#slight update: I didn't like the flash in the first one from the fade in so I removed it and updated the gif
olessan · 17 days
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Weird dog
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thehoneybeast · 3 years
Collide (Silco/fem!Reader 8)
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Okay so, this was going to be the last part of the story, I'm not really happy how I progressed so far, but I rewrote the chapter a bunch so that it is now going into the direction I want it to. Not really happy with the writing, but it isn't my first language so what can you expect?
I won't update as frequently anymore (maybe you noticed already) but I will continue it for now.
The second you returned to consciousness, a groan left your lips. You entire body felt stiff and was throbbing with pain but you still forced your eyes open. There was a dark ceiling above you amd despite your bruised body, you could feel the softness of a mattress against your back, a heavy blanket keeping you warm. Distorted images of what had happened flashed through your mind, making the desire stronger to sit up. You ignored the pain in your chest and, well, everywhere else, forcing yourself onto your elbows in order to be able and take in the place you were in. It didn't take long to remember those heavy curtains and the overall dark and comfortable aura of the place. You were in Silcos bedroom. In his bed, to be exact. Your hands pulled the blanket away, revealing that your entire upper body was wrapped up in bandages. Oh right. You had been beaten. Your fingers softly caressed your chest, feeling a slight sting underneath your ribcage. Someone had saved you from a punctured lung. Sighing, you laid back against the pillow. How was it, that ever since you left the comfort of your little shag, you had been injured more then in ten years before that. It had hardly been three months and you could already show of a new collection of scars and bruises. Whatever. You had to talk to Silco. Actually, just see him. Be sure that he was there. You knew it was an irrational desire, easily tracked back to your growing attachment to the slender man but you decided that right now, it was okay to be irrational. Another memory showed up, it was blurry and more sound than sight but it was still very vibrant. Had.. had you really confessed your love? And had he actually done the same?? Your head started to spin and you pushed yourself back up, turning for your legs to slip over the edge of the mattress, carefully stepping onto the ground. Everything hurt, the muscles tense and the flesh crying out but you needed to make sure that you hadn't been dreaming. It suddenly turned into your highest priority to confirm that, even if you would die right afterwards. You knew that it was irresponsible, had you told so many of your patients that other things could wait, but now that is was you and your aching heart you didn't care anymore. With uncertain steps you made your way to the door that would lead you into his office. You heard voices, more than one but you just couldn't stop now. Silco was all that was in your mind, him and his stupid, attractive voice calling your name, saying those words no one would ever expect from his scarred lips. You didn't even have the decency to knock, your body nearly falling in with the open door, struggling to keep you on your feet.
The voices stopped, your hazy mind took notice of Sevika, leaning on Silcos desk, visible upset but frozen upon hearing the door opening and there, in his fancy chair set the man you had been searching for, his eyes widening ever so slightly at the sight of you. A weak smile grazed your lips as he rose abruptly from his seat, a distant look of anger on his face. "What are you doing here?! Go back to bed!" Sevika rolled his eyes, scoffing at your interruption. Silco made his way over to you and you felt the familiar intensifying of your heartbeat. "Good to see you, too." You joked but he seemed even less amused than usual, grabbing you by your shoulder to stop you from moving any further. "You of all people should know how to treat injuries like yours!" He growled but oh, the way the pain faded when his breath hit your face. "Don't be stupid, he is right." Sevika joined the scolding. "You need to rest." Silco already pushed against you, shoving you back into the hallway. "I need to talk to you, Silco. I'm not laying down until we did that." Silco ignored your weak attempts of resistance, his grip tightening when you stumbled over your own legs. Sevika stayed behind, watching you with crossed arms and a frown, but she seemed to understand that you two had private things to discuss so she closed the door.
Back in his bedroom, he let go of you, locking the door to his office. He sighed, his back turned to you, his shoulders stiff as he ran a hand through his hair. "Lay down, then we will talk." His tone didn't leave room for arguments and so you complied, happy to have him by your side. Your head was still throbbing but the warmth of the blankets was welcoming. Silco sat on the edge of the bed, staring of into the room. He was obviously not excited to talk but he was here and willing to listen so you took your chance. "I love you." Silence. "I meant it. And I still mean it, obviously." You chuckled nervously, a little upset that he didn't react, instead he lowered his head into his hands, forearms resting on his knees, massaging his scalp. You swallowed, suddenly insecure again. "I- ahm.." Okay, come on, you asked for this, don't back down now. "Okay, listen. I know this is weird. Believe me, I feel the same. I didn't expect to fall in love with you of all people, but it happened and I do see why. This is not a, 'Oh god, why him?' More of a 'This is going to be complicated' kind of question, you know?" God, what were you talking about? And why didn't he even look at you?? Fumbling with the end of the blankets, you continued. "I know that we have different views on the wolrd, but I admire what you are trying to do, I really do. You're.. You're a strong headed men and you know what you want, you're willing to accept the consequences of your actions, for better or worse and you are so damn stubborn." You took a deep breath. This could push him away from you, destroy what fragile bond you had formed but you knew you had to risk it.
"But you are just human, Silco. You're no evil monster, your intentions are good, even if morally corrupted. You deserve to be vulnerable once in a while, you deserve to feel save." Heat shot into your cheeks but you kept going, not sure if you could start again if you stopped now. "You know, because that's how I feel with you. In your arms I feel save, I feel protected, I feel like there is a place I belong and it is you, dear god, it's you. You feel like home to me. And I - I want to give you the same. I want to protect you. Make you feel calm, feel loved." Your voice was shaking now, the missing response from him made you doubt everything you had hoped to believe. Were you making a fool of yourself for pouring out your heart? "I.. I want to be with you. Everytime I leave I just want to run right back to you, I wanted so badly to tell you but-"
"Shut up." His words had your mind blanking, your heart seemingly closing in on you. Then he turned around and underneath his harshly furrowed brows were his eyes, silent tears skimming over his cheeks in a bizarre contrast to the anger in his expression. It had you scared. "I thought you were DEAD!" His voice was venomous and shrill and you shrank down against the sheets. "First I thought you had left for good, then I am told that you were probably DYING and you have the fucking nerve to tell me that you feel SAVE?!" Oh dear. The pain inside his eyes was overwhelming and it had your eyes tearing as well. "You are the biggest moron I have met in all my life, running around as if the world is a paradise, spending your time on worthless acts of kindness while it beats you down and you still believe that there is any hope left? And you think I am the one to keep you save, when all you gain from joining my cause is bruises and broken bones?"
He was furious, that much you could certainly tell. But the worry in his words was just as present, sending you into a spiral of chaotic thoughts thas was promptly ended with his hand grabbing your cheek, forcing you to keep eyecontact. "Do you really think I need protection? Do you ever think about what you need?!" His voice was desperate and the next words left your lips without thinking. "I need you, Silco. You are all I want." He shook his head slightly, as if he couldn't believe you were saying this. "You're an idiot, Y/N." His words were soft and any doubt was washed away, when he leaned in, his lips caressing yours in the gentlest manner, as if you would shatter on impact. Without another word, he climbed over you, wrapping you up in his arms and carefully pulled you closer, mindimg every little bruise he might brush. When your head rested on his chest, his chin on top your head, he started speaking again. "I was scared. My, I think I was only ever this scared when Jinx.." he stopped, fear briefly flaming up in his eyes, pressed a kiss to your temple, as if securing that you were with him. "You shouldn't feel save around me." You found sadness in his tone, a melancholy as if he remembered times where it could've been different. He was being vulnerable in oh so delicate ways. "What happened had nothing to do with you. I just happened to have bad luck." He looked down at you, wiping the remains of unshed tears away. "You shouldn't be out there alone." He whispered, his voice so deep and thoughtful that it had you smiling. "You shouldn't be here, at all. It doesn't make sense." As if scared that you would run at his realisation, his grip tightened. "But I want you with me." Hearing him say that had your heart swelling and you leaned up to kiss his chin, before nestling your head into his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He looked down at you with heavy eyes and when he spoke again, his words had your eyes widening. "I thought about having you killed, just this morning." Your throat closed up as you cautiously looked back up, his grip on you was gentle and his eyes were pleading with you to understand when he continued. "But the second I thought you were dead in Sevikas arms, I realised that I was lying to myself. I don't want youti dissappeare." His hand found your cheek and you felt the hesitation in his movements. "I love you, Y/N."
There it was. The words you had wanted to hear. And yet, something inside you clung onto the words before it. 'I thought about having you killed'. That was not what you had expected but it shouldn't suprise you. It made perfect sense for him to terminate a person so involved into his plans and still, it left you with a feeling of despair. Your stomach turned and you sat up, bringing distance between the two of you, looking the other way. "You.. you wanted to.." "Listen, you said it yourself, it is complicated." Silcos voice was insistent, he sat up as well, turned your head towards him, forcing you to see the regret in his eyes. "You should be standing against me, you should want me dead. Instead you saved my life." Both of his hands held your head now, determined to make you believe his words, to focus on what he said now. "Allow me to keep you save. Allow me to prove my intentions with you." He moved in on you his forehead pressed up against yours, his breath grazing your lips, his eyes piercing into yours. Your gaze switched between his good and his bad eye, one a mix of green and blue, gentle and human, the other a black universe with a pulsing sun, a perfect representation of who he was and what people believed him to be. Men and monster. No. You could never run from this torn men, no matter how foolish or dangerous it was and so you exhaled a shuddering breath before reaching your hands to his shoulders and pulling him into you, your head resting on his shoulder as you held him close against your heart. His arms fell to your sides, returning your embrace with less intensity, still aware of the injuries you had already forgotten about. He pulled you down againstthe sheets, never breaking the contact, his voice shaking in your ear. You didn't want to press the matter anymore, enjoying the new found intimacy that left you a little closer, a little less afraid.
"I will keep you save. No one will hurt you ever again." He spoke the promise with a tired voice and despite the irrationality of it, you found utter sincerity in his words. Your arms held onto him a little tighter, clinging onto the warmth he was spreading with his words and body, wanting nothing more than to stay like this forever. "You don't have to be my hero. Just be with me as the person you are. That is all I ask of you." Your reply was a whisper, the emotions and pain of your body pulling you back down into the desire to sleep for another day or two. He kissed you softly, one hand finding the back of your head, gently running his fingers through your hair in a soothing manner. "You are too generous for your own good." You heard the smile in his voice and it infected you with your own. The feeling of safety he radiated had you relax as you slowly sank deeper into his embrace.
"Sometimes I am mot sure if you are real. No human could ever be so.." soft, deep breaths interrupted him and when he looked down he saw that you had fallen asleep in his arms once more. "Beautiful." He muttered to himself, pressing a kiss onto your forehead. He had just told you, that he had thought about killing you and yet you had found the courage to trust in his words and he was glad because he had meant every word he had spoken. To his own suprise, he felt no desire to push you away anymore, the feeling of comfort finally settling into his bones.
The next weeks, you spend in his bed, following his wish to recover, though the boredom had you tight in its claws but he was resistant to any kind of argument, despite the fact that you knew what you were talking about. In the end you tried to go to your lab im secret, only to find the door to the hallway locked so the only free path would lead through Silcos office and when he wasn't around, he locked that door as well. You were annoyed and a little hurt in your pride that he didn't believe you to know what was best for your health, then again your remembered his unhealthy relationship with Jinx and the way he had nearly lost her once as well and after that it made a little more sense. He would visit you every evening, unless he worked into the night, then he would sleep in his office in order to not disturb your slumber, which in return had you angry at him for not taking care of himself either, though he wouldn't hear any of it. Whenever he would find his way into bed, you would welcome him with open arms and he would tell you about his day after he asked about your condition. He always looked sceptical when you told him it was improving and you would show him the fading bruises to make his doubt dissappear, though you started to believe that he was only searching for excuses to touch your skin, sometimes followed by a monologue about how your body deserved to be treasured. It was sweet and good minded but you always felt a little useless, unable to provide any progress on your work, despite his assurances that the gem was safe and would be waiting for you to recover.
When the last faded rest had disappeared, he was all over you, spending half the day by your side, making sure you could enjoy every little piece of pleasure he put you under, his hunger for you translated into gentle passion that had you shaking and clinging to him for dear life, until both of you were satisfied and happily exhausted.
It was exciting to leave his room and return to your lab for the first time since the almost-abduction and you were excited to continue, motivated and inspired all the same. The small marble was sitting on your desk and as you layed eyes on it, you felt something within you move. Energy. You laughed at that, feeling like your body was just as excited to be back at it as you were. You would have to take someone with you this time, that much was sure, Silco wouldn't just let you head out like nothing had happened. So you packed up, got dressed and returned to his office. He seemed a little more relaxed than usual, most likely thanks to your attention and it made you smile.
"Hey, boss." You winked at him and he rolled his eyes but you saw the amusement glistening in them. "Already up to work again, huh?" He mused, leaning back in his chair. "Well, it seems I was never in better condition than today, thanks to your insistence I suppose." A hint of pride filled his eyes at your words and your smile grew as you walked over to him. "Can I borrow Sevika for today? I don't really like the headless gorillas you keep around besides her." He raised a brow, his scarred lips twitched at that. "Depends. What do I get for lending you my most loyal employee?" The hint of a smile crossed his lips and you scoffed in played annoyance, before leaning over his desk with a teasing smile. "Hmm.. Who knows? Mayyybe we could arrange something after work hours? Perhaps some form of.. favor?" Now he was the one scoffing, before he stood up, took your chin between his fingers and connected your lips. "Take her. I will make sure the payment will be fitting." You chuckled, pressed a short kiss to his nose and turned for the door. "See you later, boss!" You winked again and this time a short chuckle left his lips, a pleasent sound to leave him with.
The idea of taking Sevika with you had sounded great in your head, but when you informed her about it, she didn't seem to happy. "So I have to watch you dance around in field for the entire day? What a blast." She got up from her position at the bar, towering over you. "Jeah, sorry. Silco wouldn't let me leave without any form of protection, so.." You smiled apologetically at her but she just grabbed your bag and threw it over her shoulder instead, motioning for you to lead the way. The walk was quiet and it suddenly accured to you, that she might not even know what it was your job was besides treating wounds. "Did.. Did Silco tell you-" "What you are doing? That magic shit? Jeah, he did. Sounds like crap to me but maybe you will prove me wrong today?" Oh great, no pressure please. You chuckled nervously, watching the ground you were walking. "Jeah.. I'm relearning it currently so it's not the most amazing stuff but I'm getting better." Oh wow, please don't sound to confident. You walked in silence after that and you started to feel uncomfortable so you decided to initiate another topic. "How did you end up working for Silco, by the way? I heard you used to be a gang leader?" The sharp look she gave you had you questioning whether that was a good idea but she answered eventually. "I used to be that, yes. That was when Vander was leading the undercity." You heard an underlying despise in her voice. Vander. That name had reached your ears once in while, back when you had been working alone. If you remembered correctly, he had even reached out to you once or twice, asking you to work with him, something about having the same hopes for the people but you had never answered to any of it. You had been sceptical over what you heard about him, had been too proud to ever consider working underneath someone else. Well, look at you now. "He was weak. He refused to take action against Piltower, he refused to do what was necessary. So I found someone with the same determination like mine and Silco seemed fitting for that role. So far I don't regret that choice." She looked straight ahead and you felt her believe in what she said. Yes, Silco had changed the undercity, that much was certain. You stopped yourself from thinking about it too much, focusing on the task at hand and when you reached your spot by the river, you found yourself relaxing. Work was what you needed. Sevika made an displeased expression, scrunching her nose in disgust. "You come here, of all places?!" Shrugging your shoulders, you took your bag from her, fishing out the small marble. "The river flow is a good teacher. The area is almost always empty and you get used to the smell rather quickly." She rolled her eyes and sat down on one of the ruins pieces, watching you with crossed arms.
It was easy, ignoring her once you focused on the gem and started to feel its power. You started with familiar motions, trying to get a feeling of todays energy and when you caught it, it was overhelming. Your energy resources had been growing over the last months, the training doing its job, but it seems that some rest had been necessary to reach an entire new level of mass. It made you giggle with delight, when the first strike formed in the size of what usually would be your last attempt for the day. You heard a suprised grunt from your bodyguard and winked sheepishly at her, while letting the flow of energy swirl around you before sending it down onto the marble. To your utter shock, a noise like the cracking of ice rang in your ears, a flash of white blinding your sight momentarily and the feeling of heat zipped through your fingers, way stronger than it had on your first experiment. You stumbled backwards and your eyes widened whem you caught glimpse of a small crack in the marbles surface.
"Oh my god.." you stepped cautiously closer, mouth agape with awe at your work. "Finally! I'm coming for you, you little shit!" You exclaimed excitedly, raising your arms to start a second attempt, when the sound of an enormous explosion shook the ground. You caught yourself before falling, fear and horror striking your heart. That was not too far away. And you could smell the fire. Before you could voice your emotions, Sevika was next to you, pushing your bag into your hands. "Get your shit! We go home, NOW!" She sounded erratic, her eyes were wide awake, her movements hectic as she lead you back the way you two had just taken, nearly dragging you after her, her eyes checking every direction before entering the next road. You were busy trying to keep you nerves at bay, your heartbeat a loud and steady beating in your ears. When the last drop came into view, so did Silco. He wore his heavy coat over his shoulders, his usually stoic face a mask of fury but you also found a glimmer of relief in his eyes when he saw you.
"What happened?!" "Go inside! Sevika, you come with me." "Hey, don't ignore me!" You were confused and scared and he noticed that when he grabbed you by your shoulders, making you face him. "It is one of the factories. You need to go inside. Stay in our room until I return, do you understand me?" The anger was shadowing fear and that fuelled your own. But no, you were not being compliant right now. "I'm not a teenager you can send away whenever you feel like it! Where are you going?!" He closed his eyes, trying to keep his anger in check and you felt regret at your words. He was upset, clearly just as overwhelmed as everyone else but had to keep his face in order to be respected. You swallowed. "Sorry, I'm just worried. Don't be gone for too long, okay?" You reached for his face and his stiff shoulders relaxed a little at your touch, leaning his head into you. "Go inside." He repeated one last time, kissing your forehead before letting go if you and walking up to Sevika, most likely informing her of his plans. You watched after him for a moment, before following his order, heading for your lab instead of his bedroom. Had he called it our room? He had also kissed you outside of his private rooms for the first time, now that you thought about it. Despite the fear, the thought made you smile. When you passed the bar, a few men were sitting in the corner, you heard someone say something that made you stop. "-they will die there. Noone is stupid enough to go into that deathtrap to save some brats. The factory is in shambles." What? No one is stupid enough to save whom? You were afraid, that you could prove them wrong. "Excuse me, what were-" "Not now, ask later again." One interrupted you and it left you a little puzzled before another chipped in "Hey, not so fast! How much do you charge? I could use some stress release." He winked at you and your brain made the connection. Ew. "Well too bad for you, I'm not an escort girl so you better shut your mouth." You growled, ccrossing your arms. "Now spit it, who is going to die?" "None of your fucking business, whore." The third one joined in and you were just about ready to loose your temper. "Listen here, boy. I am the medic working for Silco and if you don't want to loose your most precious little friend next time that I have to stitch you back together, you better spill it out." You managed to keep your voice cold and demanding despite the anger itching under your skin.
You were back in your lab as soon as the men had explained. There were children in the factory when it was attacked. Children that were working for Silco. Children that were going to die in there and it seems that you just happened to be the one stupid enough to try and interfere with that.
@liv-victoriano @potato-dragons @sunflowercandie @motherswarrior @yesnessieme @eprilin @imalovernotahater @htmlbitxh @illiniana @silcovinzant @redsakura101 @faerieandfishsticks @stainedpomegranatelips @subbing-for-clones @fandoms-will-be-the-death-of-me @sana-within-you @oodanijadeoo @lenaexplorestheinternet @janilovecookies @shameshomalo @creepysupermarvelpaladin @shadow-pancake9 @komatheterrible @ilikemymendarkandfictional @the-not-so-iconic @rosenightwings @vaaalexandra @usualsworld @janesofia7 @ancientbeing10
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Chapter 1
A/N- I've teased y'all for so long I hope this series is going to live up to expectations, I'm confident it will though because I'm addicted and it's been super easy for me to write - I'm up to chapter 3 so far so updates can be on time! There's a slight age gap between my professor Hemsy and OC Jess but she's twenty and completely legal. You know this is gunna be a giant tease fest for the first couple of chapters cos that sexual tension is fucking gold 🥵
Summary- Jess meets the man of her dreams and then stupidly leaves without getting his number. Will fate bring them together again?
Word count- 1.5 K
Pairing- Professor!Chris Hemsworth x OC
Warnings- Swearing, age gap
18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 5th August 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
@skyfullofsong123 @swaggysposts
Chapter 2
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I pulled out a chair at the last available table in the unusually busy coffee shop, I thought I might've caught a break choosing the one outside of campus but alas I was wrong.
I was about to sit down when the chair opposite me slid out from under the table, my eyes lifted to meet with the most sparkly blue eyes i'd ever seen. The sight of him took my breath away. Literally.
I stood staring, frozen on the spot, my mouth slightly ajar as I looked him up and down. He was tall, so tall, definitely over 6ft and built like a dream. Thick thighs straining against his fitted trousers, wide muscular shoulders and I just knew there was a six-pack hiding behind that tight t-shirt. 
"Sorry. You were here first, I'll just grab a take-out." He smirked a side smile, amused at how I was so obviously checking him out but his sexy Australian accent distracted you from anything else.
"It's fine, I'm on my own. I don't mind if you want to sit there too." I mentally face palmed myself, drawing attention to the fact I was alone wasn't the best idea but then again he was alone too. "I don't bite." I added trying my best to flirt.
It seemed to work, he smiled at me as he sat down and I took the time to admire his handsome face. He was quite clearly a lot older than me, the laughter lines around his eyes a tell tale sign but he was still quite possibly the best looking man I'd ever laid eyes on. His hair was fair and the short beard framed his face perfectly but the one thing that stood out the most were those piercing ocean-blue eyes.
"So do you come here often?" I cocked my eyebrow at him over my coffee cup making him laugh at my reaction. "Sorry, it's been a while." He said nervously, running his hand through his hair.
"It's been a while since you spoke to a stranger or…?" I questioned casually.
"It's been a while since I spoke to an attractive woman." He finished, his eyes sparkling as he watched me almost choke on my drink.
"Oh, I err…. I don't think you're doing too badly." I absentmindedly circled my finger around the rim of my cup, crossing my leg over my other and accidently rubbing my foot up his leg. My cheeks felt hot and flushed as I looked up into his eyes and saw him smiling slyly.
"Evidently. We're already playing footsie under the table." He smiled widely, a genuine smile that stretched the corners of his mouth. I smiled back at him shyly, thinking of something to say to change the subject before I ended up looking like a tomato.
"What part of Australia are you from?"
"I'm originally from Melbourne but I lived in Byron Bay before I came to America." 
"Awesome. I've always wanted to go to Australia, the Spiders put me off though." 
"Yeah I think they put most people off but in heavily populated areas they stay pretty much hidden, I think it's the size that scare people." How have I made this conversation go from flirting to talking about spiders? And how do I get back to flirting?
"Are we still talking about spiders?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly and laughed at the innuendo, flicking my hair over my shoulder. I noticed something in his eyes when I did so, a hunger, just a little flash and then it was gone again. I'm sure I didn't imagine it though because his eyes lingered on my exposed shoulders.
I checked my watch subtly, not wanting him to think he was boring me but I had to get to class and couldn't be late again, not when this semester had only just started.
"I'm really sorry, I'm gonna have to run, I'm going to be late. It was really nice meeting you." I gathered up my bags, ready to leave.
"Already? You've only just got here." He looked disappointed, his smile fading. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something else and then closed again when he saw I was ready to leave. "It was really nice to meet you too, hopefully I'll see you again." His eyes sparkled as he looked into mine, standing from his chair to get the door for me. I felt fireworks when his hand brushed against the small of my back and his face lingered close to mine. The tension was unreal, like we were the only people in the room as his eyes hungrily stared into my soul, undressing me with his eyes. My heart stopped beating when his face moved closer to mine so I could feel his breath on my lips, the smell of coffee and his aftershave filling my nostrils. I paused, my feet routed to the spot, I wanted him to kiss me so badly but I moved away at the last minute. Surely he wasn't actually going to kiss me, we'd only just met, that would be ridiculous. Wouldn't it?
I spent most of class daydreaming about my tall handsome stranger and the way he looked at me but most of all how I didn't even get his name. Or his number.
Now I was feeling sorry for myself because it would just be my luck to meet the man of my dreams and then never see him again. So I'd moped about all day and avoided the invitations for drinks after class. Instead I'd
gotten home early, changed into some sweats and settled myself in front of the TV for the night.
"What's up with your face?" My roommate, Ellie said as she walked into our room, throwing her bags onto her bed.
"What're you talking about?" 
"Your face. Looks like you're chewing on a wasp."
"Feeling sorry for myself." I pout pathetically.
"Why, what've you done now?" She rolled her eyes, kicking off her shoes and throwing her legs up onto the bed. I felt so lucky to have a roommate like Ellie, during our freshman year she'd become my best friend practically straight away and now after two years together we were practically sisters.
I sat up in bed cross legged and faced Ellie, getting myself ready to spill my misfortunes of the day with her.
"Well, I went to Impresso's this morning to get my morning coffee before class." She nodded, showing her enthusiasm by also sitting cross legged on her own bed, facing me. "And it was packed full of students, there was only one table left. So I went to grab it as soon as I could." She raised her eyebrow at me, wondering where I was going with the story. "And I kid you not, the most attractive man I have ever seen, pulls out the chair opposite me." 
"Oh my god! No way. Did you talk? Oh my god, this is like the perfect chick flick. Carry on." I smiled at her excitement.
"I told him I didn't mind if he sat there, I mean of course I didn't mind, you should've seen him El. Oh, oh, oh I almost forgot" I flapped my hands, bouncing on the spot. "He was fucking Australian."
"Fuck off, you're lying. Drop dead gorgeous with the sexiest accent ever. How is this even real? Now remind me why you're sat there with a face like a slapped arse?" 
"I panicked when I had to leave, didn't want to be late for class and I didn't get his number, didn't even give him chance to ask for mine." 
"Wow! Ok, now I understand. What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't thinking, I was panicking and you know what I'm like when I panic." You sulk.
"It's ok, maybe you'll bump into him again."
"Yeah, right. I should be so lucky."
"Cheer up." she says throwing a cushion at me. "There's a party at Alpha Kappa this weekend, I'm sure we can find you someone to help get over your mystery man. Or under should I say?" She raised her eyebrow at me, smiling slyly and making me laugh. She always did know how to cheer me up and maybe a party is what I needed.
There must be some good looking boys around campus that could make me forget about my Australian hunk. Surely? I thought about the guys I'd seen around campus, the guys I'd seen at frat parties and that's definitely not what I wanted. How could a twenty year old boy match to the masculine, experienced man I met this morning. My mind was set, I'd dipped my feet ever slightly into the mature pool and that's what I wanted more than anything. There was always something missing with previous boyfriends and I was tired of all the game playing. I wanted someone who knew what they wanted and wasn't afraid to get it.
The only thing was, he didn't know I was only twenty and I had no way of finding him again. If fate did bring us back together, would he mind that I was still a student? That I couldn't even drink when we went on dates? 
Who am I kidding? Of course he would mind, he could get any woman he wanted, why would he want me?
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paperstarwriters · 4 years
My Spark For You.
This is a kinda prequel to Multiverse Martyr on Ao3 (link provided) Can be looked at as Ratchet/Optimus or Ratchet & Optimus (for those who don’t know “/” is romantic “&” is platonic)
The fic is based off of two ideas: one, Every time Optimus dies he resets (main plot of Multiverse Martyr) and two, Ratchet starves himself of energon. If anyone has the link to the post discussing those details feel free to stick it down in a reblog or something, I’m too lazy to do it right now. 
Update: found the link here
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Ratchet was always there for him. It was a universal constant. Every time he died, every time he started again, Ratchet would be there for him. Ratchet would be there to support him. To help. To heal. That wasn't his only job of course, Ratchet couldn't spend every waking moment worrying about him. Ratchet had his own problems he would have to deal with, and he would never wish to burden his old friend with something so heavy that he may not even remember. Something that could be forgotten if he died. If his spark extinguished again, if Megatron or some other Decepticon, killed him again, he could start all over. Go back to the beginning and try again. Go back to the beginning and find Ratchet again. Like a metal drawn to a magnet the injured always went to Ratchet. It wasn't surprising then that Ratchet knew he was injured.
"Is everything alright Optimus?"
He asked him every timeline. Every timeline he would reply in honest.
Lying to ratchet was no easy feat at first, but after so many deaths, Optimus forced himself to learn. Yet that simple question that he asked at the beginning of the war, he could never bring himself to lie. He always hoped that maybe once, once Ratchet would look at him and say,
"I'm here for you Optimus."
He stared at him for a second trying to confirm that he heard ratchet say the exact words from his processer. It wasn't the usual "Whatever it is, I know you can do it," or "Do you need some time alone?" that was the last thing he needed-- more reason to try and haul all these problems by himself.
"Thank you old friend. Thank you... I needed that."
He flashed him a grin, a rarity hidden under his usual grumpy nature, yet something he did every time. Something, Optimus would like to argue, that was for him alone. So was it foolish to want to protect that smile? Was it foolish to do anything to protect those precious to you?
No. He liked to believe that even Megatron thought that still, just as the three of them did long ago.
If it was an attack. Some great bomb or Megatron threatening to stab his sword into Ratchet's spark, then maybe it would be easier. Optimus could rush in and save him. He could plan some sort of escape, or worst comes to worse sacrifice himself and start all over again. What made that so difficult, was that it was his fault it had happened. Rushing into danger all the time even if they didn't have the energon needed. Staying so focused on Megatron and protecting humans that he didn't even have the time to notice Ratchet until it was far too late.
He skipped out on his energon meals. While the rest of the team kept themselves steadily full, and took extra when they got injured, Ratchet starved himself in order to let them keep fighting. What hurt the most was that his reasoning made sense. If not for Optimus' place as leader and constantly jumping into battle, he would most eagerly do the same. Starve himself for the others-- for Ratchet to remain healthy and well. He loathed how he would do that, and he loathed that he HAD done that. Sacrifice himself for others and leaving them with this pain that he felt.
He wondered how many times Ratchet wept after he died. How many times Ratchet ran into the face of danger to attempt to save him. How many times did Ratchet end up worse for wear after he died? Starving himself of energon to try and feed some back into his dead frame.
Only now Optimus held his dead frame.
It hurt. As a mech who died so many times trying to save others, as a mech who had their frame rearranged upon taking up the accursed matrix, this hurt the most. Watching others die, and being helpless to do anything. Except he wasn't helpless, was he?
The rest of the Autobots mourned with him heads lowered as he continued to cradle Ratchet's frame in his arms. They found him in the main base, during a time where they had a lack of energon. They thought they would be able to last at least a while longer. They didn’t know about Ratchet. Not until it was too late.
But nothing was ever too late for Optimus. The team mourned. They wouldn't show it now, but Optimus knew they were going to cry their optics out later. In private. Just as he did. They buried their sorrows, following him and his example, not knowing how much he hated to do it. How deep would they bury their sorrow after if he died? They would undoubtedly suffer, just as he would for the others. Yet he couldn’t help it. He was greedy. Selfish. Unbefitting as a leader.
"Forgive me," he whispered.
It took the Autobots a moment to realize that Optimus wasn't talking to Ratchet, just the amount of time it took Optimus to open his chest plating and rip out his spark. It was the first time he took his own life, by his own hand at least, and it was shoddily done. He was alive for much more longer than he intended. Long enough to see them all scream and cry and beg for him to come back. Beg someone to go fix him, only who could they ask? Their medic was dead. Cliffjumper tried to shake him, to place his spark back into his chest, but even with the fading strength, Optimus wouldn't dare let him even try. He crushed his spark in his own servo, knowing he was crushing the others' as well.
They wouldn't remember though. They wouldn’t remember, and as long as they didn’t know, he was fine to carry their sorrows on his own.
Optimus awoke on the battlefield on Cybertron. Pain etched itself into every inch of his newly rearranged frame, but this time, he didn't scream. He didn’t scream like he did all those runs beforehand. He was far too tired. He blocked every con blow they tried to hit him with, memorizing their movements from the many times he's done this before. Duck here, slice there, fire over there and ignore Megatron's irritating yelling, muttering every line he yelled in perfect harmony with him. The battle couldn't have ended sooner, but it was a practiced dance that assured the safety of the other Autobots, including Ratchet. As soon as he left the battle, he revved up his engines and traveled to get to Ratchet. It took him a few days, not one of his faster runs, but not the longest either.
Ratchet was cornered by a bunch of cons, a set, Optimus effortlessly took care of, a momentary redemption for not saving Ratchet before. It hurt to see that stare though. The stare of confusion and slight fear as Ratchet stared at a bot he didn’t know, or at least didn't recognize, but a a mere pinprick to the sight he died to.
"Ah, thank you…"
"It is good to see you again my old friend, I apologize for not coming sooner." He never knew what linked that line back to him, he never knew how Ratchet could connect it to his old name, but every time, without fail, he did.
And every time, he smiled.
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The unholy
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Warnings: she/her pronounced reader, mentions of blood and biting, some making out, but honestly there’s not much, I didn’t edit it through tho but what did you really expect
Pairing: bts ot7 x reader, nun! reader, princess! reader, vampire! Jin x reader, hybrid! Namjoon x reader, hybrid! Yoongi x reader, vampire! Hoseok x reader, vampire! Jimin x reader, hybrid! Taehyung x reader, hybrid! Jungkook x reader
Parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -
Author’s note: so it’s currently really late and I’m just now finishing this, which I should have done yesterday but oh well. Anyways, since it’s so late and I’m so damn tired there’s probably a lot of mistakes and stuff and I’m really sorry, but it’s too late to edit it through and I’m sooo tired, and I have school tomorrow T.T damn this chapter just sucks. Anyways I hope you’ll still enjoy it, I would love to know if you did enjoy it!
(Updates; every Sunday!)
The king and queen, your mother and father, rules the southern kingdom. The eastern and the western are ruled by kings and queens alike, but the northern are ruled by the most unholy of creatures. Or so you've been told.
Every citizen in the three kingdoms, have been warned about the creatures of the north, and it is with good reason they're all terrified. All your life, your parents have tried to keep the knowledge of the northern creatures from you, but that just made you more curious. Everyday, you would sneak down to the castle library, and read everything you could about the north, wanting to know the secret behind the unholy land.
That of course didn't go well with your parents, and when they found out they decided to send you to the most holy of places, to forget about everything you've read. One of the biggest church organizations in the south agreed to take you in, to rehabilitate you and learn you that you should never question such things as the northern creatures.
By day, you follow the strict prioress around as she lectures you about the holy and the unholy, and by night, you have to go on patrol alone through the church as a punishment for reading about the unholy. But one night, everything changes, when you find the prioress dead, with bite marks all over her body. Of course, you have read about this, and you know exactly what killed her.
But what happens when that exact creature you've read about, shows up right in front of you?
(Please let me know if you want to be tagged!)
@joonsroses @boononx @i-am-supermerwholoked221b @karissassirak @bvblackarmy @queenbianca-7 @someslightobsessions
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It wasn’t the first time, you woke up in strange new surroundings, and it surely wouldn’t be the last, but this time it was neither the bathroom nor Seokjin’s bedroom, and you weren’t alone.
Slowly, you blinked your eyes open, definitely not missing the way your head instantly began to pound, as your eyes searched the foreign room.
Your eyes widened, and with a slight gasp and a startled expression, you met the scarlet eyes, of a girl dressed in a similar dress as yours, sitting on your bed and smiling down at you, pearly white fangs on display.
“Oh thank god!”
She exclaimed, and looked like she could jump on you and hug you at any moment, but she didn’t, she just kept smiling, and you were sure that her mouth would be aching by the time she stopped.
“Seokjin would just about have murdered Jeongguk, if you didnt wake up,”
She continued, never even giving the fact that you had no idea who she was a thought, as she continued to ramble on about Seokjin’s distress.
Carefully and with stiff limbs, you started to move up from under the covers, slowly sitting up and feeling you sore body as the girl looked at you with careful eyes.
Her smile was hypnotizing, your eyes seemed to be permanently glued to her pearly white fangs, as her mouth remained in the same wide smile.
Suddenly, a thought seemed to cross her mind, and her smile faded, but the gleam in her eyes remained the same, as she lowered the voice, and leaned closer into you, the smell of metal following her every breath.
“Is it true that Seokjin fed from you?”
The words were carefully punctuated, and just as quick as she leaned in did she pull away, leaving you with a rather confused expression.
Your voice was hoarse, and your throat felt raw as you spoke, as if you hadn’t had water in days.
“You know, there’s a rumor going around, and it’s a great honor to have Seokjin drink from you, and even having fed from him,”
She continued, and your mind began to spin as you tried your best to remember, you tried so hard, but your memory was like a static tv. You furrowed your eyes brows, as the pounding behind your skull got worse, quick flashes of Jeongguk’s fangs flashed before your mind and you started to wonder if your whole interaction with Jeongguk actually happened.
“I-I can’t remember,”
You stuttered, as the intense pounding kept building up, making it hard to focus on the girls shiny fangs, as you shut your eyes hard and pressed your palms against your forehead, helplessly.
“But that’s what everyone is saying, that you’re Seokjin’s feeder, and he said himself that he gave you blood to keep you alive-“
“Aera, enough.”
Suddenly, the door was opened, almost violently, and Seokjin’s voice cut through the air like sharp knife, trying to cut into the girl, Aera as well.
Shocked almost, her eyes widened, and she stood up, head held low as she turned around to face Seokjin.
“I-I’m sorry your highness-“
She started, but only received a half threatening growl from Seokjin in response.
“Continue your chores for now, but don’t ever come in here unless you’re told to, understood?”
Seokjins voice was dripping with authority, the same voice he used to scold Taehyung, Hoseok and Jeongguk prior, and if it hadn’t been for the blinding headache a shiver would have run down your spine.
Aera merely whimpered in response, before scurrying out of the room, her quick footsteps could be heard down the hall long after she was gone.
“Drink some water,”
Suddenly, Seokjin was sitting were Aera had been sitting seconds ago, holding out a glass filled with icy water towards you, and with shaky hands you accepted, quickly gulping down the water like your life depended on it.
Slowly, the headache seemed to calm itself, and your brain was now only numbly bumping against your skull, easier to ignore.
Carefully you handed Seokjin the glass, arm tiredly lifting itself off the bed and reaching out to Seokjin.
“What happened?”
You demanded, as soon as the glass was set back on the table, searching Seokjin’s brilliant eyes for answers, but receiving nothing.
“What did Aera ask you?”
He shot back, and you shook your head, more careful than you normally would, as your eyes continued to search Seokjin’s.
“You didn’t answer my question, what happened with Jeongguk?”
You continued, not intending to give up. After coming here, you had gotten absolutely no answers from no one, and you were getting fed up.
Seokjin’s eyes seemed to harden, when you mentioned Jeongguk’s name and quick memories of the interaction with Jeongguk began to flash before you.
You remember how incredibly nice it felt, when you felt asleep against his chest, and how he didn’t feel cold and unwelcoming, unlike Seokjin and, what was the other boy called, Yoongi.
Both their eyes were cold and deep red, but Jeongguk’s was so much more human like, they were big, and brown and welcoming. They were everything Seokjin wasn’t, and you had to fight the shiver that went through you, when Seokjin leaned closer and you could feel the coolness emitting off of him.
Seokjin sighed, he sounded just as tired as he always did when you pried, and he looked the part too. He looked like he hadn’t fed in days; he looked like Jeongguk had before he fed on you.
Suddenly, the same strange sensation went through you. You wanted, no you needed to let Seokjin feed on you, you needed to feel his fangs sink into your skin and you needed to see how his cheeks would round and turn a more pinkish color than the pale white they were now.
“S-Seokjin, are you hungry?”
The question itself was an intruder in your mouth, but it escaped before you could even react, making Seokjin look at you with a shocked, almost worried expression.
“If you’re hungry, you should feed,”
You continued, the words escaping your lips without your consent, as you absentmindedly began to lift you tired arm, presenting your wrist to him, already with two, almost faded bike marks on it from Taehyung.
“(y/n), stop,”
Seokjin started, his eyes betraying him, as they followed the multiple bitemarks visible on you, and the tip of his pink tongue, coming out to wet his lips, fangs gently starting to protrude his botttom lip.
“You look hungry,”
You hummed, the idea of Seokjin sinking his fangs into your wrist, making you blood almost boil over with excitement and your body began feeling warm and fuzzy just at the thought, a weird contrast to Seokjin’s ice cold one.
“You lost a lot of blood already bunny,”
Despite his words, slender fingers began to gently curl around your wrist, making goosebumps appear as his cold digits met your skin.
Your eyes seemed lost in each other’s, as Seokjin gently brought your wrist to his mouth, furrowing his brows as the smell of blood started to take a hold of him, but still fighting against it with the little self control he had left.
Slowly, his tongue game out to taste your salty skin, and instantly a shudder ran through him, just at the thought of tasting your blood once more.
Truth be told, you were right; Seokjin was hungry. He hadn’t fed since the night in the church, afraid to take too much, and drain you too soon, but his brothers sure didn’t care for his worry. He had endured watching both Hoseok, Taehyung and Jeongguk drink from you, without ever having a taste himself, and he was getting fed up.
He brought you here to be his feeder, not theirs, his.
The thought made Seokjin growl against your skin, almost animalistic, as his fangs began to slightly poke at your wrist, without cutting into the skin.
His brothers weren’t supposed to drink from you, they should be drinking animal blood he gave them, the only exceptions being himself, Jeongguk and Yoongi.
The thought made him slightly retreat his fangs, it wouldn’t be safe for any of you if he drank from you now, you needed to have your bloodlevels up, and he should be in his right mindset, not just doing it out of raw jealousy.
“Bunny I can’t, it’s not safe,”
He let your wrist go, mourning the loss of the delicious smell emitting from you, as he watched your arm limply fall down on the sheets.
“But Jeongguk could-“
You started, feeling the unbearable loss when Seokjin let go, still desperate to see his cheeks full and well fed.
“Jeongguk doesn’t care about safety,”
Seokjin cut you off, voice sharp as his still protruding fangs, and you instantly quiet down, as he let out a long sigh.
“Besides, you don’t have to feed me, bunny, I’ll come to you when I need it,”
He spoke again, voice turning softer, as he looked at you with soft, caring eyes, fangs slowly disappearing.
“Jeongguk’s And Taehyung’s venom must still be messing with you, it’s never a good idea to combine it,”
Seokjin sighed, looking at you with worry in his eyes, as you let the past few days slowly weigh down on you. Some parts of your memory were still fuzzy, but slowly you were starting to vividly remember the way Hoseok and Taehyung had fed on you in the kitchen, and the way Jeongguk had growled when they had tried to pull him away from you.
You lightly cocked your head to the side, not completely getting what he was hinting at, but remembering him mentioning it when you were inside the lab room with Jeongguk.
“Don’t worry too much about it,”
He spoke again, voice a little more strained this time, and you noticed once again how tired he actually looked, you wanted nothing more than to offer him a space on the bed, cuddling up to him and sleeping until all your troubles went away, but before you could even open your mouth he spoke again.
“Namjoon will come in a bit, the two of you will go to the library so he can tell you a bit more about the different venoms,”
Seokjin sounded sounded so hollow, just as hollow as he looked, when he got up from the bed, making the wood under his feet slightly creek, and before you could even blink, he was long gone down the hall, and you were left all to yourself, to wonder who exactly Namjoon was.
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Later that day, a tall boy, definitely taller than Seokjin and the rest, with a friendly smile and dimples, contrasting his pitch black hair and pale skin, knocked on your door.
“I’m Namjoon, Seokjin sent me to get you,”
He shortly explained, giving you another friendly smile, again making a big contrast to his icy cold skin.
You nodded once, and for up to follow him out the door, as you took in his attire from behind. He was dressed like Seokjin and the others, the only way you could describe it was prince-like.
He placed a protective hand on the small of your back, like Yoongi had done, but without pushing you, as he began to lead you to the library.
Walking down the many hallways, the castle was not nearly as empty as it had been the other multiple times you had been out in the halls. Now, the two of you would meet a servant almost at every corner, cleaning or doing other chores, and you couldn’t help but wonder if there were anyone down in the kitchens as well.
With the many new surroundings and people to look at, the walk didn’t seem to take long at all, and before you knew it, Namjoon had led you into a big, magnificent library, with books from all over the world.
He seemed pretty proud of the collection himself, as he went into explain about it, utterly mesmerized by the way your eyes would light up in excitement.
He let you to a group of comfortable looking, red chairs in a more secluded area of the library, and he gently patted one, indicating you to sit down.
“Here, Seokjin told me to give you this,”
Namjoon spoke, as he stood with his back to you, picking out books from the shelves. Suddenly he stopped, eyes focusing on a big, heavy book standing a little behind the others, and without the slightest struggle, did he pull it out and present it to you on the table.
‘The vampire anatomy’
Was written on it with big, bold, golden letters, and instantly your hands reached out to gently brush over the old looking book, afraid it might turn to dust in your grasp.
“You’ll need to know about us, if you’re going to stay here,”
Namjoon reasoned, taking a seat in a chair besides your, opening the book with less careful fingers, landing on a chapter about different venoms stored in a vampires fangs.
“Here, Seokjin wanted you to read this,”
You looked from the handwritten, cursive letters, to Namjoon with a curious expression, question after question just at the tip of your tongue.
“Seokjin mentioned something about Jeongguk and Taehyung’s venoms,”
You said absentmindedly, but Namjoon’s ears seemed to perk up, brilliant dark red orbs, searching yours.
“That would be because they’re fusing, when you’ve been bitten by different vampires in a small span of time, their venom’s will fuse and sometimes that can be very dangerous,”
He went onto explain, and you cocked your head.
“What about Hoseok then? Why didn’t he say anything about him?”
The questions came stumbling out of your mouth, but Namjoon didn’t seem to mind, happily lecturing you on what you needed to know.
“That’s because Hoseok’s venom is harmless, if you didn’t know about it’s existence it would be as if it was never even there, Taehyung and Jeongguk on the other hand both has dangerous venoms, and because they bit you in that short timespan they’re clashing, that is probably why you fainted when Jeongguk bit you,”
You hummed along, indicating you were listening, as you focused on Namjoon’s kind eyes, and the way his face lit up in a most endearing way when he was talking.
One thought was still bugging your mind though, you still couldn’t let go what the maid, Aera had said to your earlier.
It’s a great honor to have Seokjin bite you.
“Did Seokjin bite me while I was unconscious?”
The question slipped out of your mouth, surprising both yourself and Namjoon.
“Who told you that?”
His eyes narrowed slightly, and you sank the lump in your throat, slowly backing a little way when you realized you had leaned so much to the side that your head was practically leaning on Namjoon’s shoulder.
“A-a maid,”
You stuttered, and Namjoon just shook his head with a tired expression.
“Yes, yes Seokjin bit you, he didn’t feed off you though, he only bit you to balance out the fusion of Jeongguk and Taehyung’s venoms, and he also had to let you feed on him, but only to balance out your bloodlevels, Jeongguk almost killed you,”
Your eyes brows furrowed more with every new information, and you closed your eyes trying to grasp everything. Namjoon gently smiled at your confused expression, and handed the book back to you.
“Please read yourself,”
Carefully your hands grasped the book, lightly brushing Namjoon’s cold ones, and you placed the book in your lap.
Just half an hour into reading, did your mind start to get tired and the words you read were starting to make no sense.
From time to time, you would spare glances at Namjoon as he was deeply immersed in his own book, too immersed to really care about your boredroom, as you took in his sideprofile.
He was beautiful, there was no denying it, with his pitch black hair, slightly dipping down into his eyes, causing him to brush it away every few minutes, and his deep red, mesmerizing eyes as they scanned the book he was reading, along with his otherworldly proportions.
“Can I help you?”
A look, a little too cocky for his own good, adorned his features, and you realized in embarrassment that you had been caught, quickly looking up to meet his kind eyes, a subtle blush covering your face and ears.
“I-I’m sorry,”
You stuttered, as you began to realize just how close you were to him, noses almost brushing, when you turned your head.
Namjoon chuckled, voice noticeably lowering, making all sorts of emotions stir inside you. Long forgotten was the book, and whatever venom you were reading about, Namjoon being the only thing currently on your mind.
“No worries, bunny,”
He tilted his head a little, giving you a way too obvious invitation to his softlooking lips, and you couldn’t bring yourself to deny, slowly leaning forward again, lips carefully coliding.
Instantly, you sighed into the kiss, as his large hand came up to cup your rounded cheek, deepening the kiss, as you continued leaning forward, till you were almost halfway into his chair.
He felt like fire and ice, the kiss was soft and smooth, making your head spin, warm sensations shooting straight to your core as you felt his fangs slightly protruding, carefully poking at your bottom lip.
Testing out the waters, the tip of his pink tongue began to poke your bottom lip as well, carefully sliding into your mouth, dancing around your own tongue.
He tasted like metal and a certain sweetness that belonged to him, but you wouldn’t have it any other way, letting his tongue roam your mouth freely.
You did however need air, and sooner than you wanted to, you parted from him, a string of salvia connecting the both of you, making it clear how messy your kiss had actually been, and Namjoon looked at you with blown out pupils, fangs now fully on display for you and you felt your skin tingle.
He swallowed, hard.
“Can-can I have a taste?”
Without hesitation, you nodded, already offering him your wrist, like you did with Seokjin.
Instantly, his long fingers curlers around you, ice cold digits making contact with overheated skin, again feeling the wonderful feeling of fire and ice colliding.
First, his soft tongue came out to lap at your salty skin, followed by his nose, as he gently nosed around the area he intended to bite. He sucked and playfully nibbled at your skin, before finally biting down, sinking his teeth into the area he had already marked with a couple of hickies.
Your breathy moan escaped out into the empty library, as you felt his fangs sink in, instantly drawing moans and groans from him as well, as he slowly began to gulp down your sweet nectar.
You watched with hazy eyes as he drank, amazed by the way his Adam’s apple would bop up and down every time he sank another mouthful.
He was viciously licking at your bite marks the same time he was sucking, making sure no excess blood would go to waste as he fed.
Before long, he retreated with a satisfied groan, licking greedily around his mouth for any excess blood, two bite marks now permanently dug into your skin.
Your two wounds were still leaking the smallest amount of blood, but it was quickly fixed once Namjoon carefully dipped his thump into each wound, gathering whatever excess was left and greedily licking his fingers dry.
“Thank you, Bunny,”
He said, voice sincere as he gave your hand a squeeze, making your heart flutter when he didn’t let go, but only carefully intertwined your fingers, his big ones almost completely covering yours.
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Much to your disappointment, Namjoon had to go sooner or later, leaving you to wonder around on your. You had just made your way out of the library, when a strange sensation filled you up.
It was the same feeling you had, before feeding Jeongguk, it was the same yearning to see his cheeks rounded and the happy satisfied look on his face, but he wasn’t there.
You could have sworn you were alone, except the couple servants walking around the castle cleaning and doing chores.
You felt restless, wondering around with the urge to find Jeongguk, but something told you that it was the last thing Seokjin would want you to.
You were torn, as you stood between the hallway that led to what you assumed must be a dining room, and the staircase you had talked earlier down to the kitchens.
A shiver ran down your spine, and you instantly turned around, upon hearing Jeongguk’s hoarse whisper in your ear, but nothing. The hallway couldn’t have been emptier.
“Bunny, I know you can hear me..”
Jeongguks voice continued, almost tauntingly as you stood there, confused in the hallway.
“Go to the dungeons, be a good girl and come down here for me, bunny,”
Your mind seemed to be made up, as you step by step, carefully began to walk down the stairs leading to the cellar and the kitchens.
“Come on Bunny, hurry up, I’m hungry..”
His raspy voice filled your senses, and instantly your only goal was to feed him, you wanted, no you needed to feed him, at the moment it was all your heart desired.
With your eagerness, it wasn’t long before you were stood before a big wooden door, looking like the kind of door you would never go through under any normal circumstances, but Jeongguk’s voice was egging you on.
“Come on Bunny, just open the door..”
He was persuasive, and you were sure you could feel him behind it, you knew he was there, and there was nothing you wanted more than to come to him, so it wasn’t long before your hands were gently placed against the wood of the door, and you pushed.
The door was heavy, but not so heavy you couldn’t open it, slowly you slid it open, revealing a dark room with multiple cages, all badly scratched up and clearly meant for something much stronger than a human.
Then you saw him, you gasped, and instantly forgot about the door as you ran to him, letting the door slam behind you.
The small amount of sunlight shining in through a tiny window, was just enough for you to see his state.
He was standing pressed up against the cage, looking paler than ever with hollowed our features and the most agonized look on his face.
Without even thinking, you instantly pressed yourself up against the cage as well, wanting to feel the small amount of warmth he emitted, and he instantly reached out through the bars, squeezing your hips trying to get your closer, closer, closer.
He rasped, looked down at you with dark eyes as he was towering over you.
“You found me,”
A cocky smirk crossed his features despite his state, and you instantly nodded, ready to do whatever he asked.
Gently, you let your fingers come up and hold his hollow cheeks, turning his face down so you could look into his brilliant eyes once more.
“What did they do to you?”
You whispered, worriedly stroking his cheekbones with your thumb, as you stood on your tiptoes, noses brushing as Jeongguk inhaled sharply.
“Nothing you cant fix,”
He reasoned, voice still raspy, boarding on a growl as he without warning leaned down and crashed his lips onto yours, almost violently, instantly igniting all sorts of flames in your lower stomach.
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j-hoseok94 · 5 years
Book: House of Cards
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The morning was quiet and warm the sun lazily glowing through the window. For a moment I was happy blissfully unaware of the time. I grumbled as I got up to get ready for school. Ugh school i hate that bleak place nothing to look forward to. Just boring class after boring class people i don't give two shits about i mean to be fair no one cared for me except maybe my best friend Axel. We grew up together and he was always supportive of me. We were practically siblings.
I washed up and put my hair up in braids that cascaded down my back one leading to the next. My long thick black hair always gave me issues if i kept it up in buns or ponytails all day. You will never understand how good it feels to take your hair down after having a tension headache for hours.
I slipped on one of my black long sleeve shirts the shoulders slipping down to reveal my bare shoulder. I tucked into a grey skirt that went down about mid thigh. Slipped on my favorite knee high socks and Leather heeled ankle boots. As i was about to start heading out the door I get a message.
Where are you?? You're late for class.
I read the message out loud my mind still groggy from sleep. Finally my brain comprehended.
"Oh shit!"
I raced out the door and down the stairs of my apartment complex almost tripping over myself in the process.
I hopped into my car which i hated moving from the parking spot it was in cause i was a lazy fuck and hated walking the extra block to where the apartment complex parking spot was. I pretty much stole this spot from my neighbor everyday though she didn't seem to mind. Because i was late as fuck today i had to take my car.
I arrived 20 minutes late to school which isn't bad considering I raced all the way there without even getting a ticket. I walked into first period and plopped down next to my best friend he looked over at me chocolate brown eyes and all. His dark brown hair was tousled to the side though some strands were in his eyes and he had his cute little reading glasses on. I haven't seen those glasses in years they had little scratches on the lenses and looked like they had been through some shit. I suppressed a giggle as he looked at me eyes narrowing.
"Shush i ran out of contacts this morning." I threw my hands up and shook my head.
"I didn't say anything haha" he playfully hit my shoulder. He muttered under his breath "Jerk."
Last period came, my favorite class Audio and Music Production. I would say that I was planning on becoming a music producer but for video games. It was the first day of this class and I was already dreading the group projects that this class was famous for having but i had to start somewhere.
I sat in the back hoping to avoid being picked for anything i hated talking in front of others or even just talking to people in general.
The class was going great in my opinion. That is until the instructor decided to have an easy group project to "break the ice" with our classmates. 
I groaned and rolled my eyes "great i need to speak with people now." I slumped down in my seat and made myself small hoping the instructor would forget I existed.
"Ah and Min Yoongi you'll be paired with.." a long pause and I almost died from anxiety "Ki..."
"Rose!" I shouted before he could continue "It's just Rose. Thank you."
The instructor chuckled slightly. "OK Rose it is you two will be paired together. Project will be due a week from now. I look forward to seeing what you come up with." The bell rang for school to be over and my stomach sank.
Min Yoongi? You've got to be kidding me. He was the most critical about his projects. People have had issues with his strong opinions in the past when it came to this class other than that he was more on the quiet side. Not only that but he was in the most popular group in school. Him and his friends were notorious bad boys and had a constant group of girls surrounding them. To top it all off he was freaking adorable. His hair a faded burgundy and long enough to be in his eyes forcing him the push them aside every now and then. He had this cute gummy smile that would melt any girls heart but was unfortunately rarely seen unless you caught him with his friends.
It was honestly not my day.
I buried my head in my sleeves hiding the slight blush that started blooming in my face. I told myself to breath and calm the fuck down. I heard a low cough and reluctantly looked up from my hands. A tall slender guy stood in front of my desk his dark brown eyes piercing through me. He cleared his throat once more snapping me out of my trance like state.
"I'm Min Yoongi you're new partner. Uh.. Did you have a specific time you're available?" He nervously scratched the back of his head looking down at the floor.
I looked at him for a moment my brain flipping from total freak out to stay professional. "Um.. I'm available anytime really. I have nothing better to do honestly i just normally stay home." I babbled like a buffoon for a moment. He looked at me blankly a flash of curiosity crossing his eyes. He handed me his phone."Gimme your number so i can message you when to meet up."
I quickly punched in my number fingers slowly shaking from being so nervous. Why am i so shaky all of a sudden, I was perfectly fine and now i'm a pile of nerves. I could feel him staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. I handed him his phone back and without another word he was gone.
If you want more and don’t wanna wait for the next chapter update. It’s on Wattpad.
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