#smart tv development
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karthiccdnims · 11 months ago
Handling mouse events in Tizen TV is one of the awesome ways to enable user interaction with your smart TV applications. Tizen TV provides various ways of user interactions via various channels like keyboard, mouse, remote, gesture etc. Enabling user interactions in TV applications is one of the way to make the application more useful. This article covers how we can use the Tizen TV SDK to handle the mouse interactions in Tizen TV applications. It shows the steps needed to enable the mouse support and also has sample code that shows exactly how the mouse events handling is done. 
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feelingtheaster99 · 1 year ago
Not Luke referring to Percabeth as an old married couple 🤣
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dinosaurwithablog · 7 months ago
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I used my thin little phone to take a picture of a huge camera from the 50s. Ironic, huh? These phones are so much easier to use, but I find that the old fashioned camera that Della Reese is holding makes me happy. It's bulky and cumbersome, but it has character. I like them both, but I can put my phone in my pocket so I guess it wins. I still have a Pentax K1000. When I go buy film for it or get film developed, I get some strange looks. It's okay. Being a dinosaur, I get those looks a lot. 🦖 😁
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officialkumarsonu44 · 7 months ago
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hummusgrilll1 · 1 year ago
Contribution of Android TV Apps in Revolutionizing Television Industry
There is no doubt Android TV apps have emerged as more important in the world. This revolutionized technology has not only changed the way we consume content but has also change the television experience for users. With a different type of content, and user-friendly interfaces, Android TV app development is really revolutionizing in television industry.
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dandelionsprout42 · 1 year ago
When I see the "remote" "controls" that are included with supposedly supersmart TVs Samsung are selling these days, the remotes feel and look like they were designed for babies and retirement homes.
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The designers of these "remotes" must've had an extremely condescending view of their own customers, even more than me or the Minnesota flag committee. They genuinely seem to think "So, so, little baby child, no need to worry about a source button or a Settings button. No need to worry your simple baby minds with such advanced concepts that you wouldn't understand anyway."
If the Samsung company thinks their own customers are morons who can't be trusted to hold a tablespoon to eat their porridges, then shame on them.
Buy third-party remotes instead. This one is a pretty good one. (One for All URC 4910, around 25~30€).
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solviostechnology · 1 year ago
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grateful to live in a time where almost every room has an appliance where i can easily play my favourite music on
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karthiccdnims · 1 year ago
Handling remote key events in Tizen TV
Explore the nuances of handling Tizen TV remote key events with additional options for a smoother app experience. From registering multiple keys in batches to understanding double action keys and default handled keys, this guide covers essential insights for developers aiming to enhance user interaction on Tizen TVs. This article also covers about the various remote types in Tizen TV and the associated key codes.
Dive into the details here: https://thehiddendeveloper.com/additional-options-in-handling-tizen-tv-remote-key-events/
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electronalytics · 2 years ago
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The choice between wearable devices and smartphone apps depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user. For more information, you can read this blog about features may prefer a smartphone app.
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ms-demeanor · 2 months ago
My mom has gone full on Youtube Woo "natural cures" and I have no idea how to get through to her. Literally sitting at home in front of the tv playing video after video of pseudoscientific bunk and lapping it up... She's diabetic and a cancer survivor and I fear she's gonna do irreparable damage in her forays into the deep end...
Do you have any tips on reaching folks that are in this deep?
Regular reinforcement of evidence-based medicine as kind as you can make it whenever it comes up.
"Oh I heard about this coffee enema thing..." "There's not really any evidence to back that up, mom, and besides, it sounds pretty unpleasant."
"Oh I heard about how nightshades are poison" "That book doesn't have a lot of great evidence, plus here are the kinds of micronutrients that you can get from nightshades, they're important in your diet."
"Oh I'm not sure about vaccines anymore, the new ones are so scary" "Mom, I'm so glad you got me vaccinated, I think about how kids younger than me are at risk of measles and other issues because of vaccine hesitancy and I worry so much for them, I think you made the right decision when I was a kid and I'm grateful for it."
"Oh, but fluoride in the water can cause IQ losses in young children," "Mom, those studies aren't in areas where fluoride is added, they're in areas where it's naturally high and are way, way above what gets added here, plus look at you and me, we have been drinking fluoridated water and we're both smart."
IDK, it's miserable. Basically you go on natural news and learn about all the lies, then spend twenty times as much time learning about the debunkings for all the lies and then try to be nice when you tell them they're wrong.
Since your mom has had previous successful treatment from allopathic doctors call back to that; "but mom I'm so glad they were able to take care of your cancer - I know it was hard but I think you might not have survived if you hadn't trusted your doctors." "but mom, look at how much the medical science on diabetes has improved in your lifetime; i'm glad it's easier to manage now than it was when you were younger, and that there are better treatments being developed all the time; I don't think they're hiding things from us otherwise they'd still treat diabetes and cancer like they did in the 50s, and things are so much better than that."
Just. Try to be nice. Try not to attack her. Try to keep it light and offer cheerful arguments before changing the subject.
You don't want her to get defensive, you want her to consider you to be someone she can ask for information who won't make fun of her and doesn't think she's stupid.
Anyway. Life with my mother in law has been fun recently. She watched a youtube video and decided she must have gone into ketosis after fasting for twelve hours so she ordered a bunch of protein strips and I'm cooking for her a few times a week to guarantee that she's eating something other than canned chili beans.
So. You know. I feel you.
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april · 1 year ago
TVs and monitors are separate species with common features, but which features these are have drastically changed over time. the two used to be similar sizes with very similar behaviour, and were differentiated primarily by which connection ports they had.
over time, their courses of evolution brought them closer together in that regard, with both species' survival becoming contingent on how well they could digest HDMI. as their analogue prey, such as VGA and Component, died out, the two display species were faced with the same choice: adapt, or die.
despite this newfound similarity, though, the two species still fill different ecological niches, and the way they adapted to these new environmental situations resulted in further physical distinction in other areas. for example, it is now almost impossible to find a modern TV that is a comparable size to a monitor; while the modern monitor is still limited in dimensions by the desktops where it prefers to nest, the modern TV has an almost unbounded adult size.
another strange new differentiation is that the TV seems to have developed a dependence on internet connectivity and software updates. while this benefits them in the short term, having more selling points than a monitor at first glance, it is working against them in the long-term, with each one's effective lifespan being cut dramatically.
the "dumb TV" that, quite intelligently, does not have any big software features, is nearing extinction, with very few members still producing offspring. and while we may feel sorrow for these displays, it is only natural that they are dying off - they are simply being outcompeted by the once-humble monitor. at the same size, and without the advantage of a wider variety of ports, the dumb TV cannot keep up with the monitor's much more refined adaptations for the same niche.
however, one mystery remains: why did the dumb TV never grow to the same impressive dimensions as its smart siblings? some observations suggests that the larger smart TVs have become overly territorial as a result of their decreased longevity, to the point that they will kill an infant dumb TV if they feel that it could grow to compete with them. it seems cruel to us, but in the wild, it's all a matter of survival. if you win the evolutionary race - you fight to keep first place.
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mytheoristavenue · 5 months ago
MHA Shoto Todoroki x Reader 🍋 - Ice Cold
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Kinktober 2024 - VII
Temperature play + Praise
Summary: You and Shoto have been going through a rough patch recently. It's not easy coping with being a civilian with a pro-hero husband! But after a mission goes sideways, he realizes there are so many better things he could be doing with you, other than giving you the cold shoulder.
Warnings: Temp play, overstim, praise, angst, fluff, slow/soft sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Dedicated to my best friend @emokeyls
You lay there, cold in your bed, the news playing on the TV in your bedroom. You wished you could ignore the report and go to sleep but your worried heart wouldn't allow it. On the illuminated screen, a well-dressed man spoke solemnly into an oversized microphone, detailing the events unfolding at the scene behind him.
'This just in: A bank heist gone wrong that is rapidly turning into a hostage situation. Pro heroes Shoto and Cellophane have arrived on the scene with many more on the way, but it seems that the former has been subdued and added to the list of hostages. More to come as the story develops.'
You hated his part of being married to a hero, the worrying, the nights his absence kept you awake. It wasn't as if he deserved your concern with how he'd been icing you out lately, but you just couldn't help it. Finally, you rolled over, scoffing as you switched off the TV. He'd be fine, he always was, so why worry yourself to death over it?
Little did you know that this time was much different. Your husband was not at all fine. He was actually terrified. Being so easily subdued by such low-level criminals had he petrified, realizing no matter how strong he is, he isn't invisible- not by a long shot.
He'd gotten careless, with his career and with you. Suddenly, he was recalling every cold he'd ever said to you, every time he'd shut you out. Before this day, he had even caught himself wondering if he had made a mistake in marrying you as you both seemed so at odds with the other. He couldn't have been more wrong.
Todoroki was still shaken when he left the agency, having just finished the reports for the incident after it was resolved. Sero, his good friend had seen the change in his mood and thankfully ushered him out the door, thinking that he was upset for being captured. That was particularly true, but mostly, he was just eager to get home to you and make things right.
You slept restlessly in your shared bed, totally unaware of the man creeping into your bedroom. He smiled down at you softly, noting that it was no longer late at night, but early in the morning. Because of this, he'd stopped at a corner store and picked you up a light breakfast and a single rose- all the place had to offer.
You were finally roused by chilling kisses on the back of your neck as he slipped into bed with you, nuzzling up to you from behind. In your sleepy, irritated daze, you pushed him away, popping off with a smart remark. "Nice of you to join me for once."
Todoroki furrowed his brows in frustration but calmed himself before replying. "Baby, please don't be like that, it's been a long night..." He muttered softly, rubbing circles on your tummy. "I'm trying to be nice..."
You scoffed, swatting his hand away. "Oh, now you want to be nice? Only when I'm mad at you?"
"It's not like that," He sighed, backing off a bit. "Look, I missed you, I don't want to fight anymore..." He soothed, rubbing up and down the length of your arm.
"You don't care about the fight, you only care about making up." You mumble bitterly. Finally, he took his hand off you and scooted away.
"Don't say that, it isn't true." He said sternly, beginning to lose the feeling he had when he came home. "I hate it when we fight, but it feels like that's all we do now. That's not why I married you."
"Well," You sniffled, rolled over away from him. "Maybe we should just-"
"Don't even." He warned, killing the words on your lips. "Don't even think that, okay?" He softened, swallowing his pride and turning towards you, wrapping you up in a warm embrace. "I'll never agree to that, I want you forever, baby." He cooed, pressing icy kisses to your scalp. "I do care about why we're fighting and I'll do anything to fix it. You want to go to couples counseling? I'll pay for it."
Try as you might, you couldn't resist melting at his sweetness. "You can yell at me, tell me I'm the problem, whatever you want..." He murmured into your ear, kissing the shell of it with a wintergreen breath. "Just... do it tomorrow, okay? Tonight, just let's focus on not being mad anymore..."
"J-Just like that, baby, yeah..." Todoroki cooed, keeping you caged in his arms, pinning your knees against your collarbone as he leaned forward, dipping down to plant a searing kiss on your lips. You rolled your head away from him, weakly trying to resist him, despite having cooperated this far. You weren't going to let him off the hook so easily.
"C-C'mon, don't pout, kiss me." He sighed, trembling as he pushed into you, easing in until your outer core pressed against his abdomen. You ignored his pleas for attention, despite feeling blissfully full. "Fine, be that way." He smirked, dipping his left hand between the two of you, letting frost cover his fingertips before pressing them to your clit, rubbing languid circles on it.
He reveled in your reaction, gasping softly and rolling your hips against him. "There's my pretty girl..." He chuckled, dipping his head down to your chest, blowing a frosty breath over you. He smiled with pride, watching your nipples perk against the cold air. "If you won't kiss me, then I'll just have to kiss you instead, won't I?"
With that, he began peppering your breasts and sternum with icy kisses, his hips lazily rolling into yours. Finally, his lips trailed up the curvature of one of your breasts, his tongue darting out from behind his lips which were slightly tinted blue. In contrast to the cold of his lips, his tongue was hot, defrosting your prickled flesh as it swirled around the peak.
"You still mad at me, baby?" He asked softly with a knowing smile, heterochromatic eys peering up at you.
You'd forgotten you were eve mad, let alone why. You just couldn't resist his tenderness, melting every time he displayed it. "N-No..." You admitted softly.
"Good, I love you, baby..." He cooed, closing his mouth around your overstimulated bud, teeth bumping against it carefully. "Breaks my heart when you're mad at me, know that?"
"I-I love you too..." You whimper, arching into him, feeling that familiar knot begin to tighten in your lower belly. "F-Faster..." You beg, rolling your hips a bit more insistently now.
"Anything for you..." He replied, pulling upwards to straighten his back, focusing on the impending climax. His left hand rested on your tummy, warming it as his thumbs stroked your plush skin, while his right hand rubbed tighter circles on your clit, frosty to the touch. Meanwhile, his hips began to move faster and with more purpose as he chased his own high as well.
"I-I missed you so m-much, pretty..." He strained, pushing in a bit deeper each time. "Tonight scared me bad." He confessed, head falling back, bicolored fringe a mess over his face. "Thought I'd never get to see my sweet little wife again..."
You couldn't have addressed his confession if you wanted to, too lost in overwhelming pleasure. You wanted to tell him you were sorry, that you'd never leave his side, that you loved him. Only the latter came out. "S-Shoto, God..." You whined, finally tipping over into oblivion, spasming around him. "I-I love you so much!"
"I l-love you too, baby..." He grunted, feeling your release, finally granting himself the same, which he'd been putting off for minutes now. "Love you so damn much, you have no idea." He rasped, emptying himself inside you, lazily pucking his seed deeper into you well after his aftershocks began. Slowly, he wishdrew from you, collapsing bside you, pulling you as close as he could.
"In the morning, I promise, we'll work this out..." He panted, eyes glossy with emotion. "I'll pay for whatever you think will help, we can try anything you want..." He sighed, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead. "I swear, I won't lose you if I can help it."
You nervously twisted your wedding ring around your finger, pacing back and fourth in your shared bedroom. Your husband would be home any second and you were terrified. Ever since that night, two months before, your marriage had been picture perfect. Would this ruin it? You eyed the bathroom counter through the open door anxiously, jumping when you heard a key hit the lock.
"Honey, I brought home dinner," Todoroki called, setting bags of take out on the table. Curiously, he peeked into the bedroom to find you absolutely frazzled. "Baby, what's the matter?" He asked, lips dripping with worry. He then followed your gaze to the bathroom, eyes widening at the sight of a small pink and white stick sitting on the counter.
Without hesitation, he detatched from you, hurrying over and picking up the object, holding it up to the light. He looked back at you, dropping it in shock before scurrying back, wrapping you up in his strong embrace. "We're having a baby?!" He asked excitedly, a grin cracking across his face.
You nodded timidly, swallowing your nerves. "Y-You're not mad?" You asked quietly.
"Mad? Why would I be mad?" Todoroki repeated, befuddled.
"W-Well, we weren't exactly trying and things were just starting to impove between us..." You admit softly. "I-I was worried that..."
He instantly understodd what you meant, pulling you close, pepperiung your face with kisses. "I meant what I said, I want you forever." He reassured, cradling your face in his hands. "And this doesn't change that, if fact," He plants a kiss on your waiting lips, glad to see a small smile form on them. "It only makes my heart burn brighter for you."
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emotionally-cuckolded · 5 months ago
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[Therapist -- directing her comments to the husband] OK. So I understand that the cuckolding is going quite well, and that your wife now is seeing one particular man quite regularly. That's good. Cuckolding shouldn't be only about the sex. Romance and emotional feelings are important too. But you've also said that there are times when you feel very hurt and rejected. Those feelings when a man is cuckolded are quite common. But remember -- this office is a safe space where it's best for you to be completely honesty about your feelings. So tell me about that.
[Cuck] Well -- it's a little hard to talk about, and humiliating, but I'll try. The thing is -- I understand why she cuckolds me. I get it. I really do. I know I didn't satisfy her sexually. So cuckolding has been a real marriage-saver and I'm really happy we came to see you when things weren't going well. And you warned me early on that there was a good chance that if my wife found a man who satisfied her sexual needs, that she would probably develop real romantic feelings for him. And that HAS happened obviously, and I've gotten used to being alone most weekend evenings and nights while she and her boyfriend are out as a couple socializing and spending the night together.
But -- and this is when things are hardest for me -- sometimes her boyfriend comes over to the house, and I have to sleep in the guest room. And even when they aren't being that romantic with each other, they make me feel like a third wheel -- they talk and laugh with each other and I'm left out of the conversations, and they sit with each other watching TV, and I'm like an outsider or the hired help in my own home and with my own wife, and yes, that makes me feel rejected and hurt. On those nights, I usually have to make and serve them dinner and do the dishes and bring them drinks or anything else they want while they are being affectionate with each other while watching TV, and I even have to make sure the upstairs bedroom is all ready for them.
I want her to have a relationship with him, because I know that's part of all of this. But I still can't get over the feelings of jealousy and rejection.
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[Wife] Sweetie. I understand why you would feel that way, because I really have begun to have strong feelings for him, and when he is at the house, HE is the one I want to be with, not you. Surely you can see how happy he and I are with each other. He's so funny, and smart, and just sitting on his lap kissing and petting while watching TV is really wonderful. And so you really ARE a third wheel at those times. And I guess I am rejecting you at those times -- sort of. But really, it's more that when I'm with him, I hardly think about you at all, except as someone who has a lot of chores to do. When he and I are together at home, your role is to do whatever we ask of you. I thought you understood that. I'm not trying to be mean or hurtful. I just need you to accept that my relationship with him takes priority when we're together. You can understand and accept that -- can't you?
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[Cuck] OK. Yes. I understand. I'm sorry. It's just that I love you so much. But I'll try to do better about being a good cuckold for you, including just stepping aside so you and he can have your time together. Do you forgive me for getting upset?
[Wife] Of course I do, hun. And I'm glad we've talked about this, because he and I were talking, and I think he's probably going to start spending a lot more evenings and nights at our house very soon.
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spitgobbler · 1 year ago
I ♥︎ Daddy
here is todays shower thoughts blurb since i randomly thought of those ‘yes, daddy?’ panties(pls don’t let me be the only one who remembers them circulating at one point?!)😭 … enjoy my ted talk 🫶🏻
pairing: leon kennedy x fem reader
tags: daddy kink into slight ddlg, age gap, leon uses his fingers on you, dirty talk, clothed, aftercare, uhhh yeah!
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It was always just a joke, a tease you did to Leon. A brief ‘yes, daddy’ falling from your lips whenever he asked if you ate that day or if you could grab him a beer from the fridge.
You never thought much of it but Leon had lots of thoughts about it. Always made him so fucking hard each time that damn name spilled from those sugary sweet lips of yours.
Had him manspreading even more on the worn couch of his apartment to hide his hard on while accepting the alcoholic drink with an appreciative kiss. He didn’t want you to think he was a creep.
Leon already had a few moments where he felt awkward from the looks the two of you sometimes received while out on dates. The misunderstandings of him being your dad. You never cared when it occurred, responding with an easy “No, he’s my boyfriend,” and moving on with the date without a care in the world.
At least that made him feel better, it reassured him. Leon didn’t exactly date you because you were so much younger. Well, it was a bit flattering he still managed to pull such a pretty young thing at his age but he also loved you for how smart and attentive you were. But he also loved how much you needed him, maybe it was a bit of a complex he developed from his line of work.
He knew another one of your jokes were about to take place when you pull away from his side, his strong thighs feeling empty without your smooth legs laying across them now, and yanking the front door open to retrieve a package.
“What’s got you in a hurry baby?” Leon sat up slightly on the couch with curious look.
Leon was met with a giggle and a mischievous smile, not any proper answer though as you opt to flee off into the bathroom. He’s left scratching his head at your typical silly behavior but he just remains seated back on the couch.
It’s not long before you come back, blocking his view of the TV. Arms crossed and a cute grin pulled up on your face.
He lets a brow raise, “And now you got this bratty look…”
Oh, but he’s quick to watch you as your hands grip the waistband of those adorable fuzzy hello kitty pajama pants you made him buy you.
“Hey, I’m not a brat!” You get caught up easily in protesting against his words, nothing in that sweet little head of yours except Leon and whether or not Mocha and Usahana would get a build-a-bear plush.
Leon simply just gives you a look, as if you’re foolish for trying to deny it. “Uh huh… just continue.”
And there it goes again, that saccharine voice saying ‘yes, daddy’ while you inch those pajama pants down your hips and legs.
Fuck, why is it like a sucker punch straight to the gut every time you call him that? He bites back a groan but his darkening eyes say everything when he sees those light pink panties on you. The words ‘I ♥︎ daddy’ printed in a darker pink right where the cotton fabric clothes your mound and on the back right on the swells of your bottom.
Leon tries to compose himself, he can’t handle these jokes anymore and frankly, it’s feeling like it isn’t a joke anymore.
“Sweetheart, what’s this about?” He asks.
You tilt your head at him, responding like it was no big deal. “Huh? S’just a joke Leon. Like how I tease you and call you daddy because you’re old enough to be my daddy?”
Head falling back against the couch, he groans and mumbles. “Just a joke? Just a joke.”
You’re left feeling confused. Usually he’ll laugh all sarcastic, sometimes even spank your butt in playful retaliation.
The older man lifts his head up, eyes boring into yours then down to those panties again. Before you know it, his strong calloused hand is pulling you onto his muscled thighs, chest against your back.
“Just a joke?” Leon repeats huskily against your neck, keeping your thighs open by resting your legs outside of his.
A shiver runs down your spine and heat invades your cheeks. You try to nod, “Y-Yeah, seen em’ online randomly.”
The rough fingertips of his right hand graze up and down your supple thighs. Back and forth, back and forth like waves. You feel it, that tingle in your core as he teases you. Maybe it’s what you deserve after torturing the poor man.
“You think a man at my age is stupid, baby?” Leon asks softly, his fingers finally touching your clothed cunt. “I may still use a flip phone but I know it wasn’t random, you got an algorithm.”
Your breath hitches at his touch and words. You kick yourself inwardly for being so damn obvious, attempting to whimper out a protest at his statement.
His padded fingers rub at your cunt, the cloth of those silly panties adding delicious friction. The soft pink gusset darkening as your arousal begins to taint them. Just how he wanted.
It’s hard to stay still as his fingers move upward to rub soft circles against your clit. Back pressing against his chest as you squirm in pleasure.
“S’Okay baby, I know dumb little girls like you need a man like me. A daddy to care for them and provide.” Leon cooed, letting himself indulge in the very thing he was at conflict with since it was very clear both of you were on the same page.
Your thighs instinctively try to clench together from pure arousal at his words but they are kept open by his legs. Mind turning mushy at this point and Leon just kept saying all the right things.
He rubs at your needy little cunt with more pressure, sending consistent pulses of heat to your tummy.
“And I’m so very happy to do that for you, doll.” Scratchy stubble brushes against your soft warm cheek as he kisses it. “Make you hold onto your plushie as I take you like a good girl.”
Your hips buck at that and a desperate moan spills out. The older man couldn’t hold back a groan of his own, fingers pressing and rubbing at your panties with fervor.
“Wonder you good you could color in the lines while I spoil your pretty little princess parts.” All of his dirty thoughts are spilling out as he plays with you and it’s sending both of you into a heated frenzy.
Rough messy circles on your clothed clit has you trembling and a lewd squeal rings out. “Daddy, daddy!” Is all you can manage to slur out and it just makes Leon’s cock ache even harder against you.
Leon doesn’t let up though, rubbing and rubbing at that bundle of nerves, spoiling it with his calloused fingers as he turns you into a mess. Showering your needy little pearl with affectionate caresses that set you ablaze on his lap, squirming and gasping as your heart pounds.
Leon allows himself to manspread even more, your legs pried open even wider. “If you love your daddy so much then you’ll be a good girl and show him how much you love him, won’t you?”
Several harsh rubs against your swollen clit has your back arching off his chest and your toes curling. Warmth and shivers flooding your body as you fall over the edge and cum.
“Thank you daddy, thank you.” You blabber out messily.
Panting as your hips buck from the intense waves of ecstasy course through your heated body. Leon guides you through your orgasm and stops before overstimulating you.
Almost instantly he closes his legs just slightly to help ease the strain and make you more comfortable. His affectionate cooing started right away, holding you closely to him as you come down from your high.
“So good for daddy,” Leon mumbled and pressed several kisses to your cheek. “Let’s get you comfy and clean.”
You nodded a bit sluggishly at his words, turning your head to try and kiss him properly which he laughs softly at. Leon lays you down gently on the couch and changes the tv to play something more your speed.
His hands reach for your soaked panties, pulling them down and off your legs, wordlessly pocketing them before making way into the kitchen. He’s not gone for long, coming back with some water and a wet rag.
“Drink this, baby.” The cup of water had a straw in it and he looks at you seriously but you had no problems obeying him.
Leon hums as he carefully cleans up your sensitive parts since he didn’t want you to get oversensitive and feel pain instead.
Now, with everything in order, he sat down and situated you so your head laid on his lap. His hands caressing and playing with your hair soothingly.
“I meant what I said, you know?” His voice a calm rumble. He gives you time to voice your disapproval but when you don’t, he continues. “Think about what you want as a reward for being so good for daddy, for now though, get some rest.”
You respond with a ‘yes, daddy’ and your daddy squeezes your cheeks playfully. The response reminding him of all your jokes but perhaps hints was a better word for it.
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