cubbihue · 3 days
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my favorite version of jeremy is where he's working a security shift at a shitty pizzeria that is also randomly haunted nonstop by the supernaturals.
his coworker is living a psychological horror genre where everything is out to kill them or their loved ones
jeremy's living a nice life of retirement by working the nightshift at a shitty pizzeria :D
at least until fritz kills him with a metal pipe because he ignored their calls for backup (mothman broke into the dumpster) (very bad)
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nyoomwhyoom · 7 years
Tagged by @niximous aAA thank you
Rules: Tag 10 tumblrs you want to get to know better
Name: Abigail! I usually go by Abby but tbh i kinda wish people would call me Gail
Sign: Scorpio
Height: Last time i checked i was 5′5 but at this point i might be 5′6 Middle name: Kathleen. i don’t really like it o o p s Put your itunes on shuffle, what are the first six songs that popped up? 1. Mad City - NCT 127
2. Runner’s High - 3RACHA
3. Forever - EXO
4. Superhero - Simon Curtis
5. Victorious - Panic! At the Disco
theres so much kpop in my itunes im sorry
Go to the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. What’s line 17? “She will carry a Son to full term” from the twelve voices of christmas.. i have no clue what the book is about lmao its just sitting on the computer desk
Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Not that im aware of When was the last time you played air guitar? I dont play the air guitar, i viciously lipsync Who is your celebrity crush? i don’t get celebrity crushes?? likes theres a bunch of people i think are attractive but i’d much rather hang than bang if ya know what im saying ;) buuut if i had to pick someone it’d be craig (mini ladd) OOF that boy is so funny and precious and caring smsmhs What’s a sound you hate? People chewing, nails on chalkboard, beeping noises (alarm clocks/watches) Do you drive? If so have you ever crashed? Technically not yet. my dad’s taken me out a bit to practice. i’m starting drivers ed this summer :)))))))) What’s the last book you read? The Red Badge of Courage for school. it literally sucks a s s Do you like the smell of petrol? Eh, i dont know. What was the last movie you saw? Pitch perfect 3. it was hilarious and i may or may not have teared up a bit at the end What’s the worst injury you ever had? Ive never had anything really bad happen to me?? ive had the wind knocked out me before by falling out of a tree... that wasn’t fun Do you have any obsessions at the moment? have you sEEN my blog its literally all bbs and kpop. but if ya want specifics ive fallen head over heels for Stray Kids and i just adore Fitz’s videos. also MANIA is a BANGER Do you tend to hold grudges against anyone whose done you wrong? i don’t know? once again, nothing ever happens to me. i’m always that person that no one hates, but also isnt super liked either. i’m just kinda there lmao. In a relationship? intensely single my dudes
i don’t know anyone on here besides Nix so theres nothing to tag BUT if you (lookin @ you reader) wanna do it, go ahead ! just say i tagged you lol
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