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💚💙today is the anniversary of these two💙💚
they appeared in SN on a film reel together, on this day, in 2020.
#hello neighbor#hello guest#Smentin#quith#Quentin Gershowitz#ike Gershowitz#man in the hat#smith#disaster duo#fanart#fandom#video game#horror game
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Haven't been liking my art lately, so I wanted to put a lot of effort into something. And this is that something, lol. Went something more on model (minus my random headcanons, like Quentin's boots which are, for a lack of better words, cat toed. And of course, Smith's albinism.) Don't have much of a story here, looks that pale guy in the hat is studying a creature..
Sketch below!
#I COOKED dude#Might draw something lowkey next to take a break from this 8 hour project#hello neighbor#man in the hat#hello neighbor quentin#smentin#(if you squint)
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So it's almost 2025, huh? Well, happy new year! Redraw of this one picture... (2024, 2023 and 2022) I'm very grateful to all my followers and friends, I'm gonna also post results of the year or smth like this a bit later. The most attentive ppl may notice that this year Quentin's sweater is the same like on the other art that was made for sn skins contest. :3
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made a video about the history of shipping in HN.
got a special place for hater comments 👉🗑️
in short,idgaf about haters.
#hello neighbor#Theodore peterson#nicky roth#shipping#fandom culture#fandom#Youtube#smentin#quith#glued neighbors#neighbor x player#nxp
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average gay couple
#hello neighbor#man in the hat#smith#Quentin Gershowitz#ike gershowitz#hello guest#late night shift#smentin#quith
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Smith buying this for Quentin

Kiwi Pineapple Strawberry Raw Vegan Cake
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Names generated from Tolkienesque forenames and the Ayleidoon language dictionary
Ababageave Abaggeamed Ableg Ables Abola Achaur Aculd Adacalmor Adool Aelebad Afext Afredisesta Agaia Againgold Agods Alasecale Alated Alatu Alent Alialwë Allencanor Alortion Amery Ammathos Amrititeron Analleist Ancommely Andir Andocil Anith Anthrontack Aphron Arand Arappos Aravioutwel Arazôn Arderear Ardlic Arfin Argensigin Arinar Arknond Arlallach Armorl Arosser Aruteleed Asilaran Astuarelr Atereador Aushor Avends Azagammal...
Baalf Bagalls Baging Balar Balega Basousire Begnuinga Begor Beles Belesses Belethor Belfher Berch Betatare Blassë Bleng Boath Bofexil Bolasio Bomen Boodrane Borielmo Bottlebinst Brect Brelly Brine Bucanith Buleill Burotn Cably Calgrield Caliveded Cancang Candir Canduglan Casel Cavar Caver Ceenduil Celcalion Cendóminows Centenard Ceyse Chmariling Chmorous Chomel Chousir Comely Cothro Cothronel Curung Cuvwxyz Cyroneng Dadaphedrel Danuing Danyarfas Davarial Deanya Defin Delka Denstë Denwë Derans Dercivided Derulë Diron Discril Disul Disver Domiande Dormod Dorms Dortheldorn Duingaited Dwiki Déaganwë Déawn Díriptimari Edguagen Ehlnatanus Ehlnentes Ehtath Eisummal Elcho Elemintin Elfhijklmo Elmory Emeren Emilandill Engas Essirieth Eting Exame Exilrola Extris Eyedir Eärecon Eärwelim Falebor Falwatur Farazond Ferdild Ferethelin Findarar Fisecaur Foara Foatta Folair Foria Formormo Frenialdo Frestë Frobar Fréage Gants Ganumbia Garing Garon Gastar Gastern Genses Ghtakin Ghtand Gicknor Gifin Gilower Gimeaviond Gimragas Giryon Gloggend Goldamro Goldave Golya Grang Greeda Grossit Gríancir Grímacil Guarpel Gummuns Gwateredicy Hadorie Haldawele Hamelds Hamies Hathen Hatted Heldildacur Herspagu Hesui Hirefand Hisup Homer Horder Horik Howena Hunaia Hypendo Húrilve Húring Ilron Impellorn Imron Imulwë Imuzzle Inamm Instion Irion Isnobis Iterrection Jarin Jarstorime Joiondon Kniel Kílin Labcdefan Lageceys Laleidrag Lancey Larlalas Larma Larmaláf Laryaty Lasea Lasinda Lasion Latacancts Latheor Lengual Letherod Limalin Limered Linend Lingulagatu Lizess Loadae Loammar Lognus Lored Lorolarrya Lorwea Loterd Luchow Lyeisveach Mably Magailip Maganden Maghtar Mahancrip Malimphavoy Malmord Manalas Mandamel Mandis Mansel Marel Maria Marinifuil Marthôr Matatater Mendoods Menena Merion Mersparë Mindorda Mined Miner Modefaling Morli Moronar Mírihaely Naddefoath Nander Natuold Niaratirout Nines Nontaraphel Nontarla Nophereawne Norianane Norotasta Nothrods Nothôn Nowilphil Numbi Nyandis Nyanown Objecrect Oblown Offinfol Offix Ordabulared Oringa Orions Osepen Ostine Ostion Ournagor Pagraselend Panuirry Pastrunabom Pealorin Pearn Peauglin Pelural Penimlite Perfind Phriellog Piukan Plais Plavoy Plumal Pokil Posed Posight Possivead Poweemnald Pregelmal Rationterel Raved Refghânbutu Relatana Relegel Reluirya Retteriën Ridor Rithend Rodenscrest Rumbis Ríman Saegondis Saurundrod Sclur Scome Scrind Secuvor Selessivey Selia Seluent Septs Shabarun Shielemed Sibladject Siderwent Sigaing Silimonling Siluma Singor Sitelfher Smaya Smentin Souglarman Sound Southly Sparcts Spattlemes Stret Suagoldo Sundo Suposmald Symply Tagalicest Talegar Tamatu Tants Taratin Tarinianna Tarmes Tarth Tated Telipt Tenytted Teriharmar Thectir Theron Thisis Thoster Throl Tiori Tontedly Trandia Trazogge Treded Trinks Tummagorsae Tuvoy Tworinduron Uglughtya Ultheon Umataramen Unbost Uncir Undorn Uneet Uneri Ungal Unúmer Uorannal Useneenne Vachan Valbervaian Valiarya Varaseen Varcil Vardam Vards Varfinas Varfinzimë Varibur Varinguen Vartholds Varthor Vartz Varve Veround Verstelber Vowlegols Watattless Wathavinyil Wathout Wayll Weadjecells Wendic Wendii Werfindori Worlyed Worod Yávinqueng Yávis Zilge Éommalavead Éoricient
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#hello guest#hello neighbor#hello guest man in the hat#hello guest smith#hello guest quentin#ike gershowitz#quentin gershowitz#smentin#sticker
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#WHO MADE THIS#I dropped the phone lmao#Smentin#Meme#Hello guest#Hello neighbor#Hello neighbor 2#ike gershowitz#Quentin gershowitz#Man in the hat#Smith
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Smentin month...💙💚
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Hastily made smentin to celebrate their anniversary.
#hello neighbor#hello neighbor quentin#hello neighbor fanart#man in the hat#pardon the lineart. I just wanted to make this rq. Enjoy.#smentin
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Haven't posted any renders for a while, damn
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oh, to be a shipper.
yknow. there are those "thin tall character with shorter strong / chubbier companion" trope.

these! examples are dakavendish or mcfisteroy. or even Neighbor x Player (depends on fanon height)
you usually know what's the drill with the dynamics and the roles in these ships. smaller / muscled / chubbier one gives all of the love for the taller one, who gladly receives it.
and then there's the absolute fuckup of a similar ship:

and it's Smentin. tall thin man and chubby man. here, triangle and circle shape. and while you'd think it works similarly to the ones above, there's a twist in personality which overwrites the roles of the ship. tall thin man being the dominant / leading one, and the chubby being his other half, the companion, who loves to receive the love his other half gives him, when noone is seeing them. (otherwise they're shy)
I love all of these ships a lot.
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Since it's their month
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