#slight mamma mia au basically
slothgiirl · 5 years
island in the sun (harry styles fanfic)
reader meets harry styles while on summer vacation on a small greek island
Greece was just as magical as you had imagined it to be. It was something straight out of mamma mia with clear blue seas surrounding the small island you were staying on.
You couldn't not go for long swims around the place, your arms and legs burning as you pushed yourself to swim around the island.
There were lots of rocks to rest on near the shoreline. Sometimes you just laid back and floated, sun warming your face.
After only a week here you'd developed a routine; taking a long swim out from the beach by where you were staying at all the way until the rocky out cropping, the docks jutting out into the sea. It was fun the watch tourists and locals alike jump off from the end of the dock.
And it wasn't too long of a swim. It was welcome after being landlocked for the past year.
After you go get fresh orange juice and some bread as you make your way back to where you're calling home for now. It was a nice change of pace, these lazy days.
Your route often took you by one of those houses on the island with its own private beach, the kind that were probably worth millions even on this lesser known island.
You swam further up just in case it was occupied. It wasn't summer so there shouldn't be many tourists.
But just in case-
A voice calls out, startling you out of the zone you'd been in, feeling perfectly at home in the cool waters. “Are you okay out there!”
You can make out a man on the beach, waving an arm over to you, but you're too far out to make out much more than that.
“I'm fine,” you call back, unsure of what else to say to the stranger. So, you do as the seals do, and take a deep breath before diving under, moving your arms and legs in synch.
Your lungs burn and you push past it, eyes open in the stinging salt water. You eventually have to come back up air, pulling up by a rock outcropping that hides you from view.
It takes you a few seconds to catch your breath, embarrassed to be caught out and embarrassed by your reaction. Your cheeks burn and it has nothing to do with the sun making its way through the sky.
Other than the dark thick hair, and his romanesque nose, Alexander looked nothing like his cousin, one of your best friends and the reason you were getting to stay here at all.
“Another crazy long swim,” he asks, already laughing. All of them made fun of how often and how long you swam for. You couldn't help it. You were a beach bum at heart.
“Yeah,” you offer, abashedly pushing already drying strands of hair behind an ear, “i think the house around the bend is rented. I saw one of the renters.” A one piece came in handy when you had to trek back to your current home through on of the small towns on the island, the main town really.
Shoeless and burning your toes.
“I think my mom said something about that,” he responds with a shrug, following at your heels as you enter your small room and tug on some shorts. “She heard something from Elena at the market.”
“What did you do,” he asks, a hint of amusement in the smile lines around his eyes.
“Swam away,” you answer, feeling embarrassed all over again, “I dove for it.”
He laughs. “Do you want to help me make lunch for our handful of guests?”
You nod, “only because I'm going to steal some food for myself.”
Alexander shakes as you both head to the kitchen. His mother had taken over the small hotel after his grandparents had grown much to old to keep up with it, not that anyone had told them that as Kristos still woke up every morning before the sun had risen to start on breakfast and still insisted on checking the papers every saturday.
“That doesn't count as helping!”
“It does,” you reply sagely, “I have to make sure the food is good after all.”
“You are the one who burned the-”
“It was an accident!”
It takes you two days to get over yourself and swim past the house again, past where the stranger had been.
You had built it all up in your head, going for swims about the shore below from where you were staying, drying up in the sun before braving the steps again. It had been weird and awkward and you hadn't wanted to be seen again.
But you weren't going to let some rich tourist stop you from swimming past their place. It was your morning routine, and you refused to give it up after being landlocked.
The pool was just never the same.
As you came upon it you felt a twinge, unable to keep your eyes off the shore, focus shifting to the stranger.
But the beach was empty.
You let out a sigh of relief and went by.
You help Alexander's grandmother and little sister in the garden, Juliana exclaiming, “no no that's too much water,” and “that's a weed. that's a weed. We eat that!”
Even at twelve she had a much greener thumb you did.
“Bring forth the compost,” she commanded, looking to her grandmother, making sure she was doing everything right.
“Careful not to put too much,” the older woman added, looking over the vegetables and herbs, basket next to her along with what she had harvested.  
Their little hotel seemed to exist in its own little bubble. A beautiful one out of a studio ghibli movie, but that didn't stop Juliana’s mother from getting starbucks when she went into town.
And some fresh fries from mcdonald's were nice to eat every now and then.
“I know I know.” She replies, already digging into the compost and gleefully mixing it into the soil.
You wipe away the sweat from your brow, still working on the resistant weeds.
“You need to eat more or all the swimming's gonna make you disappear like seafoam!”
You giggle, “maybe I want to turn into seafoam!”
Juliana grins in response, “we're making pizza for tonight. I'm going to get my very own.”
“No,” her grandmother adds, “you won't even finish it.”
“I will,” she insists, “I promise.”
“or I'll feed you to the sharks,” you add.
Her nose scrunches up, unamused, “you still have more weeds over there.”
“Yes my lady,” you joke as you move to the next patch.
It's another three days before you see the stranger again. Still from far off as you swim past, arms burnings as you do.
He waves to you, waves you over.
Which you assume means you're going to get horribly murdered, body left to wash up on some shore and it'll be on a thousand different true crime shows, maybe someone will think to add in the possibility of aliens.
You swim towards him anyways, curiosity too built up after these last few days. It's easy enough to let the waves pull you to shore. They do all the hard work and you just keep your head above water.
He walks out into the waves to meet you, tall and fit, chest littered in tattoos that range from awful to beautiful swallows on either sides of his chest. With large kind green eyes, it's not hard to place him. You doubt very many people wouldn't recognize him. But you don't want to be rude either so you say nothing, yet.
“Do you live around here,” Harry Styles asks, hand raised over his brow, shading his eyes from the sun.
“Around,” you respond evenly, waving off in the approximate direction, “it's be an awfully long swim otherwise.”
“So you're not secretly a mermaid or something?”
Heat rises to your cheeks, chest warm with pride vying for misplaced embarrassment. “Not unless what my mom said about staying to long in the water was true.”
He smiles, easily, before asking, “and what did she tell you?”  
“That I’d turn into a mermaid if I spent too long in the water. I took it as a challenge. Hasn't happened yet though.”
Harry laughs, looking down at you in disbelief twisted with simple joy, his wide smile reaching his eyes. “Well after your done with your swim I don't suppose you like to stop by?”
“Isn't that what I'm doing right now,” you retort, slipping into easy banter, like you've known him all your life, his easy manner contagious and suddenly you understand what charisma means.
“Well then by all means come on in,” he says tilting his head over to the nice house behind, back nestled just a short walk from the sand.
“I've got a swim to finish,” you counter, tilting your nose up in the air, before breaking into a smile, winking as you slip back further out.
He lets you go without another word.
You slap on sunscreen and pull on your bathing suit, already dry thanks to the hot sun.
It's morning and you only bother with a cup of water before making your way down the stone steps that lead down to the water, clear and blue and the perfect depth for a dive.
So you go in head first, coming up for air, getting your bearings before your off.
You hadn't told anyone just who you'd met the day before. It had felt too private. You doubted he'd want it announced, probably wanted a fair bit of privacy coming out all this way just for that very reason instead of heading to santorini.
That and you liked the idea of having him to yourself, warm and fuzzy on the inside as you thought of how he'd smiled at you on the beach.
Your strokes cut through the water easy, tide making the water seem almost still, a gentle lululling in contrast to the crashing waves of the beaches back home, a whole other ocean. The water cool against your skin, sun too low to burn yet.
This time Harry swims out to meet you, brow furrowed in concentration and you smile to yourself as you watch him approach, leaning back and floating, waiting for him out where your toes can't reach the bottom, water clear enough to see below to the rocks and occasional fish that darts by.
“I'm not the strongest swimmer,” he admits when he's within earshot, “but there's just something so relaxing to being in water, especially in a place like this.”
You laugh in agreement, “i know! But then again I'm a complete water baby.”
“Ever been to Hawaii,” he asks following your lead to the rock outcropping. Floating was no way to have a conversation, and finding a perch is easy enough.
“No,” you respond, “I'd love to go though. I've seen so many beautiful photos of the reefs.But for now I'm just lucky enough to spend the summer here.”
“Do you have family here?”
Shaking your head you answer, “nope, staying with a friends family actually. They were nice enough to host me.” You look out to the horizon for a second before settling you gaze on him, day old stubble and sparkling eyes, “How about you?”
“Just working on writing,” he tells me, “feels good to get away sometimes. Have some time by myself and really write not just mess around.”
With a smile you tell Harry, “That's exactly the reason I can never study in my dorm. I will one hundred percent mess around. But if I go somewhere to study I feel forced to actually get something done.”
Harry snorts. “What're you studying?”
“Economics, just no one told me all the math I have to take for it.”
He laughs at me, shaking his head. Before growing serious for a moment, “wait do you,” he trails off looking unsure for once.
“I think my mom would probably know who you are,” you add helpfully, “and she cant even work facebook.”
“Sorry I didn't say anything earlier,” you go on, looking down into the water, the dark blue of the water, the movement, mesmerizing to study. “I wasn't sure if I should or if it would be rude though I bet you always have people coming up to you.”
Harry shrugs, “most people are really nice about the whole thing so it's never a bother. But let me introduce myself,” he says puffing his chest out, back straight and offering his hand to you, “I'm Harry.”
You snort but shake his hand and introduce yourself too. “Nice to meet you Harry.”
“The pleasures all mine.”
“Well,” you say with much reluctance, “i'd better be getting on with my swim if you don't mind?”
“Ah of course who am I to stop such a committed swimmer,” he says arching an eyebrow playfully.
You giggle before pushing off the rock, launching yourself into the water and riding the momentum as far as it'll take you.
You feel warm all over and it has nothing to do with the sun.
“We have a big family coming to stay with us from the mainland,” Juliana tells you, sharing some of her chips with you, “grandma told me to tell you if you could help out with check in in the morning?”
“Aye aye captain,” you tell her, saluting her with a firm hand before grabbing another handful of ketchup chips, the vinegar taste strangely addicting. “Anything else I should know?”
“Only that I'm going to make you carry and the suitcases,” she says blowing a raspberry at you.
“oh I see how it is,” you say, acting mock affronted as you place a hand over your chest, “i thought we were supposed to gang up on your brother?”
She grins mischievously, “only if you'll go out to pick cherries with me?”
“I thought we weren't supposed to?”
“It's not like anyone has to know.” Her smiles wides, all teeth and you break into laughter.
“Okay okay,” you respond, licking your fingers for good measure, getting all the flavor and crumbs off, “deal.”
After going three days without a swim, your muscles ache in relief as you finally get to put them to good use, long powerful strides that have you gliding through the water.
It's a later start than you'd have liked, but you'd already been away for too long.
And you weren't going to lie, you were hoping to see Harry. Because you liked him. Too much for someone you'd only had a handful of conversations with.
You wonder if he'd worried when you hadn't swum by in the mornings.
You'd be sure to ask him if you saw him.
After a few good strokes you drive down, eyes stinging from the sea water, lungs full of held air as you go down as far as you can, before the pressure in your ears becomes too much and your dart up like a minnow, breaking for air on the surface and floating as you catch your breath, feeling weightless and good from the cool water now soaked into your hair.
After a few moments you push on, heart speeding up as you come into view of his current house, home, for a little while at least.
He was going to be here for as long as you were, the summer, and by then he'd head back to record all the things he'd been busy writing, both musically and lyrically.
You tried not to think about the end of summer, as you came closer, Harry visible from the beach, camped out in a towel with an assortment of things.
He waves you over and you comply without much thought. It's harry.
“It's good to see you,” he says as you come out of the water, dripping wet and already drying off because of the beating sun high overhead, walking over towards his splayed out blanket.
Harry's sitting cross legged on it, guitar in his arms and notebooks by his side, along with a plate full of fruit and cheese and crackers.
“Hope I'm not interrupting,” you state, settling down next across from him, careful not to wet any paper.
“Oh you could never,” he states with a soft smile. “I was getting worried you'd finally turned into a mermaid and swam off on me.”
“Even if I was a mermaid I wouldn't swim off on you,” you joke back. “how's the writing going?”
“Well i've got a lot of solid ideas and I'll have to see how it all sounds in studio, move things around play with what I've got but so far it's all coming together pretty well.”
“That's great,” you tell him, smiling as you take him in, soft brown hair and lips pulled into a smile as he gazes back at you.
Harry begins to strum the guitar, melody instantly recognizable and your thrown back to being in school, “I’m gonna soak up the sun,” he croons and you can't help but giggle at his antics, too adorable not to laugh with. “Gonna tell everyone, to lighten up.”
“God that songs still goes,” you giggle. “Makes me feel old though.”
Harry snorts, eyes narrowing at you comically, “oh wow twenty something, super old.”
“Shut up,” you teases, beaming at him, arms hugging your legs to your chest, “I'm super old. A little old lady who lives alone with her twelve cats.”
He shakes his head laughing. “Do you want any fruit? I've got water too if you're feeling thirsty,” motioning to a steel canteen.
You shake your head, “won't be able to swim even if I really want to steal a mango from you.”
“You could just stay here,” he says, his gaze heavy on you, “hang out for a bit. Have all the mangos in the world?”
It's too tempting to pass up.
“Well how could I say no to an offer like that?”
It's dark by the time you find time to make it down to Harry's house, armed with some cherry pie you'd nabbed before leaving them all to dinner, begging off as Juliana and her grandmother took turns teasing and telling you you should eat at least a plateful of food before leaving.
Even at night the airs still warm, thick with the smell of saltwater you love so much.
“Would you like some pie off a poor little old lady,” you tease him, unable to keep a smile off your lips at the sight of Harry in an old the dye t shirt and black shorts.
“As long as it isn't apple,” he says, leading the way in. “Hope you like pasta.”
It's a beautiful house, covered in the iconic greek white and blue, with an open air kitchen slash alcove that's perfect for nights like these.
“Who doesn't like pasta? It's just bread and cheese if you think about it.” Any combination of bread and cheese was good in your book.
He snorts, “did you really bake me a pie?” Looking way too snug for your liking.
“Nope,” you respond, popping the p, “juliana got the cherries and bullied her brother into helping her make pie.”
“That's just what sisters are like,” he says sagely.
You snort, sitting down and watching as he pours you both a glass of red wine to go along with your pasta and pie.
Conversation is always easy with him. Ranging from bands you both like because who doesn't like the beatles and abba and kendrick lamar. To school which you groan about even though it's nearly over and you do like it, like spending time with your friends, sneaking food into the library.
“That's terrible,” Harry remarks at that.
“Shut up,” you utter, burning red, as you sip at the wine.
Mostly you have to admit you like learning even when it's finals and you want to die and you've slept less than four hours most nights, you wouldn't have it any other way.
“There's something romantic about the whole uni experience,” Harry says, a thread of longing clear in his voice.
You smile at him, “it's all fun and games until my prof from calc reads right out of the book for two hours and i want to stab myself.”
That earns you a loud laugh, Harry's shoulders shaking, “I think I could be a calc professor.”
You wrinkle your nose, “maths gross.”
“wow,” he says, smiling softly over at you, pie abandoned in favor of gazing way to earnestly into your eyes and you feel a shiver run down your spine. “You're way too fucking cute.” It's much too serious a statement and you can't help the giggle that escapes from your lips.
“Shut up Harold!”
“You are,” he responds calmly.
Your cheeks are burning and you can't stop looking into his mossy green eyes, his hair a mess he probably hadn't fixed since he woke up and yet somehow he pulled it off. It was a mix of confidence and natural good looks and the easy nature like that of an excitable puppy.
“Can I kiss you,” he utters softly.
And because you've thought about it before, gazing at him, at his well formed mouth as he talking about anything and everything, face all lit up and focused on you, you nod.
His lips are soft and plush against yours and there's no hesitation, his hand cupping up to cup your cheek, tilting your head towards him, your own eyes fluttering shut.
Kissing him back as eagerly as he kissed you, want thick and throbbing like a live wire inside you.
Your hands coming up to intertwine behind his neck. Harry pulls at your bottom lip, between his teeth, and you part your lips to him.
Letting him in, tongue warm and wet against yours.
His arm pulls you closer to him, everything but each other forgotten, skin heating up with every touch, with every movement, his body hot and solid against yours driving you wild with desire.
You’re practically in his lap as Harry pulls away from your mouth, placing a kiss on the corner of your lips, pulling back and looking down at you, his gaze as heavy and hot as you feel and it's impossible but it makes you want him more, like you've never wanted anyone.
“Do,” he utters, voice strained, “do you want to-”
You nod eagerly and then giggle at yourself, feeling dizzy with want, Harry's body against you driving you wild, knocking you off kilter in a delicious way and you want him. “Yeah, yes all of it.”
He snorts, the warmth of his hand leaving you cheek, taking you into his arms and now you're really straddling him, you legs around his waist and you trust that he won't let you fall as he carries you into the house.
Your hand cups one of his well defined cheekbones and then you're pressing your lips to his, hungrily. Your other hand in his soft hair, as you stumble against the couch, settling down and his body pressing down eagerly against yours, trapping you against the couch.
One of his hands slipping under your shirt, his touch setting you aflame.
You lose yourself in the moment and forget about how short summers are.
It's only your second week back and you're already slammed with school work, studying on a saturday night when you could be at a house party, or better yet, sleeping.
The only thing that's keeping you going is the thought of a call from your boyfriend in an hour when the time differences between you and him comply.
Just have to get through another half hour of math and graphs and the reading you just know you'll give up on in another week. Textbooks were horrible things to read and they rarely helped.
Confused you further more often than not.
Your phone vibrates and without looking you know who it is. No one calls anymore and you're expecting it, expecting him.
“Hey,” you utter, “ good morning.” You can't see it, but you can already see his sleepy smile, his hand coming up to rub his eyes before shaking off sleep without the air of coffee you couldn't do without.
“I'd say good morning but that'd hardly be right,” harry says, “or it could be a good morning in advance.”
“In advance,” you giggle quietly, glad the library's practically empty by now, “I like that.”
“What're you doing?”
“Studying, well, finishing studying,” you tell him because there's only so much you can study before your brain fries, “sexy I know.”
He snorts from across the pond, “I don't know about that, librarians can be pretty sexy.”
“Oh my god harold,” you yelp, unable to help yourself, groaning and laughing and wishing he was here.
“What love,” he responds, “I can't help it when it comes to you!”
“i'm going to pack up and go before I get kicked out because of you.”
“me! What did i do,” Harry protests.
You snort and smile to yourself, crazy in love with Harry
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twilightdruig · 3 years
why did it have to be me?
pairing: bill weasley x fem!reader, slight ron weasley x fem!reader
summary: (part 2 of mamma mia! series) after y/n’s intimate night with ron, she’s off to greece in search for her destiny and future. too bad she misses her boat.
warnings: mamma mia!au, muggle!au, alludes to sex, reader has mommy issues
words: 1.8k
a/n: unedited!! , this is the second part of the mamma mia! series, next is sam aka donna’s 3rd lover. hope you enjoyed this!
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y/n successfully snuck out of the small hotel room of ron weasley. the two shared an intimate night only a few hours ago and here she was leaving for greece.
she arrived at the pier, met with a short, bald man who was checking for their tickets.
“hey” she slid her ticket and id into the booth he was sitting in. he looked very uninterested and drowsy.
she sighed before the ticket man inspected her ticket and id. “you grew your hair. it’s longer now.” he bellowed with a french accent. it reminded her of fleur a bit who was full french.
“it is a bit. yeah.” she sighs, looking back at the boat she was supposed to be in “we could totally talk about that but, um, i’m kind of in a hurry. the ferry leaves any time now and this trip’s very important, you see—“
“i prefer it shorter.” he retorted.
the ferry departing the dock now. y/n felt as though her destiny was departing with it.
the ticketman stamps her ticket and gives it back to her. before he knows it she was running, trying to catch the boat who wasn’t at the dock anymore.
“wait! wait!” she cried out, not caring about half of her wardrobe falling out of her trunk “please! don’t. oh, god!” she dropped her baggage and felt like she wanted to drop dead as well.
she was about to before she heard another person behind her.
“this is great.” she turned around to be met with yet another ginger man. this one was tall, had a few scars on his face, had a (what looked like) a shark tooth necklace and a black earring. “i’m just gonna follow you everywhere. by the end of the day, i’ll have a whole new wardrobe.” he laughed.
this brightened up her mood a little bit. this man, quite attractive as well, holding multiple of her clothing items and was laughing.
“i don’t think that’ll suit you” she tilted her head and giggled.
“oh trust me, love. i can make this work” he winked before trying to put her clothes ; specifically a two piece top, on his muscular body. he was different from ron. he may have been ginger as well but this one looked cool, earring, long hair, leather — no, snake skin? boots, he was lanky and almost the exact opposite from ron.
“ugh,” she groaned “i really wanted to catch that ferry”
“i’m sure there’ll be another one tomorrow” he assured.
“thanks.” she turned her head back to him while smiling sarcastically.
he jumped to another boat. a private one. y/n wondered, maybe this was his. he wouldn’t mind taking her to wherever she was going right?
“right, uh… but what would be really great… today, not tomorrow… is if, uh, somewhere in this harbor there was a guy.” she tested the waters.
“young, tall, dashingly handsome?” he interjected.
“he’s probably passive-looking, but… he has a boat.” she continued.
“and a couple days free before he takes part in a sailing race.” he was swinging by one of the ropes now.
“so maybe, maybe. he can take me where i want to go?” she urged, rolling on the balls of her feet.
“he’d love to” he consented, grinning.
“but, the… um, sad fact is… this-this isn’t my boat; i just wanted to impress you” he finally stood still, trying to act serious, until he chuckled.
“oh, okay” she was about to turn around and leave, before she even got to that she heard fits of laughter coming from the man.
“i’m kidding!” he waved his hands in the air “hop on, i’m bill”
she scoffed and laughed. she jumped on the boat, put down her things and tried to get comfy.
bill led her to where the beds were. “i actually have an elderly relative on the island who helped me buy this beauty.”
she nodded as he explained.
“well, it certainly is a beauty” she ran her hand over the details of the small boat.
“thank you” he pretended to tip a hat.
“well, there are two beds down here. unfortunately, one’s a little bit… full” he gestured to the certainly full bed against one side of the small room.
“huh… convenient” she rolled her eyes.
“well i’m lucky this trip isn’t long enough for you to shatter my heart into pieces” he teased.
“ugh” she moaned “i get it. i’m attractive and charming” she winked.
he paused before talking again “you’re one of them” he smiled.
her face contorted into a look of confusion “one of who?”
“there are two,” he put two fingers up “kinds of seducer.”
he paused again, “first doesn’t actually like women, so he wants to assert his power and dominance over them. second one, far, far more dangerous, is the guy who falls in love every morning just to fall out of love the next.”
she chuckled at his explanation.
“but as you run away, you tell her you’re the one in pain and she’s just too much for you to handle” he smirked.
y/n was trying to tidy up the bed she will supposedly sleep in.
before she could actually get any work done bill pulled her back up to the deck.
“bill!” she exclaimed then giggled excitedly.
bill played some music on his radio before the two started dancing on deck. technically, he told her to while he steered to wherever they were going.
multiple minutes or hours passed. she couldn’t tell how long it has been. she had been talking and giggling with him for way too long.
what y/n was unaware of is that her most recent ginger boy toy (before george) was on the harbor trying to catch the boat he thought she was on.
ron rushed the ticket man to scan his ticket and check his id. “your hair. it’s short now”
“well… yes, i had to cut it for work” he politely smiled, slightly shaking from nervousness “uhm… i wonder, could you hurry up a bit? uh, you see i’ve followed a girl all the way from paris. she wrote me a note. a very kind note… saying goodbye.” he sighed.
when the ticketman didn’t reply, he continued “but, when you’ve found the only girl you’re ever gonna love, it’s gotta be worth one more try! don’t you think?”
“it’s better short” the ticketman returned his things. ron ran off to the edge only to find the boat far from the pier.
ron felt helpless. he really liked loved this woman. he really thought he had a chance with her.
back to the boat where y/n and bill were bonding, “you’re really funny, you know that?” she complimented, “and you’re very attractive… and charming” he complimented her back.
“listen… we only just met”
their faces grew hot and they were nearing each other’s, noses bumping against one another, just about to kiss until a faint yell was heard from a distance.
“hey! help!” they heard a masculine voice who sounded like they were drowning.
“do you hear that?” she pushed him away.
“what? no. that was um.. a seagull now, where were we?” he pulled her close to his chest once more.
“anyone on that boat?! help!!” the voice yelled again.
“there it was again!” she pushed his chest to see where the gurgled voice was coming from.
he groaned “we’re coming!!”
“hi!” y/n greeted. she found a man on a still boat.
“just checking to see you’re not in danger, which you’re obviously not, so… we’ll be off” he tried tugging her arm but she wouldn’t budge.
“uh.. my engine is not working” the man gestured to the non moving vehicle.
“oh, that is bad luck” bill scratched his head “i-i’ll radio someone for someone to come and help. they should be along soon.”
“please, please!” the man pleaded “there is a woman waiting for me on main land. her family, they not want her to marry simple man like alexio. they want rich man. ugly, big, fat, mole but rich.” he frowned “but she… she want me. and i love her with all my heartness” he smiled at the thought of his lover “please help, kind sir and beautiful lady”
y/n laughed “well obviously we’re doing this” she turned to bill.
they turned back to alexio “yes” they said at the same time.
they sailed for a few minutes until the saw dry land and a few people waiting on it. men in suits and a lady in a white wedding dress.
“i see them. okay, everyone, we’re nearly—“
“apollonia!!” alexio yelled, cutting off bill’s sentence.
bill went to speak up again until alexio jumped off the boat “apollonia!!!” he yelled again.
“woah!” bill was surprised by the man jumping off. y/n was just laughing on the floor.
“what are you doing? we could get you closer” bill roared with laughter.
“if you love someone, you’re willing to die for them!” his voice was gurgled as he might’ve swallowed water.
“apollonia” he yelled again.
“alexio?!” she turned around “alexio!” she started running to the edge of the pier, ready to jump off.
“aah! apollon..!” his head dunked underwater.
“he’s just swallowed a big mouthful of water, but the basic point he’s trying to make is that he loves you!” bill screamed for alexio.
“what?” she screamed back.
“he loves you!” both y/n and bill yelled. both of their throats getting sore.
“apollonia!” alexio screamed for the umpteenth time.
apollonia jumped into the water in her wedding dress, trying to swim to her unrequited lover.
faint and distant ‘apollonia!’s and ‘apollonia no!’s came from the men in suits she was previously with.
“oh god, i don’t think she can swim either” he began to take his own shirt off.
“well, she’s wearing a dress”
bill couldn’t hear her when he already jumped in the water to save the couple.
bill dropped them off at the second nearest dry land, away from apollonia’s relatives.
sooner or later, they arrived at y/n’s destination. the island of kalokairi.
“hey,” bill grabbed her attention once more “you sure you’re okay here?”
“yeah” she smiled at him “i’ll be fine”
“i’ll come back after the race” he reassured her “although it wouldn’t be for a few weeks, but i do promise to come back.”
“look at this place” she gushed “it’s so beautiful”
“it is, yeah.” they admired their surroundings while nearing where bill would drop off y/n.
“what? what’s wrong?” she noticed his expression.
“storm’s coming” he murmured. this worried herself. but all that worried faded when she noticed the clear sky.
“shut up, it’s a clear sky” she rolled her eyes.
“trust me,” he paused “actually, don’t”
“but i know i’m right. i’ll still be fine. i got a very good feeling.”
“bye, bill” she hopped off the boat, dragging her trunk on the wooden floor.
“see you soon, yeah?”
“yeah. thanks a lot too!”
“anytime, love” they waved at each other until bill was out of sight.
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ao3feed-victuuri · 7 years
The Name of the Game
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rExMRt
by punkfaerie
Mamma Mia, even if I say "Bye bye, leave me now or never" Mamma Mia, it's a game we play "Bye bye" doesn't mean forever
 Basically how Yurio inherits his dad's curiosity and stubborness, and Yuuri's past comes back to bite him in the ass in the worst (and best) possible way.
Words: 1415, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Minami Kenjirou, Phichit Chulanont, Ji Guang-Hong, Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti, Lee Seung Gil, Okukawa Minako
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti/Katsuki Yuuri, Katsuki Yuuri/Lee Seung Gil, Katsuki Yuuri & Phichit Chulanot & Ji Guang-Hong, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin & Yuri Plisetsky & Minami Kenjirou, Ambiguous or Implied Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Mamma Mia AU, here's another movie i really like lmao, Trans Character, there will be some singing u best believe, BAMF Yuuri watching out for himself and his son, slight crack i guess, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rExMRt
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ao3feed-yurionice · 7 years
The Name of the Game
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rExMRt
by punkfaerie
Mamma Mia, even if I say "Bye bye, leave me now or never" Mamma Mia, it's a game we play "Bye bye" doesn't mean forever
 Basically how Yurio inherits his dad's curiosity and stubborness, and Yuuri's past comes back to bite him in the ass in the worst (and best) possible way.
Words: 1415, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Minami Kenjirou, Phichit Chulanont, Ji Guang-Hong, Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti, Lee Seung Gil, Okukawa Minako
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti/Katsuki Yuuri, Katsuki Yuuri/Lee Seung Gil, Katsuki Yuuri & Phichit Chulanot & Ji Guang-Hong, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin & Yuri Plisetsky & Minami Kenjirou, Ambiguous or Implied Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Mamma Mia AU, here's another movie i really like lmao, Trans Character, there will be some singing u best believe, BAMF Yuuri watching out for himself and his son, slight crack i guess, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rExMRt
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