#sn goddess of desire
aquarion135 · 1 year
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Dawn Duel Ending in a Nutshell. This is still one of my favorite event stories in terms of overall epic vibes.
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shiningtalons · 5 months
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baby-chirp · 2 years
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Decided to do a CC-Free attempt at making some Shining Nikki Sims to share on the Sims 4 Gallery, because I can not find a lot of Shining Nikki sims that aren't just Nikki.
Feel free to use these as bases and edit with CC, but please make sure to credit me.
My EA Gallery ID is suz3queue by the way.
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stellacaerulea · 7 months
Paper announced a new Nikki figurine, and I'd like to make a not-so-short rant on the subject - feel free to state your views on the matter afterwards
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Disclaimer: this entire text is my opinion on the matter and in no way an irrefutable statement
This week another SN figurine was announced, with Nikki in an unknown Cloud-style outfit. I mentioned that before in other occasions in the community at large, but why is it that only Nikki gets anything outside of the game?
People constantly come to the quick conclusion that, well, Nikki is the protagonist and all so it's only natural that she gets most of the attention, but there's a noticeable difference between getting most of the attention and getting all of it. The only character to get anything at all outside the game - applies to both Love Nikki and Shining Nikki - is Nikki and, by proxy, Momo.
Earlier I heard in my server that "she is the protagonist, so she's the game's selling point" - fact is, Nikki alone isn't strong enough of a selling point. Anyone somewhat familiar with long-running gacha RPGs knows the other characters are often just as, if not more, important as the protagonist and appropriately, they get a share of the spotlight outside their games.
Think about other games in this segment I know which one you're gonna think about. While the protagonist's story is the driving motor of the game, what we actually hear/read most is the stories of the people surrounding the protagonist, and as a result the game becomes more of a collection of stories of interesting people, and said interesting people gets just as much attention as part of the game as a product as the protagonist does, to the point that often the protagonist is ignored.
Of course we don't want Nikki to be ignored, even though I personally have been finding her a bit flat as a character as of late. But consider: when was the last time we saw artwork of other characters in their birthdays or other big events outside the game (say, holidays) that weren't reflection arts or concepts? To be honest I've seen it around 5 times ever since TW SN was released - April 2019.
Likewise, I made that survey a few months ago, asking if you were interested in merchandise from anyone other than Nikki, to which the crushing majority said yes. And I know for a fact, half the community would be fighting tooth and nail for a Lilith figurine with a sparkly silver dress, or maybe Loen in some action pose [edit: my gf arrived as I was typing and added she'd kill for a figurine of the Goddess of Desire]. We could have gotten a short animation (even if it was live2D mostly) of Ashley's past which is a very popular story and honestly how most people even heard of Shining Nikki to begin with or some slice of life about Aeon and Marina taking care of the personality mirrors in the Ark. But instead, anything that isn't Nikki herself is neglected and treated as secondary even if in practice they are most of what makes the game.
In short, my point with all this is to express my disappointment with how a world meant to be rich and attractive is neglected and the game is treated as if it were only pretty clothes on a silly (affectionate) pink-haired girl. Of course the game would decline as it has been lately. We can have a dress-up with pretty clothes anywhere. Just ask Archosaur.
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imaginationproblems · 3 years
I have this feeling where Ashley is gonna be a much more important character in the future of Shining Nikki.
We saw a description of her when The Abyss opened. We saw her talking to Nikki and saying to stop Desire (I think that is what she said, I don’t really know anymore).
Don’t forget that Lilith IS Ashley, but what I think is that Ashley is trapped somewhere in The Abyss and her soul is there.
She wished to look prettier and have everyone’s love, but that was greediness and something she never had as Ashley. That was her desire.
But after some time in The Abyss she relies that this is not right, but she can’t change it and it’s already done.
Keep in mind I’m just making a theory, this is not confirmed!
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gaysforqinyi · 2 years
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not even mad i didn’t get the full set, at least i got the dress😫
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uni-vee · 3 years
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[SN Global] Demon’s Descent: Dawn Duel
Event: Double UR
Suits: Dustless Feathers (Leonid, Blue) and Gloomy Start (Goddess of Desire, Pink)
Event Details: Pavilion event, you get to choose a suit to have higher drop rates first.
Event Details II: There will be a free UR welfare (designed by Lilith) and a SSR recharge (designed by Loen)
Time: March 17 to March 30, 2022
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nikki-blogging · 3 years
Love how sn assumes I would be able to resist the mirage of desire.
The goddess of desire would show me a redeem code for 10 dia and 30 stamina and i would throw nikki under a bus
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Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime (Belle) Novel | English Translation | Chapter 4
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**This is a machine translation. I put it together by extracting text page-by-page from a .pdf version of the Japanese novel, and running it through Google translate. I have only minorly edited some of the more confusing lines to make it more read-able. It is still a very rough translation, but it’s good enough to understand what’s going on. If there is anyone out there who wants to properly translate the novel, I am more than happy to edit it, if you’ll contact me.**
Chapter 4: U
I went home and opened my MacBook. While shivering in the cold, I clicked on the link sent by Hiro-chan. The letter "U" slowly emerges on a pitch-black screen with a wave-like sound. ".......U?" My tattered face covered in vomit was illuminated by the light of the monitor. The invitation page will be launched and a message will be displayed.
[ "U" is another reality
"Az" is another you
Reality cannot be redone
But with "U" you can start over
Let's live another you
Let's start a new life
Let's change the world ]
I forgot about the cold and was looking forward to it. The smartphone placed next to it was linked and the app started automatically. A registration screen appears on my MacBook monitor. It says "NAME".
I hesitated. There was a feeling of resistance. However, contrary to my feelings, I reach out towards my keyboard.
"S" "u" "z" …….
I type in steadily.
At that moment, a strong anxiety arose. I impulsively press the delete key. I slammed the keys to erase it and closed my MacBook.
I curled up and sighed, shivering. "I'm next to Luka" I found Luka on the bench in the courtyard. The girls are gathering together and surrounding Luka-chan. The first grade is almost over, so it seemed like everyone was going to take a picture.
"Mr. Watanabe's Yokozaro"
"Eh~? No fair!"
"I like Luka-chan's soba." Ako was envious of the shining Luka-chan from behind the pillars of piloti. I was jealous of the girls who could be photographed with Luka.
"Mr. Watanabe, look over here. I'll take a picture," urged the girl who played the role of the camera, and Luka looked in front of her. Then she waved towards us as she suddenly noticed.
"Ah. Suzu-chan!"
"Eh?" Luca beckoned to me, who was scared.
"Suzu-chan is also included!"
The girls looked at me all at once. Why? Is written on the face. I'm in a hurry
I hid in a pillar, then I looked a little and turned my palm.
"No, no, I", but Luca continued to beckon me.
"It’ll be fast!” Later, the image was sent. A group photo of girls with cute V signs, centered on Luca. There is my face full of freckles mixed with it. The position just behind Luka. Like the spirit behind her, I have an awkward V sign. When I tried to register for "U" again, I was asked for a photo of my face. I don’t have a photo of my face. I don't bother to point the camera at myself.
So, I used the image at this time for registration.
Face recognition markers are displayed on everyone. Which one are you? I moved the cursor and selected the freckled face behind Luka.
The text "A / I automatically generates a new Az" appears. At the same time, there is an annotation, "What is Az?". << The name of the avatar in "U" and another you >>
Another you.
Soon, the rendered Az was displayed.
"That ...?" There was a terrifyingly beautiful Az, far from me. You can say it's just like Luka-chan, not me. "Luka-chan? Why ..."
AI was confused with Luca, who was right next to my image. If so, what an awkward artificial intelligence! While the difference must be corrected. I hit the back button repeatedly.
"No. Back, back. Cancel ...", but suddenly I stopped pressing the button. Red spot-like patterns were clearly drawn on both cheeks of the Az.
"Freckles ..." I put my hand on my cheek. Isn't it my freckles? "Maybe I .....?" I slowly typed in each character in the "NAME" field of the registration screen. This time it's not "Suzu".
"B" "e" “l” “l” “e”
"Bell" = “Suzu”
When I decide on the name "... Bell", the Az in front of me suddenly seems to be adorable. "Cancel" and "OK" buttons are displayed on the screen, prompting you to make a selection.
"What should I do..…"
To make this beauty Az me, I'm not courageous and I'm afraid. On the other hand, no matter how far she is from me in reality, I also think. Rather, it is the world of the Internet that is far away. There are many examples of flashy names and icons on SNS.
"U" is a virtual world and Az is a virtual personality. Privacy is strictly protected. It claims that anonymity is strictly guaranteed. Then no one should blame you. Then, at the next moment, I'm at a loss. In the first place, why did AI of "U" automatically generate such a beautiful Az for me? Is it just a coincidence created by uncertainty? Or is it deep inside my heart? Are you seeing through your true desires? Or ...
It's time to select "Cancel or OK".
A late-night study room with only desk lights. In front of the MacBook screen, I decided to take a slow breath and trim. --Now, let's live another you-in my head, the message of "U" was refrained. "Click" I clicked OK.
At that moment, as if you were preparing, the "U" app on your smartphone started automatically. You can hear the announcement of a calm tone voice.
"Please attach the device"
As per the instruction screen, take out the earphone type device from the case and take it out. I put it on my ear.
"I'm reading your biometric information ..."
The letter "U" on the device glows blue and shimmers. With just one vise, you can get all the information about human beings as living things. It seems that you can do it. And in a very short time. "Done," the announcement said. Then I continued as if I was checking.
"Start body sharing"
It sounds like something is spinning at high speed. Head circumference. There was a feeling that the surroundings were covered with dense air. It seems that it was brought about by the strong magnetic field developed by the device, and perhaps because of that, the hair lifts up softly as if it were in a weightless space.
"First, vision comes under control."
The feel of the magnetic field seemed to concentrate on the back of the head. I slowly open my eyes. "Ah!" A dazzling white light rushed into my eyes.
It's a cloth. White cloths that were more than 10 meters long overlapped, fluttering and fluttering in the wind. I looked at my body as if I were checking my body, and was shocked. My feet are floating in the air. The announcement echoes, as if it were an announcement from heaven.
"Other cognitive functions and deep limb sensations come under control."
What do you mean? There were no words in that unrealistic space. Sweat gushes from the whole body, and the heart beats.
"The feeling of physical independence and physical possession moves to your registered Az." Something slowly approaches from behind. Pink hair. It was the "shadow" of Az that I registered earlier. However, it’s face is flat and white like a plate with nothing on it.
I'm just stunned. "Shadow" overlaps. The feeling that another body gets inside me is unpleasant. The shadow of Az was fine-tuned by moving the position back and forth so that it would be in focus, but it fits perfectly immediately. Immediately, the discomfort I had just disappeared somewhere. Beyond the fluttering white cloth, I saw a large white door. I reach out my hands as I slowly approach. The announcement announced. "Welcome to the world of 'U'"
I pressed my hands against the door and opened it vigorously. When I jumped out, I saw a group of skyscrapers that filled my view. "Ah!" On the bustling boulevard that intersects three-dimensionally, a large number of people, not humans, Az-- are floating in the air. Az that imitate animals, insects, marine life, vases and set squares, Az that imitate bicycles, half-beasts and goddesses that are likely to appear in fiction, Az that imitate warriors ... , Az in all kinds of shapes are flying around while chatting loudly. When I look up at the night sky, the lights of countless windows blink, not from the twinkling stars, but from the skyscrapers hanging upside down. Another reality. Another world. Is this "U"? Powder snow is dancing. It's a little chilly. When I opened my hands to take the powder snow in the palm of my hand, I saw a white arm and long, thin fingers in my eyes.
I was surprised at the difference in physical sensation and looked as if I was checking my body. Her slender body and long legs are wrapped in a white dress that looks like a newborn.
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Is this me?
Let's live another you.
The message of "U" was refrained in my head.
There, I noticed multiple eyes and looked forward. Some Az in the crowd are looking at me. However, as soon as I glanced at it, I went there. You may be a little beautiful, but this is "U". To that extent, nothing is unusual here. That was convenient. No one cares. Then you might be able to do what you've always wanted to do. When I raise my face, I take a deep breath and try to speak out.
The voice was undeniably my own voice. It's much more relaxed than I expected. I tried humming so that the nasal cavity would resonate instead of stretching. Sounds smoother than I imagined. Is it conveniently corrected because the body is virtual? But I don't feel that the sound is far from my consciousness. Is it because the scanned biometric information is accurate? Anyway…
I can't believe it. "I could sing ...!"As the powder snow dances fantastically, my voice rebels against the skyscrapers. It is echoing. How many years has it been since you sung properly? It was irresistible that I could immediately make a voice as I imagined, even though there was a blank and I hadn't done any preparatory movements. It feels like I've got a lot of freedom, and at the same time I'm a little scared. How is biometric information transformed into this output? What is Az? Anyway,
"Oh, I finally sang ...!"
I was very happy about this. I decided to sit down and sing a song with the lyrics properly. Of course there is no accompaniment, but is it okay?
[ I want to see a world where such a small melody pierces through a happy song
I wake up every morning and look for a future without you
I don't want to imagine the unpleasant singing ]
The lyrics translated into various languages ​​around me. Many languages, it surrounds me as a belt. Gaelic, Thai, Persian ...
All languages ​​overlap. If a song is detected, will it be displayed automatically without any settings? In addition, the synthetic voice singing in some languages ​​sounds faint, although the types are limited. Maybe because of that, "Hmm ...?"
Az and others who should have ignored me, suddenly look back and look at me.
"Ah ...?" Many Az in the building area are standing in the air one after another. I didn't mean to do that. I was just trying to check the condition of the technology called body sharing. However, it seems that more Az are gathering and listening than I expected. It's very embarrassing to think of myself as a street musician in a virtual world. However, it cannot be stopped on the way. Let's sing to the end, for myself. I continued thinking so.
[But I don't know the correct answer anymore.
It seems that it's going well except for me. Will it still come tomorrow?
Song, guide me, whatever happens, song, beside me, love, approach ]
From the Az who were listening, balloons displaying comments one after another appeared.
"What is this?" "Who is singing?" "Mysterious song"
At first, the content was cautious, as if watching the situation.
However, it gradually became less reluctant. For some reason, the only people who made comments such as "noisy", "strange songs", and "don't be pretentious" were Az with a cute appearance that I couldn't say such a thing. Wearing a frilly pink dress, a little animal, or a baby holding a teddy bear.
"Her looks aren't bad" "What's that freckled face (laughs)" Various tweets fly while singing. I do not mind. I'm singing for me. However, I was hurt by the words thrown at me. It ’s hard to say that only a small number of people will say
You can see it from here as well. hard. It may have appeared on the face. Furthermore, the words escalated. "I feel bad" "Stop it!" "Stop it!" I managed to finish singing before my feelings broke down. The noisy Az sighed and sighed, sighing and leaving. I had no choice but to see them off with disappointment,
Called my name, I looked up.
Something slipped in, "Eh? ... Ah," once I sprinkled the glittering scales, and once I went all the way down, it slowly stopped on my hand. It was a mysterious Az, like a white fairy, like an angel, like a clionidae. If you look closely, you can see that the body is transparent with the delicacy of warabi mochi. While swaying the wings of both hands, he said in a slightly traumatic tone.
"You are wonderful. You are beautiful."
That said, I felt saved.
"....... Fufufu. Thank you."
When I woke up, it was morning. Before I knew it, I was lying on my bed. Was last night a dream? It still has a fresh feeling. I looked at my smartphone to make sure. I have a profile page for Belle. It wasn't a dream. If you look under the bell icon, there is a column showing the number of followers.
《Belle: 0 followers》
That number is zero.
"There are no followers ....." I muttered while staring at the screen. "The world doesn't change anything." I didn't ask for it, but I felt a little disappointed.
When I thought, a beep sounded. The number of followers became "1" in front of me. That angel Az. A comment balloon appears. It was a blank space with nothing written on it. I laid down my smartphone, lay on my back on the bed, and remembered last night. There were many unplanned things. However, "But I finally sang ..." Above all, my heart was refreshed. The light of the winter morning looked dazzling. It's been a while since I've had such a refreshing feeling. Then there was a second follow-up notice. It was Hiro-chan. A cute bird-shaped Az with a round hat.
In the comment of "Re: I tried it for the first time"
<< This is Hiro. Belle is the best. I'll do anything >>
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dcx2NedPVBEdbfQaU-WC0pJMRmn20ASn7HSC0KY9R7E/edit?usp=sharing ~ Google Doc of the English-translated novel.
ryuutosobakasuhime.wordpress.com ~ English fan-site for Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime where translations, scans, and other content is posted.
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Metallurgy, Blacksmithy, Electrometallurgy and the beginings of operational Alchemy:
Having now understood the properties of many types of crystals our study must seek to expand into the Occult applications of metal and metal working also known as metallurgy. Metallurgy is an art that developed at the start of the Bronze Age where copper ore was smelted down into jewellery, weapons, armour and components for technology, this advanced knowledge is mythologically and theologically cited as being given to mankind by angelic, demonic or divine beings. As developments in mining and metallurgic techniques became wide spread the art of working metals naturally mixed with the medicinal and chemical studies of Alchemy and thus Blacksmithy was invented which used chemical treatments and advanced knowledge to work new materials into desired shapes. Blacksmithy takes its origin from Alchemy as proven by its name drawn from the term “black art” which is a close translation of what the word Alchemy means. As Alchemy developed into working with metals and chemicals eventually the ability to build batteries out of reactive and conductive metals and acids was realised which resulted in the new art of Electrometalurgy which would come to influence the development of our current advanced hi-tech society now capable of harnessing and storing electrical energy. In order to understand the Occult applications of metal working we must revist the Alchemical understanding of metals.
The Seven Planetary Metals:
By the Alchemical renaissance of the 18th centuary seven major metals had been discovered along with seven celestial bodies including the Sun and Moon and excluding the Earth, the Earth was excluded since it was seen as a source of all materials including metals while the seven remaining known celestial bodies and seven major metals became married to one another as the seven planetary metals which are as follows:
Saturn ♄- Lead (Pb A# 82)
Lead is a heavy dark grey-black metal which is also soft and maluable with a low melting point of 327.46 °C and a boiling point of 1749 °C, Lead is a good conductor of heat and electricity. Lead is non-magnetic. Lead is chemically unreactive to most stimulus. Lead is highly toxic attacking the nervous system, bones and biological enzymes meaning that it can lead to nuerological problems such as brain damage, in ancient Rome those suffering from Lead poisoning were called “Saturnine” meaning dark and cynical in respect to characteristics of the God Saturn, Lead also has slightly cubic faces leading black cubes to be associated with Saturn. Lead is resistant to weak acids but will dissolve in strong ones producing salts. Lead is unreactive and known to transform into few other chemical compounds however Alchemists believed that lead was an impure base metal which could be transmutated via chemical process into pure Gold. Lead is generally associated with Saturn because it is dark in colour, heavy to hold and unyielding in most experiments, these features match aspects of the God Saturn and thus symbolic aspects of the planet Saturn in Astrology were aligned with Lead in Alchemical theory. In old world Astrology Saturn rules over Aquarius and Capricorn.
Jupiter ♃ - Tin (Sn A# 50)
Tin is a relatively soft and malleable, silvery coloured metal with a slight yellow hue. Tin has a melting point of 231.93 °C and a boiling point of 2602 °C, Tin is also electrically conductive and becomes a superconductor at extremely low temperatures, it is also a good conductor of heat. Tin is paramagnetic meaning it can be weakly attracted to strong magnets. Tin is chemically reactive and will transform into many compounds under different stimulus, Tin is also easily corroded by acids. Tin is mostly non-toxic however some Tin organometal (organic+metal compounds) can have lethal toxcicity. Since Jupiter is the Romanised version of the Greek lightning God Zeus it can be asserted that Tins electrically conductive and maluable properties along with its bright hue may have associated it to Jupiter where other more conductive metals such as Silver and Copper were found to be more symbolically aligned with other deities/planets due to their other qualities, Tin also has relatively good strength especially when made into alloys and so like Jupiter has protective symbolism from being made into armour, tin also does not oxidise and therefore does not rust and was used to store and preserve foods likewise Jupiter was known as a preserver of life, when shaken Tin produces a sound like distant thunder which further associated the metal to Jupiter. In old world Astrology Jupiter rules over Pisces and Sagittarius.
Mars ♂- Iron (Fe A# 26)
Iron is a grey coloured hard metal with a melting point of 1538 °C and a boiling point of 2862 °C, Iron can be paramagnetic being weakly drawn by strong magnets but can also become magnetically charged via electricity to generate magnetism, some magnetic Irons are naturally forming and likewise Iron is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Iron is non-toxic and is chemically reactive being fairly easy to transform into other compounds via various stimulus. Iron will disolve in strong acids and react with weaker ones. Iron oxidises in air and water creating an orange-red hue and decayed, flakey asthetic called rust, iron is also found in the blood stream of living animals causing blood to take a red hue when oxygenated via the same process. The colour of rust associates Iron to Mars who was the Roman God of war thus association with blood and bloods Iron taste further emphasise this connection, Iron is also associated with Mars because it was used to make Iron Age weaponry, armour and technology which gave the Roman empire its cutting edge advantage in warfare over their Bronze Age rivals, in Occult terms following the precesion of the Zodiac, the Iron Age took place under the rulership of the star sign Aries whose name and traits are taken from the ancient Greek Spartan war God Ares whom the Romans based their own war God Mars upon. Interestingly the planet Mars is a rust-hued planet. Mars is also symbolic of masculinity which is interesting because men actually store more Iron in their bodies than women do. In old world Astrology Mars rules over Scorpio and Aries.
Sun ☉ - Gold (Au A# 79)
Gold is a shiny golden coloured malleable soft and ductile metal meaning it can be easily shaped without breaking making it ideal for jewellery making. Gold has a melting point of 1064.18 °C and a boiling point of 2970 °C, Gold is non-magnetic however Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat and a non-toxic material. Gold will not dissolve in weak acids but is known to dissolve in exceptionally strong acids such as Aqua Regia (a mix of Nitric and Hydrochloric Acids). Gold is very unreactive to chemical changes and transitions giving it its symbolic purity and incorruptibility and making it exceptionally hard to transfigure however it can still be changed into a variety of compounds under the right stimulus. Gold compounds such as the inaccurately named “Gold Salts” can be used in medicine to treat inflammation. Gold strongly reflects red and yellow light meaning that it absorbs the rest of the light spectrum which is useful in light projection practices and for rending objects invisible to infrared and thermal imaging technology. Gold has always been associated with the Sun and solar deities as well as with the human soul, this is likely due to its shinning golden asthetic, value, desirability and association with royalty who often wore Gold and equated themselves with solar deities, interestingly in the modern age science suspects that Gold is an element formed of star dust directly from nuclear fusions taking place within stars from the association with the soul Gold is also used to make wedding rings symbolising the marriage of soul mates/opposition, which is the objective of the Great Work of Alchemy. In old world Astrology the Sun rules over Leo.
Venus ♀- Copper (Cu A# 29)
Copper is a soft, malleable and ductile, shiny orange-brown metal meaning that it can be easily shaped making it ideal for jewellery making. Copper has a melting point of 1084.62 °C and a boiling point of 2562 °C, Copper is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and is a non-toxic material that does not corrode in most acids but will dissolve in Sulphuric Acid over time. Copper is very weakly magnetic and only very strong magnets can attract this material. Copper is chemically unreactive but will form various compounds under the right stimulus. Copper oxidises to form a blue-green patina called virdigris in the form of crystal salts. Copper is a good antibacterial agent and can be used to treat wounds. Copper is related in Alchemy to the Goddess Venus and thus the planet Venus. Although in the old world of the Bronze Age Copper was the primary technology and used mainly for warfare Copper has also always been used in art such as sculpture and in the creation of musical instruments which are ruled over by Venus who is a Goddess of love, art and beauty, Copper has also always been used in jewellery making and was polished to create mirrors which are cosmetic items relating to beauty, similarly marrying art and beauty, verdant Copper salts were used in the old world in the creation of make-up. In ideological opposition to war-like Mars who rules over masculinity, Venus rules over women and femininity which is especially interesting considering that women have around 20% more Copper in their blood stream than men and Copper levels in a womans body almost double during pregnancy to support the fetus. High levels of Copper in the vagina indicate pregnancy and so birth control often involves Copper implant insertion or medicine that increases Copper in the body this works since it tricks the womans body into believing she is already pregnant and since Copper is also a natural spermicide however women also regain their fertility when these implants are removed or when the levels of Copper in their systems lower. Interestingly the planet Venus is a blue-green or verdigris-hued planet. In old world Astrology Venus rules over Libra and Taurus.
Mercury ☿ - Mercury (Hg A# 80)
Mercury also known as “Quicksilver” is a silvery heavy metal which is liquid at room temperature in fact Mercury will remain liquid unless cooled to −38.8290 °C which will solidify the substance. Mercury has a boiling point of 356.73 °C. Mercury does not conduct heat well but does conduct electricity. Mercury is not very magnetic and is repelled by magnetic fields. Mercury is a toxic material especially in water-soluable forms and is known to cause both physical and mental disorders if ingested or inhaled (as a vapour). Mercury will not dissolve in most acids but will corrode in concentrated Sulphuric and Nitric Acids or in Aqua Regia. Mercury is capable of dissolving other metals such as Silver or Gold to form amalgams (alloys of Mercury and other metals). Mercury is not very chemically reactive but will form compounds under the right stimulus, despite this Mercury is the second of the three primary regeants of Alchemy along with Sulphur and Salt, Mercury is named after the Roman messanger God Mercury and thus the planet Mercury, as a God of messangers Mercury was very fast, depicted with winged sandals, helmet and caduceus staff which relates to metal Mercuries liquid nature and alternate name “Quick Silver”. Mercury is a Romanisation of the ancient Greek messanger God Hermes who shares a name with the Hellenistic Alchemist and magician Hermes Trismegistus who wrote the Arcanum Experiment of the Emerald Tablet of Thoth on the use of Alchemical regeants such as Mercury, Sulphur and Salt and their compounds towards the completion of the Arcanum Experiment. In old world Astrology Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo.
Moon ☾- Silver (Ag A# 47)
Silver is a shiny silvery soft, ductile and malleable metal. Silver has a melting point of 961.78 °C and a boiling point of 2162 °C. Silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity of any known metal. Silver is non-magnetic only reacting to the strongest magnets. Silver is a non-toxic material however Silver is antibacterial and can be used to treat wounds. Silver will dissolve in strong acids however Silver is not a very reactive material and can be made into few compounds under the right stimulus. Silver is the most reflective of metals and in sharing this quality with the Moon has long been associated with the Moon and with lunar deities such as the ancient Greek Moon Goddess Artemis who was also a Goddess of the hunt equipped with a Silver Bow and Arrows likewise the use of Silver bullets or projectiles is in folklore said to be effective against werewolves who draw power from the Moon in the same way that human beings are largely water based lifeforms and yet capable of drowning. Interestingly NASA astronauts found traces of Silver and Gold on the Moon further strengthening this connection since Silver and Gold are seldom found without one another in natural ores a quality which caused Silver to be associated with the feminine Moon and lunar cycles such as menstruation and Gold to be associated with the masculine Sun.
In the modern age we have discovered a number of new metals and also the planets Pluto, Uranus, Neptune and our solar systems exo-planet Eris. It stands to reason that in continuing the Alchemical planetary metal listing the new list would include the following additions:
Pluto ♇- Plutonium (Pu A# 94)
Plutonium is an unstable and radioactive metal named after Pluto. Pluto was the Roman God of death and the underworld which actually makes the very dangerous plutonium a fitting metal for his likeness.
Uranus ⛢ - Uranium (U A# 92)
Uranium is an unstable and radioactive metal named after Uranus. Uranus was the Roman God of the sky and wisdom which could suggest that very light metals used in aviation such as aluminium might be a better candidate however Uranus was known for his tremendous power and so an unstable, radioactive metal may indeed be suitable.
Neptune ♆- Neptunium (Np A# 93)
Neptunium is a radioactive and highly unstable metal which draws its name from Neptune. Neptune in Roman mythology was the God of the sea which just like its metal counterpart can be extremely volitile and dangerous however I would suggest that in a modern reconstruction of the old Alchemical planetary metals system that Platinum would be a suitable counterpart as the rarest and most valued metal since Neptune in Kabbalistic and Astrological thinking is synonymous with divine power.
Eris ♁ - Antimony (Sb A# 51)
Eris is a planet named after the ancient Greek Goddess of chaos. This planet was known from Sumerian times as Nibiru, it is a planet thought to bring change, disaster, upheval and war, coincidentally the astrological glyph for this planet coincides with the Alchemical symbol for antimony which has a similar effect when used in the Alchemical work in over-coming, “devouring” and changing the metallic element it is exposed to. Antimony is a soft, malluable and ductile gray metalloid. Antimony has a melting point of 630.63 °C and a boiling point of 1635 °C. Antimony is a good conductor of heat and electricity and is diamagnetic meaning that it is repelled by magnetic fields. Antimony is chemically reactive and is toxic.
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boram-knet-blog · 6 years
how about some fun: can you rank trainee's social media posts from the jeju concert? or give general opinions o the photo, visuals, etc ( don't have to do all b/c there was a lot but maybe some that stood out to you?)
AAAAAALLL RIGHT ~ you all know i’m royal biased right? ( ...maybe kt also.......................................................... DO NOT COME FOR ME I’M A GODDAMN CHEF ) 
I wish soohyun posted a cuter picture... I wanna see my wifey’s face!! she posts more on instagram... she usually takes cute pictures. this one was more artistic than anything!! like a fancy cake that is very beautiful, but when you take a bite... there’s more to be desired ): 
Yena had a super adorable picture of xayah playing with her on the plane. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper adorable!!! our goddess of love... TT sweet and classic like a red bean bun.... TT 
CHERI!!! fresh as fruit, her post was artsy, the caption was good too. just so everyone knows-- that she’s referring to me in the caption alright. hi girlfriend~ ! ( don’t tell soohyun ) 
anna from eclipse had such classy airport fashion...? she’s usually is youthful and bright i wasn’t expecting it. plus she gave us a super cute selfie!!! 
this....girl is gorgeous...? park sooyoung, from what i see on sns everyone calls her joy! her picture made me want to run to jeju THAT SAME MINUTE. where have these girls been? 
there are so many beautiful girls, everyone looked gorgeous but these were some of my favorites. now if you ask me... the girls in trc are much prettier than i expected, i still prefer my royal flowers though. let’s see what other girls 
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aquarion135 · 1 year
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A/D best hell. A/D rerun when?
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earlyback · 5 years
“You love strapping me in, don’t you ?” “In any form,” he says, a wicked grin playing on his lips. “You are a pervert.” “I know.” he raises his eyebrows and his grin broadens. “my pervert,” She whisper. “Yes, yours.”
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“I would have told you earlier, but as it was your birthday . . . What do you give the man who has everything? I thought I’d give you . . . me.”
He puts the keychain down on the bedside table and snuggles in beside her, pulling her into his arms against his chest so that they’re spooning. “It’s perfect. Like you.
“there's a joy in her helplessness, joy in her surrender to him, and to know that he can lose himself in her the way he wants to. She can do this. he takes her to these dark places, places she didn't know existed, and together they fill them with blinding light. Oh yes...blazing, blinding light."
You love strapping me in, don’t you?” “In any form,” he says, a wicked grin playing on his lips. “You are a pervert.” “I know.” He raises his eyebrows and his grin broadens. “My pervert,” I whisper. “Yes, yours.”
“P.S. I also note that you included the Stalker's Anthem "Every Breath You Take" I do enjoy our sense of humour.
“I want you, Anastasia,” he murmurs. “I love and I hate, and I love arguing with you. It’s very new. I need to know that we’re okay. It’s the only way I know how.” “my feelings for you haven’t changed,”
I whisper. his proximity is overwhelming, exhilarating. the familiar pull is there, all my synapses goading me toward him, my inner goddess at her most libidinous. Staring at the patch of hair in the V of his shirt, I bite my lip, helpless, driven by desire—I want to taste him there.he’s so close, but he doesn’t touch me. his heat is warming my skin.
- Anastasia Steele
“I’m not going to touch you until you say yes,” he says softly. “But right now, after a really beautiful morning, I want to bury myself in you and just forget everything but us.”
E.L. James, Fifty Shades Darker
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he tastes of white wine and apple pie and Christian. I run my fingers through his hair, holding him to me while our tongues explore and curl and twist around each other, my blood heating in my veins. We're breathless when Christian pulls away.
We always hurt the ones we love, darling. You’ll have to tell her you’re sorry. and mean it and give her time.
His wedding ring clinks against the glass as he takes another sip of wine. Now that is a sexy sound. this time he pulls my head right back, cradling me. He kisses me once more, and greedily I swallow the wine he gives me. he smiles as he kisses me again.”
“Drinking in his scent, I curl around him, trying to ignore the loss and devasta- tion I felt in my dream, and in that moment, I know that my deepest, darkest fear would be losing him”
“Okay,” I mumble, completely bemused, bewildered, and shell-shocked. he leans over my desk. What now? I am caught in his hypnotic gaze. “Love doing business with you, Mrs. Grey.” he leans in closer as I sit paralyzed, and he plants a soft tender kiss on my lips. “Laters baby,” he murmurs. He stands abruptly, winks at me, and leaves. I lay my head on my desk, feeling like I’ve been run over by a freight train – the freight train that is my beloved husband. He has to be the most frustrating, annoying, contrary man on the planet. I sit up and frantically rub my eyes. What have I just agreed to?”
Pursing my lips, I strive to appear unaffected by his touch. he is so artful at diverting me from anything painful, or anything he doesn’t want to address. And you let him, my subconscious pipes up unhelpfully, gazing over her copy of Jane Eyre.”
E.L. James, Fifty Shades Freed
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youtube am | blame it on the sun or the blazing desert heat. the most disciplined of women and the most reckless of men are about to clash in the most impossibly irresistible way. - missing you and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love. ** i miss talking with you.
Clip Upload : 01.45 pm
youtube am | blame it on the sun or the blazing desert heat. the most disciplined of women and the most reckless of men are about to clash in the most impossibly irresistible way. - missing you and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love. ** i miss talking with you.
clip upload : pm **in memories to no.1. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life. ** ok. take care. miss u. on 15.11.2009 | **yes on t way - message on 01.12.12 ** at **** ***** .. taking u turn. message on 10.11.2012.
youtube am | blame it on the sun or the blazing desert heat. the most disciplined of women and the most reckless of men are about to clash in the most impossibly irresistible way. - missing you and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love. ** i miss talking with you.
clip upload : pm **in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life. ** ok. take care. miss u. on 15.11.2009 | **yes on t way - message on 01.12.12 ** at **** ***** .. taking u turn. message on 10.11.2012.
youtube am | blame it on the sun or the blazing desert heat. the most disciplined of women and the most reckless of men are about to clash in the most impossibly irresistible way. - missing you and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love. ** i miss talking with you.
clip upload : pm **in memories to no.2. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life. ** ok. take care. miss u. on 15.11.2009 | **yes on t way - message on 01.12.12 ** at **** ***** .. taking u turn. message on 10.11.2012.
youtube am | blame it on the sun or the blazing desert heat. the most disciplined of women and the most reckless of men are about to clash in the most impossibly irresistible way. - missing you and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love. ** i miss talking with you.
clip upload : pm **in memories to no.1. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life. ** ok. take care. miss u. on 15.11.2009 | **yes on t way - message on 01.12.12 ** at **** ***** .. taking u turn. message on 10.11.2012. am | a happy new day wishes - I want morning and noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses. missing  you and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love.
You - m i S S
to them - listen adequate music : c - d - s - k - k - a
post time : pm
VW - SN - us being in fervent love.
pic : www.chuvakhin.com
the greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. - Bob Marley
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stellacaerulea · 3 years
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Moments is a wild place.
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imaginationproblems · 2 years
So if there’s a Alice in Wonderland x Shining Nikki in TW server, than who’s gonna be the Queen of Hearts? Lilith, DESIRE??
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theblissfulstars · 8 years
Iris as possible co-ruler for Libra
Iris Minor planet number 7 (already some synchronicities) is named after Iris, the messenger goddess of the rainbow, utilized by the gods for her natural ease in traversing through both air and water.
While many are comfortable leaving Libra with Venus, which I acknowledge and accept. I believe every sign deserves it’s own unique ruler, because the energies are all unique and independent, and while Venus may co-rule, there is definitely a different energy at work if you observe. Similarly to Scorpio, whose nature isn’t purely Mars, or Aquarius who's not just Saturnian.
Iris is a Hellenic and Roman Messenger deity, and a personal handmaiden to the Queen of Heaven. Iris has dominion over the sphere of balance, unity, harmony, and justice. She was birthed from Thaumus a deity of the wonders of the sea, and Electra the cloud nymph. She was born of both sea and sky similarly to the birth of both Aphrodite and Venus.  How Iris differs in her function from Hermes or Mercury is the absence of a trickster element, and her intimate connection to the court of Olympus, while Hermes/Mercury is a little detached, her dealings are a little more personal and one on one. For instance, she is one of the only deities who can go to the underworld, as one of her functions, she carries a jug, and fills it up with the water from the river styx, the water is used in oaths in Olympian court, and those who break their oaths, or lie, are stricken speechless for many years, and ambrosia is withheld, this only happens when there is discord in Olympus. She being the rainbow, is a link between mortals and divinity, and thus the lower and higher self, and connection in general. With this also comes the ability to shapeshift in order to properly relay messages, she becomes something that is pleasing and comforting to the mortals she has to speak with. Other than her role as a messenger deity, she is the handmaiden of Juno or Hera, queen goddesses deeply associated with matrimony. In mythology Iris is seen as the consort of Zephyrus of the eastern wind, and in many instances also married to Morpheus god of Dreams. With Zephyrus she even bore a winged god of desire, and longing, Pothos. In one myth Iris visits the cave of sleep and dreams where all the deities of rest lie, her radiance and her like light the dawn, and her robe iridescent like the rainbow, she then requested Morpheus send a message to Ceyx wife for Halcyone who perished, and Morpheus took on the form of Halycone and told Ceyx he had passed.I think Iris, her adaptability, creativity and nature deeply connects to the core values of Libra more so than any other celestial body I have studied.
Many Libras are in politics, and they appeal to the masses through Ethos and Logos, communicating with water and air, very similarly to Libra. Iris is the connection from hi and low, and you find Libras in ambassador positions, linking together hi and low, and striking a balance like a rainbow after the storm. Colorful, thoughts, and dreamy romantic surrealism, realized with the connection to morpheus, as Libra can be more in the clouds than pisces, and rightly so, her mother was a cloud nymph. The connection to law, and order, and justice through the waters of the river, also combining, rationality, and the human need to see action when there is injustice. One of the symbols of Iris, similarly to Hermes is the Caduceus, the snakes entwined on a staff, a symbol of healing, healing of the mind when connected with air and water, many Libras are considered counselors in many circles and rightly have a connection to the symbol.
Discovered on august 13th 1847,The discovery chart for Iris holds many fruits of truth in regards to Libra. Since you needed night time to properly see the stars during the 1800s, I will be using the time 1:00 am. This puts the Ascendant in Cancer, conjunct Jupiter. This creates a deep philosophical nature, that is also nurturing and accepting of people regardless of their walks of life. Iris presents herself in a way that is loving, and big hearted, though she is still connected to her roots. The moon, the ruler of the first house is in the fourth in Virgo, this brings the need to help and the intellectualized practical side of Libra front and center, as well as the need for order, balance and the status quo. Hard opposite the Ascendant is Juno, the marriage asteroid and Queen of Iris, reflecting the need for partnership and connection.The second house is also housing cancer the crab, Libra energy and their values are dramatically affected by their upbringing, and not to forget the curious sentimentality they can display in regards to taste and aesthetics of a halcyon age. In the third house in Leo we have the sun, and Mercury retrograde conjunct, with this the communications are exaggerated and lively, eager and bright. Very similarly to the warmth libra communicates with, the ego is about communication, knowledge and rationality, though it is tempered by the tempered creative waves of Leo and it’s creativity. Mercury is also sextile Venus, this creates the harmonious, and peaceful communications we often see with Libra as well as the mind being enamored with things that can be considered beautiful. Uranus is trine Sun, thus this creates an ego that revolves around community, and human interaction and humanitarian endeavors. It is also trine pluto, bringing in a commitment, and emotional depth (an sexual side) that Libra can display. The fourth house, is housing Virgo. In the fourth we have the moon, and Venus. This shows that the core inner world, and home of this energy is nurturing and peace loving in it’s nature, but it is not illogical. It is simultaneously practical and emotional, though can be extremely wild and disarrayed if thrown out of whack. Moon is sextile Jupiter showing the brightness, and need for happy emotions, and ability to obtain them. While also being hard opposite Saturn, showing that emotional satisfaction needs to be worked for in the end. We also have Venus in this house, in its second dignity of Libra. Venus is hard trine Iris thus making a connection between the two energies, as they are similarly expressed. The home is beautiful, and material items are enjoyed. Venus is conjunct the NN in the fifth, showing Irises need to create, create, date, have fun and enjoy herself, it’s hard for her considering her SN is in the eleventh, and taking care of others is instinctual, she needs to learn who she is, and self actualize. We see that Libra is in the fifth, with the NN. Which fits nicely seeing as how she wed an sky deity. Fifth house things need to be developed in Iris, and she needs to practice the expression of the ego in fun, healthy ways, the sun(ego) falls in libra and i think this parallels beautifully. The sixth house, in scorpio, and the ruler of the sixth is in the eleventh. Iris works for the community, and for the connections that humans make for a better future. She does this in a quiet way, and a alchemical way down to the small bits. The seventh house, Libras house has capricorn in it, and this shines a light down on Libras constant struggle of always feeling like they can never find the right partner or that love is restricted from them at times, as it is, it must be cultivated and harvested, tested and analyzed in order to get the ok. Saturn, the ruler, is in the tenth in pisces, showing the minor planets ability to attract emotional but seemingly stoic people there way, leaders, and go getters are in their seventh, but with a spiritual emotional twist, similarly, she is the consort to a sleep deity. She has her eighth also in capricorn, and she allows herself to face her fears in a career like, or public setting, her changes are broadcasted, and may be aided by people in charge, a common archetype grafted upon capricorn, is in fact Juno and Hera. In her ninth we have Aquarius, showing her open philosophy and her travels taking her to the strangest places. In the tenth we have pisces, the MC is conjunct Neptune and Saturn showing she is emotional and professionally adept, she is sought for her wisdom, and her creativity. The eleventh is loaded, the community is filled with different characters, who force iris to change, just like how Libras connection to the seventh forces them to learn about differences and others. Uranus pluto and Mars are in the eleventh in Aries. And lastly, taurus is in the twelfth where she tries to hide the love of luxury, and she may not know her own values.
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In astrology, Iris is associated with right brain communication and creativity as well as connection and truth amongst man.
Please feel free to share your opinion, and try it out in your own charts!! I feel very confident about this one :) thank you for your time, have a wonderful day/night.
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