quasimyth · 3 years
12, 3, and 4?
#12: Every good Pokémon handler can be said to have a strong bond with their Pokémon companions. But what are the specific things that strengthen your character’s bond with their partners?
Volo’s Pokémon are so strongly bonded to him because they’re just as fanatically dedicated to his goal as he is. They went through an extreme rough patch during the ten years he spent just trying to cope with the knowledge he received, but once they Saw the Truth like he did, they began to align more with his goals and ideology. They’ve been united for a common purpose for almost 500 years, and none of them are stopping now. Which is actually really terrifying once you think about it, but hey, at least he treats his Pokémon well?
Cynthia’s Pokémon are so strongly bonded to her because as a Vessel of Giratina, they can feel how deeply she cares for their very souls. Giratina in my and Knight’s shared lore is a god of the dead after all, and so Cynthia can see into the nuances of souls to understand someone and their mental states. Volo has some of this power as well, and in fact taught her how to bond with her Pokémon this way. But Cynthia definitely got better at connecting with her Pokémon soul-to-soul than he is--something which truly impresses him.
As for Cyrus……well. He entirely lacked a bond with his Pokémon after he chose to be a world-destroying nihilist because “nothing matters anymore not even bonds,” but before then, he used to actually be a really good listener to his Pokémon’s needs. He was always a very low-key kind of guy, a man of few words even before he became emotionally dead inside, but he used that silence to listen to and observe the world around him. This was a great asset for him as a Trainer, especially since most Trainers prefer to talk over their Pokémon rather than to listen.
#3: What kind of rival would your character make to someone else?
Volo would pretend to be a friendly rival, but actually seek to undermine his rival at every turn. Whether it’s withholding advice from them, or subtly trying to bring down their confidence, he’ll be a real bitch in sheep’s clothing. Want evidence? Just look at his behavior toward the protag of PLA. That was as close as he got to a rivalry given his insane level of strength, and he spent the whole time not caring about their needs/wants, only using them as a pawn, and literally trying to kill them when they stopped complying…
TL;DR If Volo considers you a rival, watch out. At best, if you appear almost as strong as him but aren’t a threat to his plans, he’ll quietly drag you down out of sheer pettiness that you’re at his level. At worst, if you are a rival in the sense that you’re as strong as he is and oppose his goal of overthrowing Arceus, he’ll be planning your homicide.
#4: What kind of rival does your character have?
Cynthia is rivals to my Wallace on @hisvanity! They’re great friends who constantly push each other to go higher and harder. He got her into Contests too, and while he’s more of a mentor to her in this aspect, there have been quite a few times when she’s proven a challenge for him to defeat--a testament both to her skill and the quality of his teaching. She’s generally a kind-hearted person and it’s hard for me to picture her having a “bitchy” rivalry…though I will say, it’s definitely possible. She does have certain tendencies as a mini Volo, after all!
Cyrus I can imagine being unfriendly rivals with Lysandre. The two of them want to destroy the world, but with completely different rationales behind their actions. Cyrus would regard Lysandre’s ambition to wipe out all of humanity to save a select few as just one more symptom of creation being evil……never mind the fact that Cyrus arguably wants to do worse.
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ardentheir · 3 years
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Rules | "Every Experience is a lesson, something new to learn and record. I'll see to all of it in due time." - 10+ Years RP Exp - Mun and Muse 21+ - Selective - Available on Tumblr and Discord Associated with: FossilForged | SlyGinkgo
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amusinglyhellish · 3 years
@slyginkgo “Pi!” A tiny voice chirped as a small Cleffa waddled over as fast as it could to greet the human that came to visit once again. “Pippi! Piii!” There was a crowd of small pink Pokémon, jumping with delight at their visitor. It was apparent they were familiar with him as when he knelt down to pet a few closest to him, they never shied away or tried to run. In fact, some were trying to jump into his arms to hug him, nearly knocking him over in the process. “Ah, hey, hey easy! Haha, come on that tickles!” The young man laughed as he was nuzzled by fluffy little hair tuffs and wings. “C-Come on, how am I supposed to feed you if you all jump over me!”  The group of Clefairy and Cleffa paid no mind to his words, their happiness was inextinguishable.  That was until a loud cry rang over the little spring, causing all the small stars to stop their affectionate actions to look towards their Alpha, a large male Clefable with a flower bracelet around his right arm. “Pixie! Pix pix!” He ordered, causing the other’s of his Galaxy to scatter to give the guy some space. All except for one Cleffa who looked at him with raised little arms.  “Heh, okay cutie you can stay.” Rei picked the little star up and tickled it’s tummy as Clefable came over. “Thank you Clefable, I thought was a goner.” “Pixie Pixie.” He waved a hand in dismissal, it was no big deal. Besides, it was his turn to hug him. He was happy to see Rei had returned to their galaxy to visit them! Rei giggled and hugged him back, nuzzling into his velvety fur. “It’s good to see you too, friend. I hope you all are hungry, I brought something you’d sure to enjoy.” The group of fairies cheered and came rushing to him yet again, this time however Clefable allowed it as long as they didn’t jump him again. Even he was curious on what their friend had brought. The entire group was distracted by Rei’s potential gift, not that that was new...however with all the noise it was bound to draw some unwanted attention. 
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quasimyth · 3 years
How strange and forbidden it is, the union between Giratina and Arceus standing before him. Such tension can he feel ‘twixt the two, but not one that’s necessarily ancient; this struggle is old beyond the years, but it’s one of husband and husband. Perhaps rather deeper than that--Kazimir was assigned to Volo as his watcher, it seems--but it is free of the primordial hatred that courses between the Giratina he knows and the Arceus he loathes.
This is not, however, a Volo he can necessarily trust. The man is ever-shifting, hard to read--and that, perhaps, is reason enough not to invite him to the Hisuian Spring Festival. Perhaps not the most tainted soul he’s ever read, but not the cleanest, either. If he pushes further in his soul-reading, he could most likely see the reason why this soul feels so off to him…but not before making his feelings known.
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      “So. You’re the other Volo,” he huffs. “What purpose do you have in visiting the Festival?”
He has a feeling already. He can’t think that this man will be up to anything good. But sometimes, it’s the disparity between the response and what intuition tells him that can be the most revealing.
Cynthia stands behind him; he doesn’t need to see her to feel her look of worry. 
Don’t be worried about him, Volo thinks, knowing she can hear. Worry about the Festival.
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