#sloan is pretty out of character ngl
jesterofcringe · 4 days
"Just the two of us." Yandere!Venture x Reader
★ Trigger warning!! This fic contains blood, description of murder, and manipulation! This is obviously all fiction and meant to be horror[ish. it's actually really cringe], please do not romanticize this kind of behavior!! ★
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got this in a request and accidentally deleted it lmao major cringe alert on this one fellas 😔like, reading it back this deadass feels like something you'd find on wattpad ugh this was fun to write tho so its fine ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★ You had an idea that Sloan had a crush on you, but you had no idea how serious it was.
★ The both of you had been in the same friend group for a little bit. You didn't know them very well, more of considering them a friend of your friends, but you were friendly enough with them. They were polite, and you thought they were pretty funny, so you didn't mind their company by any means. Despite this, you weren't exactly going out of your way to hang out with them, more of only seeing them when the whole group was together.
★ Eventually, one of your closer friends revealed their true feelings towards you.
★ "Supposedly Sloan has a crush on you."
★ "That so?" Thinking back on it, you could've seen the signs. They always sat close to you when the group was hanging out, watching to see if you laughed at their jokes with a small blush growing on their face when you did. You guessed you shouldn't have been surprised, "Are you being their wingman right now?"
★ "No, just figured I'd ask you to be nice to them."
★ You shrugged it off. You weren't exactly interested, but you didn't want to lead them on either. You would just act the same as you always had, figuring it was just a small crush that would eventually wear out if you gave it some time. You didn't anticipate they'd ask you out or anything, but if they did you'd cross that bridge when you got there.
★ It all came to a head when you found yourself at a party, plastered drunk and vomiting in the bathroom.
★ Gods, you felt awful- Sprawled out on the bathroom floor, trying to regain your bearings. You were swaying in and out of consciousness, damn near about to pass out, when a knock on the door brought you back to life.
★ "Y/N? You ok in there?" What the- Sloan?
★ You blinked, struggling to form a response, "How did you know I was in here?" 
★ They hesitated, "I, uh, asked around."
★ You lowkey didn't believe them, but you were too out of it to think about it too hard. You unlocked the door before slumping back down on the floor and trying not to think about how your stomach was starting to turn again.
★ Upon hearing the lock click open, they were quick to enter, "Oh wow, I don't think I've seen you this out of it before."
★ You rolled your eyes to the best of your ability, ignoring their comment, "Have you seen Michael?-"  your words were slurred, and you were almost positive Sloan was smirking as they noticed this, "-He's my ride home."
★ Sloan was quiet for a moment, and you could tell they were really thinking about what you said. Finally, the responded with a sympathetic, "I think he left."
★ "...What?"
★ "He left a while ago."
★ You hiccupped, taking a moment to process this information, "Asshole."
★ "Yup." Sloan's tone was weirdly playful, and it honestly made you feel a bit worse. While you were about to get mad, you decided you didn't have the energy and instead went to fish your phone out of your back pocket to text him. As soon as you opened up his contact, Sloan suddenly perked up, "Wait- don't bother with him, I'll give you a ride home instead."
★ You looked up at them slowly, "Really?"
★ "Sure! I was just about to head out anyways."
★ Sloan helped you walk to their car, and the moment you were in their passenger seat you were curled up and basically asleep. Something about car rides made you drowsy, and the alcohol definitely didn't help. You were barely conscious, only partially aware that you were having something that resembled a conversation with Sloan. You honestly didn't remember any of it, only recalling small bits of the drive when you woke up the next morning.
★ Holy fuck- you felt way worse the next morning. You wanted to curl up and let your bed swallow you whole, and you very much ready to do so until a knock on your bedroom door reminded you that the outside world still existed.
★ As soon as you properly processed that, you sat up with sudden alarm. There was a knock on your bedroom door. You lived alone. The panic only got worse as you looked around and realized you very much were not in your bedroom. You were in a  bedroom, but it wasn't yours. 
★ The knock rang again, and whoever was there didn't wait this time. The door swung open, and on the other side stood Sloan. They wore a goofy grin that quickly vanished when they saw the fear spread across your face
★ "What's the matter? You look like you're freaking out?"
★ "I thought you were taking me home?"
★ "I did-"
★ "This isn't my fucking house Sloan."
★ "Ohhh," Sloan made a face, something resembling a mix of guilt and confusion, "We agreed you'd just sleep over at my place since it was closer. At least, I thought we did- you were probably too delirious to remember."
★ "If I was too delirious to make an agreement that doesn't count as an agreement." You're tone started to get a bit rough- you couldn't help it. You were stressed, kind of scared, and miserably hung over. You kind of felt like an animal backed into a cage. 
★ You furrowed your eyebrows. You knew it wasn't Sloan's fault, it was a miscommunication. Still, you couldn't help but to be slightly pissed off considering that you were effectively kidnapped. Only slightly pissed, seeing as you were still fighting off a migraine. Seeing the way they frowned and looked at the floor to avoid eye contact made you suddenly feel bad.
★ "Sorry I... didn't mean to get so upset. I was just startled. Waking up hungover and in a place you don't recognize is how a shitty slasher film starts."
★ You took a deep breath, trying to reassess the situation. Sloan had good intentions, they just didn't exactly think things through. They wouldn't hurt you on purpose, you were sure of that. 
★ At least, you were pretty sure they wouldn't.
★ Over the course of the next week, you never really received any messages from your friends- not since Sloan took you home after that party. No one even checked into see if you made it home ok. A few texts to say hi and the occasional small talk but that was really it. It kinda stung- it felt as if your friends all collaboratively decided to ghost you. At the very least, Sloan still texted you.
★ The two of you talked all the time- more often than not Sloan reached out first and wasn't afraid to double or even triple text you, but you didn't mind. Considering the way they were totally the only one you were actively talking to, you were absolutely ok with reading their ramblings over text or listening to them babble over the phone. Although admittedly, despite your growing friendship with Sloan, you couldn't help but feel a bit upset about your other friends that didn't talk to you nearly as much.
★ "They're assholes, don't worry about them."
★ Sloan was always quick to voice their opinion when you brought up your old friends. Something about not bothering since the other guys clearly didn't care as much. Still, something felt weird about it.
★ "Do they still talk to you?"
★ "I mean, sometimes," Sloan shrugged, "Brandy mentioned something about a game night, but I'm not gonna go."
★ You pouted, "It's just weird, why would they suddenly avoid me? What did I do?"
★ "Hey it's not you, they're just fake." Sloan gave you a reassuring pat on the shoulder, before ruffling up your hair, "You don't need them anyways. You've got me!"
★ You believed it for a while, fully accepting the idea that you're entire old friend group was totally fake. That was up until you received a weird voicemail from Brandy while you were hanging out with Sloan for a movie night. You didn't think it would be a big deal, so you played it out loud while Sloan flicked through the TV channels.
★ "Hey man, not to be weird but I've been wondering what's up with you? Sloan said you didn't want to talk to us anymore, but that felt out of character. I just wanted to see what was up and make sure you were alright."
 ★ Your heart skipped a beat. A million questions rushed into your brain. And while you really did want to call back and figure out what was going on, you instead turned to look at Sloan.
 ★ "Is this true?"
★ Without missing a beat, Sloan responded with a sickly sweet, "Yeah :)"
★ You were taken aback by their total abrasiveness. The way they responded so casually and with zero denial made your blood run cold. In a weird way, while their tone sounded as playful as ever, there was a total emptiness behind their eyes. 
★ You stood up and took a few steps back to put some distance between you and Sloan, "What did you do?"
★ "Nothing really, just told them it would be best for all of us if they left you alone."
★ You scoffed, partially out of attempting to be snarky as a defensive mechanism and partially out of genuine surprise "How? Did you threaten our entire friendgroup?" you totally meant it as a joke but started to get anxious seeing the devilish grin that spread across their face. They were about to say something but you immediately cut them off, "Actually wait don't answer that. Please don't answer that." 
★ Sloan seemed incredibly unbothered by the entire conversation, and it made you feel worse. They wore their typical lopsided grin as if this entire thing was a game to them. It almost made you angry.
★ "I've been feeling alone for MONTHS and it was all because of you?"
★ "Alone? Are you serious? You have me! You don't need them!"
★ "What are you talking about? Do you not understand how crushing it is to think everyone you care about suddenly hates you?"
★ "Which is exactly why you need me!" 
★ "Why? So you can act like a psycho and keep me away from my social circle?"
★ "Because I love you."
★ Those four words made your heart stop. You had completely forgotten about their silly crush- that felt like it was forever ago. Pieces of the puzzle slowly fell into place- did they really do all of this out of love? Did they go out of their way to isolate you and poison your mind just so they could have you all to themselves? 
★ "I love you, Y/N. Way more than they ever could. They don't care about you like I do-"
★ "-I can't fucking believe you." You choked out with more emotion than you would've liked. Your words were harsh and yet sounded pathetic with the your voice wavered and tears began to prick in the corners of your eyes, "You're batshit crazy, you know that right?"
★ They started to walk up to you, but you held your hands up to gesture for them to stop- both of you were kind of surprised when they actually halted in place, "Can we talk about this?"
★ "Talk about what?" You fished your keys out of your pocket, turning your back towards them as you walked with haste towards their front door, "You've already done more than enough."
★ You shouldn't be driving angry, but there was absolutely no way you were staying in their scrappy apartment for another second. As soon as you were behind the wheel, the tears started flowing. You felt so betrayed knowing the person you had been closest to hard ulterior motives. The entire situation barely made sense- one random voice mail and now you're entire world seemed to be flipped around. You wondered how long Sloan had been scheming out this whole thing. Did they do it on a dime, or did they have a long detailed plan that didn't involve a stray voicemail coming along to ruin their entire scheme. A random voicemail which was likely their downfall, was your lifeline. 
★ You needed that lifeline once again. As such, the moment you were inside your own apartment and started to calm down, you decided to facetime Brandy. You were so desperate to make sense out of what had happened, and hoped Brandy's perspective would clear the air. 
★ It took a considerable amount of strength to not cry as Brandy explained everything. Hearing about how worried she had been and how nervous she was to send that voicemail tugged at your heart strings. Her face dropped as you detailed what Sloan had told you, reminding her about when the both of you had learned about Sloan having a crush months back.
★ "Sheesh that's... scary. Do you really think they were planning this for months?"
★ "I don't know. I don't really care. It just feels weird knowing how much I cried to them when they were responsible for the whole thing."
★ "What a creep."
★ "Yeah... I guess."
★ Brandy suddenly looked up with surprise, staring down her hallway like a deer in headlights.
★ "What is it?"
★ Brandy was quiet, listening intently. After a harsh moment of silence, Brandy's eyebrows knit themselves together with confusion, "Sounded like a door closed upstairs."
★ "Is your boyfriend home?"
★ Brandy shook her head slowly, "It was probably nothing." Considering everything that already happened tonight, you were weary. Apparently it showed on your face as Brandy sighed, "Something probably fell over. I'll go check quickly." 
★ She took her phone with her as she jogged up the stairs, throwing her bedroom door open and carelessly tossing her phone onto her bed. You could hear her open various doors around the upstairs, multiple light switches being flicked on and off before she returned to her bedroom.
★ "Yeah, it was nothing-"
★ You barely catch the glimpse of something moving from the corner of the camera angle. You can't process what it is until you hear Brandy scream before her body is shoved to the ground. In the midst of it all, a new voice rings out.
★ "You little homewrecker."
★ You didn't need to be able to see to know that voice. 
★ Considering the angle the camera was left at when Brandy dropped the phone, you couldn't see shit. Despite this, you could still get a pretty good idea of what was happening in the background- the sounds alone was enough to give it away. It was a weird, cynical contrast in moods. Brandy sounded like she was struggling- gasping and choking for air, and on the other hand Sloan sounded like they were enjoying it. You can barely make out what sounds like Sloan laughing to themselves as Brandy desperately fought against their hold. 
★ "What I had with Y/N was perfect. You just had to mess it up, didn't you?" 
★ Brandy made a quiet sound, something that could be interpreted as a desperate apology 
★ "I would say it's in the past and behind us now, but you know how I love digging up history."
★ What a shitty pun considering this was all happening within a couple of hours.
★ Brandy's phone slipped off her bed and fell onto the floor just in time for you to witness Sloan brandish a weapon and raise it high above their head. The angle the phone was dropped at gave you a perfect view of everything- you weren't sure if that was incredibly luck or incredibly unfortunate- meaning you had front row seating to witnessing Sloan stab Brandy's lungs out. 
★ Watching the blood fly is like watching a train wreck- it's awful and makes you want to scream as if you were the one being stabbed,  but you can't get yourself to look away. Skin tore, blood splattered, red painted the walls and floors of Brandy's room. Sloan raised the knife slammed it back down again, and again, and again as the life slowly drained out of Brandy's body with each blood curdling scream that left her lips.
★ At the end of it all, Sloan slowly turned to make direct eye contact with the camera. Where their eyes were cold and empty earlier, they were now hot and fiery with passion. You felt like they could burn a hole through you if they stared long enough. As if trying to comfort you, a reassuring smile spread across Sloan's face as dropped the knife and formed a heart with their hands- a terrible contrast to the blood currently splattered all over them.
★ Quick as lightning, you hung up the call and chucked your phone across the room as you broke down into a devastated sob. 
-- someone remind me to write a part two i have more ideas for this lmao might write a headcanons post and call it a day who knows
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noddytheornithopod · 1 year
Alright, some more Ahsoka thoughts under the cut. Spoilers beware.
So we actually get an opening crawl of sorts, and the Star Wars logo is red too. Filoni definitely trying to make this an event.
People have been rightfully comparing the opening scene where Baylan and Shin break into the New Republic ship to The Phantom Menace and A New Hope’s openers. Honestly not as on the nose as I was expecting.
The opening scene with Ahsoka where she finds the map did feel a bit too long. Like I understand trying to set a slower tone, but I feel like this went on for a bit.
Speaking of the map, anyone getting The Force Awakens flashbacks? All they needed to do was give it to Chopper, lol.
So the three figures in that mural... I have no idea if it’s going to be significant down the line, but the fact that there’s three of them makes one wonder... Mortis gods?
“Location of the last missing Imperial Grand Admiral”. So do they know where Sloane is? Or is she going to be presumed dead (along with the proto-First Order types?), like they seemed to think Thrawn was until the whispers of his return? Either way, just a small detail, and one that people are probably gonna get way too hung up over.
I will say Ahsoka definitely looks better than in previous appearances. IDK if it’s the performance, my own jadedness based on the controversy around Rosario Dawson, or an intentional character choice that is making it harder to connect with her at first, but Ahsoka weirdly doesn’t have that much of a presence? Like, there’s a stoicism to the character, but even when other characters are around, they always end up feeling like they stand out more than her. Hopefully they’re building to something, otherwise it’s going to be weird to have your lead character feel this distant.
“It’s never a straight line with you Jedi”. Why do I feel like Hera was thinking of Kanan when she said that? Maybe Ezra too for that matter.
I do wonder what Ahsoka specifically heard that lead her on the trail to Elsbeth, TBH.
So with Ahsoka and Sabine, we still don’t really know what happened. We know at some point Ahsoka agreed to train her, but then gave up on her and left.
Lothal looks cool! Okay maybe some shots do look clearly fake, but I like seeing that aesthetic translate into live-action, and also seeing Lothal after the Imperial occupation rebuilt.
Ryder Azadi is back, wasn’t sure if he would be back but it’s a cool connection nonetheless. Jai Kell is apparently Lothal’s senator now too. Stuff like this definitely adds to the feeling of it being a continuation.
Not sure how I feel about Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Hera. I THINK I like her? There’s one or two scenes where I find myself questioning it, but then there’s others where I think she works perfectly fine.
Of our main heroes, Sabine was easily the standout character. I do feel like they could’ve found a better actor to look the part (I do think she’s a bit pale for Sabine’s complexion, but that’s a whole can of worms to open and I’m probably not the person most invested in this topic), but even if her performance is quite different to what Tiya Sircar did, I feel like she manages to embody the character well in her own way.
I do like seeing Sabine the way we did. That opening scene for her with her on the speeder chased by the E-wings was pretty cool, the fact that the Kiners decided to have a rock track play over it only added to the feeling of Sabine’s rebelliousness (also NGL with the sudden change in sound from the usual Star Wars score, I thought for a moment they were playing a licensed song, but nope it’s just an in-universe track I guess XD). You do get the sense she’s feeling pretty lost after everything that happened. Like Sabine’s lothcat too.
Also, confirmation that Ezra recorded another message specifically for Sabine. No real comments on Eman Esfandi’s portrayal yet, but I do hope to see more of Ezra.
“But you’re like a sister to me.” This line is sweet of course but primarily I find it unintentionally hilarious because Season 1 Ezra was really trying to hit on her. Obviously this is Ezra at the end of Rebels and he grew out of that crush and his bond with Sabine was more serious and of course platonic... but still. Lol.
Just noticed Shin has a padawan braid. Seems like Baylan is still doing Jedi stuff but isn’t operating as one? Also, neat touch that Huyang was able to identify Baylan from his lightsabre, but not Shin because obviously hers would be constructed well after he was around to document it.
Speaking of which... no explanation on why Huyang is around. I mean, I’m not complaining, but it’s kind of wild this major piece of Jedi history was able to avoid being hunted down and destroyed by the Empire.
Morgan Elsbeth confirms she’s a Nightsister, and the temple on Arcada Ahsoka was raiding (which is what she got out of her in Mando S2) was apparently built by them. It sounds like the Nightsisters may have been bigger many millennia ago.
Alright so we still don’t know what the deal with Marrok is, if they’re a familiar face or just some new ex-Inquisitor. Elsbeth is lucky to have managed to hire three Force Sensitive mercenaries, huh? Marrok doesn’t even have any lines, lol.
So with Ahsoka and Sabine’s relationship, we’re not really sure what happened yet. I think we might learn more over the course of the show, but from what I can tell, Sabine’s feeling pretty disillusioned after losing Ezra (even acting surprised at the idea he might be alive), and even if it’s yet to come up, I’m sure the Great Purge on Mandalore affected her too. She isn’t at the celebration of Lothal’s liberation because that day is painful for her. She seems to be lacking a sense of purpose. Ahsoka probably saw these things and realised she couldn’t commit, hence leaving her. The fact that Sabine and Huyang confirm that she never showed any Force sensitivity is just salt in the wound. So I guess that still begs the question: what happened to make them initially train together in the first place?
I love how Huyang makes sad eyes when Ahsoka talks about how she left the Jedi (I think he does it in other scenes too but this was when it stood out to me the most). “Sometimes even the right reasons have the wrong consequences” I think is a standout line for sure, Ahsoka definitely still feels guilt for Vader’s existence. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is affecting a lot of her decisions, like her lack of faith in Sabine (maybe she’s afraid that being taught by the Jedi who became Vader would cause her to create that again?).
Oh yeah, Ahsoka saying she did some stuff that wasn’t very Jedi to get the map info from Elsbeth... yeah, still no Jedi, apparently. Even if she’s gotta get dark.
When Sabine reacts to Ahsoka mentioning the Nightsisters, I definitely think she was thinking back to the creepy ghost possessing her.
Shin is obviously young and seems quite impressionable, always asking questions and needing to know what to do from her superiors, so she’s still clearly inexperienced. She definitely wrecked Sabine there, though. Cue someone complaining about another character surviving a stab wound when characters like Qui-Gon never did or whatever.
I do think it’s cool that Sabine is still showing her wide skillset to do things like analyse the map and get info out of the HK assassin droid head. The one to one with Hera was nice too. I like that Hera thinks they’re gonna work best if they’re together and she’s trying to make that happen, heck even Huyang is. Lol at Hera also saying that them both being difficult is what she thought would “make it work”.
We catch up with Elsbeth on Seatos, who has some big teases and reveals. She describes the location she’s showing the map with it as being built by people from a distant galaxy millennia ago. So yeah, Star Wars is finally going extragalactic, at least in a major way. Seems Thrawn and Ezra wound up in this distant galaxy these people that traveled here did (I wonder if the connection between the Arcana and Seatos locations implies the Nightsisters also built this, implying that they themselves are extragalactic... which is one big can of worms to open for sure).
So Baylan describes the route they’re taking as the “Pathway to Peridea”. IDK if Peridea is this new galaxy or a specific world or place in it, but yeah. Apparently even the Jedi had stories about this.
Elsbeth acts and sounds very witchy, appropriate for a Nightsister. In a particularly eerie moment, she says Thrawn “calls to her” (which must be how she knows all of this shit to even get to him in the first place, how she knew she needed the map with the right route to this galaxy and all that) and even describes it as being from “across time and space”. Those specific words make me wonder if there’s some World Between Worlds type shit going on. Also what is even calling to her? Is it really Thrawn, or someone from this distant galaxy? If this IS Thrawn, what does this mean for him? What has he found that is enabling him to reach out this far?
Morgan is constructing a ship called the Eye of Sion to travel to Peridea, one that is pretty huge and requires hyperdrives of super star destroyers. Side note, but it’s cool that the villains seem to be ahead of the heroes here. And this is even without Thrawn’s strategic genius.
Okay, hiring a Jewish actor to play your shady businessman character... I think someone should’ve thought about the optics of that a bit more.
That one questionable casting choice aside, I do think it’s an interesting idea to have ex-Imperials who are still loyal to the Empire still working in places like these shipyards. Big structural change is hard, and it tracks with the New Republic we’ve seen to rush things and overlook things like this.
We see Chopper again, which is cool.
Huyang saying “Lady Tano” gives me Maul flashbacks, lol.
Sabine feels like Ahsoka came back just because she was useful to her, and well Huyang’s account of things certainly doesn’t help that (because it WAS Hera’s idea to let Sabine know the news). Also, Sabine cutting her hair and putting her armour back on. The haircut definitely called back to Kanan’s for sure.
The final conversation between Bayland and Elsbeth was interesting too. Through these episodes I’m definitely getting the impression Baylan is following some kind of code, or at least isn’t just simply just a bad guy there to do bad guy things. Honestly, Shin has seemed more ruthless so far, lol. But especially when he says stuff like “it would be a shame to kill [Ahsoka]” and how he doesn’t immediately attack in the opening scene of the first episode is intriguing. Anyway, the giant hyperdrive ring that is the Eye of Sion seems close to completion, I have a feeling next week it might be.
I do like the tone the show’s going for. It’s no Andor, but it does feel a bit more serious than The Mandalorian, with more scenes that slow down for character beats and such. Also appreciate that they’re truly trying to make this feel epic, even for a TV show filmed in the volume. Filoni is definitely getting better directing live-action, and of course after her Boba Fett outing Steph Green is great. It definitely is adding to the Space Opera feel more than say the Space Western that is The Mandalorian.
So yeah, enjoyed this premiere! Goddammit Filoni, still finding ways to suck me in. :P
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luobingmeis · 5 years
hey bitch dare u to answer all the questions from ur ask game xoxo
ur a coward if you think this is a dare, my narcissistic ass loves any opportunity i get to talk abt myself and my inability to love things to a normal amount means i can talk abt taz for hours!!!! get on my level, bitch!!!!!!!!
1) What/Who got you into TAZ?
my friends chris and mj @cabesmeadow !! i saw it a lot on tumblr and asked mj abt it and they were like “yeah it’s super fucking rad” and then my friend chris started listening to it over the summer so, mid-november, on a night that i had actually finished my homework early, i was like, “hey, fuck it, why not”
2) Who are you top 5 favorite characters?
(my top 5 list is not in any particular order)
3) What’s your favorite arc?
the eleventh hour!!!! it’s such a good fucking arc and had so many good moments oh my god
4) Favorite quote?
i have so, so, so many but my laptop is on low battery so i can’t list them all, so i’ll list the one i would most likely get tattooed:
“looking for new worlds to explore; looking for new stories to tell”
5) Favorite villain?
a tie between magic brian and edward & lydia!! i love brian so much and thought he was so funny and such a good first villain, but i also love my evil lich vogue twins
6) What was your favorite grand relic? Would you have been tempted by it?
my favorite is probably the animus bell, tho it wasn’t my fave until my most recent relistening. and oh yeah, something that would make me, essentially, immortal? i would’ve been super tempted
7) If you had to make a grand relic, what would it be? What power would it have?
i probably would have made something w/ jewerly, maybe a ring or earrings? or idk yet, i can’t think of anything cool, but ngl i think it would def having something similar to the animus bell. not That exactly, but something necrotic that, like, probably takes life energy to heal whoever is wielding it or takes life energy to feed their own
8) What moment/reveal shocked you the most?
9) Which “seven bird” would you have been? Or what would your role have been on the Starblaster?
ngl i think i would’ve been along the lines of “the lonely journal keeper” like!!! alligning with her role as the chronicler, i feel like that’s what i would have applied for
10) Would you have been able to make it through Wonderland?
oh definitely not. im ngl a bit… not selfish, but territorial of my things, idk what i would’ve been able to give up for the wheel, and i def wouldn’t have given up years of my life, and going for my looks would be a Hard Bargain and, even if i was in a world where i had magic, i don’t think i would’ve been strong enough to survive the challenges
11) What are some of the parts that made you the most emotional (whether it be crying, laughing, etc.)?
uhhh the magnulia cottage scene definitely, makes me sob every single time i hear it and, during my first time listening, that was what broke the damn and ended up having me cry for 30 solid minutes
12) Which track composed by Griffin was your favorite?
“madame director/lucretia/lucretia (reprise)” !!!!!
13) Which track not composed by Griffin was your favorite?
“salut d’amour” elgar!!!!!!!
14) Lucas’s Magical Institute or Taako’s Amazing School of Magic?
15) What was your favorite cycle in Stolen Century?
not including the beach cycle bc i feel like that’s an obvi one, probably either the judges cycle or the conservatory
16) What were some of your favorite inventory items of tres horny boys?
the extreme teen bible, stephen the fish, chance lance, the umbrastaff, and the hole thrower!!
17) What animal would have been your “disguise” in Petals to the Metal?
18) Are you more of a “Magnus rushes in,” “Merle follows along behind,” or “Taako’s good out here” type of person?
i think i’m a combination of “magnus rushes in” and “merle follows along behind” but tbh i Should be more “taako’s good out here”
19) Favorite Taako one-liner? Or favorites?
obviously “abraca-fuck you!”
“hey sheriff isaac, guess what time it is!” “what?” “fuck if i know!”
20) If you listen to the liveshows, do you have a favorite? Is there a particular liveshow you would love to see the McElroys do?
my favorite is a tie between san fran and new orleans!!!! and i would love to see them do something with carey and killian, like their bachelorette party or even a hangover-style live show where they lose one of the brides the day before the wedding akjskdk
21) In Wonderland, would you have been hesitant to “forsake” your opponents, or would you have done what you had to to get out?
okay ngl not to sound Terrible but if i was going up against strangers,,,,,, yeah i’d do what i had to do. it’s called the fucking suffering game not the fucking best friend game omfg
would i be able to betray my friends/companions tho??? i don’t think so, nope
22) Of the puzzles throughout the arcs, which one was your favorite?
23) Would you have liked to see the dark timeline where Magnus took the chalice, or Magnus’s sidequest with Kravitz? Or are you happy with what actually ended up happening?
i love everything that happened in canon but i can admit that a magnus/kravitz sidequest would’ve been fucking sick
24) If given the option, would you have joined the Bureau of Balance? Would you have been a seeker, regulator, reclaimer, or something else?
tbh i think i would if i had to and i think i would have been a seeker
25) What magical item would you have made at the Arcaneum (from the Stolen Century)?
a cool sword!!!!! but, like, a magic sword
26) What is something, material or not, that you wouldn’t have been able to sacrifice in Wonderland?
i wouldn’t have given years off my life. i wouldn’t even have considered it
27) What would you have presented at the Conservatory?
i probably would have written something!!!!!
28) In Story and Song, many beloved NPCs made a return to take a final stand against the Hunger. Which one excited you the most?
29) What was your reaction when Magnus was revealed to be a red robe, and then to the memories that followed?
i was so fucking confused but, like, in a good way, and so fucking shocked oh my god
30) What was your reaction when you found out who Lup was, and then to what happened to her?
31) What was your reaction to Merle losing touch with Pan, and then to Pan’s return when the Planes were reconnected?
ngl it was pretty hard hitting and not for, like, any spiritual reason or anything, but just bc merle literally had Nothing at that point and i felt so bad for him and was so nervous but also “i’m not your pan, but you’ll always be my merle” is probably, without a doubt, one of my favorite taz quotes
32) Who are some characters that you would have liked to see interact more?
33) Flaming Raging Poisoning Sword of Doom or the Umbrastaff?
the umbrastaff!!!!
34) Something you learned from Balance?
that very rarely are there ever easy decisions, and that you have to give yourself time to love and love without boundaries because, even with the years and years people have, so much time can be spent not loving the people you have
also it taught me the type of writer i want to be, and honestly taz has inspired me so much to keep pursuing writing, even when i feel like finally giving in
35) Who?
i̶͎͈̞͆̄̾̄̕'̷̛̮̄̒̓͘m̵͍̖̜͂̔͛͘͝ ̶̡̦͙͍͋̑̂̅͠d̵̟̖̭̳̄͌́a̵̻̎̍͂̃̍v̸̲͇̮͊̽͒̚͝ḛ̵̳͔͗̊n̷̻̳͓͎̠͐p̷̰̘̘̭̗̈́̒ơ̵̪r̸͔̝̈̇͘͠t̸̫̠̯͗ ̴̨̛̖͕̟̦̀̏̂̚ḯ̸̜'̶̨̨̖̮̃̃̈́̿m̸͖̰̙̉̏̔̄́ ̵̺̊̓̃̽̓d̸̝̣̈͊a̶̩̪̖̝̽̚ṿ̴̝̙̣͈̐̊e̷̢̛̦̫̓̇͋n̸̨̖̽͐͊͗p̴̡̥͖̞̈́ͅö̵̭̼̘́͋̿ṟ̶͎͍͙͇͑̇̈̉͝t̸̢͕͓͓̠̆͊ ̷̛̟͕̂̌͛ĩ̶̤̺͕'̸̹͓͙̥̺̀ṃ̵̢̻͇̓̈́̚ͅ ̴̜͙͉̯͌̋̐͝d̴͈̜̐̀͘͝a̷̗̹̪͈̿v̴͔͓͑̕͠ȇ̸̞̲̇͛̕ǹ̶̬͉̼̫͂͌p̸͕͐o̵̮͝ŗ̸̘͝ṱ̷̤̫̀̓̉͂̑ ̵̝̞̩̆̍i̶͖̗͔̥̬͐͌̚͝'̸͍̍̋͜m̵̦̼͂͒ ̴̯̈̽͌̕d̶̮̾̀́ǎ̵̢̹̋͊̉̈v̶̨̟̼͓̅ͅḙ̴̟̼̒n̴̝̬͂̍͊͂̀p̶͔̗͂ơ̸̲̰̬̎̀͛̌r̷̬̞̱̍́́̉t̸͙̏͗̎̓̕ ̵̣̅ḭ̶̱̮͓̈͛̑͑'̸̫̞̣̬̊m̵̢̥̀ͅ
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ct-hardcase · 6 years
there are so many women in that book that I am so hyped to have information and art about, including but probably not limited to:
(under a cut because I just decided that this is going to be an appreciation post)
Aayla??? Oh my gosh? Her mentoring Ahsoka was great and I love her interactions with Bly and gosh, she is just so good. I want to know more about her, especially in new canon, and how she is as a person.
Adi? Beautiful. Gorgeous. Showstopping. She has such a great personality and she fights well and I am here for it!
AHSOKA MY MAIN LADY. She’s just grown so much and I’m so proud of her and what she was able to achieve in her life. Any content for her is splendid.
Yeaaaa Pryce! She’s so evil and fun to read about! It’d be cool for her to get featured primarily in something like she did in Thrawn ngl and I’d love to have her PoV during the finale of swr.
Ventress! She’s so flawed, but if this book gives us some details about right after she turns to the dark side, I am going to drop to the floor.
Yoooo Barriss. It has taken me all of four years to warm up to her, but now that I have, I’m looking forward to this.
Beru! She deserves it! This is the recognition that the lady who raised Luke and has managed a homestead on the harsh land of Tatooine deserves. I’m so happy for her.
CIENNA! It’s been so long! Lost Stars was I think the first expanded universe novel I read for new canon and I loved it, and I loved Cienna, so I’m looking forward to literally any canon content involving her.
Depa!! I haven’t interacted with her character in canon, but I’m doing this one rp that involves her, so more details are always good.
I don’t read any of the material involving Aphra unfortunately, but I’ve heard she’s cool and gay so I’m down to read about her.
Enfys!!! I’m dying, she’s just such a good person, a radiant force of light, a true rebel, and definitely deserves a spot here. Heart eyes all around.
HERA! PILOT OF MY H E A R T. A Rebel (TM). A good mom, a good Captain, a good person, a good character, and just all around someone who was fun to journey with through swr.
JAS??? EMARI??????? SHE’S GOT CONTENT HOLY SHIT, I love Jas so much but because she’s only shown up in Aftermath, I have not been able to yell about her as much as she deserves, and good god I’m glad to see that she’s got a spot here. She’s a badass and has a heart that she desperately tries to hide.
I really like the fanon surrounding Jessika Pava, so her page is going to be fun :D
Jocasta! Big gun, bigger library.
Jyyynnnn, yes :D
I barely know about Ketsu, but I love what I do! Here’s hoping for some new tidbits maybe in there.
L3-37, the amazing droid who deserved so much better. I expect a full essay on her campaign for droid rights and how they’re treated in the galaxy.
Luminara! She fights so pretty and her philosophy is super interesting, so I hope that this is a good resource :)
Mira Bridger! My gosh! We can find out more about Ezra’s first Rebel Mom (TM)!
Norra Wexley, I’m weeping, she’s just so good and comes back from the dead enough to rival Shaak Ti, and she’s the mom that everyone in the Aftermath Squad (TM) needed but didn’t deserve.
Paige? Man, I have a thing for heavy gunners that die during their first appearance, so I’m sure to enjoy this.
Phasma!!!! She’s so evil but I love her, from Parnassos until the Dreadnaught. 
YEAH QI’RA, fight for your freedom too!
Rae Sloane???? Us Aftermath fans have been BLESSED with this fine release
REY! She! Aggressive fighter, aggressive pilot, and the person that I couldn’t be happier to have as a protagonist of the sequel trilogy.
Our cute mechanic Rose Tico! I hope we learn more about her past and what she’s good at mechanic-ing!
SABINE!!! YEA MAN, GOOD REBEL, GOOD DEMOLITIONS, STOLE MY DAMN HEART, I just love Sabine so much, I’m glad she’s in this
AYO SEVENTH SISTER MADE IT IN, BE STILL MY BEATING HEART. Also, this means that there’s going to be art of her! I’m weeping, everyone.
Shaak Ti! What a Jedi, what a woman.
Shmi, who absolutely deserves this spot with all of her being. Deserves better, both by the swu and all of us.
Ursa Wren??? Gosh?? We are being showered with motherhood in this book and I am living for it
VAL, YOU DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER so I’m glad you’re here
VI????? My gosh, she’s the best, so kind-hearted, such a damn optimist!!!! 
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blancheharrington · 7 years
Some Theories/Ideas on Jolex for 14b
So, I have many many many theories on how Jo & Alex’s storylines are going to unfold for the rest of the season. And I needed to write them down and share them before my brain overheated from storing all of these different ideas. 
Some things that I’m pretty positive are going to happen:
- Jo will get a divorce from her husband. Someway somehow. 
- Jo is going to take her boards & choose a specialty.
Although I really hope we will, I don’t think we’ll see her physically taking them, but we’ll see her leave for the trip and discuss it with Alex. 
This will bring a long the plot line of where Jo is going to do her fellowship. Will she move, will they move together, will they stay? If she moves should they get married or maybe they shouldn’t? Does Alex want to try and go to John Hopkins again? Does he want to create a trial of some sorts? How is his career affected by Jo moving?
- Jolex will have some type of relationship milestone. 
Obviously the two top contenders will either be a marriage or a baby. Maybe both, but that’s highly unlikely. My vote is for a mini Jolex.
Oh, I have a whole bunch of theories on how a jolex baby/pregnancy will pan out.
 I’m also pretty positive that Jo will be the one to propose whenever it happens. I mean after 3 tries that all ended with a “no” I bet Alex is a little scared and turned off from trying to propose. 
I also have ideas on how this proposal should happen. (it includes powdered donuts)
Maybe Jo decides that after this entire terrible divorce ordeal that she doesn't want to get married again. But is willing to commit to Alex and grow their relationship some other type of way. (probably a baby) 
(Side Note: Sometimes I’m torn on wether or not I think the proposal will happen quickly, after Paul leaves (or dies), or if they’ll use the proposal as a season finale grand gesture. Or, maybe they get engaged after Paul leaves and then the actual marriage takes place around the season finale) 
- I think Bethany Joy Lenz’s character is Paul’s current girlfriend and Jo is going to try and help her get out of the abusive relationship.
Warning - graphic theory ahead:
I also have a theory that if Paul doesn’t die, he may go away for a while and come back during some pivotal point for Jo & Alex’s relationship and disrupt their happiness. 
He could come back right before they get married and Jo is beaten and doesn’t make it to the wedding. Thus, making Alex think she walked out. OR we discover Jo is pregnant and then right after, he comes back and beats her. Now we’re worried about her as well as the baby(ies) and bam season finale. But all of this depends on how they’ve already written the Paul Stadler storyline and whether or not he’s dead or in jail by the end of it. Also, it pretty much would need a guarantee that Matthew Morrison would want to return for episodes later on. 
Some things that I’d like to see to happen:
Jo and Meredith becoming friends. ( I feel like Alex is going to be wrapped up with saving Frankie when we come back and Meredith is going to be the one to help Jo confront Paul and help her deal with the situation. I picture Meredith becoming protective of Jo and this is where their relationship blossoms.)
Alex doing something really cool career wise. I want him to have a trial or save a baby in some extreme way or maybe take up teaching as a side gig. Maybe he brings back the African program (that’s what it was, right?) 
I want them to move to a different house. I love the loft, but now it’s kind of tainted because of what took place there. I want them to have a grown up house like Alex suggested. Where their kids can run around in the backyard with their rescue dog and there’s a treehouse in the back that Alex tried to build but then got fed up and hired someone to finish it. 
I really want another scene like in 9x14 where Jo surprises everyone at how smart she is at math. 
I want Jo to find out she has a long lost sister because out of all the characters on this show with long lost sisters, Jo discovering she has one is the only realistic scenario in which someone would really find out that they had an estranged family member.
I want to see Alex with his mom or sister. Even so much as mentioning them would be great. I want him to have to go see his mother or maybe she shows up at Grey Sloan in need of help. 
NGL I want some hot and steamy Jolex hospital sex because they’re the ONLY ones who haven’t done it in the hospital. 
Alright that’s all i’ve got. Maybe I’ll write out my different thoughts on how an engagement and/or pregnancy storyline will happen. 
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lgbtbarbie · 7 years
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Barbie Appreciation Month - Day #19 - Modern - Shippy
Hadley x Fallon from A Mermaid Tale - These two obviously have a great relationship, as they’re always seen hanging out together, and it’s further shown in the second film with Hadley being really supportive of her surfer girlfriend. I love how Hadley is the head-in-the-clouds conspiracy theorist whilst Fallon is the down-to-earth factual one; they compliment each other well.
Merliah x Kylie from A Mermaid Tale 2 - Do I need to talk about these anymore than I already have on this blog?? They started out as rivals, taunting each other in a way that could be interpreted as flirting, and then they went on an adventure together to save the ocean, and grew close and realised they both have a lot in common and that there are bigger things than a surfing competition. I mean, they’re surfer girlfriends who can turn into mermaids....what more could you want in a ship!?
Keira x Tori from The Princess and the Popstar - It’s hard to explain this one, they just get along so well yknow?? Tori has been a huge fan of Keira for so long and obviously Keira thinks it’s pretty darn cool how she’s a real life princess. They both share a love for and talent of music, and it’s amazing when they’re rocking out together (I ALMOST TYPED MAKING OUT BC MY MUM IS WATCHING TV AND PEOPLE ARE MAKING OUT ON IT OMG), shown at the end of the film. When they switch lives, they both learn a lot and probably gain a lot of empathy for the other.
Courika & Oloane & Fanne from Rock ‘n Royals - I’m trying to not write so much about these sorry!! Courtney and Erika just have instant chemistry and the dynamic of a princess and a popstar is frickin amazing for a relationship and like Keira and Tori they’re amazing performing together. Olivia and Sloane are the whole cliche enemies-turned-friends-turned-lovers which is great. Finn and Anne are honestly sooo good and cute and they’ve got history and then break up but realise it was a misunderstanding and then get back together and ahh! I’d actually love to watch a film about their relationship ngl.
Barbie and Sal-Lee from Star Light Adventure - I’ve already mentioned these when talking about Sal-Lee as a character but they’re so cute together and clearly care a lot about each other. Sal-Lee turns from indifferent and maybe slightly negative about Barbie to respecting her a lot as a leader and loving her, and Barbie turns from viewing Sal-Lee from a fan’s perspective as a perfect, amazing person to knowing her better and realising she has insecurities etc. You could say their relationship is... out of this world! Sorry I’ve probably made that joke about a million times now lmao.
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