · 2 years
Symbolism of Snakes
Snakes have been a symbol of both positive and negative qualities in many cultures throughout history. Here are some common symbolic meanings associated with snakes:
Transformation and Rebirth: Snakes are often seen as symbols of transformation, renewal, and rebirth, due to their ability to shed their skin and emerge anew. In many cultures, snakes are seen as a representation of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
Healing and Medicine: Snakes have long been associated with healing and medicine, due to their association with renewal and transformation. In many cultures, the image of a snake coiled around a staff is used as a symbol of medicine.
Knowledge and Wisdom: In some cultures, snakes are seen as symbols of knowledge, wisdom, and intuition. This symbolism may be related to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, who offered Adam and Eve knowledge and insight.
Evil and Deception: Snakes are also associated with negative qualities like evil, deception, and danger, due to their venomous nature and their ability to strike without warning. In many cultures, the image of a serpent or snake is associated with temptation and evil.
Sexuality and Fertility: In some cultures, snakes are associated with sexuality and fertility, due to their phallic shape and their ability to shed their skin and emerge renewed. In ancient Greek mythology, for example, the god of fertility, Dionysus, was often depicted with a snake.
Overall, the symbolism of snakes is complex and multifaceted, and their meaning can vary widely depending on the cultural context and the specific snake species being referenced.
Snakes have been symbols in many cultures throughout history, and their meanings can vary widely depending on the cultural context. Here are some common symbolic meanings associated with snakes:
Transformation and Rebirth: In many cultures, snakes are seen as symbols of transformation and rebirth because they shed their skin and emerge in a new form. This is why snakes are often associated with healing, regeneration, and renewal.
Knowledge and Wisdom: Snakes are also associated with knowledge and wisdom in many cultures. This may be because snakes are often seen as elusive and mysterious creatures that possess hidden knowledge.
Danger and Evil: On the other hand, snakes can also be symbols of danger and evil, especially in cultures where they are venomous or associated with deadly diseases. In some cultures, snakes are seen as tricksters or tempters who lead people astray.
Sexuality and Fertility: In some cultures, snakes are associated with sexuality and fertility. This may be because their slithering movements are seen as phallic, or because their ability to shed their skin is associated with the renewal of life.
Protection and Guardianship: In some cultures, snakes are seen as protectors and guardians. For example, in ancient Egypt, the cobra was a symbol of protection and was often worn as a talisman by royalty.
Overall, the symbolism of snakes is complex and varied, and can have both positive and negative connotations depending on the cultural context.
Snakes have been symbolic animals in many cultures throughout history, and their meaning can vary depending on the context and cultural perspective. Here are some common symbolic meanings associated with snakes:
Transformation and renewal: Snakes are often seen as symbols of transformation and renewal because of their ability to shed their skin and emerge with a new appearance. In many cultures, snakes are associated with healing and transformational energy.
Wisdom and knowledge: Snakes have long been associated with wisdom and knowledge, especially in ancient cultures where they were often seen as symbols of the divine. The serpent was also the symbol of the Greek god of medicine, Asclepius.
Power and fertility: In some cultures, snakes are seen as symbols of power and fertility, representing the regenerative power of nature. This is especially true in cultures where the snake is associated with the goddess or the divine feminine.
Evil and danger: In many cultures, snakes are also associated with evil and danger. This may be because of their venomous nature, their association with the underworld, or their association with temptations and deception.
Transformational journey: In some cultures, snakes are seen as symbols of the hero's journey, representing the obstacles and challenges that must be faced in order to achieve transformation and enlightenment.
Overall, the symbolism of snakes is often linked to ideas of transformation, wisdom, power, and danger, although their meaning can vary depending on the culture and context in which they are found.
Snakes have been symbols in various cultures throughout history, and their meaning can vary depending on the context and cultural perspective. Here are some common symbolic meanings associated with snakes:
Transformation and Renewal: Snakes are often seen as symbols of transformation, change, and renewal because of their ability to shed their skin and emerge as a new being. This symbolism can represent personal growth and transformation, as well as the cyclical nature of life and death.
Knowledge and Wisdom: In many cultures, snakes are associated with knowledge and wisdom. This can be linked to their reputation as cunning and intelligent creatures, as well as their connection to the earth and the natural world.
Healing and Regeneration: Snakes have been used in traditional medicine in many cultures throughout history, and are sometimes seen as symbols of healing and regeneration. This symbolism may be connected to the idea of shedding old skin and emerging renewed.
Danger and Temptation: In some cultures, snakes are seen as symbols of danger, temptation, and evil. This can be linked to their venomous bite and their reputation as creatures that can harm humans.
Spirituality and the Divine: Snakes have been associated with spiritual and divine forces in many cultures, and are sometimes seen as symbols of the divine feminine or masculine. In some traditions, snakes are seen as guardians of sacred spaces or as messengers between worlds.
Overall, the symbolism of snakes can be complex and multifaceted, and their meaning can vary depending on the cultural and historical context in which they are found.
Snakes have played a significant role in the mythology and folklore of many cultures throughout history. Here are a few examples of snakes in myth:
The Serpent in the Garden of Eden: In Judeo-Christian mythology, the serpent is depicted as a symbol of temptation and deceit. The serpent is said to have tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, leading to the fall of humanity.
The Nagas in Hindu Mythology: In Hindu mythology, the Nagas are a group of divine beings that are half-human and half-serpent. They are often associated with water and fertility, and are seen as guardians of treasure and wisdom.
Quetzalcoatl in Aztec Mythology: In Aztec mythology, the god Quetzalcoatl was often depicted as a feathered serpent. He was associated with knowledge, creation, and the wind, and was often worshipped as a god of fertility and agriculture.
The Midgard Serpent in Norse Mythology: In Norse mythology, the Midgard Serpent was a giant serpent that encircled the earth, biting its own tail. It was said to be so large that it could wrap around the entire earth.
Medusa in Greek Mythology: In Greek mythology, Medusa was a woman with snakes for hair. She was said to be so hideous that anyone who looked at her would turn to stone. She was eventually slain by the hero Perseus.
These are just a few examples of the rich mythology and folklore surrounding snakes in cultures around the world.
Snakes have played a significant role in the mythology and folklore of many cultures throughout history. Here are a few examples of snakes in myth:
The Serpent in the Garden of Eden: In Judeo-Christian mythology, the serpent is a central figure in the story of the Garden of Eden. The serpent is often seen as a symbol of temptation and deception, and is said to have led Adam and Eve astray.
The Naga in Hindu Mythology: In Hindu mythology, the naga is a snake-like creature that is said to live in the underworld or in water. Nagas are often seen as protectors of the earth and its treasures, and are associated with fertility and wisdom.
Quetzalcoatl in Aztec Mythology: In Aztec mythology, Quetzalcoatl is a god associated with learning, wind, and the planet Venus. He is often depicted with a serpent's body and feathers, and is sometimes seen as a symbol of life and rebirth.
Medusa in Greek Mythology: In Greek mythology, Medusa is a creature with snakes for hair who can turn people to stone with her gaze. She is often seen as a symbol of danger and temptation, and is sometimes associated with the idea of the monstrous feminine.
Orochi in Japanese Mythology: In Japanese mythology, Orochi is a giant eight-headed serpent that is said to have terrorized a village until it was defeated by the god Susanoo. Orochi is often seen as a symbol of chaos and destruction.
These are just a few examples of the rich mythology and folklore surrounding snakes in cultures around the world. Snakes have played many different roles in myth, including as symbols of wisdom, danger, transformation, and power.
Snakes have played a significant role in the mythology and folklore of many cultures throughout history. Here are a few examples of snakes in myth:
The Serpent in the Garden of Eden: In Christian mythology, the serpent is often associated with temptation and evil because of its role in the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The serpent tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, which leads to the fall of humanity.
The Naga in Hindu and Buddhist Mythology: In Hindu and Buddhist mythology, the Naga is a divine or semi-divine being that is often depicted as a serpent or dragon. The Naga is associated with water and fertility, and is often seen as a protector of the natural world.
The Minoan Snake Goddess: In ancient Minoan culture, the Snake Goddess was a powerful deity associated with fertility, regeneration, and the earth. The goddess was often depicted holding snakes or surrounded by them.
The Rainbow Serpent in Australian Aboriginal Mythology: The Rainbow Serpent is a key figure in Australian Aboriginal mythology, and is associated with creation, fertility, and the natural world. The Rainbow Serpent is often depicted as a powerful and benevolent force, and is sometimes seen as a protector of the land and its people.
Quetzalcoatl in Aztec Mythology: In Aztec mythology, Quetzalcoatl is a feathered serpent god who is associated with knowledge, creation, and wisdom. Quetzalcoatl was revered by the Aztecs, who saw him as a protector of humanity and a bringer of civilization.
These are just a few examples of the rich mythology and folklore surrounding snakes in cultures around the world.
Snakes have been significant creatures in the mythology and folklore of many cultures throughout history. Here are some examples of snakes in myth:
The Serpent in the Garden of Eden: In the Bible, the serpent is a figure that tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, leading to the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. The serpent is often seen as a symbol of temptation and evil.
The Nagas in Hindu Mythology: In Hindu mythology, the Nagas are a race of serpent-like beings that are associated with water, fertility, and protection. They are often depicted as guardians of treasure and sacred places.
The Ouroboros in Greek Mythology: The Ouroboros is a symbol of a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, representing the cyclical nature of life and death. It is often seen as a symbol of eternity, renewal, and the circle of life.
Quetzalcoatl in Aztec Mythology: Quetzalcoatl was a deity in Aztec mythology that was often depicted as a serpent with feathers. He was associated with creation, fertility, and the arts, and was seen as a bringer of knowledge and civilization.
Medusa in Greek Mythology: Medusa was a creature in Greek mythology that had snakes for hair and could turn people to stone with her gaze. She is often seen as a symbol of danger and fear, as well as a representation of the power of feminine sexuality.
These are just a few examples of the many roles that snakes have played in myth and folklore throughout history.
Snakes are a group of elongated, legless reptiles that belong to the suborder Serpentes. They are found all over the world, in a wide variety of habitats, ranging from deserts to rainforests, and are known for their unique physical features, such as their lack of legs and their ability to swallow prey whole.
Snakes are carnivorous, meaning they eat other animals, and they are important predators in many ecosystems. They have a wide range of diets, depending on their species and size, and may eat insects, rodents, birds, and even other snakes.
Many people are afraid of snakes, and some species are venomous and potentially dangerous to humans. However, the vast majority of snake species are harmless and play an important role in their ecosystems. Snakes also have many important cultural and symbolic meanings in different cultures and religions, and are often revered or feared for their unique characteristics.
There are over 3,500 species of snakes in the world, and they exhibit a wide range of physical and behavioral adaptations to survive in their environments, such as camouflage, venomous fangs, and the ability to climb trees or swim.
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centerspirited · 2 years
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I’m gonna be honest, Idc if Bai//zhu turns out to be a villain or an anti-villain/anti-hero. Would it disappoint me? Yes, especially since it locks into the stereotype of ‘snakes are evil’ and that trope has gotten really stale.
Would be more interesting? Bai//zhu just being a pharmacist with no real impact on the story. He’s just a bystander running a pharmacy, that’s all. Maybe he’s an archon but that one archon that’s like… tired of being an archon so he decided to open up a pharmacy and wants to live life as a normal down to earth being.
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phae-undergrove · 3 years
The 4 Elements
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Is the element of stability and foundation.
is a realm full of wisdom,knowledge ,strength, growth and prosperity.
It is the heart of life .
Cleaning up the earth
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Is the element that represents the mind intelligence,Communication,telepathy,psychic Powers And inspiration.
It rules spells involving travel and knowledge
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is the element that represents the energy of inspiration ,love,passion,drive and leadership.
is the energy of life and soul and it’s driving force.
fire is the most physical and spiritual of the elements
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Is the element that represents emotions, Absorption,subconscious ,purification ,eternal movement, wisdom and The soul.
It is the base of the earth and a necessity.
without it nothing can live.
Lucid dreaming
Sea serpents
This is just a brief breakdown of the elements! If you would be interested in a post on each of them please let me know!!🥰✨ and of course please feel free to add to this list! And Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns 💗
Merry meet~B
Follow for more
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xochitl-nahuatl · 3 years
List of the Aztec Gods
This isn’t a complete list, but contains most of the Aztec gods and what they are known for.
Ometecuhtli/Omecihuatl - dual god/goddess who created themselves at the beginning of time as one being, then split into male and female in order to reproduce all creation. These are the supreme gods. 
Xiuhtecuhtli (Lord of Fire) - god of fire, daytime, and volcanoes; father of the gods 
Teleoinan - goddess of the Earth, motherhood, childbirth, fertility, and vegetation. Counterpart of Gaia; mother of the gods. Honored with blood-sacrifices in the fields. 
Huitzilopochtli (Hummingbird of the South) - god of war, human sacrifice, and the sun; father of the Aztecs and the one who led them to conquer Mexico from the Otomi.
Tezcatlipoca (The Smoking Mirror) - god of magick, the night sky, ancestral memory, time, fate, and change through conflict 
Quetzalcoatl (The Feathered-Serpent) - dragon-god of winds, rain, knowledge, wisdom, spirituality, science, and self-reflection 
Coatlicue (She of the Serpent Skirt) - serpent-goddess of the earth, fertility, motherhood, and rebirth; represents both the life-generating and devouring sides of nature (guardian of mothers who die in childbirth). 
Itzpapalotl (The Obsidian Butterfly) - goddess of revenge and blood-shed; leader of the Tzitzimimeh, the star-demons. 
Nanauatzin - god who sacrificed himself in fire so he could become the sun 
Tonatiuh (The Turquoise Lord) - god of the sun; Nanauatzin’s name after becoming the sun god. Had required the nourishment of human blood to provide warmth to the land.
Xochiquetzal (Precious Feather Flower) - goddess of beauty, sex, romantic love, pleasure, fertility, motherhood, and traditional women’s handicrafts such as weaving. She is also heavily associated with the moon and the various lunar phases. 
Huhuecoyotl (Very Old Coyote) - coyote-god of merriment, art, music, wisdom, mischief, and virility 
Tlaloc (He Who makes Things Sprout) - god of rain, thunder storms, and vegetation. Brings rains to the land but is wrathful when angered, sending floods or causing droughts to destroy crops. 
Mictlantecuhtli - god of death and the Underworld (Mictlan) 
Mictecacihuatl - goddess of death and the Underworld; wife of Mictlantecuhtli 
Xolotl - dog-headed god of fire, lightning, misfortunes, sickness, deformities, monsters, and twins; psychopomp for the dead. His job was also to protect the sun from the dangers of the Underworld.
Chalchiuhtlicue (She Who Wears a Jade Skirt) - goddess of water, navigation, and childbirth 
Xipe Totec (Our Lord the Flayed One) - god of vegetation, agriculture, sacrifice, and the skinning of humans. Brought vegetation to the land once appeased with the flayed skins of sacrificial victims. His festival is called Tlacaxipehualiztli - which translates as “flaying of men”. 
Mixcoatl (Cloud Serpent) - god of hunting and the stars. He was usually depicted wearing a cloak of human skin; his own exposed skin was covered in red and white stripes.
Xōchipilli (Prince of Flowers) - god of summer, flowers, art, dancing, singing, pleasure, sex, romantic love, creativity, gambling, and feasts. Offered sacrifices of virgins in his ceremonies. 
Tlazolteotl (She Who Eats Away Impurities) - goddess of purification, luck, and sorcery. Wrongly interpreted as a goddess of lust, filth, and sexual misdeeds. She consumes the impurities of humans and transmutes them into the White Flame of purity and illumination. Can cause seduction, but only through her role of charm magick. 
Tecciztecatl - god who became the moon 
Metztli - goddess of the moon, the night, and agriculture 
Coyolxāuhqui - goddess who was butchered to pieces by Huitzilopochtli when she tried to kill their mother, Coatlicue. She has association with the moon.
Ixtlilton - god of healing, medicine, and dancing 
Macuilxóchitl - god who is part of the Centzon Totochtin, the 400 rabbits who are all gods of drunkenness 
Tepeyollotl (Jaguar of Night) – jaguar-god of wild animals, darkened caves, echoes, and earthquakes 
Mayahuel - goddess of the agave plant and fertility 
Patecatl - god of healing; patron god of doctors 
Ixtlilton - god of medicine and healing 
Cinteotl - god of maize 
Cipactonal - god of astrology and calendars, associated with daytime 
Oxomo - goddess of astrology and calendars, associated with nighttime 
Cihuacoatl - goddess of childbirth, motherhood, and fertility. Noble-women who died in childbirth were taken to her realm. This goddess was sometimes portrayed as a skull-faced warrior due to the harshness of childbirth.
Toci - goddess of healing 
Temazcalteci - goddess of steam baths 
Chantico - goddess of the family hearth and volcanoes 
Piltzintecuhtli - god of the rising sun, healing, and visions 
Citlalicue - creator-goddess of stars 
Citlalatonac - creator-god of stars (husband of Citlalicue) 
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli - god of Venus 
Chalchiutotolin - turkey-god of purification, disease, and release of guilt
Itztlacoliuhqui (All Is Bent By Coldness) - god of ice, coldness, winter, punishment, and misery. He is also the god of objectivity and impartial justice. 
Malinalxochitl - goddess of sorcery, snakes, scorpions, and insects of the desert. Is known to cause horrible hallucinations to humans, eat their flesh, and make them get bit by venomous snakes. 
Macuiltotec - god of weaponry and warfare 
Atlatoman - goddess of physical deformities and sores. She was also thought to be the cause of such ailments. 
Atlaua - god of water; protector of archers and fishermen. The Aztecs often prayed to him when there were deaths in water. 
Opochtli - god of fishing and bird-catchers; discoverer of harpoons and the net 
Huixtocihuatl - goddess of salt and patron of cultivated foods and people in the salt trade 
Atlacoya - goddess of droughts 
Yacatecuhtli - god of commerce and travelers, especially business travelers 
Zacatzontli - god of roads
Nappatecutli - god of mat-making
Ilamatecuthli - goddess of weaving
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vindelllas · 4 years
the beauty of punarvasu 🦋🏹
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🏹 kali uchis: punarvasu surya
🦋 punarvasu natives, such as mariah carey* and kali uchis, tend to be obsessed with butterflies and their imagery. butterflies are representative of the air/ether element. the deity of the punarvasu nakshatra is aditi, the mother of gods and the goddess of space and the ether element. we tend to see many butterfly-like qualities about punarvasu natives. for example, many natives may be naturally quite restless and finicky and always feel the need to move or travel to satisfy their insatiable appetite for new experiences (similar to the monach butterfly’s migratory nature). this nakshatra being the vimshottari birth of jupiter, causes many natives to want to expand throughout multiple areas of life too quickly and without proper judgment before hand. their aspirations may quickly multiply and quickly reced at a later date. coming and going, flying up and down just like a butterfly. because this nakshatra tends to struggle with commitment and maintaining a steady, continual frequency, their hardest feat in life may be, what i like to refer to as, the chrysalis period. the chrysalis period in life is where many jupiter natives are called to go through multiple transformations and changes in their lives before they see the reward of finding who their true being/self is. they go through life like a caterpillar yearning to become a great being one day, going through the chrysalis of transformation, and, solely after the gruesome time commitment of the chrysalis, typically becoming the best at what they do.
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🏹sofia vergara (punarvasu chandra and surya): upper photo
🏹 penelope cruz (punarvasu chandra): lower photo
🌬 the appearances of jupiter dominant individuals are very unique. it is hard to pinpoint the general consensus of jupitarian women’s looks because jupiter really bestows its natives with originality and niche looks specific to the native, much like the big planet of restriction: saturn. first let’s take a look into the two rashis of this nakshatra: gemini and cancer. gemini is ruled by mercury, giving natives a rather elvish and smaller appearance (due to mercury ruling the lower abdomen and bestowing its natives with a generally high metabolism). cancer is ruled by the moon giving natives a yin, curvy, and busty (due to chandra ruling the chest) figure. juxtaposed with the expanisive/yang nature of jupiter gives natives larger features, like big lips and bigger/airy (ether) eyes.
🐈 when researching the appearance of natives, i also like to take into account their nakshatra’s yoni. this is because i believe the yoni of the native somewhat glosses over the planetary dominance of the individual. for example, rat yonis tend to have a pinched face like many rodents, serpent yonis tend to have intoxicating eyes resembling that of snakes, rabbit yonis tend to have prominent, apple-y cheeks like bunnies, etc.. punarvasu, being the feminine feline (female cat) yoni adds somewhat feline features, like arched brows, almond shaped eyes, and overall much emphasis on the features nearing the orbital bone. similar to how cats typically have rich iris coloring to contrast their fur coat and pronounced whiskers where eyebrows would lie on humans.
🍋 jupitarian women also tend to have blonde/yellow undertone hair, this is likely due to jupiter being ruled by the color yellow and remedied by wearing gold/donating yellow objects (i.e. bananas/saffron). overall, they are the best planetary type for those wishing to dye, bleach, or wear wigs of the color blonde. blonde can truly compliment their ethereal looks and remedy jupiter, i.e. shakira (punarvasu native) going blonde and being primarily recognized for her artificially blonde hair.
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🏹shakira (punarvasu chandra): left photo
🏹 left eye (punarvasu chandra): middle photo
🏹 mariah carey (punarvasu chandra)*: right photo
🎙punarvasu is heavily prominent in the music industry, from mariah carey* and shakira to eartha kitt and nina simone. i believe this is due to jupiter’s overall auspicious energy. early we reviewed the chrysalis stage of jupiter, after said stage, we see jupiter natives being bestowed with great fortune and fame for their efforts. we also see this musical prevalence with vishakha (another nakshatra under jupiter’s rulership), many famous singers are also born under this star. such as miley cyrus, beyonce, katy perry and more! if we take a step back and look at jupiter and the houses jupiter rules, we can get a better understanding of why. jupiter rules two rashis: sagittarius and pisces. sagittarius is the natural ninth house and pisces is the natural twelfth house of the zodiac. the ninth house pertains to honesty, principles, dreams, and intuition. it is considered to be the dharma bhava and rules one’s religious instincts, good karma, dharma, ethics, higher learnings, one’s inclination towards good deeds and charity. it is essentially a house influenced by luck, fortune, and favors. the twelfth house is the ending of one’s life cycle and the beginning of their spiritual journey. it is often considered to be the house of unconsciousness, the undoing of self, and imprisonment. this is the essence of jupiter, brihaspati challenges your wisdom and rewards you when he deems fit (9th house) and if you prove to be unsuccessful, this could be your undoing and call to ground yourself (12th house). time and time again we see these jupitarian women succeed in their respective industries and devote themselves to philanthropy and causes pertaining to empowerment, such as miley cyrus’ hippie foundation and her being very vocal about her feminist ideologies. we see jupiter women gravitating towards music almost as a form of spiritual expression (twelfth house) and a channel to express their immense lyricism (ninth house pertaining to wisdom). even in the later years of their career, we still see women like mariah carey* and shakira continue to make music and receiving immense credit and followings for doing so.
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🏹 phoebe tonkin (punarvasu surya): upper photo
🏹 meghan markle (punarvasu lagna): lower photo
🏹 in ardra, we saw the process of forming the rational mind and free will after rohini’s rejection of bhrama’s pursuits and fearfully running away (mrigashira). we see punarvasu acts as the bridge between communications, mental intelligence, and journeys (third house/gemini) and peace of mind, motherhood, and domesticity (fourth house/cancer). this bridges the elements of ether and water and generally creates a harmonious, caring, and auspicious individual. these same traits are also abundant in the following nakshatra: pushya. think of punarvasu as the cosmic mother (aditi/4th house) who has gained immense knowledge and wisdom through life (brihaspati/3rd house) and the beginning of domesticity and motherhood, whereas pushya is the nourisher and the nourishing milk the mother provides (brihaspati and the 4th house combined).
🦢 due to the overall motherly nature of punarvasu, we also see this natural purity to the natives. hence, why many punarvasu women wear white (the color associated with purity). looking at the street style of punarvasu natives, i saw a lot of the typical colorful and eclectic styles jupitarian women like to wear. however with punarvasu, i saw a more subdued version of the typical jupitarian style. i noticed lots of sweaters, semi-tailored/fitted jeans and pants, flowy and distressed shirts, and overwear. i would describe a typical punarvasu outfit to consist of gold jewelry (a nod to the jupitarian rulership of gold), distressed and relaxed clothing (symbolic of the yang energy of jupiter), and lots of primarily white, lead, and black clothing with colorful embellishments. as previously mentioned, white is symbolic of the purity of punarvasu, lead is considered to be the auspicious color of this nakshatra, and black is indicative of the spiritual qualities and the yang manifestation of jupiter himself.
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🏹 romee strijd (punarvasu surya): left photo
🏹 alessandra ambrosio (punarvasu chandra): right photo
🌱 punarvasu reminds me of the painting “garden of earthly delights” by hieronymus bosch. a painting primarily about the dichotomy between heaven and hell and the road that lies between it. it is like the greenery that is rebuilt after the purposeful destruction of ardra. the painting depicts succulent strawberries, palaces, shimmering crystals, and seed pods ready to burst. surrounded by fountains of clear azul water flowing directly into the mouths of what many believe to be adam and eve, plucked fruits, and duos caressing inside glistening bubbles, ajar clam shells, and ripened nectarines, indicative of the journey of all nature, planetary vimshottari birth nakshatras and the cosmic blessings of aditi. this fruitful abundance, combined with their lovely, nurturing nature, is a resemblance of the left (heaven) side of the painting, the jupitarian chrysalis period is the middle (worldly) board of the painting, and the dangerously falling susceptible to the influences of others is the right (hell) side of the painting.
🌳 punarvasu is of the vasutva prapana shakti, meaning “the power to gain substance”. in general, it is easy for them to get inspired by their creative ideas and plans, but they must learn to bring their ideas to fruition and into reality. because when they do, great things happen, i.e. punarvasu natives like the singer nina simone or the victoria secret supermodel alessandra ambrosio being highly successful and regarded in their respective industries. i cannot stress this is enough: while punarvasus are extremely talented and abundant looks and career wise, like all jupitarian women, they must learn to heal from the trials and tribulations of their lives (the garden of earthly delights). to help aid natives lying in the cancer rashi, i recommend meditation. for those lying in the gemini rashi, it is of the utmost importance for them to ground themselves and not allow the fickle nature of air to overun themselves.
as always, i am open to any constructive criticism! i tried to touch on both the appearance, fashion, and symbolism of punarvasu and i hope i did these natives justice! in my opinion, this nakshatra is truly criminally underrated. punarvasu is so angelic, expansive and gracious 💫 if you are looking for more information about punarvasu, get to know the overrulers and supreme deities of mercury, vishnu (the maintainer) and narayana (the cosmic person), the moon, apas (the water goddess) and parvati (the supreme goddess), and jupiter, indra (the king of the gods) and bhrama (the law giver)!! if any of my placements or information is incorrect please feel free to let me know! also, i am fully aware of the origins of vedic astrology and if i was in anyway disrespectful to hindu culture, i will take down this post immediately xx
* the wonderful @/starlitebimbo and @/venusianvirago on twitter informed me that mariah carey has two birth dates and may either be a punarvasu or anuradha moon!
**all of these placements were found using astrotheme/.com and/or astro-charts/.com. it is important to note that some chandra (moon) placements may be off by up to 6 degrees and lagnas (risings) as well, due to the fact that many websites do not have 100% accurate birth times for the given celebrities.
**i take absolutely no credit for the invention of vedic astrology-based appearance profiles. please watch claire nakti on youtube or look into @/cn0bles, @/lovejustlied, @/dh4nishta, and @/vanillemercure on twitter for more in-depth analysis on vedic astrology xx
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bluecryptic · 3 years
Potential Palisman for Luz
After watching the episode "Hunting Palisman", I wondered what kind of animal or creature Luz would carve to make her palisman and came up with five-ish potential candidates.
Black Cat
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This one may be a bit cliché but I think a black cat palisman for Luz is a fun concept. Black cats are often associated with witches and with Luz wanting to be a witch, it'd be a fun fit. There's also how Luz is always wearing a cat hoodie and there's that one time where she tried to make an abomination more cat-like in " Escaping Expulsion". Not to mention I don't think I've seen any regular cats in the Boiling isles so it'd be nice to see Luz make a palisman reminiscent to an animal from the human realm that also is tied to witchcraft. I also like the idea of Luz having a palisman that can blend in the human realm as a pet or something.
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When thinking what kind of palisman Luz could have, I'd look back to any potential hints from previous episodes and here's one of them. I looked up what otters symbolize and they represent friendship, kindness, family, creativity as well as neverending curiosity, all of which fit Luz to a T. There's not much else to say about this one apart from potential foreshadow and that it'd suit Luz personality-wise.
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Eda has Owlbert and there's no replacing that little guy, Lilith has a raven, Mama Clawthorne has an eagle and the Hunter had a red cardinal. If Luz were to make a bird palisman so that she'd have a flying staff as well as to pay homage to her mentor, Eda the Owl Lady, I think a sparrow would be great fit for her. They're birds that represent creativity, friendliness and persistence which also fit Luz.
Also Amphibia had a sparrow character to reference Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean and this would be a way for the Owl House to do the same.
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Does anyone else remember the snakes that Luz had in the first episode? I do and I personally love the idea of Luz having a snake palisman. Snakes represent transformation and change which fits to how Luz has changed since she first arrived at the Boiling Isles. They also represent wisdom, which also fits to how Luz has learned more about magic since the beginning of the show. Then there's how snakes are a symbol of healing that could play into the potential of Luz breaking Eda's curse.
Personally, I think a snake palisman would be awesome for Luz but then again, a sparrow is also neat, plus it can fly and Luz has shown to be good at steering a flying staff.
Too bad there aren't any flying snakes...
Oh wait...
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Probably the least likely to become a reality but one I find to be the most epic. It's a feathered serpent so there's the snake that I think suits Luz and then there's the wings that will make it capable of flight.
Quetzalcoatl is often associated with Aztecan mythology as a god of arts, crafts (which again, fits Luz) and knowledge was said to have control over the elemental energies like wind and air (a tie in to how Luz uses glyph magic, elemental energies from the island itself).
Mostly I like the idea of Luz's palisman being a feathered serpent like Quetzalcoatl the best mostly due to aesthetic and how awesome it sounds.
I'm curious to see what kind future Luz will decide for herself and how her palisman will reflect that. Hope we'll at least get a glimpse of what it'll be before season 2 ends.
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impeccablenest68 · 9 months
Dream of Big Snake Python Meaning: Unveiling the Symbolism
Dreaming of a big snake such as a Python can symbolize many different things depending on the details and your interpretation. Some common meanings include:
transformation and change. Snakes are symbols of renewal and regeneration since they shed their skin. A big snake may indicate that a major life transition is approaching or already unfolding in your journey. It represents sloughing off old habits, beliefs and identities to make way for new growth. Face this change bravely and with an open mind.
wisdom and insight. Pythons in particular are seen as wise serpents who possess deep knowledge. Your dream may be inviting you to tap into your intuition, think more deeply about your situation or find understanding from an unexpected source. Be receptive to learning life's lessons through unconventional means.
strength and resilience. The size and power of a huge snake commands respect. It can symbolize your inner fortitude and ability to wit
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