#slovenska popevka
med-nama · 1 year
Prinesi mi rože, ki divje cvetijo,
odpelji me v goro, kjer škrati živijo.
Pokaži mi zvezdo z mojim imenom,
zloži mi pesem z bizarnim refrenom.
Povabi me včasih v kraje neznane,
mi zjutraj pod okno pripelji cigane.
Povej mi o sanjah četudi so grešne,
zaupaj mi želje četudi so smešne.
Napravi to zmeraj, ne bodi kot drugi,
ljubezen ni reka, ki teče po strugi.
Napravi to zopet, ne hodi po poti,
saj sreča ni nekaj, kar pride naproti.
Poljubi me nežno, ko drugi hitijo,
povabi me v mesto, ko drugi že spijo.
Usoda je živa in mrtvi junaki,
naj še hrepenijo postaje in vlaki.
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eurovision-revisited · 10 months
2001 Copenhagen - Number 11 - Nuša Derenda - "Energy"
EMA in Slovenia bucked a trend in 2001. It managed to fill its card with quality acts in a variety of musical genres and pick a strong candidate as a winner. That candidate was Nuša Derenda aka Anuška Žnideršič with Energy aka Ne, ni res (No, not really). That's the English translation of the Slovenian titles, not an aside. Got it? Good.
Nuša has been singing since she was two and a half, and playing the accordion for not quite as long. She and her band have been touring Europe throughout the 1990s, but now she's solo and entering EMA. Her first entry in 1999 failed to impression, coming 9th and scoring 0 with an early Slovenian televote.
This second attempt is much more impressive. Energy is a high tempo disco throwback delivered with appropriate power and with two pianos on stage - even though the pianos are well down in the mix until the bridge when really go for it. The song is nearly all chorus. It gets repeated four times with the single verse sandwiched neatly between the second and third choruses. It's a song full of hook repeated until it's been forcefully implanted in your brain.
It's a smart approach and it saw the Slovene language version through a 22 song national final with 100% televote. Given Eurovision is also mostly televote, Energy was almost guaranteed a good result just thanks to this set up. With that and an English language version, it got one. Finishing seventh on the night in Copenhagen, tying with Darja Svajger for Slovenia's best ever result at Eurovision.
Nuša clearly couldn't get enough and went on to enter EMA on five further occasions, so I wouldn't be surprised if we see her again in the future. She also released at least seven albums throughout the 2000s and early 2010s, toured extensively including inviting Johnny Logan on stage at one of her concerts. She's also been a regular at various Slovenian music festivals winning Melodije morja in sonca, Slovenska popevka and Hit festival at least once each.
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tomazsantl · 8 years
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Metelkova, 2017
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la-storia-di-lola · 6 years
Pusti tisoč dni in tisoč noči, ki jih več ni Če sploh ne veš, da so kdaj bili
Vzemi le en dan, ki skril si ga tja na srčno stran Pozabil ga nikoli več ne boš
To je bil tvoj dan ljubezni Najlepši dan, ki ne mine Nikdar Svet živi za dan ljubezni Dan, ki da ti vse In vse ti vzame
Tega nikdar ne veš, Kdaj prišel bo zate spet ta dan
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