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andersoncharm · 6 years ago
Text to Seb.
Blaine: How’s my favorite doing this morning?
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andersoncharm · 6 years ago
All I Want For Christmas Is You(Friday-December 14, 2018)
Blaine had been at Seb’s house for the last two hours cooking, baking, sipping on wine and loving every single minute of it. It sounded ridiculously sappy but, just being near Seb and Ras made him the most happy, especially when he was allowed to dote. Said boyfriend was working on the final touches of some project that was due tonight by midnight. The fast approaching deadline didn’t stop Seb from sneaking bits of food and a few kisses here and there. Sweet Ras was lying as close as he could to the action in the kitchen without actually being in the kitchen just waiting for the ham bone that he was sure he was going to get just as soon as Blaine was finished. They had every single Christmas light that Blaine had set up glowing, and there were packages under the twinkling tree and stockings were full to bursting. Blaine had mostly stuffed Seb’s full of chap stick, sticks of Eos of course, and candy. Ras’ stocking was full of all the toys he could want from both Seb and Blaine. It was even full on snowing. The ground was covered in fluff. It was all very lovely and perfect.
The only thing that would make it better is if Seb weren't about to go away to Paris for sixteen whole days to visit Sabine’s rather religious family. Blaine wasn’t upset that he didn’t get to go, he got it, the family was a different kind of crazy than the Smythe family, no he was simply not ready to have Seb be so far away from him. Even when he’d been “sick” for three weeks he always knew Seb was less than ten minutes away. Sebastian was not only going to be almost four thousand miles away but he was also going to be in a whole different country than Blaine. Blaine never thought he’d be that crazy boyfriend that stressed about distance but then again, Seb was more than just his boyfriend. They were tied together. He stupidly hoped the red strings couldn’t snap, even knowing that they couldn’t. He promised himself he’d be cool though. At least Seb was going to let him take Ras with him the two weeks instead of sending him to a kennel. Blaine could take Ras to and from school as much as he wanted. He had an excuse and everything. But, LeFay encouraged companionship between witches and animals. Even if they were normal animals like Ras and not familiar like Freya. Seb was also going to let the two of them come into his apartment as they pleased so that Ras could sleep at his own home for a few nights out of the week and Blaine might be a little less lonely. He didn’t mention that part to Seb but, it didn’t take a genius to figure out he was a little (a lot) sad.
Still, tonight was as close to perfect as it could get and it had just begun. He couldn’t keep a smile off of his face as he finally after waiting a little longer than necessary called for Ras and tossed him his ham bone. The pup was in heaven. And Sebastian seemed to be the same as he all put inhaled his share. It made Blaine feel good knowing that he’d paid attention to his mom in the kitchen and it paid off when it came to his own person. He liked doting and even if Seb wanted him to make a full traditional  something something course French dinner Blaine would figure it out. After eating (it really was pretty freaking good) Blaine moved the plates to the kitchen and promised to clean up after Seb left in his Uber tomorrow morning. No, he didn’t want to waste their limited Christmas time cleaning. Truth was he could clean it in seconds with the right flick of his hand but, the distraction after Seb left tomorrow would be welcome. He then lead Seb over to the Christmas tree and urged him to sit on the floor as he lifted Seb’s stocking and handed it to him and then took his own and Ras’, though the dog wasn’t in the mood to step away from his ham bone. Perhaps later. He sat crossed legged on the floor in front of Seb and pulled each one of the pretty green and blue tartan clad packages he’d gotten for his boyfriend out from under the tree, recalling what each one of them were.
Sebastian Smythe was actually hard to shop for. He was incredibly practical and the man seemed to buy himself all he needed and then what he wanted. He had things, sure, expensive things. But, he wasn’t want for anything. So, Blaine tried to get creative again. His biggest gift included Ras. He’d taken Sebastian’s beloved companion out last week and gotten him a professional photo shoot at the very river he’d met the two of them. A groomed Ras looked so handsome in his Santa scarf as he sat so proudly next to the empty bench where he’d walloped Blaine on that first day. The dog was even smiling in that puppy way that made Ras irresistible. Remains of Autumn leaves lived under the light powdered sugar dusting of snow that Ras was permitted to run around in after they got the main photo taken care of. The gorgeous photo of Ras next to the bench was full color matte 16x20  photo and Blaine had set it in a sleek black 24x28 heavy frame. It was wrapped prettily and Blaine was excited to see how Seb liked it.
The next gift was a classy photo album. He’d had the photographer take a whole bunch of other photos of Ras running around the park that day, about ten in all including one with Blaine sitting on the infamous bench with Ras all but sitting in his lap. That was the front page of the album. The rest were mostly silly Ras in the “snow”. And photo of Blaine and Seb taken at the haunted house that almost scared his poor boyfriend to death and a photo of Seb and his mother taken secretly by Blaine at Thanksgiving. They looked like they belong in the fifties. Both beautiful with hazy cigarette smoke lazing around the photo. It captured their bond perfectly.
The next package was a pair of quality black gloves and a long scarf that Blaine had hand knitted, yes, knitted, blue and green of course. Seb was always cold and since Blaine dragged him outside in the colder weather a lot he figured he could benefit from them. He’d added a little layer of warming magic that would just very lightly pulse through the gloves and scarf when touched to skin, just a little so that Seb would think it was just the yarn being extra warm.
The next was sort of a silly one but he knew Seb would like it even so. He’d been shopping at Target about two months ago when he spotted this rather big (14inches) Classic Lynda Carter Wonder Woman action figure. She was complete with the Lasso of Truth and looked pretty fierce. He couldn’t pass her up. Seb rarely let his fandom interest show in his home aside from a coffee cup Hunter had gotten him. Diana would be a perfect addition to the mug and his new Christmas tree ornament.
The last Christmas gift was a bit strange for Blaine to do. He wasn’t really a vain person and he didn’t think that Seb was going to ache for him or anything while he was away. Still, he wanted to give him something just in case Seb did, in fact, miss him. He’d bottled up his own scent that he wore everyday. Mixed it as if he were wearing it for himself. He’d put it in a little bottle no bigger than half of his pinky and put it into a little blue box with a snowflake on it. He hoped it sent the right message. Seb could put it on his pillow, or just open it when he wished Blaine were near. If he did. You know. Just in case. He’d even jokingly labeled it “Essence of B.”
He had one more gift for Seb. More for Blaine than Seb really. Seb was going to be so far away from the protection charm he’d placed on Seb’s apartment and Blaine’s magic wouldn’t reach his boyfriend all the way in Paris no matter how much he wanted it to. So, he’d taken a Black Tourmaline, a very powerful protection and healing stone, and charged it by the moon, placed a tiny bit of his magic in it and charmed it for double protection. He’d ask Seb to wear it while he was gone. Seb wouldn’t know that it was actually full of protection. He’d probably roll his eyes and just wear it to appease Blaine’s New Age weirdness but, Blaine was so worried that he didn’t care if Seb didn’t believe it would work.It would and Blaine knew it so that’s what mattered. He really wanted him to wear it. He kept it around his own neck on it’s own cord against his own crystal for added power to give to him later.
“Okay, here. Do your stocking and then open these three first.” He handed Seb the package with the gloves and scarf in it along with the Wonder Woman figure and lastly the little bottle of scent. “We’ll save these two for last.” He patted the album and the large photo of Ras with a grin on his face.
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andersoncharm · 6 years ago
Phone Call//Seblaine.
Blaine: Hey you.
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andersoncharm · 7 years ago
Getaway- Day 2 (August 25, 2018)
It was only the second day of their trip and already Blaine was dreading going back to the city. All he wanted to do was stay here wrapped up on this beach with Sebastian until they were sick of each other. That day wouldn’t come for Blaine so he supposed when they’d go back was up to Seb. After their shower last night, they’d walked up the beach, hand in hand looking for a place to eat as the sun set over the Atlantic and it was all so terribly romantic that Blaine was absolutely beside himself. For a person that stated they weren’t a romantic Sebastian sure did know how to make Blaine feel like he was the only man in the world. Seb could talk all he wanted about only knowing one way to show feelings, but Blaine saw right through it now. They had settled on a  little bistro, and the whole thing was perfect. Their night together was even better. Candles lit, windows open, those damn curtains blowing in moonlight and sea breeze as Sebastian let Blaine press him into the plush bed and kiss and touch and feel him until they were both spent an exhausted. Waking up in the morning in twisted sheets tangled around bare bodies as the sun rose in the morning over their sleepy faces. He couldn’t remember a time when he had felt so good. He was so happy it almost hurt.
They’d been out in the sun for hours by this point. A day full of sun, playing crashing waves, a fucking Frisbee and lazy summer kisses on the hot sand. Blaine looked over at Sebastian from his towel where the two of them had been lying face down, eyes closed and dozing in and out for the last forty-five minutes. Blaine didn’t lay out often, but it felt good today, and his muscles were thanking him for it. As much as he loved the moon, it felt like the right time to pay the sun some respect. He audibly sighed as a warm breeze drifted over their bodies. Blaine let his eyes roam over Sebastian’s legs and then up to his beautiful face. He looked serene and content with his cheek pressed against his own towel. The sun had kissed his lovers shoulders delicately and had brought out the rest of his freckles. The dusting of them still as devine as the stars in the night sky to Blaine. If Seb could hear his thoughts he’d probably roll his eyes at how flowery Blaine was thinking.  It wouldn't matter because Blaine never had trouble speaking those flowery thoughts anyway. As much as Blaine wanted to stay in this spot and keep dozing, his stomach wasn’t really in the mood for that, it kept emitting little low grumbles. It had to be at least 3 pm. It had been hours since breakfast. Blaine couldn’t exactly check the time right now though because he’d left his phone in their Bungalow and charging next to his temporary bed spot. He’d hardly touched the thing since arriving. He didn’t really miss it either.
Sebastian’s breathing was slow and even, as if he were actually in a deep sleep. Blaine lifted his body a little and propped himself up on his elbows, relishing in the slight burn of the sun on his skin. He shifted himself closer to Sebastian and turned a bit so that he were lying on his hip. He reached out his hand and let his thumb trace down and then up the perfect swoop of Seb’s nose, and then dance over the fullness of Seb’s bottom lip before leaning forward and ghosting a kiss over his mouth and them moving his lips to press a kiss to Seb’s star dusted shoulder.
“Hey sleepyhead.” His voice was a soft murmur against the waves.  You gotta wake up now, babe.”
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andersoncharm · 6 years ago
I’m So Heavy(Heavy In Your Arms)//Sept. 7, 2018
Blaine could still recall the events of August 28, the Tuesday evening he came home from his wonderful vacation with Sebastian. It was fresh in his head almost two weeks later, hard to forget when every twitch of his muscles, or inhale and exhale screamed with the memory of that night. To be so high, happy and in love only to have almost all of it ripped away from you was not something a person forgot. Losing one's magic, no matter how temporary, wasn’t like losing a tooth, or even a limb, it was like losing your very soul because that’s where the magic came from. The core part of a witches being. The council was even gentle as they punished him for his five day unexplained absence, but he could still recall the scream that tore from his throat when it left his body in a glowing ball of energy, leaving his throat raw and sore even now. His body was still feverish from the withdraw, but there was coldness that seeped down to his bones. A void, a loss of something so much more than words could ever explain. His head still throbbed and his eyes still hurt to just be open. It had been ten days and he didn’t feel any better. It wasn’t like a normal sickness that got better with time. No, the only thing that would fix his misery was the reinstatement of his magic.
He’d spent week one completely in his bed, only getting up to use the bathroom. His hair was a mess, his face was in dire need of a shave. But, he was physically incapable of doing much with himself. It didn’t help that he missed Sebastian desperately and that he couldn’t explain to his boyfriend why he wasn’t texting or calling much. It was killing him inside that he wasn’t able to communicate properly and he spent week one terrified that Sebastian was going to break up with him. By the next Tuesday he was so sick of quietly crying to himself about it, the hot tears doing nothing for his aching head, that he sent three whole text in a row, trying his hardest not to throw up from the overstimulation. That’s when he discovered that just texting Seb actually made him feel like a person for a moment. The phone call that came later and the incredibly sweet delivery of soup and tea from Sebastian actually made him smile. Even if it was painful. This caused Blaine to spend his second week of punishment trying his hardest to be strong enough to leave the school and make his way to Sebastian.
His friends, Nick and David and his father had all been in to visit them. He’d spoken some to his friends, but couldn’t bring himself to answer their questions. His father hadn’t taken no for an answer and wouldn’t leave until Blaine was beside himself. He could still recall the conversation.
What are you thinking, Blaine? Did we raise an idiot? Five days without word? You know damn well you’re not supposed be gone more than forty-eight hours without permission. There’s a reason for these rules! Where were you? Don’t tell me with friends. No friend is worth this. Some boy? Some stupid Mundane boy that wouldn’t look at you twice if you didn’t charm him? You’re lucky I’m the headmaster and was able to get your punishment down to two weeks, they wanted to give you a month!...
The words hurt, but they weren’t true. Blaine didn’t have to use magic to get Sebastian to look at him and as long as he reminded himself of that  his father's words couldn’t get to him much. All the same it made him emotional. He tried his hardest not to let his dad see him down and to keep the emotions under control. He kept his blurry eyes fix on the wall, his back to Will Anderson in defiance. Freya hadn’t left his side in days, and she was sitting curled against Blaine’s stomach tossing murderous looks at Will over Blaine’s side.
I don’t mean to be cruel, but you should know better. They can burn you for this. And don't give me that nonsense about him being your Fate. No person is worth all of this.
Blaine couldn’t stop the snort of annoyance as he muttered words back for the first time. As if you care what happens to me.
He was a little surprised by the words that followed from his father. Of course I care, you’re my son. You’re the last thing I have left of her.
His father’s soft admittance quieted Blaine but left him with a deafening scream in his head. Then why do you treat me like a burden? But he kept his mouth shut and pressed his face into pillow, willing him to leave. He could hear the sure shuffle of his father's feet as he made his way to the door. Sit tight for the next few days, you have an appointment with the Council on Sunday night just before Midnight. Don’t be late. They’ll be giving your magic back.
I’ll make sure I’m back at LeFay by Eleven on Sunday then.
You’re going to leave?
Are you going to try to stop me? Lock me up? I won’t be breaking any rules. I’ll be gone less than forty-eight hours.
You’re too weak to leave, Blaine. You won’t make it very far.
Of course I will. I’m determined. I get it from her, after all.
He had turned slowly to look at his father, he could see the struggle on his face and the slow acceptance. Very well. But, you’re on your own I’m afraid, and if you’re late coming back I can’t promise you won’t face something worse than losing your magic.
Blaine had nodded and knew he had a stunned look on his exhausted face. Surprised that he wasn’t being forced to stay. Thank you. His father let out a disbelieving laugh as he turned on his heel and stalked out of Blaine’s room.
That was Thursday. It was early Friday evening now and Blaine was trying his best to get dressed and look somewhat presentable after his disaster of a shower. It wasn’t that he was incompetent without magic, but he hurt so bad he wasn’t able to gain control of his shaking limbs long enough to do much. He’d already given up on shaving and figured if Sebastian could accept him at sick, sweaty, bearded and wild eyed then he probably wasn’t going to go and leave any time soon. 
He gently slipped on a pair of black sweatpants, and carefully shrugged his black LeFay University hoodie over his head, the schools name written in old script over the front right side, the dark purple full moon and crow symbol dancing across the back. He slipped his shoes on and checked his phone once more to make sure that it wasn’t too early before dropping it into his hoodie pocket. His bus was due at 8. And he wanted to time it just right so that he could stay with Sebastian as late as possible on Sunday. His mouth twitched into a smile. He was going to text ahead, but he really just wanted to surprise Sebastian with a visit. Of course Seb might kill him when he saw the state he was in, but it’d be worth it. He dropped a kiss to the top of Freya's annoyed, fluffy head, but even she seemed happy that he was getting out of here for a bit. She’d been doting on him like a mother for days now. She was probably happy for the rest.
He kept his head down as he slowly and painfully made his way down the old and narrow stairs of his school. He didn’t want to talk to anyone and explain what he was doing. None of them would understand, and he knew that if he ran into Nick or David that they’d just try to stop him. He didn’t want to fight with his friends. His feet and legs protested with each step, and by the time he got to front door of the huge school he needed to sit for a moment. He could swear he saw his friends watching from one of the balconies with concerned looks, but when he looked back, they weren’t there. Finally he stood and made his way outside into the pleasant high sixty degree weather, Massachusetts was cooling down nicely in time for Autumn. He loved the cooler weather. Well, normally but, tonight Blaine felt like it were negative sixty. He shivered in his hoodie as a cold sweat trickled down his feverish forehead. He glanced down at the hill he’d have to travel down to get to the road and cursed his lack of magic. He could be to the bus stop by now if he could just pop over there. He shook his head and continued on his short trek. He might as well have been treking to fucking Mordor.
By the time he reached the bottom of the hill he was fighting the urge to throw up, and his breathing was ridiculous. As if he’d never worked out a day in his life. He looked at his phone and his heart sank when he saw that it was 7:45. He’d never make his bus. He should just call Sebastian and have him come get him. The thought made him nervous, what if Seb didn’t want him around because he was too sick? What if he was the type to say he’d do better at home? As he fought with himself on what to do a silver car pulled up to a rest right next to him. As the window rolled down Blaine’s eyes settled on the dark, handsome features of his friend David. Well shit.
“You’re such a dumbass, get in the damn car.” the passenger door opened on it’s own and Blaine contemplated for a moment before shaking his head and getting in.
“If you could just take me to the bus stop…” He mumbled, too embarrassed to look at his friend.
David shook his head and scoffed. “No. It’ll take you six years to get into the bus. “Just tell me where you’re going and I’ll take you.” The thought of telling David where he was going freaked him out beyond belief.
“I can’t do that.” He shook his head fast, causing a burst of pain behind his eyes.
“Yes, you can, Blaine. I know you’re going to see that boy. Your human boy. I know. You must think Nick and I are both stupid. I’ve seen people that meet their Fates before. And you have that look. That over-the-moon-I-can-do-anything look.”
“How do you know he’s human?”
“Because you’re still hiding it. If he were a witch you’d have gushed to us by now. It’s been months.”
Blaine sighed, of course his friends, knew. His father had kinda figured it out as well.
“Don’t worry though, I don’t think the Council knows. They don’t spend as much time around you as those closest to you do. Besides, you’re not giving up any information, so you’re safe for now. But, look Blaine, you’ve got to be fucking careful. I’m worried about you. So is Nick. I know you know what they do to witches that fall in love with Mundanes…” David drummed his thumbs against the steering wheel. “I know what I think you should do, but you have to figure it out on your own.” David paused and shook his head with a deep sigh. Blaine could tell he was afraid. “But, since you’re hellbent on getting yourself killed at least let me take you to his house. Just so I have peace of mind tonight. You don’t have to tell me what his name is, or what he looks like or anything about him, but you’ll kill yourself just getting there at this rate.” Blaine bit his lip and looked over at his friend. David’s kind brown eyes were furrowed in concern as he drove aimlessly. Blaine blinked back an onset of emotion and just nodded before telling him how to get to Sebastian’s street. He told him to part three buildings down figuring that his friend would figure out what he was doing, but that he would be satisfied enough to not question.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you. I know you’d never turn me in, or do anything to cause me strife. But, if the Council or my father caught wind that you knew anything about… this… they could use it against you to get information and I’d never forgive myself. So, it’s best that no one knows, okay?” Blaine explained, his eyes wide. David just nodded and turned to Blaine.
“I get it. Just be safe. Keep your protections up, and your charms and don’t let your guard down for a moment. Your dad may be being nice right now, but don't forget he works on the council.”  David stated as if Blaine didn’t know. “Also, you might want to let me magic you to at least have a cough and some sniffles and runny nose on top of your obvious ailments. Don’t get me wrong, you look plenty sick, but I’m not sure you look human sick.” Blaine tried to give a smile as he nodded his consent. David closed his eyes and Blaine could feel the tingle of magic in his body and the feeling of getting even more ill. It was a mild charm, charms not being Davids biggest strength, but it did the trick. He could feel the tickle in his nose and as he took a breath the nasty feel of mucus in his lungs before he started coughing like he had bronchitis and pneumonia on top of everything else. He groaned and shook his head, hating that he had to lie to Sebastian. “Thanks, David.” His voice was nasally and thick. He tried to laugh but coughed instead. He was about to get out of the car when David pressed a bag of cherry cough drops and little thing of tissues into Blaine’s hand. Blaine arched a brow in question.
“My mind is much clearer than yours, I’ve thought of everything before even getting into the car. Now, get out of my car before you get me sick. Go snot on your boy and be careful, Anderson.”
Blaine did as he was told and smiled in thanks againas he closed the door and pushed the tissues into his hoodie pocket. He unwrapped one of the cough drops and sighed as it actually did it’s job, the cool menthol felt good on his throat. He waited until David pulled away and was out of sight before slowly and painfully making his way to Sebastian’s building. He trudged up to the third floor, he could already feel Ras’ energy, even without magic and he could feel Sebastian’s warmth on the other side of the door as he raised his fist and knocked softly.
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andersoncharm · 6 years ago
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas/Blaine Self Para.
Blaine let himself and Ras back into Sebastian’s empty apartment, one hand containing a giant duffel bag full of Christmas decor and baking ingredients while the other juggling a rambunctious pup that wanted nothing more that to see if his dad were home so he could show off his new Santa dotted handkerchief. Said pup was all but shining after Blaine had taken him to be groomed today. Enjolras didn’t particularly need to be groomed as his dad kept him in tip top shape but, Blaine needed him to look extra special for one of the gifts Seb was to receive for their first Christmas together. He smiled to himself thinking about the wonderful, silly dog running around the park, clad in a big red and green santa clause scarf, from the photographer and all the kisses he’d received. He hoped the photographer got a few good ones of the both of them too, even if the gift was just supposed to be of just be of Ras. He had actually rented a car for the day, loaded it up with a tree and decor both homemade and store bought and then drove himself to meet his boyfriend in the city to get a key to the apartment. Of course Blaine didn’t actually need a key to get in, he could have bypassed his own protection spell and just popped himself in. But, it wouldn’t make any sense to Seb as to how he managed to get inside and it would probably startle Ras.
Once he managed to get the pup and the rest of the decorations into the apartment Blaine sat himself down on the couch and looked around at his surroundings trying to figure out just where to put the 6’5 tree. The apartment was spacious, and over the last six months Blaine had helped fill it up a little more. Made it a bit more homey. Blaine had the suspicion that Seb would have been fine without the little bistro table and rug Blaine had urged him to get but, his boyfriend seemed to actually enjoy eating dinner at their little table sometimes. Their little table? Blaine was probably getting ahead of himself with that, this whole place was Sebastian’s but, it felt nice being a big part of Seb’s home.
After spending a few minutes visualizing what he wanted to do and scratching Ras’ head the whole time Blaine stood up and busied himself with decorating Sebastian’s home. Blaine may not celebrate Christmas in the same way most people did but, he loved decorating. The tree was a decent size, not too big and it was a dark pine. Store bought because he didn’t want to be too over the top. The tree went up followed by warm blue and green lights that twinkled sweetly when you looked at them for more than a few seconds. That part was a big of magic that Blaine figured Seb would think was from a controller. He wanted to charm the whole apartment to extravagance but, again, he needed to keep it simple and cozy. Instead of garland Blaine had chosen a pretty green ribbon with navy blue trim that he had looped around and around the tree like ripples in the ocean.
The ornaments were mostly various shapes of bulbs also in blue and green. There were three special ornaments; one was a photo encased in an ornamental frame shaped like a dog bone that Blaine had taken of Sebastian and Ras one morning from the balcony as they returned from their morning run. Seb had knelt down to give the panting pup a belly rub before coming up the stairs and Blaine had captured the moment perfectly with his phone. The second was a Hallmark Wonder Woman that depicted Gal Gadot as Diana Prince facing a spray of bullets as he entered No Mans Land with just her shield and bravery as protection. And the third Blaine had hesitated to do because it was cliche and sort of silly. But, in the end he had decided to make it anyway. It was a small heart shaped ornament with a photo that Blaine had taken of the two of them from the Island trip where Seb had asked Blaine to be official with him. It simply said 2018 at the top and on the bottom Seb and B’s First Year. Seb would probably think it was terribly cheesy but, Blaine could see his eye rolling smile anyway.
The tree skirt was a simple dark blue velvet and Ras instantly laid his large body under the tree to get the feel of it on his paws. Blaine then took the intricate holly and ivy wreath he’d handmade to honor Yule complete with red berries and an ornate red and white ribbon at the top and hung it up on the out in the hall on the front door. He set out a small circle of more holly and ivy and placed in the center of their little bistro table and placed a solid green candle in the middle of it and modest center piece. Then he placed the blue and green cloth place mats that had little imprints of snowflakes on them at each seat. The last thing he did inside the house was place three hooks on the wall next to the tree and hung a green, blue and silver plaid personalized stocking up for Ras, Seb and then himself. He debated giving one to Freya but, Seb and Freya had yet to meet and it wasn’t like she’d be here on Christmas with them. Perhaps next year.
After the inside was finished, pretty and soft in blues and greens he moved to the outside and put up more warm blue and green lights that looped in a spiral around the railing of the balcony and glittering lighted snowflakes on the sliding glass doors. He didn’t want to overwhelm Seb so he kept the outside simple as well. Ras watched Blaine closely and his eyes were wide like he’d never seen anything like it before.
As a final touch Blaine went into the kitchen and set out the ingredients to make Lemon Shortbread Meltaway cookies. Just to start the season off and to leave something sweet for his hard working boyfriend to come home to. Within two hours the house smelled of lemons and powdered sugar and there were three dozen little powered, icing swirled cookies on a red holiday plate that said It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas in green lettering. Blaine had even let Ras eat two of them without the lemon juice and powered sugar icing. The dog licked his lips in approval and happily went on to chew on one of his toys by the Christmas tree looking so fucking cute in his Santa scarf. Blaine cleaned his mess up and wrapped the cookies in green plastic wrap and set them on the little table. He carried the excess mess down to his rental car, making sure the house was spotless. As he was walking back into the apartment he felt the familiar tingle that always accompanied the closeness of his person. He wanted Seb to walk into a little bit of hand made magic when he came home and he figured if he weren’t there when he came home it would be all the more whimsical. He assumed his boyfriend would call him and tell him to get back over there anyway so he leaned down to Ras and kissed the top of his head.
“Thanks for helping me out today, buddy. Your dads gonna be up here in about two minutes. Give him a kiss for me. Though I’m sure I’ll be back before you know it.” He gave the pup one more pat and then made sure all the house lights were out. All that could be seen was the twinkling glow of blue and green. The smell of baked goods was still lingering softly in the air. Blaine smiled at his work once more and as he heard Seb’s key turn in the door he gently popped himself out of the apartment and into his rental car. And pleased smile on his face. He hoped Seb wasn’t upset by the changes and hoped even harder that he would actually love it. He couldn’t wait to hear from him.
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andersoncharm · 7 years ago
Carve Your Name Into My Bed Post.//Seblaine Para.
Pairing: Seblaine.
When: Saturday, June 30. Evening.
Location: Snowed-In Cafe/Sebastian’s Cambridge Apartment.
Notes/Warnings: Smut.
Rating: NC-17
Blaine was just about to say goodbye to Quinn for the evening when he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He smiled and nodded his farewell so as not to be rude as he checked his phone. 5:46 pm flashed across the screen along with a text from Sebastian saying he’d be there in ten. Blaine’s nerves jumped at the words on his screen, a nervous giddiness rolling though the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t help but smile to himself as he sent a text back asking what Sebastian wanted to drink. Within seconds he had his answer: medium black iced tea with simple syrup. He turned back around to Quinn to make his new order.. He smiled once again and thanked her, making sure to leave her a tip, telling her he’d see her around before he stepped out into the heat again.
He made his way over to one of the little bistro tables in front of the coffee shop and  sat down as he waited. His eyes scanning the road in vain looking for Sebastian’s car. It took him a whole minute to realize that he had zero clue what the other man drove. In his excitement this morning he had completely forgotten to ask. With a sigh he took a sip of his hot tea more for something to do with his hands than out of thirst. His other hand gripped the coldness of Sebastian's iced tea the contrast between the drinks causing him a slight shiver. He pulled his hands away and sat them lightly in his lap, trying his hardest not to look like a lost puppy as he waited. Every car that slowed near him sent a little thrill through him and caused him to second guess everything. His clothing; dark jeans, a tightly fitted red collared shirt, black and white Sperry top-sider boat shoes and his clear quartz tucked safely inside his shirt. He second guessed the crystal, wondering if Sebastian would see it and automatically know he was a little bit different. Plenty of people practiced with crystals is what he told himself and now he wasn’t so sure. He even second guessed his signature custom oil he’d decided to dab on his skin and hair. He’d mixed it himself, had been doing so since he was old enough to want to smell nice. A soft earthy and spicy mix of sandalwood, clove, sweet grass and a very mild patchouli. Normally he liked it, but now he wondered if it made him smell like what he was. A witch. Sebastian was going to be a lawyer, he probably wanted someone that smelled like some high end expensive cologne. He went to Harvard. According to his facebook he’d lived in Paris. And here Blaine was smelling like he’d just spent the day basking in incense  like one of those new age people that people rarely too seriously. Blaine wished he’d just went out and bought something nice, maybe a little bit less of himself was better.
But, it was too late for all of that now. A sleek, dark vehicle was pulling into the parking lot and slowing down in the parking lot in front of him. He couldn’t quite make out who was inside, but his body sang with the knowledge. It was Sebastian. He took in a deep breath, gathered their drinks and stood to make his way towards the car. He shifted the drinks to one arm and opened his door, mentally preparing himself before sliding into the passenger seat.
Sebastian woke up Saturday morning with a stomach full of knots, butterflies, pins, needles, and any other cliche phrase you could think of. Tonight was the night he was meeting up with Blaine, the night he had been thinking about every day since he asked. Sebastian had a list of things he needed to do in preparation, ever the procrastinator. He needed to go for a run with Enjolras, clean up, run to the pharmacy, pick out an outfit that said ”I didn’t spend an hour rummaging for this and I’m always naturally effortless”. Seb sat up, stretched, and ruffled Ras’ fur before getting out of bed. He made his pre run shake, put on his favorite blue running shorts, and stepped out into the June heat he loved with his pup in tow.
After a long run with the sun setting Sebastian’s tan skin with a satisfying blaze, he started on his errands. What felt like an hour of preparation, suddenly turned into four and he it was already five o’ clock. He Needed to meet Blaine at The Thinking Cup at 6. He really needed to get the outfit figured out and his cologne picked out (his mom bought him a different bottle of high end cologne every Christmas.) Seb settled on a white tee shirt that fit just right, hugging his biceps and chest in the perfect way to create the illusion of a little more muscle than he had, dark jeans, white slip ons, and black Ray Bans. Pomade swept through the hair, deodorant, and a few spritzes of Fucking Fabulous by Tom Ford, and we has out the door. Well, he gave Enjolras a good ruffle first and THEN was on his way in his sleek black car.
When sebastian turned down the road that the coffeehouse was on, he could see Blaine sitting at a little table. The golden evening sun lit up his curls just so, showing off just how black they were and Seb already knew that those honey eyes would be glowing in tandem. He turned down his music and slowed, approaching the curb. “Hey stranger.” Sebastian reached forward to help Blaine with the drinks. “Thanks for the tea. I’ve never had it from here before.” Small talk,really? He never planned hook-ups like this and he usually felt a lot more confident but, his stomach wouldn’t stop doing that….thing. Knots, butterflies, needles.
Sebastian cleared his throat, “How was your day? Ras is gonna be so excited to see you. Hasn’t stopped talking about you.” God. What? He was cringing on the inside, where did all the lines and sarcastic commentary go? Right outside the car door, in exchange for the intoxicating incense smell that surrounded him once Blaine entered. This was usually so much easier. A velvet smile, some compliments, a touch. Right, “You look great.” He reached over and placed his hand on Blaine’s knee, eyes on the road. Sebastian kept telling himself that this wasn’t new, he had done this over and over. Why did he have goose bumps?
Blaine bit his bottom lip when he saw Sebastian after getting into the car. Pictures were one thing, but seeing him again in person reaffirmed just how attracted he was to the other man. He looked incredible. The white shirt and white shoes setting his tan off just right. He also smelled incredible, a mix of sweat from the heat and a leathery soft floral scent that made Blaine want to press his nose into Sebastian’s clavicle just to breath him in better. Of course he couldn’t and didn’t but the anticipation of possibly being able to do just that later was thrilling.
“Hello to you, too.” He chucked at the use of the word stranger because they were, in fact, pretty much strangers. But it didn’t really feel that way. “We have pretty decent tea and coffee, I hope you like it.” He took a small sip of his as if that would prove it was good. “I had a decent day.” He glanced over at Sebastian still imagining what might happen later and worried his bottom lip again. “It’s much better now though.” In truth he’d spent his whole day nervous in a way he hadn’t been in a long time, but he didn’t think Sebastian needed to know that. He grinned when Sebastian mentioned the dog. “He’s been talking to you about me, huh?” He laughed. “I’m looking forward to seeing him, too though. I mean he is the reason we even met in the first place, I have to give him extra pets as a thank you.”
He wasn’t expecting it so when Sebastian laid his hand on Blaine’s knee he found it a little hard to breathe, had he even really touched Sebastian besides checking his hands? Either way the feel of his hand on his knee sent wave of want through his lower body which was almost embarrassing. It was such a simple act but at the same time it made it seem like they’ve done this before, like they hadn’t just met a few days ago. Blaine swallowed his lips curving in an almost smile at the green eyed man. “Thank you.” his voice came out slightly warbled and he cringed on the inside. “So do you.” without thinking too hard about it he slid his hand forward on his leg so that the tips of his fingers ghosted the inside of Sebastian's wrist, the simple touch leaving his fingers tingling and itching to do more. It was ridiculous, he knew it, but it didn’t matter. He watched the other man through his lashes, his eyes roaming over his  face and settling on Sebastian's lips. He found himself wondering what they’d taste like later and had to look away before he embarrassed himself further.
“So, are we going to your place then? He asked when he found his voice again as Sebastian drove his car towards a Cambridge neighborhood that he’d never really been to. His anticipation probably showing right on his face, but at this point there wasn’t any point in hiding it.
Sebastian’s wrist sparked where Baine’s fingertips dusted his skin, sending wildfire through his veins, making a few more goosebumps pop up in their wake. He wasn’t sure he ever felt such a chemical connection with somebody else. He had been attracted to many and went home with them and had fun, for the most part. But, this seemed different in a way that scared Sebastian. The tension in the air disrupting the cool demeanor he prided himself on by a simple touch he’d usually ignore and the scent of sandalwood and tea. He found himself scrambling internally, and wanting to impress Blaine. Sebastian never worried about that, he just effortlessly….did.
Sebastian turned down a crowded block, making his way towards his apartment. “Yeah, is that okay? I figured we could just...” He squeezed Blaine’s knee, trying to keep his fingers from tracing the inseam of his denim up his inner thigh. Normally he wouldn’t care but, what if it ran him off? Were they even on the same page? They had to be right? “Start the night off with a drink a little stronger than tea.” He was going to need one to calm his nerves, he wasn’t used to his stomach feeling like it was suspended in the air. Sebastian bit his bottom lip,trying to clear his mind. This was a hook up. This wasn’t new. He was used to this.
He could feel Blaine’s ochre eyes pressing into him. Yeah, they were on the same page.
Sebastian turned down a few more streets, driving for about ten minutes before parking before his red brick apartment building. He slid out of the driver seat and made his way around to open the passenger door. “This is it.” Seb threw his arm out before the lavish antique building. He loved it, the bricks covered in tangled ivy, the thick glass windows, and the stairs leading up to a heavy door. “I’m on the second floor.” He walked in front up Blaine, up the stairs and to his apartment. Once they walked up, Enjolras started pawing at the inside of the door and whining. Seb unlocked and swung the door open, an invitation for Blaine to walk inside and greet the hyperactive dog. He walked in after the other man, “I have some vodka, beer….there may some wine. Oh, and bourbon. What would you like? I have some soda-water and cranberry juice,too. To mix.”
Blaine’s knee tingled through his jeans where Sebastian had squeezed, his breath caught just so before he let out slowly. It was all he could do not to squirm. It was such a simple thing, but it sent surge of heat right between his legs. All he could do was nod, eyes finding Sebastian's again as the pulled up to a brick apartment building. Old, but not in the way tha LeFay was old, not creepy but beautiful. Inviting. Thought he wasn’t sure if it was inviting because he knew that’s where Sebastian lived or because of the atmosphere. Probably a bit of both. He instantly missed the feeling of Sebastian’s hand, but he knew there’d be time for more touching later.
As he entered the huge, open apartment he noted absently how simple and sleek it was before being greeted by and overly enthusiast Enjolras. Blaine smiled instantly down at the dog and scratched behind his ears. He was genuinely happy to see the golden retriever. He guided himself and the dog over to Sebastian navy blue sectional sofa and proceeded to pet the dog as if they had known each other forever.
“Bourbon, please. Just straight Bourbon. If it’s not too much trouble could you make it a double?” he cringed at his unintentional rhyme and shook his head to himself. Sebastian probably thought he was a huge dork who’d nver been to a boys house before with the way he was acting. He knew he shouldn’t drink too much but he really felt like he needed it, his nerves were still getting the better of him. He had dont this a few times before, but he’d never felt this much all at once. The dog settled in the vacant spot to Blaine’s right, head settling on Blaine’s leg which made him smile.
He took his drink when Sebastian brought it over to him instantly taking a sip and savoring the burn. “Thank you. What are you having?” He gestured vaguely to Sebastian’s drink. “Your home is lovely by the way.” the words felt strange on his tongue, almost forced. Not the easy conversations they’d been having while texting or the way they’d talked the day they met. He knew it was because they were both a little nervous, he could feel Sebastian’s rolling off him him subtly. And it made him feel better knowing that he wasn’t alone. Slowly he scooted a little closer to the other man so that his right knee pressed against Sebastian’s thigh just a bit. The contact instantly making him feel dizzy with want. Again, it was almost embarrassing but he didn’t move away.
Sebastian slipped into the kitchen while Blaine and Enjolras headed for the couch. He liked that his dog enjoyed the other man so much. Ras liked,well, basically everybody he met but, he seemed to respond more to Blaine, constantly trying to get closer to him and revel in the scratches for as long as he was allowed. “Not a problem at all,” Sebastian poured what he thought looked like a double of bourbon for Blaine and then made himself a drink. He handed the bourbon over before sitting down with the other man. “Vodka cran.” Sebastian took a sip and looked at Blaine over the rim of his glass, eyes dropping when he felt a knee press into his thigh. He took a drink. “I’m glad you’re here.”
Sebastian reached out and pretended to fix the collar of Blaine’s polo, there was nothing wrong with it of course, he was immaculate. He let his hand drift down to press his palm flat against his chest,scooting a little closer. Sebastian took comfort in the rapid beat of the other’s heart under his hand before sliding to press his hand against the back of Blaine’s neck. The hair at the nape of his neck tickled Sebastian’s hand.
Blaine swallowed hard when Sebastian scooted closer to him. He knew his heart was pounding hard against his hand, but he couldn’t find it in him to care too much. This was the closest they had been so far and Blaine noticed something he hadn't noticed before. Sebastian’s top teeth had slight imperfections. He’d originally thought that the other teeth were perfect, but now he could see  a crooked tooth that was so endearing it made Blaine sigh softly. Made him want to know Sebastian’s body even more. Blaine put his glass to his lips and managed to finish the whisky off with one long pull. He gently sat it down the table in front of them before turning his body so that he could face Sebastian, his knee sliding up onto the cushion. The dog forgotten.
“I’m glad, too.” His voice was hardly there when he spoke. He leaned into Sebastian’s touch, the hairs on the back of his neck tingling where long fingers rested against curls. Before he could talk himself out of it he slid his right hand up and rested it against the other man's jaw, his fingertips  just ghosting over the sharp angle before trailing it to the back of his neck, gently pulling Sebastian to him. His stomach was knotted and anxious as he closed the short distance to Sebastian’s inviting lips and his own and kissed him. He gasped into the kiss, the sensation almost electrifying. His fingers curling against Sebastian’s neck and his eyes slipping closed. Before he could think more about what he was doing he found himself opening his mouth slightly, his tongue sliding along Sebastian’s bottom lip before licking inside. He whimpered into the kiss as his lips kissed harder. Slowly. Wanting nothing more than to show Sebastian how much he wanted to kiss him.How much he wanted him. His body pressed impossibly closer. His skin felt like it was on fire and his body felt tightly coiled, like each slip of the tongue would bring him one step closer to snapping apart.
This was the moment when everything stopped. Shaking hands, desperation, and lust all culminating in a kiss. Sebastian’s anxieties left somewhere with his drink on the coffee table, his fingers knotting into Blaine’s hair as he opened his mouth into the kiss.
He had never been kissed like this before. A mix of tenderness and want that was more intoxicating than any shot he had ever taken. Sebastian felt like he was running straight down a hill, his legs moving faster than the rest of his body, bound to crash but too high on the adrenaline to care that much.
 Seb gave Blaine’s curls a little tug and moaned into the kiss, nipping a little at the other man’s swollen bottom lip. He slid his hands down over his back, feeling firm muscles underneath course fabric. Sebastian pulled away for a moment, standing with his hands out in front of him,reaching for Blaine. “C’mon.” He started to walk backwards,towards the bedroom. Sebastian pulled Blaine in again for another kiss, his hands finally underneath that inconvenient polo, fingers ghosting over the other man’s stomach. He moaned a little when he felt the trail of hair that led into his jeans.
 Blaine moaned small and breathy into Sebastian’s mouth when his curls were tugged, the sensation traveling straight down to his cock. He wanted nothing more than yank Sebastian back down onto the sofa and press him into the cushions so that he could keep kissing him. He almost actually pouted before realizing that Sebastian wanted him to follow him into the bedroom. He complied without hesitation fingers curling into Sebastian’s shirt when he was kissed again. He didn’t want to stop. Wouldn’t have except Sebatian was touching his stomach and suddenly Blaine needed that direct skin on skin contact all over. He reluctantly pulled back and without taking his eyes off of Seb pulled his polo and undershirt off letting red and white fabric hit the ground carelessly. Instantly he went back to Sebastian, pulling his taller body back to him so that he could kiss him again, a little messily,  before moving to pull Sebastian’s shirt up and over his head, more white fabric joining the rest.
 Sebastian was muscled lightly, his skin tan and smooth, with a dusting of freckles all over. It so different than Blaine’s own body. He used to be self conscious about his body hair, but shaving took too long. He was glad he didn’t bother because the little moan that left Sebastian’s mouth when he touched the hair just above his jeans delighted Blaine entirely. He ran his fingers down Sebastian’s now bare chest and stopped just above the button of his jeans. He looked up at Sebastian through thick eye lashes as he started to unbutton his jeans.
 “Can I?” he wasn’t even sure what all he was asking permission for, to touch him? To see him? To breathe him? Everything, he wanted it all. He wanted to explore Sebastian in a way he’d never wanted to know anything before.
 Watching Blaine lift his shirt over his head was way hotter than Sebastian imagined it would be. How could such a simple act go right through him? He lifted his arms and let the other get rid of his shirt, not caring where it fell. “Yes, please.” Every little thing Blaine was doing was electrifying his entire body, making him ache in the best way.
 Sebastian’s hands drifted up Blaine’s torso and then back down again. He slipped his fingers in the edge of his jeans to pull him closer before fumbling with his button and zipper. “God,” he gave a breathless laugh. Sebastian was struggling with the button and zipper because his hands were shaking with so much anticipation. He finally got the button undone, along with the zipper, and pushed the other man’s jeans down his slim hips.
 Blaine stood before him in nothing but tight, black briefs. Sebastian bit his lip, hands finding their way back to those hips. He could see the outline of Blaine’s cock through the dark fabric and couldn’t stop himself from greedily pulling the briefs down his legs. “Jesus…” He breathed, taking in the sight of the man before him. Blaine was...blessed, to say the least. Sebastian put it eloquently by saying, “Christ you’re huge.” before laughing to himself and shaking his head. He pulled Blaine in by his hips for another kiss.
 His breath hitched as the cool air hit his now naked body and he struggled with the urge to cover himself up. He didn’t though because Sebastian's eyes were drinking him in and it was enough to drive Blaine wild. He was achingly hard already. He smiled shyly up at the other when he mentioned his size, knowing that he was above average, but also worried slightly that Sebastian might not like that. He’d been told he was too much before and it didn’t feel great. But when Sebastian laughed gripped his hips and pulled him in for another kiss all of Blaine’s insecurities went out the window.
 His eyes slipped closed as he kissed Sebastian.  He’d never get enough of kissing him, he felt. His hands slid down his sides and rested back on Sebastian's  jeans. They shook a little as he fumbled with the expensive material but he managed to push them off of slender hips along with the dark grey boxer briefs Sebastian wore, hugging tightly to his body. And then Sebastian was standing in front of him just as naked as him. He wasn’t huge but he was hard and heavy as Blaine reached out with shaking hands and ran his fingertips across the shaft. He was incredible. He had mile long legs that he knew would be strong from all the running he did and he couldn’t wait to feel them wrapped around him. “You’re perfect.” His voice was soft, almost not there as he looked up at the taller man, his free hand wrapping around Sebastian’s waist and pulling him closer so he could kiss him again. As he kissed him, he stroked just slightly before reluctantly pulling away and glancing at the bed. Sebastian had one of those trendy low to the ground attic beds which gave Blaine and idea.
 He licked his lips as he maneuvered the two of them so that Sebastian had his back the side of the bed and he pushed his shoulders down just enough so that he would get the hint to sit down. Once Sebastian was sitting, Blaine got to lean down and kiss him for once. And then before he could second guess himself he was on his knees between Sebastian’s long legs. He looked up through his lashes and wetted his lips before leaning down and taking Sebastian’s cock into his mouth. He didn’t stop until his nose was nestled against musky hair. He paused there and inhaled through his nose, the scent so utterly manly that his own cocked twitctched with want. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian's lower body and tugged the other man closer, spreading his legs a bit more and slowly but firmly started to suck. His tongue swirling and lapping as he went. Little moaning noises muffled, but vibrating through Sebastian. His fingertips pressed into Sebastian’s hips, desperate to keep touching him.
 Nobody had ever called him perfect before. It was such a sweet remark for the two of them standing naked and panting, it was so ludacris and special that Sebastian smiled. Not just a small, casual smirk but, a big toothy grin. He didn’t know that he could be simultaneously turned on and laughing and giddy and hard. It was a ,perfect frenzy of emotions and sensations.
 He let Blaine take control and guide them to the bed, sitting as was wanted. Sebastian liked it when his lovers took over but, it was rare. He was the one always expected to be smooth and educated and dominant. The firm press of the other’s callused hands on his shoulders gave him a shiver through his entire body.
 The sight of Blaine between his thighs, big eyes looking up at him would have been enough but then, he was inside of his mouth and could feel his nose press into the hair at the base of his cock. Sebastian’s mouth fell open and his right hand went immediately into the other man’s black curls. “Fuck..” Blaine’s fingertips pressing into his hip bones hurt just right and he silently hoped he would have bruises in the morning, proof that this was actually happening. Seb’s hips bucked into Blaine as he tugged on his hair. “Blaine…” He brought his free hand to grip the other’s shoulder. Sebastian felt embarrassingly close, far too quickly but, everything Blaine was doing was unholy. “I don’t wanna...not yet.” Sebastian put both hands in the other’s hair. “Kiss me again. Come here.” His voice was too breathy, too high and his hands were betraying his want, tremoring. Sebastian lifted his legs up on the bed and pushed himself back, eyes locked on amber.
Blaine closed his eyes when Sebastian tangled his fingers in his curls, his rhythm faltering a bit. He reluctantly pull his mouth away instantly missing the heaviness against his tongue. He licked his lips, nodded and stood up on shaky legs as he watch Sebastian move himself back on the bed. For a second Blaine couldn’t move, he just watched Sebastian lay himself back against the pillows, the words ‘kiss me again and come here’ making something in his stomach flip. He felt a tightness in his body as he crawled onto the bed and in between Sebastian’s legs. He let himself rest against Sebastian’s warm body, his cock resting against the Sebastian’s stomach as he let himself touch Sebastian's face gently, his eyes meeting a wall of green blue before closing the distance between his swollen lips and Sebastian’s. He let his eyes close again, his hips rocking against the other just a bit as he kissed the man under him, slowly and deeply. Like they’d been lovers for years. He placed on hand next to Sebastian’s head and the other still traced faint lines over his jaw.
 After a few minutes of kissing him he pulled back just enough and whispered in a raspier voice. “Where do you keep your stuff?” He wasn’t trying to rush this, but he wanted to press himself as close to Sebastian as he could. He wanted to stamp this night in his mind forever because he doubted he’d ever feel this good with another man again. From the first kiss he’d felt it, the knowledge that this could be so much more than a not strings hookup. The thought alone terrified him, it was dangerous and he almost feared he'd be ripped away before even getting to move with Sebastian at all. “I have one, but it’s on the floor and I-I don’t want to let you go…” He trailed off, embarrassed.
 Sebastian let his legs fall open to accommodate Blaine. “That’s cute,” he said,a small smile lilting on his lips. But, of course this guy brought a condom, tucked into his jeans pocket. “It’s in the bed stand drawer. Here…” He reached over,stretching as much as he could with Blaine laying on top of him, and pulled the drawer open. Sebastian’s hand fumbled inside for a moment, it was an awkward angle, before bringing out a bottle of lube and a box of condoms. He set them on the bed and put his hands on the other man’s shoulders. “I don’t want you going anywhere,” Sebastian tilted his head and gave Blaine a kiss on the jaw, stubble scraping against his lips. He brought a hand to clasp against the back of Blaine’s neck, thumb threading through the fine hairs there, his lips falling from jaw to neck to chest.
 “Is this okay?” Sebastian paused his kissing to look at Blaine, meaning their position. “I just really, really want to feel you inside of me.” Sebastian lifted a leg and wrapped it around his waist, the press him closer. He loved how heavy Blaine’s cock felt against his stomach, the scrape of his stubble on his skin, the smell of incense and sweat hanging in the air, and the rough skin of his hands. He nipped at a spot under the other’s clavicle, “Please?” A devilish smile played across his mouth.
Blaine's cheeks heated up when Sebatian called what he’d said cute and he bit his bottom lip, trapping a smile behind his teeth. He watched Sebastian as he fumbled in the drawer to get what they needed. He closed his eyes as the other man kissed his neck and chest and sighed contently, allowing a moment to enjoy just being near him. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” he mumbled as he pressed another kiss to Sebastian's lips. He rolled his hips slightly as if to indicate that this was how he wanted it. “Yes, it’s perfect. As long as you don’t think it’s too much…” He looked down at his cock trapped in between them to indicate what he meant.
 He swallowed hard as he reached for the lubrication, his hands shaking as he maneuvered himself slightly so that he was putting weight on his knees mostly. The weight of Sebastian’s long leg wrapped around him making it a little more difficult and not just because he didn’t have much range of motion, but because Blaine couldn’t wait to feel digging into his back… He licked his lips and didn’t break eye contact as he coated his index and middle finger on his right hand. His shifted his hips a bit to allow access for his hand.  Gently he traced the tight ring of Sebastian’s entrance with middle finger, coating him so that Sebastian could be as comfortable as possible. He kept his eyes locked on Sebastian’s, asking for permission as he slowly slid two fingers inside of him until they were pressed flush against him, the pressure on Blaine’s fingers alone sending more heat straight to his own cock. He pressed in over and over, making sure to twist them just so, his eyes still never leaving Sebastian's. He couldn’t look away, wanted to see all of his facial expressions. Wanted to see that smirk change into something more.  “Does that feel good?” His voice was hardly there yet deep with arousal.
“No! No.” Sebastian knew he sounded way too eager but, was so turned on by Blaine’s size, body, voice,hands touch that he wasn’t going to turn him away now. He took a deep breath and adjusted his body, nodding to the other man before his fingers entered him. Sebastian winced for a moment, breathing out of his nose, the pit of his stomach pooling with excitement. He could feel himself stretching, stinging leading into pleasure. His lips parted, small pants escaping between them. Sebastian arched his back and let his leg fall from Blaine, choosing to spread his legs further apart in invitation for more. “Fuck...yes!” Sebastian’s voice was all heavy breath. “Yes, it feels so good.” He huffed a small laugh, pleasure betraying him with a moan.
 “Yeah?” Blaine’s lips curved into a slow smile as he listened to the other man. He could feel Sebastian’s muscles clenching around his fingers and could hardly hold back his own moan. The way Sebastian was spreading himself open for Blaine was so hot he almost came right there. He was open and waiting and it was all for Blaine. Blaine was doing this. He leaned forward and kissed the laughing moan from Sebastian's lips as he added his ring finger, his thumb gently caressing at the underside of Sebastian’s balls as his thrusts and curled his fingers upwards a few times more before pressing them in deep one last time and then withdrawing them slowly. He lifted up and sat back on his heels, his knees spread apart just enough to keep Sebastian open. His hands shakily opening the box of condoms and taking one out. He opened it with shaking hands and managed to slide it on himself, the simple touch sending shivers down his spine. He reached for the lubrication once more and coated his cock thoroughly not wanting to hurt Sebastian. He leaned forward, his hand resting above Sebastian’s head, his other one gently guiding his cock towards Sebastian. He whispered the words into Sebastian’s ear his teeth nipping just so at his ear lobe. “Tell me when you’re ready…” His voice was still raspy and shaky.
 Sebastian couldn’t do much besides gasp and moan while Blaine worked him open. He whimpered when Blaine removed his fingers, only to moan again when he sat up to prepare himself. Seb greedily watched Blaine, could feel his knees pressing into his legs to keep them open. He sighed heavily and nodded when Blaine leaned forward, the other’s crystal quartz scraping delicately against his chest. He was going to like that. “I don’t think I’ve ever been more ready for anything.” The pillow dipped by his head where Blaine pressed his palm to support himself. Seb turned and kissed his wrist before gripping it,placing his other hand on the nape of his neck.
 Blaine licked his lips at Sebastian's words, a thrill running through him when his wrist was kissed and then grabbed. He liked thinking that Sebastian was using him as support. Slowly he used his free hand to press the top of his cock into Sebastian’s entrance, the tight ring of muscles rejecting him at first until he pushed a little harder. Sebastian’s tight pressure greedily taking him in. It wasn’t until he had buried himself all the way inside Sebastian that he realized he wasn’t breathing. He let his breath out whining breath, “Fuck Seb-” his breath caught again unable to finish his train of thought as he looked down at the others lust blown eyes. He pressed his forehead against Sebastian’s while he waited for his lover to accept accept him and relax. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt him, even though he knew it probably did a little. He was just hoping it was the good kind of ache and burn. “You okay?” He asked softly, his hand coming up to rest on Sebastian’s jaw, his thumb caressing softly as he slowly began to thrust inside of him. Gently. Asking.
 Sebastian sucked in a breath that turned into a moan as Blaine entered him. His forehead creased and he bit down on his bottom lip. It hurt, his body throbbing. Sebastian took another breath and nodded, the throbbing turning into a satisfactory burn. “I’m great.” Sebastian murmured,turning his head into the hand on his jaw, feeling the other’s body gently rock into him. Not before long, his body was reacting without his control. Sebastian’s hips moved in tandem, his back arched, little moans and pants falling between them. He gave Blaine’s wrist one last squeeze before gripping his ass with Both hands, legs coming up even more to push him deeper inside. “God…”
 Fueled by Sebastian's hands gripping his ass he tucked his knees up under Sebastian’s thighs, spreading both of their legs more in the process so that he could slide in deeper. He’d feel it in his thighs tomorrow, the ache. But right now he didn’t care, in fact, he wouldn’t care tomorrow either. He wanted to keep all of the memories from tonight.  His fingers gripped the pillow next to Sebastian’s head, and he used it for leverage as he pulled and thrusted deeper and harder each time. The sound of skin on skin filling the air. It was a filthy lewd sound and it was all Blaine could do to not come just like that. Blaine mumbled almost to himself, grunting softly with each hard thrust, his hips pressing as deep a he could before pulling out, and all but slamming back in again. “Fuck...C-can you come like this? Do I need to…” he meant to ask if Seb needed touched in order to come but lost the words. Blaine meant to move his free hand from his jaw to wrap around Sebastian’s cock, but he didn’t make it past his neck, he’d gotten distracted but the cords and muscles straining. His fingers curled around the back of his back, his thumb pressing gently into his long, freckled throat without thinking. “You feel so good… So open.” He moved his mouth down and licked the long expanse of his neck, his thumb stroking his Adam’s Apple just so. Blaine sucked gently on Sebastian’s chin before licking almost dirtily back into his mouth again, kissing him deep and slow in time with each thrust. He pulled back and looked down into Sebastian’s face, desire written all over his own.  “Want to watch you.”
 Sebastian was feeling too much, but trying so hard to last just a little longer. There was the scent of their sweat and the memory of cologne, the slap of their bodies moving together, the sheets getting pulled off of the mattress, Blaine’s harsh breath, his thighs burning with exertion, Blaine fucking him so completely into the mattress he wasn’t sure where his body ended and fabric began.
 “You,” Seb panted, “feel fucking..h-huge…” the words broke off into a moan. He wasn’t sure he could say anything else. The combination of Blane’s filthy words and his mouth and hands on his throat were only iliciting moans.
 Seb nodded when Blaine pulled away to watch, his eyes falling closed. He could feel the knot in his stomach that he’d been holding start to unravel. His whole body felt taut, about to spill into a million pieces everywhere. Sebastian slid his hands up Blaine’s back, taking in the feeling of his muscles before tugging on his hair as he came in between them with an embarrassingly loud moan .
 Sebastian’s words sent little tingles all over Blaine’s body. It was all he could do to keep himself from coming, but he held off because he wanted to watch his lover come first. Wanted to rock into him and hold him close as he came down. His eyes found Sebastian’s once more right before he got to witness Sebastian crash down, his muscles clenching around Blaine’s cock almost painfully. He was so fucking beautiful, Blaine didn’t want this to end. “That’s it, I got you.” His words were hardly there and were gasping as he fucked Sebastian slowly through his orgasm.
 His whole body was shaking with exertion and his fingers gripped the pillow by Sebastian’s head so hard his fingers ached. The feel of Sebastian’s fingers in his hair pulling with just the right amount of pain made him moan low, almost a growl. He could feel the tight pull behind his navel, and he knew he was about to fall apart. He moved both of his hands down and wrapped them around Sebastian’s waist, angling him up just a bit and pulling him impossibly closer. Pressing Blaine’s cock in even deeper than before. He thrust once more, his lips finding Sebastian’s and he kissed him hard and slow like he was the most important person in the world and Blaine’s orgasm hit him so fast and hard he froze, his body rigid and shaking against Sebastian’s, moaning to loudly into his mouth. “I can’t- I…Oh, Seb-.” He wasn't even sure what he was trying to say but Sebastian’s name came out like a prayer. His brain malfunctioned and  vision went blurry as he came down. When he could finally move, he rested his head against Sebastian’s sweaty neck, his nose nuzzling into his throat needily as he attempted and failed to steady himself. He felt as if he’d never get close enough. 
 Sebastian gritted his teeth and moaned low, enjoying that Blaine was still using his body even though he was spent and covered in come. He kissed Blaine back, wondering absently if he would spend the night and kiss him just like this again in the morning but he could never say that out loud. Seb lay there breathing heavily with the weight of Blaine on top of him, their skin sticking together, reminding him that all of that really just happened. “You good?” Sebastian craned his neck a little bit. He could feel Blaine’s rapid breathing and jackhammer heart. Normally, this part of hooking up made him uncomfortable, and he made a show of getting out from under his partner and cleaning up. Seb found that he didn’t quite mind this. “Because I’m great.” He danced his long fingers across Blaine’s shoulders.
 Once Blaine got himself under some form of control he looked up at Sebastian, his cheeks blazing red with shyness as he gently pulled out. He reached between them and pulled the condom off, gently leaning over and throwing it in the trash next to Sebastian’s bed. He tried not to think about why it might be there. But he knew he wasn’t the first to come home with him. And it drove him crazy thinking that he wouldn’t be the last. He moved slowly back over Sebastian scooting his body off of his, but not moving away. He laid himself facing Sebastian, is fingers dancing over Sebastian's hips before pulling him to him, his hands brushing up and down Sebastian’s thigh comforting. He knew they should clean up, but he was drowsy and spent and a little embarrassed with himself. “Are you… I mean, did I hurt you?” He asked quietly and bit his bottom lip. He knew he had lost some control with the other man underneath him. He couldn’t really help himself, his primal side coming out the moment he slid inside. “I feel good, so good. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good…” He stated, nuzzling his sweaty head into Sebastian’s pillow and then into his shoulder. His eyes fluttery and heavy. If Sebastian allowed it, he could sleep like this. Wrapped around the other man in complete comfort. But, Blaine didn’t know what Sebastian usually did now. Would he ask him to go? Was already crossing a line but cuddling him? He didn’t even think about the time, all he knew was that he didn’t want to leave. He was sated and comfortable and it felt good to be near the green eyed man. “Please, don’t make me go.” he was sure he hadn't said that last part out loud, but tensed when he knew he did. “I didn’t mean that. Well, I did, but I’ll go if you want me to.” He bit his lip suddenly embarrassed. “I’m not sure how this part works. I’ve never enjoyed myself so much…” He trailed off, not even thinking about what might happen if he stayed.
 Sebastian, to his surprise, didn’t mind Blaine getting close to him again and wrapping around him. “I’m not hurt.” Blaine’s fingers on his inner thigh tickled and felt extremely intimate. It was funny, they had just fucked but this was the part that felt the most private. “ I...yeah, this is like, the best night I’ve had in a minute. You’re….something,” Seb smiled.
 “I’m not gonna make you leave.” The vulnerability in the other man’s voice catching him. Did his partners always feel like this or was something bigger happening? Sebastian shook his head and wrapped an arm around Blaine. “You don’t mind if I don’t shower, do you? I don’t think I could walk to the shower. “ He poked Blaine in the rib, trying to make him smile. “You may have made it to where I can’t run for a few days. I like it.” Sebastian laughed softly before a nice quiet fell over him. He felt sated and achy and hot, like he could sleep for days. Before he could say another word he started to drift off, his arm still wrapped around the other, his leg in between Blaine’s.
 The last thing he saw were Blaine’s long eyelashes fluttering against his red cheeks.
 Embarrassed Blaine ducked his head,trying to hide his face from Sebastian. It was dark now, but the June moon was washing over them through the window.”I just wanted to make you feel good, that’s all.” Blaine felt a strange relief wash over him when Sebastian told him he didn’t have to leave.He realized he probably sounded pathetic, but in that moment he didn’t care.”No,I don’t mind as long as you don’t mind.” He blushed again, thankful that it was mostly dark in the room. He found himself smiling against the pillow anyway. ”I like that you’ll still feel me tomorrow. I know I’ll still feel you with each step.” He closed his eyes meaning to lean in and kiss his lover once more, but somewhere between the thought and the pillow he drifted off, his body more relaxed than it had been in years.His skin tingling where Sebastian’s bare skin touched him. The last thing he remembered was watching Sebastian smile and thinking how he could look at him all day and the feel of Sebastian's legs tangled with his own.
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andersoncharm · 6 years ago
The Dinner (Nov. 22, 2018)
On Thanksgiving morning Blaine awoke slowly, like he usually did, when he woke up with his arms wrapped around Sebastian. It was almost like his unconscious body didn’t want the feeling of his boyfriends familiar pressure against him to disappear so it kept itself flush against him as long as it could before consciousness could catch up to Blaine. Even so, it wasn’t as if a conscious Blaine wanted to move away from the perfect little space against Seb’s warm back anyway. As his brain caught up to his body he burrowed himself closer, irritated that he was awake and the sun wasn’t yet shining through the windows of Sebastian’s childhood bedroom. He pressed his face against the back of Seb’s neck, his nose and then lips nuzzling the light brown of Seb’s hair line and inhaled his comforting scent and willed himself to go back to sleep. He knew it was in vain though as the pit of his stomach gave a little lurch and he realized what day it was. It was Thanksgiving and there was to be a giant dinner where Blaine would have to perform once again. Only this time it was for many people instead of just Seb’s parents. He’d much rather go back to last night where he and Seb had been alone.
He sighed and very gently got himself up, deciding to use his phone for light instead of magic lest Seb wake up or one of his parents walk in and freak out. His phone read 6:36 am over a photo of him and Sebastian taken on his Birthday at the Pumpkin Patch and the house was eerily quiet. Last night after sex and pizza in the basement, Seb had taken Blaine around the house and showed him everything. It was adorable seeing Sebastian’s old school things. A Dalton uniform complete with a navy and red tie that almost mirrored the grey and black tie Blaine had worn at Bishop Academy. A whole bunch of show choir and Lacrosse trophies and a smattering of photos littered the shelves of the bedroom and Blaine couldn't get enough of it. He wanted to know everything and last night was pretty perfect. It was a new day now though and Blaine was once again terrified of making a bad impression with the Smythe family. The whole family. Sure, his mother seemed to like Blaine and his father, well, his father was his father. He pretty much summed up everything Seb had told Blaine about him.
Blaine chewed on his lips as found his bags in the dark and pulled out  a pair of dark jeans and a soft navy and white sweater for him to wear the first part of the day. He made sure he had anything he needed and made his way across the large hall the the bathroom Sebastian had shown him he could use last night. Once he showered and shaved with the kit Seb had gotten him, and styled his curls so that they looked presentable he made his way back to the bedroom. The sun was just coming up and the light was peeking through the window and washing over Sebastian’s long, lithe frame under the covers. Blaine had the urge to crawl back into bed and go back to sleep but, it would ruin all he’d just done. Instead he bit his lip again, sighed and made his way back to his bag and found his homemade oil, the spicy sweet one, and dabbed a bit on his neck and pulse points. He spent the next five minutes rummaging around in all of his things looking for the little black tube of chap stick he used for his lips for when he bit them when he was nervous like this and by the end of it he’d even used magic to find it. It wasn’t anywhere. Sighing again he quietly made his way to Seb’s bag and cautiously looked for the little tube of the less than favorable Carmex Seb always had in his pocket. It always struck Blaine as strange that that was the choice of chap stick for Seb, his lips rarely tasted like it. Most of the time they had this fruity strawberry or pomegranate taste and Blaine couldn’t put his finger on what it was. He had almost given up on the Carmex when his fingers closed over an egg shape with a little dent in it and Blaine knew instantly that it was the inconvenient shape of Eos. He smiled to himself as he opened the egg tube and smelled before applying the well used chap stick. He chuckled softly as he licked his lips and tasted the familiar flavor. He held his phone up to show a deep pink egg with a label on the bottom worn, but stating that it was called pomegranate raspberry. He applied the chap stick once again before putting it safely back in Seb’s bag and wondered why he never saw Seb use it. Was it the shape or because mostly girls used the product? He decided that it must be a mix of both. Blaine knew for a fact that Eos made a stick shape in their chap sticks. Maybe Seb didn’t know. He figured he had a great stocking stuffer idea for Seb in any case and grinned to himself as he sat at Seb’s desk in the darker sun streaked room of early morning.
He spend a good hour looking through his depressing, tragedy ridden Facebook feed and his aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed and browsed for a few Yule/Christmas gift ideas for Sebastian, Sam, David, Nick and his father (he couldn’t do everything homemade) to pass the time. But it was driving him insane. He was fucking bored and he didn’t like it. There wasn’t any breakfast to cook, it would be inappropriate for him to ask the kitchen staff if he could help with dinner and there were no animals to play with. He couldn't even pop  outside and take a cold morning walk or run because he didn’t even know how he’d plausibly get back in without the use of magic.  He hadn’t even brought a book. He glanced once more at his phone and it read 8:08 am. Still early but, he figured it was safe to wake Sebastian up. Technically Seb was on vacation and he assumed Seb want to sleep in but, Blaine really wanted him to be awake. He pressed his berry lips together and crawled up into the bed behind Seb. He wrapped his arm around his boyfriend and leaned in pressing a kiss to the back of his neck, then the side, then the top of his ear before gently blowing  across lobe of his ear. His voice was soft and raspy from lack of use when he spoke.
“Baby, wake up. I’m so lonely.”
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andersoncharm · 6 years ago
A Smythe Family Thanksgiving(Nov. 21-25, 2018)
To say that Blaine was nervous for this trip to Ohio was an understatement. Not only was he about to meet Sebastian’s wealthy parents for the first time but, he’d also lied to his own father about where he was going to be the next five or six days. He’d come up with an excuse that since they weren’t big on the whole thanksgiving thing that he’d like to go to Ohio to visit Sam and his family over the Holiday. His father liked Sam well enough (for a “Mundane”) so he’d allowed it without much fuss. After all, Sam had been a part of his life with his mother died. Blaine guessed Will remembered that and turned his head at how close the two had become. The only issue was that Sam was still in Japan. If Will wanted to check up on Blaine he’d be found out and could face another punishment like the last long trip he’d been on with Seb. But, Blaine had called Sam, asked him if he’d pretend he was with Blaine. Sam agreed without a single question. He already knew how strange Blaine’s family was and just accepted Blaine’s vagueness about the trip. Blaine was forever grateful for his best friend.  Sam even promised to post one photo of Blaine standing in front of a chosen landmark on Facebook to make it a bit more believable. Blaine would have to send the pictures to Sam and use a bit of magic to pull off the photos to make it look like someone else was taking them. But, he didn’t want to have to ask Seb to take random pictures of him in strange places. Blaine really just wanted this trip to go as smoothly as possible. He was so afraid of messing up and having Sebastian’s parents dislike him. He was already sure he wasn’t going to much impress the patriarch of the family as it was.
It gave Blaine a sick lurch in his stomach thinking about sneaking around behind his boyfriend's back by telling his father and friends he was with someone else. Especially now that Blaine had told Seb how he felt and Seb and, astonishingly enough, told Blaine he felt the same. It tugged and pulled at his heart that he couldn’t just tell them who he was spending all his time with and how much he felt for this person. He wanted to tell everyone he knew about this amazing person he’d falling in love with but, he couldn’t and now he was lying to multiple people. Not for the first time he wished he could just tell Sebastian  the truth. He loved him, he was made for him. And if Blaine looked at the situation just right he could see Sebastian accepting him for what he was. Even so, no matter how much Seb might love him, there was a tiny little fear that he’d hear the word WITCH and run. String attached to hearts and all. It didn’t much matter, it wasn’t like Blaine could actually say the words. It was forbidden and the Council had been locking the words behind witches teeth for years.
Nervousness aside, Blaine was excited to meet Sebastian's mother. The only image had of her were a few Facebook photos. She looked bored and beautiful. But, even in photos she still possessed that soft kindness that Sebastian must have inherited from her. It was hidden behind a smirk but, Blaine had uncovered Sebastian’s soft side so he could see her light just barely by looking at a photo. He had no clue what Seb’s father might look like as there weren’t any photos of him on Seb’s profile.
Blaine was taught to always have a gift for the hosts. The University cellars had bottles of wine down there that were over a two hundred years old. But, he decided taking one of those for Seb’s father was a bit too much and would make him look like he was trying to hard so he’d settled on a 1916 Chateau Margaux Bordeaux Blend Red wine that would be worth a pretty penny out in the world. For Seb’s mother Blaine wanted to bring flowers but they didn’t travel too well so he’d come up with an idea on how he could present her with some. All he needed was to pretend he dropped something outside so he could get a few blades of grass, a whisper of magic and Mrs. Smythe would have the prettiest bouquet of flowers she’d ever seen. Normally he wouldn’t use magic to impress someone like this, but he really wasn’t sure how else he could give her any with the flight and all. But he wanted to show her his gratitude for accepting him into her home. He only hoped that Sebastian didn’t notice that Blaine hadn’t traveled with a giant bouquet.
Blaine was pulled from his thoughts when the pilot announced they'd be reaching their final destination in twenty minutes and to fasten seatbelts. In less than two hours he’d be in the grand home of Sebastian’s childhood and will have met his parents. Thanksgiving was tomorrow and there’d be at least fifteen Smythe’s filling the place up. His stomach fluttered and he had to take a deep breath. He was a witch for fucks sake. He could do this. He’d make his boyfriend proud to be with him. He reluctantly lifted his head from Seb’s shoulder where his cheek had been propped gently for the last hour of the trip. Seb had put them in First Class and while the seats were the most comfortable he’d ever been on a plane, he still found that naturally drifted closer to the side Seb was on. They’d talked for a bit at first and then settled into a comfortable silence while Seb looked over some of his work for school and Blaine halfheartedly looked over a composition he’d been working on, his pencil hardly moving over the staff paper the whole hour. Honestly he might have even nodded off for a bit at some point. He bit his lip and looked up at Seb, his eyes wide a smile somehow finding it’s way onto his as he looked at Seb’s face.
“Well, we’re almost there.” He mumbled, his stomach doing another flip. He hadn’t been this nervous since a couple of weeks ago when Sebastian watched him play at the bar for the first time. Of course Seb made him feel like he was Apollo himself but, the nerves still crept in. It was like his mind and body needed to keep impressing Sebastian in order to feel worthy of his love. He needed to get a grip.  “Are you starting to regret bringing me with you yet?”
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andersoncharm · 6 years ago
Blaine: Good morning. :)
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andersoncharm · 6 years ago
When Pumpkins Glow By Moonlight(Halloween/Samhain 2018)
Blaine awoke with a sudden start, his eyes were blurry with sleep and his head was slightly throbbing from the alcohol he and Seb had consumed earlier. However, his body was still buzzing with pleasure from their earlier activities and he could still feel the pressure of Seb around him. A hint of a smile crossed his face as he shifted, his hand finding his phone to look at the time. It was only 2:23 am. He’d only been asleep a couple of hours by this point. He sighed and closed his eyes again and focused on the slight pain in his head, the surge of magic was sudden and satisfying as he snuggled himself in closer to Seb. His bare body wrapping gently but protectively around his sleeping boyfriend. He pressed his nose into the the base of Seb’s neck intending to fall back asleep.
The day had started off incredible. Blaine had come over to Sebastian’s around three and they’d gotten into costume together; Blue and white long sleeved baseball shirts B’s said Smythe 94 reflecting the year his guy was born and Seb’s said Anderson 96, the year Blaine was born. Dark jeans, Seb’s long and to his black converse, and Blaine’s cuffed at the ankles, showing them off in his own black converse. Both in red baseball caps, Seb insisted on wearing his backwards, and Blaine’s was nestled forward over his head, curls spilling out under it everywhere. They’d even  done little black grease lines under their eyes.It wasn’t terribly deep, but they looked adorable and Blaine loved seeing Sebastian wear his name across his back. Sebastian had agreed to let Blaine decorate the main porch to the apartment building so they could pass out candy, Seb had gotten the kids full sized candy bars and actually passed them out with Blaine. He even complimented some of the cooler outfits he saw, and it made Blaine beam with delight to see his boyfriend, that didn’t even really like Halloween all the much, get into the spirit. He knew that he did it mostly for Blaine, but Blaine appreciated it either way. They’d carved four very different pumpkins which were visible from Seb’s balcony. One for Seb, one of Ras, one for Blaine and even one for Freya. All the kids had to do was look up and they see them glowing in the dark. Blaine had very discreetly charmed the candles to stay lit for sixteen hours. He calmed himself by telling himself that Seb would think he was obsessed enough to just keep going out there to light the candles when they went out. Really Blaine just wanted them to glow all night long.  Ras even had a cute little pumpkin handkerchief around his neck and was polite and friendly as the kids came up for candy.
After passing candy they’d went to a light dinner before heading off to this Halloween bash at a club that someone had told Seb about. Amazing decorations adorned the place and party goers were dressed to impressed. Spiders, pumpkins, bats, vampires and witches. There were Halloween themed drinks and both Blaine and Seb received longing looks from men and women alike as they pressed closed and danced as if no one else mattered, like they’d been doing it for years.  One appropriately named Witches Brew concoctions too many and Blaine was practically begging Seb to take him home so they could be alone. Costumes were discarded carelessly across Seb’s bedroom floor and there’d be grease smeared into the pillows come morning light. Neither one of them had cared while Blaine pressed Seb into the mattress and kissed him senseless as October 31 turned into November 1. They'd fallen asleep fast and in a naked, sweaty tangle that led Blaine to where he was now. Dozing and comfortable around his boyfriends body. He was just about to dreamland when suddenly his eyes snapped open and he felt a sense of falling and tensed up around Seb as if it were actually happening in real time. The knowledge of what day it was and what happened between these hours smacked him in the face full force. The time of night kicked in and he realized with a jolt that he’d went two hours and now twenty five minutes without looking for her.
He cursed himself and gently untangled himself from Seb so that he could sit up on the edge of the bed. His body feeling out of time with reality as he looked around the dark room, his emotions on high. It was Halloween night. The one night he could possible catch of glimpse of his mother and he had missed the gap. Sure, the veil would be opened for a few days but, he’d missed the prime time to find her. The switch between the thirty first and the first. It was irrational and silly but, he’d been doing it for five years now, this would be the sixth Samhain without his mom. She had died coming up on seven years ago November 7 and he’d missed the time. He shook his head and slowly stood up, rummaging in the dark for his black LeFay sweats. He tugged them up over his naked body, and grabbed his Smythe 94 baseball tee and shoved it over his head. He wasn’t dressed really warm enough for a Massachusetts Autumn night but, that didn’t stop him from leaving the room and making his way to Seb’s balcony. He could hear the shuffle of Ras’ feet behind him as he opened the door. He knelt on the ground and took the sweet pups face in his hands.
“Go back to bed with your dad, I’ll be back soon, I promise.” He whispered and wasn’t surprised when Ras just sat down and stared up at Blaine with huge worried eyes. It was like he knew that Blaine was off. He leaned down and kissed the pup on the head before making his way out to the balcony, the coldness from the wood making his bare toes curl up.
Blaine found himself looking out over the streets of Cambridge desperately, the whole place looking like a picture perfect Halloween movie. Some teens and young adults still gallivanting around oblivious to their new visitors. Pumpkins and light up fake ghost shining alongside real faintly glowing ghost that could walk the streets by moonlight for the next five or so days. None of the entities paid Blaine or the kids any mind and he didn’t pay any to them either. He was looking for his mother. Just begging for a glimpse of her black hair and kind gold eyes and tiny frame that brought him more comfort than anything in the world. His hope was trickling slowly away as time did the same. He had no idea how long he’d been outside, his body shivering against the thin material of his baseball tee in the cool night. He could hear Ras whining at the window for him to come in, but he was numb to it. He couldn’t stop his eyes from looking for her no matter how blurry they became, no matter how irrational he was being. He thought that if he looked away he’d miss her and that would cripple him. He didn’t notice the click of the balcony door, or how Ras’ whines had come back. He didn’t notice anything but the dull thump of pain in his heart beat, and the hopelessness that he felt suddenly. Blaine had meant what he told Sebastian. His boyfriend had healed him. Made him happy and whole and made him feel good again. His time with Sebastian had taken it mostly away and now that he was out here alone on Samhain night  it was all coming back with full force. Why was she never out there?
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