madscientist008 · 1 year
How AI is Making Bengaluru Mysuru Expressway Safer and Smarter
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Hello, Tumblr users! Welcome to our weekly newsletter, where we share some of the latest and most interesting news from around the world. This week, we have a story about how artificial intelligence is being used to tackle speeding on one of India’s busiest highways.
The Bengaluru Mysuru Expressway is a 118.6-km-long highway that connects the two major cities of Karnataka state in southern India. It was inaugurated in 2021 and has been a boon for commuters, tourists, and businesses. However, it has also been a hotspot for accidents, as many drivers tend to ignore the speed limits and lane discipline rules on the expressway.
To address this problem, the police department has installed artificial intelligence-based cameras on the highway, which can capture the number plates of speeding vehicles and generate e-challans (electronic fines) that are sent to the violators’ addresses. The cameras are also capable of detecting other traffic violations, such as driving in the wrong direction, drunken driving, and lane cutting.
The ADGP (Additional Director General of Police) Alok Kumar said that the AI-based cameras had been deployed on a trial basis and that an Intelligent Traffic Management System would be introduced in Mysuru soon. He also said that the speed limit for vehicles using the expressway had been set at 100 km per hour on the right lane, 80 km per hour on the middle lane, and 60 km per hour on the left lane, as per a recent Chennai High Court order.
The police department has also started distributing pamphlets and making announcements at the starting point of the expressway in Mysuru to educate the motorists about the traffic rules and safety measures to be followed on the expressway. The ADGP said that he had identified at least 20 to 25 places on the expressway that were prone to accidents or were posing a problem for the villagers due to the absence of foot overbridges and other facilities. He said that the NHAI (National Highways Authority of India) had invited tenders for crash barriers, foot overbridges, bus shelters, toilets, and proper entry and exit points on the expressway.
The ADGP also warned that if any major accident occurred on the expressway due to negligence or non-compliance of safety norms by the NHAI or the motorists, they would be held accountable and booked under relevant sections of the law.
This is an example of how artificial intelligence can be used to improve road safety and reduce fatalities. We hope that this initiative will inspire other states and countries to adopt similar measures and make their highways safer and smarter.
What do you think about this story? Do you have any suggestions or feedback for improving road safety in your area? Let us know in the comments below!
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Effective Strategies and Technologies for Road Safety
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clgnuza · 4 years
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#Ulaşım | Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanı Karaismailoğlu: Tüm ulaşım modlarında veri… #Ulaşım | Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanı Karaismailoğlu: Tüm ulaşım modlarında verimli, güvenli, etkin, yenilikçi, dinamik, çevreci, katma değer sağlayan ve sürdürülebilir akıllı ulaşım sistemlerinin geçiş sürecini hızlandıracağız. #akıllıyol #çevre #teknoloji #smartroad Haber Detayı by Finans Kahvesi
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cottonfreakz · 4 years
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Electreon Wireless' electric roads in Tel Aviv to charge cars on the go
Israeli startup Electreon Wireless aims to create and build the first electric city road in the world, with their demo project in Tel Aviv. It will form a 2km (1.2 mile) stretch between the Tel Aviv University and their main train station. the concept itself enables EVs to charge while driving, ensuring energy can be fuelled on the go and range is maximized. This is said to be especially important when electric vehicles become fully autonomous.
The demo in tel aviv follows Electreon Wireless’ successful test charge of a Renault Zoe in 2019 as well as an electric truck and trailer in Sweden in mid-2020. The latter is part of Smartroad Gotland, where, by november 2020, copper coils will be laid across 2.5 miles of road on the Swedish island. It will support an airport shuttle service. The coils transmit energy wirelessly to a receiver under the EV, and two-thirds of a mile of road can be laid overnight.
electreon – their dynamic wireless charging concept
A similar plan is set for tel aviv in mid-august 2020. originally, 1km (0.6 miles) of charging coils were to embedded into the roads but now this has been increased to 2km (1.2 miles). the new plan is with the aim of continuing the electric road from the university to the train station and then on a further route around the city.
Renault Zoe inductively charging test in 2019
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arincrumley · 5 years
Is it really possible? Well it’s already happening. In this video you see a small container of #carbonfiber that was extracted from the #co2 in the atmosphere around the #washingtondc area. This is a long way from solving the #climatecrisis and reducing the #heatwave, #wildfire, #tornado and other #naturaldisasters scientists have attributed to #globalwarming but it’s a start. And it shows that the what is really key now is commercialization. Or all governments agreeing to put tax payers money into the effort. But that process is likely too slow. To the extent it can happen, great, but if it’s possible to ignite an economic engine where the incentive is to remove more co2 then that is likely the best bet. I’m ready right now to start making our skateboards utilizing #capturedCO2 but there aren’t any companies I can buy that material from. #stuartlicht is working on it as part of #carbonxprize and #brentrconstantz from #stanford has a company called #blueplanetltd who might be able to provide materials that could be used for making #smartroads and #protectedbikelanes using their unique process that produces a #carbonnegative product. #instagram is a daily habit for so many people which is why I’m having this conversation here. If you are reading this send me a message with a thumbs up. And if I should move this discussion elsewhere I’m up for suggestions. (This video is public domain for anyone to use... all footage and music is royalty free.) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGXKAShM1E/?igshid=nmiglx93rqze
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asc27 · 2 years
Demodays 2022 | Open Italy Elis
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Ieri, 5 Maggio, ASC27 ha preso parte al Demoday 2022 di OPEN ITALY che si è tenuto a Roma nella splendida location di Spazio 900. Grazie al programma Open & Collaborative Innovation di ELIS abbiamo parlato di #SmartCity, #SmartMobility, #SmartRoads e di #AI di fronte ad una platea di realtà importanti ed interessanti del panorama italiano. Abbiamo parlato di #SafePeople e di #Qnetic, assieme a tutte le loro possibili applicazioni. Il filo conduttore dell’evento è stata l’Innovazione come chiave d’impatto e noi di Asc27 come sempre eravamo pronti in prima linea a raccontare dell’ Innovazione a cui lavoriamo ogni giono instancabilmente. Tutto questo in presenza, dopo tanti mesi di collegamenti da remoto! Grazie a #OpenInnovation e #OpenItalyELIS per la bellissima esperienza!
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nihaozin · 5 years
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@comistaken: https://t.co/9EoZ7GTLFu is open for offers #roadsdata #data #roads #ConnectedCar #IoTsecurity #IoT #selfdriving #SelfDrivingCars #smartroad #CloudComputing #connected #energy #driverless #Navigation #future #blockchain #automation #ConnectedDevices #opendata #data #smartcity #op
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lavoripubblici · 6 years
Parere positivo alla prima domanda di autorizzazione alla sperimentazione di veicoli a guida autonoma su strade pubbliche #smartroad
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nibteducation-blog · 7 years
Despite the profuse technological enhancement made to the vehicles, mobiles, and cars, we see meager developments to the bitumen roads. There are myriad things that can be carried out on the smart roads which help in innovating and reconstructing the driving experience when it comes to road safety. The masterminds in this sector are trying hard to improve driving experience by innovating various ideas like to use roads to store solar energy from the sun directly and transfer that energy into electricity for homes.
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sabkuchgyan · 5 years
कैसा होने वाला है स्मार्ट सड़कों का भविष्य, सफल होगा यह नहीं
कैसा होने वाला है स्मार्ट सड़कों का भविष्य, सफल होगा यह नहीं #SmartRoads #FutureRoads
अमेरिका में स्मार्ट रोड बनाने के आईडिया को द रे नाम दिया। जो वर्तमान सड़क परावर्तकों(रिफ्लेक्टर) में सुधार करते हैं। सौर ऊर्जा से चलने वाली ये रोशनी ड्राइवरों को अलग-अलग संदेश देने के लिए अलग-अलग रंगों में रोशन करने में सक्षम होगी, जैसे कि आगामी जंक्शन या खतरनाक स्थितियां में।
SBI बैंक में निकली 10th-12th के लिए क्लर्क भर्ती- लास्ट डेट : 26 जनवरी 2020
दिल्ली पुलिस नौकरियां 2019: 649 हेड…
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transportemx · 5 years
Esta será la primera carreterra equipada con recarga
Esta será la primera carreterra equipada con recarga
Arranca la construcción del primer tramo de prueba de carretera eléctrica sueca dotada de un sistema de recarga dinámica por inducción.
Smartroad Gotland es un proyecto piloto que servirá como base demostrativade las futuras redes de carga inductiva a gran escala. El tramo de prueba de la…
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roadwatcheu · 5 years
Suecia comienza a construir la primera carretera capaz de cargar vehículos eléctricos por inducción
Suecia comienza a construir la primera carretera capaz de cargar vehículos eléctricos por inducción
Una carretera que recarga vehículos eléctricos por inducción: esta es la carta de presentación del proyecto piloto SmartRoad Gotland, que está siendo desarrollado en la isla de Gotland (Suecia) y cuya construcción arrancaba la semana pasada. Otra propuesta más que busca demostrar que la electromovilidad tiene muchas soluciones posibles.
Este nuevo proyecto, financiado por la Administración de…
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instapicsil3 · 7 years
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We shot this spot for the @iltollway when it was warm! This week you can check out the final product on my FB. #smartroad #ILtollway #illinoistollway #I90 #PSA http://ift.tt/2FeL37n
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nihaozin · 6 years
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@wiomax_cn: RT @comistaken: https://t.co/9EoZ7GTLFu is open for offers #roadsdata #data #roads #ConnectedCar #IoTsecurity #IoT #selfdriving #SelfDrivingCars #smartroad #CloudComputing #connected #energy #driverless #Navigation #future #blockchain #automation #ConnectedDevices #opendata #data #smartcity #op
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purpleavenuecupcake · 7 years
Smartroad Anas investe 30 milioni di euro per un innovativo design della Smart Road
Oggi in Gazzetta Ufficiale la gara d’appalto, con procedura di Accordo Quadro, per la fornitura di elementi estetico-funzionali Prosegue l’impegno di Anas per caratterizzare le strade Smart. Anas ha infatti pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di oggi, 22 dicembre, un bando di gara telematico, del valore di 30 milioni di euro, per una procedura di “Accordo Quadro relativa alla fornitura di elementi funzionali secondo standard Anas per la Smart Road”. Sull’importante progetto, tra i primi a livello internazionale che interessa oltre 2.500 km di strade e autostrade su tutto il territorio nazionale, Anas ha già pubblicato bandi di gara per 160 milioni di euro destinati ad interventi sulla A2 Autostrada del Mediterraneo, sulla A90 Grande Raccordo Anulare di Roma, sull’Autostrada A91 Roma-Fiumicino, sull’itinerario “Orte-Mestre” della E45 ed E55, sull’Autostrada A19 “Palermo-Catania” e sulla RA15 Tangenziale di Catania ed altre strade di primaria importanza. A breve sarà aggiudicata la gara relativa all’Autostrada A2 del Mediterraneo, in modo da far partire i lavori entro il primo trimestre del 2018. Inoltre, per le autostrade A90 Grande Raccordo Anulare di Roma e A91 Roma-Fiumicino, sono in corso di valutazione le offerte pervenute e si prevede di chiudere la gara entro il primo semestre 2018. Smart Road è un insieme di infrastrutture tecnologiche che puntano alla sostenibilità e all’innalzamento della sicurezza e della fruibilità delle strade attraverso la Digital Transformation, ovvero un processo dinamico che realizza servizi e soluzioni. Alla base del processo è posta la realizzazione di innovative infrastrutture abilitanti per la realizzazione di innumerevoli funzioni e per l’erogazione di servizi che rispondano alle moderne esigenze dell’utente della strada Il conducente che percorrerà le strade Smart sarà informato in tempo reale sulle condizioni della stesse. Tutto ciò sarà possibile grazie a sistemi di connessione radio, come il Wi-Fi `in motion` che permetterà una continuità del segnale ai veicoli in movimento. Il progetto prevede anche il nuovo standard ITS G5 che favorirà la diffusione delle auto a guida autonoma e lo sviluppo di servizi orientati al `dialogo` veicolo - infrastruttura e tra i veicoli stessi (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure e Vehicle-to-Vehicle). Il bando pubblicato oggi ha lo scopo di valorizzare dal punto di vista architettonico e funzionale gli elementi strutturali di supporto alle tecnologie su strada per una chiara identità e connotazione della Smart Road Anas. Il design innovativo è il frutto della collaborazione con una eccellenza italiana di chiara fama internazionale, ovvero lo studio di progettazione e innovazione Carlo Ratti Associati (CRA), diretto da Carlo Ratti, professore al Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) di Boston. Le aziende interessate dovranno consegnare la domanda di partecipazione, esclusivamente in formato elettronico, sul Portale Acquisti Anas (https://acquisti.stradeanas.it) entro le ore 12.00 del 9 febbraio 2018. Per informazioni dettagliate su tutti i bandi di gara è possibile consultare il sito internet www.stradeanas.it Read the full article
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tristlogan-blog · 8 years
Top 3 Players for our StartUp
On that day, we were given a task to know the 3 top players for our chosen topic, having that being said, we had a very hard time because there are many problems we are currently facing not just for our self but the community as well, but since we chose to help and solve problems for our community we came up with.. SmartRoads Application       The use of sensors to determine the corrosion of such building and infrastructure, to make sure the building is monitor in any conditions. Vehicle Traffic Monitoring       This Helps detect the car from a distance for safer ride on the road. Noise Urban Maps        To safeguard the people who will live and work in new building developments and to protect people who already live in an area from noisy new developments.
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