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Botanic Tournament : Smurf Girls Bracket !
Round 1 Poll 1
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If Smurfdaisy ever appeared in the comics I'm not aware of it
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validsmurfygrovenames · 2 years ago
List of Canon Names
Smurfbegonia (origin- Girls' Village comics)
Smurfblossom (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfbubble (origin- 2021 cartoon show)
Smurfclover (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfdaisy (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfdew (origin- Girls' Village comics)
Smurffirefly (origin- 2021 cartoon show)
Smurfhazel (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfholly (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfhoney (origin- Girls' Village comics)
Smurfjade (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurflily (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfmeadow (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfmelody (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfmeteorite (origin- 2021 cartoon show)
Smurfmint (origin- Girls' Village comics)
Smurfmouse (origin- Girls' Village comics)
Smurfpearl (origin- Girls' Village comics)
Smurfpetal (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfstorm: (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
Smurfsunny (origin- Smurfs Village Party)
Smurftulip (origin- Girls' Village comics)
Smurfverbena (origin- mentioned by Smurfbegonia in the 2021 cartoon show)
Smurfviolet (origin- mentioned by Smurfbegonia in the 2021 cartoon show)
Smurfwillow (origin- Smurfs: The Lost Village)
B occurs 3 times. Begonia, Blossom, Bubble.
C occurs once. Clover. Uses the K sound and not the S sound.
D occurs twice. Daisy, Dew. Both times, "D" is followed by a vowel.
F occurs once. Firefly.
H occurs 3 times. Hazel, Holly, Honey. All 3 times, "H" is followed by a vowel. 2/3 times, this vowel is "O".
J occurs once. Jade.
L occurs once. Lily.
M occurs 5 times. Meadow, Melody, Meteorite, Mint, Mouse. All 5 times, "M" is followed by a vowel. 2 times, the name ends with a "T" sound. 2 times, the "M" at the beginning is followed by an "eh" sound.
P occurs twice. Pearl, Petal. I don't think I have to explain the similarity between those names.
S occurs twice. Storm, Sunny.
T occurs once. Tulip.
V occurs twice. Verbena, Violet.
W occurs once. Willow.
6 names have one syllable each. Dew, Jade, Mint, Mouse, Pearl, Storm.
13 names have two syllables each. Blossom, Bubble, Clover, Daisy, Hazel, Holly, Honey, Lily, Meadow, Petal, Tulip, Violet, Willow.
4 names have three syllables each. Begonia, Firefly, Melody, Verbena.
1 name has four syllables in it. Meteorite.
Plants (Begonia, Blossom, Clover, Daisy, Hazel, Holly, Lily, Mint, Petal, Tulip, Verbena, Violet, Willow)
Animals (Firefly, Mouse)
Rocks/Gems (Jade, Meteorite, Pearl)
Misc. Nature (Bubble, Dew, Honey)
Musical Terms (Melody)
Weather (Storm)
Places In Nature (Meadow)
Double letters are common in names. Blossom, Holly, Willow, etc.
"-y" endings are common in names. Daisy, Lily, Melody… Blossom even gives Storm the nickname "Stormy".
Names never start with vowels.
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toon-romantic · 2 years ago
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I have a crush on Lazy Smurf (how ironic) I never thought I would've developed a soft spot for him because laziness is one of my pet peeves......However, he is a sweetie and proved worthy of himself several times in the 1980's series. 💖 Smurf Me No Flowers made me change my opinions and feelings on Lazy quite a milestone. Before, he would simply bore me and now I smile helplessly in love, concern, and giggles.
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capnportofficial · 3 years ago
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Smurfy Grove girls + Flower Symbolism
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av3lli-tumbles · 7 years ago
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I've been tired lately, not gewtting enough sleep takes its toll on me. But in any case, I have some more Special Lost Village goodies for you today. A few posts back, I mentioned the other girls from Smurfy Grove that Smurfblossom mentions and that I would post ref of them once I got proper IDs? Well, I managed to get two of them so far:
The first one is Smurfpetal - Smurfpetal is the girl in the movie whose hair I like the most. I have told my other Smurf friends that Smurfblossom has the hair I like the least, but Petal's hair reminds me of berries... because of that previous staement, I thought that was Smurfholly, but I will ID her later on. The second one, who I just ID'd recently is Smurfdaisy. Smurfdaisy is actually one of the last girls you get to ID, but things don't always go as planned. Nevertheless, I've been trying to ID them as they appear in the movie, but no luck.
More Smurfs: The Lost Village goodies are on the way, so stay tuned.
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capnportofficial · 3 years ago
Do you have any hcs on the Smurfettes?
first off, Smurfette is the only "Smurfette." french and spanish are both gendered, and neither of them calls the grove girls with the same term as Smurfette. nevertheless, i understand what you mean and won't be pedantic.
here are a few assorted headcanons
i like to draw them with different hair colors! this is less a headcanon thing and more of a "complete au" thing, but i just think the monotone blue is boring.
smurfstorm is a lesbian.
smurfdaisy, smurfholly, and smurfhazel are a trio of friends. they hang out together a lot.
smurfpetal and smurflily are the village cooks for the grove!
smurfmeadow is shy and doesn't talk much.
smurfbegonia calls everyone "she," even the guys, because she's still trying to understand the concept of "multiple different gender pronouns"
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capnportofficial · 5 years ago
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remember my S:TLV rewrite? im planning on making a couple of episode-styled shorts, so i edited the smurfs cartoon title cards for it.
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