#small concrete mixers
atlasequiptech · 2 months
Concrete Mixer Supplier - Small Cement Mixer Exporter
Established as a specialist in compact concrete mixing equipment, Atlas Equipments has built a reputation for engineering durable, easy-to-use products that meet the needs of small-scale construction projects, DIY enthusiasts, and those with limited workspace. Their small cement mixers and mini concrete mixers are designed for convenience and portability without sacrificing performance.
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atlasequipmnets · 1 year
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Mini Concrete Mixers Manufacturer Plants - Atlas Equipments
Mini concrete batching plants are best for remote sites. Small batch plants are easy to move. Manufacturer in India of mini concrete mixers on wheels.
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Mini Concrete Batch Plant - Atlas Technology
Small batch plant comes with a water tank. Concrete mixer well-organized control panel.Atlas makes a small concrete mixer that's ideal for hard-to-reach locations. A small batching plant is ideal for locations where extreme mobility is required.
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apas-95 · 1 month
In most city builders the unofficial (sometimes, explicit) goal is to grow your city - get a large amount of money, a large population and large tax income, unlock cool buildings, etc - and, while you can play it that way, the real unofficial goal of Workers & Resources is self-sufficiency.
While in the early game you're necessarily reliant on foreign trade to purchase raw materials, even hire foreign skilled labourers, and depend on exports to make up your currency deficit, the excitement of the game comes about once you fully control all steps of a given production process. You go from importing electricity - to mining, transporting, and refining coal for your own domestic power plants. And that applies to every single resource chain in the game, from bread, to concrete, to railway carriages.
What really sells me on the whole thing is this - in 'realistic' mode, the ability to construct buildings purely from money is removed. You can still import materials and labour, but you need to actually get them there. The process for starting out your city goes like this:
Set up mud tracks (the only free road type) from a border customs office. Build the free versions (which is to say, designated dirt lots) of a construction office, a fuel depot, and a road logistics office. From the border, buy vehicles with cash - cement mixers, dump trucks, asphalt pavers and steamrollers, a bus to bring foreign workers to your construction site, and don't forget a fuel tanker to supply your fuel depot. At this point you have a muddy construction site with some cars parked on it. Start construction on worker housing, the electrical substation for the housing, a water pump and water treatment plant (or, just a water tower to import water into), a small store to feed them - and hopefully it's not cold enough that you need a central heating block. Congrats, now get your construction offices carrying out each individual stage of construction in turn, requiring different resources and vehicles at each part, until, over dozens and dozens of workdays, you've finally built a single worker accomodation. Take in some workers, who are probably a bit annoyed that there aren't any bars or sports complexes around, and you've finally, after months of construction works, got your first residents. Now they need an actual workplace - and, luckily, you've now got a local workforce to construct it. Give it time, and this remote patch of dirt will be constructing nuclear power stations.
I feel like, in the way games like Banished (or, more topically, Manor Lords, I think? I've never played it) turn city-building into a survival game, by just semi-accurately portraying the precarity of a peasant economy, Workers & Resources definitely makes you feel like a stressed planner fighting against production itself, rather than your own citizens, like in Cities Skylines or the like.
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musubi-sama · 6 months
“Classmates” Chapter 2
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New town, new grad school, new friends, and your first time with a woman. A prequel to the previous chapter.
AN: I initially planned on a one shot, then just two chapters (this one and one more set the day before Ch 1), and now I have like an entire “plot” or at least a series of events over a few years of this couple’s life. It won’t be too deep or angsty, just fun and fluff.
Previous chapter | Next chapter
WC: 4.5k
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Grad school was always a dream of yours. Getting in felt like a breeze. You found an adviser easily, the connections you had made in undergrad proved key. Same for the preparations to your initial proposal and interviews. You applied for several schools and programs, but you made it to your top choice.
That’s not to say you didn’t work hard; college wasn’t easy. But you thanked your lucky stars that one of your professors took you under their wing and offered to walk you through the process and be your key reference.
Today is orientation for your new lab. Meeting your adviser for the first time since spring of undergrad Senior year. You were joined by two new members and five returning students. You were the second to arrive, your other first-year lab mate immediately walking over to you, shaking your hand, and introducing themselves. You carry on friendly banter until you see another person walk in the door.
Shoko was wearing a simple blue cotton blouse, green tapered slacks, and classic black pumps. She carried a simple black leather tote on her shoulder. Her chestnut brown hair reached just past her shoulders, bangs swept across her forehead. She had simple makeup highlighting her face and a small freckle below her right eye.
But none of that really registered with you as the first thing you noticed was how her eyes looked directly into you, with a soft smile, and your heart skipped a beat while your stomach did somersaults. “Hey, calm down” you urge your brain.
She steps across the room to greet you. Because while normally you would at least try to take a few steps forward to meet a person halfway, your legs seem to have turned to jell o and your feet to concrete. You raise your arm in what feels like slow-motion as you extend a weak hand to Shoko and cough out a very weak “H-hi. It’s nice to me-eet you.”
“Aren’t you cute. Shoko Ieri. You must be new to town, haven’t seen you around before. At least, not in undergrad.”
“Oh, uh, no. I just arrived two days ago, I’m from the other side of the country, originally.”
And at that moment another few people entered them along with your adviser leaving your conversation clipped.
You spent the rest of the mixer mingling with your colleagues and getting to know them. By the end, you joined the lab’s Line chat group (which gives you access to Shoko’s contact. Not that you were going to send her any messages, you’re too paralyzed on what to say.)
As people started to leave, one of the PhD candidates invited everyone to a bar nearby for a post-gathering gathering. You manage to snag a seat next to Shoko who gives you a soft touch on your arm as you sit down. Goosebumps follow the touch and again your brain short circuits.
You spend the next two hours drinking cheap beer and easing out of your shell. Conversation flows particularly easily between the two of you as you share where you’re from and why you chose this university.
As people start to leave, you excuse yourself to use the restroom. When you return, you notice Shoko is missing and you feel a pang in your gut. You gather your bag to leave, giving those remaining a polite wave as you tell them you are looking forward to working with them starting next week.
As you exit, you see Shoko standing off to the side of the entrance smoking a cigarette, “Hi. Again.”
“Hi. Are you on your way out?” she pulls the cigarette away from her soft lips, blowing the smoke up and away from you.
“Yeah. Still not used to the time zone yet. See you on Monday!” you give a quick wave as you start walking down the street. You decide to walk the 30 minute trip home to clear your head.
After your first month of classes, you installed a few dating apps. When deciding on what types of potential partners you’d like to see, your finger hovers over the “gender” selections. You hesitate and wonder if you really are into women as a potential partner or are you just curious about what it’d be like in bed? You chicken out and choose “Male/AMAB”, sighing at your lack of confidence.
Once you’ve set up your profile, the app’s algorithm starts churning and you’re presented with options. You spend an hour swiping left on most profiles, although you find a few interesting potentials. You make a few matches, start chatting with one person you’re particularly interested in, and ultimately set up a coffee date.
During all of this, you’ve become friends with Shoko and she offers to sit across the coffee shop and keep an eye on things, to rescue you if it goes poorly. Fortunately it goes well, or at least, well enough that you agree to see him the following weekend for dinner. You give a quick wave as you leave, missing the small frown on her face.
It’s been six months and you’ve settled into a routine of research, classes, studying, seeing your boyfriend (typically just dinner at home and staying the night) a few days a week, and squeezing in coffee and dinner/TV/movies at Shoko’s. It’s a busy schedule, but you’ve managed to make things work.
As you’re approaching Spring Break, your adviser reminds you that there is no work expected to be done or deadlines immediately upon returning to classes. It’s a small gift for the first-year researchers. So to celebrate, one of your lab mates suggests a trip to the local bar to kick off a week of no academic responsibilities.
You send a text off to your boyfriend with the details. Agreeing to meet you at the bar since you were coming from two different directions, you lucked out and both arrived at the same time.
“Um, so, can we talk?” your boyfriend says as he approaches. You gulp at the uncomfortable and familiar line.
“Heyyyyy you made it!” one of your lab mates shouts as you enter the izakaya and approach the table. About two thirds of the lab is present, including Shoko. You light up seeing her as she takes a sip from her beer. You walk around the table and sit down with her. Shoko lifts an eyebrow and gives you a soft smile, “Glad you could make it, dear.”
The small pet name made your heart skip a beat. You were feeling a bit down because your boyfriend chose just before entering the izakaya today as the “perfect” moment to break up with you. The feelings were mutual, you weren’t a well-matched pair, but he was fine enough in bed, unoffensive, and was in the early stages of a good career. A smart, conservative choice for your future. But he was right, it just wasn’t going to work out.
“I realllllly need a giant beer.” you lean your head on Shoko’s shoulder and then quickly sit up. “Excuse me!” you shout as you try to flag down a waiter to take your order, placing your head back on her shoulder. Once the drink arrives, you lift your head off Shoko’s shoulder and take an impressively large swig.
“Let me guess…” Shoko trails off as she waits to see if you confirm her unspoken suspicions.
“I mean, the feelings are slightly mutual at least?” you take another large sip.
“If that’s what you need to tell yourself.”
“You’re right. But I don’t like this feeling.” Gulp.
“I’m not going to tell you there’s some perfect husband-material guy that is sitting at this table, or will walk in the door here right now. But I will tell you that I am here for you as your friend. A shoulder to cry on, to vent at, and/or let out your frustrations and anger on. Plus I can ply you with beer.”— Shoko winks— “Anyways, the tab is being covered by Mei Mei tonight.” Shoko knocks her glass with yours and you both take a sip. She keeps looking down, finally eeking out a small smile from you.
You start to perk up on your second drink, and are feeling confident and invulnerable halfway into your third beer.
Making easy conversation with your colleagues through the evening, you kept stealing glances and soft touches on your arm and your back from Shoko. Each time your stomach did somersaults and your brain floated through the clouds. No, that had to be the beer.
You excuse yourself to the bathroom, walking with a unique interpretation of steadiness. Upon returning, you sat down with all the grace of toddler.
“Let’s head out, yeah?” Shoko rests her hand on top of yours, giving your shoulder a nudge.
“Mmmm yeah. I want to just take a hot bath and collapse into bed.”
You start to drag yourself up and gather your belongings. Once outside, Shoko links her arm with yours as you both start walking in the direction of both apartments. The cool air helping you sober up. After a few blocks of comfortable silence…
“Why don’t you stay at my place tonight? I’ve got wine.” Shoko reaches her free arm around to fully embrace your arm linked with hers.
“Oh. Are…you sure?” You lift your head up off her shoulder and give her a inquisitive look. Crashing on her couch isn’t unusual; but as a result of your inebriation, you miss a subtle nudge and squeeze of your arm when you perked up.
Shoko just gives you a smile and she leads you down a side street and you make it to her apartment. You knock your shoes off and fall onto the couch as Shoko heads off to the kitchen. She rustles through the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, a pair of wine glasses, and a wine key.
“Becoming one with the couch, I like it” Shoko joins you on the couch, sitting the items on the table, beginning to open the bottle.
“Mmmmm my favorite.” You motion towards the bottle as Shoko pulls the cork out with a satisfying ‘pop.’
“Always for you, my dear.” she starts to pour a heavy pour for both of you. You take the offered glass and clink with a polite cheers. Taking a sip, you savor the taste while your eyes linger on Shoko’s neck as she leans back and takes a slow sip and swallow.
Shoko reaches for her phone to turn on some music. Lyrics you’ve never heard start playing, but you start to nod your head to the beats.
“So, tell me what happened tonight.” Shoko turns to look at you directly, one leg hanging off the couch, the other folded neatly under her. She puts a hand on your knee, and you turn to mirror her body.
“I don’t know why he picked now? I thought things were going so well. I mean, he wasn’t like amazing, but it was comfortable,” you take another sip. “Whatever. Honestly, it was too hard juggling everything.” you take another sip and finish off your glass.
Feeling lightheaded from the wine, you lean back against the arm of the couch. Shoko leans over and takes your glass and sets it on the table with hers. Returning to the couch, she places her hands on either side of your shoulders, leaning against the couch arm, knees next to your thighs, caging you in. You look up at her, spit catching in your throat as your stomach turns flips and releases a kaleidoscope of butterflies.
Your brain short circuits when a pair of soft lips ghost against your own. They come back around, this time making full contact as they press against yours. You release a small moan as you drink in the aroma of the tannins on her lips. The softness yet gentle pressure of Shoko’s lips on yours sends a shock through your spine.
“May I?” she pulls away, looking at you with a hooded gaze. You just nod slowly as you bring your arms up to her waist, Shoko leaning in for a second kiss. This time with more urgency, sliding her tongue along your lips, a silent request for entry to your mouth. You open slightly and she presses her tongue in through the gap.
Gripping her waist more, you pull Shoko into you as you give yourself into the embrace. Shifting her weight, Shoko sits on your thighs and her hands slide to cup your chin as she pulls your face closer, tongue still mapping your mouth.
“What-“ you break away from the kiss momentarily. “I don’t-um…” you trail off.
Shoko slides one hand from your chin and laces with your hand at her side.
“Do you trust me?” Shoko says while squeezing your hand. Her eyes flicker between your eyes, your lips, and further down. You nod your head. Your brain is swimming in lingering beer, some wine, and the heavy lust clouds hovering around the two of you, “Then please just relax and lay back.”
You hum in acknowledgment as Shoko leans in and her free hand slides down your neck and cups your breast. At the same time, her lips begin to kiss down the column of your neck, sending shocks of pleasure down your spine. You arch your back at the sensations. Starting to feel tension in your cunt building from the tension.
Shoko kneads your breast for a moment before reaching down to the hem of your shirt and pulling it over your head. She also makes quick work of your bra.
Leaning back down, she takes one of your nipples into her mouth, sucking lightly as her hand cups your breast at the base. She repeats with your other nipple, softly kissing a line between them as she moves over. A soft moan escapes your lips as you acquiesce to the touch.
You slide your hands up from Shoko’s waist along her sides and gingerly caress her covered tits, giving them a light squeeze. You feel a vibration at one of your nipples as Shoko releases a light chuckle and then moans into you. This jolt of pleasure joins the others zipping right down your spine into your core. Feeling your arousal continue to leak out, creating a pool in your panties.
You grind your hips to try and get some semblance of relief, but to no avail. Noticing your squirming, Shoko sits up, releasing your nipple with a light ‘pop’ and starts to loosen your pants.
“Is this okay?” she whispers as she works the button open and lowers the zipper.
“Please…” you whine.
Squeezing your thighs together in another attempt to relieve the building pressure. The fog is only building around you, threatening to suffocate your brain. You feel woozy, but in a wholly thrilling way. This is new, this is exciting, this is uncharted territory. You’ve wanted this, but you could never put the thoughts together to fully realize it.
Shoko lifts off of you to fully remove your pants and panties, leaving you fully exposed. “Come here” Shoko stands up and extends her arm to you. You grab it and stand up. She pulls you into her, wrapping her arms around you as your lips crash together, drinking in the lust. Shoko leads you to her bedroom in the back of her apartment. Not a molecule in your body wasn’t pushing you forward, craving more. More touch, more kissing, more unknown.
You fall backwards onto the plush duvet. The head of the bed covered in myriad pillows, both practical and decorative, you slide back so you are sinking into the soft pillows, somewhat propped up.
“Don’t blink,” Shoko bites her lip as she reaches for the hem of her shirt, rucking it up from her waist letting it pop over the swell of her chest, tossing it to the side.
Then her pants, slowly unbuttoning them and shaking her hips back and forth as she pushes them down and steps out.
Next, she turns around so you can see her plump ass split and wrapped by a simple blue lacy thong. She looks over her shoulder as she unclasps her bra and slides the straps off her shoulders. She uses one hand to grasp the side of the bra and drops the other arm to her side as she tosses it to the foot of the bed near you.
And finally, she slips her thumbs into the sides of her thong and bends over, giving you a stunning display of her ass as she pulls off her thong. The middle of it sticking momentarily in her cunt as her own arousal created a sticky mess. She tosses it right next to your head, draped over the headboard.
Watching the show unfold in front of you, you can’t help but let a hand drift between your legs, dipping into your trimmed pussy, circling your aching clit. You let out a moan when Shoko presents her ass to you and gasp when the final article of clothing lands next to you. Looking up, you see Shoko kneeling on the bed at your feet, slowly climbing up your legs.
Shoko grabs hold of your wrist and removes it from your core, holding your wet fingers up to her mouth. Sticking out her tongue, she languishes over your fingers, cleaning off every bit of your arousal.
“Mmmm, sweet,” she places your wet hand on her breast as she drags a finger along your folds. You reactively squeeze, moving your hand to roll her nipple in your grasp.
With a smirk, Shoko slowly inserts her middle finger into your sopping wet cunt. At the same time, she uses her thumb to rub your clit gently. Not wanting to overwhelm you in what is clearly your first time with a woman, Shoko gently slides her finger in and out while circling your aching bud.
Your hand having abandoned it’s duties to falling beside you, you gasp at the pleasure. The knowing sensation of someone who is treating your body with measured precision. Reflecting the same pleasure she’d used her entire adult life on herself. You let yourself be consumed by the feelings, brain stopping all other functions. Giving in to the lust, drowning in the touch.
“Shoooookooooo oh god please,” you rattle off nonsensical exclamations as the speed picks up. Shoko lays down next to you on her side. She drapes one leg across yours, lightly grinding her cunt against your thigh. Shoko adds a second finger to the pistoning.
Pressing needy kisses into the side of your neck, you turn your head to the side to capture her lips on yours. The kiss is rough, it’s full of tongue and movement. You continue to grind against Shoko’s hand as you near your high. Whimpering into the continued embrace, your free hand shoots up to your hair.
“Ah! Fuck, please! I can’t—“ You throw your head back as you orgasm hard into Shoko’s hand. Letting out a whimper that sounds more like a shout, you ride your high with clouded vision. Your hand flies from your hair to Shoko’s hand, clasping it tight as you jut your hips erratically.
Breathing heavily, you finally turn your head to the side and Shoko kisses the corner of your mouth, and then kisses away the tears leaking from your eyes. Slowly removing her hand from your sensitive core, Shoko brings her hand up to lick off your orgasm.
Coming down from your high, you push Shoko’s leg off of you and roll her onto her back. Moving yourself to between her legs, you tentatively reach your hand down to cup her bare folds. You gasp at the wholly familiar, yet new feeling on your hand.
Going back for a second touch, Shoko leans up on her elbows, “Baby, please don’t be shy.”
You pause for a moment and then refocus your attention on Shoko’s clit, gently rolling it between your fingers. Shoko arches her back at the sensation, pussy glistening and leaking.
You are encouraged by her reaction, so you take your other hand and spread her pussy open and inserting a finger gingerly. Sliding in, you feel a tingle down your spine with another sense of familiarity. You add in a second finger and Shoko begins to roll her hips against your ministrations.
Feeling more confident, you start to slide your fingers in and out of Shoko’s tight pussy. Trying to mimic the motions you’ve used on yourself and reading her face to draw out the best reactions, you adjust the speed and angle of your fingers until just right.
The room is filled with heavy panting, whimpers, needy whines, and the thick scent of arousal. You’re no longer feeling the influence of alcohol on your brain, but instead getting drunk on lust. You lean down to press a messy kiss on Shoko’s neck as she arches her back and releases a loud shout while you feel her orgasm pulse around your fingers and leak around you.
After a few heady moments, you pull your hand out, spreading your fingers and see the wet strings of her sticky arousal coating your fingers and dripping into your palm. Taking your turn to clean up your hands, you savor the sweet and tangy essence, letting out a moan as you swallow.
Shoko reaches up to you, cupping the nape of your neck, pulling you into her in a warm, tight embrace.
“First time, eh?”
Your words lost in your throat, you just nod.
“I’ve been waiting for the right moment since the day I met you.”
You lift yourself up and look straight into her eyes, your own expression in disbelief, “Really?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t really know what to do, but I really did love it. I-I think I want—” You pause to bury your head in your hands. Shoko gently grabs your hands so she can see you. You sit back on your heels and she sits up and gently wraps her legs around you.
“Don’t, no, don’t apologize. There isn’t an instruction manual attached to everyone’s genitalia, and,” she pauses to kiss your neck, “we don’t need to figure out what we are or what this was or anything in this moment. Let’s go take a bath, yeah?”
“Oka-y. Okay. Yeah. That’ll be nice,” you start to get off the bed but you wobble a little as you stand up.
“My little Bambi…” Shoko stands up and links her arm with yours as she leads you to the bathroom.
She starts the water in the over-sized tub and then starts rustling through the cabinets for towels, soap, and bubbles. You sit down on the lid of the toilet, bringing your feet and knees up.
“Bubbles?” she asks you.
“Bubbles,” you giggle back at her as she adds a bubble bar to the bath. You watch it start to cover the top of the water making it more opaque as the tub fills up.
Shoko disappears out the door and returns with a tray she fits across the tub, the wine bottle, and two wine glasses refilled.
“Hmm I think that’s enough water,” Shoko turns off the tap and she motions for you to take her hand. She steps in ahead of you and holds your hand for balance as you dip in, giving a soft moan to the searing warmth of the water.
Siting at opposite ends facing each other, you take a soapy hand to reach out for a glass and again share a gentle clink and take a sip. You both settle into a comfortable silence, still coming down from your respective highs. Your brain still in an unfocused fog, you’re just enjoying the moment to relax. Legs twisted around each other as you face Shoko in the peaks and valleys of bubbles.
Enjoying the view, seeing the swell of her breasts hovering in the edge of the bubbles and water. Shoko catches your gaze and returns the look, taking in your exposed skin.
“Can we do this again?” you ask suddenly, breaking the silence.
“A bath?”
“No. I mean, before that,” you start to blush, hoping it’s just from the wine and the hot water.
“Oh.” Shoko smirks, “I thought you’d be too tired tonight, but, sure.”
“I just meant like tomorrow or the next day or…” you trail off, blush deepening and spreading down to your exposed décolletage.
“You’re fun to mess with. I’d like to do it again, I’m sure we can find more time in the future.”
You hum in agreement and take a sip of your wine. You feel an overwhelming sense of relief that you felt were mutual. Back in undergrad, you were never sure if it was just a garden-variety crush on a celebrity (doesn’t everyone find them attractive?) or that your brain actually had an attraction to women and men.
You’ve never come out to your family or admitted any of this to them, never really receiving the emotional support you’ve wanted. But maybe Shoko could answer your questions once your brain solidified again.
But, you knew one thing. You were addicted. Your lust-drunk brain focused on the sensations from tonight and etched them into your memory. Maybe next time you’ll get that sweet nectar on your tongue right at the source. Maybe next time you’ll get smothered by her sitting on your face. Maybe next time you’d wrap your hands in her hair and—
You snap out of your daydream when you hear the tap of glass as Shoko pours more wine into her glass.
“Um, what are your plans for spring break?” you try to convincingly ask so as to divert your brain off it’s horny line of thoughts.
“Didn’t have any. Probably just watch trashy movies, drink wine, and pray my friends are charged up,” she knocks her leg into yours on the last statement.
“Huh?” you are caught off-guard at the insinuation of the likelihood of toys to play with. Maybe next time…?
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t have any plans, didn’t want to go anywhere this year. Besides, I need to start prepping my med school applications. What about you? Going home?” Shoko continues sipping her wine.
“No, no plans. Going home is too much of a hassle and there isn’t much for me there anyways. I planned to just sleep and become one with my couch.”
“Stay here, with me. I’ve got a big couch, and I think it’s missing an impression of you sunken into it.”
You choke on your wine, but Shoko just chuckles and finishes her glass. She offers to refill as she empties the bottle. You continue to soak and enjoy each others’ company until the bubbles have all popped and the wine is all gone.
Getting out, you towel off and dig through Shoko’s skin care shelf to apply a few layers of product. She offers you a spare (new) toothbrush and you put on a borrowed over-sized t shirt.
Climbing into bed, you feel uncomfortable and unsure with just laying there until Shoko wraps an arm around you and nuzzles her head into your neck with a nip from her teeth. You have a feeling you won’t be going to sleep just yet.
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Lend a Helping Hand
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Got the pic here. The graphic was made by me on Canva.
This fic will cover my "I need you to set that down slowly and step away." square on my 2nd @jacklesversebingo card. The prompt will be in bold.
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Summary: Dean wants to lend a helping hand.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: None. All fluff. Crack if you squint. But it's mostly just pure Christmas Fluff!
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,047
A/N: Here is the next request for my second @jacklesversebingo card. This one came from @kimberkingrivers who asked this:
...The square “I’m gonna need you to set that down and step away” made me think of Dean and reader in a very domestic setting, in the bunker kitchen maybe. Reader is making something and totally about to make a mess. Or vise versa Deans trying to make something for the reader and she walks in to the kitchen to see the mess he’s made and tell him the prompt. I don’t know that’s just where my brain went.
I absolutely loved this idea and came up with this little drabble as a result. I hope you enjoy it, lovely!
The beautiful dividers I used were made by @talesmaniac89
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Y/N took the last step down the metal staircase into the bunker and sighed deeply as she dropped her bags where she stood. Her arms were exhausted after two hours of walking and shopping, trying to get all the last minute stuff that she needed to make Christmas perfect for her little hunter family. 
The boys were basically like feral wolves when it came to celebrating holidays; they had no idea how to do it, and when she forced them into the festivities they tended to be almost suspicious of the merriment. But she refused to take no for an answer and poured everything she had into making their celebrations happy, and relaxing.
So for Christmas she was going all out. She’d spent days decorating the bunker while the boys had been out on a hunt and when they came back, the cold, concrete bunker had been transformed into a bright and colorful, warm and inviting space. They’d both told her she didn’t need to go to all that trouble, but she could see how happy it made them and the look of little boy excitement in Dean’s eyes had made it more than worth the time she put into it. 
She and Dean had been together nearly a year now, and she never got tired of giving him the home he’d never had. She loved being the comfort he came home to. 
She sighed happily and picked up her bags, planning on taking them to the bedroom, when suddenly she heard a huge crash. A second later Dean was yelling and cursing and Y/N dropped the bags back to the floor and dashed towards his voice. It sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. 
As she neared the entrance she called out to her boyfriend. “Dean, what’s wrong?”
“No!” Dean yelled back. “No, don’t come in here!”
But it was too late. She skidded to a halt in the doorway of the kitchen and her jaw dropped. Dean had his back to her, facing the island and wrestling with something sitting there. But he spun around when he heard her enter. His hands were raised as she walked slowly down the stairs and into the room.
“No! You weren’t…” He sighed and dropped his hands down to his sides. “You weren’t supposed to come in here.” In each hand he held a beater from the electric mixer and they dripped thick, lumpy icing onto the floor.
Y/N looked around her, unable to believe the catastrophe that'd been made out of what had been a spotless kitchen just hours before.
The counter was lined with baking instruments in various states of cleanliness. There was something burnt and yet oozing out of the muffin tins on top of the stove. The floor was patterned with big, sticky boot prints, and a bag of flour had tipped over to spill off the end of the table, creating a small hill of fluffy white powder on the gray floor below. The water was running endlessly in the sink that was stacked with dishes, and Dean was covered in a fine layer of flour.
There were colorful sprinkles in his hair.
“What on…I was only gone two hours.” Y/N said in a quiet, awed voice. “Wha-” Something dripped from the ceiling to land right in front of her, making her step back quickly. She looked up and pointed at the goop. “Is that frosting?”
Dean gave a frustrated growl. “Yes, it is. Because this stupid machine is a piece of shit!” He turned slightly towards the mixer sitting on the island, flinging his arms out wide. A thick splat of frosting shot off the end of the beater he held to land in a wet lump on Y/N’s cheek.
“Shit!” Dean shouted, his face scrunched up with remorse. “I’m sorry.” He swung back to face her quickly and more frosting went flying, this time landing on the wall.
“Okay,” Y/N said in a calming voice as though talking down a maniac. “I need you to set that down slowly and step away.”
Dean sighed and shifted to set the beaters down on the island. “You weren’t supposed to come in here.”
Y/N shook her head as she approached him. “Dean, what are you doing?” She asked with an exasperated laugh.
He lifted the corner of his mouth and shrugged a shoulder. “Helping?”
Y/N snorted out another laugh at his slightly chagrined expression. As she got close enough, Dean reached out towards her, flicking his thumb across her cheek to try and get the frosting off. 
“It’s just,” his voice got soft and his smile became sheepish, “you’ve been doing so much to make Christmas special, and it’s been incredible and I just wanted to take something off your hands."
He bit his lip and shrugged again before continuing. "You said you were gonna make cupcakes when you got home, so I thought it would be a nice surprise to have them already finished for you.”
He sighed again and then scowled at the uncooperative mixer. “But nothing did what I wanted it to do.”
As he explained his sweet gesture, Y/N felt a lump catch in her throat and tears came to her eyes. Dean misinterpreted them though, and his eyes got wide. “But I swear, sweetheart, you don’t have to worry. I’m gonna clean all of this up, I don’t want you to-”
Y/N cut him off by throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. His lips were sweet and sticky, proof he’d been sampling the frosting as he went. Dean's sound of surprise turned into a moan and he deepened the kiss. He left floury handprints at her waist as he pulled her tight against him.
When Y/N pulled away she was breathing hard and she pressed her forehead to his. “Thank you.” She said breathlessly.
Dean huffed a laugh. “Um…you’re welcome?”
Y/N kissed his lips again, softly. “I love you so much, did you know that?”
Dean’s eyes were warm and happy as he wrapped his arms all the way around her, and squeezed tighter. He kissed her cheek where some frosting still clung. “I did know that, but I like the way you tell me anyway.”
Y/N grinned and scanned the disastrous kitchen. “I like the way you tell me too.”
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman @mimi-luvzyu @jackles010378 @mayafatimakhan @impala67rollingthroughtown
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @carryonwaywardgirl @slamminmine @roonthelittlespoon920
Other tag lists will be tagged in a reblog. ❤️
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whatcha-thinkin · 1 month
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foliosgirl · 4 months
Hey. I had loose thoughts in my mind about Folio as a drum teacher, so I don't know already where this will end (probably in smut, hehe). I'm writing this from Folio's and my perspective.
Let's start with Folio. Enjoy. If you want to be tagged let me know :)
Songs (as an inspiration):
Amber Mark - Mixer
Bad Omens - Malice
Drake feat. Jay-Z - Talk up
Majid Jordan, Naomi Sharon - Waiting for you
Phil Collins - Easy Lover
Zayn - Sweat
Lenny Kravitz - Again
Bad Omens - Just pretend (Live 2024)
Coldplay - Clocks
Thornhill - Nurture
Linkin' Park - Numb
Twenty One Pilots - At the risk of feeling dumb
TD_Nasty, Clara La San - Where u wanna be
Architects - Black lungs
I'll extend this. Maybe :)
Teach me
It's been a sucky time since Noah, the singer of my band suffered from a burn out and nobody knew when it would go on again. Our project Concrete Jungle OST, a soundtrack to our comics, had been released a few days ago.
My cell phone beeped:
"The fans are crazy about your OST album. Some of them like it a lot, but a lot of them don't like it at all. So it's the same as always."
I didn't even read through any comments like that anymore. The message was from our tour manager Matt.
I was exhausted too. It had just been too much lately. Nicholas, our bass player, was the only one who had somehow managed to get through this time reasonably well. Jolly, the guitarist, was already composing new songs after we had canceled our dates in Europe and the UK because he couldn't stand still and do nothing. It was hard for me too, but as a drummer I couldn't write my own songs if I didn't even have a melody. I needed something to do other than spend hours a day improving my drumming. I decided to give drum lessons for the first time in my life. In the garage at my parents' house a few streets away was my current kit and the old one I'd had since childhood. I couldn't part with the old kit. Even today, I sometimes only practiced on the small old kit so that I could play in a more reduced way. Besides, it didn't bother anyone in the garage.
In my own apartment, the neighbors were too close and would never have accepted it. I went to the music school where I was taking drum lessons myself at the time to ask Scott, the head of the school, if I could put up a notice. It said:
"Offering drum lessons for beginners and intermediates ages 6 and up. Nick: +1 323 xxxx xxxx".
It felt good to be back.
"Is Scott in?" I asked the obviously new receptionist.
"Just a moment. What's your name?"
"Nick" I replied a little nervously and looked at the posters on the walls.
"Hey Nick!" Scott said and greeted me with a handshake. "How's it going?"
"That's why I'm here. I need to do something. It's been very stressful over the last few years, but Noah's burnt out and we don't know when we'll continue. Certainly not in the next six months. He has 2 therapy sessions every week and the rest of the time he hardly leaves his bed. But I can't go on making music on my own. I have a big request for you. Can I put this up here? I can make good use of the time now and give lessons in my parents' garage. You probably still don't have enough teachers, do you?"
"I'm sorry about that. Sure, put the note up. No problem. Tracy, could you give Nick some tape so he can put the note up?"
The receptionist handed me the tape and grinned.
I tore off two small strips and read through my note again. Relieved, I exhaled and gave her the tape back.
"Oh Nick, I have a really talented boy who would probably be happy if he could take a few lessons with you. I'll let him know straight away, all right?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll see you soon, Scott. Take care, buddy!"
I closed the door, grabbed my skateboard and headed back home.
After all, I'd been out for about 15 minutes today.
I put on my headphones and played my playlist (Linkin' Park - Numb).
At the intersection, my cell phone vibrated. "How are you? I'm sorry. I can't say it enough. (Noah via iMessage).
I rolled my eyes. He had already apologized 100 times. It was for the best instead of us all breaking up at some point. The mood had been very tense over the last few weeks because we were all just exhausted from touring.
"I'm giving drum lessons soon. Scott already has a student for me. I've just put up a notice. Maybe a few more will join. Otherwise, I hope you get a little better every day. And stop apologizing!"
'Where u wanna be' TD_Nasty, Clara La San
I couldn't listen to it anymore. A favorite song of my ex-girlfriend. Our relationship didn't survive all the touring. I had hardly been home in the last two years, always on the road. I missed her, but it was better that way, even though we had been in a relationship for a very long time. Since high school, 10 years. I skipped the song, no, I even removed it from my playlist for good. Fuck it.
'Architects - Black Lungs'
I put my left leg back on the board and used my right one to continue riding home.
Exhausted, I flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. Netflix and chill. Although it was sunny, I had no motivation to do anything else today.
I took my little cousin to music school for bass lessons. My aunt worked a lot and didn't have much time for him, but at least she picked him up from his lessons after work. I couldn't do much with him. He was 13, in the middle of puberty and exhausting. But not because he was loud, just the opposite. He couldn't get a sound out. Even with me, he only talked the bare minimum. Well, bass was probably the most suitable instrument for him. With anything else, he would be more the center of attention and I didn't see him there at all. "Have you got a new drum teacher by now? I'd still like to take lessons." I asked Tracy, the receptionist at the music school. "Unfortunately not, but look, someone put that note up last week. He gives lessons in his garage. He was a really nice guy who also studied with us."
'Offering drum lessons for beginners and intermediates ages 6 and up. Nick: +1 323 xxxx xxxx'.
I took a picture of the note with my mobile.
"Okay, Taylor, have fun."
Wordlessly and at a snail's pace, the teenager walked into the rehearsal room.
I rolled my eyes. "God forbid. I'm done with kids." I let Tracy know. "Until the right one comes along."
"The right one won't come along and I'm already too old."
"At 29?" she asked with a grin. "Thank you," I laughed.
I was already 34. Fucking 34. I was always estimated to be younger, which of course made me happy, but I just wasn't having any luck with men.
I didn't even want to fall in love anymore, my experiences were too bad, I preferred just to have sex without commitment.
It also suited my job as a nurse better. The constant shift work was anything but relationship-friendly.
'Hey Nick, do you still have a slot for a beginner? I'd be delighted. -Stella'
I sent the text message.
The next day I received a reply: 'Hi Stella, sure. When do you have time? Can you come tomorrow at 4pm?'
I looked at my duty roster.
'That fits. Can you send me the address?
I didn't hear back until my shift was over at 3pm the next day.
'Sorry, I hope you can still make it. I'm a bit stressed." This time, the message arrived on WhatsApp with the location stamp from Google Maps.
Now I was stressed too. I hurried home to get something to eat, packed up my dad's sticks and set off on my bike. I arrived in front of a beautiful house just in time. I couldn't miss Nick because he was already shmashing drums. I didn't see a doorbell on the garage, so I decided to call him.
"Stella here. I'm outside the garage."
A good-looking, dark-haired man opened the garage from the inside and invited me in.
"Nick. Nice to meet you. You want to start drumming?" I nodded. He was so damn attractive that it made me nervous and left me speechless at first. His hair was freshly cut and styled back. He was muscular and wore black trousers and a dark red T-shirt. I also noticed his countless tattoos. His left arm was completely full and he had one on his neck, that was all I could see.
I didn't want to come across as weird, so I tried to forget how handsome he looked and started talking.
"Yes, I have to. For my father." "For your father?" he asked, puzzled.
"My father passed away recently. I live in his house now and I'm sure he'd be happy to have his drums used." I smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry about that. Can you read music sheets?" "No. Does it matter?"
He shook his head before answering my question in the negative.
"Okay. What do you know about drums so far?" My eyes drifted to the smaller kit. "May I?"
"That's what you're here for."
I sat down and adjusted the chair. I played everything one by one and told him the names of the drums and cymbals.
-"That's right. Can you play anything yet?" I grinned and played the simplest things I could. I was amazed myself that I hadn't forgotten how to do them.
"Good, what do you want to achieve?"
What did I want to achieve? "I want to get better." "We can do better," he smiled and sat down at the other kit
In the meantime, I had just accepted my 5th student. Another beginner, or rather my first female student. I decided not to take on any more new students. It was incredibly stressful and the mother of the boy Scott had referred to me was incredibly annoying and always pushed him so hard that I had to control myself not to freak out.
Stella, my new student, didn't seem to be a teenager anymore. At least that's not how her message read. I liked the Italian name. It reminded me directly of my partly Italian-born family.
I listened to my band's song 'Malice'.
'No matter how long it takes. I'm going to practice 'Malice' again and destroy everything on the next tour. Anyone against us including Malice in the set again?
I wrote in the group chat of our band. Somehow I missed the guys. Hanging out together almost every day after such a long time and getting on each other's nerves, but also growing closer together and now not seeing each other for an indefinite period of time was extremely strange. In general, it was strange to be alone so much, to no longer have a relationship, even though we had all the time in the world to have this relationship now, but it was too late.
I still had our photo as a lock screen. I hardly noticed it anymore.
I played 'Malice' for the first time in many years. It sounded like shit.
I was too slow on the double bass pedal and it annoyed me. I had forgotten the time, because when I sat down at the drums, time flew by. I was very ambitious to get better at it. Stella, my new student, called to say she was outside my garage. I opened the garage door and in front of me stood a slim woman with dark hair and a plunging neckline. Her large breasts immediately caught my eye and I couldn't tell if they were real. They distracted me. I hoped she didn't notice my gaze and was covering up the fact that...fuck, she's your student!
She seemed to be a few years older than me. A strange feeling that I should be teaching someone grown up among the children and teenagers, but certainly exciting. She looked at me shyly through her green eyes as I introduced myself and I asked if she wanted to start drumming. Such a stupid question. Why else was she here?
I took the opportunity to look unobtrusively at her ass as she adjusted her chair in front of the kit.
Fuck, this was never going to go well. I liked her, but she was my fucking student.
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quirkwizard · 1 year
Hi! I'm a big fan and I have been designing this character. She is the daughter of Cementoss and Thirteen? What would her quirk be? AKA What will Cement and Black Hole will make if a quirk marriage were to happen?
Odd choice for a couple, but I could see it. Maybe Cementoss tries to woo Thirteen with haikus about space.
New Quirk Name: Cement Mixer
This Emitter type Quirk actives whenever the user touches any kind of cement. When they do, they may put a spiral pattern around it. Concrete with this pattern has a notable pull to it, sucking objects and people alike and making it difficult to escape. The user can control where this pattern forms up to a ten-meter range from the point of contact, like touching the street only for the pattern to appear on a connecting wall or down the street. This pull has a more notable effect on other instances of concrete, letting the user pull and warp at the surrounding area to a certain degree. The larger examples of concrete have a stronger pull to them, such as an entire street that is nearly impossible to move on. The user can remove the effect whenever they wish. This gives the user a dangerous defensive ability, capable of turning a common resource into a nightmare for their enemies. They can redirect enemy attacks to the spirals, trap enemies on the ground, form makeshift defenses from their surroundings, toss around small bits of concrete to attack others, or just use it to clean up after a disaster. Though this effect only works on concrete, it leaves the user open if none is around them or on their person. Using the power can be rather dangerous, potentially damaging or crushing something they didn't intend to, and foes can work around the effect if they see the spirals.
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as for asking random things, not anon but here i am. since we’ve been discussing this midwest delicacy that is culver’s. i shall make it there one day. what are some must try things? and what’s your order?
(I’m so sorry if this answer is way too detailed lol)
There’s the must try things and the things can eat- because I’ve been lactose intolerant my whole life and am very jealous of people who tell me they were once and “grew out of it” (which I learned definitively last month no I haven’t grown out of it and probably won’t lol)
But I’ve been told the cheese curds are very good- and the custard is amazing- they have a thing called a concrete mixer that comes in different sizes that’s a custard base and then a list of like twenty different toppings- now they have a mini size a small and a medium but when I was in high school the large I swear was like three feet tall- I got one once even though with dairy pills I could eat very little and then like it took four people to finish it- but it was a thing of beauty (and surprisingly they don’t offer that size anymore lol)
But they’re also good about not putting cheese on everything- like the butterburgers are so good I always get a double butterburger with ketchup and pickles and their crinkle fries are the best- when my brothers in town he’ll get onion rings so we can do both-
But it is the best- I have some Culver’s chicken tenders in my fridge right now 😁😁🥰🥰
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nevis-the-skeleton · 2 years
Height of the alternative modes that exist in my TFP story "The Polar Star", and other explanations on my AU
So today, I will talk about the height of the alternate modes that exist in my story. As well as some explanations of the City-States, and the different Transformers classes, species, and planets in my AU.
Basic car: 6.5 meters
Sports car: 7 meters
Racing car: 7 meters
Pick-up: 7.5 meters
Van: 8 meters
Motorcycle: 5.7 meters
Military car: 8.5 meters
Armored car: 7.5 meters
Transport truck: 9.5 meters
Military truck: 9.5 meters
Tank: 8 meters
Assault chart: 8.5 meters
Science van: 9.5 meters
Science car: 7 meters
Scientific little van: 8.5 meters
Ambulance: 7 meters
Rescue car: 6.5 meters
Fire truck: 9 meters
Crane: 8 meters
Front-end loader: 9 meters
Excavator: 8 meters
Bulldozer: 9 meters
Concrete mixer truck: 8.5 meters
Dump truck: 9.5 meters
Tractor: 9.5 meters
Drill (very rare): 10 meters
Grounders are everywhere on Cybertron, except for Vos, which is a City-State composed entirely of Flyers. It is the only City where the Grounders cannot live.
There are alternative modes predefined for medicine or science, but that does not prevent the basics from also being able to do the same thing. Basic cars, basic helicopters, motorcycles, pick-ups, and vans, could do absolutely anything they wanted, as long as they had permission from the Senate.
Also, a scientist can do medicine, and vice versa. But the Senate would not accept that a construction vehicle becomes a doctor and vice versa.
It was not forbidden for the other modes, but let's say that it was very frowned upon, and that society often reminded it in a cruel way.
Drillers were not uncommon during the Age of Elevation, and they were the ones who played the role of miners, along with the Slaves. The difference was that they were paid, but that didn't take away from the thankless task that this job was.
Drills began to become more and more rare over time, Primus no longer created them. The God of Order hoped that by doing this, the Transformers would stop the overexploitation of energon.
But, instead, there were more Slaves and machines, to compensate for the lack of robots with a drill as an alt mode.
Basic helicopter: 6 meters
Small jet: 8 meters
Large jet: 9.5 meters
Military shuttle: 12 meters
Large military helicopter: 11 meters
Small military helicopter: 9.5 meters
Large close combat aircraft: 10.5 meters
Small close combat aircraft: 9 meters
Spy plane: 9 meters
Bomber plane: 12 meters
Transport shuttle: 12 meters
Transport helicopter: 7 meters
Cargo plane: 11.5 meters
Airliner: 11 meters
Rescue jet (very rare): 8 meters
Rescue helicopter: 7.5 meters
Rescue Jets are very rare, it's an alternate mode that can only be found on Cybertron, and nowhere else.
Flyers have much less freedom than Grounders. Although they are superior to them in the caste system, they have less privilege in their work. The only truly free ones are the basic helicopters, but that's all.
Flyers are just as common as Grounders, however, they are rare to see in Kaon. The Flyers live mainly in Vos, and for someone who knows them well, it's easy to recognize a Vossian.
Vossians look slightly different from other flyers who have the same alternate mode as them. A Vossian has one or two reactors in the back, longer claws, and one to three horns at the level of the head.
It's easy to see with Starscream or Dreadwing, for example. And, for an example of a no Vossian flyer, we have Skyfire (no horns, reactors on the feet, and little claws).
Note: In Vos, since construction vehicles cannot live there, or move around easily, the construction of buildings is handled by Slaves.
Male insect: 6.5 meters
Male arachnid: 7 meters
Male feline: 7.5 meters
Male canine: 8 meters
Male murid: 5 meters
Male bird: 6.5 meters
Male ursidae: 9 meters
Male reptile: 7 meters
Female insect: 8 meters
Female arachnid: 5.5 meters
Feline female: 6 meters
Female canine: 7 meters
Female murid: 4.5 meters
Female bird: 6 meters
Female ursidae: 8.5 meters
Female reptile: 6 meters
Insecticons: 10.5 meters
The Techno-organics mainly live in Kaon and its surroundings, they are mostly clustered there, because it's the only place where they are really accepted.
The Techno-organics are the only ones to have feminine or masculine genders. Because, they are at the origin animals created by Primus which evolved until adopting the form of the Transformers.
Techno-Organics only exist on Cybertron, and don't exist on colonies. They are unique to Cybertron.
Techno-organics, woth the Predacons or robotic animals, are able to Spark Bond, and therefore create themselves without the help of Primus. Either the male or the female can carry the Sparkling. Often it is the larger of the couple.
Also, it should be noted that the Insecticons are not Insect-class Techno-Organics, because they are clones created through Airachnid's CNA, with the mixture of Insect Techno-Organics.
That's why they're taller, and robust, because they're technically hybrids. An Insecticon has no gender, therefore neither male nor female. Shockwave wanted to prevent them from being able to Spark Bond, and spawn on their own.
Bot form: 3.5 meters
Bird form: 2 meters
Cat form: 2.5 meters
Canine form: 3 meters
Bat form: 1,5 meters
Note that Laserbeak or Ravage are not Techno-Organics. Because the Techno-organics can transform into animals, while the Minicons transform into weapons, or complete their host. Their animal form is their original form, except for those in bot form (like Rumble and Frenzy).
Also, the Techno-Organics are much larger. We must not forget that the peculiarity of minicons is that they are small.
(The only ones known to date, extremely rare)
Microscope: 7 meters
Electric chair: 6.5 meters
Crusher: 11 meters
Outcasts are alternate modes that cannot move. They were usually put on as a slave, unless the alternate mode could be useful, such as the microscope.
Basic car: 6 meters
Sports car: 6.5 meters
Racing car: 6.5 meters
Motorcycle: 5.5 meters
Military car: 8 meters
Armored car: 7 meters
Transport truck: 9 meters
Military truck: 9 meters
Crane: 7.5 meters
Front-end loader: 8.5 meters
Excavator: 7.5 meters
Bulldozer: 8.5 meters
Concrete mixe truckr: 8 meters
Dump truck: 9 meters
Tractor: 9 meters
Drill (very rare): 9.5 meters
The Grounders are much less varied than on Cybertron. Also, Flyers and Outcasts do not exist on Veloctitron. Velocitron has no rescue vehicles, those living on the planet are Cybertronians.
There are also no scientists. But then again, that's not a problem, because some Cybertronians scientists come to settle on the planet to study it.
The Velocitronians are smaller and more slender than the Cybertronians, it's an evolution that they had to gain in speed.
Also, unlike Cybertron's basic, racing, and sports cars, Velocitron cars do not have back door fins in their bot mode.
Basic car: 5.5 meters
Sports car: 6 meters
Racing car: 6 meters
Pick-up: 6.5 meters
Van: 7 meters
Motorcycle: 5 meters
Military car: 7.5 meters
Armored car: 6.5 meters
Transport car: 7 meters
Ambulance: 6 meters
Rescue car: 5.5 meters
Fire car: 7 meters
Crane: 7 meters
Front-end loader: 8 meters
Excavator: 7 meters
Bulldozer: 8 meters
Concrete mixer: 7.5 meters
Dump truck: 8.5 meters
Tractor: 8.5 meters
Drill (very rare): 8.5 meters
Basic helicopter: 5 meters
Small jet: 7.5 meters
Military helicopter: 7.5 meters
Small close combat aircraft: 8 meters
Spy plane: 8 meters
Transport helicopter: 6.5 meters
Rescue helicopter: 6 meters
The Caminus have an almost equally diverse set of alternate modes as they do on Cybertron. The only difference is that the big alternative modes, such as shuttles or trucks, do not exist.
Caminus are much smaller than Cybertronians or Velocitronians, and have a shape that to humans may remember a woman.
Their small size is due to the very steep landscape of Caminus, a smaller size being more practical to move around more easily.
Cold Constructions
1st Generation :
Spy plane: 8.5 meters
2nd Generation :
Racing car: 6.5 meters
Sports car: 6.5 meters
3rd Generation :
Small jet: 7.5 meters
Tank: 7.5 meters
Vehicons :
Grounder Vehicon: 7 meters
Flying Vehicon: 8 meters
Cold Constructions are smaller and physically weaker than the alternate modes they represent. This was to make it easier to differentiate real robots from Cold Constructions.
In addition to their cold Sparks, and composed of only three colors: Dark Gray (1st G ), Light Gray (2nd G ), White (3rd G ).
The Cold Constructions were meant to be machines, drones, but they evolved and developed a form of intelligence and self-awareness. Which would normally take away their machine status. Unfortunately, the Senate did not accept it….
Vehicons are technically Cold Constructions, the difference with them is that they are less elaborate. The other difference is that Shockwave intended them to have a modicum of awareness. Which was not desired from the Cold Constructions.
Vehicons basically lack intelligence, strength, and stamina, but that's something they can work on, and therefore improve upon.
Flying Predacon:
Robot mode: 12 - 11.5 meters
Beast mode: 20 – 15 meters
Terrestrial Predacon:
Robot mode: 10 – 9 meters
Beast mode: 13 – 12 meters
Subterranean Predacon:
Robot mode: 11 – 10.5 meters
Beast mode: 14 – 13 meters
The Predacons are not all winged, and their sizes can vary even between the same class. If Shockwave mainly created winged Predacons, it's because they are bigger, and flying is an undeniable advantage. Also, they are the only ones capable of breathing fire.
On the other hand, the terrestrial Predacons move more often, which makes them more enduring and stronger. And the Subterranean Predacons have longer claws for digging galleries, and a second armor, to protect themselves from potential rockfalls.
Of course, Predacons all have weak points, flying Predacons have visible weak points (their wings in particular). Terrestrial Predacons are smaller, and while they are stronger, they are not more robust. Finally, Subterranean Predacons are very sensitive to light.
The maximum size for robot mode (therefore original mode) of Transformers and other robotic lives is 12 meters, all planets and species combined. This is the largest possible size.
The only exception is Overlord, a 12.5 meter bomber plane. This is explained by the improvement he had thanks to experiments (wich was his own choice), improving him on many points (such as strength or speed), but also on his size, making him bigger.
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atlasequiptech · 2 months
Concrete mixer Near Barmer, India - Atlas Equipments
Concrete mixer machines are commonly used on construction sites to mix and blend the necessary ingredients (cement, sand, aggregates, and water) to create concrete. The "10/7 cft." specification likely refers to the drum capacity of the mixer, which in this case is 10 cubic feet.
small concrete mixer, concrete mixer with hydraulic hopper, concrete mixer portable
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atlasequipmnets · 1 year
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Small Concrete Cement Mixer Suppliers - Atlas Equipments
Exporter of small cement mixer at Atlas Equipments. Manufacturer of mini concrete mixer. Atlas is sale of concrete machine with low price.All the three concrete mixer machines are designed on heavy duty chassis and the mixing shell is designed to perform for years.
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Experimental Reminiscence [8:52, .WAV, 48 kHz, 24-Bit] Final task of course at Elektronmusikstudion EMS 2022.
Due to my work with graphics and digital imagery, I early became curious about AI-generated images. When the Midjourney service became available, I signed up for the beta version and started exploring what was possible. I quickly got hooked on rendering images of different environments with elements of plants, appliances, and synthesizers, among other things. The rendered pictures gave me a sense of "phantom nostalgia" – a sense of a place and time that never really existed. These images have been the basis – as a reference point and source of inspiration, a feeling to start from – in my exploration of the Buchla and Serge systems at EMS, and in the recording sessions in my own studio.
To have a structure to relate to, I asked the artificial intelligence for a graphical score for the instruments I intended to use and the AI ​​responded with an image of various blocks and little squiggles. To further concretize and set up a framework, I decided that the piece should stick to the C Minor scale, keep a tempo of 72 BPM and last about 8-9 minutes. I measured the blocks in the score to 159 Bars and divided them into color-coded sections in my DAW. This became the map that I related to in the cutting and mixing process.
The recordings were done as individual explorations and improvised jams. Instruments and effects used are: Serge System in Studio 6, Buchla 100 Series and small 200 system in Studio 3, Buchla 200 in Studio 4, EMS SYNTHI A, Buchla Easel Command, Korg MS20 mini, Synthstrom Audible Deluge, Empress Reverb, Roland Space Echo RE20, Earthquaker Grand Orbiter, EHX Bad Stone, Meris Polymoon, BOSS BX16 mixer, Reason 12, Eksperimental Sounds Ouroboros, Reverb AK11, and FX3180, FabFilter ProQ 3 EQ, field recordings of crackles and bubbles with Zoom 4Hn.
The hardest part during the process has been letting go of the idea of ​​"traditional" music and finding a form that feels good. I wanted to explore all the instruments involved and let them have a role in the piece which easily became cluttered and bordered on chaos, but I think in the end I managed to balance just right on the edge of cacophony.
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viewervewor · 2 years
Crystal castles tour
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), 1 236 Crystal Castle & Shambhala Gardens, 1 Tripadvisor 19.
over a full half-year later) in Ostersund, Sweden. Crystal Castle & Shambhala Gardens, Mullumbimby: (993. The international concert trek begins January 15 in Auckland, New Zealand, and won’t wrap up until July 27 (i.e. Contact us to report a problemįor Crystal Castles' latest music, news, and tour dates, check out their Zumic artist page. Keeping their touring mojo going through the new year, Crystal Castles have announced a host of winter, spring and summer dates. Sorry, no future events are currently in our system. Keep in mind, each date can be different and details are subject to change. However, Crystal Castles' official site does appear to be missing some dates and some ticket links are not working. We recommend following Crystal Castles on social media and going to their official website, in addition to checking your local venue, to get the most up-to-date information. Even being credited as producer for the Crystal Castles track Their Kindness Is Charade.
There is no public presale code we're aware of yet, but the Live Nation Mobile App presale offer code is COVERT. Recently featured in the Devolver Digital video game RUINER Soundtrack S&S has worked with & played shows with bands such as Crystal Castles, HEALTH, Brothel, Levitte and many others. Find concert tickets for Crystal Castles upcoming 2022 shows. Click the links below for the show you’re interested in. These are small family operations that have been passed down over several generations. For the newly announced dates, ticket sales begin as early as Friday, July 8 at 10 AM ET. We source all of our unique crystals from Crystal Castle friends all over the world including Madagascar, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, China, and Morocco. The first song was " Frail," released in 2015 WHEN DO CRYSTAL CASTLES 2016 WORLD TOUR TICKETS GO ON SALE AND WHAT IS THE PRESALE CODE?įor many concerts and festivals, tickets are already on sale. #5.Indie pop electronic darlings Crystal Castles have announced an extensive 2016 world tour, which will be their first extended run of concerts since Edith Frances replaced Alice Glass as the group's lead singer.Įarlier this week, the group released a music video for a new song called " Concrete," which is the second song to feature Edith Frances. Want to check out Crystal Castles live but don’t know where to start? Here is our top five tunes to get you familiarized with the band. The band came into existence in 2004 and has since then released a number of EPs featuring experimental music. It consists of Alice Grass, the lead vocalist and Ethan Kath, the producer and mixer. Crystal Castles Tour Dates 2016Ġ3/11: New Orleans, LA Buku Music + Arts ProjectĠ3/13: Santa Ana, CA Burgerama – The Observatory OCĠ4/02: Athens, GA Slingshot Festival, Georgia TheatreĠ7/22: Seattle, WA Capitol Hill Block PartyĠ8/05: Castellon, Spain Arenal Sound FestivalĠ8/26: Reading, England Reading & Leeds FestivalĠ8/27: Leeds, England Reading & Leeds Festival Crystal Castles TicketsĬlick here for a full listing of Crystal Castles tickets. Crystal Castles is an electronic dance music group from Toronto. In keeping with the festival theme, Crystal Castles is also included on the Spring Awakening lineup, Capitol Hill Block Party, and are on tap for the Reading & Leeds Festival(s) on August 26 and 27. Formed in 2003, the duo released their eponymous debut album in 2008, which was followed by ‘Crystal Castles (II)’ in 2010 and. Crystal Castles are a Canadian experimental electronic duo consisting of vocalist Edith Frances, who replaced Alice Glass, and producer Ethan Kath. The tour kicks off on March 11 at Buku Music + Arts Project in New Orleans, followed by a couple SXSW showcases and a stint at Ultra Music Festival on March 19. Crystal Castles Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts 2022/2023.
Enter Edith Frances, who will joint Ethan for an upcoming tour, plus the release of new material later this spring. Luckily, the brains behind the outfit–Ethan Kath–is still around, and has recruited another member to sing distorted vocals for him. Nobody’s heard much from Crystal Castles since half the group, Alice Glass, left the band in October 2014.
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falisha-enterprises · 15 hours
Choosing the Right Concrete Pump for Your Project in Karachi
 In Karachi’s rapidly expanding urban landscape, construction is always underway. Whether it's a high-rise building, a commercial plaza, or infrastructure development like bridges and highways, concrete plays a crucial role in every stage of construction. The demand for efficiency and precision in large-scale projects has led to the increasing use of concrete pumps. This technology enables builders to transport and pour concrete with minimal labor, reduced time, and more precision.
If you're involved in a construction project in Karachi, selecting the right concrete pump is a critical decision that can significantly impact your project's success. In this article, we will guide you through the types of concrete pumps available, their benefits, and how to choose the most suitable one for your specific needs in Karachi.
What is a Concrete Pump?
A concrete pump is a machine that transfers liquid concrete from the mixer to the construction site through pumping. Traditional methods of transporting concrete—such as manual labor using buckets and wheelbarrows—can be inefficient and lead to inconsistencies. A concrete pump streamlines this process by delivering concrete directly to the location where it is needed, ensuring a consistent mix and reducing labor time.
Concrete pumps are especially useful in large-scale projects, complex structures, or situations where concrete needs to be delivered to difficult-to-access areas, such as high-rise buildings or underground projects. By using a concrete pump in Karachi, construction companies can significantly increase productivity and ensure a high-quality end result.
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Types of Concrete Pumps
When choosing a concrete pump for your project, it’s essential to understand the types available and their specific use cases. There are two primary types of concrete pumps: boom pumps and line pumps. Each type is suited to different kinds of projects and site conditions.
1. Boom Pumps
Boom pumps are the most commonly used type of concrete pump in large-scale construction projects. These pumps use a robotic arm, or "boom," to transport the concrete to the desired location. The boom can be maneuvered into hard-to-reach areas, making it ideal for high-rise buildings or projects where the concrete needs to be placed at significant heights.
Advantages of Boom Pumps:
Precision and Reach: Boom pumps can place concrete with high accuracy, even in challenging or high-altitude locations.
Efficiency: They are fast, reducing the time required to pour large volumes of concrete.
Reduced Labor: Since the boom arm can extend and move as needed, it minimizes the need for manual labor.
Boom pumps are especially useful for large infrastructure projects, bridges, high-rise buildings, and industrial developments. In Karachi, where space is often limited and projects demand precision, using a concrete pump in Karachi can greatly enhance efficiency.
2. Line Pumps
Line pumps, also known as trailer-mounted pumps, are smaller than boom pumps and use hoses to transport the concrete. The pump is attached to a truck or trailer and then manually placed at the construction site. Line pumps are more versatile than boom pumps because they can be used for both small-scale and large-scale projects.
Advantages of Line Pumps:
Versatility: Line pumps are suitable for a wide range of applications, including small residential projects, driveways, and sidewalks.
Cost-Effective: They are generally less expensive to operate and maintain compared to boom pumps.
Mobility: Line pumps can easily be transported and set up at various sites.
For projects like residential housing developments, sidewalks, or smaller commercial buildings, a line pump can be an excellent choice. Karachi’s construction scene, with its mix of large-scale and smaller, more specialized projects, benefits greatly from the flexibility offered by line pumps.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Concrete Pump in Karachi
Selecting the right concrete pump is crucial to ensure the efficiency, quality, and cost-effectiveness of your project. Here are some essential factors to keep in mind when deciding which concrete pump to use in Karachi.
1. Project Size and Scope
The size and scope of your project will heavily influence the type of concrete pump you need. Large-scale projects such as high-rise buildings, bridges, and commercial complexes require a high volume of concrete to be delivered quickly and efficiently. In such cases, a boom pump is often the best option due to its reach and capacity.
On the other hand, for smaller projects like residential homes, footpaths, or small-scale commercial buildings, a line pump may be sufficient. Line pumps are more affordable and provide the necessary flexibility for smaller, more localized projects.
2. Site Accessibility
The physical layout and accessibility of the construction site play a major role in deciding which concrete pump to use. For projects where the site is difficult to access, such as congested urban areas or locations with uneven terrain, a boom pump can easily reach tight spaces and deliver concrete without the need for excessive labor.
If the site is easily accessible, or if the concrete needs to be delivered over a relatively short distance, a line pump may be more suitable. Line pumps can be transported to the site quickly and set up efficiently, making them ideal for smaller or more straightforward locations.
3. Concrete Volume Requirements
The amount of concrete needed for the project is another crucial consideration. Boom pumps are designed to handle large volumes of concrete, making them perfect for large-scale construction that requires continuous pouring.
For projects that require smaller, intermittent pours, a line pump may be a better option. Line pumps are typically more efficient for projects with lower concrete volume requirements and can be moved from one site to another without significant delays.
4. Distance and Height of Pour
If your project involves delivering concrete over long distances or to significant heights, such as in the case of skyscrapers, a boom pump is the best choice. The boom’s extended reach can transport concrete to heights that would be impossible with manual labor or traditional methods.
For shorter distances, or when concrete needs to be poured into areas close to the pump, a line pump may suffice. Line pumps are ideal for projects where the concrete doesn’t need to travel far from the pump to the pour site.
5. Concrete Mix
Not all concrete mixes are suitable for every type of pump. The size of the aggregates in the concrete mix can impact the choice of pump. Boom pumps are generally capable of handling a wider range of mixes, including those with larger aggregates. If your project requires a specialized mix, such as high-strength concrete or self-compacting concrete, it’s important to consult with the pump operator to ensure that the pump you select can handle the mix efficiently.
Line pumps, while versatile, may not be ideal for mixes with very large aggregates. For projects that require specialized mixes, a boom pump might be more suitable.
Benefits of Using a Concrete Pump in Karachi
Concrete pumps offer several benefits that make them an essential tool for construction in Karachi. The city’s unique combination of high-rise buildings, commercial spaces, and infrastructure projects requires efficient, cost-effective solutions that can keep pace with demand. Here are some of the key benefits of using a concrete pump in Karachi.
1. Increased Speed and Efficiency
Concrete pumps significantly reduce the time needed to pour concrete, allowing construction crews to work faster and complete projects on time. This is especially important in Karachi, where deadlines are often tight, and delays can be costly.
2. Improved Precision
Concrete pumps provide more precise placement of concrete compared to traditional methods. This is crucial for projects that require high levels of accuracy, such as high-rise buildings or structures with complex designs.
3. Reduced Labor Costs
By eliminating the need for manual labor to transport concrete, pumps help reduce the number of workers needed on-site. This leads to lower labor costs and reduces the risk of injury associated with heavy lifting and manual transportation of materials.
4. Access to Hard-to-Reach Areas
Concrete pumps, particularly boom pumps, are ideal for reaching areas that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to access. This is especially important in Karachi, where many construction sites are located in densely populated urban areas.
5. Consistent Quality
Concrete pumps ensure that the concrete is delivered consistently and uniformly, reducing the risk of weak spots or inconsistencies in the final structure. This is critical for ensuring the long-term durability of the building.
Choosing the right concrete pump in Karachi is a crucial decision that can have a significant impact on the success of your construction project. Whether you need the precision and reach of a boom pump or the versatility and cost-effectiveness of a line pump, selecting the right equipment is essential for ensuring efficiency, quality, and cost savings.
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