#smuldunde hc
rezeptkapziv · 8 months
I dont think Smuldunde would dance much?
They will rock back and forth rhytmically, sway to the music almost all the time they hear the music, no matter which kind. This kind of their dancing is with them all their life, but it might've looked a bit awkward in their teenage years. Now the long fur swaying makes it quite interesting to look at.
Smuldunde does go crazy once in a while! When their favorite optic disc is on, in their caves, in the company of the creatures they trust most, they whip out the craziest moves and they think it looks absolutely ridiculous (it looks alright actually)
By the way, Dedusmuln would dance like there's no tomorrow. The Waynecrew looks at them like damn friend you're going
They have force and energy in their moves, the same reason why they deal with the percussion instrument in the band. (they are a menace on the theremine as well)
Both cousins puff their lammelae the fuck up if they have them
^ fresh for yall bc its both associated with the cousins for me and because they will go so hard when this one is on
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weadtlys-art · 10 months
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit!!! Have my smuldunde hc's 🩷💛
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illusionaryneil · 8 months
share some hylics headcanons perchance?
HIHELLO yes of course i can share some headcanons! will try to share just a few random ones sorry if some are repeats of ones i have talked about in the past my memory is soup lol
one that i don't really remember if i have talked about is with Blerol and Fleam! i hc that Fleam is Blerol's child and that Fleam grew up wanting to be a guard so that's why they have like armor and stuff! Blerol is probably super supportive of them and is like "hellyeah lemme get you some armor and stuff have fun and stay safe" fkdhdksh also i feel like Fleam would really look up to Pongorma as a major inspiration because of that!!
genuinely don't remember if i ever talked about this, but have some silly hcs for what the main four were up to between h1 and h2! for Wayne i feel like they would have spent some time still at their H1 house afterwards to just kinda recover and process over everything that happened with Gibby and the moon, but i feel like after some time either be would have decided to move back to Waynehouse (hc that he moved away years before H1) either on his own or from Old Wayne flat out offering and leading up to H2 he mainly just hung out there and possibly helped the other Waynes with training and with raising the Wayne Larvae! for Dedusmuln i feel like they would have continued their studies after spending a little time at Wayne's (probably a week) recovering and would eventually start traveling with Smuldunde more! Smul would probably show them new locations to excavate and explore while also giving them access to some of their studies so that they can further their own studies! this leads into how you encounter them on H2! with Somsnosa i feel like besides them running their juice ranch, some time before that (as further detailed with The Way Back Home from Absent Moon) she would begin searching for the call that is mentioned with the song, but after a long while she would begin to struggle and decide to stop for the time being (after H2 thought she would become even more motivated to resume this search). she would then begin his juice ranching! for pongorma i feel like he would do a lot of traveling since it had been years since he was released from the vault. feel like he would tag along with dedusmuln in a lot of their travels! since i hc that Smul lives in New Muldul, i think the Dedus would eventually bring Pongo there to both see it but to also meet Smul and from there he would decide that he'd like to reside there!!
also here is a Drac one because oufjdhdhdjdhsjhdjsbs already have talked about Drac and Old Wayne as a ship in the past and still do but i think like yeah even if that isn't canon i still think that Drac was still some sort of parental figure for H1 Wayne (and H2 Wayne if you think it's the same Wayne from H1)! i feel like if Drac knew Old Wayne (regardless if just friends or more), he would help with watching over and raising the Waynes. if the two didn't meet though, i still feel like Drac would still somehow meet Wayne if he was out on his own, and maybe Wayne would just tag along with Drac in his travels and Drac would just sorta start watching over and protecting Wayne! also then links to my hc for the act screens being dreams with Drac trying to reach out to Wayne about Gibby and everything
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eggratgremlin · 11 months
I forget how much you've shared but I think you should mayhaps give a big list of your Splithead species hcs of the creature variety and also society ones maybe <3
Okay so split heads are like Humanoid beings that are clay based and are symbiotically  tied to fungi slime molds! I personally refer to them as mulns (because dedus and smul both have ‘mul’ in their names)
huge ass lore drop under the cut
The horns are fungi! They're like the texture of a very stale Swedish fish but are very sensitive! They also get a bit drippy when the splithead is all emotional and weepy! Their horns are their predominant sensory organ, its where their eyes and scent glands are!  
Splitheads also have fungi that grow all over their body though some of it is seasonally occurring. This fungi is actually various slime molds though, and they are attached to the nervous system of the Splithead! Those fungi are like connected to the subconscious and display emotions! So like they wiggle around when the Muln is happy or anxious! Theres also two kinds of mulns, Mulns born in th wet season and those born in the dry season. 
Now Mulns aren exactly born persay, they start out as spores which parasitically live in another organism aka a host! Until they get enough nutrients! Then they burrow out of any hole in the body or just make their own, usually killing the host and then they dig into the soil where they grow like plants for a couple more months. 
After those months the baby mulns burrow out of the soil with big ol fungi covered horns and theyre so very hungry and so they start eating each other with their goblin shark mouths, which is called The Feast in muln culture and usually only one Muln surivives the feast, theres social stigma surrounding mulns that dont eat their batchmates during the feast.Also the more batchmates you eat the bigger muln you are! So Smuldunde? Yeah she fucking ate everyone!
Wet mulns only have thier fungi during the wet season, and they have patches on slime mold that grow on them rather than dry mulns usually that have their fungi all year round and can grow full body like fur ! And dry mulns horns are more so like a jelly bean, hard crust on the outside. Mulns also have 3 sets of eyes, one on the front, the side and on the tips of thier horns (because they are both prey and predator animals due to the feast)
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If anyone has anymore questions at all about muln lore at all or want clarifications just ask!!!
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fruity-boy-bruno · 1 year
Do you have any hylic ocs 👉👈
Oh so many!!
We have my darling Vi (short for Vivisection) she/they/it who is a Wayne that was experimented on by Odozeir as a nymph (the stage i hc comes between larva and what Wayne is) (she's my favorite child <3) (feel free to ask me specifically about them or any of my other ocs)
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We also have a few other Wayne ocs that I haven't actually drawn good art of yet but have stuff semi written for because they're part of a rp I'm in.
First is Freckles, they/them, their defining feature that separates them from other Waynes is ofc their freckles. They're just a sweet fella who really looks up to main Wayne and wants to be cool like him.
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Next is a Wayne that doesn't have their own name that I will refer to as Imposter, he/they. Imposter impersonated main Wayne after he got yoinked into the sky and started a cult. That's all I really have about him so far...
Third is a Wayne larva that's been named "Burgle" by Dedusmuln because the little guy keeps breaking into their house. Burgle is abnormally smart compared to most Wayne larvae, and hasn't been seen climbing a ladder, but has been places only a ladder could get them...
My first non-wayne oc is a splithead baby! One of Smuldunde and Pongorma's kids (I'll elaborate in a different post if asked) Its name is Bolete, she/they/it. I haven't actually written much for them yet, but ik they're goth..
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I also have an arrangement of ocs that aren't specifically hylics, but fit well enough into hylics. But I'd get into them on another post..
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go-go-devil · 1 year
omg misread the ask game initially i'm so sorry ignore that ask i sent hours ago lol 😭 gonna just throw in a headcanon that i've never really talked about with hylics!! i really like the idea of dracula and smuldunde having known one another a long time before the events of the first game, and that dracula would join them on expeditions to work on their poetry or art!
Oh that's a really cool hc!
I do imagine Smuldunde to be reasonably older compared to our main crew, maybe old enough to have lived through the last years of the Age of Sages before the Accretion happened. So the idea of Dracula having met them doesn't sound too farfetched to me. I would love to hear more about their meetings from you if you ever want to expand on it :)
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brainshock-alpha · 3 years
ok here’s the dealio. there are some assumptions i’m not gonna make about the language situation of the hylics world wrt things like uhhh how many languages are in use, how many people speak a given language and where they are, etc. we’ve seen like two settlements in the games so far. but it’s reasonable to assume that the people of both settlements (i.e. the h1 region and the h2 region) speak the same language, or at least highly mutually intelligible varieties. therefore (and i hate to do this because most of my data will come from h1, but there aren’t any canon place names in h1, so) i will call the variety of language spoken by the characters of h1 and h2 the new muldul dialect of an unnamed language in the current hylics world. (i’ll, uh, workshop that later.)
more thoughts and data set (very long) follow
so i’m gonna be pulling from the randomly-generated city/mountain names of h1 as well as the made-up non-preexisting words in h2. i got the first set with the help of my good friend tenz; the second set was just, me looking at the enemy names and dialogue of h2 and writing down all the wacky words i could find. to show you exactly what it is i’ll be working with, here are both sets
h1 place names, first part
h1 place names, middle part (optional)
h1 place names, last part
-irmath (e.g. Pren-Irmath)
thorn (actually not in the pool of place name parts, BUT attested in dialogue, e.g. “Dread Knights of Yiithorn”)
h2 names
i really don’t want to account for <viewax> and <disthlarn>; for the former i can’t shake the association with a “view” + “wax” portmanteau, and for the latter i’m not happy about that consonant cluster in the middle. i’ll still try somewhat to make them work, but if i can’t then i think i can figure out excuses to exclude them from the data set.
speaking of exclusions, you might be asking, “hey! where’s [character name] on these lists?” well here’s the rundown
<pongorma> and <dedusmuln> are actually comprised of parts from the h1 place name generator
<wayne> is a real-ass name, of germanic origin, and thus ineligible
similarly, <gibbulus> and <dracula> are latinate as hell
i think <fonthiltrelpine> is also... latinate.......??? i guess i should check sometime
<cineast> is a real word, believe it or not! it means cinephile. what does this have to do with the enemy itself? hell if i know
i’m on the fence about <ectrolan>... afaik it’s not a word in any language itself, but ectro- seems to come from ancient greek? so i’m leaning towards no
i think <decres> will also be excluded, since it’s probably derived from “crescent” or something? and it’s arguably not a canon name?
why exclude words of real origin? ideally i will make a language unrelated to (as in, did not descend from) any current human language; i think that just makes sense. whether you hc that the hylics world is a distant-future earth or a place entirely removed from our universe, it’s clear there is a gulf between our world and the hylics world.
how does it make sense to mix nmd names and real-world names in the game? well, it kinda doesn’t. so play along with me and call it a localizer’s prerogative: the characters of hylics are implicitly speaking in nmd, but the video games provide almost all text “translated” into english* for the benefit of the audience.
(*do the hylics games have official translations into other languages? they don’t, right? ah, but that would be neat...)
anyway. here are my current goals with the nmd conlang. i’d like to create a phonology for nmd, providing a chart of phonemes as well as some info on phonotactics, allophony, and other things, based on the canon data sets. and i’d like to... well, That’s Basically It ! everything beyond that will be firmly in the realm of speculation and headcanons, so whether i do fucking anything with syntax vocabulary etc will be highly dependent on if i feel like making that stuff out of whole cloth. i mean, it’s not out of the question! a lot of interesting cultural features reveal themselves through those things, so maybe it’ll be fun to imagine what the funney clay people’s societies are like. but let’s start with the sound system and see what happens from there
how’s my conlanging cred? honestly, pretty shit! i’ve never made a conlang before, i’m not super interested in conlangs in general, and i only have a working knowledge of linguistics overall. so this project defs isn’t something to take seriously, yeah? let’s just have fun thinking about one way (out of infinite possibilities!) the hylics characters could talk in-universe :)
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illusionaryneil · 10 months
Opinion on Smuldunde and Pongorma ship???
i honestly haven't thought about the idea of a ship between them before!! i could totally see them hanging out and maybe being friends, maybe with smuldunde having a fascination with pongorma and the stories he could possibly tell about the past since i hc them as being an archeologist like dedusmuln!!
when it comes to a ship though i think the idea could be really cute with pongorma being able to tell them stories about the past and smuldunde could share a their years of research!! they could totally learn a ton from one another i think!! also they're both fuzzy so heckyeah lol! handing you a very quick doodle of the two as a thanks for the ask!! (i would do a full sketch but i am so extremely tired maybe later this week i can do more of a full sketch of them!!)
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illusionaryneil · 11 months
Could you share your Dracula headcanons possibly?
yes of course i would love to share my headcanons!! gonna probably split it up into a few different sections since there's a ton i would like to talk about!! i am sorry that it took me to long to answer this lol!!
ohyeah and just in case before i continue i use any pronouns for drac!!
general headcanons -one of my favorite hcs is that dracula has the ability to to enter the dreams of others or to bring others into their dreams!! with that i think that the act screens in h1 are dreams that dracula is visiting wayne through to ask him for help and to guide him towards the moon and what to do in order to get there!! i believe drac would have been able to contact wayne because drac technically met them years before when he had found them lost as a larva, taking care of them before being able to safely return them to waynehouse!! (i will talk more about drac and how he knows about the waynes and waynehouse later on in this!!)
-dracula wouldn't be super skilled in weapon combat, but they can utilize gestures extremely well! his main strategy would be to act quickly with debuffs and defense and then begin attacking when an enemy is weaker. if she is with a team he would mainly just focus on healing and applying debuffs to enemies while its team attacks. 
-for a long span of time i think drac would have worked for gibby! they would have initially have been a sort of entertainer for him by writing poetry and painting for him, but after a while it would take on a role of an advisor for him!! over time though drac would begin to see how horrible gibby had truly become, which would lead to her beginning to quietly plot against him. following the exile of pongorma though, he would ultimately decide to confront him. this would lead to gibby trying to permanently get rid of dracula, but that didn't work and dracula would go on to try and obtain help from wayne!!
-a random one, but i feel like drac would really enjoy gardening and he would know a lot of the symbolism behind flowers and stuff!!!
connections to other characters -dracula and gibby for a time would have been really close friends i think!! they probably didn't have a lot of common interests, but they would still find it easy to speak with one another about things and build a connection from there.
-really huge fan of the idea of drac and smuldunde being friends!! they probably would have met when they were both a bit younger!! they would have a few overlapping interests i think, but a lot of the time the two would love hearing one another talk about their interests and sharing information with each other! because of the years and amount of time they spent with one another they would end up being really close!!
-already talk about it a lot but dracula and old wayne is so lovely to me! even if it isn't them being together, even the idea of them having been friends is so lovely to me! going back on the previous hc i talked about before with wayne as a larva, i think drac would have known about waynehouse because of old wayne! the two would have met a long while ago, but instantly and interest between the two would occur with their shared love for art!
bug related headcanons -over like its shoulders, arms, back and just across its body in general it probably has a somewhat tough exoskeleton that gives extra protection in combat if needed. once in a while he would need to molt though since the exoskeleton can receive damage over time so he would probably hide away for a day or two in order to do that!!i don't think they would have that much of an exoskeleton on his head though so that adds reason to why they choose to wear the helmet since it offers that protection they may need but also because they just like how it looks! 
-dracula is probably really cold like literally he doesn't really produce a lot of warmth at all so he is probably cold blooded like insects and stuff!!
-since i inspired a lot of his not wearing a helmet design on the bug sprites found in the game, i think similarly to how wayne larva are the youngest stage for the waynes, dracula would have probably looked like one of those bugs like years and years ago!!
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fruity-boy-bruno · 1 year
Some silly Hylics doodles I did today
A friend of mine has a hc for Dedusmuln and Smuldunde that they're both covered in different types of slime molds and false fungus.. it's such a cool hc to me..
I love the big lady so much
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fruity-boy-bruno · 11 months
OKAY so I'm gonna fucking info dump my very heavily head cannoned and redesigned Fleam because I'm thinking about him real hard. And to, explain how he looks when I draw him.
So the most notable things away from his cannon design are how i draw his horns and face. I draw these both similarly to how I draw Smuldunde and Dedusmuln because I hc that Fleam is also a splithead. His more person-like face is a mask that he wears over his face to look less scary (that Instar encourages him not to).
Since he's a splithead I draw his horns bigger like i do Smul's and Dedus' (unless they're still growing back from them dying, then they're skinnier). The main difference to them I draw him with are the holes surround by green. This is from an infection he has in them. Basically the outer layers of a splithead's horns are made of slime mold that's highly sensitive but has a outer layer that's more solid and skin like. Fleam has an infection in his caused by another splithead's slimemold getting in there. The other slime mold attempts to eat Fleam's causing large gross holes to appear all over his horns.
He managed to get the infection in a duel he had with Dedusmuln. After the events of the first game Dedusmuln went back to his home village of splitheads to see how people were holding up after the spell of madness and Fleam was like "no way you were one of the people who took down Gibby you loser" and challenged them to a duel. In splithead culture duels are supposed to be to the death (since you respawn anyways), but once Fleam was starting to lose he got scared and started to run because he remembered how Gibby didn't respawn after Dedusmuln fought him and his ass didn't want to be next. This is suppperrr disgraceful to do, plus made it easier for Dedusmuln to kill his ass and steal his armor (which is where I hc they got their armor in the second game from).
Anways a bit after his horns had regrown from his trip to the afterlife the holes started appearing and since the illness is super uncommon the village was like "ew what the hell" and chased Fleam out throwing rocks at him </3 bc they thought it might be contagious (which it's not!) But Fleam doesn't quite know what it is either so he assumes the sages cursed him for being dishonorable in battle.
Another part of Splithead anatomy my friend who came up with the anatomy hcs ( @eggratgremlin ) came up with is that their eyes are located within the slime mold of the horns, so due to the decay of Fleam's, he is mostly blind. They're also where they smell from so his sense of smell is dulled too.
The setting I normally draw him in is while he's living in the woods with Instar <3 they just be two freaks in the woods.
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rezeptkapziv · 5 months
Either one!
And possibly I am…
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I missed you Smuldunde anon
Im gonna write a post soon! Sorry i didnt finish making that long Smuldunde hc post haha but i will finish it today (I HOPE SO. IM EXHAUSTED) bc some of Desmulndem's stuff requires splithead hcs lol but in short Desmulnd(they/she/he) is a splithead child who loves space stuff very much and gets education and family bonding with another one of my ocs, Solox(it/its). Splitheads have caretakers but they are extremely hands off when raising their young and Solox loves space as well bc it was associated with the moon before Gibby came to power so it teaches Desmulndem a bit as well as providing guidance and support.
Also Desmulnd is kinda into Waynes as a specied bc. Moons. Haha
I should draw her more...
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fruity-boy-bruno · 1 year
Smuldunde hcs?
Hehehe Smuldunde
I think Smuldunde uses she/they pronouns teeheehee
I know she doesn't actually have a tail but I like giving her one because it's fun. Also I have a lottt of creatury hcs for her but they're shared with Dedusmuln for the most part bc theyre both splitheads!. @eggratgremlin has extensive hcs about how their species works (which i suggest looking for or sending them asks, I'm not sure how much they've actually posted on here lol) that I agree with but sounds better coming from them imo.
She's also Dedusmuln's "cousin" (may or may not be actual cousins but they both claim to be) and obviously also likes anthropology like Dedusmuln.. but I think she bounced around in college a lot and was originally a stem major and knows a lot about different science shit.. (uses these skills to make hylics drugs and do mad scientist shit<3)
She's also got splithead autism!! Autism girly!!! In the splithead hcs me and Jouta have they are able to smell emotions and that's pretty much her only hope for social cues..
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rezeptkapziv · 9 months
Smuldunde anon appreciator wouldnt know what hit them bc im fuckin WRITING those hcs
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rezeptkapziv · 9 months
The Smuldunde appreciator anon is back asking for my hcs.... brother, there is a lot. Pls if i dont respond in a while just remind me bc i need to make it coherent for reading and viewing lol
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fruity-boy-bruno · 1 year
Today Hylics tumblr, I give you highly obscured drawings and head canons of Fleam, tomorrow? Who knows?
Based on the slime mold hcs @eggratgremlin came up with for Dedusmuln and Smuldunde, since one of Fleam's cut sprite images I've seen has horns like theirs.
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