#fahc dan
roosterbirds · 1 year
forget fahc golden boy, i want fahc mad scientist gav, the golden boy who retreated from the streets and dove in to the lab to make insane robots and machines, whose boredom will be very dangerous. the maniacal mad scientist who constantly blows up his lab but creates insane new gadgets and stuff for the gang's maximum chaos. he's too dangerous to arrest because he might literally blow up the city.
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fxllingout · 8 months
okay this is such a long shot but if anyone here ever read fahc fanfic, does anyone remember the one where dan is a member of the police and he and gavin used to serve in the military? I think? but dan thought gavin was dead but then finds out he is alive and is part of the fahc. at some point there is a heist of like maybe it was a jewel? or something, i swear they were in a hotel at some point as well? and dan gets kinda roped in with helping them and then having to keep it a secret from his bosses. anyways if this sounds familiar to you and you know whereeee i could possibly read this again please let me know
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falpiancaraxus · 5 years
Anyone doing prompt?
Cause i have one.
Protective mercenary Dan (theres not enough of this)
Folklore aus (Gav as siren)
The crew misunderstood Gav for being a traitor
Elementalist Achievement Hunter (Gav the light elementalist, Ryan as darkness/shadow elementalist etc)
The founding fathers in a relationshipppp (and ah / rt bein their kids)
FREEWOOD 'How can you betray me like this?' - comedy / angst
Ot6 'we are sorry that we didnt notice you being sick earlier' (Gav-centric please or it could be anyone)
..... okay maybe i have a lot.
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rhinnie · 6 years
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A WIP for one of my favs ever, Mr. Man himself, Det Cord. Put fahc Dan in more things you cowards 
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the-fahc-golden-boy · 7 years
Dan sometimes flies out to Los Santos for a week (most of the time he’s there for like a month but Gavin never complains) so that he and Gavin can film some Slow Mo Guys videos, but most of the time he ends up helping out with heists.
Geoff has taken to sending out Dan as Gavin’s “bodyguard” whenever Gavin has meetings or deals to make. Sometimes Dan just get dragged along with the Lads for a random outing that ends with Jack having to bail the four idiots out of jail.
There was also the incident where Gav and Dan scheduled to film a video at the same time Geoff needed them to plant get-away cars around the city. So now in their stock of videos, is a video titled “Slow Mo Car Jumps Over Train” with amazing angles from a moving train. (once the video gets uploaded they know there are going to be questions about stunt drivers and Gavin is already prepared to call Michael a “stunt driver”)
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neonnihilism · 7 years
homesick when you’re home
They sat on top of Gavin’s roof. The two of them used to sit up here with their group of friends, all up until the rest found weed and forgot about them. Now it was just Gavin and Dan. They didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, did nothing except talk to each other. They’ve shared secrets to last a million friendships. There was still a foot of space between them. Gavin’s hand was outspread between them.
Gavin turned to Dan. “I don’t belong here.” After a few second of silence, he took a deep sigh.
Dan thought about what to say. Of course they talked about deep subjects here, it was why they were so isolated here, so no one would hear. “Yeah?” is all Dan said.
Gavin nodded. “Yeah. I can’t explain it. This isn’t where I’m supposed to be.”
Dan didn’t understand it. He felt like this is exactly where he had to be in this moment. This felt like a lock and key finally meeting. Except Gavin didn’t feel the same. Dan was used to that. “Where do you belong, B?”
“I don’t know.” Gavin sounded tired, physically and emotionally. ‘I don’t know’ slurred into ‘I dunno.’ “Anywhere not here.”
“What, like outside of England?”
Beat of silence. “I guess. It’s just,” Gavin groaned. “not here! Doesn’t matter if it’s outside of this city, or outside of this country, or out of this continent, or out of this world. I don’t want to be here. Dan. I hate it.”
If Dan were braver, he would have taken Gavin’s hand then. Trace a few words onto the back of his hand. Would have done anything. Instead he turns to Gavin. “Sounds terrible, B,” he says.
Gavin looks back, and nods. “I feel like an alien here. Though, not with you. You make it better. Not as bad.” He rolled onto his stomach, ruffled his hair, put his face into his hands. “I should live in a big city. London or something. I’m too much for a little village town.”
“Too much what?”
“Just, too much. That’s it.” Another frustrated groan. “I want to blend in with the city. People won’t stop and look at me for any reason. It’s a big city, who cares if some guy trips over his own feet. There’s better things to be looking at. I want to camouflage. Pretend I’m one of them. I could even act like them. All shallow.”
“City people aren’t shallow on principle, you know that.”
“Let me fantasize, B.”
Dan raised his hands in surrender. “Go on then.”
Gavin is silent, obviously thinking. He sits up. “Or,” he says. “A rural town. Where I can hide away for months. Just be myself. Not worry about other people or how they view me.”
“You wouldn’t survive a day on a farm. You don’t even own boots!”
“That can be fixed easily!” Gavin laughed. Dan laughs with him. When he’s done, he sighs.
This isn’t where Gavin belongs, but it’s definitely where Dan belongs.
Then Gavin started learning everything he could. School was out for the summer, jobs were worked in the early afternoon. This meant Gavin had the rest of the time to mess about. First, he tried learning photography. Got a few bucks for taking pictures for neighbors, sending pictures to articles. Then, he learned about his computer’s hardware. What started as a routine cleaning ended with half his computer unscrewed and laying around on his carpet. When Dan opened the door, Gavin yelled, because he had just hit the computer tower. He stayed around, watching Gavin google every single part for identification. He watched him clean the dust out of it and watched him put everything together again. He sat on the floor for a few seconds.
Then he started taking it apart again.
Dan left the third time Gavin asked him to quiz him on computer parts.
Gavin bought better specs for his computer, which lead to more power, which lead to better pictures, which lead to more money, which lead to better specs. He was in that cycle for a year. When Gavin’s 17th birthday rolled around, Dan got him ‘Coding for Dummies,’ and didn’t see him for two weeks. By the time he came out of his sleep deprived and bloodshot eyes state of being, he knew linux. And was in possession of a coffee addiction. Dan took care of the second part, cutting him off from coffee.
Gavin never stopped at ‘good enough.’ When Dan stayed the night, he showed him his latest project. A few scripts, none of which Dan understood. Gavin was grinning hard, so Dan rolled with it.
“So what does it do?”
“Well. It hacks.”
“It does what? Gavin, what are you planning on doing with that?”
“I put a few words into it, maybe someone’s birthday, their dog’s name, graduation year, and out pops a password. If they used any of that stuff to make it, of course.”
“I still don’t get it.”
“It basically puts that stuff in random order until it makes the right password. Brute force.”
Dan nods. He waits for Gavin to acknowledge the second part of his question. What does Gavin want to do with this. It’s obviously nothing good.
Gavin never acknowledges it.
On Gavin’s 18th birthday, Gavin has a following. Somebody DDos attacked their school server, and with such a small class, it wasn’t hard for the rumors to start. Maybe it was Gavin, who spent all his time in the school’s library, writing scripts to get past the school’s firewall. Of course, going through firewalls wasn’t enough. A few months into senior year, none of the staff or faculty could log into the servers. They were being overloaded. Though, the staff never heard the rumors, Dan was panicked. One of them had to be, and it wasn’t Gavin.
“Relax, it was just a little attack. It wasn’t on anything special, just a school. The most time I could get is 10 years.”
“10 bloody years, Gavin. You’d be getting out of jail at 28. That’s terrible!”
Gavin just laughed. Nobody messed with him anymore, for fear of getting hacked. The A/V nerds flocked to him, looked up to him. Dan thought it would get to his head, but he was still the same boy he met in the first place. Still flubs on his words, still trips everywhere, still too lanky to control himself. He was just worshipped as a tech god at school.
He gets even more daring. Hacking into open-source phones, looking through pictures. He had no need for blackmail, though, he got enough money from photography. The photography had evolved right before their eyes. One day, Gavin was shadowing a slow motion photographer, and the next he’s buying phantoms left and right. Sure, hacking and programming did make money. He could offer his services to companies, to test their security or to strengthen it himself. But having the niche market of slow motion backing him up, Gavin was becoming a hot commodity. Local directors wanted him, badly. When he wasn’t filming or at school, he was in his room testing the boundaries of the law. Tips to the police did put a shiny buck in his pocket in between shoots, though. Serves criminal’s right for leaving evidence on their phone.
Then he got really cocky. Hacking into a CTO’s phone. Text messages, emails, and bank account info galore. First, Gavin started draining hundreds. Nothing he would miss. When the CTO upped the security, Gavin got cockier. He could access the CEO of the company’s laptop, and as soon as his phone was connected to it, Gavin could access the phone. He drained a little bit more. A few thousands here and there. A few months of that, with no signs of Gavin, he drained a couple hundred thousand. He was rolling in dough. Then, he saw the emails. Embezzlement. All coming from the CEO. Gavin placed a few backdoors to come back to. He drained 1 million. When the bells started ringing over at the company, he sent the proof of embezzlement to the government under someone else’s name. The company was gone and bled like a skunk, and now Gavin had more than a million dollars. He had no idea what to do. He couldn’t keep it.
The panic started setting in an hour after he realized what he was doing. Hundreds of donations went out under an off-shore bank account.
But by then, Gavin saw the light.
They sat on the roof again. Facing each other. Gavin had his legs spread out, while Dan sat cross-legged. Dan thinks about what Gavin said when they were 16 about once a month. It usually happens when they’re on this roof. He doesn’t know if Gavin remembers that night. He doesn’t ask, but he realizes he doesn’t need to. Gavin is silent, staring at his own hand. His fingers flex and spread out, then he closes them into a fist. He’s looks off the side of the roof, onto the small town with it’s splitting roads that lead to either pubs or stores, and that’s it. Dan can see his eyes unfocus on the terrain, just staring at the air.
He still doesn’t feel like he belongs here.
Dan turned away, looking at the other side of the roof.
They were just different. Dan belonged here. In this moment, in this town, in this country. On this roof with Gavin. If he had to imagine his one place, it would be on this roof. That isn’t the case for Gavin.
“I have more than a million dollars in my bank account right now.”
Dan felt woozy. He almost threw up. “You have-”
“This isn’t even the first time. Or even the second.”
“The first time, I knew I couldn’t keep it. I donated it all to a bunch of charities. The second time. I wanted the thrill of the first time. I spent a few thousand. Did the same thing as the first.”
“How-” When Gavin opened his mouth to cut Dan off again, he put his finger up. “No. I question, you answer. How do you keep this money in your bank?”
“Offshore bank account. Wiring the money to a bank in Switzerland. All I had to do was get the forms, ship them, have a million dollars, and done.”
“Is this legal?” “Offshore banking is legal.”
“I meant, is how you are gettin’ it legal,” Dan said.
Gavin stayed silent.
“Oh, Jesus, Gavin.”
“Who else can say they’re a millionaire by 19?”
“Entrepreneurs who worked for their money!”
Dan thinks. Thinks about Gavin, mainly. He was right, back then. When they sat on here and he talked about how he didn’t belong. He really didn’t. It pained Dan to admit it. That maybe, they were different. Too different. Dan had his future planned. Gavin went with the flow and his impulse.
That made this either really easy, or really hard. Dan’s planned future is why he wanted to be here. Dan looked at Gavin. He was already looking back.
“I’m joining the army, Gav.”
Gavin looked down.
“You were right. All those years ago. You were right, you don’t belong here.” Dan looked down as well. “You belong somewhere greater. Somewhere that can hold you and everything you bring with you. Not some rural town, raising sheep right next to a gravel road. London, or  Birmingham. Machester even-”
“Like Los Santos.”
“Yeah, if you want to go to America.”
Dan looked up at Gavin. He was biting at his nails, avoiding Dan’s gaze.
“I got noticed, B. Extremely noticed.” Gavin’s voice was low.
Low enough to make Dan remember all of the times he fell in love with that voice. Every single time they were on this roof. Every time Dan thought about kissing him in the dead of the night, where no one could see them. Where Gavin would kiss back. He imagined it so many times that he could describe what Gavin’s lips felt like. Unpleasantly dry, but God, he would give up everything to kiss them.
They were too different. Gavin saw something he wanted-or rather, wanted him- and he’s willing to travel out of the country to get it.
Dan has been face to face with the one single thing he’s wanted for years.
He’s willing to travel out of the country to avoid it.
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somegrumpynerd · 4 years
I was just thinking I would really love to see like, baking vlogs in fahc where Lindsay and Jeremy just rope other members of the crew into helping them bake random things but actually, I would really love to see real life Jeremy and Lindsay do that when they get back to the office too
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achievement-gunters · 7 years
fahc gavin got his first kiss from dan and there's nothing you can do that'll convince me otherwise
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natewantstobang · 4 years
Im back y'all and i actually have the capacity to write, and after the drama i had to purge my blog of all the chadwood so give me so give me stuff to refill it with.
And now to tag just everything i can think of
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lil-demi-boy · 4 years
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Michael doesn't like it when Gavin gets all the squishies
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crithaus · 8 years
So this had been a headcanon staple of mine for ages but, FAHC Dan and the Crew yes? Because it’s some good shit, Gavin and Dan together again, another weapons expert/hitman at the crew’s disposal yes? And the crew get along just fine with Dan yes? Right?
Fuck no. Michael is and always has been a jealous idiot, about Lindsay, Gavin, Meg, even before they were all dating but now? This guy that Gavin absolutely adores, who knows Gavin as well if not better than Michael does, this guy who’s talents range from guns to cars to explosives, to Michael’s thing, Michael’s area of expertise, Michael hates Dan. Dan doesnt like Michael either I mean Michael is openly hostile to Dan and at first Dan kinda thinks he’s like this with everyone and asks Gav why he’s dating that dickhead and Michael damn near blows a gasket, and then Dan learns it’s because he’s jealous and gets defensive and then they both actively just don’t like each other. They play act just dandy when Gavin, who’s so far down the ‘Dan’s back and alive and here with me and he’s ok and my B is back’ rabbithole that he does not (yet) notice the strife between his boyfriend and best friend
And so Michael and Dan constant trying to one-up each other, getting on each others shit like Random Thug: one more step Jones and the limey gets a bullet in his head Michael: just one? Dan: fuck you Jones Michael: yeah ok, anyway bye Dan, ive got more important shit to be doing, GAVIN MY BOI ARE YOU IN THERE? Dan: are you gonna damn help me? Michael: I wasn’t planning on it no. Dan: You’re a cunt you know that Michael: eh, I try, GAV, BOI-
Random thug #2: i’ve got your friend limey, stand down! Dan: friend? Michael: damn straight he’s not right. ugh, fuck you for making me agree with you dan. Dan: right, anyway *sits* Dan: continue.  Michael: i’m gonna slit your throat and tell Gavin it was a freak accident Dan: can’t do that if youve been shot in the head. please sir, continue,
Michael: ‘oh hey Gavin,’ i’ll say, ‘yeah boi its the darnedest thing, Dan just up and died. just stabbed himself like eight or nine, ten, twelve times in the face. so strange.’ I’ll say Dan: if you’re as shit with a knife as you are everything else I wont have much to fear, will i? Michael: ‘Fifteen, twenty times,’ I’ll say ;carved his own damn eyes out man, dan’s such a weird fucking bastard, i have no idea why you hang out with him’ and then i’ll set your room on fire to really sell it
Dan: you’re doing that wrong Michael: no I’m fucking not Dan I’ve been doing this eplosioves shit for fucking years you horse’s ass Dan: oh really, and how did you learn this ‘explosives shit’ eh?  Michael: I’m self-taught jackass Dan: and I learned in the military and you, are doing that wrong Michael: I fucking hate you
Dan: you were supposed to shoot that guy Michael: oh really Dan? Really? Are you sure because if I’m not goddamn mistaken I was about to get fucking shanked to death Dan: oh quit your bloody whinging, if you’d shot that guy you could have taken this other twat out before you got ‘shanked to death’. Michael: YOU HAVE A GUN TOO YOU-
Gavin: you two came for me! Michael: I did! I did, all by myself. Dan didn’t help worth a damn. Dan: Bullshit, Michael spent the whole ride here crying in the backseat Michael: because I love and missed you boi, I was emotional Dan: oh is that right, and I could have sworn it was because of your crippling inadequacy compared to me. That or the fact that you have no idea what a proper explosive rig looks like Michael: mmmmm fuck you dAN
They spend all their time digging st each other until Gavin walks in the room and spend the rest of their time squabbling for Gavin’s affections. Michael makes up for Dan having known Gavin longer and all their inside jokes and their closeness by lots and lots of physical affection. He stands there kissing Gav staring Dan dead in the eye. Dan responds by buying Gav a new phantom, and grinning at Michael while Gav coos excitedly over it.
Them working together is usually only for Gavin’s sake and is never any modicum of friendly without Gav there like, their one common interest that they won’t immediately fight about, for his affections sure but not him, is Gavin. Their one common goal being his health and happiness. Gav gets hurt? Send Dan and Michael out and Gav will be carted back to the penthouse in record, tossed in the hospital where he will stay until Caleb clears him, no ifs, ands or buts. Gav gets kidnapped? Gavin’s rescued a day or less later and an entire swath of gangs in that sector of the city get taken out. Gavin’s been up for 5 days trying to get into some database? Dan and Michael bully Gav into sleeping, a feat more impressive than anything else.  Dan senses something wrong with Gav, emotionally, physcially, Michael confronts Gav about it. If Gav lies his way past Michael, Dan’s there to pick up the slack. Just, Dan and Michael’s the ‘we ‘share’ a loved one but also fuck you’ guys
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fakeahgems · 5 years
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Homeworld Dan and Gavin
Dan is a Cobalt. He has a yellow destabilizer staff.
Gavin was his pearl.
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achievementblunder · 7 years
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If he knew how big of a pain this target was he wouldn't have taken it on his own, but he got the job done. 
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rhinnie · 6 years
My favorite thing about writing dan is how his pain tolerance literally seems like something fictional. My favorite examples are when he was bullied by Barry the Bee and he burned his hand and leg, and when a glass jar explodes and a shard gets embedded in his finger. 
He laughs off the injury, calls himself an idiot or sheepishly tells Gavin he got hurt, and my favorite part of the paint video--he still opens the door for Gavin even through his finger is “urinating blood”. Dan’s pain tolerance and ability to heal from injuries is unparalleled and soooooooo much fun for fahc, y’all
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shadeofazmeinya · 6 years
If you consider wolf!rye instead of bull!rye, I wonder how long it took Geoff to feel comfortable being even in the same room as his natural predator.
well I feel like Geoff’s been around predators a lot and is probably used to having to prove himself constantly that he’s dangerous. I don’t know if Ryan being a wolf compared to any other predator would make a specific difference. But him being a wolf does make Geoff take longer to trust him and feel comfortable leaving any of his crew alone around him. Though I’m sure once they get along better with Ryan and Geoff sees he can be a huge puppy and softy, he feels a little bad about not believing he could be. Though I’m also sure Ryan understands.
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masked-magic · 7 years
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