crithaus · 6 years
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Many thanks to the absolutely lovely @goldenmogar for commissioning some fancy Bois at a fancy party
Do not use/repost unless you're the commissioner
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rhinnie · 6 years
Okay okay okay okay okay but consider y’all. Consider
Soft early morning slomogar.
Gavin, who’s up all night or up early in the morning working on a hack or on some security maintenance or doing research on some mark. Who can’t live without his coffee, but still prefers those early mornings when it’s warm and quiet and still and he can just lay in bed with his boys.
Dan, who despises mornings because his internal clock is always so messed up. Who does his best work under the cover of darkness and has gotten more used to sleeping on planes than sleeping in a bed. Dan, who can run on very little sleep in case dangers about, but sleeps like the dead when he’s got his boys in his arms because it’s where he feels safest.
Michael, who is usually the first one up unless Gavin’s got work to do. Who used to love the mornings only due to discipline—it was the best time to work out and go for a run and feel that rush of accomplishment to start off his day. But now loves the mornings because he’s awake to watch over his boys, to watch them sleep (no, not like a creep Gavin Shut the fuck up), and be content that they’re all safe and together and here.
Just soft early morning bois
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valkyvie · 10 years
slomogar replied to your post:
no she sucks
u hateful
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rhinnie · 6 years
I hope anyone who writes danchael/slomogar knows that it’s required that Dan refer to Michael as “Peanut” cuz it’s my favorite thing in the whole wide world
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violetevents · 11 years
pairing: gavin/michael/dan
word count: 453
warnings: none
a/n: just short fluffy slowmogar that i wrote months ago but forgot to post
Michael wakes up that morning to the sound of cluttering in the kitchen and two people mumbling in thick British accents and he can’t help but smile.
He looks around the room, finding the bed empty, confirming the idea he had; Gavin and Dan have indeed gotten out of bed early. Even though he’s sad that this means he’s not going to get any morning cuddles, he has to admit he really likes listening to Gavin and Dan mumbling to each other in British. He will never admit it, but he kind of really loves the accents of his boys (even though they are currently having a pancakes vs.. Toast debate). 
It’s very easy to say Michael never expected to love two people equally and have both of them love him back and love each other and when Michael thinks about it it’s actually kind of magical. Or maybe it’s not magical at all, maybe it’s just a shitload of luck, how he first met Gavin and for some reason fell headfirst for the clumsy annoying Brit. And how later he met Dan, one of Gavin’s best friend and an incredibly handsome soldier. 
Michael is still surprised how they got along so well, how their relationship felt always so natural. First as friends, but slowly turned to lovers. It was a typical love story, actually. Except, well, with three people instead of two. 
Michael decides he has enough of the sappy thoughts and gets out of bed, pulling on the closest sweater he can find (it’s way too big on him, so it’s probably Dan’s, but Michael doesn’t care because it’s comfortable and it smells really really good) and a pair of sweatpants. 
Upon walking into the kitchen he finds Dan making pancakes with a defeated look on his face and Gavin sitting at the table looking awfully chipper. Michael laughs, realizing Gavin has obviously won the ‘toast vs.. Pancakes’ argument. It doesn’t really surprise him. Gavin always gets what he wants after all. 
"Good morning my little Michael!" Gavin happily exclaims, earning a grunt in response. Michael shuffles himself over to the furnace to give Dan a peck on his cheek, the younger man giving him a tired but loving smile. He then walks over to Gavin, placing a kiss on the top of his head before continuing to the cabinet to grab the ingredients for his coffee. 
As he’s preparing his coffee he listens to Gavin squeak when he finds out one of his pancakes is slightly burned and Dan mumbling half arsed excuses, saying that it wouldn’t have happened if they had eaten toast and as Gavin hmpfs in defeat and Michael realizes he just really really loves his Brits. 
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shadeofazmeinya · 6 years
Can I get uhh,,,, slomogar fahc, please? post heist would be neat (also, congrats on the semster :3)
(still shorter ones but I hope you enjoy! It was a lot of fun practicing with this ship. Also not edited much so I apologize now. also shoutout to @fahchaus ‘s art for inspiring some of this)
“That fucking explosion was huge!” Michael’s laughter fills the apartment as the three of them burst through. “It almost took out the whole fucking city block.”
Dan laughs as well, throwing an arm over Michael’s shoulder. “Didn’t I fucking tell you I was good? I know what I’m doing.”
Gavin beams, dancing in behind them, brushing a kiss to Dan’s cheek. “You were brilliant, love. Both of you.”
“Thanks, B,” Dan says, turning to steal a proper kiss.
“What, boi, no kisses for me?” Michael says, mock offended.
It earns a laugh from Gavin as he leans over to kiss him as well. “Sorry, boi. “
Michael grins, yanking him into a kiss, entangling a hand in his hair, yanking the locks to tilt Gavin’s head to deepen the kiss. Gavin hums in pleasure, wrapping his arms over Michael’s shoulder.
“Hey, don’t leave me out of this fun,” Dan says, wrapping his arms over both of them, squeezing Gavin between them.
“Fuck off, Gruchy,” Michael smirks, more teasing than malice as he pulls Gavin closer. “Maybe I want my turn with Gav.”
“You boys can share,” Gavin says, resting his back against Dan and looking up to press a kiss to his jaw.
“Maybe it’s Michael’s kisses I want,” Dan smirks, resting his chin on Gavin’s head as he looks to Michael.
“Well, all you had to do was fucking ask,” Michael laughs as he leans over Gavin to press his lips against Dan’s, sharp and biting.
Gavin can’t help but smile warmly at them, hands wrapping around them both at the kiss, pushing and pulling against him. Just his favorite boys wrapped around him. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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crithaus · 6 years
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WIP,mostly bc l wanna finish the Mavin piece first for clothing ref purposes BUT, WIP
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crithaus · 6 years
Dan calls michael ‘peanut’ and ‘dove’ and Gavin, ‘b’ ofc, ‘mio luce’ (my light, cuz they Italian and you bet ur ass i’m capitalizing on that’ and ‘mio sole’ (my sun,) and colectively they are ‘doves’, ‘loves’ and ‘moppets’ and its singularly terrible
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crithaus · 6 years
Okay, so let me hit you with this SloMogar HC I have. PART ONE Micheal never really celebrated his birthday cause his mom was a dead beat bitch and his dad was no where to be found. Their first year together, Micheals birthday is coming up and he’s constantly tell Dan and Gavin he doesn’t celebrate. They think that that’s bullshit and they come up with plans for a “party” for him. Gavin convinces Geoff to keep Micheal out of the house for the majority of the day.
PART TWO: When Michael gets home that night, his boys are all dressed up and dinner is set out on the table. It’s Michaels favorite meal. After dinner Dan drives his boys up to Mt. Chilliad to set off fireworks and when they get home they watch shitty movies and cuddle until they fall asleep
that is gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
michael comes home and these dweebs are grinning ear to ear “We didn’t listen to you boi sorry. you’re a bit dull.” gavin says and Dan the guy of fewer words just points to the table “sit down and eat peanut.”
and michael’s like “....” and then, a little choked up which he will deny until he’s blue in the face, “you guys suck, this looks awful, *sniff*.” and they sit and eat and argue about video game semantics and how many rockets would it take to clear out the maze bank really. (dan says  one if you aim right but michael holds firm that people in los santos are stingy as hell and need at least 2)
and then  michael and gavin both are thrown over dan’s big shoulders, “like damsels!” “shut up gavin.” “michael michael, you’re a very grumpy toss damsel. b’s not gonna ravish you after all this michael.” “Dan would be LUCKY to kiss my fucking hand after all this, fuck you gavin-” tosses them in the car, drives off, 
lets michael’s lil pyro ass run absolutely wild and after he’s done, takes them home and they continue to argue over movies, gavin wants the princess bride after all the damsel talk and ofc “because it is a classic.” dan wants something action’y and so does michael but he refuses to hear dan’s suggestions on the grounds of ”it’s my birthday bitches, its michael’s house now and this is an absolute dictatorship.” and gavin and dan both frown, “you’re no queen.” “i didn’t vote for you.” “god save her, this imposter’s a munt, with an ickle baby face.” “baby face munt will never be my queen.”
but they all fall asleep wrapped around each other anyway before the second act  and its really
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rhinnie · 6 years
Slomogar right? You got ultimate softness packaged amongst some real badass bois. And that brings me to my favorite topic: scars
They represent a wide spectrum and the wife @fahchaus put it best, when we were talking about it.
Dan’s got the most scars, hands down. And barring a few really gnarly ones, they’re mostly just raised white lines. They tend to be more noticeable during the summer, when he’s out shirtless and tanned. They stick out then. He’s absolutely littered with them. He’s a freelance merc who spent a majority of his career working solo and while he can snipe, he is also capable of close combat. And not to mention his explosives knowledge. Gunshot wounds, blade cuts, burns, he’s got them all.
Michael’s got the next most. A lot less than dan, but far more noticeable. A few rough gunshot wounds and a couple of really really bad burns. He’s got a few covered by tattoos, because as much as he loves his scars, he’s also a little embarrassed by his burns. He tends to heal relatively quickly (not as quick as dan though) but his skin likes to leave evidence of the healing process. His scars are large and noticeable.
Gavin has got the least. The handful he has are little more than nicks, a few raised white lines, nothing gnarlier than that. His job never required him to be in a position that required him to be at risk for them. It was always hacking or sniping, and when he’s frontmanning, he’s never without security. He makes up for the lack of scars with stress migraines and tendonitis, but his work doesn’t leave its mark as obvious as it does the other two.
They all love to trace each other’s scars though—with their eyes, with their fingers, with their mouths. They’ll ask the stories of all of them when it’s dark and they’re all cuddled together. Sometimes the story’s mundane and sometimes it leaves them chilled to the bone. But regardless, they love the reminders of what they all went through to get to where they are—to each other.
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crithaus · 6 years
dan and michaels tag is a bear face with detonation cords coming outta it
dan and gavins is an exploding pair of sunglasses
and ofc michael and gavins is the TND symbol the smiley face and dynamite
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crithaus · 6 years
With the whole Dan getting hurt thing, what if Michael and Gavin were told, in the middle of a heist, about Dan having to hold off on coming home due to a small accident during his job and them just panicking and apologizing profusely as they try to leave mid heist to go to him?
mmmmmmm yes
“B WHY’S THIS THE FIRST I’VE HEARD OF IT??” and dan’s like siiiiiiigh “cuz it’s a papercut!” 
“don’t do that, you’re on a heist. i’m fine,” “YOU ARE NOT FINE DAN, WHAT THE FUCK?” 
an fussing fussing fussing XD dans exasperated
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rhinnie · 6 years
another headcanon, bc i can. since dan probably travels a lot, even more than gavin (least as im imagining it haha), they always make sure to have a set time in the week to call/check in with each other. partially to make sure dan is not only alive but not terribly harmed, but also because they miss each other a lot. gavin's helped get enough gadgets so they are able to talk no matter where dan is. and even on jobs dan still misses his boys
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Give me as many hcs have you have friend, you have such amazing ideas!!!!!
And YES! Absolutely! I personally love the thought of dan being a merc, even after he gets with the boys. Eventually he’ll join the crew, but he likes the freedom of merc work a little too much sometimes. 
It’s never quite the same when one of them is missing from their lil trio. And Dan gets so lonely on his trips abroad. It’s the best part of their day, tbh. He takes jobs all over the world, so sometimes it happens that he finished a job in the middle of the night Los Santos time, but that doesn’t stop Michael and Gavin from waking up immediately and sleepily chatting with him. He’s always apologetic, “Did I wake you up? I’m sorry, doves” but gavin and michael couldn’t give less of a shit. They wanna know about the job and how it went and when’s his flight back and if he’s gonna explore the city for a bit or lie low; and he wants to know how their day was and how the crew is and if they miss him 😂 To which they respond “Fuck no” and “Didn’t even notice you were gone, honestly.” “You’re both bastards, y’know that?” 
But of course they miss him. The bed is too big without him, and how they hell are they supposed to be comfortable without their human furnace sprawled across the bed? 
And Dan knows it too. He gets all soft and fond after they admit that it’s lonely without him and that the cats all miss him and hurry the fuck back dickhead, how long does an assassination take, fucking hell. His promise of “soon” still isn’t soon enough, and they’re both grumpy until his jet-lagged ass is fiddling with his keys at the front door 😂
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rhinnie · 6 years
Tell me, is there a ship more wholesome than slomogar?
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crithaus · 6 years
What’s your HC for our lovely SloMogar bois getting together?
Uhhhh that depends! I have a *lot* and by I, I mean me and rhinnie have a *looooot*, there are various fahc ones, danvin to slomogar ones, some mavin to slomogar ones, some danchael to slomogar ones ones which, that king au picture is actually set in our favor fantasy king au, and for that one I guess, Dan was a little Duke that got shipwrecked on Ramsey Kingdom and Geoff took him in while he was raising Michael, who he adopted when he was 10, and Michaels this shifter that can turn into by varying degrees, either a werebear, a werewolf or both hence, mogar
And they fall in love and their misadventures are all p cute and shit
And then Gavin's family comes over to visit the newly crowned Michael and all 3 boys get together
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rhinnie · 6 years
The wife and I have talked about a different version of this, but I can’t get the og version out of my head. Has anyone ever thought about how the captain America and Bucky storyline would fit for Gavin and Dan? You could throw it into a historical setting, but it doesn’t have to be.
Best friends since childhood, Dan as the protector for his mouthy but far more fragile best friend. How Gavin would follow dan anywhere, even though dan, with his muscles and his build and his ability to follow directions to a T, was always gonna be selected for recruitment and he wasn’t. Gavin, who despite all odds, does it anyway. Who saves Dan only to watch him die in front of him.
Gavin who continues through the motions, even though he doesn’t want to. Who finds a friend, a loud mouthed Jersey asshole, who understands what he’s going through better than anyone. Who helps him when no one else could and continues to help him when Dan comes back from the dead.
Basically what I’m getting at is samstevebucky is basically slomogar, and I just love thinking about that
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