#smooches u on the forehead ibuki asker anon (<- shall i go back and give you your own tag?)
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gontagokuhara · 6 months ago
Ibuki Asker has returned with a question that is Definitely not related to the plot of the fic in any way concievable.. does the world of Pointy Objects have their own version of Lore Olympus?? if so are any of the gods Aware of it.. Toko is the god of knowledge (if i remember right) so does that mean she would have to know?? that kinda leads into another question ive had but I’ll ask that later.. i think it would be very funny if Toko is just. forced to know everything about this story which most definitely mischaracters all of the gods and considering how messy all of their relationships seem to be with each other i would Love to see how they would be written by someone who knows basically Nothing about the Current Day Drama and instead only knows like. a Handful of old stories about them
this ask ended up being way longer than i thought it would be but i think it would be so funny .. also the new chapter is So Good oh my good i cant wait for the next one 💕💞
imagine my face getting this ask, going “ibuki anon!!”, opening google to identify i reference i don’t immediately recognize and getting violently reminded of the existence of lore olympus
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this is making me giggle actually. i have 0 cultural awareness of lore olympus and only know it from the #Haters but that’s enough for me to get silly OKAY
in pointy objects chihiro is the goddess of knowledge, and touko is the goddess of literature. however this distinction changes nothing about the premise of touko being forced to just Have and Live With the knowledge of any existing LO parallel within the pointy objects universe. i think some funny highlights of this (before syo goddess of wrath tracks the author down and puts them down for being too cringe) would include:
- relationships among the gods are presented as MUCH more heterosexual than reality. and it’s freak shit too. ooc izuru/junko dynamic throws hajime in there as some toxic hatefuck polycule when the two of them would both rather die. kazuichi and sonia’s “coparenting kiibo” drama gets turned into sexual tension when sonia blocked his number well before she ever kidnapped adopted kiibo. despite having comparable strength and potential for destruction as the rest of the big five, makoto gets woobified BAD.
- when gay couples Are represented they’re all bad lmfao. byakuya & mondo respectively abusing poor sweet innocent easily-manipulated makoto and taka (<- as if everyone doesn’t know it’s makoto and taka that are dogwalking byakuya + mondo 99% of the time). junmikan and sayakan depictions are fanservice bait and gross while other Observably Non-Abusive lesbian relationships are downsized to the background.
- fuck it. po!universe lore olympus equivalent is secretly ghostwritten by junko feeding delusions to an opportunist web artist. acting out all of her fantasies and doing things she knows will piss the others off. the rest of the big five are presented as her doting harem and her rivalry with makoto VASTLY overestimates the reciprocation of junko’s fixation and sexual tension. probably chooses someone she knows will do a dogshit job on purpose tbh that’s funny as fuck
- angie draws fanart once and hajime considers putting his head through a wall while nagito shakily compliments her artistic talents through gritted teeth. supportive dads at all costs (even if hajime has to ritualistically burn miu and kokichi’s [ironically] and kiibo’s [unironically] smuggled in copies)
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