#smart toilet wall-hung
lavishbath · 6 months
Elevate Your Bathroom With Smart Toilets In Sydney 
Setting up smart toilet wall-hung units, and smart toilet bidet, on your toilet, will enhance your bathroom. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your bathroom into a luxurious oasis of comfort and cleanliness.
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ohmygraves · 8 months
the first time you and ghost became roommates, he didn't have a lot of things.
he had his essentials, packed in a duffel bag and like, two moving boxes and that's it. he didn't even have his own furniture or pots and pans, so the two of you didn't cook for the first few weeks living together. he seems perfectly content with just living with the furniture that came with the apartment, an old beat up sofa and dirty stained dining table, together with a few chairs and old mattresses in each bedroom. you made it a goal to get rid of the smelly bed as soon as possible, working your arse off to afford new beds for the sake of your back.
ghost, or well, simon, don't feel the need to own too many things. he thinks it's a nuisance, since well it'll be tiring to pack so many things when he needs to move again for some reason or another. even when he stayed in the barracks, his room was always the most bare out of everyone.
you were the opposite, of course. you liked having lots of personal items and memorabilia, or just trinkets that you like in general. your shared flat is full of your items, posters hung up on the wall, framed pictures, potted plants, consoles and books, whatever you have. it felt like the place was only occupied by you, and with how often simon was away on deployments and missions, it might as well be.
you both split duties when he's around. you cook, he does dishes. you take out the trash, he cleans the bathroom. you tidy things up and he'd mop/vacuum it. he insisted that you cook since he's not much of a cook himself (which, explains why he doesn't have a single kitchen utensils in his stuff) and that you're better at cooking than him. he'd gladly deal with all the dirty jobs for you, wouldn't be the worst thing he did anyway.
you and simon get groceries separately (his "groceries" consisting of some type of booze and maybe toiletries, perhaps some snacks if he's feeling fancy), but very rarely you go together with him to tesco or something. you always have to remind him to note whatever things needed to be replaced at your shared flat, so that you don't have to go multiple times just to get a bottle of dish soap or toilet paper.
you two bicker like an old married couple sometimes, because he's a smart ass and would tease you, and you'd get mad at him for eating your things or using your soap/shampoo.
sometimes you wondered if rooming with simon was a bad idea, but he had always made sure to keep your job easy for you except for a few minor inconveniences he did on purpose just so you'd scold him. he helped move furniture and do the heavy jobs for you, and not to mention he leaves you alone, never nosy or get too friendly with you. although at the same time, he expected you to do the same for him.
if he tells you when he's coming back after missions, you'd get him a treat when he gets home, some beer already chilling in the refrigerator and his favorite snacks on the counter, together with his favorite takeout dinner (of course, you'd ask for the money back. you're not made of money if you're rooming with someone). some snarky note like "shower first before you sleep, stinky" or "it's 30 pounds for everything, you're welcome".
simon didn't think much of it, but he definitely took you for granted. you're a nice roommate, you two get along, and you're a great cook. you made sure to feed him whenever possible (because you're convinced he'd actually forget to eat when he's alone, considering his groceries as mentioned before), and not to mention you made his masks and balaclava smell nice and clean when you do laundry.
you'd patiently help him sew, teach him how to mend his clothes when he has the time (which is still a funny sight seeing how small the needles looked between his thick massive fingers). he always gets frustrated, telling you that you did a much better job than his lousy stitches that wouldn't even hold up after one wear. you'd sew all tears and holes on his masks and clothes, patch the holes up when you could.
in return, he'd bring some of your favorite snacks home. he always said something along the lines that it was on sale, or that it's buy one get one free, but you noted that he always brought home your favorite things after you mended his clothes, or helped him in some way. you didn't mind, you liked the snacks and it's nice that he shows his gratitude in this way.
you try to ignore the thumping of your heart every time he hands you things while saying "reckon you'd like this."
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misseviehyde · 6 months
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Joel and Anna had invited their married friends over for dinner and the two couples had gotten a bit tipsy after dinner and decided to play a game.
They had all been friends for decades, never leaving their small town and they still liked to keep in touch regularly.
Sam and his wife Lauren had brought a game they'd found in a charity shop. Role With It 'Out of Time' - Special Edition. They seemed keen to give it a go despite never having played it.
Clearing the detritus of the meal away, Anna looked uneasily at her loving husband Joel as he scrutinised the rules intently. Too intently.
Everyone was acting weird... it was like they were all desperate to play the game. There was a feverish look in Lauren's eyes and Sam looked positively excited.
"Guys, can we maybe try this another time?" said Anna feeling an odd repulsion to the box clearly at odds with everyone else.
"Come on babe, it will be fun," grinned Joel as he put down the rule book. "Listen to the rules. Pick a player to start with and have them pick a 'time card'. The other players have to impersonate people from that players life as they were then to score points."
He held out a set of cards. "These all have different dates on. Come on - pick one."
Anna hesistated but, won over by peer pressure, she grabbed a card and flicked it over. 1996.
"Wow... we were all in Highschool back then," grinned Sam. "Hey... wh... what's happening?"
The room began to throb and pulse, the four friends looked around uneasily as the air grew thick as treacle. With a hiss their mobile phones suddenly dissolved and the windows of the dining room melted away. Smart watches and fitbits melted into wisps of air. In moments the four of them were in a blank looking room with only one door.
Then they began to get younger. Age and maturity faded away as each of them became younger and younger. In moments they had all regressed to look exactly how they had in 1996.
"I'm scared," whimpered Anna, but the others seemed strangely unaffected. Joel walked over to the dining room door and opened it. The door should have led to their hallway - but instead there was now another room on the other side.
Joel and Anna entered and the dining room door closed behind them. When Anna glanced back she saw to her horror it had... vanished.
Sam and Lauren were gone... or at least they were now elsewhere. Only she and Joel had made it to wherever this place was.
The room they were now in was pink and white. It was a girls bedroom. A sexy rich girls bedroom. 90's boy band posters covered the wall and Anna saw a calendar hung with cheerleader practice dates carefully marked in sexy little handwriting with hearts over the i's.
A huge double bed covered in sexy satin sheets was in the centre of the room and laid out carefully on the bed waiting to be worn were a pair of sexy white stockings and a pink lingerie set.
Anna felt her heart pounding and she whimpered in fear. She recognised this room, even though she'd never been in it. The cheerleading trophies on the shelf against the wall and the polaroids and photos hanging there made it clear whose room this was.
This was Madison Green's room.
She had been Anna's bully through High School. They had someone travelled back in time to her room. They had to get out of here.
Memories of Madison flushing her head down the toilet, or laughing as her cruel minions pushed her over in the dining room filled her head. Madison was the one person she feared most in the world.
The spoiled perfect princess of the towns richest family, she had gotten everything she wanted and had been a total monster. Anna turned to Joel. "We have to find a way back to 2024 - wh... what are you doing?"
Anna stared at Joel in shock. Her husband was standing by Madison's vanity mirror applying a thick layer of the bitchy girls lipgloss to his lips. His breathing was heavy and he appeared excited.
"I... I just had this urge to put this on. Mmmmh it tastes like cherry and it makes me feel good."
"No... Joel. Wipe that off... something is really wrong here. This game is evil."
Joel smirked. His lips looked different somehow, more poutier and feminine. The teeth behind them were now sexy and white and perfect - the teeth of a rich girl with access to cosmetic dentistry.
"Relax... we just have to play the game and everything will resolve itself. I know exactly what I need to do."
Lifting a mascara brush, Joel sighed happily as he applied it to his lashes. When he turned back round they were now long and feminine and a pair of ice blue eyes, cruel and sexy gazed back at her.
"Yesssss that feels fucking good. I want MORE!"
Joel slid his clothes off and naked began to walk to the bed. His movements appeared less masculine. He walked with an athletes grace... a cheerleaders precision of fluid movement.
"Wh... what are you doing?" screamed Anna as her husband picked up the sexy pink panties and began to climb inside them.
"Embracing my new destiny," he purred. "Becoming Madison Green."
"Nooooo!" screamed Anna, but it was too late as the panties tugged into place and Joel moaned in pleasure as a bubble butt erupted to fill the panties and his cock shrank away.
"Yes you fucking loser. Your pathetic husband is becoming me and there's nothing you can do to stop it," groaned Joel his voice wavering between a hot bitchy whine and his usual low tones.
Pulling the pink lingerie over his head, Joel struggled to make it fit for a moment till with a crunch his body halved in on itself and he shrunk in size and weight. He now had the proportions of a highschool girl and his chest swelled up to fill the cups of his new lingerie and give him a pert pair of perfect rich girl tits.
Joel grabbed the stockings and began pulling them onto his legs. Sexy light pink nails shot out of each finger as he tugged the white material into place and his legs became sexy and long in proportion to his new short body. The legs of a Cheerleader.
Standing up, Joel turned away from Anna and groaning stretched his body. His waist crunched in a bit tighter as his hair began to move and Anna watched in sick fascination as blonde curls tumbled out - cute pink bows popping artfully into place to keep the whole asemblage in place.
"Fuckkkkk yesssss," hissed a bitchy voice and as Joel turned around Anna saw his face was now that of her bully. His Adam's apple was gone and as the last few changea creased away - Anna saw that Joel had 100% become Madison Green.
"Mmmmh I feel like such a fucking bitch," giggled the new Madison. "You loser... this is so hawt. We're back in 1996 and I AM Madison. I get to live her sexy life forever. Joel is gone bitch."
Anna screamed in sorrow and running to the door threw it open. Running through she found herself back on the street where she grew up. Trapped in 1996. There was no escape.
In her bedroom Madison grinned as she answered her phone to her besties and Anna's other bullies, Chloe and Ashley.
Sam and Lauren had also been transformed. The three of them were now the baddest bitches at school.
"Remember girls, to win the game and stay this way forever... we just have to bully that loser. This is gonna be so much fun."
Madison liked to win... and she had no intention of ever turning back into that loser. It felt so good to be out of time.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months
Oh my god they were roommates
barbie dolls:lily Evans x you
word: 2.4k ish
summary: your roommate lily had a hard day so you treated her right
warnings: lily has a tongue piercing, you're called Gay by narrator (me), you suck girl dick, lily is trans I said so I'm right you're wrong (/j), noodles mentioned, lily cums in your mouth and you slurp that shit up like a 7/11 slushie, I got sleepily can you tell when, lily uses the toilet while your brushing your teeth idk if that bothers you just check out after they stop banging, I think that it you really just give lily some head and pass out, lily is a ceramic teacher
You had first been a little worried moving in with some rando, but within minutes you lost most of your anxiety. The longer you spent with your lovely roommate, you learned more and more about her. You two quickly became less roommates and more roommate-friends. Her name was Lily Evans. She had fiery red hair, a beautiful laugh, perfect posture, and extremely kissable lips. In a perfectly roommate-y way, you were probably in love with her. She was so kind and so smart. You could go on and on but you were on a time crunch. Less daydreaming, more cooking.
Lily had some particularly pissy clients today. One almost threw a slap of clay at the wall, a couple broke up while she was trying to teach them how to throw a bowl on the pottery wheel, a group of teenage boys asked her if they could make bongs, and someone had the audacity to try to mansplain her own profession.
Lily had called you while she was eating her lunch, telling you everything. You nodded along, giving her all the support. She hung up after her lunch break, you quickly jumped up to your feet and started scittering around the apartment. You did her laundry, folding it gently, and placing it into her dresser. You vacuumed and swept, took out the trash, went out and bought all her snacks, organized them on her bed, and began making her favorite for dinner.
You jumped slightly at the sound of her keys, turning around with the box of pasta like a deer caught in headlights. Lily stared at you, holding onto the strap of her purse. She stared at you blankly, looking between the box and your face. You felt underdressed. Still in your pajamas, while Lily was in her put-together outfit, with a few clay splotches.
“Hi.” You whispered. She jerked her head.
“Hi?” Lily hung her keys in their place, muttering and keeping eye contact as she did. “What are you doing?” You shrugged, glancing back at the boiling pot of water and simmering pan of Alfredo sauce.
“Making your favorite dinner.” Lily jutted her bottom lip out at you.
“That’s sweet,” Lily whispered. She sniffed at the air before turning back to you. “Smells like Clorox?” You nodded.
“I cleaned. And did your laundry, among other things.” Lily stared at you awkwardly.
“Why? Is someone covering over?” You shook your head.
“You had a hard day. I wanted to make you feel better.” Lily whined at you, looking close to tears. She quickly pulled you into a tight hug, crushing the pasta box slightly. You huffed, patting Lily on her back. You heard her sniffle. You tilted your head slightly, gently pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“I think I’m going to go cry in the shower now if you don’t mind,” Lily whispered, pulling back. You nodded. She left toward her room as you turned back to the pot, dumping the noodles in.
“Did you like buy all the snacks I like and drop them on my bed?” Lily asked. You glanced over your shoulder.
“yeah, I did do that.” Lily pressed her lips together. She nodded. Lily disappeared into her bedroom again. You continued making dinner. You glanced up at the sound of her slippers dragging across the floor. Lily had a new outfit and a towel in her arms, all wrapped up in her green robe. She stopped by the oven, placing a kiss on your cheek before leaving to the bathroom. You thought about how most friends didn’t kiss, cheek or otherwise.
You heard the water turn on, stirring the pot. You thought her lips on you more as you continued making dinner. You thought of them lower, on your neck. You thought of them on your shoulder as she pulled your shirt off. You thought them on your hip as she pulled the waistband of your pants down. You thought of them as she pulled your underwear down with her teeth. You thought her painted and chipped nails as she gently pulled your legs apart. You thought of her staring up at you as she kissed your inner thigh. You pulled the pot off the stove, taking it to the sink. You dumped it into the awaiting strainer.
You thought her hands gracing over your bare back with the sun shining through her curtains with small flowers embroidered on them. You thought of her holding onto your hand as you walked through the grocery store, trying to find what you needed to finish a last-minute baking project. You thought of her hands rubbing up to the back of your neck, down to your shoulder blades, and back again while you fell asleep on the couch. You thought of bringing her lunch at her studio. You thought of braiding her hair into her nighttime pigtails with her eyes struggling to stay open. You wanted more than just sex with her. You wanted more than just friendship with Lily.
The water turned off, just as you were plating dinner. You were setting down your two plates on the small round table across from each other. You set out two glasses of water in Lily’s favorite cups. Lily came out of the bathroom soon after that in her pretty pj set. You both ate dinner, debriefing about the day. Lily thanked you a million times. You were able to brighten her moods though, her laugh bouncing off the walls. Lily helped you set the plates in the dishwasher. You both moved into the bathroom, brushing your teeth in silence. Stood around a single sink dipping your heads down to spit like the drinking bird toys. You sat on the closed toilet lid, digging in the bottom drawer for Lily’s comb and detangling spray. You ignored whatever she was doing over the sink, focused on trying to find the matching hair tie to the one in your hand. It matched her pj set.
After you found both hair ties, you left to the couch. You sat down, setting out her comb and detangling spray to the side. Lily joined you soon after, sitting down on the floor in front of you. You gently sprayed all her hair, before combing through it. As you moved through the motions, splitting her hair, and braiding the two parts, Lily told you about the conversations she overheard at her work. Just as you finished the second braid, Lily turned around. She smiled at you.
“I switched out my tongue piercing, look.” Lily opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. In the middle of the pink was a pretty little green ball. You nodded. You wanted to run your tongue over hers.
“ ‘s cute.” She nodded.
“We should make out sloppy so I can play with it.” Lily stared at you, a small grin pricking at her lips.
“What?” You shrugged. Lily tilted her head.
“I was just joking. you know, platonic validation and all that.” Lily sat up, leaning against your thighs.
“Cause, you know, if you wanted to-“ She trailed off. Your breath caught. You would’ve exhaled but she would’ve heard the uneasiness.
“Well, I mean if you’re offering.” Lily nodded.
“Oh, I'm offering.” You glanced around the room, now sitting in the silence of two roommates who are most definitely gay for each other. Lily pulled herself up onto the couch next to you. Lily paused a moment, staring into your eyes. Lily asked if you were sure. You couldn’t want something more. You pressed your lips to hers. You were quickly heating up, her tongue slipping past your lips as you pulled her up onto the couch. Lily straddled your lap, holding on to the back of your neck. She nipped at your bottom lip. You ran your hands up her thighs, squeezing at them. Lily seemed to enjoy that, grinding down into your lap. You let out a breathy moan. She muttered your name. You pulled your head back, staring up at her.
“I'm not having couch sex with you, my room is like four steps away.” Lily pecked your lips before standing and sticking her hand out. You latched onto it following her as she led you to her bedroom.
“Four steps too far.” You whispered, not really wanting her to hear you. Lily looked back at you and rolled her eyes. You were shoved onto the bed in seconds, Lily straddling you again. You brought her lips back to yours. Lily pulled at the hem of your shirt, breaking your kiss. She dropped the shirt behind her. You gently pulled at the bottom of her pajama shirt. Lily smiled at you, raising her arms. You pulled the shirt over her head dropping it off the edge of the bed. You trailed your kisses down her neck, leaving behind a few marks on her clavicle. You pulled one of her nipples into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around it as you pinched the other.
Lily whispered your name. You decided you wanted that sound to be engraved into your skull. You slipped your hands under the bottoms of her thighs. You flipped her over, her back hitting the mattress. You pulled yourself over her. Lily smiled up at you as you kissed down her stomach. You met her eyes as you dragged your tongue over the edge of her shorts. She nodded at you. You gently pulled her shorts down her legs before tossing them away. You returned to her stomach, kissing her underneath her bellybutton. When you pulled your face back, you could see her bulge through her thin cotton underwear. You lightly kissed it, feeling her hips jut upwards.
“hurry up with it, don’t tease me,” Lily whispered. You tsked, dipping your fingers into the band of her underwear and pulling.
“Isn’t that half the fun?” Lily quickly grabbed the nearest pillow. She swung her arm and smacked your shoulder. You pulled her underwear past her knees as she set the pillow back. She maneuvered her legs, helping you slip off her last layer. You flung the underwear somewhere over your shoulder as you leaned back down. You lightly blew air between her legs, seeing her stand up more. You gently pressed your lips to her tip, staring up at her. Lily groaned. You pulled her legs over your shoulders. You swiped your tongue over the bottom of her length before pulling her into your mouth fully. Lily moaned as you swirled around her tip. She dropped her hand to the back of your head. As you continued to bob your head, you slid one hand under her leg to massage her balls.
Lily pushed her head back against the mattress as you licked around her tip again. She squeezed her thighs tighter around your head. You moaned around her length. Lily muttered your name as she got closer. You pulled off her, kissing her tip. You dragged your tongue up the side of her dick before drawing her into your mouth again. You moved your head up and down faster, making her breath quicken. You kept your hand between her legs and your mouth on her cock as Lily got closer. She kept one hand on your head as the other trailed to her own nipple.
She tweaked it as she felt herself fastly approaching her climax. Lily jutted her hips up, pushing her length further into your mouth. Lily moaned your name under her breath as she came in your mouth. You swallowed, slowly pulling off her. You licked at her tip, catching the last bit of her cum, before swiping at the corners of your mouth with your thumb. You pressed your thumb into Lily’s mouth. She swirled her tongue around the pad before you pulled her into a kiss. Lily gripped your hips, pressing you against her. You stuck your tongue against hers, feeling her piercing. Lily moaned at the taste of herself. You fiddled at the piercing with the tip of your tongue. Lily pulled back, spit smeared around her mouth.
“Keep kissing me like that and we might have to go again.” You smiled and pecked her lips. You gathered her an outfit from her dresser. You soon after that pulled Lily into the shared bathroom. She used the toilet while you brushed your teeth. She changed into new pajamas before joining you at the sink. She started brushing her teeth as well. By the time you finished, you sat on the toilet lid, watching her. Lily was so beautiful, her moans sounded so beautiful too. As she was rinsing her mouth you felt a craving for something sweet.
“Ice cream is good aftercare right?” Lily spit out her water into the sink, looking over at you. She nodded.
“most definitely. And we could watch another episode of our show.” You excitedly nodded. Lily dropped her toothbrush into the holder.
“Roommates who also give head can cuddle on the couch, right?” you asked as Lily walked with you to the kitchen. She thought about it as she pulled out the ice cream and two bowls.
“Are we still roommates?” She whispered.
“my head game was so bad you're kicking me out?” Lily snorted as she scooped ice cream into the bowls.
“No I just mean, do you want us to be more?” You sighed. You shrugged.
“I think maybe that’s a question that I can decide in the morning when I’m thinking about something other than you.” Lily smiled sweetly at you, handing you your bowl. She gently kissed your lips.
“When are you not thinking of me?” You scoffed, walking behind her to the couch.
“Oh it's practically never, but it might be easier to make important decisions when your moans aren’t ringing my ears.” You whispered as took your first bite of ice cream.
“Are we on episode 7 or 8?” You rolled your eyes at her before informing her you were on episode 9. Eventually, you both finished your ice cream, setting it on the coffee table. You crawled into her arms, laying on top of her as she traced shapes on your back. You both fell asleep in the living room with your show on. In the morning you’d make hard important decisions, tonight you were just doting on Lily.
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my thought on this current music discourse is that like if youve ever listened to that handsome devil or even fucking cake or why? or talking heads or any ska punk band or even the fucking beatles you’re ready to listen to rap and jazz and other black-founded genres and you can probably start from those musicians’ influences and musicians connected to them if you genuinely dk where to start. you’re ready to try new things like goddamn i don’t listen to a lot of rap (tho I’ve been meaning to listen to more bc i usually like what i hear - i just get hung up on certain genres and flush myself down their hyper-specific toilets for months on end) but its just downright cowardly to refuse to listen to a new song or new music in general and then make up a bunch of excuses for why when people question you about it and you should be wondering what the hell you’re so damn worried about. Sorry i just got off work and i’m like a glass of wine deep so this is probably incomprehensible but regardless i’m flinging myself thru a brick wall bc refusing to try something new or different is how you end up the old codger who calls the cops on teenagers for walking past your house and for tumblr to be full of people claiming to be against that kind of thing youd think they’d be open to trying something different. like i aint all that smart so i can’t do much more than nod when i hear something i agree with but i know what i agree with and it’s not with people who shit on rap (or country for that matter bc bobbie gentry fuckin slaps and a lot of country music hate is based in classism in a similar way to nascar hate) ok i’m done now tldr if you write off a whole genre of music bc of your preconceived notions you’re a coward
I LITERALLY AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU'RE SAYING. As a big music fan I think you are actively hurting yourself by not broadening your horizons and like not listening to the stuff that inspired what you already like to listen to!!!! I started listening really heavily to jazz because black midi credited a lot of jazz as musical influences and I was like shit! I need to listen to some of this! And there are so many guides online for getting into music and how to navigate genres and even if it's not for "your personal tastes" you can still...idk, respect it? Acknowledge it's importance?
One thing I always tell goths who want to expand their horizons and listen to more goth music is to listen to screamin' jay Hawkins because without him we wouldn't have goth as a genre, and even if you don't like it you can appreciate the history and the art and his fucking SHOWMANSHIP. Which I think is a bigger issue is even if you don't like a genre of music which is braindead in of itself, you can still appreciate it for what it is and how it influences a lot of the stuff you enjoy! So many genres of music would literally be NOTHING without the black pioneers who founded and refined the genres and they deserve the respect of recognition at the very least
Sorry this is also very ramble-y I am very passionate about music lol
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homeahoy · 2 years
What happens at Dave’s
High School AU
Warnings: Smut, Drinking, Swearing. 
Dave was having a party, to be more accurate Dave was getting a party.  He really shouldn’t have mentioned to David that his parents were away from Thursday until Monday night. It was his own fault really he should never have told David Stirling everyone knew never to tell David anything. David had heard those words and immediately started telling everyone Dave was having a house party.  Dave being Dave and not wanting to rain on everyone's parade had just gone along with it.  He was now beginning to regret his choice. He knew his friends, he knew the damage they could do.  It didn’t matter how much the responsible ones tried to reign in the louder ones it still ended one way, in utter chaos. By the time Saturday night rolled round he was beginning to regret it even more. 
The whole crew had descended on his house, even some of the french exchange students outside of the three they normally hung out with came. For some reason Reg and Johnny had brought the weird german kid and even more annoying friend, wait was he his friend? They seemed to speak to each other but it may have been because they were the only German students at the school. Jock had brought some girl called Mirren who went to the local all girls school and looked like she was about to die when she walked through the door and saw Reg pinning Johnny against the wall and kissing him. The rest had arrived individually or in groups depending if someone had decided to drive.  They had carried in boxes or bags full of alcohol, someone smart no doubt Bill had brought plastic cups. The kind that could be thrown away. 
It had taken about an hour before things had started to get rowdy.  Eve and David had disappeared. The door to Dave's bedroom was wedged shut so no-one could get in. It was a foregone conclusion that they were having sex in there. Eve pinned under David as the fucked in the cramped space of the bottom bunk of the set of bunk beds that Dave still had adorned with the colour’s of this favourite football team. Eve hadn’t been all that kind on the idea but the mix of teenage need and the smell of David’s aftershave had been too much, and he had looked really good. David himself needed no encouragement whatsoever; it was a wonder that he didn’t walk around with a permanent hardon.  They had disappeared into the room and in a flurry using a folder up magazine to wedge the door shut before pulling at each other’s clothes and then going at it. Appearing an hour or two later and joining back in with everyone. 
Dave himself was occupied in the kitchen going shot for shot with Pat, Jim, Paddy and Augustin, while Andre, Eoin and Georges cheered them on. What they were using as shot was a mixture of everything that had been brought into the house.  The contest was abruptly cut short by Pat, who was famous for not being able to hold his alcohol, began to gag and had to run to the toilet to be sick.  Appearing a few moments later and going at it again, to raucous cheers.  Finally he staggered away and passed out in the bath in the upstairs bathroom. The rest had kept going. Paddy and Eoin finally give up and start to make out against the fridge. The rest kept drinking, disappearing every now and again to either pee, smoke or chat with someone, somewhere else in the house. 
The downstairs bathroom is occupied but the strange trio of Johnny, Reg and Walter who are going at it like rabbits with each other.  Reg and Johnny making up for the time they didn’t get to play with Walter in the bathroom with Mike The noise was luckily drowned out by the music that was being blared at top volume from the living room.  Bruckner, who had no idea what was going on in the bathroom due to the music, was banging on the bathroom door to be let in because he needed a piss.  The three young men inside were trying not to laugh, which would have made what they were doing more awkward. It was while all three emerged to a confused looking Bruckner who had pushed past them to get in.  Walter vanished into the kitchen to get a drink, it would be found out later that he was a weepy drunk and was found hours later sitting in the garden crying. Reg and Johnny had taken up Dave’s bed and were going at it again. This time the door isn’t wedged shut and more than one person walks in.  Bill twice while trying to find Mike. Making the comment that he had seen more of Reg’s arse than his own. 
Jock, Mirran, Bill and Mike in the living room.  Bill and Mike are trying not to take the piss out of Jock’s attempts at flirting with Mirran who for some reason seems into it.  Much to Mike and Bill’s shock.  They try to make small talk but it is painful, eventually Jock and Mirran disappear off into the night, No-one really knows what they get up to and Jock will never tell them. Bill and Mike decide to get pissed with the french exchange students until Mike get’s the bright idea to climb the tree in the front garden.  He doesn’t tell anyone which leads to Bill hunting throughout the house from him. Giving up eventually to get pissed with Dave.  Mike however scales the tree, climbs back down, gets more drunk before trying to pet the neighbours cat and passing out in the garden hedge. 
The Morning comes with a few surprises.  Bill is passed out on the top bunk of Dave’s bunk beds, having slept through Johnny and Reg going at it again on the bottom bunk before passing out.  Dave himself is passed out on the kitchen floor covered in a living rug that Jim draped over him before going home.  Pat is still passed out in the bath with a cock drawn on his cheek, the handy work of JIm before he left.  Walter has had to call his Mum after waking up on the stairs, head resting on Bruckner’s shoulder. They both depart together although they don’t say a word the entire ride home. Eve has gone home leaving David behind as she didn’t want sick in her car. David is currently spooning a cushion on the living room floor. Andre and Augusting wake up spooning each other on the couch and vow to never breathe a word of it to anyone.  Paddy and Eoin have taken up the bed in the spare room which is for guests. Georges called a cab around four in the morning and went home. 
Awake they all stumble into the kitchen and begin to try and wake up. No-one knows where Mike is until he stumbles in looking like half a hedge is in his hair. Pat is still sleeping in the bath as everyone tries to clean the house to help Dave out.  Only Bill is the only one really helping while the others just scavenge what’s left of the drink for next time and pour out cups into the sink.  Bill has to turn on the shower to get Pat to wake up. The smell of sick coming off him making Bill throw up himself.  Returning to the kitchen after chugging mouthwash he suggests a Mcdonalds breakfast.  Mike agree’s and drags him off at once before everyone else can answer.  The rest pile into Augustin and Reg’s cars. They lose Bill’s car which they are pretty sure is being driven by Mike due to how recklessly it’s being driven and go to KFC instead. 
This ends in chaos with Reg and Johnny nearly getting them thrown out for going at it in the toilet’s again.  Paddy and Eoin calling a cab and leaving. Andre, Augustin, Pat and Dave leave David in KFC because he is being annoying and text Eve to go get him. He ends up having to make his own way home by bus. Reg and Johnny have left in Reg’s car to go back to Regs.  Bill and Mike, having no clue where the rest have gone, get their McDonalds and drive out to the lookout point over the town to eat it and promptly end up shagging in the back of the volvo after  a few flirty comments and the realisation that they like each other more than friends.  No-one finds out until someone comments about all the leaves on the backseat a few weeks later. 
Dave believes he had gotten away with having the party until his Mum finds the polaroid's Reg took of Johnny in her wedding dress.
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maytheoddshq · 2 years
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The 132nd Biannual Hunger Games: Summer Camp
"You're going to Camp Blood, ain't ya? You'll never come back again. It's got a death curse! And he's after your soul!" – Crazy Ralph, Friday the 13th
Below the cut are descriptions of each region of Camp Nightlock.
1-12. Cabins
Scattered around the perimeter of the main campground, twelve camper’s cabins dot the landscape. Each cabin is assigned to a particular District denoted by a carved wooden plaque affixed to the exterior. Only a few actually have functioning locks on their doors - and they all have flimsy windows. Each cabin has a bunk bed with rubber mattresses, a chest of drawers, and a sink that is completely unusable. Each cabin is lightly decorated to match the Tribute’s accent colors, with a rug and threadbare bedding. Some Districts may be lucky enough to find some supplies in their cabins - a few scraps of food, a flashlight, or some medical supplies. Most have nothing besides the roof overhead. One or two, though, might contain a nasty surprise for an unlucky District such as an infestation of bugs.  
13. Campfire & Flagpole 
On the west side of camp, in the middle of a grassy knoll is the main gathering place for Camp Nightlock and serves as the Cornucopia for the 132nd Games. A large stone fire pit sits in the center with a fire that doesn’t seem to go out despite any changes in weather. Offset from the fire pit is a flagpole, at the top of the flagpole there is a grey flag that reads “Camp Nightlock” and next to the flag, it appears there is an old-fashioned loudspeaker that gives all the announcements for the camp. Scattered around the grass there is a myriad of supplies from backpacks and weapons to food and medicine.
14. Nature Center
The Nature Center is a thin red building among the cabins on the south side of the camp. The door opens with a loud creak, alerting everyone in the area that someone has entered. The building is a single room filled with classroom-style tables with a variety of dusty, empty tanks, with no clear indication of what they might have once held. Makeshift bookshelves line the walls, filled with cobwebs, mostly bare except for a few items scattered throughout - an old booklet for identifying plants, which a smart tribute may recognize as inaccurate; a worn hiking fanny pack with some rope, a compass, and a flashlight; a harness with rusty buckles and fraying straps, and what appears to be a lump of dirt, though upon closer inspection reveals itself to be a nest of vicious trackerjackers. The only thing on the walls is a crookedly-hung map, labeled “North Forest Hiking Trails.” It cannot be removed from the wall, but a tribute can study it for as long as they would like. Around the side of the nature center is a dilapidated greenhouse, empty save for a few plastic pots and dead plants. There are seed packets scattered about, which are Gamemaker altered to sprout edible vegetables within a day, given sufficient water and sun.
15. Bathhouses
On the East and West sides of the camp nestled between cabins are two bathhouses. The interior is split into two sides, one with showers, and one with toilets and sinks. The buildings have clearly seen better days, but appear as if they have been around for maybe fifty or so summers. The showers all seem to work with varying degrees of temperatures. Only one of the showers in each bathhouse isn’t freezing cold or scalding hot. If a tribute finds the shower that’s scalding, they will develop severe burns on whatever part of them the water touches. However, clever tributes may piece together that the boiling hot water is safe to drink once cooled, if they can work out a way to collect it.
16. Amphitheater
The Amphitheater is marked by several rows of long wooden benches shaped in a semicircle. Down in the center of the semicircle is a wooden platform acting as a stage, on the stage, there are walls that help form a rudimentary backstage area as well as a small proscenium arch. The Amphitheater is used for a variety of games, but mainly for presenting skits and acting games. A variety of fake weaponry sits down in the stage area. The fake weapons tend to look real but are all made out of either papier-máché or wood, rendering them useless. If lucky, a tribute may find a forgetful camper’s water bottle full of drinkable water.
17. Soccer Field
If it weren’t for the goals on either end of the field, it would be easy for a tribute to assume that the soccer field was just a nondescript patch of grass. The lines of the field are faded, white having long turned to dirt-brown by rain and wind and the footfalls of campers past. The goals themselves are hardly remarkable, just metal cages standing at odd angles and covered in netting made of nylon thread. With the damp of a morning dew, the field becomes muddy and hard to run across, though it dries into dirt as the sun rises. A handful of surrounding trees provides a reprieve from the summer heat, but the trees are not dense, and the field itself can be viewed from all angles, making this a poor place for a tribute to remain out of sight. 
18. Dining Hall
The dining hall is large, with big, screened-off windows. There are a few wooden picnic tables outside, and rows of long tables and chairs inside. On the far end of the hall is a table with two big yellow plastic coolers with spouts on the bottom. Written on each are the words “Bug Juice.” If a tribute were to fill a cup from a nearby stack of melamine dish-ware, they’d find a blue liquid that smells sweet and tastes vaguely fruity. If ingested, a tribute will have a few hours before they begin to feel its poisonous effects, after which they have at most an hour to find an antidote before they succumb to the poison. There is a kitchen off of the main room, with a stove, an oven, a dishwasher, a refrigerator, and plenty of industrial counter space as well as a pot, a pan, and an empty knife block. The gas stove turns on, but requires a fire source to light. None of the other appliances work. Cabinets above the kitchen counter contain a few boxes of crackers, edible but stale, and a box of cocoa powder. 
19. High Ropes
A three-level climbing structure stands in the center of camp. Wooden beams extend up to fifty feet high, with a variety of challenges involving nets, ropes, bridges, and platforms. The first level of the structure contains easy challenges, with the ropes getting increasingly harder to navigate as you proceed up, so the third level is the hardest. There is a pulley system that looks like it would attach to a harness for safety, though none is around. A climbing rock wall on one end of the structure will take climbers as high up as they would prefer. Many of the rocks on this wall are loose, but a crafty tribute would be able to make it all the way to the top. If a tribute makes their way across the third level, they may discover an item left behind by a previous camper (-1 death draw), or they may find that the rope they’re holding onto isn’t as secure as they thought as it frays and snaps in their hands (+1 death draw). The entire course becomes slippery and hazardous when wet.
If a tribute wishes to make their way across the third level of the high ropes, they can message the main for a randomized outcome.
20. North Forest
The North Forest leads into winding nature trails, confusing and labyrinth-like, through densely packed swaths of trees and brush. It’s easy to become lost, and moving through off-trail forest growth is difficult and grows tighter and less passable the closer tributes stray to the edge of the Arena. The North Woods is home to a range of typical forest animals. Tributes who risk straying off the paths may gain the advantage of good hiding spaces away from the relative openness of camp; however, the area is filled with a mutated breed of poison oak that can cause chemical burns to exposed skin and agonizing pain. While not fatal, only special medicine from a sponsor can resolve the reaction, otherwise, the area will be inflamed, blistering, and painful for several days before beginning to heal. By night, tributes sometimes hear the crunching of footsteps on the forest floor– but no one is there.
21. Tennis Courts
The tennis courts are a set of four courts on the most North-East side of camp. The faux grass has slowly grown over with real grass as the years have gone on, making this a somewhat poor place to play. A few metal bats lay around the sidelines, unfortunately, most of the netting has either broken or is missing entirely. Tributes need to keep a watchful eye, as on the North-West court, there is a rogue pitching machine that will spew tennis balls at anyone who dares get too close. If a Tribute attempts to shut down the machine, it’s likely they will be electrocuted by the aged and exposed circuitry on the machine. As for the three other courts, one could technically play a few rounds of tennis if they manage to patch up the rackets and collect a few of the balls from the pitching machine. 
22. Barn
Next to the tennis courts, is a barn connected to a large, fenced-off paddock. The structure itself is standard, with stalls, a tack room, and a small office. In addition to basic riding equipment that, though very clearly unwashed, is somehow damp, the tack room also contains a bucket of apples and a leaky water hose. A strange, oily film has formed on the top of the puddle made by the drips from the hose. In the office is a filing cabinet and a desk, upon which are a few scattered camp flyers. There are five stalls in the barn, each with a horse inside. The horses seem docile enough, until you set them free, when they will immediately go into a rage, exposing sharp teeth and eyes that, in certain light, glow unsettlingly. If a tribute can get past the horses, they might find safety in a small, nondescript hayloft. In the furthest hayloft, there is a pitchfork tucked against the yellow straw, its tines weathered from years of use but perfectly sharp.
23. Caretaker’s House
Nestled in a small clearing in the North Forest lays the caretaker’s house. The house looks like it has been long abandoned. The doors are locked from 8 am to 8 pm, making the only entrance (and exit) a window on the back side of the house. Inside the house, a thick layer of dust covers every surface. The only unusual thing is that there appears to have been a struggle in the kitchen; a table is knocked over and despite all the dust, there are very distinct marks of something large being dragged out of the back door. Inside the fridge there is a chance there is food that looks perfectly edible, however, if eaten it makes the person wildly hallucinate. Upstairs there is a bedroom with a wonderfully comfortable king-sized bed. There are plenty of bookshelves and if a tribute were to look hard enough, they’d find a book on the history of the camp. In it they will learn of a legend where the previous caretaker went missing one summer and was later found tied to the flagpole, dead. After reading this book, tributes will begin to feel a ghostly presence, which will attempt to chase them from the house with cold chills, disembodied whispers, and footsteps from no one. 
24. Archery Range
The archery range is an expanse of roped-off grass toward the north end of camp. An array of large round targets made out of hay are placed up against the tree-line so as to not shoot any stray arrows off into the rest of camp. Toward the front of the roped-off area, there are several covered racks full of bows of varying sizes and tensions, behind the racks live a few large wooden boxes full of different safety equipment, and if lucky, a few arrows. The only precaution a camper should make when handling the arrows is a few of them have been dunked in poison; if a Tribute is struck with one of these poisoned arrows or cuts their hand, it won’t be fatal, they will become remarkably ill as if they have the flu. An antidote can be found in the Nurse’s Cabin.
25. Arts and Crafts
The arts and crafts cabin is a small, one-room wooden building, painted in a bright rainbow of colors on the outside. It is packed floor to ceiling with every imaginable craft supply– including not only the usual yarn, scissors, paper, paint, markers, glue, popsicle sticks, pompoms, pipe cleaners, etc.; but also, tucked away in a few storage cubbies, supplies for fashioning small weapons like arrowheads, knife blades, and nails, among other things. The cabin is a jackpot to the resourceful tribute, as most of these items aren’t necessarily particularly useful or deadly alone, but can be utilized to create items that may be critical in their survival of Camp Nightlock.
26. Baseball diamond
At the top corner of the camp sits a large field with a baseball diamond on it. The sun is darker here, or so it seems, and a fog rolls perpetually across the grass, regardless of the weather. It has clearly been some time since the field has been used as vines have begun to climb along the chain-link backstop, but the white chalk lines extending from base to base are pristine. Long metal benches on either side of home plate form the dugouts, and behind them each are metal risers for spectators, which change in temperature depending on whether the sun is out. At high noon, they could be boiling, at midnight, freezing. Behind home plate, toward the edge of the woods, lies a medium sized, metal storage box, slightly rusted at the hinges. Presumably, it used to hold all the equipment needed for the game, but inside now there is only one ratty baseball and three very worn mitts.
27. Boathouse, Dock, &, Lake
​​Located on the northeast side of camp, right on the lake the boathouse provides a rather eerie refuge as the power tends to flicker on and off in the building. When a tribute first walks in what they would see is a small counter and a long hallway. Behind the counter with a myriad of lifeguard paraphernalia behind it as well as some medical equipment such as sunscreen and a few band-aids. Down the hall are two doors, leading into dark, musty changing rooms that are full of green metal lockers. Inside the lockers, a tribute may be able to find a swimsuit and a few inflatable toys as well as goggles and pool noodles. Tucked into the back is a grimy, tiled alcove lined with shower-heads that do not work. Further down the hall, the building opens up to a set of docks.
Lining the Eastern edge of camp is a rocky shore of a large, blue-green lake, a pleasantly cool respite in the summer camp heat. There is a boat rack nearby with a tribute’s choice of kayaks and canoes, but a couple are not reliable and will spring a hole once they are out on the lake. It’s of poor quality, so not drinkable without illness unless a tribute sanitizes the water in some way, but the sparkling lake itself is inviting. From the boat house, a long dock of worn, wooden planks extends out into the water, which has a roped-off swimming area for campers. In the water, there is an inflatable slide, climbing wall, and trampoline, as well as an anchored, second floating dock out toward the edge. The lake is not without its risks, though– venomous leeches prowl the waters and swarm any swimmer that is in the water longer than a few minutes. Only a couple of leeches might get to a faster swimmer, but not be too harmful for a tribute overall. However, after only a couple of minutes, they begin to swarm and latch onto any skin, sucking the tribute dry for their meal. Currents push tributes away from the edges whether they swim or row out too far, making it impossible to leave the perimeter of the Arena.
28. Bathhouse
See description above for 15.
29. Staff Cabin
The staff cabin has a small kitchenette, a fridge that has long since been plugged in (is that shriveled jerky in there? Is that edible?), and a beat up, worn-in couch. A folding table off to the side has on it a microphone and a control box that connects to the camp loudspeaker, and a small tube television and VHS set. Snow fills the view screen, and if a tribute were to get close enough, they would hear the faint sound of the static. There are plenty of indications that many counselors and other staff members have been through - photographs on the wall with the eyes scratched out, a backpack or two that a tribute could collect, a sleeping bag with holes in it, and plenty of personal touches from staff members. There are notes and affirmations written, a carving in the corner of a heart around the initials NR+DF, and a few pieces of sporting equipment such as baseball bats, lacrosse sticks, and tennis rackets that could easily double as or be fashioned into weaponry. All the windows have been smashed out, and it seems like the cabin was abandoned by a lot of people in a very short time. There’s also a mysterious creaking coming from under the floorboards that would catch a Tribute’s attention.
30. Nurse’s Cabin
The Nurse’s Cabin is a nondescript cabin at the South of camp, sandwiched between the Staff Cabin and some of the Tribute Cabins.  It is ominously dark inside, and can only be navigated with the help of a light - either a flashlight or a torch. There are many goodies to be found - antibiotic tablets (which are actually hallucinogens), bandages (that are actually adhesives that are impossible to take off without losing skin), and (hidden well) a syringe filled with an unidentifiable liquid. Particularly insightful Tributes might also find the nurse’s diary, which starts out normal enough, but soon devolves into a mad raving about the evils of the caretaker and the monstrous person who lives in the woods. It’s hard to tell from her notes if the nurse was terrified of the caretaker or deeply in love with him - perhaps a bit of both.
31. South Forest
The South Forest is less dense and a little smaller than the North Forest, providing the advantage of easier movement but the drawback of somewhat higher visibility to other tributes who are also in the Area. It is bisected by the main road into camp, which ends in a locked, tall, metal gate with a sign above in carved wood reading: CAMP NIGHTLOCK. Wise tributes note this spot as the edge of the Arena, straying further from this point would run them directly into the forcefield, though the forest becomes densest and hardest to pass near the edges. There are lots of berry bushes scattered around this part of the forest, but each is similar. Only well-studied campers in wilderness foraging will be able to distinguish the safe from the unsafe. In the Southwest corner of the forest, there is a cave, tempting for use as a shelter. However, in the cave or in the immediate vicinity, an aggressive and territorial bear wanders and will attack any tribute on sight for trespassing. 
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equitywebsolution · 3 months
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Bosskiz, the best manufacturer for wall hung toilets and smart toilets in Guangdong, China.  Over the past 10 years, Our company has provided smart toilets intelligent toilets and automatic toilets.
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ground001 · 3 months
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fitted bathrooms
Transforming Your Home with Fitted Bathrooms:- Where Luxury Meets Practicality
In the realm of home renovation and interior design, fitted bathrooms stand as a testament to both luxury and practicality. Gone are the days of standard, cookie-cutter bathroom layouts; today's fitted bathrooms are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, tailored to maximize space efficiency while indulging in personalized style and comfort.
Craftsmanship and Customization
Fitted bathrooms are synonymous with craftsmanship of the highest caliber. Every element, from the selection of materials to the placement of fixtures, is meticulously planned and executed to create a cohesive and functional space. Whether you envision a sleek, contemporary design or a timeless, classic aesthetic, skilled craftsmen and designers collaborate to bring your vision to life.
Optimizing Space
One of the key advantages of fitted bathrooms is their ability to optimize even the smallest of spaces. Through innovative design solutions such as built-in storage cabinets, wall-hung fixtures, and clever use of lighting, fitted bathrooms maximize floor space while providing ample storage for toiletries and towels. This efficiency not only enhances the functionality of the bathroom but also contributes to a clutter-free and serene environment.
Personalized Design Choices
No two fitted bathrooms are alike, as they are tailored to suit the unique preferences and lifestyle of each homeowner. Whether you prefer a spa-like retreat with a freestanding bathtub and rainfall shower, or a practical family bathroom with dual sinks and durable countertops, the choices are endless. Customization extends to the selection of tiles, faucets, cabinetry finishes, and lighting fixtures, allowing for a cohesive design that reflects your personal taste and complements the overall decor of your home.
Integration of Technology
Modern fitted bathrooms often integrate state-of-the-art technology to enhance comfort and convenience. Smart mirrors with integrated lighting and demisters, motion-sensing faucets, and programmable shower systems are just a few examples of how technology can elevate the bathing experience. These innovations not only add a touch of luxury but also contribute to energy efficiency and water conservation.
Increasing Property Value
Investing in a fitted bathroom is not only about enhancing your daily routine but also about increasing the value of your property. Potential buyers are often drawn to homes with well-designed bathrooms that offer both style and functionality. A thoughtfully designed fitted bathroom can significantly boost the appeal and marketability of your home, making it a worthwhile investment for both your enjoyment and future resale value.
Environmental Considerations
Many fitted bathrooms are designed with sustainability in mind, utilizing eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient fixtures. Water-saving toilets, low-flow faucets and showerheads, and recycled materials for tiles and countertops are examples of how fitted bathrooms can minimize environmental impact without compromising on style or performance. These eco-conscious choices align with homeowners' values of sustainability and responsible living.
In conclusion, fitted bathrooms represent the epitome of luxury and practicality in home design. They combine exquisite craftsmanship, innovative design solutions, and personalized touches to create a sanctuary within your home. Whether you're renovating an existing bathroom or designing one for a new construction, investing in a fitted bathroom promises to elevate your living experience and provide a space where you can unwind, rejuvenate, and indulge in comfort and style. Discover the transformative potential of fitted bathrooms and embark on a journey to create a bathing oasis that reflects your personality, enhances your daily routine, and enriches your home for years to come.
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handymanproservices · 5 months
Toilet Replacement FAQs: Answers to Your Burning Questions
Are you considering replacing your toilet but have a multitude of questions swirling in your mind? Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we'll address the most common FAQs about toilet replacement, providing you with clarity and confidence for your bathroom upgrade.
When should I replace my toilet?
If your toilet constantly requires repairs, has cracks or leaks, or is outdated in terms of water efficiency, it's likely time for a replacement. Additionally, if you're renovating your bathroom and want a fresh look, replacing the toilet is a smart move.
What types of toilets are available?
There are various types, including standard two-piece toilets, one-piece toilets for easier cleaning, wall-hung toilets that save space, and smart toilets with advanced features like bidets and heated seats.
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How do I choose the right toilet for my bathroom?
Consider factors such as bowl shape (round or elongated), flushing mechanism (gravity-fed or pressure-assisted), water usage (standard or low-flow), and design aesthetics that complement your bathroom style.
Can I replace my toilet myself, or do I need a professional?
While DIY toilet replacement is possible for those with plumbing experience, it's recommended to hire a professional for a seamless installation, ensuring proper connections and minimizing potential issues.
What is the average cost of toilet replacement?
Costs vary based on factors like toilet type, brand, installation complexity, and local labor rates. On average, expect to invest between $200 to $800 for the toilet itself, with installation costs ranging from $150 to $300.
How long does toilet replacement take?
Professional installation typically takes a few hours, depending on the complexity of the job. DIY installations may take longer, especially for those less familiar with plumbing tasks.
What maintenance does a new toilet require?
Regular cleaning and occasional checks for leaks or running water are essential. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage internal components, and promptly address any issues to prevent further damage.
Can a new toilet increase my home's value?
Yes, a modern, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing toilet can enhance your bathroom's appeal, potentially increasing your home's overall value and attractiveness to buyers.
Armed with answers to these FAQs, you're ready to embark on your toilet replacement journey with confidence. Remember to prioritize quality, functionality, and efficiency to enjoy a comfortable and stylish bathroom for years to come. Happy upgrading!
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adghomes · 6 months
Wall Hung Toilet in Delhi - ADG HOMES
Introducing the epitome of modern luxury and space-saving functionality: the Wall Hung Toilet by ADG Homes. Designed with innovation and elegance in mind, our Wall Hung Toilet is the perfect solution for those seeking sophistication and practicality in their bathroom space. Crafted to redefine the standards of contemporary living, this toilet seamlessly combines style with efficiency to elevate your home to new heights of opulence.
In the bustling metropolis of Delhi, where space is often at a premium, our Wall Hung Toilet emerges as a game-changer. Its sleek and compact design not only maximizes floor space but also adds a touch of finesse to any bathroom setting. Whether you reside in a lavish penthouse or a cosy apartment, our Wall Hung Toilet is tailored to complement your lifestyle while accommodating your spatial constraints.
Constructed using premium-quality materials, durability and longevity are at the forefront of our design philosophy. Engineered to withstand the rigours of daily use, our Wall Hung Toilet guarantees years of hassle-free performance, ensuring that your investment remains worthwhile for the long haul. Say goodbye to mundane bathroom fixtures and embrace a toilet that exudes sophistication and durability in equal measure.
But it’s not just about aesthetics; our Wall Hung Toilet is engineered for unparalleled comfort and convenience. With its ergonomic design and user-friendly features, every visit to the bathroom becomes a delightful experience. From its soft-close seat mechanism to its efficient flushing system, every aspect is meticulously crafted to enhance your comfort and streamline your daily routine.
At ADG Homes, we understand the importance of sustainability and eco-friendliness in today’s world. That’s why our Wall Hung Toilet is designed to minimize water wastage without compromising on performance. With its water-efficient flushing mechanism, you can contribute to conservation efforts while enjoying the ultimate in bathroom luxury.
Furthermore, our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond just the product. With our dedicated team of experts, we provide unparalleled support and assistance to ensure that your experience with our Wall Hung Toilet is nothing short of exceptional. From installation guidance to after-sales service, we are here for you every step of the way.
So why settle for the ordinary when you can indulge in the extraordinary? Elevate your bathroom experience with the Wall Hung Toilet by ADG Homes — where innovation meets elegance, and luxury knows no bounds. Join the ranks of discerning homeowners in Delhi who have made the smart choice for their modern living spaces. Experience the difference today and transform your bathroom into a sanctuary of style and sophistication.
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lavishbath · 6 months
Embracing Elegance: Exploring the Advantages of Wall-Hung Smart Toilets
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In the realm of modern bathroom design, wall-hung smart toilets have emerged as a sleek and sophisticated option that combines cutting-edge technology with minimalist aesthetics. These innovative fixtures offer a host of benefits, from space-saving design to customizable features that elevate the bathroom experience to new heights of luxury and convenience. If you're considering upgrading your bathroom, a wall-hung smart toilet might be the perfect choice. Let's delve into the advantages of these stylish fixtures and discover why they're becoming increasingly popular in contemporary homes.
1. Maximizing Space: Optimal Design for Small Bathrooms
Smart toilet wall hung are renowned for their space-saving design, making them an ideal choice for bathrooms where space is at a premium. By mounting the toilet to the wall rather than placing it on the floor, valuable floor space is freed up, creating a more open and spacious environment.
The compact footprint of wall-hung smart toilets allows for greater flexibility in bathroom layout and design. Whether you're renovating a small apartment bathroom or creating a luxurious ensuite, these fixtures provide a versatile solution that maximizes space without compromising on style or functionality.
Additionally, the elevated positioning of wall-hung toilets creates a sense of airiness and openness in the bathroom, contributing to a modern and streamlined aesthetic that enhances the overall look and feel of the space.
2. Streamlined Aesthetics: Enhancing Modern Bathroom Design
One of the standout features of wall-hung smart toilets is their minimalist and contemporary design, which adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any bathroom. The clean lines, sleek profile, and hidden tank create a seamless and uncluttered look that complements a wide range of interior styles.
Wall-hung toilets can be installed at varying heights to accommodate individual preferences and ensure optimal comfort for users. This customization allows for a tailored fit that enhances both the visual appeal and functionality of the toilet.
Furthermore, the absence of a visible tank or base makes wall-hung smart toilets easier to clean and maintain, reducing the time
and effort required for upkeep. With fewer nooks and crannies for dirt and grime to accumulate, these fixtures offer a more hygienic and hassle-free solution for busy homeowners.
3. Advanced Technology: Integrating Smart Features
Despite their minimalist appearance, wall-hung smart toilets are equipped with advanced technology that enhances the user experience in numerous ways. Many models feature integrated bidet functionality, offering adjustable settings for water temperature, pressure, and spray position.
In addition to bidet functions, wall-hung smart toilets may include a range of other convenient features, such as heated seats, air drying, deodorization, and automatic flushing. These amenities create a luxurious and spa-like experience that transforms the bathroom into a sanctuary of comfort and relaxation.
Some wall-hung smart toilets are also compatible with smart home systems, allowing users to control various functions remotely via smartphone apps or voice commands. This integration adds an extra layer of convenience and accessibility to the user experience, further enhancing the appeal of wall-hung smart toilets for modern homeowners.
4. Environmental Benefits: Promoting Sustainability
In addition to their aesthetic and functional advantages, wall-hung smart toilets also offer environmental benefits that align with modern sustainability goals. Many models are designed to be water-efficient, with dual-flush mechanisms that allow users to choose between full and partial flushes depending on their needs.
By reducing water consumption, wall-hung smart toilets help conserve valuable resources and lower utility bills over time. Their eco-friendly design makes them a responsible choice for environmentally conscious homeowners who are seeking to minimize their ecological footprint.
Furthermore, the durability and longevity of wall-hung smart toilets contribute to their sustainability credentials, as they require fewer replacements and repairs compared to traditional toilets. This longevity reduces waste and ensures a more sustainable approach to bathroom design and maintenance.
In conclusion, wall-hung smart toilets offer a winning combination of space-saving design, streamlined aesthetics, advanced technology, and environmental benefits that make them an attractive choice for modern bathrooms. Whether you're looking to maximize space in a small bathroom, enhance the visual appeal of your ensuite, or incorporate eco-friendly features into your home, a wall-hung smart toilet ticks all the boxes. With their sleek design, customizable features, and sustainable credentials, these innovative fixtures are transforming the way we think about bathroom design and functionality.
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tapronlimited · 6 months
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The Most Innovative Style Tips For Smaller Bathroom Spaces
The Tapron blog post provides innovative style tips for enhancing smaller bathroom spaces, making them appear luxurious and spacious. It emphasizes efficient space usage with wall-hung basins and corner toilets, smart storage solutions like mirror cabinets and recessed wall storage, the use of reflective surfaces and light colors to create an illusion of space, and creative lighting options. Additionally, it suggests considering building a wetroom for a sleek design. These tips aim to transform compact bathrooms into dream spaces without compromising on luxury or functionality. For more details, you can read the full article here.
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instylerenovations · 6 months
Small Bathroom Renovations In Canberra
Undertaking a small bathroom renovation in Canberra presents a unique opportunity to maximize functionality and style within a limited space. While the size of your bathroom may be modest, with careful planning and thoughtful design choices, you can create a space that feels both luxurious and efficient. From optimizing layout to selecting space-saving fixtures, here are essential considerations to guide your Canberra bathroom renovation journey.
Begin by assessing the layout of your existing bathroom and identifying areas for improvement. Canberra homeowners often face challenges with compact floor plans, making efficient use of every inch vital. Consider reconfiguring the layout to optimize space and flow, potentially relocating fixtures or incorporating space-saving solutions like corner sinks or wall-mounted toilets.
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When it comes to selecting fixtures and finishes, prioritizing quality and durability is essential for Canberra's variable climate. Opt for materials that can withstand moisture and temperature fluctuations while still adding aesthetic appeal to your bathroom. Timeless choices such as porcelain tiles, stone countertops, and chrome fixtures not only enhance the visual appeal but also ensure longevity in Canberra's conditions.
In small bathrooms, maximizing storage is crucial to keep the space organized and clutter-free. Explore innovative storage solutions such as recessed shelving, built-in niches, or floating vanities with integrated storage to make the most of available space. Custom cabinetry tailored to your specific needs can also help optimize storage while maintaining a cohesive design aesthetic.
Lighting plays a significant role in enhancing the ambiance and functionality of your bathroom. Canberra's natural light can be supplemented with strategically placed fixtures to brighten and visually expand the space. Consider incorporating a combination of overhead lighting, vanity lighting, and accent lighting to create layers of illumination that accommodate various tasks and moods.
Incorporating smart design elements can further enhance the functionality of your small bathroom renovation in Canberra. Features such as frameless glass shower screens, wall-hung toilets, and pedestal sinks can visually open up the space, creating an illusion of more significant square footage. Additionally, opting for a neutral color palette and minimalist design aesthetic can help create a sense of airiness and sophistication in a small bathroom.
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Finally, collaborating with experienced professionals can streamline the renovation process and ensure a successful outcome. From design conception to final installation, working with reputable contractors or designers can provide valuable expertise and guidance tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
In conclusion, small bathroom renovations in Canberra offer an opportunity to elevate your space through thoughtful design and strategic planning. By optimizing layout, selecting durable materials, maximizing storage, and incorporating smart design elements, you can transform your compact bathroom into a stylish and functional retreat that enhances your daily routine.
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entirelybathrooms03 · 7 months
Innovative Design, Unmatched Comfort: Explore the Latest in Bathroom Suites Trends
In the ever-evolving landscape of interior design, the bathroom has emerged as a focal point for innovation and luxury. Gone are the days of bland, cookie-cutter bathrooms—today’s discerning homeowners are seeking unique and stylish solutions that elevate their bathing experience to new heights. Enter the latest trends in Bathroom Suites, where innovative design meets unmatched comfort to create spaces that are as functional as they are beautiful.
Embracing Innovation in Bathroom Design
Smart Technology Integration: Technology has revolutionized every aspect of our lives, and the bathroom is no exception. From high-tech toilets with built-in bidets and heated seats to smart mirrors with integrated LED lighting and touchless faucets, the latest Bathroom Suites are embracing cutting-edge technology to enhance comfort and convenience.
Space-Saving Solutions: With urban living on the rise, maximizing space has become a top priority for many homeowners. Compact fixtures, such as wall-hung toilets and floating vanities, help create the illusion of space in smaller bathrooms, while clever storage solutions ensure that every inch is utilized efficiently.
Natural and Organic Elements: Inspired by the tranquility of nature, many designers are incorporating natural and organic elements into Bathroom Suites. Think reclaimed wood vanities, stone countertops, and earthy color palettes that evoke a sense of serenity and relaxation.
Customization and Personalization: Today’s homeowners crave spaces that reflect their unique personality and style. Customizable Bathroom Suites allow for endless possibilities, from choosing the perfect finishes and hardware to selecting fixtures that cater to your specific needs and preferences.
Unmatched Comfort and Luxury
Spa-Like Retreats: Transform your bathroom into a luxurious spa-like retreat with features such as oversized soaking tubs, steam showers, and built-in sound systems. Indulge in the ultimate relaxation experience without ever leaving the comfort of your home.
Ergonomic Design: Comfort is key when it comes to Bathroom Suites, and ergonomic design principles are being incorporated into every aspect of bathroom fixtures. From ergonomically shaped bathtubs and sinks to adjustable-height toilets and showers, these suites are designed to provide maximum comfort and convenience for users of all ages and abilities.
Luxurious Materials and Finishes: Elevate your bathroom aesthetic with luxurious materials and finishes, such as marble countertops, brass fixtures, and glass tile accents. These high-end touches add a touch of sophistication and elegance to any space, creating a truly indulgent atmosphere.
Wellness-Focused Features: Health and wellness are top priorities for many homeowners, and Bathroom Suites are incorporating features that promote relaxation and rejuvenation. From chromotherapy lighting and aromatherapy diffusers to built-in exercise equipment and meditation spaces, these suites are designed to enhance your overall well-being.
Exploring the Latest Trends
Statement Lighting: Make a bold statement with oversized pendant lights, sculptural chandeliers, or sleek LED fixtures that add drama and style to your bathroom space.
Matte Black Fixtures: Embrace the trend towards matte black fixtures, which add a modern edge and a touch of sophistication to any Bathroom Suite.
Mixed Metals: Mix and match different metal finishes, such as brushed nickel, polished chrome, and antique brass, to create a dynamic and visually interesting look in your bathroom.
Bold Patterns and Textures: Experiment with bold patterns and textures, such as geometric tiles, floral wallpaper, and textured accents, to add personality and character to your Bathroom Suite.
From smart technology integration to spa-like retreats, the latest trends in Bathroom Suites are redefining the way we think about bathroom design. Embrace innovation, comfort, and luxury in equal measure, and create a space that reflects your unique style and enhances your daily routine. Whether you’re renovating an existing bathroom or building a new home, explore the latest trends in Bathroom Suites and discover a world of endless possibilities for your personal oasis of relaxation and rejuvenation.
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ama2024 · 7 months
Rimless Toilets Market Status and Future Forecast 2023-2029
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Rimless Toilets Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Rimless Toilets Forecast till 2029*.
A rimless toilet is simply a toilet without a traditional rim. Instead of water flowing into the bowl all the way around the rim, a direct flush technique that shoots water around the basin of the toilet rather than the water be redistributed in the manner of a traditional rimmed toilet. The rims are completely open and do not include any ceramic lip under which dirt or bacteria could accumulate. A rimless toilet makes for significantly easier cleaning and a clear improvement in hygiene. The increasing adoption of smart bathrooms globally has driven the market demand.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Rimless Toilets Market are:
DURAVIT AG (Germany), PORCELANOSA Grupo (Spain) , GROHE AG (Germany), Hindware Homes (India), Kohler Co. (United States), Toto Ltd. (Japan), Caroma Industries Limited (Australia), Enware Australia Pty Limited (Australia), Ceramica Flaminia S.p.A (Italy), LAUFEN Bathrooms AG (Switzerland), Lecico (United Kingdom),
What's Trending in Market: Demand for Water Saving Technologies
Challenges: Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change
Opportunities: Increasing Demand from Asian Countries including India, Japan, China, and South Korea Expanding Hospitality Sector with Advancements
Market Growth Drivers: Adoption of Smart Bathrooms Increasing Commercial Spaces With Requirement of Less Water Wastage Bathrooms Increasing Building Constructions within Less Spaces
The Global Rimless Toilets Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Rimless Wall Hung Toilets, Rimless Back To Wall Toilets, Rimless Close Coupled Toilets), Application (Non-residential, Residential), Toilet Size (Small, Large), Sales Channel (Online, Offline), Drainage Pattern (P-trap, S-trap)
Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/57803-global-rimless-toilets-market
To comprehend Global Rimless Toilets market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Rimless Toilets market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
• North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
• South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil.
• Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
• Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.
• Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.
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