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flowersforfrancis · 2 years ago
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Regulus Black Girls Boys People Darlings.
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wizardnuke · 9 months ago
gonna be so fr sometimes when someone interacts with a 4+ year old post of mine i just block them. immediately
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prankster-ravenclaw · 7 years ago
Part 1. After the feast
Sly looked around in the room reserved for her and her equipment, she'd be seen with Hagrid on those lessons while Raven had his own lessons made up because of the nature of his career. Absent mindedly, her hand went for a pile of letters that had piled up during the last few years.
After Raven had graduated, he still kept in touch with the rest of them, asking them how things were going and how they were feeling although they all knew that the male didn't actually need to ask, he already knew, he always did. It was that cursed intuition of his.
Pink lips curved into a smile as she kept reading them, her smile stretching further when the letters from Claw were added in. The new comer had been also given the opportunity to talk with all of them, including Raven though the adult had answered them all with one letter at a time at first, it was a recent change for him to write them separately.
In his own chamber, Raven held one neat pile of letters tied together with a yellow lace, he had made sure that the letters wouldn't mix up with this method. As he separated one of the letters from the pile he held, his brows furrowing in thought.
You see, he hadn't actually left his dorms that often, but since he had needed to socialise with people who were around him, he had done a simple spell that'd choose random names from the list of the students and he'd then start writing to them.
It wasn't anything big at first, just one small letter that would duplicate itself upon being received by one of the people he wrote to and fly to the others chosen, always the same content. But then he had started to make actual conversations with them, which eventually turned into him making a special type of parchment that'd show the answers for everyone who had the copy of that same parchament.
The downside of it was the fact that it didn't work outside the Hogwarts or other magic filled places like Diagon Alley, so they had to use regular messaging way during the summer.
But the parchament never showed the names to him, it chose them based on his magical signature, similar to the way of how ancient wizards and witches found their future spouses, their magic picked up the person who had the most fitting magical core to compliment the chooser's own. The practice was still used by the Blacks.
But this meant one thing:
Raven had never met some of the people who he spoke with. Good examples were Rin, Puff and later on Claw once she joined. Heck, this went on several years until he met Rin face to face. The young witch had then attempted to teach him how to use a cellphone!
Which later on became one of their communication routes. But he still hadn't met Puff nor Claw formally and while he was content with it he....
.... Felt so wrong for it too.
He had contacted them first, talked with them, befriended them, and yet... He never had seen them.
Sure with Claw it was inevitable for she started the school after he graduated, but it was no excuse for never seeking out the third male of the group.
He met Sly when he went to get a potion from the potion master, who happened to be having a lesson, but he had been asked directly by the mediwitch so he had no choice.
The potion master had told his student to go get it and when they had been there face to face, they recognised each other's magical signatures.
Huff he met while sneaking into the kitchen to get some latenight snack, Aven was in his house and Rin-
Well, the younger Slytherin had just beelined to him in library as if she had known always who he was. Weird. Should he ask about it? Probably not, Rin liked her secrets just as much as Huff did.
But Puff? The Hufflepuff had let him be never actually getting in his way. So.. Raven didn't really know who he was. All he knew was... He felt free when he talked with the other one, less strained, less tense, happy.
Raven closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, all this thinking and remembering what had happened back then made his head hurt. Tension headache, as the muggle folk called it, sure wasn't a pleasant thing to have.
He had a reason for his closed nature, he was just like that, he felt no connection to the other people, or he hadn't felt before, Sly and co had changed it. He was now willing to be tied down, yearned to be tied down, wished for something, someone to take his hand and let him rest next to them. Someone....
Raven blinked as the nickname flashed his mind, whispering things. Of pleasure, the yearning, the feeling of being complete. A frown made a way onto his face, face that one would still call woman's.
The male put the letters aside on his nightstand, careful to not rip them accidentally. As he stood up, his mind was filled with fears and regret. Fears of being used again, fears of being broken more, regretting to let that woman near him year ago for she had nearly broken his spirit and he hadn't even noticed it.
Tears formed in his eyes as he grit his teeth, hair turned black and spiky looking, a sign of his distress and anger.
He wouldn't do it.
He shouldn't do it.
That thing would break him more.
That thing would force shackles upon his form.
That thing would turn him mindless, make him easier to be led on a noose like a threstal leads a carriage.
It would make him weak.
He was descended from lines both White and Black, his pride wouldn't let him live through such humiliation ever again.
His pride wouldn't let him ever admit that he was afraid.
Afraid of Love.
As Raven marched in circles within his own room, six others could tell that something was up. As they changed into their night gowns and pajamas, they could only wonder what was that strange feeling they had.
It wasn't often their magic would talk to them like this.
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singingninja4 · 4 years ago
Yellow and grey :)
Yellow: good vibes 😎
Grey: smart and cool 😎
Awwww, you are always the sweetest! I love how positive and kind you are 🥰
Mutuals: what color am I?
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motiyasaru · 5 years ago
For inktober!!!
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click to make it less blurry idk why tumblr does this
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emmythespacecowgirl · 2 years ago
Hey sweetheart- could I ask for a ship from both Band of Brothers? 🖤 So glad you reached out 🖤
About Me:
– your gender/pronouns: Female/ She/Her
– your sexuality/gender preference: Honestly? Indifferent. If I fell in love with someone, I fall in love with them. But for this case, gender preference, male.
– your main flaws and most defining traits: I asked my best friend this because I'm terrible at defining myself. She said my main flaw was my stubbornness (Fair- I'll be stubborn/immediately cut someone loose on principle if they're being an asshole- or just hold them at an arm's length and side eye them for the rest of their lives). I think it's just a discerning sense of not rewarding asshole people for their behaviour, but you be the judge. 💀
My most defining traits she said were my hard working behaviour, my hyper-independence, and my "audaciousness." The first two I feel are self-explanatory- she feels my audaciousness comes from doing things most people would without a second thought- like moving all over the place for opportunities (England, Australia, back to Canada, where I'm originally from), and living in other cities with no connections or no background in them if it'll help develop me and my opportunities as a person. So she means it in a way that means less like an "imprudent lack of respect," and more like, " a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks." I'm not jumping out of planes or anything (sorry boys), but I am doing modern equivalents of things that would get me ahead and help me grow as a person.
– your hobbies and pastimes: I love history- I also love exercise of any sort (although I don't really keep a schedule)- I used to play scholarship level volleyball. Now, I just love long walks in nature on my own, and weight training. Besides that, I love drinking overpriced lattes and taking in coffee shops, listening to music, and listening to podcasts/audiobooks. •Optional: – your appearance: I'm tall for a girl (6'0/1.83m)- Dark blonde/ash brown hair, green eyes, pale. I'm athletic, played high-level volleyball and swimming, and now mostly keep to doing weights and running. I'd say my eyes are the prettiest part of me.
– your personality type (example: ENFP; Enneagram 7 or 7w6): I'm an INTJ, Enneagram 5. Basically the analyst, always.
– any pet peeves: People who mistaken kindness for weakness, bullies, people who don't recognize their own privilege, rudeness, cruelty.
– your love language: I literally just took this quiz. 🖤 My love language is acts of service, which tracks. When people do things for me, because I'm so used to shouldering everything myself, it really feels appreciated. My second love language was words of affirmation. I'm always humble/sheepish when taking compliments, but especially if it's from a significant other, it makes me feel special.
•Examples of bonus info:
– your zodiac sign (or big three): Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, Leo Rising (I know- it's a lot of hidden Leo). I'm honestly a stereotypical Virgo in that I'm a perfectionist, plan ahead for everything, like things in order and neat, slightly cynical (but it doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you), and modest. I'm also highly independent.
As for Leo Moon and Leo Rising, people often think I'm an extrovert because I put on a positive face and am described as a positive person who lightens any workplace I'm in and lights to be self-depricating (I'm also obnoxious about my hair, which apparently is a Leo Moon trait). I can be the leader if I have to be, but I usually don't offer unless nobody else is taking charge- and then I take charge just to get things moving.
I'm an introvert at heart, however. Most nights unless it's something really fantastic I'll spend on my own or doing activities I like to do on my own, or talking to one really good friend. I'm a fan of long walks in nature, hot beverages, and quietness/ acoustic music.
– your Hogwarts house: I used to think Slytherinclaw and used to get Slytherin a lot- however, I lean more towards Ravenclaw these days. I'm not just running after something in order to define my self-confidence or self-esteem anymore- I'm confident enough to do that myself, and I don't need awards or kudos to do that for me. I like knowledge for knowledge's sake (I also never needed to step over anyone in my ambition- I just did my own thing).
– your insecurities: It's hard- because I feel as though my insecurities have shifted too as I've gotten older.
I'm going to say my biggest insecurities (which sound sad, which is why you'd never hear me say them outloud lol), would be finding someone who sees me and loves me outside of just being "a nice person." I think people see me as someone inherently likeable, but nothing more. Or smart/ capable, but nothing more. Sometimes I feel as though nobody ever sees me as someone who would be datable, instead of someone they like in their friend group. And to be fair, I've made myself hyper-independent in order to survive- but as I've gone into adulthood, I think I've realized, sometimes it's nice to have someone to depend on, and I want to work on being seen outside of being hyper-capable as someone not "intimidating" or "aloof" (when I literally just have a resting bitch face and am just vibing 💀). I held hands with a boy the other day who helped me across an ice patch, and I just realized how nice it was to have someone's hand in yours, sometimes, as cheesy as it sounds.
My other insecurity I guess is related to being sure I'm on the right path. I'm in training for a prestigious law position and becoming a lawyer after graduating from law school, and although law is interesting, I'm not sure if the practice of law itself is right for me. I'd much rather teach other people it as a professor, or analyze things as a policy analyst to help people more organically, than be a lawyer who charges people per hour. I know it's less "prestigious," but I'd rather be a force for good with my law knowledge than a force for ambivalence/ black letter law stuff. My insecurity would be whether or not if I choose a slightly different path that pays less/makes me more happy, if I'd be disappointing people/not living up to my potential/ shooting myself in the foot after being called as a lawyer. Sad, I know, but there you go. 💀
ANYHOW, do your worst, babe, and I appreciate whomever actually takes the time to read this. 🖤
Hi babes!! wowowow your blog is the prettiest✨💕 so glad I found you!
I ship you with:
Dick Winters from Band of Brothers!
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ok but dick was the only logical choice here!
hear me out
this man is in love with you
and it’s like the classic slow burn that everyone pines for in life
but you’re lucky because you actually get to experience that together!
you probably meet each other as officers in Toccoa or Fort Benning
as officers
Dick shyly admits it now, but he was a little intimidated by you at first
You had an independence that he wasn’t really used to in ladies back home
Girls back home married young and depended on their boyfriends and husbands to make the right decisions or bring home a paycheck
But dick didn’t get that sense from you at all
He’s an observant guy
So the more he sees you at work
Being an absolute badass
The more he starts to fall in love with you
This man thinks you can do anything you set your mind to
And God help anyone who stands in your way
your jobs might take you to different places around the world
And it could mean that you spend long periods of time apart
But in the end, Dick will always wait for you
And is so beyond proud of you💗
I can see the two of you taking some classes at Rutgers together after the war while Dick works his first job at Nixon Nitration Works
As lifelong learners, I think you would both enjoy classes together
Adding it to your list of shared hobbies :)
Dick felt so privileged when you started inviting him on hikes with you
Since he knows that’s your sacred alone time
You both used to play sports in school
So you both understand how important physical activity is for your health and well-being
If you both decide to start a family together
I can see y’all teaching your kids how to play volleyball and football together 💕
You show him all your favorite podcasts and audiobooks
He instantly loves them!
I can see him working at his desk late at night
Listening to some obscure history podcast that you showed him
You can bet your ass that he plans your honeymoon to some historical European town that you’ve wanted to visit for ages
see what I did there? ;)
I’m pretty sure that it’s canon that Dick is an acts of service kinda guy
So it works perfectly that you both show each other that same kind of love
Anything you need done
Whether it’s mowing the lawn or a grocery store run
Dick is very eager to please
He’s also the king of sweet compliments 💕
Sharing a foxhole in Bastogne together
His kind compliments and encouragements keep you going during the harsh winter
I wonder what your enneagram wing is?
Bc if you’re a 5w6, I’m pretty sure that Dick is a 6w5.
So that means that you would be mirroring each other :)
6w5s and 5w6s enjoy being capable and independent and secure
So you’d have that in common
Based on mbti, seems like you both are more introverted and like to lead a more planned out life
And Dick is very content with that
Also canon that Dick loves tall girls 😤
He thinks you’re lovely 🥰
Neither of you can abide bullies
Long talks about how frustrating Sobel is to deal with
You can show him that taking bolder, calculated risks can pay off :)
You’re both pretty stubborn
But I can see you also teaching him that just saying no to toxic people, no matter how much they may need your help, is best in the long run
In return, Dick can show you that doing what you love is the key to ultimate happiness
And that you’re loved first of all just for being your amazing badass self
Not just because you’re “nice”
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siegelst · 4 years ago
y’all keep thinking it be Daniel and Johnny that will save Robby ... but really it be Johnny and Sam that get Robby back because Gryffinpuff and Slytherinclaw are unstoppable.
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kryptoniteastrology · 5 years ago
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“Whats the point of learning all of that if you aren’t going to use it?” 
Scorpio Sun, ENFP, Slytherinclaw 
Requested by @urgirlarielle
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armandismed · 4 years ago
hi! 4, 5 & 6?
4. What magical creature would you be?
This one’s a tough one, because I never really saw myself as a magical creature? Like, when unicorns were the HEIGHT of popularity a couple of years ago (along with moustaches, for some reason?), on teen and young adult materials, my mom literally came up to me and was like, “What’s with the unicorns? What’s with the moustaches? What does it mean?” And I was like, I dunno, mom. xD Don’t look at me. We all agreed it was a thing and it was a thing. xD
I mean, honestly, this is going to sound ridiculous, but I’d probably be something akin to the Loch Ness monster? xD Like, just chillin’ at the bottom of a loch/large body of water, not really bothering anyone, making rare appearances in public- it really is essentially my personality and less low-key aggressive/hairy than a Sasquatch or something like that. xD I also love water and grew up near the coast and rolling hills/mountains, so there’s that.
(P.S: When I was five I was swimming in this lake, and there were rumours that there was a Canadian-equivalent to the Loch Ness monster, and that someone had thrown a wooden figure of the Canadian equivalent to the Loch Ness monster into the lake, so I went diving for it even though half the bottom of the lake was covered in algae- nothing will ever terrify you more as a five year old when a cartoon head pops out of some seaweed).
5. What’s your hogwarts house?
Easily Slytherin- I’m not ambitious for any sense of material gain or arbitrary postmarks, but I do like the sense of achievement in and of itself and seeing what I can become and successful in my own mind. If I wasn’t Slytherin, I’d probably say Ravenclaw. I love learning and knowledge, but I’m probably more motivated by my drive for potential, and using my knowledge to that end, then just full on learning for knowledge’s sake, and then doing nothing with it. If I wanted to be all encompassing- Slytherinclaw. <3
6. What’s your favorite quote?
I mean, it’s not my favourite quote, but I remember putting it as my quote in my high school yearbook (and it was the first one that sprung to mind): “Convinced myself, I seek not to convince,” by Edgar Allan Poe. It’s used in “The Raven,” but I really just love it as a statement in and of itself. It can be applicable for so many things, but I love it for the sense of self-confidence it demonstrates when taking it separately from a random narrator trying to convince you of a ghost story? xD I always took it as, “I am satisfied enough in my own beliefs and abilities, that that is enough to be content within myself.” I don’t need to convince others of my worth and importance, because that isn’t where true confidence lies.
The other one that I probably quote mentally the most often is my boy Oscar Wilde: “Shoot for the moon- even if you miss, you land amongst the stars.” And it’s true- you aim for something, even if you don’t get accepted into the exact situation or thing you aimed for, nine times out of ten you’ll have progressed farther than you would have without even trying. 
(P.S: My Dad pointed out the other day even though the quote is poetic how the moon is closer than the stars but we’re going to give Oscar Wilde a pass because #1890s am I right).
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strangeradventuresofp · 4 years ago
💙 (from hp) hi! first, i’m a slytherinclaw & quite the insomniac so i spend my nights reading books. i’m pretty competitive and live by sarcasm. my personality type is enfj and i’m a huge coffee addict. i mostly listen to r&b music and my favourite colours are the entire dark portion of the colour palette. should this be enough? i’m nervous about this actually. onto the last part, i’m rlly inspired by ur writing, u have made me open my own writing blog so i want to say thankyou and loveyou!
omg thank you so so so much! i love you with my whole heart and im so glad that i could inspire you to write yourself! if you see this post, please link me to your works, i would love to read them!<3
i ship you with...
Harry Potter!
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okay so first of all i think that the fact that you stay up reading is so sweet and you would be awake if harry has any nightmares, so you can comfort him. he would make you coffee and anything you wanted. getting you to read to him so he can fall asleep listening to your voice that calms him; he didn’t tend to have nightmares when you read to him. he would give you lots of his clothes! playing quidditch together!!!! kissing in celebration when you won a game!
i hope you liked this answer!<3
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duchessofclubs · 8 years ago
My Hufflepuff Friend and I: #3
Friend: What would you say if a cop shot a pitbull?
Me: I’d run away.
Friend: What would you think if a cop beat that pit bull?
Me: I would think he’s a psycho and run away.
Friend: Pit bull's haven’t done anything wrong! We need to be nice to animals they have feelings too. 
Me: ...Then you would step between the dog and the cop? 
Friend: You completely missed my point! 
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apricotparrotmemes · 6 years ago
My favorite Hogwarts House Mashups and why I love them
Gryffinclaw: it takes courage to ask the difficult questions, and even more courage to face the answers.
Slytherpuff: they’ll win and they’ll do it for those they love. who needs courage when you have friends worth protecting?
Ravenpuff: idle dumbass who transforms into a sparkling genius the moment they have the opportunity to help someone.
Gryffinpuff: they will choose pacifism as long as their conscience allows it. but if they do start a fight, they can and will end it.
Slytherinclaw: they know - better than anyone - why the use of any kind of power must be transparent and open. 
Slytherdor: history will remember them kindly, and that is all they have in the end.
Feel free to add anyone I’ve missed. 
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prankster-ravenclaw · 7 years ago
We have great sense of humour
Raven: I swear, you're spoiling me too much with your sweetness
Rin: Then die
Raven: Wellp, guess that I'll perish then
Raven & Rin: Damn
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kallypsowrites · 6 years ago
I would sort you into ravenclaw... or like... maybe slytherin.... Slytherinclaw?
Hit the nail right on the head. I’m a slytherclaw though I lean more toward slytherin :)
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sheryl-lee · 7 years ago
stiles stilinski!!!!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (he lowkey fits into both so...slytherinclaw???)
best quality: he’s so smart and extremely protective of people he cares about
worst quality: he can be a bit arrogant at times but you can tell it’s more of him masking his guilt and self-deprecation; he gets riled up easily (I just think he needs to relax more tbh)
ship them with: lydia
brotp them with: scott, allison, kira, liam, derek
needs to stay away from: the oni, the ghost riders, and anyone with a gun
misc. thoughts: my fucking sarcastic son; he’s come so far and he’s one of the most developed and layered characters on the show and i miss him so much
send me a character and i’ll answer the following about them
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girl-intrigued · 2 years ago
How to absolutely be sure of whether you are a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin????? How many quizzes should I take or is there any alternative for it ????
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