#slightly relieved when the yiling patriarch busts in full of murderous intent.
winepresswrath · 4 years
I think jc’s sacrifice being revealed would be very important to repairing their relationship because as you said they both felt like the other dipped out first. So I’m just wondering, how do you think that could be revealed? Because jc would never throw that around, just like wwx was planning on never telling jc
I made a post about it somewhere, but I can’t find it.  I think basically the options are
a) Magic. Do some empathy on your conveniently comatose brother, Wei Wuxian. Go wild with the truth curses, random ghosts! Could accidents with truth talismans be a thing? I feel like the answer is yes. If we’re going by CQL I think some nefarious villains could probably decide to use compulsion talismans to force Jiang Cheng reveal his secrets, be insufficiently specific in their interrogation, and get answers they weren’t looking for right as Wei Wuxian bursts in for the rescue. I would find that very satisfying and enjoyable.
b) Third party interference. Nie Huaisang scheming, Jin Ling uncle trapping, Wen Ning being done. Obviously all of these people would also have to find out somehow, but I have faith in them individually and as a collective. They’ve got moxie. Incidentally I think we should all spend more time appreciating Wen Ning showing up at Lotus Pier with enough roofies for the whole team. Hail to the zombie king.
c) Personal growth! There’s a really good tweet going around about the question in mdzs being less “is this character redeemable” and more “what would it take for this person to let go of their resentments.” the tweet is about Jiggy but I think it’s more broadly applicable, especially for yunmeng bros, because as much as I love time travel fics and magical mishaps forcing the issue I don’t think they can go back and fix what went wrong between them so much as they can choose what they want to do and who they want to be going forward. I don’t actually think that reconciliation is synonymous with further golden core reveals, both because I think Wei Wuxian is capable of forgiving and moving on even if he doesn’t know, and also because I can totally see universes where finding out about Jiang Cheng giving himself up to the Wen to save him just makes him feel like he really can’t be in Jiang Cheng’s life without being a designated source of pain.
There’s this reoccurring thing with Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian that I think really fucks Wei Wuxian up in particular, where Wei Wuxian is just innocently minding his own business, being a kid who has been repeatedly traumatized by dogs (baby!) or a once in a generation talent or a beloved reminder of Jiang Fengmian’s favourite people or literally just standing in the wrong place at the wrong time when the Wen patrol comes through, and then as a consequence of Wei Wuxian existing in Jiang Cheng’s vicinity (tbf usually with an assist from his parents’ terrible communication skills), Jiang Cheng gets hurt in some way. The difference between that last scenario and everything that came before it is that Jiang Cheng actively chose to get his shit wrecked because he loves Wei Wuxian and thinks Wei Wuxian is worth getting his shit wrecked over, and that’s a pretty big and important distinction! But in order for the reveal to be actually good for them I think Wei Wuxian would have to be in a place where he’s capable of recognizing that difference.
This is my extremely roundabout way of saying that I personally can see versions of the future in which Jiang Cheng decides that what he wants going forward is a relationship with his brother that is based on honesty and deciding to open his mouth accordingly in the spirit of “if it was me I’d want to know this; also i kind of want you to know this, because i want you to know me” and Wei Wuxian in turn can take that in the spirit it was intended and punch him in the arm about it and experience it as an expression of love and like, Jiang Cheng’s personal refutation of the idea that it was Wei Wuxian’s job to always be the protector and the one who takes the hit rather than as another way he fucked up and let someone he cared about get hurt. I believe in them! They are working on it! Wei Wuxian is experimenting with believing he is worthy of love and care! Meaningful flutes have been tossed with accompanying affirming nods! Take care has been whispered behind someone’s back! They’ve just gotta keep going.
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