our-smooty · 3 years
What is something you've always wished was more explored upon with Murdoc's character?
Basically everything... I would have liked to know more about his home life growing up. The people he’s dated. His bands before Gorillaz. What he cooks when it's his turn for the night. Anything to make him less of the cardboard cut-out he is today. 
But since that’s too short of an answer I’m gonna say his brother Hannibal. Like... he has a close family relative that he grew up with and it's never been expanded on? It's inferred that Hannibal is an asshole too but honestly punching your bro in the face for using your record player isn’t exactly unheard of (especially in the 60′s when kids were left to their own devices a lot). I feel like he could have been an interesting character to contrast again Murdoc, to show that Murdoc wasn’t necessarily *just* a product of his shitty upbringing but of a number of bad life choices and events out of his control. 
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our-smooty · 3 years
What was that first evening like, after 2D rescued Murdoc at the end of The Lost Chord?
OK admission. I hadn’t even watched the video until I got this ask, so thanks for finally making me watch it! After finishing it I had to take a little bit to calm down from the excitement and also think about your questions because it's a toughie!
I’d like to think that it inspired a little bit of a Talk. We can see everyone had a pretty emotional reaction to being back on Plastic Beach (mostly Murdoc and Noodle when she saw Cyborg I guess). We don’t know if the band has ever really talked about Plastic Beach, though 2D’s lack of reaction and recent character development towards being calmer suggests they’ve gone over things as a band and are healing (I'm purposefully ignoring how the characters have become watered down and kinda empty let me have this). 
So, I think it might go something like this. After the initial shock, they’d all pile into the living room. I think Russel, being the one with the least direct connection to Plastic Beach might take the lead, encouraging the rest to get snacks, drinks, and blankets before they all sit down and go over what just happened. Noodle, Russel, and 2D talk about seeing Cyborg and watching the building sink into the water. I don’t know if Russel and Noodle even noticed Murdoc hadn’t followed them through until 2D mentioned it, since they’d probably be a little busy recovering from the attack and near-death experience. But when 2D says something like “an’, of course, I had to go back for my ol’pal Murdoc” they put things together and realize the portal had closed with the bassist on the other side.  
And I bet Murdoc, being Murdoc, has some comment. Something to deflect like “Ah don’t get a big head, I had a plan to save myself!” but before he gets even halfway through it Noodle and Russel are already apologizing. And it makes him pause because usually its *him* apologizing (and he probably still feels like he should, since Plastic Beach was his fault really and he’s been working to make it up to the band ever since he got out of prison) and he doesn’t exactly know what to do. But 2D, who isn’t the best at reading the room, calls for a group hug and pulls them all in so it ends up ok. Then they probably all drink a little too much and start reminiscing and its a good indicator of how they’ve all grown that no one got their feelings hurt and no punches were thrown.
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our-smooty · 3 years
What event or place or period of time do you wish we would have seen Crowley and Aziraphale interact in? How do you think they felt about each other at that time?
This is a hard one because how do you just pick a time in history that’s cool when all of it is cool? I think I would have liked to see more between The Garden and Golgotha. Were they both present for the Tower of Babel? What about the entirety of the Old Testament? D’you think Aziraphale had anything to do with the burning bush and all the other appearances of God because I think that could be pretty funny. I’ve read a few fic about Crowley’s reaction to Sodom and Gomorrha which broke my heart too. 
And for how they felt about each other at the time I think they were wary. Not in the “is this other entity going to kill me?” way but in a “is this another being who feels the same way I do about all this Sides business?”. I think it's pretty clear from the fact that Aziraphale gave away his flaming sword that he wasn’t really buying the party line from the get-go. The main thing that stopped him was fear (of falling, of being Bad etc). So when he met Crowley, and subsequently bumped into him a thousand times BCE, he thought “oh, what a pleasant chap, for a demon” and was intrigued, but still fearful of getting too close or becoming friends. 
Crowley is scared too. He’s riding the high of being the “Original Tempter” but the respect he gained from other demons begins to wane as time goes on and so he spends more time topside to avoid the squabbles in Hell. He starts to cling to Aziraphale just a little bit because an angel who gives away his flaming sword and lies to God is better company than Hastur. I don’t think Crowley realizes he’s in love for a while at least, (maybe before the Holy Water incident?), but he does know that Aziraphale talks to him like an equal, most of the times when the angel isn’t doing the whole “you’re a demon” thing. So he gets a little attached, which leads to falling head-over-heels before he even realizes it. 
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our-smooty · 4 years
Do you have any nuace hcs?
My previous posts were all about how Noodle doms the hell outta Ace and he’s 100% fine with is but....
_ I feel like 90% of their relationship is sharing memes
- They prank everyone in the house
- they share clothes 24/7
- they commit petty crimes together with Ace’s gang
- The roast eachother about their music skills alllll the time 
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our-smooty · 4 years
Murdoc being dominated by 2D
“You’re sure abou’ this?”
“Just fuckin’ do it Dents “m not made of glass.”
They’d gone over the details at least twice now. Stu couldn’t stop asking. Couldn’t stop making sure this was exactly what Murdoc wanted. Murdoc, on the other hand, had thought he’d been explicitly clear.
“I was you to fuck me and I want it rough Dee, I dunno how else I could spell it out for you. My cock is hard, I”m naked, lets fuckin ’go.”
”Fine, but you know how t’stop me if you wanna right?” Stu asked, one late time. Murdoc rolled his eyes even as he nodded his head. “Ok, ok jus’ let me...”
2D took a deep breath, and then another, his eyes closed tight. When he opened them, Murdoc nearly shuddered at the lustful, possessive look. 
“You’re mine,” Stu groaned, leaning down to bite at Murdoc’s collarbone. The bassist was starting to regret requesting to being tied to the headboard for this. He’d thought it would be kinky, but with the way 2D was talking... “I own you don’t I, Muds?”
“Fffuckoff!” Murdoc slurred, grinding his hips as best he could against the singer’s hips. “Dunno why you have t’do this every time--”
“I’ll do it ‘till you believe me. That I want you as much as you want me,” 2D said, his voice airy and light in Murdoc’s ear. “‘Till you stop callin’ me ‘dullard’ and start callin’ me--”
Murdoc thrust his entire body up against the restraints, both grinding against 2D’s clothes cock and brushing his lips against the singer. “Then make me, why don’t you?”
“Sure, if that’s what you want,” 2D answered with a smile, the wide kind he only usually got when he was about to do something completely stupid. Murdoc’s stomach dropped from both excitement and fear. Stu leaned in and whispered against his ear.
“You’re gonna wish you hadn’t said that Muds...”
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our-smooty · 4 years
Silly ask time! What would be the house rules for the fridge in Kong Studios?
Before Noodle there were no rules. Russel tried to implement some but he just couldn’t keep up with the pure chaos of Murdoc and 2D. He went so far as to make sandwiches and label them with his name but with super nasty ingredients (like 100% mayo with mouldy Bologne) but someone still ate it. The final straw when he literally put a mousetrap in a sandwich and the next day Murdoc asked him what he added to “give it so much kick”. Russel doesn’t try to eat anything with 2D or Murdoc’s name on it, not after an incident where he stole something that looked like baked beans (but was definitely not) from Murdoc’s shelf.
After Noodle they had to have some ground rules (no booze on the first 2 shelves, no weird zombie experiments except in 2D’s special crisper, food older than 2 months gets chucked). Murdoc and 2D still steal Russel’s food but they don’t mess around with the stuff left for Noodle (except 2D keeps getting into her cereal so she’s started keeping her snacks in her room), probably mostly because neither of them wants to get their ass kicked by Noodle and Russel at the same time.
If you're talking about the current-day Kong Studio the main fridge is probably a lot the same. Except now Noodle and Russel have minifridges in their rooms that they keep the good stuff in. With combo locks, mostly to keep 2D out now that Murdoc knows he’s on thin ice lol
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our-smooty · 4 years
Murdoc making a display of having sex with 2D in a balcony
2D wasn’t exactly sure what city they were in right then. It didn’t exactly matter, and people thought it was funny when he said the wrong city at the beginning of their set. They thought he was joking. But really he was just very, very tired. Everything was kind of dreamy and warm like he’d already drifted off. 
“Am I boring you Stu?” Murdoc growled, giving the singers cock a rough squeeze. “You were the one who was climbing all over me, sittin’ your little arse in my lap and practically begging for it. Maybe I should stop...”
“Nuh--S-sorry Muds. M’awake now!” And because he was awake now he was aware of where they currently were. Which was outside, on the balcony of Murdoc’s suit (the biggest of the 4 rooms they’d booked, and the one with the best view). Murdoc must have noticed his look of wide-eyed shock because he grinned.
“Thought a little fresh air might liven you up,” he teased, continuing the rhythmic roll of his hips. “Don’t worry, we’re high-up enough that no one can hear... probably.”
“Probably!” 2D screeched, though he made no move to stop the bassist. Murdoc’s grin widened menacingly as the singer closed his eyes again and let himself drift. 
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our-smooty · 4 years
Murdoc going to his usual appointment with Madame Flesch, he's blindfolded and all that... Halfway through his blindfold slips and he sees a tuft of blue hair. What do you think would happen?
It really depends. If it was “Madame Flesch” who had blue hair (I’m assuming this means its been 2D the entire time somehow in disguise, or maybe just this one time) Murdoc would 100% flip his shit. He’d be out of there ASAP. He might even book a 1-way flight to some distant island under the guise of “finding himself” but really he’s just hella embarrassed 2D was doming him (probably a little in shock too haha).  If instead, the blue hair was at the door, like 2D was peaking in the room or spying... well thats a little different. Murdoc would still kind of feel like he had the power in that situation. It might be kind of like putting on a show... if you catch my drift ;)
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our-smooty · 4 years
Okay, what about, who is best gorillaz cook, in ranked order? (I need to feed myself all my asks are going to be about food otherwise)
go eat!!! (I say as my toaster oven dings, telling me my sad dinner of leftover pizza if heated)
It depends on what you’re looking for. If you want real food, probably Russel. He’s got a repertoire built up from when he had to feed Noodle something other than canned soup and pizza. But if he’s feeding himself and not really feeling the whole ‘putting in effort’ thing he just orders something. If you want guilty stoner indulgence food then 2D because he’s stoned late at night a lot fo the time and no one else is around to cook for him. The catch is you also have to be stoned to enjoy what he makes. Noodle can cook, but she’s impatient and often burns stuff, then gets pissed and throws it out (out the window, out the door, into the garbage, whatever she’s feeling). Murdoc can cook one dish, and that’s pancakes. Its the only thing you should ever accept from him. Everything else he makes is inedible to anyone who isnt a Niccals. 
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our-smooty · 5 years
2doc. who do u think little spoon/big spoon is.
Murdoc refuses to be the little spoon for a while, out of pride. But it just sort of works better that way. He’s smaller, 2Ds clingy in his sleep, and Murdoc gets cold at night. Being the little spoon just comes naturally for him after a while... though of course sometimes he wants to be big spoon because of THIS
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our-smooty · 5 years
MURDOC N STU MATCHING NAILS. murdoc's are black with a light blue accent nail. 2d's are light blue with a black accent nail. it represents how much they have affected each other's lives.
Yes. And sometimes they do blue/green on each other and wear it to interviews!!! Ah, I love nail polish, even if I cna never manage to keep it on for more than a day myself XD
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our-smooty · 5 years
2doc S/M scene, murdoc is a responsible empathetic dom, 2D wearing his collar and getting a love bite, and the nurturing aftercare involved after the intense emotional scene
S&M under the cut. Nothing overly graphic or gory, but be warned, there’s a little blood. Also, this is a little long for a prompt but whatever we’re doing it!
“Poor dove,” Murdoc cooed in Stu’s ear from behind. “Is it too much?”
“N-no.” 2D squirmed and wiggled on the bassist’s silk sheets. The way his arms and legs were tied to the bedposts, along with the face he was face-down and drowning in pillows, prevented him from getting much relief. “M’good, gimmie more.”
Murdoc chuckled, trailing kisses interspersed with quick, nipping bites. “Are you sure? I’ve already left a few nasty marks, if that’s what you’re after, you little masochist. I know you like to press on the bruises after we’re done, like a pathetic little slut.”
“Murdoc!” Stu whined, a little bit of frustration leaking into his voice. Murdoc had been teasing him for hours now, which had not been the plan when he’d snapped his collar on that night. Murdoc’s sharp nails against his back, his teeth biting hard enough to almost (but not quite) break skin, it wasn’t enough, he needed something more intense.
“Fine, fine. Needy one, aren’t you?” Before 2D could snap back Murdoc’s nails were digging in, his teeth sinking in and digging into the muscle hard. The full-body arch and groan that ripped from his throat was met with a snicker.
“Like that? You love it when I scratch you up, make you bleed a little? S’a good thing my sheets are red, otherwise I’d have to punish you for ruining them.” Not that the stains wouldn’t ruin the bedding anyway, but that was the furthest from 2D’s mind, mostly because he’d remembered he was stark naked while Murdoc remained completely clothed and seated firmly over his arse. 
“I think you want something else, don’t you pet?” The bassist teased, sitting back so his weight pushed Stu’s hips into the mattress, giving him something to grind against. Murdoc looped a finger through the o-ring of the singer’s collar and yanked–a warning. “I was going to ask if you wanted the crop, but…”
“Yeh–” 2D gasped, stilling his hips and going limp. Murdoc liked him quiet and compliant before they really got into the scene. And the more he catered to what Murdoc liked, the better–or worse, really–it’d be for him.
“Mmm, arch that back for me baby. That’s nice, that’s nice. Count them out, there’s a good lad.” Murdoc’s constant nattering was a background drone to the bright, hot spikes of pain. He made it to fifteen before losing count.
“M-Muh-Murdoc!” His arse, thighs, and lower back were screaming, the bite on his neck throbbing, his dick impossibly hard. In the brief pause his outburst caused Stu craned his neck at an awkward angle, trying to see the bassist over his shoulder. Through the smokey haze of the Winnebago’s shit lighting, he could see Murdoc, flogger still raised in one hand, his dick in the other. “Yer–you’re gettin’ off on this?”
“Does that surprise you Bluebird? You’re lookin’ rather like you’re enjoying yourself as well,” Murdoc sneered, tapping the head of the crop between the singer’s legs, over his balls and to the base of his cock. “No flinching, you’re mine, and I’ll do whatever I want with you, doll.”
He wouldn’t–would he? Adrenaline surged through Stu’s veins because this was Murdoc, anything was possible. 
“N-nuh–!” He writhed against his bonds, getting just enough friction against his prick to send him over the edge. White-hot, bursting pleasure encompassed him, the last strands of it fizzling and popping behind his eyes and in his brain as he came down. Everything was out of focus, and soft, and a little too warm. 
“–tu?” Oh, Murdoc was still talking. 2D wanted to say something snarky, but his mouth wasn’t fully connected to his brain yet after his intense orgasm and all that came out was an unintelligible grunt. “Fuckin’ princess. Fine, I’ll do it.”
Some of the warmth went away suddenly–Murdoc had been plastered against his back, he realized–and 2D jolted. “Wha–? Come b’ck…”
“You’re covered in cum and blood and Satan knows what else Pot, let me just untie you and–” But 2D didn’t want to be untied. He didn’t want to be cleaned up. He wanted–
“Hold me? Jus’ for a lil’, please?” Sometimes he needed help remembering that they were years and years away from the time when Murdoc would fuck him and leave. Sometimes, after a scene like that, he felt too big for his skin and he just wanted to feel small for a while. 
Murdoc grumbled to himself, but Stu felt the bed dip as he settled back on it. “How about I take the ropes off, and we lay here for a bit. Just you, me, a couple of cans of warm beer and all this cu–”
“Shhhhhh,” 2D shushed, closing his eyes. “D’you ever shut up?”
“You love it, Bluebird.” And he did, he really, really did.
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our-smooty · 4 years
Opinions on avocado?
I just bought 2lbs of them. I eat them with some salt. I love avocados so much. I probably didn’t have one until I was like 16 because my mom just never bought them so it took my years and years to start buying them but now I do (when they aren’t stupid expensive) and its great!
I’ve actually been watching videos on how to propagate avocado seeds and grow my own tiny tree!
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our-smooty · 4 years
Murdoc getting mad 2D got ginger instead of some random ingredient for his satan rituals, and shoves it up his ass to show his displeasure. If you don't know what figging is I'd suggest looking it up. Murdoc is very startled.
I... this ask has been haunting me since you sent it. Who shoves the ginger up whose ass? Does Murdoc shove it up 2D’s or vice versa (very bad behaviour, do not condone)? Does one of them shove it up their own ass in anger? How angry does one need to be to shove ginger anywhere?? Was it peeled?? This ask is suffering from the same issue that happens to writers when writing about same-gender/pronoun pairs and I don’t even want to know the answer. Let this exist in a state of strange, never-to-be-answered content. 10/10 has occupied my brain for hours
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our-smooty · 4 years
2D acts protective of Murdoc sometimes. No one takes him seriously and Murdoc has to spare 2D the embarrassment by telling him he won't need any "protection."
OK this is cute because I imagine it going two ways. Murdoc tells 2D he doesn’t have to do that and wD being kinda hurt/embarrassed and feeling like he overstepped oooooor he goes all romantic and is like “I know I don’t need to but I wanna Muds”. I don’t know which one I like more...
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our-smooty · 4 years
Hi Smooty!! Sorry about your day, I hope you’re resting after all that
i’m watching videos and eating chips... so I guess? Took some advil too and I guess I’ll have to be more careful about taking my meds on an empty stomach, which is what made me vom probably. That or the fact it was 40 degrees Celcius in my city today. thank you <3 
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