#small commercial vehicle Vietnam
commercialvehicle1 · 1 month
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Tata SUPER ACE | Reliable Small Commercial Vehicle in Vietnam
Discover the Tata SUPER ACE, a versatile and reliable small commercial vehicle perfect for businesses in Vietnam. Ideal for urban and rural transport, the SUPER ACE delivers exceptional performance and fuel efficiency.
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afeelgoodblog · 15 days
The Best News of Last Month - August 2024
1.Negative Power Prices Hit Europe as Renewable Energy Floods the Grid
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European power markets are experiencing a notable shift as renewable energy sources, particularly wind and solar, become a larger part of the energy mix. On Wednesday, power prices in several European markets, including Germany, dipped below zero due to a surge in green electricity production.
2. Taiwan introduces ban on performances by captive wild animals
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Live performances by wild animals held in captivity, including performances by dolphins, tigers, and other non-domesticated mammals, will no longer be permitted in Taiwan under new Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) regulations.
3. FTC bans fake online reviews, inflated social media influence; rule takes effect in October
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The FTC voted unanimously to ban marketers from using fake reviews, such as those generated with AI technology, and other misleading advertising practices.
The ban also forbids marketers from exaggerating their own influence by, for example, paying for bots to inflate their follower count.
4. Chinese drones will fly trash out of Everest slopes
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Come autumn, Nepal will deploy heavy lifter drones to transport garbage from the 6,812-metre tall Ama Dablam, south of Everest. This will be the first commercial work an unmanned aerial vehicle does in Nepal’s high-altitude zone.
The heavy lifter from China’s biggest drone maker, Da Jiang Innovations (DJI), will take on tasks traditionally handled by Sherpas. Officials believe it will help reduce casualties on Everest.
5. Swiss scientists have found a way to use the whole cocoa fruit to make chocolate and not just taking beans and discarding the rest.
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Kim Mishra (L) and Anian Schreiber (R) cooperated on the new chocolate making process
Food scientists in Switzerland have come up with a way to make chocolate using the entire cocoa fruit rather than just the beans - and without using sugar.
The chocolate, developed at Zurich’s prestigious Federal Institute of Technology by scientist Kim Mishra and his team includes the cocoa fruit pulp, the juice, and the husk, or endocarp.
6. Six-year-old boy found in Vietnam forest after five days
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A six-year-old boy who was missing for five days has been found deep in a forest in Vietnam. Dang Tien Lam, who lives in the northwestern Yen Bai province, was playing in a stream with his nine siblings on 17 August when he wandered into the hills and got lost, local reports said.
He was found on Wednesday by local farmers who heard a child's cry while they were clearing a cinnamon field close to the forest.
7. Lego plans to make half the plastic in bricks from renewable materials by 2026
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Lego plans to make half the plastic in its bricks from renewable or recycled material rather than fossil fuels by 2026, in its latest effort to ensure its toys are more environmentally friendly.
The Danish company last year ditched efforts to make bricks entirely from recycled bottles because of cost and production issues. At the moment, 22% of the material in its colourful bricks is not made from fossil fuels.
That's it for this month :)
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michaelcosio · 9 months
Newsmaker | John Barney
By Bob Schmidt – Correspondent
Mar 4, 2011
John Barney, site manager of Depot Park, formerly the Army Depot on Fruitridge Boulevard, describes himself as “like the mayor of a small city.”
Easy to see why. There are 70 tenants there, including three state agencies, located on more than 350 acres, with more than 2,000 employees. If there’s a traffic problem or an electricity problem or a water or sewage problem, Barney is the person who gets the complaining party’s call.
He is also, unofficially, the Depot Park’s historian.
“This is a former military base, an Army depot. The Army acquired the property in 1948. The first big buildings were constructed in 1950. Some of them had ammunition stored inside. It also had some interesting technology development going on.
“During the Vietnam era there were two very high security areas here. Encryption devices were manufactured, very high-tech, and top-secret clearance was needed to work or visit here.
“There was research and development here. One building was where night vision goggles were developed, and laser targeting devices.
“The Army Depot was closed in 1991 as part of the military base closure and realignment program. The government granted the depot back to the city, and the city entered into a long-term lease with Packard Bell. It became North America’s largest personal computer manufacturing facility.”
How did the site become Depot Park?
Packard Bell eventually went bankrupt and was taken over by NEC, which operated here until 2009. The lease with the city was taken over by U.S. National Leasing, an Alaskan limited liability company that focuses on commercial and industrial real estate and development. That company was set up for the management of the Depot Park.
We have Fortune 500 companies, three state government agencies, including the Northern California call center for the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you call to make an appointment at your local DMV, that call is answered here. The Department of Corrections has a facility here, in which every medical file is kept for every inmate in prison. Our newest state tenant is the California Air Resources Board. Its division here is testing biodiesel fuel and emission controls for large trucks.
How is business?
We’ve seen signs of it getting better. The city is our partner on this. They own the property, and we have a 50-year lease with an option to purchase it some day.
Business is not booming, but it’s getting better. We saw very few new leases in the first half of 2010, but just recently I submitted four new leases to the city, because they have to consent to all the leases we do here.
What kind of companies are coming here?
Recently we have had quite a few trucking companies come in. Big companies, Fortune 500 companies. One reason they come here is because they want to make sure their trucks are secure at night, and we have perimeter fencing around the park. We don’t know of another multi-tenanted facility in California as large as this that is secure. Businesses, like the trucking companies, come to California because the customers are here.
What was the career path that brought you here?
When I was in school I knew I wanted to be in business, and it was my father-in-law who influenced me. He had worked in real estate all over and been very successful, so I think I gravitated into that business because of him. When I graduated from Sac State I started my real estate career with Bishop Hawk in 1985.
I’ve been in commercial real estate ever since, in brokerage and property management. …My claim to fame is I played football for Bob Mattos at Sac State, who died last year. I received a great education and got a great jump-start on my career, and I wanted to give back so I joined the alumni association and got active on the board and became its president.
Who is He? Site manager, Depot Park THE ESSENTIALS • Age: 48 • Raised in Orinda, lives now in Carmichael with wife, Jennifer, a dietician’s secretary. They have three sons, Jeremy, 25; Joe, 22; and James, 17. • Education: B.S., Business Administration, California State University Sacramento HIS FAVORITE THINGS • Book: “No Short Cuts to the Top” by Ed Viesturs” • Movie: “Tombstone” • Restaurant: Simon’s Cafe • Vacation spot: Kailua, Oahu • Quote: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 • Music: Rock ’n’ roll • Hobby: Duck hunting • Hero: All our troops serving overseas What would your friends be surprised to find out about you? I think people would be surprised to find out that I made the wedding bands for my wife and me. In high school I got into lost wax casting. You make a wax model, put it in plaster of Paris, melt the wax out when the mold is set, then shoot molten metal in there. That’s how I made our wedding bands. I had a crafts teacher who was a jeweler, and that was one of the things he taught, and I liked it.
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loonshot · 1 year
bugis street
the bugis were maritime traders who travelled and settled down in various parts of SEA
17th - 20th centuries - rose to power through their extensive trading network ans strategic marriages within the riau-johor ruling family, and by acting as mercenaries in royal disputes
old spelling was "buggugs"
in the Raffles Town Plan, by surveyor Philip Jackson in 1822, the bugis kampong was drawn in an area further east along the shoreline from the area marked as the european town with an arab kampong and the sultan's compound
"buggis street" first appeared in 1878
in the 1860s, the area was a designated red-light district .
post war - 1950s - 60s - bugi became a tourist area popular with britist colonial soldiers, seamen on shore leave, and US troops on rest and recreation during the vietnam war
known for nightlife and cabaret performances by drag queens and transwomen
1984 - government announced intention to redevelop the land
construction of bugis junction began in 1991
COE in singapore
all vehicles have to be registered with a Certificate of Entitlement, introduced in 1990. the bidding system helps regulate and rpevent the overpopulation of vehicles in Singapore
once the vehicle is registered, the COE will be valid for 10 years from the registration date
COE quotas are announced every quarter by LTA - the formula uses 3 factors 1) provision for annual vehicle growth rate based on vehicle population at the end of the year 2) rolling average of deregistrations over last 4 quarters 3) adjustment for changes in taxi population and replacement of commercial vehicles
dealers collect orders from customers and participate in the COE bidding on behalf of customers
golden mile complex
sold in 2021 to a consortium which will redevelop the building
has been gazetted as a conserved building, but the interior rtenants have been evicted in may 2023
was opened in 1972, as an urban renewal project by the government to redevelop slum-ridden areas in the singapore city centre. in the 1960s, the site was home to squatter settlements, small-time furniture and rattan makers
mid 1980s: most professionals moved offices elsewhere, and it became filled with thai construction workers
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smartbrief · 1 year
How drones are used for business
Drones are the new tools of the trade for businesses. They provide a unique opportunity to view and capture data that is otherwise inaccessible. This can be used in conjunction with traditional methods to build up an even better picture of your business, customer base, and competitive landscape.
The history of drones is very short. The first drone was invented by German engineer Heinrich Focke, who also created the world’s first practical helicopter. The history of drones dates back to the late 1940s when they were used as remote-controlled target aircraft during World War II. During this period, pilots would fly their planes over enemy territory while aiming at targets on the ground with guns or bombs dropped from above. This technique was called “droning” and it became widely used in Vietnam
A drone is an aircraft machine that can be controlled by a remote. It has been used in warfare for military and civilian purposes since the 1980s. After the invention of the first drone by Heinrich Focke, US engineer Richard Paul improved the drone technology in the year 1987, who used it to fly his model airplane at a height of 400 feet. In the following years, this invention has been improved and made more advanced. Today drones are widely used for various purposes such as aerial photography, surveillance, and even military operations. The list of uses of these devices is endless and they have become one of the most prominent tools in modern warfare today.
How do you fly a drone?
As the name suggests, a drone is an unmanned aircraft that can be remotely controlled by its operator. It can be used for various purposes like photography and filming. There are different types of drones available in the market today which are suitable for different applications. The most common type of drone is a quadcopter which has four rotors on its body and offers more stability than other types of drones. Drones have become a great deal popular these days as they offer many advantages over traditional methods such as helicopters or planes. One major advantage of using drones is that there isn’t any noise pollution associated with them unlike when you use
Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that can be used for a variety of purposes. Mainly drones are used in the following fields;
delivering packages.
The use of drones is expected to increase in the coming years due to ;
low cost
ease of use.
The use of drones has already become widespread across industries such as
They are also being increasingly used by law enforcement agencies in order to monitor public areas or track suspects on the run. However, the government still needs to regulate this technology before it becomes more widely adopted within society at large.
Drone technology is a great way to improve business operations, but it’s not without its challenges. The biggest challenge is that drones require a lot of training. They also need to be operated by highly skilled pilots who have the right knowledge and experience to fly them safely in an area where they can operate. The FAA has been working hard to make drone regulations easier for businesses, including those with fewer than 100 employees or less than $25 million in annual revenue. In 2017, the agency announced several new rules intended to streamline the process for small businesses looking to use drones commercially
Benefits of drones
Drone is a small aircraft that can be flown by remote control.
It is used for aerial photography and videography
It is used for the inspection of pipelines and power lines.
Drones are also used in the military field to carry out surveillance mis- practices and target practices.
Drones are very useful for search and rescue operations, especially in areas where it’s difficult to reach with conventional means of transportation.
They have been proven effective in providing emergency services such as firefighting, search-and-rescue missions, and medical aid when there is no access to roads or hospitals.
Drones have been used for business purposes as well. For example, in the agriculture industry,
drones can be used to monitor crops and assess their health. Drones are also used by police departments to check on crime scenes and search for missing people or lost pets.
In addition, they can be used by construction companies to inspect buildings before they start work on a project.
There are different types of drones that vary in size and weight depending on how big or small they are. Some drones weigh only 5 pounds while others weigh up to 55 pounds! The different categories of drones are;
The most commonly used drone is a quadcopter. These are the ones that can fly around in a circle and hover in one place. They have four propellers on each side which rotate to control the direction of flight.
There is another type called hexacopters, which has six rotors instead of four. These drones can be used for aerial photography and filming as they can carry heavier loads than quadcopters do. The extra weight helps them stay stable while flying, but it also means that they need more power to lift off from the ground or take off vertically from a building or tree branch.
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bunkershotgolf · 2 years
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APGS 2022 – China’s Wuling Motors Drives In!
One of China’s major automobile manufacturers, Wuling Motors will make its presence felt at the 2022 Asia Pacific Golf Summit in Vietnam.
The 30-year-old giant is a renowned manufacturer of various types of vehicles, engines and auto parts, especially Golf carts, and it has now embarked on a programme to seek global partners.
One area that would be of great interest to the golf club industry in Southeast Asia would be Wuling’s proven track record in the production of cost-effective small vehicles like golf buggies, people movers and general work vehicles that involve the utilization of electric power.
“We are excited to welcome an esteemed corporation like Wuling Motors as they are well positioned to provide a full fleet of vehicles for the golf club industry in the region,” said Mike Sebastian, Publisher of ASIAN GOLF and the owners and producer of APGS 2022.
“Besides offering a versatile range of well-built EV vehicles, Wuling is well positioned to help reduce the operational costs of traditional fuel-powered vehicles with electric vehicles,” he added.
Wuling Motors is publicly listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and it is a highly reputable state-owned enterprise with extensive industry-wide experience.
The Group is the leading commercial-type mini-vehicle’s engines, off road electric vehicle and automotive components manufacturer and a major manufacturer of electrical trucks in China with production facilities mainly located in Liuzhou and Qingdao.
The first Wuling vehicle was delivered to Thailand in 1992.
Another noteworthy point is that Wuling has won major awards for its vehicles, and it ranks No. 1 in top 10 best-selling brands in China for 10 years.
Note: Due to the on-going travel restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Wuling will not be physically represented at APGS 2022 but extensive information about its product line will be widely available at the Summit.
Liuzhou Wuling Automobile Industrial Co., Ltd.
Address: 18th Hexi Road, Liuzhou, China
Tel. No: +86 772 375 0272, +86 186 0772 0068
Website : www.wuling.com.cn
Delegate registration to this not-to-be-missed global golf conference is now open at: https://registration.asiapacificgolfsummit.com/event/asia-pacific-golf-summit-2022
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sjrresearch · 4 years
An Interview with Matt Hingley, Ehliem Miniatures Founder
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(This article is credited to Jason Weiser. Jason is a long-time wargamer with published works in the Journal of the Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers; Miniature Wargames Magazine; and Wargames, Strategy, and Soldier.)
Author’s Note: Mr. Hingley is a very private person and has asked us not to include a personal bio with this interview as is customary. However, with his permission, I will give you all a short history of Ehliem Miniatures. He’s been the victim of a few online scams, and thus, is reluctant to give personal information out.
All pictures are from the Ehliem Miniatures website and have been used with gracious permission.
Ehliem Miniatures was founded in 2005 and is based in the United Kingdom. The company was founded and is run by Matt Hingley. Ehliem has gone on to set a standard for excellence in the 20mm wargaming miniatures market, having a fruitful partnership with Ambush Alley Games. Matt has expanded the business to sell a range of 3-D printed terrain and vehicles, and I can personally attest to the quality of his miniature ranges. He has always been a solid, kind professional and is “one of the good guys in the hobby.” You can order these wonderful figures for yourself at: https://www.elhiem.co.uk/
Without further ado, here’s the interview.
Jason Weiser: So, how did you get started sculpting historical miniatures? Was there an “aha” moment, or did you fall into it?
Matt: I started out as a historical gamer and painter.  As a painter, I got to know quite a few guys involved in the design business and asked them to produce a few figures that I wanted that would not really sell. They told me no, so that was that. I managed to get the contact details of a couple of sculptors and convinced them to make my figures. Over time, they were too busy to make anymore so I decided to teach myself how to sculpt, mold, and cast. My first efforts were pretty poor but not without hope so I carried on and read up on techniques and tools. Over time I improved. So, not so much an ‘AHA’ moment, more a long slow learning curve.
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JW: How did Ehliem Figures come to be?
Matt: When I started out, I only had a handful of miniatures. No one had the time to manufacture them for me, so I ended up using commercial casting companies. The costs soon increased, and I started selling to recover the costs. Also, you had to buy hundreds of the same miniature at a time using casting companies so it seemed sensible.
JW: What are your future plans for the historical lines?
Matt: Expand the WW2 lines, the modern lines, the Sci-Fi and the Pulp ranges. There is a whole lot of historical conflicts out there to keep me busy for a long time.
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JW: What’s your favorite historical sculpt of your line?
Matt:  That is a difficult one to answer. I try to make every figure interesting and fun to paint as that’s what I enjoy painting. It’s also why I struggle to make seated figures and vehicle crews, to me they are dull to look at and make, so they tend to get made last. My favorite sculpt at the moment is one of the Fantasy figures I just made, the evil Wizard figure. Historical miniature is probably one of the new SAS in NVG, [See picture below] I took a lot of time getting the details right on those.
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JW: Is there a period of history you want to sculpt, but haven’t?
Matt: [The] Wild West. I fancy making a spaghetti Western range, a few Civil war guys, and maybe a few Native Americans. I grew up watching westerns so have a soft spot for them…
JW: Can you tell our readers what goes into figure design and sculpting?
Matt: Planning and lots of research. I spend as much time researching the equipment and the way weapons were carried as I do anything else. I sometimes sketch out ideas, most of the time the basics are the same for all figures though (so many rifles, so many NCOs, so many support [weapons] etc.) I tend to use a system of dollies in poses and build upon them using previously made parts such as heads, weapons, webbing equipment, etc. It has changed a lot over the past 12 months though due to new design and tech.
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JW: Has 3D Printing changed this any? And, do you think it will change the hobby as a whole?
Matt: Yes, I have invested in computer design software for hard and soft design work. I have invested in very high-quality printers and it has opened up a new world of possibilities to me. I can now design and 3D sculpt all my weapons and even vehicles which I was never the best at making in plastic but seem pretty decent at in CAD. I also use my knowledge of the scale I manufacture and make designs workable (something that is just not possible if you just shrink a model to scale).
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It has already changed the hobby. Lots of design work is available free for you to print at home. People are designing their own models, Companies like my own are using it to create even more detailed models.  I myself have recently switched over to pure digital sculpting. I use the same methods as I did when sculpting (often using the same models in the original CAD files for weapons etc). I see it as HD sculpting in comparison to my old handmade sculpts.
I can also see it potentially hurting the hobby long term as people will be able to produce their own models at home and no longer must buy from people like me. Files will be pirated and sold on eBay, pirates will print out files and cast them and sell them on as their own work (this already happens to my old figures on eBay). It won’t kill the hobby industry, but I feel it will add challenges going forward. I like a challenge though and I think it will encourage us all to try harder.
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JW: What are your favorite historical periods and why?
Matt: WW2, Romans, Vietnam, Cold War and the 2001+ modern conflicts. I grew up watching films and TV about them.  The modern conflict was an important part of all of our lives, and it is fascinating to see the development of gear and weapons. And Romans are just cool.
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JW: How did you settle on 20mm when so many manufacturers are producing 15mm or 28mm these days?
Matt: I grew up with 20mm plastics and metals. I think it’s the perfect scale for skirmish and mass combat. It can be painted as good as a 28mm figure or as fast as a 15mm. I honestly think as a model scale 20mm or 1/72 is the better option for storage and gaming. There are thousands of models available as well as all the model railway terrain.  You will never get a full range of oddball stuff in 28mm as it's just too expensive to produce and smaller scale work has never interested me as I’m a painter at heart and while you can paint small tiny scale stuff up to fantastic quality, I have to always ask ‘what’s the point?’ no one can see it once it’s on the table. That is my personal opinion of course, I am sure there are lots of guys out there who disagree, and good for them.
JW: What other hobbies do you pursue to unwind?
Matt: I [play] computer game[s], I [also play] airsoft, [and] I go for lots of walks.
JW: What do you see for the future of historical miniature wargaming?
Matt: I think it will carry on as it is. Scales come and go, types of games become fashionable. All that is constant is players like to get new collections and play new games. It keeps things fresh yet still very stable. Young players tend to start with sci-fi and fantasy, they grow older, go to college, get jobs and stop gaming for a few years and then tend to come back later to historical gaming, their children start off in the same way and it continues. In the late 90s, a lot of guys I know were worried that the gamers were drying up. Well, 25 years on I see more than ever. The internet has helped bring people together and gamers can collect figures and models even with no locals to game with. 
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JW: You’re well known for your commissions and requests, is this something you just kind of decided on, or was this something you saw lacking in the marketplace?
Matt:  Well, it’s sort of why I started making figures so I like to listen to what people want made. Sometimes I say no, most of the time I just have too much on. I also have to balance if people really want what they ask for or just would like to see it made (big difference). So, I run the commissions and the vote/fund as my way of crowdfunding. I also like a structure to work too, people give me lists of what’s needed and I’ll just work to it rather than sit there and think up a new range. I suggested the idea years ago to another company and have just carried the idea on.
At SJR Research, we specialize in creating compelling narratives and provide research to give your game the kind of details that engage your players and create a resonant world they want to spend time in. If you are interested in learning more about our gaming research services, you can browse SJR Research’s service on our site at SJR Research.
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bikegurubd2020-blog · 5 years
Alternative Fuel
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PROJECT TITLE: C.N.G. Green 2008
CNG Motor to promote environmental protection and energy conservation Today, countries are exploring the development and use of clean energy. Singaporean researchers recently developed a new type of hydrogen fuel motorcycle. See it here Bike Price in Bangladesh
We propose a variety of activities, but our main propose is to deliver the CNG & Hydrogen technology for motorcycles ( Bikes & Tricycles ). We are targeting the Asia market, retail and Hybrid conversion as currently over 140 millions motorcycles are registered in Asia alone by grow rate of 5% to10% annually.
Myanmar 118,380. Thailand 18,210,454. Mongolia 26,675. Indonesia 17,002,140. Bangladesh 231,795. Malaysia 5,082,473. China 31,619,158. Philippines 1,032,594. Taiwan 12,900,000. Vietnam 11,379,000. Singapore 133,358. Cambodia 426,571. Hong Kong 33,079. Pakistan 1,987,074. Korea 1,730,193. Sri Lanka 751,938. Japan 13,996,275. India 24,691,876. Laos 132,552. East Timor 23,816.
TOTAL Millions 140,010,091
CNG Mobile Container, CNG Mobile Storage, Transport, Supply, Multi purpose.. Annex 5
CNG Cargo Vessels, CNG Ships may run on CNG drawn from their own cargo dual purpose A 3
CNG Mobile Refueling Stations, CNG Mobility to a larger scale with low cost Platform..Annex 2
CNG Motorcycle and Scooter, New generation of CNG Motorcycle Dual-Fuel.. Annex 1
CNG Marine Power, CNG alternative fuel in marine engine applications.. Annex 4
CNG at Home, Home refueling Appliance for Compressed Natural Gas.. Annex 6
Natural Gas- Sustainable Energy Our core business is Smart Systems and Components for Sustainable Energy and Natural/Biogas, development until service and maintenance. Our own Technologies, state of the art. The CNG Motorcycle, CNG Motor, CNG refueling at home, CNG Cargo Container and priority Manifolds. Transfer technology for natural gas applications. Development center for components and systems, natural Gas and Biogas applications; priority CNG motorcycle (Convert and Retail) CNG stations manifolds, dryers, filters, connectors and more. Pressure and Flow solutions, components, systems and manifolds. Mechnical and electronic system solutions
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) marine transportation is poised to be a viable solution to bring natural gas supplies to new markets or provide a solution for monetizing stranded gas. This is being driven in large part by high liquid fuel energy prices. CNG marine transport has a market niche between the volumes and distances that pipelines and LNG can economically transport. CNG Corporation's Gas Mobility Module (GMM)1 a lightweight pressure containership vessel, has been developed to specifically address this market. CNG marine transportation in large volumes is not presently utilized anywhere in the world, though bulk transport by truck is well proven. Due to the reluctance by many parties to be the 'first mover', CNG Corporation has embarked on the development of a small, simple compression loaded barge based CNG marine transport project that will provide a demonstration platform for the GMM technology. The small size and resulting minimal capital outlay will provide a much needed working commercial scale model while minimizing the risks and financing problems associated with many proposed large scale projects.This paper will present details of the project, its development timetable and address the development process necessary to make CNG marine transportation a viable reality.
CNG transport is not new nor are the technologies being introduced to CNG transport, but what is new is the application of these technologies into a CNG marine based system and the increased volumes of CNG proposed to be transported. CNG Corp's Gas Mobility Module (GMM) technology is well positioned to become the CNG transport market leader due to the competitive advantage of the lightweight GMM, commercial availability of the GMM product, CNG Shipping, CNG Supply, CNG Storage, CNG Retail Station and the proposal for mobility module of cng conversion for motor cars and motorcycles.
Natural gas Sources
Indonesia has almost 190 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of natural gas reserves (proven and probable), the thirteenth largest in the world. In 2004, the country produced 3.03 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas, ranking eighth in world gas production. Gas reserves are equivalent to almost four times Indonesia's oil reserves and can supply the country for 62 years at current production rates. According to the analysis, over 71 percent of natural gas reserves are located offshore, with the largest reserves found off Natuna Island (28.8 percent), East Kalimantan (25.2 percent), South Sumatra (13 percent) and Irian Jaya (12.8 percent). However, not all of these reserves are commercially viable, due to both the quality of the gas and the distance to market.
Growing Power Needs Will Drive Gas Demand
Power generation needs in Java and Bali will also drive growing domestic gas demand. Over the last several years, peak power demand grew by an average of six percent annually, while power capacity did not increase. Peak loads on the Java-Bali grid (which accounts for of 80 percent of Indonesia's power demand) reached a record high of 14,821 MW in April 2005. As a result, the actual reserve margin has declined from 16 percent in 2001 to a razor-thin 6 percent in 2004 in (Note: desired reserve margins are normally between 25 and 30 percent). PLN estimates that Indonesia needs over 23,000 MW in new capacity between 2005 and 2015 to prevent a long-term power crisis and restore its power reserve margin. Much of that new capacity will be fueled by gas and coal. PLN plans to raise natural gas use by the power sector from 17 percent in 2004 to 40 percent by 2015.
Networks, state gas utility CNG Corps plans four new transmission projects to meet rising power sector demands for gas, as follows:
In addition to these projects, the CNGC is proposing to build an CNG exprot terminal in West Java, to process and distribute gas from existing CNG plants, as well as future plants in Papua (Tangguh) and South Sulawesi (Donggi). CNGC is extending its distribution network and plans to ship compressed natural gas (CNG) over short to medium distances to remote areas. In addition, CNGC is also investigating the feasibility of developing an integrated mini-CNG transportation system. The project will involve a mini-CNG receiving terminal in Singapore.
Singapore's primary energy consumption increased from 35.0 Mtoe in 2000 to 44.1 Mtoe in 2004, primarily from oil and gas spurred by the resilient growth in the industry and transport sectors. The energy mix has seen a major shift in recent years. As a result of switching from oil to natural gas in electricity generation, Singapore has dramatically increased the consumption of natural gas since 2001 when the economy started importing natural gas from Indonesia. From 2000, the share of natural gas in primary energy consumption increased from 5 percent to 20 percent. By contrast, the share of oil in total primary energy consumption decreased from 95 percent to 80 percent over the same period. Not having its own energy resources, Singapore relies entirely on imported oil and gas to meet the economy's growing energy requirements. More than half of Singapore's oil import was re-exported, while the other half was retained for domestic use. Singapore is the third largest refining centre in the world after the US Gulf Coast, and Rotterdam, and the primary refined products trading hub in Southeast Asia. Singapore also serves as the world's top bunkering port due to the economy's strategic location at the entrance to the Strait of Malacca.
To ensure supply security, Singapore is seeking to diversify natural gas supply sources. The economy has undertaken a study to investigate the feasibility of importing compressed natural gas (CNG) and the construction of CNG receiving terminal. Most of the industrial activities in Singapore - refining and petrochemicals - use oil as the feedstock and are fairly carbon intensive. Therefore, as a means to minimize the burden to the environment resulting from the utilization of oil, Singapore has recently initiated the "Singapore Green Plan 2012", which anticipates reducing CO2 emissions by at least 25 percent of the 1990 level by 2012. The Plan outlines strategies to achieve the target through greater energy efficiency improvement, use of cleaner energy sources in the industry, commercial, and transport sectors. Some of the measures adopted include: 1) voluntary energy-efficiency labeling for appliances and buildings, 2) fuel switching in electricity generation, and 3) introduction of "green vehicles" (such as hybrid, and CNG).
Given the small land area (650 km2) and high population density (at 6,425 persons/km2 ), Singapore has been developing a comprehensive road transport system that can efficiently handle both freight and passenger transport. In particular, Singapore has been striving to reduce dependence on passenger vehicle and encourage the use of public transport. With the implementation of various economic instruments such as mandatory acquisition of a certificate for passenger vehicle ownership, and electronic road pricing on congested roads, Singapore has successfully slowed the growth in the number of passenger vehicles and consequently gasoline consumption. Over the outlook period, energy demand for road transport sub-sector is expected to grow at an annual rate of 2.2 percent. Gasoline demand for passenger vehicles will grow by 1.8 percent annually, a slower rate than the previous three decades at 3.8 percent per year. As a result of the implementation of various economic instruments which limit passenger vehicle ownership, the number of vehicles per 1,000 populations will not show any significant change from the 2002 level, remaining at around 102 per 1,000 populations.
Diesel demand for trucks is projected to grow annually at the steady rate of 2.4 percent since trucks are favored as the main mode of freight transport for high value added manufacturing and petrochemical products. Singapore's Changi international airport serves as a regional air transport hub and ranks as the second largest in Asia in terms of passenger handling capacity. In anticipation of the increasing number of passengers and volume of freight air transport, Singapore has been continuously upgrading airport facilities and promoting bilateral agreements with neighboring economies on "open sky" initiatives that will facilitate the free flow of passengers and freight transport. As a result, the demand for jet kerosene, the primary fuel for air transport, is projected to grow robustly, more than doubling from 2.9 Mtoe in 2002 to 6.2 Mtoe in 2030. 99 The amount of energy needed to produce a dollar's worth of industrial sector's value added 100 Between 1980 and 2002, energy intensity in Singapore's industrial sector increased at an annual average rate of 5.9 percent as a result of drastic expansion of petrochemical industries.
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
September 24, 2019: 4:45 pm:
September 24, 2019: 3:27 pm:
I just returned from socio-terrific doctor appointment in Medford, #SAGClubMed central HQ.
As usual, people were sneaking around my home yesterday and today.
I killed an intruder yesterday, who entered my home while I was in the restroom, The man had gone to my refrigerator, and was telling someone else about the contents of my refrigerator. The man had a sword, I took his sword from him, and ran him through with it, escorted him to the front door, and shoved him out of the door.
The door was locked with two locks and another safety device. The man was able to come inside even thought the door had two locks, and something extra.
I closed and locked the door again.
I believe the man's name was Robert, or, Rodger.
If his name was Robert, there is a good chance he was Rodger Hunter, a SDA terror solodier associated with a terror cell called “Medical Democrats”, and at the location 598 “MyStreet” is where he is specifically known to have lived for about 5 years. Rodger Hunter no longer lives at 598, some other Medical Democrats terror cell members live there now, Cynthia and Rick Manning.
The man could have been Manning. I don't know. I thought I already killed Rick manning when he attacked me with a Pit Bull by my mailbox a few months ago.
The receptionist at the terror doctor office asked about “Rod”. That could be Rodger, or Robert, she may have said “Rob”.
On the way to terror ClubMed doctor, the usual terror soldiers were deployed from the corner of Three Pines Road, and Oxyoke Road, where a group waits for instructions to just drive around, go in the direction they are told, make observation, and report what they observe at a given location as they pass by. About six of them today on Three Pines going towards Russel Road, they passed by me, as I was going towards Monument Drive.
That happens every time I leave the house.
I usually encounter the same cars that pass by often. I only leave my home two weeks apart, so, seeing the same cars is not a condition of daily routine, they wait for me to leave and make observation, so that others involved in assassination attempt can be ready, at the place they need to be.
The was moderate traffic on the way to Medford.
Observations include a big rig carrying three very large fans. Commercial size ventilation units. About six feet tall each one. That truck & trailer were going Northbound at about 1:15 pm.
Another observation was a mobile home, in two parts, wide-load, going Southbound, at about 1:20 pm. Those wide-load trucks were all over the road, swerving and changing lanes all over the place.
Other than that, at the Medford Exit at Crater Lake hwy, there is usually at least three people who sit at the corner, at the exit, and one on the overpass, and another near the other on-ramp.
They were not there today, they are ALWAYS there, but not today. There was others at the Biddel Road interchange corner. One man sitting and watching the traffic, a watchdog, and another two with bicycles walking their bicycles, and a woman with a baby carriage. I have seen those exact people at the exact places doing the exact same things dozens of times. One of the bicycles is very strange looking, is rusty, tall seat, small wheels, big frame. The  woman with the bay carriage always stops walking, looks at me, and turns the baby carriage towards me, points at me, and tells the baby to look at me while I am waiting for the traffic light to change. I look at the bany, and the light changes, every time.
There were more people walking their bicycles. I saw about fifteen people with bicycles today, all were walking beside their bicycles except one. That one was a new, shiny, beach cruiser.
There was a toilet on the side of the road across the street from the terror doctor office.
I parked. I noticed a white van in the parking lot, it has been there for many months, maybe a year or more in the doctor parking lot. The hood is cracked open (“bee in your bonnet” SDA comm), the tags are 2018 ( State Police), the words “We went to Oregon” are written on the passenger window with white crayon (tourists died there), the front bumper is held on with bungee cords (Charlston Dodge Charger Crash at SAG terror demonstration connection terror advertisement) and there is a pamphlet about pianos (be quiet) on the dash board.
Inside the office was terror comm from the receptionist. She wanted me to be Robert or Rodger. I am not, so she advised others that Rod did not make it. I was given a paper that says prices are going up by $100 for lab work, that is more terror comm. I was asked if $1.03 means anything to me, when I said no, she charged me an extra $1.03.
There was more comm in the form of a nurse with an amputated arm. Also, when I go there, the people who come in are all fake patients, they are actors playing roles. They don't do health services there, it's a front. They are capable of  pretending to do health service, but that is not what they do. There is always at least one man who comes in dressed in a suit without jacket, dress shoes and pants, white shirt, always. Nit the same guy always, but the same wardrobe always.
The fake patients are SDA soldiers. They come in pairs mostly. If not in a pair, the solo ones always have some kind of prop, apparatus, thing with them. A wheel chair or oxygen tank or crutches or some bullshit item. The ones that come in pairs, do not usually have the prop, apparatus thing.
At the fake doctor, the fake patients, and me, are given a pain management questionnaire to fill out. The fake SDA in pairs are almost amusing to observe when they fill out the forms. It's always the same thing,each pair of fake people do the exact same routine as the other ones do. They sit down, and one SDA plays the “caregiver” role, while the other one plays the “patient” role. The caregiver asks the patient the questions in the forms. There are two forms, each one has eight pages.
The whole thing is so when real patients come in there, they will be distracted and concentrating on that form, not paying attention to the terror soldier with a sword and nitrous gas that is sneaking up behind them. So, those pairs of fake patients can be identified by the way two people sit down, and one asks the other the questions on the form. If you pay attention to what is happening, it's easy to see that it's all fake, they have been reading those same questions for years, and are only releasing nitrous gas while saying their lines, and waiting for opportunity to strike.
The fake doctor, Paul Leppert, always tells me a story about his time n Vietnam, or Korean war. Always. He never ever talks about my health conditions. He keeps saying I need to get a primary doctor, he is a specialist and I need a Primary Care Physician (PCP, Angel Dust). I always tell him there are no doctors. He always tell me I NEED to go to La Clinica.
If he wants me to go to La Clinica, that's how I know it's a bad Idea to go to La Clinica.
No one tried to kill me inside the office this visit.
On the way home, I saw the same things I usually see. A tow truck with a grey SUV on it parked in the right hand lane in front of the shopping center (where there is a Denny's restaurant sort of hidden, with only a very small sign, and part of a motel that I don't know what the name is.) and a Medford Police SUV. The Towing is “Dick's Towing” (dick's in the road).
On the freeway, not much to say other than a lot of bright red big-rig trucks with white trailers.
One white van caught my eye, a Caravan sized van, bright white, rear window whited out with vinyl, and the words “Arnold's Dental, equipment sales”, California license plate.
Someone from Dietrick's 601 came down “MyStreet”, and did a head on collision attempt, the swerved.
Lot's of watchdog terror soldier in vehicles.
All of this is valuable information to people who need it.
That's all for now.
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fracolliastray611 · 2 years
War and History of Planet Oar
In Yunizburg, the place was grey, with a little shades of green, it was snowy, similar to Khalkin Gol and Krasny Bor. Like in Chechnya, in war is bloody. But, you could see a variety of drips. With others having the Russian Crimean, Falkland British, and Vietnam styles. The places are Shymkent, Tashkent, Shimono, Shimabara, Krasny Bor, Khalkin Gol, named after places from Earth by Velestinian-Casmanian travelers. Small numbers of Filipinos and Japanese led by a Spairitrean commander Ioannis Lipton settled in Jormungrad, the Military city-state. The war broke out in Eastern lands when Tusviet Mercenaries, Remnants of the Space Anarchists and Pith Shocktroopers came to attack. Pith Empire already owned 7 planets from the Baelrog sector, Pithia being their home planet and capital. Umojan settlers and their Belarusian and Uzbek counterparts formed the nation of Gravel in 2007. All settlers arrived in 1948, after Frederic Caspian and Maximus Carian brought them after WW2. As of 1948, only 25 settlements exists, 1 city-state and 1 nation. Weapons, gadgets, devices and tools also vehicles and energy systems are futuristic and much advance than on earth. Scientist, Albert Kronenhower discovered 2 energy fuels called green petroleum and electrolium, a gem similar to the solar power which can power up to 300 houses. The planet has many useful resources, which are easy to preserve at the same time. Earth 611, 616, 606 became advance when Formosians, Martians and Oarlanders delivered new sources of energy and technology to earth. In universe A611 and C136, earth was advanced unlike in 531, 64 and 034 where earth is only an average and most of the fitness Christians on that universe fled to the prosperous universe. Churches were also extracted by the help of the first Protoss General and inovator, Kyr who warped them to Planet Klandar, a planet in the garm sector, where they co-existed with the Protoss. When the Eastern war began, the Alliance of Stromgarde, Khalai, Umoja, Casmania, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Terran Dominion battled against the Tusviet, Space Anarchist and the Pith Empire for 12 years(2009-2025), which ended in Alliance victory. Later on, Astray, his wife Nino and their family moved to Oar’s own Switzerland and Argentina called Argentinland, the snowy, jungle paradise where all retirees moved. Later on, Oar founded the Republic of Oar, and made Vasil Orban as it’s first Prime Minister, and also the youngest Prime Minister at the age of 27. He led the country to success, and was called the “ Salazar of Oar”. He is also the financier of warping Earths 531, 64 and 034’s Churches to Oar’s Western and Southern hemisphere. 4 Pyramids were also made by the Protoss and the extracted Ancient Egyptian architects for commercialized industries and power plants, including the improvised version of the Baghdad battery, Mesoa became the Mesopotamia of Oar. Last thing about Oar, like Formosa and other planets, corruption is punishable by either exile or firing squad. Sexual corruption does not exist, nor prostitution as the humans who were brought are known as traditional and cultural people. Oar’s most popular paradise is Macauburg, and it’s best sanitary parks are Augustus Park and Titus Park.
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commercialvehicle1 · 12 days
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Tata SUPER ACE | Versatile Small Commercial Vehicle for Your Business Needs
Discover the Tata SUPER ACE, a highly versatile small commercial vehicle designed to enhance your business efficiency. With its robust performance, compact design, and unmatched fuel efficiency, the Tata SUPER ACE is ideal for small businesses, transportation, and logistics solutions in Vietnam.
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fotostube · 6 years
click here for german version
The last glimmer of sunshine lies above the cobbled street, which is surrounded by more or less decaying buildings. The roadsides are lined with cows and sheeps, here and there is a shepherd, old women look down from their wooden balconies. A man breaks up fragile roof battens in front of his house by using the channel grate of the street as a lever. He calls us and asks if we want to use his toilet in the garden. We end up in his four-meter-deep cellar.
What sounds like the intro of a class B psycho-thriller is only a sign of Georgian hospitality. The old man proudly shows us his garden and his cellar. “The cellar was built by a dozen Germans at the time!” He tells us proudly. Here in Asureti once lived German Settlers from Swabia, who took the long way to the South Caucasus about 200 years ago. Amirani is still enthusiastic about German engineering, his cellar is never warmer or colder than eighteen degrees. One more reason that he stores his treasures there. In old wooden shelves are countless glasses with pickled cucumbers, on the ground you can found some potato heaps. However, the most precious things are his home-made drinks – well preserved in old water cans and aloe vera bottles.
He quickly pulls out some glasses and holds them in front of us. Despite the risk of blindness, all diligently try his cognac, which, however, has little in common with his French counterpart. Hardly set glasses are already filled again. We strive to process so much hospitality, but the wife of Amirani brings already a colorful collection of legumes on the table. While the 75-year-old cuts an apple, he tells us about his past in Frankfurt at the KGB and his participation in the Vietnam War.
Despite Georgia’s special European path, Georgia faces a whole series of challenges. Low pensions, high youth unemployment and constant political upheavals continue to create a precarious situation within the country. Economic cooperation with the European Union and Western countries ensures a huge flow of money into the South Caucasus state, and also the transatlantic interests pay special attention to the region. Economically, Georgia provides access to markets in resource-rich countries such as Iran or Azerbaijan. With its exposed strategic location, it is of great interest to NATO as a bastion in front of Russia and the Middle East.
In Amirani’s place of residence, Asureti, a small village just a few kilometers from Tbilisi, the political and economic struggles for supremacy in the Caucasus region hardly seem to care anyone. Especially the situation in the north of the country is quite complicated. Here, where the two breakaway areas of Abkhazia and South Ossetia have been in a power vacuum since the 2008 Caucasus war, they start developing into a Russian-Georgian buffer zone. The West assures the territorial integrity of Gerogia, but a real solution to the conflict seems a long way off.
The country remains the melting pot of East and West, Orient and Occident. Rich in culture and gifted with a breathtaking landscape, Georgia is attracting more and more tourists. Hospitality, as we have experienced in Asureti, is not uncommon. But the double-edged sword of tourism promotion of a country that hovers somewhere between traditions and commercialization does not stop at the Caucasus either. Dozens of off-road buses grace the plateau in front of the Gergetier Trinity Church near Stepandzminda, a popular destination in the north with a view of the Kasbeck. A new road is being built here. Much to the chagrin of the locals, who hitherto transported tourists to the church on the only rough road with their off-road vehicles, making their living.
In Tbilisi the impressions of this versatile country are condensing. On the one hand old people trying to supplement their pension by selling junk and rummage. On the other hand there is a young generation that wants to break out of the post-Soviet structures and take refuge in the nightlife of the big city. The club scene in Georgia in big. The Bassiani even won one or the other award before the international greats such as the Berghain in Berlin. In the Keller Bar next to the Vera Park near the old town I meet two young Georgians. I question one of them about the situation in the north of the country. “Sure it’s shitty situation, but the Russians bring money into the country, and most just want to spend a few days vacation here,” he replies.
A few days later I get into conversation while driving with a taxi driver. His English is very limited, but he even speaks a few words of German. He keeps saying “Georgia People good. Ivanishvili, President Pig “. The internal political situation is constantly unstable. Especially in the past, there were repeated allegations of corruption against government members, entire ministries were shut down or restructured, ministers were deployed and dismissed. Especially towards the elderly, many reforms are difficult to communicate. If one were to introduce a goods vehicle test certificate in Georgia, as planned for a year, it would be likely that half of the population would to give up their vehicle.
Luckily, Amirani does not need a car – most of the time he cares for himself and if he wants to go to town or across the country, there’s the Mashrutkas – small, yellow intercity buses that travel all over Georgia. Before we say goodbye, he fills us half a liter of his own self-burned cognac into an empty fanta bottle. We give him 50 Lari for his hospitality – a third of the average monthly pension in Georgia. He leads us back to the road and turns back to his battens as we make our way back to Tbilisi. With a whole piece of Georgia in the luggage.
Georgian roof battens click here for german version The last glimmer of sunshine lies above the cobbled street, which is surrounded by more or less decaying buildings.
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chitrakullkarni · 3 years
Automotive Engine Oil Market SWOT Analysis By Political, Economic, Social And Technological Factors, 2025
The global Automotive Engine Oil Market scope was appreciated at US$ 35.67 billion during 2017. It is expected to increase by the projected CAGR of 3.7% from 2019 to 2025 and is expected to stretch US$ 48.1 billion by the completion of 2025.
The purpose of engine oil in vehicles is to decrease metal-to-metal touching base to minimalize general rubbing and decrease impairment. Friction is one of the most important causes of engine high temperature in automobiles. This creates extra wear and distorts moving portions of the engine. The oil in the automobile engine generates a thin layer of lubrication on entire metallic portions which offers the smooth movement of the parts above each other, consequently decreasing rubbing.
Furthermore, the automotive engine oil takes away minor particles of dirt and additional contaminations existing in the fuel of automobiles. Additionally, it covers the gap between the cylinder walls and the pistons. Hence the combustion of the fuel takes place, efficiently. It likewise covers entire moving parts of the automotive engine to deliver a protective coating counter to corrosion.
The manufacturing companies of automotive engine oil emphasize the development of new-fangled additives, for example, Nanometric Tungsten Di Sulphide powder. This is utilized, together with metal deactivators, detergents, and dispersants, to offer a protecting coating and decrease friction.
The risk of new-fangled competitors is comparatively small because it needs enormous principal investment and wide-ranging exploration on evolving the product. Additionally, sources of main raw material are acquired by nationwide companies. Here providers have the maximum power of negotiating.
Some of the important companies for the automotive engine oil market are Motul, ENI GmbH, Petroleum Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS), Valvoline, ExxonMobil Corporation, Sinopec Petroleum & Chemical Corp, Fuchs Petrolub SE, Castrol, and Royal Dutch Shell PLC.
Request free sample to get a complete analysis of the market players @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/automotive-engine-oil-market/request-sample
The growing manufacture of automobiles and the call for artificial and conventional products are the important features motivating this business. The sales of the automotive vehicles have displayed a continuous growth during the previous limited years, mostly in the Europe and Asia Pacific areas, because of the customer’s increasing capability of expenditure and rising population.
Growth in demand for goods transporters from medium, small and micro-size enterprises, growing movement owing to the expansion of Satellite Township close to megacities, the increasing ambition of possessing private means of transportation, increasing middle class, growing per head earnings and emerging set up of surface transport are powering the automotive engine oil industry in Asia Pacific area.  The increasing aftermarket of automobiles and the growing culture of Do It Yourself (DIY) in Europe and North America is also stimulating the development of automotive engine oil in the retail sector of these two provinces.
The global automotive engine oil market can be classified by Vehicle, Engine, Grade, and Region. By type of vehicle, it can be classified as Motorcycles, Light Commercial Vehicles, Heavy-Duty Vehicles, and Passenger Cars. By type of Engine, it can be classified as Alternative Fuel, Gasoline, and Diesel. By Grade, it can be classified as Fully-synthetic, Semi-synthetic, Mineral. By Region, it can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.
Regional Lookout:
By Region, the global automotive engine oil market can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. The Asia Pacific is the leading provincial market due to growing demand for the product from emerging markets, for example, Vietnam, India, and Thailand. Better-quality performance and products owing to strict guidelines by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) have likewise added to the development of the region. Contrariwise, in numerous European nations, E-Mobility has risen. This is the interference of battery-driven Electric Vehicles.
Furthermore, a synthetic alternative that proposes an extended round of fuel transformation, is extremely used up in the province. This is causing a reasonable reduction in the demand. This, sequentially, will disturb the general market in the province. Brazil is the principal car exporter to Columbia and Argentina in the region of Latin America. Over half of the German patented cars of the Columbian market are factory-made in Brazil. Dissimilar to the U.S.A, vehicles running on diesel engines and substitute fuel are very infrequent in Latin America. However, the automobile segment is steered by ethanol and gasoline-fueled automobiles.
The Middle Eastern market for engine oil has got the most solid smash owing to a drop in the prices of petroleum products. On the other hand, growing funds from global companies might improve the local market. The African market is steered by additional vehicles imported from advanced nations. The general involvement of Africa in the global sector of automobile manufacturing is minuscule.
Browse Related Category Research Reports @ https://industryanalysisandnews.wordpress.com/
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adnanmaximize · 3 years
Pick-Up Truck Market Technology, Services, Application and Outlook 2027
Pick-Up Truck Market size was valued at US$ 171.9 Bn. in 2020 and the total revenue is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.9% through 2021 to 2027, reaching nearly US$ 224.69 Bn.
Pick-Up Truck Market Overview:
Pick-Up Truck Market: Report Scope the latest industry report on the Pick-Up Truck Market assesses the opportunities and current market landscape, offering insights and updates on the corresponding segments for the forecasted period of 2021-2027. The report contains a complete analysis of major market dynamics as well as detailed information on the Pick-Up Truck market's structure. This market research report provides unique insights into how the Pick-Up Truck market is expected to grow from 2021 to 2027.
The primary goal of the Pick-Up Truck market research is to provide detailed information on market opportunities that are assisting in the transformation of Pick-Up Truck enterprise. Report  provide projected growth rates along with the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for forecasted period to enable readers to better understand the monitoring and assessment of the Pick-Up Truck market, as well as to discover lucrative opportunities in the market.
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Market Scope:
Maximize Market Research, report provide overall market insights for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and investors in the Pick-Up Truck Market. The information and data offered in the report may be used by all stakeholders in the Pick-Up Truck Market, as well as industry professionals, researchers, journalists, and business researchers.
Maximize Market Research, report provides a unique research approach to conduct detailed research on the Pick-Up Truck market and make conclusions on the market's future growth factors. Primary and secondary research methodologies are combined in the research approach to assure the authenticity and validity of the conclusions in this report.
The report discusses the Pick-Up Truck Market's drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges. The research helps to identify the market growth drivers and determining how to utilize these factors as strengths. Restraints can assist readers in identifying traits that are restricting the Pick-Up Truck Market, as well as reducing them before they become an issue.  This will assist readers in comprehending the aspects that will influence your ability to capitalise on possibilities.
by Truck Type• Small • Medium • Full Size
by Propulsion Type• Diesel • Petrol • Hybrid • Electric
by End-User• Medium Commercial Vehicles • Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicles • Light Duty Commercial Vehicles
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Key Players:
• Ford Motor Company • FAW Group • Fiat Chrysler Automobile • General Motor Company Great Wall Motors • Honda Motor Company, Ltd. • Isuzu Motors Ltd. • Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. • Mercedes Benz • Foton Motor • Mitsubishi Motors Corporation • Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. • Tata Motors • Toyota Motor Corporation Volkswagen AG • ZXAUTO • Ashok Leyland • Others
The competitive landscape shows the market share of major key competitors, as well as their key development plans and current financial performance over the previous five years. This information is anticipated to help businesses understand their competitors on a level. Furthermore, the reports feature company profiles, product offers, critical financial data, country-level research, and a synthesis of demand and supply variables that influence market growth.
Regional Analysis:
Geographically, Pick-Up Truck Market report is segmented into several key regions are as follows,
Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)
Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.)
North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada.)
South America (Brazil etc.)
The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt.)
Furthermore, the study covers market size, growth rate, import and export, as well as country-level analysis, integrating the demand and supply forces of the Pick-Up Truck Market in these countries, which are impacting market growth.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Pick-Up Truck Market:
COVID-19's influence on the Pick-Up Truck Market was examined in this research. During this crisis, the report examines the Pick-Up Truck Market's alternatives, demanding conditions, and difficult possibilities in detail. In terms of funding and market expansion, the paper briefly examines the COVID-19's merits and limitations. The study also contains a set of concepts that should aid readers in developing and planning company strategies.
The report considers consultations to overcome past disruptions and foresees potential ones in order to improve preparation. Businesses can use the frameworks to design their strategic alignments in order to recover from such disruptive trends. Maximize Market Research analysts can also assist readers in breaking down a complex circumstance and bringing resiliency to a situation that is uncertain.
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Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C research on 12000 high growth emerging opportunities & technologies as well as threats to the companies across the Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defence and other manufacturing sectors.
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sellfurnitureonline · 3 years
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reportr · 3 years
Synthetic Lubricant Market Size, Share And Forecast 2018 – 2027
Synthetic Lubricant Market – Overview:
Synthetic Lubricant are predominantly utilized in numerous end use industries such as construction, power & energy, mining, oil & gas, food processing, automobile, and others. Synthetic Lubricant market is expected to witness healthy growth due to increasing construction activities and oil & gas activity across the globe. Among end user segment, automobile is predicted to register healthy growth in the near future due to increasing automotive sales along with increasing consumption of synthetic lubricants. Moreover, increasing construction activities in developed and developing countries is estimated to drive the market growth.
Geographically, Asia Pacific emerged as the largest market for Synthetic Lubricant Market in 2016 and is predicted to retain its dominance over the forecast years due to growing demand from automotive, construction, and oil & gas sector specifically in China, India, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, and South Korea. In addition, economic growth in this region along with rapid industrialization has resulted in the increased production and sales of automobile which in turn is estimated to drive the demand for synthetic lubricant in the upcoming years. Furthermore, huge investment by major operating players in their Research & Development activities and shifting of synthetic lubricant manufacturing facilities as well as significantly increasing end use industries in this region is estimated to propel the synthetic lubricant regional market growth. North American market is estimated to witness steady growth due to rising demand from power & energy and oil & gas sector.
In North America, U.S. and Canada are among the major contributor in the regional market growth on account of strong growth of food processing and oil & gas sector. Europe is estimated to witness significant growth owing to growing passenger car and heavy vehicle production and sales in various countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy, and UK. The Middle Eastern & African market is expected to register above healthy growth on account of increasing commercial and residential construction activities specifically in Qatar, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. Latin American countries such as Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico is estimated to register moderate growth due to rising per capita disposable income along with strong consumer base for automotive industry.
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 Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:
March 2017- Petronas Lubricants announced that the company has launched motorcycle lubricant named as Petronas Sprinta with Ultraflex. With this product launch the company will be able to meet the increasing demand for synthetic lubricant.
June 2017- KLONDIKE Lubricants Corporation launched Synthetic Nano Grease in Canada. This product launch will strengthen company’s position among the lubricant manufacturers.
June 2017- ExxonMobil, one of the leading manufacturer of lubricants announced that the company completed its expansion project in Jurong to raise the manufacturing of grease and synthetic lubricants. With this expansion, the company strengthen its manufacturing capabilities and will be able to meet the increasing demand for grease and synthetic lubricants products in Asia Pacific region.
September 2017- GP Petroleums, a subsidiary of Petrochem Group launched Repsol’s synthetic motorcycle oils in India. With this product launch the company is planning to expand its footprint in the Asia Pacific region.
May 2016- PetroChoice, one of the leading provider of lubrication solution acquired Universal Lubricants’ new oil business. With this acquisition the company added 15 distribution locations, this helps the company to expand their geographic reach and solidifies its position as the largest bulk lubricant distributor in the United States.
May 2016- JX Nippon Oil & Energy announced two distribution partnership to expand its reach in the different location of U.S. The company main focus is to meet the increasing demand for synthetic lubricant.
 Competitive Landscape:
The Synthetic Lubricant report has analysed the level of competition among the key operating players as well as sector growth and market scenario. The global synthetic lubricant market comprises of various manufacturers operating in the market which comprised of large scale and medium size manufacturers. Some of the prominent market players operating in the global synthetic lubricant industry has shifted their focus towards growth association specifically by Asia Pacific as medium scale and small scale manufacturers are from this region specifically from China, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Japan. Moreover, the major operating players are focusing on extending their product portfolio by strategic acquisition and mergers, joint ventures, product launches, and exclusive agreements. Some of the companies are expanding their manufacturing capacity of synthetic lubricant to meet the growing demand for synthetic lubricant. Furthermore, some of the manufacturers has launched a series of product to strengthen their position in the market.
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