#smug jug chan
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moctor · 1 year ago
Thoughts on Smug Jug Chan?
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losing my fucking mind
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hin3as · 3 years ago
sorry this took forever to get out😭
I was going update it every day but I don’t think I can update it everyday:( sorry y’all
chapter 2
It was becoming routine for you to come home to a drugged up Tora. Out of his mind drugged, hungry glutton filled drugged, aggressive drugged, sexfilled drugged. But for now he was sleepy drugged.
The needle where he injected it still in his forearm and his head laid back against the couch drooling. You dropped the bag of groceries on the kitchen's small counter. It was actually daytime outside, you made it home from your university by walking.
It was supposed to be a chill day in your schedule since you only had one class.
you then walked over to Tora's sleeping form. His gang jacket over his body to shield him from the cold.
You carefully and gently took the needle out from him before he got an infection. You then crushed the needle's tip and placed it in a empty juice jug. With the rest of his drug needles. You stared down at the jar in disgust,shame, and concern.
"Tori.... when did you start this."
"Why did you change..."
"You're so cute like this.. why can't we go back to the way it was before?" You pulled away after a while and went back to the bag of groceries on the countertop, your hands putting them
away in the refrigerator. With no work tonight... and all your classes finished. You wanted to ask Tori on a date but... it seemed he already had plans. So your night would just be cleaning, hopping Tora didn't wake up, and if he does....
Pray he's not in a sexfilled drugged mood. You took an apple from its's plastic bag and brought it over to the cutting board, steadying the knife on the apple's side with your burnt knuckles.
You heard the sparkles and charms coming from your back pocket. You winced feeling the knife edge into your finger's skin. You were startled and the knife slipped. You wagged your bloody thumb popped it in your mouth, a habit you did after getting cuts on your finger. 
You picked up the phone on it's forth ring holding it to your ear. "Heya Puppy-Chan !".
“it’s sometime!”
"Ah- Mikey-Kun?" You shifted now getting the roll of bandages from underneath the counter and wrapping it around your cut.
"Come outside." Your ears perked up hearing the rev of his engine through the phone, that unique and distinct sound that couldn't belong to anyone else's bike but Mikey's.
"What the hell are you doing here you crazy nut!" "Geez don't yell, it's not like you have anything to do anyways..." “
Now come outside, we're gonna have fun." He hung up on you. You took a deep sigh brushing your hair back and grabbed your pair of keys locking the door. Already from the balcony you could see Mikey's head of blonde hair on his bike.
You then turned to the window to see if the blinds had been closed, they had but what you also saw made your heart thump.
"Tora still cares for his plants?" You bashed in glory a little bit, his baby plants he had bought in your third year of highschool were still flourishing under his care.
"Now come outside, we're gonna have fun." 13 He hung up on you. You took a deep sigh brushing your hair back and grabbed your pair of keys locking the door. Already from the balcony
you could see Mikey's head of blonde hair on his bike. You then turned to the window to see if the blinds had been closed, they had but what you also saw made your heart thump.
"Tora still cares for his plants?" You bashed in glory a little bit, his baby plants he had bought in your third year of highschool were still flourishing under his care. Your snow boots moved against the cement stairs stepping across the mild sleet of snow fall today.
Looking back at you our from the gate was Mikey, his black eyes stared at you and a small smug smile sat on his lips. His hands flexed revving his engine a bit.
"Well, hop on!" You could hear the muffled sound of a 2000's top hit song playing through the creaky and damaged speaker of the diner.
You sat in the purple and white lined diner booth across from Mikey. The marble light peach table in front of you had two menus, salt and pepper shakers, and bottles of maple syrup.
Mikey had one arm over the booth leaning back and the other just out of view under the table looking at the menu. The smell of freshly cooked breakfast foods and burnt grease fat filled the air.
"So do you like it?" He asked you his eyes taken off the menu to look at you, his smug smile never left his face. You turned your head up from the menu to stare at him a small smile on your lips.
You nodded. "Mmmhmm! To be honest I didn't care where you brought me... as long as I was with you." There it was again.
That ping of loneliness that crept to the surface every time Mikey heard you speak. His smile slightly dropped and now he leaned on the table putting the menu down. He gently cupped your warm hands and brought them into his own.
He looked at the bandage on your fingers and your burnt knuckles. "Every time I see you, you have a new bruise or cut or burn... what's up with that?" You looked into his hollow eyes, his meeting yours. Yours was filled with sorrow. His? Curiosity. "I-"
"What can I get for you two today- oh? Reader is that you?"
You gulped hearing that voice... your head down and from your rear view you could only see her purple plaid skirt against her beautiful curved ass.
Mikey looked up at the woman before him, the waiter at their table. Her long raven hair pulled against her face and her golden eyes stared down at them.
She was tall and her bust was huge practically popping out of her diner uniform and apron from the way she forced her body to stand in a pose to show off her chest and her butt.
She looked at you with a shit eating grin on her face. "What are YOU doing here?! Ahh it's been awhile, I've been looking for you everywhere~ it's like you're hiding from me or something." She purred it rolling out of her mouth a smirk on her face as she tapped her pen against the notepad. She could taste your fear as you kept your head down avoiding eye contact.
"Ah? Puppy-Chan? Is this one of your friends?" Mikey was going to make himself known. The girl looked at the voice and her jaw almost dropped in a quick motion she picked it back up and plastered a fake smile on her face but anyone could see the jealousy.
'How the FUCK did a snitch bitch like her end up with a guy like him!’
'Hmm you know what I’ll steal him right in front of her~’
"Oh?! Reader didn't talk about me!? I'm hurt! Nice to meet you! I'm Kohaki! I USED to go to school with Reader-chan~" Kohaki explained malice in her voice when saying your name.
You turned your head to the window biting your lip pretending she wasn't there, your hands shaking in your palms.
Kohaki leaned over the table looking at Mikey with lustful eyes, her strawberry pink lips parted "Hmm now whats you're name hot stuff~?"
"I'd like a Kitty platter deluxe with the keychain, and a side of chocolate milk”
“Darling what did you say you wanted?" Your cheeks heated up red as you back on the scene. Kohaki looked astonished at being ignored along with the fact that... He just called you Darling.
You don't know why or how but you gained some confidence breathing in and out before facing Kohaki. "I wanted the peppermint shake and the waffle platter please." Kohaki stared at the both of you, jealousy and anger in her eyes hidden by her pretty girl smile.
"Alright, Kitty platter deluxe with a side of chocolate milk, don't forgot the keychain. And a waffle platter... and nennermint shake.. I'll make it a SPECIAL shake since your a good friend of reader”
The girl winked at you with a smile. Writing the orders on her notepad before walking away to the kitchen obviously pissed off.
Mikey kept a mean eye on the raven haired girl as she prepared their meal. "So... what'd you do to her? Or does she always have a stick up her ass?" ... Your eyes shifted to the floor and you fumbled with your hands.
"Well.. I.... she was cheating on an exam a few months ago and I told our professor."
"She got expelled , she told me if she ever saw me again she'd kill me and she made up rumors about me, now everyone avoids me." ...
"Well I get being mad... but wanting to kill you?"
"If I'm being honest... I don't feel bad for what I did and I don't feel regret. If she graduated on false grades and got into the veteran field, who knows how many animals would die, and get misdiagnosed by her."
"I did it to save them, they can’t speak for themselves so I’ll talk for them”
"Even if it kills me."
Mikey stared at you with a loving smile. He couldn't help but melt when he heard your words. It takes a lot to have guts and protect people or things who couldn't protect themselves. You reminded him of his brother.
He should introduce you to him sometime. "You're so damn sweet."
"You're an idiot who doesn't think about her well- being but... you're sweet." He let out a sigh, the warm smile still resting on his lips and he leaned back in his chair.
"You really care about animals huh?"
"Yeah, more than people sometimes." A giggle left your lips after you said that.
"I want a pet but my complex doesn't allow them... I was thinking a hairless cat."
"You mean the ones that look like ballsacks?"
You laughed aloud and so did Mikey chuckling underneath his breath.
“so your telling me they don’t look like balls?”
"Well don't say it like that!"
"Eh... if you get one name it testicles or ballsack."
"I would never!" You scoffed turning away with a smile and chuckling and laughing with Mikey until you both calmed down.
You leaned on the palm of your hand on the table and sighed. "I don't know... it's just everyone thinks they're ugly... I think they're cute."
"So you're looking out for them by adopting one?"
"Yeah... but like I said my complex doesn't allow pets, fishes are the bare minimum."
"Hmm... interesting." Mikey lent you a smile going to say something else but the woman came back holding two large sliver tray with everything on them. She slid Mikey's drink and food to him and then giving you, yours.
As the peppermint milkshake came to you she sent 15 you a smirk.
"Enjoy~" She wiggled her sharp painted pink nails at you and then walked back to the kitchen. You looked at the food and began to open the straw placed side your shake. Mikey looked at it, he stood up and stopped you from putting your straw in…
“I’ll be back in a second”
he took the shake in his hands and brought it back the the counter ringing the bell as he did so. Soon a red head came back with a manger hat on, kohaki was in the kitchen.
"Hello sir! What can I get for ya-"
"Oh, well the black haired waiter got a little confused, we ordered peppermint flavored not herpes,so can I get another shake?"
"Ahh–.... Yes I'll make you a new one sir, I'm so sorry about that I'll have a talk with her."
"Thank you." Mikey stayed at the counter sitting on one of the purple leather bar stools watching the drink being made by the red head. Kohaki soon came out of the kitchen holding a plate of hot cakes over her head.
Mikey put on a small smile using his two fingers to motion her over. The girl put on a smirk, she knew he couldn't resist her, she placed the food down and strutted over showing off her body.
Mikey leaned up into her making her bend her head down to him. His lips gently rested on her ear. "Don't fuck with us."
"I'll cut off your tongue so you won't have anything to spit with."
"Now if you know what's good for you, you'll leave her alone and spit in someone else's shake." Mikey pulled away from her with half lidded eyes. He saw the terror in her eyes. The shaking of her left legs. And the genuine look of daze and astonishment on her face.
astonishment in her face. "Here's your shake sir- Kohaki! Go deliver that plate and then meet me in the back, we're going to have a CHAT."
The redhead placed down the shake on the counter. Mikey stood up and took it leaving the shocked pretty girl looking at her and then back to her boss. "Here."
"Oh? What was wrong with it?"
'Idiotically innocent...it's cute'
"They forgot the cherry." Mikey sat back down across from you and the both of you began to eat. Creating small talk and laughing.
"Why'd you order off the kids menu anyways?"
"They always give cool toys and put flags and stuff in their meals." "Haha! That's so childish."
"Here! You can have the keychain." Mikey took the plastic keychain of a purple cartoon cat and placed it in your hands. You could only laugh.
"Mikey I'm not gonna use this! I already have a keychain."
"Hmm...Use it as a phone charm then!" Your cheeks heated up. A giggle escaped your lips and you shrugged. You whipped out your phone and attached the cat to it, you let it dangle off your flip phone. A smile formed on your face when you lifted it up and watched it jingle.
"Thank you... Mikey-kun." You looked at the blonde head of hair. He was sleeping after he had filled his belly with his meal. You giggled, he seemed like a child trapped in a grown up's body.
You ran your fingers through his bleach blonde hair, the smile on your face wouldn't go away.
"Boys... are so much gentler when they're asleep.."
tag list
@psmslove @yaecraft @idktbhloley @denkis-slut
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years ago
in support of wildfire relief, @balder12 donated $20, and requested Sam/Kevin with hair play. Thank you for donating!
to get your own personalized fic, please see this post.
Kevin feels he deserves a little better, than this. He doesn’t exactly—he wasn’t exactly used to booze, hadn’t ever really had a drink before he met the Winchesters that wasn’t the cherry schnapps his mom sometimes drank—and okay, so most of the time when he’s gotten drunk it’s been entirely on accident. But still. Whatever Dean drinks is some kind of weird dollar store swill (assuming they sell alcohol, at the dollar store, which to be fair he doesn’t know but he assumes that if they do then what Dean buys would be of that quality), and Kevin is a friggin Prophet of the friggin Lord, so if he’s going to be drinking then he should be drinking—he doesn’t know. Fine wines. Something laced with myrrh, whatever myrrh is. He was going to take Comparative Religions his first semester of college; he never got to find that out. He never got to go to college. Sam did.
Sam. That’s right. Kevin—he has a plan. He deserves better, he thinks. He’s been working on the tablet because that's his job, and he knows that he has a duty and he isn't going to shirk it. His mom had taught him better than that. Still, he thinks���as a Prophet—as a man, which he guesses he is—he shouldn’t just be… relegated to homework duty. Study session captain, providing all the notes. Even if the notes were triple-highlighted and with meticulous bullet points, and made sure that everyone in the group actually passed the exams. Or could take down heaven, or… whatever the hell the Winchesters have planned. He’s the brains behind the operation. He deserves a little something, for all the effort.
He’s pretty much finished the bottle Dean thought he’d hid. Kevin’s never had horse pee but he suspects that horse pee would be better. It’s a plastic jug, and it stings going down, but he needs some kind of courage and apparently the Winchesters are too cheap to keep myrrh-booze around. He finishes his cup and combs his hair, in front of the mirror in his room. His head feels like it’s bobbing at some long tether, past the end of where his neck should be. His lips feel numb. It’s kinda cool.
He doesn’t knock, at Sam’s room. When the door opens it’s dark and he bangs it into the wall. There’s a jolt, and in the light streaming in from the hallway he sees Sam twisted around, a gun in his hands, the blankets a mess. "What," Sam says, in that voice. Kevin smiles at him. Sam blinks. "Kevin. What?"
"Yeah," Kevin sighs, and crosses the room and crawls right up onto the bed, his limbs all heavy. Sam turns onto his back, surprised, meets him. Kevin’s in socks and sweatpants and the Harvard sweatshirt Dean had given him as a joke, except that Kevin actually loves it and wears it whenever he gets a chance, and Sam’s hands settle on his waist, gripping in through the soft fleecy crimson, holding him. Kevin sighs again, settles in. Sam’s lap, his bed. Firm as a rock, like Kevin’s, but—warm. ‘Cause Sam is there.
"Hey," Sam says, cautious, and Kevin makes a small noise and leans down, lassitude soaking through him from all that shitty shitty booze, and Sam tips his head up and meets the kiss, soft. Soft, but steady, and bracing. He’s like a colossus, Kevin thinks, distantly pleased. That was a good vocab word. The Colossus of Sam. He lips at Sam’s mouth and gets a slow breath, and Sam tipping his head so it’s in the right place, and the kiss is—easy, like that, because Sam makes it easy. His mouth, firm but yielding when Kevin asks, and he doesn’t make fun of Kevin for being shy, or for not—not really—knowing what he’s doing. His hands shift, on Kevin’s waist, slip over his back, over the Harvard sweatshirt. Under it, just the edge of his fingers, and Kevin smiles against his mouth and drops his head, the booze swirling steady and dragging as hard as gravity, pinning him into Sam’s lap, making him laugh.
"You’re in a good mood," Sam says. Smile in his voice. Sam, happy. That doesn’t happen too often. Another slow drag of hands, up his back, and Kevin sits back into them, lets Sam take his weight because he totally can. Door’s still open and there’s enough light in here that he can really see—Sam, in a black tee, his hair a little mussed from sleeping, his eyes on Kevin above him. "What's up?"
"I have a plan," Kevin says. He tries to make it sound serious but he doesn't feel all that serious. Sam's eyes narrow a little, looking at his face. "I think—"
"Are you drunk?"
"That," Kevin says, with dignity, "is not relevant."
"Wow," Sam says, "you really are," but he doesn't sound mad or anything. There's a dimple peeking, in his cheek.
They shift a little, Sam moving under his weight. Not that Sam seems to think his weight is any impediment. Kevin's knees spread on the rock-hard mattress and Sam ends up with his back firm against the headboard, his hands still laced easy around Kevin's waist, looking at him. He's an inch or two taller than Sam, sitting like this, and he laughs a little, enjoying it. The top of Sam's head is nice, who knew?
"You have a plan," Sam prompts him. The corner of his mouth keeps turning up, before he makes it go thoughtful again. "Let's hear it."
It feels distant right now. "Well," Kevin says, and drifts for a second. Sam's body is—it's not like he didn't know this, but Sam's body is—nice. Feels nice. He presses his hands against Sam's pecs and they flex, whether on purpose or not Kevin doesn't know but. Wow.
"I think you should kiss me," Kevin says. Not what he meant to say.
"Is that the plan?"
He grips Sam's shirt, rolls his eyes. "I mean, it is now," and gets Sam to smile briefly before there's the lean up, a big hand between his shoulderblades to keep him balanced while Sam presses their lips together. Firm-and-yielding, and when Kevin's mouth parts on a little breath Sam tips his head and makes the kiss a little—more yielding, a little wet, enough that Kevin's belly already warm from the booze feels like someone turned it to boil.
"How's that," Sam says, when he pulls back. Soft. Smug. Shithead.
"You suck," Kevin says. Somehow his hands ended up in Sam's hair and he plays his fingers through it. It's soft. Sam showered, before he went to bed, and his hair's clean and probably conditioned and just… nice, like the rest of him. "I deserve more than this."
Sam sits still, letting Kevin tangle him up. "You do," he says.
Kevin tweaks a long wave, there at Sam's temple, focusing. The plan. "Yeah, I do," he says, like Sam was arguing. "I mean, I know I'm not like—whatever, hot or a—a stud or something, but I am a Prophet and I feel like I should get more than a kiss every once in a while. Anyway, I don't see anyone else around here that you could make out with, so you might as well—"
"Wait," Sam says, shaking his head, but Kevin does have a plan and he got drunk for this, okay, so he's not going to be interrupted.
"—and if you're like, holding back because I'm a virgin, you don't need to worry about that, all right, because I've read like a lot about it and I figured out my mom's kid-safe password for the internet when I was eleven, okay, so I know how it goes."
Sam's grip on his sides is tight and Kevin squirms. The hands go looser but Sam's staring at him. "You're—Kevin." Kevin makes a small noise. Duh, he's Kevin. Maybe Sam's drunk too. "Kevin, you're twenty."
"I'm twenty-one," he says, offended. Just because the Winchesters lose years all the time doesn't mean everyone else does. He drags his hands through Sam's hair again, sweeping it back from his face, and Sam's giving him this look that he doesn't really get. Sam looks at him a lot in ways he doesn't really get.
"Twenty-one," Sam says, after a few seconds. Kevin nods. "Sorry."
There's a pause, again. Kevin's comfortable, now he's said his piece. He plays with the ends of Sam's hair where they curl forward. It's really different to his, which pretty much just lays there unless Kevin experiments with products. Sam's got—body. Kevin glances down, where Sam's chest rises with his breath, and grins. Yeah, he's got body.
"When I—after that hunt. When I kissed you." One of Sam's hands slides to the center of his chest, right over where it says Harvard. "Was that the first time someone…?"
"I had a girlfriend," Kevin says.
"That's not an answer."
Sam's as bad as his debate coach used to be. "No," he says, exaggerating it, "it wasn't my first kiss." Might as well have been, because he and Channing hadn't been any good at it. Kissing was just wet and kinda gross, Kevin had thought, until a month ago when Sam had looked down at him with this glad proud look on his face after Kevin had given them the research they needed to figure out their hunt, and he'd said you really saved our asses, and Kevin had looked up at him and Sam's face had changed and he'd, very softly, touched Kevin's chin, and Kevin had felt like he'd lost his balance and Sam had looked back and forth between his eyes—like a movie, Kevin thought, dumb in the moment—and he'd dipped, and it had been…
Sam's hands are under his sweatshirt, now. Just holding his back, his thumbs idly stroking. "Tell me what you did with your girlfriend," he says, and it's just an easy suggestion but also it kinda sounds like Sam does sound, sometimes, when something's a suggestion but really it's an order. How he talks to Dean, when they're prepping a hunt.
Kevin's weirdly pleased to be on the other end of it. "Studied mostly," he says. It's just honest but for some reason Sam smiles. He cards his fingers through Sam's hair again. "And—well, I guess this, too." Sam raises his eyebrows, questioning, and Kevin says: "This. I used to braid her hair for her. For dance performances."
"Really," Sam says, and Kevin shrugs. He squirms closer, in Sam's lap, and loosens the fall of hair behind Sam's left ear. Yeah, there's enough. He tips Sam's chin so he has space and starts in. Sam laughs softly. "Okay. Uh—Kevin." Kevin ignores it; he's busy. "When you… did you ever want to do more? With your girlfriend? More than kissing, I mean."
Sam's hair is great to work with. He unwinds a little and restarts with a french braid, instead, since it's so smooth. Sam asked him a question, though. "Um, not really," he says. Three over two over one over two. It's a soothing pattern, very rhythmic. Like differential equations. "It felt awkward. I mean… it was Channing, you know?"
He admires the effect, curving around Sam's ear, and turns his chin again to do the other side. Sam lets him, holding still for it.
"But you want more," Sam says, while the braid forms perfectly over his right ear. "With me."
Kevin pauses. There was something���different, in Sam's voice. He plaits the last inch, finishing, and he's—aware maybe, more than he has been, of Sam's hands on his skin. They're just sitting there, low on his back, the thumbs still gently moving. "I mean," he says, and bites his lip.
With the sides braided, Sam looks like a Viking. He's big enough to be one. "Did you know that Vikings actually had a much better standard of living than most people think?" Kevin says. "They were really big into bathing."
"Yes, I knew that," Sam says. He sits up more and Kevin's weight shifts, in his lap, so that he grabs onto Sam's shoulders to balance, but of course with Sam's hands on his back he wasn't going to budge at all. Sam's hands shift to his hips and he kisses Kevin again, leaning in quick without his usual careful bend where it feels like he's asking to make sure Kevin's okay with it—Kevin sucks air, opens his mouth, and Sam's tongue is—oh, wet but it's not—not like it was, with Channing, and he makes some weird noise and has his fingers in Sam's hair again, at the back where it's so soft, gripping, trying to make sure he doesn't just float away. Sublimation, solid to gas in a second.
"You're hard," Sam says, quietly, when he pulls back. Kevin's dizzy. Oh, he is. He looks down, between them, and Sam's thumb is dragging down the waist of his sweatpants a little, and he is—yeah—bulging there, really obvious. His belly throbs.
Sam's other hand cards through Kevin's hair. It feels nice and he closes his eyes, just feeling. Sam kisses him again, shallow enough that he can still think, and Sam's thumb drags around the curve of his jaw, and Sam's other thumb slips over, to under his bellybutton, rubbing there a little. "You deserve more," Sam says—funny tone—but that's agreement at least, and Kevin's skin goes hot all over. Not drunk enough to be nervous but he…
When he opens his eyes Sam's cheeks are a little red. Kevin wonders suddenly if he's hard, too, but with Sam's eyes on his he doesn't want to look down. "Let me just take care of you," Sam says, abruptly. "You're drunk and I don't—for tonight, at least. Just let me."
Kevin has no idea what that means. "Okay," he says, because he'd probably agree to anything when Sam looks like he does, right now, when he's—feeling as much as he is, right now.
Sam's mouth turns up, on one side, and then the world tips—Kevin's on his back, his head by the footboard, and Sam's leaning over him with his hand planted on the mattress, Kevin's knees spread around his waist. He reaches up and grips into Sam's hair, the ends of the braids fraying loose. "Yeah, hold on to me," Sam says, soft, encouraging, and Kevin closes his eyes and feels the silky warmth under his fingers, and does.
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dearnamorrr · 7 years ago
Jealousy (Short-fic/Headcanon)
Summary : When Kaneki was saved by Touka and the Qs, he finally awakes and encounters the most important people in his life . Everyone wait for him to return as much he is loved . Kaneki meets Hide on the rooftop and they somehow manage to spend their time together after so long not seeing each other . At the CCG, Touka was quite popular among the male humans, and when Kaneki and Hide finally get to watch them fanboying over her is quite interesting .                                                        
Notes : Had this idea to initiate the writing from @catsoul2 post. Witnessing Kaneki being all clingy and jealous is so so cute. I hope that random ccg guy make his appearance.
Thanks to @catsoul2
"I want to see what I did to you."
Speechless, Hide finally removes the scarf that he wears to conceal his face from the public . When the mask abandons his face, Ken's eyes widen in astonishment .
Scars developed around his mouth and cheeks, and it even spreads around his neck . His beautiful smile on the lips is all gone now for what he had become . The scars bring terror within Ken . So hard to believe that his beloved friend had to face this kind of pain . Unbearable pain . What's more heartbreaking that it was his doing when he can not control himself .
Hide's mouth was ripped off, and even his teeth from the inside is visible right now . Despite that, he still can make the whole situation here to be more comfort rather than emotional . Staring at Ken who is sobbing and weeping in tears, beside him, makes him even more sad . He can't even cry anymore, he was fed up to . All these years, he suffered the agony but he struggled to stay strong .
"I'm sorry...i'm sorry..this is all my fault.."
"I did this to you....and you had to face this all alone.."
"Hide...i'm sorry.."
He keep blaming himself, blaming over and over again . Tears keep coming and unstoppable . His cheeks is drench by his tears . Hide softly pats his shoulder, calming him and finally he gave him a hug . 
"Jeez, you're a crybaby.."
Hide chuckled when Ken wrapped his fingers around him , leaning to his embrace . Ah, he misses him so much . He misses everything about them . Their bittersweet memories and their friendship .
This is not your fault, Kaneki .
Minutes pass away, they talk about their well-being these years before . Hide sucessfully lighten up Ken's mood after crying too much . So, he asked him a question that could make him happy or less stress . To alleviate the tension .
"So, how's your first time..?"
"My first time ? What do you mean ?"
Hide breaks a laugh when he find out that Ken is dumb enought to understand of what he's saying .
"Aw, come on.."
"Hide, I don't get -"
"Your first time with Touka-chan, that's what I'm sayin' ."
As Touka's name being mentioned, Ken's facial expression automatically change . His cheeks turns red like a tomato and he stutters .
"Wha..what the hell are you talkin' about.."
"Don't play dumb, will ya ? I know you're not just gonna let her go.."
"You guys did it, right ?"
Even without his mouth anymore, Ken definitely can tell that he is smilling with smug right now . His cheeks reddened and now it's finally his whole face is a blushing mess when the thought of him and Touka make love for the first time in the abandoned building cross towards his mind .
The heat, the sensation between just the two of them that night . It was an unforgettable situation, and when Hide suddenly drags it again in front of him, he can't even breathe properly, not anymore .
His mind suddenly flies away with the thought on when will they be together again . He is in absolute thirst, hungry to feel her skin and soft scent again , to catch her full and thick red lips with his lips again , to carress her whole luscious body with his hand again , to feel her inside and hearing her moaning out loudly, shouting out his name with an absolute pleasure again .
The ecstacy with her that he craves badly . There's no one can make him feel that way . No one . No one can replace her throne in his heart .
"I can't believe someone like you, the nerdy bookworm and weak guy loss the v card first rather than me.."
"Hey, that's rude . You really understimate me, you know.."
"That's a fact . You were so shy and petite back then and now.."
"Now what..? I'm gettin' the better look ?" 
Ken slightly pushed his friend's shoulder, to talk back for what had said to him seconds ago .
The rooftop filled with gags and laughs that coming from them .
"How's she..?"
"Yonebayashi is still the same . She really need to take her time, Sasaki."
"I see.."
After they ran a tour around the city, Saiko's condition is getting worse . The infection of ROS are getting more terrible right now, too. The world end up as a whole mess of infection, humans transform, becoming a ghoul and the ghouls RC cells might be increased and leads to another wrecking stage . All of it was very unstable .
"Are you okay, Urie..?"
"....Yeah ? (I hope so)"
"I'm off then.."
"Yeah, go on with Nagachika.."
Both of them, went to the main hall of the CCG office . Ken watches the people are now working together with the ghouls . I can't believe that this is true..the ghouls..the humans..they're somehow united..
"Hey, Kaneki. Come here." 
Turning to approach Hide. There's a guy who is working on the desktop, patrolling using the cctv from the hidden camera . Opening the status map of the whole Tokyo. Ken grimaces after watching the damage he had done to the city. The red spot from the map is very huge .
"This city is a mess now."
The guy talks with both of them as they watch the screen. 
"That's what happen right now."
Hide replied, switching his glance towards Ken .
Suddenly, there's a gasp from the guy and the others are the same too. The man in front of the computer also reacting the same thing. Ken's attention suddenly distracted by the changing atmosphere . From silence to a busy sound when his wife walk through the office . Touka's appearance makes him uprise .
"Ah, it's Touka-chan !"
Hide speaks to Ken with a small voice.
He can hear them mumbling about her. She didn't notice him with the guy and she just walk there passing all the men who are continuously watching her from up to down. 
And the man in front of him and Hide suddenly voice out.
"That ghoul girl..she's so pretty..I think I like her.."
"WHAT ?"
Both Ken and Hide asked the exact same thing, with exact same tone.
"I know right, sounds crazy because she's a ghoul.."
Nervous, Hide maintains his side and managed to stalk Ken's expression. He was very shock and he couldn't leave his eyes to glare at the man. Hands fisting up and he clicked his tongue when the other men say out to themselves.
"She's cute.."
"God, I've never met someone this beautiful.."
"What a girl..very hot.." 
"What's her name though.."
"I don't know..but someone tell me she was under an alias named, Rabbit."
"Don't you guys afraid of her..she's dangerous.."
"But she looks so kind.."
"Yeah, she looks so sweet.."
"I want to know her very badly.."
"Rabbit-san...rabbit-san please hear me.."
He could feel his unpleasant feeling coming through and it burns up and he feels like he hates it so much when he sees their eyes roaming over her clothed body..swaying a little when she walks without noticing his husband around.
Irritated, he really reallly wants to warn them that she is his right there, right now. Hide realize that it is interesting to see this sight of him, getting annoyed and jealous when he witnesssing other men adoring, go crazy about his wife, Touka. The urge feeling of wanting to tease his friend is captivating and he can't help himself to internally giggling over him getting pissed.
Entertained, he stated a joke for Ken and whispering to his ear.
"Looks like Touka-chan is also famous among humans, huh..well, that's nice."
"They're acting is too much..they don't need to stare at her.."
His lips drew a cute pout. Eyes narrows, and he frowns.
She's mine. She's mine. Don't you guys dare to stare at her that way.
"Can't blame them. It's true, anyway. She is gorgeous. Probably, the most gorgeous I've ever seen.."
"Go on, Kaneki. You should go see her."
She picks up the paper cup and put it on a small plastic table. The office rest room has a small lunch chamber and that's when she wants to have a cup of coffee. The already brewed coffee was placed in a jug and she pours it into her cup. The steamy, puffy heat warms her hand. She takes a sit on a chair, sighing after so many things that had happened within these days.
Ah, I left my cake at the underground. Should have buy it more. Kaneki..I wonder he's happy to see Nagachika. He should though.
Sips the coffee and there she smirks. Alone, in the rest chamber.
"Mine's better."
"Yeah, yours better than everything."
Twitched, she turns around and sees her husband, standing there and wears a smile. He walks to her and later have a sit right beside her. There's still a gap between them. She flashes a broad grin when he snatches her cup from her cup, softly. Taking a sip, then starts looking at her. She also looks into his ethereal grey eyes. Thinking about each other.
Oh, how can he still looks so good even when he just got out from that shitty kagune.
His intense stare makes her shy a little so she averts her eyes from him, bangs falls down enough to cover her pinky blush on her cheeks. She close her lips together and struggles to keep calm. Ken notices her, and he can't himself from smiling even more. Feeling very good when he can done something like this to her. Just by giving her an intense stare with a sweet smile, she's kinda lose her guard a little and slightly nervous. He finds it adorable.
"Don't do that to me with your good look."
"Huh. I'm just looking at you like usual."
She seems to be very bold when it comes to sex but in this kind of sitution, fluffy and romantic seems to make her nervous and shy.
"H-hah ?"
"You're adorable."
He intentionally repeats it to make her more into a blushing mess.
"Shut up...."
She murmurs slowly. Her soft voice provokes something within him."
"How's it here..Touka-chan.."
"Fine, I guess..there's so many humans here..totally different from the underground.."
"Yeah..the humans."
Suddenly, the thought of the humans males talking about her flows inside his head. It distracts him when he thinks about it. Touka stands up and watches him filled with thought in his mind.
"Hey, you're okay ?"
"Ah, I'm fine..where are you going ?"
"I want to sleep, before the coffee kicks in."
"Tch. Looks like you need to pass by them again."
He mumbled quietly. Touka tilts her head to see him.
"What did you say ?"
"Nothing. I'm coming with you."
The married couple are now heading from there and they had to walk through the office and again, most of the guys lock their eyes to her. Touka didn't notices that she's been stared by them. Unlike Ken, who's getting irritate than ever. He hates the way they link their gazes towards her. His beautiful wife. In order to get rid of it, he approaches her, gets clingy towards her, abruptly that leads to her suprise. He holds a soft grip on the hem of her black sweater.
After that, a man suddenly asked Touka out of the blue.
"Rabbit, what's your name..?" 
He asked her shyly, nervous because it's his first time talking with a ghoul directly. She is suprise by his question. Stutters, she answered him.
"Excuse me ! My wife is kinda busy and tired, I think it's not appropriate to ask her right now."
Her gaze switches to her husband who is standing right behind her, now.
Ah, he just called me his wife.
"Pardon, your wife..?"
"Yes, she's my wife."
To get them for not asking him, again. He drew a malicous grin. A really creepy grin he had ever done. When they see his scary face, their face turns pale. Upon knowing his identity as Haise Sasaki, and also known as Ken Kaneki. They quickly back off when they finally discover that the beautiful ghoul that they talking about is the wife of the man who wreck the whole city. The Dragon.
Yes, now that's more like it.
Satisfied after hearing the apology, he grabs Touka's hand and get out. Make their way to the room she had stayed in for a while. Touka enters first and then comes him behind her, closing the door, locks it. Later, he getting all clingy again as he engulfed her body from behind, keeps her locked within his grasp, resting his chin on her small shoulder, hugging her tightly. Never wants to let her go. Never.
Touka acknowledges his weird behaviour when he encounters the other guy from before. He looks overprotective towards her. It's not like the male humans can hurt her anyway. She feels very relax and the comfy when his overflowing warmth assaults her. She misses it.
"What is with you ?"
"Hm ?"
He lifts his head a little bit so that he can feels her warm cheeks. So soft.
"I see that you don't really like them."
"I just want to protect you..that's all.."
"That's not about it..why..?"
"Well..they talked about you when you walk inside the office.."
Touka continues to ask him, throwing him questions as she keeps focusing to his voice. Straight to her ear. Whenever he speaks, his raspy voice echoes throughout her mind that makes her going crazy. His warm breath crashes around her ear that sends shiver to her spine.
"What are they talking about me..?
"Well, they say you're pretty, you're beautiful, you're hot..."
"So, you don't like them because they say I'm beautiful ?"
"No, that's not it..yes, they're right but they shouldn't stare off you like that.."
"Why not ? It's normal thing to stare at something that is good looking.."
Ken grunts behind her, grips her tighter, increasing the friction between them. He could feels her hips, feels so good when it comes to hug her. He is desperate to feel her even more. The jealousy strikes him too much that he feels like he wants to mark her as his own.
"But, I don't like it."
"You're my wife and no one can stare at you like that except me."
Touka can't help but to bursts out afrom loud laugh. Confuse Ken loosen his embrace to make her body facing him, switching her over. He holds both of her shoulder and right now they're looking at each other. She have to look up to meet his face because of their extreme height difference. He looks so tall and her eyes land on his lips. Attractive and soft lips and his face is serious this time. 
"You're jealous.."
"Am I ?"
"Yes, you dummy.."
She pinches both of his cheeks and he lets out a yelp. 
"Ow, ow..Touka-chan, stop.."
She chuckled, showing her perfect white teeth and her eyes are almost close..and her giggles are too much to handle. She is too adorable. No wonder why most of the men are attracted to her. She is heavenly and sweet. Ken felt so lucky to witness her like this. If he could, he wants to see her like this everyday. 
Ahh, I can't take this anymore. I just can't. She's like an angel.
Her chuckle stops when he interrupts her, kissing her softly. She is in awestruck. Like an electrical waves hit her. His lips catches her bottom lips and that makes her mewls. Wanting to hear her voice more, he sucks her bottom lips.
Her lips are so sweet. Makes me hungry.
Moans coming out from her, muffles against his mouth. He takes in her upper lips and hands grab her round ass. Squeezing it, he licks her lips and she kisses him back. Earning his moan that drives her crazy.
The bed is shaking when their body crashes onto it. Ken is on top, wrapping his arms around her thighs, kisses it and she moans his name.
Her wanton and seductive cry makes him can't even control his lust. His desires. His needs. All of that are because of her. He pulls her short and tosses it aside. Then, he removes her tight leggings, exposing her sexy long legs. He unbottons her shirt and finally she is shirtless.
The fabric from her black lacy bra and underwear is the only garment that covers her from his corrupted eyesight.
He roams her breast, buries his face in the valley of her large breast. Inhaling her nice scent, he sucked her beauty mark and makes cries out a moan.
"Aahhh. "
"Touka-chan, I want to eat you.."
"Have your delicious meal, my King."
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slicedcat · 1 year ago
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"Are you happy to see me...and my jugs?" - Smug Jug Chan 😏🏺(pt. 2 traditional edition)
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slicedcat · 1 year ago
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slicedcat · 1 year ago
I'm working on Smug Jug Chan, I haven't forgotten! 💪🏺
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slicedcat · 1 year ago
Welp...You guys wanted this.
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