azkabqn · 7 years
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Regulus Arcturus Black
”I doubt Regulus was ever important enough to be killed by Voldemort in person. From what I found out after he died, he got in so far, then panicked about what he was being asked to do and tried to back out. Well, you don't just hand in your resignation to Voldemort. It's a lifetime of service or death."
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olivunders · 7 years
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@hphousenet creation event: favourite hufflepuff: newt scamander
“People like you, don’t they, Mr. Kowalski?”
“Oh. Well, I’m, uh, I’m sure people like you, too, huh? “
“Not really, no. I annoy people.”
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Let’s not run into each other again
It was an incredibly strange feeling to be back inside the school he once called home. He was surrounded by a familiar place but all the faces were new. Albus was probably better off with a school of all new people. it was possibly what he needed, was to be away from people who knew of him. But somehow as he stood in the middle of the library, he felt like eyes were on him. Albus glanced to his left, realizing the eyes were probably because he was holding his book upside down. He wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. When he grabbed a book, it was more out of attempting to hide his face. He thought he'd seen Scorpius in the library. Highly unlikely. He realized how ridiculous he was being the moment he found himself holding a book upside down. "Oh please. Not like you've pretended to read before." Albus told the student as he shut the book and shoved it back onto the shelf.
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Being back in the library reminded him so much about being a student. He was just an above average student. He remembered how many hours he probably ended up spending in there. With his father and his older brother being constant over achievers, he did feel like he had to at least show some scholarly intelligence. Except when it came to a career choice, Albus saw his career more in athleticism rather than anything else. He enjoyed reading plays, practices, and above all else he had good eyes.
It was annoying that he couldn't visit the library without thinking he would be running into Malfoy. He moved passed the shelves of books, making his way out of the library. He had to find a better way to spend his free time that didn't feel so public.
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azkabqn · 7 years
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Remus Lupin
We stopped checking for monsters under the bed when we realized they were inside of us.
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bella-morts · 12 years
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queerdraco · 12 years
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i'm so tired, i wish i was the moon tonight
Welcome back to my dashboard Nisi, I've missed you! x
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gallifreyfalls · 12 years
Tag :)
I got tagged by Aoibhinn :D
This tag is to get to know the person behind the blog better. As with any tagging game there are rules:
Rule 1 - Post the rules. Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones. Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post. Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Aoibhinn's questions: 
1: What’s your religion? I'm an atheist!
2: How old are you? 17 this year :)
3: What would your boggart be? A huge daddy-long legs spider! buuh that's the only animal I fear haha!
4: What’s your favourite colour? Black! 
5: When did you start reading Harry Potter? My mum started reading it for me when I was 4!
6: Do you like The Hunger Games? Yes I do, but it will never be as good as Harry Potter!
7: Food or the Internet? Internet! I'm not a fan of food. Ok I love cooking and I love watching images of food and cooking videos but I don't eat much!
8: Do you know anyone from Tumblr in real life? Yes :D
9: Top three fandoms. Harry Potter, Harry  Potter, Harry Potter! :D (ok, Doctor who and Sherlock too!)
10: Favourite TV show? Doctor Who and Sherlock! 
The-last-enemy's questions:
1. What would your patronus be?
2. If you had the chance to visit any historical moment, when would it be?
3. Who would you like to meet from the Harry Potter cast?
4. Best book?
5.  Which house are you in?
6. Favourite quote?
7. Where do you want to live?
8. Best childhood memory?
9. Favourite candy?
10. Would you go to hogwarts if you had the chance even if you never would be able to return to your family and friends?
11. Do you read fanfics?
I tag:
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sukieblackmore · 11 years
Happy New Year!
It was a crazy start
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baesujing · 11 years
i like how i managed not to talk about marcelos dick on whatsapp but here i do why is that so?????
jesus christ i’m just gonna publish this idec the world needs to know 
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winryrockbells · 11 years
smalfoy replied to your post: smalfoy replied to your post: smalfoy replied to...
ich weiß nicht :DD was sind ihre URLs? DANKE DU BITCH
SELBER BITCH ALTA YO arya-starks und barathaeon :D
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azkabqn · 7 years
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The sin of loving you, if that love is a sin I’ll throw away everything and give up
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draconic · 12 years
omg. what no. nisi. no its not even. stop it! go away sdgsdghs
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brien-odylan · 12 years
Wait! Is it Nisi I see in my dash? HEY, NISI, HEY!!!
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baesujing · 11 years
and by helP I MEAN SEND MARCELO naked
go to sleep
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winryrockbells · 11 years
smalfoy replied to your post: smalfoy replied to your post: smalfoy liked your...
sag mal hast du irgendwelche blogs die du mir empfehlen kannst mein dash ist echt ähm dezent scheiße :D
bin grad erstmal komplett geschockt hahaha followst du noch nici und lena? ansonster guck mal durch meinen blogroll, bin da total pingelig, sind also echt nur gute blogs! zB: branstahk, davosseaworth, fearbreeze, frompillow, househardyng, princessaryastark, maisiewilliams, brienneoftarth, I FOLLOW EINFACH NUR GAME OF THRONES BLOGS
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azkabqn · 7 years
once you get this it would be cool if you posted ten facts about yourself and then passed this along to your ten favourite followers!!
omg 10? Alright here we go buckle uP,
1. I own an original copy of Alice in Wonderland
2. Im English trash and running out of tea is a sin
3. I get too passionate talking about how Draco deserved to be written better and expect an hour long discussion if you bring it up
4. Speaking of which I just started drafting a Draco PoV thingo last night
5. I’ve just recently befriended the most wonderful set of people on here and im so thankful for all of them @smalfoy @charlieweasey @justyncase @charlotteweasley
6. If you offer chocolate or garlic anything I’ll come running
7. Brave is one of my favorite animated movies ever
8. This list is harder to write than I thought holy shit
9. Im really not a beach person despite living in beach central (Bris Aus) but my dog loves the beach so its oKaY
10. The Marauders will always have my god damn heart and soul my poor babies
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