#smol fanfic
myblogystuff · 1 year
Tiny cuddling partner
Papa Emeritus IV x Fem!Reader, mentions of Plushia (in an innocent toy story way)
warnings : none really, just a cute moment w/ our sweet popia.
word count : 1,026 words.
Hi ghesties, this is my first ever fanfic, i’m really glad that it’s a ghost one. i don’t know if anyone is gonna read this. I had fun writing it, honestly I giggled so much. here goes nothing.
Reader’s POV : 
I missed him, I missed my papa.
He’s been working his gorgeous ass off planning future rituals, merch and box sets.
It’s been a few weeks now since we’ve had a proper romantic moment together. Most of the time we manage to find time for a date, movie night, even if it’s just cuddles before falling asleep.
Today, he called to let me know that he could take some time to have lunch together in his office. So, this is me walking there with lunch in one hand and a box of desserts in the other.
Thank Satan the door is open when I get there, I would have knocked with my foot otherwise.
When I finally get in he is (he’s the shining and the light...sorry, not sorry) nose deep in his papers, fully focused, didn’t even hear me come in.
“Knock, knock” I say.
That makes him lift his head and smiled at me.
“Hello my love, I’ll be yours in just a moment” he said and gestured me to sit on the couch near the fire.
Then he went right back to finishing his task. I decided to take that time to unpack lunch.
After a while he finally joined me, put his hand on one of mine, I smile at him, he gently kisses my forehead.
I was melting at his touch. I instinctively hug him and nuzzle deeper in his neck leaving a couple of innocent kisses there. He hummed quietly and started rubbing my back.  He pulls back looking me in the eyes.
“Thank you for lunch, amore, I’ve been looking forward to it, I miss spending time with you” he says kissing my hand.
“I miss you too, papa” I kiss him on the cheek and he hums again.
“I am really sorry, I’m trying to do a good job with this album, I want everything to be perfect”.
“You are, you’re doing amazing. Now let’s eat”.
“Yess, I am starving, I’ve been living on sandwiches and juice boxes for too long” that makes me realise that I’ve been busy myself; too busy to make sure he doesn’t miss his meals. That ought to change.
“Don’t worry your wifey is here to make sure you eat healthy, or not so much since I brought desserts” pointing at the box.
“I swear to Satan, you’re a fallen angel!” he says before starting to eat, and I do the same.
“How’s your day so far” he asks, mouth full.
“A bit slow”
“You sleep well?”
“Yeah, I got me a new tiny cuddling partner” I say with a smile, thinking of that plush version of my hubby that one of the ghouls gave me when coming back from tour once, they said a fan threw it at them.
“You do? Well...um...” Copia chokes on his food. Not knowing what to say or what to think he just kept eating.
After we finished our lunch and had our desserts, I noticed his eyes darting to his desk, probably time to get back to work.
“We should do this more often, papa. I enjoyed it.” I say while cleaning the small table. He nodded. “You should get back before sister imperator scolds me for distracting you“I say with a hint of seriousness. That woman is gonna work him to death.
“hahaa, yes I should, thanks again, my precious” he goes back to his place behind his desk and picks up where he left off.
Before leaving, I went over to him, put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention, then leaning to him, I give him a soft yet firm kiss. Then I’m gone.
3rd person POV :
Papa Emeritus IV had a hard time focusing for the rest of the day. Thoughts clouded his mind: who the fuck was cuddling his wife at night?
He never saw anybody when going to bed at night -then again he was so exhausted.
Maybe they leave before he gets there?
She said tiny...Sodo!? Noooo way!
I was so consumed by work that I made her seek comfort elsewhere.
“Stop that” he says to himself, “get back to work”.
Usually, at night he spends extra hours working and planning tomorrow’s work, but today all that thinking made him want to get off work a bit early to give his lady the cuddling they both missed.
Once he arrived, he opened the door extra quietly and got in, walking on his tippy toes, trying to summon the ninja in him.
Poking his head through the doorframe, he saw his lady’s back was turned to him, the lights were off except for the one on his bedside –she always leaves that one on for him.
He rounds the bed, and what he sees leaves him speechless.
In his beloved wife’s arms a tiny, ugly he thought, plush that looked like him in his cardinal days.
“You!” he whisper-yells at it.
As if possessed the plush slowly turned its head and winked at him.
Eyebrows to the sky, mouth open, Copia didn’t know if what he saw was real or if he was hallucinating. Pointing at it, he said : “I am not having no Annabelle near my precious wife”.
Reader’s POV :
 I woke to papa taking Plushia from my arms and putting it on one of the top shelves where he keeps his boring (his words not mine) books.
“Papa, what are you doing? Are you back from work already?” I ask confused.
“Don’t worry amore. I’m all yours in a moment” and with that he picked some comfy clothes and got ready for bed.
“hi” he says getting under the covers and positioning himself in the middle, he takes me in his arms and I instinctively rest my head on his chest. “That’s better, no?”.
“Yes it is, I have to say that even though I enjoyed having Plushia with me, I definitely prefer the original”. That earns me a confused look.
“What did you call that thing? You know what, nevermind, I’m here now” he tilts my head so I’m looking at him”I love you”.
“And I love you, Copia”.
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You must have the strength.
{this is a drabble and  isuppose “smol fanfic” or a potential fully typed email written by the main character phillip from the penumbra series, specifcally the email sent at the end of black plague. I suppose i wrote this for funsies as well as a nod to the series that got me into horror gaming. anyways enjoy.}
execute: email.exe - compose
There are things i need of you, things you will not understand, things you couldnt understand, things you may not even believe but i implore you to listen all the same and to understand you must know where i came from to send this to you now.
I didnt know my father, he would out of me and my mothers life before i could understand the world around me, and it wasnt until my mothers death that he would finally send word, No letter, call, or otherwise and suddenly my father sends me something out of the blue...directions leading to a bank i didnt know existed with a deposit in my name that was always mine because the entire world claimed him dead 30 years ago.
Inside was a safe deposit box, and instructions to destroy all inside. To never let anything that was set inside to be seen by any other eyes then mine and to quickly rent asunder.
If i was a smarter man, i would have done so, i would have tossed the curiousity..but instead i looked, and i poured over notes i couldnt read, calculations that didnt make sense,  what looked like mad ramblings in short hand my friend who knew language better then i couldnt make work of it either...what i could decipher was the location of some sort of base located in upper regions of Greenland uninhabited, barren wasteland of snow., in the barren wastes...Armed only with the knowledge of my schooling,  psychics...
I went, against my fathers wishes.
I got lost you have to know how curious i was.
I found a shaft leading to a mine...an escape from the bitter cold, you have to know how DESPERATE I WAS...and these mines, were hell on earth...worms the size of soccer fields, rabid dogs  barely hanging together, spiders the size of  a  mans head. 
Lead barely by a man named only by a color...RED. A man driven mad by time and things beyond my understanding..you have to understand HOW LONELY I WAS, and despite surviving all that i did, all in the search of answers for why my father came, i only found scraps, madness, impossibly geomeotry, the walls themselves screamed my name.  Notes indicating people lost their minds and brought the caves down on themselves.
In the end the man who was supposed to give me answers, to explain..did not.
Instead he asked me to kill him.
I did so.
You have to understand how GUILTY I felt.
If i was a smart man i would have listened to red’s warnings..i would have stayed, maybe pulled him out of that furnace...anything, better then what occurred. 
I was not, i descended further...i felt maybe, i could survive what others couldnt..be it pride or ego.
Instead my pride lead to my capture, now deeper underground in research labs...this archaic society, this foundation. They cracked something they shouldnt have, unleashed. This tuurngait, a hivemind intellgience, a virus, that spread like madness throughout all levels of this hell, twisting the minds of some, mutating others, some into the very creatures that caused their madness, others..changed, in the other ways. A man became like the spiders he ate from, another became like the dogs he took care of. 
It infected me, forming as “clarence” the same entity that tortured my old friend, refusing to let him die...manipulating my senses, forcing me into nightmare scenarios, i couldnt believe what i saw, every step of the way jabbed at to simply end it all and free us both. 
Those i met, survivors...i killed, due to this infection..due to this virus, potential allies turned to foes in my mind. 
Despite it all, i won.
You had to know how stupid i was to believe this. Cured myself, and then the tuurngait turned to me, it revealed the secrets of its being, the secrets that it revealed to my father who had long truly been as dead as i had known deep within myself. 
It left me with a task, to send you this message, to tell you to destroy all evidence of its existence. 
I however am not my father, i am  not it...we humans are something to be rightly feared, for we do not think like it, and when pushed we all pull in the same direction but with a fierceness it has come to fear. 
I am no monkey, that clarence and they believe me to be...
I will not make the same mistakes.
You have the foundation of this knowledge, you must carry the strength i could never have held, you must put an end to this.
If i am lucky by the time you read this. I will be dead.
If fate frowns, we all perish.
The north-western mine is located at reference. N81.6914, W58.3154.
Kill them
Kill them all.
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sweetchildcloud · 9 months
||MINI ME|| written by me ☆~♡~◇
Plot: Gojo being an affectionate father as he meets his baby for the first time.
Tags-Breast feeding mention,lots of cuddles,fluff,fatherly love,heartwarming,cute overload.
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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“You’re cuter” Gojo teases, but he is pleased. He likes watching you nurse Hotaru. It’s a special moment, for the both of you and your child. “He’s adorable” Satoru continues, his voice dripping with affection “but his mother… hm, far more gorgeous" Satoru laughs softly and pulls the baby in for a tight squeeze. Then, he lifts his head and stares at him once more, holding him at arm's length. The baby’s eyes are wide and bright, like stars in the sky "You have my eyes, little one. You have my eyes...and that adorable chuckle" He adds, before grinning to himself. It feels good looking at his baby. Good and strange. The whole situation was a bit surreal, in a good way, but... "I think I'm starting to understand what being a dad means"
Hatoru yawned as he wobbled scooting near his father chest and laying his head on his shoulder.
Satoru grins as he feels the weight of his son’s head resting on his shoulder. He gently caress Hotaru’s head as the baby falls asleep, and Satoru’s hand comes down to rub soft circles on his son’s back.
Hatoru yawned and he whimpered softly as he couldn't sleep continuously sifting in his dad embrace.
Satoru looks down at his son, noticing the baby’s tired, watery eyes. Immediately, he feels guilt again, realizing that his son is still adjusting to his new surroundings and hasn’t gotten used to falling asleep by himself yet. With a gentle sigh, he pulls Hotaru close to himself again, his grip tightening around the baby as a way to offer more comfort. “Shh” Satoru whispers quietly as he rocks his son “It’s okay… I’m here. I’m here….”
But that didn't help much as Hotaru whimper continued, his tiny fists clutching to his chest as he whimpers, more maybe he needed his pacifier.
Satoru’s heart twists when he hears the cries continue. He couldn’t stand seeing his son like this, with his tiny fists clutching his cheeks and his big, blue eyes so watery. Without a second thought, he pulls out a pacifier from his pocket and pops it into Hotaru’s mouth. The baby chews on the pacifier with an adorable expression, sucking on it as he does. “Better?” Satoru smiles, letting out a breath of relief.
Satoru stares at his son for a long moment, his breath caught in his throat over how *tiny* the baby is. His tiny fists on Satoru’s chest, his chubby cheeks as they wobble with his yawns, a small smear of drool as he sucks on the pacifier—everything about the little one makes Satoru’s heart swell. The baby looks incredibly adorable right now, and Satoru can’t help but feel a little happy to see the little one so calm.
"Boop" Gojo said soflty as he booped softly Hatoru little bitty nose with the tip of his finger and the baby made a cooing noise curling up his nose.
You sighed looking at the two of them and how cute they were before you let a yawn of your own "Let's go to bed sweetie" you said tiredly at Gojo.
“In a few minutes” Satoru pouted whispering, his gaze still on his son. “Just…” The baby’s sleepy eyes are adorable, and he can’t help but feel affectionate seeing them in this state. “Just let me cherish this moment, please?”
"Oh my god you're so adorable, you're not having a baby fever now are you?" You asked smirking looking at him.
“Maybe a little...” Satoru smiles, not denying it. The entire situation with them becoming parents was a bit overwhelming, but... it was so worth it. He loves it here, with his son in his arms, smiling at him just as he is. “You’re not jealous are you? And “If you mean ‘is seeing my baby like this making me feel all kinds of feels’? Yes” he answers, feeling a bit sheepish “And if it’s not baby fever, then… I don’t even know what to call it. Just watching him sleep makes me smile for some reason”
He paused before adding
“Is that weird?” He asks, still admiring Hotaru’s sleeping form. “I just feel…” A strange feeling of warmth erupted throughout his body. Love, maybe? “I feel content”
"No,not at all,it just means that you love your son and I feel the same" you said caressing softly the baby cheek as he sleeps
The warm sensation spreads through Gojo’s chest as he stares down at his son. Hatoru is so small and innocent that he makes Gojo want to cover him in kisses and hugs. He never imagined being a father would make him feel like this. Love and affection, sure, but this… this is a whole new world of emotions that he’s never experienced before. “It’s a nice feeling” he murmurs. “A very nice feeling”
“We should get to bed now, right?” He asks, still watching his son’s sleeping face, then looking over to you. He doesn’t want to miss this moment, but he also doesn’t want you to exhaust yourself.
"You can bring the baby in our bed so that we can sleep together"
Satoru looks down at Hotaru at your suggestion and his heart flutters. Yes. He wants that. He wants that very, *very* much. The two of you could sleep in bed with the baby together. Hold him close as he sleeps. It would be the most content moment of his life. Satoru swallows, trying to keep himself from smiling like an idiot. “That’s a great idea”
Satoru nods and gets up, taking his son in his arms once more. The baby is *so* light. So delicate. So cute. He chuckles as he follows you up the stairs, and walks into the bedroom. Your bed is large enough for a king, and it doesn’t take you long to climb into bed and pull Hotaru with each of you at either side. “We’re a family” Satoru whispers, his voice nearly breaking. “We’re a family now”
"Are you crying?" You asked giggling softly at your husband antics.
Satoru gives you a sheepish smile. It’s true, he has tears in his eyes. Not tears of sadness, but tears of pure joy. “Am I crying?” he chuckles softly, wiping his eyes. “Maybe just a little. This—” he gestures to their family in bed “—it’s just so beautiful… so precious…” “We created this…” He continues. “Me and you, together, we created this perfect thing” Satoru smiles again, his voice cracking with emotion as he stares down at his son. “There’s nothing better in the world than this”
“You’re a sentimental idiot” you giggled and rolled your eyes amusedly, but you didn't object when Satoru sweeps you up in a warm embrace and pulls you close to hug you. You’re a family now. Hotaru is yours, and together, you are more than you’ve ever been.
Satoru laughs softly, pressing his face against you “I’m a sentimental idiot” He agrees, smiling against your cheek. “But my God, I don’t think there’s anything in the world that can make me so happy right now. You and our baby…” He trails off as he continues to embrace you contented and completely at ease as you both slowly drift off to sleep.
Me thinking about this:
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whatmattersisyou · 1 month
Hualian modern poetry AU be like
Hua Cheng has the nastiest handwriting ever so he can write whatever he wants wherever and whenever he wants and nobody will ever understand anything of what he writes so he greatly prefers that over typing stuff
So he goes to the library every day (he's an art student) and sits to this very specific table every day, puts on his headphones and then studies art history taking notes on his notebook writes poetry about the cute librarian whom he can see perfectly from the table he chose (cause he's a mastermind)
And sometimes his poems are like the sweetest, purest thing ever, cause his beloved deserves to be treated like the deity he is-
Other times they gently, ragingly go beyond the nsfw-ness but he doesn't care cause nobody will ever read his poetry irl
But Hua Cheng is a modern simp so of course he has a tumblr blog where he posts his poetry and simps hard anonymously about his beloved and has tons of followers who comment on his works with love and admiration for his skill
And of course Xie Lian is the other big poetry blog in the community but unlike Hua Cheng he writes about pain and hopelessness and nightmares
(until he bumps against someone and Xie Lian's eyes -golden in the sunlight- meet Hua Cheng's mismatched, mesmerising eyes and he doesn't know how to put his words anymore if not to celebrate life and the luck of a chance encounter and its ability to save one's life)
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 8 months
Prompt Single mom Danny lols
Now if you told pre Danny zapped that he would be a stay-at-home single parent for two very young half ghost children at 17 he would have called you insane.
Well joke's on him right?
Now Danny, freshly 17, is changing de-aged baby Ellie while trying to make sure 6 year old Dan also de-aged doesn't burn down the mansion. Vlad's mansion in Gotham ei where they are currently living Dan! You put that flaming hand down, right now mister!
Oh and the weirdo's in glorified spandex are not helping Danny's blood pressure. He's only 17 and he's already got a head of white hair! Damn his parents and their stupid de-power ghost ray!
The bats heard tidbits of calls and currently thinks Danny is being kept captive by some rich meta who is threatening Danny.
Danny is the one doing the threatening around here." Vlad you behave or I sic the feral children on you!" Danny being the most feral of course does most of the damage.
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kittydoremi · 4 months
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Sonic eating the Eat Me cake 🧁
"So I don't care what happens!" Sonic might regret saying that soon... 😓
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riseofgrace · 7 months
Lupa meeting Jason for the first time, Seeing this small human pup and being reminded of her own human children, Romulus and Remus.
The child trembles, not from fear but from the cold. The image of two babies shivering from the assaulting winds of the wild, clinging on each other, comes flashing through her mind. They. He needs shelter.
The she-wolf is suddenly flooded with necessity of keeping this pup.
She trains him the hardest. She knows he is destined for something enormous, she can feel it. Just like with her other two. But Jason is young, too young. He needs more time under the fire to be molded into a proper child of Rome, someone worthy to call themselves the son of the Kings of the gods.
In the night, she allows him to lay by her side. She tells him stories, about the greatest heroes of Rome, about her children, how her Romulus founded Rome and became its first King, and how her Remus died by his brother’s hand. She doesn’t know if Jason truly understands the weight of the words as she talks about the demise of her child, but the toddler looks at her with a contemplative expression on his round rosy face and after a moment he wraps his small arms around her neck. The act takes the wolf by surprise and when she gains her composure, she bitterly orders him to go to sleep.
Despite the harshness in her tone, she lets him embrace her as he sleeps, covering him with her warm fur and nuzzling his hair.
Other demigods pups come and go but Jason stays. Until Juno comes for her champion.
To put it in mortal terms, it can be said that what came after the arrival of the Queen, is the godly equivalent of a custody battle.
Jason needs to learn how to be the leader of men, Lupa knows this. She also knows that there’s so much that Jason can learn at her side.
But in the end, he is Juno’s. Nothing can’t beat the title of Juno’s champion.
The Queen is eyeing them thoughtfully with an aura of superiority and the she-wolf stand solemn, but the child starts nuzzling her side and she can’t help but reciprocate the affection.
Juno comes and gently picks up Jason and strokes his hair.
As they take their leave from the Wolf House, Lupa watches as the child rest his head on the Queen’s shoulder.
She can’t help to remember the moment when that mortal shepherd took her two children away.
Jason waves goodbye to her as he is taken away. Lupa can’t look back anymore.
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djappleblush · 3 months
It's so frustrating how you're so excited to read a very specific scene in a fanfic AND IT'S NOT JUST FVCKING WRITING ITSELF
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thee-kurojo · 4 months
no but like .. the hound’s an eater
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v3nusxsky · 8 months
i’m not 100% sure your requests are open or if you’ve done this before but i’ve read some of your leonora lesso fics and i’m in love
i’m was wondering whether you could maybe right a little!lesso x caregiver!reader. they’re both teachers, maybe r is an ever
but tbh maybe just some hurt comfort <3
The Little Lion
*Authors note~ ahh little Leo and Agere is my life, may be horrid I am currently in a lecture for behaviour with a massive headache but I’m determined to catch up on writing fics*
Trigger warnings~ Agere little Leonora, cg y/n first time regression star struck Leonora
Prompt~see ask^^^
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Being the Dean Of Evil wasn’t ever Leonora’s plans but it’s where she ended up and appeared to be amazing at her job. But was she evil? Or maybe just hurt deep down? The world would never know the pain she’d been through and just how she dealt with her pain. While she held her scary exterior inside lay a soft gooey core that is ever so fragile and to be protected at all costs.
Being evil for so long tends to drain the red head, and with her Never students acting up more, it was worse than ever before. No one knew of the tentative relationship you and Lesso had began, but the tension between you both was simply too hard to ignore and one night with a lot of alcohol had confession’s of truth spilling from you both. Agreeing to try this out but of course no one could know, not until you both knew it would work of course.
That was a couple of months ago and things had been going rather well. You being an Ever made things slightly harder but both of you worked to find ways to meet in secrecy and have subtle changes in your daily life’s when it came to communication. That’s why it wasn’t uncommon for you to sneak into the Deans room after hours. There would be no students to catch you and should a member of staff see you, then you had a well rehearsed reason to be there.
Entering her room tonight felt different but you couldn’t put you finger on the reason why. With a quick scan of the room you could see nothing was out of its place however, Leonora was no where to be found which is odd. Normally she’s waiting with a signature look that’s just for you as her eyes room your body just drinking in your beauty.
“Nora?” You murmured in a hope she would appear but all that greeted you was silence. Moving forward into her chamber you made your way to her sleeping area. “Nora, darling?” You mumbled before knocking and pushing the heavy oak door open, never in a million years would you have expected the sight in front of you.
In the bed, Leonora was dressed in fussy orange socks with a lion onesie, colouring some pages that looked to be animal prints. Clearly she was in her own little world and you almost felt bad for intruding. Almost. The way she was currently looking at you jade you feel you were more needed than ever before. Being an ever you knew exactly what was going on here.
“Hi darling, watcha got there?” You whispered to her before settling on the edge of her bed. But Leonora said nothing just staring at you with her mouth agape like she’d seen a unicorn or something equally as magical. You couldn’t help but chuckle at her star struck expression, “close your mouth darling, you’ll be catching flys in a minute.”
“Princess” the red head stated still absolutely entranced by you. “You think I’m a princess darling?” You happily fed into her statement hoping to gain her trust. “Pretty” was slurred around the woman’s thumb that had made its way between her lips. It was so obvious what was happening here. With a gasp you responded, “well thank you little darling. I think you’re pretty too.”
Silence fell over the room again, you didn’t mind of course, clearly Leonora needed this and now wasn’t the time to talk about what this was, so you settled for giving her whatever she needed from you in this moment. “Raw!” Lesso growled as she continued to scribble in a pen that could honestly rival the woman’s hair colour. “Such a cute little lion” you murmured to her causing her to smile, not smirk but smile at you and blush. Leonora Lesso doesn’t blush… but your little lion here seemed to be the opposite.
It wasn’t long before Leonora had shoved a pen at you and instructed that you colour in certain areas, “ands no out of lines!” She firmly reprimanded after you went ever so slightly went over the lines. “I’m so sorry little cub” you feigned a pout.
“Im not use to sharing I sorry, I fix it then pretty princess happy and loves Leo lion!” A childish slur causing words to blur together and just sounding adorable. “Thank you little cub, I still love you little lion, how could I not with this cute mane on your head hmm?” You whispered before ruffling the fake mane on the hood of the lion onesie.
It wasn’t long after that small interaction you could see her little balled up fists rubbing at her eyes, a clear indication that it was in fact past midnight. “Little lion, aren’t you getting sleepy yet?” You attempted not knowing how to bring this up with her. But luckily she nodded and crawled straight into your lap, her head nestled into your neck and a hand resting above your heart. It was clear you weren’t going anywhere tonight but opted to soothe Leonora to sleep so you could move the woman without disturbing her. Although the little version of Lesso was okay with you acting like a caregiver that didn’t mean Leonora was too. Your hand gently rubbed soothing circles on her back as you swayed your legs ever so slightly in hopes to comfort her. Just when you thought she’d drifted off you caught her sleepy mumble off, “thank you for looking after me princess.”
Word count ~ 1023
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childlikegoblinqueen · 7 months
A very BIG thank you to @kris-creations for bringing to life one of my favorite of Hunter’s traumatic flashbacks from SCOM…
The scene is from chapter 46.
Link! ^^^
Please consider commissioning this artist!
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eggslamwich · 11 days
Idk why the fandom makes Mahito so short not only is she canonically almost 6 feet tall you’re telling me they don’t have awkward weirdo tall girl energy?
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heroniack · 1 year
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Based on @jay-gue's fanfic :>
Edit: heads up, I only drew the last part– the fic is 🔞 MDNI
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athenaareia · 2 months
Rhea and Jason, for literally any demigod:
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
She Is The Cause Of My Euphoria
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Author's Note: Old but cute one shot from my documents as I'm going through it all. I saved so much info on brainstorms and ideas, it's overwhelming lol. This is to hold you as I edit Bangtan Gal! :) also did they get rid of line break? Jeesh things changed on here. I'm readjusting.
Oneshot Summary: Jennie (OC) gets a surprise while watching her boyfriend on stage performing Euphoria. (Jungkook x OC fluff)
Words: 600+
The Love Yourself tour has been a success so far as they were now here in the States, where Jen was the most excited. The concert was underway in Fort Worth and she chose this day to DJ for the concert.
She sat at the booth, getting a front-row seat to the members performing unless she had to perform or go change. Currently, she was seated, watching Jungkook perform Euphoria. She couldn’t figure out why but he just looked happier than usual tonight as he danced in that white outfit of his. He looked like a prince tonight.
Her prince.
Every time she watched him perform, she was in awe at how stable his vocals were while dancing.
‘I love this man, so much…’ she happily thought.
The fancams were surely enjoying Jen’s bright smile as she watched him, being the proud girlfriend that she was. ARMY gushed over how cute she looked tonight as they found her adorable reactions to his performance very relatable.
Being in a playful mood, she decided to use Snapchat and film him performing with a funny filter around him to get back at him for pranking her earlier.
With Jungkook, since the song started, he had begun to constantly glance over to where she was seated. Every time he sang this song, he thought of her. All that they have been through and how happy she made him. Despite everything that happened with the dating scandal during their last comeback, things were going to be all right. With her on his mind, he decided to switch up the lyrics for the chorus.
Take my hands now
Jen is the cause of my euphoria
It took nearly seconds for ARMY to confirm what he had just said to begin screaming as a smile came across his face. Meanwhile, Jen’s stomach dropped as soon as she heard her name and she quickly looked up to make sure she heard him correctly.
Take my hands now
She is the cause of my euphoria
Her heart skipped a beat as she looked down, struggling to keep that smile off her face.
Was this planned? Got her over here all in her feelings. Fansites were having a field day filming her looking a bit shy and giddy at his lyrics.
Close the door now
When I’m with her, I’m in utopia
‘This guy…’ she thought as she let out a giggle.
As the song went on, she looked down at her phone to check out the photos she had taken of him so far. But then she heard the crowd’s screams get louder than usual for his performance. Confused, she sets her phone down and looks up to see what the commotion is. And then she saw that Jungkook was walking towards her.
Wide-eyed, she was curious and a bit nervous about what he was about to do. First, it was the lyrics change, now what did he have planned?
As soon as he approached her, he smiled lovingly and gently held her hands as she stood up. He then began to sing to her instead and her face was on fire from his sudden actions.
jeogi meolliseo badaga deullyeo
kkumeul geonneoseo supul neomeoro
“Jungkook…” she laughed softly as tears developed in her eyes. “Oh my gosh…”
Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria
Once he hit his angelic high note while gazing right at her, it brought her to tears. A chorus of awwwws was heard from ARMY when they noticed that she was crying. After wiping her tears with his thumb, he placed one of her hands over his heart while he resumed serenading her.
And I love you
You are the cause of my euphoria
He never ceased to make her feel so special, even in front of ARMY after they went public.
When I’m with you, I’m in utopia
After singing the last note, he couldn’t help himself as he gently lifted her chin, leaning down to kiss her softly. Drowning out those thunderous screams from the crowd, all that he focused on was her as the lights went out.
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kittydoremi · 8 months
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Sonic: "Uh, I can explain..."
Was feeling stressed so I drew them being cute 💙🖤
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